#black lentils near me
Why Add Black Lentils to Your Diet?
Lentils are not big in size and are lens-shaped legumes. You get a savory, earthy flavor from this staple food. They have high plant proteins and this is a healthy source of energy. Thus you can make them a very good choice for vegans 
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and vegetarians and anyone who wants to maintain a healthier lifestyle.
Black lentils you get near you in NZ are available in different colors and sizes. You will just have to spend just 15 to 30 minutes to cook. You can make stock from them. You just need to add herbs, spices, or aromatic vegetables to prepare a layered and flavourful dish.
Thus you get a very healthy dish. One serving of black lentils of ¼ cup of dry seeds contains 13 grams of protein. You get fibers at 15 grams per serving. All of these just have just 180 calories. Black lentils also have high amounts of potassium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and folate. Furthermore, according to modern studies black lentils are even able to reduce the “bad” LDL cholesterol.
Where to Buy The Best Quality Lentils in NZ?
Bulk Barn Whole Foods has different types of lentils at affordable prices in NZ. This is no doubt a renowned place for lentils if you are searching for black lentils near me. Here you get different types of lentils such as:
Organic and Red split Lentils
Beluga Black Lentils
Organic Green Blonde 
Beluga Black Lentils
Beluga Black Lentils or simply just Black Lentils have a delicious taste. You can add them as a mouth-watering complement to fish or chicken and an array of other dishes and proteins. They are small in size, glossy, and black just like Beluga caviar. Thus their namesake spread an earthy and slightly nutty smell and flavor. High in nutrition, they are one of the healthiest lentils out there. Beluga Black Lentils are GMO-free and there are no added preservatives.
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housekeepinginfo · 1 month
30 High-Protein Vegetarian Meals - Picky Eaters
Are you a vegetarian wanting to boost your protein intake or a picky eater looking for new meat-free meals? You're in the right place! This article offers 30 tasty and filling high-protein vegetarian meal ideas. They're perfect for anyone, even the pickiest eaters. These recipes use beans, lentils, tofu, tempeh, nuts, and seeds to keep you full and energized.
Start your day with Peanut Butter Banana Overnight Oats1 or Blueberry Pineapple Smoothies1. For lunch and dinner, try Southwestern Tofu Scramble or Veggie Burrito Bowls. You'll find delicious high-protein vegetarian meals like Instant Pot Dal Makhani, Red Lentil Pasta, and Sofritas (Chipotle Copycat Recipe!).
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vibinwiththefrogs · 1 year
Intro to U.S. Agriculture Book Recommendations
Requested by @languagesandpain
Healing Grounds by Liz Carlisle
If you're interested in agroecology this is a great place to start. It highlights a handful of Black, Latino, and Asian American farmers and their lives, history, and research. It's a great all-around book too because it touches on animal agriculture, produce, and mushrooms (which I don't see get talked about much), and also different methods like agroforestry and pasture systems.
Grain by Grain by Bob Quinn and Liz Carlisle
This book is basically the story of Bob Quinn and his farm, there's a lot of good info in it. This is the first book that really struck home to me that I need to listen to people in conventional agriculture even if I personally don't like it, because there's important experiences that need to be heard. It touches on topics like converting farms to more sustainable methods, heirloom crops, and how we deal with food/diet related science in the US. I don't have any health issues of note, but after reading this book I found an organic bread with Kamut wheat in it to see how it was, and it totally takes away any white on my tongue when I'm eating it daily. Pretty fascinating.
Perilous Bounty by Tom Philpott
This book widely covers major problems in US conventional agriculture, mostly covering major agriculture corporations and environmental impacts but also some labor issues, and small/mid size farm struggles. I'm not going to lie, this one is depressing. I generally do well with tough topics but near the end I had to put it down a few times because it was making me feel a bit hopeless. Which I fault the author with a bit for not dealing with better, because we need more hope to be able to believe these problems are fixable. He also doesn't cover the eastern US which irks me a bit because the south is a major agricultural region. But overall, a lot of great info and some interesting ideas for solutions near the end.
With These Hands by Daniel Rothenberg
I haven't actually read this one yet, but I've read sections. It looks like another tough read, but covers the experiences of migrant farmworkers across the US. Definitely trigger warnings for modern day slavery, racism, abuse, and more.
Dirt: The Erosion of Civilizations
I found this one to be a bit pessimistic honestly, but I read it a while ago so I dont remember what exactly bothered me. But it's a good overview of agricultural collapse through history, soil science, and issues in soil today.
Lentil Underground by Liz Carlisle
(Can you tell I've read all of Carlisle's books yet). So this book didn't really make much of an impression on me. But I'm recommending it because if anything it kind of illustrates the tediousness of policy change, changing people's minds, running an unconventional farm. It's a bit boring compared to the other recommendations but if you're in the industry there's things to think about in it.
Non-book recommendations
For a while was listening to Real Organic Podcast. After about 10 episodes (not in order) you notice they start to really repeat a lot of ideas. But they have a lot of episodes that highlight problems with chemical use, water use, how movements like organic get co-opted by big corporations, and more.
I also recommend the news website Civil Eats. They post a lot of book recommendations, as well as cover a whole variety of agricultural issues across the world.
If anyone has any additional recommendations feel free to add on! I'm always looking for more books >:)
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jomiddlemarch · 2 years
Except you enthrall me, never shall be free
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Part II
Alina woke to darkness.
It was deeper than the Fold, than any nightmare’s abyss.
She woke to the sound of a man’s low voice coming from some little distance she couldn’t measure, piss-poor mapmaker that she was.
“It’s all right. You’re safe. It’s all right, it’s morning, it’s morning and you are home.”
She knew his voice but she couldn’t name it. It was lightly accented and precise, both too far and too near. She couldn’t see anything—
“Am I blind?” she asked. Memory came to her in fragments, none of them images: pain, like a great claw, and the smell of sweat and pine needles, the weight of her hair against her neck, and wind rushing past, taking her breath away. She moved and the darkness grew somehow more impenetrable. “Have I gone blind? Saints, am I—"
“No, Alina. You are well, it’s only—”
Here the man broke off as she tried to sit up, the wildness of terror taking hold, her heart pounding, making her feel faint, nothingness around her, consuming her—
“Seguru zaude, zurekin nago, neshama,” the man said. Said or sang? She’d never put much stock in the Saints, had never seen what they did for people like her, but what he’d said reminded her of the litany as it was recited on the winter holy days, when the earth was hard and the sky like a stone. She could not have said what the words meant but she recognized them, recognized him.
“General Kirigan?”
“Aleksander,” he said, the gentlest correction.
“Why am I—why is it, it’s so dark, I can’t see—” she said. If she were not blind, had she gone mad? Her mind crumbling into dust, to be swept away—
“Yes, you can,” he replied and the room took shape around her, the wide bed with its tall carved posts, the chests and the diamond-paned window with its elegant draperies parted over lace, Aleksander sitting in a high-back chair, just within arm’s reach, all of it lit with the most delicate light, softer than moonlight, warmer than a candle’s flame, and all of it coming from his palms as they lay in his lap. Darkness trembled at the corners of the room, intensified for a moment, and then was gone.
“Here you are and here am I,” he said. “I shall have some tea sent up and something to eat—”
“But you are the Shadow Summoner,” she interrupted. She gestured around them, where a few dust motes sparkled in the light. “I thought that meant you only controlled shadows.”
“I am. I did. And now we are here and what was no longer is,” he said. She frowned, at his oblique remarks, at finding herself so far out of her depth she could not begin to get her bearings, at his serenity when she could not claim any for herself.
“I’ll have to do better than that, I see,” he said, smiling. Becoming a man instead of a remote and impressive leader. Becoming the person who had held her after saving her. “But let’s eat first, before I get us both muddled in arcane mystic philosophy and quantum physika. I promise it will all go better after you’ve eaten. They say an army runs on its stomach, but I think you don’t have to be a soldier to think more clearly with a full belly.”
“I’m not hungry,” she said, because she never was. Not for the ordinary food from the orphanage kitchen, porridge and lentils, stewed vegetables, black bread, and not for the treats they might get once a year at a festival market-day, fried cakes, jellies dusted with sugar, spiced chickpeas and wafers rolled and filled with sweet custard. It had been no great sacrifice to give Mal the larger portion of whatever she was served or to hand over her once-a-year festival penny for him to spend on something he’d gobble up in an instant.
“Are you sure?” he asked. The light in the room trembled or perhaps she shivered. Shadows dimmed her vision for a second, quicker than a blink, and then were gone. “I can have the cooks make you whatever you want, it’s no trouble at all.”
“I’m not—” she began to repeat and then found it wasn’t true, the appetite she could hardly remember making itself known. She wasn’t ravenous but she did want to eat, even if she couldn’t think of anything particular to request.
“Perhaps something sweet? There are some pastries filled with quince jam and then some biscuits made with kakaoliker and mazzard,” he said. 
“Those pies with the cheese, they have them at the fairs sometimes,” she said hesitantly.
“Khachapuri. A savory,” he nodded and stood. His kefta was open and the shirt he wore beneath it was open at the neck, the linen rumpled, his trousers creased. She saw him as he’d been when they first met, looming above her, not a hair out of place, every aspect of his person perfect; he must have slept in the chair he’d been sitting in. He moved about the room with complete familiarity. Was it his bed she’d slept in? What else could she surmise? “I’ll let them know. It won’t be long.”
“I can get up,” she said.
“No,” he said.
“The Healers said you needed to rest. What happened, what I did, it wasn’t how such an injury would be treated by a Grisha Healer,” he said. “They want you to be careful.”
“I feel fine,” she said.
“I don’t believe you,” he replied, shrugging. “You’re too used to being ill, suppressing your power. You’re too used to no one wanting to hear if you feel poorly, to any distress you have being ignored. And I’m not sure how it will go for you—”
“What do you mean?” she asked.
“I mean I didn’t expect to wake up in darkness. I didn’t expect you to think you’d gone blind. Or mad,” he said. She hadn’t spoken aloud her fear of insanity to him but he’d known it anyway.
“I can’t believe you don’t know what’s going to happen to me,” she said. “When you used your ring to cut me, you sounded entirely confident. I felt it when you touched me. Just like when you healed me.”
He laughed, but it was an unhappy little sound, and suddenly his face looked exhausted.
“I couldn’t fail, neshama. That wasn’t confidence, it was necessity. Beyond that, I can’t say I know anything,” he said. “I did what I could, but I was afraid. The whole time.”
“And now?” she asked. He looked down and then back at her. His dark eyes were full of tears.
“Here you are. And here am I,” he said. It was an answer, she supposed. Not one he would have given two days ago, but it seemed the whole world could change in an instant.
“Home, is what you said last night. I remember that. You said I was home,” she replied. “Were you lying?”
“No,” he said. “I can’t lie to you, Alina.”
Can’t. Not won’t. He’d used her name, not any endearment that said she was little or ephemeral. She noticed and she understood he’d wanted her to.
“I think I’d rather stay here for breakfast after all,” she said. “You like those quince pastries. I’d like to try one. Plus the cheese one. It turns out you were right about my appetite.”
“That’s good,” he said.
“That you were right?” she asked. He smiled and it was like nothing she’d ever seen before, all his restraint cast off. With a flick of his wrist, the room was filled with the most cheerful, buttery sunshine.
“That you are hungry.”
And that was the morning of the first day.
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foodandfolklore · 5 months
The Grimm Variations, Episode 3
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A new Netflix Anime has caught my eye. It's Called the Grimm Variations; which feature retellings of Original Brothers Grimm fairytales. But rather be a beat for beat, they are more reimagined. A "What If" kind of thing. I figured I'd share the original Fairytales these stories are based on for those interested.
The third episode is where things really got interesting for me. If you have no seen the show yet, the retell the Story of Cinderella. One of the most well known Fairytales to ever exist. However, they come at it from a different way that I quite liked. What if Cinderella was a massive manipulator, and made everyone around her think her step family was terrible? I think that's a fantastic spin on the story for modern times, as Narcissism and Manipulation is being talked about more.
But for those curious, here is the original Brother's Grimm story (In English of Course) It's quite different from the Disney Version. There is no Fairy Godmother, and the built up relationship is over a few days rather than a few hours. It's well known that the step sisters cut of parts of their feet to fit into the lost slipper, but the Prince set a trap to cause Cinderella to lose her shoe in the first place. Oh and her Father never dies; he's just cool with how his daughter is being treated.
There was once a rich man whose wife lay sick, and when she felt her end drawing near she called to her only daughter to come near her bed, and said, "Dear child, be pious and good, and God will always take care of you, and I will look down upon you from heaven, and will be with you." And then she closed her eyes and expired. The maiden went every day to her mother's grave and wept, and was always pious and good. When the winter came the snow covered the grave with a white covering, and when the sun came in the early spring and melted it away, the man took to himself another wife.
The new wife brought two daughters home with her, and they were beautiful and fair in appearance, but at heart were, black and ugly. And then began very evil times for the poor step-daughter. "Is the stupid creature to sit in the same room with us?" said they; "those who eat food must earn it. Out upon her for a kitchen-maid!" They took away her pretty dresses, and put on her an old grey kirtle, and gave her wooden shoes to wear. "Just look now at the proud princess, how she is decked out!" cried they laughing, and then they sent her into the kitchen. There she was obliged to do heavy work from morning to night, get up early in the morning, draw water, make the fires, cook, and wash. Besides that, the sisters did their utmost to torment her, mocking her, and strewing peas and lentils among the ashes, and setting her to pick them up. In the evenings, when she was quite tired out with her hard day's work, she had no bed to lie on, but was obliged to rest on the hearth among the cinders. And as she always looked dusty and dirty, they named her Cinderella.
It happened one day that the father went to the fair, and he asked his two step-daughters what he should bring back for them. "Fine clothes!" said one. "Pearls and jewels!" said the other. "But what will you have, Cinderella?" said he. "The first twig, father, that strikes against your hat on the way home; that is what I should like you to bring me." So he bought for the two step-daughters fine clothes, pearls, and jewels, and on his way back, as he rode through a green lane, a hazel-twig struck against his hat; and he broke it off and carried it home with him. And when he reached home he gave to the step-daughters what they had wished for, and to Cinderella he gave the hazel-twig. She thanked him, and went to her mother's grave, and planted this twig there, weeping so bitterly that the tears fell upon it and watered it, and it flourished and became a fine tree. Cinderella went to see it three times a day, and wept and prayed, and each time a white bird rose up from the tree, and if she uttered any wish the bird brought her whatever she had wished for.
Now if came to pass that the king ordained a festival that should last for three days, and to which all the beautiful young women of that country were bidden, so that the king's son might choose a bride from among them. When the two stepdaughters heard that they too were bidden to appear, they felt very pleased, and they called Cinderella, and said, "Comb our hair, brush our shoes, and make our buckles fast, we are going to the wedding feast at the king's castle." Cinderella, when she heard this, could not help crying, for she too would have liked to go to the dance, and she begged her step-mother to allow her. "What, you Cinderella!" said she, "in all your dust and dirt, you want to go to the festival! you that have no dress and no shoes! you want to dance!" But as she persisted in asking, at last the step-mother said, "I have strewed a dish-full of lentils in the ashes, and if you can pick them all up again in two hours you may go with us." Then the maiden went to the backdoor that led into the garden, and called out, "O gentle doves, O turtle-doves, And all the birds that be, The lentils that in ashes lie Come and pick up for me!
The good must be put in the dish, The bad you may eat if you wish."
Then there came to the kitchen-window two white doves, and after them some turtle-doves, and at last a crowd of all the birds under heaven, chirping and fluttering, and they alighted among the ashes; and the doves nodded with their heads, and began to pick, peck, pick, peck, and then all the others began to pick, peck, pick, peck, and put all the good grains into the dish. Before an hour was over all was done, and they flew away. Then the maiden brought the dish to her step-mother, feeling joyful, and thinking that now she should go to the feast; but the step-mother said, "No, Cinderella, you have no proper clothes, and you do not know how to dance, and you would be laughed at!" And when Cinderella cried for disappointment, she added, "If you can pick two dishes full of lentils out of the ashes, nice and clean, you shall go with us," thinking to herself, "for that is not possible." When she had strewed two dishes full of lentils among the ashes the maiden went through the backdoor into the garden, and cried, "O gentle doves, O turtle-doves, And all the birds that be, The lentils that in ashes lie Come and pick up for me!
The good must be put in the dish, The bad you may eat if you wish."
So there came to the kitchen-window two white doves, and then some turtle-doves, and at last a crowd of all the other birds under heaven, chirping and fluttering, and they alighted among the ashes, and the doves nodded with their heads and began to pick, peck, pick, peck, and then all the others began to pick, peck, pick, peck, and put all the good grains into the dish. And before half-an-hour was over it was all done, and they flew away. Then the maiden took the dishes to the stepmother, feeling joyful, and thinking that now she should go with them to the feast; but she said "All this is of no good to you; you cannot come with us, for you have no proper clothes, and cannot dance; you would put us to shame." Then she turned her back on poor Cinderella, and made haste to set out with her two proud daughters.
And as there was no one left in the house, Cinderella went to her mother's grave, under the hazel bush, and cried,
"Little tree, little tree, shake over me, That silver and gold may come down and cover me."
Then the bird threw down a dress of gold and silver, and a pair of slippers embroidered with silk and silver. , And in all haste she put on the dress and went to the festival. But her step-mother and sisters did not know her, and thought she must be a foreign princess, she looked so beautiful in her golden dress. Of Cinderella they never thought at all, and supposed that she was sitting at home, arid picking the lentils out of the ashes. The King's son came to meet her, and took her by the hand and danced with her, and he refused to stand up with any one else, so that he might not be obliged to let go her hand; and when any one came to claim it he answered, "She is my partner."
And when the evening came she wanted to go home, but the prince said he would go with her to take care of her, for he wanted to see where the beautiful maiden lived. But she escaped him, and jumped up into the pigeon-house. Then the prince waited until the father came, and told him the strange maiden had jumped into the pigeon-house. The father thought to himself, "It cannot surely be Cinderella," and called for axes and hatchets, and had the pigeon-house cut down, but there was no one in it. And when they entered the house there sat Cinderella in her dirty clothes among the cinders, and a little oil-lamp burnt dimly in the chimney; for Cinderella had been very quick, and had jumped out of the pigeon-house again, and had run to the hazel bush; and there she had taken off her beautiful dress and had laid it on the grave, and the bird had carried it away again, and then she had put on her little gray kirtle again, and had sat down in. the kitchen among the cinders.
The next day, when the festival began anew, and the parents and step-sisters had gone to it, Cinderella went to the hazel bush and cried,
"Little tree, little tree, shake over me, That silver and gold may come down and cover me."
Then the bird cast down a still more splendid dress than on the day before. And when she appeared in it among the guests every one was astonished at her beauty. The prince had been waiting until she came, and he took her hand and danced with her alone. And when any one else came to invite her he said, "She is my partner." And when the evening came she wanted to go home, and the prince followed her, for he wanted to see to what house she belonged; but she broke away from him, and ran into the garden at the back of the house. There stood a fine large tree, bearing splendid pears; she leapt as lightly as a squirrel among the branches, and the prince did not know what had become of her. So he waited until the father came, and then he told him that the strange maiden had rushed from him, and that he thought she had gone up into the pear-tree. The father thought to himself, "It cannot surely be Cinderella," and called for an axe, and felled the tree, but there was no one in it. And when they went into the kitchen there sat Cinderella among the cinders, as usual, for she had got down the other side of the tree, and had taken back her beautiful clothes to the bird on the hazel bush, and had put on her old grey kirtle again.
On the third day, when the parents and the step-children had set off, Cinderella went again to her mother's grave, and said to the tree,
"Little tree, little tree, shake over me, That silver and gold may come down and cover me."
Then the bird cast down a dress, the like of which had never been seen for splendour and brilliancy, and slippers that were of gold. And when she appeared in this dress at the feast nobody knew what to say for wonderment. The prince danced with her alone, and if any one else asked her he answered, "She is my partner."
And when it was evening Cinderella wanted to go home, and the prince was about to go with her, when she ran past him so quickly that he could not follow her. But he had laid a plan, and had caused all the steps to be spread with pitch, so that as she rushed down them the left shoe of the maiden remained sticking in it. The prince picked it up, and saw that it was of gold, and very small and slender. The next morning he went to the father and told him that none should be his bride save the one whose foot the golden shoe should fit. Then the two sisters were very glad, because they had pretty feet. The eldest went to her room to try on the shoe, and her mother stood by. But she could not get her great toe into it, for the shoe was too small; then her mother handed her a knife, and said, "Cut the toe off, for when you are queen you will never have to go on foot." So the girl cut her toe off, squeezed her foot into the shoe, concealed the pain, and went down to the prince. Then he took her with him on his horse as his bride, and rode off. They had to pass by the grave, and there sat the two pigeons on the hazel bush, and cried,
"There they go, there they go! There is blood on her shoe; The shoe is too small, Not the right bride at all!"
Then the prince looked at her shoe, and saw the blood flowing. And he turned his horse round and took the false bride home again, saying she was not the right one, and that the other sister must try on the shoe. So she went into her room to do so, and got her toes comfortably in, but her heel was too large. Then her mother handed her the knife, saying, "Cut a piece off your heel; when you are queen you will never have to go on foot." So the girl cut a piece off her heel, and thrust her foot into the shoe, concealed the pain, and went down to the prince, who took his bride before him on his horse and rode off. When they passed by the hazel bush the two pigeons sat there and cried,
"There they go, there they go! There is blood on her shoe; The shoe is too small, Not the right bride at all!"
Then the prince looked at her foot, and saw how the blood was flowing from the shoe, and staining the white stocking. And he turned his horse round and brought the false bride home again. "This is not the right one," said he, "have you no other daughter?" - "No," said the man, "only my dead wife left behind her a little stunted Cinderella; it is impossible that she can be the bride." But the King's son ordered her to be sent for, but the mother said, "Oh no! she is much too dirty, I could not let her be seen." But he would have her fetched, and so Cinderella had to appear. First she washed her face and hands quite clean, and went in and curtseyed to the prince, who held out to her the golden shoe. Then she sat down on a stool, drew her foot out of the heavy wooden shoe, and slipped it into the golden one, which fitted it perfectly. And when she stood up, and the prince looked in her face, he knew again the beautiful maiden that had danced with him, and he cried, "This is the right bride!" The step-mother and the two sisters were thunderstruck, and grew pale with anger; but he put Cinderella before him on his horse and rode off. And as they passed the hazel bush, the two white pigeons cried,
"There they go, there they go! No blood on her shoe; The shoe's not too small, The right bride is she after all."
And when they had thus cried, they came flying after and perched on Cinderella's shoulders, one on the right, the other on the left, and so remained.
And when her wedding with the prince was appointed to be held the false sisters came, hoping to curry favour, and to take part in the festivities. So as the bridal procession went to the church, the eldest walked on the right side and the younger on the left, and the pigeons picked out an eye of each of them. And as they returned the elder was on the left side and the younger on the right, and the pigeons picked out the other eye of each of them. And so they were condemned to go blind for the rest of their days because of their wickedness and falsehood.
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luckyshotwrites · 2 years
Ch. 39 // Cravings // Day 25
Contents (Warnings): Back to the old grind, with more problems. (safe soft unwilling vore, near overwhelming hunger, some soft moments, bloody/self harm because of hunger, and as always character/monster info).
Wordcount: 4400+ (Yes a day was skipped, it's added here
(Day 24)
I woke up, curled up on the couch. I sat up and looked down to see Wicks sprawled out on the floor, snoring. 
I didn’t press him to continue his “I’m seeing someone” charade last night. 
I carefully stepped over him. I lifted the blanket I used and put it over him. What kind of secret are you talking about? And why did you start bringing it up more and more now? I didn’t think he’d be in a similar situation to me.
The hurt entered again. I went to make breakfast. 
I’m okay. I said to myself.
I embraced my shallow contentment. I put the griddle on the stove and started to cook our eggs. 
I pulled my phone from my pocket and checked the time. 11:20 a.m. I unlocked it, opened my contacts, and found Happy Pizzeria immediately. I called the number. 
“Hello, Happy Pizzeria. This is Sandra; how can I help you?”
“Hey, Sandra, it’s Lynette.”
“Ah, Lynette, what seems to be the problem?” There was a pause before her regard showed. “Don’t tell me you’re resigning!”
I’m not going through all this for a month just to quit. I thought. “I’m not going to give up.” An unconscious sigh left me, “I’ve been through far too much at this point to call it quits now.” how should I put this? “I was calling because I’m still drained from the event, and I don’t think I can come in today.” I mustered up my enthusiasm. “I will be there first thing tomorrow at 4:30 a.m., though.”
Her chuckle sounded like an exhale, “That’s great to hear, Lynette. See you tomorrow, and rest easy.”
We exchanged goodbyes, and I hung up. I held the phone to my chest, relieved. 
Then, my nose scrunched at the smell of burning. I pulled from the fridge and squeaked out, “the egg!”
I heard Wicks from across the room, “Lentils! What happened!” He frantically ran into the kitchen, the blanket draped over him like a toga. He saw me scraping them off with our wooden spoons. 
He laughed, “thanks for breakfast. It looks great.”
I sulked, “you’re welcome.” 
And later on, Sandra posted in the main chat that I wouldn’t be coming in today. And once the night crew’s shift started, I saw a text pop up in that chat.
Lev: Hey, Lynette, since you called out, does that mean you forfeited your game day?~ 6:02 p.m.
Claudia: 👀 6:02 p.m.
Why would it matter to you, Lev? You’re not even there...I think I did the same last time too. I couldn’t remember, but I wanted to keep consistency. I picked up my phone, thinking about how the days lined up.
Lynette: I do. So it’s Alexander’s day tomorrow, Drake’s Thursday, and yours Friday, Lev. 6:04 p.m.
I tossed my phone down on my bed. It buzzed with their replies. My eyes fell down to it, not breaking my crisscrossed legs. 
Alexander: Good. 6:06 p.m.
Lev: Can’t wait.~ 6:07 p.m.
I teetered sideways, holding my ankles, and flumped into my bed. I held my unbreakable position. 
I viewed the texts until my screen went black. 
One month down, Lynette, with a month of vacation...10 more to go.
(Oct. 10th, Monday) 
I played a familiar game of chase with sleep, and like several times in the past, it eluded me. I took a shower to trick my mind because the lack of light outside told my body it was still time for bed.  
I got ready and walked toward our short hall before we reached the door. I waved my phone flashlight around and stopped. I saw a pink lunch box with a post-it note attached to it.
The last part was really tiny. 
I smiled, plucked it off, got the pen next to the box, and wrote on the back. “I love you too; thank you, Wicks.”
I opened the lunch box, took out the banana, and nodded at the PB&J sandwiches. I sealed it back up and chowed on the banana. 
There were four cars, five including mine. I recognized Alexander’s sleek vehicle. 
Another pulled up next to mine when I got out.
It was June. He leaped up and leaned over the hood. “What are you doing here, Lynette?”
I sighed, holding my empty peel and lunch box. “I’m going to be working with you guys this week.” 
He sputtered with excitement making his way to me. “So cool! I can’t wait to get to know more about you!” 
I liked the warm sliver of happiness. He’s so sweet! I thought to the others during the night shift. Why can’t the others be like this? Huh? Why do I have some of the biggest jerks working with me? 
“Likewise, June, you seem so nice.”
He chortled with a soft snort with it, “thank you.”
Maybe I should change to the morning shift? None of them seemed that bad.
I opened the door for him, and he went ahead. I followed him down the hall, stopping at breakroom one to put my lunch box away. I told him I’d meet him at the time clock. I threw out the peel and placed it on the top shelf next to the stocked water.
Anxiety brushed against me when I looked over the tables. Ten months, it’ll be over before I know it. I picked up my pace. 
I flicked toward the time clock and saw Elliot near the break room. 
His umber irises shifted to me. My right foot slid back.
He blinked slowly, unamused. “I’m going to show you both your tasks while you’re working our shift,” Elliot said.
When he got off the wall and walked to the kitchen, I saw Alexander was next to him. They were the same height.
“Let me scan in first,” I plucked up my badge when we passed it. 
“Hurry, I’m only going over this once.” His drowsy dip was followed by a yawn. 
I ate last night, so why…WHY! He cried in his head as her piquant smell drilled into his nostrils. He couldn’t even look at her because the idea of consuming her absorbed his thoughts. Can I eat her now? I should... He bumped into Elliot, not realizing he had stopped.
“Focus, Alexander,” Elliot said. 
He pressed back his golden locks for a moment, then gave the nod and let it fall. Think of anything else. Like- He struggled to focus on what Elliot said in the main area. 
He luckily put it all together. We're cleaning everything in the customer areas, then after that, I go to the back and…she… He nudged his gaze away. Instead, he stared at the chairs on top of the tables. 
A lot of their supplies were already set out for them by Elliot. 
“Thank you!” She said to him. 
“Welcome.” He gave a thumbs up and eyed Alexander while leaving, but he didn’t say anything to him. 
Alexander watched Lynette get to work. She called the bathrooms as long as he handled the main room. Alexander flipped the chairs back down.
She wasn’t in his direct proxy, but just knowing Lynette was within reach made his body stir. Mara really did curse me, didn’t she? Alexander knew he checked his body after he got home, but since that day, the craving got stronger and stronger, and he didn’t understand why. 
He was fine for the most part during the festival, given the mixture of smells and free food. Yet now, Lynette was the only meal he could indulge in.
He stepped outside and cleaned the glass door. It was a temporary fix until Lynette approached him. 
He stood up quickly. 
Lynette flinched and pointed to the bottle of glass cleaner near him, “can I borrow that for a second. I’ll bring it right back, okay?”
He gave a nod, pressing up his glasses. He refused to speak. She picked it up and swiftly turned around. She hurried off, and his eyes followed her. 
His toes clenched, and he took steps after her, going to give into the chase.
“How’s it going, Alex?” Beatrice said, almost appearing in front of him.
He hadn’t noticed her. It knocked him from his motion, and he traced her glittered-up complexion. 
He forced a swallow before speaking. “Fine.”
Her hand pressed at her gem-red lips, “don’t you want to know how I’m doing?”
Not really. He thought. Alexander knew if he said that, she would make it her mission to ruin his day, and he lacked the tolerance for it. “How are you?”
She pushed back her curly locks with her hand as if she was in a hair commercial, “lovely, thanks.~” She blew him a kiss.
He moved his head up, avoiding her gesture. She’s in a good mood. He hated the minefield he’d tread with her. I’m glad I don’t have to deal with her daily.
She hummed with a fan of her hand and a curious eye, “and before I forget, Elliot wanted you to help out in the kitchen while I help clean up here with Lynette.” 
Her name simply made his hunger return. “Mhm.” He huffed, moving around Beatrice and sneaking a glance at the bathrooms. Why am I so possessed, damn it.
I finished cleaning the bathrooms in time for break. They told me they went to the first break together since the pizzeria opened at 8 a.m. June came and got me. I didn’t notice Beatrice runoff. 
“Elliot and Tila told me you are all on the same punishment,” June said. “I had no idea.”
I yawned, “Yeah... it’s fine.” I looked near the counter as we passed it, “it’s a little off-putting here, though, with the quietness.” 
“Off-putting?” He chuckled after he said, “OH, because you get a lot of customers and have to rush around, right?” He clapped with his hands, “if you want, I can make more noise in the kitchen to make you comfortable!”
I smiled at the gesture, “you’re okay, June. I appreciate it, though, thank you.”
“Anything for a friend.”
My heart skipped a beat. What-he already- ohhh my gosh! He saw me bend forward.
“Oh no, what’s wrong?” June touched my shoulder gently with his hand. He stopped my motion and peeked down to look at my face. 
I lifted my head, and even though he was close, I wasn’t as scared as I was with the others.
“I didn’t expect you to call me friend...” My wide smile quivered. “You’re too sweet.”
June joined the smile club, “That’s good, right? Most monsters say I’m too squishy.” He explained. I wanted to jump in and elaborate. He spoke more, so I couldn’t. “I’ve also never been called sweet before. They say I’m like sour candy, whatever that means.”
“June, no, I meant nice! Not taste-” I looked him up and down. He was a few inches taller than me. “You get eaten by other monsters?”
June nodded, unphased, “sometimes a friend needs it. I don’t really mind.”
They might be taking advantage of this poor boy. How can he still consider them friends after they eat him? Does he not realize he’s too innocent to know!
My thoughts followed the track. I don’t think anyone should see someone else’s insides unless they are a doctor doing surgery. And somehow, I’ve been eaten by everyone on the night crew... I squeamishly shivered. My mind sickly reminded me of it constantly. It brought me a new question after I thought more about what June said. Would I let Wicks eat me if he was a monster?
I remembered the nightmare from a few nights ago, evil Wicks. I told myself. If he absolutely, without a reasonable doubt, NEEDED it. Maybe…but I couldn’t say it with a smile.
I entered break room three with June. “I don’t think I could say the same. It’s too personal?”
“That’s okay! If anyone wants to eat you, send them my way.”
I don’t want to throw you under the bus! I’d feel terrible if I did that. And-its not like I could, Lev and Alexander seem set on humans. Claudia at least doesn’t seem interested in hunting me, Zilla likes monsters, not humans, and Drake…
“Do you have blood?” I asked. 
I wasn’t going to tell Drake to bite him. It was pure curiosity.
“Nope.” He tapped my shoulder, calling my attention. He tugged at the corner of his open lips, showing the inside of his mouth. They were normal, then changed to a baby blue hue. It looked like a solidified slime, except for the drippiness of a more transparent color. “I don’t know if you can see it, but in the back, I’m filled with a liquid that absorbs things’ energy. It’s usually way back there.” He pointed his finger to the back of his throat. “If you want, you can reach for it.”
“NO!” I exclaimed and lowered my voice. “I-I believe you-” I smirked sheepishly. His tongue didn’t move when he spoke, and his mouth was wide open. “How are you talking to me?”
“Telepathy,” he let go of the corner of his mouth, “Tristan taught me to move my mouth when I talk, so humans think I’m talking normally.” He pointed his hand to me and then to himself. “I can make it solely between us, or-” he threw his arms out like he was ready for a hug, “all around me. I usually do it in a small radius to seem normal.”
I hadn’t even noticed. Slimes sound like one of the most complicated monsters I’ve met. And-do they have organs? Like a brain? How is he piloted? Is he-
“Hey there, honeys ~” Beatrice buzzed.
We arrived next to her and Tila’s table.
“Hey, guys!”
“Hi.” I gave a wave. I sat down.
Tila squinted at Beatrice but nonetheless said hello to us.
“I never noticed you used telepathy, so your lip-syncing is very accurate,” I told him. Then again, I never spoke to him until we met at the festival. 
“I appreciate an admiring eye, Tila, or is that your attempt at disdain?”
Tila papped her hands on the table. “You can’t sit here and tell me I’m the weakest working here!”
Beatrice held delight, “I said there’s no way you could win against me.”
“Beast variations aren’t that strong.”
Her pupils shrank, and she showed off a mean pucker at her lips. “If you believe fairies are superior ones, you’re delusional.” Beatrice raised her palm. “you’re all tiny and could easily be squished.” She clenched her fist as if she had one. 
Tila climbed a bit on the table, “you’re conceded, Beatrice. A fairy could take down any foe!”
Beatrice chuckled, “I heard you lost to Claudia during the magic competition..”
June finally popped in with a question, “where’s Elliot and Alexander?”
The two looked at him, and both answered.
They squinted at each other again. Should I try to make sure they don’t start anything? June looks unphased. Is this normal for them?
“How did you guys start working here?” I blurted out in a desperate attempt to stop their fight.
Tila craned her head very slightly, perplexed by my sudden question. While Beatrice flipped her whole body in my direction. Her priority landed on me.
“Zane invited me~.” She pressed at her chest, giving a slight kiss. “And before this, I used to work at a test facility for the giver program.”
“What made you leave?” I asked.
“I wanted to do something different,” Beatrice’s voice wavered. “Though, I still have a few fans lingering about that miss me eating them.
Why don’t they hire a giver? I looked toward the break room door, waiting for Alexander to pop up behind me. Everyone always had the uncanny ability to surprise me. 
“You guys never tried hiring a giver?”
Beatrice exhaled, “we’ve tried, but the giver facility plan has better benefits.”
Really?! I thought to myself. Then scrapped the idea, remembering what it was all about. Is it different from my job now? But I can avoid it to an extent...kinda...not... my head started to fill with dread.
I looked up at Tila, “how about you?”
“Sandra asked me about the job, and I thought it’d be a great way for me to leave the borrow,” Tila replied.
Beatrice smiled and leaned forward, “do you still have your dirt collection on you?”
The mockery in her voice didn’t sell well to the lime green-haired girl. “You’re walking on a beam, Beatrice.”
“Good thing I have excellent balance,” She teased.
Luckily before a fight could result, their breaks were both over. I waited for them to leave before talking.
“Are they always like that?”
“I don’t think they like each other very much.”
“I got the same vibe.” It seemed like Alexander got mad at everyone on my crew, but the others didn’t get peeved.
Beatrice and I finished cleaning. She didn’t say much to me, focusing on using magic with her tasks.
She was doing delivery today, so she would be heading out shortly. 
I got to the registers next to Tila, yawning with my wave. I can’t get sleepy yet, come on, I still have the rest of this shift and the next. 
“You look tired.”
I chuckled, “I didn’t sleep too well last night. Did you sleep okay?”
“Huh?” She tilted her head and giggled, “what do you mean?”
“How was your sleep?” I repeated a little louder. 
She pointed at herself, “I don’t sleep.”
“You don’t?”
She held her head up, mighty-like. “I keep forgetting you’re a human, uneducated regarding us monsters, huh?.” 
Up until working here, I didn’t know monsters existed! I exclaimed in my head. I’d probably fail a monsterology class the same as anything science related. 
“Sorry,” I muttered. “So fairies don’t have to sleep?”
She bobbed her head like she followed a rhythmic beat. “Fairies make up for their energy loss by eating a lot of food. That’s it..” 
Didn’t they mention she’s super small too? Oh, like those fairies in that small Cafe, I went to with Wenna and Drake.
“Are you tiny too?”
Tila raised a finger at me, “don’t think I won’t get you, too, human.” She had the same energy as an old lady mad that I stepped on her lawn.
I tapped my chest, “I didn’t mean to be rude. I was short too once, even smaller than you fairies after that potion Claudia gave me.”
Her scowl faded once she heard Claudia’s name, “Claudia?”
Tila leaned on the counter and tapped it, “never trust a Fae, Lynette. They’re all very dastardly and cunning.” 
Dastardly maybe? But cunning? No way, she seems innocently silly. Unless it is all an act? I retraced back to the shop. I’d call her sad if what she said about her family was true. Wait… OH No. Hopefully, she forgot our bet. 
“I’ll keep that in mind,” I looked over the height distance. I liked to be taller than someone. “Any other warnings about you guys?”
Tila tapped her head. “You’re smart for the asking.” She pointed to the kitchen. “First, don’t wake up Elliot during his naps. He gets really grumpy.” She grumbled next, “Beatrice is tough to work with.” She shrugged, “Then June’s a sweetheart, too sweet, and Zane…he gives me some weird vibes, but he’s been fine so far.”
I thanked her for her explanations, keeping Elliot and Beatrice in mind. 
We were splitting into two groups for lunch since the pizzeria opened at 8 and lunch started at 8:30. By this time, Edgar had arrived. 
He gave Alexander and me a cheerful, good morning. I was relieved to see his smiling face over the serious one on Saturday.
They sent me to the early group with Beatrice and Elliot. 
I sat on the couch, eating my lunch. The only one I have to worry about is Alexander right now, so as long as I eat and stay on my toes, I can avoid him. 
Beatrice cooed across the room as she entered, “hey, how are you, hun?”
“Good, how are you?” I asked.
She came around with a joyful smile, “I’m fairly disappointed,” she gave a loud "harrumph" as she plopped down next to me, “but fine…~.” 
She sighed heavily. 
"What's wrong?" I took another bite of my sandwich. 
“Nothing..." She then pressed her shoulder to mine, "and I’m so sorry about the festival. I wanted to go to Sweet’s party with you, but I couldn't ignore those other treats.~”
"I-it's okay. I got those turtles. They were excellent. Thanks for the recommendation." I wanted to talk about actual food instead of people. 
“Speaking of excellent things...” She put her head on my shoulder. “The new hirer I invited won’t be here until Friday.” She hummed, “so, do you mind doing the honors and helping me?”
“Helping you-?” I denied her. "N-no. Sorry, I don’t-” I scooted away. “I don’t like or want to be eaten, Beatrice.”
Her happy grin twisted. It sharpened as finely as her honeyed eyes. 
She stood up from the couch, bursting with an unsettling giggle.
“You’re a hilarious little human.” Her case ruptured, revealing the fluffed-up and slender bee-like humanoid. I didn't have time to get off the couch. She tipped the sofa over so it was balancing on the back legs. She had a hand on the lower half and the back piece. It made me stare right up at her and her encroaching face. 
"It's funny that you thought I was giving you a choice." 
I tried to crawl upward, "then why ask it like I did-" her open maw dripped its sticky saliva all over me. It bonded some of my clothes to the fabric. I tried to kick off the couch. 
Her long thin black tongue sprung out, rubbing against my frantically moving arms. 
"This is gross, stop!" I shouted. 
"Such disgusting nerve from something so puny." She hissed.
Her tongue yanked up my arm toward her mouth. It caught me between her lips. And her tongue slipped out again, wrapping under my back and pulling all of my body to her. It squeezed almost too tight, enough to make me wheeze. 
Not that I had much time to think as she brought me into her bright sunflower yellow insides. 
And whatever was inside her mouth made it, so I lost my mobility. It was like dried gum but still as wet. 
What is this? I tried to keep my head away from it, but it coated my eyes, so I couldn't open them. 
I felt her grab my legs and press the rest of me at her throat. I couldn't yell as whatever it was, cocooned me. And I knew she swallowed. I felt the familiar vibrations and tightness surround my body.
I couldn't even say anything as my breathing felt hindered by whatever was over me. Until I reached her first stomach. Having more room, I fought harder and broke from the cocoon, getting blasted by heat. I hadn't even noticed the cocoon was not nearly as warm as the average saliva. 
The illuminated, hollowed, reverberating insides made me whine. The little bit of space I had compared to Alexander's interiors gave me no comfort. 
And unlike theirs, I heard her moan. “OH~ You were so sweet, hun.~ Thanks for the meal.”
She pressed the wall in front of me, at least as far as I could tell, because of its sudden push to my face. 
"How else are you going to know I enjoyed your contribution, hmm?” 
I pushed at her gut as it rubbed at me, "DON'T! YOU-I'M SORRY I CALLED YOU GROSS. YOU'RE NOT, PLEASE-release me-" 
A tease entered my ears, "never~."
He expected less. He avoided eating her earlier because he didn't know if Edgar would be pissed or not that he'd technically be helping her avoid some of their punishment. You're kidding me. The room he saw Lynette's name also had Beatrice's and the queen bee herself in her monster form.
He went over to her, a possession in his gaze. 
“Hey, Alex~.”
He studied her unmoving gut, then her. He wasn't as threatening to most monsters in his human form. 
Alexander grit his teeth, and Beatrice gestured to her abdomen, “what’s the matter, you look jealous?” she chuckled, ���I’m sorry, you wanted her, didn’t you?”
“You're an asshole for eating her.”
Beatrice's lip raised with a snarl, "don't talk to me with such disrespect, half-breed." 
I should rip her from her body right now. Alexander thought.
"Let her go."
Beatrice leaned back, smiling again. She massaged her fingers into it, “at the end of my shift, sure~.” 
He clutched his fists and then exhaled with a rapid breath. “You-” He couldn’t focus and felt a skittishness in his body. I should be the one- He caught his thoughts.  
Alexander turned back, feeling his mouth ache. He stumbled out of the break room, catching himself on the walls once he got to the hall. He panted erratically as he kept his body from changing. 
He stumbled toward the kitchen, holding his collar and pulling at it as he felt he couldn't breathe.
“Ed-Edgar.” He called. 
The man who spun the dough looked up with a big grin. Then, his expression changed when he saw Alexander's state.
“What’s going on, son?” He placed the dough down, searching over him.
“I’ll do two weeks. I-I have to leave.” He begged. 
He couldn’t get Lynette out of his mind. “I have to get checked out.” 
Edgar held a fatherly expression when he heard the desperation. “Fine. Leave for today. Just work tomorrow or Wednesday instead.” 
Alexander nodded, shakily leaving to scan out. He had to force himself past the breakrooms. His nose keenly picked up on her scent once more. 
He got to his car and put his hand on the roof. He fumbled for his keys and felt at the dent he never got rid of that day. 
It sent him spiraling down, and he turned back to go to the pizzeria. 
He yelled out and forced his arm up.
 He sliced into it with his large fangs that barely fit in his jaw. The pain made a muffled whine from beyond his own disgusting flesh. The mixture of iron and raw gooey meat would make him hurl if the contents of his stomach weren't empty. 
It let him gain control again. He released his arm, and a giant gnawed gash left, dripping down in quick pitters of his own blood. 
He held his eyes shut. The light from him using his magic peeled past them as the wound healed. Once it was, and it had stopped bleeding, he leaned over his car again. 
Dry heaving before eventually settling enough for him to drive to the nearest medical office for monsters.
Thank you for reading! :D Have a gouda day! (Nonnegotiable, if you're lactose intolerant, you're about to be in a lot of pain, sorry, not sorry. Lol).
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thegians42 · 7 days
Customer Favorites: Top Dishes to Order from Gian's Indian Cuisine Online
Are you craving the rich and aromatic flavors of Indian cuisine but don't have the time to dine out? We've got you covered! At Gian's Indian Cuisine, we offer a delectable array of dishes that you can enjoy from the comfort of your home. Whether you're searching for Indian takeaway delivery near me Abbotsford or simply want to indulge in Indian food takeout, our extensive menu has something for everyone. Let's dive into some of our customer favorites that you can easily order online.
Are you craving delicious Indian food but don’t feel like leaving the comfort of your home? At Gian’s Indian Cuisine, we bring the flavors of India straight to your doorstep. With our wide selection of mouth-watering dishes, you can experience an authentic Indian feast without any hassle. Here are some of our customer favorites that you can order online from Gian’s Indian Cuisine.
To kick off your meal, our starters are full of spicy and succulent delights that will tantalize your taste buds. Our tikkas are marinated to perfection, offering a smoky, flavorful bite. For those who love a bit of crunch, our pakodas and chaats are crispy and packed with a blend of spices. These starters are perfectly complemented by our refreshing and tangy chutneys, making them an irresistible choice.
One of our top starters is the Chicken Tikka, a dish where tender pieces of chicken are marinated in a mix of spices and yogurt, then grilled to perfection. Another crowd-pleaser is the Vegetable Pakoda, a crunchy treat made with various vegetables dipped in a spiced gram flour batter and deep-fried. These dishes are not only delicious but also set the stage for the rest of your meal.
No Indian feast is complete without the perfect sides. At Gian’s Indian Cuisine, we offer a variety of sides that enhance your dining experience. Our rice, dhal, bhajis, saag aloo, and naan are the ideal accompaniments to any main course.
The Dhal Tadka is a popular side dish, made from yellow lentils cooked with onions, tomatoes, and a mix of spices. It’s hearty, flavorful, and pairs wonderfully with our fluffy basmati rice. Our Naan, freshly baked in the tandoor, is soft and perfect for scooping up every last bit of curry on your plate. These sides are essential to create a balanced and satisfying meal.
Vegetarian Entrées
Our vegetarian entrées are chock full of flavor, proving that meatless meals can be just as satisfying. At Gian’s Indian Cuisine, we have a variety of vegetarian dishes that are a hit with our customers.
The Paneer Butter Masala is a rich and creamy curry made with soft cubes of paneer (Indian cottage cheese) cooked in a tomato-based sauce with butter and spices. It’s a comforting dish that’s perfect for those who love creamy, tangy flavors. Another favorite is the Baingan Bharta, a smoky eggplant dish cooked with tomatoes, onions, and spices. This dish is not only flavorful but also has a unique texture that makes it stand out.
For those who love lentils, our Dhal Makhani is a must-try. It’s a creamy and flavorful dish made with black lentils and kidney beans, simmered in a rich tomato-based sauce with butter and cream. These vegetarian dishes are hearty and delicious, making them perfect for any meal.
Non-Vegetarian Entrées
Indian non-vegetarian curries are simply in a class apart. Their rich and spicy flavor along with luscious texture is popular around the world. At Gian’s Indian Cuisine, our non-vegetarian dishes are crafted to perfection, making them a favorite among our customers.
The Butter Chicken is a classic choice, with tender chicken pieces cooked in a creamy tomato-based sauce with butter and a blend of spices. This dish is rich, flavorful, and perfect for those who love a bit of indulgence. Another popular choice is the Lamb Rogan Josh, a dish made with tender lamb cooked in a flavorful sauce of tomatoes, onions, and aromatic spices. The meat is cooked until it’s melt-in-your-mouth tender, making it a hit with meat lovers.
For seafood enthusiasts, our Prawn Curry is a top pick. The prawns are cooked in a tangy and spicy sauce, with a blend of coconut milk and spices that create a rich and delicious dish. These non-vegetarian entrées are perfect for those who want to enjoy a hearty and flavorful meal.
Tandoori Flavors
Our tandoori dishes are absolutely juicy and flavorful, with spices that are rich in flavor. At Gian’s Indian Cuisine, our tandoori dishes are cooked to perfection in a traditional clay oven, giving them a unique and smoky flavor.
The Tandoori Chicken is a popular choice, with chicken marinated in yogurt and spices, then grilled in the tandoor until it’s tender and flavorful. Another favorite is the Paneer Tikka, where cubes of paneer are marinated in spices and grilled to perfection. These dishes are not only delicious but also healthy, making them a great choice for any meal.
Breads From The Tandoor
No Indian meal is complete without the perfect bread. At Gian’s Indian Cuisine, our breads are freshly baked in the tandoor, ensuring they are fresh and soft, handcrafted perfectly to give you a taste experience.
The Garlic Naan is a popular choice, with its soft texture and rich garlic flavor. Another favorite is the Cheese Naan, a stuffed naan with a gooey and delicious cheese filling. These breads are perfect for scooping up your favorite curry or enjoying on their own.
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So, the next time you’re looking for Indian takeaway delivery near me Abbotsford, remember that Gian’s Indian Cuisine is just a click away. Order online and enjoy a feast of flavors in the comfort of your home. From starters to sides, vegetarian and non-vegetarian entrées, tandoori flavors, and freshly baked breads, we have everything you need for a perfect meal.
For More:- www.giansgroup.ca/gians-express
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frank-furters · 4 months
Why Are Gourmet Hot Dogs Becoming a Go-To Choice
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For decades, the humble hot dog has been a staple of summer barbecues and baseball games. But lately, something interesting has been happening: the hot dog is getting a gourmet makeover. Gone are the days of limp franks on squishy buns. Today's hot dog scene is bursting with flavor, featuring premium ingredients, creative toppings, and artisanal buns.
This begs the question: why are gourmet hot dogs becoming a go-to choice for so many? Let's explore the reasons behind this delicious trend.
A Familiar Favorite, Elevated
People love hot dogs. They're a nostalgic reminder of childhood summers and backyard gatherings. But sometimes, we crave something a little more exciting than the standard ketchup-mustard combo. Gourmet hot dogs offer that perfect blend of familiarity and innovation. You still get the handheld convenience and playful spirit of a hot dog, but with an explosion of flavor that elevates the experience.
Premium Ingredients Make a Difference
At the heart of the gourmet hot dog revolution lies a focus on quality ingredients. Frankfurters are made with higher-grade meats, like all-natural, grass-fed beef, or exotic options like duck or lamb. Artisan bakers are crafting delicious buns, using everything from pretzel dough to brioche.
A Culinary Canvas for Flavor Exploration
Gone are the days of limiting yourself to ketchup and mustard. Gourmet hot dogs are a canvas for culinary creativity. Toppings can range from classic Chicago-style relish to caramelized onions and goat cheese. You might find options with kimchi, sriracha mayo, or even truffle aioli.
This explosion of flavor combinations allows you to explore different cuisines and taste profiles all wrapped in a delicious hot dog. Whether you're craving a taste of the Mediterranean with sun-dried tomatoes and feta cheese, or a spicy kick with jalapenos and chipotle mayo, there's a gourmet hot dog waiting to tantalize your taste buds.
Beyond the Beef: Embracing Variety
The world of gourmet hot dogs isn't just for meat lovers. Vegetarian and vegan options are increasingly popular, featuring plant-based sausages made from lentils, black beans, or even jackfruit. These options are packed with flavor and protein, making them a delicious and satisfying choice for everyone.
A Fun and Social Experience
Food trucks and dedicated gourmet hot dog restaurants are popping up all over. These establishments offer a vibrant and social dining experience, perfect for a casual lunch date with friends or a fun family outing.
Frank and Furter's: Where Gourmet Hot Dogs Come to Life
At Frank and Furter's, we're passionate about gourmet hot dogs. We use only the finest ingredients, from all-natural sausages made with unique flavor combinations to gourmet buns baked fresh daily. We offer a wide variety of toppings to create your perfect hot dog masterpiece, or you can choose from our signature creations, each designed to tantalize your taste buds.
Finding Your Perfect Gourmet Hot Dog
If you're looking to explore the world of gourmet hot dogs, there are a few things to keep in mind.
Search online for "Gourmet Hot Dogs near me" to find restaurants specializing in gourmet hot dogs.
Look for a diverse menu with a variety of sausages, toppings, and buns to customize your hot dog or choose from exciting pre-designed options.
Don't be afraid to experiment! Gourmet hot dogs are all about exploring new flavor combinations.
So, ditch the standard hot dog and embark on a delicious culinary adventure. With their premium ingredients, creative toppings, and endless flavor possibilities, gourmet hot dogs are sure to become your new go-to choice for a satisfying and exciting meal.
Come visit us at Frank and Furter's and experience the gourmet hot dog revolution for yourself! We guarantee you won't be disappointed.
Know more https://frank-furters.com/blog/why-gourmet-hot-dogs-popular/
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chutneyindian · 1 year
Taste Of India In Pattaya: 10 Must-Try Traditional Indian Dishes
Are you ready to embark on a culinary journey to India without leaving Pattaya? Indian cuisine is renowned for its bold flavors, aromatic spices, and a wide range of mouthwatering dishes. Whether you're a vegetarian or a meat lover, Indian cuisine has something to tantalize your taste buds. In this blog post, we'll introduce you to the ten traditional Indian dishes that you absolutely must try.
10 Delectable Indian Dishes to Explore
At Chutney Indian Restaurant, we take immense pride in offering a diverse range of traditional Indian dishes that will transport your palate to the vibrant streets of India. Here are the top 10 dishes that you simply cannot miss when dining at our restaurant:
Biryani: We begin with the crown jewel of Indian cuisine – Biryani. This fragrant rice dish is a symphony of spices, meat or vegetables, and is often served with cooling raita. At Chutney Indian, we craft our Biryani with tender, succulent meat and fragrant Basmati rice, ensuring every bite bursts with flavor.
Butter Chicken: A global favorite, Butter Chicken is a creamy tomato-based delight featuring tender chicken pieces. It's often accompanied by rice or naan bread and is a perfect introduction to the world of Indian flavors. Chutney Indian is renowned for serving an unforgettable Butter Chicken.
Paani Puri: Paani Puri, a beloved category of Indian street food, offers a medley of crispy hollow puris filled with spicy and tangy flavored water, along with a mixture of potatoes and chickpeas. It's a delightful explosion of flavors in every bite.
Dosa: A South Indian specialty, Dosa is a savory pancake made from a fermented batter of rice and lentils (urad dal). It's typically served with Sambar (a lentil-based vegetable soup) and coconut chutney. If you're keen to savor authentic South Indian cuisine, Chutney Indian is the place to be.
Mutter Paneer: This vegetarian delight features peas and paneer (cottage cheese) in a rich, creamy tomato-based gravy. A North Indian favorite, Mutter Paneer is often paired with naan bread or rice, making it a must-try for vegetarians.
Naan: Soft and fluffy, Naan is an Indian bread baked in a clay oven (tandoor). It's the perfect accompaniment to Indian curries, designed to soak up every drop of delicious sauce.
Daal Makhani: Daal Makhani is a luscious, slow-cooked black lentil dish simmered in a rich tomato and cream sauce. It's a soulful and hearty Indian classic, perfect for pairing with naan or rice.
Tandoori Chicken: Marinated in yogurt and spices, Tandoori Chicken is cooked in a tandoor oven, resulting in tender, smoky, and flavorful chicken. Enjoy it with naan bread or rice for a memorable meal.
Rogan Josh: Hailing from the Kashmir region, Rogan Josh is a lamb-based curry bursting with aromatic spices, yogurt, and tomato paste. The slow-cooked lamb is succulent and rich in flavor, making it a must-try for meat enthusiasts.
Paratha: Paratha is a flaky, buttery Indian flatbread that's perfect for scooping up curries or enjoying with yogurt and pickles. It's a versatile and satisfying addition to any Indian meal.
Chutney Indian: Your Gateway to Authentic Indian Flavors in Pattaya
Whether you're craving the aromatic Biryani, the spicy allure of Paani Puri, or the creamy comfort of Butter Chicken, Chutney Indian Restaurant has got you covered. Located conveniently in Pattaya, finding the best Indian restaurant in town is a breeze. Just search for "Indian food near me" or inquire about the top Indian restaurant in Pattaya, and you'll discover Chutney Indian Restaurant at the forefront.
So, come and visit us today to experience the diverse and vibrant flavors of India. We promise you won't be disappointed. Your taste buds are in for a delightful journey!
Experience Now: Best Indian Restaurant in Pattaya I Chutney Indian
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sukhmanifoods1 · 1 year
Experience the Authenticity of Indian Homemade Food with Indian Tiffin Services
 If you're a fan of Indian cuisine, you understand the unparalleled delight of savoring the taste and aroma of genuine Indian homemade food. Whether you're an Indian living abroad yearning for a taste of home or an adventurous food lover looking to explore new flavors, you now have the opportunity to relish the finest Indian homemade food, all thanks to Indian tiffin services.
In this blog post, we'll delve into the realm of delectable Indian homemade food options that you must try while in the US, and discover how Indian tiffin services can bring these culinary treasures right to your doorstep.
What is an Indian Tiffin Service?
An Indian tiffin service is a convenient meal delivery service that brings homemade Indian food directly to you. Particularly favored by Indian expatriates who crave the comfort of home-cooked meals but lack the time or resources to prepare them, Indian tiffin services enable you to enjoy authentic Indian cuisine without leaving the comfort of your home.
Must-Try Indian Homemade Food in the US
1. Butter Chicken: This renowned North Indian dish features succulent chicken pieces in a creamy tomato-based gravy. It pairs exceptionally well with naan or rice, making it a must-try for any Indian food enthusiast.
2. Chole Bhature: Originating from Punjab, this hearty dish consists of spicy chickpeas served alongside fried bread. It's a satisfying meal suitable for breakfast or lunch.
3. Dal Makhani: A staple in many North Indian households, this rich and creamy lentil dish is crafted with black lentils, kidney beans, cream, and butter. It is traditionally enjoyed with rice or naan.
4. Aloo Gobi: A flavorful vegetarian dish prepared with potatoes and cauliflower, cooked with aromatic Indian spices. It's a quick and delightful option for lunch or dinner.
5. Samosas: These popular Indian snacks boast a crispy pastry shell filled with spiced vegetables or meat. Perfect as a snack or appetizer, they're sure to impress your guests.
Indulge in Indian Homemade Food with Indian Tiffin Services
Indian tiffin services offer a convenient and affordable way to relish the authentic flavors of Indian homemade food in the comfort of your own home. These services typically provide various meal plans to accommodate different dietary requirements and preferences.
Finding an Indian tiffin service near you is easy; simply search for "Indian tiffin near me" or "Indian tiffin delivery" online. Many of these services even offer catering options for events and parties, making it effortless to treat your guests to delicious Indian cuisine.
When selecting an Indian tiffin service, take the time to read reviews and peruse their menu to ensure they offer the dishes you desire. Additionally, don't hesitate to seek recommendations from friends and family who have previously enjoyed these services.
In conclusion, the rich flavors and spices of Indian homemade food are a culinary treasure that everyone should experience. With Indian tiffin services, you can savor these delicacies without spending hours in the kitchen. So why not embark on a delightful journey of Indian cuisine today and indulge in some mouthwatering dishes!
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egg-dosa · 1 year
Authentic South Indian Food in Edmonton: A Taste of Tradition
Edmonton is a city with a diverse food scene that offers cuisines from around the world. One of the lesser-known but incredibly delicious options is authentic South Indian food. With its unique blend of spices and flavors, South Indian cuisine has a distinctive taste that is sure to tantalize your taste buds. In this article, we will explore the best South Indian restaurants in Edmonton and what makes their food so special.
South Indian cuisine is known for its use of spices, particularly black pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, and turmeric. These spices are used to create complex flavors that are balanced with the use of coconut, tamarind, and curry leaves. The result is a cuisine that is both flavorful and healthy, with many vegetarian and vegan options available.
One of the best South Indian restaurants in Edmonton is Taste blends. This restaurant offers a wide variety of dosas, which are thin, crispy crepes made from rice and lentil flour. They are typically served with a filling of spiced potatoes, onions, and curry leaves, and are often accompanied by chutneys and sambar, a lentil-based vegetable stew. Taste Blends also offers other South Indian favorites such as uttapam, which is a thick pancake made from fermented rice and lentil batter, and idli, which are steamed rice and lentil cakes.
If you're looking for a more upscale South Indian dining experience, look no further than Taste Blends. This restaurant offers a modern take on traditional South Indian cuisine, with dishes such as grilled lamb chops marinated in spices and served with a mango chutney, and shrimp masala cooked in a spicy tomato sauce. Taste Blends  also offers a variety of dosas and other South Indian specialties. Looking for  South Indian restaurant near me as well as a range of vegetarian and vegan options, Taste Blens is the good choice.
In conclusion, South Indian cuisine offers a unique and flavorful dining experience that is worth exploring. Whether you're a vegetarian, vegan, or meat-eater, there are plenty of options available in Edmonton to satisfy your taste buds. From crispy dosas to spicy curries, there's something for everyone. So why not try something new and discover the delicious world of South Indian food?
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subikshafoods · 2 years
Are You Ready To Discover The Top 5 Reasons Idly Is Excellent For Weight Loss?
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Let’s talk about the advantages of idly for your health as well as the advantages of buying Idly Dosa Mavu near me madurai.
Idly is a common dish in Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and other southern Indian states. urad dal and rice are used to make idly (split black gram). First, the batter is steamed in an idly stand, which is a round vessel. It is typically served with sambar or coconut chutney.
Idly is a convenient, scrumptious, and healthy breakfast choice for people on the go. It can be made ahead of time, kept chilled for two to three days, and then eaten as needed.
The idly dosa maavu is ideal for losing weight for the following 5 reasons:
One of the easiest things to digest is the idly.
Rice and lentils are used to make the traditional Indian meal known as idli. It is typically served with chutney and sambar. The texture of an idly is softer than that of other dosa kinds.
Idly has little calories, making it healthy for you.
The number of calories in a food is one of the most crucial factors to take into account. Idly is a dish prepared with rice and lentils that is incredibly healthy. It has little calories, making it ideal for anyone trying to live a healthy lifestyle.
Idly is high in fibre, which is crucial for our bodies. Idly is a popular cuisine in India that has several health advantages. Steamed rice is used to make these rice cakes, which are then boiled, hulled, and formed into discs. Even though idli can be eaten at any time of the day, most people like to have it for breakfast with chutney or lentils.
Idly can manage your carbohydrate intake to help you lose weight.
We are all aware that a significant issue facing the globe today is obesity, which is primarily caused by the abundance of carbs in our diets. You may easily control your diet with the help of the greatest instant foods from Subiksha Foods and Idly, which will enable you to lose weight quickly. This Idly Dosa Mavu near me madurai is quite simple to make.
Find us inside Subiksha Foods at No 110 A, Bypass Road, Bethaniyapuram, Opp Babu Sharkar Marriage Mahal, Madurai — 625016, or call us at +91 80567 44906 you will be able to browse our website at https://subikshafoods.in/ for details.
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housekeepinginfo · 1 month
Top 8 Vegetarian Meals Easy For Weight Loss
Choosing a plant-based diet is a great way to lose weight. These meals are full of veggies, grains, and proteins. They are tasty and healthy. Vegetarian diets can lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Plus, they are effective for losing weight.
We've picked the best meat-free meals for you. They are both tasty and nutritious. Each meal has fewer than 500 calories and more than 6 grams of fiber. This can help you feel full and aid in weight loss.
Try the Creamy Gnocchi with Kale and Mushrooms, the Butternut Squash and Black Bean Enchiladas, or the Red Lentil Soup with Saffron. These vegetable-based meals are delicious and help with weight loss. Enjoy these easy-to-prepare vegetarian recipes and the benefits of a plant-based diet.
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Yesterday and today were days 7 and 8 of my #75hardchallenge. I took pics both days, but I forgot to take a photo of the beautiful meal I had with a friend yesterday at a Tex-Mex restaurant near my apartment. I had a grilled veggie taco (no sour cream or cheese) a side of black beans and rice, and we split chips and salsa and a side of plantains. I'm super bummed that I didn't get a picture but I guess I just need to go back and get it again. Today I skated outside and yesterday my outdoor workout was a walk to the aforementioned restaurant and back. Today my food was boring, last of the lentils and rice, a pb&j and a Beyond burger with some crinkle fries. I was going to weigh myself yesterday but didn't get a chance so I just did it about an hour ago. I have gained two pounds since last Sunday. Weight loss is not necessarily my goal, and my right hip has been bothering me quite a bit for the past couple of months. Part of it is because of my weight (it's about 10-15 pounds more than normal) and I also think I overstretched it, by demonstrating a pretty intense pose in one of my classes that I wasn't fully prepared for. Part of me wants to give up but I know I would be disappointed if I did. Hence the lack of real intensity in my workouts. I've also not been skating as much lately because my income has definitely not kept up with inflation...well, maybe it has and I had been spending it on margaritas. I tend to eat my feelings at night and maybe should add intermittent fasting to the mix. Overall though, the increased water intake is making me feel more satisfied with my diet and I don't get hangry like I used to. My indoor workouts were both yoga classes but different styles and I skated indoors tonight for about an hour and a half as well.
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I'm feeling sentimental lately because of the holidays. And because I don't really have any family at the moment I would like to share with you, my beautiful tumblr followers, something very near and dear to my heart: my family chili recipe. I believe love should be given freely, and since food is the most purest expression of love I know, I want you all to have this recipe and I hope you think of me if you decide to use it and you like it. It's perfect for a cold day where you need some warm food, and its not very expensive to make at all.
Gwenivere's Family Chili Recipe
1 lb ground beef
1 whole yellow onion
2 16oz cans of red kidney beans
1 16oz can of crushed tomatos
1 8oz can of tomato sauce
For the spice mix:
4 tsp chili powder
1/2 tbsp onion powder
1/2 tbsp garlic powder
1 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp smoked paprika
1/4 tsp cracked black peppercorn
1 whole dried ancho chile*
2-3 dried chile de arbol* (more if you want it really spicy)
*(these are dried chiles you can get at most latin grocery stores. If you can't find one of those, order them online. Or if you prefer, experiment with whatever dried chiles you have. If you cant get ANY dried chiles, just substitute them all for about 1 tbsp of red cayenne powder)
Put your favorite soup pot on medium-high heat and warm about a tbsp of olive oil. Dice your onion as fine as you prefer and cook it down until translucent, about 5-7 minutes.
Finely chop your dried chiles if using them, and throw them and your spice powder mix into the onions. Mix thoroughly and let the spices warm up until they're nice and fragrant, 1-2 minutes.
Add the ground beef to the pot and stir it while breaking it up, making sure to fully brown it and mix it into the spices and onions, about 10 minutes.
WITHOUT DRAINING THEM: add your full cans of beans including the bean liquid, tomatos, and tomato sauce to the pot. Stir it well to combine and turn the heat up to high until the mixture starts to boil.
Once boiling, cover with a pot lid and turn the heat down to medium - medium low to simmer for at least 45 minutes. This is to ensure all the flavors come together and deepen, you are free to cook it longer, but no more than like 2 hours.
Add some salt to your taste when it's done simmering, id say a couple good pinches. It's now ready to serve! I like to top mine with some shredded cheddar, sour cream, and a traditional handful of crushed saltine crackers.
A note for vegans:
This can be made fully vegan by simply replacing or omitting the ground beef. I would suggest adding in something flavorful with the same texture, like plant based beef, but a hearty sprinkle of msg will probably be just as good if you cant get that. You're also free to add more beans or some lentils instead as a substitute.
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Some Sugar
5. it’s just manners to pretend
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pairing: sugar daddy!steve rogers x reader characters: reader, steve rogers, others word count: 7k+ warnings: fluff, dom!steve?, mild smut, 18+ situations, exhibition kink?, dirty talk summary: everything has been perfect for you and Steve; on the night of gala things get a little steamy, but the bliss doesn’t last as long as you had hoped. a/n: yikes. It’s been half a year since I’ve updated and i apologize. 2020 hasn’t been the kindest to me or my family and I’m still reeling from everything that happened and is happening. i hope you guys enjoy this chapter and I’m sorry for any mistakes, will be revising it again soon just to make sure I got all of them out of the way! warning: there is mild smut near the end!
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Esmeralda watches you from her place on the sofa, the remote in her hand jiggling and occasionally hitting her lips. It’s unnerving how intensely she’s staring at you.
Lifting your eyes momentarily from the daal you’re preparing for your mom, you ask, “What?”
“Nothing,” she says with a shrug, a little smile on her face.
You taste the tomato and the seasoning, finding it blander than you usually make it, but it’ll be perfect for your mom’s current taste-buds. “I know that look and that look doesn’t mean nothing.”
She sits up and makes her way over to you. “It’s just—I’m happy.”
You glance up at her and find her standing behind you. “Yeah?”
Her arms wrap around you and she nods into your back. “Having you and mom home, having a new place, it’s surreal.”
You exhale softly, the warm spices and the vegetables lingering in your nostrils as you maneuver Esmeralda to your side instead of having her cling to your back. “I know what you mean.”
“I hope it lasts.”
“It will.” You squeeze her, pressing a kiss to the top of her curls. “I promise it will.”
“I believe you.” She looks up at you, eyes narrowing, pout forming. “Just promise you won’t do anything stupid to keep it.”
You grin toothily, making another promise that she accepts by digging deeper into your side.
The sounds of the kitchen fill the air, Esmeralda sticking to your side, never leaving it even when you need to drain the lentils.
Your mom pads into the kitchen and upon seeing you two, she also presses herself against your other side; the three of you laugh and argue as they try to steal bites before you can even add the lemon juice into the dish. 
It’s normalcy; a normalcy you haven’t been able to experience in such a long time. And you wouldn’t let anyone take that away from you, not anymore.
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“Are you sure you can be out here?” you ask Steve, keeping a, what you hope is inconspicuous, eye out as the escalator takes you downward onto the second floor. 
The mall is full of people shopping and taking advantage of the current sales, something you were also hoping to take advantage of, but now with Steve’s hand in yours, his warmth pressed to your side, you’re not sure it was such a good idea.
“We’ll be fine, sweetheart,” he promises softly into your ear, leaning down to press a kiss to the tip of it. 
You look up at him and he smiles down at you, beautiful blue eyes still obstructed by stupid sunglasses. “We check out one store and then we leave okay?”
The corner of his pretty pink lips pull down into frown. “Don’t you want to take your time?”
Maybe in other circumstances you would’ve, but the thought of Steve being recognized while being with you, it has your little hairs on edge, practically standing with a life of their own.
“No,” you squeeze his hand, “I’ve got a dress in mind.” You had seen it online as you casually scrolled through the options Selena had helped you find, it was also the only one she added a message to—easy access? Just kidding! But seriously, isn’t this dress gorgeous? I think you’ll look lovely ❤️
The price was a little steep and a little out of your budget, but your mind wouldn’t stop picturing you in it—seeing that the store was having a sale only solidified your decision.
Stepping away from the escalator, he tugs you as close as he can get you, eyes ever vigilant like the soldier he is. It’s something you’ve noticed whenever you’re outside of the safety of his car, and you guess it comes with being an Avenger. But you’re starting to think it might be—more often than not—for your benefit, because any time someone so happens to take a candid picture of him with one of the other Avengers, he doesn’t seem to be this alert.
You squeeze his hand and when he glances down at you, his mouth relaxes into a soft smile, one that makes you push up on your toes and press a light kiss to. He chases after you when you pull away, pouting when you teasingly refuse to meet his lips once more.
“Baby,” he whines, soft and sweet and all you do is smile, tugging him towards your destination. 
The store you chose is more of a boutique, less of a chain store. A lot of their dresses are unique to them, carrying only a few name brand items like Marc Jacobs, Chanel, Dior and a few other names you don’t recognize such as Bouchra Jarrar.
Unlike the surrounding area, the store is quiet with a low hum of music playing from their speakers. Strong perfume attacks your nostrils the very moment Steve opens the door for you, and you’re not sure whether you like the smell or not. It’s not sweet like the ones you’d usually smell at a Macy’s or JCPenny, but it’s not dry either—jasmine, maybe?
“Welcome,” a woman dressed in black immediately greets you, a practiced polite smile already in place over her smooth skin. “Is there anything I could help you with?”
It’s a little intimidating the way she seems to stare into you, as if she knows you’re not the type of person to usually walk into stores like this one, but you push that thought away, instead taking on a smile to mirror hers. “Yes, thank you. I’m actually looking for a blue dress—lantern sleeves and tulle gown?”
“We may have the dress you’re looking for.” Her eyes light up with recognition and she leads you further in where there are a few lingering customers and employees. Steve pays them no mind, ignoring the blatant stares to his physique as he removes and pockets his sunglasses and instead keeps close to you and occasionally surveying the store and it’s wares.
She asks you your size, and once you give her your measurements, asks you and Steve to wait for a moment, disappearing into the back where you assume they keep their dresses not on display and their variety of sizes.
Wrapping an arm around Steve, you find him glancing around still, a little stiff, only relaxing when his eyes settle on yours.
“Mind taking the dress home with you?”
“Why?” He frowns, curious as to why you wouldn’t want to take it with you.
You reach up to run your thumb over a corner of his lips, saying, “Esme has a tendency to go through my things.”
“Trying to steal your clothes?” he asks, lips lifting into a half smirk.
“She’s too tiny to fit into my clothes.” You laugh and shake your head. “She’s just used to having to go through my things to find hers. It’s a habit that comes with having to share a space.”
His gaze softens and he cups your jaw. “What about now?”
“She sometimes sneaks into my bed in the middle of the night.” You sigh with exasperated fondness. “But I can’t say I mind. It’s weird having so much space to myself now.”
His thumb brushes over your cheekbone. “A good weird?”
“A good weird,” you assure him, leaning into his touch.
Someone clears their throat and you and Steve are slow to detach yourselves from one another, in no complete hurry to face the saleswoman. It’s a little embarrassing having been caught in such an intimate position, but looking around the store, it makes you realize that you might’ve been caught a long time ago and neither of you noticed.
Steve just makes it so easy to forget your surroundings when he looks at you, makes you feel like you’re in a space of your own. It’s such a weird thing to say about someone you met only a few weeks ago, but it’s true. Whether you’re at the bar, or in his car, or even talking on the phone, it’s as if you’re the only two people in the room.
That’s a little dangerous when you think about it, but it doesn’t really matter to you. You like feeling like you’re the center of his universe and he probably likes being the center of yours too, if the way he squeezed you to him is of any indication.
“May this be the dress you’re looking for?”
Your eyes widen as she brandishes the gown, holding it up for you to see it. “Yes!”
Steve chuckles and you look up at him in question, finding him looking down at you with delight. 
“You’re vibrating,” he teases you. “It’s cute.”
Light embarrassment overcomes you, but you still face the lady. “May I try it on?”
“Of course! This way, ma’am.”
You’re quick to follow her, excusing yourself from Steve and he lets you go reluctantly, promising to wait by the loveseats. You don’t leave without a quick kiss to his cheek.
It takes a minute to get on the dress and you absolutely adore it! It looks amazing on you! There’s some changes that need to be done to the bodice, but other than that—
“You look phenomenal,” the sales lady gushes as soon as you step out. 
But you don’t really care what she thinks, instead you focus on Steve, and your heart just about does somersaults at the way his gaze drinks you in—shades of blue glowing bright as they take down the length of your body, the tips of his ears turning red, and pretty pink lips smacking together.
“What do you think?” you murmur, unsure if he’d heard you, but he does, of course he does.
“Beautiful,” is his one word reply, said in one breath and you practically melt. “So beautiful.”
“Yeah?” You shyly duck your head, grabbing the tulle skirt and pulling slightly to show off the slit a bit more. “Not too much?”
“It’s just right, baby,” he says, soft and sweet. “Let me get it for you?”
“No,” you respond with a shake of your head, already heading into the dressing room to change. “I’m paying for it! Besides they’ll probably need to do some alterations first.”
“We may need to adjust the bodice,” the lady helping you informs him, slipping into the room with you, measuring tape in hand and is quick to have you stand still and write down your measurements. “And the length of the sleeve.”
She steps out and you change into your day wear hastily when you hear Steve and the lady murmuring behind the closed door.
“Steve,” you start, barging out of the room to find him standing alone, flashing you a shit eating grin. You groan internally, narrowing your eyes in his direction.
“Oh, sweetheart, don’t give me that look.”
“You paid for it.” Not a question, but a fact, one he doesn’t deny. 
“Paid a little extra to have the dress done on time and to have it delivered to my place, too.” And he says it so proudly.
“It’ll be easier this way.” He shushes you, collecting you into his arms and leads you to the front of the store where the lady is ringing him up. “We can get ready at my place, maybe have a bit of dinner and then head out.”
You sigh, knowing there’s no point in arguing with him; the deed’s done and he’s not about to change his mind. “Fine,” you relent, leaning into him and smiling up at him, “but only if I get to make dinner.”
��We’ll both make dinner,” he says, pressing a kiss to your temple, lacing his fingers with yours.
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“I can’t believe you’re going to a gala,” Selena says, her voice filtering through your earphones as you climb up the stairs of the station and out into the streets of Brooklyn. “A Stark gala no less! Remember when we thought that was impossible?”
“Still is, Sel.”
“For me maybe, not for you.” She snorts.
“Yeah, but for how long?” You sigh heavily. “You overestimate this arrangement.”
“Oh, shut it! You’re not already thinking of ending it with Steve, are you?” 
“Of course not,” you sputter, ignoring the glare a bald man with a scar on his lip sends you after bumping into you. Seriously, why get mad at you when he’s the one that bumped in to you?
“I would surely hope not, my love.” There's some shifting on her end and her voice lowers, “You need this. And according to what you’ve told me, he needs this too.”
“I know,” you agree, keeping your voice low. “This has been good, I think.”
“Not you think, it definitely has been.” She sighs dreamily. “I’m so happy for you. Things are starting to look up!”
A siren suddenly whirls to life, a cop car zooming by you in the opposite direction.
“Heads up, though—” you hum in response, checking the address Steve sent you again—“Esme is a little suspicious.”
That makes you pause, lifting your gaze from your phone. “What do you mean?”
“She doesn’t believe your story about the house.”
Your heart drops to your stomach. “Are you sure?” You thought she had bought it! But you should’ve known Esme would catch on. Everything about the move was too smooth and sudden. You let out a frustrated groan. “Please tell me—“
She doesn’t need to let you finish to know what you’re asking. “Who do you think I am? Of course I didn’t.” You know she wouldn’t, but Esmeralda can be pretty relentless when she wants to be. “I doubled down and backed you up.”
You let out a sigh of relief. “God, I love you.”
“I love you too.” She laughs, but it dies down with a sigh of her own. “But be careful. Esme is smart, ridiculously smart. She’s not going to let this go. She’s bound to find out and I still think you should tell her before she does.”
“I—I know. I just… I don’t want her to think badly of me.”
“Darl’, that little girl has always looked up to you,” she coos. “Nothing you do will ever change that. You could probably murder someone and she’d help you get rid of the body and destroy any evidence that could possibly convict you without you needing to ask.”
You laugh and bite your lip. “She would, wouldn’t she?”
“Of course! And besides, being a sugar baby is nothing to be ashamed of. She’d probably be cheering you on with me!”
You really hope so.
“She loves her family.” That’s… not entirely true.
“JC?” You mostly say it out of jest, but there’s truth in you questioning her affections towards JC. She has strong feelings towards him, not exactly the kind that are positive. When she found out JC was gone, seven year old Esme called him a coward and told you not to cry for him, that you didn’t need him when you had her.
God. No seven year old should feel the need to say that or even feel that way to begin with. Not about their big brother who should be protecting her.
She sighs. “Your brother is an asshole and your sister never really knew him, not like you.” She’s right, but you can’t help but worry still. You don’t want to disappoint her. Not like he did. “Speaking of him… has your aunt mentioned him again? Have you seen her?”
“No to both,” you admit. Thankfully. “Not since I paid off mom’s loan. Probably doesn’t even know we moved.”
“Good. Let's hope it stays that way.”
“Do you—do you think she could’ve been lying?”
She’s silent for a moment, enough to make you think the connection might’ve dropped. “From what you’ve told me about her, your aunt would do anything to rile you up. That’s probably why your dad kept her at arm's length.”
You turn into a quiet neighborhood of beautiful brownstones, like the ones you’d see on TV or in random searches on Zillow worth over millions of dollars. It’s like being hit by whiplash walking through this neighborhood—too clean, too quiet, too nice, so many trees too.
It’s almost eerie. 
You scoff silently at yourself—it’s just a neighborhood. Sure, a quiet one and nothing like your old bustling neighborhood full of yells and laughter, smells of platano frito, pan dulce, costilla de puerco en salsa verde, and all types of cuisine filling the air, but Steve wouldn’t live around this area if he didn’t think it were secure.
“Why don’t we change the subject, huh? Are you ready for tonight?”
“Nervous,” you admit, fiddling with the cord of your earphones.
This is a huge event, one full of Avengers and many other influential people. Any wrong move on your part will put not only you, but Steve under scrutiny. But Steve had assured you that you’ll do fine. He’ll be by your side all evening and if it becomes too much, you’ll both leave. 
“We’re a team,” he had said after you opposed leaving just because you weren’t comfortable. “The moment something or someone makes you feel uncomfortable, you let me know and we’ll get out of there—no questions asked.”
“But also excited,” you whisper, almost afraid of the fact that you are excited. There’s been a bubbling in your chest since the moment you woke up that you couldn’t quite distinguish as nerves, excitement, or both.
When Selena mentioned how you and her used to talk about attending a Stark event as big as a gala one day, she was putting it lightly. 
You both used to spend hours scrolling through the university computers and dream of what you’d wear, make jokes about how you’ll talk and walk and try to fit in for a night—until you’d both get warned by one of the computer lab workers that you were being too loud. 
But they were just that, dreams. Now, here you were, about to get ready for one and not only that, you were going to attend the event with one of the most eligible bachelors known to man. And you’d be lying to yourself if you’d say you weren’t excited.
“I bet!” She laughs and she suddenly grows quiet on her end, barely heard murmuring reaching your ears. She sighs. “Unfortunately, I have to go, but you will update me tomorrow!”
“I promise.”
“Enjoy the night for the both of us, please! Love you!”
Laughing, you wish her a good evening and “love you, too,” before hanging up. It doesn’t take you long to find Steve’s place soon after that.
His brownstone home is identical to the others except for maybe being a darker shade of brick. Climbing up the steps, you dig out the key Steve had given you the other day and let yourself in.
Immediately you’re hit by the smell of seasoned chicken and the sounds of sizzling—of course he started cooking without you. Always wanting to take care of you.
“Steve?” You call for him, removing your belongings and hanging them up on the mounted coat rack.
“Kitchen, sweetheart!
You shake your head and eye the foyer, noticing the rack of shoes by the bay window and place your own shoes next to Steve’s. Your sock covered feet pad against the light wood flooring.
“You started without me?”
“Just the chicken!” He calls back as you move past the living room and dining room—they're simple and modern, sleek designs that compliment each other. The walls, however, are empty.
It hardly looks lived in. There’s nothing out of place, except for maybe the jacket hanging over the back of the sofa, but that’s it. Reminds you a little bit of those Architectural Digest home tours you see on YouTube or like a staged home for sale.
You frown. Maybe Steve just likes it all very clean?
Steve’s back is to you, keeping an eye on the chicken on the pan. He only turns his head when you wrap your arms around him. 
“Hey, sweetheart, find the place all right?”
“Yep!” You hum, leaning slightly to get a peek of the chicken—golden and with little specks of Italian seasoning. Looks so good! “Your place is really nice.”
“It’s okay.” He chuckles, doing his best to press a kiss to the top of your head, and you help him by standing on your toes. “Most of the furniture was picked out by Natasha and Tony.” Ah, well that makes sense. “Guess I should thank them for it.”
“You should.” Untangling yourself from him, you walk over to the kitchen’s island where the sink is and wash your hands. “What do you need help with?”
“Salad.” He motions to the veggies placed on the countertop. “The pasta can wait for a bit longer.”
“Yea, sir.” You nod and dry your hands with his light blue hand towel. 
You both work in tandem and dinner is served in no time, the two of you sitting at the island instead of the dining table.
“Bucky and Sam live here part time,” Steve tells you after a leisure sip of his wine. “Well, Bucky does. Sam is slowly starting to move into Sharon’s. The house was too big for me when I first got it and Bucky and Sam jumped in to be roommates.”
“That’s pretty sweet.” You crack a smile. 
He chuckles, eyes falling to his clean plate, having eaten more than one serving. “It’s not much different from living on the compound.”
“Wait, you live there too?”
He nods. “It’s easier, more practical. Sometimes a mission takes too much time and can be pretty tiring.” That also makes sense. “I guess I also only live here part time.
“I was actually going to offer you and your family to live here, but I thought since it might be a little weird to explain to your family two Avengers coming and going at random intervals wouldn’t be ideal,” he admits, rubbing his neck sheepishly. “Sam actually helped find the place you’re currently living in. The owner is an old friend of his, who was looking to rent.”
You watch him carefully, the way his eyes waver from you to the plate, the tip of his ears burning—not able to keep his gaze on you for long.
“What if I told Esme?”
He finally meets your gaze, eyebrow raised.
“About you—us—our arrangement,” you stumble over your words, trying to pick them correctly, but you’re not very good at it. “I know you’re okay with it, but we did agree not to tell anyone. Then again, Selena knows.”
He nods slowly, already aware that your best friend knows. “And most of the team knows, too.” Which is still completely wild to you.
“It’s a little odd explaining this.” You push your empty plate away and bite your lip, gesturing to him and you. “I wouldn’t know how to tell my mom, but Esme…”
“If it’s what you want, I think you should.” He smiles reassuringly, his large hand settling on top of yours on the marble top and covering it completely with his warmth.
“It is.” You turn your palm over to intertwine your fingers with his. “And—and I think she’d like you.”
You know she would. All Esme has ever wanted for you is the best and your happiness, so you know she would.
“And I’m sure I’ll like her.” He grins. 
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Steve’s shower is amazing. It’s basically a warm waterfall drenching you fully as you wash away the day’s grime. Steve had told you it was his favorite part of the master bathroom and you now know why. Your plan to spend a short amount of time cleaning up is completely thrown out the window the moment you turned it on.
But you force yourself to hurry—you have plans, and although you would like to spend hours in the shower, it’s best to start getting ready for the night.
You wrap yourself up in the fluffy towel Steve set out for you and promptly dry yourself. 
Steve makes noise as he moves around in the other room, the hallway walk-in-closet, as you first called it when Steve led you through it from the master bedroom to the bathroom.
You do your best to get ready in a timely manner, drying your hair and doing something quick, easy, but still elegant enough that no one will notice you were in a rush. As for makeup, you also go with something easy. You do your usual routine, but add in a bit more color to your lids and lips, and even dramatic, fake lashes to make your eyes pop. With a few spritz of setting spray, you deem yourself almost presentable.
Slipping on your dress, you reach as best as you can and try to zip yourself up, but it’s futile, you need help.
“Steve!” He answers you with a loud, “yeah?” “Can you come here for a minute?” The door opens and he walks in, completely focused on fiddling with his cuff link. “Do you mind—“ your question trails off when his gaze lifts to your form and comes to a sudden halt. 
But you hardly notice his gawking, your own eyes trailing over his dressed form—Fuck. He looks good. Too good. Can’t keep my hands to myself, good. His royal blue dress shirt matches your dress and it absolutely looks delicious on his toned body. And those dress pants? God, they’re clinging to his thighs.
“You look like an absolute dream, baby.” Arms wrap around your form and he slowly zips you up, his eyes trapping you in place. 
“So do you.” Your breath hitches when his eyes drop to your lips and back up to your eyes. 
“If I told you we should stay in and have our own party—“ his forehead falls to yours—“what would you say?”
“We have plans, soldier.” You wrap your arms around his neck and laugh under your breath. “Can’t just drop them.”
He groans and the sound punches you in the ovaries, a little mewl escaping your lips and he pulls you closer to him—chest to chest. “Can I at least kiss you before we leave?”
“You can kiss me anytime, Cap.”
He does and it’s mind blowing, a mess of teeth and tongues and he makes it so hard to breathe, but you don’t want to pull away, instead you sink your hands into his hair, his once perfectly well done hair, and tug firmly. He groans into the kiss, chest rumbling against yours and he pulls away, leaving you chasing him in disappointment.
“Sorry, honey.” He doesn’t sound sorry at all, in fact, he sounds pleased. That little shit, he’s enjoying teasing you! His fingers trace your bottom lip and you refuse to open your eyes. You have a feeling if you catch sigh of him, you won’t want to let him go. “I’d love to kiss you all night, but you’re right, we have plans.”
“Is it too late to change my answer?” you joke as his thumb leaves your lip and you finally open your eyes only to regret it. His lips look so pretty swollen and red, eyes absolutely dark and delicious—blues of his eyes only a thin ring. Would he mind if you just tackled him to the ground and took him right there and then?
“The car should be here any minute now.” He chuckles, slowly stepping away from you. 
And although you’re both getting ready to leave, you can’t help but think tonight might be the night.
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Your leg bounces as the Compound comes into view. Your eyes are practically glued to the window, watching the line of cars and all the glamorous people that step out of each one. They all look so sophisticated and well put together, and here you are, a sugar baby trying to fit in.
Shit. Maybe you’re more nervous than you thought you were. Is it too late to turn the car around now?
Warmth wraps around your hand and lifts it, surprising you and finally pulling you away from the window.
Lines are apparent on his forehead, but there’s a reassuring smile on his lips as he kisses the back of your hand. “You’ll do fine, sweetheart.”
“I’m sorry,” you whisper, your shoulders sagging. “I don’t know why I’m so nervous.”
“Do you want to head back?” His lips tug down into a frown and he squeezes your hand. “I can ask the driver to—“
“No, no!” You quickly shake your head. “I’m fine—I’ll be fine,” you correct when he raises an eyebrow. “I just—don’t let go of my hand?”
“Wouldn’t dream of it,” he tells you softly, pressing another kiss to your hand. “Remember, if at any moment you feel uncomfortable, we can leave.”
“I know.” You smile and kiss him tenderly, pulling away with a soft smack. “And I will, promise.”
He studies you for a moment and then nods. He keeps you preoccupied until you’re at the front, playing with your fingers and tugging at them as he asks you questions about your family. It puts you at ease enough that when he’s helping you out of the car, you don’t recoil away from the flash of the mandatory picture of each guest.
He leads you into the sleek, large building, hooking your arm in his and resting his other arm over your hand. You follow closely, but he makes it easy by keeping his strides short and easy for you.
The main room is full of people milling about and seemingly flashing their checkbooks around with how they’re dressed to the nines in brand names.
Compared to what they’re wearing, the decorations are pretty simple—elegant, but simple: golds, oranges and yellows with silvers and blues—all warm colors to make people more at ease and enjoy their time with a hint of cold colors to contrast.
You let Steve maneuver you around, eyes on you the moment you step into their line of vision—you can almost see the questions on the tip of their tongue as their eyes follow you. But Steve ignores them and so do you.
“Captain Rogers!” A man calls out and Steve squeezes your hand before letting go and shaking the hand of the approaching man.
“Secretary Ross,” Steve greets him stiffly.
“Ah, I see you brought a date,” he says, as if noticing you for the first time and you smile at him, ready to introduce yourself but he continues, “And here I was hoping I could finally convince you to take my daughter out on a date.”
Your eyebrows furrow—what is that supposed to mean? It’s a subtle jab, that much is obvious, but for what reason?
Steve’s arm flexes under your hand and his jaw ticks as he introduces you since the douche didn’t even allow you to do so yourself. “As you can see, Secretary, I’m in very good company.” 
“We do hope you find the perfect date for your daughter by the end of the night, Secretary Ross.” You smile placidly—at least, you hope you do. 
He frowns as if you’ve just insulted him and his next of kin, but you just continue to smile. “Yes, well, I do hope you enjoy the night.” He excuses himself, probably to bother a different guest.
“What was that about?” you wait until he’s gone to ask, keeping your voice low.
“His daughter Betty is with Bruce—Hulk, I mean,” he explains softly. “He’s never approved and is constantly trying to push her onto someone else.”
“That someone else being you?” What a dick of a father. Shouldn't he be glad his daughter is with someone she loves and loves her in return?
“And that man is our Secretary of State?” You ask with distaste. “How does he even handle foreign affairs?”
“Not very well,” Steve answers without missing a beat. “He's made many questionable decisions in the past and continues to do so.” He leads you further into the room. “He drafted the Sokovia Accords and almost divided the team, even wanted to lock up Wanda, deeming her too dangerous.” He sighs heavily. “It was an ordeal, but thanks to T’Challa we were somehow able to stand united.”
“You took a stand.” You can’t say you know much about the Accords, you were too busy watching your grade slip and debating on whether or not to focus on work and drop out of school. “Giving government's power over controlling super powered humans and trained assassins is always a spell for disaster.”
“You have no idea,” he mutters. “I’m sorry about the way he acted.”
“It’s fine.” You wave it away, not wanting to dwell too long on it.
“It’s not fine, but this probably won’t be the last exchange like this.”
“I figured.” You sigh. “I can handle it, Steve, I’ve worked customer service for years. If I can deal with a few self-entitled customers, I can deal with self-entitled rich people for a night.”
He chuckles, eyes brightening. “You won’t be handling it alone, I’m right here with you.”
“And I appreciate it.” You beam up at him and lean your head on his shoulder.
“Steve,” another voice calls out, but this one is much more raspier and feminine.
“Natasha,” Steve greets her with a friendly smile, “this is—“
“I know.” Natasha is one word: intimidating. Her eyes are studying you, taking you in—sizing you up. Not that you blame her. 
You’re a complete stranger, someone outside of their world, and here you are, in her space while clinging to the arm of a man she most likely considers a brother.
“You handled Secretary Ross well.” Her analyzing breaks with a smile, and somehow, that’s even more nerve wrecking. “Most people would have been intimidated by a man with his influence.”
“You aren’t,” you find yourself muttering and she quirks an eyebrow up in amusement. 
“No, no I’m not.” She turns to Steve. “I like her.” She then turns to you with narrowed eyes full of amusement. “I like you.”
“Thank you?” That’s surprising, but you’ll take it. 
Steve chuckles, squeezing your hand resting on his bicep.
“Tony and Pepper are by the stage with the others, they’re all waiting to meet you,” she informs you with a crooked smile. “Steve hasn’t stopped talking about you for weeks now, so everyone's a little curious about you.”
“Oh.” You blink. “Should we go over then?”
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By the end of the night, you’re already making plans for a girl’s night with the women of the Team. They’re all so kind to you, especially Wanda, who just radiates warmth. She becomes your favorite Avenger, aside from Steve, of course. You just don’t understand how someone would want to lock her up, brand her as a danger to society.
She smiles shyly at you as she tells you about her current culinary adventures. It’s sweet, she’s sweet.
Clint and Sam are an absolute hoot, making you cramp up in laughter and Bucky is a little guarded, but he also makes you laugh with a couple insults he throws their way.
He raises his eyebrows at you and makes a motion to Clint and Sam, mouthing, “Idiots.”
Tony, however, surprises you. Your dad used to tell you stories about him, how he hardly ever spent time at either branches of Stark Industries and if he were ever present, he always seemed to be bored and in his own world. But seeing him here, with his arm around Pepper, a beautiful engagement ring on her finger, he doesn’t match the description he gave you. Tony watches over the group with an almost father-like gaze, completely relaxed by their presence even if he cracks a few jokes at their expense.
“Welcome to the circus,” he had told you, deadpanned, but his eyes danced with joy and a calm you don’t think he would ever be equated to.
When you had called them Steve’s family, you hadn’t realized how deep their bonds truly went. There’s no denying they care for each other and view one another as a large family that just keeps growing bigger with every new addition. You admire and envy them for that, being able to stay together no matter what. 
Most of the guests are gone midnight—thank god because you were tired of having to smile at them and listen to their judgmental tones as they took you in—and your group retires to the commons area by their residential—or so Steve tells you. By this point, after two glasses of champagne and walking around greeting guests, you’re completely lost and tired.
“Want to rest?” Steve asks you, when your eyes flutter close multiple times, your breath evening out steadily. And you nod, both of you excusing yourselves for the night.
His room is dark, the city lights barely filtering in through the thin, white curtains. He doesn’t close the door behind him as he steps in after you, he doesn’t even say anything, just allows you to take in his room—large king bed low enough to touch the floor covered by a blue and grey duvet and different pillows of navy blue and white; light, wooden headboard matching the two night stands on either side and simple dresser to your right across from the bed and next to a door that most likely leads to a private bathroom; large, white rug, covering the floor and muting the clinking of your heels; blue armchair next to a standing lamp and a small bookcase drilled into the wall in the corner of the room—almost identical to the one back in Brooklyn, just a little more personal and lived in.
You’re much more awake now as you sit on the navy blue ottoman pressed against the end of the bed. “It’s simple,” you murmur. Much more lived in than his Brooklyn home, however.
“What were you expecting?” He asks, amusement laced into his words as your eyes drift over to him still standing by the door, watching you fondly.
“I don’t know? American flags, memorabilia, you know, the usual for an old man like you,” you tease and he chuckles, shoving his hands into the pockets of his dress pants. You watch him as the room falls into silence and he just stands there, eyes never staying on you for too long. The grip on your clutch tightens and you feel the question you’ve been wanting to ask build up in your throat, blood pumping as you try to push it out. “Do you—are we—“
You feel like an idiot, an awkward teen about to have sex for the first time with their long time crush.
“We don’t have to,” he says, gentle and firm. It’s reassurance, he’s trying to reassure you like he did when he first came to you with this whole proposition—sex is optional. “I, ah, I had a room prepared for you just in case.”
“You didn’t have to,” you whisper, gaze dropping to your black heels.
“I wanted to,” he tells you, your eyes lifting to meet his as he walks over to you. “I want you to feel comfortable with… this—with me. I know none of this is easy—“
You’re aware that if it weren’t for the prospects of being able to give Esme a better chance at life, of telling your aunt off, of being able to pay for your mom’s medical bills, you wouldn’t have accepted any of this. 
But you did sign up for this, you’re being paid for this.
Now, however, it’s become much more than that. If it hadn't been for Steve—sweet and willing Steve—trying to make this worthwhile for you, never pressuring you to do things that might make you uncomfortable, protecting you and defending you in lieu of jealous gossip and snarky comments, you would have crumbled under the pressure already.
Would sleeping with Captain America be the worst thing to happen to you? No. No, it wouldn’t. Not when it’s Steve Rogers behind the cowl.
He stands in front of you now, gaze soft and full of assurance that has your breath stalling in your throat. “—that I’m asking a lot out of you, but you’ve been nothing but patient, and I—I want you to know that your safety, your feelings, are important—“
“I want to sleep with you,” you breathe out as you stand, words coming out jumbled and pressed together.
His eyebrows knit together, weaving in confusion and he pauses, trying to process and make sense of what you’ve just babbled. It takes a minute, but soon his expression clears and he just stares down at you, breath fanning over your lips and eyes searching for something in yours. “Are you sure?” he asks, voice low and heavy, unsure and wanton. 
Your eyes lower to his pink lips and back up, his blue eyes hazy and dark now, the light streaming into the room lighting them in a way that has heat pooling in your stomach and rising to your chest and cheeks. “Yes.”
He cups your jaw in his hand, thumb caressing your cheeks gingerly. “Tell me what you want, darlin’.”
“You. I want you, Steve. I want all of you.”
And that’s all it takes for his lips to descend on yours hungrily, arms falling to wrap around your waist and tug you impossibly close to his chest, hips snug against his. His large hand smooths up and down your bare back, no longer teasing you like earlier. His fingertips warm as they trail over your exposed back and you take hold of the lapels of his jacket.
He drinks your blissful sigh, responding with a groan of his own as the hand that held your hips to his slips down to the curve of your ass, kneading and caressing as his hip juts forward.
You gasp at the feel of his growing bulge grinding against you and you pull away from his kiss to throw your head back in a quiet moan. His lips latch onto your chin, trailing down to your neck and nibbling—his hips, his hands, they’re all too much and yet too little. You want more. You want to feel more of him—see more of him. 
Your hands slip under his jacket and he understands, briefly pulling away to shrug the article of clothing off swiftly, before pressing himself against you again. You make quick work of his belt, clumsy fingers untucking his shirt and undoing buttons. Teeth clash and tongues dance as he slips the straps of your dress down your shoulders.
Noise coming from outside registers in your mind between the moaning and groaning, and you’re suddenly acutely aware of the open door and your disheveled appearance. “Door,” you rasp out, lips brushing against his.
“Why not keep it open?” he teases and chuckles when your eyes widen, your already heated skin getting hotter. 
He’s a fucking menace.
His lips trail to your earlobe and you suppress a squeal as he presses kisses and nibbles on it. “Imagine someone passing by and just hearing those cute little moans you make when I touch you just right.” He bunches the skirt of your dress over your ass, hand slipping into your panties and gripping your flesh tightly. “Their curiosity getting the better of them right at the moment you come undone by my fingers.”
“Steve,” you mewl. Who knew Captain America was so dirty?
His thumb smooths over your swollen lip as his fingers gripping your ass dip lower. You let out a whimper and grip his open shirt tightly in your fists as they tease at your entrance. 
“But then again, you make the sexiest expressions and I don’t want anyone other than me to see them,” he murmurs. A long, thick finger slips in and you just about keel over, his arm quickly wraps around your waist to hold you in place as he chuckles darkly. He nudges your cheek with his nose to make you look up at him, and shy eyes meet his heated ones. Sucking in a breath, he kisses you softly, and whispers, “Definitely not letting anyone see.”
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You groan, rolling over and searching for the warmth that had been encasing you into the late hours of the night. But it’s gone, and that has you sitting up urgently, your breath coming out ragged as you try to blink through your sleepy haze.  
Steve is nowhere to be found, room abnormally quiet without his light snores. You call for him softly. When you get no answer, you call for him again, louder this time.
“If you’re looking for Captain Rogers, he is in the commons area.”
“Fuck!” You startle almost rolling off the bed, hands flying to your racing heart to steady yourself. “You scared me Friday.”
“I’m sorry, Miss, it was not my intention.”
“No, uh, you’re good,” you tell the AI, a little awkwardly and unsure of how to speak to it—her? “Thank you for letting me know—about Steve, I mean.”
“Of course.”
Your bare feet touch the ground and pad against the cold flooring of the Compound, the sweet ache between your legs making you move slowly. You find a random hoodie in his closet and throw it on along with a pair of his boxers. You look ridiculous, but you’re not about to wear your dress from last night.
You slip out of his room, following the path that Steve led you through last night. You’re pretty sure this was the way to the commons area from last—you pause, eyes landing on Steve’s back and the other members of the Avengers surrounding a blue light.
“And you’re sure these schematics aren’t familiar to you?”
“Hate to break it to you, Capsicle. But I’m not the only one who's dealt with weapons dealing,” Tony moves away from the table, grumbling.
Oh, shit. Are they having a meeting? Friday did not tell you the Avengers were having a secret meeting that you should probably not be eavesdropping on, maybe it’s best to—wait. Those blueprints—they can’t be—
Steve quickly turns around at the small gasp that escapes your lips and approaches you, ready to turn you around. “Sweetheart? What are you doing—“
You ignore Steve, sidestepping him to stand right in front of the hologram of the hovering weapon, spinning in place, blue light illuminating your face. Your eyes rove over the equations and the break down of each part and—no, it can’t be! “Where did you get these?”
“Uh, mission?” Clint answers, looking around the room.
“You’ve seen ‘em before?” Bucky asks, calculating blue eyes on you, watching every minuscule gesture you make and any emotion that might flash over your face.
You swallow harshly, eyes never leaving the familiar blueprints—the ones your dad spent hours pouring over. But they’re different, the kinetic energy intake and output, the trigger—a bomb? “They were my father’s.”
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