oliviabutsmart · 11 months
Physics Friday #13: Sound (Part 1/2)
Preamble: Sound's kind of a big thing in town
Education Level: Primary School (Y5/6)
Topic: Sonic Physics (Mechanics)
Well, as the title suggests, sound is in fact a very big thing. We use our ears every day, to hear and to listen. And we also make sounds ourselves with musical instruments and voices.
Because of this, there is a myriad of different fields of study that focus heavily on our relationship to sound:
Physics/Astronomy - What is sound?
Engineering/Biology/Sound En. - How do we produce, record, or listen to sound?
Music/Linguistics/Psychology - How do we interpret and use sound for artistic or functional purposes?
All of these fields often need to work with eachother and mix their different purposes of analysis for the betterment of the academic medium. For example, a sound engineer still needs to know what sound is in order to record it. A music theorist still needs to know the structure of their sound-producing devices. etc.
But what we'll mainly focus on is the physics. And briefly touch on it's interaction with the rest of the academic sphere.
So, what is sound?
Sound is a longitudinal mechanical wave.
Well that's not very helpful. What is a wave and what does it mean to be mechanical?
A wave is simply some sort of periodic oscillation. It can constitute oscillating particles, mathematical objects, fields, or jumps.
Any form of motion that involves periodic motion or oscillation can be described by, or be related to, a wave, including:
Oscillations in electromagnetic fields
Air particles shifting back and forth
You jumping up and down at a regular interval
A satellite orbiting our planet
Vibrations in solid atoms
A mathematical function that repeats itself regularly
That's very general. So we often classify different types of waves based on what produces them (the generator), what they constitute (the medium), and what makes them move (the propagator).
Were, we come to the classification of the mechanical part of our wave. A mechanical wave requires a few things:
It is produced and propagated by the physical movement or vibration of matter
It is constituted of physical matter
This is how we derive the term mechanical. In physics, mechanical motion simply means something is physically pushing/pulling on you. Gravity is not mechanical but friction is.
But that's not the full picture. Because mechanical waves are a broad category of waves. Often we just generalise and call them all sound, but we can also subdivide our category.
Here's a list of other mechanical waves:
Explosion blasts
Sound (well it does have to be on this list)
Water waves/ripples
String waves (like jump ropes)
Jumping up and down at a regular interval (stop doing that I can hear it from downstairs)
So what makes sound different? Well, it's not really much. In fact all of these could be reasonably called sound. What makes sound sound, is a matter of perception.
Light is an electromagnetic wave. But for a more pedantic person, electromagnetic waves aren't light. Technically, EM waves outside of what colours we can see aren't light - they're infrared or ultraviolet.
The same distinction goes for sound in a sense. Sound to us is just the mechanical waves we can hear. Or that creatures on earth can hear.
Another distinction we make with waves is how they oscillate. Because the way the particles in these waves move matter greatly.
We distinguish between longnitudinal and transverse.
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Image credit: BJYU's
A longitudinal wave involves the particles inside it are moving back and forth - in the same direction the wave is moving.
A transverse wave is where these oscillations are perpendicular.
Both these wave methods are able to travel by physically moving the particles, but often through different means.
Transverse mechanical waves often require that their medium have some sort of tension that allows us to pull particles up and down. Like water or string.
Whereas longitudinal waves require pressure or spring-like forces to resist and react to squeezing and stretching. Like springs or fluids.
Often, when drawing sound waves, we draw it as transverse. And that's because both forms of waves can be mathematically be represented by the other. The 'height' of our transverse sound wave corresponds to the compression of the wave at that point.
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Image credit: TEL Gurus
Now. We have a good definition of sound.
How do we produce it?
This is actually a very simple question. We just create the oscillatory motion ourselves. All we do is push the air around us back and forth regularly.
Via our voice
Our vocal folds are made of tiny flaps. When air is forced through them, they vibrate at a rapid pace.
These vibrations from our vocal chords travel turn into sound that travels through the fast-rushing air, and exits our mouths/noses using said air to create sound.
Via resonant chambers
Fast-travelling air doesn't necessarily need to be voiced for it to produce sound. Often we can make this sound by blowing in a chamber or box. Sometimes even connected to artificial vocal folds.
These work by cutting out certain pitches and vibrational modes of sound by either artificially producing new ones or forcing some to be 'resonated out'.
This is how most wind and brass instruments work. By both controlling airflow and producing artificial vibrations, we can effectively create our own version of our voice - producing sound!
Plucking, strumming, and striking
String and percussion instruments on a basic level involve artificially creating a sound wave by plucking/pounding their strings/skin.
These plucks travel up and down the instrument. As they travel, their shape alters and spreads out creating a myriad of vibrations. Which in a split-second devolve into only the resonant modes. Thus producing sound.
In pianos, this plucking occurs every time you press a key. With guitars it occurs manually. And with instruments like drums, striking has the same effect as plucking. You're just pushing instead of pulling.
When strumming a guitar, you're effectively doing this many times over by stroking the instrument to stoke a sound.
Violins operate by utilising friction. The force of moving the stick against the strings create small vibrations that allow us to produce a continuous sound.
Sound produced by speakers are often made by all of the sound-producing methods above.
But what's more interesting is how you can produce sound artificially.
You can start doing this by waving your arms. Your movement causes vibrations in the air. And the faster the arms wave, the stronger these pressure differentials become. Eventually increasing the amplitude.
But in order to produce real sound, you need to do it at a really fast pace. So you should probably stop waving you're arms. You're embarrassing yourself in the McDonalds you're reading this in.
We can do this using the power of computation.
Say we have a small 'tick' sound, or a digital 'pluck', produced at a regular interval. Say, once every second. Let's increase this rate. More and more. Until we're producing it 262 times a second. This won't sound like a series of fast ticks. In fact, it will sound like an actual sound, the middle C note.
Unfortunately, that's the end of Part 1
I think it's better to try and end things here before continuing on. Why? Well I just think these posts are a bit too long. And at the same time I have exams coming up next week. So I'd rather focus on that first.
The topics I'll be covering next time will be:
Pitch and Frequency
Volume, intensity, and the inverse square law
What the actual fuck is Timbre/Tambre/Tombré (and how do you pronounce it)
How we hear sound
Other wave like properties: Reflection, Refraction, and Propagation
After I complete this little sound topic, I want to utilise it in an actual astronomical example with Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAOs). So you can look forward to that too in the future as well.
Again with everything, please give feedback, comments, or anything else. But like, don't just say something that is clearly not useful like "you suck!" - like great, thanks for the heads up I already know dummy.
Don't forget to like and subscribe gamers. Just to be sure I want you to smash that like button again, and then smash it one third time for good luck.
Another important message:
Please please help me with this colour inversion issue it's making like all colours on tumblr text posts difficult to read. Is this like a global change on tumblr? Can someone help meee
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The reference post is here:
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znewstech · 2 years
Byju’s to stop selling tuition to lower-income families, start ‘affordability checks’
Byju’s to stop selling tuition to lower-income families, start ‘affordability checks’
Education technology giant Bjyu’s has said it will stop selling tuition to poorer families who may struggle to afford it, according to India’s child rights body, which summoned the company’s CEO on Friday to answer over a Context investigation. In response to a two-part Context expose of Byju’s working culture and treatment of customers, the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights…
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Byju's staff reveal harsh work conditions at tech giant - Times of India
Byju’s staff reveal harsh work conditions at tech giant – Times of India
NEW DELHI: From parents wanting the best possible education for their children to next-generation tech-savvy professionals striving to build their careers, education technology company Bjyu’s quickly became a beacon of hope for Indians seeking a brighter future. Founded in 2011, the Bengaluru-based startup launched its learning app in 2015 and soon snowballed into a multibillion-dollar behemoth –…
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phantomtutor · 2 years
SOLUTION AT Academic Writers Bay Please view explanation and answer below.Hey, buddy. 😄 I want to notify you about the progress of the homework. I have already completed questions number 1: GDP for Saudi Arabia and number 2: Memo / Policy. I’ve chosen a policy for overtime. I followed a template to learn the format of a memo. BUT I revised and changed it to prevent plagiarism. Kindly check it and feel free to ask if it is already good for you. Thank you. 😄Outline•Answer #1: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Per Capita for Saudi Arabia•Answer #2 Memos for Employees (Overtime Policy)Answer for Question No. 1: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Per Capita for Saudi ArabiaThe data gathering, illustration, analysis, and interpretation of statistics observations arecalled statistics. Statisticians and even business writers may represent statistical data in quite afew ways, including tables, pie charts, histograms, and, notably, bar graphs (BJYU, 2020).Bar graphs are also commonly known as bar charts. Bar charts are the most effectivemethods to demonstrate and compare data series over time (SmartWork, 2020).As we said, bar Graphs or bar charts are typically used to demonstrate and compare data.A bar graph illustrates data using a vertical or horizontal square bar, wherein the length of thebars signifies how small or huge the measured data is. The longer the bar means, the greater thevalue of data is.The business writer utilized a bar graph to effectively demonstrate Gross DomesticProduct (GDP) Per Capita for Saudi Arabia.It can be seen that there are a series of data. In the x-axis, we can see the Q refers to thequarte, and 2020 and 2021 refer to the year. At the same time, the y axis refers to the value ofGDP for Saudi Arabia.At first sight, you can quickly determine the highest GDP, which is Q2 2021, and thesmallest GDP, which is Q2 2020. Through the length of the bars, we can quickly identify thedifferences in data without looking into the numbers. It is practical, especially when you arepresenting the data with different measurements and variables. You can easily compare anddetermine their difference just by looking at the bars.According to Smart Draw (2020), bar graphs effectively compare a series of data amongvarious categories just by looking at them. Second, bar graphs are used to demonstrate therelationship between the x-axis and y-axis. And lastly, it shows the drastic changes in values ofthe data over time. These attributes are evident in the bar graph for demonstrating GrossDomestic Product (GDP) Per Capita for Saudi Arabia. Thus, the business writer chose and usedthis particular visual aid.Answer for Question No. 2:Memos for Employees (Overtime Policy)Note: Kindly see the Policy below.TAI MEDICAL HOSPITALPOLICIES AND PROCEDURESEffective Date: December 2, 2021Date Deleted/Replaced: November 17, 2021Review Responsibility: Human Resources and Senior Director-ManagerOvertime PolicyPURPOSE & POLICY STATEMENT:To set domain and parameters for overtime payment.A.Employers will pay Non-exempt employees 1.5 times the regular wage if theywork more than 40 hours a week. To determine or justify the qualifications of theemployees for overwork pay, they should consult with their manager.B.Employers would pay Non-exempt employees with regular working hours (8hours or less per day) 1.5 times the standard hourly wage in a week if they worked morethan 8.25 hours on the working day or 40 hours later. If an employee is eligible to workovertime, there are additional 1.5 times the regular hourly wage after the regular eighthour-work.Example: Employees who work 8.25 hours a day receive an 8.25-hour regular salary.Employees who work 8.5 hours a day receive 8 hours of a regular salary and 0.5 hours ofovertime.C.Non-exempt employees with flexible schedules will receive overtime afterworking more than 15 minutes per day on their budget, or 40 hours per week.Example: Employees need to work on shifts of 3-12 hours each week. Employees whowork 12.25 hours a day receive a regular salary of 12.
25 hours. Employees who work 12.5hours a day receive 12 hours of a regular salary and 0.5 hours of overtime. If an employeespends additional hours in the remaining work week, resulting in more than 40 hours ofwork in this workweek, employers will pay overtime pay for all overtime work above 40hours.D.Staff and employees are prohibited from doing overtime work without the prior approvalof their senior director or department head. Employees will receive overtime pay for allovertime but should be disciplined through termination if overtime work isunauthorized. If the employee illegally does overtime work, the employee’ssupervisor/manager should:1. Speak with the employee regarding the policies, authorization, and permissionto work overtime.2. Record the discussion with the employee.3. Maintain documentation in the manager’s employee file.E.Employers will pay employees who work less than 8 hours per workday or 40hours per workweek at their usual hourly rate for overtime up to 8 hours. Hours workedmore than 8.25 hours in a workday or more than 40 hours in a workweek will be paid atthe appropriate overtime rate.F.In calculating appropriate overtime fees, an employee’s usual pay rate will includeall pay differentials to determine overtime conditions for working hours exceeding 8.25hours in a working day. All hours worked by non-exempt employees immediately beforeor after their regular shift are considered worked on the same workday as their regularshift.G.To identify daily overtime eligibility, the time an employee works outside of theirstandard shift is not immediately before or after and falls at the end of the day. Employeesshall work during the business day on which the change begins.H.To determine if an employee is entitled to overtime pay, all hours worked in aworkweek are counted. Subsidized time for jury duty will also count toward hours workedto determine overtime eligibility for several hours worked after 40 hours in a workingweek. Sickness pay, personal time, and bereavement pay will not be considered hoursworked in determining eligibility for overtime premiums.I.Compensation for daily and weekly overtime cannot be copied or duplicated.Subsequently, staffs and employees are unauthorized for daily and weekly overtime pay.Only an overtime premium will apply.J.Employees must be prohibited from working more than 16 consecutive hours at atime. If an employee works 16 hours in a row, he will not work another shift without atleast 10 hours of rest or shifts. Employees cannot work more than 56 hours per week andmore than seven consecutive days without at least 24 hours of free time.K.L.Compensatory leave in place of overtime pay is never allowed.Any changes and exceptions to this policy must be reviewed and approved by the SeniorDirector-Manager of Tai Medical Hospital.SCOPE:This policy applies to all personnel of Thai Medical Hospital. However, withinside the occasionof any conflict among this coverage and the provisions of the collective bargaining settlement,the relevant provisions of the collective bargaining settlement shall prevail.RESPONSIBILITY:A.Employers and managers, along with the Human Resources department, are responsiblefor these employees’ compliance with this policy.B.Employers and managers are liable for informing staff and employees about the changeswithin the administration and the policy itself.C.Employees must do accurately report all working time, and it includes overtime workinghours.PROCEDURE:A. To make sure ongoing powerful operations, personnel must only work reasonable overtimehours. Whenever possible, managers will equitably distribute extra time to the variouspersonnel withinside the affected department(s).B. Department Heads will assign extra time, giving enough notice and information every timefeasible. However, emergencies and the unexpected situation might cancel the notice.C.In the case of emergencies, personnel can be required to work over the hoursindexed in Section K above.D. For employees who work within 11 p.
m. to 7 a.m shifts at night time, the time adjustmentsbecause of daytime savings time willreceive 7 hours payment during the spring season and 8 hours for a regular fee plus theovertime payment during the fall season.MONITORING:Individual managers and Human Resources are liable for monitoring, evaluating, and ensuringcompliance with this policy.APPROVAL:Human Resources Senior ManagerREVIEW/REVISED:Date 11/19/21ReferencesBYJU. (2020, December 7). Bar graph. BYJUS. https://byjus.com/maths/bar-graph/Oregon State University. (2020, September 9). Responsible employees and reporting incidents ofsexual misconduct or discrimination. University Policies andStandards. https://policy.oregonstate.edu/UPSM/05-005_responsible_employeesSmart Work. (2020). What is a Bar Graph Used For. https://www.smartdraw.com/bargraph/#:~:text=Bar graphs are an extremely effective visual to,several different styles of bar graphs to considerOutline•Answer #1: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Per Capita for Saudi Arabia•Answer #2 Memos for Employees (Overtime Policy)Answer f… CLICK HERE TO GET A PROFESSIONAL WRITER TO WORK ON THIS PAPER AND OTHER SIMILAR PAPERS CLICK THE BUTTON TO MAKE YOUR ORDER
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bananaxjenissi-blog · 6 years
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Wherever You Are B Joo gifs
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potatogoon · 7 years
From ToppDogg to Xeno-T
Okay so the news dropped like 4 hours ago that ToppDogg are changing their name to Xeno-T and ToppKlass are now Top Class.
This is a new start for our boys. Even though I'm upset that they don't have the same name anymore, the one they debuted with and the one we struggled to get known for almost 5 years now, it's a new start for them and if getting a new name that isn't tainted with a bad reputation can help, them I'm all for it!
Top Class on Twitter are using the hashtag #XenoTNewStart to show support for our boys, so don't hesitate to use it too!
I also know it's gonna be hard but please try using their new name from now on, so that other people can hear about it a lot and recognize it easily.
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scelidate · 7 years
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brillmindztech · 2 years
What is the cost Of Developing an E-Learning Application Like BYJU's?
BYJU'S provides mobile learning technology for students preparing for CAT, civil service exam, GMAT, GRE, and schooling. The startup has been in the market since 2008 and is a subsidiary brand of Think and Learn Pvt Ltd. BYJU'S has expanded its operations in more than 8 states of India and has also won many awards including Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Awards.
Due to its innovative nature, BYJU'S has also managed to get funded by the founder of Facebook's Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, Mark Zuckerberg, as well as several other investment firms such as Aarin Capital and Sequoia Venture Capital India. BJYU’s enables interactive online learning for iOS and Android, which has attracted thousands of entrepreneurs to enter the world of mobile eLearning apps.
Brill Mindz Technology is an E-Learning app development company in India that enables educational app development as well as virtual classroom app development.
Cost of developing an eLearning app like BYJU'S?
Byju's has a large number of features enabled in their apps to keep them going. It makes it easier for students to test themselves on time. At the same time, parents can track their child's performance and work on improving their child's performance based on the results that can be easily tracked only through the mobile app.
The cost of developing an app like Byju's depends on the number of features you need to bring to market for your Minimum Viable Product. Clearly, no one is going to wait a year to develop all the features like Byju's, which have grown over time, and then launch their app.
The cost depends mainly on two things: First, the platform you choose to launch your mobile app, i.e. Android or iOS, and second, the features (video lessons, trial, subscription model, chat window, and so on) you want to include in your mobile app. Sometimes the location of the developers as well as the level of expertise also contributes to the development cost.
If you are looking for app development like BYJU's with all the features implemented in the app now, then it may cost around Rs.30,000 – Rs.70000 and more, and the development will take around 6-8 months.
Features of the BYJU learning app
Easy registration / login
Interactive teaching for various streams via video as well as live teaching.
MCQ and tests to know in real-time how well students are prepared for their upcoming exams and present analytics to parents based on tests taken by students
Easy enrolment option to opt for the courses they want to take
Real-time chat system to assist with courses and fees, etc.
Many other minor features
Factors that contribute to the cost of development
When someone thinks of developing an app like Byju's, the first question on everyone's mind is how much capital is actually required to develop the app. Let us take a look at some of the major parameters that contribute to the cost of developing a mobile app.
App platform
The cost of an app primarily depends on the platform chosen, i.e. Android and iOS. As with any other app, iOS app development is always cheaper compared to Android apps. But the target audience for Android apps is larger, so always choose your platform accordingly.
See more: LMS app development companies in New Delhi
App design
Design, design, design! Design is what matters to attract any kind of audience while developing a mobile app. Good UI & UX design is the key to success for any app development strategy. An appealing design attracts users, keeps them engaged in your app, and provides you with a long-term return on investment.
App functions
App features are the total number of features and functionalities you will implement in version 1 of your mobile app. If you have a limited budget, you should try to limit the feature set to create a minimally profitable product.
App developers
App developers, who are usually highly experienced in developing e-learning apps, are likely to charge you more as they have the experience to meet your needs.
Mobile wallet
Integrating a mobile wallet eliminates the need for payment hassles, enriching your customer experience.
In general, there is no clear answer to the question of how much it will actually cost to develop a mobile app. The cost generally depends on the specific features you need in the initial stages to launch your product. Contact Mobile Application Development company in India now to discuss your requirements in detail and get a detailed overview of the costs and capital required to develop an app like Byju's.
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xeno-t · 7 years
ToppDogg’s name change announcement
This is ToppDogg’s agency, Hunus Entertainment.
First of all, our artist, ToppDogg, sincerly thank the fans who continue to give them love and support.
Hunus Entertainment’s group, ToppDogg’s ‘Sangdo, Hojoon, Bjoo, Xero, Yano’ wish to announce that they will be active with the new name ‘XENO-T’.
The new group name, ‘XENO-T’, is a compound word that means ‘xenogeneic (diverse)’ and ‘Top - class’.
Once again, they want to look back at their orinional intentions and show a better side; they want to to reward the fans for their determination and sopport for so long. The new name, ‘XENO-T’, was deiceded on by following the member’s opinions.
Also, ‘Bjoo, Yano’ are expected to meet with everyone with a new reflection as ‘Bjyu*, Sangwon’.
On October, 24th 2013, they debuted with their first mini album ‘Dogg’s out’; once again, they thank the fans who strongly protected the name ToppDogg.
Hunus Entertainment will greatly support the 5 as they prepair with the new name ‘XENO-T’ while they ask that fans continue to cheer them on and give them love.
Thank you.
(*T/N: The spelling may remain “B-joo”, this is just the pronunciation)
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freelanceeditor · 3 years
What is all you need to know about online video editing?
It is a proven fact that video has a far deeper effect on our memories than text reading hence video editing is emerging as an influential marketing tool used by corporates of diversified industries. To quote few examples property sites i.e. magicbricks.com, housing, etc are using it to showcase property sites to prospective customers and this helps in better conversions. Apart from that ed-tech like Meritnation, Bjyus, etc are using it for conducting classes. Online video editing is one of the hottest topics with ed-tech these days which shows the bright future of video editors. A journey that began with 2D or flash animation has reached a new era with the emergence of Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality enabling the variety of solutions for users, and thirst for solutions is still not over. It is to be noted that despite new solutions coming up demand for 2D animation and even 3D animation is still rising which shows that each element has a place for itself. Video-Sharing sites like youtube and TikTok have further strengthened the expansion rate of videos since these platforms are uploaded with millions of videos every year and more importantly, keyword-based search simplifies the user desire and makes the relevant content available for him which leads to his interests. Prominent Softwares like Shotcut, Adobe Premiere, Adobe Flash, Apple iMovie, Lightworks, Final Cut Pro X, Hitfilm Express, Filmora 9, Corel Videostudio Ultimate, and blender are being perceived as the best video editors for youtube since they have simplified the video editing jobs to a very efficient level hence all these trends are leading to the growth of freelance projects for online video editors. A freelance video editor is quite to hire online who $20 per hour.
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moneycafe · 3 years
BYJU’s raises $1 billion from B Capital and Baron Funds and others
BYJU’s raises $1 billion from B Capital and Baron Funds and others
Facebook’s co-founder Eduardo Saverin’s B Capital Group, Baron Funds, and XN have invested $1 billion in Edtech startup BJYU’s. The company is planning to raise another $200 or $300 million in the coming weeks To create a presence in the offline education space. It has announced that in the coming 18-24 months, we’ll get listed in the stock market to raise funds for sustaining growth and funding…
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newsoutbursts · 4 years
BYJU’S To Host World’s Biggest School Quiz - Pratidin Time
BYJU’S To Host World’s Biggest School Quiz – Pratidin Time
Ed-tech giant BYJU’s will be hosting one of the world’s biggest online quizzes with over 30,000-plus schools expected to be a part of the mega event.
More than one crore students will be getting an opportunity to participate in the virtual challenge Discovery School Super League (DSSL) powered by BJYU’s through its DSSL app.
The top three winning teams of the DSSL would fly to NASA with all…
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bananaxjenissi-blog · 6 years
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This polaroid 💕💕💕
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vsplusonline · 4 years
Fast Growing IT Sector hiring Engineers from all streams - Times of India
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/fast-growing-it-sector-hiring-engineers-from-all-streams-times-of-india/
Fast Growing IT Sector hiring Engineers from all streams - Times of India
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Did you know that Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google is a Metallurgical Engineer? Or that Satya Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft is an Electrical Engineer? Here is another interesting fact, Mahendra Nerurkar, a Civil Engineer is the CEO of Amazon Pay. And he is an alumnus of Mumbai University. Even the CEO of Nokia, Rajiv Suri’s academic specialization is in Electronics and Communication.
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So what does this mean? Well, the obvious takeaway is that any B.E. graduate has a solid foundation to build a career with limitless possibilities. They are in demand, not only throughout the general sectors and an extremely wide variety of industries but also in the prized IT field, where engineers are clearly preferred to head and be the visible face of the biggest brands.
The ground reality of campus placements today is that B. E. students from colleges affiliated to Mumbai University are being recruited across branches by discerning employers. Even IT companies recruit engineers from all branches, be it Computers / IT / Electronics / Electronics and Telecommunication / Bio-Medical / Mechanical / Civil, because they have projects in these sectors.
Prof D N Krishna, Training and Placement officer, Vidyalankar Institute of Technology, Wadala, confirms this rising trend. “We have been observing over the years that all IT companies have been consistently visiting Vidyalankar Institute of Technology for campus placements . Top recruiters at our campus include TCS, L&T Infotech, Capgemini, Media.net, Interactive Brokers, Zeus Learning, Reliance JIO- Retail, Godrej, Oracle, Amazon, Works Application, Just Dial, Uniqlo, Infosys, Bjyu’s, Seclore Technologies, Carwale and Jaro Education and the highest package offered is around Rs. 37.5 lakh p.a. Our engineering placement statistics range between 70-80% and this applies to Vidyalankar Institute of Technology students across branches, be it Computer Engineering (CMPN), Information Technology (INFT), Bio-Medical(BIOM), Electronics Engineering (ETRX) or Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering (EXTC),” he emphasises.If this wasn’t reason enough to select the course, B.E. students have been further provided with opportunities to be even more employable than before.
Dr Saurabh Mehta, Chief Academic Officer, Vidyalankar Institute of technology, Wadala, Mumbai, explains that from this year onwards, engineering students from any branch can select the modules in one of the Emerging Areas that have been proposed by AICTE, which would further enhance their employability quotient. For instance, an engineering student of Electronics branch or Electronics & Telecommunication branch can also take up the Blockchain or Cyber Security module.”
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Giving details, he says, “There is scope to offer Elective Courses (in the range of 18-20 Credits) in Emerging Areas to students of all branches of Engineering and Technology. From Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the Internet of Things (IoT), Augmented Reality/ Virtual Reality (AR/VR), Quantum Computing to Data Sciences, Blockchain to Robotics, Cyber Security to 3D Printing and Design, the opportunities are manifold. So it is possible that a student doing extra credits for Augmented and Virtual Reality in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering shall earn B.E. Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering with specialisation in AR/VR. We are seeing lot of our Electronics / Electronics and TeleComm students getting jobs in AI / ML / Data Science / IoT.”
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This is excellent news in a scenario where IT companies are literally growing faster than the GDP. During the NTLF 2020 held in Mumbai, NASSCOM chairman Keshav Murugesh had conveyed that the Indian IT sector now contributes 8% to the national GDP, and the hiring momentum is significantly higher than last year. The Indian IT and BPM industry should close 2019-20 with 7.7% growth according to NASSCOM estimates shared at the annual edition of its Strategic Review in Mumbai.
The Indian IT industry, which recruits engineers from all branches, be it Computers / IT / Electronics / Electronics and Telecommunication / Bio-Medical / Mechanical / Civil, is said to have augmented its numbers by 2.1 lakh people this year, the highest in four years. This indicates that potential demand for engineers is constantly on the rise . Thus ,it becomes very clear that job prospects for engineers across branches are great. Therefore , engineers now have the best of both worlds. The course itself provides the essential elements for a bright career in addition to providing opportunities to directly target emerging areas at the same time.
Mumbai continues to be the preferred city for the B.E course because all engineering colleges under the aegis of University of Mumbai meet AICTE standards. This ensures that parameters like infrastructure, curriculum, faculty and the teaching methodology are all of a high level. Campus placements and starting salaries are factors that make it a win-win scenario in every way.
Reshma Bhosle. Engineering Success is an initiative of ET India Rising in association with Mumbai University and Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra.
Disclaimer: This article has been produced on behalf of ET India Rising by Mediawire team.
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cb-143 · 7 years
Topp Dogg MTL to be an idiot
Xero Bjyu Nakta Sangwon A-Tom Hojoon Minsung P-Goon Sangdo
I feel like this doesn’t even need any reasons 😂 This is merely my opinion
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objecteiespai · 5 years
Processos de transformació
en relació:
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