#bl*nkshippers dni--i will block you
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neon-moon-beam · 4 months ago
Submas Sygna Suit Stories In A Nutshell
Emmet: I learned how to Dynamax with Eelektross! I'm learning another side of him!
The eel: o O o Ingo: I hope I can guide lost people who haven't reached their final destination yet with Chandelure!
The lamp: o --- o
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theoddbun · 2 months ago
Alright gonna address this publicly so there is more clarification about my DNI since I do get asks about it warning me about certain people. (Which I do appreciate!) Read if you want more specificity about my boundaries!
I’ve gotten many asks since I started to be active in the Subway Boss fandom again warning me of certain secret bl*nkshippers, people who have drawn it, etc. A majority of people sent to me have been blocked as long as there is proper documentation to support it. I want to reiterate I do NOT like bl*nkshippers. I don’t want them near me and I think what they do is gross. Incest shouldn’t be fetishized and I think the fetishization of it shouldn’t be normalized.
Now there is this very specific person, I don’t like namedropping so let’s say their name is R. R has drawn bl*nkshipping for a private commission. I have this person blocked and muted as I’ve known about this before I started getting active publicly again. While they have addressed this saying they still don’t condone it, as a larger artist myself I personally couldn’t imagine putting my own morals aside for a commission when I know I could easily have the slot filled by someone else. That being said… I am also aware not everyone sees it that way, and because of that I unfortunately cannot control who my mutuals are friends with. So for this specific situation, if a mutual interacts with this person under the genuine belief that they did what they had to to survive a financially rough situation I will give my mutual the benefit of the doubt given they will still clearly state they do not condone bl*nkshipping and that they respect my own decision that I do not want to interact with this person.
I’ll even go a step further and just explain my thoughts about this fandom phenomenon in general. I don’t like using terms like proship or antiship because I feeling like they can make issues like this seem less nuanced than they actually are. No that doesn’t make me ‘neutral’. Under the made up standard that these ‘proshippers’ have made I am an ‘anti’. I am someone who does not think that the fetishization of incest, beastiality, pedophilia or many other deplorable acts should be normalized or encouraged. I DO think they have some place in fiction for SERIOUS discussions, as they are topics that occur in real life and should be treated with delicacy given the subject matter. I think proshippers have dumbed down any real discussion that can be had in favor of ‘muh free speech’ and free thoughtless jerk off material of what equates to fictional CSEM. The fictional part in that does NOT make it, nor will EVER make it okay. And that same goes for the people that ship the twins together too, dumbing down such a serious topic for your own jerk off material. I want it far away from me, and I don’t want to be associated with it EVER.
I hope this clarifies some things for a lot of people. Of course if anyone ever needs more clarification they are free to personally DM me!
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katt-astrophiic · 3 years ago
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(Bl*nkshippers DNI I hate you)
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unovanhunny · 2 years ago
lmao the amount of people I've tald to (myself included) that literally started shipping blankship explicitly because the antis on ao3 just *would not shut up about it* (typically either from 'what tf is this thing plastered all over the gen fics? never would've crossed my mind but i looked it up and oh whoops im into it' or 'i don't even go here but wrote this 6k smut out of pure spite and i *will* do so again do not test me')
like. they're legitimately doing nothing but advertising that the ship exists with their annoying virtue signaling. and people that absolutely do not like the ship (which hey! valid!) constantly get reminded it exists every time they look for a fluffy family fic. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ at least the death threats get removed by ao3 (which. antis posting to ao3 in the first place lmao, make it makes sense) but ughhh
a few months back I blocked like 6-7 really vocal tumblr antis and while my stuff on main gets much less engagement now (they were big rebloggers) imo i don't want them looking at my stuff anyway. people that suicide bait aren't allowed to see my creations, the bar was in the Earth's crust and they still failed. sucks to suck. ┐⁠(⁠ ⁠˘⁠_⁠˘⁠)⁠┌
No but like for real, same. And even I found blankshipping because of Tumblr DNIs. It was extremely funny to see "bl*nkshippers dni" and I sat there like "okay, I've been in this rodeo before, I get that this means the twins are kissing. But... Blinkshipping? Blankshipping?" And then I googled it and then searched Twitter and the rest was history LOL
Antis are their own worst enemies because they could be Normal and mind their own business and not even think about it and just block and move on with their lives. But I have heard that in a server that has a lot of antis in it, they were obsessively hate reading fics and lamenting how good they were and stuff LOL like, please. Just admit to yourself that two fictional train men from a fictional New York City can kiss and its okay! You don't have to like it, please make hating it less of your personality.
And hey, good for you! They don't deserve your content if they're gonna be insane about this. Telling real living human people that they should die for liking a fictional ship is a Terrible look and there are consequences!
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tvheadfalls · 3 years ago
i didnt wanna put the bl/nkshippers dni on all of my art w them bc i didnt wanna put it in ppls heads everytime but lo and behold they are reblogging it so hey actually if you ship the twins please block me
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nagichi-boop · 3 years ago
Red flags are different for everyone. Unfortunately liking twin characters in of itself has a negative connotation online due to the rampant amount of incest typically involved, which is doubly normalized with twin characters... People are going to see our hyperfixations on the twins as red flags if we are vague about our stance on the whole pr*ship debate. My advice is if you don't want to be misconstrued or mistaken for a weirdo, you should probably put pr*ship and/or bl*nkshippers dni somewhere on your acc if you haven't done so already. But keep in mind: You do not control what other people think about you or your interests. I've met people who hate our hyperfixation simply because of the reputation its fandom has, and I'm going to meet more of those people whether I'd like to or not. The best we can do is try to separate ourselves from the gross shit and the people who consume it and make our stances clear and concise. You're not a bad person because other people have had bad experiences, don't worry. /gen
Gonna add a read more, oop-
I suppose part of my problem is cuz I’ve not been diagnosed with any NDcy yet? So it my mind I’m like “nah, you can’t call this a hyperfixation, you’re just weird” even tho like…it feels like a hyperfixation. As obsessed with trains that the twins themselves are, that’s how I feel about them atm. I’m thinking about them all the time, I will yeet as much information about them as possible if asked about them and I’m pumping out headcanons and such like it’s my last day on earth.
As for the pr*ship thing, yeaaah I should probably mention not liking them. I haven’t rly put DNIs in my bio because I’m scared of a supporter of such DNIs causing havoc on my account and I get overwhelmed very easily. But I suppose I can just delete anons, block them, etc if they do that. For a while I didn’t want to because my intrusive thoughts told me I’m a pr*shipper, which makes zero sense cuz I find inc*st, minor x adult, etc ships disgusting. Again, not self dxing, but could be POCD. I’m desperately trying to get diagnosed cuz I feel horrible because of my thoughts, but healthcare sucks and no one is listening to me. But that’s not what this post is about lol.
Hopefully none of the content I make comes across that I see these brothers as a romantic pairing. I do not ship them.
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neon-moon-beam · 2 years ago
Putting links to my posts in one place. Here is the list of my Reassurance Posts regarding evidence that Ingo will return home to Unova, how long he's potentially been in Hisui, and how he potentially got there, with a few other things mixed in. Everything is backed up with as much in-game evidence as possible; what we've seen in PLA, other games in the Pokemon series, and the overall tone of the series. I spent a lot of time scouring PLA and researching these. I do not like to speculate without anything to back it up.
Here is the list of posts I've made Regarding Angst and Ableism In The Submas Fandom. Please read the intro on the post before clicking links to any of the posts! The constant angst content and the ableism in the wake of PLA have made so many Submas fans feel alienated in a space they should be able to enjoy, and many now want nothing to do with the fandom as a result. Many are disappointed and discouraged after seeing two autistic-coded characters handled insensitively in fan works by too many in the fandom, and some neurodivergent folks feel dehumanized by the ableist portrayals, especially if they strongly identified with Ingo and/or Emmet. It's sad that a space that should have been comforting, supportive, and welcoming has become unbearable to so many. Please do better.
And if you like any of my posts or find them useful, please reblog them! Tumblr's algorithm is nothing like other social media sites, so if you simply like the post, it's not going to do anything as far as helping it reach other people. Tumblr is also not like other social media sites in that people usually do not find it weird or creepy if you interact with older content! I spent a lot of time playing PLA, searching for every possible hint and dialogue option, compiling evidence, and working on my posts. I'd love if other people who liked them shared them.
Thanks for reading!
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neon-moon-beam · 1 year ago
Black3White3 but it starts with the player in Gear Station, having been asked by Submas to accompany them into a long-abandoned tunnel. They don't know what they'll find, but they want some backup just in case. They go down slowly on a speeder being powered by Eelektross, the tunnel lit by Chandelure as there's no electrical service in the tunnel anymore. There are signs every so often that say "DANGER: DO NOT ENTER" and "TUNNEL NOT IN SERVICE", and the atmosphere gets creepier and creepier, the music slowly building on itself, speeding up like the prologue music from Tears of the Kingdom.
Finally it all comes together in an open area, revealing
the WiFi train that's been abandoned since Nintendo shut down the DS network. Some other employees moved it there years ago to keep it out of the way.
Cue major sidequest of the player traveling around Unova to find specialized parts long out of production because Submas wants to get the WiFi train redone and up and running again, and because it's a Pokemon game of course a kid between the ages of 10 and 16 has to do all the work. bl*nkshippers dni--I will block you, and dni if you create or otherwise support works depicting Submas as "unhinged", "feral", and/or think them being mentally unwell is entertainment. Those are my boundaries, I have a right to set and enforce them, and I will block you.
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neon-moon-beam · 2 days ago
I say this as a fan of Submas, as someone who liked Submas before the PLA hypetrainwreck, as someone who considers them among their favorite human characters in the Pokemon series:
The Pokemon series DOES NOT revolve around Submas. In fact, they're fairly minor characters. They're not going to be in every game. They don't need to be in every game.
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neon-moon-beam · 2 years ago
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Chandelure found hamburg curry and taiyaki!
My roommate, @1863-project and I were out the other night and stopped at one of our favorite restaurants to get Japanese curry. She brought her Archeops with. I'd had a stressful day at work, and going out for curry always makes me feel better. I'm so glad SwSh introduced me to one of my favorite foods!
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neon-moon-beam · 2 years ago
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neon-moon-beam · 1 year ago
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I posted a while ago about how pre-PLA I'd acquired an Ingo figurine from the Partners Figure line, and intended on getting Emmet later, but then PLA came out, and the prices on any Submas merch skyrocketed. But I was lucky and found someone who was selling an Emmet for the lowest price I'd seen since PLA and ordered him.
Emmet arrived, and now they've been reunited, and in NYC Unova, no less.
For the photos I posed them next to a tapesty I have of a meadow and some mountains, but they're now on a section of my dresser with all my smaller Pokemon figurines, and my figurines of Team Rocket I've had since the year 2000.
(Dni if you create, reblog, or otherwise support fanworks where Submas are “unhinged”, “feral”, and/or mentally unwell for entertainment, etc or anything involving shipping Submas with anyone where anyone involved is “unhinged”, “feral”, mentally unwell, and/or abusive to each other for entertainment.
Dni if you like or create Submas angst without resolution or tragic endings, works where Ingo is left in Hisui, dies, etc.
Dni if you infantilize Submas
Bl*nkshippers and anyone who enables them dni
These are my boundaries and I have a right to set them and will block anyone who doesn’t respect them.)
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neon-moon-beam · 1 year ago
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Ingo, Emmet, Chandelure, and Joltik at the tree in Rockefeller Center in NYC Unova! Happy Holidays from the Battle Subway! Chandelure and Joltik belong to me, Ingo and Emmet belong to my roommate, @1863-project.
(Dni if you create, reblog, or otherwise support fanworks where Submas are “unhinged”, “feral”, and/or mentally unwell for entertainment, etc or anything involving shipping Submas with anyone where anyone involved is “unhinged”, “feral”, mentally unwell, and/or abusive to each other for entertainment.
Dni if you like or create Submas angst without resolution or tragic endings, works where Ingo is left in Hisui, dies, etc.
Bl*nkshippers dni
These are my boundaries and I have a right to set them and will block anyone wbo doesn't respect them.)
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neon-moon-beam · 1 year ago
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Submas plush, and some of their Pokemon! (Yes I have more of Emmet's Pokemon because I tend to buy plush of Pokemon I've had in my parties and I've had more of his than Ingo's)
Plush made by @pastryglitch
(Bl*nkshippers dni--I will block you.
Also dni if you create or otherwise support fanworks where Submas are "unhinged", "feral", and/or mentally unwell for entertainment, etc. This is my boundary and I have a right to set it.)
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neon-moon-beam · 1 year ago
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What my roommate, @1863-project, came home to the other night. They are in a cauldron. I wanted to add some more Halloween decor to our apartment.
Plush belong to @1863-project.
(Dni if you create or otherwise support fanworks where Submas are "unhinged", "feral", and/or mentally unwell for entertainment, etc. This is my boundary and I have a right to set it and I will block you.
Also bl*nkshippers dni--I will block you.)
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neon-moon-beam · 1 year ago
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Ingo said "Fuck Hisui" and blocked the screen with his arm.
This blog is not PLA-friendly. This blog is not Warden Ingo-friendly.
(Bl*nkshippers dni--I will block you.
Also dni if you create or otherwise support fanworks where Submas are "unhinged", mentally unwell for entertainment, etc.)
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