#blackwatch retribution
shootyrefutey · 2 years
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blackwatch moira :)
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sleepy-bear-tm · 1 year
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"You want me to handle this one, Reyes?"
"Seems you already know the answer."
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max1u3 · 1 year
Blackwatch timeline
Ok, so, bear with me, this is going to take a lot of little points for me to peace together to make the bigger picture here.
So, we know that Gabriel Reyes worked as a police officer and was know for arresting lots of criminals, but then he didn't find his work having any sort of impact of the criminal rate and figured that to destroy crime he had to cut it off at the source, correct?
And he was born in 2018, making his 58 in the current (Overwatch) year of 2076. We also know the Omnic crisis started exactly 30 years ago, when he was 28.
Then (If we're going with the earliest years possible for everything) Overwatch was founded a year later and he was put in charge of Overwatch as Strike Commander when he was 29.
If we're approximating that the Omnic Crisis lasted about 3 ish years, then he was 32 when it ended and his Command was switched to Blackwatch.
He was 32 when Blackwatch was created!
The sting operation that resulted in Jesse McCree (or Cole Cassidy whatever you want to call him) joining Blackwatch took place when McCree was 17. Which leads me to the question of who was Gabriel Reyes even working with on missions before hand? Did he have a strike squad before he picked up Jesse McCree?
We also know there's about ten years age difference between Gabriel Reyes and Jesse McCree, which means McCree was 12 when Blackwatch was formed.
And Genji joined Blackwatch in 2066, which is only 10 years prior. Making Gabriel Reyes 48 and Jesse McCree 38. That is a huge age gap and what do we even know about what happened during that time?
Roughly a year or so later we know that Gabriel Reyes invites Moira into Blackwatch and she starts her experiments on him? But like, we know nothing about these experiments, only what they did. And if the short story 'Code of Violence' is being added into the mix, then we're led to believe that the initial experiments that Moira conducted on him did not have as dramatic effect. I don't really know what that entails, but it could mean that he could mist and move around a little bit, but was otherwise a full man. In the 'Code of Violence' short story it's mentioned that Moira is the one to find Gabriel Reyes after the explosion of the Overwatch facility, and to 'save' his life she pumped him full of the chemicals she used in her prior experiments, the results being Reaper. It meant his body became more mist like and he had to concentrate on being a full man almost every moment of the day, it also meant he was in constant pain and his anger was harder and harder to control. He also started to find gratification in the more gruelling and cruel acts. Or at least that was the impression I got from the story. But my point is, the most we have referencing the experiments Moira conducted on Gabriel Reyes are this picture:
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And a paragraph or two in the story 'Code of Violence' which more focuses on his internal struggles immediately after the incident.
Then, (getting back on track, that was a bit of rant sorry) we know the Venice incident took place 8 years ago, when Gabriel Reyes kills Antonio Bartalotti and reveals Blackwatch to the world, and putting it under the investigation of Jack Morrison, Gérard Lacroix and Ana Amari. As seen in the end scenes of Retribution and in the photo below:
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We also know that somewhere in between the next two years Genji moves from the Blackwatch divison to the Overwatch strike team including Tracer, Mercy and Winston. We also know that his cybernetics have been updated in this time. But, I'm not entirly confident on the idea that he was moved to Overwatch from Blackwatch, there's nothing that we know (or I've found) that supports that idea, other than him appearing in the Overwatch strike team during the Storm Rising archives mission and his updated cybernetics.
Then, 6 years ago the Overwatch Swiss HQ is blown up and Gabriel Reyes and Jack Morrison are presumed dead. The Petras act is ratified and Overwatch is disbanded.
A lot of investigation is put into Overwatch and Blackwatch's activities between the time period of the Retribution achieves mission and the Petras act's ratification. Which is a time period of roughly 2 years.
My point is, there are huge gaps in the timeline and not all the information is concrete, a lot of it is inferred from what we have. (Blizzard I beg give us more lore).
There's the 5 years between Blackwatch being founded and McCree being bought into the organisation, where we know next to nothing.
Then there's 21 years between McCree and Genji joining Blackwatch. What happened in those 21 years? Surely there are some important events to note in 21 years?
The later years of Blackwatch are less murky, but there's still no solid dates or years being handed to us by Blizzard and it's been 7 years! I mean come on! All the dates and ages I used in this are drawn from the Overwatch Timeline on the fandom Wiki, and those are only approximations that make sense with the ages we've been given for the current game.
Anyway, I just wanted to complain about this because I feel like I don't hear enough people complaining about it. It's probably the same for Overwatch, but at least we have more of an idea what the Overwatch organisation was like. We roughly know that there were a lot more foot soldiers than Blackwatch had, at least that's what I thought was implied every time it was bought up or featured. It's easier to fill in the gaps between the years as general peace keeping, but Blackwatch was supposed to handle the more rogue missions (Can't really think of a better word for it). There's only so much guessing and filling in we can do Blizzard!
If you read this far thank you, you're a real one.
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notahero76 · 2 years
something something blackwatch being more-or-less made up of people who were willing to do whatever it took to achieve their goal(s) bc that's gabe's style of doing things and why he probably got passed over for strike commander position (and why he ended up being glad bc he knew he'd be on a tight leash in the post-crisis version of overwatch)
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newworldriot · 9 months
the longing I have for the days of the overwatch archives event is so strong rn
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wildissylupus · 1 year
I love how people act like Gabe was the one tired of Genji and Cassidy's bullshit on missions meanwhile it's actively implied that it's Genji and Reyes doing dumb shit on missions.
Like in Retribution Cassidy has a voice line where he goes: "Things go smoother when we act like professionals"
In fact, if you look at the interactions in Retribution that actually talk about the situation, Cassidy and Moira are just tired and going "welp we're fucked" meanwhile Reyes and Genji are going "Yep this was the correct decision, NO REGRETS-"
I think this comes down to people characterising Reyes as a lot more serious then he actually was. Especially Blackwatch Reyes. Like yes that man can be serious, but he's also a dumbass. Honestly most of the time we see Cassidy being the more serious of the two, especially in the comics.
But seriously, most of the time it was probably Genji and Gabe running into the backlines while Cassidy and Moira question their existence and argue on who needs to save their dumbasses this time.
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sleepykamukura · 1 year
just a quick little comparison i want to do in case i dont make a full blown post abt this interaction
Reinhardt: We must protect Genji from null sector as well!
Genji: You.. must know I am a human. Don’t you?
Reinhardt: Of course! But you look like an omnic. Null sector may not be able to tell the difference!
Sojourn: Reinhardt, you might try thinking before you talk. Just whenever it’s convenient.
first things first, i think this is supposed to be a way to highlight the difference in views between sojourn and reinhardt, considering their lore. people have already talked about that on twitter so i instead wanted to focus on genji & sojourn.
i have not read sojourn’s book past the prologue, but the prologue tells me enough for this. genji and sojourn are both characters who need cybernetics to survive. sojourn appears human to most, but machines recognize her as omnic due to the lack of pulse & cybernetics in her face. genji’s appearance due to him usually choosing to wear a mask has this inbetween of human and omnic, however i assume since about 20% of his body is still flesh his pulse is recognizable.
so, it makes sense to me why sojourn would step in, because she’s been in that position despite the obvious differences between her and genji.
this voice line also makes me think of another one from retribution
Cassidy: What’s it like, Genji? You know… as a cyborg.
Genji: Pain and agony… and what am I? Man or machine?
Cassidy: Then why did you agred to it?
Genji: I wanted to be able to walk again.
obviously genji isn’t in constant pain anymore. his blackwatch suit seems to be made without comfort in mind and is instead meant for making combat easier, but we see that back in blackwatch genji has this constant crisis on whether he is truly human anymore, although it seems that he’s gotten better after studying with zenyatta, which is why he seems a bit awkward in the interaction with reinhardt
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nitewrighter · 1 year
You know what would be interesting? Interactions between Cassidy and Kiriko. We know that Cassidy worked alongside Genji and might've been a close friend, from what I learned in their interactions in the Retribution event. I also think he's easy to get along with, so they'd share a few friendly remarks, maybe Cassidy would make a fox joke.
Kiriko: Heard a cowboy stopped a robbery at a ramen shop in my hometown. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?
Cassidy: I read a damn good article about it. Great journalist, that Morricone guy.
Kiriko: *snort* I'm sure he is.
Cassidy: You manage to get Hanzo any less uptight, yet? High strung as his bow, that one...
Kiriko: It's a work in progress. I'm trying to get him to help out with the Hashimoto, but it's like, how do you guilt-trip someone who's made guilt their whole thing, you know?
Cassidy: *snort* How do you drown a fish?
Kiriko: So... what was Genji like in Blackwatch?
Cassidy: Y'know, some stories ain't mine to tell. All I'm going to say is I'm glad he seems to be doing a lot better now.
Kiriko: Okay... Ominous....
Cassidy: Hey kid?
Kiriko: Not a kid.
Cassidy: I know, I know, just-- *exhale* Listen. There's stuff you gotta know about the things Blackwatch did in Hanamura--
Kiriko: I don't care.
Cassidy: Er--come again?
Kiriko: Unless that information is going to help us or it's immediately useful to stopping the Hashimoto, I don't care. If it's something bad, then you can start making up for it by helping us now.
Cassidy: Hm...
Kiriko: What?
Cassidy: Compartmentalization. Reyes would've liked you.
Kiriko: Is that a compliment?
Cassidy: It is. But it's a warning, too.
Kiriko: So... where does the tumbleweed come from?
Cassidy: Same place the fox comes from, I figure.
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andersons-bayonettes · 3 months
Overwatch Timeline! Yay!
Note: Overwatch Timeline doesn't even work properly after my calculations (admittedly, I'm bad at maths) they just pushed everything too close together. I.e. we should be in 2076 AT LEAST but that doesn't work because then the characters would all (or at least, some) be older by one year but we're gonna go with "now = 2075, everything after now = future)
Note 2: I aged up Kiriko since this was originally made for my Fanfiction. She is marked with a star, her actual date of birth isn't in this line, however, if she would be, she'd be born 2054 (with D.Va)
2011 - Sigma
2012 - Reinhardt
2013 - Ana
2015 - Reaper (?)
2016 - Torb
2018 - Soldier
2024 - Sojurn
2025 - Moira, Roadhog
2028 - Doomfist
2033 - Mei
2034 - Ashe
2035 - Hanzo
2036 - Cassidy, Mercy
2037 - Baptiste
2038 - Genji, Mauga
*2039 - Kiriko
2040 - Widowmaker
2041 - Pharah
2042 - Zenyatta
? - 2043 - Omnica (rise, Bastion units, malfunctions, fraud, investigation, fall, decommissioning Omnics), Aurora
2043 - Bastion, Sombra, Omnics reactivate: attack Siege Automatons, Attack Russia -> first Omnic crisis start)
2044 - Winston, Junker Queen, Lifeweaver
2044 - 2046 - Volskaya Industries create Svyatogor, Germany implements Crusaders (Reinhardt joins), USA start the Soldier Enhancing Program (Soldier & Reaper enroll), resistance fails, UN decides the Overwatch Strike Team, Balderich dies -> Reinhardt leads Overwatch, Overwatch formed (Reinhardt, Reaper, Soldier, Ana, Torb & Mina Liao), Reaper announced first strike commander, Overwatch success
2045 - Zarya, Symmetra
2047 - Lúcio, Tracer, Ramattra, Overwatch ends Omnic crisis via striking the Omnic Command and Control structure, Aurora sacrifices herself, Blackwatch first gets formed, Soldier reolaces Reaper as Strike Commander as Reaper switches to Blackwatch
2048 - Junkrat
2049 - Venture
2050 - Brig, Operation White Dome (Torb looses arm & eye)
2053 - "The Reaper" appears in armed conflicts, appearing without loyalty to any Organisation, Reaper captures Cassidy during a sting Operation on the deadlock gang, Cassidy joins Blackwatch
2054 - D.Va
2054 - 2065 - Shambali Monestary becomes famous under Mondatta, Zenyatta travels the world, Australian Omnium gifted ti Omnics -> displacing many humans (Roadhog), Australian Liberation Front formed, a strike on the Omnium goes wrong -> damaged fusion core irradiates Australia, Bastion awakens
2056 - Juno
2057 - Illari
2061 - Wrecking Ball, Echo
2064 - Efi
2065 - Numbani renews the OR14 to OR15, natural disaster forces researchers at Ecopoint Antarctica to enter cryostasis, Hanzo Vs Genji, Genji saved by Mercy and recruited to Blackwatch to help with missions against the Shimada Clan
2066 - 2068 - accusations about corruption & illegal activity in Overwatch, Tracer Slipstream incident, Moira hired into Blackwatch -> experiments on Reaper, Blackwatch existence leaked, Japan files complaint about Blackwatch activity inside Borders, UN director orders investigation on an incident in Cairo
2067 - Overwatch facility in Oslo attacked -> investigation, Reaper & Cassidy meet with Gerard Lacroix at Blackwatch facility in Rome, suspect: Antonio Bartalotti (Talon leader), plan: arrest employees -> his downfall, cybernetic woman sets bomb, Lacroix injured, Soldier wants official investigation, Reaper wants to kidnap Bartalotti -> Soldier agrees with Reaper & Blackwatch leaves, Reaper kills Bartalotti & Cassidy disagrees, Blackwatch becomes public, investigation via Lacroix, Ana & Soldier, Maximilien & Doomfist take over (Retribution)
2068 - Mondatta kidnapped & taken hostage by Null Sector, UK denies Overwatch Operation, Cassidy helps Overwatch with information, Reaper doesn't confirm or deny sending Cassidy, Tracer accepted as active Overwatch Agent by Soldier, Soldier disregards UK decision and starts mission to rescue Mondatta
2069 - Ana "killed" by Widowmaker during a mission led by Soldier, Sojurn helps Overwatch capture Maximilien, Maximilien reveals Doomfists plan to stay in Singapore -> Doomfist Captured, Investigation in Venice (unknown incident), Italy reveals Moiras involvement with Blackwatch, UN authorise secret investigation on Blackwatch & Overwatch, Soldier & Reaper "killed" by an explosion in the Swiss HQ of Overwatch, Petra Act -> UN disbands Overwatch
2070 - 2075 - Omnic & Human tension in Russia snaps -> second Omnic crisis, Soldier infiltrates Overwatch bases and steals equipment, Vishkar starts work in Rio after Symmetra & Sanjay sabotage local business, Lúcio steals Vishkar equipment & rallies people overnight -> becomes celebrity, Orisa
2071 - Talon mission in Monte Christo to kill Daniel Fernandez, after he's nowhere to be found civilians homes get searched and the entire city burned to the ground, Baptiste leaves Talon
2073- Synaesthesia Auditiva
Before october:
Winston works on shield generator
50.000+ victims to the second Omnic crisis
Talon tries to infiltrate Watchpoint Gibraltar, Winston manages to stop them but Reaper could obtain a list with former Overwatch members' locations
Recall (Tracer answers)
Mei exits Cryostasis
Widowmaker kills Mondatta
Genji confronts Hanzo
Soldier attacks Los Muertos in Dorado
Cassidy eliminates Talon raiding a hyper train. He dumps the item they were after before backup arrives
Reinhardt & Brigitte repair Reinhardt's old Crusader armor to get rid of a gang in a German town
Roadhog & Junkrat kill the CEO of Hyde Global & blow up their skyscraper in Sydney
Anubis escapes Helix Security Confinement but is stopped by Pharah
Torb saves Boklovo from a Titan
"Shrike"(Ana) disrupts Talon operations in egypt
Soldier assaults the Criminal Hakim but is stopped by Reaper. Shrike rescues Soldier & they reveal their identities & join forces
Sombra leaks information about LumériCo & Los Muertos' protest plans
1st: Sombra leaking Information & the robberies from Roadhog & Junkrat force the LumériCo CEO Guillermo Portero to step down
2nd: Mei arrives in Nepal
Reaper leads Talon team to kill Katya Volskaya, Sombra interferes (cinematic)
Monday: Winston & Tracer stop Widowmaker & Reaper from retrieving the Doomfist gauntlet from museum (cinematic)
Lúcio tours to promote Synesthesia Auditiva
Junkrat & Roadhog return to Australia
New Year's Eve: Lúcio concert in London
Bastion hunted -> taken in by Torb
Doomfist breaks out of Helix Security International & meets up with Maximilien, Vialli falls to death (thanks Doomfist), Reaper & Doomfist meet with Talon Board
Doomfist retrieves the Doomfist gauntlet and obliterates the OR15 units
Efi buys spare OR15 parts from Adawe Foundation, builds Orisa (AI), Reinhardt answers Recall
Zarya & Lynx Seventeen out to kill Sombra -> failed, D.Va & Dae-hyun save Busan form.Omnic attack, Cassidy defeats Deadlock Gang, brings back Echo & answers the Recall, Blizzard Works opened (i need this in here for the sake if my sanity)
Bap helps Talon invade Vernand Sainclairs' mansion, helps him escape on condition he provide free healtg care for the clinic
Overwatch saves Paris from Null Sector attack
Overwtach saves Rio de Janeiro from Null Sector, Lúcio recruited, Zarya, DVa, Pharah, Bap all revealed to have answered the Recall ("only one missing")
Sojurn (+ others) rescues Omnic citizens in Toronto (Reggie Bucksworth), amazing Ramattra Speech, Brigitte & Reinhardt take an Omnic to Ironclad Guild
Gothenburg attacked by Null Sector after Brig & Rein inquire Torb for help with the subjugated Omnic, Bastion introduced as Workshop Assistant, Subjugated Omnic alive but blank memory Data, Null Sector fought off with Torbs Air Defense System
Widowmaker & Sombra capture(?) Zenyatta
Note 3: currently all, I will expand as I do more research. Important additions/changes get announced with a reblog as well
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purplekoop · 11 months
ngl I'm curious about your ideas for Venture and spaceranger. I saw a theory SR could be Fio from Blackwatch and I think Venture could be our Portuguese hero, maybe has a build (turret, wall, etc) made of duravidro. Still hoping for heroes 42 to 45 being Lynx 17, Maximilien, a Roman champion fighter, and an Afro-American New York firefighter.
Okay lot of parts to this one to answer
Starting with Venture, here's their art for reference:
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Now, with their pretty apparent explorer/excavation-themed design, with giant drill and what looks like climbing/excavation gear on their back, my first thought for what map they tie into is actually Petra, the deathmatch map set in Southern Jordan's wonder of the world. The map is littered with details alluding to an ongoing excavation project, so I think Venture could be part of that team. Plus, I think the slightly darker skin tone could possibly fit an Arabic character.
While I can't make it out with just this little image, I think the insignia on this sleeve could be the key to figuring out this character's faction.
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As for kit, I don't really have any great ideas yet. While their drill at first appears to be a melee weapon, letting you just drill into people for rapid close-range damage, but I feel like it could have some kind of surprise projectile component.
In addition to me thinking they're from Jordan and not Portugal, I also doubt they're a "builder" character due to those being an ongoing struggle to balance in the Damage role. My belief for what Esperanca is alluding to is still a Tank hero that we won't be seeing for a while. Considering how long it takes heroes to be developed (note Mauga was just revealed today after being first teased in 2019), I think something as relatively recent as Esperanca won't lead to something new so "soon".
(I actually have a character for my original hero/class shooter project War Bots who uses a drill in a couple ways, and they are actually a builder character who uses it to build buildings and also tunnel underground to move around safely. They deserve their own post soon though.)
As a reminder, we are due to see some early gameplay footage of Venture tomorrow in the "Overwatch 2: What's Next" segment of Blizzcon tomorrow at 1:30 PM PST (so 4:30 for me in the EST), so we won't have to wait long to see some of how they play!
Going from underground to out of this world, let's talk about "Space Ranger" next!
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(I gotta say it if I haven't already that I love both of these designs, even if they're still certainly still concept art and might actually change a fair bit before release, especially in the case of Star Command here releasing all the way in the far off galaxy of Season 12. Still, very cute, love the colors and overall vibe, big fan.)
So starting off with the theory you saw, the idea that this is Fio, the Blackwatch pilot from Retribution, certainly is... interesting, certainly an idea with precedent if Sojourn is anything to go by. I didn't remember what they looked like so I checked the wiki and...
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...Yeah no these are completely different people, sorry. Fio has what looks to be red hair underneath the helmet and... I wanna say a European face? Ranger meanwhile has the dang Twilight Sparkle hair, and her face strikes me more like how East Asian characters tend to look in Overwatch's art style, like D.va and Kiriko with their slightly more "anime-esque" faces. Not to say I wouldn't welcome Fio to the roster (even though they'd be. Far, Far from my first pick for an established character to join the roster), but this definitely ain't them.
As for who I do think this could be, or rather what characters they're related to, I think between possibly being Asian and also being more obviously space-themed, I think they could very likely be affiliated with Lucheng Interstellar, the Chinese aerospace company behind Horizon Lunar Colony. According to the wiki, they also have other space station projects they are/were working on, so Space Ranger could be related to either of those.
As for kit, I don't have much to say for them either. Some neat ideas I saw were that they could be another hyper-mobile support like Mercy or Lucio, and could possibly even have some sort of gravity-manipulating buff. I really don't have much to say yet, but there's plenty of room for cool ideas!
Speaking of cool ideas, lemme take a sec to go over all yours!
Lynx 17 is definitely a popular pick I can get behind, between their fun design and the capacity for a support hacker-themed character. My Sombra Role Requeue was just one way to take the concept, I feel like there's even more room to start from the ground up! Though I do also wanna shoutout Franky, a character from the Deadlock Rebels novel that was essentially the other main founding member of the gang along with Cassidy and Ashe (and B.O.B. too, of course), who's also a hacker. I don't blame people for giving Lynx 17 higher priority, both due to being around longer and also being another cool Omnic, as well as being canonically non binary already. I would like to see a human NB character sooner than later, (hence why I've been referring to Venture and SR gender-neutrally this whole post) but Lynx still slaps so I'd be happy to see them too.
Maximilien is I think probably the most notable lore character that's yet to be playable now that we've finally got our greasy mitts on Mauga. Another fun established design and personality who's been around the story even longer than Mauga actually. Shoot, we've even seen the bastard in one of the story trailers, with Doomfist implying that he's got a job to do that the greedy omnic seems uncomfortable with. That could easily mean he has to get his hands dirty when he doesn't want to, so... could be teasing him being playable? My main objection to his inclusion on the roster is that I don't have a great idea for what exactly he'd... do. He's basically a cowardly civilian who just happens to be bankrolling a terrorist organization. This could definitely work into his kit, making him a support who sucks in direct fights but has ways of backing up allies. The one solid ability idea I got for him though is that his gun would be a silenced pistol. that's it. Now obviously some creativity on the hero design team's part could fix that issue, but still, it's something to consider.
Now for the characters who aren't as established, a roman gladiator is another one that's been tossed around a lot since the map was first revealed. Like I said with a character teased by the Portugal map though, OW heroes take a long time to develop, and they're still catching up on established characters like Mauga, so the teasers from OW2's new maps could take a WHILE to get to at this rate. Which isn't shocking really, they wanna keep Overwatch going for a while and I personally can get behind that, so I understand them setting up so many teasers they can follow up on later. As for the gladiator specifically, this idea still hasn't actually excited me that much. I struggle right now to think about what could make one of the mech gladiators unique from the tanks we already have on the roster. A melee weapon and shield? Reinhardt. A spear? Orisa. Again, creativity solves a lot of problems, but it's why I've never been that excited for this idea since Colosseo was first revealed.
That last idea though, THAT has me interested.
I've honestly never heard that idea before! It's so cool too, a firefighter would have such a fun pool of ideas to work from. Overwatch doesn't really have any water-themed heroes, and as far as I'm aware the team hasn't considered it aside from one rejected concept for what eventually became Lifeweaver. I'm honestly not even sure what role would fit a firefighter better, because the bulky outfits and some kind of water pushing ability would fit Tank, but the whole "life saving" part could fit Support better. This is such a cool idea, I'd honestly love to hear you elaborate on it more!
So yeah, wanted to give a thorough response talking about all of these future heroes, confirmed and otherwise. I'll almost certainly have more to say tomorrow when they talk about the two new faces, but that's for 20 hours from now. Thanks for the ask though, fun to talk about all this!
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azurdlywisterious · 1 year
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warriorofdragons · 2 years
Have Chronal Accelerator Will Travel Chapter 1: Back in Blackwatch
Word Count: 11.5k
Warnings: Language, Some slight Suggestive themes.
Summary: Overwatch sends two teams of two to travel back in time on retrieval missions: one is sent to acquire a blueprint, and the other is sent to acquire military weaponry, combined these assets will help them put a stop to a destructive plot Talon intends to set loose upon the world.
Notes: Timeline: Present 7 years from current lore. Past: Precedes Retribution mission, by at least a month or two.
Abbreviations: Class C=Communications, ES=Encrypted Storage.
Your husband Cole kisses your forehead, “Be safe, Honeysuckle.” “You too,” you whisper before wrapping your arms around him. The two of you hold one another for a long moment, until eventually Lena clears her throat, “Well, we best get a move on then.” You both pull apart to look back at her and then you glance up at Cole. Cole places his hands on your arms, “Hey, we’ll be back together in no time.” You give him a half-smile, “Yeah.” You then stare into his eyes for another moment before your eyes drop to his lips and you place your hands on his cheeks and lean forward and kiss him. Cole desperately returns the kiss before the two of you break away from each other again. And as you step away from one another, Cole’s right hand trails down your arm to your hand and he grasps it until your fingertips leave his finally. Cole then heads to his own plane with Lena in tow, and you head to yours with Mei. You seat yourself in the pilot’s chair and fasten your seatbelt, and you wait for Mei to settle herself in the chair beside you before you close the ramp door. Then you start flipping switches to turn on the engine and prepare for takeoff. Nearby, Lena is preparing her own plane as you hear her engine roar to life. “Everyone strapped in and ready for takeoff?” Lena asks cheerfully over the radio. “Yep,” you answer. “Uh huh,” Mei says beside you holding tightly onto her tank. “Chronal Accelerators working?” Lena asks. You glance down at the device on your chest that is currently emitting a quiet hum before zipping up your jacket, “Yes.” “Definitely,” Cole says. You look across at Lena’s plane and see your husband seated next to her. “Everything seems in order,” Mei says. “Then we are ready for takeoff,” Lena announces. “Runways all clear, Lena,” Winston says into your earpieces. Lena maneuvers her plane out in front of you and down the runway first, since her and Cole have to travel back further than you and Mei, they need a head start. Once her plane is lined up on the runway with the only exit from the mountainous base she guns the engine and speeds down the corridor of the hanger. The wheels of the plane just start to lift up as she coasts out into open air and you watch the plane drop out of sight. It’s another moment or two of watching before her plane comes back into view in the opening of the mountain, as she gains altitude. “Lena, don’t forget to-“ Winston begins. “I know, I know ya silly goose, I’m calibrating the teleportation matrix now,” Lena interrupts, “Don’t worry, Winston, everything will be fine, you and the team did a great job with the calculations everything’s going to be fine…” she trails off in her usual chipper tone. You and Mei glance at one another and smile. Going back into the past is no easy feat and a part of you was still surprised Lena had agreed to come along on this mission. But you suppose an ace like her couldn’t leave this to anyone less skilled at flying these planes. “Calibrations complete, New Mexico here we come!” Lena shouts. It takes her another couple minutes to get up to speed before she activates the teleportation matrix and then… “Making the jump in three…two…-“ Lena says before a crackle of static from her comms being out of range is the only sound left in your ears. There’s a moment of silence as you inhale deeply. “Alright, Slipstream Three, you’re cleared for takeoff,” Winston says. You position your plane onto the runway next. “Alright, Snowball, it’s time to deactivate for a little while,” Mei says. Snowball emits a few sad, low beeps, but nonetheless locks themself into their port. “It’s only for a little while,” Mei promises her small, mechanical friend. “Hold on tight,” you tell Mei. She nods and clutches Snowball’s battery to herself as Snowball switches themself off. You gun the plane forward and hurtle down the ever decreasing runway, just as Lena had. The wheels of the plane come off the paving beneath you as the plane lunges forth into open air. Bright light fills your vision and you adjust the plane wings to generate more lift, and you soar out away from the mountain before you slowly start to climb back up through the air. Once you’ve reached the appropriate altitude you begin your own calibrations as Winston’s voice once again comes over the radio, “How are things, Slipstream Three?” “Going smoothly so far,” you say, “The gravitational field is online.” “Good, good,” Winston murmurs. You know Winston is nervous to send his friends off into the past knowing very well what might happen, and to be honest you’re nervous yourself. But you trust Winston has done his best to ensure your’s, and your team’s, and…your husband’s safe return. And that’s all anyone can ever hope for really. “You and Dr. De Kuiper have done a great job recreating and improving upon the original Slipstream’s design, I trust that the two of you will get us there and back home safely,” you say. Winston’s quiet for a moment, “Good luck out there, Overwatch.” “We’ll see you soon, Winston,” Mei says. Winston chuckles lightly, “I’m holding you to that.” You prime the teleportation matrix and then bring the plane up to speed, “Preparing to jump in three…two…one……” You’re met with a huge concussive force as you punch through time and space and alarms start blaring in your ears. Quickly, you adjust the gravitational field surrounding the plane and the levels start to dip back into the green. The plane continues to rumble around you, but you can’t inspect much of the outside what with all the light from the energy currently surrounding the three of you. You hold the plane steady as you fight against the current trying to sweep you along and then you’re hit with another wave of force and then the energy surrounding you dissipates as you soar into a cloud. It seems you’ve come out the other side and you take a deep breath to steady your nerves, it’s time to see if it worked or not. You flip through the radio channels to the one Jack gave you and chatter from the nearby mountain base fills your headset. But it’s not from your team, no the voices you hear are unfamiliar to you, and you smile and glance at Mei, who smiles back at you hearing the same thing.
You circle the plane back around and decrease your altitude so you can land, “Mayday, mayday, requesting emergency landing!” you radio the base. You receive an immediate response, “What’s your cosign?” You give them the cosign of one of the planes you and Ana had managed to find in the old flight records, “I need to make an emergency landing!” you insist. “You’re weren’t due for another hour, what’s your emergency?” the voice asks over the radio. “Got a damaged engine, took unexpected enemy fire and I need to land ASAP, would you rather I do it in the Atlantic?!” you argue in an irritated tone. There’s a brief pause and then you’re being directed to one of the open lanes. You carefully fly the plane, making sure to shut off the gravitational field completely, before nearing the opening in the mountainside. It’s a tricky maneuver landing inside a mountain and only the best pilots can land here. The wheels of the plane touch down on the ramp that extends to just beyond the opening of the mountain base and then you begin to rapidly decrease your speed as the wings of the plane flare. You smoothly maneuver the plane once you’ve slowed down into the open bay they’ve cleared for you. As you cut off the engine and people start to approach, you notice that they’ve already realized you’re not the plane you’ve claimed to be, judging by the armed guards headed your way. You’re engine also isn’t damaged and you’d like to keep it that way, so you unfasten your seatbelt and remove your headset. “They might separate us, keep calm and remember to ask for either Commander Morrison or Blackwatch Commander Reyes,” you tell Mei. Mei nods as she unfastens her seatbelt and grabs her gear, “Alright.” You both get out of your seats and head down the ramp at the back of the plane to meet the armed agents outside. The Overwatch agents approach you cautiously and then restrain the two of you and confiscate your weapons and gear. Mei looks a little sad as they also unknowingly take Snowball with them. “Everything will be alright, Mei,” you whisper to her. “Hey! Keep quiet!” an agent yells at you. “No,” you state, “We’re here to speak with Commanders Morrison and Reyes.” “Yeah, riggghtt,” the agent says, “The two of you are going straight to a holding cell.” “I think Commander Reyes would be pretty angry if he found out you didn’t tell him we were here,” Mei says. “Is that so?” the agent replies in feigned interest. “The Commander doesn’t have time for the likes of you,” another agent says. “I don’t know…my friend here’s right, he would be mad if he found out something interesting was happening that he didn’t know about, in his own base no less. And I’d hate to think what he’d do to the person or persons who didn’t inform the Black Ops Commander of strange goings on,” you persuade. The agent glances to the other one and you can see them weighing their options. The two of you are then pulled along with them as the agents escort you to an interrogation room as opposed to a holding cell. They sit you and Mei down in the chairs in front of a table and handcuff you to it, and then one of them tries to remove Mei’s Chronal Accelerator he just now notices under her jacket. She tries to resist, but her hands are adhered to the table now. “Hey! Leave her alone! You take that off and she’ll die!!” you shout. “What the fuck are you talking about?!” the agent argues. “Ever heard of Lena Oxton?” you ask. “NO,” the agent protests. “Well, Lena Oxton, current Overwatch agent, previous RAF pilot got into an accident where she phases in and out of reality, take that off and we’re all gonna be sorry for it,” you threaten. The agent shoots a weird look down at Mei, but lets go of her. “Why do you think we want to see Reyes?” Mei adds. “Whatever,” the agent says shaking their head. “Let’s just go,” the other agent says, “The higher ups can deal with this.” Both agents leave the room finally and lock the door behind them. You glance back over to Mei, “You alright?” “Yeah, those two are assholes,” Mei says. You chuckle, “Yeah.” “Do you think Lena and Cole made it alright?” Mei asks. “Yeah, I mean if we did they had to of,” you say. You turn to stare across the room at the large glass pane, which you’re certain is a two-way mirror, as your thoughts turn to your husband. “So this is what it used to look like?” Mei muses, “I’m not impressed.” You laugh a little, “At least it’s not a decrepit concrete building.” “True,” Mei says laughing. You end up waiting for a little while in relative silence with the combined hum of the lights above you and your Chronal Accelerators, and the occasional footsteps heard from the hallway outside. Mei even starts making up a tune that she hums under her breath to the sound of both of them, when finally the door opens.
You both turn to look as none other Gabriel Reyes and Jack Morrison walk in, apparently your little stunt Had been enough to attract both of their attentions, just like Jack had said. Reyes’ eyes scan the two of you while Jack is busy studying a tablet in his hands, no doubt with a report written on the two of you. Reyes stops in front of the two of you and crosses his arms, and you notice his eyes find Mei’s Chronal Accelerator peeking out from underneath her heavy jacket. “Commander Morrison,” Reyes states. Jack continues to wander into the room and past Reyes as he continues to read. “Jack,” Reyes calls. “Huh?” Jack says as he looks up finally. And you can’t get over how much younger he looks, his blonde hair’s only just beginning to gray, there’s no scars on his face…although there are deep, dark bags under his eyes. You have no idea how much coffee he’s running on, but the lingering smell of it on his clothes, would suggest a lot. Jack looks to the two of you finally, with a tired and unfamiliar cast to his blue irises. This isn’t the same grandparental, old man whose held your’s and Cole’s child, or grilled meat at team cookouts, or fallen asleep in front of the tv on Christmas Eve. This is a tired, overworked, middle-aged man who seems to only go from one problem to the next. Jack clears his throat as he glances back down at his tablet one more time before fixing his full attention on the two of you. “You see that?” Reyes asks pointing at Mei. Jack squints, “Yeah, it looks just like it.” “I have one too,” you announce. “Really?” Reyes asks almost uninterested, but you can tell there’s more to it in his eyes. You lift up your hands, gesturing to your handcuffs and Mei jingles hers too. Jack and Reyes exchange a glance and then Jack nods back at the mirror behind them, “Alright.” Reyes steps forwards and undoes your’s and Mei’s handcuffs and then steps back. You unzip your jacket and reveal your own Chronal Accelerator. “Son of a bitch,” Jack says. “How’d you two ladies come by these devices, did you make them yourself?” Reyes asks. “No, Winston made them for us,” Mei answers. Both Jack and Reyes laugh. “It’s true!” Mei exclaims. “Yeah, right the monkey made you two Chronal Accelerators,” Reyes continues. “Scientist!” Mei insists leaning forwards. They both stop laughing and look at you and Mei seriously for a moment, and then the two exchange a glance. “How did you find this base? Where did your intel come from?” Jack asks. “Well, you, Jack,” you say. Jack shoots you a confused look before shaking his head, “Try again.” “She’s serious, you helped us with the secure radio channel, and with retrofitting the plane although that was a group effort,” Mei explains. “Look we could go around and around in circles all day, okay? So let’s just cut to the chase, we’re from the future,” you say gesturing to you and Mei. Both Reyes and Jack start laughing again. “Oh, God that’s a good one,” Reyes says wiping his eyes. “We’ve come back in time to retrieve a blueprint that was destroyed-are you even listening to me!” you shout to be heard. “From the future, huh? And here I thought I heard it all,” Reyes says. Their combined laughter finally starts to die down as you stare off at the wall annoyed. “So…you’re from the…” Jack snickers again and then controls himself, “So you’re from the future, how do we know you’re really the good guys then?” “Yeah, prove that you’re really from the future,” Reyes says and then chuckles as he looks at Jack. “Yeah, what’s something only we would know?” Jack adds. Unfortunately, you don’t know Gabriel Reyes very well, that would have been your husband Cole’s expertise considering he was taken under Gabriel’s wing for a time. Cole could have answered any questions regarding Commander Reyes easily, but he also would have encountered problems interacting with his past self, which is why you’re here instead. You glance over to Commander Morrison, Jack on the other hand… “Jack, you still like to carry around that old photo of you and Vincent,” you say. Now Your Jack has stopped in recent years, and finally left that old photo in an album and in the past along with other photos from his military career like any memory ought to be. But it was something Jack had suggested you bring up if either of you were going to be taken seriously, something about ‘having to cut through to his younger self like a knife.’ Jack’s eyes widen, “I…what? Um…No, I-You must be mistaken.” Reyes notices Jack’s sudden discomfort and studies him closely, “Wait…Do you?” Jack rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, “I…Maybe? Which one?” he asks you defensively, his face growing red. “The one from during the Omnic Crisis, right before you were shipped off to join the Soldier Enhancement Program, he’s got an arm around your shoulders and he’s wearing a blue polo…should I go on?” you ask with a raise of your brow. “No, that won’t be necessary,” Jack says quickly with a wave of his hand. Reyes gives Jack a sideways glance before turning his attention back to you,” How’d you know all that?” he accuses. You shrug, “Jack told me.” “You also sent us with one of your favorite novels,” Mei pipes up. She reaches into one of her jacket pockets and pulls out an old paperback book with yellowed pages and crinkled corners and holds it out to Jack. Jack takes it and smiles a little and then opens it up to a different old photo tucked inside it’s pages, the book is a western tale that he had lent Cole one time years ago, and the photo is an old Overwatch team photo. Jack closes the book back up and then hands it back to Mei, “I think…I’m actually starting to believe them.” Reyes furrows his brows at Jack, “You can’t be serious?! They could have been tailing you for all we know!” he exclaims and then glances back at the mirror. The anticipation swells up in your chest at who could be behind that mirror, you know who you’re hoping it is, but it could also be anybody. Reyes then tilts his head as if considering something and then motions a come here gesture at the mirror.
You feel the pressure build further in your chest as you wait with baited breath for them to appear. It’s not long before the door opens although to you it felt like an eternity and you’re not disappointed when the love of your life, Cole Cassidy walks in. He’s a lot younger than you know him to be of course, but no less handsome. He’s wearing a black t-shirt, gloves, and pants, with a black stetson to match adorning his head, but the belt buckle he’s wearing is one you’ve never seen and it bears the Deadlock gang symbol. Cole is unarmored, but he is wearing his pistol and ammo belt, it’s likely all he could grab on such short notice. The thought of him relaxing in his quarters or taking a smoke break is distracting to you, almost as distracting as his shoulders and arms… You try not to stare too much at his left arm, but you’re struggling. You instead steer yourself towards the thought of if his Blackwatch uniform would still fit him, you decide that it couldn’t possibly, the Cole you know is much bigger now. Cole moves to stand next to Reyes and he looks between the two of you. “I’m gonna need a little more proof, before I allow them to just waltz around the base,” Reyes says. “Well, I’m the Commander of Overwatch and if I say they can, they can,” Jack says. Reyes pinches his nose, “Not this again. Jack, I’m the Commander of Blackwatch and I can veto your decision.” “Like hell you can,” Jack says. You’re focused on Jack’s and Reyes’ beginning argument when you feel a pair of eyes on you, and you glance up and straight into Cole’s soft brown eyes, you smile at him and he smiles back at you. “I’m as much in charge here as you are,” Reyes says pointing a finger at Jack’s chest. “My Base, My jurisdiction,” Jack argues. “Well, why don’t we just ask Captain Amari?” Cole asks nonchalantly. Both men stop and turn to Cole. “Listen, we don’t need to get her involved,” Jack says holding his hands up. “I’m sure Captain Amari has better things to do with her time than solve another one of our arguments,” Reyes says. “I think they’re scared of her,” Mei whispers to you. You giggle a little. “Are not!” they both exclaim in unison before then looking at one another. “Mind if I try askin’ them some questions?” Cole asks, “Since you’re too busy squabbling again.” “Be my guest,” Reyes says gesturing towards you and Mei. Cole threads his thumbs through his belt loops and approaches you, all confidence and charm, something you’re so familiar with, it doesn’t even require a second thought to melt it away, “Hey-“ Cole begins. “Hey there, Cowboy,” you say lowly with a wink, “What’s a tall glass of water like you doing in a place like this?” Cole’s eyes widen in surprise and then he smiles so wide and when he tries to speak he stumbles over his own words to the point where you can’t make out anything he’s saying. You giggle lightly in amusement. Cole smiles a wide, lovesick grin and pulls his hat down low over his face as the younger version of your husband becomes downright bashful. You laugh again at how cute he’s being. You’ve had plenty of practice at making Cole flustered beyond recognition and that’s when he’s prepared for everything you could throw at him. This Cole never stood a chance against your flirting. Reyes looks at Cole disapprovingly before he looks back at you, “Alright, who exactly are you two?” he demands. You and Mei introduce yourselves. “We’re Overwatch agents, well future ones anyways,” Mei says. “What did you come all the way back in time for?” Jack asks. “A blueprint for a machine,” Mei explains. “That still doesn’t explain why you time traveled for a blueprint,” Reyes says crossing his arms again. “Yeah, if we have it now, why can’t you just get it from future Overwatch?” Jack asks. You and Mei exchange a glance. There’s a lot of reasons why, besides the original blueprint being destroyed, but it would be a lot to go into and definitely more information than they need. “It was destroyed in a fire, the original no longer exists,” Mei says simply. “We also didn’t just time travel for a blueprint, there’s another team that went on ahead to a separate time jump point,” you explain. “Who’s on that team?” Reyes asks. “Lena and Cole,” you answer. “Cole? Cole who?” Reyes asks suspiciously. “Cole…Cassidy,” you say carefully and your gaze drifts over to Cole standing next to Reyes who seems to be staring at you with a different sort of surprise on his face. “How…do you know that name?” Reyes asks. “Because I know him,” you say pointing directly at Cole. Reyes looks over at Cole and nods, “Good, I wanted to be sure we were talking about the same thing.” “How many other cowboys named Cole Cassidy do you know?” you ask in annoyance at his roundabout questioning. “Just the one,” Reyes says. “So ya’ll both know me in the future, I take it?” Cole asks. “Of course!” Mei says with a nod. “Yes,” you say softly. And Cole’s attention is drawn more to your soft spoken reply. You of course have only ever known Cole by Cole Cassidy. To the point where you could almost forget these days that he used to go by a cycling list of aliases for a long period of time. It’s especially easy to forget now that you share the same last name, you do have to write it on a lot of paperwork afterall. Your wedding ring isn’t on your finger at the moment, on missions you prefer to wear it on a chain around your neck to keep it close to your heart. “Alright, then I have a couple questions of my own,” Cole says. You have to resist the urge to fiddle with the ring now, less you call attention to it. “What’s somethin’ I’ve never told anyone?” Cole asks. Cole’s eyes fix on you as he waits for you specifically to answer him. And it’s a tough question if only for the fact that you know too many answers to that question. But a lot of them are painful, memories from his childhood he hardly talks about, his greatest fears, missions gone wrong here in Blackwatch. Many things that are hardly appropriate to bring up in mixed company, like right now. But maybe that’s what he’s hoping for, that you do truly know him well enough that you’ll be able to find something to convince him, without resurfacing buried trauma. “You still have your father’s hat…and on the inside of the brim written in your mother’s handwriting, is your father’s name,” you answer holding his gaze. Cole blinks and then inhales deeply, “Alright, one more question, is it this one?” he asks. He is of course referring to the black stetson currently adoring his head. You shake your head and smile, “No, the hat I’m talking about has a wide brim and a lot of nicks in it.” Cole smiles and takes of his hat and combs his fingers through his hair, “That’s right,” he says and then turns to Reyes and Jack and puts back on his hat, “I’m satisfied they’re telling the truth.” “Well, that’s two out of three,” Reyes says with a sigh, “Seems I’m outnumbered, I guess we’ll take them to Winston first see what he has to say about these Chronal Accelerators and then we’ll track down that blueprint.” “Perfect! The blueprint is one of Winston’s, I’m sure he’ll know where it is,” Mei says. “Well, ain’t that convenient,” Reyes says with a smirk. “Alright,” Jack says clapping his hands together, “Let’s go see our resident scientist.” Mei smiles and the two of you are lead out of the interrogation room finally.
Jack and Reyes have your gear and weapons returned to you both and as you and Mei are walking through a cargo bay stacked with crates, you spot another familiar face passing by, Captain Amari. And she stares at your group and furrows her brows, undoubtedly because she doesn’t recognize you and Mei, before she stops in her tracks. You can tell Jack and Reyes are anxious about her presence which only further seems to raise her suspicion and her brow, so she confronts them, “And what do we have here?” she asks crossing her arms. Jack tells her your’s and Mei’s names. Ana blinks and looks at both of you, “I’m unfamiliar with the two of you, what business do you have here?” “They’re here for a blueprint,” Jack answers for you. “Oh? What kind of blueprint?” Ana questions. “One of Winston’s blueprints,” Reyes says. “Oh and they’re also uh…from the…future?” Jack says with a nervous laugh while rubbing the back of his neck. Captain Amari narrows her eyes at Jack, “If I could have a word with the two of you in private,” she says sternly before turning to Cole next, “Agent, keep an eye on these two while we are gone.” “Will do, Ma’am,” Cole says with a tip of his hat. Ana walks off with Reyes and Jack in tow as you watch them try to explain to her the situation. Cole walks over to one of the nearby crates and sits down and pulls out a cigar. You sit down across from him and Mei gives you a knowing look and sits down nearby, but far enough away to give you two some space. Cole’s eyes drift towards Mei as she reactivates Snowball, and the little robot comes beeping back to life. Cole takes the still unlit cigar out of his mouth and points at Snowball with it in silent question. “This is Snowball!” Mei chimes happily. “Right,” Cole says. “He’s an old friend of hers, they’re inseparable,” you say. Cole looks to you and then back at Snowball before nodding, “Just make sure the little guy stays out of trouble.” Cole then takes his lighter out of his pocket and lights his cigar finally. You watch Mei talk to Snowball for a few moments as she explains what happened while they were asleep. You hear a low exhale from Cole as he puffs out a cloud of smoke from his cigar and look back at him, and the gaze he has fixed you with you could only describe as burning. Cole places his cigar back in his mouth and you watch the movement of his lips as he inhales another drag and then your eyes drift up to his as he watches you from underneath the brim of his stetson. He then blows out the smoke from the left corner of his mouth and closes his eyes gently, before returning to stare at you. “It’s not polite to stare,” he says softly. “You were staring first,” you retort. Cole chuckles lightly, “True, true. Maybe I’ve just got a nice view from here.” You smile, “Well, the view ain’t half bad from here either.” Cole bites his cigar a little in response. You stare at him for another moment or two, your eyes trailing over his face and all the little details, and Cole seems to enjoy your quiet appreciation of him. “Do we know each other?” Cole asks suddenly, “In the future I mean.” “Of course, Cole, remember what I said earlier?” you ask. He nods, “Yeah, but do we Know each other?” “Intimately?” you offer. Cole takes his cigar out of his mouth and gestures with it, “Yeah.” You smile and bite your lip, “You’ll have to find out, won’t you?”you ask lowly. Cole’s jaw goes slack as he stares at you with a hunger in his eyes that you’ve seen many times, and he’s about to say something else when Reyes and Jack walk back towards you. “Alright, you’re cleared with Amari but something’s come up, Cole, we’ll need you to escort them to Winston,” Reyes says. Cole stands up and drops his cigar to the concrete floor and steps on it, “On it, Boss.” “We’ll meet up with you three…four…afterwards to see you off,” Jack says staring over at Snowball now hovering near Mei. And then the two of them walk away again. “Alright, looks like I’m in charge,” Cole says looping his fingers through his belt loops and straightening his pants, “Lab’s this way.”
You and Mei follow Cole down a series of hallways deeper into the base until he comes to a large, metal door with a keypad. Instead of using the keypad though, Cole knocks on the big, metal door, “Hey, Winston! Got a couple of visitors for you!” A small screen next to the door and above the keypad lights up and a camera of Winston soldering some parts together comes into view, “What is it, Cass? I’m in the middle of something.” “Said I got a couple visitors for you, thought you’d might like to meet ‘em,” Cole says. Winston is still focused on his task as he picks up a banana and dips it into a nearby jar of peanut butter and starts to eat it, “Tell them to come back later, I’m busy.” “Now that’s not very nice,” Cole scolds playfully, “After they came all this way to meet you,” then Cole turns to you and winks, “How far in the future did you say y’all you’re from?” “About fifteen years,” you say. Cole whistles, “So I’d be what forty three, forty four?” You hear the clattering of metal tools as Winston drops whatever he was working on and turns to face the camera finally, “Did you say you were from the future?” Winston asks in astonishment. “Finally! That get your attention did it?” Cole asks with a smile. “We are!” Mei answers. “You didn’t say they were from the future!” Winston yells at Cole. Cole weathers his shouting easily, “I said they came all this way to meet you, they’re a long way from here.” Winston glares at Cole, “I don’t understand your cowboy speak.” “Well, now are you going to stand there gawking or are you going to let us in?” Cole asks. Winston goes to open his mouth and then just sighs instead and pushes a button and you hear the door padlock click. The door then swings inwards and Cole waves his hands at the door. “Ladies first.” Mei walks in first and stares around the lab in awe. And as you pass by Cole he gives you another wink. Cole then shuts the door behind you all and you take a moment to look around as well. Winston’s workshop is huge and filled with an assortment of projects he’s working on. You step towards the center of the room where he’s seated, schematics and parts strewn across the table in front of him. “So you’re really from the future?” Winston asks. “Yes, and we came here to retrieve one of your blueprints,” Mei explains stepping towards Winston. Snowball flies around Mei and beeps in agreement. “Really? And what’s your’s and your friend here’s name?” Winston asks holding his hand out to Snowball. “I’m Mei, and this is Snowball,” Mei introduces. “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you Mei and Snowball, I’m Winston,” Winston says. Mei laughs, “I know.” You smile at the three of them as Cole steps beside you and clears his throat and holds his hand out to you as he introduces you as well. “And it’s a pleasure to meet you as well,” Winston greets adjusting his glasses. “They’ve got a couple of your Chronal Accelerators too,” Cole adds. “Really?! Might I see?” Winston asks. Mei unzips and removes her coat and Winston’s eyes widen as he sees the Chronal Accelerator attached to her chest. You also remove your own jacket to reveal your Chronal Accelerator. “My, my, this has been an unexpected turn of events,” Winston says as he turns off his soldering tool and sets it aside. Winston then cups his chin as he examines Mei’s Chronal Accelerator, “Hmm, it seems the design has been improved upon. No doubt it needed to emit a stronger field to shield you from a jump to the past. What did future me recommend to you with these devices?” “Not to take them off for any reason,” Mei says shaking her head. Snowball beeps again in agreement. “Interesting, Lena has always been able to remove her Chronal Accelerator as long as she remains near the active field, but since you’re in the past…you are not anchored to your own timeline,” Winston says. “Like a life vest not a life boat” Cole says. “Precisely,” Winston says, “I will defer to my future self’s expertise on this matter, surely he has information that I do not currently possess in regards to this.” “It was a precaution so we wouldn’t get Chronal Disassociation like Lena did,” you say draping your jacket over the back of a chair and sitting down at the table. “Yes…” Winston sighs looking down. “Didn’t you say Lena was on the other team?” Cole asks stepping closer to you. “Yes,” Mei says. “There’s another team?” Winston asks with raised brow. “Yeah, apparently they sent out two teams of two, one here and one…somewhere else, didn’t really specify,” Cole says. “Lena made a jump into the past?!” Winston exclaims with shock, “But the implication of-“ “It’s alright, Winston, you said yourself that there have been improvements to the device, and it’s because you made the improvements that we’re all still alright,” Mei interrupts. Winston sighs, “But still, this was a very dangerous thing to do.” “We all knew the risks when we agreed to do this mission,” you say slipping your fingers underneath your shirt to feel your wedding ring. “And Lena didn’t go alone, Cole offered to be on her team,” Mei says waving her hand at the younger Cole standing beside you. “But what if the devices are damaged?” Winston asks concerned. “You made us memorize how to make repairs to them,” you say. Winston sighs once again and nods, smiling a little, “Just like I did with Lena.” “So two teams of two so each of you has backup in case somethin’ goes wrong and each one of you has a pilot. I know Lena’s gotta be the pilot on my team, but who’s the pilot on your team?” Cole asks. “Me,” you answer tucking your ring back under your shirt. Cole’s eyes dip down for a moment to follow the movement and then his eyes meet yours, “You? You must be pretty damn good to be chosen to fly a plane like that back in time,” Cole says with a grin. You grin back at him, “Yeah, I am. Fareeha wanted to be the one to pilot the plane but then she’d have to deal with her mother in this timeline.” “Fareeha is in Overwatch?” Cole asks with his brows raised. “Yeah,” you say. “Her mother must not be too happy about that,” Cole says. “It was…let’s just say it was complicated,” you say. Cole chuckles, “It would have been easier for her to convince Gabe and Jack though but…she definitely would have had argued with her mother. Shame, I kind of would have liked to have seen that.” “Oh, don’t worry you will,” you say with a laugh. Cole blows out a breath, “Still fightin’ after all these years?” “Mostly, it’s over little stuff these days, but those two had their work cut out for them,” you say. “I’ll say,” Cole says with a smile. “So which blueprint was it that you needed from me?” Winston asks. Mei removes a piece of paper from her discarded jacket and unfolds it and hands it to Winston. Winston squints at it and then his eyes widen, “This? But it was just a prototype, it never even worked, the gravitational field alone was-“ “Let’s just say we have an expert who’s willing to help us with that,” Mei interrupts, “And please, Winston we really need that blueprint.” Winston sighs, “The blueprint on file is incomplete, I’ll need to compile some of my notes.” Winston then gets up from his spot at the table and goes to his computer desk to start retrieving the blueprint. You then hear a swift series of knocks on the metal door. “Oi, Winston! Open up!” a voice calls. “Oh! Cole, could you?” Winston asks. “On it,” Cole says and presses the button for the door. Lena speeds into the room as soon as the door opens and then stops dead in her tracks as she stares open-mouthed at you and Mei. Winston looks up from his monitor, “Oh, Lena, these three are-“ he begins. “You’re from the future!” the younger Lena exclaims now pointing at you and Mei. Cole chuckles as he closes the door again. “Yes, I do suppose it’s obvious,” Winston states taking a microfiber cloth and wiping his glasses clean. Lena starts excitedly running in place, “Ooh! I just knew it! One look at those Chronal Accelerators, and I just knew it!” “Heh heh, maybe we should have had Miss Oxton here meet the two of you first, she would have got this whole thing sorted a lot quicker,” Cole says. “What’s it like? The future I mean, do I get that tattoo I always wanted? Ooh, what about skiing in the Alps? I’ve always wanted to do that, or-“ Lena says and then gasps loudly, “No, wait! Do I ever get married?” Lena’s staring at Mei and fixing her with the biggest puppy dog eyes and pouting out her bottom lip. “Yes, no, and yes,” Mei answers. Lena excitedly squeals and jumps up and down. “Mei!” you exclaim, “You’re not supposed to tell her that!” “I’m sorry! I can’t lie to my friends, especially not Lena!” Mei defends. You sigh and drop your shoulders, “I know.” “Am I your friend?” Cole asks Mei. “Of course,” Mei answers. You stand and turn to him, “Oh no, you don’t, Cowboy,” you warn poking his chest. Cole smiles and puts his hands up, “Or you’ll what?” he teases. You narrow your eyes at him and he raises a brow. And then you flick his hat off his head. “My hat!” Cole exclaims as he quickly spins around to scoop it off the floor, “I’ll have you know this is a Stetson!” Cole complains dusting it off. “I know,” you giggle, “You’re not allowed to ask Mei questions about your future self. And, Lena, You should know better,” you say turning to her. Lena’s shoulders slump, “I know, I just couldn’t help it. I mean who wouldn’t want to know about their future self?” You smile at her, “I mean Lena you want to get married eventually, right?” “Well, of course,” Lena answers. “Then by virtue of that being something you want out of life you’re probably going to get married,” you say. “Well, now I definitely know I’m getting married,” Lena says, “What’s her name?” Lena then asks Mei. “It’s…” Mei begins and then looks over at you shaking your head, “A surprise. I really couldn’t ruin it for you especially if I want to be a bridesmaid.” Winston looks up from his monitor, “Lena, stop asking questions about the future…as tempting as it may be…” he muses staring up at the ceiling for a moment before getting back to work. It seems everyone in this room wants to know what happens, which is fair, but…there’s a lot they don’t need to know yet, both the good and the bad. And besides spoiling too much of the good might ruin it’s impact when they really need it most. “So…are you a part of future Overwatch?” Lena asks Mei. “Uh huh,” Mei nods, “We’re much newer agents compared to all of you,” she says waving her hands at Lena, Winston, and Cole. Cole sets his hat back on his head and adjusts it. Winston lets out a sigh, “I’ve compiled all of my notes into one file, but…it’s going to take a little while longer for me fill in some of the gaps I had left in my research.” “Take all the time you need, Winston, we’re not in any rush,” you say. “‘Cause I bet you got all the time in the world, huh?” Lena says with a chuckle, “A little time travel humor for you, since we’re all time travelers now.” Mei laughs and Snowball chimes happily. “But that means I get more time to chat,” Lena says taking a seat and placing her hands under her chin, “So where are you from? I’m from England obviously,” Lena says patting an English flag patch stitched to the shoulder of her Overwatch uniform. “I’m Chinese,” Mei says. “Ooh nice, and what’s your specialty?” Lena asks. “I’m a climatologist,” Mei answers. “Oh, so a scientist like Winston here,” Lena says turning in her chair to look at him. Winston smiles back at the two of them. You watch them talk for a few moments the past version of Lena already becoming fast friends with her future friend, to no one’s surprise, and that’s when you feel a tap on your shoulder. You look back at Cole behind you and he points his thumb in the direction of the door. “Mind if I have a word in private?” Cole asks quietly. You glance back over at the group with Winston busy at his computer and Lena and Mei engaged in conversation with Snowball floating nearby paying close attention. Now that Lena has focused her curiosity towards Mei instead of her future self you don’t think you’re in any more danger of big secrets getting revealed like the fall of Overwatch.
So you turn back to Cole and nod. Cole walks over to the door and opens it for you and you step through first. You walk out into the hall as Cole closes the door gently. You start to turn around when Cole suddenly throws out his right arm to and it hits the wall firmly, effectively pinning you in. He then leans closer to you so that you can now feel his hot breath on your lips and the soft fabric of his t-shirt brush against you. Staring down at his lips for a moment as they’re slightly parted you can see a smile form on his face. Your eyes slowly drift up Cole’s face as you smile back at him. His eyes regard you for another moment before he quirks a brow, “You didn’t even flinch….I’ve done this before….” he breathes, “Haven’t I?” You bite your lip, “Easy there, Cowboy,” you tease. Cole points at you with his left hand, “And that? What you just said, just now? I’m pretty sure you’ve said that before too.” You open your mouth slightly as you try to come up with a response. He’s right of course, but you can’t tell him that. Cole leans back a little, tilting his head as his brown eyes study you, “So…to pick back up where we left off on our earlier conversation…we know each other in the future and intimately from what I’ve gathered…” he trails off as his fingers lightly drift across your chin and then down your neck. You can’t help the involuntary shudder that passes through your body at his touch, and Cole seems to enjoy it, but you quickly realize it’s not what he’s after when you feel his index finger slip under your collar and give a gentle tug to your necklace. A small gasp leaves your lips as Cole carefully and slowly pulls out the chain holding your wedding ring. He’s quiet as he stares at it, turning it over in between his thumb and index finger. “Cole I-“ you begin and stop when you see him notice the engraving. A custom engraving which consists of a little lasso bordering the words, “Let’s ride off into the sunset together.” You meet Cole’s eyes as he slowly lifts them to yours, and you can see the realization wash over him. He opens his mouth and shakes his head slightly, “You’re…my wife?” he asks softly. There’s no point in hiding it now, so you simply nod, “Yeah, Cole, I am.” He drops your ring to let it fall back against your chest as he cups your face in both of his hands a huge, yet tentative smile now gracing his lips, and he laughs breathlessly, “Of course! It makes perfect sense!” A little confused you place your hands over his and shake your head a little, “What does?” Cole tilts his head and grins, “Darlin’, you do…the way you smile at me, the way you look at me, the way you talk to me I….Sweetheart, no one has ever looked at me with so much love in their eyes the way you do,” he says with a dreamy sigh, “You couldn’t have been anyone else.” “Cole…” you whisper as you look deeply into your future husband’s eyes. Cole laughs a little, “See?” he asks now caught up in how you’re looking at him. You tighten your grip on his hands and feel the fabric of his gloves against your skin and a thought occurs to you, “Can you take off your gloves?” you ask gently. “Oh, ‘course,” Cole says as his hands leave your face and he hurriedly removes them. Cole stuffs the gloves into one of his pockets haphazardly and then places his palms back against your cheeks. You smile happily and close your eyes and relish the feeling as he strokes your skin softly with his thumbs. His palms are calloused, but surprisingly gentle as he cradles your face reverently. You had met Cole after his Blackwatch days of course and after he had already lost his left arm, so you’ve never felt his left palm before. And Cole had always lamented on how he wished he could cradle your face in both of his hands, to get to feel every curve of your face at once. He’s memorized the planes of your face and your body after all your time spent together over the years, but still This was something he could never have. You don’t know if your husband will remember it or not, but at least you could give one Cole this…this moment. You open your eyes finally as you feel Cole’s forehead lean against yours and as you shift your head upwards he pulls back at the movement, seemingly also having been lost in the moment. He smiles at you and then leans forwards and presses a kiss to your forehead, before exhaling and pulling back entirely, a bright smile still plastered on his lips. “Honey, you have no idea how happy I am to meet you, I thought that…that I would never get to settle down or fall in love and…I mean especially with everything going on these days and I…” he stops to shake his head as he continues to smile at you, “You’re just that little bit of hope I was lookin’ for.” You smile at Cole as you feel your eyes start to get watery, “I can’t promise you that things won’t be tough in the future and that there won’t be bad things-“ “Shhh,” Cole soothes stroking your cheeks with his thumbs, “If you know me, then you know  that I’ve been through my fair share already, but just knowing that you’re gonna be there on the other side of all that waiting for me? That’s all I need to keep going.” You let out a wet chuckle as you try to stop the tears. Cole smiles softly at you, “C’mere, Honey.” And with that you fall forwards into his arms. Cole holds you for a little while before letting you go, albeit a little reluctantly before drying your tears, it’s then that you can see a few tears had formed in his own eyes. “You know I have half a mind not to let you go back,” Cole says jokingly. “Cole,” you scold playfully. He chuckles, “I know, I know. But I couldn’t do that to you, you belong in your future with future me, the lucky bastard.” “Hey, that’s my husband you’re talking about,” you tease. Cole laughs. You smile at him and then bite your lip, “And with little, Sweetpea, of course.” “And with little-“ Cole begins and then stares at you with wide eyes. You smile more. “We? We have a kid together?” Cole asks. You give him a small nod. Cole then scoops you up into his arms, lifting you clean off the floor in his excitement, you squeeze him back as your feet dangle in the air. He then sets you back down on your feet with a laugh and wipes at his eyes, “Future’s just lookin’ brighter and brighter, boy or girl?” You place your index finger over your lips, “I can’t tell you that.” “Aw, not even a little bit?” Cole asks. “No,” you laugh, “I’ve already said too much.” “Alright, can’t blame me for trying though,” Cole says before holding out his hand for you, “Come on, let’s see if Winston’s done with that blueprint.” You take his left hand in yours and follow him back into Winston’s lab.
Cole quietly opens the door a crack and peeks back into the room. As the sounds of Lena’s and Mei’s conversation drifts out into the hall, Cole opens the door further and creeps back into the room. He then waves at you for you to follow. You step back into Winston’s lab and Cole doubles back to shut the door again while you rejoin Mei by standing near the table. “So then I said, ‘They don’t call me an Ace for nothin’!’” Lena laughs, followed by Mei’s own giggles. Winston looks up at you and Cole, “Ah, there you two are! I’ve finished filling in my notes and I downloaded everything onto this,” he says holding up a small device, “You still use Class C, ES chips in the future, right?” Winston asks with a raised brow. You smile at him, “Of course,” you say taking the offered data chip from him and tucking it into your jacket pocket still hanging on your chair for safekeeping. “So where did you two run off to, eh?” Lena asks leaning her elbows on the table. “Just stepped outside for a minute s’all,” Cole answers for you. For which you’re grateful because you were about to lie and say the bathroom, and with Cole obviously in tow that would have sounded very awkward. “Oh? Busy flirting, Cole?” Lena accuses. Cole’s face flushes and he dips his head, “I…Mmm,” he grumbles. You smile and cover your mouth with your hand trying not to laugh. Lena continues to smile at the embarrassed cowboy and then she fixes her gaze on you, “Oh come on, it’s so obvious he’s crushing on you. And I’ve never seen him quite like this before.” “Cole was nothing but a gentleman,” you say in his defense. “Oh, I’m not saying that,” Lena says holding her hands up, “Just that he wanted a private chat with you was all. Did he strike out?” Cole clears his throat, “No, I most certainly did not! And now that the whole room knows about it, it turns out it wasn’t much of a private chat now was it?” he demands glaring accusingly at Lena. Mei covers her mouth and giggles. “Heh heh, sorry!” Lena apologizes rubbing the back of her head, “It’s just I’ve never seen you this smitten before, it’s so sweet!” You stare lovingly at Cole and are amused at how flustered he is. Lena looks over to you and gasps and then covers her mouth before she says anything else. “What?!” Cole exclaims startled by her reaction. “Nothing!” Lena claims innocently, “Just that I know something you don’t know!” Cole glances back to you and gives you a knowing smirk before shooting Lena a feigned confused look, “And what might that be?” Lena shakes her head and then mimes a zipper being closed over her mouth, “I Can’t tell you!” she sing songs. Cole shakes his head and chuckles. “Well, we’d better get going,” you announce, “We are on a mission after all,” you say retrieving your jacket and draping it back over your shoulders. “Aww!” Lena pouts. “Ah, of course! I understand, spending too much time in the past could be dangerous,” Winston says pushing up his glasses, “And future Overwatch needs this intel.” “It’s too soon! I was hoping we’d get more time to chat,” Lena says her shoulders drooping. “Don’t worry we will,” you say. “Yeah! We’ll see you soon!” Mei answers happily standing up from her chair. “Oh, true!” Lena laughs, “Although not soon enough for me! Here at least let me give you a goodbye hug?” Cole glances over to you a soft smile on his face, “Yeah, not soon enough,” Cole whispers to you. You smile back at him. Lena gets up and hugs Mei first and then you, “Since you’re my friends from the future then you Know how much of a hugger I am!” “Oh we know,” you laugh. You step towards Winston next and hug him goodbye. “Oh,” he mutters in surprise, but gladly returns the hug. Finally Mei hugs Winston and then you look to young Lena and Winston, “Thank you so much for all your help.” “Anytime,” Winston says and then his eyes widen in realization, “Haha accidental time joke?” Lena bursts out laughing, “Yeah! Anytime!” The rest of you join them in laughter before saying your final goodbyes and then Cole escorts you back down the series of hallways you came from as the door to Winston’s lab closes and then bolts shut behind you.
You continue down the halls that will lead you back to the hangar where your plane the Slipstream 3 resides, but before you can leave the lab area of the facility a door opens up in front of you to the left and a tall, lanky figure in a lab coat steps out. You still in your tracks as your blood suddenly runs cold and your heart starts pounding in your chest. You knew that there was a chance you could run into former Overwatch members on this mission, but this was one person you were hoping to avoid at all costs. Her gaze remains fixed on the paperwork in her hands as her long nails rapidly tap away at the little blue screen, a sly smile creeping it’s way onto her visage as she continues to loom in the hallway in front of you. Cole manages to take a handful of steps forward before he notices your sudden absence to his left and turns back to stare at you behind him. You can see his mouth open slightly and his eyes narrow at you before he turns his head to glance back at the scientist in front of you. Moira finishes her tapping and looks up as she closes it out to find the three of you standing there. Her dual colored eyes scan over each of you and land on the only face that This Moira should recognize, “Ah, Agent Cassidy, to what do I owe this…unexpected visit?” “Just showing these scientists around,” Cole says hooking his thumbs through his belt loops. “Oh? I would have thought that sort of thing a bit below your pay-grade, and what exactly is their field of expertise?” Moira asks her eyes scanning you and Mei and then fixing on you. You try to steel your expression as best you can, but you can still feel her icy blue eye piercing through you like a needle. Mei glances back at you, “We’re Climatologists,” she announces placing a hand on your shoulder and covering for you. Luckily you and Mei had already zipped your jackets back up to cover your Chronal Accelerators again after leaving the safety of Winston’s lab, so Mei’s lie for you isn’t as blatant and leaves no real reason to disbelieve any of you. You also only just now notice that Snowball is tucked away in Mei’s canister on her back and not free-floating like before. “Hmm,” Moira ponders removing her gaze from you finally to stare up at the ceiling. But you’re reminded that this Is Moira and she likes to poke holes in everything, Often just for the fun of it. You have to try to suppress an involuntary shiver at the thought. “Curious what Overwatch would need with a couple of glorified weather reporters,” she muses. “Now, Moira, play nice,” Cole warns taking a cigar out of one of his pockets and placing it between his teeth. Which gains Moira’s attention and ire as her lip curls up in disgust, “You’d better not be thinking of lighting that thing in here.” “What?” Cole smirks his voice muffled slightly from the cigar, “This old thing?” he asks taking it out briefly to gesture with it, “Was just headed out for my smoke break.” Moira is clearly not amused, if her pursed lips and narrowed eyes are anything to go by. Cole steps backwards to you and takes your left hand in his right and tugs you toward his right side, effectively putting himself between you and Moira. But his hand in yours actually brings her attention back to you and she arches her brow, “Is this your little girlfriend?” she asks cooly towering over you, “Didn’t think you’d ever find one of those, Cassidy, what with that empty head of yours.” Cole chews on his cigar as he repositions it to the corner of his mouth and narrows his eyes at her. You know that sometimes Cole will keep an unlit cigar in his mouth as a way to calm his nerves and keep from grinding his teeth. And you also know that no one makes him grind his teeth more than Moira. “At least I don’t drink piss and vinegar instead of coffee in the mornings like you, Moira,” Cole quips back with a smile. The immediate frown on Moira’s face is almost comical, at least it would be if you weren’t still terrified of her. “Such colorful, backwater language that I’ve come to expect from you, Cowboy,” Moira says. You know what Cole’s doing, he’s trying to keep Moira’s full attention on himself so that she won’t scrutinize or criticize you and Mei. But you also still really want to leave, being in Moira’s presence is making you sick to your stomach. And besides, from what your husband has told you he had a lot less patience in his Blackwatch days than he does now and you can tell from the glint in Moira’s eyes that she’s waiting for him to crack. You tug on Cole’s hand subtly and he squeezes back in acknowledgment. “Well, I’ll let you get back to whatever it is that you science types brew up in your little cauldrons-I mean labs,” Cole says tipping his hat down with his left hand. Moira grumbles and looks like she’s about to say something else, but Cole cuts her off, “Can’t just stand out here in the hall gawking at your colleagues, there’s work to be done around here.” Moira’s eyes dart to the floor, “Yes, there is More important work for me to be doing,” she says thoughtfully and more to herself, “Good day, Agent, and Congratulations on actually managing to fool someone into dating you. Enjoy it while it lasts,” she says walking down the hall past you. The three of you continue walking again and you carefully look over your shoulder to find that Moira is gone. You breath a small sigh of relief and try to stop the shaking in your hands. “Are you okay?” Mei asks and Snowball peeks back out of Mei’s canister with a sad beep. “Yeah, I’ll be fine,” you answer quickly. You look up to find Cole staring down at you and then you glance down at his hand to realize that he’s still holding yours. “I know Moira can be a bit much,” Cole begins, drawing your eyes back up to him, “Personally, she always gives me the creeps.” He has no idea. You huff out a quiet laugh. Cole looks back down at you, “She really spooked you though,” he whispers. You glance over to Mei and she shakes her head, but then she picks up her pace to walk a little further ahead of you two, just enough to give you both some space. You know you can’t tell Cole the real reason for why Moira scares you so much. If he knew there’s no telling what he’d do to your abductor, he’d probably try to kill her honestly. But you can’t change the past, not even yours, you can only change the future. You meet Cole’s gaze again. “You want to talk about it?” Cole asks quietly. “You know I can’t,” you admit. There’s a touch of pain behind Cole’s eyes and he bites down on the cigar still in his mouth. A moment of silence passes between you as you walk down the halls together, the only sounds the soft hum of your Chronal Accelerator, and your’s and his boots clunking against the metal floors. “Promise me that you’ll at least talk to future me about it when you get back?” Cole asks. You’re caught off guard by his request and you look back up at him in surprise. “Whatever it is that I Can’t know about, I know you wouldn’t have kept from him. And I also know that he’d do anything for you, so promise me you’ll tell him? In case…I don’t remember,” Cole continues. You nod, “I will,” you promise. Cole sighs and offers you a small smile. You smile back at him. Moira may have accused Cole of being empty headed, and while he may not be a genius scientist like many of your friends in Overwatch, he’s always been very perceptive. And for a self-proclaimed genius scientist like Moira, she continuously underestimates him and actually played right into his hands when he started throwing insults at her. So much so that she began to ignore you and Mei in favor of winning the argument And getting the last word in. Cole was even willing to let her get under his skin a little if it meant protecting you from her scrutiny.
Soon enough the three of you reach the hangar and Cole takes the cigar from his mouth and stuffs it back into his pocket. And you notice that he’s almost bitten it in half from worrying it between his teeth, and now you’re really glad you decided against telling him the truth about Moira. He can and will be rightfully angry about it later, but now’s not the time, not when he still has to work with her within Blackwatch. And some of his most dangerous missions still lie ahead of him. Cole busies himself with scanning the hangar from the sidelines, and you glance around as well, and aside from your plane the Slipstream 3 there’s only one other plane. The crew from the hangar is busy with unloading the cargo from this plane, which clearly had arrived to the base after you, and as you study it…you realize that it’s the Actual Plane who’s callsign you had co-opted. “Ah, there they are,” Cole says beside you. You follow his gaze and spot Commanders Morrison and Reyes approaching you. “Well, that was fast,” Reyes notes. And you realize that he’s staring down at your’s and Cole’s joined hands. You let go of Cole’s hand and Cole loops his thumbs through his belt loops. “Get the blueprint you needed?” Jack asks. “Yep,” you say procuring the data chip from your pocket and holding it up for him to see. “Good,” Jack says, “We’ll clear you for takeoff in just a few more minutes,” he says looking over your shoulder at the plane that’s almost finished being unloaded. You put the chip back into your pocket. While you’re waiting for the other plane Cole pipes up, “You’ll never guess what happened, Miss Oxton instantly recognized them as being from the future.” “Of course she did,” Reyes groans in annoyance, his shoulders sagging. “You know maybe we should have called Lena in when we were interrogating them, Gabe,” Jack suggests. Reyes sighs and rubs his fingers between his brows. Jack has the biggest shit-eating grin on his face and Reyes just looks like he can’t wait for this crazy day to end. You lower the ramp to the plane once everything is cleared away. “See you all soon!” Mei chimes happily waving to the group, Snowball chimes in with a few beeps as well, “Snowball also says goodbye!” “Who’s Snowball?” Reyes questions with his hand in the air as Mei boards the plane. Cole surprises you by taking one of your hands in his left, “I’ll see you soon, Sweetheart.” “See you soon, Cowboy,” you say as you step backwards onto the ramp and the two of you keep your hands outstretched until only your fingertips touch and then your hand falls limp to your side. “Good luck out there, Overwatch,” Jack says with a salute. “Thanks,” you say mimicking his salute and with that you board the plane.
“Preparing to jump in three..two…-“ she says and then the radio crackles and fills with static, and then a few moments pass where no one says anything else. “I guess it worked,” Jack says as he checks in with the radio tower operators in front of him. “So what was that all about?” Gabe asks Cole. Cole looks up at his boss, “Huh?” “You know, that whole hand holding, ‘Oh now we’re stepping apart as we stare wistfully into each other’s eyes’ bit,” Gabe explains. “Oh that?” Cole asks. “Yeah, That,” Gabe says. Cole smiles wide and looks out the window at the blue, open skies as he takes off his hat and places it over his heart, “That was My Wife.”
14 notes · View notes
voidplume · 2 years
Can you tell your boyfriend to stop being so fucking annoying about a shitty Blizzard game
Equal parts brilliant and controversial, scientist Moira O'Deorain is on the cutting edge of genetic engineering, searching for a way to rewrite the fundamental building blocks of life. Though O'Deorain will go to any lengths to make scientific breakthroughs, her work is still unknown to most of the world. But now that she has been freed from all constraints, it is only a matter of time before everything changes.[1]
O'Deorain presents herself as being calm and logical, though in truth, she enjoys her science more when playing with hapless test subjects.[3]
O'Deorain has a negative view of Overwatch, claiming that it was responsible for stifling scientific advancement for decades.[4] She has no interest in global conquest,[5] but is willing to work with those who might have such a goal.[6] Her intellectual pursuits are driven by her interest in humanity.[5] She is a geneticist first and foremost, and that's the scope of her ambition. With very flexible morals, O'Deorain prefers to focus on her research and has no patience for those who urge caution or restraint.[6] She is uncaring of the goals of those she allies with, provided that they continue to fund her research.[3]
Her right hand is heavily scarred; it has been speculated that it is a result of experimentation or a genetic anomaly.[6]
“We are bedevilled by the mysteries of creation. Science can reveal the truths that lie behind these many questions. What we learn can unlock the true potential of humanity.„~ Moira O'Deorain
O'Deorain conducts her research
As a scientist, O'Deorain only cared about the evolutionary advancement of humanity.[7] Over a decade ago, she made waves when she published a controversial paper detailing a methodology for creating custom genetic programs that could alter DNA at a cellular level. It seemed like a promising step toward overcoming diseases and disorders and maximizing human potential. Dissent among her peers soon followed. Many considered her work to be dangerous because of its perceived ethical shortfalls, and O'Deorain was even accused of having the same unchecked desire for scientific advancement that some believed had caused the Omnic Crisis. In addition, other geneticists were unable to reproduce the results of Moira's research, which further called her discoveries into question. Instead of kickstarting her career, her paper seriously damaged her reputation.[1] Overwatch was among those who condemned her research, and in O'Deorain's own words, tried to silence her.[4]
O'Deorain experiments on Reyes
She received a lifeline in an offer from an unlikely source: Overwatch's covert ops division, Blackwatch.[1] She was personally recruited by Blackwatch's commander, Gabriel Reyes, who wanted someone who could help advise him on matters pertaining to genetics.[6] She continued her work in the shadows while developing new weapons and technologies for the organization.[1] Freed from her shackles, her genetic research greatly accelerated.[4] She had interactions with Blackwatch members Cole Cassidy and Genji Shimada, all of whom had their likes and dislikes pertaining to each other.[6] Among her experiments was one done on Reyes himself.[4] Her experiments on Reyes gave him super-human abilities, causing his cells to regenerate and decay at a hyper-accelerated rate.[8] Her employment was a closely kept secret.[1]
“So much for keeping a low profile.„~ Moira
O'Deorain inside Rialto
Eight years before the present day, O'Deorain took part in a Blackwatch mission to Rialto to apprehend Antonio Bartalotti, an Italian businessman with links to Talon. The team consisted of herself, Reyes, Shimada, and Cassidy. The Blackwatch team arrived in a Venice safehouse and set up survaillance on the manor. They found Talon soldiers patrolling the grounds. When night fell, they infiltrated the manor.[9] They made their way through its interior, killing and/or incapacitating numerous Talon guards. Upon reaching Antonio's office, they found him there, not surprised to see them. Nor was he intimidated, as he pointed out that Overwatch abducting a "respected businessman" would be a public relations nightmare. Furthermore, even if they did take him, his "friends" would have him released within a week. After some thought, Reyes said "you're right" and shot Antonio, the force of the blast sending him through his office window. It was the shot that stirred the hornet's nest, alerting Talon to their presence, leaving them with "Plan B"—fight their way out. In the ensuring battle, O'Deorain told Reyes that he'd done the right thing, and that he shouldn't apologize.
Despite numerous Talon soldiers attacking them, the team successfully exfiltrated the site. However, the events revealed the existence of Blackwatch to the world, resulting in political and public fallout.[10] In the inquiries that followed, O'Deorain's research was uncovered. Many high-ranking Overwatch officials disavowed all knowledge of her affiliation with them.[1]
New Employers
“We stand on the brink of a breakthrough in human evolution. I've dedicated my life to unraveling its secrets. I take risks that others would consider to be unwise for I do not share their caution. Overwatch held back the pace of scientific discovery for decades. They believed my methods were too radical, too controversial. They tried to silence me. But there were others in the shadows, searching for ways to circumvent their rules. Freed from my shackles, the pace of our research hastened. Together we delved deeper into those areas forbidden by law, by morality, and by fear. New patrons emerged who possessed an appetite for my discoveries. And with this knowledge, what new world could we build...„~ Moira O'Deorain
Overwatch HQ was destroyed in the fight between Reyes and Jack Morrison. Reyes barely survived the ordeal, and was saved by O'Deorain, who injected him with an amplified version of the substance she'd injected him with years ago. She claimed that he'd been close to death, and had no alternative when it came to saving his life.[3] Whatever the truth of the claim, Reyes was alive, albeit in a state of agony.[11]
O'Deorain, now a member of Talon
After Overwatch was disbanded, O'Deorain was forced to turn to unconventional sources of funding.[1] This time, she was invited to join the scientific collective that had founded the city of Oasis, and was selected to be their Minister of Genetics.[12] Yet some whispered that the shadowy Talon organization had already been supporting her for years, aiding her experiments in exchange for utilizing the results for their own purposes.[1] By the time of Doomfist's return to Talon (or after his return), O'Deorain apparently had a seat on Talon's inner council.[4] O'Deorain's goals of pushing forward human evolution meshed well with Talon's, and she found a patron for her research in Doomfist.[6]
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max1u3 · 1 year
The Archives event Retribution - Part 2
The second Archives event took place in 2018, it started on the 10th April and finished on the 30th of April.
The brand new brawl/mission that was introduced during this event was the Retribution event, which followed the Blackwatch cast (Reaper/Gabriel Reyes, Jesse McCree/Cole Cassidy, Moira and Genji). The aim of their missions was to take the head of Talon, Antonio Bartalotti, in. Instead, Antonio goads Gabriel Reyes and explains that any action they take will be a waste of time since his political connections will have him out of prison by the end of the week. Realising he's right, Gabriel Reyes changes the plan (Drastically) and shoots Antonio instead. The Retribution mission is their hasty escape from Rialto.
Not only was this mission introduced but we were also given a handful of brilliant skins.
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Scion Hanzo and Soldier 24 are some of my favourite skins as well, so 2018 achieves skins were ab absolute win.
Here are all the cinematics for the mission as well:
I think, short as it is, that there's some really interesting content in the videos.
To start off with, I find it really funny that the video starts with McCree taking out one guy, then Gabriel takes out one guy as well, then Moira takes out three guys and it's like woah ok. Then Genji says hold my bear and takes out an entire group.
It amuses me.
Also, this interaction between McCree and Gabriel, he addresses him as 'Reyes' respectfully, but you can tell he's toeing the line out of concern because they're not just comrades. They're not just commander and follower. They were friends! They worked together for 20 years and it shows in this interaction here!
He's challenging his commanders decisions because he knows that they're friends and he's concerned for him!
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Also, please look at these pictures and say to my face that this is not a man who's reflecting on every choice he made since joining Overwatch, and I dare you to tell me those choices aren't weighing heavily on his shoulders!
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This is a man that knows if he keeps doing things the way he was doing them, nothing is ever going to change.
So he does something drastic and he kills a man.
He looks so tired :(
I sort of forgot the purpose of this post because I just got carried away psycho analysing Gabriel Reyes.
So, I guess your welcome <3
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grimself · 2 years
Does Reyes ever wish that he was in charge? That he hadn't been passed over for the position of Strike Commander? Or does he prefer his position without the scrutiny that Jack might receive? Did it ever draw a wedge between the two? Does Gabe regret that?
it's funny bc i just thought about this the other day!!! while he does like having commanding positions, he definitely wouldn't want to be #1 in charge due to the additional PR duties, emissary obligations, being a poster boy/role model, having to be NICE to stupid people, etc. i don't really think he envies jack for having a statue either LOL. it doesn't really seem his style? ( not that jack asked for one ). blackwatch is all about operating from the background and so even in a job/military setting staying in the background is perfectly fine to him as long as he still has his share of control & decision-making to indulge in.
now after the downfall of overwatch, the 'news' in-universe did mention something about reyes and jack clashing and HQ being destroyed in the process with an emphasis that there was no foul play. which is just overall really suspicious. i could imagine they butted heads, but i don't really think that 'just happened.' for instance, jack was put under increasing pressure after retribution ( & i'm sure several other incidents ) to see to blackwatch being kept in check—or better yet, dissolved. at the same time reyes was probably influenced by some other people ( and ofc partly his own mindset ) that overwatch restricting blackwatch ops was a harmful thing long-term and that overwatch was falling too much under the influence of governments / politicians. frankly, with how badly various countries / organizations wanted overwatch gone as a whole, i could even imagine their opposition was encouraged by double-agents who infiltrated overwatch at one point or another.
so i think the 'wedge' ultimately was jack's intent to protect overwatch by sticking to rules / respecting governing politics & public opinion ( like he was meant to; that's why he's strike commander and not reyes ) and reyes feeling that doing so was increasingly restricting what they could or couldn't do. i'm sure both of them were very frustrated near the end. probably had more than one argument about the matter, too. never about the difference in positions, though!
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luphorics · 1 year
Oooooo, how was Moria manipulating Nova’s powers? That’s an intriguing plot point :0
ayyy hi again!! 💖💞 so there's a lot going on with this situation, hence why i didn't state it all on the art post. but since you asked, here it is!!!
warning for long wall of text, so i'm hiding a good chunk of it under a read more ;v;
When Nova was away working with Blackwatch, Moira was tasked to assess her condition prior to doing any kind of work. However her "assessments", in reality, were her performing experiments on Nova to explore and amplify the capabilities of her cosmic make-up. After all, she's comprised entirely of an anomalous stardust, so this meant the fundamental elements of her body are pretty much different than that of a normal human.
Gonna backtrack a little bit to some OW lore stuff for context: Reyes personally recruited Moira for advise on genetics—and from what I recall correctly—he was being experimented on by Moira (knowingly, because he allowed her to) even prior to the events of Retribution it seems. So he's more or less aware of what she can do anyways.
Nova had a more indirect-ish involvement with the main BW team, at least initially, because she was supposed to be reconnaissance (aka scouting out enemy lines and delivering intel, nothing more or less) rather than an on-field agent. This meant Moira wouldn't get much out of research with Nova. Even then, Moira was also given orders by Reyes not to do any work with her because she was still heavily involved with Overwatch/Morrison's side.
Then, this all kinda changed when Reyes started roping Nova into joining field missions. Reyes finally gave Moira the green light to work with Nova, but again, strictly for evaluation purposes and not for experimentation. (But would she ever listen to that? I think you know the answer.)
Now that Nova started becoming more involved directly with the team on these few occassions, she began to arrange meetings with Nova in her laboratory to do some work with her. Of course, that was granted she didn't divulge this information to both Overwatch or Reyes himself, even. Nova's Blackwatch arc was a time where she felt vulnerable, and fearing an array of possible consequences that were in her head, she relented and gave into silence about Moira's doings.
She spent the next several instances partaking in missions, exhibiting strength far beyond what she was showing back with Overwatch. No one blinked an eye—although those like Cassidy and Genji, the two whom Nova was more friendly with, slowly began suspecting something was amiss. While everything went well at first, Nova later began showing grave side-effects, such as being unusually fatigued or losing control to the point where she wouldn't be able to move her own body. During one mission, she was close to instilling a drastic amount of environmental damage if Genji hadn't taken the risk to intervene.
Her unusual condition would carry onto her way back to Overwatch's base, concerning her teammates there. Morrison was bewildered at how Nova's condition worsened if she was only supposed to be recon, and by the final stretch of her term with them, she finally admitted that she had taken up field work outside of her scope as recon.
But what she also failed to mention at that moment was Moira's experiments on her. Nova was effectively removed from BW prior to the events of Retribution, and had to spend a period of time recovering before working with OW again. Soon, the potential exposure of Blackwatch finally revealed what the genetecist had done to the young agent, and Nova had to live with the guilt of keeping her silence for a long time.
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