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raurquiz · 1 month ago
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#transformers #microndendetsu #armada #22years #autobot #optimusprime #magnaconvoyDX #ratchet #hotshot #blackconvoy #clearconvoy #unicron #decepticon #wheeljack #tidalwave #minicons #airdefense #perceptor #encore #unicronoflight #actionfigures #soundtrack @Hasbro @takaratomytoys
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jazzluca · 3 years ago
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- E così voi sareste i miei eredi, i miei omonimi ? - Solo omonimi, tranquillo... - Vabbè, ma dovreste avere qualcosa di me, no? La modalità di astro saponetta ? No! Le ali diaboliche? Neanche! La barbetta? Nemmeno! Almeno tu, tizio drago, hai quasi la mia colorazione, almeno... - Ehm, veramente sono un repaint, CRYO Scourge, ed originariamente sarei rosso e viola... - Ah... ma almeno hai le unghie laccate? No? Uff... -___- #transformers #transformersg1 #transformerstoys #transformersgenerations #transformersstudioseries #transformersstudioseries86 #transformersthemovie86 #transformersrid2001 #transformerscybertron #transformersgalaxyforce #unicrontrilogy #blackconvoy #flameconvoy #decepticon #distructor #scourge #sheriff #sweep #hasbro #hasbrocommunity https://www.instagram.com/p/CgFchKSszTP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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xstarlightex · 7 years ago
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Takara Legends LG-EX Black Convoy, Nemesis Prime as always the coolest transformer . . . . #instagram #photography #toys #toysphotography #toyscollection #toyscollector #figurecollection #transformers #takara #optimusprime #nemesisprime #tokyoshow #transformersrid #hasbro #lgex #blackconvoy
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dillen-danger · 6 years ago
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Hey all this is another look at #MCS01B #KBBMP10VB #BlackConvoy #NemesisPrime by #KuBianBao. If you look at my 6th post on this insta account you can see his vehicle mode, accessories, and packaging. . Like I said in the other post I do really love this figure, the MP type build at a Voyager size is Soo great. . In these photos he's wearing the jet pack. Because. 😉 . Anyone else a fan of these #KBB guys? . . . #prime #OptimusPrime #KoTransformers #Transformers #Mp10 #Mp10B #Mp10V #KnockOff #Bootleg #toy #toys #actionfigure #actionfigures #collector #realmofcollectors #plasticRobots #CHUG #DeskBot (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtYy7tUH7X_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ax97wzioqip6
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tfylp · 8 years ago
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#TFYLP #Transformers #podcast #masterpiece #fanshobby #archnemesis #ridscourge #blackconvoy
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batman-9148 · 7 years ago
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Behold! The Malevolent Unicron is coming for your World. I Nemesis Prime, The Black Convoy now warn you to Evacuate your planet while you still can. #TransFormers #BlackConvoy #NemesisPrime (at Albemarle Road, Brooklyn, New York 11226)
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isaacsra · 7 years ago
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糟糕......無感... #變形金剛 #星帝大使 #黑暗至尊 #autobots #transformers #blackconvoy #mp10b #decepcion #masterpiece #takaratomy
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fatsuma · 8 years ago
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Transformers Masterpiece MP-10B Black Convoy Nemesis Prime (Dec 2017) #blackconvoy #transformers #takaratomy #fatsuma #masterpiece #mp10B #nemesisprime #optimusprime #awesome #cool #instacool #beautiful #beauty #amazing #love #instalove #fun #art #instagood #collectible #toy #new
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helis97 · 7 years ago
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Way to go and reinterpret two transformers of one of my favourite transformers show: Transformers Robots in Disguise (2001) not the shit that is airing now Galvatron and Scourge (also known as BlackConvoy)
In my Transformers Animated AU, Galvatron and Scourge are transformers born on heart and they go with the denomination of Earthformers. Earthformers is a little denomination that humans use to refer to transformers born on Earth. There are two different categories of Earthformers: one is completely mechanic (like Soundwave, the Constructicons and Wreck-Gar), and the second is techno-organic (Sari, Galvatron, Scourge and others).
Like every transformers, form and behaviour can change from individual to individual, but I like to think that they all make a big "happy" family, untill Galvatron decides to conquer the planet ... ops!
And yes, Scourge still has anger issue, and Galvatron is always forced to stop him from picking up fights with everyone.
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fallenrazziel · 8 years ago
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ffiv cosplay terra and setzer by blackconvoy, by kawaielli
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raurquiz · 1 year ago
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#transformers #microndendetsu #armada #21years #autobot #optimusprime #magnaconvoyDX #ratchet #hotshot #blackconvoy #clearconvoy #unicron #decepticon #wheeljack #tidalwave #minicons #airdefense #perceptor #encore #unicronoflight #actionfigures #soundtrack @Hasbro @takaratomytoys
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dillen-danger · 6 years ago
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Here is a Super quick look at the #MCS01B #KBBMP10VB #BlackConvoy #NemesisPrime by #KuBianBao ... Man, that's a mouthful. . We'll do a photoshoot of him in his Robodaddy mode at a later date or you can see him in robot mode being mean to Battle Core Prime in my first 3 posts on this account. . Firstly I love Nemesis Prime as a character, and this is a spot on dupe of the MP-10B just shrunk down to #VoyagerClass . It's Soo good, it comes with a Ton of accessories as you can see in the pics, I was really excited when I opened the box. Even the box itself is really well designed and built in a very sturdy manner. The figure itself is made from great quality plastic and is loaded with die cast. It feels Fantastic in hand, for real, it has some density to it. . If you have ever wanted an Mp-10B or just like Nemesis Prime and you don't mind him being downsized, I would have to recommend this guy. . . #prime #OptimusPrime #KoTransformers #Transformers #Mp10 #Mp10B #Mp10V #KnockOff #Bootleg #toy #toys #actionfigure #actionfigures #collector #realmofcollectors #plasticRobots #CHUG #DeskBot (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br_66REnygi/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1okh06oc7api1
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blackconvoy · 9 years ago
Glow party 🎉#convoy #blackconvoy (at Stanley Mosk Elementary)
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leaguecosplay · 11 years ago
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blackconvoy (Twisted Fate)
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raurquiz · 1 year ago
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#transfomers #carrobots #robotsindisguise #22thanniversary #cybertron #autobot #fireconvoy #godmagnus #machalert #wildride #sideburn #spychangers #jrx #bravemaximus #destron #decepticon #gigatron #predacon #blackconvoy #scourge #actionfigures @takaratomytoys @Hasbro @SixoTF
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