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selfawarecobalt · 6 months ago
kind of digging this look on freed i cant lie
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selfawarecobalt · 5 months ago
was it casual when you saw me at my very worst and yet you set aside your morals and swore to follow me into hell
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selfawarecobalt · 4 months ago
keeping up with 100yq as a fan of any side character should be considered a form of torture. WHAT DID THEY DO TO HIM
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like. everyone got done so dirty plot wise and i think you all know how i feel about that but this clip literally feels like they gave him brain damage. guess that punch from gray was as bad as it looked
also. god they cannot be bothered to make his hair look good. what is this. who is that. thats not the man i spent ten years obsessing over
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selfawarecobalt · 6 months ago
uagh. it finally happened. the gray fight. its as bad as id expexted. accidentally woke up at 6am and im legitimately too angry to fall back asleep so here we are.
anyway yall remember the freed v mira fight? (of course you do its the best in the series) remember what a pivotal moment it was for both freed and mirajane? he’d literally been torturing and was about to murder her brother and yet she stopped. she caught herself after winning the fight, and it did wonders for her character, showing how truly empathetic yet powerful she was.
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and NOW i get to talk about the thunder legion v gray fight. hooray. im only gonna focus on the freed bits for now because id need time to get my thoughts together but anyway.
i’m not sure if the parallels to the mira fight were intentional, but if they are, its pissing me off more. the beauty in the first fight WAS the fact mira stopped herself. she had every reason to pound his face into the dirt but she held back.
and now, when faced with a mind-controlled freed, gray decided to grab his arms, pin him down and punch him repeatedly in the face.
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directly after the confirmation that freed’s magic wont work on gray. (bullshit, but we wont go there today)
and, after all that shit, gray has the NERVE to be like “oh boo hoo poor me it felt really bad to have to beat up my friends :(((“ DIDNT LOOK LIKE IT 30 SECONDS AGO
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like they DRAG OUT the moment of freed being beaten to the ground (immediately after gray RIPS HIS SIDE OPEN AS THE FIRST HIT)
so yeah. not a fan of 100yq and if i see one more main character stan complaining im going to spontaneously combust
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selfawarecobalt · 1 year ago
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loveloveLOVE the implications of this line
the fact there even is a shorthand rune exam, the fact either there’s literally only one level of said exam, or the idea he did the bare minumum and just peaced out
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selfawarecobalt · 8 months ago
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he really said “:)✌️”
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selfawarecobalt · 2 months ago
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forgot to share my terrible tesco meal deal unpacked. boy lunch
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selfawarecobalt · 1 year ago
quastion for those equally abnormal about fairy tail but more intelligent than i
in opening four, rockin playin game (the best one), theres a split second shot of runes that dont look like they do in any other appearance (as far as i know), since you can see clearly defined words and punctuation.
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it always felt a little weird to me that it lingers on that, and in a recent rewatch of the fighting festival arc (best arc), i realised it may have been intentionally done, since there exists a translation of freeds runes to letters that never really got used in the show (to my knowledge, im rusty and stupid).
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good news: it DOES fit with the translation, its all in capitals.
bad news: i have no idea what “YAMANT YUICHIROV!” means
(feel free to translate it yourself and laugh at any mistakes i made, it absolutely may not be correct as i am terrible at decoding, slightly stoned and already had to fix multiple mistakes in my decoding <3)
anyways yeah ive tried googling, shortening it, googling parts, and come up empty handed, and im pretty sure gray’s va doesnt have anything to do with it
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selfawarecobalt · 4 months ago
funniest thing would be the shrivelled orange kicking it the second he gets his tiny hands back in the office. please please please please
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selfawarecobalt · 11 months ago
bro that fight was absolutely ridiculous! I love Gray but that was clearly main character syndrome. when Freed said that the rune won't cancel every magic to give Gray a chance I knew this was the first excuse to have the Raijinshuu lose. if serious, Freed could've just cancelled everything and the fight would've been over before it even began. then the Gray doesn't feel the torture rune excuse out of nowhere and the fact that Gray won against Evergreen Bickslow AND Freed with all ridiculous reasons and then struggled against an injured and exhausted Mirajane afterwards while Freed was holding up great against an emotional-overdrive, rage power Mira in the fight with her, it's all just so badly written. I would've given Gray the advantage of using devil slayer magic against people like Mira and Freed but at least make it a damn good and difficult fight because not only Mira is a power to be reckoned with, Freed has been set up to be too. then there are Ever and Bickslow qith their eye magics as well, and how they were knocked out was a joke too. I dont want this animated.
EXACTLY. I’ll be the first to admit gray would be powerful enough to defeat individual members of the thunder legion (that main character power boost) but that was an utter piss take. gray still struggled against just bixlow during their first fight, even if he couldve beaten him. that “um actually gray cant feel pain in this form” was completely stupid. ive seen a lot of awful things from modern fairy tail but that was undoubtedly the worst. also that “omg of course i feel pain i was hitting my comewades :((((“ INFURIATED me. didnt have that energy during what i assume was meant to be a “comedic” scene of him just beating the shit out of freed when he was already down. also the whole “lets rip the clothes off the only girl!” thing made me want to barf. i genuinely believe it would’ve been better for their characters if the thunder legion had been killed in the tartaros arc.
also YEAH THE WHOLE “struggled against an exhausted and injured mira” genuinely gave me vertigo after i finally escaped from having it shoved down my eyeholes. like yeah mira was rusty during her fight with freed but she was absolutely rage filled, and it was really emphasised just how powerful she was, and it was STILL a tough fight. against just freed. the whole thunder legion vs gray shouldve been a sweep in the other direction. weve seen they can all work together, using their unique magics to complicate things for enemies.
cant think where else to put this so im slapping this in here. EVEN THOUGH GRAY HAS DEMON SLAYER MAGIC NOW FREED HAS A FUCKING SWORD. also that stupid “gray teleports behind evergreen and bixlow” thing? WHAT KIND OF DEMON SLAYER MAGIC IS THAT. all fairy tail main characters are the worst type of mary sue. and i LIKE mary sues.
evergreen can turn people to stone and fire hundreds of BULLETS and explosions. bixlow can use his babies to beat the shit out of long distance targets and take control of their bodies (NOT TURN THEM CHIBI. HIRO.). FREED CAN FUCKING TURN INTO A DEMON AND ALMOST INSTANTLY TRAP PEOPLE AND DEPRIVE THEM OF OXYGEN, AND CUT A GODDAMN TORNADO IN HALF. THESE ARE VETERAN FIGHTERS WHO WERE ONCE ABLE TO DAMN NEAR TAKE DOWN THE ENTIRE GUILD. now theyre just a joke. their personalities have been completely erased and replaced with “omg laxus!!”. im going to hurl
if you HAD to make up an excuse to weaken them, sure you could make up some shit about “oh the barrier particles damaged their magic containers” BUT EVEN THEN THEYRE STILL SMART ENOUGH TO WORK TOGETHER.
seriously. this was the most blatant case of main character nepotism ive literally ever seen. i genuinely despise 100yq, it always felt so lazy and uncreative. uhh yeah actually surprise theres four more acnologias but more powerful. yeah theyre were never mentioned before so what. every character looks the same now. the lucyification of the fairy tail girls needs to be studied. this infection is taking away every single character and the only reactions im seeing to it are “omg glow up!!”
(also i HATE seeing people talk about the spinoff characters like “omg so cute its like an alternate universe” NO ITS JUST LAZY. HE ONLY KNOWS LIKE 4 CHARACTER TYPES AS MAIN CHARACTERS AND IM SICK OF NOONE ACKNOWLEDGING IT)
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selfawarecobalt · 2 years ago
i gotta say, whist fraxus is easily the most popular freed ship, and one i have always loved, recently ive started preferring bixfreed, if only due to the fact that it’s one of the only gay freed ships where he’s not made into the “flamboyant one”. thats bixlow. noone is out flamboyanting bixlow, and he never loses any masculinity despite it.
ive always hated how common it is for freed to be completely mischaracterised (not even flanderised hes just straight up not the same character anymore) in most gay ships. people seem to really love making him a “damsel in distress” type, especially with fraxus, i can only assume because laxus is so stereotypically masculine.
this really seems to only be an issue with gay ships including freed (although it is especially egregious with fraxus, and a LOT of old miraxus media. no im not getting into that.)
ive never seen a ship involving freed and a woman that has this issue. he’s almost always presented as this suave intellectual, a gentleman, someone independent, but who chooses to help others. (i personally headcanon freed to be gay so its always a little annoying seeing him being characterised so much better in many of these straight ships lol)
anyway back to bixfreed
its always fun seeing freed have to act as the straightman (lol) to bixlow, and it further helps bixlow’s own character. its so good to see a man be presented as wearing typically feminine things (his skirt and nail polish), and be so willing to be silly, to goof around, to hang off ceilings, and yet not once is his masculinity compromised.
I’ve seen a great deal of fanart of freed where i genuinely thought he’d been genderbent. Freed is still a masculine character, but so many fans just see his eyelashes and hair, and throughout the series mashima just fed into this, especially in the anime, with multiple “gags” of him fawning over laxus, to the point where fans started comparing him to juvia (also someone who was flanderised to the point of being unrecognisable.)
im not even sure what my point in this rant is anymore im just so tired of this mischaracterisation. you can have a character be gay without forcing stereotypes onto them so much it becomes homophobic. im BEGGING just leave this in 2016
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selfawarecobalt · 1 year ago
yapping about wendys first big job part 2
1st part
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aint NO way erza is neurotypical
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good for her
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ughhh theyre so sweet
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autistic people when the task doesnt come with a clear and concise list of directions
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hes so me
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genuinely me when im given basic instructions
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oh god this is hard
facetiming his bf
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uhhh ive hit the image limit again hhhh
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selfawarecobalt · 1 year ago
yapping about wendy's first big job part 1
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the fact freed is just. there. alone. at the bar is so fucking funny
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he just wanted a drink :(((
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"i know the thunder legion are out you fucking loner"
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WHATS THEIR DAMAGE like i get hes not overly talkative but makarov literally said hes looking for experienced people
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this is the funniest fucking description of him. yeah hes just very reluctant to change. hes just very stubborn and neutral faced. normal dude
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now for an exciting game of "spot the main character"
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autistic people
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autistic people
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so true king
hit the ten image limit and those ed balls can HIT so this is gonna be multiple parts im afraid
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selfawarecobalt · 8 months ago
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selfawarecobalt · 1 year ago
yapping about wendys first big job part fire (last one)
part 1
yeas... successful babysitting
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"second, sword to the neck"
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ughhh him encouraging her is so fucking cute
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not a singular fuck given
oughhhh hes so proud,,,
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rip homie
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THE FACT THAT NATSU DIDNT ORIGINALLY FALL ON FREED he mustve just dragged himself over and just plopped down lmfao
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also the fact everyone else is just tired whereas he fucking poisoned himself
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ok thats it sorry for the spam
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selfawarecobalt · 16 days ago
hungry as fuck rn but its 2am and the only edible thing i have in my bedroom is a par baked baguette.
ive cut up 2 cans and have fashioned them into the worlds shittest fondue set and lid and im using a tealight and ripping off bits of bread and putting them in there for about ten minutes a piece.
its working
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