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teeanti3dhoodie · 2 years ago
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#universityoftennessee #harvardbusinessschool #universityofmaryland #universityofminnesota #canadacolleges #universityofoklahoma #universityofcincinnati #ielts #universitiesuk #bassuniversity #universitiesinusa #nigeriauniversities #australianuniversities #turkishuniversities #artistsuniversity #bahrainuniversities #columbiauniversity #babcockuniversity #blackuniversities #universitiesofpakistan #usauniversities #americanuniversities #universitypark #universityofsydney #malaysiauniversities #universitiesandcolleges #assignments #oxforduniversity #harvarduniversity #universityofhawaii https://www.instagram.com/p/Cni9j7kIAZo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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I always loved witnessing HBCUs (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) portrayed by real alumni and fans on television and movies. None more so than my very own alumni of Grambling State University @grambling1901 Tigers and almost every Black/African-American's fictional HBCU of Hillman featured weekly on #ADifferentWorld. #GramblingStateUnity #GramblingStateTigers 🖤 💛 🐅 #WorldFamedTigerMarchingBand #GramblingLouisiana #Grambling #GramFam #HistoricallyBlackCollegesAndUniversities #HBCU #HBCUs #BlackColleges #BlackUniversities #ADifferentWorldTvShow #ADifferentWorld #HigherEducation #BlackStudentsMatter #BlackStudents #BlackEducators #BlackTeachers #BlackExperiences #SafeSpaces #SharedCultures #RepresentationMatters Stormy Faye The Christian Runaway Follow @stormy_faye #FaithForTheJourney Use this link when you shop: https://stormy-faye-llc.myshopify.com/collections/all 🛍 https://www.facebook.com/groups/708592369301103/?ref=share 🗣🙋🏾‍♀️👥 #StormyFayeTheChristianRunaway #January17th2021 https://www.instagram.com/p/CKKuleRJSlK/?igshid=1oia2kiu2kd58
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yesimmortalspiritblog · 2 years ago
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Life turns out to be nothing of what I believed it would be. It is grandeur on godzillion levels. There is not one speck of space without life in it. Life is everywhere! In the void of black beauty where silence dwells, the blackness has its own consciousness. Life in rainbow colored universes is filled with various worlds in their own uniqueness. Life in white universes is pure love and calmness. There are golden worlds beyond anything your mind can fathom. Note: As human, we do not remember that we are more than we know. Consciously, we can go into the cosmos and rediscover all the beauty we already created way before we elected to be born as human. Albert Einstein said, "We are slowed down sound and light waves, a walking bundle of frequencies tuned into the cosmos. We are souls dressed up in sacred biochemical garments and our bodies are the instruments through which our soulsplay their music." Beautiful! Dance frequencies of love, be footloose fancy and free and spread love! Peace all you majestic souls of love and light!🕊💞💞💞🕊 #lifeiseverywhere #worldsgalore #pinkskies #pinksky #purplesky #goldsky #goldenworlds #goldroses #flowerofthefield #liliyofthevalley #youaremorethanyouremember #youareroyalty #youarepowerful #blackuniverse #coloruniverse #whiteuniverse #golduniverse #godzillionuniverses #universeseverywhere #goldrose #risenchrist #colorsbeyondbelief #colorsbeyondtheveil #colors #colorsyoucantimagine #colorsarealive #scentofroses #rosesstorenaturalscent #humanscent #notreal https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp__PPRuFgu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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binfluenced · 6 years ago
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#teambinfluenced 🚨HBCU SCHOLARSHIP ALERT🚨 We are honored to announce a ten-year partnership with Thurgood Marshall College Fund,” said Jim Clerkin, President and CEO of Moët Hennessy North America. “As a charter corporate sponsor of the fund, we continue to support the work of this organization in developing a pipeline of talent and future leaders from historically Black colleges and universities. I am proud of the work we have done together to date and look forward to continuing our efforts to build a broader, more inclusive talent base for corporate America.” The program is open to students enrolled in accredited HBCU or PBI Graduate programs, and offers the following: 1:1 executive coaching Up to $20,000 per academic year $10,000 annual stipend for other educational expenses Opportunity to compete for a community-related project grant up to $10,000 Access to online training forums, boot camps, networking events and professional development experiences #hbcu #hbcuscholarships #cau #morehouse #spellman #fsu #tsu #hampton #howard #dsu #collegescholarships #education #students #blackcollege #blackuniversities #thurgoodmarshall #collegefund #hennessey #moet #drinkresponsibly #grant #blackexcellence #purposefulpragency #binfluencedlive #radioshow #thns #thenexthotsingle #listenlive . . . . . . . . . #undertheinfluence (at Atlanta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxGzu6Ah3bH/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3oqmx7cenabb
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rayesqwire212 · 3 years ago
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7/30 come out n rep or support ur #HBCU #blackuniversity #blackexcellence (at New York City, N.Y.) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf-IyHGOxFJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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megabelf · 7 years ago
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Мегапичблэк! @katrin_child #Belf #megabelf #metal #izmoroz #бельф #мегабельф #pitchblack #blackuniverse #blackuniversefest #katrinchild #изморозь #ashenlight #stigmaticchorus #imperialage #amt #amtelectronics instagram.com/belf_megabelf/
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blackmultiverse720 · 2 years ago
Black tshirt "special edition"
#trendy #fashion #black #blacklove #blackuniverse #shopify
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#universityoftennessee #harvardbusinessschool #universityofmaryland #universityofminnesota #canadacolleges #universityofoklahoma #universityofcincinnati #ielts #universitiesuk #bassuniversity #universitiesinusa #nigeriauniversities #australianuniversities #turkishuniversities #artistsuniversity #bahrainuniversities #columbiauniversity #babcockuniversity #blackuniversities #universitiesofpakistan #usauniversities #americanuniversities #universitypark #universityofsydney #malaysiauniversities #universitiesandcolleges #assignments #oxforduniversity #harvarduniversity #universityofhawaii https://www.instagram.com/p/Cni9eCeo6mL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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consciouskingdom · 6 years ago
Black Men Golf, Too!
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According to the N.C.A.A., roughly 6 percent of collegiate golfers are Black, Latino or Indigenous (Native American). Despite the influence of Tiger Woods and media coverage of the sport, neither translated to a significant increase in the number of minorities who play. That hopefully will change with the new collab announced on Monday with Howard University and Steph Curry! ‘Steph Curry with the shot’ has extended himself beyond the basketball court to commit to help fund the golf program at one of the most prestigious HBCUs for at least 6 years beginning with the 2020-2021 season. Golf has always been difficult to access by communities of color, ESPECIALLY Black folks. Its more common that we are cleaning the country clubs that house golf courses than to actually be playing there for leisure. Those same country clubs are often still practicing segregation and regardless of socio-economic status wouldn’t grant our black asses membership anyway! We constantly face those barriers or worst; more systemic issues like the distance of locations offering courses and definitely the cost of equipment. Black families are struggling to purchase school clothes, the idea of costly golf lessons in distant affluent neighborhoods is simply off the table. THIS initiative changes that. This partnership grants more representation within the golf world and provides a new tier of success to obtain. With this option being offered at a historical black college/university it opens the door to more accessibility and the option to obtain an athletic golf scholarship to cover cost of obtaining a degree. It’s forward thinking objectives like this that push the envelope on what young black students can achieve! So let’s grab our visors, clubs and khaki shorts because as we do in all things, we taking over GOLF, y'all! 
For more Content for the Culture, Follow us on Instagram @ConsciousKingdom   check out our website ShopConsciousKingdom.com Tune into our podcast for the full version at anchor.fm/FREADOM
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nbcahalloffame · 6 years ago
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Congrats to Lafayette teen, Normandie Alise Cormier, who has has been accepted into more than 139 colleges and 5 medical schoola and chose to attend HBCU, @xavieruniversity! Rep HBCU Pride! . . . #hbcu #hbcus #hbcupride #hbcugrad #xavieruniversity #blackcolleges #blackuniversity #hbcualumni #nbcahof #normandiealise (at Xavier University of Louisiana) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByTTywghtvB/?igshid=7c2eanja1j3j
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yesimmortalspiritblog · 2 years ago
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~~~ Beyond the Veil ~~~ As a meditator on Gaia's beautiful planet, I've learned to traverse past her atmosphere and beyond the black veil of our universe. Each time I find myself beyond the veil, the experience is so breathtaking, there are no words to describe the wonders of majestic beauty. Share your beautiful experiences beyond the veil in your unique wondrous poetic way. Perhaps your words can paint its picture. Note: I searched for paintings that show the beauty beyond the veil, I have not come across one that paints its majestic. It does not mean it's not out there, I simply have not found it. If I were an artist, I would do my best to paint portraits of majestic beauty beyond the veil. Peace all you majestic souls of love and light!🕊💞💞💞🕊 Image by WallpaperSafari ~ Free by HDBackgrounds #beyondtheveil #tellyourtale #blackveil #blackuniverse #whiteuniverse #universes #multiuniverses #dimensions #mutidimensions #beautyisreal #lookbeyondtheveil #lookinsideyourself #majesticbeauty #paintyourpicture #wordscantexplain #wordscantdescribe #meditators #artists https://www.instagram.com/p/CoarN7OyaxW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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captain-metronews24 · 5 years ago
University Investigates Claim That White Professor Pretended to Be Black
University Investigates Claim That White Professor Pretended to Be BlackUniversity Investigates Claim That White Professor Pretended to Be Black
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NYT U.S. https://ift.tt/31TMzsH See More bd news live See More visit live bangla news
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shoesoutleti · 5 years ago
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Nike Air Max 720 Sunrise Team Orange Black-University Gold AO2924-800
$229.99 $109.99 Save: 52% off
Products Descriptions:
Nike Air Max 720 Sunrise Team Orange Black-University Gold AO2924-800 Paying homage to the icons of the past, elements of the Air Max Deluxe, 97, 98 and Plus deliver an unmistakable aesthetic with the debut of the Air Max 720. As you can see this Air Max 720 features the Sunset theme while having a gradient upper using Yellow, Orange and Red. Black is then used throughout while the Air Max unit also has a gradient theme but also has Volt. SIZE AVAILABLE: (Women)US5.5=UK3=EUR36 (Women)US6=UK3.5=EUR36.5 (Women)US6.5=UK4=EUR37.5 (Women)US7=UK4.5=EUR38 (Women)US7.5=UK5=EUR38.5 (Women)US8=UK5.5=EUR39 (Men)US7=UK6=EUR40 (Men)US7.5=UK6.5=EUR40.5 (Men)US8=UK7=EUR41 (Men)US8.5=UK7.5=EUR42 (Men)US9=UK8=EUR42.5 (Men)US9.5=UK8.5=EUR43 (Men)US10=UK9=EUR44 (Men)US10.5=UK9.5=EUR44.5 (Men)US11=UK10=EUR45 Tags: Nike Air Max 720, Air Max 720, Air Max 720 Colorful
Model: NIKEAIRMAX720-AO2924-800
5 Units in Stock
Manufactured by: NIKEAIRMAX720
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stacieconnerty · 5 years ago
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Home Depot is celebrating the 10th year of their RETOOL YOUR SCHOOL Campus Improvement Grant program. The grant program strives to give back to our nation’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) what they have so generously given to their communities — a strong foundation, renewed purpose and distinctive character. #HomeDepot #sharingiscaring #givingback #HBCU #blackcollege #blackuniversity #charitable cause #charity #nonprofit https://ift.tt/3eXSVel
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djraynyc · 6 years ago
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SUPPORT HBCU's....🎓📚📐🔬🔎 Education Is So Very Important... #people #hbcu #america #world #worldstar #instagram #socialmedia #institution #teacher #positive #springcoming #global #college #celebrate #africanamerican #school #blackpride #harlem #Blackpeople #allpeople #education #nyc #fun #blackhistory #higherlearning #🎓 #saveourchildren #blackuniversity #pride #makingadifference #news (at New York, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvopelfBkCU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12y3ofmrfzs44
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