#black mask smutt
dantenyhpmir · 1 year
The New Recruit
Pairing; Simon “Ghost” Riley x F!Reader, 
Plot; Konig the new recruit is interesting in you while not knowing you and Ghost have been "dating" in secret for months
Warnings; Unprotected Sex, PxV sex, oral sex fem receiving. “voyeurism”
Word Count; 6364
(If you want to skip to the smutt, scroll to the heading "finally." I love a slow burn with a shit ton of build up).
I do not write Konig like how he is in the games. This is completely different. I think he's more socially awkward and I made him much more confident and up front.
Dante Nyhpmir Masterlist
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Simon sat down across from you in a huff. The mess hall was busy. Enough that maybe his attitude wouldn't go noticed. You take another bite of your lunch as he glares daggers into your soul. It didn't scare you anymore, maybe it used to. Send a shiver or two down your spine but you had seen it enough times it wasn't scary, more exciting. More of a sign he wanted to lose it on you. In the way you craved. 
"Whatta' think you're wearing?" He snarled 
"Oh this?" You pull at your hoodie. It's way too large. Practically a worn down dress at this point. Not exactly 'fitting' but it smelled like him, like his sheets, like his neck. "You'll never guess where I got it."
"You can't be wearing that here Love, not in public" 
"Simon, do you really think anyone is going to recognize a plain black hoodie?" 
"Ghost" he corrects. 
That stung for some reason. Maybe because of how much you loved hearing your name fall out his mouth whenever you were together and like he didn't appreciate the same. It wasn't that though, he always asked to be called Simon when you were alone but here he didn't feel like it was ever just you two. Only in your bedroom. 
"Don't wanna show me off eh" You snicker at him 
"Y' know that's not true." 
You take another bite of your meal. 
He sighs and leans towards you, stopping himself from holding your hand
"Y/N listen, I–" 
Hearing your name helped ease the sting, it was a shame to cut it off 
"Price is headed our way" you interrupt. He's walking over with someone you don't recognize. Ghost doesn't turn to face them but instead moves his arm back
"I wouldn't worry about it Zero" he changes 
"I don't wanna be one of those people whose scared of new technology or anything, it's frankly embarrassing " you make up on the spot 
"You're too young to be doing that already" he teases as Price approaches behind him. 
"Excuse me" Price utters as Ghost turns around. "I'd like to introduce you both to our new recruit, -" 
"Konig" Ghost says as he stands up and shakes the man's hand. 
He's large. Bigger than Ghost. You're not used to men being even bigger than Ghost. His cloth mask drapes down over his face with two eye holes cut into it. You stand at attention when Price makes eye contact and move your way to the other side of the table to stand with the men. 
"Ghost, long time no see" The new man says excitedly. 
"No introduction needed there" Price says as he turns towards you. "This is Zero, Zero, this is Konig. Our latest recruit" 
You gesture your hand out to shake. He's very light with his handshake as he says 
"That's not a very kind code name" 
"I prefer to be underestimated" you chuckle 
"She's lying, it's more based around how many fucks she gives" Ghost says smiling at you but catches himseld. Not that you could really tell under the mask. Konig doesn't seem to notice. His eyes are fixated on you. 
"Well, certainly nice to have someone pretty on the team for once" 
"Between you two,might have me beat for all we know" you chirp back as you flick a bit of his cloth mask. Who's to say how handsome either of them were…..
"You're quick aren't ya" Konig chuckles back. 
"You should see me shoot" you clap 
"I have a list of things I'd like to see you do," Koing says leaning in. Ghost's chest exhales. You can feel his disdain in the air. No one is focused on him right now. Only you. 
Price interrupts and starts to walk off. "Easy Konig, fraternizing isn't allowed at this ranking and certainly not with this team." 
Konig turns to follow him and looks back at you. "I can keep a secret for the record" he says with a wink before walking off. It makes you smile
"Quite the repour already" Ghost shrugs 
"I think you forget how charming I am" 
"Yeah charm, that's what he's looking at" 
"Well it can't be my body, it's covered in this giant sweater that clearly came from your room" the sarcasm seeping through every word. 
"You're making me mad" he says as he turns towards you. 
"Good, I can't wait for you take it out on me later" 
That always worked a little even if it didn't show in his eyes. Ghost put his hands in his pockets before leaving you to finish lunch alone. 
"Don't wear it again, that's not a request" 
"I thought I didn't give any fucks?" 
"Don't be cute, I don't want to pull rank on you." 
You swallow. He's not biting and he's not going too. The wave washes over you, no flirting to be had. He means it. 
"Yes lieutenant" you utter as Ghost walks off. 
The next few weeks are off between you two. There hadn't been too many conversations about what you both actually were. He didn't seem interested in anyone else though. You certainly weren't. Nights would be spent with you getting ready for bed, leaving him the extra key into your room in the women's quarters. He'd come in at night, when it was late was your favourite. Seeing his eyes emerge in the pitch black always made your heart race and your stomach ignite. It has been consistent for the past 8 months. Not letting it get in the way of either of your line of work but you both thought about it constantly. Never really escaping each other's mind even after he'd leave before the sun came up. 
Part of you wondered if you had made up the feelings. He was so attentive and caring but it could've just been for fun. It was hard not to over think it lately. He hadn't been showing up as much, more in foul moods he didn't want to talk about. You found yourself overthinking if it was actually the work situation or if he was embarrassed at the idea of being together, what anyone seeing you in his sweatshirt actually meant. It felt odd with how forward Konig was in comparison. How the rule about fraternizing didn't phase his intentions for a second, to be bold enough to show it in front of Price of all people. It hadn't stopped in those passing weeks. Konig was clearly interested and made it apparent. Both of these things you loved. It felt like you were very seen, very important everytime Koing would flirt with you. That the job couldn't really get in the way. Price didn't seem to reprimand him either. Maybe he didn't take it seriously or think that you would. In all honesty you didn't, you just wanted Simon. Wanted him back but his frustration was oozing. 
You both never tried talking on duty too much. You also both had separate training with him being someone on the ground and you mostly equipped for sniping. On missions you wouldn't insist on being next to each other but your face always had leaked its feelings. People knew you were friends, as did Konig who asked Ghost about you multiple times. If Ghost had any feelings which he always denied. If you had been seeing anyone which Ghost always said he wouldn't know. Konig's glee was clear which made Simon sick. You were clever, quick witted. It was fun to verbally spar with you and it was oddly the thing making him the most jealous. Anytime Konig would tease you and you'd go along with it. In your mind just as friendly to everyone else as you would be to Koing. Trying to tone down your friendliness towards Simon, not as much arm touching and certainly not wearing any of his clothes. 
It was confusing. You could lie to yourself and say you wanted Simon back to his old self but that wasn't true. You didn't want to go back to just sneaking and maybe that was truly all it was and you had led yourself on. 
The bath was full tonight and you had music playing hoping to distract your thoughts from wondering even further. A night alone might help, Friday nights you often claimed to like spending alone but Simon would come by. Knowing everyone else went out for the most part, less likely to hear you screaming between the thin walls in the sleeping quarters. You missed the apartment you had off the settlement but while it was under repairs the dorm style they set you up with would have to do. Part of it made sneaking around more fun. More likely to get caught here for the time being. Stop thinking about him, you tell yourself but it's almost as if it summoned him as you hear a knock at your door. 
"I was wondering when you were going–" you answer in your towel, but you're taken back. It's not the mask you were expecting
Konig leaning in your doorway was a bit of a surprise. "Of course it isn't Simon" you realize. He has his own key, he wouldn't have ever knocked. He wouldn't need too 
"You were waiting for me eh?" Konig chuckled 
You were too excited for Simon to finally have come by, you didn't think Konig even knew your room number. 
"Oh yeah, I had asked Steph to drop off my headphones. I left them in her dorm last week and had been waiting for her to bring them by" You lie, Steph was one of the other trained snipers you worked with that you hoped, at this moment, wouldn't come by. Wouldn't step out of her dorm across the hall.
"Ah," Konig uttered. Even through the mask you can see him, trying not to stare. Not undress you with his eyes 
"Is there something I can help you with Konig?" You ask, getting his mind back on track 
Ghost walks around the corner though he spots Konig leaning with his arm over you. In your towel. He steps back before you could even notice. His specialty. Being unseen. 
"I was wondering if you wanted to come to the pub tonight?" 
"Um, I might not be prepared for that" you gesture with your eyes to the towel 
"Oh no rush, just if you wanted to go or if there was something else you wanted to –" 
"Who else is going?" You interrupt 
"Soap, Gaz, I mentioned it to Ghost but he seemed uninterested. Did you wanna invite Steph?" 
"Yeah maybe, " you pause. Simon wasn't coming by tonight and, it clearly wasn't a date with Konig if the other task force members were invited. You could use some fun. There weren't any real reasons holding you back 
"Yeah, screw it." 
Ghost crept back into the shadows before you finished 
"I'll meet you there? I'm guessing the pool hall?" 
"Yup, I forgot what it's called?" 
"It's Soaps favourite, don't worry I know where to go" you say as you close the door slowly "I'll meet you guys there in an hour"
"Great" Koing sings 
By the time you get there the boys are already playing pool and Ghost hadn’t stopped hearing the end of how Soap was right about him not actually having any plans tonight. Konig may be at the pool table; his mind is elsewhere. 
"How long are ya’ staying, Konig?" Soap asks.
"Not sure, they didn't give me a specific shipping out date. Tell ya the truth, I don't really wanna go anywhere yet" he replied 
Ghosts eyebrows lift up under his mask. It's hard to tell he has a found interest in where Konig's train of thought leads. Konig hasn't noticed but Soap knows Ghost well enough to recognize even the slightest of eye changes. 
"Why's that? Something caught your eye" Soap teases. 
He isn't dumb. Soap knows Ghost has always had a soft spot for you. He teased you differently than anyone else and you always covered him before anyone else in the field. He knew there was something, even if he didn't know the extent of it. Regardless of how professional you both tried to be. It didn’t matter to Soap, part of him thought he might prey some reactions out of Ghost. 
"Oh I don't know" Konig replied 
"Oh someone's shy with us" Soap teased as he hit a striped ball down the table to sink into the left pocket "Not with Zero though eh?" 
"Yeah, can't get exactly get a read on her" Konig said 
"She's pretty upfront for the most part" Ghost said matter of factly 
"What do you mean?" Konig 
"Nothing" Ghost coughed, "She's just pretty clear with things" 
Soap smirked, sinking another ball "If she didn't like you, you'd know. We've seen guys that piss her off and she can't exactly hide it. You'd know. That's what ya mean, right Ghost?" 
"Yeah Johnny" he snears. Ghost can feel Soap is picking at him. You were clear when you HATED someone, you reeked of disdain in the air when you did. Getting to know someone on the team was not the same and John knew that. Soap takes a swig of his beer after finally missing a ball but he coughs it up as Konig continues 
"She opened her door in a towel when I went to invite her" Konig confesses 
Soap recovers from the beer that went up his nose just to miss Simon's micro reactions. He didn't need to see too much to know that would piss him off. 
"Wow" He coughed
"Forward right?" Konig breaths 
"She could have just been having a bath" Ghost says as he lines up his shot 
"Can you imagine Zero opening the door in a towel Ghost" Soap teases and hits his arm as Ghost misses the shot. "What would you do?" 
"I'll tell ya what I wanted to do" Konig starts shaking his head before Ghost gets in his face 
"Stop. Talking." He grunts and then looks over at Soap. "Both of you." 
It took a minute for the air to settle. Konig looked at Soap, his face asking if he really went that far but Soap shrugged it off. 
"Speaking of '' Soap says as you enter the bar. It feels good being in a normal establishment. No uniform, no gear. You come in with your hair down and a bit of makeup for once, and some maybe not the comfiest clothes but you didn't want baggy. You had that everyday covered in gear. It was fun to dress up a bit not that you thought the guys would notice. 
They did. 
 It was hard to miss them. The only two men with masks. The bar had seen them enough times and our faction spent enough money here that they didn't ask them to remove them. 
"Whose winning?" You ask 
"Me of course" Soap chuckles. 
"Not my best game" Ghost admits while looking down. Avoiding your eye contact. 
"Next game, Zero and I take you two" Konig says 
"Oh I'm not good at pool" you admit 
"Don't worry I'll teach ya" Konig says 
"No I understand how the game works, I'm not GOOD at it" you explain 
"I can take care of the both of us" Konig winks 
"Well I'll take care of the next round of drinks then. What's everyone's order?" You say 
Everyone tells you their drink of choice and Konig offers to help you carry them back. 
Soap stands closer to ghost 
"What's going on?" 
"Dunno what you mean" Ghost coughed 
"Oh fuck off. You've been looking at Konig like you wanna light him on fire everytime he talks to Zero." 
"They're friends" 
"Like you and Zero are friends?" 
Ghost straightens up. 
"I'm not saying anything to Price." Soap explains. "He doesn't notice you two and your little gazes" 
"She's got new eyes" 
"That's a laugh, she's always been obsessed with you," Soap rebutted 
“Since when is your head out of your ass enough to notice anything?” 
“You get the most cover out of anyone on the team Ghost, she’s always trained on you.” He says as he attempts to sink the 8 ball as if he’s tired of trying to fight Ghost on the obvious. Making one last point. “She ain’t covering Konig like that” 
You bring back drinks with Konig. As usual he's pleasant and quick to flattery while getting the drinks. A little "do you know you're very pretty" as you wait for the bartender. "Oh I'm aware" you laugh as you bring you and Ghosts drink, leaving Koing to grab his and Soaps. This always throws men off. You're supposed to be "humble" but you know you're attractive. It's fun watching men's faces sink when they hear that as the response. Not that you don't enjoy the reminders but it's a good way to shut things down. Whenever Ghost would tell you you're beautiful it was something very specific about you. Your eyes, your smile or how much he loved listening to you. Wither about your passions or things that pissed you off. Nothing compared to that. Not enough "you're pretty, you know that?" In the world that would top your pillow talk. Your old pillow talk. 
"Got ya a double, maybe it'll help your game" you smile at Ghost before stepping back and giving him the space he's asked for. Soap sinks the ball. 
"We can only hope" Soap says "You two wanna break?" He asks as he sets up the next game. 
"Let's see how it's done Konig" you gesture to the table. 
Konig breaks it. You all take turns for a while and talk about work. There's an awkward shot when it comes to your turn. Konig tells you how to set it up. You lean over as he leans over you to “help” in his mind. 
"It's okay Konig, I got it" you say as you miss. "Welp, nevermind" 
"We can give it a different go on your next turn" while putting his hand around your waist. You step away 
"Don't worry about me"  
Ghost walks over and steps between the two of you to take his shot. You don't know if he sinks any of the balls. You're just staring at him as he turns and leans in to whisper in your ear 
"Say the word, and I'll snap his neck" he breaths into your ear, so close only you could hear it 
He goes back to the table like nothing happened but you can't move. Hearing that paralyzed you. Like every word of it ran down your spine, to the inside of your legs and rounded through your toes. The reminder that your guard dog was still around. 
As the rounds continued you noticed Konig being touchy with your waist again. The guys were farther into drinking than you had been. Konig and Soap seemed to be showing it more. Soap being more antagonistic and Konig being more touchy. 
"Who's the prettiest in the squad, Zero?" soap heckled 
"Obviously you buddy" you say as you shoot. With the drinks in their system everyone was just as bad as you but you stopped caring a while ago. All your mind could focus on was the internal dynamic between you, Ghost and Konig. Some fresh air was needed and you waited until Konig and Soap were bickering over something to slink out.
Ghost met you outside, before Konig could take notice
"Zero" you correct 
"Look Ghost, I can give you your sweater ba–" You start
"Simon" he corrects. 
You look over in his eyes. 
"I like hearing you say Simon a lot more." 
"I miss it" 
"I don't want the sweater back" 
"But I can't wear it, remember?" 
"Y/N it's not that I don't want you to wear it. I love the idea of everyone seeing you in my clothes. I want to show you off but you know we can't" 
"I don't think Price cares, I think you do" 
"Price isn't taking Konig seriously. He's here temporarily, he doesn't have anything to lose" 
"I really don't think there would be that crazy of repercussions" 
"One of us would have to leave the team, you wanna get transferred across the globe and not see eachother again?" 
"You're worried it would be me they pick?" 
"We can't pretend they're not biased" 
This struck a chord with you. You were an exceptional sniper. Better than anyone on the team, there wasn't another one lined up after you. There couldn't be. 
"I'm not someone who's easily replaced" 
"I didn't think I was either?!" He yells 
That struck a chord with him. 
He realizes his tone. It draws some attention from some other people smoking outside. You give them the awkward smile that gestures you're fine. Not scared. No plea for help in your eyes. You go to hold Simon's hands, forgetting the weight of them until they're in your grasp. 
"I never thought you were," you say looking up at him with big doe eyes.  
He leans in close, wrapping his arms around you. The most he's ever touched you in public and breathes out before realizing he's doing it. 
"I already paid your tab for the record" he says 
You grab his bicep and start walking, pulling him along 
"Then you may as well be walking me home then, before Konig wonders where I've gone" 
The walk home is sweet. You're surprised at how long you hold onto his arm for, without him telling you to stop hanging off him before anyone sees. Not a word. Everything is calmer. More to normal. Playful verbal sparring matches as usual. He teases that you aren't that bad at pool and you flick back that in reality he is. He brushes it off to say he was distracted by trying not to break Konig's arm every time he touched your waist which makes you blush and look away. You tell him about Konig saying you're pretty and how you loved his face when you said I know instead of thank you as you fall off of Simon's arms. You want to be able to see how he reacts and of course it's to tease. Ghost likes to say that no one actually knows how to talk to you before complimenting how intimidating you are. How you're actually the one who's truly terrifying in task force 141 which always flatters you the most. Feeling like you're the least likely to pose a threat but Ghost always assures you're the deadliest one. The reason he can be so confident going into any mission is knowing your sniper is fixed on anyone coming his way. How he couldn't do his job nearly as well without you having his back. As you look away you notice him trying to find your hand to hold as you walk back to the base. They're so much bigger than yours, it's satisfying knowing they could probably crush yours but always feel exceptionally gentle with you. You squeeze his massive palm before letting go as he walks you to your door. 
"I'm not trying to hide you Y/N. I'd show you off every second if I could but I can't do my job without knowing you're there."
He didn't break eye contact once. 
“Really?” you ask, in all earnestness. 
“I can’t lose you.” He chokes, he can’t look at you for that one till he finishes his sentence. 
The weight of that hits. 
You rush forward moving his mask up over his lips to thrust yourself into a kiss. No one touched his mask.
 Except you.
 Only you. 
He steps forward, forcing you to step back into your room and closing the door behind him while you hang off his lips. You’re too distracted to notice he doesn’t lock the door and even keeps the handle slightly turned. One light push would open it. 
"I don't think about Konig. Or anyone else." You say after catching your breath
“I know” He says calmly, staring into your eyes and then lips before he picks you up, your legs wrap around his waist like you’ve practiced it and he pushes you up against the wall. You don’t know how he does it, how he manages to pin you while still giving you enough room to breathe. How it doesn’t feel like you have to hold yourself that much, how you can trust yourself being in his arms like that. 
His grip is intense as he holds you up by your waist and ass, squeezing until you feel like they might bruise. You don’t question it though or even think of stopping it. It’s all you wanted, and missed. Every spot of your neck needs to be kissed, no surface left untouched. 
“I missed you” you moan 
He grabs hold of you tightly and turns your body to throw you on the bed, before you can even catch yourself he’s already crawled over you. Holding your face and staring into your eyes again 
“Nothing to miss, I’m not going anywhere” 
He grabs onto your hips and pulls you closer. As if he’s offended at the idea of any air being between your bodies.
“Neither are you” he breathes before pushing his lips into yours. Kissing you on your open mouth. 
Your body aches, like every sense missed his touch and with every kiss over your shoulders and neck, your body rolls into him. Feeling everything from your chest levitate down to your pelvis, playfully touching his, begging for more. Needing it to escalate like it had.
You weren't the only one whose longing had your body in a spiral. Just light touches of your finger trips around his neck were enough to have him almost hard again. Each roll of your pelvis grinding ever so slightly against his, with every feeling his manhood. All the excitement rushing back. All the blood. Rushing back. 
He was more handsy than usual, which was saying a lot. Ghost was always quick to grab you. Pull your wrists over your head and take his time playing with you. Lighting up each section of your body with delicate touches to draw out every feeling, to prepare you for when he could lose himself. He liked to pull the orgasm from you as long as he could. Have you whimpering for his fastest pace but not tonight. 
Tonight he was feral as he took off your clothes. No patience for this evening. Your shirt was barely off over your head before he pulled down your bra and caressed your nipples with his tongue while looking up at you. Unimpressed as if you hadn't finished what he demanded. All clothes were meant to be pulled off as he unbuttoned your jeans and dragged them down around your ankles. The bra clasp was easy enough but he had run out of patience once it got to your panties.
His hands grabbing you again was all you needed to soak through them, let alone the tossing around. They were seeped in your scent as he tried pulling them off but it wasn't quick enough as he took out his knife and cut them on the side before you even had a second to interject. 
"I'll buy ya another pair" he tells you as he envelops the scent off of them "these are mine to take anyway" as he tosses them aside and throws the knife into the wall. You forget how quick he is with that, how deadly he actually is. How scary he truly is but it only opens the floodgates. 
He kisses between your thighs and bites into them, attempting to be gentle but it is not really working. His excitement and difficulty containing himself only made you more damp, more for him to taste after kissing the sweet spot where your pelvis and legs met. That little nook always sent shivers down your spine as he'd breath on it before slowly kissing it and making his way over to your pedals to spread and kiss them. 
"The way you taste…." He mutters to himself before clamming his mouth over your cunt. His fingers tracing your entrance as his tongue massages your clit, just swirling around and around while looking up at you. He won't do it. He won't plunge himself in without you asking, practically begging. Screaming the undying craving you had for him was the only consent worth getting. Nothing else would do but a cry out for more. For escalation. 
"What were you saying about missing me sweetheart?" He says as he bites the side of your thigh before flicking his tongue over your clit
"That's an understatement" you breath 
"Spell it out for me" 
Your brain is dizzy, you can't help but think about every inch of his body that you've missed curling up against at night but nothing comes out as his fingers graze the opening of your walls to meet with his hand pushing down on the front of your waist from the outside with his mouth sucking on your clit. Desperately craving the pressure of his hand to push your walls closer to his fingers when he finally can let himself access you. You can only moan. That's all you can bring yourself to at this moment. The feeling had you somewhere else, not grounded. 
He stands up along the side of the bed, pulling his fingers away from you and  wrapping his arm around your legs. Pinning them to his chest as he lifts up your ass from the bed and spanks it. 
"Since when are you not a talker" he spits out 
Your eyes nearly fall out of your head at the slap and you're brought back down to earth. With him. 
"I missed your hands." 
"Interesting" he says coyly while slowly laying you back down 
"I miss everytime you touch me in training and wrap them around my waist." You spew. "I love every vain, I can never stop staring at them. I can't stop myself from thinking about them grabbing me and having your fingers inside me with your knuckles hitting my entrance." You can't speak fast enough. "I can't stop thinking about any time they've spanked me or choked me or pinned me. I know you wanna hear that it's your cock and how it stretches me everytime and practically breaks me and I crave that first feeling of when you split me open but my favourite part is your hands grabbing my hips or my back and having you pull me down over your cock." 
"There she is, my loud mouth" he says as he grabs your ankles and pulls you to the edge of the bed. Grabbing a hold of you and turning so he's sitting at the edge with you on top. Facing him. Facing him. Facing away from the door. 
"That can be arranged for you love" he teases as he holds you just above the tip. You're pressed up against his chest as he grabs onto your hips swirling your entrance just over the head of his cock. You're already in a sweat from what his tongue can do. You always think about how you want to be active, not leaving all the work to him but how he can eat you out always leaves you feeling cum drunk. Your body is already almost dead weight for him to manhandle. It seems like it should be an issue but it isn't for him. Not with how strong Simon is as he rolls your cunt around the tip like a rag doll. Your coos and breathy moans ringing in his ear. He likes to fake you out, feel you grab onto his back, the tightening to brace yourself before he lets himself in but not quite giving it. His fingers swirling around your clit, spinning tiny circles as he feels you leaking onto him. 
"Fuck Ghost, for the love of god stop teasing me" 
There's footsteps down the hallway, you're too occupied to notice but he doesn't. All his training had him acutely aware of the smallest sounds. Your training should too but he had a way of making you escape wherever you truly were. 
"Y/N don't be doing that, you know what I wanna hear" he growls in your ear "none of that Ghost bullocks" 
The door started to open, the slight creaking alarming ghost but you were none the wiser. 
His arms wrapped around your waist as if squeezing the words out of you. 
"Simon, I want you. I need you" you choke out 
"Who else?" He whispers 
"No one, just you. Only you. Please Simon'' you cry out as he lowers you slowly onto his cock. Pulling your whole body in as he presses inside you looking towards the door at Koing's blue eyes peering through his mask. It's only a millisecond of eye contact before Konig shuts the door leaving the room behind him but your cries echo through the walls. Konig hearing you call out Ghosts name over and over again. The click of the door drowned out by your moans. 
Konig takes a second to collect himself. You aren't his. Never were. He'd never bring up what he saw, he knew Ghost wouldn't either. The bitter sound of your whimpering from the room not done by him burned. He left feeling like a dog with his tail between his legs, wondering if Ghost had left the door like that to just mess with him. He'd never know. 
He'd never ask. 
Ghost smirked watching your face wail as he bounced you up and down. Your mouth falling open with each thrust and your eyelids crushed together bracing yourself from the ferocity.
"Good girl" he snickered as he lowered your body up and down. Like you were weightless. 
"Slow down, slow down Simon" you manage to whimper. 
"Bit too much for ya?" He chuckled 
"I'm getting too carried away, they'll hear us…. well ME" you correct. 
Ghost wasn't quiet in bed by any means. Every thrust was met with grunts and whines of his own but you, you yelped at the drop of a hat when it came to the slightest movement of his pelvis. 
"Let 'em hear" he sighed with another pull of your body 
You were close, you needed him to slow down to last any longer. He had never cared about that though. There was so much fun to be had making you cum. He’d feel every contraction around his cock hit. To see the afterglow on your face and how creamy you'd be afterwards. You always loved how it felt when he'd rail you after you had already cum. The sound of him hitting all your juices was a thrill to say the least.  
He could feel you tightening around him after saying anyone could hear. His cock did plenty but it was always the words that would send you over the edge. 
"You're mine," he said with his gruff voice. No debate to be had. Just a statement. Just reminding you where you belonged. Your body tightened again, nails digging into his back. 
"Say it again" you whimpered. As nicely as possible. Full surrender to him. 
"You're mine, all mine" he breathed into your ear. 
"Say it again, please. Please Simon" 
Even as tension rose, he didn't change his pace. Keeping it at the fast momentum you had before but telling you over and over again that you were his. 
You belonged to him. 
Only him. 
And only he would feel your body contract the way it did. As if your body couldn't let go of him as you convulsed with excitement. Your grip into his back leaving scratch marks. It wasn't the first time you tore his skin as you came and it wouldn't be the last. 
You couldn't stop shaking, it overwhelmed every sense you had. Your body wanted to escape the over stimulation but he held you down. Tighter as you cried out. It wasn't going to be a quick feeling. He was going to make it last as long as possible. You had to be a puddle afterwards or he didn't do his job. You knew it wasn't even a minute but the intensity felt like hours and it wasn't until you were able to catch your breath that his grip lightened. 
You were drenched in sweat. Practically having to peel your body off of him. Your eyelids are heavy as you look into his eyes. His hands wrap around your cheeks, his beautiful hands. 
Neither of you say anything. Neither of you have too. He just looks into your eyes for a moment. Taking everything in before kissing you in the most tender way. The switch from how hard he can press into your skin and leave bruises to how his lips press into yours with every ounce of sincerity he has to give always consumes you. He wipes some of the sweat off your forehead. 
"Y' alright sweetheart?" 
"I'll recover" you manage to gasp through your breath "you didn't cum?" 
You hadn't moved off of him yet. 
"You can tell?" He asked 
"You either gasp or I can feel your pulses. You think I can ignore any inch of you inside me?" You tease as you kiss his cheek. 
He lifts you off of him and lays you on the bed. You lean back on your elbows watching him move around the room, searching. 
"What are you looking for?" You ask. Finally managing to find another breath. 
He discovers it on the top of your laundry basket and brings his sweater over to you. Never tossing anything at you, holding it in front of you to grab. 
"Put it on," he commands. 
Your eyes are watching with intensity. You don't date break eye contact as you take it. Only leaving his fixation when the fabric goes over your line of sight. It falls over your frame, practically hanging off of you. He clasps your face in both palms and brings you closer before he utters 
"I'm not done with you yet"
Dante Nyhpmir Masterlist
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stardancerluv · 4 years
Part 2
Summary: you realize each other’s worth.
Note: this is very smutty with some fluff. Daddy!Dom!Roman, Oral male recieiving, semi-public finger.
Walking over to Roman, a little later nervousness fluttered in your stomach. You were honestly a jumble.
As you did you eyed his profile. You couldn’t read his emotions, as you walked up. Your eyes meet, Roman reached over and pushed the button.
It chimed with its arrival you felt your stomach do a flip. Once inside, you practically flung yourself at Roman. “Roman, I am so sorry.” You cried.
He tilted his head to one side as he looked down at you. Then without a word, he picked you up, his silence already spoke more then what the two of you had said to each other earlier. You didn’t fight him.
The elevator dinged and he walked out with you. “What am I going to do with you?”
You remembered how he had grabbed you earlier and despite the edge lingering in his voice, you were instantly breathless. “Whatever you want daddy.” You had gone too far tonight, your emotions had run away with you.
“We’ll start here.” He said more to himself, as he lowered you to the floor. You slid down till you were standing in front of him. “Now, you need to know something.”
You kept your eyes downcast.
He roughly grabbed your chin and made you look up. “You look at me when I talk to you.”
“Ok, daddy.” You barely whispered, his annoyance washed over you in waves.
“These past few weeks I told you, I took over an entirely new area. It came with new responsibilities, new men answering to me.” He pressed his lips together. “I wanted to feel them out before brought my precious girl in front of them. Remember, how I was worried about Killer Croc?”
You nodded.
“I want to hear you.”
“Yes, I remember daddy.”
“What if I brought you to my first meetings with him and he had lost control? What if he had ripped you to shreds?”
“You had only wanted to keep me safe, daddy.”
“Correct. These men have been known to not have the best character. I didn’t want one of them to get any ideas about you.”
“Oh daddy.” Unease filled you, what mew faction had come to Gotham, wasn’t there enough, you wondered a moment.
“That’s right.” He nodded. “You belong to me, I take care of you.”
“You do. I don’t know what got into me. I was just so upset.” You cried. “Please daddy, know that I care. I hate it when things go wrong and you end up at the docks.” You had to finally say it.
His face softened and he caressed your cheek, yet his gloved hand slid down and he grabbed your throat. You gasped and he smiled.
“I believe you baby,” He said slowly as he gently squeezed. “But you were very mouthy. You need to be reminded of who takes care of you.” His thumb caressed the side of your throat. “Who works to make sure no one destroys you or your dreams.”
You nodded. “You do daddy.”
He took your hand then, your heart lurched. Your arousal, had slowly been building since he had grabbed your throat. An ache erupted between your legs when you felt just how hard he felt in his slacks. “Do you feel this?”
“Yes, daddy.”
“This is why I can’t always have you at my side baby. You make daddy very hard.” As he pressed your hand against him more firmly you made a soft sound. “Now daddy wants you to get on your knees baby.”
You pleaded with your eyes, the two of you were not far from the elevator. He chuckled and his fingers tightened on your throat. “Are you defying daddy right now?”
Your eyes grew, his fingers tighten more. You gasped for air now. “No.” you managed to gasp.
“Good Baby, you better not be. I have been very soft on you considering how you spoke to me earlier. The words I heard leave your mouth.”
Still looking at him, you lowered yourself in front of him. “I was very bratty daddy. I’m sorry.”
“I’m going to have to punish you.”
“Yes, daddy.” You felt yourself get wetter.
You watched then as he finally undid his belt, followed by his pants. He stood before you in all of his glory, very hard and erect. You could not suppress the soft sound that came from deep within you as you saw him. You squeezed your thighs. You wanted so badly to reach down and ever so gently relieve the ache he brought between your legs.
His gloved hand took ahold of himself. “Now open for daddy, he’s going to show you a better way to use your mouth.”
You did as you were told, and you trembled as feeling him slid in. Holding you just the right way, he began moving in and out of your mouth.
“Mm, beautiful.” He murmured as he caught your eye.
You moaned around him, he tasted so damn good. He held your head, so he could easily enjoy you. Soon, not taking a completely submissive role, you happily sucked at him.
As you knelt there you felt yourself become unbelievably wet, making you moan around his hard length. Just as you were getting used to the feel of him, he pulled out of your mouth.
A soft sound came from you but you would not allow yourself to pout.
“Did you wear panties under those stockings? ”
“Take them off.” He demanded first firmly, gesturing to them. “And then sit back for daddy.” He came over you to then, as he kneeled before, he looked you over. “Tonight, you don’t deserve me to take you in a bed or even a chair.” He gently pushed you onto your back, a smirk curling his lips.
“I was very bad.” You looked up at him, as he came to hang over you. You felt as he pushed the dress further up, the coolness of the marble felt actually refreshing.
He reached out and grabbed your center. You moaned under his touch. “Oh baby,” he growled. “You are so wet.”
You nodded.
“You like it when I remind you who you belong to, don’t you?” He rasped, right as you felt him slip two fingers in.
You moaned and arched into him. “Yes.”
“Do you deserve to have me in you?” He leaned in close, you could feel his breath. His lips grazing yours as he spoke, making. you grow hungry for his kisses. “Or should I just let you finish sucking on me to get me off?” He smirked, as he slid his fingers in and out of you.
“Please daddy, please? I want to feel you.” You pleaded.
Smiling, he withdrew his fingers. Moving, just so, you then felt as he entered you. “Daddy.” You moaned, arching against him once again.
You wrapped yourself around him as he began moving in and out of you. He finally let himself moan, pulling you close. “I like how you look under me baby.”
“Daddy.” You trembled.
“Don’t you cum baby, I decide when you cum tonight.”
You shook, “Ok, daddy.”
“Open wide for daddy.” You could taste the tanginess of the two of you combined. He held you close, you felt as he trembled. “Baby.” He moaned, and moments later he came hard into your mouth, easily you swallowed all of him. You took delight in glancing up at him, seeing how he threw his head back in his his pleasure.
Sighing, he tidied himself up. Reaching, for you he pulled you up and held you close. “Are you mine baby?” He traced your jaw with one of his gloved fingers.
You nodded. “I am yours daddy. I am still so sorry about earlier. I was just so upset.”
He cupped your cheek. “I understand baby. We all get upset. Now, you know what I want you to do?”
“No.” You shook your head. You still ached for him., you could taste it.
“Go freshen up for daddy and come back downstairs. I want you to sit beside me like the good girl, I know you to be.”
You beamed. “I would like that very much.” After being intimate and not having your emotions bottled up any more you felt better. You meant it, you looked forward to being on his arm.
“And baby?” He met your eyes.
“You better touch not yourself once I get in the elevator.”
You allowed yourself to squirm so he could see how you ached to feel him but you nodded. “I promise will only allow myself cum when you let me.”
“Good girl.”
Finally, settling at his table downstairs he looked out at it all. Sipping his martini, he finally had a time to think.
“Roman...” Zsaz, walked up. “We should..”
Roman, gritted his teeth. “Not right now Zsasz.” He cut the white haired man off. “Keep mingling. I know I have to call Platano he can fucking wait.”
Zsasz, scratched the back of his head and nodded. “Sure thing boss.” The man then walked away.
His anger had mostly cooled, so he could finally think back at what had just happened. It had boiled in the pit of his stomach, rushing in his ears. Before you, the idea of having attachments, rankled him. The women he met usually annoyed the fuck out of him. None of them really challenged or even interested him. He had met his fair share, owning this club and they threw themselves at him, especially the fucking dancers.
Here you were strong and incredibly beautiful. You were the only one who had not backed away from him, you were fierce. You never sugar coated things. You finally let him know just how hurt you were. So he was more then happy then cancel that stupid fucking meeting. Platano, could fucking wait.
Since you had always been there for him, suffering through those hours with your friends was worth it for you. Tonight, once again you made him realize just how lucky to have you by his side while he rose to power in Gotham. He fucking loved you for it. He smiled, sipping his martini delighted knowing you cared for him in exactly the way he needed.
You hurried to gather up your clothes and hurried back to the bedroom. For the time being, you pushed them into the hamper. Opening the door to your closet you found a new dress; equal in its beauty. You laid it out on the bed before and went to the bathroom. As you ran your brush through your hair, you couldn’t help but notice how puffy your lips were. They reminded you of the sharp desire you still felt for him. Quickly, you brushed and rinsed your mouth out.
You slipped on your new dress, once again you grabbed one of your favorite perfumes and spritzed some on and then made your way to the elevator.
The club was still hoping and the drinks were still flowing. It was so easy to be wrapped up in the world you and Roman made for yourselves upstairs.
Moving through the crowd you gave polite smiles and nods. But your real smile came when, Roman seeing you stood up and smiled at you.
“After you.” He ushered you into the booth.
A waitress appeared shortly afterward with a drink for you.
“Would either of you like anything else?”
“No.” Roman shook his head and made a dismissive gesture with his hand. “We’re good.”
Turning, you could feel as his eyes moved over you. “You chose a nice dress baby.”
You beamed. “Thank you.”
He laid a bare hand on your naked thigh. “I see you skipped the stockings.” He gently squeezed.
You swallowed. “Yes, I wanted to hurry down to you.”
“Good, very good. Now open for me.” He purred.
You glanced a little, then you did as he said. As you felt his hand slide all the way up but stopping just shy of your center. You made a soft sound, you ached for him. You pleaded with your eyes as he looked up into his his deep blue ones. You bit down onto you lip.
“Were you a good girl and only freshen up?”
You nodded. “Yes.”
“Good.” He was the one who made a deep sound then when he felt you had also decided to forgo a pair of panties. His blue eyes became fiery. “Baby.” He breathed.
You opened your legs a little more. “It just the two of sitting here.” You suggested sweetly.
He slipped and rubbed his fingers against your wetness. You squirmed, meeting his eyes. “Daddy.” You pleaded.
“You wonderfully just pointed out we’re all alone at my table, with a club full guests.” He nuzzled and kissed the nap of your throat. “Do you think anyone will noticed me making you cum?” He rubbed more. One of your hands clutched his thigh the other the cushion.
“Daddy.” You breathlessly whimpered.
“Yes, baby.” He rasped in your ear. “That’s it, hold onto to me.
You whimpered softly. “Cum for daddy at his table.”
You strained and opened yourself just a little more.
A dark chuckled came from him. “Yes, that’s it. Cum, where he decides on the good and the bad. Cum for me baby.” He urged.
You buried you face into his shoulder. It didn’t take long. Panting against his throat you shook and came hard. Your eyes met, yours watery as he kissed you. His hand moved to hold you, you squeeze you there. “You’re mine baby. I’ll care for you always.” He whispered against your lips. Pulling, back he gingerly, with no disgust wiped his hands with his handkerchief. You watched as he slipped his glove back on.
“I love you, Roman.” You whispered. He glanced down and smiled.
Shaking you straightened yourself and took a sip of your drink.
“Friday can start now, I’m here.” A loud screechy voice called out.
Standing, Roman turned on a heel to it. He pressed his lips together. “I can never relax.” He looked down at you as he said it and smirked.
“Romy!” She hollered from across the club. “I’m joining you and your girl.”
“Great.” He called as the fake smile spread from one side of his face to the next. You shared a look.
“I am going to need another drink.” You remarked.
@darling-i-read-it @spn-obsessed-dean @vintagemichelle91 @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx @ewanfuckingmcgregor @zodiyack @angel98624 @frenchgirlinlondon @nebulastarr @emyliabernstein @thepeachreads @itsknife2meetu @omghappilyuniquebouquetlove @nomnomnomnamja @poe-kadot26 @babydoll97 @hazel-nuss @vcat55 @feelthemadnessinside @johallzy @foreverhockeytrash @frostypenguinoz @starwarsslytherin @professionalclown @chogisss @shantellorraine @xxinvisiblexx @blondekel77 @saphic-susperia @drarrylov3r @i-cant-hear-you16 @deadlymistress24 @yesqueenofthelight @generallj
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I love all the smutt, really i do, but can we get some uhhhhh, TENDER fluff of the two????
Absolutely, dear anon? Let’s GO!
Sooga was a hard working man. He was not only responsible for Kohga’s welfare, but his happiness, and on occasion, his sexual satisfaction. Pair that with training of the troops, and overall making sure everything is spick and span, Sooga didn’t have much time for himself. Except for ONE day out of the year. His birthday. On his birthday, Sooga was allowed to do whatever he pleased. He was a bit stubborn about it, insisting he didn’t need it, but Kohga was relentless. Sooga hated leaving him alone, much less in the horny hands of the clan, but Kohga’s wishes were his commands. It was why he was here, right at lurelin village, and doing his favorite thing: fishing. Sooga LOVED fish, quite unlike his Master. It was nice; sitting at the end of the docks, with nothing but a fishing pole, a fishing spear, a bucket of bait, and an empty bucket for his catch.
You’d think it’d be dangerous, a yiga fishing so close to the village, but since he had been doing it for so long, the people of the village merely watched him occasionally, letting him go about his business. It was nice, and relaxing, smelling the ocean air. He already had a bucket full of porgies, and even a few crabs. They were fresh, lively. He had no idea how long he had been there, just that the sun was starting to set, and that his bait bucket was empty. Now was as good of a time as any to pack it up. He started to put his stuff away, and was about to dump them back into the ocean (he wasn’t allowed to bring them home, because Kohga HATED the smell of fish), when suddenly he felt someone tug at his leg. A little boy.
“Hey Mr! Are you gonna dump those fishes?”
“I was planning to. I cannot take them home.”
“Can we have ‘em?”
“Don’t bother the nice man, now!”
A woman, who he assumed was the child’s mother, dashed up to him, holding onto his shoulders. She gave an apologetic look, double checking the infant at her back.
“I’m so sorry sir, it’s your fish, do with them as you will.”
Sooga hesitated. The child looked longingly at the bucket.
“Do you not have food?”
“No! The meanie bokoblins just a bit offshore keep scaring the fishermen away! We haven’t had fish in forever!”
Sooga watched as a woman set up shop right next to him. No fish at her stand today. Merely arrows. Odd. Sooga nodded at her.
“Where is your house? I’ll carry it for you, it’s heavy.”
“Sir please, we don’t-”
“It wasn’t an option.”
While his voice was firm, she smiled at him. He walked behind her till he reached her doorstep, leaving the bucket right by her front door. The child dashed inside the house, yelling in joy. She looked at him, offering a sweet smile.
“Thank you so much, we can only survive so long on just palm fruit.”
Sooga nodded, before suddenly disappearing from her sight. He had things to do.
“Sooga! Welcome back, how was-”
Kohga covered his nose with his hand, turning away from Sooga, who had just returned from his birthday trip. And apparently, he smelled worse than usual. No one else seemed to mind, but Kohga just hated the smell of the ocean. Sooga gave a soft chuckle at the overreaction.
“I apologize, after my fishing, I had some...monsters to deal with. I’ll go ba-”
“No no no! You smell AWFUL. Like, the WORST you’ve ever smelled! Like fish and absolute ass. Follow me.”
Kohga walked him towards his own personal bathing room, shutting the doors behind them. The bath seemed to have been ready in advance, and Sooga softly smiled.
“You had the bath ready for me?”
“It was for ME. I was GOING to smell nice and fresh when you got back, but no, you had to smell like death. Strip, bath, now.”
Kohga was usually much more patient. But Sooga could understand. If HE didn’t love the smell of fish, he’d be recoiling as well. Sooga obeyed regardless, completely stripping, save for his mask. 
“Regardless, thank you, Master Kohga. You honor me with your hospitality. I can go on and swap with you when I’m done, if you’d like.”
“What- no. I’M bathing too, Sooga.”
Sooga froze a bit. The idea of Kohga being nude was a lot for him to handle, but the idea of him being nude and WET? Suffice to say, It made him gulp. Sooga suddenly felt self conscious, as if his body didn’t deserve to be in the presence of his body.
“Master Kohga, there’s no need to be indecent-”
“Sooga you’ve had my dick in your mouth, I really don’t know what you’re afraid of.”
Sooga opened his mouth to give a retort, but found himself unable. Kohga may have meant that in a funny way, but Sooga felt it made his heart ache. Why DID he continue to be so...uneasy, when Kohga had no qualms with his wants? Kohga didn’t seem to either notice, or care, about his inner turmoil, and instead stripped himself down. Not even underwear. Just a complete, and totally nude Kohga, standing right in front with him (minus his mask of course). Even worse, Kohga put his hair down. He un did his hair, revealing a mess of curly, poofy, black hair. Kohga combed his fingers through it, before noticing Sooga staring.
“That’s right, you’ve never seen me without this much clothes, huh?”
“I’ve….never seen your hair down. It’s...lovely.”
“I love how instead of staring at my dick, you pick my hair. You’re a big, gorgeous idiot, Sooga.”
Kohga patted his bare chest, before making his way into the tub. The tub was more or less a giant hot spring, but Kohga always felt like it wasn’t big enough, so he called it a tub. Kohga sighed in relief once his body hit the water, and Sooga swore he never saw his master so content. Sooga hesitated, before walking down the steps, and relaxed, just a bit away from Kohga. They sat there for a moment, absorbing the warmth, inhaling the smell of the fresh flowers (like Kohga’s favorite; the mighty thistle. It was an assertive, yet sweet smelling scent), and letting their bones nearly melt. Sooga could be this relaxed forever, had Kohga not said something.
“What are you doing, Sooga?”
Sooga tensed up, snapping out of his blissful daydream. He must’ve done something to offend him, done something to make Kohga ashamed of him. Sooga swallowed.
“I apologize, I’m not aware as to w-what-”
“You’re all the way over there.”
Kohga chuckled, and made his way right to Sooga’s side, wrapping an arm around him. Kohga’s body felt so soft and warm next to him. Sooga couldn’t believe this was all really happening. Kohga was actually sitting here, arm wrapped around him like he owned him. Sooga never recalled when he felt so important, so….worthy. Kohga grabbed a petal that floated in their tub, lightly flicking it in almost boredom. That was when Sooga suddenly grew bold.
“Do you...need help washing your hair, Master Kohga.”
Kohga looked at him in almost surprise, before shaking his head.
“I have a VERY specific way of washing it, Sooga. But,”
Kohga’s face was suddenly so close to his, with his hands planted so firmly on his chest.
“I can do yours, if you don’t mind me gettin’ a little handsy.”
Sooga could swoon right now. Master Kohga, the most incredible man ever, was offering to clean his hair. Sooga wanted to deny him, knowing he didn’t deserve his hands, but he nodded rather quickly. Kohga chuckled, before getting behind Sooga, and un doing the ribbon that kept his hair up. Sooga’s hair was long, straight, black, and it fell down gracefully across his back. Sooga didn’t like recalling the past, but Sooga always remembered how his father HATED the length of his hair. Always threatened to cut it, always tried to pull at it. He was expecting similar treatment from Kohga, when he felt his bare fingers strum through his locks.
“Bad enough you’ve got a nice body, now you have to compete with me in the hair department.”
“You...like it? You don’t think it’s too long?”
“No? What idiot would tell you that? You’ve got pretty hair, perfect for a pretty boy.”
Kohga’s lathered his hands in soap, before running through his hair. Master Kohga was so talented, scrubbing the sweet smelling soap into his hair so carefully yet efficiently. He was about to comment as such before Kohga’s fingers suddenly dug into his scalp. A light scrunch of his hair, nails strumming against his skin. It was so soothing, so tender and affectionate, for ONCE in his life, Sooga hadn’t thought what dangers could be present. Sooga was always thinking of what could hurt either him or his master. It felt odd, not having a single thought like that pop in his head.
“Sooga, wakey wakey.”
Sooga’s head snapped up, looking around widely for a second. Kohga laughed, smacking the water surrounding them.
“You fell asleep on me! You had your head bobbing up and down and everything. You never had anyone wash your hair before?”
“N...no. Never. I apologize, I shouldn’t have-”
Kohga grabbed a fistful of his hair, and gave it a light pull, getting Sooga’s attention.
“Shh. You’re fine. It’s fine. I’m VERY fine. It was cute. If I wasn’t worried about you drowning, I would’ve kept you like that.”
Kohga gave his hair a light pat, before starting on his own. Sooga held onto some of his hair, looking at it, as if he was suspicious of it.
“Master...Kohga. May I ask a question?”
Sooga watched him wash and scrub into his locks, watched as he scrubbed at his own body leisurely. 
“I wanted to ask-why are you so...kind to me?”
“Because I like you. I’ve told you.”
“You like the other Blademasters, don’t you?”
“I like all the clan. But you especially. Reason being? You’re a big, strong guy who’d do anything for me. You’re a stiff, but you got a big heart. I feel comfortable with you. You get me. And I wish you’d be comfortable with me, Sooga.”
Sooga opened his mouth to retort, before silencing himself. He was right. He loved Koga, but he didn’t feel completely comfortable with him. With ANYONE, in fact. Sooga sighed, before cupping Kohga’s face in his hands. He ignored the soap and water, and that beautiful mop of hair.
“Master Kohga. I cannot explain everything to you, for that forgive me, But what I can tell you, is that I love you with all that I am. I’m as comfortable with you as I can make myself. You are my world. My light in my darkness. I’d follow you to the ends of the earth. It’s why I constantly question if I’m good enough for you. I was brought up to believe my worth was nothing. I want you to have the opposite of that. Everything.”
There was a moment of silence between them. One that was only interrupted by the water, and soft popping of bubbles. Kohga sighed.
“Lift your mask up, a bit. Just so I can see your mouth.”
Sooga obeyed, though his hands lightly trembled. There was a punishment instored for him, he knew it. At least, he thought that up until Kohga did the very same, and pressed his lips against his. Master Kohga...was kissing him. His lips were so soft, so full, as if they were the clouds themselves. Sooga sat there, dumbstruck, even as Kohga pulled away from him.
“Look, we all got bullshit pasts and junk, Sooga. But here and now, know that you’re special to me. Whatever someone told you however long ago, doesn’t matter now. I’M telling you you’re good. You’re worth my time. You’re something to me, you big, dumb man.”
Sooga had never been told he was something. Never been told he was worthy. It made his hands shake a bit, before he suddenly found himself sweeping Kohga into his arms, and kissing him again. He wasn’t rejected. Wasn’t pushed away. He embraced him, arms thrown around his neck and hands digging into his soapy scalp. Kohga pulled away this time, and Sooga caught a glance of that smirk. Oh be still his beating heart.
“Sooga, I know it’s your birthday and all, but I got a command for you.”
“Anything, name it.”
“Sit here, and kiss me until you’re sick of it.”
“So...kiss you forever?”
Kohga laughed, before throwing himself at Sooga, lips locked onto his own as the water splashed around them. Nothing else mattered, but Kohga.
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jj-lynn21 · 5 years
Deadpool Presents: Axel’s Valentine’s Day special story ch2
Warnings: bad language? angst? fluff, SMUTT
ch1   ch3 ch4 ch5
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“What the fuck is up my favorite reader. Can you believe you had to wait until chapter two for me to chat you up?” Deadpool whines to the reader. “Wait, I’m whining, really? Maybe I get pissy but I never whine. Anyway, what the fuck is this story about? Oh, yeah, me watching Axel’s rugrats while he goes off to fuck his wife until they can barely move. All because of the sweet sweet love that Valentine’s Day obligates people to celebrate.  I mean why wait until Valentine’s day to bring your partner, your wife, or even just your fuckbuddy a gift to show them you want to keep fucking them, you care and love them. Do that shit today. Bring the flowers, send the romantic or sexually explicit text. Bring the lotions, edible clothing, handcuff, chocolates or flowers to your lover. You shouldn’t need the damn calendar telling you when to do things for her, him, they or them.
I digress,” Deadpool sighs, “I miss Vanessa. If she could be back or I could be with her I would be ok if it was International Women’s Day every day. And you think I don’t know Absorption is Axel/Zeigeist? I know, even in his mask and practically matching costume with Julie/Receptacle I know. No one else has beautiful seductive green eyes like that fucker. He could be the Beauty to my Beast.” Pink hearts float around Deadpool’s head as he thinks about dance like Beauty and The Beast with Axel. “Stop laughing, its romantic.”
Dead pool knocks at Axel and Julie’s door. He waves as he sees Julie’s eye through the peep whole. She opens the door, “Thanks for watching the kids Wade.” She grabs her purse. “Everyone else had a date tonight.”
“I’m just glad I could be of service,” Deadpool followed with some innuendo, “If I could service you any other way all you have to do is ask.”
Julie rolls her eyes, “No matter how much you beg I will never sleep with you Wade. You would never match up to Axel.”
“What about your date tonight?” Deadpool grins, “Does he or maybe she match-up to Axel? Like, look just like him, fuck just like him, make you…”
“Enough Wade,” She puts her hand to his mouth to stop him from speaking. “I do not have to dignify your crude remarks with an answer. The kids are playing in their room. Do let them play with their Wolverine toys without hiding them again.”
“Me?” Deadpool says innocently. “I would never hide children’s toys from them.”
Deadpool to you, “I totally didn’t hide their Wolverine toys. I put them in a trash compactor.”
“Talking to your imaginary friends again Wade?” Julie smirked.
“They are reading for you and, what’s your dates name, again?” Deadpool chuckles.
“I didn’t say his name,” Julie stands at the open door. A black car with tinted windows waits outside. “Don’t let the boys stay up all night. I’m not sure when we will be back tomorrow, but I will be checking up on you.”
“Go have fun with what’s his name,” Deadpool winks at you. “I’ll be fine with the kids.”
She goes out the door. When the driver sees her, he gets out and opens the door for her to get in the back. Axel is waiting with a smile and a glass of champagne.
“Wait, wait wait,” Deadpool tries to pull your attention away from why you started reading this, “Fine, fine, fine go follow the romance. And have a  Happy Valentine’s Day however you spend it.”
Axel puts his arm behind Julie’s head. He leans down and nuzzles her neck as he holds his glass in the other hand.  She leans back and closes her eyes just enjoying the feeling of his lips on her skin.
“Axel?” Reality moving into her thoughts pushing some of the enjoyment away. “Axel, are you sure this is ok?”
“No kids babe,” He flicks his tongue on the back of her ear. “Our driver won’t say a thing, precession is up so he won’t see a thing either.  so it’s completely fine. We will be at our first stop in about a half hour, so we have plenty time back here to relax. Just go with it, babe.”
“I want to,” She takes in a breath and breaths out slowing. “You know I like that. I really do…mmm. I just, what if…”
He cuts her off with a deep kiss. Then looks in her eyes, “No what ifs. I took care of everything. Domino will cover any crisis and she knows not to tell Wade. It’s been months since we had time together without thinking about rushing before the kids got home or were interrupted by someone needing our help. We have none of that for the next 24 hours. Ok?”
Julie finishes her drink. Puts the empty glass down on the little drink stand and wraps herself around Axel. Knees planted on either side of him. Hands on the back of his neck. “Thank you, Axel.” She smiles.
He downs his drink and holds her, placing a hand on her back as he reaches to put the empty glass down.  He puts his other hand on her back. “Now, what else can I do for my sweet little Valentine?”
She giggles, “It seems like you already have everything I would want planned. You can be so perfect sometimes.”
“I’ll try to do better. I want to be perfect all the time for you.” He cups her face with his hands pulling her down to kiss him. Just the tip of his tongue darting out to meet hers before retreating just a second while he angles to invade her mouth with a deep pleasurable lasting kiss. Both of their eyes closed. Her hands drift down under his white button up dress shirt. Its nothing he would normally wear but she feels he is also wearing his ever-comfortable tank-top underneath.
She loves to just feel the heat his body releases. They take a breath and just look in each other’s eyes for a moment before kissing deeply again. He slides down in the seat a bit as she grinds herself against him making him groan. His lips move to nip and suck at her neck.
“We’ve never made out in the back of a car like a couple of teenagers Axel.” Her breathing staggered as his lips continue moving down the heart shaped neckline of her satin red A-line dress to worship the outer curves of her breasts.
He pauses to look up at her. “You want to stop? I don’t want to go into STK with a hard on, but I don’t want to stop worshiping you either. And the way your moving against me I was just going with the moment.”
She pushes his face back down between her breasts “Just keep going with it. Axel. You’ve got me to worked up to stop now.”
He continues. She reaches down to undo his belt. As she is undoing his pants, he looks at her. “Are you sure babe? I might not have time to finish you.”
She just nod, yes, as she moves off his lap long enough to get her panties off that match the dress. Then she positions herself back over him. He positions himself to do all he can in the small space provided them. He holds her hips as she slides on his cock slowly rolling her hips for comfort and depth. He pushes back with her every motion watching her closely as she softly moans.
“Fuck…fuck…” He bites his lip closing his eyes as he moves faster.
Julie throws her head back keeping pace with his every thrust. Both breathing heavily. Their moans in unison as the car slows turning into the restaurant parking lot.
“Almost Axel…Oh fuck just…” Julie moans.
Axel locks the door before the driver can open it. The drive just stands there when the door he is supposed to open is locked. He waits patiently.
Axel reaches to rub her clit while he pushes to that spot he knows will always push her over the edge. Her walls spasm around his cock as she gasps. “Axel that’s it…oh fuck…Oh….”
“Fuck… yes Julie…damn…yes” He whispers after cuming. He pulls her in for a kiss as he stills. “You are always so fucking amazing.”
They put themselves back together before unlocking the town car door. The driver holds the door as Axel gets out first and helps Julia out of the car. He tips his hat to them and gets back in to go park and wait.
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jazztripp · 5 years
Belated Birthday Gift!
For the stinkiest peach ever @momosweetpeach, this was supposed to be a birthday present but time had gotten away from me! But I hope you like it anyways!
Rated: T (sorry no smutt this time around. Just took rotting fluff) Harpy!Max AU Their relationship is already established in this one. Also not beta’d so sorry for errors.
Spring was probably Wilsons favorite season. Sure it was a bit wet, but there was something wonderful about being able to stroll around and not have to worry about food or dying from the harsh elements of the other seasons.
Not that spring didn’t come without it’s own challenges, but they were minute compared to the blistering heat of summer and the terrible cold of winter.
Although Wilson was probably alone in this feeling.
Maxwell hated spring. His perpetual scowl was even more severe come the wet and rainy season, and while Wilson understood his plight, he also found it really funny.
Because it wasn’t exactly the season that Maxwell hated; it was all of the rain. The poor bird-man didn’t do well when he was wet. His feathers came with a certain degree of waterproofing, but he was no duck. Water collected in his soft downish feathers eventually and clung to his too-thin body, making him cold and weighing him down enough to where flying was difficult.
Today, thankfully, was one of the rare dry days of spring and both men were taking full advantage. Wilson busied himself with harvesting the bountiful resources that littered the constant while Maxwell replenished their food stores with the small animals he managed to catch.
Wilsons pack was only half full despite the day coming to its end, and that was okay. They had plenty of resources at the moment to sustain them, so it was no emergency rush to gather, so Wilson was taking his time. The soft cool breezes tickled his hair and lifted his spirits, and he simply couldn’t pass up a little time to relax.
All around him he could hear Maxwell terrorizing the local fauna and it made Wilson smile. Maxwell rarely had fun, but it seemed like he was enjoying himself.
Wilson called to him, knowing full well that the bird-man would be able to hear him.
“Hey Maxy! Find anything good?”
A harsh fluttering came to him ears a few moments later as Maxwell took a perch on a nearby boulder. Weirdo loved being up higher than Wilson even if it was only by a few feet.
“Hmm a few things. Frogs mostly,” despite his obvious good mood, Maxwell still spoke as if everything was making his life unnecessarily difficult. Everything was either a sigh or a grumble.
“Well it’s better than living off of old corn,” Wilson supplied. Last winter they had a metric fuckton of the stuff and Wilson was ready to never look at corn ever again.
“You can say that again,” Maxwell said with a sneer. “Next winter we are stocking up on more preservable things, yes?”
The lanky man hopped down from his perch and folded in his wings as he took in stride along Wilson. Surprised, but genuinely happy, Wilson took up step right beside him and case him a warm smile.
“Definitely. I think I’ve figured out how to pickle things properly. By the end of spring I think I’ll finally be able to get us some pickled eggplant. How does that sound?”
Maxwell humphed, but his back feathers puffed up in anticipation.
“Anything is better than corn.”
At that Wilson laughed. He had no idea why Maxwell could never voice his opinions in a positive manner. It was an odd tick that used to bother Wilson, but now he found it endearing how obnoxiously stubborn the other man was. It wasn’t that hard to just say, ‘Yeah I like that idea’ and move on with the conversation. Everything had to be a negative or a play on words. You had to look into everything the man said. It should have been taxing, but it really wasn’t.
Maxwell was easier to read than most people realized.
On impulse, Wilson ran his fingers over the soft feathers on Maxwells upper arms. Back in the day this would have earned him a wingslap to the face, but now Maxwell didn’t seem to mind. His fingers came away with a couple feathers, and he held them close to his face to examine them.
“You’re moulting again?” Wilson asked as he ran his fingertip over the soft edges.
“Moulting still,” Maxwell corrected. “It comes and goes until it’s all gone come summer. It doesn’t all just fall off in one fell swoop, you know.”
It was a funny image to picture. Just sudden poof, naked Maxwell. Bald and furious.
“What’s so funny, Higgsbury?”
“Nothing, nothing,” he assured through a few chuckles. Maxwell didn’t seem convinced, but he let it drop.
They walked in comfortable silence for a while, just enjoying the company. They basically lived together but it was actually very rare to spend this much time together like this. Wilson had his farms and his science projects to attend to, and Maxwell was a very lonesome fellow and often preferred to keep to himself.
Maxwell would go out and hunt for food or perch up high to keep an eye on Wilson while he worked their modest crop field.
They were usually within earshot of each other, but always doing their own thing, so this was nice.
“You need to shave,” Maxwell said rudely ruining the silence.
Wilson snorted and took Maxwells impressive clawed hand into his and played with the talons.
“It still gets cold at night Maxwell. Unlike you I don’t come with a layer of insulation, and since you refuse to sleep with me I have to make due.”
Maxwell eyed him with barely masked irritation.
“You know I hate the tent, Higgsbury. Damn thing is worse than a cage.”
“Thats a vast overreaction, and you know it. Besides you know if I sleep outside I’ll probably die of exposure so it seems we are at an impasse.”
It was an old argument, so Wilson just gave his automatic response. He was more interested in Maxwells impressive claws. He always wondered what exactly they were made of. Probability pointed to them being made of keratin just like all other forms of claws and nails, but Maxwells were just so thick it was easy to speculate if they were made of something else. Perfectly curved and black as charcoal, they were nearly as impressive as the ones of Maxwells feet.
Now those were a sight. Using his weight and impact to crush small prey, Wilson has watched Maxwell crush and shred through small animals like they were nothing on more than one occasion.
Once, during a particularly desperate time right after a harsh winter, Wilson helped Maxwell take down a Beefalo. They had been starving. The cold kept rabbits and other foodstuffs at bay for far too long into fall, and once Wilsons ribs started to show Maxwell had had enough. It had been his idea, and while Wilson was adverted to putting his lover in danger he went along with it because he was literally starving.
He’d never seen Maxwell act so vicious. Shrieking and clawing at the beast back while Wilson tried his best to spear something vital, it was a hard fought victory.
As they ate Wilson admitted that the display of violence was probably the most attractive thing he had ever witnessed.
Maxwell had blushed and gave a rare smile full of pride.
“Where did you go, Higgsbury?”
Maxwells voice snapped him out of the fond memory and the steamy night that had followed.
“Huh?” he looked up, finding a soft look in Maxwells eyes.
“Are my claws that interesting?” He teased, taking his hand back and hooking said claws in Wilsons messy hair. He gave an attempt to comb it, careful to not let the sharp tips prick him.
“Heh, all of you is interesting, Maxwell. You know I enjoy studying you.”
Maxwell hummed, gently picking a leaf out of Wilsons sideburn.
“Yes I’m very well aware. You’ve been poking and prodding me since we started spending more time together. I still don’t understand your fascination.”
Wilson laughed, the soft picking becoming ticklish and he pushed away those tactile claws.
“Have you considered the possibility that you, Maxwell, are in fact very interesting?” Wilson teased and pushed their shoulders in close so that he could feel the warmth of the other man through his feathers. They had stopped walking at some point.
Maxwell scoffed but this close he couldn’t hide the soft color that came to his cheeks.
“You only find me interesting because there is nothing better around. Remember that albino beefalo? I didn’t see you for months.”
Wilsons eyes misted.
“It…was so cute Maxwell. Could you blame me?….Poor Snowball…”
Maxwell scoffed again, oblivious to the other mans distress and started walking again toward the treeline back toward camp.
“It was a sticking beast. Get a hold of yourself Higgsbury,” Maxwell called back, stretching his wings up and back in an attempt to look bigger.
Maxwell always insisted that the gesture was simply to stretch but Wilson knew better. Maxwell always took every opportunity to show off in Wilson presence, and Wilson always took full advantage.
It was always so nice to see the powerful flight muscles that rippled just below the feathers of Maxwells back.
As they came back into their camp, Wilson was still distraught over the murder of his poor beloved beefalo. Damn hounds got to it. White was a very stand out color.
Go figure.
But he snapped out of it when he head an indignant squawk from up ahead.
“You little bastards!”
“Maxwell?” he called, concerned and broke out into a jog.
As he broke the treeline he gasped at the state of the place. Littered about the camp was the remains of his tent, the science machine lay broken into dozens of pieces, and a few of the chests had been ripped open and their contents scattered about.
Gripping his hair with both hands, Wilson willed himself not to cry as his poor creations lay broken and useless.
Pigmen normally weren’t a problem to he and Maxwell in the slightest, but a wandering few had decided that their camp was a good raiding ground. By the sounds of the terribly squealing in the woods ahead, they were already regretting it.
The urge to help was high, Maxwell wasn’t invincible after all, but the devastation of seeing all of this seasons hard work destroyed was affecting Wilson more than usual.
Even as Maxwell came out of the woods, flushed and furious, Wilson was still staring at the carnage. Ugh this would take all season to fix! And they were finally doing so well too!
“I slaughtered two, but the third got away. Hopefully he’ll tell his friends,” Maxwell said proudly, still baring his sharp teeth in his irritation.
It ebbed a bit, though, when Wilson didn’t answer.
“Higgsbury?” Maxwell approached, eyeing his lover as if he were weary of an outburst. Ridiculous seeing as Wilson would never take his aggression or feelings out on his lover.
“They…God they broke everything! Those…those…bumbling assholes!” Wilson growled and kicked a shattered piece of wood. It went satisfyingly far.
“And it’s almost night! Ugh where am I gonna sleep! I’m sure the furs are all filthy from their feet too,” Wilson all but whined as he gestured to the skeletal remains of his poor tent, and to the rumpled furs that once lined the inside.
Maxwell hummed, his ire dying down completely in the presence of his mates distress.
“We’ll fix the tent tomorrow,” he started as he approached the tattered tent and retrieved the blankets and furs. “These are relatively undamaged,” he called to Wilson, and he sighed in relief at that.
“Well…guess I’m outside with you tonight huh? I’ll….start cleaning up I guess.”
Wilson was mad, oh so mad! But there was nothing to be done now. Maybe they needed to invest in some walls in the future. He knew that Maxwell would love having high walls to sit on, and maybe a complicated gate would deter pigs until the stupid animals got the hint that the camp with the temperamental harpy was not to be messed with.
Regardless it took the rest of the evening to even get the camp somewhat back into shape and take stock of everything that needed to be replaced. It wasn’t as much as he initially realized, but it was still enough to set them back a few weeks. Thankfully the lock that Wilson had made to go around their fridge was too complicated for the pigmen. Their food was thankfully still intact. (And replenished even further by the poor pigs that Maxwell had ripped to pieces for their blunder.)
As the sun began to set, Wilson got to work making a good fire in case the night became chilly. Judging by the temperature now, it was safe to say that it was going to get quite cold. Wilson contemplated getting out some of his winter gear for the night but Maxwell assured him that there would be no need.
“Here. It’s not your precious tent but it will do for the night, yes?” Maxwell said as he gestured to what had been keeping him busy while Wilson tidied up.
Wilson hadn't actually noticed what the bird-man had been up to, but as he looked up it became immediately obvious what he was looking at.
He let out a little breathless laugh, oddly touched as he approached the obvious nest-shaped blankets stacked all cozy under a tree. Close enough to the fire for warmth, but also sheltered in case it started to rain in the night.
“For me?” Wilson asked and Maxwell nodded. Of course it was for him, but he still loved the confirmation regardless.
“No need to look so elated…its just a nest…” Maxwell mumbled, obviously not sure how to take Wilsons delight.
Wilson didn’t care, though, and took the gesture for what it was. Maxwell was taking care of him in the best way he knew how, and that was all that mattered. He took off his boots and took a seat in the surprisingly spacious nest and beamed up at the bird-man.
“Thank you. I love it,” he exclaimed and watched as the feathers on Maxwells shoulders gently fluffed.
“I’m….glad,” Maxwell cleared his throat and shifted from foot to foot.
“Are you gonna join me?” Wilson asked after a moment. “You made this plenty big for two.”
It must have been something that the older man was waiting for because he wasted no time hopping into the nest right alongside Wilson. His enthusiasm made Wilson laugh, and after a moment or two of shuffling Wilson was comfortably laying down with his head resting lightly on Maxwells thigh. In that moment the bony man was suddenly the best pillow in the constant.
“If I hadnt known better….I’d think that you planned this,” Wilson teased, his earlier bad mood completely gone as their warmth mingled together.
Beside him Maxwell snorted.
“Of course not…though I cannot deny the appeal of you occupying a nest of my own creation. Deeply satisfying.”
Curious, Wilson turned his head to look at Maxwell. The other man was looking at him with an expression that did indeed look satisfied. It made Wilson smile.
“Well I’m happy you made it for me…You do alot for me and I don’t know if I even express how truly thankful it makes me.”
Maxwell shifted to free his hand so that he could go back to picking at Wilsons hair as he spoke.
“You say it plenty…I’d do it even if you weren’t thankful, Higgsbury.”
Wilson laughed, leaning into the touch.
“I bet you would complain a hell of alot more, though.”
Maxwell smirked, the nighttime reflection of his eyes catching the firelight and making them glint.
“Yes. Yes I would. Now go to sleep. We’ll set about fixing everything in the morning when it’s cool enough to work. I’ll even help you,” Maxwell added as if it were an afterthought, making Wilson snort.
“Ah the Great and Powerful Maxwell has offered my help. I’m forever in your thanks.”
Whether he had actually caught onto the sarcasm or not was a mystery because Maxwell neither looked affronted or amused.
Instead he replied with a calm, “You’re welcome,” and got comfortable as he continued to muss the scientists hair. It was easy to fall asleep like that, and for once he didn’t mind sleeping out under the stars. Maybe he should invest in some kind of…open air tent? Something like that. He could really get used to sharing a nest with Maxwell every night, and he was pretty sure that Maxwell would feel the same if he could nail the design.
He already had a few ideas in his head as the gently petting put him straight to sleep.
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distressedpanda · 6 years
Not A Fan! (Tom Hiddleston x OFC) Part 8
Warnings: Language, Younger woman/Older man, Angst, SMUTT
A/N: You read that right, smutt finally! I did take me a minute to get rolling on this part, and though it isn't quite where I expected things to go this early, here we are. My characters speak to me and even though I am using a real person for one of mine, this is where they ended up. I hope you enjoy!
P.S. I am not putting any trigger warnings on this chapter, it isn't really part of it-not really anyway.
Tags: @intransittosomewhere
Gets a read more for length.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
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Part 8
2 weeks later
Someone had seen us at the airport. But with only a blurry picture of my back and Thomas' lips against my forehead-this information and picture provided to me through him- the story blew over as nothing more than a farewell to an acquaintance. After all, his lips on my skin couldn't be seen in the photo, only he and I knew that was what had been captured. Fortunately for him and his privacy-and mine for that matter- the following lip lock hadn't been captured.
My days had been filled with work, and texts from Thomas. Holding true to his promise, he text me every minute he could. Even taking pictures to show me a very pissed off looking photographer, because he wouldn't get off the phone with me. Nights, were when he called. We would talk until, I would fall asleep on the line with him. We talked about everything and nothing. How our days had gone. Whether I was doing okay-him. Whether he was devoting enough time to his work-me.
We had discussed when he would be able to return to do the casting for his mask. I had sent several design sketches and he had chosen a few ideas, but we hadn't finalized anything. He was proving to be a difficult client, but instead of being annoying, it was endearing. As things stood, it would be another week before he would be able to make it back, he had to fly in for Comic-Con.
It was a Friday afternoon and I was stuck in the back of my shop, painting masks. I had finally finished molding the entire order. Though I still had to cast a few of them, I was going to be completing the order well ahead of schedule. I hadn't heard from Thomas much today, but I took it as him finally devoting some much needed time to his career.
Suddenly, I heard the shop door open and slam closed.
Huffing and grumbling under my breath about how I couldn't afford to replace that damn door, I slid my paint covered apron off over my head and draped it across the table. Picking up a wet hand towel and wiping my hands down, I went out to the front room.
The towel dropped from my hands and my heart stopped. My breathing hitching in my throat and my mouth falling open.
Standing there grinning ear to ear, in a cobalt blue three piece suit, his hands tucked into the pants pockets, was Thomas. Navy blue suitcase sitting on the floor next to his impossibly long legs. Clean shaven.
We had discussed that this would be something he might have to do. I had to cast his entire face. After discussing beard bibs-which he had laughed for a good thirty minutes at one night-and different ways to cover his facial hair without ripping it out when the alginate dried, I hadn't thought he would go ahead and shave it. He looked so much younger than his 37 years-a fact learned during our first call-and it was unsettling and comforting at the same time. He looked much closer to my age now.
My legs finally over rode my whirling brain and my lungs sucked in a much needed lung full. I sprinted at him, my heart hammering in my chest, throwing myself into his now open and waiting arms . My arms wrapped around his neck, my legs around his waist and catching me, he stumbled backwards slightly, chuckling, nearly knocking over the suitcase.
“What are you doing here?” I breathed against his neck, drawing that scent that was purely him deep into my lungs. “Not that I am complaining by any means, I just wasn't expecting you for another week.” This fact was most evident in my appearance. The worst pair of jeans I owned, a baggy blue long sleeved shirt with a college logo on it, my hair in a messy bun and not a lick of makeup.
He ran his hand up and down my back, “I had to see you,” he answered merrily, as I dropped my legs and he gently lowered my feet to the floor, neither of us loosening our arms.
We stood there for a moment just holding each other. I enjoyed the rush of familiarity, being in his arms again, was stirring in me. My heart having slowed to a soothing rhythm.
I finally lent back in his grasp, bringing a hand around to slide across his now smooth cheek. I brushed my thumb across the exposed skin there, “I like it,” I whispered, and giggled, shaking my head, “I didn't think I would.”
Still grinning he pulled his lips nervously between his teeth, before chuckling softly, “I was actually worried you might not.”
I shock my head, drawing my other hand around to stroke across the other cheek, “I do. I mean it is different.” I pushed up on to my toes, and kissed his lips softly. His brows shot heavenward and he moaned appreciatively against my lips. Pulling back, I could feel heat creep up my neck and flood my cheeks, “That is different too,” I admitted, becoming breathless, “But definitely not in a bad way.”
I bit my bottom lip, as I stared up at him through my lashes. He ran his tongue across his bottom lip, and then captured it between his teeth, shaking his head at me. “God, I missed you,” he spoke in earnest.
My grin grew to mirror his, “I missed you too.”
“Have you taken your lunch, yet?” He asked, excitedly.
I giggled and tucked my head, swatting his chest playfully, “You know I have to be reminded to eat, when I work. I zone out.”
Grasping my hands in his, he was practically hopping in front of me, and I suppressed another giggle, “Let's put your coat on, I want to take you somewhere.”
He turned, grabbing a tan trench coat, I hadn't noticed hanging on the coat rack, and shrugged it on gracefully. He reached for mine, whirling it over my head to settle on my shoulders. I quickly through my hands out in front of me to stop him. Shrugging away from him, “Thomas, I am not dressed to go out anywhere,” I furrowed my brow at him incredulously.
His eyebrows knitted together and he lifted a hand to trail gently across my cheek, “What are you talking about, darling? You are gorgeous.”
“To you maybe,” I argued, dropping my hands to my sides.
Slowly and then all at once his face fell, so low I worried about having to pick it back up off the floor. His beautiful angular face, becoming smoothed edges that didn't fit him at all. His eyes falling to the floor. My heart squeezed painfully in my chest, making it hard to breath, when he said, “Oh.” The rest of his body followed his face, his shoulders crumpling, as though he was curling into himself. “Alright,” he whispered, “I suppose I could just take you some other time.”
I felt like I had just kicked his puppy and took a shuddering breath, trying to restart the lump in my chest that used to be my heart. A groaning whine escaped my lips, as I desperately scrambled to fix the situation, “Just let me,” his eyes shot up, hopeful at my tone, “Let me get cleaned up first.”
His bright smile reminded me of a kid in a candy store, and I rolled my eyes at him. Sliding my arms in my coat, I buttoned it quickly and pulled a gray knit toboggan and matching gloves from the pocket. Drawing them on, as he pulled on a pair of black leather gloves of his own. I locked up the shop behind us, and ran up the stairs to my apartment, opening it and leaving the door open, as Thomas entered behind me. I shrugged out of my coat, toboggan, and gloves, leaving them draped over the back of the couch, making my way to my closet.
I heard him chuckle once I was inside, and he called, “There is no need to rush.”
I huffed and started going through the clothes hanging on the rack. My obvious choices were one of the two items he had gotten for me, but I didn't want to be so formal. At the very back of my closet, I found what I was looking for. A teal cold shoulder sweater dress, it was dressy and casual. I had never had cause to wear it before, and I had a pair of black leggings that would keep my legs warm. Stripping out of my jeans and shirt, I shrugged it on. The hem ended about mid thigh, and I turned to a shelf on the wall to locate the leggings. Finding them, I pulled them on carefully but quickly, adding the boots Thomas had gotten for me.
Exiting the closet, I noticed him standing by the door, arms clasped behind his back. His suitcase sitting unassumingly next to the door under the hooks for coats. He was grinning like the damn Cheshire Cat, and I rolled my eyes at him again, as I slipped into the bathroom.
I grabbed my hair brush, and ripped the pony tail holder from my thick wavy locks. Hearing a hissing breath through teeth emit behind me, I turned pointing the hair brush at him threateningly. He stood with a shoulder against the door frame-I had to remember to start closing that damn door- his hands still behind his back, and, of course, still grinning. “Not. A. Word,” I punctuated each word with my brush.
He brought his hands up in surrender, that grin of his growing impossibly wide, “I didn't say anything,” he countered.
Turning toward the mirror, I pulled the brush violently through my hair. Trying not to scowl at his image in the reflection, I must have failed because I caught him glance down with a small chuckle.
I rolled my eyes and finished terrorizing my hair, tossing it over my shoulder. I exchanged the brush for my mascara and lent in toward the mirror, applying it carefully to my lashes. I could see him watching me again, his eyes enthralled with the movement of my hand. Trading again for my lip gloss, I dabbed a little on my bottom lip and blotted them together.
Finally, feeling slightly more presentable, I turned to face him squaring my shoulders. He shock his head at me, grinning, “I don't know why you bothered with any of that. You could go out naked and look just as stunning as you do now,” he said, and suddenly blushed. His cheeks turning an impossible shade of red that ran down the now bare skin to his neck. I was liking his clean shaven face even more now.
I released a hysterical giggle, the tension that had built in my shoulders quickly evaporating. I walked over to him, placing my hands on his chest and leaning in, “But that would be illegal,” I smiled, and he returned a shy grin, reaching up to cover the sides of my waist with his hands. “And cold,” I admitted.
He nodded and cleared his throat, “True,” he agreed, a nervous edge to his voice that I didn't understand.
I shook off the tone, “Besides, I do it for myself. Not for anyone else. I do have a business to run after all.”
He cleared his throat and seemed to shake his self as well, “I can understand that. So are you ready now?”
I nodded and he dropped his arms, taking one of my hands in his. The leather of his gloves leaving my hand cold, and I missed the warmth of his skin on mine. As I grabbed my coat, he released me and allowed me to replace the coat on my shoulders. He reached up to button it, as I carefully settled the toboggan on my head and drew on my gloves.
He offered me his arm, and we left the apartment to hail a cab. He told the driver to take us to 216 51st street, and leaned back grinning devilishly.
  I hadn't ventured far around New York, sticking close to my apartment. I pretty much had everything delivered there and except for the occasional trips to the car rental lot, for trips home, I hadn't explored at all. I had admitted my lack of exploration to Thomas.
As the cab slowed to a stop, he reached forward quickly paying the man, “Keep the change,” he called, and eagerly pulled me from the car. But not before I noticed the hundred dollar bill clasped in the drivers hand, for a little over twenty dollar fair. Jesus, money to burn, much?
He walked us down the sidewalk, clasping my hand firmly in his. I marveled wide eyed at the towering buildings surrounding us. The displays of gravitational defiance, were truly fascinating to behold.
I nearly ran into him as he stopped short. I looked around him to see a gap between two of the buildings, and the site was more breathtaking than all of the immaculate structures combined.
Greenacre Park, read a small sign at the top of a short set of concrete steps. That wasn't what stole the air from my lungs but what was behind it. Slowly and carefully he took us up the stairs, wrapping my hand around his arm and laying the opposite hand over my fingers.
Before us was a massive three tiered waterfall, that had to be well over 20 feet high. Water also flowed over another wall that ran into a brook that trailed down the wall next to us, on the right. It was so beautiful, with a dozen trees growing out of the flat expanse of concrete at our feet. Walls of ivy, and large urns full of yellow, white, blue, pink, and red flowers placed strategically around the two open sitting areas. One right in front of us among the trees, the other smaller one, below a set of stairs on the right, directly in front of the waterfall. A bed of lush evergreen plants separating the two. Several tables and chairs were set up in each area, and to the left above another bed, a raised, trellis covered terrace. A small café set into the wall before it.
Thomas walked us in that direction, “No one knows this is here, unless they know the area.” I nearly scoffed at this, seeing that the small park was packed, to the point that some were sitting on the stairs just to enjoy this small slice of beauty within the city. Just as quickly, I noticed that this group was slowly trickling out of the hidden sanctuary. As though they knew that this was only for brief escape, not a permanent one.
Stepping under the trellis, the temperature considerably warmed. I glanced around and then up, noticing heating elements placed in the roof. Taking us to the far end of the terrace, next to the fall, he chose a now empty table right against the wide granite rail. He pulled out a chair for me and as I settled down into it, stated that he would return with a menu.
The setting was calming and relaxing, a since of tranquility making me miss the rolling hills and green expanses of home. The sounds of the water falling over each tier, drowning out the noise and bustle of the city. Thomas returned placing a menu in my hand, and I was no longer worried about my stomach. Forcing myself to chose, I decided on a Chicken Caesar Salad and an herbal tea with honey.
Removing my gloves and tucking them in my pocket, I lent an elbow on the table cupping my cheek in my palm, crossing my legs, my other arm draping lazily across my knee, as he went to place our orders. Lost in the serenity of the flowing water, the breeze flitting through the trees and dancing with my hair. I didn't notice when Thomas had returned, until he placed a hand on the arm propping my face up. I jumped, my mind slowly coming back to the surface, as though emerging from the water I had gotten lost in.
I smiled shyly, tucking my head and dropping my arm across the table, “Sorry,” I whispered, as he sat a large paper plate with my salad and cup in front of me.
He shook his head at me, settling into his own chair. A plate with a paper wrapped burger and fries, and a bottle of water in front of him on the table. “I get it,” he said, removing his gloves to lay next to the plate on the table, unwrapping the burger and taking a large bite.
“It's so peaceful,” I responded, wistfully.
Nodding at me, he covered his mouth with one hand and answered around the bite, “I am glad you like it.”
We finished our meals in silence, finding comfort in each others company and the surrounding sanctuary. Finding no need to fill the space with words.
I don't know how long we sat there, but I was startled out of my revelry by Thomas' gloved hand on my shoulder. He grinned sweetly at me, “Are you ready?”
I blinked realizing he had already cleared our plates, heat prickled my cheeks but not from the cold. I nodded knowing this tranquility would still be here if I needed it again. Rising slowly, I grabbed my gloves, slipping them back on.
I felt refreshed, as we left the park. Grinning and lighthearted, I laced my hand over his bent arm and nuzzled into it. “Thank you.”
I felt him shiver beneath my grasp, and if I had to guess, I didn't believe for one second it was because of the temperature. He covered my hand with his, and lent down brushing the top of my head with his lips, “Anytime, little one.” Then pressing a kiss there, he lifted his arm to hail a cab.
Back in my apartment, coats, gloves, and shoes removed at the door. I felt lighter than air, as I let Thomas pull me toward the couch.. He sat, pulling me into his lap, and I giggled happily. Looping my arms around his neck, I laid my cheek against his chest, my forehead pressed against his neck, closing my eyes. His hands settled around my waist, pulling me closer. I could feel his words vibrate through my skin when he spoke, “That certainly had the desired effect.”
I hummed against his chest and felt him shiver beneath me, “And what effect would that be, Thomas?” I asked, feigning ignorance.
He gave a short scoffing chuckle, his chest jerking beneath me, nearly dislodging my grasp around his neck. I smiled, opening my eyes to study the lines of his face, him looking down at me with doubtful eyes, but they quickly showed an unsettling nervousness that started to reflect in his eyes, “I need you in the best mood possible.”
It was there again in his tone, the same tone I had ignored earlier. I knew my eyebrows had practically become one as I asked, “What is it?”
He moved his hands twisting my hips gently towards him, I followed his ministrations moving my legs to straddle his lap. He ran his hands up my sides to rest firmly beneath my armpits, as though he were trying to keep me from running away. His face grew serious and he stared straight into my eyes, “I need to ask you a question. And I am not sure how you will take it.”
A lump formed in my throat that I was having trouble breathing around. I had never been afraid of him, and that wasn't exactly what this was, but it was alarmingly close. I lent back in his grasp my hands sliding to land in my lap, and he squeezed his hands gently. I felt comforted and trapped all together and it was unnerving.
He took a deep breathe before continuing, “I know it is spur-of-the-moment and quite possibly moving far faster than you will be comfortable with,” he paused here, squirming slightly beneath me as though uncomfortable. I could imagine it had nothing to do with the way we were sitting. He licked his lips and chewed on the bottom one, seeming to be scrambling for how to continue. “You told me you were at least a month ahead on your big order. And I just thought maybe. . . it would. . . would be. . . a good idea. . . if. . .”
He was cut off by my hand flying up to land over his mouth. The nervous speech was making my head spin. I had never seen him like this, and it was both worrying and terrifying. Very calmly, I removed my hand from his mouth and trailed it up his cheek, “Just tell me, Thomas. Stop making excuses, and just tell me.”
He closed his eyes briefly, nuzzling into my hand. It gave me the feeling that perhaps I was as much of a comfort to him, as he was to me. On a deep inhale, “I wanted to know if you would close your shop and come to England with me?” flew out on his exhale, with no discernible pause.
I immediately understood why he had such a tight grip on me. I swooned in his grasp. He wasn't trying to keep me from running but from falling. This was big, huge, monumental. As I sat there, feeling dizzy and grasping for words, his breathing intensified. Great, I can't breath at all and he is hyperventilating.
Since I couldn't find words yet, I brought my hands to his chest and ran soothing circles across the broad expanse. The action brought his breathing back to a some what steady rhythm and it was working on me as well. His heartbeat beneath my palm still had a race horse thump to it, but at least I knew we weren't going to pass out on each other.
After another deep breath, “I have a debate I am attending on Tuesday. But I thought we could spend some time together. Just us. Away from everything.”
I took a shallow breath, stopping my hands, his heart having returned to a calm beat beneath my palm. I had an admission to make, “Thomas, I would. And I would love to meet Bobby.” I saw his eyes light up. Suddenly he was holding his breath, hanging desperately on my words, as I continued, “But I don't fly,” I whispered.
He jerked back like I had hit him, his brow furrowing in confusion, “How do you get home then?”
I gave him a small wry smile, “I drive. I rent a car and drive down to my mother's on holidays.”
“Oh,” he breathed.
“I have never flown before. Planes, heights, terrify me. I am of the firm belief that if we were meant to fly, we would have been born with wings,” I mused.
A dry chuckle escaped his parted lips, and he shook his head, “I am going to ask one more question then,” he said and looked into my eyes with a serene calm, that took over my mind as well, “Will you think about it this weekend? For me?”
As he finished, he lent up and pulled me against his chest. Using the feelings I had for him to his advantage, he ran his lips tantalizingly along the curve of my neck. I had no doubt he knew exactly what he was doing. His hands gliding up my back to tangle in my thick locks, displacing the toboggan still on my head, it fell to the floor. I shivered and groaned in his grasp, under his lips. Quietly, he added, “Please.”
I shivered again at the word, and drew a sharp breath through my teeth, when he nipped at the sensitive skin by my ear. I was quickly becoming a writhing mess beneath his mouth and hands, and I had to stop this so I could think. Using what little strength and willpower I had left, I pushed him back into the couch. He let me, I wasn't fooled into believing I was strong enough to move him on my own-he had proven that already.
Panting, we both sat there in silence for a moment just staring at each other. His expression pleading, mine thoughtful.
Finally, I broke the silence. Glancing away, “Fine, I will think about it,” I whispered.
Pulling a strangled yelp from me, when he wrapped his arms around me, crushing me tightly to his chest, “Thank you,” he breathed, causing the hair against my ear to flutter, tickling my skin.
I giggled, and gasped, “I need to breath,” and as he quickly released me completely, I added, “I didn't say let go.”
I giggled again, as he pulled me back to his chest much more carefully this time. He tilted his head and captured my lips softly with his. I moaned into the contact, and deepened it. Tracing his lips with my tongue, his own darted out quickly to dance with mine. His own moan vibrating through to my core, sending flames licking across my skin. As heat began to build between my legs, he pulled away. Speaking low and smooth, “Is there anything, I can do to help convince you,” his breathless tone was sexy as hell.
I smiled against his lips, “I am sure you will think of something.” I squealed and giggled, as he stood with me in his arms, hands now wrapped tightly around my upper thighs. He walked us quickly to my bed, and as he laid me down and settled his body between my legs, I had a striking since of deja vu. “We have been here before,” I voiced.
He grinned mischievously, and nodded. Dropping his lips to my neck again, sending shivers down my spine and causing that heat to pool and throb between my legs. “We have,” he groused between assaults on my neck, “But this time,” he raised up on his hands, his ocean blues burrowing into mine with so much passion, “I am hoping we could do a bit more.”
I smiled, reaching up and tangling my fingers in his hair. Pulling him back to my lips, I answered the only way I could. Grinding my hips up to meet his, the answering groan from him, causing the heat to slip liquid onto my panties.
It was all the permission he seemed to need, diving a hand down for the hem of my dress jacking it up over my ass. He grabbed and squeezed at the supple flesh there, grinding his growing erection down into my wet heat. Mewling into his mouth, I started fumbling at his vest. Getting frustrated with my shaking hands, I groaned and pulled away from his mouth to focus on the buttons. He stilled my hands with his own, then stood, quickly removing the vest and shirt effortlessly. Flinging them to the floor.
In response, I sat up and pulled the dress slowly up and over my head tossing it over the foot of the bed. Sitting there in my black lace bra, the air causing my bare skin to turn into goose flesh. I felt more exposed than before, the garment leaving little to the imagination.
I was suddenly hyper aware of my own skin, his eyes scanning every inch. His breathing labored, his chest heaving tantalizingly with the effort. And even though he had already seen them, I couldn't stop myself from being self conscious of my scars. I scooted farther back onto the bed, and he followed, first on his knees and then on all fours. I felt stalked and it was thrilling, causing another gush between my legs.
He wedged himself between my legs, sitting up on his knees and taking my face in his hands. My head falling back on my shoulders, as he towered over me. Brushing my lips with his, he asked, “Where are you going, little one?” His voice low and sultry and I trembled in his grasp.
“No where,” I breathed, hoping I could keep that statement true.
The corner of his mouth quirked into a half grin, “Good,” he pressed his lips against mine and there was no longer room for words. Laying me gently back against the bed, my hands moving to tangle in his soft curls.
Time seemed to come to a stand still, even as his hands ran quickly over my body. They seemed to be unable to settle in one place for too long. From squeezing my ass, to gliding up my sides, and kneading my thinly covered breasts. Memorizing every piece of me with his fingers.
My own hands were just as quick. Traveling from his hair, scratching down his back, and then up his stomach and chest to his hair again. Moaning and mewling beneath him, our lips never traveling far from each others. He left small nips and kisses down my neck, and I suckled against his. We were all pleasure filled moans and needing gasps, in each others exploring hands.
On my next pass down his back, digging in harder, him letting a groaning growl loose in my open mouth, tongues fighting for dominance. I let my fingers linger at his waist band, languidly stroking at the skin of his rippling stomach muscles. He hissed, and shivered, breaking from my lips and looking up into my eyes.
Suddenly words were needed, as I saw doubt fill his eyes, “I want it,” I consented, “Thomas, I want you.” My voice nothing more than a thin breath in the air. He had other plans though, and I whined lightly as he removed my hand from his stomach, returning it to his back.
He slid down my body. My nails raking up his back this time, as he left unhurried kisses in his wake, down my neck across my shoulder and then back to my chest. Reaching my breasts, he kissed over the swells spilling over the top of my bra. Capturing my right nipple through the lace with his mouth, I gasped as he sucked it gently between his lips. Flicking it with his tongue to an erect hard nub, and moved to the left to repeat the action, his hand sliding up to take the place of his mouth, rolling and pinching softly. I arched and moaned beneath him, the damp heat between my legs becoming a flood. I rolled my hips into his stomach seeking relief. He chuckled lightly around my nipple, causing it to vibrate in his mouth. I let out a cry and buried my fingers in his hair. He slid his free hand behind my back and unfastened my bra. Lifting his face away just long enough to completely rid me of the garment, he moaned appreciatively before diving back in to suck my left nipple between his teeth. I released a strangled cry and ground my hips against him again, I was so close to cumming. I just needed pressure, a touch, a stroke.
He must have known this, he had to of, or what he did next would have just been cruel. He pushed up on his hands, effectively displacing my hands from his hair to fall to the bed. I lay there panting, staring up at him incredulously. He smiled down at me, “Not yet, little one.” I whined, and he growled in response, “I want to see it.”
That stole all ulterior motives from me. I lay there limp and completely at his mercy, and I liked it.
Slowly, keeping his eyes on mine, he lowered himself once again, but this time to my stomach. My legs spreading wide to accommodate his broad chest. He ran his tongue down my skin to my belly button, and I trembled beneath that tongue, hopeful of its final destination.
But he stayed there lapping lazily at my belly button, essentially fucking it with his tongue. He held my hips down, so I could seek no pressure from his body. I was whimpering and moaning, writhing beneath him. Just as I was about to snap and scream at him to do something, he slid his hands down hooking his thumbs in my waistband and slipped my leggings off without removing his tongue from my skin.
Sliding his hands back up my bare legs, his touch sending heat filled tingles across the skin his fingers trailed over. He did remove his tongue then, to watch his left hand trail up my right thigh. My chest heaved, as I drew short stuttering breaths, my unbound breasts swaying slightly with the motion.
His hands finally reached my hips again, and he sat back on his knees, hocking the fingers on his left hand just under the top of my blue cotton panties. He lent over me bracing himself on his right arm, and captured my mouth. My hands wrapping around his neck to deepen the kiss once more. He pulled away leaning back in my grasp. Looking into my eyes with worry, “Are you sure?” he asked again. My heart soared out of my chest, knowing that even with me almost completely naked and putty in his hands, he still needed to know that I wanted this. That I wanted things to go this far.
I bit my bottom lip, and nodded at him, “Do you have protection?” I asked, heat rising in my cheeks. He shook his head, his face falling slightly, until I added, “Then we just can't go that far. But I want you, Thomas,” I breathed. “Please,” I added, before kissing him again. He moaned against my lips, then quickly returned to sitting back on his knees.
I watched him bend my legs up and pull them to lay together over one of his shoulders. Slowly, he pulled my now soaked panties up and off my legs, tossing them away. He took a steadying breath, now panting as heavily as I was. Moving one of my legs to his opposite shoulder, he exposed my dripping folds to his eyes. He groaned, and exhaled on a hiss, “Beautiful.”
Bending at his waist, and letting my legs slide over his shoulders, he tenderly reached out and stroked a finger gently through the thin spattering of dark curls just above my swollen and throbbing lips. I lifted my hips toward him desperately seeking that release. His eyes were zeroed in and seemed mesmerized by the sight of me writhing beneath his hand. Slowly, he slipped his thumb between my folds finding my over sensitive clit. I bucked against him, stifling a cry as I bit into my bottom lip. He stroked slowly and I felt like I was shattering beneath that thumb.
“More,” I begged, bringing my hands up to play teasingly with my hard nipples.
He purred and dived his head between my legs, that hand sliding down my lips to my entrance. He teased it, as his tongue slowly parted my lips and flicked lazily at my clit. I gasped and arched off the bed. He moaned at my taste, and thrust a finger into me. I cried out, white hot heat shivering through out my body. He set a slow pace, alternating flicks and thrusts, while I panted and moaned begging for more.
He growled against my folds, the vibrations bringing me closer to the edge. I wanted to dive off so bad. I ended up lacing my fingers through his hair and pressing him down harder. He let out a guttural sound, I couldn't have possibly identified, and set to work laving my lips hungrily, like I was his last meal. I was a moaning writhing mess, as his pace quickened. Thrusting his finger quickly in and out, my hips rising to meet each thrust. He placed a hand over my lower belly stilling my hips, then slipped two fingers into me and curled them up. They found my g-spot, sending heightened tingles of heat and pleasure through my body and had me gasping for air, unable to articulate the feeling. My bones going liquid, this was my undoing. I shattered around the powerful orgasm. Reforming to spill my juices on his tongue. Crying out his name. Tearing at his hair, as he lapped up all the juices my body had to offer.
He flicked his tongue over the top of my folds, drawing it up my shivering body, leaving a wet sticky trail across my stomach, between my breasts, and finally to my panting open mouth. He kissed me deeply, I could taste the bitter sweet tang of my cum on his tongue. “Beautiful,” he purred.
I giggled wryly, unable to form words or coherent thoughts. One surfaced as soon as his still clothed hips met mine. Wrapping a leg around his hips and lifting my hands to his shoulders, I rolled him to his back, straddling him. He seemed surprised, as he trailed his hands lazily along my sides, seeming satisfied at just my pleasure. But I would have none of that, grabbing his hands and securing them by his sides, I slid down his legs. Leaning in to nibble at his chest, teasing the skin with my tongue, he groaned, “Alyse,” he gasped, fighting my hold on his hands. “You don't have to. . .”
He cut himself off with a pain filled hiss, as I latched onto his nipple with my teeth and immediately began suckling at it to relieve the pain, earning a gratified moan. He was still fighting my hold, wriggling his arms beneath my hands. I lent my full weight into them, and looked up into his eyes. “I will not allow this to be unfair,” he started shaking his head, and I lent down and bit the other nipple. He jerked with an audible cry of pain, and immediately stopped struggling against my hold. Rewarding his submission, I suckled at his reddened nipple and he moaned, rolling his hips beneath me. Two could play at this game of dominance.
I could feel his erection throbbing beneath his pants, aching to be set free. Obligingly, I released his hands. Sliding further down his body, I made quick work of the button and zipper. He lifted his hips, as I slid my fingers under the waistband of his boxers, and removed his pants and underwear. His erection sprang free to lay proud, thick, and long against his stomach. My eyes bugged slightly at the sight of it. I had felt it behind his clothes but seeing it was completely different, and had my own juices flowing again. I licked my lips, and grasped the base lifting it to my waiting tongue. I licked the bottom of his shaft, tickling the vein there with my tongue, moans of pleasure coming from both our throats. Flicking my tongue across the pre-cum soaked slit at the top, the salty musky taste tingling on my tongue. I stifled a giggle at his hiss, his hips jerking slightly with each flick.
I saved him further torment, by taking as much as I could of him into my mouth. Sucking him down until he was pushed against the back of my throat. I started bobbing my head slowly at first, listening to his labored breathing and moans. When my name left his lips, I bobbed faster. My hand at the bottom of his shaft jerking quickly. He cried out and strained to keep from bucking against me, and I slowed again.
Lifting my eyes, to see he had lifted up on his forearms to watch me. I reached up with my free hand to grab one of his, my bobbing almost coming to a complete stop. Pulling his hand down to my hair, I entwined his fingers in it and locked my eyes on his. Pulling my mouth up to his tip, I moaned knowing this would cause vibrations. He groaned low in his chest, his eyes fluttering and I stopped all movement and let go with both hands, placing them against his bare thighs. He gasped, “Alyse,” he tightened his hold on my hair, hesitantly. Still looking into his eyes, I nodded, well as best as I could. He licked his lips, capturing his tongue between his teeth and proceeded to give me exactly what I was asking for.
Bucking his hips off the bed slowly, he seemed to be testing my limits. I opened up as best as I could to accommodate his size. When he finally found my gag reflex, he began thrusting at a brutal controlled pace that had him teasing but not activating it. I moaned around his shaft, and he grunted with each thrust, fucking my mouth with reckless abandon. Panting heavily, “Alyse, fuck! I'm gonna. . . ah. . .” he moaned, and I knew he was nearing that edge. I moaned happily, hoping it was enough permission. I could feel him swelling as he neared release. He thrust a few more times against the back of my throat, before crying out and emptying his seed in my mouth. I swallowed him down, his cock pumping a copious amount of searing hot fluid, into my awaiting mouth.
I lifted my head licking my lips, panting. We both were. He eased the fingers that were still tangled in my hair, sliding them down to the nape of my neck. He pulled me to his awaiting lips, kissing me tenderly. Drawing me to his heaving chest, I draped my leg over one of his. He stroked my hair lazily, “That was. . .” he started.
“Amazing,” I finished, closing my eyes and nuzzling into his chest.
He chuckled softly, “Yes,” he breathed on a contented sigh. Shifting slightly to look down at me, he asked with a toothy grin, “Are you convinced yet?”
I scoffed, swatting his chest with no real strength, “If I was that easy, it wouldn't have taken you this long to get me in bed,” I chided pursing my lips at him.
He lifted his head to kiss my pursed lips, before breathing against them, “It didn't,” his eyes danced deep blue oceans, mockingly.
I huffed and rolled my eyes, “You know what I mean,” I scolded.
He chuckled, “I do.”
Releasing a long yawn, I covered with the back of my hand, “Ask me again after a nap.”
He grinned, stroking lightly up and down my arm, “Don't you need to go back to the shop.”
I closed my eyes and nuzzled more firmly into his chest, “I don't want to,” I whined.
He sighed contentedly, “Alright, alright. You deserve a nap anyway.” I grinned sleepily as he lifted me, settling my head against the pillows and pulling the comforter up to my chin.
He didn't lay back down beside me, and my hand shot out from beneath the covers, seizing his wrist. “Don't leave me,” I mumbled, fighting the tiring afterglow of our activities.
Leaning over me, he stroked my hair brushing it behind my ear. Try as I might, I couldn't reopen my eyes. He kissed my temple and whispered against my ear, “I am not going anywhere, little one. I figured you wouldn't mind me staying with you this weekend.”
Attempting to smile again, I felt only the corner of my mouth lift, as I hummed in my throat. My fingers losing there grip on him, as dreamless sleep pulled me under.
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hesgoteyeslikefire · 6 years
Chapter 4
Ray merrimen fan fic
Warning: contains smutt and rude language
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Ray knew he needed a driver for the job but until now he hadn’t tried to include you in his work even though he knew you could out drive anybody that he had hired before. He made a choice and picked up his phone dialling your number.
Ray instantly had a smile on his face when he heard your voice.
“Hey..... i have a job for you. I need a driver. but if you don’t want to get involved thats fine I understand”
He just listens to your breathing down the phone for a few seconds.
“Ill do it ray but only because its you”
“Ill text you the details, the location and where to pick up the untraceable car. You’ll be safe I promise”
“Ok ray ill wait for the message”
Ray hangs up the phone and wonders if he’s made a mistake involving you.but it was to late now, all ray knew was that you was one of a kind and someone he’d grown to trust.
He wanted to introduce you to his world that night you took him for a drive, but he also felt the need to protect you from those things as well.
Ray wanted to move your relationship forward but he was also scared to loose you and in his current career choice only a few survive.
Ray then suddenly feels sick what if he couldn’t keep that promise he had just made to you. It would kill him inside. He’d not known you for long but when he was with you he was happy and you felt like home. He didn’t want to loose that feeling for anything. But there was nothing he could do now the decision had been made.
Your phone buzzed and lit up in the dark, you leaned over in bed and grabbed the phone. With blurry eyes you read the txt. It was a date time a postcode and an address to a garage where you’d pick up the car. You shut your phone off and jumped out of bed to get dressed.
Day of drive
You pull up outside the destination that was given to you by text and realise its a bank . Tapping the wheel of a mustang you had been instructed to use by ray you wait ...... 10 mins go by 15 ....... 20 . Then you hear it . the banks alarm, this was it your revved the engine ready to go door open you see 3 men run out of the bank ,bags in hand full black army gear on holding hand guns they all clamber in . You notice the one in the front has a skull on his ski mask .something animalistic grew inside you as you didn’t wait for any instruction you slammed your foot on the gas and wheel-spun out of there . It didn’t take you long to outsmart the cops especially driving at over 100mph around the area you lost them down a few back streets and hid the car down a cleverly concealed ally way where you all switched into a range rover with blacked out windows you drove them to where the man in the skull ski mask directed you and you must admit you loved every second of that drive the speed. The thrill. Yep it definitely got you going .
The front Passenger points you to a wear house on the docks
You do as he says and Drive in to the wear house. the passengers get out one by one.the one with the skull mask stands in front of the car and removes . its ray ! your heart skips a beat realising it was him sat next to you the whole time . he smiles at you walking backwards he motions his finger for you to get out of the car you hesitate knowing theres no going back if you get out ,yet u know its right and u don’t want to admit it but you would crawl over broken glass for that man.
You make the choice and get out of the car following them all over to a bunch lockers .You stand leaning onto the wall as you watch the guys you had drove to safety pull off there ski masks and all change into there every day clothes . they introduce themselves to you as enson and bosco. “damn ray where did you find this shorty she can drive man “bosco shouted to ray as he cracked open a beer trying his best to compliment you . You just stand there with an unimpressed look on ur face with your arms folded “ careful bosco that one bites” enson replied “you remember that night in the strip club where that woman flipped that agent, well your looking at her” enson smiled at you and you smiled back impressed that he remembered you and that you must of made a lasting impression. Boscos jaw dropped “no way man i remember that night. Damn you like an angel you fight good and you drive good . You got a man “ bosco made his way over to you placing on arm on the wall next to your face . Ray immediately strode over and stood infront of you facing bosco nostrils flaring like some silverback . Bosco lifted both his hands up in the air “whoa whoa dude “ backing off back to the lockers . Your heart couldn’t help but skip a beat did this mean you where rays . if so you kind of liked that idea the time you has spent with him before the job you had wanted him so bad but held back as ray was quite difficult to read . he was the strong silent type for sure. Enson let out a laugh “ looks like she’s already made an impression on someone “ you blushed “welcome to the crew angel and can i just say with you behind the wheel i feel safer already “ enson halved bowed his head to you in acceptance handing you a beer “thanks” you bowed back .
The guys sit chatting around in a circle for a while about the heist that had just taken place . You sit mostly quiet giving the odd smile and nod when you are addressed but you sit and try to fade into the background .thinking about everything that had happened that day . Thinking about the way ray had acted to bosco .
You notice ray hasn’t keep his eyes off you all night even tho you keep trying not to look him you just cant help but keep locking on to them big beautiful pools of brown feeling a burning sensation deep within you every time you do.
Enson and bosco finish the crate of beers off and chat starts to dwindle they both call it a night,leaving You and ray alone in the wear house . after what seems an eternity but only a minute ray stands up goes over to his desk and hands you a wad of cash “will £3,000 do “ you reach out for the cash brushing your finger against his hand as you take the money his touch feels electric. You dont bother to count it just bite ur lip and start walking to the door as ray goes and sits at his computer behind his desk .
As you get to the door something stops you from opening the handle. Theres a burning desire in you to taste him, you turn around he doesn’t notice as you make ur way up behind him sitting in his leather hair . You push you body flush against his back running your hands down his huge chest inside his wifebeater . You start kissing his thick neck . His smell and taste are like a drug . He just relaxes into you embrace ,he lets out a primal growl before he grabs you buy both thighs and places you into his lap . He looks deep into your eyes with that look he has ,the one that consumes you . His hands slide up to ur waist digging his fingers into ur hips . He slides your body back and forth onto the growing hardness in his trousers. You feel the wetness pooling in your clothed pussy as he rubs up against you giving you that look the whole time . You cant take it any longer you’re lips crash into his and he accepts them kissing you back. Grabbing the nape of your neck fingers in your hair pulling you into his mouth ,lips and tongs crashing into each others taking your breath away. You take a moment resting your foreheads together.both of you breathing deeply holding onto each other taking it all in.”ray” but before you could say anything else he picks you up with one arm around your waist . Pushing everything off the desk with the other hand he lays you on the desk placing his hand around ur neck gently but firmly u cant take it anymore you want him and you want him now “ray pleaseee “ he runs his had from ur neck down to ur breasts grabbing and kneading one at a time all the while rubbing his hardness in his jeans agains you. “Fuck me Ray “ . He places a evil smile on his face ,loving teasing you but he wants you to and in one sweeping motion he rips your black vest off revealing your breasts .pulling at your leggings and thong he yanks them off you to leaving you fully naked lying on his desk and at his mercy, your soaking pussy spread out for him . He takes a step back taking all of you in “your fuckin gorgeous ” your cheeks redden as he grabs you and in one quick fluid motion spins you round hips banging on the table “fuck i want you “ he says whilst pressing himself against you one hand in your hair, pulling you up to him arching your back. He grabs your arse with one gigantic palm bringing it back to slap it. The pain makes you gasp . your pussys throbbing now needing him to fill you “oh fuck ” you hear his belt buckle being opened and you moan in anticipation. You feel his head at your entrance as he brings his hand round the front of you finally finding your clit circling his huge finger around your nub “your soaking ....dirty girl “ he whispers in your ear . You literally are panting now just wanting him ,every inch of him . With his other hand he lines himself up with your dripping cunt slowly spreading you inch by inch and as you had expected a man that big was not lacking in the trouser department .he was bigger that you had ever had before stretching you out as he bottoms out in you .
god it felt so good your pussy clenching onto every inch of him . Fuck this man was gorgeous .like a drug you needed more. He started slow letting you adjust to his side then he got faster and faster pumping his thick cock in and out of your throbbing cunt. You feel that slow heat start to build and build in the pit of your stomach rising as ray is hitting all the right spots. Fucking you hard and fast growling and groaning into your ear as your screaming with every thrust.
”fuck im gunna come “ you feel the pressure build and build and then sweet relief as he fucks you through your orgasm screaming his name you feel him release inside you filling you with his cum your pussy pulsing around his shaft . both of your breathing slows as he pulls out of you that full feeling gone as he puts himself away. You slide onto the floor off the table a wet sweaty mess shaking with pleasure . Ray lets out a loud throaty laugh and sweeps you up off the floor holding you against him face to face arms wrapped round your waist . your legs dangling off the floor “ive been wanting to do that the first night we met” ray said making you blush .smiling up at him you would never admit you had felt the same way . As he placed a sweet kiss on your lips he placed you down on your feet “ here “ pulling his wife beater over his head “have this . I don’t think yours survived “ you lift your arms up as he pulls his vest over your head and down your body covering you ,it was so big it was like a dress on you but you loved that fact . As ray went to get another shirt from his locker you put your thong and leggings on trying to tidy yourself up a bit running your fingers through your sex mess hair . As ray came back in the room he just stood there looking at you taking all of you in biting his bottom lip like he wanted to eat you . Your heart started racing again god if he kept looking at you like that you’d have to have him again . He nodded down to your breasts “looks 100 times better on you especially without a bra “ looking down you realise it was see through and due to the chill of the wear house your nipples were as hard as bullets . You fold your arms over them trying to keep what bit of modesty you had left even tho ray had just ripped ur clothes off minuets before. He gave out a throaty chuckle and wrapped his arms around you “ come on ill take you home “ he placed an uncharacteristically gentle kiss on your forehead as you wonder how he would act with you after this night .after all ray wasn’t one for being gentle and loving. But you couldn’t help but melt in this moment with him enjoying every sweet gentle second as you lost yourself in the big alfa male stood with his arms around you hugging you close. He must of realised he was letting his guard down to much when he finally pulled away and started walking to the car “ come on angel lets get you home “.
From that night on ray and the crew called you angel.
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impulsiveinstinct · 7 years
Starving Static part 7
After what had seemed like hours Chase had finally recovered enough to pull himself up from the floor and begin to clean up the mess he had made. Grabbing the mop from the cabinet he started cleaning, thankful his stomach was relatively empty when had gotten sick. It was hard to focus on the task at hand, he kept stretching his arm out and checking it for any sign of damage only to find none. None of it was real. Nothing had actually happened, once of the most disturbing things he had ever gone through and it was all in his head. Chase had no idea how long it actually took to clean up the vomit but as he was hanging up the mop he heard a knock on the door.
“It’s open.” He called from the kitchen. That’s right it was Thursday and that meant Schneeplestein and Marvin were coming over for movies. It was a habit they had gotten into after Stacey and he had started the divorce, it gave him a break from his thought and made things less lonely.
“Ew. It smells gross in here.” Marvin crinkled his nose, cat mask forgotten for the time being. “It smells like puke.”
“Probably because the-” Chase didn’t finsh before Henrik was pushing a small tool under his tongue and shining a light in his eyes.
“If you vere sick you zhould have called. Zits a serious sign of infection.” Chase huffed and waited as the doctor took his temperature before explaining.
“I’m not sick just… Just a little stressed out. The devorice finally went through, Stacey’s moving across country and taking the kids so this will be the last time I see them until winter break, Anti made me cut up my arm… everything is going to shit and…” Chase rambled feeling the lump in his throat getting heavier with each word. He really was stressed out as it was, being haunted wasn’t helping him.
“I vas sure you zaid Anti had ATTACKED you, not taken you over.” Henrik looked him over hard.  Shit. If anyone found out about Anti there was no way he could protect anyone from the demon’s wrath. He had to watch himself.
“He did. Sorry… it just all came out at once I didn’t think of what I was saying.” He clarified holding his bandaged arm out so the doctor could check up on it.
“I’m sorry to hear that Chase. How long are Grayson and Sam staying this time? Maybe you could take them out and have yourself a nice little break.” The plucky magician chirped happily, hugging the trick shot star close once Henrik had finished his inspections.
“About a week starting tomorrow. That way all their stuff is set up when they get to the new house.” Chase sighed leaning on his friend for a moment, suddenly really tired. Marvin simply hugged him tighter as Schneeplestein quietly sighed.
“You zhould have called me.”
“I’m sorry Doc, I though everything loo-”
“Ve are friends, yes? I expect you to talk to me about your problems.  Zo I can help you. Now enough vith this zadness I brought over Batmans. Let’s get started!” Henrik clapped his hands and lead the way into the living room. Chase smiled happy to have the company after the nightmare fuel his morning had been. Marvin beamed and ran to grab the bag of snacks from the doorway before making his way to the living room, the movie already booting up.
“Are you sure you want to sit on the floor Henrik?  We could always share the couch.” The magician chuckled as his older friend took his place sitting up straight in front of couch, the doctor only smiled and waved the younger on. He liked the space the floor offered him anyways. Crawling onto the couch, cookies in hand Marvin patted his lap. “C'mon! You can lay down this time and relax. You’ve earned it.” He said with a sweet smile.
“Thanks you’re the best, bro.” Chase smiled and fist bumped his little friend before laying his head in his lap and getting comfortable, it wasn’t five minutes later Marvin’s hand was under his hat playing with his hair and rubbing his neck. He loved the kid, always trying so hard to cheer everyone up as he would pull drinks out of thin air for them whenever someone got thirsty and pausing the movie whenever someone need to get up. Half way through the second movie Chase had left his hand slid off his chest and down beside Schneeplestein only to be surprised when the doctor silently laced his fingers with his. Casting a glance at the older man he decided to say nothing about it, Henrik wasn’t openly affectionate with anyone so this small gesture came from the heart and he wasn’t about to ruin it by making the man uncomfortable with his questions and simply gave a small squeeze in response.
It was nice, being able to be so comfortable with his friends that there wasn’t anything akward in their displays of affection towards one another. From Marvin’s childish cuddles and cheek kissing to Henrik’s hand holding and forhead touches, Chase felt lucky enough to be able to experience them and never questioned it dispite how it might seem to orthers. They three stayed like that, quietly enjoying the comfort they found in each other until the end of the third movie. The doctor withdrew his hand from his young friend as if it was never there to begin with and stretched motioning for his companion to do the same.
“Ve zhould go. Chase vill need his rest if the kids are coming over tomorrow.”
“Okay…” The magician agreed with a small yawn and a smile. “If you need a break I can come over and show them my new tricks!” He added looking down at Chase as he carefully slid out from under his head.
“I’ll keep that in mind little man.”
“C'mon! I’m like four years younger than you I’m not a kid.”
“Yes yes ve know. Come along now he needs his rest.” Schneeplestein shooshed and promised to lock up behind them as he escorted Marvin to the door. Part of Chase wanted to call out to them, ask them to not leave and tell them everything that was really going on lately but, Anti was there and he wouldn’t allow that. Laying on the couch the young father brought his hands to his eyes and fought the urge to scream in frustration. The demon was most likely in the bedroom, waiting for him to come in so he could do who knows what to him. After this morning the steady ease of having the monster in his house had shattered and truth be told Chase should have never had forgotten in the first place, because no matter how things may seem the simple fact would remain.
Anti was a demon.
After fighting the urge to simply sleep on the couch Chase got up and headed to be Anti leaning against the wall beside the headboard as usual. Without acknowledging him the man simply stripped down to his boxers and climbed in to bed, he would shower in the morning as it was right now all he wanted was to sleep.
“Don’t fuckin ignore me.” Anti snapped suddenly as Chase flicked off the light. It was hard to read the tone of his voice under the distortion. It wasn’t shortly afterwards the was weight on the bed and Chase interally screamed.
“If you’re gonna make me kill myself again can you wait like 5hrs man? I’m fucking tired. Thinking you’re dying is exhusting.” The man groaned, he missed sleep.
“Shut up.” The demon growled ripping the blankets off of him. Rolling over Chase stared up at him, not surprised to see his eyes were completely black and his fangs were bared. Maybe it was the lack of sleep that made him cocky but, he was not putting up with this tonight. He reached out to the demon only to watch him recoil and snarl. “Stop tryin to touch me!” He roared but, the way he casted disembodied voices and glitched rapidly told the tired man he was frightened again. Laying his arm across his eyes he groaned out in frustration. Just what the hell was the demon playing at?
“Lay down.” Chase snapped and to his surprise Anti listened, laying down beside him on the bed and locked eyes with him.
“Roll over,” That comand earned a snarl but, again the demon obeyed and rolled onto his stomach and huffed. Sitting up Chase placed his hands in the small of the glitching man’s back, of course he tensed and growled low in his throat.
“Don’t.” He growled through clenched teeth. The younger man paused in his actions but, didn’t remove his hands.  ~~~~~~
@system-demon @zeddlocket @neontwizzlervioletmacaroni3
Hey guys this an authors note! I’m debating on if I should add smutt to this fic or not. Give me some feedback on what you guys want!!
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thejabberwokk · 5 years
I wandered through Google docs and all I found was this...
So slept all damn day... But it was OKAY!   Because I had a dream.
And in this dream, My boyfriend and I were living in a post apocalyptic wasteland that was like Diablo 3, Skyrim and Borderlands all in one.  And and... he wasn’t actually a human.
He had this mask on most of the dream that covered the lower half of his face. Totes magotes was one of those skull like bike masks. The neat leather ones that are all molded and carved. HE never would tell me why he wore it, and I never saw him take it off for like... ever.  Then we get to this one town and he’s all
‘I have to see a person about a curse,” And i just roll with it. And the person trying to break the curse is like “yah gotta take that their mask off so I can see the damage.”  AND HE TAKES OF THE MASK HE”S NEVER TAKEN OFF FOR YEARS.
(This was very important to my dream self. Cuz damn did I love the man but I knew something had to be up. Doesn’t eat in front of me, doesn’t give kisses.)
So he gets all flustered cuz this lil old wild west lookin lady is telling him to take his mask off and I’m just sitting there like, yes. take that damn thing off. So he does, and it’s the neatest/weirdest visual my brain has ever given me.
His fucking mouth is literally floating in front of his face like a hologram. All jittery and grainy and just weird. Like there's no hole in his face, it's all smooth. From the side you can see this projected mouth floating but from the front it's flush like a snapchat filter.
He’s all super self conscious and I’m just in awe and like, Oh, this is why you don’t kiss. Western lady just waves me off and i leave them to their task.
Then some other bull shit happens. (mainly me defending his honor when a dick steals his mask, then later having to rescue him and a bunch of other significant others from a psychotic doctor that pissed off all the womenfolk in town. Lots of blood and death, because I can’t ever just have a pleasant dream.)
After I get my man back from the ass hats that kidnapped him we head back to where the old lady had her shop. It’s apparently now an inn of some sort and we chill at the bar. I’m not really feeling it after having to kill the assholes in the murder house/doctors office.  I keep asking him if it made me as bad as them. Which according to him I wasn’t. I apparently always went into situations without weapons, because I thought that meant I was performing premeditated murder, so if someone attacked me and I grabbed the closest pointy thing, it was self defence and the protection of others.
As I continue to mope he keeps trying to comfort me- rubbing his hands across my shoulders and up and down my arms, Pulling me into his side trying to hug me while we sat on the stools, nuzzling the top of my head and placing little kisses on my forehead.
Yup, that got my attention and startled me out of the funk. I turn to him with eyes wide and just stare. My brows furrowing as I can’t quite grasps that I’m seeing him without his mask. Or rather that after seeing him earlier with the floaty mouth, that I’m seeing his face looking I suppose, normal. He looks sheepishly at me and rubs the back of his head as I just let my face fall into a glower. I felt stupid for not noticing he was looking  ‘normal’ and just couldn’t deal with it.
He got up from his stool and held his hand out to me, mentioning we should go get some rest. I just stared at his hand, then back to his face. My gaze kept falling back to his mouth, and I knew he knew because he just kept giving me this cheeky little grin.
I flung myself from my stool at him and as he caught me, I wrapped my arms around his neck, my legs around his waist, and kissed him thoroughly. (Somehow he could not only catch me fat ass but could carry me, which in waking world I only weigh like 15-20 lbs less then him lol.) My momentum, and the suddenness of my affectionate assault cause him to step backwards into a wall with a thud, so he just leaned back and kissed me fervently.
Next thing I know we are on the floor making out, the old lady tells us to go to our room, so he scoops me up all bride style and we go upstairs. My mind actually didn’t let me watch my own smutt.
After everything though, I’m laying on his chest as he runs his fingers across teh skin of my back.  I’m all sorts of relaxed but I’m curious now. SO I ask him what was up with the curse.
“Well, I apparently pissed off some chick years and years ago and she had her mom curse me with an interdimensional portal for a mouth.” I snorted as he said this and looked up at him, brows arched.
“You’re kidding me, right?” he just shakes his head and leans his face down towards my ear.
“It didn’t work right though.”
“No shit.”
“I’m not exactly human. So it did that floating thing instead of a gaping hole.” Now I look up at him, and due to him being so close we bump noses.
“I had a feeling that was the case. I’ve never seen you eat.” I screwed my face up thought. “What are you then, handsome?”
He chuckles softly, hugging me close. “Close your eyes and I’ll show you.”
I complied and rested my cheek against his chest, listening to the odd rhythm of his heart. “Am I going to freak out in a bad way, or in my normal ‘this is awesome’ way” I asked softly, I could feel his body shift beneath me. COuld feel his body temperature increase then go cold.  If suddenly felt like I was too small, my legs wide trying to straddle his waist.
He let out a hiss of breath and low rumble shook me through his chest.
“You can look now.”
I braced myself instead. My hands glided up what had been his chest, but now felt like his waist had elongated. Fingers brushed against taunt muscle, muscles that were much larger than I could recall. Finally my hands grasped his shoulders and I pulled myself slowly up his body, hoping that when I opened my eyes, we’d be at least eye-mouth level.
Fangs in a slightly wider version of that cheeky grin I had only earlier been introduced too. Those were the first thing I saw. I close my eyes again quickly looked back over my shoulder, trying to see what exactly had happened there too. While he was lanky before, he seemed more so now, though all the lank was muscled like a great cat.  Taking in a shuddering breath I felt him run his hands down my back, and what felt like claws gently tracing his fingers path. All the way down to my hips, where he let them lay, gently kneading my flesh. I squeezed my eyes shut and turn back forward, my lip caught between my teeth as I prepared myself.
I think it was the way his eyes were glowing, yet pitch black that made my heart flutter.  They were like looking at old photos of black holes, and watching in the videos how they consumed their neighbors. I brought a hand up and traced his jawline.  All the angles of his face were different- more angled, more sharp. But I still saw the man I’d been with for ages, especially when the corners of his eyes crinkled as he leaned his face down to rest his forehead against mine.
I couldn’t help but swallow hard and blush. I looked at him through my lashes and quirked a brow.
“So, you’re still hot. What the fuck?” He just laughed and leaned back on the pillows. I pulle dmy hands under my chest and pushed up from his.
“And you have horns. That’s not fucking fair.” I crossed my arms against my chest and huffed in mock annoyance. I felt so silly being this enamored with him in this form, but I guess after the time we had been together, one of us getting a style/physical level up was a bit more then I could handle. He laughed again, then ran his now dark blue tongue across his lips, his thumbs pressing into the crook of my hips. I dropped my arms and rested my hands on his, rubbing my fingers across his knuckles. His fingers felt much longer and as I watched him watching me, I give him a slow smile.
“Why didn’t you ever tell me?” I finally asked. He let out a snort and shrugged.
“Honestly, I haven’t been back in this form since before I met you. That curse kinda screwed things up.” He sat up then, pulling me close as we shifted positions. I nuzzled my face into his neck and sighed.
“It’s not fair.” Bringing a hand to my face he shifted me so I was looking at him.
“I’m sorry, pretty lady.”  He kissed me softly and I sighed against his lip.
“I want to have a hot, cool form too.” I mumbled as he hugged me to his chest and pulled me back down onto the bed. He buried his nose in my hair and let his fingers wander my body.
“You can go back to the other form, right?” He hummed an affirmative and I snuggled closer. “Good, cuz I might not always be in the mood to be out shone by, whatever it is you are. But considering our entire relationship has only ever been cuddles, and screwing, I’m happy you have a mouth.” I can feel im laughing in his chest and join in. It was ridiculous.
0 notes
stardancerluv · 4 years
At War
Part 3
Summary: Roman reminds you.
Arthur’s Warning: Angst, Dommy!/Daddy!Kink Roman, slightly possesive Roman, Oral male recieving, mentions of killing, fluffy
This is line His fingertips danced on the back of your hands. is from Creative Fervor Part 1a...wanted to show how far they came. He might not have cared as much. If this happened then.
You inhaled and exhaled slowly as your turned in his arms. A smile spread across Roman’s tired face.
“Roman, I saw the lipstick.” You could not keep your voice steady.
“So I did feel your touch.” He absently.
Your brow knit in confusion. “I deserve an answer.” You watched as the smile fell.
“When I was asleep, I awoke up convinced I had felt your touch.” His voice was as soft as he looked.
It made your heart hurt, why couldn’t he just answer you. “Yes, I held one of your hands to my cheek.” A painful lump formed in your throat, you tried to swallow it down. “You told me you would never cheat on me.” The words finally burst from you.
“I didn’t cheat on you.” His voice sharp was as a razor blade and his eyebrows rose. “So you think I’m cheating on you huh?”
You nodded.
“You want to know what’s really going on?” His hands moved to your hips and he pushed you. It wasn’t far, only a mere step but you still gasped when you hit the sink counter.
Perhaps, you had gone too far. You nodded again. You could see his anger rising in him.
Moving, he made his body flush with yours. Picking you up, he placed you on the counter. The marble was cold under you.
You watched as he began undoing the buttons on his shirt. He pulled the rest of shirt from his slacks, what was still button he tore open, a few buttons flew and could be heard bouncing on the tiles. “Look at me.” He growled.
You gasped, you reached out but the more you looked at the vivid blue and purple bruises on his torso, you looked up at him. “Oh Roman!” There was a vivid purple and blue bruise on his torso. Tears prickled your eyes. “What happened?” Anger began to grow in you that someone would do this to him.
He rested hands on your thighs. He gently opened them up and came to stand between them. His hands, slid from your thighs and rested on either side of you.
There were times when Roman’s mere presence was very intense. This was one of those times, you shifted backward as he stood close.
“As of a month or so a new syndicate of sorts came to Gotham. They decided that they wanted my territory. I’ve been fighting with them ever since.”
All of your worries, your concerns fell like a house of cards. You had not heard anything but that explained so much. You knew that you probably shouldn’t push him right now, but you were never one to hold your tongue. “Why did you push me away?”
He pressed his lips together as he looked at you. “Because you silly little girl, I was trying to protect you.”
You opened and closed your mouth. You struggled to find a response to not only what he said but how he said it. He brought a finger to your lips.
He dragged his finger away, you grew breathless. “Listen, these women don’t have a code. They’d grab you and use you as leverage, in a heartbeat.” His fingertips danced on the back of your hands. “They have no regard for life.” His hands drifted up your arms. Hooking his fingers around the thin straps of your shirt; he pulled them down just enough. “In the end, I’d be planning a funeral and then kill every last one of them.”
His hands traveled down your and his fingers wrapped around your wrists. You tried wiggling them free, it was no use. He firmly held them down.
You met his eyes, “You’d hold a funeral for me?”
He nodded. In some twisted sense, knowing that began a stirring in your stomach.
“You would kill them all?”
“Yes with no hesitation.” His voice was grave.
Your heart was racing, as you tried wiggling and twisting as you attempted to kiss him. He did not budge. You tried again. When your lips brushed his and they didn’t respond.
A moan came from the pit of your stomach. Frustrated you moved your legs, his fingers tightened around your wrists. An ache blossomed within you. As you arched against him, you could feel that he was feeling the same thing. Why not just act on it, you thought. Fueled by feeling his arousal, you tried to kiss him again.
“Roman.” Your lips may have formed a pout but his name became a whimper.
“Kiss me.”
“No. If anything you deserve to be reminded who you belong to.”
You pulled back, the word was as sharp as a slap. “Why?”
His mouth became a thin line as he leaned in. “You doubted me.” His breath was warm on your face.
As you remained looking at each other you felt terrible. “I’m sorry.” You whispered and hung your head.
The scruffiness of his cheek slid against yours as he spoke close into your ear. “Have I ever given you a reason to be I was lying to you?”
“No.” You trembled. “I’m sorry, Roman. I...I “ You struggled trying to find the right words. “you said it yourself.” Swallowing again. “I’m just a silly little girl who needs you.”
A smirk curled the one side of his mouth. He drew in close. “Tell me little girl who do you belong to?”
“I belong to you.” With your head still lowered looked up at him.
“It can be hard to keep my territory secured. It’s even harder when the people I am dealing with are unpredictable.” As his face remained impassive, tears slid down your cheeks. One of his hands grabbed you chin and tilted your face up, a sound came from you from the suddenness of it. “Who takes care of you?”
“You do.”
“That’s right.” He nodded. “If I didn’t care about you, things would have been considerably easier this last month.”
“I’m sorry.” You whispered lowering your eyes.
“Don’t look away from me.”
Your eyes met his once again as a smirk played on his lips. Reaching up, he cupped your cheeks, his thumbs brushed aside your tears. “I realize seeing the lipstick is not pleasant but it is a more common occurrence that we both would like.”
You nodded, over the time the two of you were a couple, Harley had a habit of kissing him and the dancers would plant one on him.
You really should have given him the benefit of an explanation. Looking at him, you saw the anger but you also saw the hurt.
“You’re coming with me.” He pulled you off the counter.
Roman, grabbed an accent pillow and then went and sat in the large overstuffed chair in the corner of your bedroom.
He looked at you as he sat there. “We should probably be in my office, I might get an important call. But you know what? I’ve been putting Gotham first this entire month. I neglected my girl.” He tossed the pillow at his feet. “Come now, don’t make me wait. Kneel on the pillow.”
You did as you were told.
“I want you to know, I am hurt that you doubted my loyalty.” Sitting up, he ran his fingers through your hair which was still wild from sleep. “Very few have my loyalty.” His fingers which had entwined in your strands, tightened. “Don’t question it again.”
“I won’t.” You whispered.
“That’s my good girl.” He praised you warmly. His fingers loosened and he sat back into the chair. “If I was truly angry I would not let you have the pillow. Though, we can’t let those pretty knees bruise. We can let the reporters or if anyone else catching sight of you and spreading disgusting stories.” He caressed one of your cheeks. “Also, there’s a very cute dress I’d like you to wear tonight. Understand, baby?”
“Yes Roman.” You whispered, nodding.
“Yes who?”
You’re heart skipped a beat. “Yes daddy.” Kneeling there the ache that was deep within you throbbed gently.
“There we go.” He praised softly again smiling brightly. He sat back into the cushions, he rested his arms on the arm rests. “Make me feel good baby.”
You tingled all over as you took in the full sight of him sitting there. Inhaling then exhaling to calm your excited jitters.
You met his eyes, you gently held his hands as you stood. He tilted his head to one side but then as you grabbed the hem of your tank top and pulled it off. A silent smile spread across his face. Your shorts were next.
“I want daddy to see all of me.” You both knew how that excited you further. Anytime, he could be clothed and without a shred of clothe on you made you shake with pleasure. There was something deliciously erotic for you.
You knelt down again in front of him. Moving, closer you let your hands drift up the soft material of his slacks. Once you reached his belt, you did that followed by the button and and lowered the zipper.
When you eased him from his slacks, you grew unbelievably wet. This time between the two of you had been too long. You could tell he felt the same way since he was already so hard.
You met his eyes as you easily licked up the length of him. Trying to not shake too much in your own desire for him, you twirled your tongue around his tip. Inhaling, you took him deeply within your mouth, you trembled.
Keeping him there, you got used to once again how large he was. Swallowing, you took him deeper till he tickled mouth. When you had first done this you barely took him as deep as you could now. You were proud of being able to do more. You loved having him like this.
Easily and incredibly, excited you began using your tongue and lips as you set your own pace. Above you some deep sounds came from him. He let himself, truly feel with you had told you once. With you, he let sounds come from you that had always suppressed.
You made a soft sound as you felt his fingers.
“You’re lips and tongue are making me feel so good.” You looked up at him through your lashes.
Continuing to move up and down his length your own excitement was filling you. You ached painfully for some relief but right now was about him. He would decide if you did. A tremor went through him. “Baby, I need more of you.” You could hear the strain in his voice.
So you dragged your lips up his hardened length, relishing in how he was out of breath.
He easily stood and shed what was left of his clothing. Your mouth had been a wonderful delight. But now he needed the rest of you.
“Go and lay on the bed baby.”
He shed the last of his clothes. He groaned as you dod as you ask but then also opened for him. As he settled between your legs, despite the bruises it didn’t hurt as much as he had thought it would.
He looked at you splayed out and ready for him. “Are you ready to get filled again, sweet girl?”
“Please, you begged.” It look all of his will power to not just cum. You were a sight to be hold, and was even in you.
You were sweating and panting, how had he stayed away from you as he felt himself get closer to cumming. He held you to him.
You had been trembling and clinging onto him. He rather loved how your fingers normally delicate dug into his back.
“Did you want daddy to let you cum baby?” He asked you after you shook and called out, breaking a sloppy, needy kiss.
The water was warm, the bathroom smelled a mixture of his fresh crisp scents and your sweeter warm ones as you held onto each other and washed each other. Stopping, your arms wrapped gently around him.
“I so sorry.” You finally say again, your eyes glimmered on the muted light. “Just sometimes, I can’t get over that we’re together when women just thrown themselves at you.”
He pulled ran his fingers up your smooth back. “They don’t have substance. You made something of yourself without your family, like me.” He admitted. “I like that you are strong.”
“But, but..”
“Stop. This is behind us now.” He gently caressed your cheek as you leaned against him. “I may keep things from you to keep you safe but I’ll never lie.”
He looked down into yours loving the pools of color there. The warmth and the look of love that deep down, he really didn’t think he deserved but was grateful you chose him.
@darling-i-read-it @spn-obsessed-dean @vintagemichelle91 @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx @ewanfuckingmcgregor @zodiyack @angel98624 @frenchgirlinlondon @nebulastarr @emyliabernstein @thepeachreads @itsknife2meetu @omghappilyuniquebouquetlove @nomnomnomnamja @poe-kadot26 @top-rumbelle-fan @babydoll97 @hazel-nuss @vcat55 @feelthemadnessinside @rosionis @queenofgotham800 @brookisbi @peachthatdrinkslemonade @johallzy @foreverhockeytrash @frostypenguinoz @rentskenobi @starwarsslytherin @proffesionalclown @chogisss @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching @shantellorraine @xxinvisiblexx @pooshnulooshnu @speedypartyducksuitcase @blondekel77 @corey-clown @drarrylov3r @i-cant-hear-you16 @deadlymistress24
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stardancerluv · 4 years
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Gotham Lockdown 2020
Part 8b
Summary: Rememebering, what happened when Zsasz had kidnapped you by accident.
Warning: Dommy Roman, Daddy kink, Knife play, handcuffs...smutt...a sprinkle of fluff.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to help clean up?” Victor, asked still with a look of content awash with content me.
“Yes. Now go and relax.” You encouraged him.
“Alright.” He turned and began to walk to the elevator.
He turned. “I’ll message you when we’re done down here maybe we can do a rematch at pool.”
He shrugged. “I’ll beat you this time.”
You smiled. “Maybe! We’ll see.”
“Alright, see you later.”
When you turned, you were surprised that Roman had disappeared. “Roman!?”
“In the kitchen!” He called.
You padded over to the door way of the kitchen. You were really taken aback to see that he had tidied most of it. He turned to you. “As much as I want to enjoy that dress,” he pointed at it up and down. “Why don’t you go and change back into what I had seen earlier dressed in.”
“Really?” Your brow furrowed. He wiped his hands and came over you, he kissed the top of your head.
“It’s the least you can do.” He smiled down at you. “Go and grab a seat. I’ll be with you shortly.”
“I can do that.”
He out a finger under your chin. “That’s my good girl.” He paused. “Oh but do keep the necklace on.”
Whenever, you would look at you like that it gave you the most delightful ripples of pleasure.
Making your way back to his office reaching behind you, you unzipped the dress. First you shrugged then stepped out of it.
Not wanting it to get too wrinkled you draped in on his broad desk.
His desk, you bit your bottom lip as that was the first place be took you. Just a little over two years ago. You two were now sharing time during Gotham in a lockdown.
You shed your bra, you put it bear the dress. Then grabbing the t-shirt you pulled that on and then the leggings. Stretching, you made your way back to where you had set up the table.
Suddenly, the lights snapped off. The only light was from the candles you had lit. Then one solitary light came out but the rest was complete darkness. Probably since we would be heading up soon.
After he dried off his hands, when he finished cleaning. He slipped on his gloves. He absolutely despised cleaning. Though it was only fair that he helped with it. You had done so much today.
While the two of you danced, you gave him an idea he had never thought of. Once you planted that idea in his mind, he grew harder the more he thought about it.
Leaving the kitchen, he went to the down the the room Victor and him kept their knives, weapons, anything that could be used to protect his kingdom. He even let him keep trophies there as well.
Tonight, all he needed was some handcuffs, a blind fold, a strip of fabric to cover your mouth and one of his knives which was one of the most important parts. While there he recreated the lighting from that fateful day you came bound into his life. He tucked the items into his suit jacket pockets.
He smirked, as he came up behind you. He caught your profile. You were lovely and his. Made him feel good.
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He silently, came to whisper in your ear. A knot of hot desire formed in the pit of his stomach. “Baby, do you trust me?” You squeaked at him being there from out of nowhere.
“Good, babygirl. Now if anything gets too much you tell daddy alright?” He smirked as watched as you sat all the straighter in your chair. Gently, he pulled gently so that fell gently back the chair.
“Yes, daddy.” You licked your lips.
“Good, that makes me happy.” He kissed where your jaw met your throat. One of his favorite places. Inhaling, deeply there you smelled sweeter then any perfume. “Baby, this is what could have happened when we first met.”
You nod.
Going, behind you he took out the blindfold, then holding it with both hands he went and tied it over your eyes. He went to your ear, “Open that lovely mouth for me baby.”
You complied, and soon holding he tied the gag into place. He loved seeing how sweetly held your hand in your lap. “You are so lady like.” He mused aloud, he knew it was always to good to let you know when you did good.
As he came to kneel in front you he waved his hands in front of your eyes, “Can’t see me right?”
You nod.
“Good. Now, let me have your hands.”
Taking one he affixed it just tight enough, then he did the same to the other.
Walking back, he just stood and looked at you. He inhaled sharply, as he had palm himself against his slacks. He had not thought this would make him as hard as it did.
He moved and came up behind you again.
“Y/N, welcome to the Black Mask Club.”
Taking out his knife, he opened it close to your ear so the metal rubbing against met filled your ear. Seeing you inhale, made him smirk.
“There is too much of you covered, I need to see more.” He hissed.
Coming around, he dragged the knife down the fun of his t-shirt. Reaching the bottom, he grabbed a handful of it. Holding it taunt. Then he sliced, he put his knife down then with both hands he ripped the rest of it. Each half hung covering your breasts but laying just so that the curve of the them, it was a delicious sight.
He watched, as you inhaled and exhaled rapidly, “Much better, not enough. Do you know, what needs to go next?”
You shook your head. “Those leggings need to go.”
Kneeling beside where you sat, he ran his hands up your legs. He caressed your soft thighs. That he smirked again as he heard you moan against the gag as he caressed your thighs. “They feel so good.” His hands reached your waist. “Let’s get these the fuck off you.
Pulled and with some help from you he pulled them and your panties off. He let them lay in a heap on the floor. “Ahh, there you are.” But then he pulled your legs further apart. “Even better.
Look down at you, he relished the sight. “If I removed the gag, will you be a good girl and not scream?”
You nod.
“Good.” Then he went over and untied it, and dragged it from your mouth like the last time.
He grabbed you by your chin, his fingers resting just below your lips that were puffy from the gag. He rested a knee between your legs, he knew you could feel his slacks on your bare thighs. Dragging both hands across your cheeks, he gathered your hair then holding it with one hand be pulled back. The whimper that came from your lips made him harder.
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Bending, so he let his tongue trail upward. Meeting your lips he kissed you. You both hungrily kissed each other, you tasted so good.
The clinking of the handcuffs pulled moans from you two. Tugging, he untied the blindfold, he let it drop to the floor.
He watched, as you blinked then your eyes met. “Hi there.” He said simply. He tugged at your hair. “Do you know who you belong to?”
You nodded the best you could. He let go of your hair. He leaned in close, he could feel your breath on his face.
“Tell me who you belong to?”
“I belong to you.”
He smiled. “You better fucking believe it.” He kissed you again. Your lips meet, sharing the passion that had been building.
You raised yourself up ever so gently against his knee. He gritted his teeth. He could feel the heat that came from you.
“Do you want me?”
“Yes.” You said in a soft voice.
“I can’t hear you.”
“I want you.” He could hear your desire.
He could not wait any longer. Reaching, into his pocket, he unlocked the handcuffs. Without a word he pulled you flush against him. “Come with me.” He growled. He grabbed the table cloth off one of the tables as he walked with you, not caring what fell to the ground and broke.
His office was too far away. He knew the place. He pulled you up the short staircase to the stage.
Letting you go he laid out the tablecloth. He pointed at it. “Go lay down on that.”
You did. Your feet rested on the stage and kept your legs open.
“Like this?”
He nodded. “Yes.” He went and knelt down.
Lowering his zipper with he took himself out, then with a breath he entered you. A moan came hard from the two of you.
He began moving hard with abandon in and out of you. “God, I love making you this wet.”
“Yes.” You breathed.
Your bodies, your lips meeting in a hard hungry kissed spoke of the passion that had built up between the two of you. You both moved, towards the climax you both yearned for. Your fingers felt so good as they entwined in his hair.
He felt you arch against him. He knew you were getting close. “You want to cum for me, baby?”
“Please..please?” You whimpered.”
“Cum for me baby.” He thrust harder into you.
He felt you shake and writhe under him.
“Roman,” you moaned loudly as you came.
It fueled his desire for you. Not knowing why but as he was moaning into your chest, he sank his teeth into your shoulder. He bit just enough which pulled a moan from him, pulling back he kissed you. He was on the brink, and you began moving against him again.
He then let himself leap off his edge and he came hard while deep inside of you. “Y/N, he screamed, you moved with him as he came, and he felt as shook hard a second time against him.
He then collapsed on top of you. He kissed where he had bit you. Before just exhaling hard as the glow of cumming washed over him. He loved how you simply held him and how your heard beat so hard that he could feel it.
You sighed demurely. “That was amazing.” He nodded. His hair, swear cling to the strands of his hair that fell into his face as he nodded.
Raising himself on an elbow. He soaked in your tousled appearance. “Damn baby.” You cupped his cheek. He kissed your palm, as your eyes met. “I love you so fucking much.”
“I love you too.”
@darling-i-read-it @spn-obession @vintagemichelle91 @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx @ewanfuckingmcgregor @zodiyack @angel98624 @starwarsprequelfangirl @nebulastarr @emyliabernstein @thepeachreads @itsknife2meetu @whyisgmora @theblackmaskclub @omghappilyuniquebouquetlove @nomnomnomnamja @poe-kadot26 @top-rumbelle-fan
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