#bjr mail pack
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badjonesrising · 5 years ago
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BJR Shop: Shipping & Pretty Packaging
Wednesday. Not usually a big deal but it's already a better day than yesterday, and it's two days before I fast. I also went to bed thinking about how productive I would be, even if I didn't feel like working today. Administrative work is just as important as the artsy stuff, and I used to hate it, but now…idk…I realize just how important it is. I have made it a goal of mine to take one whole day dedicated to editing, uploading, drafting, and posting on social media. Website work and emails and other shop related stuff is also up for grabs. I go with the flow, one thing at a time, that way I don't get overwhelmed. While going through photos I wanted to post, I completely forgot how many shops order packages that I took pics of! So here they are.
A little while ago I wrote a pretty interesting and informative post on what I like to send in mail when swapping with pen pals or first timers. Right after that post, I was inspired to finally make the BJR Mail Pack, one of the most requested items in my shop that I never offered. Now that they are available and I have sold tons- I thought it would be nice to finally document the packaging.
Like everything else in my art world, I am always going for the most sustainable, eco-friendly way to make things and send things. I am actually weeding out the last of my plastic bags and will eventually switch to paper. I also use 100% recycled newsprint and try to use recyclable kraft paper for the wrapping. I hope that people will use the charms, beads, ribbon or twine in their own work as well. I was fighting myself a few weeks ago about buying lots of tags and frilly things for the outside, but I sat back and thought nothing I would buy would be as great as something I could make. Now, all packages not only have bonus BJR goodies inside, but plenty of fun stuff on the outside. I know I have said this in the past, but I will say it again- I make all this stuff by hand and in small batches, so it's important to me that people FEEL the handmade "vibe" and I really want people to have an "experience". Sounds crazy but it's true. I know how great it feels to be surprised by a gift, and I absolutely LOVE mail (you know I do!) so I also know that when you spend your hard earned money on art or anything from a small business- you want it to be awesome! Packaging is a big part of it.
I am not 100% convinced this is the way I am going to keep on packing and shipping orders, but I like it! I have been getting great feedback on it as well, so we are going to stick with it for now. Okay, back to work. Just wanted to get this out and say hi! Have a good hump day, eh!?
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universallyladybear · 6 years ago
De la fibre optique pour la mise en œuvre de la technologie dynamic spectrum management dsm au cameroun en 2009 orange cameroun commercialise des offres adsl à des tarifs encore…
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Alice Adsl 10 De la fibre optique pour la mise en œuvre de la technologie dynamic spectrum management dsm au cameroun en 2009 orange cameroun commercialise des offres adsl à des tarifs encore...
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badjonesrising · 5 years ago
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BJR Shop: NEW BJR Mail Packs! 🎉
I am so excited to actually be able to say this, but it's finally and actually true! I finally got it together and added BJR Mail Packs to the shop! You don't understand. I have been talking about sending these little creative parcels for YEARS and I never did it. I always sent mail and did a little blurb about it the other day, but now you can actually buy one, CUSTOMIZED, just for you!? Dreams do come true—for me and you!
I have been packing and shipping so much, and prepping to streamline my workflow, it just hit me the other day. I was sitting there, put everything in a row, finally snapped some great photos for it and uploaded the product the same day. I was so proud. Crossing this item off my To Do List is beyond words y'all. I just can't describe how happy it makes me. Everyone loves mail!
I'll spare you the product details, you can go check it out for yourself- but I do want to say this. There are millions of artists in the world. Painters, potters, weavers, and all of them seem to be doing big, famous things on the internet. I'll be honest, I just am not that person. I am a country girl, who still has big city dreams, and I work really hard to run my small business and stay true to what I believe in. I put a lot of time, energy, and love into this and I can promise that I treat every package like it's being sent to me. I always wrap it up, tie the string and I think, "damn, I would be so happy to get this mail!" and that's the truth. All your support goes to more art supplies and more projects— hopefully to keep spreading beauty in this world and to help me explore and discover even more in the art world. Passionate & prolific me! I just want to make what I want to see, and I want to share it and I want to teach it. And if you read this, well, I am so glad you're here for it all.
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badjonesrising · 4 years ago
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Archive: October BJR 2020 Paper Packs
The other day I finally sat down and saved and uploaded over fifty photos from the last couple of months, hoping to get them published on this blog. One of my biggest things in 2021 will be documenting. YES, I know. I am always documenting, but I think I want to go bigger. I want to archive. I want to make sure every little thing gets the time and place to shine. There is simply no reason for any of my work, no matter how big or small, should go undocumented. Yes, it's not all final and significant in a keepsake or financially advantageous way, but it's all special to me. If I stop to think about it and I stop to make it, it means something and I want it set in stone. I am going to mark it down on paper in my journal, photograph it and put it in an album or scrapbook, or simply blog about it. For internet's sake, blog on! One of these days, people are going to wish they didn't give up their text blogs for gridded photo apps and I am going to bask in the glory of knowing I never did! I am backlogged like twelve or so posts, but I’m determined! Wish me luck! 🦋
Anyway- I have forgotten the actual chronological order of when this art and these projects were shown to the public, but I have checked some dates and I am going to do my best to try to keep them in order. The oldest stuff I could find on my phone after NYC AND that wasn't posted here on the blog were my October Paper Packs! I made them amidst Election Day bullshit and Post-Halloween, because I didn't want to waste the Autumn inspiration that was practically oozing from my fingers. They served two purposes: 1. to purge and organize papers and collage fodder that I had been saving for YEARS and completely forgot I had and 2. to make up packs in a fun way, to get my creative juices flowing. I didn't make art for almost an entire month when I got home to MD, so it was so nice to do something that I knew would motivate me. I sold all these packs as soon as they were posted and am glad to know people enjoyed them! Plus, just look at these photos- so good! I vowed I wouldn't make more of these in 2021, and I probably won't. Instead, I am going to lean into my digital shop and some monthly kits. I am excited!
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badjonesrising · 4 years ago
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Archive: BJR Neon Graff ATCs (December)
YAY! We have finally made it to December! That means I am only about a month and half behind on documenting my projects here on the blog! I don't document EVERYTHING, but making sure the final and special ones get some shine- well, that's important to me! This batch of ATCs are some of my favorite I have EVER done in my whole life and I really want to make them prints at some point. See the original Instagram post HERE. I also decided when I made these, that maybe I should start making a batch a month and that's exactly what I have been doing. I made two batches in December and two this month. I want to base them on "themes" but usually I just go with the flow.
These cards were made with my rainbow sidewalk scroll paper and some new graffiti handwriting pieces from a BJR Paper Pack. I really wanted to use the last of the packs and kits of 2020, and I thought ATCs were the perfect opportunity for that. I also love looking back on these and realizing how many table scraps and recycled paper and mail art that I used and USE daily! I was just telling my friend Shannon that if my internet art friends didn't swap and trade paper and scraps with me, or I didn't find it stashed all over the old boxes and magazines in the house, I would be lost. It's hard to go hunting the way I was before cv, and quarantine is rough because going out and finding inspiration out there…well, it's nearly impossible. I am grateful that I can find the best sparks of inspo in the smallest and most mundane of things. I love paper, and I love making art. Life wouldn't be life without it.
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badjonesrising · 4 years ago
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Archive: BJR Rainbow Sidewalk Scroll
Okay, so I am sticking to my plan and going to keep posting these last few projects of 2020! I am thrilled to know that I was so prolific in just a few months! I always did work well under pressure. For a video of this bad boy and some more pics, check out the original Instagram post!
This particular post speaks for itself...I went out on a gloomy October day, a few days before Halloween, I think, and made a really, really big painting! I rolled out some white paper, from the steps to the street and just went for it. I had a blast pouring, splattering, dripping, and using all the biggest house paintbrushes I could find. The mission was simple: paint the paper, then cut it down into smaller sections, then cut those sections into pieces that were more manageable in the house or at my desk. I used this paper for ATCs, postcards, some sketchbook pages, mail art, and BJR Paper Packs! I actually still have almost HALF of the scroll (cut down) and I’m going to treasure it for a while until I need some rainbow paper.
I would love to do this again but I would change a few things. It might be nice to gesso or paint the surface with white next time for a more painterly effect (and much thicker paper!) Although, I did love the final thickness and texture the dried paper had. I also think that I need to work on a sunnier day because it took forever to dry. Even though I didn't get rained on, it was so cloudy and damp out that I had to take all the sections into the house and put the heat gun on them for a little while. I also think I would like to do some monochromatic pieces. I think with sections full of one saturated color, I might be able to make some really nice, dynamic backgrounds that would be ready or re-working later on. Definitely one of my favorite projects for prep of 2020. Painting outside is hard in the city, but if you are in the country you can use your yard, or if you are in the burbs, you usually have access to a garage, shed, or small front yard! I have never been so happy for a sidewalk and nosy neighbors. 🤣
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badjonesrising · 4 years ago
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New Work: Post Halloween/ Election Day ATCS
Here it is Friday night, almost 9pm...I am watching the end of the first season of Castle Rock (great show!) and very happy to be in the house. It was quite beautiful today, and I hung out with my Mama and my nephews and ran errands. BUT I also worked- a lot. AND I'm still nowhere near finished with my projects! I have tons of trades, swaps, and mail to go out. I am working on a BJR Graffiti sign, and an ultimate BJR Mail Pack/ Paper Pack. It's been fun making merch and trying to gather enough inventory o keep my shop updated- considering ALL my supplies are in NY! I am doing one helluva job.
Anyways- I wanted to get these ATCs posted before I finish with the rest of those October posts that I never archived. It's important that I stay on top of these things because the "new year" will be here in no time! I also have a lot of books to read...another post, another day. LOL
I didn't have everything I needed to make thse ATCs at first, but I did some digging. I pulled out stickers, washi tape, old paper stacks, OLD mail art (that I haven't seen in at least two years), and even some really old die cuts and paint. I tried my best to stay positive and work with the limited supplies I did find, and in the end, well...I think it turned out for the very best! I actually really love this little batch. It's funny because I used the painted paper from my BJR rainbow road sidewalk scroll, and realized a lot of them were Halloween colors. I stayed off instagram and the internet in general last weekend, because I knew that Election Day would be a headache and a half. Sure enough, it's still giving some people migraines. It was nice to work without interruptions or distractions.
Here are some things I learned/ remembered while making these little cards:
1. Less is more. If I limit what I have to work with, the ideas will come to me quicker, but better yet...the work will be cohesive. All of these cards have a nice little spooky vibe and I'm totally into it because I totally missed Halloween shenanigans.
2. Being back in MD gives me strange opportunities, like using a sewing machine. Ben took it out and it's covered in dust and dirt but I took my happy ass down into that basement and I sewed away. Stitching paper isn't something I have done in a long time, but I'm so glad that I did.
3. USE WHAT YOU HAVE. This includes old tape, old paper stashes, old mail art from all your favorite pen pals. Did you know that I have mail and paper from almost 10 years ago? How is that even possible?
4. Don't rush things. I did the masterboard, not expecting much tbh- but then I woke up feeling motivated, and finished those ATCs within a few days. One step at a time. When I got frustrated, or stuck, I just stopped and took a break. It was good to know that I still wanted to finish them, even after all the cussing and throwing and stomping my feet. (Yes, I have tantrums when it comes to art- don't you?)
5. Knowing that most of these, maybe ALL of them would be given away or traded made me work even harder. I kept thinking about how much I love to share art and what good is all this talent and love, if not to give it away? Luckily, people want to see my art as much as I want to share it and if I can keep that in the front of my mind, well then...things will be alright.
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badjonesrising · 4 years ago
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New Work: Altered Tags for BJR Mail Packs & Such
I used up all my store tags in the last two journals I made. I had to use a smaller version but at least it made it easy to know what kind of scraps I needed to make them, and how much collage stuff was needed. I like making these little things because it gets my creative juices flowing. It's also fun to see art so small, and keeps my hands busy. I also include handmade tags in most of the packs that I make and mail that I send so I always need them.
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I made some individual ones to use up pieces I had been saving. I also really wanted to use the painted deli paper that Jackie sent me. I saved half for printmaking and the other half for collage. I took a small rubber brayer and rolled bold colors on the deli paper, and off the edge. I have been enjoying the transparency of the paper and the little spiked edge. It's a great way to add a pop of color and seal in the collage beneath. The orange tag (above) one turned out great because I just used the paper as a cover and added some white splatter. Turned out great! Don't mind the scary Halloween one- it is so ugly but I like it.
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I also made a big batch of tags from the another old painting I had. I previously had cut it up to use as collage pieces but I couldn't figure it out. Finally, I just glued tags to the entire piece and cut them down and called it a day. They are so thick and bumpy! It's my favorite time when there is so much paint, you just have to touch it! I had to "dye" the strings that came with the tags because they were so boring. I used watered down acrylic spray and bunched up the string before wetting it. I let the string soak and then made sure they were dry and stretched out before adding them. For most of the tags, I used two strings and then cut short, once tied. I am going to use the fancy ones for packs and kits and such and the smaller, thinner ones for packaging orders. It was a good batch. I am going to make a new batch next month. That's my new thing- themes of the month. I gotta reflect. lol
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badjonesrising · 5 years ago
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Work in Progress: Shop & Mail Goodies
I promised I would show more work in progress pics, but I think the blog is the best place for them. You can always find most of these photos daily on my instagram stories! I apologize for the dark photos, even after editing. I usually work in low light to relieve tension and anxiety and it's been working great for me. I will say it's always a pleasant surprise to see my final work in well-lit rooms for photographing and outside in the sun!
Last week I realized I am actually pretty low on my inventory for BJR Mail Packs and fun flair for packing shop orders and mail art. I like them all to be one-of-a-kind and super awesome and original so I ALWAYS make things in small batches like this! I never use bought paper or fancy stuff for my art. I take pride in recycling. However, I just can't resist the urge to buy cheap mail stuff, stationery, and labels from the dollar store. If you ever want to buy me a gift, it's weird stuff like this!
One of the most requested things I get from people wanting my work, is stickers. I have some I like and want to make in bulk, but I am still deciding on the designs. I made some new BJR HELLO stickers that I will throw into mail or orders. I also found some really cool starbursts that are glossy, so I used some alcohol ink on those and will def use those for BJR Mail Packs. I also like the price tags with my writing- reminds me of something tribal or primal! Aren't they rad? Of course, there's no better use for paint chips than for graffiti and tags, so I made plenty of those!
Overall, I was pretty satisfied with this little work sesh. I have lots of fun things for my own work and sketchbook, and now I have plenty of extra goodies for strangers and friends alike. Which one of these weird little things do you like best?
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badjonesrising · 5 years ago
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Work in Progress: Painted Paper & Collage Pieces
I don't know if you have heard, but at the end of January, I started getting some pretty crazy art ideas. I kept thinking to myself, if I didn't get ideas onto paper or canvas or in a book form, they would be gone forever. I started slowly, making a very small book full of abstract thoughts and profound things and mostly dreams. My art has always been inspired by patterns in nature, urban landscapes and of course, dreams. But to execute these ideas...that’s a different thing. February hit and so did all my Solar Return vibes- I wanted to come out of my shell and start sharing my ideas with myself and with the world. I took it slowly, because after such a long break, I didn't want to overwhelm myself. And with all the mess in the world going on- I needed to make a change for not only me, but for people I love, and strangers alike.
This particular little batch of awesomeness came from some found paper I found. You know me- recycled, lost, and found everything. I used some colors that I don't usually go for, really pushing the limits within myself and getting uncomfortable. A few art friends of mine always tell me that I am too hard on myself and I have too many rules. I wanted to be loose, free, and most of all, I wanted to have fun. I used some oil sticks, watercolor crayons, and one of my fav tools of all time- china markers. I kept the good stuff, and tweaked them into finals. Everything that was left, I cut up and turned into collage pieces for more work, sketchbooks, and mail art. I never waste a thing, and it's so exciting to know that the "waste" is just as aesthetically pleasing as the final works on paper. I want to make sure you guys see this process and the behind-the-scenes stuff so you know how I got to the final products. To see the creative steps to perfect paintings. 
Check out my last post to see what I did with a different batch of cut papers. I also have been posting my sketchbook spreads and brand new work on instagram- check me out! AND if you want purchase any of my handpainted or printed papers, please check out my shop. I have new BJR Paper Packs- and only a few left! They always go fast, so don't miss out. Have a lovely Wednesday friends- keep in touch! Stay safe out there!
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badjonesrising · 5 years ago
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End of March- Finalizing Art Projects!
I don't give a damn if no one reads this blog anymore. I am going to keep on documenting because I am so damn proud of myself, I am rosy with pride! I am so glad, and quite relieved I am back to making art, sharing and posting, and recording the process. The process is always what matters most to me, but rarely do I like what I make- and I LOVE my recent works! I am also getting lots of inquiries, sales, and a few commissions- this is important to me because a little bit of love goes a long way.
Today, I wanted to take off and take a break from art biz stuff but I wanted to sew up my new sketchbook. I have been collecting found papers and kept some painted ones for myself. I finally sat down last night and cut the sheets down, and got it all bound today. I am really diggin' the soft covers lately, and this new one is a recycled tamarind box! I haven't been drinking beer so it's nice to use some other boxes for my books. Last night, I finished some BJR Graff stickers because I only had a few left! I do these in batches like ATCs and BJR Blobs and Squishies. I swear these little art things need their own pages on the site. I am also working on some sticker ideas and I think I am going with these tiny painted rainbows- I just can't decide on a color scheme! Incoming mail has been great and I am receiving some great new papers for collages and mail art for pen pals. I am finally starting to feel like myself again (art wise anyway) and I just wanted to make sure I typed it up. I still have smaller works on paper to show on instagram, and I haven't even posted my February book yet! Phew, I gotta keep truckin'... glad to be a bit caught up tho. These photos are recent! YAY!
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badjonesrising · 5 years ago
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New Mail Art: BJR Graff Postcards
On Tuesday, I finally started making some mail art after so long! I started a few weeks back with some “Spring” themed ATCs and had a ball sending those out. I still have a couple if you’re interested in swapping with me! About a month ago, I had kindly requested on Instagram, for friends to send me materials for making— being quarantine has made shopping difficult and most of my supplies are back in MD. I had received quite a few packages of paper, collage materials, and ephemera from pen pals and wanted to use it in the outgoing mail. I gathered my favorite bits and pieces and decided to use one of my own BJR Paper Packs for the first batch. I only made 8, lost one, and then found it the next day in the scanner! It made me happy to have a bonus postcard so I decided to make more. So with my some of own paper pack and some leftover pieces from incoming mail, I made a second batch on Wednesday! And boy, are they awesome!
The second batch included some more graffiti-esque stuff and lots of splatter and speckles— I just can’t help myself. I made about 10 and had some leftover bits for ATCs that I started today. Overall, it felt good once I got in the groove. I’ll be honest—I was a little rusty at first. I didn’t want to just do what I used to, but add some new elements and techniques I’ve gathered since the last time I send postcards out. It’s been about two years, if you can believe that.
I had a rough week, didn’t feel my best and was lacking sleep. Delirium brings plenty ideas though, so after resting and finally getting a full night’s sleep, I woke up early, worked out, and made vegan strawberry milk, and started a new batch of ATCs. They are currently being pressed under my desk. Tomorrow, I’ll cut them down and scan them before sending them to friends. I also finished my commission and I can’t wait until it dries so I can photograph and post pics of the details! Once my friend gets it, I’ll post the final shots. Hope you guys are okay out there... sending Saturday night love.
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badjonesrising · 5 years ago
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New Work: BJR Paper Packs (and a Giveaway!)
I had a weird day. Lots of things didn't go my way and I didn't get a thing done, except for shipping my shop orders first thing this am. I am sure it’s Mercury Retrograde or me just being a bit frustrated about my mail not being delivered. I have had more shit with mail these last three months, I don't even have any more expectations. 🤦🏽‍♀️😂 If I don't laugh about it, I would cry about it, and the whole world has been crying so I'll shut up. I am so grateful for good health, a place and the ability to make art, and even more grateful to have it inspire someone.
However, I do remember that I have so many of these beautiful work in progress pictures and I can't believe that I haven't drafted the posts. I am going to keep going with the flow, you know me y'all. These are the probably some of my favorite paper packs I have ever made. I wrote a blurb about my BJR Crinkly Paper the other day—read the post here. I love making them because nothing makes me happier than seeing friends & strangers use my paper in their crafty projects. I also can't wait for them to sell out every time because I already have new papers ready to be stacked and packed. Every batch is a thrill! I’m thinking of doing future ones with themes, like I used to. With the holiday, the season, my favorite song, the current novel I’m reading...idk I’m crazy y’all
I also need to make sure that I show more of my work, like I used to. From step one to the end, and hopefully share to teach. I know I inspire some people, but I think I forget that I am getting back at being creative myself…it comes and goes. I’ve got to show the good and the bad, if anyone, including me, is going to learn anything. These pics are great because it shows the paper, all brayered up and drying on the floor—just the way I like it. One of these days, in my dream studio I’ll have room to hang them or a proper drying rack. But until then, the floor will do!
I have these and lots of other cool things in my recent shop update—check it out! AND I am doing a giveaway on instagram and you are totally missing out if you don't enter. One entry gives you and a friend a chance to win a free paper pack! Hope you had a better day than me! Hope you are well out there in the world. Art hugs!
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badjonesrising · 5 years ago
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Mail Art: Sorting & Organizing Mail Trades & Paper Swaps
Sunday, I finally took time to go through every letter, paper swap and trade, and postcard I had stacked on my table. I only signed up for a few swaps with good friends, pen pals I have been friends with for years. However, I did accept some new swaps for paper in return for some BJR art an classic goodies. I realized about a month or so ago, I didn't have ANY sort of tissue paper, book pages, or even scrapbooking paper. I am glad to report that I got some very generous mail packages but I have been so busy working on site stuff, and having a sprained wrist, I just kept putting it off. My hand was feeling better, and my To Do List was long!
I started by sorting everything by type of paper. I found a box of really old scrapbooking paper in the closet (some papers were over 7 years old!) and wanted to sort and send them to friends. The incoming stuff was mostly collage materials so it was easy. I made a stack for thin, vintage-type papers like book pages and basically anything with text on it. I made another stack with decent quality paper, handmade paper, and things I could use in handmade cards and altered tags. Of course, there’s a big pile of paint scraps and gelli prints from pen pals! I also made a nice stack for flyers, labels, stickers, and "glossy" magazine-type stuff. I don't use a lot of glossy surfaces in my work anymore, especially collage work, but I wanted to keep them for atcs or postcards. I also made a big pile of journal cards for memory keeping or project life, and other "pretty" or mass produced type stuff. I am currently doing a digital purge and on an organizing mission of my photos from the last four years or so…so I have a big collection of digital downloads, freebies, and printables that I will add to this pile for scrabooking purposes. I save all my envelopes for mini albums, and for the stamps— but the “packaging” stuff, like bubble wra and cardboard all gets recycled! You know me!
I am so glad to have some tissue paper on hand now! I also found this cute little note from my friend Darlene and it has to be at least 3 or 4 years old! I also dug through and found some glassine and kraft envelopes I lost forever ago. It's good to get organized because now I can sort through and find these papers. If I can't see materials, or if they aren't within reach, I won't use them. I like to keep my mail art and swaps in their designated evenlopes for a little while so I can remember who sent me what, but once that is burned into my brain, I can sort and stack. Feelin' good- hell, I spent half of yesterday finishing up swaps and mail so I can finally take a breath! I have given up on USPS, but I still have a UPS across the street and things have been working just fine there. I only ship about once a week- so I spent all of this day packing orders and finalizing photos for my shop. I love being productive. I love getting shit done. YES! Okay, soup and Chicago P.D. here I come…
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badjonesrising · 5 years ago
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Works in Progress: Feb & March Fav Desk Pics
After I started posting and sharing all this new work, I sort of gave up on keeping them all in chronological order. I used to show works in progress, then the finals here on the blog but ain't nobody got time for that! I gathered some of my recent studio pics or some of the desk photos I liked best. I always try to stop and step back and capture these moments mostly for myself but also so other people can see my brain in action. As creatives, we all have a different workflow, but a method to our madness.
These were some of my favs:
1. Haven't done any analog collage from magazines, and wanted to make sure include this essential part of my process in my new mini book. Less paint, more cut & paste goodness. This particular page was all about complementing colors- gold and violet!
2. On this day I had cut up a new painting on paper because I hated the bottom. Used the smaller pieces to complete this page. I love painted paper almost, if not more, than collage. Tried to keep a cohesive color scheme.
3. I found an old sketch and realized I had never colored it in! Sometimes, when I don't want to paint and make a mess, I will draw in black and white ink (usually mandalas to ease my mind) or pull out watercolors. Crayons, colored pencils, and ink are less of a headache on those days when I just need quiet, meditative moments.
4. Love this final piece! Glad I captured the sorting of the BJR Blobs for this piece- it's an important job! LOL
5. ATCs are something that will always have a special place in my heart. They were one of the first reasons I started a blog and instagram and really pushed me into the mail art and trading world. I haven't made them in about two years and I am already itching to make some more to trade and give away to internet frands.
6. BJR Paper Packs! What's not to love about super awesome curated painted papers? I have a few left if you are interested! Get them before they are gone! I only make them once a season...or once a year lol
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badjonesrising · 5 years ago
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Sketchbook Archive: New Summer Book!
Peace! Well, here we are. If you are reading this, you made it to today and that's big news! I have been missing in action and slowly eating my way back into my delicious vegan world of food. After a 21-day fast and 7 days of fruit recovery, I am FINALLY feeling good enough to workout again and even make some art. I have been digging deep to find motivation and keep it so I can get some commissions done, upload some new stuff to my online shop, and of course finalize all my summer art projects.
I made a new book back in March, like I always do and haven't even really dug into it. It’s larger than usual, made from a Sour Tamarind box, and filled with recycled papers. My goal is to fill it by Fall so I’d better start doing a page a day! I only did two spreads in April, and only one page in May! So, I finally sat down yesterday and promised not to get up until I finished a 2-page spread and that's exactly what I did! Finally, Page 5! Haha. Unfortunately, I didn't film it, but I did remember to snap some photos while I was working! I promise I will do a better job about that- I have always been such a documenter but lately I get so in the zone and my brain just gets all wonky. LOL
This page is 99% done, and all I have to do is add a bit of blue on the left hand side. I used some acrylic ink spray, papers from an old BJR Paper Pack, some mail labels and stickers, and of course different pens and markers for the handwriting. I added two little white hearts for the little kid's eyes and I am in love with the wrinkled clear paper. I used a piece of deli paper that my friend Jackie sent me for gelli printing, and wanted to write on it but I decided to crinkle it up and rub on some black archival ink to make it look distressed. Then, I turned it over so the black wasn't so strong- I wanted the blue and pink to pop and that black just took away from it. With the deli paper upside down, it toned the page down a bit and I ended up liking it waaay better. I'll post a final pic when I get it done, and post the previous four pages as well.
Hope all is well in your world, or as well as you need it to be right now and hope you're finding a tiny bit of time to be creative. Sending love from NYC! 👋🏽🗽🌇🌃
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