#black tax payers are audited 3-5 times more than other tax payers
queenvlion · 2 years
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marymosley · 5 years
Decoding BJP 2014 Manifesto: Promises & Reality
Elections are near and again Political parties will be making promises in their election manifesto for seeking vote. It is important to analyse these manifesto to make an Informed decision. In 2014 NDA led by Bharatiya Janata Party made a Manifesto for 5 years. In this Manifesto several promises were made by BJP. Here in this report we have analysed the promises made in the Manifesto and their reality check. These were the promises made by the BJP government and the reality of how far they reached here.
Price Rise[1]:
To control the high inflation, NDA’s committee of chief ministers headed by Shri Narendra Modi submitted a report on food inflation in 2011.
NDA promised that their immediate task will be to rein in inflation by steps as followed:
Put strict measures and special courts to stop hoarding and black money.
Set up Price Stabilisation Fund.
Unbundle FCI
Leverage on technology to disseminate Real time data.
Evolve a single ‘National Agriculture Market’.
Promote and support area specific crops and vegetables linked to food habits of the people.
No special courts have been set up. BJP have failed to control the price rise. The country is reeling under highest ever petrol and diesel prices. The prises of other commodities are also rising rather than reducing. Central Government has done very little to stop hoarding and black marketing[2].
Price Stabilisation Fund (PSF) was set-up in 2014-15 under the department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers welfare to help regulate the price volatility of important agri-horticultural commodities onion, potatoes and pulses[3].   
Unbundling FCI (Food Corporation of India) into three parts during a rally before Lok sabha polls was promised by PM Narendra Modi but he did not get favour from food minister and senior BJP leader Shanta Kumar. They did not approve and recommended unbundling. Thus it was not held.
PM has made full efforts in increasing technology use. Even the data and tech devices have reached to the farmers. But the problem is they don’t know how to use these technologies and thus here middle men earn his living.
National Agriculture Market just like other promises remained just a mere promises and there is seen no intention to finish or fulfil this promise.
No efforts made regarding promotion of specific crops and vegetables.
Employment and Entrepreneurship
Labour-Intensive Manufacturing and Tourism.
Strengthen the traditional employment bases of agriculture and allied industries and retail through modernization as well as stronger credit and market linkage.
Upgrading infrastructure and housing for job generation.
Encouraging and empowering self-employment.
Initiating multi-skills development programme as well as facilitating credit.
Transform employment exchanges into career centres. Giving youth opportunities with job in a transparent and effective manner through the use of technology and providing training and counselling.
The above promises made by the government are as important as any other promises. To fulfil these promises government has taken various steps. To promote employment and entrepreneurship and innovation, Modi government has made the following efforts[4]:
Start up India
Make in India
Atal Innovation Mission (AIM)
Jan Dhan-Aadhaar- Mobile (JAM)
Support to Training and Employment Programme for Women (STEP)
Digital India
Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC)
Department of Science and Technology (DST)
Stand-UP India
Trade related Entrepreneurship Assistance and Development (TREAD)
Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY)
National Skill Development Mission
Science for Equity Empowerment and Development (SEED)
The government will establish a system, which eliminates the scope for corruption. We will do this through:
Public awareness
Technology enabled e-Governance- minimizing the discretion in the citizen-government interface.
System-based, policy-driven governance- making it transparent.
Rationalization and simplification of the tax regime- which is currently repulsive for honest tax payers.
Simplification of the processes and procedures at all levels – bestowing faith in the citizens, institutions and establishments.
Black Money By minimizing the scope for corruption, we will ensure minimization of the generation of black money. BJP is committed to initiate the process of tracking down and bringing back black money stashed in foreign banks and offshore accounts. We will set up a Task Force for this purpose and to recommend amendments to existing laws or enact new laws. The process of bringing back black money to India what belongs to India will be put in motion on priority. We will also proactively engage with foreign Governments to facilitate information sharing on black money.
Decision and Policy Paralysis The country has suffered a decade of maladministration and scams in addition to decision and policy paralysis; thus bringing growth and development to a grinding halt leading to a ‘Governance deficit’. This situation will be changed and the engine of Government will be ignited again with strong willpower and commitment to public interest. We will also encourage the bureaucracy to take right decisions and contribute their might in building a modern India.
This was one of the biggest promises made by PM Modi that he will take strict action against corruption. He claimed that he is the ‘chokidar’ of India for 60 months and also said that ‘Na Khaunga Na Khane Dunga’. When we look at the steps taken by BJP in these 5 years for eradicating corruption we see demonetisation the only bigger step taken. Government in fact cracked down on Benami properties also but no major effect of this has been seen. Moreover due to demonetisation it wiped out 86% of the currency, jobs and even 100 lives[6]. In the same year 81% of the income of BJP increased! Strange it is.
Even if we focus on scams then there were several scams that came into existence. PNB was one of them and still the culprit Nirav Modi is not behind the bars. Rafale scam was also a huge example of corruption.
This shows that Modi government though made huge promises of eliminating corruption and what not but still has not taken one step of success in the same.
Poor Delivery:
Remove bottlenecks and missing links in all sectors, activities and services.
Focus on proper planning and execution for right outcomes.
Strive for scale and speed with futuristic vision.
Build institutions for today and tomorrow.
Government have been successful in removing the missing links. They have provided electricity to many villages. Almost claiming that they have provided electricity to each and every village. Although 18,000 villages still pending to get electricity[7].
Moreover Government have increased the pay of teachers in the 7th pay commission. This attracts more teachers and the links are joined[8].
Pipelines have been taken care of. Urja Ganga Scheme was launched[9].
In short these promises were very well taken care of.
Credibility Crisis:
BJP promised to maintain and improve credibility for long term. They pointed out that the value of rupee is falling incredibly. But if we see the scenario now then the rupee values is falling in the same manner or say even worse.
BJP failed to fulfil this promise.
Centre- State Relations:
Here government made several promises of making centre-State relation stronger than before.
Some of the major promises were:
Provide consultation and strive for harmonious Centre-State relations
Model of national development which will be driven by state.
Ensuring fiscal autonomy of state.
Create ‘Regional Councils of States’.
Cooperation among states on security-related issues.
State-specific models for unique problem of hill and desert state.
Give unique status to Union Territories.
Protect island territories.
Promoting tourism along with tribal welfare, infrastructure and coastal area development.
Revival of ‘National Development Council’ and ‘Inter-State Council’ into active bodies.
To make centre-state relation stronger, government have taken effective steps. State’s share in central taxation increased from 32 % to 42 %. More significance to stronger this relation was when there was as implementation of GST this year. Niti Aayog also played important role in uplifting the centre and state relations. Government have been successful in improving the relations. Also a strong union is when there is a strong union state[10].
  Integrating the Nation:
There shall be special focus and emphasis on the development of the eastern side of India.
Solve the problem of Jammu and Kashmir
To give justice to Seemandhra and Telengana.
Government made efforts for the development but couldn’t succeed.
Jammu Kashmir problem still not addressed.
People of Jammu Kashmir are still suffering from unemployment, infrastructure and better education.
Basically BJP have failed here to fulfil what they promised.
Decentralization and People’s Participation:
Bring PPPP (People-Public-Private-Partnership) model.
Strengthen the institution of the Gram Sabha
Encourage openness
Strengthen self-Governance
This promise failed to be fulfilled.
India First and Open Government:
To review performances and compulsory audit of all government schemes and programmes.
To generate ‘Kartavya Bhavna’ among public servant.
Digitization of Government records and easy access
Government made efforts but couldn’t not get any result.
There was no generation of ‘Kartavya Bhavna’, there was no change.
Generate IT jobs in rural and semi-urban.
Penetration and usage of broadband across the country.
Initiate E-Gram from centre to the panchayat.
Promote E-Bhasha for the promotion of IT in Indian Language.
Technology enabled products affordable for students…and so on.
Though BJP aims to make every household digitally literate but yet only few in numbers have been benefited.
There is no generation of IT jobs in rural areas.
No E-Grams have been initialized.
No E-Bhasha has been promoted.
These promises are not fulfilled.
Institutional Reforms:
Administrative system will be reformed.
Judicial: new courts and no justice delayed.
Police: Modernize the police force.
Electoral: bring all over electoral reforms.
The above promises have not been fulfilled at all.
Poor and Marginalized- Bridge the gap:
To secure food for poor.
To identify 100 most backward districts
Not fulfilled. Even smart city project was launched but backward districts were not taken into consideration[11].
SCs, STs, OBC, and other weaker sections- Social Justice and Empowerment:
Will empower weaker sections.
Give equal opportunity to all.
Remove untouchability at all level.
Project for housing and health.
Eliminate manual scavenging and give special focus on children.
Government granted 10% quota to economically weaker sections from the general category[12].
Untouchability has been reduced but still in rural and semi-urban areas this is still going on. It has not eradicated completely.
Talking about households and health then India has still not achieved what BJP manifesto promised.
Minorities- equal opportunity:
Give equal opportunity.
Initiate Madrasa Modernization.
Empower Waqf Boards.
Meet the aspiration of Neo-Middle Class.
Give high Priority to Rural Areas.
To promote high growth centres in urban areas.
Set up a permanent inter-faith Consultative mechanism.
Madrasa Modernisation was launched in 2014 when Smriti Irani was HR development minister.
BJP is working on it but yet has not achieved as expected.
Social Security:
For Children: Ensure effective implementation of Right to Education, Right to Food Security Act.
For Senior Citizen: Provide financial support, exploring ideas like additional tax benefits and higher interest rates.
For Specially Abled: Enactment of ‘Right of the Persons with Disabilities bill’ and facilitation of e-learning.
Implementation in RTE was made and students as well as teachers were also benefited with the amendment[13].
No new education policies have been made. Modi Government couldn’t keep this promise[14].
SAKSHAM Scholarship for differently abled children was introduced.
ICT enabled learning opportunities[15].
Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana for senior citizens above 60 years of age. More than 3 lakh people have heen benefited with this scheme[16]. More to go.
Youth- Making India Unstoppable:
Launch a programme, ‘Youth for Development’.
Young leaders Programme to be initiated in all sectors.
Promotion of Sports.
No programme is launched for Youth development. Youth is still waiting for job opportunities promised by Modi Government[17].
Government launched Khelo India to promote sports in youth[18].
Women –The Nation Builder:
Launch Beti Bachao- Beti Padhao.
Program for health care of women.
Implementation of law for women especially laws related to rapes.
Introduce self defence training.
Loans to Women Self-help groups.
The campaign of Beti Bachao – Beti Padhao was launched and is promoted aggressively.
The Central Victim Compensation Fund (CVCF) was set up in 2014 for rape, acid attacks, human trafficking etc. However laws are still the same and no strict actions being taken. Whereas rapes are increasing in numbers.
Training for self defence have been initiated by the government but its impact is still under expectation. Will grow gradually.
Education- Enroll and Excel
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
National modernisation for Madrasas
Raise standard of higher education
Reality: No such efforts made.
Skill- Focusing on Productivity and Employability:
Initiate Skill-Mapping
Launch a ‘National Multi-skill Mission’.
Promoting vocational training on massive scale.
Digital empowerment.
Intiated ‘National Skill Development Mission’, National Policy for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, 2015’ and also ‘Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY)’.
As per Govt, 2.9 lakh candidates got placement under PMKVY scheme.
Unemployment at its peak in current govt., which has strengthened Opposition parties and widespread anger among youths.
Health Services- Increase the access, Improve the Quality, lower the cost:
Modernize Government hospitals.
Initiate the ‘National Health Assurance Mission’.
Increase the numbers of medical and para-medical colleges.
Set-up an AIIMS like institution in every state.
Eradicate malnutrition and control mosquitos.
Swachh Bharat.
The set-up of AIIMS institution is in progress at several places[19].
Modi launched world’s largest government-funded healthcare scheme ‘Ayushman Bharat’ in Ranchi[20].
Economic Revival:
Find long lasting solution.
Create economic growth.
Ensure stable and balanced economy.
Undertake banking reforms.
Strictly implement Fiscal discipline.
Consumer price index (CPI) inflation increased from 3.9 per cent to 4.3 per cent in March 2018.
Foreign trade deficit also increased from $10.7 billion to $13.7 billion in March 2018.
Rupee value has been depreciated.
The gross NPAs of private banks increased.
Bank balance sheets have been wreaked havoc in the Indian economy[21].
BJP failed miserably.
Agriculture- Productive, Scientific and Rewarding:
Increase public investment in agriculture and rural development.
Enhance profitability in agriculture by ensuring a minimum of 50% profit over the cost of production.
Introduce and promote low water consuming irrigation techniques.
Focus on the quality, productivity and trade of spices.
Set up ‘Organic Farming and Fertilizer Corporation of India.’
50% cost over production costs have not yet been implemented.
The Agriculture ministry has released a draft Model contract Farming Act, 2018 but the act still remains to be amended.
Farmers are distressed in most part of the country.
Suicides cases are increasing.
Farmer loans and lack of crop insurance is still not in the picture.
Agri-rail network promised by BJP yet not implemented[22].
BJP didn’t fulfilled major part of these promises.
Industry- Modern, Competitive and Caring:
Ensure conductive, enabling environment by making ‘doing business’ easy in India.
Set-up task force to review and revive MSME sector.
Accord high priority to the growth of manufacturing so that it will create more jobs.
Increase public spending on R&D.
Clarity in tax policies.
To develop MSMEs and enhance competition.
To encourage cooperative sectors and amend the multi-state cooperative act.
Schemes will be drawn for Artisans.
Government made efforts for new industrial policy to strengthen municipal bodies.
Policies to develop R&D are in process.
Yet everything is in process. Thus it is not yet fulfilled[23].
Focus on zero defect products.
Export Promotion Mission to be established.
Work on GST in appropriate timeframe.
Promote Tourism.
Make in India is being encouraged but still small portion of its expectation have been fulfilled. Zero defect products will be gained only when Make in India is done right[24].
Export yet not promoted as being promised.
GST being implemented but have been amended several times.
Tourism is being promoted.
Labour Force, Housing, Physical Infrastructure, Water and Energy:
Extend access to modern financial services to labour.
Strengthen the Pension and Health Insurance safety nets for all kinds of labourers.
Low cost housing programme.
Work on Freight Corridors and Industrial Corridors.
Modernize existing ports.
Remote states like J&K will be connected with the rest of India through Highways and railway lines.
Launch Diamond Quadrilateral project of bullet train.
Give high priority to water security.
Launch ‘Pradhan Mantri Gram Sinchayee Yojana’
Supply drinking water in coastal citites.
Come up with ‘National Energy Policy’
Expand and strengthen national solar mission.
Today 31 million approx Indian are unemployed, modern financial services to labour is far to reach.
Atal Pension Yojana is launched for pension in the later stage of life[25].
The government implemented OROP but it is still yet to take shape.
Modi government though claimed that they have achieved 100% village electrification but taking into consideration household, work is not over. Access to clean drinking water and sanitary toilets to everybody has not been achieved.
Niti Aayog framed a draft of policy regarding National Energy Policy but still approval at ministerial level is pending.
The diamond Quadrilateral project is not near to be seen soon. However India and Japan have agreed and signed an agreement for running a bullet train[26].
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sinchayee Yojana has been launched in the year 2015[27].
Science and Technology:
To promote science and introduce schemes for the same.
Set institute of Big data and Analytics for studying.
Establish institution of Technology for Rural Development.
Achieve synergy between industry and scientific research.
‘Atlas for Visually Impaired (India)’ has been prepared by National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organisation (NATMO) under the department of Science and Technology.
One more launched, ‘Nakshe Portal’. It is available to download free though Aadhaar enabled users[28].
Institutions of IT have been launched for development of backward areas.
Flora, Fauna and Environment- Safeguarding our Tomorrow:
Encourage cleaner production.
Ecological Audit.
Pollution control.
Use of social forestry.
Guidelines for green buildings.
Launch of ‘national mission on Himalayas’
Natural and National resources.
There is an increase in forest cover.
Better population monitoring and control is done.
Ave 10 lakh crore of investment and a job potential of 10 lakh.
In 2016 Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act was passed by the parliament.
National Air Quality Index was launched in 2014 to monitor the air quality in urban centres.
Government have formed National clean air programme and gave guidelines for green India.
On July 22, 2014 the government reconstituted National Board of Wildlife (NBWL).
Secure Indians- Zero Tolerance on Terrorism, Extremism and Crime:
Focus on internal security.
BJP will deal with issues related to external security.
Strengthen defence production.
Independent Strategic Nuclear Programme.
The reality is that government lacked a lot in focusing on this promise. People are well aware of the terror attacks since 2014 especially at URI and Pathankot[30].
These promises remain unfulfilled.
Foreign Relations- Nation First, Universal Brotherhood:
To completely seal the country’s borders with Pakistan and Bangladesh.
To maintain relations with Nepal.
Get connected with China over the problems of Nuclear Suppliers Group.
Uniform international opinion on issues like Terrorism and Global Warming.
All the above promises were not fulfilled.
Rather the relations with these countries are at stake.
Cultural Heritage:
Facilitate the construction of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya.
Implementation of UCC.
Ganga: Clean Rivers Programme.
Ensure return of Kashmiri pundits to J&K.
Maintenance and restoration of all heritage sites.
Abrogation of Article 370 of the Constitution.
UCC is not implemented.
Construction of Ram Mandir is still not solved. It is in the hands of Supreme Court.
Kashmiri pundits have not returned to the Valley.
No abrogation of Article 370 of the constitution is done.
Cleaning Ganga is in slow progress.
[1] http://bit.ly/2G5hZS5
[2] http://bit.ly/2IgCT1P
[3] http://bit.ly/2G5hAPz
[4] http://bit.ly/2j1xrCR
[5] http://bit.ly/2G5hZS5
[6] http://bit.ly/2G5hB65
[7] http://bit.ly/2IgBF71
[8] http://bit.ly/2G5i1JH
[9] http://bit.ly/2IhUmr0
[10] http://bit.ly/2G5i20d
[11] http://bit.ly/2IgBWH6
[12] http://bit.ly/2VCLvEs
[13] http://bit.ly/2IgBWXC
[14] http://bit.ly/2G5hCqF
[15] http://bit.ly/2IgBXLa
[16] http://bit.ly/2G5i3kN
[17] http://bit.ly/2IhOHRp
[18] http://bit.ly/2GBi7GY
[19] http://bit.ly/2IgBWH6
[20] http://bit.ly/2ImqA4r
[21] http://bit.ly/2G5i3Bj
[22] http://bit.ly/2IgBZCM
[23] http://bit.ly/2G5hEPj
[24] http://bit.ly/2IlBxmq
[25] http://bit.ly/2G5i5sV
[26] http://bit.ly/2IgBWH6
[27] http://bit.ly/2IgC0GQ
[28] http://bit.ly/2G5i6wZ
[29] http://bit.ly/2IgAZhG
[30] http://bit.ly/2IgBWH6
[31] http://bit.ly/2G5i3Bj
[32] http://bit.ly/2IgBZCM
  Give us leads for research or fact checks to [email protected] , Submit your write-ups/articles to legaldesire.com/submit
  The insights report has been compiled by Law Students comprising intern Drashti Patwa and further updated by Mohd Ijas & Ritwika Pati
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Decoding BJP 2014 Manifesto: Promises & Reality published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
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marymosley · 5 years
Decoding BJP 2014 Manifesto: Promises & Reality
Elections are near and again Political parties will be making promises in their election manifesto for seeking vote. It is important to analyse these manifesto to make an Informed decision. In 2014 NDA led by Bharatiya Janata Party made a Manifesto for 5 years. In this Manifesto several promises were made by BJP. Here in this report we have analysed the promises made in the Manifesto and their reality check. These were the promises made by the BJP government and the reality of how far they reached here.
Price Rise[1]:
To control the high inflation, NDA’s committee of chief ministers headed by Shri Narendra Modi submitted a report on food inflation in 2011.
NDA promised that their immediate task will be to rein in inflation by steps as followed:
Put strict measures and special courts to stop hoarding and black money.
Set up Price Stabilisation Fund.
Unbundle FCI
Leverage on technology to disseminate Real time data.
Evolve a single ‘National Agriculture Market’.
Promote and support area specific crops and vegetables linked to food habits of the people.
No special courts have been set up. BJP have failed to control the price rise. The country is reeling under highest ever petrol and diesel prices. The prises of other commodities are also rising rather than reducing. Central Government has done very little to stop hoarding and black marketing[2].
Price Stabilisation Fund (PSF) was set-up in 2014-15 under the department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers welfare to help regulate the price volatility of important agri-horticultural commodities onion, potatoes and pulses[3].   
Unbundling FCI (Food Corporation of India) into three parts during a rally before Lok sabha polls was promised by PM Narendra Modi but he did not get favour from food minister and senior BJP leader Shanta Kumar. They did not approve and recommended unbundling. Thus it was not held.
PM has made full efforts in increasing technology use. Even the data and tech devices have reached to the farmers. But the problem is they don’t know how to use these technologies and thus here middle men earn his living.
National Agriculture Market just like other promises remained just a mere promises and there is seen no intention to finish or fulfil this promise.
No efforts made regarding promotion of specific crops and vegetables.
Employment and Entrepreneurship
Labour-Intensive Manufacturing and Tourism.
Strengthen the traditional employment bases of agriculture and allied industries and retail through modernization as well as stronger credit and market linkage.
Upgrading infrastructure and housing for job generation.
Encouraging and empowering self-employment.
Initiating multi-skills development programme as well as facilitating credit.
Transform employment exchanges into career centres. Giving youth opportunities with job in a transparent and effective manner through the use of technology and providing training and counselling.
The above promises made by the government are as important as any other promises. To fulfil these promises government has taken various steps. To promote employment and entrepreneurship and innovation, Modi government has made the following efforts[4]:
Start up India
Make in India
Atal Innovation Mission (AIM)
Jan Dhan-Aadhaar- Mobile (JAM)
Support to Training and Employment Programme for Women (STEP)
Digital India
Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC)
Department of Science and Technology (DST)
Stand-UP India
Trade related Entrepreneurship Assistance and Development (TREAD)
Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY)
National Skill Development Mission
Science for Equity Empowerment and Development (SEED)
The government will establish a system, which eliminates the scope for corruption. We will do this through:
Public awareness
Technology enabled e-Governance- minimizing the discretion in the citizen-government interface.
System-based, policy-driven governance- making it transparent.
Rationalization and simplification of the tax regime- which is currently repulsive for honest tax payers.
Simplification of the processes and procedures at all levels – bestowing faith in the citizens, institutions and establishments.
Black Money By minimizing the scope for corruption, we will ensure minimization of the generation of black money. BJP is committed to initiate the process of tracking down and bringing back black money stashed in foreign banks and offshore accounts. We will set up a Task Force for this purpose and to recommend amendments to existing laws or enact new laws. The process of bringing back black money to India what belongs to India will be put in motion on priority. We will also proactively engage with foreign Governments to facilitate information sharing on black money.
Decision and Policy Paralysis The country has suffered a decade of maladministration and scams in addition to decision and policy paralysis; thus bringing growth and development to a grinding halt leading to a ‘Governance deficit’. This situation will be changed and the engine of Government will be ignited again with strong willpower and commitment to public interest. We will also encourage the bureaucracy to take right decisions and contribute their might in building a modern India.
This was one of the biggest promises made by PM Modi that he will take strict action against corruption. He claimed that he is the ‘chokidar’ of India for 60 months and also said that ‘Na Khaunga Na Khane Dunga’. When we look at the steps taken by BJP in these 5 years for eradicating corruption we see demonetisation the only bigger step taken. Government in fact cracked down on Benami properties also but no major effect of this has been seen. Moreover due to demonetisation it wiped out 86% of the currency, jobs and even 100 lives[6]. In the same year 81% of the income of BJP increased! Strange it is.
Even if we focus on scams then there were several scams that came into existence. PNB was one of them and still the culprit Nirav Modi is not behind the bars. Rafale scam was also a huge example of corruption.
This shows that Modi government though made huge promises of eliminating corruption and what not but still has not taken one step of success in the same.
Poor Delivery:
Remove bottlenecks and missing links in all sectors, activities and services.
Focus on proper planning and execution for right outcomes.
Strive for scale and speed with futuristic vision.
Build institutions for today and tomorrow.
Government have been successful in removing the missing links. They have provided electricity to many villages. Almost claiming that they have provided electricity to each and every village. Although 18,000 villages still pending to get electricity[7].
Moreover Government have increased the pay of teachers in the 7th pay commission. This attracts more teachers and the links are joined[8].
Pipelines have been taken care of. Urja Ganga Scheme was launched[9].
In short these promises were very well taken care of.
Credibility Crisis:
BJP promised to maintain and improve credibility for long term. They pointed out that the value of rupee is falling incredibly. But if we see the scenario now then the rupee values is falling in the same manner or say even worse.
BJP failed to fulfil this promise.
Centre- State Relations:
Here government made several promises of making centre-State relation stronger than before.
Some of the major promises were:
Provide consultation and strive for harmonious Centre-State relations
Model of national development which will be driven by state.
Ensuring fiscal autonomy of state.
Create ‘Regional Councils of States’.
Cooperation among states on security-related issues.
State-specific models for unique problem of hill and desert state.
Give unique status to Union Territories.
Protect island territories.
Promoting tourism along with tribal welfare, infrastructure and coastal area development.
Revival of ‘National Development Council’ and ‘Inter-State Council’ into active bodies.
To make centre-state relation stronger, government have taken effective steps. State’s share in central taxation increased from 32 % to 42 %. More significance to stronger this relation was when there was as implementation of GST this year. Niti Aayog also played important role in uplifting the centre and state relations. Government have been successful in improving the relations. Also a strong union is when there is a strong union state[10].
  Integrating the Nation:
There shall be special focus and emphasis on the development of the eastern side of India.
Solve the problem of Jammu and Kashmir
To give justice to Seemandhra and Telengana.
Government made efforts for the development but couldn’t succeed.
Jammu Kashmir problem still not addressed.
People of Jammu Kashmir are still suffering from unemployment, infrastructure and better education.
Basically BJP have failed here to fulfil what they promised.
Decentralization and People’s Participation:
Bring PPPP (People-Public-Private-Partnership) model.
Strengthen the institution of the Gram Sabha
Encourage openness
Strengthen self-Governance
This promise failed to be fulfilled.
India First and Open Government:
To review performances and compulsory audit of all government schemes and programmes.
To generate ‘Kartavya Bhavna’ among public servant.
Digitization of Government records and easy access
Government made efforts but couldn’t not get any result.
There was no generation of ‘Kartavya Bhavna’, there was no change.
Generate IT jobs in rural and semi-urban.
Penetration and usage of broadband across the country.
Initiate E-Gram from centre to the panchayat.
Promote E-Bhasha for the promotion of IT in Indian Language.
Technology enabled products affordable for students…and so on.
Though BJP aims to make every household digitally literate but yet only few in numbers have been benefited.
There is no generation of IT jobs in rural areas.
No E-Grams have been initialized.
No E-Bhasha has been promoted.
These promises are not fulfilled.
Institutional Reforms:
Administrative system will be reformed.
Judicial: new courts and no justice delayed.
Police: Modernize the police force.
Electoral: bring all over electoral reforms.
The above promises have not been fulfilled at all.
Poor and Marginalized- Bridge the gap:
To secure food for poor.
To identify 100 most backward districts
Not fulfilled. Even smart city project was launched but backward districts were not taken into consideration[11].
SCs, STs, OBC, and other weaker sections- Social Justice and Empowerment:
Will empower weaker sections.
Give equal opportunity to all.
Remove untouchability at all level.
Project for housing and health.
Eliminate manual scavenging and give special focus on children.
Government granted 10% quota to economically weaker sections from the general category[12].
Untouchability has been reduced but still in rural and semi-urban areas this is still going on. It has not eradicated completely.
Talking about households and health then India has still not achieved what BJP manifesto promised.
Minorities- equal opportunity:
Give equal opportunity.
Initiate Madrasa Modernization.
Empower Waqf Boards.
Meet the aspiration of Neo-Middle Class.
Give high Priority to Rural Areas.
To promote high growth centres in urban areas.
Set up a permanent inter-faith Consultative mechanism.
Madrasa Modernisation was launched in 2014 when Smriti Irani was HR development minister.
BJP is working on it but yet has not achieved as expected.
Social Security:
For Children: Ensure effective implementation of Right to Education, Right to Food Security Act.
For Senior Citizen: Provide financial support, exploring ideas like additional tax benefits and higher interest rates.
For Specially Abled: Enactment of ‘Right of the Persons with Disabilities bill’ and facilitation of e-learning.
Implementation in RTE was made and students as well as teachers were also benefited with the amendment[13].
No new education policies have been made. Modi Government couldn’t keep this promise[14].
SAKSHAM Scholarship for differently abled children was introduced.
ICT enabled learning opportunities[15].
Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana for senior citizens above 60 years of age. More than 3 lakh people have heen benefited with this scheme[16]. More to go.
Youth- Making India Unstoppable:
Launch a programme, ‘Youth for Development’.
Young leaders Programme to be initiated in all sectors.
Promotion of Sports.
No programme is launched for Youth development. Youth is still waiting for job opportunities promised by Modi Government[17].
Government launched Khelo India to promote sports in youth[18].
Women –The Nation Builder:
Launch Beti Bachao- Beti Padhao.
Program for health care of women.
Implementation of law for women especially laws related to rapes.
Introduce self defence training.
Loans to Women Self-help groups.
The campaign of Beti Bachao – Beti Padhao was launched and is promoted aggressively.
The Central Victim Compensation Fund (CVCF) was set up in 2014 for rape, acid attacks, human trafficking etc. However laws are still the same and no strict actions being taken. Whereas rapes are increasing in numbers.
Training for self defence have been initiated by the government but its impact is still under expectation. Will grow gradually.
Education- Enroll and Excel
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
National modernisation for Madrasas
Raise standard of higher education
Reality: No such efforts made.
Skill- Focusing on Productivity and Employability:
Initiate Skill-Mapping
Launch a ‘National Multi-skill Mission’.
Promoting vocational training on massive scale.
Digital empowerment.
Intiated ‘National Skill Development Mission’, National Policy for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, 2015’ and also ‘Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY)’.
As per Govt, 2.9 lakh candidates got placement under PMKVY scheme.
Unemployment at its peak in current govt., which has strengthened Opposition parties and widespread anger among youths.
Health Services- Increase the access, Improve the Quality, lower the cost:
Modernize Government hospitals.
Initiate the ‘National Health Assurance Mission’.
Increase the numbers of medical and para-medical colleges.
Set-up an AIIMS like institution in every state.
Eradicate malnutrition and control mosquitos.
Swachh Bharat.
The set-up of AIIMS institution is in progress at several places[19].
Modi launched world’s largest government-funded healthcare scheme ‘Ayushman Bharat’ in Ranchi[20].
Economic Revival:
Find long lasting solution.
Create economic growth.
Ensure stable and balanced economy.
Undertake banking reforms.
Strictly implement Fiscal discipline.
Consumer price index (CPI) inflation increased from 3.9 per cent to 4.3 per cent in March 2018.
Foreign trade deficit also increased from $10.7 billion to $13.7 billion in March 2018.
Rupee value has been depreciated.
The gross NPAs of private banks increased.
Bank balance sheets have been wreaked havoc in the Indian economy[21].
BJP failed miserably.
Agriculture- Productive, Scientific and Rewarding:
Increase public investment in agriculture and rural development.
Enhance profitability in agriculture by ensuring a minimum of 50% profit over the cost of production.
Introduce and promote low water consuming irrigation techniques.
Focus on the quality, productivity and trade of spices.
Set up ‘Organic Farming and Fertilizer Corporation of India.’
50% cost over production costs have not yet been implemented.
The Agriculture ministry has released a draft Model contract Farming Act, 2018 but the act still remains to be amended.
Farmers are distressed in most part of the country.
Suicides cases are increasing.
Farmer loans and lack of crop insurance is still not in the picture.
Agri-rail network promised by BJP yet not implemented[22].
BJP didn’t fulfilled major part of these promises.
Industry- Modern, Competitive and Caring:
Ensure conductive, enabling environment by making ‘doing business’ easy in India.
Set-up task force to review and revive MSME sector.
Accord high priority to the growth of manufacturing so that it will create more jobs.
Increase public spending on R&D.
Clarity in tax policies.
To develop MSMEs and enhance competition.
To encourage cooperative sectors and amend the multi-state cooperative act.
Schemes will be drawn for Artisans.
Government made efforts for new industrial policy to strengthen municipal bodies.
Policies to develop R&D are in process.
Yet everything is in process. Thus it is not yet fulfilled[23].
Focus on zero defect products.
Export Promotion Mission to be established.
Work on GST in appropriate timeframe.
Promote Tourism.
Make in India is being encouraged but still small portion of its expectation have been fulfilled. Zero defect products will be gained only when Make in India is done right[24].
Export yet not promoted as being promised.
GST being implemented but have been amended several times.
Tourism is being promoted.
Labour Force, Housing, Physical Infrastructure, Water and Energy:
Extend access to modern financial services to labour.
Strengthen the Pension and Health Insurance safety nets for all kinds of labourers.
Low cost housing programme.
Work on Freight Corridors and Industrial Corridors.
Modernize existing ports.
Remote states like J&K will be connected with the rest of India through Highways and railway lines.
Launch Diamond Quadrilateral project of bullet train.
Give high priority to water security.
Launch ‘Pradhan Mantri Gram Sinchayee Yojana’
Supply drinking water in coastal citites.
Come up with ‘National Energy Policy’
Expand and strengthen national solar mission.
Today 31 million approx Indian are unemployed, modern financial services to labour is far to reach.
Atal Pension Yojana is launched for pension in the later stage of life[25].
The government implemented OROP but it is still yet to take shape.
Modi government though claimed that they have achieved 100% village electrification but taking into consideration household, work is not over. Access to clean drinking water and sanitary toilets to everybody has not been achieved.
Niti Aayog framed a draft of policy regarding National Energy Policy but still approval at ministerial level is pending.
The diamond Quadrilateral project is not near to be seen soon. However India and Japan have agreed and signed an agreement for running a bullet train[26].
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sinchayee Yojana has been launched in the year 2015[27].
Science and Technology:
To promote science and introduce schemes for the same.
Set institute of Big data and Analytics for studying.
Establish institution of Technology for Rural Development.
Achieve synergy between industry and scientific research.
‘Atlas for Visually Impaired (India)’ has been prepared by National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organisation (NATMO) under the department of Science and Technology.
One more launched, ‘Nakshe Portal’. It is available to download free though Aadhaar enabled users[28].
Institutions of IT have been launched for development of backward areas.
Flora, Fauna and Environment- Safeguarding our Tomorrow:
Encourage cleaner production.
Ecological Audit.
Pollution control.
Use of social forestry.
Guidelines for green buildings.
Launch of ‘national mission on Himalayas’
Natural and National resources.
There is an increase in forest cover.
Better population monitoring and control is done.
Ave 10 lakh crore of investment and a job potential of 10 lakh.
In 2016 Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act was passed by the parliament.
National Air Quality Index was launched in 2014 to monitor the air quality in urban centres.
Government have formed National clean air programme and gave guidelines for green India.
On July 22, 2014 the government reconstituted National Board of Wildlife (NBWL).
Secure Indians- Zero Tolerance on Terrorism, Extremism and Crime:
Focus on internal security.
BJP will deal with issues related to external security.
Strengthen defence production.
Independent Strategic Nuclear Programme.
The reality is that government lacked a lot in focusing on this promise. People are well aware of the terror attacks since 2014 especially at URI and Pathankot[30].
These promises remain unfulfilled.
Foreign Relations- Nation First, Universal Brotherhood:
To completely seal the country’s borders with Pakistan and Bangladesh.
To maintain relations with Nepal.
Get connected with China over the problems of Nuclear Suppliers Group.
Uniform international opinion on issues like Terrorism and Global Warming.
All the above promises were not fulfilled.
Rather the relations with these countries are at stake.
Cultural Heritage:
Facilitate the construction of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya.
Implementation of UCC.
Ganga: Clean Rivers Programme.
Ensure return of Kashmiri pundits to J&K.
Maintenance and restoration of all heritage sites.
Abrogation of Article 370 of the Constitution.
UCC is not implemented.
Construction of Ram Mandir is still not solved. It is in the hands of Supreme Court.
Kashmiri pundits have not returned to the Valley.
No abrogation of Article 370 of the constitution is done.
Cleaning Ganga is in slow progress.
[1] https://ift.tt/2VaZbpD
[2] https://ift.tt/2CJZIaP
[3] https://ift.tt/2Vbscl1
[4] https://ift.tt/2j1xrCR
[5] https://ift.tt/2VaZbpD
[6] https://ift.tt/2VcH6Ya
[7] https://ift.tt/2JE02Jj
[8] https://ift.tt/2Vi2StL
[9] https://ift.tt/2CP7sbr
[10] https://ift.tt/2V8L8R7
[11] https://ift.tt/2CP7r7n
[12] https://ift.tt/2VcH8PM
[13] https://ift.tt/2CPiuOa
[14] https://ift.tt/2VafOS8
[15] https://ift.tt/2CPehdj
[16] https://ift.tt/2lBOUCH
[17] https://ift.tt/2CRwVRy
[18] https://ift.tt/2GBi7GY
[19] https://ift.tt/2CP7r7n
[20] https://ift.tt/2NwvmQC
[21] https://ift.tt/2J4wZSt
[22] https://ift.tt/2CN7Hno
[23] https://ift.tt/2KwGuaR
[24] https://ift.tt/2CR07rV
[25] https://ift.tt/2V7qEIF
[26] https://ift.tt/2CP7r7n
[27] https://ift.tt/2CLZ8cw
[28] https://ift.tt/2VdWxiL
[29] https://ift.tt/2CP0aEx
[30] https://ift.tt/2CP7r7n
[31] https://ift.tt/2J4wZSt
[32] https://ift.tt/2CN7Hno
  Give us leads for research or fact checks to [email protected] , Submit your write-ups/articles to legaldesire.com/submit
  The insights report has been compiled by Law Students comprising intern Drashti Patwa and further updated by Mohd Ijas & Ritwika Pati
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marymosley · 5 years
Decoding BJP 2014 Manifesto: Promises & Reality
Elections are near and again Political parties will be making promises in their election manifesto for seeking vote. It is important to analyse these manifesto to make an Informed decision. In 2014 NDA led by Bharatiya Janata Party made a Manifesto for 5 years. In this Manifesto several promises were made by BJP. Here in this report we have analysed the promises made in the Manifesto and their reality check. These were the promises made by the BJP government and the reality of how far they reached here.
Price Rise[1]:
To control the high inflation, NDA’s committee of chief ministers headed by Shri Narendra Modi submitted a report on food inflation in 2011.
NDA promised that their immediate task will be to rein in inflation by steps as followed:
Put strict measures and special courts to stop hoarding and black money.
Set up Price Stabilisation Fund.
Unbundle FCI
Leverage on technology to disseminate Real time data.
Evolve a single ‘National Agriculture Market’.
Promote and support area specific crops and vegetables linked to food habits of the people.
No special courts have been set up. BJP have failed to control the price rise. The country is reeling under highest ever petrol and diesel prices. The prises of other commodities are also rising rather than reducing. Central Government has done very little to stop hoarding and black marketing[2].
Price Stabilisation Fund (PSF) was set-up in 2014-15 under the department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers welfare to help regulate the price volatility of important agri-horticultural commodities onion, potatoes and pulses[3].   
Unbundling FCI (Food Corporation of India) into three parts during a rally before Lok sabha polls was promised by PM Narendra Modi but he did not get favour from food minister and senior BJP leader Shanta Kumar. They did not approve and recommended unbundling. Thus it was not held.
PM has made full efforts in increasing technology use. Even the data and tech devices have reached to the farmers. But the problem is they don’t know how to use these technologies and thus here middle men earn his living.
National Agriculture Market just like other promises remained just a mere promises and there is seen no intention to finish or fulfil this promise.
No efforts made regarding promotion of specific crops and vegetables.
Employment and Entrepreneurship
Labour-Intensive Manufacturing and Tourism.
Strengthen the traditional employment bases of agriculture and allied industries and retail through modernization as well as stronger credit and market linkage.
Upgrading infrastructure and housing for job generation.
Encouraging and empowering self-employment.
Initiating multi-skills development programme as well as facilitating credit.
Transform employment exchanges into career centres. Giving youth opportunities with job in a transparent and effective manner through the use of technology and providing training and counselling.
The above promises made by the government are as important as any other promises. To fulfil these promises government has taken various steps. To promote employment and entrepreneurship and innovation, Modi government has made the following efforts[4]:
Start up India
Make in India
Atal Innovation Mission (AIM)
Jan Dhan-Aadhaar- Mobile (JAM)
Support to Training and Employment Programme for Women (STEP)
Digital India
Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC)
Department of Science and Technology (DST)
Stand-UP India
Trade related Entrepreneurship Assistance and Development (TREAD)
Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY)
National Skill Development Mission
Science for Equity Empowerment and Development (SEED)
The government will establish a system, which eliminates the scope for corruption. We will do this through:
Public awareness
Technology enabled e-Governance- minimizing the discretion in the citizen-government interface.
System-based, policy-driven governance- making it transparent.
Rationalization and simplification of the tax regime- which is currently repulsive for honest tax payers.
Simplification of the processes and procedures at all levels – bestowing faith in the citizens, institutions and establishments.
Black Money By minimizing the scope for corruption, we will ensure minimization of the generation of black money. BJP is committed to initiate the process of tracking down and bringing back black money stashed in foreign banks and offshore accounts. We will set up a Task Force for this purpose and to recommend amendments to existing laws or enact new laws. The process of bringing back black money to India what belongs to India will be put in motion on priority. We will also proactively engage with foreign Governments to facilitate information sharing on black money.
Decision and Policy Paralysis The country has suffered a decade of maladministration and scams in addition to decision and policy paralysis; thus bringing growth and development to a grinding halt leading to a ‘Governance deficit’. This situation will be changed and the engine of Government will be ignited again with strong willpower and commitment to public interest. We will also encourage the bureaucracy to take right decisions and contribute their might in building a modern India.
This was one of the biggest promises made by PM Modi that he will take strict action against corruption. He claimed that he is the ‘chokidar’ of India for 60 months and also said that ‘Na Khaunga Na Khane Dunga’. When we look at the steps taken by BJP in these 5 years for eradicating corruption we see demonetisation the only bigger step taken. Government in fact cracked down on Benami properties also but no major effect of this has been seen. Moreover due to demonetisation it wiped out 86% of the currency, jobs and even 100 lives[6]. In the same year 81% of the income of BJP increased! Strange it is.
Even if we focus on scams then there were several scams that came into existence. PNB was one of them and still the culprit Nirav Modi is not behind the bars. Rafale scam was also a huge example of corruption.
This shows that Modi government though made huge promises of eliminating corruption and what not but still has not taken one step of success in the same.
Poor Delivery:
Remove bottlenecks and missing links in all sectors, activities and services.
Focus on proper planning and execution for right outcomes.
Strive for scale and speed with futuristic vision.
Build institutions for today and tomorrow.
Government have been successful in removing the missing links. They have provided electricity to many villages. Almost claiming that they have provided electricity to each and every village. Although 18,000 villages still pending to get electricity[7].
Moreover Government have increased the pay of teachers in the 7th pay commission. This attracts more teachers and the links are joined[8].
Pipelines have been taken care of. Urja Ganga Scheme was launched[9].
In short these promises were very well taken care of.
Credibility Crisis:
BJP promised to maintain and improve credibility for long term. They pointed out that the value of rupee is falling incredibly. But if we see the scenario now then the rupee values is falling in the same manner or say even worse.
BJP failed to fulfil this promise.
Centre- State Relations:
Here government made several promises of making centre-State relation stronger than before.
Some of the major promises were:
Provide consultation and strive for harmonious Centre-State relations
Model of national development which will be driven by state.
Ensuring fiscal autonomy of state.
Create ‘Regional Councils of States���.
Cooperation among states on security-related issues.
State-specific models for unique problem of hill and desert state.
Give unique status to Union Territories.
Protect island territories.
Promoting tourism along with tribal welfare, infrastructure and coastal area development.
Revival of ‘National Development Council’ and ‘Inter-State Council’ into active bodies.
To make centre-state relation stronger, government have taken effective steps. State’s share in central taxation increased from 32 % to 42 %. More significance to stronger this relation was when there was as implementation of GST this year. Niti Aayog also played important role in uplifting the centre and state relations. Government have been successful in improving the relations. Also a strong union is when there is a strong union state[10].
  Integrating the Nation:
There shall be special focus and emphasis on the development of the eastern side of India.
Solve the problem of Jammu and Kashmir
To give justice to Seemandhra and Telengana.
Government made efforts for the development but couldn’t succeed.
Jammu Kashmir problem still not addressed.
People of Jammu Kashmir are still suffering from unemployment, infrastructure and better education.
Basically BJP have failed here to fulfil what they promised.
Decentralization and People’s Participation:
Bring PPPP (People-Public-Private-Partnership) model.
Strengthen the institution of the Gram Sabha
Encourage openness
Strengthen self-Governance
This promise failed to be fulfilled.
India First and Open Government:
To review performances and compulsory audit of all government schemes and programmes.
To generate ‘Kartavya Bhavna’ among public servant.
Digitization of Government records and easy access
Government made efforts but couldn’t not get any result.
There was no generation of ‘Kartavya Bhavna’, there was no change.
Generate IT jobs in rural and semi-urban.
Penetration and usage of broadband across the country.
Initiate E-Gram from centre to the panchayat.
Promote E-Bhasha for the promotion of IT in Indian Language.
Technology enabled products affordable for students…and so on.
Though BJP aims to make every household digitally literate but yet only few in numbers have been benefited.
There is no generation of IT jobs in rural areas.
No E-Grams have been initialized.
No E-Bhasha has been promoted.
These promises are not fulfilled.
Institutional Reforms:
Administrative system will be reformed.
Judicial: new courts and no justice delayed.
Police: Modernize the police force.
Electoral: bring all over electoral reforms.
The above promises have not been fulfilled at all.
Poor and Marginalized- Bridge the gap:
To secure food for poor.
To identify 100 most backward districts
Not fulfilled. Even smart city project was launched but backward districts were not taken into consideration[11].
SCs, STs, OBC, and other weaker sections- Social Justice and Empowerment:
Will empower weaker sections.
Give equal opportunity to all.
Remove untouchability at all level.
Project for housing and health.
Eliminate manual scavenging and give special focus on children.
Government granted 10% quota to economically weaker sections from the general category[12].
Untouchability has been reduced but still in rural and semi-urban areas this is still going on. It has not eradicated completely.
Talking about households and health then India has still not achieved what BJP manifesto promised.
Minorities- equal opportunity:
Give equal opportunity.
Initiate Madrasa Modernization.
Empower Waqf Boards.
Meet the aspiration of Neo-Middle Class.
Give high Priority to Rural Areas.
To promote high growth centres in urban areas.
Set up a permanent inter-faith Consultative mechanism.
Madrasa Modernisation was launched in 2014 when Smriti Irani was HR development minister.
BJP is working on it but yet has not achieved as expected.
Social Security:
For Children: Ensure effective implementation of Right to Education, Right to Food Security Act.
For Senior Citizen: Provide financial support, exploring ideas like additional tax benefits and higher interest rates.
For Specially Abled: Enactment of ‘Right of the Persons with Disabilities bill’ and facilitation of e-learning.
Implementation in RTE was made and students as well as teachers were also benefited with the amendment[13].
No new education policies have been made. Modi Government couldn’t keep this promise[14].
SAKSHAM Scholarship for differently abled children was introduced.
ICT enabled learning opportunities[15].
Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana for senior citizens above 60 years of age. More than 3 lakh people have heen benefited with this scheme[16]. More to go.
Youth- Making India Unstoppable:
Launch a programme, ‘Youth for Development’.
Young leaders Programme to be initiated in all sectors.
Promotion of Sports.
No programme is launched for Youth development. Youth is still waiting for job opportunities promised by Modi Government[17].
Government launched Khelo India to promote sports in youth[18].
Women –The Nation Builder:
Launch Beti Bachao- Beti Padhao.
Program for health care of women.
Implementation of law for women especially laws related to rapes.
Introduce self defence training.
Loans to Women Self-help groups.
The campaign of Beti Bachao – Beti Padhao was launched and is promoted aggressively.
The Central Victim Compensation Fund (CVCF) was set up in 2014 for rape, acid attacks, human trafficking etc. However laws are still the same and no strict actions being taken. Whereas rapes are increasing in numbers.
Training for self defence have been initiated by the government but its impact is still under expectation. Will grow gradually.
Education- Enroll and Excel
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
National modernisation for Madrasas
Raise standard of higher education
Reality: No such efforts made.
Skill- Focusing on Productivity and Employability:
Initiate Skill-Mapping
Launch a ‘National Multi-skill Mission’.
Promoting vocational training on massive scale.
Digital empowerment.
Intiated ‘National Skill Development Mission’, National Policy for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, 2015’ and also ‘Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY)’.
As per Govt, 2.9 lakh candidates got placement under PMKVY scheme.
Unemployment at its peak in current govt., which has strengthened Opposition parties and widespread anger among youths.
Health Services- Increase the access, Improve the Quality, lower the cost:
Modernize Government hospitals.
Initiate the ‘National Health Assurance Mission’.
Increase the numbers of medical and para-medical colleges.
Set-up an AIIMS like institution in every state.
Eradicate malnutrition and control mosquitos.
Swachh Bharat.
The set-up of AIIMS institution is in progress at several places[19].
Modi launched world’s largest government-funded healthcare scheme ‘Ayushman Bharat’ in Ranchi[20].
Economic Revival:
Find long lasting solution.
Create economic growth.
Ensure stable and balanced economy.
Undertake banking reforms.
Strictly implement Fiscal discipline.
Consumer price index (CPI) inflation increased from 3.9 per cent to 4.3 per cent in March 2018.
Foreign trade deficit also increased from $10.7 billion to $13.7 billion in March 2018.
Rupee value has been depreciated.
The gross NPAs of private banks increased.
Bank balance sheets have been wreaked havoc in the Indian economy[21].
BJP failed miserably.
Agriculture- Productive, Scientific and Rewarding:
Increase public investment in agriculture and rural development.
Enhance profitability in agriculture by ensuring a minimum of 50% profit over the cost of production.
Introduce and promote low water consuming irrigation techniques.
Focus on the quality, productivity and trade of spices.
Set up ‘Organic Farming and Fertilizer Corporation of India.’
50% cost over production costs have not yet been implemented.
The Agriculture ministry has released a draft Model contract Farming Act, 2018 but the act still remains to be amended.
Farmers are distressed in most part of the country.
Suicides cases are increasing.
Farmer loans and lack of crop insurance is still not in the picture.
Agri-rail network promised by BJP yet not implemented[22].
BJP didn’t fulfilled major part of these promises.
Industry- Modern, Competitive and Caring:
Ensure conductive, enabling environment by making ‘doing business’ easy in India.
Set-up task force to review and revive MSME sector.
Accord high priority to the growth of manufacturing so that it will create more jobs.
Increase public spending on R&D.
Clarity in tax policies.
To develop MSMEs and enhance competition.
To encourage cooperative sectors and amend the multi-state cooperative act.
Schemes will be drawn for Artisans.
Government made efforts for new industrial policy to strengthen municipal bodies.
Policies to develop R&D are in process.
Yet everything is in process. Thus it is not yet fulfilled[23].
Focus on zero defect products.
Export Promotion Mission to be established.
Work on GST in appropriate timeframe.
Promote Tourism.
Make in India is being encouraged but still small portion of its expectation have been fulfilled. Zero defect products will be gained only when Make in India is done right[24].
Export yet not promoted as being promised.
GST being implemented but have been amended several times.
Tourism is being promoted.
Labour Force, Housing, Physical Infrastructure, Water and Energy:
Extend access to modern financial services to labour.
Strengthen the Pension and Health Insurance safety nets for all kinds of labourers.
Low cost housing programme.
Work on Freight Corridors and Industrial Corridors.
Modernize existing ports.
Remote states like J&K will be connected with the rest of India through Highways and railway lines.
Launch Diamond Quadrilateral project of bullet train.
Give high priority to water security.
Launch ‘Pradhan Mantri Gram Sinchayee Yojana’
Supply drinking water in coastal citites.
Come up with ‘National Energy Policy’
Expand and strengthen national solar mission.
Today 31 million approx Indian are unemployed, modern financial services to labour is far to reach.
Atal Pension Yojana is launched for pension in the later stage of life[25].
The government implemented OROP but it is still yet to take shape.
Modi government though claimed that they have achieved 100% village electrification but taking into consideration household, work is not over. Access to clean drinking water and sanitary toilets to everybody has not been achieved.
Niti Aayog framed a draft of policy regarding National Energy Policy but still approval at ministerial level is pending.
The diamond Quadrilateral project is not near to be seen soon. However India and Japan have agreed and signed an agreement for running a bullet train[26].
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sinchayee Yojana has been launched in the year 2015[27].
Science and Technology:
To promote science and introduce schemes for the same.
Set institute of Big data and Analytics for studying.
Establish institution of Technology for Rural Development.
Achieve synergy between industry and scientific research.
‘Atlas for Visually Impaired (India)’ has been prepared by National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organisation (NATMO) under the department of Science and Technology.
One more launched, ‘Nakshe Portal’. It is available to download free though Aadhaar enabled users[28].
Institutions of IT have been launched for development of backward areas.
Flora, Fauna and Environment- Safeguarding our Tomorrow:
Encourage cleaner production.
Ecological Audit.
Pollution control.
Use of social forestry.
Guidelines for green buildings.
Launch of ‘national mission on Himalayas’
Natural and National resources.
There is an increase in forest cover.
Better population monitoring and control is done.
Ave 10 lakh crore of investment and a job potential of 10 lakh.
In 2016 Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act was passed by the parliament.
National Air Quality Index was launched in 2014 to monitor the air quality in urban centres.
Government have formed National clean air programme and gave guidelines for green India.
On July 22, 2014 the government reconstituted National Board of Wildlife (NBWL).
Secure Indians- Zero Tolerance on Terrorism, Extremism and Crime:
Focus on internal security.
BJP will deal with issues related to external security.
Strengthen defence production.
Independent Strategic Nuclear Programme.
The reality is that government lacked a lot in focusing on this promise. People are well aware of the terror attacks since 2014 especially at URI and Pathankot[30].
These promises remain unfulfilled.
Foreign Relations- Nation First, Universal Brotherhood:
To completely seal the country’s borders with Pakistan and Bangladesh.
To maintain relations with Nepal.
Get connected with China over the problems of Nuclear Suppliers Group.
Uniform international opinion on issues like Terrorism and Global Warming.
All the above promises were not fulfilled.
Rather the relations with these countries are at stake.
Cultural Heritage:
Facilitate the construction of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya.
Implementation of UCC.
Ganga: Clean Rivers Programme.
Ensure return of Kashmiri pundits to J&K.
Maintenance and restoration of all heritage sites.
Abrogation of Article 370 of the Constitution.
UCC is not implemented.
Construction of Ram Mandir is still not solved. It is in the hands of Supreme Court.
Kashmiri pundits have not returned to the Valley.
No abrogation of Article 370 of the constitution is done.
Cleaning Ganga is in slow progress.
[1] https://ift.tt/2VaZbpD
[2] https://ift.tt/2CJZIaP
[3] https://ift.tt/2Vbscl1
[4] https://ift.tt/2j1xrCR
[5] https://ift.tt/2VaZbpD
[6] https://ift.tt/2VcH6Ya
[7] https://ift.tt/2JE02Jj
[8] https://ift.tt/2Vi2StL
[9] https://ift.tt/2CP7sbr
[10] https://ift.tt/2V8L8R7
[11] https://ift.tt/2CP7r7n
[12] https://ift.tt/2VcH8PM
[13] https://ift.tt/2CPiuOa
[14] https://ift.tt/2VafOS8
[15] https://ift.tt/2CPehdj
[16] https://ift.tt/2lBOUCH
[17] https://ift.tt/2CRwVRy
[18] https://ift.tt/2GBi7GY
[19] https://ift.tt/2CP7r7n
[20] https://ift.tt/2NwvmQC
[21] https://ift.tt/2J4wZSt
[22] https://ift.tt/2CN7Hno
[23] https://ift.tt/2KwGuaR
[24] https://ift.tt/2CR07rV
[25] https://ift.tt/2V7qEIF
[26] https://ift.tt/2CP7r7n
[27] https://ift.tt/2CLZ8cw
[28] https://ift.tt/2VdWxiL
[29] https://ift.tt/2CP0aEx
[30] https://ift.tt/2CP7r7n
[31] https://ift.tt/2J4wZSt
[32] https://ift.tt/2CN7Hno
  Give us leads for research or fact checks to [email protected] , Submit your write-ups/articles to legaldesire.com/submit
  The insights report has been compiled by Law Students comprising intern Drashti Patwa and further updated by Mohd Ijas & Ritwika Pati
The post Decoding BJP 2014 Manifesto: Promises & Reality appeared first on Legal Desire.
Decoding BJP 2014 Manifesto: Promises & Reality published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
0 notes
marymosley · 5 years
Decoding BJP 2014 Manifesto: Promises & Reality
Elections are near and again Political parties will be making promises in their election manifesto for seeking vote. It is important to analyse these manifesto to make an Informed decision. In 2014 NDA led by Bharatiya Janata Party made a Manifesto for 5 years. In this Manifesto several promises were made by BJP. Here in this report we have analysed the promises made in the Manifesto and their reality check. These were the promises made by the BJP government and the reality of how far they reached here.
Price Rise[1]:
To control the high inflation, NDA’s committee of chief ministers headed by Shri Narendra Modi submitted a report on food inflation in 2011.
NDA promised that their immediate task will be to rein in inflation by steps as followed:
Put strict measures and special courts to stop hoarding and black money.
Set up Price Stabilisation Fund.
Unbundle FCI
Leverage on technology to disseminate Real time data.
Evolve a single ‘National Agriculture Market’.
Promote and support area specific crops and vegetables linked to food habits of the people.
No special courts have been set up. BJP have failed to control the price rise. The country is reeling under highest ever petrol and diesel prices. The prises of other commodities are also rising rather than reducing. Central Government has done very little to stop hoarding and black marketing[2].
Price Stabilisation Fund (PSF) was set-up in 2014-15 under the department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers welfare to help regulate the price volatility of important agri-horticultural commodities onion, potatoes and pulses[3].   
Unbundling FCI (Food Corporation of India) into three parts during a rally before Lok sabha polls was promised by PM Narendra Modi but he did not get favour from food minister and senior BJP leader Shanta Kumar. They did not approve and recommended unbundling. Thus it was not held.
PM has made full efforts in increasing technology use. Even the data and tech devices have reached to the farmers. But the problem is they don’t know how to use these technologies and thus here middle men earn his living.
National Agriculture Market just like other promises remained just a mere promises and there is seen no intention to finish or fulfil this promise.
No efforts made regarding promotion of specific crops and vegetables.
Employment and Entrepreneurship
Labour-Intensive Manufacturing and Tourism.
Strengthen the traditional employment bases of agriculture and allied industries and retail through modernization as well as stronger credit and market linkage.
Upgrading infrastructure and housing for job generation.
Encouraging and empowering self-employment.
Initiating multi-skills development programme as well as facilitating credit.
Transform employment exchanges into career centres. Giving youth opportunities with job in a transparent and effective manner through the use of technology and providing training and counselling.
The above promises made by the government are as important as any other promises. To fulfil these promises government has taken various steps. To promote employment and entrepreneurship and innovation, Modi government has made the following efforts[4]:
Start up India
Make in India
Atal Innovation Mission (AIM)
Jan Dhan-Aadhaar- Mobile (JAM)
Support to Training and Employment Programme for Women (STEP)
Digital India
Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC)
Department of Science and Technology (DST)
Stand-UP India
Trade related Entrepreneurship Assistance and Development (TREAD)
Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY)
National Skill Development Mission
Science for Equity Empowerment and Development (SEED)
The government will establish a system, which eliminates the scope for corruption. We will do this through:
Public awareness
Technology enabled e-Governance- minimizing the discretion in the citizen-government interface.
System-based, policy-driven governance- making it transparent.
Rationalization and simplification of the tax regime- which is currently repulsive for honest tax payers.
Simplification of the processes and procedures at all levels – bestowing faith in the citizens, institutions and establishments.
Black Money By minimizing the scope for corruption, we will ensure minimization of the generation of black money. BJP is committed to initiate the process of tracking down and bringing back black money stashed in foreign banks and offshore accounts. We will set up a Task Force for this purpose and to recommend amendments to existing laws or enact new laws. The process of bringing back black money to India what belongs to India will be put in motion on priority. We will also proactively engage with foreign Governments to facilitate information sharing on black money.
Decision and Policy Paralysis The country has suffered a decade of maladministration and scams in addition to decision and policy paralysis; thus bringing growth and development to a grinding halt leading to a ‘Governance deficit’. This situation will be changed and the engine of Government will be ignited again with strong willpower and commitment to public interest. We will also encourage the bureaucracy to take right decisions and contribute their might in building a modern India.
This was one of the biggest promises made by PM Modi that he will take strict action against corruption. He claimed that he is the ‘chokidar’ of India for 60 months and also said that ‘Na Khaunga Na Khane Dunga’. When we look at the steps taken by BJP in these 5 years for eradicating corruption we see demonetisation the only bigger step taken. Government in fact cracked down on Benami properties also but no major effect of this has been seen. Moreover due to demonetisation it wiped out 86% of the currency, jobs and even 100 lives[6]. In the same year 81% of the income of BJP increased! Strange it is.
Even if we focus on scams then there were several scams that came into existence. PNB was one of them and still the culprit Nirav Modi is not behind the bars. Rafale scam was also a huge example of corruption.
This shows that Modi government though made huge promises of eliminating corruption and what not but still has not taken one step of success in the same.
Poor Delivery:
Remove bottlenecks and missing links in all sectors, activities and services.
Focus on proper planning and execution for right outcomes.
Strive for scale and speed with futuristic vision.
Build institutions for today and tomorrow.
Government have been successful in removing the missing links. They have provided electricity to many villages. Almost claiming that they have provided electricity to each and every village. Although 18,000 villages still pending to get electricity[7].
Moreover Government have increased the pay of teachers in the 7th pay commission. This attracts more teachers and the links are joined[8].
Pipelines have been taken care of. Urja Ganga Scheme was launched[9].
In short these promises were very well taken care of.
Credibility Crisis:
BJP promised to maintain and improve credibility for long term. They pointed out that the value of rupee is falling incredibly. But if we see the scenario now then the rupee values is falling in the same manner or say even worse.
BJP failed to fulfil this promise.
Centre- State Relations:
Here government made several promises of making centre-State relation stronger than before.
Some of the major promises were:
Provide consultation and strive for harmonious Centre-State relations
Model of national development which will be driven by state.
Ensuring fiscal autonomy of state.
Create ‘Regional Councils of States’.
Cooperation among states on security-related issues.
State-specific models for unique problem of hill and desert state.
Give unique status to Union Territories.
Protect island territories.
Promoting tourism along with tribal welfare, infrastructure and coastal area development.
Revival of ‘National Development Council’ and ‘Inter-State Council’ into active bodies.
To make centre-state relation stronger, government have taken effective steps. State’s share in central taxation increased from 32 % to 42 %. More significance to stronger this relation was when there was as implementation of GST this year. Niti Aayog also played important role in uplifting the centre and state relations. Government have been successful in improving the relations. Also a strong union is when there is a strong union state[10].
  Integrating the Nation:
There shall be special focus and emphasis on the development of the eastern side of India.
Solve the problem of Jammu and Kashmir
To give justice to Seemandhra and Telengana.
Government made efforts for the development but couldn’t succeed.
Jammu Kashmir problem still not addressed.
People of Jammu Kashmir are still suffering from unemployment, infrastructure and better education.
Basically BJP have failed here to fulfil what they promised.
Decentralization and People’s Participation:
Bring PPPP (People-Public-Private-Partnership) model.
Strengthen the institution of the Gram Sabha
Encourage openness
Strengthen self-Governance
This promise failed to be fulfilled.
India First and Open Government:
To review performances and compulsory audit of all government schemes and programmes.
To generate ‘Kartavya Bhavna’ among public servant.
Digitization of Government records and easy access
Government made efforts but couldn’t not get any result.
There was no generation of ‘Kartavya Bhavna’, there was no change.
Generate IT jobs in rural and semi-urban.
Penetration and usage of broadband across the country.
Initiate E-Gram from centre to the panchayat.
Promote E-Bhasha for the promotion of IT in Indian Language.
Technology enabled products affordable for students…and so on.
Though BJP aims to make every household digitally literate but yet only few in numbers have been benefited.
There is no generation of IT jobs in rural areas.
No E-Grams have been initialized.
No E-Bhasha has been promoted.
These promises are not fulfilled.
Institutional Reforms:
Administrative system will be reformed.
Judicial: new courts and no justice delayed.
Police: Modernize the police force.
Electoral: bring all over electoral reforms.
The above promises have not been fulfilled at all.
Poor and Marginalized- Bridge the gap:
To secure food for poor.
To identify 100 most backward districts
Not fulfilled. Even smart city project was launched but backward districts were not taken into consideration[11].
SCs, STs, OBC, and other weaker sections- Social Justice and Empowerment:
Will empower weaker sections.
Give equal opportunity to all.
Remove untouchability at all level.
Project for housing and health.
Eliminate manual scavenging and give special focus on children.
Government granted 10% quota to economically weaker sections from the general category[12].
Untouchability has been reduced but still in rural and semi-urban areas this is still going on. It has not eradicated completely.
Talking about households and health then India has still not achieved what BJP manifesto promised.
Minorities- equal opportunity:
Give equal opportunity.
Initiate Madrasa Modernization.
Empower Waqf Boards.
Meet the aspiration of Neo-Middle Class.
Give high Priority to Rural Areas.
To promote high growth centres in urban areas.
Set up a permanent inter-faith Consultative mechanism.
Madrasa Modernisation was launched in 2014 when Smriti Irani was HR development minister.
BJP is working on it but yet has not achieved as expected.
Social Security:
For Children: Ensure effective implementation of Right to Education, Right to Food Security Act.
For Senior Citizen: Provide financial support, exploring ideas like additional tax benefits and higher interest rates.
For Specially Abled: Enactment of ‘Right of the Persons with Disabilities bill’ and facilitation of e-learning.
Implementation in RTE was made and students as well as teachers were also benefited with the amendment[13].
No new education policies have been made. Modi Government couldn’t keep this promise[14].
SAKSHAM Scholarship for differently abled children was introduced.
ICT enabled learning opportunities[15].
Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana for senior citizens above 60 years of age. More than 3 lakh people have heen benefited with this scheme[16]. More to go.
Youth- Making India Unstoppable:
Launch a programme, ‘Youth for Development’.
Young leaders Programme to be initiated in all sectors.
Promotion of Sports.
No programme is launched for Youth development. Youth is still waiting for job opportunities promised by Modi Government[17].
Government launched Khelo India to promote sports in youth[18].
Women –The Nation Builder:
Launch Beti Bachao- Beti Padhao.
Program for health care of women.
Implementation of law for women especially laws related to rapes.
Introduce self defence training.
Loans to Women Self-help groups.
The campaign of Beti Bachao – Beti Padhao was launched and is promoted aggressively.
The Central Victim Compensation Fund (CVCF) was set up in 2014 for rape, acid attacks, human trafficking etc. However laws are still the same and no strict actions being taken. Whereas rapes are increasing in numbers.
Training for self defence have been initiated by the government but its impact is still under expectation. Will grow gradually.
Education- Enroll and Excel
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
National modernisation for Madrasas
Raise standard of higher education
Reality: No such efforts made.
Skill- Focusing on Productivity and Employability:
Initiate Skill-Mapping
Launch a ‘National Multi-skill Mission’.
Promoting vocational training on massive scale.
Digital empowerment.
Intiated ‘National Skill Development Mission’, National Policy for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, 2015’ and also ‘Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY)’.
As per Govt, 2.9 lakh candidates got placement under PMKVY scheme.
Unemployment at its peak in current govt., which has strengthened Opposition parties and widespread anger among youths.
Health Services- Increase the access, Improve the Quality, lower the cost:
Modernize Government hospitals.
Initiate the ‘National Health Assurance Mission’.
Increase the numbers of medical and para-medical colleges.
Set-up an AIIMS like institution in every state.
Eradicate malnutrition and control mosquitos.
Swachh Bharat.
The set-up of AIIMS institution is in progress at several places[19].
Modi launched world’s largest government-funded healthcare scheme ‘Ayushman Bharat’ in Ranchi[20].
Economic Revival:
Find long lasting solution.
Create economic growth.
Ensure stable and balanced economy.
Undertake banking reforms.
Strictly implement Fiscal discipline.
Consumer price index (CPI) inflation increased from 3.9 per cent to 4.3 per cent in March 2018.
Foreign trade deficit also increased from $10.7 billion to $13.7 billion in March 2018.
Rupee value has been depreciated.
The gross NPAs of private banks increased.
Bank balance sheets have been wreaked havoc in the Indian economy[21].
BJP failed miserably.
Agriculture- Productive, Scientific and Rewarding:
Increase public investment in agriculture and rural development.
Enhance profitability in agriculture by ensuring a minimum of 50% profit over the cost of production.
Introduce and promote low water consuming irrigation techniques.
Focus on the quality, productivity and trade of spices.
Set up ‘Organic Farming and Fertilizer Corporation of India.’
50% cost over production costs have not yet been implemented.
The Agriculture ministry has released a draft Model contract Farming Act, 2018 but the act still remains to be amended.
Farmers are distressed in most part of the country.
Suicides cases are increasing.
Farmer loans and lack of crop insurance is still not in the picture.
Agri-rail network promised by BJP yet not implemented[22].
BJP didn’t fulfilled major part of these promises.
Industry- Modern, Competitive and Caring:
Ensure conductive, enabling environment by making ‘doing business’ easy in India.
Set-up task force to review and revive MSME sector.
Accord high priority to the growth of manufacturing so that it will create more jobs.
Increase public spending on R&D.
Clarity in tax policies.
To develop MSMEs and enhance competition.
To encourage cooperative sectors and amend the multi-state cooperative act.
Schemes will be drawn for Artisans.
Government made efforts for new industrial policy to strengthen municipal bodies.
Policies to develop R&D are in process.
Yet everything is in process. Thus it is not yet fulfilled[23].
Focus on zero defect products.
Export Promotion Mission to be established.
Work on GST in appropriate timeframe.
Promote Tourism.
Make in India is being encouraged but still small portion of its expectation have been fulfilled. Zero defect products will be gained only when Make in India is done right[24].
Export yet not promoted as being promised.
GST being implemented but have been amended several times.
Tourism is being promoted.
Labour Force, Housing, Physical Infrastructure, Water and Energy:
Extend access to modern financial services to labour.
Strengthen the Pension and Health Insurance safety nets for all kinds of labourers.
Low cost housing programme.
Work on Freight Corridors and Industrial Corridors.
Modernize existing ports.
Remote states like J&K will be connected with the rest of India through Highways and railway lines.
Launch Diamond Quadrilateral project of bullet train.
Give high priority to water security.
Launch ‘Pradhan Mantri Gram Sinchayee Yojana’
Supply drinking water in coastal citites.
Come up with ‘National Energy Policy’
Expand and strengthen national solar mission.
Today 31 million approx Indian are unemployed, modern financial services to labour is far to reach.
Atal Pension Yojana is launched for pension in the later stage of life[25].
The government implemented OROP but it is still yet to take shape.
Modi government though claimed that they have achieved 100% village electrification but taking into consideration household, work is not over. Access to clean drinking water and sanitary toilets to everybody has not been achieved.
Niti Aayog framed a draft of policy regarding National Energy Policy but still approval at ministerial level is pending.
The diamond Quadrilateral project is not near to be seen soon. However India and Japan have agreed and signed an agreement for running a bullet train[26].
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sinchayee Yojana has been launched in the year 2015[27].
Science and Technology:
To promote science and introduce schemes for the same.
Set institute of Big data and Analytics for studying.
Establish institution of Technology for Rural Development.
Achieve synergy between industry and scientific research.
‘Atlas for Visually Impaired (India)’ has been prepared by National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organisation (NATMO) under the department of Science and Technology.
One more launched, ‘Nakshe Portal’. It is available to download free though Aadhaar enabled users[28].
Institutions of IT have been launched for development of backward areas.
Flora, Fauna and Environment- Safeguarding our Tomorrow:
Encourage cleaner production.
Ecological Audit.
Pollution control.
Use of social forestry.
Guidelines for green buildings.
Launch of ‘national mission on Himalayas’
Natural and National resources.
There is an increase in forest cover.
Better population monitoring and control is done.
Ave 10 lakh crore of investment and a job potential of 10 lakh.
In 2016 Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act was passed by the parliament.
National Air Quality Index was launched in 2014 to monitor the air quality in urban centres.
Government have formed National clean air programme and gave guidelines for green India.
On July 22, 2014 the government reconstituted National Board of Wildlife (NBWL).
Secure Indians- Zero Tolerance on Terrorism, Extremism and Crime:
Focus on internal security.
BJP will deal with issues related to external security.
Strengthen defence production.
Independent Strategic Nuclear Programme.
The reality is that government lacked a lot in focusing on this promise. People are well aware of the terror attacks since 2014 especially at URI and Pathankot[30].
These promises remain unfulfilled.
Foreign Relations- Nation First, Universal Brotherhood:
To completely seal the country’s borders with Pakistan and Bangladesh.
To maintain relations with Nepal.
Get connected with China over the problems of Nuclear Suppliers Group.
Uniform international opinion on issues like Terrorism and Global Warming.
All the above promises were not fulfilled.
Rather the relations with these countries are at stake.
Cultural Heritage:
Facilitate the construction of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya.
Implementation of UCC.
Ganga: Clean Rivers Programme.
Ensure return of Kashmiri pundits to J&K.
Maintenance and restoration of all heritage sites.
Abrogation of Article 370 of the Constitution.
UCC is not implemented.
Construction of Ram Mandir is still not solved. It is in the hands of Supreme Court.
Kashmiri pundits have not returned to the Valley.
No abrogation of Article 370 of the constitution is done.
Cleaning Ganga is in slow progress.
[1] https://ift.tt/2VaZbpD
[2] https://ift.tt/2CJZIaP
[3] https://ift.tt/2Vbscl1
[4] https://ift.tt/2j1xrCR
[5] https://ift.tt/2VaZbpD
[6] https://ift.tt/2VcH6Ya
[7] https://ift.tt/2JE02Jj
[8] https://ift.tt/2Vi2StL
[9] https://ift.tt/2CP7sbr
[10] https://ift.tt/2V8L8R7
[11] https://ift.tt/2CP7r7n
[12] https://ift.tt/2VcH8PM
[13] https://ift.tt/2CPiuOa
[14] https://ift.tt/2VafOS8
[15] https://ift.tt/2CPehdj
[16] https://ift.tt/2lBOUCH
[17] https://ift.tt/2CRwVRy
[18] https://ift.tt/2GBi7GY
[19] https://ift.tt/2CP7r7n
[20] https://ift.tt/2NwvmQC
[21] https://ift.tt/2J4wZSt
[22] https://ift.tt/2CN7Hno
[23] https://ift.tt/2KwGuaR
[24] https://ift.tt/2CR07rV
[25] https://ift.tt/2V7qEIF
[26] https://ift.tt/2CP7r7n
[27] https://ift.tt/2CLZ8cw
[28] https://ift.tt/2VdWxiL
[29] https://ift.tt/2CP0aEx
[30] https://ift.tt/2CP7r7n
[31] https://ift.tt/2J4wZSt
[32] https://ift.tt/2CN7Hno
  Give us leads for research or fact checks to [email protected] , Submit your write-ups/articles to legaldesire.com/submit
  The insights report has been compiled by Law Students comprising intern Drashti Patwa and further updated by Mohd Ijas & Ritwika Pati
The post Decoding BJP 2014 Manifesto: Promises & Reality appeared first on Legal Desire.
Decoding BJP 2014 Manifesto: Promises & Reality published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
0 notes
marymosley · 5 years
Decoding BJP 2014 Manifesto: Promises & Reality
Elections are near and again Political parties will be making promises in their election manifesto for seeking vote. It is important to analyse these manifesto to make an Informed decision. In 2014 NDA led by Bharatiya Janata Party made a Manifesto for 5 years. In this Manifesto several promises were made by BJP. Here in this report we have analysed the promises made in the Manifesto and their reality check. These were the promises made by the BJP government and the reality of how far they reached here.
Price Rise[1]:
To control the high inflation, NDA’s committee of chief ministers headed by Shri Narendra Modi submitted a report on food inflation in 2011.
NDA promised that their immediate task will be to rein in inflation by steps as followed:
Put strict measures and special courts to stop hoarding and black money.
Set up Price Stabilisation Fund.
Unbundle FCI
Leverage on technology to disseminate Real time data.
Evolve a single ‘National Agriculture Market’.
Promote and support area specific crops and vegetables linked to food habits of the people.
No special courts have been set up. BJP have failed to control the price rise. The country is reeling under highest ever petrol and diesel prices. The prises of other commodities are also rising rather than reducing. Central Government has done very little to stop hoarding and black marketing[2].
Price Stabilisation Fund (PSF) was set-up in 2014-15 under the department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers welfare to help regulate the price volatility of important agri-horticultural commodities onion, potatoes and pulses[3].   
Unbundling FCI (Food Corporation of India) into three parts during a rally before Lok sabha polls was promised by PM Narendra Modi but he did not get favour from food minister and senior BJP leader Shanta Kumar. They did not approve and recommended unbundling. Thus it was not held.
PM has made full efforts in increasing technology use. Even the data and tech devices have reached to the farmers. But the problem is they don’t know how to use these technologies and thus here middle men earn his living.
National Agriculture Market just like other promises remained just a mere promises and there is seen no intention to finish or fulfil this promise.
No efforts made regarding promotion of specific crops and vegetables.
Employment and Entrepreneurship
Labour-Intensive Manufacturing and Tourism.
Strengthen the traditional employment bases of agriculture and allied industries and retail through modernization as well as stronger credit and market linkage.
Upgrading infrastructure and housing for job generation.
Encouraging and empowering self-employment.
Initiating multi-skills development programme as well as facilitating credit.
Transform employment exchanges into career centres. Giving youth opportunities with job in a transparent and effective manner through the use of technology and providing training and counselling.
The above promises made by the government are as important as any other promises. To fulfil these promises government has taken various steps. To promote employment and entrepreneurship and innovation, Modi government has made the following efforts[4]:
Start up India
Make in India
Atal Innovation Mission (AIM)
Jan Dhan-Aadhaar- Mobile (JAM)
Support to Training and Employment Programme for Women (STEP)
Digital India
Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC)
Department of Science and Technology (DST)
Stand-UP India
Trade related Entrepreneurship Assistance and Development (TREAD)
Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY)
National Skill Development Mission
Science for Equity Empowerment and Development (SEED)
The government will establish a system, which eliminates the scope for corruption. We will do this through:
Public awareness
Technology enabled e-Governance- minimizing the discretion in the citizen-government interface.
System-based, policy-driven governance- making it transparent.
Rationalization and simplification of the tax regime- which is currently repulsive for honest tax payers.
Simplification of the processes and procedures at all levels – bestowing faith in the citizens, institutions and establishments.
Black Money By minimizing the scope for corruption, we will ensure minimization of the generation of black money. BJP is committed to initiate the process of tracking down and bringing back black money stashed in foreign banks and offshore accounts. We will set up a Task Force for this purpose and to recommend amendments to existing laws or enact new laws. The process of bringing back black money to India what belongs to India will be put in motion on priority. We will also proactively engage with foreign Governments to facilitate information sharing on black money.
Decision and Policy Paralysis The country has suffered a decade of maladministration and scams in addition to decision and policy paralysis; thus bringing growth and development to a grinding halt leading to a ‘Governance deficit’. This situation will be changed and the engine of Government will be ignited again with strong willpower and commitment to public interest. We will also encourage the bureaucracy to take right decisions and contribute their might in building a modern India.
This was one of the biggest promises made by PM Modi that he will take strict action against corruption. He claimed that he is the ‘chokidar’ of India for 60 months and also said that ‘Na Khaunga Na Khane Dunga’. When we look at the steps taken by BJP in these 5 years for eradicating corruption we see demonetisation the only bigger step taken. Government in fact cracked down on Benami properties also but no major effect of this has been seen. Moreover due to demonetisation it wiped out 86% of the currency, jobs and even 100 lives[6]. In the same year 81% of the income of BJP increased! Strange it is.
Even if we focus on scams then there were several scams that came into existence. PNB was one of them and still the culprit Nirav Modi is not behind the bars. Rafale scam was also a huge example of corruption.
This shows that Modi government though made huge promises of eliminating corruption and what not but still has not taken one step of success in the same.
Poor Delivery:
Remove bottlenecks and missing links in all sectors, activities and services.
Focus on proper planning and execution for right outcomes.
Strive for scale and speed with futuristic vision.
Build institutions for today and tomorrow.
Government have been successful in removing the missing links. They have provided electricity to many villages. Almost claiming that they have provided electricity to each and every village. Although 18,000 villages still pending to get electricity[7].
Moreover Government have increased the pay of teachers in the 7th pay commission. This attracts more teachers and the links are joined[8].
Pipelines have been taken care of. Urja Ganga Scheme was launched[9].
In short these promises were very well taken care of.
Credibility Crisis:
BJP promised to maintain and improve credibility for long term. They pointed out that the value of rupee is falling incredibly. But if we see the scenario now then the rupee values is falling in the same manner or say even worse.
BJP failed to fulfil this promise.
Centre- State Relations:
Here government made several promises of making centre-State relation stronger than before.
Some of the major promises were:
Provide consultation and strive for harmonious Centre-State relations
Model of national development which will be driven by state.
Ensuring fiscal autonomy of state.
Create ‘Regional Councils of States’.
Cooperation among states on security-related issues.
State-specific models for unique problem of hill and desert state.
Give unique status to Union Territories.
Protect island territories.
Promoting tourism along with tribal welfare, infrastructure and coastal area development.
Revival of ‘National Development Council’ and ‘Inter-State Council’ into active bodies.
To make centre-state relation stronger, government have taken effective steps. State’s share in central taxation increased from 32 % to 42 %. More significance to stronger this relation was when there was as implementation of GST this year. Niti Aayog also played important role in uplifting the centre and state relations. Government have been successful in improving the relations. Also a strong union is when there is a strong union state[10].
  Integrating the Nation:
There shall be special focus and emphasis on the development of the eastern side of India.
Solve the problem of Jammu and Kashmir
To give justice to Seemandhra and Telengana.
Government made efforts for the development but couldn’t succeed.
Jammu Kashmir problem still not addressed.
People of Jammu Kashmir are still suffering from unemployment, infrastructure and better education.
Basically BJP have failed here to fulfil what they promised.
Decentralization and People’s Participation:
Bring PPPP (People-Public-Private-Partnership) model.
Strengthen the institution of the Gram Sabha
Encourage openness
Strengthen self-Governance
This promise failed to be fulfilled.
India First and Open Government:
To review performances and compulsory audit of all government schemes and programmes.
To generate ‘Kartavya Bhavna’ among public servant.
Digitization of Government records and easy access
Government made efforts but couldn’t not get any result.
There was no generation of ‘Kartavya Bhavna’, there was no change.
Generate IT jobs in rural and semi-urban.
Penetration and usage of broadband across the country.
Initiate E-Gram from centre to the panchayat.
Promote E-Bhasha for the promotion of IT in Indian Language.
Technology enabled products affordable for students…and so on.
Though BJP aims to make every household digitally literate but yet only few in numbers have been benefited.
There is no generation of IT jobs in rural areas.
No E-Grams have been initialized.
No E-Bhasha has been promoted.
These promises are not fulfilled.
Institutional Reforms:
Administrative system will be reformed.
Judicial: new courts and no justice delayed.
Police: Modernize the police force.
Electoral: bring all over electoral reforms.
The above promises have not been fulfilled at all.
Poor and Marginalized- Bridge the gap:
To secure food for poor.
To identify 100 most backward districts
Not fulfilled. Even smart city project was launched but backward districts were not taken into consideration[11].
SCs, STs, OBC, and other weaker sections- Social Justice and Empowerment:
Will empower weaker sections.
Give equal opportunity to all.
Remove untouchability at all level.
Project for housing and health.
Eliminate manual scavenging and give special focus on children.
Government granted 10% quota to economically weaker sections from the general category[12].
Untouchability has been reduced but still in rural and semi-urban areas this is still going on. It has not eradicated completely.
Talking about households and health then India has still not achieved what BJP manifesto promised.
Minorities- equal opportunity:
Give equal opportunity.
Initiate Madrasa Modernization.
Empower Waqf Boards.
Meet the aspiration of Neo-Middle Class.
Give high Priority to Rural Areas.
To promote high growth centres in urban areas.
Set up a permanent inter-faith Consultative mechanism.
Madrasa Modernisation was launched in 2014 when Smriti Irani was HR development minister.
BJP is working on it but yet has not achieved as expected.
Social Security:
For Children: Ensure effective implementation of Right to Education, Right to Food Security Act.
For Senior Citizen: Provide financial support, exploring ideas like additional tax benefits and higher interest rates.
For Specially Abled: Enactment of ‘Right of the Persons with Disabilities bill’ and facilitation of e-learning.
Implementation in RTE was made and students as well as teachers were also benefited with the amendment[13].
No new education policies have been made. Modi Government couldn’t keep this promise[14].
SAKSHAM Scholarship for differently abled children was introduced.
ICT enabled learning opportunities[15].
Pradhan Mantri Vaya Vandana Yojana for senior citizens above 60 years of age. More than 3 lakh people have heen benefited with this scheme[16]. More to go.
Youth- Making India Unstoppable:
Launch a programme, ‘Youth for Development’.
Young leaders Programme to be initiated in all sectors.
Promotion of Sports.
No programme is launched for Youth development. Youth is still waiting for job opportunities promised by Modi Government[17].
Government launched Khelo India to promote sports in youth[18].
Women –The Nation Builder:
Launch Beti Bachao- Beti Padhao.
Program for health care of women.
Implementation of law for women especially laws related to rapes.
Introduce self defence training.
Loans to Women Self-help groups.
The campaign of Beti Bachao – Beti Padhao was launched and is promoted aggressively.
The Central Victim Compensation Fund (CVCF) was set up in 2014 for rape, acid attacks, human trafficking etc. However laws are still the same and no strict actions being taken. Whereas rapes are increasing in numbers.
Training for self defence have been initiated by the government but its impact is still under expectation. Will grow gradually.
Education- Enroll and Excel
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
National modernisation for Madrasas
Raise standard of higher education
Reality: No such efforts made.
Skill- Focusing on Productivity and Employability:
Initiate Skill-Mapping
Launch a ‘National Multi-skill Mission’.
Promoting vocational training on massive scale.
Digital empowerment.
Intiated ‘National Skill Development Mission’, National Policy for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, 2015’ and also ‘Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY)’.
As per Govt, 2.9 lakh candidates got placement under PMKVY scheme.
Unemployment at its peak in current govt., which has strengthened Opposition parties and widespread anger among youths.
Health Services- Increase the access, Improve the Quality, lower the cost:
Modernize Government hospitals.
Initiate the ‘National Health Assurance Mission’.
Increase the numbers of medical and para-medical colleges.
Set-up an AIIMS like institution in every state.
Eradicate malnutrition and control mosquitos.
Swachh Bharat.
The set-up of AIIMS institution is in progress at several places[19].
Modi launched world’s largest government-funded healthcare scheme ‘Ayushman Bharat’ in Ranchi[20].
Economic Revival:
Find long lasting solution.
Create economic growth.
Ensure stable and balanced economy.
Undertake banking reforms.
Strictly implement Fiscal discipline.
Consumer price index (CPI) inflation increased from 3.9 per cent to 4.3 per cent in March 2018.
Foreign trade deficit also increased from $10.7 billion to $13.7 billion in March 2018.
Rupee value has been depreciated.
The gross NPAs of private banks increased.
Bank balance sheets have been wreaked havoc in the Indian economy[21].
BJP failed miserably.
Agriculture- Productive, Scientific and Rewarding:
Increase public investment in agriculture and rural development.
Enhance profitability in agriculture by ensuring a minimum of 50% profit over the cost of production.
Introduce and promote low water consuming irrigation techniques.
Focus on the quality, productivity and trade of spices.
Set up ‘Organic Farming and Fertilizer Corporation of India.’
50% cost over production costs have not yet been implemented.
The Agriculture ministry has released a draft Model contract Farming Act, 2018 but the act still remains to be amended.
Farmers are distressed in most part of the country.
Suicides cases are increasing.
Farmer loans and lack of crop insurance is still not in the picture.
Agri-rail network promised by BJP yet not implemented[22].
BJP didn’t fulfilled major part of these promises.
Industry- Modern, Competitive and Caring:
Ensure conductive, enabling environment by making ‘doing business’ easy in India.
Set-up task force to review and revive MSME sector.
Accord high priority to the growth of manufacturing so that it will create more jobs.
Increase public spending on R&D.
Clarity in tax policies.
To develop MSMEs and enhance competition.
To encourage cooperative sectors and amend the multi-state cooperative act.
Schemes will be drawn for Artisans.
Government made efforts for new industrial policy to strengthen municipal bodies.
Policies to develop R&D are in process.
Yet everything is in process. Thus it is not yet fulfilled[23].
Focus on zero defect products.
Export Promotion Mission to be established.
Work on GST in appropriate timeframe.
Promote Tourism.
Make in India is being encouraged but still small portion of its expectation have been fulfilled. Zero defect products will be gained only when Make in India is done right[24].
Export yet not promoted as being promised.
GST being implemented but have been amended several times.
Tourism is being promoted.
Labour Force, Housing, Physical Infrastructure, Water and Energy:
Extend access to modern financial services to labour.
Strengthen the Pension and Health Insurance safety nets for all kinds of labourers.
Low cost housing programme.
Work on Freight Corridors and Industrial Corridors.
Modernize existing ports.
Remote states like J&K will be connected with the rest of India through Highways and railway lines.
Launch Diamond Quadrilateral project of bullet train.
Give high priority to water security.
Launch ‘Pradhan Mantri Gram Sinchayee Yojana’
Supply drinking water in coastal citites.
Come up with ‘National Energy Policy’
Expand and strengthen national solar mission.
Today 31 million approx Indian are unemployed, modern financial services to labour is far to reach.
Atal Pension Yojana is launched for pension in the later stage of life[25].
The government implemented OROP but it is still yet to take shape.
Modi government though claimed that they have achieved 100% village electrification but taking into consideration household, work is not over. Access to clean drinking water and sanitary toilets to everybody has not been achieved.
Niti Aayog framed a draft of policy regarding National Energy Policy but still approval at ministerial level is pending.
The diamond Quadrilateral project is not near to be seen soon. However India and Japan have agreed and signed an agreement for running a bullet train[26].
Pradhan Mantri Gram Sinchayee Yojana has been launched in the year 2015[27].
Science and Technology:
To promote science and introduce schemes for the same.
Set institute of Big data and Analytics for studying.
Establish institution of Technology for Rural Development.
Achieve synergy between industry and scientific research.
‘Atlas for Visually Impaired (India)’ has been prepared by National Atlas and Thematic Mapping Organisation (NATMO) under the department of Science and Technology.
One more launched, ‘Nakshe Portal’. It is available to download free though Aadhaar enabled users[28].
Institutions of IT have been launched for development of backward areas.
Flora, Fauna and Environment- Safeguarding our Tomorrow:
Encourage cleaner production.
Ecological Audit.
Pollution control.
Use of social forestry.
Guidelines for green buildings.
Launch of ‘national mission on Himalayas’
Natural and National resources.
There is an increase in forest cover.
Better population monitoring and control is done.
Ave 10 lakh crore of investment and a job potential of 10 lakh.
In 2016 Compensatory Afforestation Fund Act was passed by the parliament.
National Air Quality Index was launched in 2014 to monitor the air quality in urban centres.
Government have formed National clean air programme and gave guidelines for green India.
On July 22, 2014 the government reconstituted National Board of Wildlife (NBWL).
Secure Indians- Zero Tolerance on Terrorism, Extremism and Crime:
Focus on internal security.
BJP will deal with issues related to external security.
Strengthen defence production.
Independent Strategic Nuclear Programme.
The reality is that government lacked a lot in focusing on this promise. People are well aware of the terror attacks since 2014 especially at URI and Pathankot[30].
These promises remain unfulfilled.
Foreign Relations- Nation First, Universal Brotherhood:
To completely seal the country’s borders with Pakistan and Bangladesh.
To maintain relations with Nepal.
Get connected with China over the problems of Nuclear Suppliers Group.
Uniform international opinion on issues like Terrorism and Global Warming.
All the above promises were not fulfilled.
Rather the relations with these countries are at stake.
Cultural Heritage:
Facilitate the construction of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya.
Implementation of UCC.
Ganga: Clean Rivers Programme.
Ensure return of Kashmiri pundits to J&K.
Maintenance and restoration of all heritage sites.
Abrogation of Article 370 of the Constitution.
UCC is not implemented.
Construction of Ram Mandir is still not solved. It is in the hands of Supreme Court.
Kashmiri pundits have not returned to the Valley.
No abrogation of Article 370 of the constitution is done.
Cleaning Ganga is in slow progress.
[1] https://ift.tt/2VaZbpD
[2] https://ift.tt/2CJZIaP
[3] https://ift.tt/2Vbscl1
[4] https://ift.tt/2j1xrCR
[5] https://ift.tt/2VaZbpD
[6] https://ift.tt/2VcH6Ya
[7] https://ift.tt/2JE02Jj
[8] https://ift.tt/2Vi2StL
[9] https://ift.tt/2CP7sbr
[10] https://ift.tt/2V8L8R7
[11] https://ift.tt/2CP7r7n
[12] https://ift.tt/2VcH8PM
[13] https://ift.tt/2CPiuOa
[14] https://ift.tt/2VafOS8
[15] https://ift.tt/2CPehdj
[16] https://ift.tt/2lBOUCH
[17] https://ift.tt/2CRwVRy
[18] https://ift.tt/2GBi7GY
[19] https://ift.tt/2CP7r7n
[20] https://ift.tt/2NwvmQC
[21] https://ift.tt/2J4wZSt
[22] https://ift.tt/2CN7Hno
[23] https://ift.tt/2KwGuaR
[24] https://ift.tt/2CR07rV
[25] https://ift.tt/2V7qEIF
[26] https://ift.tt/2CP7r7n
[27] https://ift.tt/2CLZ8cw
[28] https://ift.tt/2VdWxiL
[29] https://ift.tt/2CP0aEx
[30] https://ift.tt/2CP7r7n
[31] https://ift.tt/2J4wZSt
[32] https://ift.tt/2CN7Hno
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  The insights report has been compiled by Law Students comprising intern Drashti Patwa and further updated by Mohd Ijas & Ritwika Pati
The post Decoding BJP 2014 Manifesto: Promises & Reality appeared first on Legal Desire.
Decoding BJP 2014 Manifesto: Promises & Reality published first on https://immigrationlawyerto.tumblr.com/
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