#blackfire adept
Prestige Class Spotlight 11: Blackfire Adept
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(art by Yuan Chang on Artstation)
 The idea of there being a cosmology of planes, of spaces beyond space as we know it, where all sorts of wonders might be found is truly an exciting prospect, and I for one know many people who would be chomping at the bit for an opportunity to visit such places if they existed and such a thing were possible.
…but there’s such a thing as being too eager, isn’t there?
Knowledge is power, after all, and power corrupts those without the conviction to stay true to their principles. Thus can an erstwhile planar explorer go from being a wide-eyed scholar to being a servant of the end times.
Naming themselves after the black flame-like energy release that is sometimes seen when planar barriers are torn asunder without regard for stability, the Blackfire Adepts are a loose cabal of mages with an interest in conjuration. Certainly they wish to see and study other planes, but true to their name they are also very interested in the blackfire itself, a cosmic destructive force that eats away where the threads of reality have been severed, consuming matter on a molecular level when it gets in the way as well. To that end, they specialize in using conjuration in deliberately “wrong” ways to induce flareups of blackfire to observe the effects and turn against their foes.
It should be no surprise to you that they learned most of these secrets from fiends of all descriptions, nor should it shock you to know that blackfire burns away at the barriers towards the lower planes the fastest.
That the blackfire adepts, so obsessed with mastering the planes and studying the very fabric of reality by, of all things, destroying it, that they cannot or will not see they are being used to erode at reality to make it easier for fiends to enter and cause harm and destruction is the very picture of hubris. Even those that are in on it surely think that they will be spared, or that whatever knowledge and power they gain will be worth it.
Needless to say, this makes them the sworn enemies of the Riftwardens, who seek to protect the barriers between planes.
Whether they are unscrupulous scholars who don’t realize or care about the harm they cause, or full on villains, this is the very picture of a mage taking things to far, and they can start this path with knowledge of planar and magical lore, mastery of summoning spells, and knowledge of how to enhance said conjurations.
 As a spellcasting prestige class, they do continue their mastery of spells, though sometimes they are too busy mastery other aspects to master the traditional spellcasting aspects.
They do, however, learn to enhance their casting of summoned fiends, conjuring them faster than other summoned beings.
By channeling a few elusive flickers of blackfire between themselves and a foe, these mystics can enhance their attacks and spells against them for a brief while, but said foe must remain within a certain range.
As part of their pursuit of forbidden knowledge, these adepts make dark pacts with entire categories of fiends, choosing several throughout their careers. These pacts may not mean much more than a slight amount of mercy from fiends they encounter in the wild, but when they call a fiend to perform greater services, the pact enhances the outsider, making them that much more powerful.
By sacrificing a spell, these conjurers can harness the power of the blackfire, causing an eruption of the stuff. The greater the amount of magic expended, the greater the unholy destructive power they unleash.
Perhaps their most infamous ability, however, is their ability to use blackfire to breach boundaries, most notably by empowering their summoned allies to be conjured through dimensional locks, or pass through wards that would normally keep summoned creatures at bay. It does take energy to do so though. Later on, they can pierce through antimagic fields, the greatest abjurations, and even extradimensional havens that normally would not let invaders inside, though doing so is obviously difficult.
More dangerous is that these adepts can choose to empower (or perhaps unshackle) the summoning power many fiends have that they could not ordinarily use as summons. However, such extra summoned beings are not under their control, making it a gamble to use.
Later on, their ability to enhance their spells with traces of blackfire improves, causing destructive resonance when their enhanced attacks and spells strike true, dealing additional damage, and even granting a little vitality to the caster when they slay a foe.
Finally, their mastery becomes so great that they can turn their blackfire power against the conjuration effects of foes, causing those that are summoned, called, or teleported in to be seared by a flash of that blighted flame as they enter.
As you can see, this prestige class is all about bolstering your fiendish summoning and having an untyped damage blasting spell they can use pretty much whenever. This truly is a powerful, if morally bankrupt option for a neutral or evil summoner. Naturally, no matter what your base spellcasting class is, you’ll want to favor the whole summoning and calling suite, as well as a variety of other spells you can use or sacrifice for those unholy blight spells. Naturally, assume that you’ll be fighting from the back line most of the time, supported by your fiendish allies.
 At their worst, these mages are villains in the service of fiends, witting or unwitting. Some less villainous ones might channel their powers in moderation, but they are still playing a dangerous game. By default good blackfire adepts aren’t allowed, and honestly, I don’t think there’s any way to reflavor the class to be otherwise. Even the most chaotic good character appreciates at least enough stability that the multiverse isn’t collapsing. While you could go a neutral character that thinks they are using the power for good, blackfire is such an inherently destructive force that they’re just kidding themselves.
  Normally, the Flame of the Rifts leaves little to nothing behind, but not even the breakdown of reality can be perfectly thorough. Such remnants are usually left to rot, but sometimes the anguish of such utter destruction reanimates the pieces into a swarm of blighted bits similar to the undead horrors known as the undigested.
 Despair can rip apart the soul just as easily as blackfire consumes matter and reality. Such was the case with a young trox scion who lost the love of his life to an accident of fate, and has begun to heed the whispers of the shadows in the dark, who offer absolution from his pain if her brings reality crashing down on a cosmos that ripped his love from him.
 Once a common sight, the eidolon Rivasai, a plant-like draconic creature hasn’t been seen with his summoner Valtas in months. He assures everyone that Rivasai is simply not needed or out doing errands, but the truth is more horrific. Valtas’ secret experiments into blackfire obliterated his companion, and left something horrible and empty in it’s place.
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blackfiire · 5 years
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// Friendly reminder that if you see this tag: ‘𝒜𝒰. '𝑀𝒶𝓎𝒷𝑒 𝒾𝓃 𝒶𝓃𝑜𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝓁𝒾𝒻𝑒...' on any of our threads, that means that particular Blackfire is not main Blackfire.
For example, Gotham Blackfire will not be the same as her AU counterpart. Just having the tag: ᴠ. ﹙ Gᴏᴛʜᴀᴍ ﹚ ﹣ ·Yᴏᴜʀ ᴄʀɪᴇs ᴀʀᴇ ɪɴ ᴠᴀɪɴ.· without being followed by the AU tag means this is REAL Blackfire.
AU Blackfire is a little more emotionally adept and drawn to expressing herself emotionally. That includes being more romantically inclined with somebody. So, if we ship, please express to me which Blackfire I’m using. I will naturally gravitate towards the AU Blackfire considering how some people cannot handle Real Blackfire’s expression of “affection”.
Main Blackfire (as a romantic partner) is yandere and will frequently harm and abuse the person she’s obsessed with. This also includes emotional abuse while having a very disgusting possessive nature. She gets VERY jealous by any single person who has her senpai’s attention, and takes it out on everyone around her. That includes senpai, too. Killing them is optional for her. If senpai was really bad one day, she is going to make sure they never do it again.
So. yes. please specify which blackfire ya’ll want to interact with via shipping (this includes more than romance. shipping isnt always bf/gf, gf/gf, bf/bf ok? ok c:)
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dianakarolinaingo · 3 years
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The symbol of the goddess Hecate Goddess Hecate is an ancient goddess of treasures and secrets in the ancient mythology of the West. It is a symbol of three moons, three faces of the goddess and three phases of energy. The appeal to this power, as a rule, helps mainly women, because she is a female goddess.However, anyone calling to her can bring improvement in health, beauty and sexuality, the discovery of secrets and mysteries in the mystical sciences. Hecate is the goddess of the keeper of the keys. She keeps secrets.And in her hands are the keys to all doors. She also always illuminates the path with her magic torch or magic lantern. She brings light to knowledge that is hidden beyond the ordinary human world and which is ver. So Hecate is still and the goddess of enlightenment. The symbol of a woman with a torch and a book crowned with a crown, a diadem or a crown of roses and stars is a very ancient symbol that hides in itself the ancient secret of knowing the light of truth, which can be found only inthe utter darkness. Indeed, the true light is brightest only in the most impenetrable darkness ... Karolina Ingo Mystic, writer, Left Hand adept of higher occultism and Eastern shamanism, and philosopher /More about my publications on my Facebook/🔥 @dianakarolinaingo @karolinanaviingo #Dianakarolinaingo #Karolinanaviingo #Karolinaingo #Hecate #goddess #GoddessHecate #luciferism #shamanism #magicsimbols #Occultism #DarkArt🎨 #BlackFire🔥#mythology #godsandgoddesses #Gods #Devil #chaognosticism #agnosticism #ancient #legends #Philosophy #esotericism #signs #talismans #goddessofmoon🌙#Moon🌘 https://www.instagram.com/p/CWr719hN-xe/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wanderingmoonsword · 7 years
Winged forest fey, jynx are larger than the more well-known types such as sprites and atomies, the size of a halfling or gathlain, jynx possess a range of magical abilities and defenses, including minor spell resistance, damage reduction, and an immunity to electricity, that make them tougher than they look. With pointed ears and slender builds, they resemble elves and may be distant relatives, but jynx prefer to live in moss-covered caves, usually near trade roads or settlements – all the better to play their tricks. These whimsical pranks are rarely lethal and meant in good fun – a mirth that the victim understandably might not share – but they turn deadly serious when people threaten their homes, turning a love of pranks to lethal traps and ambushes with magic and small but lethally accurate bows.
With a low CR and a range of useful spell-like abilities, a basic jynx can be a threat, but they also take well to builds as ranged assailants or just about any kind of spellcaster, creating a wide range of potential roles. Playing down their trickster angle and a careful selection of spells can turn a spellcaster into a strange but useful forest oracle or an esoteric ally of a druidic circle. Alternatively, they could be deadly slayers and ambushers, the eyes and ears of the local fey noble, or play the role of a satyr’s band. It’s all in how you look at them.
Despite her weariness with their many tricks, the ranger Wulfthryth and her band of foresters and woodsmen tolerate the antics of the local jynx and their sorcerer leader Dizasar with no more than occasional grumbling. The jynx may delight in tricking travelers and waylaying caravans for a day or two (though they’re careful not to harm the draft animals) but as the humans are careful not to do more tree-cutting than necessary, it’s little more than a nuisance. The hobgoblins who haunt the woods are much less careful, and often find themselves subjected to fey illusions and traps, or led straight into Wulfthryth’s ambushes.
With her wings glittering in the desert sun, the jynx oracle Sannat is the mistress of her small oasis, a shady grove of date trees around a pool of clear water as well as her small stony home, partially recessed into the sands to help shed the desert heat. Sannat occasionally trades rumors and riddles with a local sphinx, pointing travelers who seem in need to the cryptic beast’s guidance to her if they impress the jynx with poetry or offer her a foreign book.
Fascinated by stories of other planes and the strange beings beyond them, the jynx Khollandru studied elven styles of wizardry, with a focus in conjuration, but it was never enough. Now he has tapped into the same dark power that animates the ankou, developing the power into a shadowy fire that allows him to twist the bonds between planes (blackfire adept, Paths of Prestige 12-13). Seeking to unleash this power, Khollandru plagues the forests of Yerawen Vale, trying to drive out the local villagers without killing too many of them, and he has terrorized the local goblins into becoming his willing stooges.
Obsessed with the brewing and use of poison, the jynx Havri has pursued the ingredients across the continent of Maplith. Despite her reputation as a mercenary and murderer, she rarely kills, preferring to leave her targets alive to collect bounties when possible and using debilitating poisons to make them easier to manage. Out of necessity, she has also become an expert in treating the symptoms of poisoning, and will do so for others. A sample of an unknown poison or the method of preparing one she’s not familiar with is often her price for whatever mercenary work she undertakes.
- Tome of Horrors 4 137
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ipunchvampires · 6 years
Storm of Stars: Part 19
Last time on Storm of Stars, the crew of the NMS Ironbreath finally confronted the rogue scientist Aladraivus and attempted to bring him to justice. One of their own turned on them, albeit ineffectively, and the contemplative used invisibility to escape. The first thing we did this session was to see if there was any way to find him or keep him from getting away. When we couldn’t do the former, several inane ideas for the latter were floated. Ultimately we decided to blow up his ship, grab all the data off his computers and wipe them, then turn off the magic shielding that protects the facility from the acidic atmosphere and leave. Best case scenario, we’d leave Aladraivus to slowly die surrounded by the ruins of his research. Worst case scenario, we’d leave him with nothing left of his work. While Metweska called Ed on the comms to get working on the first part, I pulled up at the computer in the lab for the second. While sifting through all the data would take time, there were some key things I was able to pick up. The most important was the time and location of the final distortion needed to complete the portal. The only other thing of note was that there was a fair bit of information about the nation of Numeria, where the robotic apprentices were developed, but most of it was centered around an area called Crow Hollow. Crow Hollow was a hollow hill that was mostly notable for its high level of radioactivity. I noted that this was odd, since most of Aladraivus’ research was focused around either robotics or spatial distortions. The GM responded with only an enigmatic “Yes, that is odd, isn’t it.”
We decided that this was a good time to take a short rest and recover stamina, since we had just been in a hard fight. To pass the time, we decided to conduct an interrogation of our pilot, now prisoner. Keldin was quite forthcoming with what he knew, and had quite a bit to tell. First of all, we finally learned the real name of the lashunta who called herself Rillas: Lithiann Meldrhe, first mate of Lastrin Vatrix. He also told us Vatrix’s ultimate goal; he is hoping to open a rift that would lead to the location of the original vorpal sword that killed the Jabberwock. Such an act could destabilize the entire system, both in the political sense, and in the “physical makeup of the planes” sense. Vatrix and Meldrhe were both orphans from Akiton who became members of the Free Captains, the premier pirate posse working out of the Diaspora asteroid belt. He was expelled by their current leader, Ceris Hightower, for his ambitions. As part of his quest for vengeance, Vatrix intends to send the trox priest of Besmara, Hak Akon, to attack the Pirate Council’s base, Broken Rock, in the next 2 weeks. Aladraivus and Vatrix have been experimenting on the Shadowrift with the aid of the Blackfire Adepts, a shady group that seeks to destabilize the multiverse by ripping open holes in the planes. 
Keldin then started expositing on his personal history. Up until 5 years ago, he’d been working at a mining colony on Akiton. When a Stafinder representative came recruiting, he signed up, but after a year, he found it didn’t have enough excitement for him. Two years after that, he joined Vatrix’s crew. A year ago, he learned about Vatrix and Aladraivus’ work with the Blackfire Adepts and a mysterious otherworldly entity, but his snooping was discovered, and he was forced into compliance by Akon via threats against his family. By this point, we weren’t surprised when he told us the trox had ordered him to intercept our actual replacement pilot and kill and replace him. We decided to accept Keldin back into our ranks, since there was no love lost between him and the pirates, and he’d love to get a chance to take out Akon.
After this lengthy exposition and rest, we decided to cap off the assault by finally breaking into Aladraivus’ vault. Well, Metweska and Keldin broke in, the rest of us grabbed a partially constructed robotic apprentice and scooted back to the ship. The vault contained 30,000 credits, an Aballonian drone box with a stealth drone, several serums of healing, 2 null-space chambers, like the one Meldhre had on her bag, 2 mindlink circlets, and a bunch of minor shit nobody cared about. A secret panel hid 3 level 12 fusion seals that could add special effects to weapons. The seals were Wounding and Dispelling. As we finally left the planet behind, our GM decided to end the session there, and bring us all up to Level 10.
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dianakarolinaingo · 4 years
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Великий французский мыслитель Франсуа Ларошфуко говорил: "Истинная любовь похожа на привидение.Все о ней говорят,но мало кто её видел". На самом деле это старая с��азка о вечной любви более реальна,чем могут помыслить все примитивные умы этого мира. К сожалению,для большинства душ человеческого мира это вещь недоступная и непонятная. Дело в том,что не все духи этого мира имеют живую душу.Спорить с этим могут лишь очень малоопытные и малознающие,даже если они имеют отношение к миру магии и экстрасенсорики. Но глина никогда не станет настоящим бриллиантом,даже через тысячи циклов мучительных перерождений. Только живая душа имеет вторую половину,потому что в своей целостности она есть ДВОЕ,КАК ОДИН... The great French thinker François La Rochfuko said: "True love is like a ghost. Everyone talks about it, but few have seen it." In fact, this old tale of eternal love is more real than all the primitive minds of this world can imagine. Unfortunately, for most of the souls of the human world, this thing is inaccessible and incomprehensible. The fact is that not all spirits of this world have a living soul. Only very inexperienced and little knowledgeable can argue with this, even if they are related to the world of magic and extrasensory perception. But clay will never become a real diamond, even after thousands of cycles of painful rebirth. Only a living soul has a second half, because in its integrity it is TWO, AS ONE... Karolina Ingo Mystic and writer, adept of the Left Hand of the highest occultism and eastern shamapism Более подробно по теме о Близнецовом Пламене можно прочитать статью "Тайна Близнецового Пламена" на моём сайте https://dianakarolinaingo.com А также в моей книге "Феникс-Огонь" https://ridero.ru/books/feniks-ogon/ Можно пройти через Facebook - ссылка вверху страницы в Instagram - www.facebook.com/Dianakarolinaingo @dianakarolinaingo @karolinanaviingo @ridero.ru #Dianakarolinaingo #Karolinaingo #Karolinanaviingo #ridero #litres #Fantasy #fantasyart #fairy #fairytail #БлизнецовыеПламена #близнецовыепламена🔥🔥#Любовь #TwinFlame #twinflame #love #blackfire #luciferism #satanism #люциферизм #сатанизм #chaognosticism #agnosticism #magicoflove https://www.instagram.com/p/CKfFIKsMltq/?igshid=15mexfjn5y21s
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