neonrn7 · 4 months
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PS: i downloaded this on pintrest but i been informed it belongs to @blackwolfartz 🌸 lots of love to you
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previouslynekolyssi · 7 years
blackwolfartz replied to your post: Haikyuu English Dub in a nutshell, episodes 4/5
I haven’t been watching the dub, but it’s funny trying to pick out the ones I bet Tanaka says lolol
I can almost guarantee that you’re right 99% of the time 😂 Tanaka is what “saved” the dub to be quite honest. He has the BEST lines and the best delivery, hands down hahaha.
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josai · 7 years
Number 28 and 49 for the 65 Questions thingie :)
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
Everyone must praise their Queen (me) daily 
Okay but seriously like everyone’s gotta do their business in a specified place like we are civilized and I’m having none of that shit (literally...lol)
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
I actually have no idea but it would have to be small and cute and extremely cuddly!
65 weird questions
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peppermint-shamrock · 7 years
@blackwolfartz replied to your post: IT’S SNOWING
I’m from originally up north where we get snow every winter, even just a little(Maryland) Sometimes I do miss how pretty it all is right after it snowed and it’s all muffled and quiet. I don’t quite miss the cold thou lol
Yeah...it’s so beautiful right now, watching the snow come down...
but of course I’m indoors so...I don’t have to deal with the cold part :D
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phuijl · 7 years
blackwolfartz replied to your post: seriously how the heck does one keep up with...
I am a tumblr junkie. I hate Facebook with a passion. I have both twitter and instagram but barely have a following on either. I also forget that I have them. Tumblr owns my soul lol
haha I’m forever a Tumblr junkie too.  Still trying to be more active in twitter tho, there’s a lot of professional animators there compared to here
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ashethehedgehog · 7 years
blackwolfartz replied to your post “Sometimes my fic notes r very good and concise to scene by scene...”
It's almost poetic lol
u know now that I look at how I put then line under line ur riGHT it does look like the format of a poem lmao. That would have been top level shitposting if I did it intentionally ahaha!
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mpuzzlegirl · 7 years
Was tagged by @blackwolfartz​ (Hi friend! It’s been too long!)
RULES: You can only say guilty or innocent. you are not allowed to explain anything unless someone messages you or asks you
Asked someone to marry you: Innocent
Kissed one of your friends: Guilty
Danced on a table in a bar or tavern: Innocent
Ever told a lie: Guilty
Had feelings for someone whom you can’t have: Guilty
Ever kissed someone of the opposite sex: Guilty
Ever kissed someone of the same sex: Guilty
Kissed a picture: Innocent
Slept in until 5pm: Guilty
Fallen asleep at work or school: Innocent
Held a snake: Guilty
Been suspended from school: Innocent
Stolen something: Innocent
Done something you regret: Guilty
Laughed until what you were drinking came out of your nose: Guilty
Caught a snowflake on your tongue: Innocent
Sat on a roof top: Innocent
Sang in the shower: GUILTY
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on: Innocent
Slept naked: Innocent
Made a boy friend/girl friend cry: Guilty
Been in a band: Innocent
Shot a gun: Innocent
Donated blood: Innocent
Eaten alligator meat: Innocent
Eaten cheesecake: Guilty
Still loved someone you shouldn’t: Innocent
Have/had a tattoo: Innocent
Been too honest: Guilty
Ruined a surprise: Guilty
Ate in a restaurant and got so bloated you can’t walk after: Innocent
Erased someone in your friends list: Guilty
Dressed in a man’s clothes: Guilty
Dressed in a woman’s clothes: Guilty
Joined a pageant: Innocent
Been told you’re beautiful by someone who meant it: Guilty
Still have communication with your ex: Innocent
Cheated on someone: Innocent
Got totally drunk the night before an important exam: Innocent
A total stranger treated you by paying your fare: Innocent
Got so angry that you cried: Guilty
Tried to stay away from someone for their own good: Guilty
Actually murdered someone: Innocent
Thought about mass murder: Innocent
Actually committed a mass murder: Innocent
Rode in a stranger’s vehicle: Guilty
Stalked someone: Innocent
Had a girlfriend: Innocent
Had a boyfriend: Guilty
Totally drunk during a holiday: Innocent
Tagging anyone who is interested!
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benetnash · 8 years
Omg your art. Your comics I am in stitches! They are all golden!~
thank you!! 
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ygospamproduction · 6 years
Ahh... I would really love that list. Thank you so much! Thank you for reblogging all this quality content! Sincerely, a new Puzzleshipper
Oh man, wow, hrmmmmm good question! Let us see:
Big Ol Puzzleshippers: @spiritualpuzzleshipper @kudalyn @yamisonarbtleh @minchillscribbles @blackwolfartz @kejun233 @elysiaree @shiirojasmine @jackthevulture @tsukimilog @ashethehedgehog @nightfurylover31 @floreswrites @animeangelriku @pancake-with-a-blog @voyagehour
Multi-shippers who give some good Puzzle Love: @celepom @tarashima @katyanoctis @jujuoh @drawing-cookie @auroblaze
…And I AM forgetting others. I know @kudalyn has an awesome list of Puzzlestories and a bunch of them probably have tumblr blogs, but- PEEPS! You got suggestions for additions to the list? I can edit them in later. 
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kyanmas · 7 years
happy late 2018!! thank you to all 4389 of you…honestly i’m still not sure why you’d follow this trash of a blog 🤧
at this point i don’t even know who my mutuals are bc of my sudden new found obsession with a certain kpop group, bet you can’t guess who but a special thank you and shoutout to these lovelies:
@bokutos4hoots 💕 @sejjoh 💕 @nekoma 💕 @asahiwasabi 💕 @blackwolfartz / @haikyuudoods 💕 @blackandorange / @blackandorange-main 💕 @my-bokuto-san 💕 @chinatsuhiyama 💕 @akaashist 💕 @tetramofftr 💕 @coffee-and-coffin 💕 @coffeefairyjimin 💕 @thegrandking 💕 @itsrainingcupcakes 💕 @gvlden-maknae 💕
and more mutuals i’ve forgotten due to my stupidity!!
thank you all for being such sweethearts and just wonderful beings in general, even if weve only talked a little, not at all or just interacted on posts. you’ve all made my experience on this hellsite a little better 🤧🤧
@ some of you on that list, yall know who you are but im so so so thankful we’ve became friends, i love you so much. i love all of you guys so much, thank you for appreciating my stupid memes, tolerating my random rants and shitposts and my emo times, i really appreciate you all.
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peppermint-shamrock · 7 years
@blackwolfartz replied to your post: There’s at least two blogs out there that I know...
‘Ghost’ notifications are so weird. I get a few of those from time to time on my side blog. It’s gotta be some kind of glitch or something.
I just feel bad about it because it’s two particular blogs (at least two) and they’ve consistently engaged with my stuff (enough for me to notice that they never show up in notifications). But if it’s a glitch there’s nothing I can do about it...
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phuijl · 7 years
You definitely have one of the most unique styles that is instantly recognizable :)
Aw thank you! :D
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freakurodani · 7 years
Bo sibling interactions, thou. The only real sibling rivalry they have other than competitiveness over volleyball, is who gets the last piece of cake in the house. Getting between either of them and food is dangerous, you might lose fingers lol
growing up with 3 older siblings, I absolutely agree that’s how it would go lmao. I also bet that bo would be just so supportive of his brother’s growth in volley, like, bo is such a good egg, but he’d also be like “you’re so good!! you better become a professional so I can beat you on a grand stage!” because we all know bo loves playing against strong competitors! his bro is no exception!!!!(im also imagining the last piece of cake/ (or something equally desirable since i dont really see akaashi liking sweets all so much) at the akaashi household. keiji claims it but tsu-chan pouts. keiji ignores her, but she just keeps staring, oh, she’s sighing now. he takes another bite, unrepentant. tsu goes to whine to their grandmother that keiji’s being meeeeeeeeeeeeeean. himeko is like “keiji, are you being mean?” “of course not grandmother” “well i dont know what to do then, tsubasa, keiji isnt being mean” she realizes she’s being teased now (definitely not a rare occurrence akaashi’s mean sense of humor was inherited after all). Tsu whines again but gives up. Keiji nods her over an they do end up sharing. Tsu is happy, Himeko calls keiji soft (hardly, grandmother) and the evening continues easily) 
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ashethehedgehog · 8 years
blackwolfartz replied to your post “That feel when ur so caught up writing you forgot to eat breakfast...”
Breakfast is important! D:
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haikyuudoods · 7 years
Was tagged by @bokutos4hoots thank you, I hardly get tagged for stuff
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better
1• Nicknames: Jenn
2• Gender: female
3• Star sign: Sagittarius
4• Height: 5’4” or 5’5”?
5• Time: 8:19PM
6• Birthday: December 14th
7• Favourite Bands: Oooh man lol I have a few. Kamelot, Evanescence, Eve to Adam, Disturbed, Two Steps from Hell, The Glitch Mob, B.A.P(Best Absolute Perfect). I have more fav songs than fav bands tbh. I pick and choose a lot of different things. This would be easier if you asked me some of my top fav songs XD
8• Favourite solo artists: I guess Micheal Jackson? He’s really all I listened to for a long time before I branched out and widened my variety.
9• Song stuck in my head: Day Drinking - Eve to Adam
10• Last movie I watched: I am watching Terminater 2: Judgement Day rn
11• Last show I watched: Roseanne I watch reruns all day long. I rarely get invested in anything new.
12• When did I create my blog: I think this sideblog is about a year old now. But I’ve had my main one for many years now
13• What do I post: Art on my sideblog, haikyuu stuff. Mostly I’ve been posting random stuff because I’m either too tired to draw or unmotivated to draw
14• Last thing I googled: Flying V guitar
15• Do I have any other blogs: Other than my main blog blackwolfartz and this one, I have an OC blog wolfdoodlesocs and a webcomic blog whitelotuswebcomic, both of which have been completely inactive for the better part of a year now, maybe more. You’re more than welcome to check them out but I don’t see myself updating either just yet lol
16• Do I get asks: Sometimes.
17• Why I chose my url: I am unoriginal lol I like Haikyuu!! and drawing fanart for it
18• Following: 127 I try to keep it low, I already miss enough on my dash when I’m not being too active lol
19• Followers: 2,035 But active followers? Dunno. I think a lot is just porn blogs, still need to filter through it and I don’t really talk to people. Believe it or not I’m really shy and always worry I’m bothering people.
20• Favourite colours: Red and black mostly. But also purple and greens, mostly dark shades of green.
21• Average hours of sleep: I try to get at least 6 or 7
22• Lucky number: 3 and 7 seem to come up for me a lot. I seems to like the number three for some reason
23• Instruments: I played violin shortly in elementary school, does that count? And took piano for a little while, self-taught myself a couple things but I’m pretty sure I forgot it all. And briefly played a little guitar
24• What am I wearing: T-shirt with teenage mutant ninja turtles on it, shorts and fuzzy socks
25• How many blankets I sleep with: two to three depending on the weather
26• Dream Job: I’m not even sure anymore lol I work part-time at Joann Fabrics, thou
27• Dream trip: Obviously I’d love to visit Japan one day. I’d also like to go to Australia maybe? I like traveling honestly, seeing different places can be fun
28• Favourite food: Pizza!!
29• Nationality: American
30• Favourite song right now: I have to choose?????? Well tbh Burning Up(Fire) - BTS weaseled its way into my top favs, it’s frickkin catchy as hell.
I don’t even know 20 people. But I’ll tag @janespendlove @my-bokuto and @kuroostetsurou and anyone else who wants to do this. You don’t have to! But it’s kinda fun~
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tarashima · 7 years
2017 Creator’s Tag
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you’ve created this year (fics, art, edits, etc!) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world in 2017. Tag as many writers/artists/etc as you want (fan or original!) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works. <3
Well, 2017 was my least productive year in a very long time, with half of it being devoured by negativity, but I know I did SOMETHING at least. I had to go digging but well, here we go. Thanks for the tag @nonstopdoodle ♥
Inktober 01, Yuugi: By far my favorite piece this year, and I’m happy it has the most notes ;w; 
Page 31 of FoY: I’m still laughing over the third panel and can’t believe I actually drew it. Gawd, I have such bad humor XD
Just Above the Surface: my second YGO-fic ever and my first nsfw fic. I’m still quite proud of it, even if a few things could’ve been better. 
Three-page comic based on chap10 of Reconfiguration: The only time I’ve done something similar was the 24-hour comic back in art school, and that was a very simple and not to mention silly comic compared to this one. I didn’t even spend 24 hours, I spend 18 hours straight from doing the first draft to final polishing in photoshop. I hate that blasted comic but not because it’s bad. I’m proud of myself for finishing it, even if I should’ve slept instead. But I’ll never reread it. Ever. 
The Most Beautiful Thing: Extreme challenge to do since the colouring was way out of my comfort zone and I struggled so hard with making it work in PS (krita is my friend when it comes to colouring but I can’t import scans in it for some reason), and in many ways I critisize myself too much over it. But I see an equal amount of things I can be proud of and that didn’t happen too many often in 2017. 
I tag @ashethehedgehog, @celepom, @blackwolfartz, @ginrou, @kudalyn, @arcatsk and @drawing-cookie. I have no idea if you’ve been tagged or not but if you have, you can ignore this. And anyone can do it as well, there can never be too much posititivty ♥
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