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blackabundancebk-blog · 7 years ago
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Looking for some wine and spirits in Crown Heights? Check out #blackowned spot @simplesyrupwineandspirits 🥂 They have a lot of options and are down for community convo 🙌🏿 . . . . . #blackabundancebk #blackabundantbk #blackabundance #simplesyrupwineandspirits #blackexcellence #buyblack #bkwines #wineshop #wineandspirits #buyblackowned #shoplocal #wines #blackentrepreneur #supportblackbusiness #buyblackchallenge #webuyblack #blavity #21ninety #crownheights #brooklynmagazine #blackentrepreneurs #afropunkbrooklyn (at Simple Syrup)
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blackabundancebk-blog · 7 years ago
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New interview up with #brooklynborn criminal justice activist Darren Mack🙌🏿 link in bio ☝🏾 “Knowing where we came from and the struggles, shows that things change. Even if I don’t see the fruits of my labor now, I know the pendulum is swinging because I’m pulling it that way, and the next generation will see the benefits of it.” @darrenmack718 . Check out his #criminaljustice reading list and all the campaigns and BK spots he shares! @justleadershipusa @closerikersnow @byp100 @swipeitforward @starrbarbk @maydayspace @queerabstract @solsipsnyc @sweetsciencebkl @millionhoodies4justice . . . . #blackabundancebk #blackabundantbk #closerikers #freenewyork #21ninety #blavity #blackgirlswhoblog #melaninpower #melaninmagic #blackjoy #blackgirlmagik #blackgirlmagic #blackgirlfly #afropunkbrooklyn #bkallday #supportblackbusiness #supportpocbusiness #supportblackartists #wakandaforever #blogs #interviews #blackgirlcreative #raceartactivism #blackentrepreneur #brooklynnyc #brooklynmagazine #itsthebrooklynway #bkallday (at Brooklyn, New York)
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blackabundancebk-blog · 7 years ago
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Thank you for the feature @bklynerbk 🙌🏾🙌🏿 Glad to be a part of uplifting #blackowned businesses in BK! Link to article with other coffee spots in bio ☝🏽Let’s Invest🙅🏾‍♀️ 🙅🏿‍♂️ . . . . #blackabundancebk #blackabundantbk #21ninety #blavity #itsthebrooklynway #bkallday #blackentrepreneur #blackownedcoffee #blackownedbusiness #supportblackbusiness #supportpocbusiness #afropunkbrooklyn #melaninpoppin #blackjoy #melaninmagic #wakandaforever (at Brooklyn, New York)
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blackabundancebk-blog · 7 years ago
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Nostrand & Lafayette ✌🏿☀️Anyone know the artist? . . . . #blackabundancebk #blackabundantbk #bedstuybrooklyn #streetart_daily #grafittiartist #nycstreetart #bkallday #itsthebrooklynway #blavity #afropunkbrooklyn #melaninmagic #brooklynny (at Bedford-Stuyvesant)
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blackabundancebk-blog · 7 years ago
Listen in for #brooklynborn @talibkweli on the upcoming Black Abundance BK Spotify playlist 🙌🏿🙌🏾🙌🏽 This was my jaaaaam ✨stay tuned... . . . . #blackabundancebk #blackabundantbk #talibkweli #musicforthesoul #musicforthepeople #bkallday #itsthebrooklynway #hiphopheads #blackjoy #melaninmagic #brooklyn #parkslopebrooklyn #blackabundance #rapture #afropunkbrooklyn #spotifyplaylist (at Brooklyn, New York)
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blackabundancebk-blog · 7 years ago
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I’ve had a few people ask about #blackowned coffee spots and I just stopped through a great one today @cornergrind ☕️ ✌🏾check my story for more ☝🏿 . . . . . #blackabundancebk #blackabundantbk #webuyblackchallenge #blackownedcoffeeshop #blackownedcoffee #cornergrindcafe #blackownedbussiness #supportblackbusiness #bedstuybrooklyn #bedstuybusiness #blackexcellence #blavity #afropunkbrooklyn #melaninmagic #melaninpower #supportpocbusiness #bkallday #brooklynnyc #itsthebrooklynway (at Corner Grind)
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blackabundancebk-blog · 7 years ago
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I’m out of town filling the well. See you all in a few days!✌🏿💛 In the meantime, keep community and invest in Black Abundance 🙌🏾 . . 📷 #blackphotographer @omopastorr . . #blackabundancebk #blackabundantbk #blackjoy #selflove #selfcare #blackgirlinom #blackgirlfly #blackgirlmagic #melaninqueen #melaninmagic #melaninpower #afropunkbrooklyn #blackentrepreneur #blavity #creatorsofcolor #blackentrepreneur
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blackabundancebk-blog · 7 years ago
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Got this 📚 @afrosthebook from the Brooklyn-based Museum of Contemporary African Diasporan Art @mocada_museum😍MoCADA was founded in 1999 by @cmlauriecumbo in a #bedstuy brownstone. Now they’re in #fortgreene at 80 Hanson Place. Go for a visit!🙌🏿 . . . . #blackabundancebk #blackabundantbk #blackgirlfly #blackgirlmagik #blackgirlinom #blackowned #brooklynbased #lauriecumbo #melaninmagic #mocada #mocadamuseum #diaspora #blackexcellence #supportblackartists #blackartists #afropunkbrooklyn #brooklynmagazine #fortgreene (at MoCADA Museum)
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blackabundancebk-blog · 7 years ago
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Check out my interview with BK artist, Opal Hoyt 🙌🏾 Link in bio. We talked about BK, family, Blackness, and her band @zenizenzenizen: “I think that for Black people there is a stigma around having a full and enriched life and this sense that you're supposed to be struggling and just trying to survive. It can feel like there is this sense of guilt that comes or is supposed to come when you have things or are satisfied when you're black. So having a free de-stigmatized and fulfilling lifestyle is what Black Abundance is about for me.” -Opal Hoyt . . . . #blackabundancebk #blackabundantbk #blackabundance #opalhoyt #zenizen #blackgirlswhoblog #blogspot #interviews #blackgirlflymag #blogs #blog #melaninqueen #melaninpower #blackgirlmagik #creatorsofcolor #blackentrepreneur #blackcreatives #blackgirlcreative #blackgirlmagic #blackgirlinom #afropunkbrooklyn #brooklynnyc #bkallday #itsthebrooklynway #brooklynmagazine (at Brooklyn, New York)
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blackabundancebk-blog · 7 years ago
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🗣Calling all sneaker heads! This is not a drill. @jhbk23 buys, sells, and consigns Air-Jordan sneakers. 📣 Swipe for the interview of Founder @calvandaydreams with @crepjunkie talking about the shop, Michael Jordan, and @officialspikelee influence 🙌🏿 . . . . #blackabundancebk #blackabundantbk #bedstuybliss #sneakerhead #kicks #kickstagram #instashoes #sneakers #sneakerfiend #airjordan #jordanheads #malcomxblvd #blackowned #blackentrepreneur #blackownedbiz #blackboyjoy #blavity #blackgirmagik #blackgirlfly #bedstuy #brooklyn #nyc #bklyn #bk #iambecauseweare #blackexcellence #creatorsofcolor #communitylove #bkallday #itsthebrooklynway #supportblackbusiness #spikelee #spikeleejoint (at Jordan Heads Brooklyn)
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blackabundancebk-blog · 7 years ago
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Oooo I am looving these rings for sale at #blackowned MILES|| Culture on Nostrand😍Might need to swing by once this spring snow fall is done 😒 📷repost @miles_culture . . . . #blackabundance #blackabundancebk #blackabundantbk #smallbusiness #shoplocal #blackgirlflymag #afropunkbrooklyn #21ninety #blavity #blackgirlinom #blackcreatives #supportblackbusiness #supportpocartists #milesculture #bkallday #itsthebrooklynway #supportblackbusiness #blackownedbusiness (at Crown Heights)
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blackabundancebk-blog · 7 years ago
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I found Fredrick Douglas speaking truth off Nostrand Ave. This street art is tucked away in a Zip car parking lot between Park and Myrtle. What do you all think about this quote? . . . . . #blackabundancebk #blackabundantbk #blackabundance #bedstuybliss #afropunkbrooklyn #bkallday #itsthebrooklynway #melaninmagic #afropunkbrooklyn #blavity #blackgirlflymag #representationmatters #fortitude #bedstuybrooklyn #nyc #blackexcellence #frederickdouglass #blackhistoryeveryday #streetartnyc #graffitinyc (at Brooklyn, New York)
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blackabundancebk-blog · 7 years ago
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Who else remembers this glorious book?! 💛It was written and illustrated by Bedstuy #brooklynborn, John Steptoe🙌🏿 The Haitian restaurant @grandchampsbk is currently displaying his work! His daughter @bweelasteptoe did a talk there just last week. Let’s persuade them to do another! I know I want to revisit these beautifully illustrated memories and hear from her🙌🏾✨💛👑 . . . #blackabundancebk #blackabundantbk #blackkidsbooks #booksforbabies #booksforchildren #booksforblackgirls #booksforblackkids #blackartist #blackauthor #johnsteptoe #supportblackartists #representationmatters #becauseofthem #blackexcellence #blackpride #selflove #blackgirlmagic #blackgirlmagik #blackjoy #blavity #afropunkbrooklyn (at Brooklyn, New York)
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blackabundancebk-blog · 7 years ago
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Did some thinking about the direction of this platform, and am re-naming to Black AbundanceBK to reflect the various ways our community thrives🙌🏾I will continue to uplift Black businesses and also feature artists, cultural workers, events and BKs melanated history. This project comes as an extension of the work I've done as a civil rights attorney, educator, and artist. Through my journey in these worlds, the number one thing I noticed was that our community flourishes when we are connected, respected, and abundant. That's what I aim to do with BlackAbundanceBK. I hope you’ll stay with me on that journey ✌🏿💛🌱 📷 #blackphotographer @omopastorr . . . . . #blackabundance #blackabundantbk #blackabundancebk #blackentrepreneur #thebrooklynway #bkallday #supportblackartists #creatorsofcolor #communitylove #melaninqueen #afropunkbrooklyn #blackowned #blackcreatives #blackgirlcreative #shoplocal #blackgirlmagik #blackgirlfly #blavity #21ninety #melaninpoppin #melaninmagic (at Brooklyn, New York)
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blackabundancebk-blog · 7 years ago
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Quote from my recent conversation with BK artist, Opal Hoyt from @zenizenzenizen 🙌🏾 Check the link in bio and story☝🏿 . . . . #blackabundancebk #blackabundantbk #blackabundance #opalhoyt #zenizen #blackgirlswhoblog #blogspot #interviews #blackgirlflymag #blogs #blog #melaninqueen #melaninpower #blackgirlmagik #creatorsofcolor #blackentrepreneur #blackcreatives #blackgirlcreative #blackgirlmagic #blackgirlinom #afropunkbrooklyn #brooklynnyc #bkallday #itsthebrooklynway #brooklynmagazine (at Brooklyn, New York)
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