kingfishered · 1 year
When do you gaze at your soulmate? - For König
when they don't know you're there
you want to see who they are at their core. your love smiles for you. they put on a brave face. they tell you off when you're out of line and they encourage you when you know your mistakes are piling up. they're the one who is always there. but there are moments you catch them unawares and that is when you watch them. you want to see the expression their face takes when they aren't being brave for you. you want to see how they smile when it isn't designed to lift your own burdens. you want to see what they say to everyone else. how they talk about you. how everyone else encourages them or if they let anyone be there at all. you want to see what is underneath it all so you can prove that's who you love. the parts of them they try to hide. the parts they think you don't already know and adore.
tagged by: @bl00dysavior
tagging: everyone. do it i dare u
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the-wild-card-hand · 10 months
" you're a long way from home. " for Graves? ( @bl00dysavior )
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The voice seemed to make Philip Graves alert. Turning around he spotted a rather intense looking Italian Woman with a very noticeable scar on her face, her eyes were sharp like knives. She looked like a very capable Operator in his eyes.
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"I go where the work takes me. Just so happens I'm here to help KorTac out with some jams y'all been having." Graves said with a cocked head "Lemme wager a guess, you're one of the Point-men? Not using that as a slight against your gender by the way, wanna get that out in the open."
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h-a-unted · 1 year
❝ you can't keep it all inside, you know? bottling it up won't do any good... ❞ to König?
(From @bl00dysavior )
"But,... I just..." How to say it? Even thinking about it was making a mess out of him. Would it be stupid for him to even talk about it? Could he say anything? No... He had to keep it in, because...
"If I try to speak about it... Things get worse. I feel this crushing sensation in my chest. It's unpleasant. I don't--I don't want to talk about it." It felt wrong to say it, because he did want a shoulder to rely on, but even that was too much to ask for him -- out of him. "I can keep it in. You shouldn't worry about me... I'm sorry for making you worry, even."
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gxldensxldiers · 11 months
Also friendly midnight psa that I write Stiletto over on a sideblog @bl00dysavior as well as a handful of cod-related ocs on another one @line-of-fire
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kingfishered · 1 year
[TEXT] You’re gonna laugh, but can you pick me up from the police station?
(To König; @bl00dysavior )
[TEXT] - you’re gonna laugh, but can you pick me up at the police station? // @bl00dysavior
[TEXT] ...what did you do. [TEXT] I'm on the way, but I am not happy [TEXT] how many times is this now?
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kingfishered · 1 year
Post it note from König? @bl00dysavior
send “ POST - IT NOTE ” for what my muse would leave yours in a post - it note message !
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the note is stuck to a small box of cookies, imperfect enough that it is certain they were homemade.
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kingfishered · 1 year
Crime Drama Archetype Aesthetics
bold what applies to your muse , italics for things that apply situationally and / or only in certain verses .
a small home full of medals // the scent of justice // the adrenaline rush before busting a crime scene // trusting in the team // sworn oaths // the city’s skyline from the roof of the police station // radio chatter // protecting those who can’t protect themselves // a last stand // crime scene tape
a revolver resting in the drawer // the taste of cheap whiskey // constant reminders of past mistakes // a shadowy figure in the alley // being known in every bar // a fight in the backroom // blood on leather gloves // your name whispered in the underworld // broken laws for the greater good // an act of defiance against the system
a drawer full of candy wrappers // an unexpected knack for solving cases // a fascination with the improbable // the comfort in eccentricity // midnight oil burning for a case // chaotic notes leading to the truth // a genius in their own world // the thrill of a new challenge // the final piece of the puzzle falling into place // a colorful scarf among the grey suits
worn out gloves from punching the bag // a growl in the voice // a reputation that precedes you // a fist through the wall // harsh words with a caring undertone // a cigarette burning in the ashtray // the anger that fuels everything // a grudge held too long // begrudging respect from colleagues // an unexpected show of loyalty
working late nights // a plan that doesn’t include going home // being unable to return to the way things once were // a whiskey bottle in the bottom drawer // the cold touch of a gravestone // silence in a room once filled with laughter // old photographs gathering dust // the echo of a voice no longer there // a past that refuses to be forgotten // knowing that nobody knows what to say
a flask of strong coffee // a siren in the distance // the familiar smell of gunpowder // a smoker’s cough // secrets buried deep // a sigh of frustration // a heavy sense of cynicism // crime scene photos that haunt dreams // a stare that has seen too much // a cold case reopened
the sharp smell of chemicals // a doctor’s coat stained with blood // hands that have tried to mend too many // the solemn silence of the dead // the precision in every movement // the precise language of medicine // a race against time // the responsibility of life and death // blood spatters on white walls // an oath never to be broken
Tagged by: @bl00dysavior
Tagging: @prosopagn0sis @the141ghost @peacedomain @141s and anyone else who wants to do it!
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kingfishered · 11 months
name / alias: elias :)
birthday: 7th june
zodiac sign: gemini
height: 160cm
hobbies: writing, rp, reading, video games, going on walks
favorite color: a nice dark, maybe purplish read
favorite book: tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow by gabrielle zevin (this changes regularly, though)
last show: heartstopper season 2
recent read: the southern book club's guide to slaying vampires by grady henrix
sources of inspiration: the many playlists i have for characters/pairings and fanart are my main two
story behind url: inspired by operation kingfish, from the old mw games :) also i love birds so it was fitting
tagged by: @bl00dysavior
tagging: anyone who sees this!! do it and tag me >:))
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