#black pantherkin
yourlocal-therian · 3 months
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otherkinotd · 1 year
T'Challa and Shuri from the black panther movies are pantherkin!
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ayeenbean · 3 years
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please don’t use/repost. this is a personal moodboard
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kin---aesthetics · 7 years
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Aesthetic for a pantherkin who loves the darkness! I hope you like it! Have a wonderful day! ---Mod Wes ❤️🖤❤️
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sophronns · 3 years
You can't convince me Selina Kyle isn't therian. Specifically, domestic catkin, and maybe black pantherkin too since she keeps a group of them in some adaptations. This is my headcanon y'all.
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lucci0la · 4 years
Hi can I get a pendulum reading for shapeshifterkin, direwolfkin, werewolfkin, or black pantherkin?
Hi, yeah! I got a moderate yes for shapeshifterkin, a weak no for both direwolfkin and werewolfkin, and a weak yes for black pantherkin.
Please keep in mind that you know yourself best
Feel free to come again
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cd-archive · 7 years
Astaroth Arc 8: Blackhorn Raid
"Sylvana, Anything Interesting Come up?" Astaroth asks.
Sylvana looks up from her seat in the main hall, having been reading reports from some of the specialists. "Yes, mistress." Sylvana smiles. "There's a small kingdom nearby that recently had an attempt by a radical group to usurp the throne. It was unsuccessful, but they managed to take out most of the guard. They should be easy pickings now."
Astaroth nods."Faye, With me. This should be easy."
Faye grins. "Of course, mistress. When do we depart?"
"Now." she takes off, A map in hand.
Faye flies after her. "So what's the plan once we get there?"
"The same as last time. We drop in and they all submit."
Faye nods. "I was hoping you'd say that."
They keep flying until they reach a small castle, with a few houses within its courtyard. Most of the land around it is farmland, save for a small village outside the castle.
Astaroth lands at the castle, Expecting an easy victory.
There's a single guard there. "Oy! Whada you doin ere?" He asks. He's clearly drunk, and is openly staring at Astaroth's chest.
Astaroth laughs, Charging up a ball of energy in one hand to kill him.
Faye quickly punches him in the face, knocking him into a nearby wall and rendering him unconscious. "Mistress, leave the fighting to me." She says, not wanting anyone to die unnecessarily.
She huffs, Walking with faye.
"I think the throne rooms... this way." She says. There aren't any other guards until they reach a set of large wooden doors, with two guards that Faye quickly dispatches. "This must be it!" She kicks the heavy oak doors open, causing them to crack and splinter where she kicked.
astaroth hurls the energy ball at the door, Turning it into Small splinters with a golden explosion.
Faye looks at where the door once was. "I softened the door up for you."
"Come on, Let's take this kingdom." she walks into the Throne room.
"The king isn't here." A voice says as they enter. "Leave now."
Astaroth Smiles."good, I'll just take the entire kingdom, If he's already gone."
"I'm not going to let that happen." The voice says, all the torches illuminating the room go out, making it pitch black. "I swore an oath to protect this kingdom."
"Your oath is moot. This kingdom belongs to the black horn succubi now."
Faye grins. "All though you're welcome to join us. We have great benefits."
"I'd rather die!" A dart whizzes past Astaroth.
"Ow! What hit me?" It's too dark to even see Faye, but the sound of her collapsing to the ground is clear.
Astaroth smiles and walks forward. "Interesting. But you underestimate me, It seems."
"You say that, but how do you expect to fight in the dark?" The voice asks. She can hear movement from the other side of a room, and a dart whizzing through the air towards her.
She grabs the dart out of the air. "Simple. Light up the room." an Energy ball forms in her hand and she hurls in front of her.
As the energy ball flies through the room, she can make out a figure. It's definitely a female, with a skimpy, skintight leotard and a hood. Her body is fit, with decent curves. The hood conceals her face, but the black tail behind her reveals her feline heritage. The figure growls, grabbing a sword and charging Astaroth with surprising speed.
Astaroth grins and snaps, Black tentacles rising from the ground in front of her and snapping at her assailant.
The girl slashes at the tentacles, continuing to charge towards her.
Astaroth Uses her wings to fly back, Spawning a sword of gold energy and swinging it at her.
The girl raises her sword to block Astaroth's.
As she does, Astaroth whirls around as the tentacles snap at her again.
The girl uses her feline agility to slip out of the tentacles grip, continuing to slash at Astaroth, aiming for her wings.
Astaroth smiles and flaps her wings hard, Shooting bladed Feathers at the girl.
The girl gasps and jumps away, a few just barely hitting her, giving her a few light cuts. "What are you?!" She growls, jumping in for another attack.
"I am your new mistress." She stomps, Tentacles sprouting from the ground and wall.
"Never!" She tries slashing the tentacles away as fast as she can, but she's quickly getting overwhelmed.
Astaroth grins and closes her hand. All the tentacles snap towards her.
The girl keeps slashing them away as fast as she can, but she can't move fast enough for all of them.
They wrap around her body, Keeping her legs apart and her arms out.
"Damnit, let go of me, monster!" The girl growls, trying to bite and claw out of their grip.
They tighten around her as they lower her in front of Astaroth.
The girl keeps struggling. "As soon as I get out of here, you're dead!"
"Silence." A tentacle pulls at her Leotard, Ripping it.
The girl squeals as her body is exposed. "You bitch! Trying to make me into another one of your fucktoys?! All you demons are the same!"
Astaroth smiles as the tentacles spread her legs wide and lower her. Astaroth begins to lick the girl's lower lips.
The girl bites her lip to stop herself from moaning. "Mn, pathetic. I would have a better time with those drunken louts outside." She taunts Astaroth.
Astaroth Stops, Looking up at her. "I'm sure you're very experienced at letting them lick you with dirty tounges and taking dirty cock. Maybe i should just hang you from the rafters in your dungeon and leave you."
The girl grins. "You're bluffing. You wouldn't leave me to be someone else's. I'm too attractive for that. You want me and you know it."
Astaroth smiles. "You'd belong to the stone cold walls and skeletons down there. Nobody would dare look for you. They'd think you were dead."
The girl's grin drops for a moment. "Y-you're still bluffing!"
Astaroth smiles as the tentacles stretch, Moving towards the dungeon doors.
The girl is silent for a moment, waiting for the tentacles to stop. When they don't she starts to panic. "W-wait! Okay, you're not bluffing! I get it, you don't need to put me in the dungeon!"
Astaroth pulls her back over. "How many men have violated you?"
"Wh-what?!" The girl blushes. "None! Why do you care?!" She lies.
"How many?" Astaroth growls. "Or you'll room with the a skeletons."
The girl whimpers and is silent for a moment. "M-many... I-I used to be a slave..."
"Are you sick?" She growls.
"No... The king had his healers look at me. He rescued me..."
"You will serve me faithfully, Now." Astaroth commands.
The girl looks up at her with a weakening determination. "No, I swore that I'd serve my king. He saved me, I owe him my life!" She says. "While the two of us still draw breath, my oath shall remain upheld!"
Astaroth spreads her legs and her lips wrap around the girl's clit, Suckling it gently.
The girl mewls, her tail flicking with pleasure. "Nhh, I-I won't let you trick me!"
Astaroth licks her, Wanting to taste her sweet femcum.
She moans and trembles. "S-stop... I- ahhn- won't fall for this!" She says as she starts to get wet.
Astaroth smiles and keeps it up, Fingering her as she licks her clit.
"Mhh, n-no..." She moans louder as she nears orgasm, her pantherkin ears twitching with pleasure as she mewls. "W-wait, I-I'm gonna- nhh!"
Astaroth grins, Continuing to pleasure the pantherkin with her talented tounge.
The pantherkin cums, squealing shamelessly as she does, squirting webs of femcum. "Ahhn!" She shudders in the tentacles grip, panting softly.
Astaroth smiles. "Obey me."
The girl whimpers. "I-I can't... I-I'm sorry... not until the king has passed away..."
Astaroth growls and grows a cock, Lowering her down and sliding her cock into The girl's pussy, Ramming her hard.
The girl squeals as Astaroth fucks her mercilessly. "W-wait- ahh- slow down!"
Astaroth growls. "You have no choice. Obey." she thrusts faster.
The girl whimpers and mewls. "I-I'll obey! Just- nhh- please slow down!"
Astaroth growls and keeps thrusting. "I need a bodyguard. Do you know of any dragonkin in the Area?"
"There's- mhh- a dragonkin in the dungeon!" She answers, mewling submissively.
"Her name?" Astaroth Asks.
"K-Kaia. The other rebels said her name is Kaia." She says. "She lead the assault on the castle, and killed most of our guards."
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yourkinaesthetic · 9 years
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black panther kin aesthetic
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otherstim · 9 years
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Stim Toys for Black Pantherkin
Fidget bracelet // Chewy claw necklace
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kincosmetics-blog · 8 years
(Sorry I sent my ask too early, T^T) Could I get feminine fashion and makeup for a black pantherkin? I'm a fan of glitter and deep colors, and if they could all be affordable then that would be greatly appreciated, thank you! :3
Queue’d! :3
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otherkin-kingdom · 9 years
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Masculine Bagheera/black panther stuff for anon Buttons: http://etsy.me/1TWNOMB Buttons 2: http://etsy.me/24EMdjJ Tail/ears: http://etsy.me/1SmJOoZ T shirt: http://etsy.me/21Iql86 Necklace: http://etsy.me/1Y89VjP Bracelet: http://etsy.me/1oTxqRq Sweater: http://etsy.me/21LvbOm T shirt 2: http://etsy.me/1ppKBtR Necklace 2: http://etsy.me/1QPWC1v Bracelet 2: http://etsy.me/1UDo88D
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