#bitches will try to manifest things one second and the next moment be afraid of jinxing things by saying them... it's me i'm bitches
ilottthepilot · 5 months
Cant remember for the life of me if youve already discussed this but I need to know your opinon on Callum (there aren't even rumours so pulling this out of my ass) going back to Indy to race for prema? Or do you reckon he'll stay in WEC?
Heyy, I haven't really discussed it on here I think, but I have been thinking a LOT about it.
Edit: adding a cut here because it really was more than i expected to write😭
What I ideally want, is that he gets a full time Mclaren Indycar seat. While I love prema and I'm super excited for them to come to Indycar, I would oviously prefer to see him at an established team, close to the top. I think Callum has also said at the beginning of the year that he is happy in WEC and he would only consider coming back to Indycar if it's with a top team (i don't think he said it this emphatically but that was the sentiment). Now, obviously Prema could be an exception here, because they have history together and he at some level knows what he can expect from the team. Also, importantly, they are already quite an established and serious operation (Alexander Rossi called prema basically an f1 team in one of his recent podcast episodes).
At the same time, there are definitely arguments for staying in WEC. I think hypercar drivers can get paid quite well?? (I think i read that in some Indycar article a few months ago. If anyone knows more about that PLEASE let me know. I have been googling a bit about hypercar salaries but Ican find nothing. I'm pretty sure the other endurance categories have mainly pay drivers but idk about hypercar.) Anyways, if he's getting a nice salary in WEC, switching back to Indycar is also a financial question. I know Mclaren would have no trouble paying him decently, but I have no idea where Prema will stand on the pay driver front. I can also imagine that living in Europe and not Indianapolis is a bonus for him.
It's also important to note that he has only had two WEC races with Jota so far. They seem pretty competitive with that first podium, but i imagine their performance at Le Mans for example will be a big factor in if he wants to stay.
All in all, i think if Mclaren offers him a drive, he will definitely come back to indy. For that to happen thogh the options are
a) they add a 4th car (idk if that works with the number of engines? But i have seen it discussed in the past)
b) David gets replaced. I mean, the rumor is that that could happen soon with all the complications surrounding his recovery. If that happens, i assume Théo will take the seat because i'm pretty sure that Callum's WEC contract is airtight and Jota won't let him fuck off to Indycar whenever he wants. There are a lot of clashes later in the season. What David loding his seat would mean for next year is anyone's guess.
c) Alex gets replaced. Remember when Prema said they want an "Indycar veteran" and young talent they developed in their cars? I don't know what they define as a "veteran", but I picture someone over 30? I think he could be an option for them, because he is good, but he doesn't seem as tightly tied to his team as most of the other older top drivers seem to be. I think Prema has enough clout internationally that they wouldn't just take anyone. Additionally, he has spoken super positively about Prema on his podcast.
If Mclaren isn't an option, I honestly have no idea if he would pick WEC or Prema. I do think Prema is probably in contact with him because he seems like such an obvious choice. I also always get the feeling that WEC is something a top level driver can always come back to, simply because there are so many seats. Obviously, a lot of people want that Jota seat, and there is no guarantee of getting one as good again, but I think there is more of a tendency in single seaters to forget about drivers once they miss a season or two. F1 is the worst with this, I don't think it's nearly as bad in Indy, but his career is still losing momentum. I think if he wants another try at Indy, he should probably give it a go sooner, rather than later.
Now what do I want? I would love to see Callum in Indycar again. Both WEC and Indycar aren't available on free TV here, so it's much more of a concious effort for me to seek out some link to watch a race, than it is to turn on F1/F2/FE/Motogp etc. Indycar interests me enough that i do regularly go out of my way to find a way to watch it. The thing with WEC is that I already spend way too much time most weekends thinking of motorsports. I really can't find the time to tune into an endurance race throughout the day. I know I don't have to watch all of it, but I simply am not invested enough for this to appeal to me. What I am doing now is simply refreshing the live timing like once an hour while I go about my day, to check in on how callum and mick are doing. So from my perspective, Indycar, which I sometimes watch anyway, would be way more convenient😅
About Prema specifically, I have to say I have been watching so many Prema youtube videos recently, wishing that they made them to this extent while Callum was there. If he does end up there, I will be obsessed and use every bit of delusion to manifest some wins.
Wow, you asked for an opinion, sorry for writing a whole ass essay😭
TLDR: i have no idea what will happen, i want callum to come back to indycar but mainly i want him at a good team
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
No Mercy
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Pairing: Bakugo Katsuki x thief!Reader
Warnings: non-con, yandere, sex pollen, minor depiction of violence, threats, stalking, allusion to kidnapping, both Bakugo and reader are adults!
Words: 2388.
Summary: Obviously, you have chosen a wrong night to rob that electronics store.
P.S. Yay, this is my first BNHA story! 
By the way, there is absolutely no real science in this fic, please don’t bully me for it ahahahah
Oh dear, it was getting worse.
That morning you had a feeling you better stay home tonight, but your rent wasn't going to pay itself, so you still went out to rob that ugly little electronics store you stumbled upon a few days ago. Now you were being chased by one of the most popular pros, Ground Zero, and saints, you really hoped to keep all your limbs attached to your body: the guy was mad.
Really, you weren't such a villain he had probably pictured you to be. Your job in the cafe wasn't paying well, but with no education whatsoever it was hard to find something else, especially since that big makeup store you finally got yourself in went bankrupt after a villain attack. Your dad wasn't the one to help you stay afloat either, so, with that odd Quirk of yours, there was just one thing left to do.
With a loud sound of something exploding to your right, you jumped in the narrow back alley on the left and prayed Bakugo to at least bring you to a police station instead of finishing you off here. Seriously, who he thought you were? Someone from the League of Villains, huh? You were miserable enough trying to evade his punches, and your knees were already trembling as you were reaching your limit.
Shit, now you'd have to use that embarrassing Quirk of yours and hope it will do something decent.
Despite your Quirk manifesting itself when you were 4 just like everybody else, you were so ashamed of it you did all you could to never bring it up or use it. How embarrassing was it to have an ability to produce animal secretion right out of your hands? One time you had literally sprayed skunk defensive secretion in the class, and after that you had been called a Stinky Girl for the rest of your school days. Damn, even remembering it now was making you ashamed of yourself.
Of course, your control over your Quirk was miserable. You struggled to predict which secretion it would produce, hoping it would be something distracting enough for a hero to let you go, but oh boy Ground Zero didn't seem like the type to be scared of skunk's spray.
Staring at the dead end, you were ready to laugh hysterically - that is, if you had any time left, but Bakugo had already grabbed you by the shoulder and yelled something offensive in your ear, ready to put you down to the ground. Well, it was now or never.
Within a second you took off your black glove you'd always worn on your missions and slapped hero's cheek, leaving an angry red mark on his pale skin. The next moment you were on the ground with a very, very mad Bakugo hovering over you with such expression as if he was going to murder you in cold blood right now.
Apparently, your Quirk was useless, after all. Preparing for the worst, you stared at him, wide-eyed and trembling like a leaf, your hands up defensively to prevent him from harming you. In the end, you didn’t even steal anything as Ground Zero stormed off in the store.
But he didn't hit you. Actually, he didn't do anything at all as you stared at him nervously. He just... stood there with a grimace on his face and did nothing at all.
Oh, was it something new? Did you Quirk finally prove itself useful for once? It was a damn miracle.
"What did you do to me, bitch?" He suddenly barked, and you saw his cheeks slowly getting red as if the temperature went up all of a sudden. "What the fuck is this?!"
Shit. Civet oil. Of course, you couldn't even make some decent quantity to make him repulsed, so now all you got was a completely opposite effect.
Hiccupping, you got up just as he seemed to lean closer to you, so you ended up smashing your forehead against his, and both of your groaned. Although you fell back again, in a couple of seconds you were running for your life with Ground Zero being unusually slow somewhere behind you. Oh shit, now he was going to fuck and kill you. What a nice day you were having.
Struggling to keep running - you didn’t even understand at what part of the city you were now - you were getting out of breath, but you no longer heard Bakugo behind your back, and it was certainly calming. Did civet oil make him slow? You weren't sure what exact effects it had except for the most obvious one. Maybe you got lucky, for once. Maybe he'd let you go just this time, and you'd do your absolute best to find a decent job and stop robbing people. Well, you weren't even robbing regular people, just snobby store owners who'd get their money back with an insurance, anyway. You had never hurt anyone physically! Why treating you as if you were some dangerous criminal?
Whatever. Ground Zero was nowhere to be seen, so you simply landed on the ground in one of small filthy backyards in a shady part of the city. Oh boy, what a run. You thought the guy was literally ready to kill you.
The cold wall you leaned on didn't feel pleasant, but it was better than staying on your feet with your knees trembling and heart beating so fast as if you ran a marathon. Yeah, to think of it, you definitely could call it a marathon.
As you finally took off your mask and wiped your face with your palm, you heard a low growl somewhere to your left, "I'm gonna fucking break you, woman."
Scrambling to your feet, you tried dodging him but you were no match to a real pro, especially someone as good at combat as Ground Zero: you ended beneath him within a second, painfully slammed to the ground as he cursed at you, pulling your hair. Apparently, this was the end of you. The civet oil only made the hero more enraged instead of distracting him.
"Ah! It hurts!" You whined at the hair pulling and heard a dangerous hiss above you.
"Do you think this doesn't fucking hurt?"
It was impossible not to feel his obvious arousal, his painfully hard cock pressing against your lower back as the hero suddenly sniffed your hair, then making some weird noises while trying to undo his pants. Nononono, you weren't having this, you'd gladly accompany the hero to the police station where they'd cuff you and put you in prison but not let Ground Zero have his way with you.
"Get off! GET OFF!"
Your attempts to throw him off were futile, and soon he was pulling down your own pants, "You did this to me, didn't you?! So be a good girl and maybe I won't fucking kill you."
You bit down on your lower lip, your hands bound together with his belt.
Huh, there was no other way.
You came back home around 3 am completely exhausted, dirty and hurt, but it was still better than being thrown in prison after a long Interrogation in a police station. Ground Zero had finally taken some pity on you after all he'd done - oh it hurt, it hurt so bad in between your thighs because you hadn't been in relationship for long, but the hero was neither patient nor gentle with you. It was a miracle he actually let you go after this miserable incident somewhere in the outskirts of the city. Was he at least a little ashamed at what he did? Did he feel any remorse? Although it certainly didn't seem like, maybe he let you go because of it.
"Or he was just afraid to deliver me to police in such state," you chuckled grimly at yourself, grabbing first-aid kit and trying to do something with all these bruises and bites. You still had to take your 10-hour shift in the cafe today, and you could barely imagine how you were going to survive.
Of course, you only slept for a couple of hours before you had to get up: that morning you put so much makeup your boss would definitely scold you, but it was better than showing up with a face of a zombie. Of course, everyone managed to see how you winced while walking. Thank god you were able to convince them of your fall yesterday's evening: you actually only worked half a day as your boss took pity on you and let you go home.
Shit, it was time to put an end to your night adventures. You'd better find one more job and work a whole night long than live through this one more time, humiliated and hurt.
By the time you got home with a grocery bag in your hand, you felt like all you were going to do today was falling down on your bed and staring into the ceiling for hours. It still hurt. It was still embarrassing to remember what he did to you. You still wanted to slap him real hard and then yell at him at the top of your voice.
Funny enough, you actually had a chance to do all that since you found Ground Zero dressed as civilian sitting on your couch.
For a couple of seconds you froze on your place, unable to believe your eyes. What the hell was he doing here? What, yesterday's wasn't enough for this bastard, was it? Did he come to make you even more miserable?
Despite fear rising in your chest, it was soon replaced by fury mixed with disgust: who did he think he were to just break into your apartment like this? You might be a thief, but even you had the right to be delivered to police and then wait till the court decided upon your punishment. Nobody had given Ground Zero permission to rape you or follow you like some sick stalker!
"You live in some fucking hole." He grumbled as he saw you walking much slower than your usual pace, and you thought it was guilt you saw on his face for a mere second.
"Welcome to a fucking hole, then." You hissed at him in return and put your bag on the floor while taking your shoes off and wincing from pain. "If you came to finally take me to a police station, let me put food in the fridge, at least."
Not that you'd need it after your arrest, but the thought of leaving the grocery bag on the floor and let the food rot made you nauseated. You detested throwing away food with all your heart.
"Food? You call this food, huh?" He was already peeking inside the bag and scrunching his face at the sight of cheep noodles and gyoza.
"Yeah, we call it food here, rich boy." You let out a growl, mad at his attempts to make you feel humiliated even more than you already did.
He clearly didn't expect such treatment from someone whom he had taken advantage of so easily, and for several moment the man had a perplexed expression, unable to believe you were so brave despite the fact your knees were trembling. He probably thought it was a facade, but you didn't care. All this wouldn't end well for you, anyway.
"I'm not rich." He sent you a glare, and you felt like laughing in his face.
"If you don't have to steal to pay your rent, you're rich."
He grimaced but said nothing at all as you went to the kitchen, dragging the bag with you. You wondered if he felt sorry for you, but you didn't want his pity. Not from the one who did this to you. In fact, the only thing you wanted from him was leaving you alone.
Besides, you kept thinking why on Earth wasn't he dressed as a hero if he came explicitly to take you to a police station? Heroes like him loved showing off, you were sure. Why did he come like this? If he thought of repeating yesterday's night, you'd fucking stab him in the groin with a kitchen knife.
"So, how many heroes have you fucked like that?"
You felt a sudden urge to stab him right now and barely kept yourself away from a box where you kept cutlery. "I do three heroes a day and three villains at night," you growled at him, disgusted with his attitude, "what, didn't you feel it when you were raping me?"
Your reply took him aback, but he recovered quickly, "Who was raping you, silly woman? You did it to yourself!"
"Yeah, I've always dreamed of being taken by some sickening, primitive hero in a dirty alley, that's more than any girl could ask for."
Huh, apparently, cat got his tongue: Ground Zero stared at you, unable to believe your words. What, did he really think you loved being treated like this? Did he have any idea what making love was? Anything about normal, adequate relationship between a man and a woman? Maybe you weren't the most law-abiding woman in the city, but you were still a decent person, and the fact that Ground Zero expected you to manipulate him into raping you was repulsive.
"Listen, just hand me over to police already. What are you waiting for, Ground Zero?"
All the food was long put in the fridge and kitchen cabinets. Staring intensely at the man who shouldn't even be here, you crossed your arms over your chest, expecting him to drag you out of the house, but when he stepped closer to you it felt suffocating. Shit, the fear was coming back when you saw his expression darkened, his red pupils dilating when he grabbed your arm above the elbow and pulled you to him. Was he really going to do this to you?
You expected him to snap at you, but when he spoke he sounded strangely cold and collected.
"First, you will call me Bakugo from now on," he voice was dangerously low, "Second, I haven't come all the way here to bring to a fucking police station. You will come with me, do you understand?"
I didn’t put my regular taglist here since it was only made for Marvel fics, but please let me know if your want to be on my BNHA taglist, too!
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satyr-syd · 3 years
Seconds after Sero stepped into the blazing heat of the summer sun, sweat already pooling at the base of his spine under his thin tank-top, it began to snow.
Chilly pin-pricks dotted the back of his back. A gust of wind manifested out of nowhere and whipped against his tragically exposed sides. He held out his hand and watched as tiny white specks melted on his sweaty palm. Sero looked up, but the sun still beat down, unhindered by a single wisp of cloud. Goosebumps pimpled down his arms.
Well this sucks.  
He was supposed to meet Todoroki in the quad five minutes ago for their daily study session (Sero had many charming qualities, and being fashionably late was one of them). Ever since their dorm’s AC had been tragically annihilated in an acid-related incident that Sero had absolutely no part in whatsoever, the quad was the best place to study. Outside, there was at least the suggestion of a breeze.
Okay, so it was a bit more than a suggestion now. More like a firm instruction, edging on harsh demand.
Sero rubbed his arms together, elbows tight against his poor exposed sides. Man oh man was he not a fan of winter. Winter meant trying to find the one jacket in the entire mall that suited his specific physique and hoping they still stocked it in his size. Where did the snow even come from? Why did it have to be now of all times? If he tried to make himself a jacket out of his tape would it actually work this time?
While Sero stood there freezing his ass off like an idiot instead of like, going back inside, a white-and-red head made its way through the quad to him.
read on ao3
fic art by @kim-namzoom!!!
“Hanta,” Todoroki greeted. His hair, grown lovingly past his shoulders in the spirit of spite (“My father despises it,” Todoroki had announced proudly after returning from winter break their second year), laid over his shoulder in a loose braid. Sero wondered who’d braided it for him. It looked nice.
By then, an icy sheen coated the ground and the wind blew loud enough to howl in his ear, and the nails on Sero’s fingers began to purple. “Dude, is this you?” Sero asked.
Todoroki shook his head. He stood close, nearly shoulder to shoulder. “I don’t know how to make snow.”
“Huh,” Sero said. “You should learn how. Then we could have snow cones like every day.”
Todoroki held out his hand - the right one - next to Sero’s.Whereas the snowflakes melted into watery mush in Sero’s palm after a few moments, they held their shape in Todoroki’s, forming a lacy layer of crystals over his slender fingers.
“Do you like snowcones?” Torodoki asked.
Sero shrugged. “Dunno, never had one.”
“Neither have I.”
The few students still standing outside slowly filed indoors.
“Maybe one of the first years?” Sero asked.
“Probably,” Todoroki said. He held up his hand. “They’re the ones most lacking in control...and yet, overflowing with arrogance.”
“Wow, sounds like someone I knew in first year.”
Todoroki nodded sagely. “Bakugou was certainly a handful.”
“I know you know who I was talking about,” Sero said, poking his shoulder.
Todoroki smirked. It was just the slight quirk of his lips, barely visible unless you knew to look for it. Sero knew to look. He’s seen that smile a lot, these days. Which was great, because Todoroki had a wonderful smile, but also not great, because whenever he made Todoroki smile, his heart doki-doki ’d so hard that he was positive Todoroki could hear it.
See, asking Todoroki to tutor him had been a highly calculated move that had not one, but two purposes: first, Sero was, is, and (if we’re being honest) probably always will be a terrible student and if there was any chance of him getting decent grades his last year of high school, he needed a tutor. He could have asked the other top-scoring students, but Momo and Kendo were too busy (he wasn’t the only idiot scrambling for a passing grade), Bakugou was too explodey, Iida was too boring, and Midoriya was too muttery. Todoroki was none of those things and also the hottest of the bunch, which lead to purpose number two: as his tutor, he and Todoroki could spend more time alone together. Why? Because six months had passed since Sero admitted to himself that he was no better than every other girl in school and was totally crushing on the Icy-hot hero Shouto and now he’s tired of pining like some basic bitch.
“Let’s study in my room,” Todoroki said.
Sero had been to Torodoki’s room like, a ton of times, but his heart still skipped a beat every time Todoroki invited him. “Lead the way, sensei,” he said.
“I’m not your sensei.”
“Your teaching prowess says otherwise, sensei.”
“Call me sensei one more time and I’ll have Bakugou quiz you on polar coordinates.”
“Now that’s just cruel,” Sero said. He spun in front of Todoroki. “But I don’t think you have the heart to follow through on that - ” Sero tapped his nose to the beat of his killing blow “ -  sen-sei.”
Todoroki stared at him for a moment, pouting, cheeks pink from the cold. Then he pulled out his phone and began texting Bakugou.
“Noooooo shit I’m sorry I’ll stop! It was just a joke!”
This is it,  Sero told himself.  Snow storm wailing outside, holed up in Todoroki’s room, just the two of us - this is my moment.
Todoroki’s room hadn’t changed much since their first year. Decorative pot of bamboo in the corner (fake), tall, dark wooden drawers, a low desk free of clutter, tatami flooring, somehow. That ugly checkered mat by his desk. But where there once was one chair, now there were two. A pair of crocs (never worn) sat in front of his dresser. And on the dresser, crowding the decorative orb, half a dozen framed pictures: Todoroki, Midoriya, and Bakugou at the end of their internship with Endeavor; their class picture from last year; Natsuo and Fuyumi showering Todoroki in hugs; a selfie Sero took of him and Todoroki on their first day of their summer internship with Edgeshot.
There was also a behemoth purple beanbag sitting by the shoji screen. It looked wildly out of place with the rest of his traditional set-up. Sero dragged it over to Todoroki’s desk and flopped down into it.
Over the next twenty minutes, they reviewed that day’s lessons (apparently it’s like, good practice to review what you’ve learned that same day, which was annoying, but Sero’s grades had been going up, so whatever). Todoroki explained over and over until Sero actually understood how to convert Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates. Maybe he wouldn’t have had to explain so many times if Sero had listened carefully, but, well, it was hard with Todoroki talking to him in the soothing, patient tone he took on when he was teaching. He just looked so cute with his brow furrowed, thinking up a new way to explain a concept that would penetrate Sero’s thick skull. Sero liked to think he had built up a tolerance to buff, attractive men over his nearly-three years at U.A., but he was still weak to Todoroki’s hands, to the way his tight t-shirt clung to his broad shoulders.
The fact that he was cold as shit wasn't helping him focus either. Faint shadows of falling snow danced along the translucent paper walls of the shoji screen, taunting him.
But hey, at least he vaguely understood the polar coordinate system.
“You know, you’re pretty good at this,” Sero said after he finally solved a difficult math problem all on his own. “I bet the others would die to get their hands on your notes.”
“Guess they’ll die, then.”
Sero snickered. “That’s rough, dude.”
Todoroki shrugged. “I’m not going to put effort into something I don’t like to do when I know they won’t appreciate it.”
Sero freezes. “Wait - you don’t like tutoring?”
“Well - ”
“Oh shit, am I making you do something you hate? Bro, why didn’t you tell me, I wouldn’t have - ”
“It’s different when it’s you,” Todoroki said sharply.
Sometimes, it was hard to tell when Todoroki was joking, or if he was actually serious. The look in those blue-brown eyes, though, showed his resolve loud and clear.
Todoroki immediately averted his eyes. “I like helping you,” he muttered, “so it’s fine.”
Not for the first time, Sero wondered: why him? Todoroki had many other friends ...maybe friends that were smarter than he was and didn’t need tutoring, granted, but other friends he could be hanging out with. What’s the appeal? Was it his wonderfully terrible sense of humor? Was it the muscles he totally wasn't showing off? Was it because they shared the same taste in manga (oh yeah - he should ask Todoroki if he finished with week’s Shonen Champion)? Was it because he, unlike at least half of their year, was capable of talking at a normal volume? Over his time at U.A., Sero had gained more confidence in himself than he ever thought he would, but when it came to Todoroki, he still felt...small. Unsure if the light that shone from a great hero like Todoroki drowned out his own little spark.
Usually things between them were pretty chill, but after that comment, a weird kind of tension settled over the room. Not bad, just quiet, like when there's a sleeping cat on your laps and you're afraid any movement will wake it.
Pretty soon, though, Sero began to shiver. He couldn’t help it - there was a winter storm outside, apparently, and he was in a tank top and jorts, and seriously, did  no one  turn the heat on? Did no one turn the heat on  and  the AC miraculously began working again?
Todoroki was staring at him, too. God, he must have thought Sero was some kind of pansy, getting cold so easily, unable to regulate his own temperature like  some  people (though he guessed in that case, most people would be pansies to Todoroki).
13) Convert 2x−5x   3   =1+xy into polar coordinates.
Sero tapped his pen against his paper. Todoroki’s gaze followed the movement, then returned to his face. Sero could practically feel his impatience.
Sero put his pen down and stretched his arms over his head. Todoroki looked away.  Got’em.  
“You know...” Sero said. Todoroki glanced back at him. “...staring at me isn’t going to help me solve this stupid question any faster.”
“I wasn’t staring,” Todoroki said, crossing his arms like a petulant child.
Sero grinned. Anyone who knew him well can tell you that the Cool and Cold hero Shouto was just as petty as any mortal. Probably pettier, in fact. “You totally were.”
Todoroki frowned. “You were shivering.”
“Yeah, wonder why.”
Todoroki’s gaze shifted over to him. He looked Sero up and down. Sero tried and failed not to shiver. Todoroki’s clenched jaw softed and his eyes smiled and he stared - this time, he  was definitely staring - Sero felt his face heating up (well, that’s one way to get warm).
Wordlessly, Todoroki got up and sat down next to him on the beanbag. Sero fell against him, shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip, thigh to thigh, the tips of Todoroki’s braid tickling his shoulder.
Sero froze up (pun intended). His heart pounded in his ears. But he knew what Todoroki was doing, so he didn’t feel guilty as he curled into his side, basking in the warmth like a cat in a strip of sunlight. And the warmth from Todoroki’s left side began to melt him down.  
He pressed his cheek against Todoroki’s shoulder and said, “I thought you didn’t like people using you as a space heater.”
“Most people.”
Sero smirked. “So you’re saying I’m special?”
Todoroki looked at him and smiled. “Didn’t I say that earlier?”
Ohhhh man oh fuck. How could he just say that, looking at him like that, like he was more than just the plainest guy in class, like he really was special? Sero was known for keeping his cool, for being the chillest dude in the group, but with someone as special as Todoroki looking at him like  he’s  special…fuck.
“I mean, well, like that was just about tutoring and not, you know - ”  nearly sitting in my fucking lap,   “  - sharing personal space.”
“You looked cold,” Todoroki said. He could feel Todoroki’s breath on his cheek. “I didn’t want you to be distracted.”
“I’m a lot more distracted now.”
A part of him cringed as the words left his mouth. Oh god, why did I say that, was that even sexy?  But another part of him pushed that part down and shushed it. This is the opening we’ve been waiting for, it said. Even if Todoroki turned him down, at least he could graduate without any regrets. Maybe he could even tell his grandkids that he once received a  personal  rejection from the great hero Shouto.
“Oh.” Todoroki said, shoulder tensing where Sero leaned against him. Sero braced himself mentally, the same way he did before he launched himself off a building, preparing for the inevitable gut-plunge as he swooped toward the ground. “...me too.”
And there’s the thrill of the upward swing.
Sero was an idiot, but he wasn’t stupid. He wouldn’t have shot his shot if he’d thought he had no chance. Still, hearing Todoroki say he feels it too took him by surprise in the best way possible. Like tasting the sweet tang of umiboshi in the center of a plain-looking onigiri. Like acing a test you thought you failed. Like snow in June.
The air between them was electric but still. Did that count as admitting their feelings? What should he say now? Where were they supposed to go from here? All Sero wanted to do his grab Todoroki’s hand and hold his stupid pretty face in his hands and kiss him silly, but they should probably like, talk about things -
“Can I kiss you?”
“Oh thank fuck - yes please.”
And then he was kissing Todoroki Shouto, son of number one hero Endeavor, one of the Big Three most promising students at the most prestigious hero school in the country. His lips were soft but clumsy, shy but adamant as he pressed against him. Sero cupped his face and felt the slight inhale of Shouto’s gasp. Despite being pinned down by the weight of Shouto’s chest on his and trapped between the strong forearms framing his face, the light that perpetually emanated from the great hero Shouto wasn’t overwhelming. Sero was warmed by his light instead of cowed by it. In that moment, Shouto’s light drew out the best in him - and his little spark ignited.  
Yet, that question that always nagged him surfaced again: Why me?      
As Shouto’s kisses began to trail down his neck, Sero figured he could ask why later - when Shouto wasn’t busy showing him it’s you, it’s you.      
Even with the frozen tundra battering just outside, Sero was burning up again.
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klutzyzombie · 4 years
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Summary: From a young age, Bakugou Katsuki is told his hearing will continue to fade with use of his explosive quirk. He's given hearing aids to help when he reaches high school but refuses to wear them because what pro hero wears those? It takes some red-headed courage to convince him otherwise.  Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Eijirou Kirishima, Ashido Mina, Denki Kaminari, Sero Hanta Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki & Kirishima Eijirou (KiriBaku) Rating: General Warnings: N/A Words: 6,701 Notes: So this is my first official fic for this fandom and I don't exactly have anyone to proofread this so I sincerely apologize if it's out of character and for the errors! This was written from my own experiences with going deaf and requiring hearing aids and how I felt about it when I was first told. It seemed like something Bakugou may have also felt so you'll have to excuse me projecting~
**Please note that when a character is signing, it will be italicized.
Ao3: [click here!]
He started losing his hearing in grade school. He had been about eight when his family took him to get his ears checked when his grades slipped and he continued to miss things said at home. From there he was bounced from doctor to doctor but the general consensus was the same; his quirk was causing him to go deaf. It made sense really; continued exposure to loud constant boom’s. Like playing a rock concert next to the amp turned up all the way. It was bound to happen the second his quirk manifested and the decision to be a pro hero was made.
They recommended easing down on use of his quirk unless the situation called for it to try and put off the inevitable, but that wasn’t about to happen. Pro heroes in training needed to have master over their own quirks! So they also suggested hearing aids which Katsuki was against. What pro hero wore those tacky things?! For now, his hearing loss was manageable, but if Katsuki was keen on becoming a hero (and he was; even eight year old Katsuki knew this) then the doctors expected his hearing to be practically gone by the time he was in his late teens.
So the Bakugou family learned sign language as a safety net and as he grew, his hearing faded more and more as expected. It became Katsuki’s new normal for things to be a little jumbled and almost like people were talking underwater if they weren’t close enough or if they soft spoken. Maybe that was why as got older he had a tendency to yell constantly, his voice growing a little more gruff with age as well. He’d also picked up on lip reading which was immensely helpful in middle school as he refused to tell a teacher he couldn’t hear them or ask to sit in the front. It wasn’t going to be the future he imagined when he was a kid, but hey, he was Bakugou fucking Katsuki! He wasn’t about to let something like hearing loss stop him from becoming the next number one hero! He was nothing but goal driven from a young age, refusing to tell anyone about what he deemed to be his biggest weakness, preferring to make due with his lip reading. When his acceptance into U.A. was announced, his parents made a decision and while he fought tooth and nail – literally – he was fitted for a pair of hearing aids.
U.A. was everything he had hoped it would be as a child (though he could have done without the damn nerd also getting in and sitting right behind him) and much to his utter chagrin, he even made a few friends despite the fact that he’d never refer to them as such. They were more like a few idiots who wouldn't know how to fuck off if their lives depended on it. One such of these idiots and the biggest offender was Kirishima who, from day one, seemed to latch on to Katsuki. It was annoying at first; sure he had ‘friends’ in middle school but they were more afraid of him and only followed him as some sort of leader or popularity magnet. Kirishima just- liked him. For him! There wasn’t any fear and he damn sure wasn’t getting popular by hanging around Katsuki. If anything that was reversed since the stupid idiot seemed to be friends with just about everyone to varying degrees.
And Katsuki wanted to hate it- hate HIM because he didn’t need friends let alone overly enthusiastic idiot friends and with Kirishima deeming him ‘friendly’, the rest of the idiot brigade followed suit. Before Katsuki knew what had happened, Kaminari had wormed his way into his and Kirishima’s study sessions, Ashido had started tugging on his arm in her bubbly excitement at something or another, and Sero had taken too confining in him about whatever trouble had been on his mind. Bakugou Katsuki had actual honest to god friends and it was Kirishima’s fault. It hit him one night after moving into the dorms after he’d been dragged to watch a movie in Kirishima’s room. Like, forcefully dragged and as they sat there, watching as Iron Man and Captain America did some epic team up move on some aliens, he realized he was actually enjoying himself around these idiots.
He wasn’t supposed to be fond of the dunces. He didn’t need anyone and after the hero exam he and Todoroki failed, he tried to go back to how things were. Katsuki didn’t need friends and Kirishima and Kaminari passing while he failed was proof of that. So he separated himself from them. Well, he tried to at least. It wasn’t easy to do since the clingy idiots couldn’t take a hint if he stapled it to their faces. It was exhausting and when he did finally manage it, about a week into his granted alone time he was miserable and angry and ended up back on Kirishima’s bed while he and Kaminari played some game on Kaminari’s Switch.
He couldn’t shake the idiots he unwillingly befriended and he whole heartedly blamed Kirishima for all of it. On a rare weekend home, he was bitching to his mom about the annoyances who kept blowing up his phone with their stupid ‘Bakusquad’ group text. Mitsuki was sitting at the kitchen table with designs and fabrics spread out while Katsuki ranted on. She hadn’t known her comment about him being popular due to his phone’s continued dinging would lead to this, but now it was hard to stop the small smile building as he went on and on about them. Something he pointed out to her with annoyance.
‘Sorry, it’s just nice to know you have actual friends! Finally.’
“I can fuckin’ hear you, hag!” Katsuki snapped.
‘Are you sure? I don’t see your hearing aids in.’
His response to that was to simply flip her off as he marched out of the room. “I’m not going to wear those fuckin’ things.”
“Katsuki!” They had this argument so many times now he could almost recite it word for word. It was what she always said since the moment they picked up the stupid devices. 'Wear them!' 'Are you wearing them?' 'How is training with the hearing aids working out?' Every damn time she called it was the same song and dance and it was getting more and more irritating every time she brought the damn things up! He could picture her pushing away from the table and marching after him so it wasn’t a surprise when her raised voice shouted after him. “We spent good money-“
“’-on those things so the least I could do is wear them’! Get a new speech! I don't fuckin' need them because I can still hear just fine!” There was an uncharacteristic pause after that and he wheeled around to glare at her, to see what she was trying to prove, only to see Mitsuki giving him a pointed look. “What?!”
‘I said if that was true, then you would be able to hear me.’ She signed while speaking. Well, he assumed she was. Her lips were moving and he could hear a faint sound that was in teh same tone as her voice, but couldn't quite make out the words. Katsuki stood there, red eyes narrowed at her which was a look she was mirroring back at him for all of a few seconds before she sighed, expression softening. ‘Katsuki, it’s gotten worse since you started high school. I’ve been practically yelling at you just so you’d hear me since you got home.’ The look on his face must have been horrified because his mom’s melted from fond annoyance to one of almost-pity. She lifted her hands to sign something else but he quickly turned and marched back up to his room to finish getting ready to head back to the dorms. He hated that look on her. Hated that look on anyone and he didn't need her to see that she was right. That his hearing really had gotten worse. It would make sense that it had, he guessed. He went from only training with his quirk a few times a week to preserve his hearing to using it about daily for hours on end.
So then why hadn’t he noticed it?
He guessed the whole ‘it’s a gradual process’ thing could be a factor and if he thought about it, he was having a harder time hearing Aizawa now. Deku’s muttering had also seemed to bother him less as of late and it damn sure wasn’t because the nerd had suddenly stopped the habit he’d had since they were kids. His hearing really had faded drastically in just under a year and that was a reality check.
One he also apparently wasn’t great at hiding because a few days back in school had Kirishima draping an arm across his shoulders in the locker room. He had a habit of doing that no matter what murderous look was on Katsuki's face and today when he went to shoot a glare at the red head - one he knew would just be ignored- he was met with a concerned look on Kirishima's face. “Yo man, you good? You’ve seemed kinda…”
“Extra murder-y.” Kaminari supplied.
Katsuki and Kirishima shot him a look, Katsuki’s much more threatening, but he went on. “Is everything alright? You know you can always talk to me!”
“Fuck off, I’m fine.” Was his eloquent reply and he knew Kirishima wasn’t convinced, but the red head knew enough about him to know to drop it. The look that now shifted across his face was proof he knew something was up, but he turned back to talking about some new show with Kaminari and Sero to make sure nobody else tried to take the opportunity to ask Katsuki about his oh so chipper mood. Kirishima was good at reading him like that. He seemed to always know what Katsuki meant or needed in the moment. It would be endearing if it wasn’t also equal parts annoying. Sometimes he wished the idiot would remember how damn powerful Katsuki was! But then again, Kirishima was also the perfect foil to him.
He watched as said boy grinned and laughed at something Kaminari had said, head tilting back slightly from the force of it. He was so stupidly friendly and he seemed to really want to be Katsuki’s friend if not his best one. He liked to proclaim as such at least and he guessed it was true to a degree. Kirishima knew him better than anyone else probably did and just how that happened should be concering. Just when had he allowed the idiot to figure him out so well?
Katsuki looked back at his locker with a huff, not about to give Kirishima another reason to ask about his mood again. He looked at his mask and the orange and black wing tips behind it. Looked at the orange X crossing the otherwise all black uniform. Looked at the matching heavy-duty boots and belt that housed mini versions of his quirk. Looked at how the entire ensemble represented everything he wanted to become and how his stupid hearing was likely to take all of that away.
He slammed the locker shut with more force than needed, meeting Kirishima’s gaze as he glanced over at the sound. “Meet me after dinner.” He said simply, walking off before he could see or hear the red head’s reaction.
Katsuki was a proud person and that was a fact that was well know. He never needed and never asked for help. He was self-sufficient and refused to lean on others to get to where he wanted to be. So reaching out to Kirishima about this was going to be a challenge. Said teen had been in his room for going on ten minutes, silently watching and waiting, sitting in his deskchair backwards as Katsuki glared daggers at the ground. It would be unnerving to have the talkative bastard so quiet if it wasn’t once again proof how well Kirishimia knew him; knew whatever was on his mind was heavy enough to make him clearly agitated and extra moody. This fact had him glance up so red eyes could meet red and at Kirishima’s concerned but patient face, he sighed and looked away.
“I can barely fuckin’ hear.” He admitted like it was the biggest secret he’d ever be forced to admit because to him, it was.
“Yeah?” Kirishima sounded confused but not in the way he had been anticipating. He was confused like you had just told him Ashido’s favorite color was pink. Like what Katsuki had just said was common knowledge.
This had Katsuki whipping his head back to look at him. “’Yeah’?! The fuck does that mean?!”
Kirishima tilted his head like he did when he could tell Katsuki was upset with him but didn’t know why. “It means yeah? Like, yeah I know?”
It was Katsuki’s turn to be confused now. “You know?”
“Dude, if it was supposed to be a secret, your awful at hiding it!” Kirishima laughed and he glared at him for it. This was supposed to be his close kept secret! His weakness nobody, except for maybe Deku, knew! Kirishima seemed to understand his inner turmoil (because of course he would) and gave the teen a small smile, moving to rub the back of his neck. “Well, maybe it just was to me? I dunno, man. I noticed from the quirk assessment we had on the first day.”
“How?!” His voice sounded more confused than annoyed.
Kirishima shrugged and moved his toe against the floor a bit to slightly spin the chair he was sitting on. A nervous habit he’d get when he was the center of attention, Katsuki noted. “You just weren’t responding to anyone. First I thought you were just kinda an asshole and ignoring people, ya know?” He looked back up at him with a grin. “But then when Aizawa-Sensei would repeat something louder and you’d respond and I saw your quirk in action, I guess I just put two-and-two together. I didn’t know it was some big secret though.”
“It’s not!” Katsuki was quick to snap but that wasn’t really true. It clearly was or his heart wouldn’t have dropped when he realized Kirishima had figured it out within hours of meeting him. He huffed to himself, not wanting to snap at Kirishima over his own overlook and looked away again, scrubbing a hand over his face. “Does anyone else know?”
Kirishima hummed in thought, looking up at the ceiling. “I think all of us kinda know somethings up to varying degrees.” He must have heard the speed at which Katsuki whipped his head around because Kirishima quickly clarified, “I mean those of us in the squad. Kaminari talks louder when he’s around us. Ashido and Sero started too as well after they hung out with us for a while. I suppose it also helps that the four of us are naturally loud anyway, but they definatley talk up and more clear when they're with us.”
Katsuki just looked at him stunned. They had all figured it out? And they hadn’t ever commented on it? Made it a point to make a joke about it? Tease him about it like they endlessly teased him about everything else? They had just started to talk louder for his sake?! Here he thought they were just obnoxious assholes…
Kirishima seemed to notice his lack of anger and response and crossed his arms over the back of the chair he was sitting on, resting his head on them as he studied Katsuki carefully. “Is this what’s been bothering you?”
Katsuki shot him a glare before huffing and looking away again. A nonverbal yes before he sighed, eyes closing. His mind was still reeling from the knowledge that not only did the other idiots figure it out, but that they had all apparently silently just decided to not talk about it and simply speak up and clearer so he could hear them all better. He had a plan going into this. He was going to tell Kirishima he was hard of hearing, tell him he’d known it was coming, and how he was supposed to wear hearing aids. He had planned for questions and for almost snapping at Kirishima for giving him a pitying look before quickly covering it up because Kirishima knew he hated pity. He had expected this conversation to go the opposite direction it had gone and now he was at a loss.
“They…" How was he supposed to proceed now?! "I’m supposed to wear hearing aids.” He blurted out quietly, almost hoping Kirishima didn’t hear him.
But of course he did. “So why don’t you?”
“Are you stupid?!” Kirishima frowned. It wasn’t pity on his face but almost like disappointment? That look was somehow worse and Katsuki quickly looked away from him again. “I can’t be number one like that.”
“So you’d rather just not be at your best then?”
Wellp. Anger was back. Least that was familiar over the weird sensation knowing his friends never brought up his hearing had left him with. He jerked back to face Kirishima, on his feet before he even registered he’d moved. Kirishima just looked at him with same look he had on earlier. “What?!”
“You can’t be your best if you aren’t even going to work with something that improves your skills.” Kirishima repeated, apparently oblivious to the absolute inferno of anger his words had lit. “Dude, you can’t stand there and tell me with a straight face you’d be at your absolute best going into situations as you are when you could be going in with your senses heightened. That would be like fighting with one hand tied behind you back all the time! It doesn’t make any sense, man!”
Katsuki stood where he was, keeping Kirishima’s gaze which had narrowed. It wasn’t anger, but the look he got when determination had set in and he wasn’t about to even think about budging on something. Katsuki liked to imagine it was the look he had when he tried to convince their classmates to come to Kamino Ward. What made it worse this go around was that, well, Katsuki knew he was right. “Tch.” He turned and stalked back to his bed before slumping down on it, glaring up at the ceiling as if it had personally wronged him. “What pro hero do you know wears hearing aids, shitty hair?”
“You?” That answer had Katsuki turn to shoot him a ‘stop bullshitting’ look but Kirishima’s face was so purely earnest the words died on his tongue. “Sure none of the current pros do, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be the first! I bet they’ll even make some with little orange X’s on them! That would be so cool!” He gave Katsuki one of those toothy grins that rivaled the sun in brightness and it took all Katsuki had not to smile at him in return.
He scoffed and looked away instead. “You’re an idiot.”
“Maybe, but I’m right about this!” Kirishima stood up and moved to sit beside his feet on the bed. “You always are the first and best at everything. Wouldn't it be super manly to be the representation to little kids you want now?” Katsuki didn’t say anything, afraid speaking might betray how hot his face was starting to feel at Kirishima’s unbridled admiration. “Besides think of all the cool ways you could make them look! I bet you could get them like, orange to match your uniform or-!”
“They’re already orange.” Kirishima turned to look at him and Katsuki rolled his eyes at the awe on the red heads face. He knew what was coming without Kirishima even asking so he sat up to pull a small box from the far corner of his nightstand. He tossed it to Kirishima who caught and opened it, eyes growing wide.
“Dude, these look so cool!”
“No they fuckin’ don’t. Don’t lie to me-“
“I’m not, man! Dude, picture this.” He picked one of them up and held it so Katsuki could see before splaying his other fingers out behind it. “You could have them as part of you mask! I bet support could even make some super badass ones that could have another dual factor! Maybe even like Mic’s speaker thing? No, I guess that wouldn’t make sense. But maybe they can block out certain things? Like Shinsou’s quirk! Oh man, you’re an even better match for him now! Just turn them off and you can’t even hear him!” Kirishima went into a rant about all the things he thought the stupid device in his hand could be used for and honestly Katsuki wasn’t hearing any of it but not because of the hearing loss. He just watched the idiot talk, watched his lips move and hands gesture. Watched as he’d occasionally laugh at something he’d thought of and how his smile reached his eyes when he did. How he was so excited just to sit here and come up with dumb ideas and how happy he was that Katsuki was potentially going to be an even better hero.
That thought alone made Katsuki’s heart jump again. Kirishima had really meant it about being an example. He really did think wearing the stupid devices would make him a better hero. Didn’t think it would make him any less of a person or any less of a pro. Kirishima genuinely didn’t think less or pity him for it and it actually seemed like he was furious that Katsuki would risk throwing his own dream of being a hero away just because of two tiny devices that would help him.
It was almost too much for him.
“You’re an idiot.” He repeated. Kirishima stopped talking and looked at him. He was still smiling and Katsuki was willing to bet that he was too if the slight tug at his lips was any indicator. “Fuckin’-! Fine, you rambling moron. I’ll wear the damn things tomorrow.”
The grin he got in return had to rival the brightest light in the galaxy and before he could open his mouth to warn against it, Kirishima tackled him back on the bed. The curses and explosions he sent in return were simply laughed off and otherwise ignored.
True to his word, Katsuki stood in front of his mirror with the small devices in his hand. He looked at his reflection without them, took in the way he looked one last time as if he could never go back to this look before sliding them in and turning them on as he remembered the doctor demonstrating. He winced at the resistance he was met with as they flickered to life but looked back at his reflection once they were snugly in and properly adjusted. His hair hid them for the most part, ash blond strands hanging low enough that unless he really looked, he couldn’t see them. Maybe that meant nobody else would since he was actually looking for them. He let out a sigh and turned to grab his bag. He doubted that severely. He swore quietly to himself, ignoring how it actually wasn't as quiet as he thought, and started the trek to class.
The walk out of the dorms and into the school was… different? He could hear things he hadn’t otherwise heard before. He could hear birds chirping in the trees he walked under, bits and pieces of conversations of the people he passed, that one weirdo from 1-B saying something and even the faint smack that followed as that orange haired chick apologized for him. It was almost like he’d been listening to the TV volume only turned up to 2 and now suddenly it was changed to 10. It would be overwhelming if he were anyone else, he guessed. Katsuki imagined this is what those videos of colorblind people wearing those special glasses was like. To experience the world with a sense that was dulled for so long only to be informed that said sense could be much better.
He’d spent so much time glaring at the stupid things and then fiddling with them to get them adjusted that he’d been beaten to class by the self proclaimed ‘Bakusquad’. Kirishima was sitting on Sero's desk facing the door and when he spotted Katsuki, broke back out into that same grin he did that rivaled the light flickering in from the windows. “Hey, Bakugou!” He raised an arm in greeting, grabbing the attention of the other idiots who all turned to greet him though not as enthusiastically as Kirishima. Not much of a surprise considering the red head was very clearly the only morning person among them.
Katsuki tsk'ed in greeting but Kirishima seemed to be studying him harder than usual and it was pretty clear what he was searching for. So with a roll of his eyes, Katsuki turned his head slightly so Kirishima could see the small bit of orange poking out from under his hair and if the smile he was greeted with was bright, this one was blinding. He didn’t say anything much to Katsuki's relief, just looked back at Kaminari despite his grin not fading as Katsuki walked over to his desk and tossed his bag down. Such a stupid little thing and Kirishima was grinning like he'd won the lottery.
Class was almost night and day.
He could hear Aizawa’s lazy tone easily, better than he had ever remembered being able to. He didn't need to rely on his handouts and the board to take notes. It was considerably easier to understand Ectoplasm now too and, much to his sheer and utter annoyance, he could hear Deku muttering to himself again. It was annoying, sure, and he almost considered taking the stupid things out to prevent it, but the fact that he actually could stopped him. Even Deku's muttering couldn't quite distract from the almost wonder he had. He could also pick up on Kaminari and Kirishima whispering though he coldn't make out what. (Probably about the math problem Ectoplasm just wrote down.)
The lunchroom was another experience. He hadn’t ever heard it this loud and he muttered to Sero if something special was happening because of the noise before Sero eyed him confused and said it was always this loud. Huh. He knew it should be considering the amount of teenagers cramed into it, but the thought hadn't really ever crossed his mind just how loud it should be. It was almost painful. Their usual table was at least a little quieter since it was in the far back. Katsuki was actually able to hear Kaminari approaching without relying on the slight ting of electricity in the air that usually was his give away. He looked up and watched as he and Kirishima stepped over towards them, caught up in some conversation about something, only stopping when Kirishima moved away and took his usual spot beside Katsuki while Kaminari went to sit in front of him.
“Hey, Bakubro! You look-“
Katsuki winced. “Fuck, can you maybe not talk so damn loud?!” He brought his hands up to his ears, wincing as they gave off feedback which he assumed was due to the mentioned static Kaminari gave off. Maybe he really should speak to support about upgrading them if he was going to start using them more. Wait, was that going to be a thing? He'd told Kirishima he'd wear them today; not from then on. When had he decided this was going to be a permanent thing?
He was lost in his own thoughts about if this so he missed the way Sero, Ashido, and Kaminari looked at each other, then at him, then back to one another. “Uh? He’s talking like he usually does. Which yeah, it’s loud, but it’s his usual volume.” Sero defended, looking all the world like Katsuki had just started sprouting a second head.
Katsuki huffed and looked down pointedly at his lunch, taking a bite of rice to further avoid meeting their gaze. “Well tone it the fuck down, dunce-face.”
Kirishima was pointedly quiet while the three others sat in silence for a joyous and nerve wracking moment. He wondered briefly if they would just drop it, but no, he was never that lucky. He heard a gasp, knew it was Ashido, and jerked his gaze back up just as she leaned across the table and reached over to move his hair aside. “You got hearing aids!”
“Fuckin’-! Don’t touch me!” He swatted her hand away but the damage was done.
She was grinning from ear to ear and practically bouncing in her seat. “Oh my gosh, they look so good! That color is going to match your uniform perfectly!”
“Nice, dude! When did you get those?”
“Does this mean you’ll answer when I ask you for help now?”
“I think he was just always ignoring you, Kami.”
"What? No! Why would he do that?"
"Because you ask him for answers on every problem rather than how to solve it?"
Bakugou watched the three teens in front of him suddenly turn on Kaminari, laughing at the other blond’s expense. They hadn’t even flinched at him wearing them! No jokes, no sympathetic looks, nothing! They just took it in stride as if he’d said the weather outside was cool. He looked over at Kirishima to get confirmation that he wasn’t insane and they had really found out what he deemed his weakness. Kirishima met his gaze with a knowing grin and a shrug of his shoulders, a silent ‘I-told-you-it-wasn’t-a-big-deal’ look on his face. Katsuki shot him a glare but turned back to his meal to try and hide the smile he knew would betray any small amount of anger it may have had.
They didn't seem to care. He'd spent so much of his life dreading the day he'd have to wear these stupid things. Dreading the way people would look at or perceive him. He was Bakugou Katsuki and the only way he should be looked at was with admiration or fear; not pity or sympathy, and he whole heartedly believed that was going to be the outcome wearing these would bring. He expected the three idiots in front of him to make a huge ordeal about it, but they just seemed relieved and excited. Just like Kirishima had been.
Maybe having friends wasn’t such a bad thing after all.
After that, Katsuki wore them daily. They became second nature from then on and he wanted to be surprised that nobody seemed to even flinch at them, but after seeing his friend’s reactions, he really wasn't. What was supposed to be a weakness was nothing more than another area he could work with. Something Katsuki could train and hone like his quirk. He’d even followed Kirishima’s idea and got a pair that would work with his mask. They got upgraded to protect his remaining hearing from his explosions while enhancing it. His regular ones got an upgrade as well so they’d stop sending him feedback every time Kaminari got within a foot of him which spared Kaminari getting threatened and snapped at so it was a win for him as well. (Both pairs were returned black with an orange X printed on them and Kirishima swore he knew nothing about it.)
Months passed and it was hard to imagine he’d ever put up such a fight to wear the stupid things. They really did make a difference and it was even better knowing nobody felt the need to shout at him. Part of him wondered just how many people did but also didn’t think his pride could risk asking. It was like nothing had changed and while he wouldn’t ever admit it, it was apparent he had worried and put this off for absolutely no reason. His friends rolled with it like nothing had happened and that alone, while he refused to admit it, was the real reason he continued to keep it up after the first day. The idiots seemed to be full of surprises, especially Kirishima.
So it really shouldn’t have been a surprise what happened one night during the middle of their second year. The pair were up late in Bakugou’s room going over the latest math homework they’d been given. Well, more like Katsuki was going over Kirishima’s since his was already finished. At some point he’d taken his hearing aids out figuring he wouldn’t really need them in the quiet of his room.
He marked one last problem Kirishima needed to look over and handed the paper back. The red head took it then asked ‘Do you want to go get something to eat?’
“Yeah sure.”
He pushed himself up and brought an arm back behind his head to stretch it out and then it dawned on him. Kirishima hadn’t spoken. His lips hadn’t moved.
Kirishima startled at his yelling. “I asked-“
“I know what you asked!” Katsuki was pretty sure he must look strange because Kirishima was looking at him with sheer, utter confusion. “It’s- it’s how you asked it!”
The red head blinked at him in confusion, clearly not understanding why Katsuki was suddenly so upset. “What about it?”
“You signed!”
“Yeah?” He held the ‘ea’ sound out as if the pause would help him figure out what had happened. Katsuki could feel his face heating up. “Dude, I’m so confused right now. What’s wrong?”
“You-! You fuckin’ signed to me!”
“Yeah, you covered that part. What about it?”
“When the fuck did you learn it?!”
Kirishima still looked at him baffled. “Dude, I’ve known for years. My mom is hard of hearing.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?!”
“Because I didn’t think I’d need to? I sign to you all the time, man!” Now it was Katsuki’s turn to look lost. He looked at the red head for a few minutes as if he’d just told him some world altering view, which he kinda did. “You good, bro?”
“No I’m not ‘good’! When the fuck have you ever signed to me?!” Though as the question left his lips, memories started replaying in his head. One’s of Kirishima casually signing ‘lunch?’ while verbally saying they should head to grab a bite to eat. Memories of Kirishima signing ‘that was awesome!’ after Katsuki did some impressive move in training. Of Kirishima’s fingers moving to ask him to pass his notes back over. Vision after vision of Kirishima slipping it into such casual setting from the first weeks he knew him and wow, okay that did something to his heart.
Why hadn’t he ever noticed it before? When the hell had Kirishima become such a casual part of his life that him speaking in a language hardly anyone knew became second nature? How had he learned so much about Katsuki without him ever knowing the red head was close enough to figure him out? Why did he decide to dedicate so much of his energy and time to be around him?!
“Dude?” He looked over at Kirishima who was now looking at him worried. “I was kinda kidding when I asked if you were good but now I’m actually worried. Are you alright? You look, like, sick."
Katsuki dropped to his knees in front of the red head who was looking even more concerned now. He opened his mouth, probably to once again ask if Katsuki was okay, when Katsuki put his hands on either side of his head and pulled him into a kiss. It wasn’t anything spectacular on the outside, just a chaste kiss, but it was an awakening for Katsuki who avoided feelings and distractions. Katsuki who had mentioned romance was the furthest thing on his mind when Ashido asked him back in first year if he was interested in anyone. So yeah, it wasn’t the most romantic of kisses as Katsuki hadn’t exactly kissed anyone aside from one or two people back in middle school and Kirishima hadn’t exactly moved or leaned into it let alone reacted.
Wait, shit. Kirishima hadn’t reacted.
That thought had him pulling back immediately, apology already forming but going unspoken as Kirishima mirrored the gesture of grabbing his face and pulling him into a kiss. Now it was Katsuki’s turn to be shocked but it faded in seconds, eyes closing on instinct as he moved to rest his hands on Kirishima’s hips. Kirishima in turn gently cupped the side of his face, guiding Katsuki’s head to tilt to the side slightly so he could deepen it. Alright, this one was much better than the pitiful one Katsuki had just done. Kirishima’s lips slid against his like they were meant to be connected and his hands lit Katsuki’s skin on fire. The feeling was like wearing his hearing aids for the first time. Like reawakening a sense that had been muted for years. He didn’t want it to end but after one last slow kiss, Kirishima pulled back, lips parted as he breathed.
Katsuki opened his eyes and blinked down at him, no doubt looking as kiss-drunk as the red head. Kirishima beamed back up at him, cheeks tinted red which Katsuki could feel his own face mimicking. He glanced away as if that would hide it, ignoring the way his heart rate picked up when Kirishima’s arms moved to wrap around his waist, head resting against his chest. He had about a billion things he wanted to say, knew Kirishima had about a billion he probably wanted to ask, but of course the red head knew him well enough to know he needed a minute before he spoke. Kirishima knew him so well. How did he not ever connect these dots and do this sooner?!
“So you like me.”
Alright, maybe not the elegant response he wanted but he earned a laugh from Kirishima. He shrugged and looked up at him so Katsuki could see his lips, smile still present. “What finally gave that away?”
Katsuki could feel his face flush anew. “’Finally’?”
“I haven’t exactly been trying to hide it from you.”
“You never fuckin’ said anything!”
“Again, never thought I’d need to.”
And alright, that was fair if he thought about it. He frowned but it was more at himself than at Kirishima and he ducked his head down to rest against the red head’s shoulder, the red head pulling him close. “You have awful taste.” He muttered to which Kirishima just hummed, lightly resting his head against the side of Katsuki’s.
They stayed like that for a while longer before Kirishima’s stomach made them remember what had started this whole ordeal in the first place. As they stood up and started to head out, Katsuki paused and turned grabbing his hearing aids and sliding them into place, ignoring the way Kirishima’s face lit up at the simple motion. He didn’t comment on it though, only taking Katsuki’s hand for a whole second before dropping it. Katsuki arched a brow, about to ask what was wrong.
‘I really, really like you, Katsuki.’
Katsuki was pretty sure his face was currently redder than the idiot in front of him’s hair and mumbled a quiet “Fuck you” as he lightly punched his shoulder. Kirishima laughed and caught Katsuki’s hand before it fell away. He went to lace their fingers together and tug him down the hall but Katsuki stayed rooted to the spot. Kirishima looked back at him, head tilting in the ‘whats-up’ way he did before Katsuki pulled his hand back.
‘You are an idiot, but I like you too.’
It shouldn’t be a surprise the way Kirishima’s eyes lit up. It shouldn’t be breath taking the blinding smile such a simple statement was met with. It shouldn’t make his heart skip when he was rewarded with another kiss. None of it should be but here Katsuki was, arms wrapped around this dumb, red headed ray of sunshine who managed to do the impossible.
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corvidshipping · 3 years
Summary: On a sleepless night, Possum tells Cliff they think his heartbeat is comforting. He’s not quite sure what they mean Pairing: Cliff Steele/Heather “Red” Bowers (Possum) Warnings: none Rating: G/T Word count: 2.8k A/N: Editing? Outline? bitch what outline here we go
The manor creaked and sighed in the wind, the ancient and fragile upper floors almost seeming to sway with each gust. Cliff's heavy steps echoed through the silent halls, his eyes straining to pick up obstacles in his way with only moonlight to guide him. His outdated cameras failed him often even in good conditions, but in dead of night he usually had to make his way nearly blind, worsened by the lack of other senses like touch. He cringed internally as he noticed, through the static in his hearing that was ever-present now, how loud his footsteps were, and he wished it were easier for him to walk softly. He hoped it wouldn't wake anyone up.
As carefully as one could in a metal body, Cliff made his way down from his bedroom to the living room of the manor. A digital clock glowed softly on the mantle, a nightlight that the Chief liked to keep for Dorothy. The lit numbers read 1:47 AM. Cliff sighed out loud at the sight of it, realizing he had been trying and failing to sleep for almost three hours. He had managed it, at one point, briefly, but was haunted by visions of the past melding with the present - watching the accident over and over from an outside view, every time Clara replaced by someone different. Dorothy, Jane, and at one point, for some reason, Rachel Weisz was there. He watched a specter of his daughter, trapped in her youth, falling into the hands of Mr. Nobody. He saw worlds where he had died, and Clara was retrieved, her brain shoved into a cold, metallic prison, unforgiving and unfeeling. He heard his only child screaming, trying to cry, slowly realizing that robotic eyes could spill no tears. That was the worst dream so far, and the one that jolted him awake hours ago, the one that kept occupying his brain with anxieties and guilt.
An odd feeling rose within him, one he had grown unpleasantly familiar with. In his youth - that is, when he was human - he would grow sick with anxiety, a physical feeling that felt heavy in his gut. Now, with no body, he had no physical response to the near-constant dread, but a phantom response followed him, something he thought of as a leaden ball. It almost always was accompanied by a ghostly chill, one he should not feel - the expectation of a feeling that his brain, the only soft and organic part of him left, still remembered. Uselessly, Cliff shook his head, as if he were a dog trying to clear his ears of water. He tried to pretend the motion helped.
In the dark, Cliff ventured to the couch, dropping heavily onto it. He wasn't sure why, truly, he still sat there. Not like it's any more comfortable than anywhere else, he thought bitterly. He supposed it was habit, or maybe just that these joints were stiff, and it was awfully hard to bend enough to get up and down off the floor. Getting up the stairs was enough of an effort as it was, he didn't need to make life harder for himself. He blinked slowly, he needed to get his mind off this. His thoughts were just running in circles now, a car on an empty racetrack, making endless grim laps.
Somewhere to the right of him, the curtains fluttered over a closed window, the glass fogging just a little.
"Hey, Possum." Cliff's voice was quiet, and tinged with a hint of static tonight. He turned his head to the window to see writing forming, as if drawn by an invisible finger.
"It's late." The window read, drips slowly forming in the condensation. Slowly, the writing faded back into fog.
"Yeah, yeah, like you're one to talk. We're both awake right now." The curtain moved again, gently. He wondered if that was their way of laughing.
In the silvery moonlight, a soft voice rang out, barely audible and almost a whisper. "I'm a ghost. It's my job to haunt people late at night."
The resident bump-in-the-night, Heather Bowers - or as she preferred to be called, Red, and as Jane had christened her, Possum - could not be easily described in generally accepted terms. In the 1970s, when she was in her 20s, she was met with a terrible accident in small-town Ohio that she refused to speak about. At the exact moment of this accident, her latent psychic powers apparently activated, causing her body to cease to exist and become a thoughtform - a living consciousness, separate from a body, that exists only in its own thoughts, spread across multiple planes of existence. They now spent most of their time incorporeal, floating through the halls (and sometimes the walls) of Doom Manor, rattling chains and giving ghostly moans - the usual fare for a stereotypical ghost. At times, they could become corporeal - though it consumed quite a lot of energy - and, as a thoughtform, they could enter others' minds as a concept, especially in dreams, where they could form a body for themself and act corporeal in the sleeping person's dreamscape. It was almost comparable to Mr. Nobody, but rather than using these powers to cause harm and distress, they just tended to act as a year-round Halloween prop. The easiest way to describe her, in that case, was simply as a ghost, or poltergeist. Or at least, that was how Chief described it.
The accent pillows that Rita had insisted on earlier in the month shifted next to Cliff. "You weren't in the dreamscape when I came looking for you." Possum and Cliff had met when the former had begun entering his dreams, seeking an escape from the loneliness and boredom of life as an invisible consciousness. Possum was shocked when Cliff was able to see her and pointed her out as an anomaly in the memory he frequently revisited when he slept, and after she explained her situation to him and the Patrol, they had formed a comfortable routine of her entering his dreams frequently. An open invitation stood now between the two of them, Cliff trusting them never to overstep boundaries or snoop in memories that weren't theirs. It was a symbiotic thing, mutually beneficial; they got to re-experience corporeality and interact with the world, and they could influence the world of his mind, quelling anxiety and keeping nightmares at bay. Plus they were able to help him dream of his old body, so he got to experience human senses again.
Cliff made a sound between a scoff and a laugh. "You wouldn't have wanted to see what I was dreaming about anyway." Immediately, he regretted speaking, knowing that those words would make Possum worry. "It wasn't that bad," he quickly added before she could respond. "Just the usual shit."
There was a heavy silence after that, each passing second making Cliff more and more uncomfortable, wondering what he could say to cut the tension.
Finally, Possum responded.
"I'm sorry. I wish I'd been there earlier," they said gently.
"Aw, don't sweat it, Red." He leaned further forward on the couch, his aging metal joints groaning with the effort. "I'm up now, anyway. And so are you."
A hand reached out from the darkness, pale white and translucent, landing on his arm. He couldn't feel her touch, but he could tell from looking that it was gentle, resting on the plates of his forearm delicately, like he was something fragile, precious. Like she was afraid he would break.
When they spoke, Possum's voice was even quieter, lower, as if she hoped he wouldn't hear her. "Can I... will you, um, rest with me?"
Possum cleared her throat. "You need rest. I uh, I saw once on the Discovery Channel that if you can't sleep, it's better to lay down and close your eyes, even if you don't sleep. Y'know, it helps, um, y'know, you don't strain yourself that way. Your brain, and stuff."
"Oh. Yeah, I'll be okay, pint-size." Cliff leaned back against the couch arm again. "You okay?"
He heard her inhale, a strange sound in the empty darkness. "Can I sleep with you here, tonight?" Before Cliff could respond, she continued. "It's just that the attic is so far away from everyone else, it's so quiet, and the trains keep coming through, and it's cold up there. And no one's been around all day, you know? I haven't been able to talk to anyone, it's been a bad day for corporeality. And, y'know. The attic is just... really cold."
If he could have furrowed his brows, he would have. Instead, he settled for a nonplussed blink. Briefly, he wondered if she might just be afraid of the dark. The thought made him laugh a bit, the bonafide ghost haunting the manor being scared of the dark in the attic she occupies. "Sure, yeah."
Before him, Possum's figure manifested fully. The nickname "pint-size" was not a misnomer - when Cliff stood at full height next to them, the very top of their head barely hit his shoulder. They were a tiny, ghostly apparition, red hair floating as if they were underwater shocking against the pale glowing white of their skin. Right now, this phantom was floating in midair, as if laying on some bed, one hand propping up their chin and the other still on his arm, their legs kicking slowly behind them. Slowly, moving as if in a pool, they rearranged their body's positioning, pulling their legs under them so they were sitting normally on the couch next to him. Cliff saw the couch shift as they became more corporeal, taking up more weight on the cushions as they became more grounded in physical reality. Once they had fully manifested, they slowly leaned over towards him, eyes averting from his.
They laid their head on his shoulder, gently, like they were testing if he would pull away. He didn't, just looking at them. They took a deep, quiet breath, and relaxed, positioning themself so their head was laying on his chest. Once they were in the position they wanted, they stretched out, the tips of their toes stretching to the other arm of the couch. Cliff shifted a bit, leaning back to make them more comfortable. Possum closed their eyes and smiled, and it reminded him a bit of an extremely self-satisfied cat.
Cliff looked down at their head nestled on his metal torso. "There's no way you're comfortable like that," he muttered, trying to be mindful of his volume with how close to his voicebox their ear was. With the way they smiled when he spoke, he could swear they liked the vibrations of his voicebox in his chest.
She opened her eyes to look up at him, black eyes gazing up at him and glittering like the stars reflected in a deep black pool. Their spectral ailment only served to deepen the effect of their eyes, leaving very little white to their sclerae, completing an otherworldly look. "No, I am. I like to listen to your heartbeat."
Was she making fun of him? "I don't have a heartbeat," Cliff said flatly.
They sat up, propping themself on their arms so they were eye-to-eye with him. "No, you do. Sometimes when we sleep and I'm not in the dreamscape, I listen to it, just like this."
"Possum, I don't have any organs. I barely have a brain." He laughed a bit at the end, trying to cover his confusion.
"I'll show you!" Suddenly, she had bolted upright, and swooped down to the ground like an Olympic diver, passing through the floor towards the basement level. Cliff waited a minute in the silence, the dark no longer lit by their odd phantasmic glow. Finally, they flew back up through a different space in the floor closer to the television with the same vigor. They held a stethoscope in their hands, likely borrowed from Chief's hoard, and Cliff wondered in bemusement what the logic of a solid object passing through the floor with them was.
"Here." They clambered back onto the couch, regaining solidity, and leaned against him. They stretched up to his head, and he leaned forward a bit to help them put the earpieces against the auditory inputs on either side of his head. "Listen!" They placed the resonator against his chest.
Cliff heard nothing, but Possum sat staring at him, their index finger placed against their lips in a hushing gesture. After a moment, he was about to call it quits and say they were hearing things, but their stare was so earnest, he couldn't bring himself to. He waited,
and waited,
and waited,
and Possum shifted the resonator,
and then he heard it.
It wasn't that it had just started. It had been there. But it was a low noise, one he was used to, and when Possum shifted the resonator it only then became loud enough for him to recognize as a sound distinct from his usual background noise.
It wasn't a heartbeat, per se. Not in the organic sense, at least. It was more of a mechanical thrumming, a pulsing, a deep noise that wasn't so much like the beating of a drum as it was like the quiet revving of an engine a few streets over, reduced by distance and acoustics to only its most bassy components. He looked down, and he heard the whirring and whining of the servos in his neck and shoulders through the stethoscope. The placement of the stethoscope was slightly left of center of his chest, where his heart naturally should be.
Possum pulled away the stethoscope, the earpieces falling away from his head. "You hear it, right?"
"That's not my heart," Cliff repeated. "None of my body past my neck was saved. I think that's my nutrient tubes. Or maybe my power system. Or my servos."
"... So what?" He blinked at her.
Possum sat upright and spread their arms out to either side of them, palms up, theatrically. "That's exactly what I'm saying!" They said with overdramatic exasperation.
She let herself fall back onto his body, a soft thud echoing inside his chest. She looked up at him, her eyes wide and serious. "So what? I know it isn't an organ, dummy. It doesn't have to be an organ to be your heart. It's comforting either way. It just reminds me that you're here, right now. It doesn't have to be a literal heart to do that, just as long as it's part of you."
Cliff sat silently, as they shifted back into their preferred positioning. He mulled over their words as they pulled themself as close as possible to his body, snuggling their head into the crevice between his shoulder and chest. Mindlessly, he moved his right arm to the small of their back, like he was supporting them, and his left hand moved to their hair, gently running through the strands, liquid copper over the rust of his fingers.
When he finally moved to respond, he realized they had fallen asleep long ago, letting out small snuffles every once in a while. So instead of giving a retort, he simply pulled them closer to his chest, tighter, like if he held them tightly enough he could feel the warmth of their body or the softness of their skin. He nestled his face in their hair, a nuzzling motion with his nose, and let his eyelids drop closed.
✥﹤ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ┈ ﹥✥
The manor creaked and sighed in the wind, the ancient and fragile upper floors almost seeming to sway with each gust. Between the slats of the half-drawn blinds, dawn light crept through the windows, lighting up the motes of dust that floated in the air and landing in stripes across sleeping forms. Cliff slept, now, on the couch, half sitting, Heather's pale form clutched in his arms and her hair tangled over his left hand's fingers like wild vines. In his chest, a mechanical heart thrummed and pulsed in a gentle rhythm, delivering power to his limbs, his brain. There were no nightmares, now, no dreams of his anxieties, no personified guilt; nor did he dream of the past, the bittersweet memories that, though happy, always left him with an empty feeling when he woke. He didn't dream of Clara's youth, of his last phone call to Kate. He didn't dream of Mr. Nobody, he didn't dream of Chief locking him away in an iron prison. He simply didn't dream. For once, it was quiet within his mind, even without the shared dreamscape.
The manor creaked and sighed in the wind, the ancient and fragile upper floors almost seeming to sway with each gust. As the manor began to stir and come to life with the others, Cliff was at peace there on the couch in the living room, and so was Heather.
And two hearts beat between them.
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vvaane · 3 years
Hi, i’m Evon. Yea that’s the best way to start writing about a god damn serial killer, a proxy or whatever you guys call us. It’s late at night and you might be wondering why someone like me would write a book, dont i have people to kill? Cops to run from? Watch my back maybe? Nah man i used to do that before... that happened. Do you ever contemplate about your life? You know things like: what if i didn’t do that? what if i stayed silent? what if what i said once changed the whole story? Yea i know, a lot of what ifs. What can i say, i like to think. I may be a monster who kills like killing machine but i still have 'me' time.
I think i’m just rambeling now but yea another thing about me is that i like to talk, maybe too much sometimes. I wasn’t always like this though, as a child i was very quite and kinda depressed. Childhood isn’t my best memory to be honest, all i remember is wasting it on suffering and building up rage, until of course, i snaped.
Usually if someone asks me about that time of my life, i kill them without hesitation but in this case no one asked me so here we fucking go. Appriciate this because i’m not gonna talk about my shity life ever again. I was born on a beautiful day of summer, 4th of july 2000. I don’t have memories of my family, the only thing i know is that my mom commited suicide because of postbirth depression and dear old dad didn’t even bother to raise me or to even be in my life, good i killed him. Anyways, i spend my childhood at a church, raised in the name of this so called god, yea that place as holy as it sounds like, it wasn’t. Everyone feared the priest. What can i say, he was the best, always beating and torturing us many times even if we didn’t do anything wrong, my best and only friend was killed by this motherfucker. I myself got in trouble many times just because i 'wasn’t a man'. I don’t know how are you supposed to be a man at 13 years old but sure. You got 3 chances to 'go on gods way' if u didn’t make it you were send to a room that looked like an old basement of a castle. The room was dark and the only light you were seeing was from a little window, the door was big and scary honestly, when you first come into the room you would see a big statue of that bitch Mary. There the priest would give you 3 options: beat you, tie you in chains and not feed you for a week or put you in isolation for up to half a year. That guy was crazy and i’m pretty sure he hated children. Every kid would choose to be beaten because it lasted a short period of time compared to the other options. I was a maniac since i was little so i tried everything, being beaten till i was unconscious which isn’t that bad compared to the other things, i was beaten with everything you can imagine, chains, belts etc. I still have scars all over my body from that. Many kids weren’t strong enough and died. Their bodys were thrown in a room and from there they would be put then in the crematorium like they were nothing. Next i was tied and not fed, let me tell you, you get so hungry at one point you would even eat youself and i have seen one kid bite into his own arm somehow. Now the last and worst, isolation.I’ve been in isolation for maximum 2 months, i was put in a diferent room, this one had no windows so no light would come in, i felt like i was in a box, i had no bed, no nothing, i would eat once every 2 days half a bread. Many kids who went there didn’t come back. My friend was always send there even if he didn’t choose that. Dear Mike died when he was 15, i was 14 at the time.
Anyway, believe it or not that prepared me for what was next to happen. How do u think i survived the proxy training? That shit is hard but i will get there in a minute. After my friends death i felt like i wasn’t myself, i felt like some other me was taking control over my mind and body. When the priest found out about this change in my behavior he said i was possesd my some kind of demon and he performed this so called exorcisms on me that consisted in bathing me in holy water, tyeing me to the bed and saying many prayers. Useless. It wasn’t any of that. I actually had a second personality, a manifestation of my darkest and deepest thoughts and ideas. It was really hard for me to get used to this other me, over the time i even gave him a name: Devon. He became my best friend, he was the the only one who understood me. I faked being a normal kid so that the priest won’t try to take Devon away from me. I didn’t take any meds so day by day he was stonger and stronger, over the years we did many things, we destroyed a lot, first it started slow with plates and glasses but then i started to kill some animals around the church and the fact that i enjoyed it scared me at first. After i started doing this things i always felt watched, usually i was dizzy and sometimes i started to hear whispers even if i was alone in a room.
Years went by fast if i think about it, like if they were nothing, winters were the hardest because it was always cold and with all the tortureing sure it wasn’t the best thing. I was 18 when that event happned, i still remember every detail. It was summer, the weather was really hot, i was in my room when Devon took control out of nowhere, he wanted me to escape, to be free, to take revenge for every single thing they've done to me. He was right, i had to do something to get out and i wasn’t only gonna do that, i had to kill the priest and burn this place down. That church was what you guys call hell. If it’s hell then it has to burn. All day i wondered through every room in search of gasoline and matches, eventually at exactly 7:45pm i found what i needed, i stared at the objects like they were my saviours. Devon took control again and everything started, i poured the gasoline on every hallway of the church until the priest saw me, he wanted to hit me but i managed to fight him for a while, he was stronger than me so i ran away with the gasoline, i took a hatchet just to know i have something to defend myself with. I lit the match and threw it, i enjoyed the view of this place burning, i felt like i was able to dream again, i felt free and i didnt care who was still in there, the only thing that mattered was the fact that i got revenge and that im finally free. The view was ruined by the priest who was running in the woods. Of course i chased him with the hatchet until i lost him for a minute but then i heard a scream so i went in that direction. the adrenaline was overwheliming, i felt so powerful like i could do anything. After running for like a good 10 minutes i saw the priest dead with his killer getting off of him. The anger i felt in that moment is unimaginable, he stole my victim, the only person i wanted to kill with my hands, he took that away from me. I started running towards him with my hatchet. He stayed still like he didnt care, as i got closer to him i saw that he had the same weapon as me. I stopped and he smiled at me:
-You remind me of myself when i was little.
-I don’t fucking care what i remind you of, you just killed my victim!
-I’m Toby, Ticci Toby, nice to meet you...
- Evon, i said hesitantlly. Why are u doing this?Being nice.
-Thats a rule i have to follow, don’t kill or be rude to other killers.
Thats what changed everything, right after that i saw this faceless man behind Toby, he wasnt scared at all. This creature began speaking to me somehow.
-Child, i can give you a new home and i can let you be who you are, you don’t have to be afraid!
I didn’t have a place to go to so i accepted, i didnt know the training was gonna be so hard and long though. First i had to fight every proxy and that Masky guy left a scar on my face that went over my eye and my eye changed colour, from brown it went bloody red. Then i had to learn how to kill, how to survive, how to run from cops, it was hard for me but Toby helped me a lot. We got close and he took me with him every time Slends would give him a job. He was the youngest before i came in the picture. He told me his story, i told him mine. I had a friend after a long god damn time.
Now i’m 21 and i’m one of the best proxys Slender ever had. Toby is still the best of the best and to be honest he deserves the title. That’s my story. Now that you know it you should be prepared because i might come for u next.
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purefrostbyte · 4 years
Mina - Love Yourself
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Mina Ashido
Rating: sexual content (Not smut)
 Love Yourself
 Ever since you manifested your quirk people have ran away from you. You couldn’t blame them, sharp horns on your head, devil tail and claws, you were a monster. It was the reason why your parents had forced you to become a hero saying, “We won’t have a villain for a daughter.” Hell even they were afraid of you.
You got into UA fairly easily, your quirk increasing your general strength and speed while also giving you wings. You had landed second behind Bakugo, not that you really cared. You saw no point in all this, you doubted UA would keep you for long. The minute they find out the full extent of your quirk they’ll kick you, you thought.
That’s why it was so surprising to you when you found yourself moving into the dorms during break. After Bakugo had been kidnapped the school, your class especially, to move on campus for safety measures. You didn’t mind, you saw it as freedom from your parents, though they were hesitant to let you go.
You had didn’t bother making friends with anyone, you doubted they wanted to be your friend in the first place. That didn’t stop a certain pink girl from trying though. She was constantly around you, inviting you to lunch or just for girl time. You had never accepted, and ended up avoiding her where ever you went. You had developed a crush on the bubblegum girl and you figured avoiding her would be better for both of you.
It was currently weekend at the dorms, and you didn’t bother going home. You didn’t feel like listening to your parents nag at you, or the disappointed look in their eyes whenever you were around. Your heart clenched at the thought, your quirk made you unlovable to even your family. You had filled your day with small chores, cleaning up your room or reorganizing things. It kept your mind busy, which was what you desperately needed at this point.
The sun was setting, your Saturday afternoon transitioning into night. You sighed, stomach growling. You had a tenacity to not eat, it started when you just didn’t want to come out of your room and see that look in your parent’s eyes. You got up and headed down stairs, figuring you might as well eat something. Plus you thought everyone had gone home.
You were wrong.
Walking into the common room you were greeted with the loud shouting of Denki and Bakugo who appeared to be playing some video game. “Stop being a coward and help me fucking kill this bitch,” Bakugo yelled as he smashed buttons on his controller. The whole Bakusquad was sat in the lounge playing video games, snacks and glasses sprawled around them. Mina looked up to see you, a smile gracing her face, “Hi Y/n, wanna join?” you shook your head, stuffing your hands in your hoodie as you quietly made your way to the kitchen.
Mina frowned, she had been trying so hard to befriend you and all you seemed to do was avoid her. Hell she was pretty sure you had spoken more words to Mineta than her. Kirishima noticed the frown on his pink friends face, turning to watch you make yourself food. “Yo Y/n,” he called leaning over the couch. The Bakusquad watched silently, confused as to what Kirishima could possibly be up to. “We’re gonna watch a horror movie later, you should join.”
You froze on the spot before turning slowly to face him, the whole squad staring back at you. Jirou caught on quickly, knowing Mina’s desperate attempts to befriend and even flirt with you. “Yeah, not like there’s anything else to do around here.”
You stared for a bit before turning back to your food, your silence annoying a certain blonde. The whole squad knew Mina had a crush on you, and even if you weren’t into girls she still wanted to befriend you. He didn’t want to listen to Mina’s whining, that and he actually did care for his group of idiots (though he would never admit it). “Sit your ass down, or I’m gonna blow your door down and tie you to the couch.”
Everyone was shocked by Bakugo’s claim. You and Bakugo shared an understanding and mutual respect for each other, you weren’t perturbed by his loud attitude and he couldn’t care less about your stupid quirk. You rolled your eyes at him, “Whatever you say Boom Boi.” A tick mark appeared and Bakugo’s forehead, but the minute you actually sat down to join them it faded away. Soon Denki and Bakugo were playing and yelling again, while the others attempted to help them.
“Left!” Kirishima said as an enemy came at Denki and soon the screen flashed showing Denki had died. “Man this game sucks,” he pouted as he crossed his arms. “Maybe it’s the player and not the game,” Shinsou said, he had recently moved to the Hero course. You watched them argue before deciding to reach over and grab the remote. Mina watched as you respawned and instantly killed half the enemies in the room, fingers gliding gracefully over the controller. “Wow Y/n your super good at this!” She chirped, drawing the other’s attention. You and Bakugo had cleared the floor and where moving to find health potions and ammo. “Use to play a lot at home,” you mumbled, “Never had anything better to do.”
The class didn’t know much about you, let alone any hobbies or personal life details. Sero couldn’t help but make an observation, “So how come you never leave the dorms?” You froze slightly, eyes not leaving the TV, “Family.” You didn’t say much else, but it spiked curiosity in them. “Oh, do they live far away?” Denki asked switching places with Mina so she could be closer to you. “I wish.” You sighed as you and Bakugo run into the boss room. Mina furrows her eyebrows at how you responded, did you and your family not get along?
“Dodge and go for the back,” you directed as the boss charged at you both in full force. Bakugo grunted, the both of you taking down the boss fairly easy. “Fuck yeah!” Bakugo yelled as the screen faded to back, signally the end of the mission. You took a bite from your sandwich as Bakugo, Kirishima, Denki and Sero rejoiced. “Thanks Y/n, we’ve been trying for weeks now to finish this mission. Honestly if it wasn’t for Bakugo’s motivation we would have quit.” Sero rubbed the back of his head and you simply nodded, “It is one of the more complex levels, took me a week before I got it.”
Soon the game was discarded and Bakugo was in the kitchen fixing up dinner, because if anyone else cooked they would probably burn down the kitchen. Jirou, Denki and Kirishima started cleaning up the mess of bowls while Shinsou and Sero went to get blankets and stuff for the movie. That left you alone with Mina. “Hey,” she said softly, as if approaching an injured animal, “You know, it was really nice of you to help us. Thanks.” She smiled and your heart fluttered, tail subconsciously swaying in happiness.
Mina found it cute how your tail moved, twitching when you were annoyed, swaying when happy or just curly slightly when you were highly focused. “It wasn’t a big deal,” you mumble, setting the controllers away. Mina giggled, your tail lightly swiped against her thigh. It wasn’t on purpose but Mina couldn’t help but clench her thighs together, she wondered what else that tail of yours could do.
You wondered where the others were, probably washing up or helping Bakugo. Mina took a deep breath, deciding it go for it like her friends had tried convincing her. “You’re really pretty Y/n.” she said and you froze in shock. You wiped your head towards her, not caring about the blush on your cheeks. “What?” you were dumbfounded, “You’re really pretty,” Mina repeated, “I also think your tail is cute, you know how it twitches and stuff.” You shook your head, “You’re crazy.”
Mina frowned, “What, why?” you looked at her before sighing. “Look, my quirk literally makes me a devil, and you’re tell me I’m pretty, cute? Don’t pull my leg.” You rolled your eyes before looking away. Mina tilted her head, “But you are pretty, quirks don’t matter. You should love yourself regardless.” She gave you smile and you couldn’t help what you did next.
You pressed your lips to hers, she tasted of bubblegum. You pulled away and stared at Mina’s shocked face. The weight of what you just did crashed down on you. You blushed before attempting you get up and leave, not wanting to embarrass yourself more. Mina moved faster, moving to straddle your legs and pulling you into an open mouth kiss. The taste of bubblegum filled your mouth and you flipped her over so that you were hovering over her. Her hands wondered up your sides before wrapping around your shoulders to pull you closer.
“We got the, Oh Shit!!” Sero yelled as he walked in on you and Mina making out. You both pulled away out of shock, faces fully red. You got off Mina, moving to create some distance. “You go Mina,” Sero chuckled causing Mina to throw a pillow at him, “Shut up!” she yelled embarrassed and the commotion made the others come to the common room. “What’s going on?” Kirishima asked confused, Sero smirked, “Mina’s getting some that’s what.”
Kirishima and Denki both started cheering, getting a pillow thrown at both of them by Mina, “Shut up you idiots.” You were still processing what had happened, you and Mina had kiss, hell fully made out and one of her friends had caught you. You pulled you knees to your chest, hiding your flushed face. Finally Mina had managed to shoo them away, not before receiving a few encouraging remarks form her friends. She turned to you when they had left, taking in your embarrassed form. “You ok?” she asked causing you to peak your head out from your legs. “Yeah…” your voice trailed off, you couldn’t really look at her with your mind wondering to what had happened moments prior.
Mina didn’t like you avoiding her so she took action, pouncing on you so that she straddled you form. You gawked up at her, “What are you-“ Mina hushed you with a kissed. She soon pulled away, “Don’t ignore me, please.” Her voice was soft and it made you weak. You sat up, bringing Mina closer to you, “Why me?” you whispered, “Out of everyone you could chose, why me?”
Mina wrapped her arms around your neck bringing your body flush against hers, “Because you deserve love Y/n, and I will make you see that.” She smiled and you pulled her into a soft kiss.
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mostlysanesstuff · 3 years
They say, hearts are meant to be broken. Who knew that it would hurt this bad. Maybe it would have hurt less if you would have broken up with me like everyone does instead of cheating on me with my best friend. When this happened, I not only lost you, the one whom I thought was the love of my life but also my best friend. The only person whom I was able to share anything with is no more now. I loved you. I loved you with all my heart but I loved my best friend more than my heart. I was ready to do anything for you. I was so much into you that I even was ready to give up my dreams.
Our memories together had a great impact on me. I lost myself trying to search for you. I broke into pieces when I found out. Memories of us shattered everywhere. I became mad, seeing you in everything I did. From coffee in the morning to the late night talks, everything reminded me of you. I cried everyday wondering if I was at fault. I blamed myself for everything that happened when you were the one who cheated on me. I cursed myself all the time for not being able to be a person you wanted me to be. My heart became weak. I started crying over small things. I started writing stuff so deep that showed my feeling naked. I regretted everything about you later on.
Having being heart broken, I acted strong on outside but was screaming for help inside. I was lost, very much that I sometimes had no idea what I was doing. Eventually I became alone because everyone thought I was weird. I tried making friends with new people, ended up having more people hate me. I tried looking for love in every stranger but it wasn’t that easy. I spent time thinking about everything we did, living in the memories that were left behind after you left even when you promised you wouldn’t. I sit alone and, slumped down and break myself with these thoughts. I stopped opening my heart to people. Leave alone relationships, even for a friend, I was not able to trust anymore. I wished love was perfect as love itself. I was scared that same thing that might hurt me will happen again. I lost the ability to do anything. I couldn’t take it anymore. I had no idea what to do that will help me move on. I drank. It did not help me. Eventually I stopped because I need to get a grip of myself. I can’t let that person know how weak I am. This is what I kept telling to myself the whole time. There was time where I actually thought of making you jealous so I can make you come back to me but you didn’t give a damn. I kept thinking that sadness will wind us together but it didn’t. ‘I need to move on. I will from tomorrow.’ I said to myself and cried every day. I used to cry every time I see myself in mirror. I became quite unsure of who I was. ’ Maybe things would have worked out if I were pretty’ I thought to myself and cried going into deep sorrow from there. I had no one by my side who will understand me, how I felt at the moment. You took away everything I had.
Everyone said it was my fault. They blamed me when you were the one at fault. They said that I didn’t love you properly, that a bitch like me never deserved a gem like you, that I was using you to show off that I had a guy in my grip. I did not care about it in the beginning like I never did about what everyone thought. But I did when I came to know that you were the one who went around telling every other person that I was at fault. I remember that day. I remember how I collapsed in my bathroom, trying to cry without making any sound, screaming loud with my mouth closed with my wet hands till I went completely out of breathe so that my parents wouldn’t hear me. I was not able to do anything about it, how I felt so much pain but was not able to say a word about it. That is what hurt me the most. I remember putting both my hands on my fore head and wondering how long I must go through this because I couldn’t take it anymore. For a moment I think that should go back to how I was, like you did but it wasn’t as easy as they say it is. I was the only one who got hurt. I persistently kept remembering you in terms of the pain you caused me. Vivid memories of us often came by. Nights were particularly hard. I had no one next to me to at least act like. Memories of us that came at night took me away from present back to the days when I as happier only to hurt me more. Memories came flashing, with me screaming inside but that was left un-heard. I was afraid to love again. I was clinging to the past that never let me choose. I kept on wondering what went wrong almost every day but the memory I have left of us gave me answers that I never wanted to believe. I started over- thinking every little situation in hope that something will give me an answer I was looking for but on the contrary, all I was doing was rehashing the past. Sure, yeah I was smiling but I was breaking inside. Letting go of him is harder but knowing that me holding on to him didn’t matter to him anymore hurt me harder. Maybe the thought of him falling in love with me was terrifying because I just wanted everything to go smoothly even I know nothing can work out perfectly and I was just constantly wandering if I were doing the right things and saying the right words and making the right decisions to trust him where had ever chance to break me.
You say that I am unfamiliar to you when you were the one who changed me. Ever babbled into the mirror trying to figure out who you are? I was quite unsure of who I’ve become. I was no more that pleasant, charming, so- called cute, short girl who always gave every one the brightest smile she ever had and you the brightest of the brightest smiles. You took that away from me. I still can’t believe how normal you act when you see me like there was nothing between us. I started panicking every time I saw you. I started hiding every time I heard you dropped by so that I can avoid those anxiety attacks. It feels like someone is choking me every time I see you now. I can’t talk then. I will be out of breath in no time. I start shaking, my whole body will start shaking and it hurts. My heart aches every time I see you. Tears keep rolling down my cheek and I am completely stupefied. I start remembering how I felt the first time I saw you. There were goose bumps, raced hearts, red cheeks, happy in the inside but faking like not caring from the outside. It is depressing how it turned out to be completely opposite now. I always wondered why you started showing up suddenly out of nowhere. I thought it was to see how I was doing. But when I think about it, it is to see how I was suffering. Did that satisfy you? I am stuck between the past and future and suffering in the present because of you. I really wanted to rewind the time and start over so that way maybe I would’ve avoided meeting you in the first place. Everything returns to the past in seconds when I try to find a reason to live in present. Honestly, I never stopped thinking about you, not even a single day but I really want to erase you. I say I want to erase you but I can’t really let you go yet. I want to blame myself like everyone including you did but blaming you hurts less. I tried distracting myself by working my ass off, keeping myself busy, but I still feel the ache in my heart. Maybe I am spending too much time waiting for you to complete the broken me. I am searching for something that I can’t reach. I became the source of my own hell. Our relationship was so beautiful but everything beautiful is ruined eventually. You probably don’t even know that I am living like hell.
Emotionally I am done, mentally I am drained. I hardest thing that I ever did is to walk away when I still love you. Every one including you think I’ve moved on but I just got better at hiding the pain. I got tired of listening to my own tears. I cried and cried and now I have no more tears left to cry. Even my tears left me alone. Now, all I can do is lie in bed and hope to fall asleep before falling apart every day because the kindest of hurt have more pain. My journey has been painful and one that hurt me really bad. The way is left explains every doubt I’ve had. As they say, the broken thing that I keep trying to put back together can’t compare with the beautiful thing that’s waiting to be built. I wait for a change that I need. I realized heart breaks are not the ending. They can also be the beginning. Take charge of your life, begin attracting and manifesting all the desire in life because you are beautiful when you accept your flaws.
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sick-raven · 4 years
Flying Off - Jill/Nicholai fanfic
Jill finally has a chance to leave for Europe. However, she meets unexpected person on the plane.
This time it’s not dirty fanfic. Just Jill and Nicholai hate-talking each other.
You can also read on AO3
Flying Off
First months after Raccoon City Jill Valentine went through series of tests, interrogations and long period of sleepless nights. Carlos was good backup during these tiring times, but her plan stayed the same since day one. At the first possible time gather up all the evidence and run to Europe – it’s far enough from Umbrella’s influence and most importantly the place where Chris is already waiting working on taking the corporation down. She knew that together they can put an end to this chaos.
At the moments like this, when her memories jogged back to those late September days, she regretted a lot. Most of the evidence of Umbrella’s research burned together with her apartment. Anything else turned to ashes after the city was wiped out. The one viable source of information she left there to die. All that was left was broken vial from the antivirus she kept secret from the government.
The same vial now hidden as she sat down in the plane finally leaving this continent. Running to Chris. Undercover, with hope that nobody is following her. She didn’t trust anyone back there. Any scientist, lawyer, police officer, general, politician – they all could have been in Umbrella’s pocket. She will pick her own scientist to check if there are any traces of antivirus left. There was already a young rookie scientist on her mind.
The plane took off, once in the air she sighed in relief. The clouds outside seemed so peaceful and watching them just flow in the air was relaxing. It felt as if she left the hell behind and went towards something better now. Others were waiting. As if the all heaviness fell off her shoulders, she closed her eyes and let herself rest.
Heavy body falling next to her shook her awake. She felt a pressure down her ribs that forced her back to her seat. The tip of a knife was touching her side.
“It’s been long time, hasn’t it, Miss Valentine?”
She must have been dreaming. Nicholai was sitting next to her with all knowing smirk on his face. But he died. Raccoon City took him with a blast. She left him there on the airport to eat his sins. Fuck!
“I wouldn’t do that.” The pain in her side stopped her. She was ready to punch his neck. Attack first, ask questions later, but she recalculated. It looked like nobody has noticed this little theatre. Focus, Jill. Nicholai’s hand was hidden under a jacket he threw over it like a blanket. He was here alone; nobody knew about his little endeavour.
Plain clothes, like any other traveller. Just strong arms showing under the t-shirt gave away that he might be a soldier.
“Surprised to see me?” The shit-eating grin showed how much he enjoyed this situation.
“I am used to bastards not dying when you want them to,” she replied coldly. “It’s hard to kill cockroaches.”
Puff of air came of his mouth in short laughter. “Give me the vial, miss Valentine, and I will leave you unharmed.”
“Or what? You will kill me here in front of all those people?” she smirked. “I don’t think so.”
“I’m a patient man. I can sit for hours and wait for the plane to land. Everyone will leave and then in one fast stab you will be no more.” He wasn’t bluffing, he whispered to her with resolution as if taking someone’s life was everyday deal for him. Let’s face it, it probably was. He wasn’t afraid to sacrifice his co-workers for money. His hands were covered in blood. “Or you might think of asking for help, screaming. Do you know how far we are? Not enough, the closest airport is back there in States. In the case of emergency landing, they will have to turn it around and you will be back there, with Umbrella waiting for you.”
Jill tried to stay calm. Calculating this situation wasn’t in her favour. She needed to play it smart. The flight was long.
“Everything in order?”
Jill looked up at the flying attendant smiling at them.
“Yes, thank you,” Nicholai shunned her.
“Actually,” Jill said at the same time and leaned towards the flying attendant. The knife grazed her side. “I would love some coffee.”
“Milk or sugar?”
“Black, please.”
Carefully she took the coffee and brought it just so close in front of Nicholai’s face to her side of the seats. He stopped breathing for a short second and Jill took it as a little victory. Back in Raccoon City she showed him she can be ruthless just like him. The thought of spilling the hot liquid on him crossed her mind but causing fight on the flight wouldn’t be worth it.
However, she wasn’t finished with dismissing Nicholai’s threats.
“Thank you, you are a sweetheart,” she said to the flying attendant and shot her a smile. She smiled back and went to attend others. Jill took a sip of the coffee; hot liquid burned the tip of her tongue.
“I don’t think I caught what you want,” she finally turned her attention back to Nicholai.
“The vial with the antivirus.”
“You mean the antivirus you destroyed?” annoyance entered her voice. She gulped the coffee just to get hold of herself, but that scene kept coming back to her. They could have saved the city, they would have means to fight any other possible outbreak and this son-of-a-bitch took it away from them.
“Umbrella wants all the evidence gone.”
“I don’t have it.”
He smiled again – showing his teeth, looking like a wild animal ready to jump at her neck. Jill tried to find some information about this guy, all she got was hearsay and fantastic stories. And a nickname – Silver wolf. Just like a wolf he could sink his teeth into her flesh. Let him choke.
“Don’t lie to me, miss Valentine.”
“Check for yourself.” She nodded towards the overhead shelf with her bag.
“I already did when you were taking your little nap.”
“Then you know I don’t have it.”
He rested his elbow on the armrest between them and leaned closer. His breath smelled of coffee and mint, very different from back in Raccoon where everything smelled like blood and sweat. She felt it on her skin, she just kept drinking avoiding eye contact.
“You are not stupid; you are bringing it to Europe. You either have it on your person or in the luggage.”
“You are right, I am not stupid. I am not telling you shit. Now, if you’ll excuse me.” In one swift movement – and she deserved slight pinch in her side – she took out a book out of her handbag. Then she threw the bag into Nicholai’s lap. “Suit yourself.”
Nicholai watched her, baring his teeth. She just turned the pages focused on the text. As if he was nothing but a little annoyance. Not a wolf but a fly, buzzing but harming no-one. No threat, no pack.
After short check he threw the handbag under her feet. “Listen-“ he started but raised finger stopped him. Jill finished a paragraph and looked at him over the cover.
“Do you have something important to say?”
“The vial-“
“That conversation is over. Now, I want to finish this book before I am stabbed to death, thank you very much.”
There was a silence for maybe five pages. Tip of the knife scratched her ribs as she was breathing, she tried to not pay attention to it, but felt droplets of blood running on her side.
“I see you like to play games.” His voice sounded so close, she flinched. Nicholai was leaning right to her ear. “Just like you did in that train.”
The train. She almost forgot – it was heat of the moment, way to release stress from the situation they were in. Constantly followed, hurt, all she wanted was to forget for a second about Nemesis looking for her and the giant target on her back. She didn’t trust him then, but it was before he turned out to be greedy bastard.
The sex was good, but nothing to keep in memory.
She turned a page. Nicholai boasted about his patience, but her indifference apparently drove him mad. Maybe he was used to people bargaining or trying to talk their way out of this. Or maybe he was projecting because he sure loved to hear himself talk.
“I wonder why is Umbrella so afraid of you. You weren’t even brave enough to shoot me.”
With a sigh she closed the book. “You are right, I could’ve shot you back in Raccoon City. But seeing you beg for your life was much more entertaining.” She hit the spot. If the hatred had physical manifestation it would be Nicholai right now. Grinning, she continued to poke his nerve. “What a strong ruthless man you are, begging for your life like a baby. I will pay you anything, let me go with you, miss Valentine,” she mocked.
“Don’t play with me.”
“You said it yourself, I love to play games. Let’s play this one. You want the vial? Beg for it.”
Facing each other so close Nicholai became only thing in her field of vision. Jaw clenched in anger, his eyes spiking through her. His Adam’s apple rose as he swallowed.
“You forgot who has the knife,” Nicholai hissed.
“I see.” Back to the book it was. Even without looking at him the mood changed fast. The frustration hanged in the air with familiar smell of sweat, anger and cheap cologne. If felt like blood rushing on her side, ashes in her mouth from the Raccoon City and pain. The knife meant nothing, the memory meant nothing, the anger couldn’t get her to cooperate. She knew that and Nicholai knew that too.
“It seems I underestimated the situation again. You cooperate much better when someone your love is on the line.” Fear joined the emotional party in her, but she shunned it – Nicholai had nothing. He was just trying to get reaction out of her. “I guess I will have to use the old good methods.”
The knife moved. It didn’t cut, just slid on her skin, from her side towards centre of her chest. He rested it there for a while, she felt the blade against her heart. It stung her every time she breathed in. Jill clenched her teeth.
“Still nothing?”
“I still didn’t hear you say please.”
It took second. Nicholai pushed on the knife. Jill grabbed his wristed and yanked the hand away. She felt the blade cutting her slightly. She twisted his wrist, the knife fell on the ground. Nicholai attacked her, his elbow hit her temple. The force sent her to the window, where she hit her head again. Pain spiked through her skull, but it was nothing next to what Nemesis did to her in Raccoon City. She kicked the knife, it slid under next set of seats and disappeared from her sight.
At the same time Nicholai tried to grab for the knife. She caught his arm and forced him back to the seat. He pushed against her but stopped.
“Everything okay?” asked the flight attendant who walked to them.
Jill put on the most charming smile. “Yes, everything is perfect.”
“You have something on your shirt.”
Jill looked down. Where Nicholai cut her, the shirt got stuck to her skin and bloody. She grabbed his jacket and dressed herself to hide the blood. “Hot dog accident at the airport, I am clumsy.”
The flight attendant wasn’t very convinced of their play.
“I am sorry for disturbing the flight. It will never happen again, right, Nicholai?” Jill turned to her foe. He smiled too, more annoyed grimace than anything else.
“Right. Apologies.”
The flight attendant left them alone. Jill watched after her, she saw her talking to others and pointing their way. “If they turn the flight because of you, I will kill you,” she hissed at Nicholai.
“Suits me just fine.”
“So, are they paying you to get the vile or kill me too?”
“No, you are more worth alive. You can bring them to others to get rid of you one by one,” Nicholai answered.
“You’ve been stalking me. That’s how you know about the vile.”
“Of course. You took it out of Raccoon city. Then you never handed it in. I knew you had to have it.”
Jill raised her eyebrows. “You were the only one who knew about it. Nobody else knew anything about me bringing it along. You told Umbrella so they send you after me. You did this on purpose.”
“Every little detail means a lot more dollars.”
“And you got this job by accident,” she said mockingly.
“Oh no, I wanted to see you again.” The tone in what he said it bit morrow in her bones. So cold, but it missed the hatred she’d expect after everything. Nicholai was looking her over, she felt similar feeling she did back in the train. He was good looking, she had to give him that. And his strong arms…
She had to grin at herself for thinking like that. “To get revenge.”
“To get anything. And the vial.”
Jill shook her head. Why was she the type people will stalk? First the monster, now him. In a way, it felt great. When it didn’t steal her sleep, when it didn’t endanger her life, when it didn’t destroy chances of the whole city to live – then it felt great to be wanted. Negatives just outweighed the positives too much. And it made her feel guilty when she caught only positives for a brief moment.
No, she is not doing him any favours. But she still wanted to see him dumbfounded.
“The vial. Is that really only thing you will talk about? Okay, I will tell you where is the vile. My conditions haven’t changed. Say please.”
“You are ridiculous,” he scoffed.
She leaned to him again looking him straight in the eyes. “Maybe. I just really want to see you desperate again. Come on. It’s a lot of money for a simple word.”
Nicholas tilted his head on a side and looked somewhere behind her. He scoffed again, fighting with himself over a stupid word. Jill’s smile grew wider, soon she was grinning, teeth out, his struggle was entertaining to watch.
“Alright,” he finally looked at her. “Please, miss Valentine, will you tell me about the vial.” Poison was dripping from every word. Jill chuckled and leaned right next to his ear, her lips touched his skin for a brief second.
“It’s not here.”
“What?” he hissed.
“You said it yourself, you knew my every step. And I knew Umbrella was following me. I never boarder the plane with the vile.”
Nicholas frowned; Jill kept smiling.
“It’s already in Europe, I send it via post, undercover, long time ago. If Umbrella didn’t catch the package, you will never get your hands on the vial.”
Nicholas sighed and got up. “Then I have no business with you.”
“Oh, not gonna kill me?”
He shrugged. “You lost my knife. The jacket, please.”
Jill already had her book open again. “No, that’s mine now, you ruined my shirt.”
Nicholas shifted his weight. “I will be back for it.”
“I’ll be waiting.”
She watched him over the pages. He left to the front of the plane and she lost him. The smile stayed on her face, this interaction made her unexpectedly cheery. Yeah, hearing Nicholas humiliate himself again was great.
Like a ghost he disappeared. She didn’t see him for the rest of the flight, nor on the airport. Only thing left of him was faint smell of his cologne on the jacket.
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porcelain--roses · 4 years
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Angelique rolled her eyes, her annoyance manifesting itself in a heavy sigh that escaped her scarlet lips. 
‘Listen, Damian—’ 
 ‘Derek, ma’am,’ her assistant — and intruder — interrupted. 
 ‘𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳,’ the witch gnarled. ‘Do you think it’s excusable to come disturb me about “a group of eccentric hippies passing Collinsport”, as if that weren't an everyday event?' 
She waved her hand in the air and returned to the files to which she had been tending before Derek, the moron, decided to come into her office yapping. ‘Now kindly scat. I’m in the middle of something important.’ 
 ‘Well, 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘦 eccentric hippies seem to have decided to stay a while,' the man insisted. 'It seems they have been around the extremities of town for the last couple of days – a few RVs parked up next to each other.’
Angelique stopped in her tracks. 𝘕𝘦𝘸 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴 in Collinsport was odd news to say the least; people barely cared about visiting the town -- why would anyone be interested in moving there? 
She finally eyed her assistant attentively, resting her chin on her clenched fist and quirking her eyebrows. 
‘𝑶𝒉? Fresh meat, yes?’ 
The young man nodded. ‘Yes, ma’am. No one had ever seen them before.’
'Interesting,' Angelique muttered, nodding distractedly for a couple of seconds. ‘Well then,' she said, grinning, as she started from her seat, maybe I should pay our new neighbours a visit.’
𝘛𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘪𝘵 𝘤𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘳𝘶𝘭𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦, she added in her mind.
‘I'm sure a friendly little welcome won’t hurt.’
The woman sat with her face stuck in a frown, poking at the remnants of last night’s fire. 
“Another disappointment.” 
It seemed that all that Collinsport had to offer her crew was more stories and local haunts— and that goddamn smell of fish. 
Anyone who could’ve testified firsthand to the atrocities committed long ago seemed dead or forgotten. 
How very odd, Rose thought to herself.
But as she sat in the summer’s heat, a shadow appeared, coming between her and the sun. “Back so soon from the grocer, Daddy?”
His Shine was a bit more powerful today, she thought. But of course, everyone had their good days... even her. 
Curious to the occasion, she looked up. “𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒍... 𝑯𝒊 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆.”
"𝘉𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘴𝘰 𝘴𝘰𝘰𝘯 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘨𝘳𝘰𝘤𝘦𝘳, 𝘋𝘢𝘥𝘥𝘺?" 
The blonde gave out a low chuckle. That wasn't exactly the way to which she was used to introduce herself. 
 'I'm afraid 𝑫𝒂𝒅𝒅𝒚 hasn't really come from the grocer,' the witch mocked, her eyes fixed on the mysterious figure. 
She came closer. The brown-haired woman was hauntingly beautiful, and the eyes beneath the obnoxious hat, the bluest she had ever seen.
𝑰 𝒈𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝒏𝒆𝒘𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒆𝒓 𝒉𝒊𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒆 𝑰 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒕𝒐𝒍𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒆, she thought. 
 'I'm sure you've mistaken me for someone else.' She offered the woman her hand. 'Angelique Bouchard. 𝘐 𝘳𝘶𝘯 𝘊𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵.'
Rose laughed at her mocking banter, nipping at her bottom lip as the woman introduced herself. 
With Bouchard’s hand graciously extended, Rose made a bold decision to 𝒅𝒆𝒄𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆— instead, using her own weight. And once standing, she took in the figure standing before her. 
Bleach blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and of course— a pinstriped suit that plunged further than most would dare to look. Of course, Rose did. She admired a power-suit... that is, one accompanied by an equally powerful woman. 
Yes, Bouchard seemed up to par for the task. 
 “So you’re in charge of this little haunt? I do hope you haven’t received any complaints, 𝑴𝒊𝒔𝒔(?) Bouchard. Me and my 𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔 were just curious to the stories of this place.” 
Surely the woman emanating Shine like an exploding star could tell her a story or two.
The stranger's refusal to take her hand astounded Angelique, but she could not deny that the irreverence amused her. 
She retreated her palm, eyeing the other woman from head to toe. 4
'That I am,' she responded. 'But I must admit I know nothing of these "stories" you mention.'
She hoped the deceitful tone of her words would pass unheeded. 
'Anyway, I stopped by to bid you welcome, really.' A devilishly beautiful but menacing smile crept upon her lips as the blonde reached out to gently touch the other woman's arm.
Angie knew of her power of persuasion, and she liked to make the most out of it. She loved to see people giving in to her charms; which, of course the blue-eyed stranger would, too. 
𝑾𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅𝒏'𝒕 𝒔𝒉𝒆? 
'I'm afraid I haven't got your name.' 
“That’s because I never gave it, ” was Rose’s most casual reply, placing her own hand atop Angelique’s. 
With a polite squeeze, she wiped it off, eyes penetrating the blonde as if she were her next meal. “But if you’re so keen to welcome me to your humble town, I suppose you could ask me over dinner.” 
 A chance to spend some time alone with her next victim? Oh, Rose could hardly contain herself. So very rarely did they waltz up to her like this. 
Not since 1852.  
Angelique quirked an eyebrow, eyed the mysterious woman from head to toe, and scoffed amusedly. 
The stranger’s petulance was rather entertaining. 
‘Dinner,’ she muttered. ‘Well, why not? Seven o’clock tonight at my place, shall we?’ She smiled stiffly.
The witch either had too much to lose or nothing at all, but the latter option seemed more like it. After all, Angie couldn’t possibly come across anyone half as powerful and menacing as her, right?
The tilt of Rose’s head seemed wholly amused ( or somewhat flattered ) by the woman’s gesture. More-so by the permanent smile resting upon her newfound companion’s face. 
“Should I assume we are dining alone, Miss Bouchard?” 
That didn’t seem mildly suspicious at all.
But her thoughts were soon interrupted by the sights of the others. True Knot’s most devoted member (besides herself), Crow Daddy, stood in front of the rest. 
Ignoring him, Rose returned to Angelique— grin partly interrupted by a newfound look of worry. 
Had they noticed too?
The blonde took a small step back when she noticed the eerie figures surrounding her and her new acquaintance. They did not look friendly — but Angie was never one to back down.
Especially not from newcomers in 𝑯𝑬𝑹 town.
Tilting her chin up, she shook the feeling of threat off, but the pearly smile was gone from her lips. 
‘Unless you’d like your friends to join us,’ she purred as she glanced back at the brunette. ‘I suppose that’s... 𝑫𝒂𝒅𝒅𝒚?’ she taunted, eyeing the man who led the others.
Rose 𝒅𝒊𝒅 feel a tinge if embarrassment at the nickname she deemed her... 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒏𝒆𝒓— as evident by the widening of her eyes as it escaped those pillowy lips. 
“I’m sure I could escape them for a few hours,” she said, stepping forward to return the distance that had previously been between them. 
“In fact— I would request that you 𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒊𝒔𝒕 that much, Miss Bouchard. I might dread any one of them 𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 you from me.”
Especially if they had already detected her Shine. 
But a grin had returned to her face, trying to save the moment with a final burst of charm. 
“What do you say? Would you have me all to yourself?”
Angie easily recognised the tinge of flirt in the woman's words, but remained unfazed — even though on the inside she was savouring every bit of it. 
She bobbed her head:— 'I think some 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒗𝒂𝒄𝒚 would do us good, yes.' A side smirk crept on her lips in spite of her wishes.
And speaking of privacy, the witch had no desire to let the meddling, ill-looking people around them know her address, and so she stepped closer to the stranger, leaned into her ear, and whispered slowly, 
'My house is the only mansion in town. You shouldn't have much trouble finding it -- but if you do, just ask around for what was formerly known as the 𝑪𝒐𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒔 residence.' 
 And then she simply walked away, not a single glance back. 
The way she walked away was with such confidence... it was hard to dismiss the small swing in her hips. 
Yes, the blonde was certainly proud of herself, wasn’t she? Alas, there was no time to dwell on that, as her posse soon accompanied her. 
 “Who was that?” 
“An acquaintance,” Rose replied in a rather innocent lilt. It was hardly a lie, that was for sure. 
“She seemed full of 𝒊𝒕...” 
 “Hush, Crow.”
Unfortunately, her dark-haired companion didn’t take so kindly to this, taking Rose to the side and grasping her hand as if it was a threat. 
( Even Grandpa Flick seemed to kiss his teeth in disapproval. ) 
“You’re not holding out on us, are you Rosie?” 
“Of 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒆 not. You think I’d let all of us starve for some city bitch in high heels? I want to know if there are more of them here.” 
He didn’t seem wholly satisfied with her answer, but it didn’t matter. Rose jerked her hand from his, stomping off to her RV. 
“I’ll drain that damn Shine from her fighting corpse when the time is right, but not before I get the information that 𝑰 want.” 
The door slammed behind her, rushing to the sink to wash her face. After all, the Irish Rose would need to present her best side tonight. She’d need to be ready for whatever the evening brought. 
And since it seemed like it would be a rather formal dinner, it was eventually decided that she could ditch her overtly Bohemian style for one night.
Searching her small closet, she fingered through every skirt until she reached a deep blue suit with a satin collar. 
“Power suits,” she mumbled to herself. 
“I do wonder if Miss Bouchard is accustomed to being the 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 big fish in her little pond. Such a  𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒚 little thing... but a damn good waste.”
________________ 𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐖𝐎 ༄
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topaztales · 5 years
Hey! So this is my Richie x Eddie fic, titled Nightmares. 
In summary, Eddie survives and comes to live with Richie after divorcing his wife. But following the events in Derry, Richie struggles with PTSD and heavily internalized homophobia that manifests in terrible nightmares. Richie tries not to show how it’s affecting him, But Eddie eventually catches up.
this one’s kinda angsty but I promise it gets happy, please check AO3 for the complete tag/warning list.
First chapter is below the cut!
 chapter 1- The Phone Call
Richie could taste blood. It wasn’t his blood, he knew it wasn’t. He knew because Eddie was standing above him wide eyed as the claw tore through his chest. His blood spilled everywhere. It was on Richie’s glasses, in his mouth. He was helpless to watch his best friend, his Eddie, get tossed aside like nothing. Limp. The image was seared into his mind until everything went black. For a moment, it was all gone.
Then Richie could taste blood. Then he watched happen again. Then it was gone and he could taste blood. Then again. And again. Again. Again.
Eventually Richie’s eyes shot open and he was staring at his blurry ceiling, breathing hard. His throat was tight and sore from crying in his sleep.  He scrambled around for his glasses, swinging his legs over the side of his bed so he could sit up property. Shoving his glasses on his face, Richie got his bearings. He was in his small apartment, in Los Angeles, in California. Not in the Neilbolt house, not Derry, not Maine. 
Richie struggled to catch his breath. Bracing his hands on his knees, he recalled Eddie’s old breathing exercises. In, out. In, out, trying to slow his breathing. In, out. Blood on his glasses. No. In, out. Blood in his mouth. Stop it. In, out. In, out. Eddies gone. Richie choked on a sob before clapping his hand over his mouth as if he was afraid of being heard. He knew it wasn’t true, that Eddie was still alive. But when Richie was alone in the dark his mind started playing tricks on him. Richie knew that when he came out the deadlights, he’d just barely knocked Eddie out of the way of the direct path of the claw, but it still did lots of damage. In his dreams, Richie wasn’t so fast. It sent a chill down his spine. 
Shakily, Richie grabbed his phone and unlocked it, staring at his recent call list. Eddie’s name was at the top. They called each other often after leaving Derry. While Eddie was in the hospital, they’d talked about what came next. 
Richie had joked Eddie should become a professional clown killer since he was clearly so good at it. Eddie had just rolled his eyes. He’d been in the hospital for about a week by this point, the wound in his side still requiring professional care. 
“Very funny dickhead.” Eddie retorted, but there was no bite in his words.
“But seriously, are we just supposed to go back to our old lives after this shit?” Richie asked, leaning back in the chair at Eddie’s bedside. “I mean, shit has to change now. I’m going to have to start working killer alien clown jokes into my act. My manager’s gonna have an aneurism.”
Eddie laughed, and Richies heart clenched like he was thirteen again. He loved hearing that laugh.
“Yeah, shit’s gonna change.” he said. Eddie’s voice was soft, almost contemplative. 
Richie huffed. “I just said that dude. Pay attention.” He reached out and pinched Eddie’s not-stabbed cheek. “Earth to Spaghetti, do you copy? Over.”
Eddie slapped his hand away with false annoyance. “Oh grow up Rich, I was literally agreeing with you. God, you’re impossible.” Richie just laughed. 
There was silence for a beat. Richie was looking for a joke to fill the void, but before he could find one Eddie broke the silence. 
“I’m going to leave my wife.” He blurted. Richie was a bit taken aback by the suddenness. Eddie was staring straight ahead, looking surprised at his own outburst.
“So, she told you then?” Richie asked, hesitantly.
Eddie raised an eyebrow at him. “Told me what?”
Richie’s grinned, a look Eddie knew meant a punchline was incoming. “About our torrid affair, I’ve been smashing your woman for weeks now.”
Eddie shoved him. “Oh, beep fucking beep, asshole!” Richie just laughed. “Im serious Rich! God I try to have one genuine moment and you have to fuck it up.”
  “Alright, alright. I’m sorry Eds” Richie certainly didn’t sound sorry. 
“Don’t call me that.”
That exchange had happened about two months ago. Once Eddie was discharged, he went to sort things out with Myra. “I faced an evil alien murder clown,” he’d said. “I can certainly face my wife long enough to leave her.” Richie had swelled with pride at how brave Eddie had been. He’d always been brave. Not like Richie, who woke up crying every night with nightmares. There was a handful of recurring ones, all involving Eddie. Eddie dying was common, so were all the deaths of his friends he watched in the deadlights. But sometimes Richie dreamt they were in the hammock again. Richie would look up from his comic book to see Eddie staring at him, smiling. Then his face would start to flake away into white paint as his features contorted and he’d start mocking Richie. You’re sick Richie! You’re perverted, I know you are. I know all about your dirty little secret. Richie couldn’t move. The voice was an awful amalgamation of Eddie and Pennywise, and it shook Richie to his core. Who’d stay friends with you? You’re a filthy fag. 
Other times he could feel Henry Bowers fists slamming into him, and his head swirled with all of his insults. Freak. Fairy. Pervert. Fag. Sometimes the names were hurled by Bowers, sometimes Pennywise, sometimes Eddie. 
Every time, Richie woke up crying. He’d considered telling Eddie about the nightmares, but he had no idea how that conversation would go. “Hey Eddie sorry to wake you, but my immense gay feelings for you and the traumas we’ve encountered have compounded into terrible nightmares that make my cry like a little bitch.” Yeah, no. Besides the terrible phrasing, Eddie had enough on his plate with his messy divorce. Myra had apparently not taken it well, and they’re still battling it out. He didn’t need Richie stacking more problems on him right now. So Richie would manage. 
Eddie called him later in the day, just after five. Richie had been paying some bills, a terrible and grown up thing to do. He was taking a leave from doing gigs. His manager, Steve, had just about ripped him a new one for leaving on such a short notice until Richie told him an old friend had passed away, and that’s why he left so suddenly. It was also why he needed time from gigs, to “process.” Begrudgingly, Steve accepted. Hard to argue with the dead friend excuse, even if it wasn’t the whole truth. But now he ways paying bills from savings alone, so he was happy for the distraction that was Eddie’s phone call. 
“Chhk, Eduardo, do you copy? Over.” Richie spoke into his cell phone like it was a walkie talkie. He heard Eddie groan on the other end of the line. 
“Remind me why I bother calling you?” Eddie asked.
“Chhk, because I’m your best friend and you have to, chhk, over.”
Eddie chuckled. “Knock it off Rich, I actually have some news.”
“Chhk, You’re supposed to end all transmissions with ‘Over’, Eds. chhk, over.”
“Don’t call me that.” Eddie said, before sighing and giving in. “Over.”
Richie smiled. “See, that wasn’t so hard! So what’s the news?” he said, deciding to drop the walkie talkie bit now that Eddie had caved.
“Well,” he sounded shaky. “There’s good news and bad news.”
“I already know the bad news.” Richie said solemnly.
“How’s that?”
“Myra's pregnant and it’s mine.”
Eddie groaned. “I'm hanging up now-”
“Wait, wait!” Richie laughed, “C’mon eds, just tell me what the news is.”
“Don’t call me that.” Eddie replied on instinct. He paused for a moment, then said, “We got it finalized today.”
Richie sat up in his chair. “That’s great news! Why didn’t you lead with that?”
He could hear Eddie huff. “Because someone can’t ever shut up long enough to let me get a word in.”
Richie hummed. “Can’t imagine who that would be, sounds a bit rude.”
“He’s the biggest asshole I know, hands down.”
“Well any man who sleeps with his best friend’s now ex-wife has gotta be a huge douche.”
“Jesus Christ, Richie.”
“That’s what your ex-wife said!” Richie jumped at the chance of the joke.
“Would you let me finish?”
“THAT’S WHAT YOUR-” The line went dead as Richie laughed. He knew Eddie didn’t mean anything by the end of the call, it was just a way to tell Richie to shut up. Richie chuckled to himself as he dialed Eddie back. He picked up on the second ring.
“Got it all out of your system dickwad?” Eddie asked, sounding mildly annoyed.
Richie shook his head to himself and answered, “My humor never leaves my system, my dear boy.”
Richie could feel Eddie rolling his eyes on the other side of the country. “Do you even want to hear the bad news?”
Richie paused. Did he? “Yeah, uh, shoot.”
Eddie sighed. He sounded tired now. “Like I said, it’s been messy with Myra. She’s taking everything she can get. That includes, uhm,” Eddie swallowed, “that includes our apartment.”
Richie didn’t really know how to respond to that. The phone was silent for awhile until Eddie spoke up again. “It’s not like I’m homeless now or anything,” he hurried. His voice was a bit nervous and Richie could tell he was going into a freak-out. “Its just I really liked the place and Myra and I picked it out together and I hate apartment hunting because there’s so many factors involved and its so stressful-”
“Move in with me.” Richie blurted. Fuck. He hadn’t meant to say that aloud, but he hated hearing Eddie panic without being able to do anything about it. Now the line was silent and Richie had to resist the urge to slam his head into his desk. 
“What?” Eddie asked, like he didn’t believe what he’d heard.
Richie stood up from his desk and started pacing nervously. “I- I mean, you could stay with me if you like. At least until you find a place of your own. I don't know, I just thought”-he had not thought at all- “that it might help relieve some of the stress. So you don’t have to rush the process.”
Richie paused, but the line was still silent. Fuck. He’s fucked it. Why does he never think before opening his stupid mouth? Why would Eddie want to stay with him all the way in L.A.? 
His place is a mess! And Richie… well Richie is also a mess. 
“Okay.” Richie was so busy panicking he barely heard the reply.
“What did you say?”
“I said okay, numbnuts. If it’s really alright, I think I need a break from NYC anyways.”
“Oh.” Richie’s heart started to race. He hadn’t seen Eddie since they left Derry. “Well, you’re going to have to give me some time to vacate the guest room.”
“Oh, do you have a guest over? There’s really no rush-”
“No, no, its fine. It’s just that your mom has spent the past few nights with me.”
“Beep Beep Richie.”
They agreed it would be best for Eddie to come the next day, give him time to pack everything and fly over.  So Richie spent the rest of the day cleaning and rearranging his apartment. He did actually have a spare room, but he had made it into a rarely used office/storage room. Eddie would take his room of course. Not only was it cleaner, but Richie secretly hoped that if Eddie was comfortable, he’d stay longer. So Richie rearranged the office to fit an air mattress. Since he had no actual idea of how long Eddie would be staying, at some point he figured he’d have to buy a second bed. He was okay with that, but an air mattress would have to do for now. Then he deep cleaned everything else. He did all the dishes that had stacked up, did laundry, and spent the day swimming in his thoughts as he cleaned. Eddie would be living with him. Living with him! For god knows how long but it was happening! Richie didn’t know if he was more excited or nervous. On one hand, he’d be living with the boy he’d had a crush on since he was thirteen. On the other hand, he’d be living with the straight boy he’d had a secret gay crush on since the eighties, a very unkind time for such situations.
At least I’ll know he’s alive. Richie thought to himself. The thought made his hands freeze over his dishes. In all the excitement over the phone call, Richie hadn’t even considered his nightmares. What if Eddie heard him crying in his sleep? God, that would be embarrassing. But Richie supposed he was right the first time. At least he’d know Eddie was alive. 
Richie had the apartment to a satisfactory level by two A.M., at which point he could barely keep his eyes open. Climbing into bed Richie thought about how tomorrow night, Eddie would be here. He tried to keep his mind on positive thoughts as he drifted to sleep. 
Then Richie could taste blood.
If you enjoyed this chapter please please please go check out the rest on AO3! Chapters 1-3 are there now with roughly two more on the way. Hope you liked it!
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nodesiretogrowup · 5 years
I LOVED THIS EPISODE! It was nice to have a kid-focused episode. The past few have focused a lot on the adults, so it was nice to see the kids in the spotlight again. It was SO COOL to see the kids playing off each other. We NEED more of it next season. Lena is my daughter, so I was happy to see her back, though I’d rather she not have to suffer.
Spoilers and more detailed thoughts below:
YAY NERF GUNS! Also, it was super sweet of the boys to reassure Lena that they know she’s a good guy now. 
LOVED all the different jammies on display. I usually rock something similar to Lena and Violet. Dewey in the footie pajamas gives me LIFE. And Huey with his hat. I’m surprised he didn’t say something along the lines of “Warm head, warm dreams.”
Super cute that Lena set this all up. My baby wants friends.
“Self defense weapons, all manner of booby trap.” I feel like Violet would have suggested having those no matter what. I love my slightly feral nerd daughter.
Beakley for BEST bodyguard.
“Nothing weird is gonna happen at this slumber party.” Webby, babe, you’re just ASKING for trouble.
Lena’s little song and cake! MY HEART! I think Huey may have drawn some inspiration from that cake, lol
“Time loses all meaning in the infinite night of the shadow realm.” HELP THIS CHILD! And again, I think Donald would be the perfect parent for her.
“You are a wordsmith!” Webby LOVES her shadow gf.
Of course Louie is suspicious. He was wary of his mom AND just spent the last episode getting betrayed by Goldie.
“You literally sound like that now.” Huey, you need to learn how to read a room.
“That’s just my voice, I can’t help it!” I feel ya there. And a nice bit of foreshadowing
“I’ve found it’s clearer to convey no emotion whatsoever.” Also not a good way to talk to people.
Aw, Lena. Like Webby said, you don’t have to prove yourself. That seems to be a running theme this season. Dewey wants to prove himself to his mom, Louie wants to prove himself to anyone, and Della wants to prove that she is a good mom and fits into this family.
“That makes you super-extra-good, right?” “Math checks out.” You two share one (1) brain cell and that’s adorable.
Webby has no table manners and that is valid.
“LET’S EAT PURE SUGAR!” That is just a bad idea in general, much less for Huey.
What happened to Huey? Why was his mouth all grey?
“You know who my best friend is?” “Me.” “Sleep.” A.) Mood, B.) Dewey’s face is PRICELESS! You can’t win them all.
Sleeping Beakley is TERRIFYING.
“It might be sleepy-time.” Webby, you are TOO PRECIOUS!
Anyone getting some Nightmare on Elm Street vibes? Specifically the third one? I guess that was what they were going for, what with the title and all.
Concerned girlfriend is concerned.
“Do you need, *whispers* you-know-what paper?” Not sure if Beakley told her toilet isn’t something you should go around saying or if Webby doesn’t want to embarrass anyone. Either way, cute!
Lena pulls of Dewey’s do well.
One of the most precious moments ever! And a reminded that they are still pretty young.
LOVED the shot of Lena with the stars reflected in her eyes.
Heck, the animation for all the dreams is AMAZING! I love how you can INSTANTLY TELL whose dream we’re in.
I’m glad they figured out that they were in a shared dream early. Gives us more time for wacky dream shenanigans!
Webby/hamburgers is otp
I like that they used the “you can’t read in dreams” thing. Nice touch. It looks like at least Launchpad, Scrooge, and Donald had a corresponding emoji.
“Why are you dialing a banana?” DREAM LOGIC!
Webby CANONLY kins Scrooge!
Louie putting a stop to unicorn shenanigans before they begin.
Those directions. Better than Penny’s at least.
Violet is blunt and to the point. She’s probably a Virgo.
LIVING for all the cartoony sound effects!
POOR LENA! AND YAY SUPPORTIVE WEBBY! Also, love Louie in the background being confused as fuck.
That cute little smile! I WOULD DIE FOR LENA!
I don’t think the whole “don’t wake a sleepwalker” thing is actually valid in real life, but here it’s probably a goodish idea. Magic is weird and unpredictable.
“LET’S FLY, BECAUSE WE CAAAAAAN!” I like the way you think. I love that Louie’s wings have dollar signs. And Lena’s bat wings are DOPE.
Huey and Dewey crashing, lol
That unicorn got DEEP. And I now crackship him and Manny.
Lena walked into Snow White.
“I probably grew horrible bat wings for non-evil reasons.” It’s because you are a baby goth.
“I ATE A BUG!” Dewey, you are a special boy and that’s valid.
“Ew, Webby, why is there a school in your dream?” Again, Louie is MOOD.
Ugh, I wish I could make out what the sign in front of the school says. I see EXCELLENCE though.
Dewey CONFIRMED HSM fan. And I’m getting some Saved By The Bell vibes. He’s binged ALL the high school classics. This is probably how Mabel dreamed high school would look like before the crushing slap of reality hit her.
His hair and jacket. Too cute, expect for his hair being alive. That was freaky. I fear for him when he learns what high school is actually like.
I know most people are going with Dewey is bi after the whole romantic interest thing, but I feel like he might be aro/ace. Dewey is threatened by choosing a romantic partner. I’ve kind of always seen him as ace though, so it might just be me. Or it could be him trying to figure out his sexuality, which is cool. I love that the crew threw that in. The boy is not straight in any way though.
I love that Dewey’s singing rivals are Beagle Boys.
“Who knows what that’s about?” “I have some theories.” SYMBOLISM!
Dewey Dude is upsetting even BEFORE it turned into Magica.
The balance between comedy and STRAIGHT UP HORROR was handled well.
Lena has watched Wizard of Oz.
“You ruined my big dance!” Priorities, Dewey. Louie looks relieved though.
Dewey’s hair looked super cute when it was wet.
Why did he and Lena taste the water? Is there some sort of significance there?
“I just failed a class called Dew-ology.” “Well I’m the class Dew-torian.” That’s stretching it, Dewey.
“I gotta get outta here.” Haha, Dewey’s dream is Huey’s nightmare.
Louie-field. I WANT PLUSHIES. Also, Louie confirmed furry?
“This is your dream? To be even lazier?” Don’t be a hater, Huey! Louie’s got the right idea.
Wonder if Beakley taking care of Louie-field means anything.
Seriously, Huey is SUCH a hater! He wants out of Dewey’s dream and he mocks Louie’s.
“HOW ARE YOU SLEEP-SLEEPING?” Don’t hate cause you ain’t. Also, I have napped in a dream once so....
Louie’s sleep face is MAJESTIC. HE’S BEAUTY, HE’S GRACE.
“I just am.” Louie is so wise.
Wolf Lena is BEST
Violet, there is a better way to talk about people’s psychological issues.
Why would you choose the litter box?
“WHY, HUEY, WHY?!” No arguments here.
I’m the eldest sibling like Huey and I’m the shortest of the three of us, so I get you, Huey. But there are better, cooler, less upsetting ways to manifest that dream. Like switching bodies with a tall person.
His legs make rubber band noises when he moves.
“Don’t listen to him! Follow your lame dreams.” What a supportive brother.
Huey’s dream is Dewey’s nightmare. Nice.
I too use my feet to do things, like opening doors or getting stuff off the floor. But opening jars of FOOD?! UNSANITARY AND YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER.
Someone is a Spinel fanboy.
Or is he Slender-Huey?
“And it’s my dream to be in a montage.” While it is pretty dope, why does Dewey get two dreams?! Greedy little bastard. Are we sure he’s not the evil triplet, lol.
HERE’S HOW PHOOEY CAN WIN! Liked that they implied he’s the evil one. He’s a yellow, less 90s Dippy Fresh.
JUST SAY NO TO PHOOEY! His name means the f-word.
Huey has found a kindred soul.
I like that Violet even has Quackfaster as a librarian.
“It’s almost 6am!” Your old man is showing. Sidenote-I tend to wake up around 6. I’m old.
“Go get some jobs!” Scrooge, do you know about child labor laws?
This is the second episode of this set that Scrooge comes off as a bit of a prick.
POOR LENA! At least all the kids care about her. The poor girl needs some friends.
“She’s gonna be cold without her sweater!” His heart’s in the right place.
I love that all the kids jump in after Webby immediately. NEVER LEAVE A MAN BEHIND.
Louie just spinning in the background.
“I think this is more nightmare.” Thank you, Captain Obvious.
I want that castle as a playset.
Good lord this scene was hard to watch. It reminded me a lot of Raven in Ever After High (and Teen Titans Raven too). She’s so afraid of being predestined to become evil that it’s consuming her to the point that she can’t see anything else and feels stuck. Some of this really hit close to home for me because I deal with depression and anxiety and when a big episode hits it’s hard to find my way out. Luckily, just like Lena, I have a good support system.
 Magica gaslighting Lena was really upsetting to see.
Lena becoming Magica then a literal monster? LET MY DAUGHTER HAVE PEACE!
“Ugh, why does everything I say sound sarcastic?” Callback
Was that a hint at a Gargoyles reboot? I JOKE TO EASE THE PAIN!
Dewey’s spinny eyes, lol
Webby is most competent fighter
Poor Louie. The past two episode have not been kind to him physically.
Lena will ALWAYS be there for Webby.
“It’s fine, FINE!” Just wait for puberty, Huey. It will be slightly less disturbing.
Magica is meth aunt.
“I don’t need you. You need me!” THAT’S MY GIRL!
I bet Magica is gonna lie about still having powers so she can get close enough to Lena to regain her powers and stab everyone in the back. Whether or not she succeeds... 
Boyd and Lena should start a club. The “I thought/felt like I was a real, flesh and blood being, had an existential crises over it, and am trying to deal with my evil relative” club. Huey’s the moderator, he’s working on his consoling badge.
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mellz117 · 5 years
Hello and welcome to the start of Mellz Plays Kingdom Hearts Re:CoM on the Playstation 2; Riku’s campaign
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If you haven’t seen my thoughts on Sora’s story, why not start with Part 1? For the 5 of you who’ve been following along since then, welcome back! Check out the rest under the read more! I’m playing on standard difficulty so if I’m having a hard time, I just suck.
So we, as Riku wake up in the basement of Castle Oblivion. How did he get there? Sora just waltzed in like it was no big deal. Riku has to materialize in a cold basement and be woken up by the disembodied voice of an all too familiar bastard… Who has a new voice.
Thanks for the card, voice of Ansem, “Seeker of Darkness”. That ain’t him. It’s been almost 10 years and I don’t remember much of this game but I know that new Richard Epcar voice ain’t Ansem.
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Riku’s got no time to waste, he’s a man on a mission.
So we get a melancholy scene with Riku happening upon the room Maleficent gave him during his association with her in the first game. Memories he’d rather forget.
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After progressing a bit, the disembodied voice returns once again to taunt Riku. “You cast aside your home, your friends, the darkness. What else do you have? Nothing. Your heart is as empty as your old room.”
It’s so weird playing as Riku but I hope we get more of that beyond KH3 (ReMind hasn’t released at the time of writing this)
Alot of this game so far has been me saying “I don’t remember this”… …So I don’t remember Riku’s level up system being this different to Sora’s.
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…well that’s bullshit. I vaguely remember that. The fact that I can’t even edit the order my cards appear to me in battle is even more bullshit. I like to organize my cards by type and value until I’m forced to use a different method.
So I dont have to wait for the reload gauge to count down, it’s immediate and I dont lose a card on every reload like I thought I remembered… What’s the catch? I don’t trust like that.
We meet up with Maleficent at the end of the map. She’s 100% aware she’s a figment of Riku’s memory. Riku is none too pleased to see her.
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I love his sass
Riku’s ready to kick the asses of everyone corrupted by darkness, including his own, he says. Time for a dragon fight because otherwise Maleficent isn’t a threat apparently lmao. I don’t think the mcguffen card even showed up.
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Oh look it’s that asshole. Or is it? Dun dun dunnnnn. God his lips look soft. Why was this necessary???
So who has dominion over this castle? Marluxia, or Ansem?
This fucker is like “Sonny, you couldn’t even win against Sora. You don’t stand a chance against me”.
You have a teenager lying on the ground... Please reword your demands.
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Oh my god it’s Mickey Mouse! well… sort of. He’s a bright light. Gives Riku some nice words to keep him going.
Knowing what I know now about the Guardian heartless bro, everything is so much worse…
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Ooh first scene with the boys in the dark room. “Don’t I even warrant a hello, Lexaeus?” I don’t remember seeing this as funny before but now, like 10 years later I appreciate how funny it truly is. Zexion sounds so insulted.. Lexaeus is a man of few words. Then Vexen shows up and he’s getting right down to business. Zexion’s like “Nice to see you too. We all used to be so close, what happened?”
Vexen’s all offended about that and gets pissy about “rank this, rank that, ooh I’m number 4, you shrimpy child.” as if your number indicated rank. Xigbar is the 2nd member but Xemnas’s 2nd in command is Saix (from my understanding) so sit your ass down, Vex.
So Zexion’s special talent? He smells people.
Riku smells people too?. Oh ok he can smell the darkness in his skin. Take a shower! …When was the last time he even got the opportunity?
Mickey appears before him and tells him some words of encouragement. He’s transparent because he can’t fully manifest in the castle right now. So where’s the other 50% opacity hanging out at?
“We shook hands in our hearts” omg… 
Let’s go to Neverland first yay. I did a team attack with Mickey. I remember that!
Imagine being in Riku’s stupid, dumb, giant, anime boy shoes… addressing a giant, bipedal mouse as “Your Majesty”……….. Actually my sister and I used to do that back in the day when we both were obsessed with the series. Regardless of context we’d call him “King Mickey”. It makes me cringe thinking back on it.
Oh I was gonna try to challenge myself to avoid using the dark power but I guess I dont have a choice but to use it. Might as well put points into it if that’s the case.
uses Key to Beginnings, is immediately thrown into a battle with Captain Hook oh I guess we’re not focusing on any events in these worlds they’re literally just to pad out Riku’s story. Riku is officially less Disney than Sora.
How does Zexy know who Riku is? “Riku is here because Sora is here”. Vex that makes zero sense. What else is new?
Agrabah. Uneventful. Riku is not good at hitting small targets. Had a hell of a time fighting Jafar, or rather beating Iago to a pulp, in comparison to playing as Sora.
Next scene, and immediately like NO breath between the fade in and the scene itself, Vexen appears. And in even less time after he appears, “I take it you’re Riku?” This mofo has no time to waste. He’s a busy man.
Riku’s already tired of his bullshit and is ready to FIGHT. Same, Riku. Same.
I had him stun locked during most of this battle.
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Vexen is a fucking twerp. And seems alot more crazy, mad scientist-y when interacting with Riku than Sora. Emphasis on “mad”. He cray
Why do they hang out in the dark? I mean, why no lamps? All I can imagine is them hanging out and barely able to actually see each other. The only way anyone knows who’s there is because Zexion can smell people, everyone else just assumes Lexaeus is there, Vexen won’t shut up about something something science, and Axel likes to hear himself talk.
Fat boi
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Zexion and Lexaeus are talking about what’s going on,  I’m still not sure what they’re doing here. Like, do they want Sora for the Organization? But Marluxia wants Sora as his personal puppet? What about Roxas? Isn’t he like, in a coma or something? Just kill Sora, Roxas will wake up, and SOMEONE’S got a Keyblade wielder again. Lex says Vexen hates Marluxia and things with the replica could turn out disastrously because of it. What IS Vexen’s beef with Marly?
Ok I know it’s to pad out a second campaign but why does Riku go to SORA’S memory worlds? Unless Riku stalked him throughout the entirety of KH1, or had so visit them for darkness missions, and those are his memories as well? Idk, it doesn’t have to be explicitly stated
Oh no Riku, it’s you.
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So at this point he’s aware hes a copy? Does he forget later? With Namine’s meddling? How does Vexen create a living, breathing entity out of battle data? Like, where did the body come from? Did he have it on standby for a while until the right moment?
“You’re afraid of the dark” Repliku states.. Lmao yeah, Riku- he still sleeps with a night light. Don’t tell Sora.
Repliku is like, a worse Riku as far as personality goes. The punk-ass bitch Riku from KH1 but worse. Repliku is quick to ditch the double pants with suspenders and ankle belts for a muscle suit and grass skirt. I’m not sure which one’s worse.
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FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! I got two level ups out of that!
I high key love Repliku’s laugh here when Riku tries to attacks him again RIGHT AFTER THEIR FIGHT. It’s adorable, hilarious, and creepy. GG David Gallagher! Check out that video if you want. [video]
Dutch angles make everything more dramatic. Unofficial rule no. 1 of cinema. Repliku peaces out and we give chase up another flight of stairs and another cutscene plays. Repliku joins Zexion, Lexaeus, and Vexen in the dark room and they talk about introducing him to Sora.
Riku finds himself alone on the next floor, yelling at empty air. Ansem shows up to taunt Riku again. This dude just doesn’t quit. God forbid he learns no means go the fuck away.
Oh hey we’re in Atlantica! Maybe Riku can wash that darkness smell off his skin. Oh wait the water doesn’t really exist. And hes just a human, not swimming like a mermaid. Give me mer-Riku, you cowards. Twiggy mer-Sora is funny, twiggy mer-Riku with buff arms would be HYSTERICAL. I had a difficult time with Ursula because poor card management and I’m avoiding battles to get this game over with, which kinda shoots me in the foot as I’m not leveling up.
Yeah I was right, he ends up thinking HE’S Riku. I honestly feel bad for the guy… he’s so scared and betrayed. I know I was shit talking him just a bit ago but I need to protect Repliku. [video]
Give Riku a Halloween Town outfit, you cowards.
This scene between Repliku and Namine is so bittersweet. [video] Just listen to how gentle he talks to Namine. Oh, my heart cannot handle it.
This game makes me so sad. Poor Repliku, poor Namine… Larxene continues to be The Worst. Like, the ABSOLUTE worst. Was Elrena like this?
(I keep getting progressively more and more angry because I can’t upload a video file to this on desktop but I can on mobile, but if I post a video on mobile I can’t edit a read more on desktop. AND I HAVE THREE VIDEOS I WANT TO PUT IN. SO I MADE A BLOG SPECIFICALLY SO I CAN POST THEM THERE AND LINK THEM HERE)
See you in part 2, where I will continue to drag Larxene.
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honestsycrets · 6 years
A Thousand Times NO! III
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Gif credit: the-night-wanderer
A/N: Some shieldmaiden love for this chapter.
“She isn’t human.”
You lean over your chair at the wedding feast. Hvitserk was gleaming a bright grin, the only one of his brothers to have two beautiful brides. Or at least, one beautiful one. She was his prize after all. You were a shieldmaiden with more scars than a thrall. Ivar leans into you, lips moving against your ear.
“Of course she isn’t.” Ivar doesn’t question you. “Have you ever seen a more beautiful body?”
You snort-- yes, she was beautiful. Even you could admit when you saw a beautiful woman. She was glowing in gold and sheer fabrics as light as the clouds, so thinly wrapped that you could make out her perfect little curves behind the dress. The gold of her gown matched the golden lamb on Hvitserk’s belt, odd you thought. Given the woman’s heritage, however, perhaps it wasn’t that peculiar.
“That is exactly it. I mean it Ivar.” You warn. “Frigg appeared to me.”
That snatches his attention, pulling back with wide eyes and an even wider mouth in wonder. His attention is snatches as he brings his drink to his lips.
“The All-Mother appeared to you?” He asks with his voice sharpening somewhat. It was a game before, perhaps still a game to Ivar, but the stakes had changed. “What did she say?”
“She said if I left, we would never see him again. How peculiar it is that this comes up only when a new woman comes.” You look to your cup of ale and find that its presence in your stomach has churned somewhat. Whatever this thing was, woman or beast, it was not who Hvitserk thought she was.
“And so, what exactly do you plan on doing about that?” Ivar shoots his drink down.
“You must help me find out where this woman came from.” You turn to Ivar. The youngest of the brothers was also the more witty of the brothers. If anyone could be bothered to understand, it would be he. Ubbe would call you jealous and Sigurd the same.  They would not understand what was going on. Bjorn? Hopeless.
They were boys.
“Fine.” Ivar reclines back. You know that you will owe him something. But if he believed you, he was doing this for yes, the gods, but also the twins. Aesir and Aaldiv who sat in not just your lap, but Ivar’s too.
“Thank you, Ivar.” You turn back to sit upright in your chair with your eyes squarely focused on Hvitserk’s curvy new bride. Whoever she was, you would find out where she came from.
Hvitserk’s next few weeks would mean being snapped up in her bedroom for a sort of honeymoon like vacation. Fine with you, you had work to do.
With Aslaug informed, you kept everything under tight lips. You knew she would believe you. She believed the gods, her visions. She would care for the children and you would go about seeking what the All-Mother saw in this new woman.
“No one has heard of her.” Ivar grunts on his crutches through the crowd. He had become increasingly more mobile with them, but struggled all the same. It was better to go at his pace with such things.
“None of the sailors?” You supply as you walk beside him in a mellow yellowish dress. It wasn’t proper for a woman to go out in pants for just any reason. If you weren’t in a position to fight, you needed to act properly.
“None.” Ivar says in agreement. You stop in front of him.
“That is impossible. She is not of Kattegat. She is not of here. She has to have come on a boat. Someone would have forced her into marriage if she did not.” Your hands come to slap on your skirt. You turn up to the bruised peach colouring of the sky. It was getting late, dark. The clouds were suffocating you in confusion of what this could have been. You asked the farmers-- they had never seen her either. How could a woman appear without a trace? Your palms were sweaty, running together under a nervous tic of yours. It scared you to know someone could appear of thin air.
“I will go speak to the merchants.” Ivar turns and limps in another direction into the waving crowd of blonde and brown hair. The floodgates of your mind had pulled open-- and you quickly feel every aching moment pour into your brain in asphyxiating dread. The sailors hadn’t seen her, the farmers that plowed this land day in and out hadn’t seen her. If the merchants, who perhaps could have smuggled her in, didn’t see her… what options were left? Your jaw set tight. Tooth against tooth with your chest so tightly wound up, you thought you were choking. You set back for the Great Hall.
The moment you walked in you found Hvitserk at the table. Bizarre… bizarre because Hvitserk was supposed to be with Aalia. You came around him, sitting in a chair beside him while your sons played on the ground with thralls, both well fed.
“I thought you were with Aalia.” You inch closer to him.
“She said she had something to take care of.” He says cooly. You raise an eyebrow to regard him with a guarded gaze, holding your breath as you turn into him. He speaks too coldly for your husband whom has always been there for you. He sounded as if he didn’t want to talk to you. As if your presence was inconvenient. Was he not the same boy that had been fighting with you to stay? His eyes were shadowy and dark when you yanked him around to look at you. His eyes were clouded, a bizarre tracing of veins that appeared more like whipping tendrils gathering around his neck. How had no one noticed?
“Ivar.” You say out loud, kicking your chair back into a thrall. It’s desperation that manifests over yourself when Hvitserk goes to grab your arm. Instantly your forehead collides with his to buck him off of you, falling upon Ubbe who gapes. So does Sigurd.
“Where are you going?!” Sigurd hauls after you. But you’re already out of the door and heading toward where you know the merchants are in town. Your hands curled into white-knuckled fists, quaking as you looked for him. No one was in the street, absolutely no one.
Then you saw a body strewn over the ground limply. The blood felt clogged in the valves of your head coming upon the sight. No blood, no open wounds, but as you turn over your brother in law, you recognize his ailment. Blue roots like that of Yggradsil coursing over half of his face. Pale and cold, the dark portion of his eyes lulled back only to expose his sclera.
“Ivar!” You shake his shoulders. His limbs twitch, spasming as if he was dreaming. “Ivar don’t you die on me, you fucking idiot!”
“Oh he isn’t dead.” There’s a playful lilt on top of the sugary sweet voice of Aalia, who comes donned in sheer gold from somewhere in the alleyway. You drop Ivar’s hand, hand snapping to the dagger that you keep on the inside of your belt.
“I’ll fucking gut you in your sleep, you bitch.” You spit.
“But why would you do that?” Aalia says in a voice that lacks any hint that she is from the Middle East. Something is different-- wrong. Her voice tore through your thoughts like a dagger. Which speaking of, you jerked yours out. “Hvitserk would blame you for my death. We couldn’t have that now, could we?”
Her words create a lump in your throat. Hard, pastelike liquid seals your lips together. You knew she was right. Hvitserk would say that it was your fault-- that you were jealous. Then you would be on trial for her murder. How could you make him see?
“What did you do to my Ivar?” You say, the words foreign and dangerous on your tongue. Aalia treds closer, skin pulsing under a strange golden hue.
“You’re both too knowledgeable.” She remarks. “I gave him a kiss. That is all. Would you like one too?”
“Come try.” You snap back.
The closer she moves, the more you feel a heat radiating against your skin. Warm like a summer fire. You mark it into your memory as she moves closer. You bend low, glinting the silver of your blade at her. Then suddenly, she retreats. You see her eyes widen and chest rise hard. She was afraid. But of what? It takes a split second for you to realize it was your blade she was staring so intently upon. Aalia backs up when you come closer.
“Oh c’mon.” You laugh, renewed in vigor. “You can’t honestly say you’re afraid of a little knife.”
She stumbles over the payals on her feet. “N-No!”
You swipe her, grazing her chest but not causing her to bleed out. Her skin is unmarred-- and you understand now. You realize that perhaps this blade couldn’t harm her, but it was a part of the picture. Then as if magic, she dissipates. You’re not sure where she has gone. There is no sign of the burning flame that was the woman’s golden hair. The high from causing her to flit away rejuvenates you. You dash back to Ivar, picking him up off the ground with a harsh grunt. You’ve gotten soft. As you toss him over a shoulder, you feel your legs protesting the motion.
“Fat ass.” You grumble, making your way back to the Great Hall. You found a weakness. Now there were only a few more steps to take.
Step Two: Find what the hell Aalia is.
Step Three: Convince Hvitserk.
You had a feeling you would have a long trip ahead of you.
@igetcarriedawaywithyou, @kylobien, @titty-teetee, @breathlessouls, @nejijjeoroo, @bcat1291, @readsalot73, @mslothbrok (no mix), @romanchronicles, @captstefanbrandt, @ateliefloresdaprimavera, @ailucascen, @michaeliskindahot, @concretewaywardangel, @naaladareia, @cbouvier23, @the-geeky-engineer, @dorned, @lisinfleur, @funmadnessandbadassvikings, @tephi101, @akamaiden, @kirah34, @ethereallysimple, @venusloviing, @happylittlepuppydog, @beyond-the-ashes, @slutforrpg, @hipsternoionlylikeunicorns, @mixedwiththemoon, @sparklemichele, @alicedopey, @lif3snotouttogetyou, @rubyquartzshades @piebytheocean, @strangunddurm, @atequila, @rekdreams247, @justacrush, @ivarswonderlust, @peachesnpisces, @elenawrit, @equalstrashflavoredtrash, @roxxck, @dylanowhyyien, @ilvebeenabad, @vikingsmania, @huntingbears, @my-little-wolfe, @seize-the-droid, @Certifiedpoison, @hotshotstar, @deans--chevy--baby, @moondustmemories, @colourmeinblue, @ilvebeenabad, @squirtleandeeveearethebest, @rubyquartzshades, @queenmissfit, @calaena-banrion, @hallowed-heathen, @Kirah34, @lulura, @looneytunes20033, @imamom-makingadifference, @sunlightdaniel, @neeading_hugs, @Funmadnessbadassvikings, @mblaqgi, @natmors, @triumphantreturnofpies, @DMV_49, @imavulcanatheart, @attorneyl, @nina2697, @iconicvaleria, @lovelynerdytraveler@tierneygonzalez
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thepaperpanda · 7 years
Hidden treasure || Part II
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Part I
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Words: 1663
Warnings: language, cursing, violence against the reader.
SUMMARY: You are General Hux sister. After another failure, you’ve been sent back to Hux. He’s pretty annoyed by the fact he has to take care of you. No one but Hux knows, that you have some special abilities. One day you accidentally meet commander Kylo Ren. Will this meeting change everything?
Author: Cass & Rouge
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Kylo was sitting in his chair thinking about you. If your abilities were that strong it was such a shame that you were waisting them.
If you would agree, he would gladly took you in. You really impressed him by this accident.
Kylo spent few more hours thinking about your case until he made a permanent decision.
You woke up in the middle of night covered in cold sweat. You were gasping shivering all over your body. Not knowing what to do with yourself you went to your bathroom to wash your face. As you did, you got dressed and then left your chamber. You knew you won't be able to fall asleep again, so you thought you will lurk along the ship checking everything.
He sensed you easily. Your force was strong in you. He got up from his seat, he left his chamber. Kylo saw you on one of corridors few moments later.
He walked to you quietly, so you didn't notice his presence.
"Aren't you scared to walk like this here? Alone?" brunette asked standing few steps from you.
You almost jumped hearing his voice. You turned to face Kylo.
"I am not afraid." Your voice was firm. You pulled your jacket more on your shoulders.
He shook his head smiling a bit. "But you are still scared like a little cat. Please, come with me." Kylo said offering his arm to you.
You hesitated but finally you took his arm and followed him.
"You have a power in you. Raw. How did you learn to control this?" You asked softly
"Years of hard training." He said simply. "And you? How it's possible that you have such a strong power? How is it possible that I have never met you before?"
You stopped.
You didn't know what to say. You didn't want to admit Hux was your brother. Firstly, because he would kill you. Second, you haven't ever felt like a part of Hux family.
"Since I was a child I was manifesting some special powers.. I couldn't control it."
You looked at him only to lower head shortly after.
Kylo listened to you carefully. "Than why you didn't try to tame it? It's so strong... So unbridled that it's a shame that I didn't get you into my hands earlier... I want to teach you, I want you to grow strong under my wings." He said proudly.
You smirked sadly. "They tried to tame it. It didn't work. I don't think it's gonna work."
You walked to the wall and leant your forearm against it.
"I won't try to tame it. I will teach you how to keep it under your control and I will show you, how strong you can get. Trust me. I will show you how perfect your ability is." Kylo said and looked at you with his cold gaze. "I want to give you a chance to be someone, to be by my side as my apprentice."
Thoughts were running in your mind, all at once.
After few moments you gave a nod.
"Yes.. Whatever you say, Master."
Your heart stopped in the second you spotted how Armitage came out of next corridor.
"Good... My precious apprentice." Kylo mumbled and put hand to your cheek. "You will be wonderful, my dear."
Kylo looked over his shoulder in the direction you were staring. "Hux, don't you have anything else to do? What do you want?"
Armitage looked at you and Kylo in shock, he cleared his throat. "I... I wanted to talk with this girl."
Slightly shake of your head had to give Armitage a negative signal. "Don't." You tried to connect with Armitage through mind bond, but you failed. You good knew what he was going to do now. "Don't you see I'm talking with commander Ren at the moment?" Instinctively, you took a little step backwards as you spoke loudly.
"Only thing that I see is a little fucking brat that tries to join wrong place. I wanna talk with MY sister!" Hux growled loudly.
Kylo blinked and looked at you with confused gaze. "With sister? You are Hux's sister?!"
Escape. Now. As soon as this thought went through your mind, you turned around, you started to run wanting to be as far from them as possible.
"Stop!" Kylo raised his hand using force to stop you from running away.
"Thank you, Kylo..." Hux said slowly approaching Ren. "Let me take care of this scum." Armitage walked to you and grabbed your arm tightly, then Kylo let you out of his force reach. "You are going with me now!" Hux growled and forced you to follow him.
You looked over your shoulder at Kylo. With pale lips you only managed to mumble "I'm sorry."
Kylo watched both of you, frowning.
You were jerking strongly trying to free your arm from Hux's grasp.
"Let go! Let go!"
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Hux yelled and threw you into your chamber. When you were laying on the floor, Hux kicked you right into the stomach. "I have. Enough. Of. Your. Idiotic. Dreams. Bitch."
One by one, words were leaving his mouth. Kick, and then another word, kick then and another word, and like this for few minutes.
"You will never join the First Order. You are nothing. You are nothing than the disappointment for our family! Even parents couldn't look at you, that's why they've sent you away!" Hux growled as he pulled you up only to hit you in the face.
You barely could keep your eyes open. With swollen lips you whispered: "One day you'll be the one to beg me for a mercy, and I'll show it to you by wiping you out with all available cruelty I'll be disposing."
As he was holding you strongly by your throat, you snapped your fingers. In the same moment the knife that was on your nightstand floated to you immediately. You grabbed the hilt and with an agile movement you put it to Hux's throat. "You can take everything I have, or you can brake everything I am like I am made of glass, but you'll never own me."
Hux grabbed the knife and threw it away. "Listen to me, scum. I won't break you, I will kill you. I can't believe I have you as my sister!" He yelled before next few punches.
Hux threw you on the floor finally. "I don't have a sister anymore. Father was right... Instead of sending you away he should kill you like he was planning to." With these words, Hux left you alone.
It was like forever to you before you managed to crawl out of your chamber. Two stormtroopers have found you on the floor in puddle of blood. They had the order to bring you straight to Snoke's throne room.
"Where is she?" Kylo asked joining Hux.
"She is... Fine. She is in her room." Hux muttered hiding fists in his pockets.
Kylo only nodded. "Good. Everything's ready, general?"
"Yes. Invasion is ready, stormtroopers are ready. We only wait at you." Hux explained and looked at Kylo. "Can we start?"
"Yes, I am ready too." He said. "What do we know about them?"
"Rebellion base. A single one on that little planet ahead." Hux pointed on the nearest window. In front of the ship there was a planet nearby.
Hux crossed arms behind his back. "We will crush them. I took care of your ship, it's ready to use."
Kylo gave him a look. "Good."
Water. It tasted amazing. Someone was holding back of your head helping you to quench your thirst.
You rolled eyes as the wave of pain hit your head.
"Young Y/N."
Strong voice said firmly. Shorty after came sonorous laughter.
You opened your eyes wider.
Snoke. You haven't seen him before, but you knew it was him.
Snoke beared much resemblance to a human being with fairly pinkish skin and bright blue eyes. He had age spots and a large wound on his left cheek. He was dressed in a golden robe.
"Supreme Leader Snoke..." You mumbled quietly.
His eyes were still on you as he raised his palm to call one of his praetorians. "Bring Ren to me. Now."
Kylo looked surprised when he heard that Snoke had wanted to see him. He sighed heavily and went to meet with his master, he wasn't really happy thinking about this meeting.
Kylo entered the room. "You wanted to see me, Master?" Brunette asked, taking a knee and looking at Snoke.
"Some rumors came to my ears. That mighty Kylo Ren isn't able to tame a single forlorn girl."
Snoke's eyes was drilling Kylo's figure like he would have wanted to reach straight into Ren's soul.
"My young apprentice," Supreme Leader started, "You've been chosen. I want you to take care of our young Y/N. You'll train her, as well as our other recruits. And you'll make sure she has everything she needs in a reach of her hand. She's truly special, endowed with an extraordinary power. We have to reforge it into our secret weapon."
Brunette flinched a little bit. "Of course that I can tame a single forlorn girl... It's not my fault that she is Hux's sister." Kylo tried to explain himself. He nodded his head looking down. "Yes, Master. I will do everything that I can to take good care of her."
"It only helps that she's his sister. You need to fan her rage towards him. It has to spread. She's the spark of conflagration that will burn the Resistance. Along with you, young Solo."
Snoke rose from his throne, and walked to Kylo. He stopped in front of him leaning down.
"I hope I am not mistaken entrusting you with this task. If you'll let me down, I'll make sure to show you what real suffer means."
Snoke turned with his back to Kylo.
"Now go. Destroy that rebels base. You know what to do later."
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mama-ghostie-61542 · 3 years
A Thousand Lifetimes
Rated M++ for language and themes
If you recognize it, IT AIN'T MINE.
Sorry for the OOC-ness
Chapter 4
"If I hear the word 'Mom' anytime in the next five minutes, you are, all three, gonna lose grandparent privilege's! Enough with the fighting. 'Kala, you need to get over there and do your homework."
"But, Mom," my younger son shouted. "I can't do it alone."
"Yes, you can, dear. All you have to do is write the words in the blanks."
Mornings here were always crazy. This year, they got worse, with all three kids home all day and me working three jobs from home, while taking a few classes to keep up my certification. But what would do my head in were the constant conflicts of scheduling the boys services around project deadlines. Especially when my childless brother was my boss...One of them.
A text came through ~'Hey, Bry, do you have those reports ready? I have to submit them to the bank this afternoon.'
Loveland Demolition was well known in the Midwest, and had been doing well before the pandemic, but now, we were expanding again. I dug around in my ever expanding pile of outgoing paperwork for the fax copy of the expense reports my brother wanted. Why everything with this end of the family business went through me, I would never know. Maybe it was because he had named me our VP of NE Operations. Like I didn't have a decent job already. I mean, I didn't get my Doctorate for it to look pretty on my wall.
Speaking of, I have a class in 15 minutes. Botany of Common Herbs.
I sent off a quick message, ~ I faxed them yesterday. Did you not get them before the boys did?~
My brothers pit bulls were notorious for grabbing the pages as they fell out of the fax machine and shredding them.
A few minutes later, he replied, ~Dammit, Pita! The Pain got 'em. Already in transit?~
~Yep. UPS grabbed it yesterday. Email?~
~Ok. No. Need hard copy. Will reschedule with the bank. Do good in class today!~
About that time I got a plastic cup thrown in my general direction with my oldest son yelling, "More water! Please, Mommy."
Thankfully, my Botany Professor understands me being a little late, as she has a Downie of her own.
I get his water, and as I am standing at the sink for a few seconds extra to breathe, I feel a cold spot on one hip and the pressure of a thumb on my cheek.
'You are amazing, my Queen. You've got this.'
I smile as the feeling, and the ghost of his smiling eyes fades. How does he always know when the stress is getting to me and just what to say; just what to do. It's like I don't have to say a word, he just knows.
Great....Now I am gonna be all giggly the rest of the day. Probably gonna get an email from my Professor, too; nosy old bat.
Kihyun PoV
It was almost 22:00 when I felt the wobble in thin silver thread that connected us. As I reached for it, I felt her stress and frustration start to bleed through and somehow, instinctively knew what to do. It bothers me when she gets this stressed, because she forgets to take care of herself. And then the tension lodges in her back, manifesting as a knot just to the left of her spine.
Settling myself into my meditation, I could almost see her standing at the sink, working on something. Always working, this girl; whether it's on her actual job, her side hustle, an Etsy store where she sells knit caps, or the boys' homework. She ALWAYS has something going on. Her brothers hare-brained decision to expand the family business does not help in the slightest.
As I settle in, I can hear the din of the kids yelling, a timer going off on something, and from some where, another louder ding. She is amazing, how she can just take it all in stride. Some how, I know, she just needs a second to breathe, so I imagine my hand on her hip; stopping her right where she stands.
I visualize my hand cupping her cheek, and whispering to her, 'You are amazing, my Queen. You've got this.' I can't help the smile that spreads across my face as I see her smile. That soft, sweet smile, that just borders on the verge of blushing. I send how I feel seeing her smile down that thread and, some how, just know that she will be smiling all day now.
Awakening from my meditation, I glance at the clock. Hmm. Time for bed. But first, I am curious about the next chapter. How in the hell, with everything else she has on her plate, did she find the time to write this.
I set back on my bed, my pillows piled up behind me, and start reading.
Still Joey
I couldn't sleep so I got up at sunrise and made coffee. Sis woke up a little while later. I heard her alarm go off and then, I heard her sniffle a little. As she stumbled to the kitchen for her morning coffee, her whole bearing was like all the wind had been sucked out of her.
My heart went out to her.
"Sis. What's wrong?"
"Nothing, Joey. Just my own brain. Think I am going crazy. That's all."
I'm right there with you.
"Explain," I said.
Rather than use actual words, she put on 'Comatose' by Too Close To Touch. "This says it better than I ever could."
I set aside the story and brought up the song. As I sat there listening, I could almost feel how hurt she was. How she thought she was going crazy. I wanted, so much, to fly to her, where ever she was.
"Sissie," I sighed, "What is the matter?"
"I think I am losing my mind, Joey. I just don't want to remember, if remembering is always going to hurt. I'm afraid that it will cost me the one of the two things I am most afraid to lose; my kids or my mind."
"You aren't going crazy, Sis. Who told you that you were crazy for feeling like that?"
"Mom. According to her, I am. Apparently, it is all just a construct of my own mind. Can't be real because it's all in my head, but it is all that I could ever dream of. It makes me want to sleep until it is real. I want to forget the way his voice sounds, cause it hurts too much to hear it when I am alone. I want to forget the color of his eyes, but I see it everyday in my coffee. I want to forget it all, so it doesn't hurt anymore. There is no way he can be real. No way his smell can be real. The more I remembered, I guess, the more I want to forget."
"Bryn, tell me about him?"
"What does it matter? He is no more than a fantasy my own mind created," she said as she dug in a cabinet and added a more than generous amount of Jack Daniels to her coffee.
"Bry! Really??"
"What," she groused as she sipped on her coffee flavored whiskey.
"It is barely sun rise and you are already drinking. What would he say if he caught you?"
"Doesn't matter," she grumbled as her bottom lip pulled in a little and blinked rapidly, a sure sign she was fighting back her own tears. I could see her start to fold in around herself.
'No, my dear, I am very real. And very disappointed.'
"Bullshit," I yelled. "It does matter! I will prove you wrong. I'll prove to you that he is very real," I growled in my own temper, as I leaned over the table at her, "and I know him. He would be so disappointed in you, right now. Instead of working with the connection, you were trying to drown the memories in whis-," I came to a dead stop as I realized what was actually happening. "How long have you been fighting them? The memories, I mean."
'Told ya. Wait. What!? She'd been wrestling with our memories? Oh, my stubborn Wolf, you were never meant to carry them all yourself.'
She deflated and slid the mug away from her. Resting her head on her arms, she whispered, "I was 14 the first time I remembered anything. At the time it was no more than a whisper, a cold spot when I was upset or hurting. Which, lets be honest, was a lot of the time back then. When I was 16, I finally worked up the courage to talk to someone about my dreams. My mistake was telling Ma."
I cringed. I had heard nasty stories about her mom, but sat still and let her continue.
Is her mother really that bad? How much of this had she been keeping from me.
"She went off and let loose a litany of my supposed short-comings. I still remember it, to this day. 'You are so stupid. Why would any man, especially one like THAT, want anyone like you. Anyone else would be better than YOU; you stupid, worthless, ignorant, ugly, child.' After that, I went back to keeping it all to myself. This one," she said as she brought up Forest Blakk's 'Find Me', "Says it all."
I put on the song and knew how it had hurt her for years. My anger burned when the artist spoke of being told you were crazy. 'I want her, you Crazy Bitch. Good Mother, Please,' I started, before thinking better of the prayer that had been on my tongue a moment ago. 'Please watch over her, Grandmother.'
Hearing her own mother call her those things, was tough to listen to. But I could tell she still wasn't finished yet. I let her go, she had years of this pain to offload.
"As I got older, it changed. I was almost 26 when the burn of a kiss landed on my cheek. My ex-husband, at the time, saw the blister it left and went ballistic. Woke me up by kicking the end of the bed. 'I want a divorce. I don't know who he is, but I plan on making you pay for it. Now, get your stuff and get out.' And I paid for it, alright. Didn't even bother to ask if I had it the night before, just assumed I was sneaking out. I never did. Looking back now, maybe I should have left the first time accused me. The ink wasn't dry on the divorce papers when he got remarried. Literally, got them both done in half an hour."
"Are you kidding me? He wanted to accuse you, but he...," I will admit that I was finally starting to see just how messed up her life had been. "Did you love him?"
'Messed up,' I thought, 'No, Sir. Her life has been a craptastic shitshow of epic fucking proportions. Honestly, I would like to know what fucking moronic bastard ordered this shitastical fuckfest for my Queen! I'd like to fucking throat punch him.'
She shook her head. "No. My mother sat it all up. Literally walked into the house Friday afternoon and said, 'You are getting married on Monday at 9.' He was getting deployed and she thought he would be a good fit for me, that she would get grands out of the deal. She didn't find out he was fixed until he was already gone. That is where I learned to keep my hair really short. He used to drag me around by it and scream about all of the things I did. The next day he would scream and drag me around by it to yell about all the stuff I didn't get done."
"So it was more or less arranged?"
"Yeah. After that, I met the asshole. The day he left, I had just buried a brother, and I had lost my job; all on my birthday. After all that, I fell into a deep depression. To the point where I would wonder sometimes why I was still breathing. It was in that place that I saw him. It was no more than his eyes, the exact shade of my coffee, and that voice, but still; if not for him..." she trailed off, a haunted look in her eyes.
After a few minutes of her staring off into space, I prodded, "If not for him?"
She turned and looked at me, "I wouldn't be here. I would have cut ties with this world and willingly walked right into that darkness. I can remember him telling me once, 'Don't you give up. Don't you dare give up. Get up, keep moving.' It was those eyes though, watching them seem to burn in the darkness. They stayed with me so much that I drew them at least a thousand times."
"Yep. Dark eyes that burn," she chuckled. "Got called crazy for that one, too. 'Why do you always draw the exact same thing, ya crazy bitch? How about a tree or a nice mountain. Why is it always those damned eyes, Not that a worthless bitch like you can draw anyway.' So yeah, there's that."
"Hold it. She actually called you worthless?"
Bryn just nodded. "Multiple times, and ugly quite a few times. At the end with the ex, she told me, 'I hate that when I, and she stressed the 'I', put a block in your path, you seem to dance around it and go off into the woods and still end up on the other side. That you whip off of the beaten path, going God knows where, on some barely visible game trail, and somehow still come out on the other side, just where you meant to be'. She said nothing pissed her off more than my ability to adapt."
'That's my Ghostie,' I thought as I smiled proudly. 'Her ability to see things others miss, explodes lower minds.'
Now, I have seen pictures of her mom and old photos of Bryn when she was younger. Let me tell you, when she was young, Bryn was coltishly pretty before becoming ethereal. Not that you could tell it now. Now, she jokes that she traded looks for brains about the time she got her doctorate.
"So, how did you end up with Clark?"
"He was there and I was getting tired of waiting, tired of my Auntie's trying to set me up with whatever boy they could find. One tried to set me up with her ex-nephew. That was nothing but awkward. We are still good friends, almost family. He has said before, 'I love you to bits, but that is icky, you are like a sister to me. Now, please, go throw on a skirt, you have amazing legs and should show them off.' That boy can turn up the girlfriend vibe in 3 seconds...flat.
I know someone who can do that. Weird.
"In the end, I got tired of the pitying looks I would get at the family things. Truth be told, when I told him to either commit or get out, I thoroughly expected him to take off at a run, like he couldn't get away fast enough. Before I knew what had happened, he told everyone I had proposed and picked a Saturday. After that, it was a whirlwind and I almost took off."
"Took off? Eloped?"
She snickered. "No. Ran away. Far away."
"Oh. So you almost pulled a runner?"
"Oh yeah. Had my bestie stand up with me because I knew that if Haka showed up and objected, he would have knocked Clark to the floor to give me time to run."
'I very nearly did show up.'
I thought back to what I said when he finally left.
"What did I say?" I stood there, leaning on the doorway, arms crossed over my chest, fingers tapping on my bicep. The look on my face was thoroughly parental.
"That it would never work."
"You were right, I was wrong, I am sorry."
"You gonna listen to me from now on?" My face was passive, but there if she had looked she would have seen the anger in my eyes. I wasn't mad at her, I was more than a little upset with him, though.
"Yes, Dear."
"Good Girl. I'll be home as soon as I can." I cupped her face, kissed her forehead, and said, "Don't do it again. Next time you won't get away with it, my stubborn Wolf."
"Next time?"
I was turning to head back to my body, "First one doesn't count. It was arranged. This one, you got swept up in. Don't do it again. Now, go to sleep."
I had to breathe a minute against the anger building in my chest. Then, I went back to the story.
"You call him 'Haka'? That's cute."
"Yeah, he's Heyhaka, the Elk. Haka, for short. Then there is Sweet Pea, and the occasional Assbag."
"And is he often a jerk?"
"Nah. Only when he is making promises he has no intentions to keep."
'Listen here, Lady! I fully intend to keep them when they are made, Woman!'
"I really don't think he would make them if he didn't intend on keeping them, Sissie. Sometimes, circumstance gets in the way, and then they don't get the focus they deserve. How does he phrase it?"
"All he says is 'Soon'."
I laughed. "The word 'soon' is not a promise. It's an open guarantee."
"It's a half promise. He can't put a time on it so he just says soon. You know, sometimes you can be kind of dense."
'Exactly. You are kind of thick sometimes, Darling.'
Bryn's cheeks pinked. "Aww, shut the fuck up," She laughed.
"You've got a potty mouth!"
My jaw dropped. 'Naughty.'
"Like you didn't know or don't have one of your own. Has he not told you the extent of my sailor's mouth?"
"He doesn't know that I know you. I get to hear about everything from both sides. Kinda makes me wanna poke my ear drums out sometimes."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't worry about it. You two are fuckin' perfect for each other."
'I guess we are, huh?'
About that time, the kids started waking up. Davidd was first, followed by Mattie, and then Darryn. I was sitting on the couch, getting the walkthrough of how to turn on the cartoon channels when Mattie climbed up next to me and curled up in my side.
"Morning, Munchkin," I said cheerfully.
She sagged against me and whispered, "Morning, Uncle Joey. Can I have some new milk?"
I was taken aback by the simplicity of the request. "Shouldn't you be asking your mom for that?"
"I would but Daddy called and him and mama got into another fight."
'And that just cashed out my good night.', I thought as I could have sworn I heard a knock at my door.
A-N:) Please don't shoot the messenger. Spirit put up some of the tags. Lol.
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