#black materia inc
rottenpumpkin13 · 11 months
How many people has Genesis fought in Shinra Inc, and does Angeal and/or Seph have videos? Realistically he could beat a majority of them in a fight to the death with his materia and sword, but how does he usually do in fistfights for example?
Genesis sits in Lazard's office with a black eye, a bloody nose and holding an ice pack to his head.
Lazard: Why in Shiva's name would you challenge Reno to a fist fight?
Genesis: We were fighting for dominance.
Lazard: Dominance over what!?
Genesis: Over being the better redhead.
Meanwhile Sephiroth and Angeal are in the background snickering over the video and the exact moment when Reno flung Genesis down the stairs.
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rauthschild · 1 year
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Press-ganging and involuntary conscription have been illegal and unlawful for over two hundred years, just as slavery and peonage have both been abolished worldwide since 1926.
Yet all these evils continue unabated in the modern world.
Joseph R. Biden, the President of a foreign Municipal Corporation residing in the District of Columbia, is issuing Executive Orders that clear the way to illegally conscript Americans under the same False Legal Presumptions used during World War II, Korea, and Vietnam conflicts.
According to the secret accords recently uncovered between the US CORP and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) it is apparent that these renegade corporations are colluding against the national interests of both the Ukraine and Russia. These commercial organizations have been promoting an illegal proxy war in Ukraine, and are now preparing to openly engage because their proxy war has failed.
It is also apparent that these activities by the CCP are an attempt to evade China's obligations under the Sino-Russian mutual defense pact. The most likely results will be continued war in the Ukraine and a civil war in China with or without Russian intervention --- and great international distress worldwide.
The United States of North America, our unincorporated Federation of States, objects to this unlawful activity on the part of these municipal and commercial corporations and calls upon the Principals responsible to take appropriate action in their respective jurisdictions to defund and otherwise forestall these actions.
We now know that our military was unlawfully converted into a foreign mercenary force back in the 1860's, and so, the criminality of the so-called "Selective Service" is made apparent.
Can GMC or Raytheon or Berkshire-Hathaway or Exxon roll up to anyone's door and demand that they enlist as a mercenary?
No, they cannot.
When the US, INC. or the USA, Inc. comes knocking, they, too, are merely corporations. The only difference is that they have been operating under color of law and abusing the appearance of governmental authority for a long time.
The Perpetrators pretend that they are addressing their own citizenry---that is, Municipal citizens of the United States mischaracterized as THINGS, corporate franchises with names written in Dog Latin, hence, "Dog Tags".
This is why a soldier's name is written in all capital letters, with their last name first, and first name last. They have been dehumanized and reduced to the level of objects.
There is no law against lying to, killing, or abusing a corporate franchise.
If you are an Autochthonous American, you have no obligation to any Municipal Corporation --- instead, they have obligations owed to you, which they are not only not fulfilling, but are actively evading.
It's time everyone worldwide understands this.
The Perpetrators, foreign municipal and commercial corporation personnel, come to our doors and our schools under the pretense of being our government. They subourn commercial service contracts under color of law. Later, when they want to promote a new Mercenary Conflict, they enforce these purloined and misrepresented service contracts.
Anyone who wises up and refuses to participate is labeled a "draft dodger" and prosecuted as a criminal.
Joe Biden is ordering his corporation's employees and dependents to get ready for yet another Mercenary Conflict.
The Selective Service (Corporation) puts out deceptive ads disguised as Public Service Announcements, telling young men and women that they have to sign up for "Selective Service" -- that is, the Draft, and telling them that if they don't sign up for Selective Service, they will be unable to receive college loans.
These ads and publications by the Selective Service (Corporation) never disclose the fact that by enrolling, these young Black, Brown and Coppertone people are unknowingly volunteering for foreign mercenary service.
We have found that the majority of Selective Service materials have been printed in Puerto Rico, at the same location that printed the bulk of Internal Revenue Service documents, none of which carry OMB numbers. This is because they are not official government forms.
They are only made to look like official government documents for purposes of deceit and commercial advantage.
These are scams. These are dirty, dishonest, coercive "voluntary enslavement" rackets that the Municipal Corporations have used to entrap the Autochthonous people in this country since the 1930's.
They use the Territorial and Municipal Post Offices to promote their scams in violation of Universal Postal Union regulations, and they use the public airwaves to promote their activities via radio and television ads.
Our young people are owed full disclosure.
First, they must know and be told that they are not obligated to sign up with Selective Service. Anyone telling them that they have to sign up or must sign up is engaged in coercion and misrepresentation.
When Federal or Federal State-of-State Employees engage in this activity, it takes on the additional character of racketeering under force and color of law.
Our Autochthonous young people are owed all the nasty facts related to "Selective Service", especially the fact that if they enroll, they are signing a contract obligating them to serve as foreign mercenaries and agreeing to risk their lives for a fraction, usually about one-fifth, of the pay that commercial mercenaries normally receive.
They should know that their prospective employer is not their government.
Most of all, they should know that there is precious little defence of their country involved.
Instead, they will be employed as thugs going into other countries and terrorizing the local people to expedite theft of natural resources, artifacts, and whatever else the criminals running the District of Columbia crave.
There's no honor in performing this service, though a great many honorable men have been fooled and coerced into performing it.
Entire generations of Americans have been deceived by these foreign press ganging and conscription operations, but we are not asleep any longer.
Americans have slogged through Mercenary Conflict after Mercenary Conflict, convinced that they were acting with just cause and defending their country in time of "war", but they have been deceived.
It's our erring British Territorial Subcontractor that is a democracy, not our country, not our actual government.
Our country hasn't fielded an Army or engaged in a declared War since The War of 1812.
Everything else that has gone on since then has been a series of ugly commercial conflicts misrepresented as "wars".
We consider the activities of the Selective Service (Corporation) to be a criminal form of commercial and international fraud, resulting in press-ganging, enslavement, racketeering, and ultimately, war profiteering under color of law.
We consider that the undisclosed and misrepresented nature of these Selective Service contracts renders them null and void. Any court, foreign or domestic, and any local Draft Board enforcing these purported service contracts is an accomplice to the crimes herein described.
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earaercircular · 1 year
Bridgestone presents sustainable car tires made from recycled material
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Recycled plastic, steel and carbon black, vegetable oil and resin, more sustainable rubber… The new car tire from the Japanese Bridgestone[1] is full of sustainable innovations. It consists of 37 percent recycled material, 38 percent renewable material and will be prepared for the market this year.
Bridgestone has now produced two hundred copies of the sustainable car tire. And they have also been extensively tested. Cooperation is currently being sought with car manufacturers to apply the car tires to electric SUVs and CUVs.
Recycled and renewable material
The tire consists of various recycled materials, such as plastic, steel and carbon black (a powder that makes tires black and wear-resistant, among other things). The new rubber left in the tires is made from the desert plant guayule[2], which is grown on American soil. This also brings sustainable benefits. The natural rubber of guayule serves as an alternative to the rubber of the Brazilian rubber tree, which mainly grows in Southeast Asia. In other words: the import of rubber is declining. In addition, guayule needs fifty percent less water to grow.
Bridgestone also has follow-up ambitions. In 2050, the company wants to use only sustainable materials in its car tires. It is currently working on a tire for passenger cars that consists of 90 percent recycled and renewable materials.
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Recycle car tires
Car tires have a significant impact on the environment, especially after their service life. Every year, more than a billion car tires end up in landfill[3]  and the vast majority of them are incinerated. This is accompanied by a lot of CO2 emissions, because current car tires consist largely of fossil raw materials.
It is therefore not only important that car tires increasingly consist of recycled and renewable materials, but also that they are recycled more often. The Dutch Black Bear Carbon[4] has a solution for this and has since grown into an international player. The company (based on the Chemelot industrial cluster) is able to recover the carbon black from used car tyres, a powder that is normally produced in a polluting manner, by burning heavy petroleum fractions.
Hidde Middelweerd, Bridgestone presenteert duurzame autoband van gerecycled materiaal, in: Change Inc, 12-4-2023, https://www.change.inc/circulaire-economie/bridgestone-presenteert-duurzame-autoband-van-gerecycled-materiaal-39818
[1] Bridgestone Corporation (株式会社ブリヂストン, Kabushiki gaisha Burijisuton) is a Japanese multinational tire manufacturer founded in 1931 by Shojiro Ishibashi (1889–1976) in the city of Kurume, Fukuoka, Japan. The name Bridgestone comes from a calque translation and transposition of ishibashi (石橋), meaning 'stone bridge' in Japanese. As of 2021, Bridgestone is the largest manufacturer of tires in the world, followed by Michelin in France, Goodyear in the United States, MRF in India, Continental in Germany and Pirelli in Italy. Bridgestone Group has 181 production facilities in 24 countries as of July 2018.
[2] Parthenium argentatum, commonly known as the guayule, is a perennial woody shrub in the family Asteraceae that is native to the rangeland area of the Chihuahuan Desert; including the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. It was first documented by J.M. Bigelow in 1852 through the Mexican Boundary Survey and was first described by Asa Gray. Natural rubber, ethanol, non-toxic adhesives, and other specialty chemicals can be extracted from guayule. An alternative source of latex that is hypoallergenic, unlike the normal Hevea rubber, can also be extracted. While Castilla elastica was the most widely used rubber source of Mesoamericans in pre-Columbian times, guayule was also used, though less frequently. The name "guayule" derives from the Nahuatl word ulli/olli, "rubber".
[3] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/664740575771262976/an-entrepreneur-in-nigeria-has-found-value-from?source=share
[4] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/668310648430723073/black-bear-carbon-plans-to-build-factory-at?source=share
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rosaguard · 3 years
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this is a lore dump created to help mutuals who aren’t familiar with the lore of ffvii should they wish to interact. this post will only cover information from the original game / OG ( ex. information that did not originate from the OG such as the arbiters of fate in the remake or deepground in dirge of cerberus is not going to be covered in this post ). 
final fantasy vii is, on average, a 40 hour game with an entire compilation built around it that consists of prequels, a sequel movie, novels, a remake and more that build on ( and sometimes retcon ) parts of the original game. i cannot cover everything and thus this posts serves to be a stepping stone to help understand the basic gist of the lore before doing your own further research if you desire to. obvious spoilers will be present so read at your own discretion.
● AVALANCHE : an eco-terrorist organization that opposes shinra due to them slowly draining life from the planet. the organization has multiple cells ( or factions ) within and outside midgar with barret’s group being somewhat shunned due to their methods of bombing mako reactors being considered too extreme.
● CETRA : also known as the ‘ancients’. a migrant race that worships the planet, have the ability to speak with it directly, cast magic naturally, and can manipulate the lifestream’s energy. the ancient civilization was nearly wiped out by jenova thousands of years prior to the events of the game and canonically, aeris gainsborough is the last living ancient until her death.
● GAEA : a living organism and the planet that the story of ffvii takes place on. when injured, the planet is capable of healing itself with the lifestream and on rare occasions, it can be ‘heard’ by non-cetras when in extreme pain or distress. gaea is generally referred to as only ‘the planet’ by characters in-game ( *gaia’s used in the compilation but it’s never used in the original game - nor is the planet given a ‘name’ in general. i’m choosing to use ‘gaea’ because of a location in the northern crater that has the name, i like the way it sounds, and i can do what i want:tm: ).
● LIFESTREAM : the river of life that flows within the depths of gaea. the lifestream is both the planet’s consciousness and source of all life on the planet. all things are born from the lifestream and all things return to it to be born anew. the lifestream contains the knowledge, memories, and emotions of every life that returns to it after death. in my blog canon, aeris merges with the planet’s consciousness and becomes the personification of the planet / lifestream itself.
● PROMISED LAND : a fabled land in cetra legends believed to be a place of ‘supreme happiness’ that the cetra would find at the end of their journeys. shinra, believing it to be a place abundant in mako, desire it for an endless supply of energy. it’s speculated that the promised land isn’t a literal ‘place’ but the event of rejoining the lifestream once a life comes to an end.
● HUMANS : currently the most prominent race in gaea. humans were cetra that lost the ability to commune with the planet and use magic naturally when they abandoned their duties to cultivate life and traded their nomadic lifestyle for leisure and convenience. while the cetra civilization was decimated by jenova, humans were able to survive in greater numbers by hiding until the alien was locked away.
● JENOVA : otherwise known as the ‘calamity of the skies’ by the cetra. it is a creature of unknown origin that crashed onto northern gaea around thousand years ago via a meteorite. the crash inflicted so great a wound to the planet’s surface that the cetra to migrated north to heal the injury where the ‘calamity’, disguising itself as one of the cetra, would emerge and infect them. the cetra fell into ruin as they turned into monsters or died by their own kind’s hands before a few survivors were able to eventually seal the creature away.
● JENOVA PROJECT : thirty years prior to the start of the game, a team of shinra scientists discover the remains of the creature that fell from the skies thousands of years prior. mistaking the creature as a cetra, it would be named ‘jenova’ by professor gast and shinra would green light multiple projects in an attempt to produce a human-cetra hybrid - the most ‘successful’ being project s.
● PROJECT S :  professor hojo and lucrecia crescent, two scientists on the jenova project, agree to use their own child as the subject of the project. the fetus is injected jenova’s cells while in the womb and although the speciman, sephiroth, couldn’t commune with the planet, he displayed impressive abilities greater than any natural soldier. the data and research of project s would lead to the development and creation of SOLIDER.
● SOLDIER : an elite group of super soldiers ranked by three classes - first class being the highest. although it is known to the general public that they are infused with mako to get their heightened strength, candidates that approved to be in SOLDIER are unknowingly injected with not only mako but jenova cells as well.
● MAKO : the liquid form of the lifestream. although mako can erupt from the group naturally, it is most often forcibly extracted from the planet for use by the shinra electric power company. due to shinra monopolizing mako energy and spreading mako reactors globally over the past forty years, mako is the main electric power source across the planet until post-meteorfall.
● MAKO POISONING : the state one enters into when exposed to a high concentration of mako for too long. since mako is essentially the lifestream, those who experience mako poisoning and survive are often left in a comatose state due to being overwhelmed by the sheer memories and thoughts that the lifestream contains.
● MAKO REACTORS : machines built to extract mako. areas near reactors tend to be devoid of life and barren as a result of the reactors slowly draining the lifestream from the area. outside of the city of midgar itself, mako reactors are typically built in remote, backwater towns.
● MATERIA : crystalized mako. as the lifestream contains the memory of all things, materia is embed with the memories and wisdom of the ancients, natural magic users, which allows the user to cast different types of spells when equipped.
● THE BLACK MATERIA : a materia used to summon meteor, the ultimate destructive magic. due its danger, it’s locked away by the cetra in the temple of the ancients before eventually falling into sephiroth’s hands during the events of the game. the black materia is used by sephiroth to summon meteor in order to ‘injure’ the planet and absorb the energy of the lifestream once it tries to heal the wound.
● THE WHITE MATERIA : the black materia’s counterpart. the white materia summons holy, the ultimate white magic, that can cleanse the planet during a crisis and ensure the continuation of life - even if it means the destruction of humanity in the process. initially unaware of its importance, aeris treats the white materia as a keepsake from her mother and wears it tucked inside of her pink ribbon throughout the events of the game.
● MIDGAR : known as ‘the city of mako’, midgar is the capitol of shinra’s operations. the actual ‘city’ of midgar consists of giant plates that are divided into eight sectors which each being powered by their own mako reactor. the circular plate that makes up the city midgar sits on creates a literal divide between those who live in comfort in the city above and the poorer residents in the slums below. although the city has its own mayor, president shinra is considered to be the true power behind any decisions made in midgar.
● NEO MIDGAR : the new city president shinra hopes to build in the fabled promised land that will be powered by the endless supply of mako there. shinra uses propaganda and the promise of building a utopia to lure the general populace into supporting their cause.
● THE SLUMS : the home of those who live under the ‘rotten pizza’ known as the plate. originally eight separate towns, they each lost their individual names after shinra began the construction of midgar on top of them. each area of the slums is now just referred to as whatever sector of midgar it sits underneath, ex. sector seven vs the sector seven slums. crime and monsters are equal dangers within the slums and citizens are left to fend for themselves regarding both.
● NIBELHEIM INCIDENT : after what was supposed to be a routine check of a mako reactor in nibelheim, sephiroth discovers documents regarding project s and the origins of his birth in an abandoned shinra mansion within the town. believing that he’s the last cetra and that his birth mother is ‘jenova’, sephiroth experiences a mental breakdown that’s followed by him setting the town of nibelheim ablaze and murdering a majority of its residents as they try to escape. the incident ends with sephiroth being thrown into the lifestream after cloud strife tosses him directly into the mako at the bottom of nibelheim’s reactor in order to protect tifa lockhart and zack fair.
● SEPHIROTH ‘CLONES’ : the remaining survivors of the nibelheim incident that weren’t able to escape and captured by shinra to be experimented on by professor hojo. the subjects, all injected with mako and jenova cells, are either given numbers once they become mindless slaves to jenova’s will or are left to slowly die if they hold onto their sense of self. after being kept in mako tanks for nearly five years, zack is able to escape along with cloud - although the latter is left in a comatose-like state throughout their escape. 
● REUNION THEORY : a theory proposed by hojo regarding the nature of jenova cells. it’s theorized that the cells will always seek to be ‘reunited’ when separated from the main body and that they can influence the mind of any person or creature its been injected inside to achieve that. sephiroth uses this ability to influence cloud’s actions throughout the game.
● SHINRA INC. : fully known as the shinra electric power company, shinra is a mega-corporation that’s the dominant political and economic power on the planet. originally a weapons manufacturer, the company greatly expanded over the years due to their financial gains after discovering the use of mako as an energy source. many, if not all, of the problems in the game are a direct result of shinra’s actions - even if the consequences are not seen until decades later.
● WUTAI WAR : a war sparked between shinra and the nation of wutai after the latter refused to have a mako reactor built in their region. the war would last presumably close to a decade, both sides taking heavy casualties before wutai surrenders and bans the use of materia as a sign of their defeat. with wutai being the last nation to fall to shinra and sephiroth emerging as a global war hero during the war, many travel to midgar and enlist in its military in hopes of becoming a first class SOLDIER. despite their loss, wutai still plots against shinra and is an active supporter of avalanche.
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[Dorky-self-shipper] Free Pass to talk about any s/i you want? 👀
Thank you so much for this @dorky-self-shipper!!! Made me smile a LOT!!!
The FF7 world has been living in my head rent free ever since I played Remake for the first time. So I’m gonna talk about my FF7 s/i. She’s... really something. She’s not completely fleshed out yet, but I still think she’s pretty cool. 
Let’s gooooooooo!
My self insert for the ff7 world is a Turk working under Shinra Inc. Shinra are the villains for the most part, and the Turks do some pretty morally-gray stuff for them.  She looks pretty much identical to me/my fe3h s/i. Tan skin, red glasses, black hair, and the signature Turks suit. She doesn’t have anything too special going on with her suit. Just a white shirt along with a black tie, a black coat, and black pants paired with some black boots. She occasionally leaves the buttons on her blazer open.  She’s also pretty short (I’m around 5’2 😭). Tseng and Rude both stand at around 6 feet, so she always looks pretty small next to them. 
Since she’s a Turk, she sometimes has to fight her way out of sticky situations.  Her main weapon of choice is the same as my fe3h s/i! She’s a spellcaster!
She’s a Materia specialist and fights using different kinds of orbs of Materia, and is always sure to keep many on her so she’s always prepared. She mainly keeps elemental types of Materia with her, but she’s sure to keep some healing ones along with a Time Materia. She’s not against a few summons either. She has a little belt of them that she wears because carrying around that many fragile glass-like orbs without it + her clumsiness? ...Yikes.  (Also she can, will, and does do the fe3h Trickster thing where she shoots magic out of fingerguns. One of my favorite classes in the game for sure. Felix in a suit with fingerguns is one of the best things I’ve ever seen.) 
She doesn’t use a physical weapon very often whatsoever, but when she does, it’s usually a handgun. Swords are cool and she likes them. She’s not too skilled with then and isn’t keen on the sight of injury, but she has an admiration. They’re usually too bulky for her to keep on her suit, though, so she usually just has her Materia along with a gun. Please don’t be surprised if she whips out a sword every now and then though. She sometimes pairs her Materia with her gun as well because ✨elemental bullets✨
One of my headcanons (but wait.. if it’s my s/i... wouldn’t that be canon...? anyways-) is that Materia can be embedded in tattoo ink which is then applied to the body to infuse the person with the power of that Materia very slightly. Now, it can’t be anything major because in the Turks side game, one of the characters has shards of Materia in her arm, and it slowly eats away at her life force. So let’s, uh, avoid that. I like to think that maybe (I’m still thinking about this one) Ash has some very small hand-tattoos embedded with either Cure or Fire Materia. The Cure one helps her both cure very small wounds on herself and/or on others when she doesn’t have her full Cure orb on her. As for the Fire one, there’s a lot of handy situations in which just a little bit of fire can be useful, so that’s that. Again, this is just a thought, but I think it’s pretty goddamn cool! Also would explain why I’m so tired all the time lmao!
Also Materia is pretty and I love it. The colors are interesting too. 
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Adding onto that, she also really likes jewelry. Materia infused jewelry was something I thought of, but I’m not quite sure about that? She already has a wide assortment on her, so I think she would just settle for normal jewelry. Just like many of the other Turks, she’s always wearing small earrings. However, on missions where she can’t have all her gear on her, she will have Materia infused jewelry. Also, sometimes it’s just cute so. It depends on the day. Also! Since part of the uniform is gloves (she prefers fingerless), she doesn’t really get a chance to wear rings, unfortunately. When she’s not wearing gloves, though, she usually has some rings on. 
Is part of the Turks initiation process a trip to Claire’s?
I like to think that she’s pretty friendly and that she gets along well with her team. She’s either very serious or a total goofball depending on the situation. Expect many bad puns and snarky comments. She tries her best to fulfil her duties as a Turk, but they can sometimes be difficult for her since her emotions can sometimes cloud her judgement. She’s a very emotional person. The Sector 7 Job screws her up quite a bit. I’m not sure if she’s a Turk then or not, but just knowing that her team was responsible for that many deaths puts a bitter taste in her mouth. 
When combat can be avoided, she will take that route. She’s no pacifist, she would just prefer to do things with her words than with her flames. However, there are exceptions to this (*coughs in Don Corneo* She will gladly rip that man apart.) When she’s not on the active field during missions, she’ll stay back with Tseng and go through information, helping him guide the team. Her and Tseng are pretty close, despite being so different. 
Being completely honest, one of her favorite parts of her position is having access to so much information. She enjoys reading a lot, along with gaming. 
As for relationships with her team, they’re all pretty strong. 
Her and Tseng have some differing values, but they get along fairly well. She’s very cautious about her wording around him at first. He’s a scary guy, and him being leader doesn’t help. He can be very cold sometimes, but he’s a good listener. She relaxes around him eventually, and he becomes someone who she goes to very often for support. I like to think that she goes to him after the Sector 7 situation to talk about her feelings about it. I also think that he may have been the one who recruited her into the team in the first place? She owes a lot to him, and looks up to him a lot. Learning about how caring he was when he was younger only increases her admiration. She sometimes doesn’t agree with some of his more twisted logic, but she also understands that he has duties to fulfil and a team to manage. He’s trying his best to comfort them. 
Her and Reno are bros. Reno brings out her more wild side, and those two together are the very definition of chaotic. They’re always cracking jokes with each other and for them, being together is a blast. He was one of the first who reached out to her back when she was still new on the team, and when Rude isn’t available, he talks to her a lot. He appreciates how easy she is to talk to. They share the same braincell, and their jokes are very stupid. Their team missions are pretty fun. I also like to think that they play video games together in their free time! I love their friendship SO much!!! Ash definitely has her smarter moments, and is very knowledgeable on a lot of things, but together, they share a singular braincell.  An important thing to add about them is that sometimes she can be a bit of a mom-friend towards him when they’re not fooling around? She knows when enough is enough and when to rein him in. They both have their more serious moments, and their understanding of each other definitely helps on more serious missions. In a nutshell, they’re just two bros and I love them a lot. They understand each other.  Also, their fighting styles compliment each other quite a bit, so that’s fun. 
Ash and Rude is a friendship I really appreciate. Rude is not a man of many words, and Ash is very talkative. However, you quickly learn that Rude is very caring and prefers to show his affection in smaller gestures and actions. It takes a while for Rude to become more open with her, but it happens. He always listens to her rambles and although he might not say much, he remembers every single detail. She reminds him a bit of Reno, and he’s been dealing with a Reno for the past 7-some years. Their relationship is very wholesome, and Ash always encourages him to voice his thoughts. Also, he gives very good hugs when she needs them. She’s very sensitive and can be very affected by some of the stuff she sees while on duty, and he’s very protective of her. Her attitude and rambles confuse Rude sometimes, but he tries to be a good friend. Also they can kick ass together big time.  In conclusion, Rude and Ash = big soft hours. 
Okay, let’s talk about Ash and Elena. Elena is a character that I personally adore so much because it took me a while to like her. My initial reaction to playing the original ff7 and seeing her was simply, “Oh, great. Yes, make the only female Turk super clumsy and shit at her job- And give her no personality outside of that and crushing on Tseng. I mean, mood, and same, but really?”  But then I researched the Turks game.  (I have yet to read the novels btw)
And I realized that me and Elena are similar in so many ways other than being very clumsy and simping for Tseng (he’s hot, okay- then again, I simp for all the Turks. they are VERY fine.) We have very similar personalities, constantly want to punch things, and also have similar relationships with being the youngest sibling. I really understand Elena and I love her. You look into her character and realize that she’s super strong and dependable, smart and gorgeous. She’s amazing. 
Ash and Elena, like I said, are pretty similar in terms of personality. So they really understand each other and get along very well!! They’re very close friends, and kinda live on the same mental wi-fi. They click very well on first meeting, and that click stays for very long time and only gets stronger as time passes. Ash feels as though she can discuss anything with her because Elena gets it. Also, missions in which they���re paired up together are always fun. They’re both pretty smart, but have a tendency to let their emotions cloud (heh, cloud-) their judgment. But when they’re together, they can keep each other check and in turn, kick ass together. They also have a mutual hatred for Don Corneo. I hate that man. Fighting together is pretty fun since Ash can stay back and spam her spells while Elena punches the crap out of their target.  In conclusion, these two are very close and they’re besties. They have a mutual understanding of each other in a lot of different fields. 
Thank you SO much for the opportunity to spill my thoughts about this, my friend!! Was a very very fun time! The Turks are always living in my head, so I’m glad to speak about them anytime. This definitely helped me organize my thoughts a bit and helped sorta motivate me to write about Ash and her Turk friends?? I can feel my half-written Felix fics in my drafts glaring at me, but regardless, I’m very excited. They have a super fun dynamic.  Thanks for listening!
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plcyersandpieces · 6 years
RWBY Character Image Song List 2019
Heyo folks!  It’s the hiatus, so you know what that means--MUSIC TIME!
After a volume ends, I try go through an extensive list of characters in RWBY and pick out various musical themes from my collection for each character as a sort of “image song.”  These are primarily instrumental pieces, and my collection consists of largely anime and videogame soundtracks that I’ve picked up over the years.  The characters are those who were named and appeared in the show, with a couple of unnamed exceptions like Pilot Boi and the Shopkeep, or had a recurrent role in the overarching story like Summer.
Of course, these choices are subjective.  Some may not agree with my choices for certain characters.  However, my selections were based on what’s presented in canon, not any kind of headcanon.  I take into account the character’s history and personality, as well as their personal growth.  If they only appear in one episode, I try to take into account the context of their appearance as well as the small amount of personality presented.
So, without further ado--here’s the list!  Characters are ordered in the volume in which they were introduced.  Links to the songs are provided, and checked to be up-to-date.  They are primarily YouTube links with the occasional Soundcloud or KHInsider link where I was unable to find anything on YouTube or the song wasn’t complete.
Volume 1
Ruby Rose: Hopes and Dreams/SAVE the World/Last Goodbye - Undertale
Weiss Schnee: Primavera - Ludovico Einaudi
Blake Belladonna: The Wandering Isle - World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
Yang Xiao Long: To the End of the Wilderness ver. Detonator - Wild ARMs 4/Music the Best: Rocking Heart
Jaune Arc: Revived Power ~Battle With the Colossus~ - Shadow of the Colossus
Nora Valkyrie: Another Winter - Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game
Pyrrha Nikos: Aloy’s Theme - Horizon Zero Dawn
Lie Ren: Yasuo, the Unforgiven - League of Legends
Cardin Winchester: Those Without the Will to Live - Chrono Trigger
Russel Thrush: Village of the Barbarois - Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
Dove Bronzewing: Neko-ou - Neko no Ongaeshi
Sky Lark: Under Her Control - Final Fantasy VIII
Beacon Staff
Professor Ozpin: Treize Khushrenada: The Person who Makes History - Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
Glynda Goodwitch: The Silent Light - Chrono Trigger, arr. Rebecca E. Tripp
Professor Peter Port: Flying Boatmen/Serbia March - Porco Rosso
Doctor Bartholomew Oobleck: The Hunt: Going Green - Twister
Friends & Family
Summer Rose: Undertale - Undertale
Penny Polendina: Osanpo Desu - Azumanga Daioh
Sun Wukong: Zidane’s Theme - Final Fantasy IX
Adam Taurus: Black as Sin, Red as Blood - Wild ARMs 3
Hei “Junior” Xiong: DJ Sona - Kinetic - League of Legends
Melanie and Miltiades “Miltia” Malachite: Winter Fashion - Richard Neale
Roman Torchwick: Inkwell Isle Three - Cuphead
Cinder Fall: Evelynn, Agony’s Embrace - League of Legends
Shopkeep-chan: Sore wa Himitsu Desu - Slayers Next Sound Bible II
Cyril Ian: Live Report - Undertale
Lisa Lavender: Death Report - Undertale
Volume 2
Coco Adel: Chambermaid Swing - Parov Stelar
Fox Alistair: Silence ~Battle With the Colossus~ - Shadow of the Colossus
Velvet Scarlatina: There’s Only One Family Named Schrodinger - Wild ARMs 3
Yatsuhashi Daichi: Demon Lord Ninetails - Okami
Atlas Staff
General James Ironwood: Demacia Rising - League of Legends
Friends & Family
Neptune Vasilias: Super Galaxy Rumble - League of Legends
Zwei: Dogsong - Undertale
Emerald Sustrai: Medicine Eater - Tenkuu no Escaflowne
Mercury Black: Violator - Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Neopolitan: Lutece - Bioshock Infinite
Raven Branwen: Wars of the Last Wolves - Rurouni Kenshin: Tsuiokuhen
The White Fang
Tukson: Galka - Final Fantasy XI
The Lieutenant: Materia - Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Perry: Battle and Pleasure - Wild ARMs: AlterCode F
Deery: Wingly Forest - Legend of Dragoon
Grimm Eclipse (post-V2)
Dr. Merlot: Mad Poet - Wild ARMs: AlterCode F
Volume 3
Arslan Altan: Path of the Huojin - World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
Bolin Hori: Northern Country Kamui - Okami
Reese Chloris: Skate or Live - Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game
Nadir Shiko: Johnny of the Robo Gang - Chrono Trigger, arr. hashel05
Brawnz Ni: Under the Progress - Parasite Eve
Roy Stallion: Maki Ya - Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game
Nolan Porfirio: Boss Battle 2 - Legend of Dragoon
May Zedong: Pretty Pounding - Michael Clark
Scarlet David: Pride of the Seas - World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth
Sage Ayana: Tides of War - World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor
Nebula Violette: Look to the Skies - Angela Little and Lee Groves
Dew Gayl: Oklahoma - Downdraft - Twister
Gwen Darcy: The Cello Song (Unaccompanied Cello Suite No. 1: Prelude) - J.S. Bach, arr. Steven Sharp Nelson
Octavia Ember: Taliyah, the Stoneweaver - League of Legends
Atlas Contestents
Ciel Soliel: Thunder Plains - Final Fantasy X (HD Remaster)
Flynt Coal: Tank! - Cowboy Bebop
Neon Katt: Bit Rush: Arcade Ahri - League of Legends
Friends & Family
Qrow Branwen: Curse of the Worgen - World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
Winter Schnee: Freya’s Theme - Final Fantasy IX
Taiyang Xiao Long: Totems of the Grizzlemaw - World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
Amber: Vivaldi’s Four Seasons Techno - Vanessa Mae
Salem: Ley Lines - World of Warcraft: Legion
Volume 4
Oscar Pine: Farm Boy - Final Fantasy VII (HD Remaster)
Li Ren: Eight Dog Warriors’ Theme - Okami
An Ren: Prologue - Okami
Jacques Schnee: Shinra, Inc. - Final Fantasy VII
Whitley Schnee: Machiavellian Bach - Portal 2
Klein Seben: A Mole Man - Tenkuu no Escaflowne
Henry Marigold: The Grand Duchy of Jeuno - Final Fantasy XI
Pilot Boi: Sky Dance - Pyre
Ghira Belladonna: Valley of the Four Winds - World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
Kali Belladonna: Queen Fury - Legend of Dragoon
Corsac and Fennec Albain: Shadow of Doubt - Tenkuu no Escaflowne
Ilia Amitola: Neeko, the Curious Chameleon - League of Legends
Arthur Watts: Karazhan Opera House - World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
Tyrian Callows: Darkmoon Faire Carousel - World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria
Hazel Rainart: Spirit Guard Udyr - League of Legends
Volume 5
Friends & Family
Mata: Stone Hill - Spyro Reignited Trilogy
Saber Rodentia: Night Howlers - Pyre
The White Fang
Sienna Khan: The Proving - Horizon Zero Dawn
Yuma: Revival of Alseides - Tenkuu no Escaflowne: The Movie
Trifa: Elise, the Spider Queen - League of Legends
The Branwen Tribe: Talon Sheath - Pyre
Vernal: Drawn to Strife - Horizon Zero Dawn
Professor Leonardo Lionheart: Sadness-colored Sandglass - Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
Volume 6
The Legends Lost to Time
God of Light: Okami White Light - Okami
God of Darkness: Emperor of Eternal Darkness - Okami
Jinn: Meridian, Shining - Horizon Zero Dawn
Ozma: Stormwind - World of Warcraft
Young Salem: Elizabeth - Bioshock Infinite
Friends & Family
Maria Calavera: Vamo’alla Flamenco - Distant Worlds: Music from Final Fantasy
Saphron Cotta-Arc: Adlehyde Castle Town - Wild ARMs: AlterCode F
Terra Cotta-Arc: Totally Busy - Wild ARMs 4/Music the Best - Feeling Wind
Adrian Cotta-Arc: Minako’s Ambition - Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon Sailor Stars
Red-headed Woman: Canticle of Sacrifice - World of Warcraft: Legion
Dee & Dudley: Shingakki 3 - Azumanga Daioh
Lil’ Miss Malachite: Tarren Mill - World of Warcraft: Taverns of Azeroth
Tock: Thrash Pack - Pyre
Caroline Cordovin: Ancient Civilization Exhibition - Wild ARMs: AlterCode F
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Un dancing per ballare 18.05.19 - 07.09.19 studioconcreto
Un dancing per ballare raccoglie una selezione di opere che mettono al centro delle loro ricerche il quotidiano come spazio politico in cui le relazioni sociali e i riti collettivi si riproducono. Le esperienze che andremo ad analizzare incarnano la relazione primaria tra corpo, movimento, suono, spazio architettonico e naturale, manifestando la centralità dell’approccio interdisciplinare nel processo di creazione, spesso basato su un modello laboratoriale di condivisione e prossimità, come elemento chiave per la produzione di conoscenza. Tra i principali riferimenti di questa indagine troviamo le sperimentazioni fatte a cavallo tra gli anni ‘50 e ‘70 da Elaine Summers (Perth, Australia, 1925 – New York, 2014 ), coreografa, regista sperimentale e pioniera dell’arte intermediale, tra i membri fondatori del gruppo Judson Dance Theater e di Experimental Intermedia Foundation, che contribuì significativamente all'espansione della danza in altre discipline correlate, come l'arte visiva, il cinema e il teatro.Ulteriore punto focale sarà dato dalla ricerca della danzatrice e coreografa Anna Halprin (Winnetka, Illinois, 1920), danzatrice e coreografa che ha sviluppato una pratica sul movimento tale da influenzare non solo lo sviluppo della danza contemporanea ma anche quello della performance, delle arti visive e della musica sperimentale. Dall’archivio Spigolizzi, il progetto utopico Wonderhouse concepito con Hendricus Theodorus Wijdeveld (L’Aia, 1885 – Nimega, 1987), visionario della architettura olandese, e lo spartito home-made di Alvin Curran (Providence, 1938), ci permetteranno di aprire la riflessione su come lo spazio domestico sia un terreno fertile per le sperimentazioni artistiche, specialmente in aree segnate dall'assenza di istituzioni formali.
Il public program della mostra ospiterà i contributi di Jimmie Durham & Maria Thereza Alves, Casa a Mare, Francesca Mariano, Sergio Solombrino, Alvin Curran, Thomas Körtvelyessy. Un dancing per ballare è realizzato grazie a Artistic Estate of Elaine Summers, facilitato da Kinetic Awareness® Center, Inc. con un ringraziamento speciale a Jerome Robbins Dance Division at New York City Public Library for the Performing Arts; Archivio Anna Halprin; Archivio Rudy Perez; Archivio Spigolizzi.
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Un dancing per ballare, installation view, studioconcreto, Lecce, 2019
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Anna Halprin, Apartment 6, photo documentation by Warner Jepson, 1965
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Elaine Summers, Judson Fragments, 16mm film trasferred to video, color and black-and- white, sound, 16 min, 1964. Courtesy of the Artistic Estate of Elaine Summers, facilitated by Kinetic Awareness® Center, Inc. with thanks to the Jerome Robbins Dance Division at New York City Public Library for the Performing Arts
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Un dancing per ballare, installation view, studioconcreto, Lecce, 2019
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Alvin Curran, home-made, score book, 1965
public program
15 giugno | Video screening | Jimmie Durham & Maria Thereza Alves, The Man Who Had a Beautiful House (1994); Casa a Mare, Dwelling Art (2015) 22 luglio - 2 agosto | Workshop | Prima materia con Francesca Mariano 29 luglio | Talk | I tre filosofi dell’abitare a cura di Sergio Solombrino 7 Settembre | Live performance | Alvin Curran, Live in Spigolizzi per info e prenotazioni [email protected]
Nuovo Quotidiano di Puglia, Marinilde Giannadrea, Natura e Quotidiano nel ballo dell’arte, Lecce, 2 luglio 2019
Quisalento, Lara Gigante, L’immagine dell’abitare, Lecce, 15 giugno 2019
press release download 
(en) Un dancing per ballare May, 18th – September, 7th studioconcreto Un dancing per ballare (A dance floor to dance) presents a selection of works that explore daily life as a political space where social relations and collective rituals occur. We will highlight experiences that epitomize the primal relationship among body, movement, sound, architectural and natural space. They reveal the centrality of an interdisciplinary approach – often based on a workshop-style methodology, grounded on sharing and proximity – as key element for knowledge production throughout the creation process. Core references for this investigation include the 50s-70s experimentations by choreographer, experimental filmmaker and pioneer of intermedial art Elaine Summers (Perth, Australia, 1925 – New York, 2014) – a founding member of the Judson Dance Theater and of the Experimental Intermedia Foundation – who contributed significantly to the spread of dance to other related disciplines, such as visual arts, cinema and theater; dancer and choreographer Anna Halprin (Winnetka, Illinois, 1920), whose practice about movement influenced the development not only of contemporary dance, but also of artistic performances, visual arts and experimental music. From the Spigolizzi archive, the utopian project Wonderhouse by Hendricus Theodorus Wijdeveld (The Hague, 1885 – Nijmegen, 1987) – a visionary in the field of Dutch architecture – and the home-made music sheet by Alvin Curran (Providence, 1938), will facilitate a reflection on domestic space as a fertile soil for artistic experimentations, especially in those areas characterized by a lack of formal institutions. The exhibition public program will host the contributions by Jimmie Durham & Maria Thereza Alves, Casa a Mare, Francesca Mariano, Sergio Solombrino, Alvin Curran, Thomas Körtvélyessy. Un dancing per ballare is realized thanks to the collaboration of the Artistic Estate of Elaine Summers, facilitated by Kinetic Awareness® Center, Inc. with thanks to the Jerome Robbins Dance Division at New York City Public Library for the Performing Arts, the Anna Halprin Archive, Rudy Perez Archive and Spigolizzi Archive. public program June, 15th | Video screening | Jimmie Durham & Maria Thereza Alves, The Man Who Had a Beautiful House (1994); Casa a Mare, Dwelling Art (2015) July, 22th - August, 2th | Workshop | Prima materia con Francesca Mariano July, 29th | Talk | I tre filosofi dell’abitare a cura di Sergio Solombrino September, 7th | Live performance | Alvin Curran, Live in Spigolizzi info and reservations at [email protected]
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abigailswager · 6 years
Netflix triunfa con 'Roma' y va por mas... en Mexico
New Post has been published on https://cfddesk.net/netflix-triunfa-con-roma-y-va-por-mas-en-mexico/
Netflix triunfa con 'Roma' y va por mas... en Mexico
Ted Sarandos, de 54 anos, dice sentirse comodo en Mexico: le gusta la comida, la gente, y viviendo en Los Angeles, California, el desquiciante trafico de la capital del pais no le parece algo sacado Black Mirror. Claro, tambien le gustan mucho los resultados que constantemente arrojan los espectadores y el talento mexicano. Sarandos es el Chief Content Officer (CCO) de Netflix, en otras palabras, es el responsable de absolutamente todo lo que ves en tu pantalla cada vez que te conectas en tu television, tablet, consola de videojuegos o computadora al servicio del mayor proveedor de entretenimiento por internet en el mundo.
La manana del 12 de febrero, el ejecutivo estuvo en la Ciudad de Mexico en un evento en el que, sentado junto a Diego Luna, anuncio que Netflix abrira finalmente una oficinas en la capital para coordinar las producciones locales que van en crecimiento y que proximamente sumaran contenido que incluye algunos para adolescentes, series de comedia, documentales y un proyecto basado en las canciones de Pedro Infante.
El objetivo, ademas de lo comercial, es encontrar a la siguiente ‘Roma’ que cautive a las audiencias en todas partes del mundo y, desde luego, le deje nuevamente una oleada de premios, desde los tres premios Oscar (Mejor Director, Fotografia y Pelicula en Lengua Extranjera) hasta los festivales mas pequenos. Netflix simplemente quiere mas del pais.
?Y por que? Resulta que Mexico se ha convertido en una joya en materia de produccion de contenidos a nivel internacional para Netflix. La empresa no revela nunca informacion especifica sobre sus actividades, mas alla de los datos obligados que reporta a la bolsa, sin embargo, Sarandos suelta uno para ayudar a entender la importancia del pais para la empresa: en Mexico se realizaran en los siguientes anos 50 proyectos producidos localmente, entre series, peliculas y documentales. En India, otro de los mercados mas atractivos para Netflix, son 30.
“A nivel internacional no hay otro pais en el que estemos realizando mas proyectos locales ni apostando tanto en terminos de inversion y produccion”, dijo el ejecutivo en entrevista tras el anuncio de sus oficinas locales. “Simplemente no nos cansamos de tener mas de Mexico”.
A diferencia de muchos mercados a los cuales llega Netflix con su abultada cartera para financiar contenidos, Mexico tiene muchas ventajas, como la cercania con Estados Unidos, lo cual hace mas sencilla la coordinacion, segun Sarandos. Tambien cuenta con una amplia infraestructura para las grabaciones, proveedores de servicios para la industria del entretenimiento y talento, mucho talento, al que unicamente habia que reenfocar para cumplir con las expectativas de Netflix.
“Cuando llegamos hace cuatro anos, la mayoria de la produccion local y los recursos humanos estaban enfocados en la realizacion de telenovelas, todos estaban haciendo telenovelas, deportes y noticias”, senala el directivo. “Con el tiempo, la inversion que hemos realizado en Mexico ha resultado en casi todos los sentidos: calidad de la produccion, influencia y numero de suscriptores”.
No fue casualidad que la primera incursion de Netflix fuera de territorio estadounidense con una produccion ‘hecha en casa’ fuera en Mexico con ‘Club de Cuervos’. La historia del ficticio equipo profesional de futbol Cuervos de Nuevo Toledo y sus directivos, los hermanos Salvador e Isabel Iglesias, atrapo a un numero muy importante de espectadores desde su estreno en agosto de 2015.
“Nuestra diferencia mas grande con la competencia era y son los dias de rodaje, cuanta energia y tiempo se dedica a una hora o media hora de television”, apunto Sarandos. “El talento con el que contamos y que hacen posibles las historias es otro factor desde el inicio”. Club de Cuervos es nuevamente un ejemplo de ello, anadio.
La direccion del primer proyecto extranjero de Netflix recayo en Gary Alazraki, quien en 2013 habia llegado a la cima del exito entre el publico mexicano con ‘Nosotros los Nobles’.
Alazraki a su vez recurrio a Luis Gerardo Mendez, quien se gano las palmas (y millones de carcajadas) con su interpretacion de Javi Noble en esa pelicula, y Mariana Trevino, una actriz regiomontana que habia estado algunas producciones locales, para representar a los hermanos Iglesias.
La serie se convirtio en un exito para Netflix, pues se mantiene como la produccion local mas vista en Mexico, con amplio eco en otros mercados de America Latina y ha generado ‘spin-offs’, o producciones derivadas’, como ‘La Balada de Hugo Sanchez’ y ‘Yo, Potro’.
El gusto de Sarandos por los contenidos originales refleja su propia historia. Hijo de un electricista y una ama de casa en Arizona, acudio a una universidad comunitaria en Glendale y luego a la Universidad Estatal de Arizona, donde estudio periodismo hasta que lo dejo para administrar una tienda de video en la que trabajaba desde la preparatoria. En 1988, Sarandos se convirtio en ejecutivo de East Texas Distributors (ETD), entonces una de las firmas mas grandes de distribucion de video en Estados Unidos. En 2000, se unio a Netflix tras una reunion con su CEO, Reed Hastings. Actualmente, el responsable de contenidos de la plataforma es uno de los directivos mejor pagados en EU, con una compensacion anual de mas de 20 millones de dolares y la mision de expandir la plataforma por todo el mundo.
Garantizar el exito a nivel internacional es clave para la empresa de California, pues en el mercado estadounidense enfrenta una mayor competencia y un escenario de crecimiento cada vez mas complicado derivado del fortalecimiento de plataformas como Hulu, YouTube Originals, Disney o Prime Video, propiedad de Amazon Inc. cuya cartera es mas profunda que la de Netflix para financiar proyectos originales, de acuerdo con una nota de J.P. Morgan. Al cierre del ano pasado, Netflix contaba con 58 millones 486 mil suscriptores en Estados Unidos, que le generaron ingresos por 7 mil 646 millones de dolares. En el mercado internacional (nuevamente, la empresa no desglosa por pais) acumulaba 80 millones 773 mil suscriptores e ingresos por 7 mil 782 millones. El margen de beneficio neto de la compania en el mismo periodo fue de 7.7 por ciento, aunque su deuda es superior a los 10 mil 360 millones de dolares. A finales de 2016 el monto era 3 mil 364 millones.
Buena parte del endeudamiento de Netflix ha ido a parar a las producciones originales, las cuales parecen ya no tener fin. Incluso, algunos criticos de la industria del entretenimiento han cuestionado la calidad de varias de sus ultimas producciones y Mexico no ha sido la excepcion. Una de las principales quejas sobre varios de los contenidos producidos localmente, es que empiezan a asemejarse peligrosamente a las telenovelas de las cuales Netflix pretendia alejarse hace cuatro anos. Incluso, como en el caso de ‘La Casa de las Flores’, rostros como el de Veronica Castro en uno de los personajes principales hacian recordar las viejas producciones de Televisa. Sarandos no tiene problema con eso.
“Creo que hay algo muy enterrado en la forma de contar historias en Mexico que tiene influencia de esas telenovelas, es parte de la forma de contar historias de los mexicanos”, afirmo. “Y la formula funciona”. ‘La Casa de las Flores’ ya se alista para una nueva temporada. ‘Ingobernable’, otro contenido senalado ampliamente de tener un ‘tufo’ telenovelesco sigue siendo un show ampliamente descargado y ‘Luis Miguel, la serie’ fue un exito absoluto en materia de audiencias e impacto cultural. ?Una prueba? Luisito Rey, el padre de Luis Miguel interpretado por el actor catalan Oscar Jaenada, esta ya entre los villanos mas memorables de la television en Mexico y frases como ‘Cono, Mickey’ estuvieron en boca de todos durante meses. Seguro hay alguno por ahi que sigue aferrado a ellas.
Sin embargo, es probable que ninguna otra produccion mexicana de Netflix haya estado envuelta en tanta controversia como ‘Made in Mexico’, un reality que junto a nueve socialites mexicanos, tres hombres y seis mujeres, en un intento por retratar el estilo de vida sofisticado y fashion de la elite nacional. Desde su estreno el 28 de septiembre, ‘Made in Mexico’ y Netflix fueron vapuleados en redes sociales por considerar que el contenido, ademas de frivolo y discriminatorio, no reflejaba en absoluto la vida en Mexico ni siquiera del minusculo pedazo al que apuntaban las camaras. Algunas escenas fueron catalogadas de forzadas o fuera de lugar y el programa de no ser, por mucho, un digno representante de lo que significa ser ‘Hecho en Mexico’. A Sarandos eso tambien lo tiene sin cuidado.
“El show si fue un exito porque la gente lo ve”, insistio el directivo. “Ese programa es una rebanada de la vida mexicana, aunque no sea representativo de la vida en Mexico”. Sarandos no abundo mas en ese programa porque cuando quiere hablar de calidad en la produccion local sus baterias se enfilan de inmediato a su tesoro mas preciado a nivel mundial: ‘Roma’. La pelicula que retrata la vida de una joven indigena al servicio de una familia de clase media en la Ciudad de Mexico a inicios de la decada de los setenta ha sido un autentico parteaguas para toda la organizacion dedicada al entretenimiento, y que desde su trinchera ha sido un antes y despues de una industria completa a nivel global.
“Amo esa pelicula y ha sido un exito mayor al de mis deseos mas locos, tanto en cine como en Netflix”, asegura Sarandos con una sonrisa.
“Es una pelicula en blanco y negro, hablada en espanol, de un drama muy personal, sin la hechura de un tipico hit de verano y, sin embargo, es la pelicula de la que todos estan hablando”. La obra de Alfonso Cuaron es la produccion mas premiada en la breve historia de Netflix y ha puesto en la mesa una premisa compleja: es posible tener una obra maestra del cine sin las ataduras de la distribucion tradicional de la industria.
Ted Sarandos es el responsable de todo lo que ves en Netflix.Enrique Ortiz
“Cuando la discusion es sobre el arte de la pelicula y no sobre la manera de distribucion, creo que hemos encontrado algo muy especial”, dice. “La gente no va a cenar y a hablar de los dias que pasaron entre que la pelicula estuvo en el cine y en Netflix, la gente habla de la historia de ‘Roma’ y sus personajes”. Claro que la discusion se sigue dirigiendo a veces hacia la distribucion. Por ejemplo, la cadena de cines britanica Vue International cuestiono recientemente el BAFTA de ‘Roma’ al considerar que es una pelicula hecha para ver en casa y no tuvo el recorrido tradicional en salas. Poco importo.
Sarandos destaca que la pelicula ya es un asunto de orgullo nacional. La manana que llego a la Ciudad de Mexico para el anuncio de sus nuevas oficinas, los periodicos exhibian en primera plana la foto de Cuaron y su premio BAFTA a Mejor Pelicula obtenido la noche previa. “Algunos titulares decian: ‘Viva Mexico’, no ‘Viva ‘Roma’ o Netflix'”, dijo.
El directivo quiere tener mas exitos como ‘Roma’ o ‘Club de Cuervos’ y para ello quiere mas de Mexico. El pais se ha convertido para la empresa en un termometro del exito de producciones realizadas en otros lados. Si una pelicula o serie ‘pega’ en Mexico es probable que lo haga en mas mercados a nivel global, asegura Sarandos. Y ya con un pie mas firme en el pais se puede pasar a una siguiente etapa en la que el contenido producido localmente sea el eje de lo que los mexicanos ven para entretenerse y marcar el rumbo en la industria a nivel local.
Ademas, si algo ha aprendido Sarandos desde que iniciaron producciones en Mexico es que resulta extremadamente dificil copiar las condiciones del pais desde un estudio o locacion en el extranjero. “Puedes simular Nueva York en Toronto, pero no hay manera de hacer lo mismo con Mexico”, afirma mientras voltea hacia la calle donde el trafico del mediodia se ha intensificado y el ruido de los claxon ahoga un poco su propia voz. “Estamos atraidos a cualquier lugar que ame los contenidos y eso no se puede reemplazar”. ?
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atakportal · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://uberbuyer.com/index.php/2018/12/23/final-fantasy-vii-7-sony-playstation-1-ps1-black-label-brand-new-vga-85-2/
Final Fantasy VII 7 (Sony PlayStation 1, PS1) Black Label - Brand New - VGA 85
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Item specifics
Brand New: An item that has never been opened or removed from the manufacturer’s sealing (if applicable). Item
Platform: Sony PlayStation 1 MPN:
Release Year: 1997 Format: NTSC (N. America) Rating: T-Teen Modified Item: No Genre: Role Playing Custom Bundle: No Game Name: Final Fantasy VII Non-Domestic Product: No Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment UPC:
Final Fantasy VII 7 (Sony PlayStation 1, PS1) Black Label – Brand New – VGA 85
Product Details
Product Information Square’s Final Fantasy series makes its 32-bit debut with Final Fantasy VII, a role-playing game blending 3D polygonal characters, pre-rendered backgrounds, and animated cut-scenes across three discs. Lead protagonist Cloud Strife’s memory is as murky as the quality of life in the city of Midgar, where a resistance movement named Avalanche targets the apparent source of the problem: the Shin-Ra Electric Power Company. Cloud will join Avalanche as he seeks to piece together his past, kicking off an adventure spanning three continents. Cloud will intersect with an assortment of characters along the way, including a mysterious, silver-haired adversary named Sephiroth.
Gameplay is divided into three distinct phases: travel across a world map; exploration from a close-up view of an area; and a 3D battle screen that pits your party against the enemy. Enemy encounters employ a turn-based, active time-battle system, where players decide to attack, use items, or cast magic within a short window of time. A crystal-like energy source called materia can be found in your travels and attached to equipment, granting characters access to new skills or the ability to summon powerful creatures. Your party consists of three heroes selected from a potential pool of nine. In addition to the main quest, you can participate in mini-games ranging from snowboarding and boxing to creature breeding and arm wrestling.
Product Identifiers Publisher Sony Computer Entertainment America, Inc. Game Final Fantasy VII MPN SCUS-94163 UPC 711719416326 eBay Product ID (ePID) 2434 Key Features Platform Sony PlayStation 1 ESRB Rating T – Teen Genre RPG Location USA Tech Details ESRB Descriptor Comic Mischief, Mild Animated Violence, Mild Language Control Elements Gamepad/Joystick Number of Players 1 Release Year 1997 Game Special Features
Team up and play with as many as nine characters
Explore massive worlds in this seventh installment of the popular role-playing series
Engage in seven mini-games and sub-quests
Game Series Final Fantasy Series
Price : 799.95 Ends on : 4 weeks
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blackmateriainc · 8 years
Some very cool conventions are coming up. All family run.
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howtobeaconartist · 9 years
A con recap for Anime Kaiju, the first Black Materia Inc convention in 2015, held in Nashville, TN in January 2015.  Please read before booking a table at a Black Materia Inc convention.
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double-h-cosplay · 10 years
Taiga Con
Are any of you Tumblr lovelies heading over to Atlanta in April 2015?
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nerdandtie · 10 years
The Complicated Web of Ryan Kopf, Chrono LC, Black Materia Inc and State Lines
This was all supposed to start simple enough: I was going to write a follow up on Ryan Kopf’s new ventures run through Black Materia Inc. I had discovered that Black Materia Inc was a completely seperate corporation from Chrono LC, and I was going to reveal who Kopf’s new business partner was.
I figured I’d be done with it under 300 words, and likely never think of it again.
But as I took my stroll through Google searches and public records, things started to feel off. Something wasn’t quite right, and I couldn’t put my finger on it. — so I kept digging even after I found the answer.
And what I found blew me away. Continue reading →
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atakportal · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://uberbuyer.com/index.php/2018/12/23/final-fantasy-vii-7-sony-playstation-1-ps1-black-label-brand-new-vga-85-2/
Final Fantasy VII 7 (Sony PlayStation 1, PS1) Black Label - Brand New - VGA 85
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Item specifics
Brand New: An item that has never been opened or removed from the manufacturer’s sealing (if applicable). Item
Platform: Sony PlayStation 1 MPN:
Release Year: 1997 Format: NTSC (N. America) Rating: T-Teen Modified Item: No Genre: Role Playing Custom Bundle: No Game Name: Final Fantasy VII Non-Domestic Product: No Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment UPC:
Final Fantasy VII 7 (Sony PlayStation 1, PS1) Black Label – Brand New – VGA 85
Product Details
Product Information Square’s Final Fantasy series makes its 32-bit debut with Final Fantasy VII, a role-playing game blending 3D polygonal characters, pre-rendered backgrounds, and animated cut-scenes across three discs. Lead protagonist Cloud Strife’s memory is as murky as the quality of life in the city of Midgar, where a resistance movement named Avalanche targets the apparent source of the problem: the Shin-Ra Electric Power Company. Cloud will join Avalanche as he seeks to piece together his past, kicking off an adventure spanning three continents. Cloud will intersect with an assortment of characters along the way, including a mysterious, silver-haired adversary named Sephiroth.
Gameplay is divided into three distinct phases: travel across a world map; exploration from a close-up view of an area; and a 3D battle screen that pits your party against the enemy. Enemy encounters employ a turn-based, active time-battle system, where players decide to attack, use items, or cast magic within a short window of time. A crystal-like energy source called materia can be found in your travels and attached to equipment, granting characters access to new skills or the ability to summon powerful creatures. Your party consists of three heroes selected from a potential pool of nine. In addition to the main quest, you can participate in mini-games ranging from snowboarding and boxing to creature breeding and arm wrestling.
Product Identifiers Publisher Sony Computer Entertainment America, Inc. Game Final Fantasy VII MPN SCUS-94163 UPC 711719416326 eBay Product ID (ePID) 2434 Key Features Platform Sony PlayStation 1 ESRB Rating T – Teen Genre RPG Location USA Tech Details ESRB Descriptor Comic Mischief, Mild Animated Violence, Mild Language Control Elements Gamepad/Joystick Number of Players 1 Release Year 1997 Game Special Features
Team up and play with as many as nine characters
Explore massive worlds in this seventh installment of the popular role-playing series
Engage in seven mini-games and sub-quests
Game Series Final Fantasy Series
Price : 799.95 Ends on : 3 weeks
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atakportal · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://uberbuyer.com/index.php/2018/12/16/final-fantasy-vii-7-sony-playstation-1-ps1-black-label-brand-new-vga-85/
Final Fantasy VII 7 (Sony PlayStation 1, PS1) Black Label - Brand New - VGA 85
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Item specifics
Brand New: An item that has never been opened or removed from the manufacturer’s sealing (if applicable). Item
Platform: Sony PlayStation 1 MPN:
Release Year: 1997 Format: NTSC (N. America) Rating: T-Teen Modified Item: No Genre: Role Playing Custom Bundle: No Game Name: Final Fantasy VII Non-Domestic Product: No Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment UPC:
Final Fantasy VII 7 (Sony PlayStation 1, PS1) Black Label – Brand New – VGA 85
Product Details
Product Information Square’s Final Fantasy series makes its 32-bit debut with Final Fantasy VII, a role-playing game blending 3D polygonal characters, pre-rendered backgrounds, and animated cut-scenes across three discs. Lead protagonist Cloud Strife’s memory is as murky as the quality of life in the city of Midgar, where a resistance movement named Avalanche targets the apparent source of the problem: the Shin-Ra Electric Power Company. Cloud will join Avalanche as he seeks to piece together his past, kicking off an adventure spanning three continents. Cloud will intersect with an assortment of characters along the way, including a mysterious, silver-haired adversary named Sephiroth.
Gameplay is divided into three distinct phases: travel across a world map; exploration from a close-up view of an area; and a 3D battle screen that pits your party against the enemy. Enemy encounters employ a turn-based, active time-battle system, where players decide to attack, use items, or cast magic within a short window of time. A crystal-like energy source called materia can be found in your travels and attached to equipment, granting characters access to new skills or the ability to summon powerful creatures. Your party consists of three heroes selected from a potential pool of nine. In addition to the main quest, you can participate in mini-games ranging from snowboarding and boxing to creature breeding and arm wrestling.
Product Identifiers Publisher Sony Computer Entertainment America, Inc. Game Final Fantasy VII MPN SCUS-94163 UPC 711719416326 eBay Product ID (ePID) 2434 Key Features Platform Sony PlayStation 1 ESRB Rating T – Teen Genre RPG Location USA Tech Details ESRB Descriptor Comic Mischief, Mild Animated Violence, Mild Language Control Elements Gamepad/Joystick Number of Players 1 Release Year 1997 Game Special Features
Team up and play with as many as nine characters
Explore massive worlds in this seventh installment of the popular role-playing series
Engage in seven mini-games and sub-quests
Game Series Final Fantasy Series
Price : 829.95 Ends on : Ended
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blackmateriainc · 10 years
The schedule is nearly done
The Kaiju schedule is nearly done and we hope to publish it soon!
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