thoughtsbyharu · 2 years
Webtoon Review: The Greatest Estate Developer
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When civil engineering student Suho Kim falls asleep reading a fantasy novel, he wakes up as a character in the book! Suho is now in the body of Lloyd Frontera, a lazy noble who loves to drink, and whose family is in a mountain of debt. Using his engineering knowledge, Suho designs inventions to avert the terrible future that lies in wait for him. With the help of a giant hamster, a knight, and the world’s magic, can Suho dig his new family out of debt and build a better future?
Status: Ongoing
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Shounen,Fantasy, Isekai
Adapted By: Lee Hyunmin
Art By: Kim Hyunsoo
Original Story By: BK_Moon
REVIEW (until epsiode 62):
Before we proceed to the review, I just want to say Happy New Year everyone! Hope you all will have a great year.
This 2023, I hope I can read and review a lot of webtoon or manhwas. I currently have a lot of backlogs for review so I hope I can finish those too!
This review is my first entry for this year! This manhwa is actually reccommended to me by my boyfriend and he insisted that I would not regret reading it and you know what, he was right! This comic did not dissappoint.
The introduction of this series is your typical isekai. Guy reads a novel, guy is transported to the said novel and yada yada. The isekai trope is done to death I know, but I think what separates this manhwa amongst the rest is its main premise wherein our main protagonist is an engineering student who uses his modern skills and knowledge to improve the current medieval world he is in.
The main character, Suho Kim a.k.a Lloyd Fronterra, is a very likeable, funny and refreshing MC. His main goal is to be filthy rich because in his past life, he is a very poor student.
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He uses this motivation in order to survive the current world he is in even though sometimes his ways are quite questionable. His current body, Lloyd Frontera is the duke's son who is known to be a thug and a troublemaker. This actually puts him at a disadvantage at the start since no one wants to be associated with him. However, he finds a way to actually use this as an advatage to achieve what he wants.
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He may seem like a selfish, capitalistic and opportunistic person, which is kinda true but his intentions are quite good. Although he talks a lot about money, when looking at the bigger picture, he provides people with comfortable housing, jobs and he even paid off his family's debt.
He also provides innovation to the people using his modern knowledge and he is also very hands on and hardworking with the projects he initiates, making it satisfying everytime an arc is finished. So I guess one thing I learned, is money is such a great motivator.
He certainly has a lot flaws, but I don't hate him? He's only mean to the people who gets on his bad side and they kinda deserve it especially once you knew what kind of people they are and what kind of things they did. So I don't really have a problem with it cuz it's karma at work.
Now with regards to the relationship. I....I ship him with the second lead Javier >//<
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I just LOVE their chemistry! It reminds me of this ship dynamic:
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Javier is SO done with every sht Lloyd does but is always there to support him. I love their banters and I just find their interactions so hilarious!
I kinda feel bad for Javier sometimes though since he is always in the middle of Lloyd's schemes but all is well since deep down he knows that helping Lloyd matches his own personal views and interests.
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As for other characters, I really like Lloyd's parents, the queen, the cute animal summons, Sir Bayern and many more! All of these characters are influenced one way or another by Lloyd and helps him with his goal to get richer-- I mean, to help the people of their estate.
As for the story, I really like it! I like the pacing and of course, I live for its comedy. So far, I have no complaints. Oh! Maybe one con is, it is too good that I binged it for a few days and was left empty because I reached the latest chapter and was left hanging. I wish they could update 3x a week TT
The art is really good too. It has an anime vibe to it and also, I can't help but notice that the artist seems to like muscles a lot 👀
I also like how they drew the characters' expressions! It's just too funny! I like how they emphasize how cunning Lloyd is using his expressions!
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Overall, is this a must read? HELL YEAH.
I didn't gave much details for this review because I don't want to spoil anything~ You gotta see how good it is for yourself~
Overall Rating: 4.8/5
Status: Ongoing
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mythspy · 4 months
bk_moon? more like bl_moon! (?)
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procuder · 9 months
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what is this.
Seriously, like, what on earth is happening. What on earth is happening here. I thought it would turn out better, but no, I raised my hopes too high.
How they portray og Lloyd's character??? Like, god excuse me Lee Hyunmin-nim, but what the hell??? Are you? ???????????
At first, I didn't think it would be this bad. What makes you think that Lloyd's mistreatment of Javier for so long was simply because he didn't know what to do when he was a kid, and he always wanted to be Javier's friend? I was quite interested in Lloyd's character. So this is it. FOR GOD'S SAKE, WHAT THE HELL??????????????
It was almost good, because, of course, he felt inferior to Javier when Arcos adopted him. It's normal for a 10-year-old to feel jealous and feel like they're about to steal their affection, especially if that child looks better than them in every way. And especially if they know that they will never be like that because they don't think they are good enough. Of course, that's just his own pov btw. I already know how much his family loves him. But that's what can happen, right? Because I don't like who I am also, and I know in my heart that my family loves me, but still🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
And yes that shit happened. So 😮‍💨
BUT IF. IF. If he could think like whatever you made him in the webcomic, he would have done it a long time ago. If this were his actual character's trait, he would have done it long ago. I didn't even think he'd apologize for something like this and in this way, you know? He always thought that he would change something in his life in the next life instead of. Yeah. Whatever tf he is doing in the webcomic here. I won't argue with you that Lloyd feels guilty for his family. But. Not with Javier. He hated Javier as much as Javier hated him, and he always would. I really wonder what makes you see Lloyd like that? Great. Now people who only read webcomic will 😮‍💨😮‍💨🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ SHAKING MY HEAD.
“I'm sorry I broke that wooden sword. Actually, I want to be friends." MY ASS what????? Is this where you sacrifice so many details for?? what??? I have so many things to say, but my God. I'M DONE.
And more than that, you changed Lloyd's will just because he was reincarnated as Suho? He doesn't want to deal with human stuff anymore, and he wants to be reincarnated as a whale because he doesn't like the stuffy atmosphere of hell. Yes, that's it. Easy and simple. The funny idea of someone who has been hiding in hell for a long time and fears of being eaten by the devil. But now you have changed him to want to be reincarnated as a human again to be a better person and work harder than Suho???
Excuse me, WHAT? He wants to work hard?? What makes you think that way out of all his character? Oh my god, they also cut out the scene where Javier, despite not liking Lloyd, wishes him a good new life. Huh? Okay??
THEY EVEN CHANGED HOW TIME RUNS. What is the point. WHAT IS THE POINT??? How important is it to change it? How important is it? From 1 month = 1 day to 1 month = 1 hour?? I wonder if there's any need for you to change it. Are you making a new story or adapting it?
But considering the fact that bk_moon approved every change, then it was...okay, never mind.
Anyway this chapter is pain hold your disappointment before reading it...😭
Oh yes, more than 3 times of Hellkaros thoughts of wanting to go home were completely omitted and now Javier and Lloyd were going to find the Dragon King. Great.
I want my cookies back.
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lloydfrontera · 10 months
This ending is so comically nonsensical that it made me feel okay with it. I'm the kind of person who can literally drop reading a story when there's a badly written romance, and when people were telling me that Lloyd ends up with Alicia and they have a daughter, I was very much fighting for my life to even start the novel. Because to be honest there's no way these kinds of stories have a very good romance plot. I'm sorry it's just that most of the time everything feels cheap and I keep on wishing the authors gave up on even adding it. But this? My God. It is so last minute, so out of the blue, that I can choose to ignore it and don't lose anything in the process. I can't even treat it seriously. Because if bk_moon wanted me to treat it as anything but a last "...actually!" then he should've made it matter. And it doesn't. And it's sad, I'm sad that they went that route, sad for Alicia and the time-old treatment she gets as a woman to get married off to the main guy when neither of their character arcs revolved around it. Now I understand your previous asks where you were talking about changing the marriage from Alicia to Javier and it making more sense story-wise and oh how clearly I see this now. But, still, somehow such a stupidly thought-through ending liberates, in a way, as I said, like it is true, undoubtedly, but it also too stupid for me to buy it :)
i know exactly what you mean actually akjshdkaasd
the ending comes so out of left field that it makes it,,, stick less in a way. it feels so disconnected that i can just. pretend it didn't happen ajskdhka
you can literally get to 401 and the not read anything else and you're good. that's a great point to leave it on. an open yet hopeful ending. no last minute romances, no important conversations being had off screen, no confusing implications being thrown at you last second. i am fully convinced 401 is the best way to end the novel lol
Now I understand your previous asks where you were talking about changing the marriage from Alicia to Javier and it making more sense story-wise and oh how clearly I see this now.
the only way i am semi-okay with a last minute wedding is if it involved alicia marrying both lloyd and javier. like. it makes sense. most of her thoughts right up until like,,, the last fifth of the novel are about how risky it is to the royal family for lloyd to exist without having a more tangible tie to it. but the same can be said for javier! the fact alicia never really worries about javier causing havoc in the kingdom despite him literally the most powerful person in the world is mostly because she sees him as,,, an add-on to lloyd. like yeah, javier won't be a problem as long as lloyd is not a problem. they're a 2 for 1 kinda deal to her. as long as she can keep peace with lloyd, she can keep peace with javier.
that's the thing about lloyd and javier. they are so deeply enmeshed into each other that even if you don't think they're in love, they are still tied to each other the way no other characters in the story are. they're are set do not separate them.
so. in a perfect world alicia decides to get rid of those pesky risks to her sovereignty and irreversibly ties them both to the crown, with the added benefit of getting some cute (and talented) af babies out of both of them. imagine a royal family composed of a ruthless queen, the greatest engineer in the world, the only grandmaster in existence and the children they would have. they would've been fucking unstoppable.
i am now mourning this version of canon. dang it.
somehow such a stupidly thought-through ending liberates, in a way, as I said, like it is true, undoubtedly, but it also too stupid for me to buy it :)
that is. exactly how i feel sometimes too. like yeah it may be canon. but it's a stupid canon. and so i don't have to listen to it asjhdka
you put it into words perfectly nonnie thank you for sending me this ask!!
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The Greatest Estate Developer (On going)✨
Alternative -
The World's Best Engineer
역대급 영지 설계사
LEE Hyun-Min
KIM Hyun Soo
Action Adventure Comedy Fantasy
[Disclaimer: picture and story not mine and they belong to their rightful owners]
When civil engineering student Suho Kim falls asleep reading a fantasy novel, he wakes up as a character in the book! Suho is now in the body of Lloyd Frontera, a lazy noble who loves to drink, and whose family is in a mountain of debt.
Using his engineering knowledge, Suho designs inventions to avert the terrible future that lies in wait for him. With the help of a giant hamster, a knight, and the world’s magic, can Suho dig his new family out of debt and build a better future?
[comment: Him (MC) and Cale from TOTCF could be best friends]
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listamangas · 2 months
El mejor ingeniero del mundo.
En curso 8 / 10 me gusta
Autor : BK_Moon, Moon Baek,문백경 Sinopsis: Cuando el estudiante de ingeniería civil Suho Kim se queda dormido leyendo una novela de fantasía, ¡se despierta como un personaje del libro! Suho se encuentra ahora en el cuerpo de Lloyd Frontera, un noble perezoso al que le encanta beber y cuya familia está sumida en una montaña de deudas. Utilizando sus conocimientos de ingeniería, Suho diseña inventos para evitar el terrible futuro que le aguarda. Con la ayuda de un hámster gigante, un caballero y la magia del mundo, ¿podrá Suho sacar a su nueva familia de las deudas y construir un futuro mejor?
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Lectura actual: 138 manhwa La novela esta terminada
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mythspy · 4 months
bk_moon. grabbing you by your shirt collar and shaking you around violently.
how can you make lloyd think that javier “resembled a beautiful painting that took countless hours to finish, elegant and perfect” and then make him straight.
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