#black buter
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a little sketch of a scene i want to write in a fic
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shinigami-mistress · 1 year
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And here's Ran Mao.
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shirobatora · 9 months
So I gave up on black butler because the arc I left on was really boring due to the fact songs have never been enjoyable in a written format and just picked up after the arc where a good deal a shit absolutely happened. Just finished what was available.
So a certain character hereby known as J died and I am wondering if they will stay dead or be brought back to life. I really liked this character but I don't think he can survive that wound in that setting and there was a lot of blood so he probably isn't like three raccoons in a trench coat.
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prpfz · 3 months
👑♟️20+ here! I’ve been out of Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji for a long time but the latest season has me back on my bullshit. The itch to rp has not left me so I’m hoping to find some +20 partners who are down to write with me. I’m mainly interested in doing an oc x cc rp with a female oc of mine against a wonderful someone’s Ciel. I’m really hoping someone will be interested in that one (It’s the main one I’m looking for) but I’m also willing to settle for any plot centered around Ciel or Alois being teased and taken advantage of. I rp between 2-3 paras (I can ramble quite a bit if the need hits), use discord, and have very few limits so please bring any kinks or dead dove subjects, all will be discussed when plotting of course. 🍪, dubcon and blackmail will definitely be present in any rp we choose to do and depending on the dynamic, I’d like to be the top or have us both switch.
Idk if I’ll get anyone but if this sounds like something up your alley, please interact with this post and I’ll reach out!
give a like and anon will get back to you
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eemoo1o-animoo · 2 years
Corpse Bride Grelltaker AU Corpse Bride Grelltaker AU Corpse Bride Grelltaker AU Corpse Bride Grellta—
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sageofthestarz · 1 month
Oh flexibility training how you murder me and my achy joints
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 5 months
One Piece Whitebeard Pirates x Black Buter Undertaker!Reader
Funny dynamic
Please don't hate me, but I've never watched Black Butler. I know the main characters, Ciel and Sebastian, but that's about the extent of my knowledge. I apologize
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virginstoner666 · 1 year
this was supposed to be a circle chart saying Fishbach looked like coraline father and sniper, but my brain kept ticking 😶
oh how i love a brunette male, maybe a lil gangly, perhaps with some glasses- dare i say, a nerd, perchance ?
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my logic: (this is all sillayy please dont be anal abt characterization - this isnt science, i just wanna pretend theyd all get along yknow?)
jonathan crane, batman: evil scientist brunette with glasses and mental illness. not really supernaturally powerful per-say and is very much a "skeptic type", but could easilly be mistaken for having other worldly powers given the scope of his abilities to warp the human mind to his will.
milo from Atlantis: scientist academic with a hunger for the other-worldly. a seamless combination of other father and crane's designs, but like done very, very preppy.
professor elm, pokemon: cute lanky dork and workaholic. like other father bc he has one child, a scientist researcher like crane.
????????? (i feel like i should have a perfect middle character but i have nothing :/
Egon Spengler, ghostbusters: the brains of his team who can keep up with the rest of the team during fights. skeptic, sarcastic and very, very pretty.
claude faustus, black buter: tall glasses guy, solid cohesive blend of sniper and crane's designs, but done posh-ly. psychologically disturbed loner little wet-cat man.
Father from Coraline: cute big nose, curly hair, glasses, a writer who works very hard. is a father. gets turned into a nightmare creature during the end part of the film to terrorize the main character.
Stephen Fishbach, Survivor: irl combination of coraline father and crane, slightly less so for sniper, but he's on a wilderness survival game show, has to be cunning strategically and adept physically to stay in the game. not exactly a nerd, but better equipt to tackle logic puzzle-based challenges rather than endurance/raw strength challenges.
jack torrance: murderer and writer with a kinda wonky hairline who is also a father. not really a nerd, but is forced to live as a reclusive shut-in during the events of the film/novel.
Sniper tf2: tall misanthrope-adjacent poacher esoteric loner. killer for hire who is honestly a pretty mellow nice guy off-duty.
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abybweisse · 1 year
I have to admit, I do like the fashions of Black Buter. Where in USA are shops that sell fashion styles of Our Ciel, Alois, Grell/e, and Undertaker? Especially Uns knee-high high-heeled strap boots.
Shopping for Kuro styles
No shop really does, at least not specific to those characters. There are costume-makers who have been offering outfits for those characters online, but I've yet to find anyone who makes UT's proper boots. There's an online shop where I plan to order custom-sized boots meant for a different character... but they look about the closest to UT's as I've ever seen.
I would suggest digging around in thrift, vintage and antique shops for items you can combine to make unique outfits in the styles of our earl, Alois, Grelle, etc. That's mostly what I do.
There's one look for UT that I want to reproduce... where the trousers are legit to the era, but no one seems to make them, not even for Steampunk looks. I haven't looked online in a while, so I might try again. But, if I can't find a pair, I might have to buy something as close as possible for the base and sew on the details I need to make them match the design. I'd also need to get a jacket that works well with the trousers and buy lining material that I can match for details elsewhere in the outfit.... 😊
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j-fashion-wearer-otd · 5 months
Can I submit Ciel Phantomhive from Black Buter who wears Ouji?
He has already been posted.
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l3mon-dr0pp · 1 year
The sound of ciels fucking high heels haunts my every waking moment why do they sound like that
(Yes i am re watching and re reading all of black buter at the same time in preparation for the new season) (no i wont shut up about it)
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realjaysumlin · 6 months
Race in Ancient Egypt
Otu ụbọchị, ndị Afrịka niile ga-alaghachikwute chi anyị nke ndị Black Africa Egypt nke bụ anyanwụ wee laghachi chi nke adịgboroja nke agbụrụ ndị ọcha kere nke butere ndị isi ojii nsogbu na-enweghị atụ n'ụwa niile. Ọ dịghị ihe ọma na ihe ọjọọ na mgbukpọ; Anyị dị ka ndị Black Indigenous Mba ga-aghọta eziokwu a enweghị mgbagha gbasara Iso Ụzọ Kraịst na Islam. Mgbe ndị mmadụ na-apụ n'ụzọ ha na-eweda Blackness, ihe bụ ihe na-ezighị ezi na ha ma achọghị m ịma onye m na-eme ka ọ ghara iru gị ala n'ihe m na-ekwu, n'ihi na i kwesịghị ime ma na-aga n'ihu taa na-agbalị iche na ndị Black Indigenous bụ ndị mmadụ. enweghị ike ịchị onwe anyị. Translation in the Igbo Language.
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courtesanofdeath · 10 months
As the person who got you into Black Lagoon.. Now you know my situation. One of the most interesting underrated franchise that exists, barely has content at all. Barely any stories, art, gifs and other content.
This is a problem.
omg hiiii yes i totally feel your pain! it is crazy that there's very little content here on tumblr when it's really fucking good! the characters (the women especially omg omg), the soundtrack (including the banger opening), the little plots/arcs and most especially the action scenes! i am a sucker for great action scenes !! i was super hyped whenever there's a fight scene going on!
it really is underrated! i haven't heard many people talk about it! not to start comparing, but it reminds me of cowboy bebop (but it's also very different from it), and that one is reaaally popular, so i thought more people would check out black lagoon because of their similar vibes
is it because it was a 2000s anime? i realize a lot of series (that's not naruto bleach and black buter lmao) from that time tend to be overlooked. some don't like the animation from back then, but i think black lagoon's animation is really good!
also maybe it's because of the controversial stuff? like you mentioned to me last time, it does include some crazy things that some people may not be comfortable watching, so that's understandable!
it's definitely it's a hidden gem though and maybe it's just that not many people have talked about it, so it doesn't get that much attention. but maaaaan it's sooo goood, i wish more people would check it out!
and yeah i was excited to look through the black lagoon tag for stuff to reblog and i was surprised to find that there's not that many fan works for it - and a lot of the ones are just art (mostly of naked revy lol) that's been reposted without permission, which really sucks. if only i could draw 😭 the most i can contribute are gifsets and edits lol
hopefully more people will watch it and there could be more content for it! because it deserves more love!
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lesombresdeschoses · 1 year
« Parfois l'esprit ne fait pas la différence entre la fiction et la réalité. Seule la douleur peut t'apporter la certitude d'être réel... mais parfois, trop de douleur peut pousser ton esprit dans le gouffre d'une réelle folie... J'essaie de ressentir la réalité par delà la douleur... »
Se souvenir de Dell a complètement bouleversé Law. Comment a-t-elle pu oublier ? Brixton ! Le ventre noué, elle sort pour arrêter un taxi.
Shoshana lui donne sa drogue habituelle, puis lui propose de rester un peu :
— Pose toi. C'est quoi cette fois-ci ?
— La même merde.
— Fuck ma poule, tu vas te tuer, à force !
— C'est ma dealeuse qui dit ça ! Mourir... Il faudrait déjà vivre... Je me suis collé une balle dans la tête, je suis toujours là !
— Tu... arrête ça ! On dirait que tu passes ton temps à foncer dans le mur. Un jour tu vas y passer ! Je te connais un peu et j'avoue que ça m'emmerde. De la pharmacie aux bas fonds, j'ai fais mon choix, c'est la nature humaine qui m'a attirée ici...
— C'est pas un peu contradictoire ?! Tu refourgues de la came aux rebuts de l'humanité et tu t'inquiète de leur sort ?!
— Je leur donne de la bonne came, aucun de mes clients n'est mort, je ne produis pas de la merde.
— Et tu vas écrire un bouquin avec ce que tu as appris sur la nature du junky ?!
— Je me fous de la thune...
— Je sais pas comment tu fais, on dirait que le glauque t'attire !
— Non, j'essaie de les faire décrocher... t'es allée le voir ?
— Un bon samaritain en immersion dans la vase...
— T'es allée le voir ?
— Va te faire foutre.
— Raconte.
— Ce monde c'est n'importe quoi. J'ai des hallu maintenant ! Il m'a enlevée, torturée, j'ai essayé de me buter ! Je suis toujours là, dans ce bourbier infect... J'ai besoin d'oublier, alors tes questions... Oui j'y suis allée.
Law se lève, prête à s’enfuir de l'appartement. Elle s'arrête brusquement, se retourne vers la trafiquante :
— Tu te trouves cohérente ? Bourgeoise qui s'ennuie en pharmacie, décide de plonger dans la fange de Brixton, pour vendre de la « bonne came » aux rebuts de la société ! En cheville avec un psy de renom, elle décide de faire décrocher les moins désespérés... Dans la vrai vie tu n'aurais pas tenu une semaine ici.
Mortensen tourne les talons, puis sort en claquant la porte. Shoshana reste assise, impuissante comme si elle venait de perdre sa fille.
Le rituel de la défonce. Même si Law n'est qu'une consommatrice occasionnelle, les prétextes commencent à devenir de plus en plus fréquents. Se souvenir de ce que l'on a enfoui dans les « limbes » de son esprit, semble être un processus dangereux. La douleur ne quitte plus la jeune femme.
Il faut que ça s'arrête !
Au centre de la boite de nuit, Law danse, l'esprit engloutie dans la musique, engourdie par la drogue et l'alcool. La mélodie se transforme progressivement en un bruit indéfinissable. Tous ces souvenirs abjects, toute cette misère, les images de tous ces morts, cette violence, l’assaillent. L’ex-flic s’échappe du SUPERMASSIVE BLACK HOLE. Elle se tient à un mur et vomis. Le même rituel, à chaque fois. Errant dans les rues sombres du quartier, sans but, l’enquêtrice s'engouffre dans une ruelle. S'assoit par terre, contre un mur. Sort une trousse de la poche de sa veste, seringue, garrot. Se pique, range tout, puis reste un moment, immobile. Elle finit par se relever tant bien que mal, marche un peu en titubant pour s'effondrer quelques mètres plus loin, au milieu de la chaussée.
W. Agency. Victoria.
Ren entre dans le bureau, Law est assise dans son fauteuil, face à la fenêtre, fumant une cigarette, son whisky posé sur la table.
— Tu dérailles ou quoi ? Lâcher l'affaire comme ça ?!! Paris ! Tu pouvais prévenir !
— Vas chier ! Ça te fait des vacances à toi aussi, dis pas le contraire, à moins que...
L’enquêtrice se retourne vers son associée en la dévisageant. La blonde, se sentant accusée, recule horrifiée :
— Tu ne crois tout de même pas que j’ai quelque chose à voir dans cette affaire ?
— Faut que je dorme... lui répond Mortensen, blasée par la situation, se levant pour s’effondrer dans le canapé du salon.
La tête dans un cousin la jeune femme se demande si elle a déjà vraiment dormi ? A-t-elle déjà ressenti la fatigue ? Est-ce qu’elle ressent vraiment quoi que ce soit ?
J'ai l'impression de rêver... Quel intérêt à tout ça ? Quel intérêt ?
Soudain son téléphone portable vibre dans la poche arrière de son pantalon. Law consulte sa messagerie, puis lit un texto :
« On ne me quitte pas comme ça. »
L’ex-flic se retourne dans le canapé :
— Tu m’écris des SMS maintenant. Numéro inconnu. Ben voyons ! Mais ne compte pas sur moi pour te répondre. En même temps, je ne peux pas...
Ren entre dans la pièce, intriguée :
— Tu parles à qui ?
— A ton avis ?
Elle lui jette son cellulaire à la figure, qui le ramasse pour lire le message :
— Tu ne peux pas lâcher l’affaire comme ça ! Il va finir par s’en prendre à tes proches ! Bon sang, bouge toi ! Pense à Mac, tu veux que ce soit le prochain cadavre ?!
— C'est une menace, Ren ? Il est assez grand pour s’occuper de ses miches tout seul... Besoin de dormir.
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About Me
Welcome to my Blog!!!
My name is Jessica. Feel free to call me Jess if you like. I am an African American woman, and I am 18 years old. I am also a Christian.
I created this blog so I can freely show off any of my creative passions which is why I named it Lovely Creative Crafts, but this blog will mostly focus on creative writing. Specifically, fanfiction surrounding black characters/reader.
I mostly write oneshots or short stories with a particular theme or biblical verse in mind.
Likes: Anime, God, Singing, Writing, Drawing, Reading, & Dancing
Dislikes: Peanut Buter & Cold Weather
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if criminal minds were black buter characters who would be casted?
This took why longer than it should've been!
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Spencer Reid: I'm going to say Ciel
I mostly pick him cause Spencer's whole character is young young genius boy with parental issues and honestly it's Ciel. I see him mostly taking care of R!Ciel instead of his mum and sometimes R!Ciel would help a case
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For Morgan I'll do Sebastian.
It's kind of obvious why I feel like he's tall dark and handsome and so is Morgan so-
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Garcia is Grelle!
She's so cute and bad-ass and she would want Garcia's job with her long red nails typing away looking up bad men on the web
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J.J is Madam Red in my mind!
J.J. is so very bad-ass and cares deeply for her family and so is Madam Red
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Hotchner is very much like Hannah.
I know, wtf. But Hotchner is smart, protective, and cares for his family enough to do whatever it takes to make them safe and so does Hannah
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Rossi, Tanaka
Tanaka may be old but he's smart and bad-ass and still does what he does despite him needing to take a break
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I haven't watched the latest seasons so sadly this is the best I could do
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