#bjj clothing
ckfightlife · 2 years
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You and your opponent want the same thing. The only thing that matters is who works the hardest for it. Forget the naysayers | Like | Share | Follow | Tag #helpingjiujitsu #ckfightlife #bjj #jiujitsu #artesuave #ckfamily #contractkiller #livethefightlife #nogi #nabjjf #jiujitsulife #fightlife #armedtotheteeth #choke #jiujitsuGI #train #compete #discipline #traplords #clothing #brand #monday #breakwings #chokenecks #kidsbjj #dojobjj @nabjjf @sjjif @ckfightlife #ckathlete #sdbjj https://www.instagram.com/p/CpLLkDCp8LC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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iinryer · 4 months
i am genuinely curious about muay thai if you want to talk about it? if not disregard this message and i’ll go to google about it lol
i love boxing. i love boxing and i love combat sports. there are SOOO many things to talk about, i will not be able to get into all of it but i can give yall some combat sport basics!
SO. I will try to be succinct, but sorry in advance:
—not even touching on weapon arts types, there are three primary fighting styles of combat sports: STRIKING, GRAPPLING, and HYBRID
things like boxing (my wheelhouse) are striking combat! you can get a little locked up sometimes but you can’t actually intentionally grapple your opponent, and the ref will split you up to reset if it gets too tangled up.
things like wrestling and bjj (brazilian jiu jitsu) are grappling combat! you’re trying to pin your opponent or put them into submission via cinching and grappling, sometimes throws and knock downs, but there’s no striking allowed
things like aikido and combat jiu jitsu are hybrids! they use a combination of striking AND grappling techniques to varying degrees. MMA is the main hybrid combat sport, but i don’t think of it as a “style” on its own, by virtue of it being a combination of tons of other ones haha
—the next element is: what parts of your body you’re allowed to use and what parts of your opponent’s body you’re allowed to target. grappling sports are going to be a lot more full-body compatible, while striking styles can vary! punches only vs punches and kicks etc.
so, for example: boxing is limited to punches only and localized to above the waist, head on. whereas bjj is essentially full body to full body
—the last part is whether or not the combat allows groundwork. is this going to be fully upright (boxing) or can the fight continue if someone ends up on the ground (bjj).
it is a HYBRID combat sport, so it utilizes both striking and grappling. (it would probably be considered primarily a striking combat sport BUT it is technically a hybrid. most of the grappling comes in from catching your opponents strikes and utilizing that hold against them, as opposed to like, wrestling lol. you’re wearing boxing gloves so you can’t like, grasp anything with your hands, it’s more like arm locks and holds)
it is UPRIGHT, so both fighters will be standing the entire fight, and there is no groundwork or floor-based grappling
it uses MIXED STRIKING, punches as well as strikes with the feet, shins, and knees. lots of blocking is done with the knees and shins actually, which i find very cool
it can look a lot like boxing until the kicks come in to play! hand wraps and gloves look the same, but fighters will go into the ring shoeless and with ankle supports. professional muay thai fights prohibit shoes and shirts. sparring would include shin pads and sometimes head gear, depending on the setting
you CAN strike your opponent pretty much anywhere but the groin, knock your opponent down by getting them off balance (leg sweeps and throws), kick or push them away from you
you CANNOT pick your opponent up to grapple or throw them, grab their clothes or hair, headbutt them, or tackle them
if you’re curious about how it looks, I recommend searching “muay thai sparring” on youtube, it’s more casual than actual fights and you can usually see the fighters moves a little more clearly since they’re not going 100% (and, for fic purposes, that’s more likely what you’re going to be angling towards)
ANYWAYS. that was a lot, i may have forgotten some things but i hope that made sense and was at all helpful and/or interesting lol.
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vivigaming · 8 months
Tibetan Yak - 30 Day Welfare Task Event
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This is the newest 30-day welfare event in CN, the Tibetan Yak "Wind Flag Chanting Wishes". This is the second 30-day welfare event after the "Orchid Lotus Splendor". It's similar to the lifetime task suits, except it's 30-days instead of 3 months and you get a bunch of free stuff (diamonds, gold, stamina, star coins, association coins, crystal shoes, express passes, site tickets, heart tickets) on the tic-tac-toe board. Best of all it is FREE and leaves a lot of room for error. XD
Here are the requirements:
Tab 1: Daily Tasks. You get 5 of these tasks randomly each day. It resets daily so try your best to do all of them everyday.
Like 1x in the SC
Decompose 1 item
Clear any stage 1x
Recolor 1x
Evolve 1x
Craft 1x
Purchase 1 item
Do World Tour 1x
Complete 5x Commissions
Complete 5x Arenas
View player's house 1x
Decompose 1 furniture
Like in the competition
Like in Moments 3x (we don't have this yet in LN, but in SN, it's the Moments, basically like an in-game Facebook)
more? My bad if I forgot any.
Tab 2: 10 Day Task
Complete 2 Co-Ops (I never do this, still got it free)
Complete 10 Life Bits
Do 1 Group Buy (I never do this, still got it free)
Complete 25 Dreamweaver
Spend 150k gold
Spend 150 Star Coins
Spend 210 Guild Coins
Complete 1 ATW Bg (this is the hardest esp if you pick a 360 cost background lol, BUT you get a ton of free express passes during the event)
Tab 3: Try your best to do all of them! You can start collecting the Starlet, Mela, Kimi, and Orlando items now!!
Starlet: Collect "Cunning Imp" + Recolor
Mela: Craft "Rivers Beyond"
Debby: Craft Vol 3 Ch1 suit + Recolor
Kimi: Craft "Childlike Journey"
BJJ: Collect 10 new clothing
Orlando: Use Stringless Guqin Spirit in battle
Ace: Publish housing commissions 5x
Bobo: Publish 5 Inspiration Space SC (lol how do we still not have Inspo Space in LN)
Gonna make a video on the Vivi Gaming YouTube Channel soon about the detailed gameplay, but just thought I'd jot down my show notes here on Tumblr first :)
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mcclainwilla · 11 months
Writing Fight Scenes Part 7 - Basic Ground-fighting Terminology
So a lot of what you see in movies is (bedazzled, unrealistic) stand-up fighting/sparring that involves things like punches and kicks. But the reality is, most fights don't remain 'on their feet.' In this post, I'm going to talk about why most realistic fights go to the ground, the goals of ground-fighting, and some basic terminology
Before that, I should mention that I am going to be speaking from a grappling perspective. Grappling and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu are very similar martial arts, the main difference being the fact that bjj is usually performed while wearing a gi. I've always found this impractical, as many of the submissions (I'll explain this term in a minute) that rely on clothing are difficult to execute if a character's opponent is wearing civilian clothing
Importance of grappling
Above all else, a character who is good at fighting will know how to grapple because it is far easier to fall than it is to stand back up. A character loses their footing? Gets tackled/tripped? Catches a fist to the face? They're going to the ground. On the other hand, once a character is on the ground, their opponent might not be so kind as to allow them back to their feet. So, what do they do?
Goals of grappling
Returning to standing position
Like I just said, it's quite hard for a character to come back to their feet after they've hit the ground, but it can be done. A character would want to 1. Create space from their opponent, 2. Move quickly (to avoid giving their opponent the chance to stop them) and 3. Protect their head, especially if their opponent is still on their feet
TKO, by the way, stands for 'technical knockout,' and describes an instance where an opponent is deemed unable to fight back even while conscious, usually due to an incessant beating. If two characters are grappling, one can maneuver into a favorable position (like sitting on the chest) and just beat the shit out of the other. This is great if you have a more brutish character because the most technical part is getting into a good position
These are a little trickier to describe, because there's a lot of them. The goal of a submission is to either force an opponent to submit (no shit, right?) or to forcibly stop a fight by knocking them unconscious/breaking something. The two main categories are chokes and breaks
Blood chokes - these aren't as scary as they sound. They target the veins/arteries on either side of the throat to stop the flow of blood to the brain. They take hold pretty quickly but typically don't hurt at all, unless you pass out I guess
Air chokes - these are illegal in the ufc, because you can easily do damage to the throat structures. As you might guess, your character is just squeezing the hell out of the actual column of an opponent's throat. Also, they take longer to set in. Only let your character perform an air choke if they're a massive cunt/out for blood
This is actually another umbrella term. In reality, there are actual breaks, and then dislocations, hyperextensions, cranks/bars, and some that fall into multiple categories
Breaks - you guessed it, your character breaks bone. The most common ones are wrist, arm, elbow and knee (these two also fall into the hyperextension category), leg and ankle breaks. I've broken too many of my own bones to enjoy writing OR reading these, so
Dislocations - again, pretty self-explanatory. Shoulder and knee dislocations take precedence. Gross
Hyperextensions - mostly elbows and knees. Disgusting
Cranks/bars - this is the one I think I need to explain the most. Cranks aim to fuck up muscles, tendons and ligaments by wrenching joints beyond their normal mobilities. I see the most shoulder and knee cranks. Whump writers, you'll love these because you can go slow, drag it out. That being said, if you make me read that, I will show up in your backyard
Basic Terminology
So I already got some terms out of the way, but grappling is a whole different world than stand-up fighting. Have y'all ever heard 'jiu jitsu is gay' jokes? They're right actually
Rolling - the actual act of grappling with someone, usually for practice. It is NOT out of the ordinary for a character who does martial arts to say to their buddy, 'hey, you wanna roll?'
Clinch - 'the clinch' is kind of an intermediary stage between stand-up fighting and grappling wherein a character and their opponent are still on their feet, but they're holding onto each other. It kinda looks like a dynamic hug tbh, but really, they're fighting for a more advantageous position, so that a given character can knock their opponent to the ground
Mount - one character is flat on their back while the other straddles their chest. Ideally, the character on top (dominant position) would either sit high on their opponent's chest/collarbones, or they would sit directly on the diaphragm and squeeze with their knees
Guard - one character is flat on their back with their legs crossed around the other character's torso, who has their knees slightly spread for balance. The character on the bottom has the advantage if they can trap and pull their opponent's face to their chest, and cross their ankles high on their opponent's back. Conversely, the character on top has the advantage if they can sit up as straight as possible
Half-guard - think scissoring, almost. One character on their back/side and one sitting/kneeling upright, each with one of the other's legs crossed between their own. Same rules for advantage as guard. I don't really like this position because I don't like having my legs tangled up, it's too easy for my opponent to try a knee bar
Side control - one character flat on their back (preferably with their knees bent upwards) and the other laying on them perpendicularly, face-down. The idea here is to be as heavy as possible, to stop the character on the bottom from moving. Female characters want to press using the weight of their hips, male characters want to press using the weight of their chest; to trap a female character, lay closer to the hips, and to trap a male character, lay on the chest.
Rear mount - actually not as terrible as it sounds! Both characters on their asses, one behind the other with their arms wrapped around the torso/the ankles hooked behind the knees. DO NOT let your character cross their ankles when they are the one behind, holding their opponent. It is an EXCELLENT way to end up with broken legs (don't worry abt why)
North-south - ...69. I hate this one too, it's way too easy to get my knee fucked with
I hope this was helpful, and if not helpful, at least amusing. I guess the idea of this post was to give you some key words to google, in case you want to do more in-depth research (i.e you want your character to perform a cool submission but have no idea where to start looking)
Unimportant but funny aside, my old instructors accidentally came up with a blood choke where you literally use your face to choke someone tf out. They call it The Hickey
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indieyuugure · 1 year
I once heard/read someone say that jiu-jitsu is just the art of folding clothes with people still in them.
So does that make Brazilian jiu-jitsu the art of folding clothes with people still in them, then sending the clothes to Brazil?
lol, what??
Not even kind of, I mean there are moves that use someone’s collar or sleeves as handles to use against them, but that it’s definitely not folding their clothes 🤣
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a modified version of Japanese Jiu Jitsu that was invented by the Gracie family. The design of the art is to be able to effortlessly take down an opponent and neutralize them. It focuses on ground fighting and ways to inhibit your enemies movement and survive attacks and horrible positions.
The point is to be able to take someone to the ground without hurting them, but be able to threaten irreversible damage to their joints, or to knock them out in seconds using what’s called a “blood choke” which is essentially a move that applies pressure to the arteries that bring blood to your brain and stop the flow of blood until your opponent passes out(if done well can be only about 10 seconds).
There’s actually a version of BJJ that you don’t wear a Gi (the thick, canvas uniforms) and have to work solely with hand and foot grips to move you opponent and ultimately submit them.
Not quite sure where you heard that one, I’ve only ever heard the joke that it’s just a bunch of dudes rolling around in their PJs pretending to kill each other (which is making fun of the fact that the uniforms are so comfy). Lol, that is really funny! 😂
Good question! XD
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2manykinks · 10 months
The List of Kinks
(Updated 4/15/23)
This Tumblr may be more or less defunct, but I realize I never actually introduced my entire list of kinks yet -- and I still have plans to give each one a post before I consider this Tumblr officially 100% "mission accomplished" -- but now you can pin posts. Seems like a good thing to pin.
So here are all the ones I've already introduced, plus a few more for good measure. I'll update this post as I get around to revealing my full catalog, finally. Orange are topics I don't think I've ever made an actual post specifically calling out, yet.
#1 - Bare Feet
#2 - Bare Soles
#3 - Light Soles on a Tanned Stud
#4 - Wetsuits
#5 - Smoothskin Wetsuits
#6 - Surfers
#7 - Bodyboarders
#8 - Dive Studs
#9 - Barefoot Celebrities
#10 - Guys Barefoot in Blue Jeans
#11 - Guys Barefoot in Rubber
#12 - Businessmen Barefoot / Wearing the Wrong Shoes
#13 - Martial Artists / Martial Arts Uniforms
#14 - Men Wearing Hakama
#15 - Judoka / BJJ Men
#16 - Aikidoka / Iaidoka
#17 - Men With Weapons / Holsters or Sheaths
#18 - Cowboys
#19 - Superheroes and Villains
#20 - Spies and Secret Agents
#21 - Military Men
#22 - Mounties and their Red Serge Uniforms
#23 - Redheads / Gingers
#24 - Dive Masks
#25 - Sucking Snorkels / Regulators
#26 - Rubber Gloves
#27 - Leather/Racing/Sports Gloves
#28 - Neoprene/Webbed/Dive Gloves
#29 - Boxing Gloves / MMA-style gloves
#30 - Men Wearing Tabi / Split-Toed Shoes
#31 - Men Wearing Flippers/Fins
#32 - Other footwear not listed (luge shoes, US Marine boots, Neoprene booties)
#33 - Men Wearing Sandals / Flip-Flops
#34 - Men wearing Tall Leather / Rubber Boots
#35 - Open-Heel Flippers
#36 - Gasmasks
#37 - [Redacted; removed from kink list.]
#38 - Neoprene
#39 - Rubber / Latex
#40 - Spandex / Lycra
#41 - Other Materials (Puffer Jackets / Silk / Nasty Pig or Slick It Up gear/ PVC or Vinyl)
#42 - Leather
#43 - Using your feet to dish out punishment
#44 - Non-nudity (but close) / #deshabille
#45 - Dominant Men
#46 - Men Saluting
#47 - Riding (Equestrian) Boots / Pants / Outfits
#48 - Unconscious / Sleepy / KO'd Men
#49 - The Forbidden Fetish ... (strictly fantasy)
#50 - Defeated / Helpless Men
#51 - Bound Men / Bondage
#52 - Wrestlers / Wrestling Singlets
#53 - Men in Pain
#54 - Ball busting / Groin Kicks
#55 - Humiliation
#56 - Assume the Position: Bicep Flex / Double Bicep Flex
#57 - Assume the Position: Kowtowed / Sprawled / Ass Up
#58 - Assume the Position: the "Ken Pose" / L-Sit
#59 - Other Hot Foot Positions: Sole Steeple, Crossed Ankles
#60 - Assume the Position: On Balls of Feet
#61 - Assume the Position: Chokes / Chokeholds
#62 - Breath Control / Glove or Hand Over Mouth (GOM/HOM)
#63 - Armbars / Armlocks
#64 - Headscissors / Triangles
#65 - Leg locks / Ankle Locks / Foot Pain
#66 - Dazed / Dizzied Men
#67 - Jobbers
#70 - Skinsuits / Luge Gear / Cycling Suits / Gymnast Gear
#73 - Swimming Gear (silicone swim caps or swimwear) / Swimmers
#74 - Chaps (any material)
#75 - Rubber Uniforms (any)
#76 - White Gloves (again, any but especially boxing or military or rubber)
#77 - Military Uniforms (other than camouflage gear)
#78 - Cammies
#81 - Capes / Superhero Capes
#83 - Yellow Rubber/Latex/Neoprene/Gear
#84 - White Rubber/Leather/Lycra/Neoprene
#85 - Men in Red Rubber / Neoprene / Leather / Red Gloves
#86 - Men in Baby Blue / Aqua Blue / Royal Blue / Electric Blue (anything)
#87 - Bears / Hairy Studs / Otters
#88 - Bears in Tight Rubber / Neoprene
#90 - Wet Men
#92 - Berets
#95 - Knights and Paladins / Armor / Ren Faire clothing
#98 - Photos Taken For Me / Sent To Me (involving items on this list)
#99 - Photos I've Taken of Kinks #1 - #97
#100 - Hypnosis / Mind Control / Drones
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ask-sibverse · 5 months
Could We Have Reader Going On A Date With A SwapFell Sans? The One Normally Called Black By Fans?
Sure! I had an unconventional idea for this, but I like it lol
Side note I have not actually sparred with another human being in close to seven years so my memory is a biiiiiit rusty (when isn't it though...) (also look up bjj matches for reference if you want)
"You want to spar? As a date?"
Well, that certainly sounded more like an actual date. "Sure, that sounds fun."
So you made sure to bring dinner date clothes along with you to the gym, along with some makeup. You needed to clean up afterwards, after all.
Black was already waiting for you when you made your way onto the mats to spar with him. After a brief agreement on rules, it was on.
Grappling was your main fighting style, so that's what you went for, first trying to get him on the ground. Which was harder than you'd anticipated, speedy and slippery thing he was. You'd almost accuse him of shortcutting if you didn't know how much he valued keeping his word.
Eventually though, you two ended up on the floor. Grabbing at each other and being so damn close to his face was... A bit more flustering than you'd expected, but you were trying to keep your cool. Hopefully he'd mistake your blushing for just being red from exertion.
Although being put in a headlock wasn't quite as sexy. You lost, which was probably to be expected.
You couldn't help but giggle at that infectious laugh of his. "True, my defeat was imminent. But still I had a lot of fun!"
You nodded. "Of course, see you in a bit."
Fortunately it was his turn to blush when you saw him next. You rarely rolled yourself up unless you had a good reason to, so this was his first time seeing you like this.
"YOU LOOK WONDERFUL! COME, LETS GET GOING." He offered you his arm to escort you
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(( Art gifted from incredibly talented PoisonedMartini. Original story by me. ))
"Not so fast, fucker!" Jordan smirked as Santiago tried to strike with a single-leg takedown. Cody had warned Jordan about such a move based on how Jordan always started his fights; he could still feel the countless times Cody had picked him up and then hard slammed him into the mat as they worked on his defense. Santiago struck fast and with the precision Jordan would expect from some one of his caliber grappling skill; however, Cody struck just as fast preparing Jordan to react with his reflexes without thinking. As he locked his arms around Santiago's neck, Jordan pulled up into his chest trying to cut off the blood flow to his opponent's head. Jordan could feel Santiago react beneath his arms. Flexing as he pulled up and in, Jordan was trying to force his opponent to the ground, but Santiago was having none of that.
Santiago was able to get a good taste of how strong Jordan was as he felt the lean muscles flex around his neck. He silently cursed to himself as he realized that the pretty boy was more than some young pretty boy looking to make a quick buck; he had skills. While this rookie to the club may have skills, Santiago could already tell that those skills were not to the same level when it came to BJJ grappling. With a new plan in mind, Santiago was certain that he would make this young fighter tap soon enough. Then Santiago would smile and enjoy the punishment phase where this cocky young lad would be utterly humiliated in the nude. In many ways, Santiago wished that this fight had been more like his normal fights here at the club where multiple rounds were fought to submission with the loser of each round removing an article of clothing. The fight would continue until one fighter was forced to submit while nude. Afterward, the fighter would be subjected to some form of punishment; no matter the punishment, it was always emasculating to the type of guy who enjoyed fighting. Santiago had enjoyed watching many men think they could take him down only to end up in compromising positions much to the crowd's delight while Santiago grinned knowing the guy was no doubt wishing he hadn't accepted the fight against Santiago. Soon, Santiago mused, this Jordan fellow, would join their ranks. After dropping to his knees, Santiago forced Jordan to almost roll completely over and behind him. Instead, the scramble on the mat commenced as Jordan tried to force the early tap via guillotine while Santiago worked to get a hold of Jordan's legs.   
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yourimagines · 11 months
You meet the Diaz brothers at the gym and slowly becomes friends with them. Maybe a bit more than friends with one of them
Thank you!!
It’s a longer story and it will be a serie, the next part will be up soon
I hope you like it
Gym friends p.1
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* English is not my first language I apologise
* Triggers: swearing, fluff
I walked into the gym, second time here as a newcomer at this place. “Hello miss Y/L/N.” The older lady from the reception said. “Hello mrs Carter.” She smiles as I signed in. I walked further to the locker rooms and changed into my sport clothes. I left the rest in a locker and walked to the bicycles. I hopped on top of one and started my exercise. As I was busy I saw in front of me the BJJ class beginning in the room next to the gym. The other room was visible because of the large see through glass that separated the two rooms. “They are here every Wednesday.” A young girl next to me said. “They are?” “Yes, they use the gym as well, the rest of the week the are in Lodi for there training.” I nodded at her, carefully looking back at the jiujitsu players. “How long is a session?” “Normally 50 minutes when they are here and after that they hit the gym for their cardio training.” “Cool.” “It is but it’s a very close group, they don’t really like new people.” I hummed and watched them subtle roll around the ground.
I started to walk on the treadmill. Looking at the tv screens, a fight was on the tv. “Idiots.” I heard next to me, I looked next to me to see who was talking. Two guys started to use the treadmills and one of them looked at me “What’s sup?” They other guy was looking at me as well now. “Nothing, I thought you said something to me, sorry.” I quickly looked back at the tv screens. ‘They look a bit imitating tho.’ I started to build the pace up and focused on my breathing.
——the next week——
I walked up to the reception and signed in and went straight to the locker room. I changed clothes and placed the rest in a locker. I walked to the bicycles and started my exercise. The BJJ class just started. The two imitating guys from last week were there too. As I was watching one of the guys looked eye’s with me. I got nervous and looked away. ‘Oh god, he saw me looking. They think I’m weird now.’ I looked down at my hands, not having the courage to look up again.
I was slow running on the treadmill when I saw in the corner of my eyes the two guys from last week joining the other treadmills. ‘Great.’ I looked at the tv screens a they were showing an fight. The fight was a heavy one, both covered in blood, rolling around the ground. “What a maniac is that guy.” I quietly said to myself as the guy covered in blood won. “You think that?” I looked next to me. The two guys were looking at me. “Yes but not in a bad way.” One of the guys smiled at me. “Thanks, I guess.” I took a good look at his face. “That you?” “Yes that’s me, I’m Nate and this is my brother Nick Diaz.” His brother nodded at me. I shyly smiled at them. “Nice to meet you both, I’m Y/N.” Nick nodded and turned his head away. “But thanks for the compliment then.” “Yeah, it’s a good fight.” I looked away from them, feeling extremely nervous. ‘Let’s leave.’ I stopped the treadmill and walked quickly away to the locker rooms.
—— 2 weeks later——
I walked in later than normal in the gym. The people from BJJ were already in the gym themselves. I walked up to the treadmills. Nick and Nate were already there. I stepped onto the treadmill and slowly began to walk. “Hello, haven’t seen you in awhile. Nick thought we scared you away.” I looked at them and smiled. “Scared no, nervous yes.” Nick smiles at me. “Do you like BJJ? I see you often watch us.” That question came in as a surprise. “Uhh, it looks fun but I don’t know.” He nods. “If you want you can join us.” I slowly nodded. “Thank you.” I said a bit quieter. I saw Nate tap on his brothers arm. Nick nods at him and stops talking to me. I looked back to the tv screens and breathe out the air I was holding from the conversation. ‘They are nice but I’m to awkward for this.’
I was done and stopped the treadmill. When I stepped off from it. The Diaz brothers did the same. “Before you leave I want you to give you my number, Incase you want to try out bjj.” Nick looked a bit nervous for my feelings, cracking his fingers and looking around us. “Okay, sure.” I grabbed my phone and gave it to him. “Thanks.” He mumbled under his breath. He was typing away on my phone and gave it right back to me. “Just text me if you are interested.” I nodded at him. “I will, thank you.” I waved them goodbye and went to the locker room. I looked down at my phone and saw he texted himself with my phone.
—— two days later——
I was sitting on the sofa at home when I saw I’ve got a text message from Nick. Nick and I started to text each other later that day. Now we are texting back and forth.
Nick👊🏻: I’m in Lodi today, you wanna hang out?
Me: sure, where and time?
Nick👊🏻: gym at 2?
Me: sure, see you in a minute
I looked at the time, one hour till we meet. Let’s eat something before we go. I got up and made myself some food.
I arrived at the gym and saw Nick waiting for me. “Hey.” He smiled at me. “Hey, are you here by foot?” I nodded. “Yes I always walk to the gym.” “Is it far from your home.” I shrugged a bit. “Uhh 30 minutes.” “You are not walking back, I’ll drive you. 30 minutes alone here on these streets, you’re crazy.” Nick wrapped his arm around me and guided me through the gym. “But it’s fine, it’s only 30 minutes.” “If we are hanging out I’ll pick you up, you’re not walking alone through these streets.” We both entered the bjj training room. “Nick I don’t have bjj clothing, I only have this.”I pointed at my black shirt and a pair of leggings. “That’s good enough for now.” I nodded at him. “Okay, I’ll get changed then.” “I’ll be here.” He sat down on the ground as I walked to the locker room.
We both lay on the ground, he was on top of me. “Place your hands here.” He grabbed my hands and placed them on his shoulders. “When I do this…..you do this……okay?” He was explaining me the next move. “Okay.” “Let’s try.” He moved a bit slower for me to follow his steps. “Yeah, like that.” He smiled at me. “Again but now a bit faster.” We did it again and I almost did the wrong move but corrected myself just on time. “Almost, let’s try this a few times.”
I sat on the ground watching Nick doing some stuff. “But Nate is faster so he grabs him and throws him off.” I smiled softly at him. “He’s good but needs to take his time.” Nick sat down in front of me. He started to fiddle with his hands. “Did you liked it today?” I nodded and smiled at him. “Yes, I really enjoyed it.” His face lights up with joy. “Really?” “Yes, really.” “Would you like.. you know…train with me…. Or Nate if you want more often?” He was cracking his fingers, looking nervous. “I would love too, you really made me enjoy bjj.” He looks down at his hands, a smile creeping on his face. “Good, I liked it too.” I giggled and looked at my hands. “Do you want to grab some lunch with me?” I felt my stomach rumbling. “Yes, I’m hungry.” We both laughed and stood up. “Let’s get some food then.”
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ckfightlife · 2 years
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It’s only after you’ve stepped outside your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow, and transform. Posted @ckfightlife • @rubenlepe77 No flash photography 📸🚫 Kill your demons. Face your fears. www.ckfightlife.com Like / Tag / Share #ckfightlife #livethefightlife #outsiders #bjj #bjjlifestyle #nabjjf #sjjif #clothing #brand #cquencebjj (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmZ6ecUS5bc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lover-girl-estxx · 1 year
Hii :))
Could you write something with nick diaz (fic/headcanons... whatever you prefer c: ) where he's sparring with/teaching a female reader boxing/bjj? Thank you so much!! <3
My Girl
Nick Diaz x reader 26
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*not my gif*
"come on!" Nick said from the ring, while his coach Richard walked out "what?" I smiled "come in here, let's spar" he smiled "I can't spar" "I'll teach you...take your shoes off" I did and he held the ropes for me "give me your hands" he put wrap gloves on then boxing gloves. "Cross!," I threw a cross "move more with your body" he put his hand on my hips moving them "like that?" I threw it again "just like that" he smiled. At this point the gym was empty "Cross! Jab! under!...Perfect that's my girl!" he smile and wrapped his arms around my waist "stop!" I laughed when he picked me up "now you want to spar?" he asked "now i'm totally going to kick your ass" I laughed and pecked his lips. "in the Red corner, standing at Y/H fighting out of Stockton California Y/n Diaz" Nick yelled smiling "oh my god," I laughed "in the Blue corner, standing at 6'1 also fighting out of Stockton California Nick Diaz" I yelled the reply. "hit me!" he said "i'm not going to hit you!" "hit me as hard as you can" 'no" "your not going to hurt me" "still.." "hit me" I hit him in the stomach, he sucked in a breath and leaned over holding his stomach "Nick? you okay?" I asked worried my hand on his back, he fell on the mat and started laughing like it was the funniest thing ever "Nick you fucking asshole" "your fa-ce" I pushed him so he was laying on his back then sat on his lap, pulled my boxing gloves off. "i'm sorry- sorry" he laughed again "your a dork" he sat up, I cupped his face "sorry" he whispered then kissed my lips he lays me on my back I moaned into our kiss, then ran my fingers through his hair my hand getting covered in sweat "Eww go shower" he laughed and pecked my lips before getting up and going to the showers.
I walked in the men locker room since no one was here, "do you have extra clothes I can wear?" I asked from the side of the shower wall looking at him with water going down his chest "yeah I do! why don't you hop in here with me" "what if someone come in?" "no one will only me and Nate are allow in here this late". I stripped my clothes then got in with him, wrapping my arms around his neck his my waist. Laid my head on his chest "I love you" he said kissed my head "love you too" I kissed his bearded chin...
A/n: Hope this is what you wanted love!!
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I am so fucking tired of being mistreated and walked over. In order to be walked upon, you must be lying down. and I'm done lying down.
I am only starting to speak up about these kinds of grievances of mine in recent years because they have brought so much pain for the last 15 years. I have had former classmates tell me I didn't face racism growing up, or that I dealt with bullying. I have had others tell me I have nothing to fear on campus. A tall, white, straight man telling me, a queer jewish asian, that I shouldn't be at the very least worried is rich. I have traveled to more than 25 countries and to all four hemispheres, I think I can talk about where and where I don't feel safe. And right now I have felt safer walking through Istanbul at night than walking around my own city. And this is fully due to the rise in antisemitism. and the lack of support from goyim I have seen for the women who were raped and assaulted on 10/7.
I don't talk about being sexually assaulted and harassed for 6 years by one of my classmates because I have a friend who tells me people should have been nicer to my assaulter. This person also follows my main account, which is part of the reason I created this side blog. I don't want people who know me to see these posts. It's easier talking about deep trauma in front of strangers than people I have known for 16 years.
I am terrified that I will run into him one day. I cry about it at night. I hope that 10 plus years has changed my physical appearance enough to go unnoticed. I think one of the scariest realizations was that he still remembered me in high school, because one of his classmates went to my dojo. And she told me I was still on his list. It terrifies me that I could still be on his mind. I have blocked his family members on social media, because his grandmother and my mom are Facebook friends. Which means he could know what I look like now.
I never express this fear out loud because people around me see me as a strong person, which then makes it hard for me to break down around them. I am the strong person my friends go to for support, but I feel like I would crush them under the weigh of my problems. I mention it in passing sometimes, but I never get into the details. because it scares me to vocalize it.
I have trained in karate and Brazilian Jiu jitsu for 10 years. It took me two years before I was comfortable rolling (bjj version of sparring and training) with male students in full uniform. It took until my 7th year training to be comfortable wearing leggings and rash guard to class. I would wear gi pants and a rash guard, because the thought of men touching my legs with their hands makes my skin crawl. But once the pandemic came around, it was no longer practical to wear gi pants and cheaper to wear leggings. And even though I am one of the highest ranked women at my dojo, I still don't feel comfortable in male dominated classes, especially when I am wearing just leggings and a rash guard. In karate, it took me a few years before I was comfortable wearing just my bra under my gi. because I was worried how it appeared to men on the floor.
I have never been super comfortable wearing revealing clothing, but I have been slowly reclaiming those clothes. And I am slowly trying to overcome this trauma. I spent a good amount of time this summer not wearing a shirt because it was so fucking hot in Portugal (and I only brought seven shirts with me: 3 work shirts, 3 day trip shirts, 1 sleeping shirt). And for the first two weeks, I was living with three men and two women. It scared me at first, but I decided that if I am used to changing around women, and wearing skin tight clothing while grappling, I could wear my bra and biking shorts in my own living space. So I did. and it felt great.
I will keep talking about these events, partially because it makes me less afraid and partially because every time I tell a story, the easier it gets. Maybe one day I will be able to say some of the things in this post out loud. for now I will keep taking small steps
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mcclainwilla · 2 years
Writing Fight Scenes, Part 2
I'm back. Here is a non-comprehensive list of different styles of martial arts, their usefulness (in my opinion), strengths, weaknesses and common features
Disclaimer: Yes, I did five years of martial arts, but my curriculum was mixed so I'm a bit of a jack of all trades. Take that as you will
Usefulness: 6/10
Funnily enough, I rank this one a 6/10 on its practicality, yet this is the primary style I was taught.
Practitioners are flexible and strong in compromised positions (even when their muscles are stretched in ways other people would find uncomfortable - i.e, they have thrown a kick above their head level - they maintain their balance and ability to put some power into the hit)
Mentioned above, they have great balance
Taekwondo focuses a lot on kicks. 1. Kicks are slower than hand strikes, 2. they sap more energy than hand strikes, and 3. It's far easier to be knocked over when you're often standing on one foot
Taekwondo also focuses on big movements. Blocks utilize your entire arm and often travel the length of your face. Again, this is slow and takes up energy
Taekwondo is a 100% standing martial art, which means you spend all of your time on your feet and none of it grappling on the ground. If your character has a tkd-only background, they won't know what to do if they get knocked over (and, it's easier to fall down than it is to stand up. I'll elaborate on this in a later post)
People have genuinely laughed in my face when I admitted to having practiced taekwondo. Ouch
High, 'snappy' kicks
Broad, showy blocks and strikes
Generally exaggerated movements made to look impressive rather than to serve a function
Tldr; on a scale of martial arts, taekwondo is more 'art' than it is 'martial'
Brazillian jiu jitsu
Usefulness: 9/10
Bjj my beloved. Really, the only reason I won't give this one a 10/10 is that you have to wear your gi while you practice, which is sweaty and cumbersome. By the way, practice is called 'grappling' or 'rolling.' "Hey man, you wanna roll with me?" is an acceptable thing to ask your bjj buddy
Extremely practical. More likely than not, if a character ends up in a fight, someone is going to lose their balance and fall, and what happens then? You grapple
BJJ ends fights. If your characters are sparring, bjj matches end when someone taps out, either from a choke or some kind of arm/kneebar, wrist lock, etc. If your characters are fighting, bjj matches end when someone passes out from a choke or can't use their broken limbs <3
Despite the above bullet point, bjj is actually far safer than other styles of martial arts, as long as you communicate with your partner (if you get knocked out bc you didn't tap out on time, that's on you)
If your fingers get wrapped up in the material of your partner's gi, they're probably gonna get broken. Do not recommend
Very close proximity to your training partners. I cringe a little when I remember calling it 'aggressive cuddling' but that is truly what it is
Slower pace, more focus on short bursts of speed to maneuver from one position to another
Arm/kneebars, chokes
Side note: 'Grappling' can also refer to bjj performed in casual clothes (instead of gis); I rate grappling a 10/10 on the usefulness scale because, let's be real, what are the odds that someone would attack your character while they just so happened to be wearing their uniform?
Krav Maga
Usefulness: 10/10
This shit is mean I'm talking an unholy combo of elbow/knee strikes, chokes, arm/kneebars, and a whole slew of attacks directed at all your squishy bits (eye sockets, throat, left nut, you name it)
Jk yeah because it's so mean it's difficult for your characters to practice in real time. If you gouge out your buddy's eyes, you're a bad sparring partner
Elbow/knee strikes
Targets the face/throat/organs/vulnerable joints (human knees suck ass)
Muay Thai
Usefulness: 7/10
I'm not going to lie I don't know a TON about this one
Still pretty mean. When I think of muay thai, I think of the muay thai roundhouse kick (instead of hitting with your foot, you hit with your whole shin. It's a little like clubbing someone with a baseball bat) and a slew of throws
A lot of those aforementioned throws are, in my opinion, a little complicated. The more complicated the move, the more opportunities there are for you to fuck it up
Mean ass kicks
Cool ass throws
I don't love referring to this one as a martial art. But whatever
Usefulness: 7/10
Common currency. Sure, since a lot of people know the basics of boxing, your characters have to be a little above average to gain the upper hand in a situation, but if they know fuck-all they're gonna get their shit rocked
Can end a fight. All it takes is one good punch to the right part of your character's opponent's face, and they're out
Focuses too much on standing. What happens if you trip and fall? Bitch
More of a brawling martial art with less opportunities for smaller/weaker characters to succeed
Lots of punches, lots of blocks, lots of ducks
Emphasis on footwork (favors the lightfooted)
Emphasis on strength (favors the bulky)
Two notes. 1. Yes, I did martial arts for a while. No, I don't 'know' martial arts, and I never will; it's impossible to learn it all. 2. Your characters probably won't (shouldn't) stick to one style, because there is something to be gained across all styles. Even with silly little martial arts like taekwondo, it wouldn't exist if it didn't work, at least a little bit (so don't bully me about doing tkd!!)
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yllowpages · 2 years
this is a follow-up to my post on john’s fighting styles and i’d recommend reading that first since it’s a more in-depth description of each style and the purpose behind it. what i’m going to be doing here is giving visual examples of almost everything i listed on the first post and kind of explain what he’s doing in those specific moments.
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in brazilian jiu-jitsu, this is known as a flying guard sweep. considering BJJ is a grappling and ground combat style, this is an effective way to get an opponent to the ground and gain the upper hand. what he’s doing is locking his arm around his opponent’s neck and then wrapping his legs around this guy’s waist. what we can’t really see, since it’s happening just off screen, is the final move to fully complete the technique, which is getting his arm (in this case his right arm) behind his opponent’s leg. that last step is what actually completes the rolling motion.
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this is another sweep, although pretty different from the flying guard sweep. this one is called a flying armbar (which is a variation of the regular armbar move). john executes it pretty traditionally here. in BJJ when performing a flying armbar, the fighter will want to have his hands on the collar of his opponent’s gi (or suit in this situation), which is what john is doing here. having his hands on the collar of the other’s clothing gives him more control over the movement of his opponent’s body when performing the armbar. john then falls himself to pull his opponent to the ground, get the right angle, and execute the armbar. the basis of the actual armbar is john holding onto and controlling his opponent’s right arm when he’s on the floor, also keeping one leg across his opponent’s chest, while he sort of “cranks” at his opponent’s arm, pulling it, as well as pushing with his leg. 
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just as a bonus, this is a flying armbar that john performs in the stables during parabellum. this move was actually performed by keanu’s stunt double, jackson spidell (with a little sneaky facial replacement cgi). i don’t have actual confirmation on whether this is a flying armbar or not, but considering the way both men are gripping each other’s clothes for control and john then using his weight to pull his opponent down, i really do think it’s the same move. this one is, however, a little more extreme with how high john is able to get his leg up on his opponent before falling and rolling to the ground to complete the armbar (thank you, jackson).
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this choke is called a triangle choke and it’s practiced in both BJJ and judo. what’s happening is john is wrapping his legs around his opponent’s neck, locking in the choke with his other leg on top, and making sure the opponent’s arm is trapped as well. in traditional practices of these martial arts, this specific technique is meant to constrict off the blood flow to the carotid artery and, through applied pressure, force the opponent to pass out. of course, the point of john’s gun-fu is incorporating his firearms expertise into his regular combat, which is why he doesn’t completely seal the technique and instead extends his legs and shoots this guy in the head.
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i mentioned the “sacrifice” technique in the first post and this is a good example of it. when john is throwing his opponent, he steps inward and basically falls backwards himself to drag this guy down. the technique of falling to pull or throw the opponent is known as “sacrificing” yourself.
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going along with the sacrifice technique, this is the standing technique which is accomplished by simply throwing an opponent over one’s shoulder or hip. this is obviously a standing shoulder throw and not a standing hip throw. it’s pretty standard and you can spot this kind of throw in a lot of hollywood fight scenes. 
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this is an example of a tripping move that john performs at least four times (?) in chapter 2, that i was able to catch. this moment is obviously from chapter 3 from the knife fight scene. this specific execution is actually a way clearer version of this move than most of the examples i found in chapter 2, in that this one is fully on screen and a pretty orthodox execution of the move as well.  the way this move is executed is through john using his leg to bring their leg out and knock them down, which is what we see in the gif. sometimes simply sweeping one leg out is enough to knock an opponent down, but we can see that john clearly wasn’t able to throw his opponent off balance enough with the first leg, due to the limited space, so he makes sure to knock his second leg as well, which completes the move correctly.
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this is actually the same tripping move, although a modified version. what makes this modified is john having his opponent’s leg trapped. he uses this to his advantage, keeping the leg trapped, getting himself a little closer, and then performing the trip and flipping the guy over. 
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john performs this type of throw a number of times, but this moment with cassian is just the one i happened to choose. it’s an “over the back” throw and it’s done by getting someone into a fireman’s carry pose (over your back/top of the shoulders, at least holding onto one arm to throw them, but sometimes with an arm around the thigh) and then throwing them down in whatever direction you choose. with cassian, john throws him to the side, but he uses this same throw on one of santino’s guards later in the film and throws the guard behind him : see below.
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as a note: what separates this throw from the standing technique, covered above, as the throws are pretty similar, is the fact that standing technique almost always has the fighter throwing their opponent in front of them while this fireman’s carry throw is not super conducive to that positioning.
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this move is very similar to the one i just covered between john and cassian, but the move itself is more present in sambo, which is the fighting style viggo and john both use in their fight together.
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this throw that he does on this guy is a wrist manipulation technique called a corner drop. he sort of moves his opponent off line and then immediately pushes down which causes his opponent to drop instantly.
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this is a pretty damn good example of john using rope (or in this case his belt) techniques to block attacks, trap his attacker’s limb, and then use that leverage against them. we even see him employ what seems to be the tripping move i have listed underneath judo, so it’s really fun to see him mixing and matching his combat and techniques like that. in this moment also it seems like hapkido rope combat works very well considering he’s battling two opponents at once, which isn’t something we’d seen john do in the previous films.
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simply put, this is just an example of john using his belt with hapkido rope techniques to perform a throw over his shoulder. this throw does have a lot of similarities to the “over the back” throw i have under judo (and it’s even more similar to a throw john performs on cassian in the subway) and that would be because hapkido does share a lot of throwing techniques with judo.
there's one other instance of john seemingly utilizing these rope-style hapkido techniques and it's during his fight with miss perkins in the first film, which i have gif'd here. john uses his arm sling in a similar way as his belt in chapter 3.
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i personally wouldn’t consider boxing one of john’s primary hand-to-hand combat styles, but he certainly is proficient in it. the man knows how to throw a solid punch without breaking his thumb. but the example i’m using here obviously isn’t of any punching technique. we’ve seen punches before. we don’t need to see it again. so i went for john demonstrating some very routine blocking technique, achieved by lifting his arms toward his head and ears to block incoming blows. there’s nothing fancy about it, it’s just a normal block, but i do think it’s important to point out not only the techniques john uses to attack, but also what he does on defense as well.
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this is obviously something we see john do a lot of, although CQC in its traditional military setting is performed with a small team of people, rather than going solo as john does. but in any case, the things we see him do in the red circle are a good example of solo CQC, which is hand-to-hand combat as well as close-range firearms.
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because it’s a stealth and infiltration practice, i think these examples are great, frankly. john clearly shows his ability to silently approach and attack opponents, throwing them off guard. in the first gif, he obviously shoves the man’s lit cigarette into his mouth (ow), and in the second he uses a garrote wire (in the commentary for chapter 2, keanu stated that he thought using the garrote wire was very fun). and then of course we have john sneaking up on zero in winston's glass house, which was a setting chosen specifically for showing off these sorts of techniques.
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we don’t see john do a ton of striking, honestly?? he does a little bit with cassian in rome, but most of the time he’s using his gun as a striking tool or simply shooting alongside his regular combat. this opening sequence for chapter 2 is one of the only times we see him genuinely just use non-lethal strikes since he’s not actively trying to kill these guys. in any case, we usually see a lot of boxing when it comes to using strikes as an attack in movies, but john’s strikes are a little more martial arts-based. boxing is usually little movement of the lower body and focuses mainly with the waist and arms. but we see john use his entire body to attack, including kicks and bending down to strike at the legs and groin. this would be consistent with judo or sambo.
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kingzblogs · 1 year
Benefits of choosing BJJ wear
The Gi has lost its exclusivity as the only piece of clothing worn to the mat as Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu has evolved. More practitioners currently prefer a rashguard as the only piece of torso clothing worn under a kimono. If you're unfamiliar with BJJ, you might be curious about what it is and why it's so well-liked. BJJ rash guards also reduce the chance of injury and ride-ups, ensure compliance with Nogi BJJ rules, and enhance grip and muscle recovery.
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How Does BJJ Rashguards Work? 
Brazilian jiu-jitsu practitioners wear BJJ rashguards as a piece of clothing to prevent skin rashes. They'll find later that this grappling clothing has more benefits than rash prevention, such as improved grip, protection from mat burns, decreased muscle soreness, and a lower chance of bacterial infections. They are often made of polyester, nylon, spandex, and in rare cases, lycra. They might have long or short sleeves, depending on the sleeve design.
Why BJJ Rashguards Should Be Worn by People?
There are a number of benefits to wearing rashguards on the mat as opposed to traditional compression t-shirts for grapplers. They more closely follow Jiu-Jitsu's formal standards and better safeguard the user from harm and potential bacterial infections. They have also been connected to lessening discomfort following mat use.
A Rashguard's Better Grip
BJJ is a physically taxing and strenuous sport. Because Nogi moves more quickly than Gi, it is even more difficult. Whatever BJJ style you train, you and your rolling partners will greatly perspire. When you and your opponent are both wet, securing a strong grip on each other might be challenging because sweat often makes skin slick.
Rashguards offer protection from mat burns.
If you've been practicing Jiu-Jitsu for a while, you've likely had mat burns once or more. These burns hurt and May occasionally need you to step away from the mat. Even worse, they are prone to infection, which can lead to more severe issues.
The fabric of a rashguard is specifically made to shield your body from mat burns. It is more flexible, smoother, and thicker than your typical compression shirt, which helps protect your skin from chafing and mat burns. Choose a bjj rashguards with long sleeves to cover as much skin as possible. 
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Stylish No Gi Shorts Collection  
You need comfort, flexibility, and durability in your BJJ shorts. When a pair of shorts fulfils this need, however, what you want depends on your personal taste in fashion and design. You can choose to purchase a range of different colours, including red, blue, yellow, grey, green, brown, purple, or fully blacked out, just like with all of bjj rashguard. For everyday training at any skill level, these BJJ shorts provide an unrivalled degree of comfort & quality.
Additionally, gi jiu jitsu provides BJJ Kids no gi shorts tailored to fit any aspiring little grappler. Give your little fighters the best BJJ no gi shorts available to suit them up. Their kids' section includes a range of designs and hues that will undoubtedly appeal to your child's sense of style, just like their selection of men's BJJ shorts does. To ensure you start with the correct product, adhere to the sizing recommendations in each section. 
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marsiqenterprises6 · 9 days
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