#bitches love their brush tests. Now a. A real guy !
twilightarcade · 6 months
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brush test ...
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xzaddyzanakinx · 6 months
Not That Kind of Guy
Part Six: Stalker!Anakin Skywalker × femme reader series
Warnings: stalking, weirdo behavior, psychotic/delusional behavior, possessive/protective, sexism/misogyny, sexual content/fantasizing, pervy behavior, NONCON (somno), mask kink (Ghostface), sex toys, knife, spitting, cumplay, nude vids/pics, masturbation, forced oral, forced orgasm, drugging [Be sure to pay attention to future warnings in the series]
Info: Anakin is such a good 👻 even without all the stabbing. He’s getting cocky with us. Some bitch tries to flirt.[diary entries from Ani] extremely not proofread. MDNI 18+
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Diary Entry: July 12th
I feel alittle bit bad… but not really, for lying to you. I don’t actually have work tonight. It just seemed like the most logical thing to say you know? So… apologies baby, that wasn’t very nice of me.
To make up for the lie I was about to tell you, I slipped a pair of your panties from your laundry basket, you were awfully dazed after I used that little line I stole from one of your books. It was really, really cute how you fawned like that. Those big beautiful doe eyes looking up at me like I’d just told you that you won the lottery.
I guess you kind of did, or at least my version of it. I had a lot planned for you tonight and tomorrow night. You’re getting your reward and then some.
So with your pretty little lacy panties in my pocket I went upstairs and immediately got to work. Now, I know this probably sounds just a smidgen gross but I promise I’ve tried it out on some of my own clothes until I got it right. You won’t even notice.
It’ll be just like your pillow okay? That small, harmless piece of me helps you sleep at night and, well, I want you to feel that secure all the time. No matter where you are. I want you to have a piece of me.
So, you know that strange little extra bit of fabric in the crotch of all your panties? That no one really knows the purpose of? Well I’ve discovered the perfect purpose.
With a small flat paint brush I’m going to dot my cum along the seam on the inside of that pocket.
Like I said, I’ve tried it out. You won’t even notice, it won’t get all crusty and gross like you might think okay? It’ll only be alittle teeny, tiny, bit of it.
So, I’ve tested it on my things, but not yours. I didn’t want to test it on the dirty pairs I’d borrowed from you because well… those are mine and they won’t be going back into your drawer. Ever.
That’s why I snatched up this pair. To test it on the real thing. And when I tell you this is the best idea I’ve had in a while I mean it. It’s perfect. I’ve already got everything set up.
Those dirty panties are really gonna help me out while I pump my cum out into your favorite new coffee mug.
The second you leave for work I’m headed over there to carefully apply my love to every pair of undies you’ve got. I just know how much you enjoy it, I mean you only ever use the pillow I keep fucking, so I’m doing something right… right?
You little freak. Needing my cum in your panties so you can feel safe and comfy even without me there to hold your hand. We’re not quite there yet and that’s okay, because we have these subtle ways of loving each other don’t we?
Date: July 12th
If the little bell above the door chimes *one more time* and it’s not Anakin, you might scream. It’s 7:20, doesn’t he have to clock-in at 8:00ish? What if he didn’t actually mean it? Was he just being nice? Have you read this situation completely wrong? Have you-
You could’ve gotten whiplash from the speed at which you swiveled your head toward the entryway. A flood of relief rushed over you when you saw the familiar bright face that belonged to your dreamy eyed neighbor.
“Hey sweetheart.” He said, his voice low and smooth. He didn’t hide the way he drank in your appearance, or at least what was visible behind the counter.
“Anakin!” You squeaked, blush dusting across the bridge of your nose.
“What’s a guy gotta do for a slice of butterscotch pie?” He crooned, hopping up on the red and chrome barstool nearest to you.
“Say please.” You smirked.
“Please princess, may I have a slice of pie?” He grinned.
You produced a pre-cut slice in a small to-go container from the icebox behind the counter. Sliding it across the counter to him with a fork laid across the top, you missed the small frown on his lips when you were startled by the bell again.
“Sorry. I’ll be right back.” You said hurriedly.
You rushed to the booth where an older man, one of your regulars, slid into place. He always ordered the same thing. Coffee and the daily special, so you were back in front of Anakin in no time at all.
“Hi.” You smiled, letting out a rushed breath.
“Hey sweetheart.” He said, his eyes soft and warm. “Tryin’ to get rid of me already?” He teased, tapping the to-go box with the fork.
“What? N-no of you course not.” You shook your head vehemently. “No, I just wasn’t sure if you were coming and I thought-“
“Wait,” he stopped you, plucking the pen that was still tightly gripped in your palm and replacing it with his fingers. “You thought I wasn’t coming?” He asked.
He looked hurt, deeply hurt, at the notion that you would think he would miss a single second of being in your presence. His hand cradled yours in the way that gentleman in movies held the hands of women they fancied, right before they bring their knuckles to their lips for a kiss.
“Well, it’s just- it was later than I thought.” You said anxiously, feeling silly that you’d doubted him, beginning to quickly over explain yourself. “I just know you’ve gotta be at work at 8:00 or something and I was worried you were running late and wouldn’t make it and I was gonna take it home to give you tomorrow or…”
You stopped, seeing a big grin gracing his pretty face.
“Shh, s’alright darlin’.” He chuckled, “take a breath.”
You blushed, how does he always make you so flustered? He must think you need coddling. Maybe that’s why he’s so sweet to you. He’s seen how utterly hopeless you are and he just feels the need to coddle you.
“Sorry.” You said quietly.
“Baby, look up here.” He commanded in a gentle but firm voice, snapping his fingers twice and you immediately met his gaze. “Atta girl.”
“Now listen to me.” He said softly. “Don’t you ever doubt that I will show up for you. Okay? I’m a man of my word, always.”
“Okay.” You nodded, your head practically empty as a dizzy feeling wracked your brain.
“Good.” He smiled. “Now. Tell me how you know what time I go to work.” He smirked.
“What?” You squeaked, not even realizing you’d said that aloud. “Oh my god I’m sorry, I just… just a lucky guess- I mean I see you leave pretty often around that time so I just assumed…”
“Pretty girl, you’ve been creepin’ on me haven’t you?” He teased, his smile only growing as he watched your face pale and reheat within seconds.
“No! No, god no Anakin!” You squealed grabbing both his hands. “Jesus, you must think I’m crazy. It’s- I sit next to my window to read around that time and I’ve just noticed you walk past.”
“Well I’ll make sure I start waving in your direction okay, princess?” He chirped, his face seemed to boast that he was absolutely giddy at this new information.
“I promise I haven’t been- god that sounded so weird I’m sorry.” You whispered, utterly embarrassed by your own admission. He’d never speak to you again.
“Hey, hey, hey.” He chuckled, squeezing both your hands. “I’m just teasing sweetheart. You know that don’t you?”
“Y-yeah.” You nodded, internally trying not to scream at yourself.
“Sorry.” You whispered, pulling your hands away because your palms started to feel clammy.
“Shh. Don’t worry about it.” He said softly. “I didn’t mean to make you upset. I just thought it was cute that’s all.” He smiled.
“Cute?” You repeated, your face reddened to the point that you began to feel hives sneaking up your neck.
He shrugged in response, lifting both hands up as well. A little smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth as he leaned over the counter and snatched your order pad from your apron pocket.
“There’s a table in the corner that’s been glaring at you for the past minute and a half.” He tilted his head in their direction. “Go take a minute for yourself. I’ll get it.”
“Wait but you-“
“I’ll get it.” He interrupted.
“What did I just say?” He said sternly.
“You’ll get it.” You responded quietly, eyes wide at his response… and the swirling storm of heat that pooled in your lower stomach.
“Good girl. Go.” He gestured dismissing you with a wave of his hand before turning on his heel.
Diary Entry: July 12th
Oh my sweet, sweet little girl.
I just love you so much I want to scoop you up and tuck you in my pocket.
You’ve been watching me. You little sneak. I purposefully don’t look up at your window when I leave and come home from work. I know you’re sitting there, I just didn’t know you were aware of me walking past. I don’t like to look up there because, well, I’m me. I’d get distracted. Horribly distracted and terribly late to work.
That’s why my head is always down, eyes scorching holes into my phone screen as I watch you, watching me.
You are so much like me. So much.
You’re just perfect for me princess. I’ve never found someone or even dreamed of finding someone who could appreciate me like I would appreciate them. That must be why it took me so long to find you, good things come to those who wait.
Waiting for you has become one of my favorite things.
I waited and waited and waited. I researched, gathered and collected, stored, filed and tucked away every minuscule detail of your life I could get my hands on. All before I let myself step foot in your apartment.
Then I waited some more. Waited until I could move in next door. Waited until I could finally let you see me.
Now I needed to wait for tomorrow.
For you to get your little drink and watch me like I watched you at the diner. Then when you get home, you’ll crawl in bed. All snuggled up in your comfy new sheets.
And it’ll be your turn to wait.
Ps. Did you know that Amazon sells pill moulds? I forgot to mention it earlier. Your SleepyTime tea won’t be enough, for this visit. I’m really lucky they have one that looks almost identical to Tylenol. I’m also really lucky that you’re oblivious enough not to question how ‘your’ bottle of Tylenol got placed conveniently next to your birth control to encourage you to take it.
I’ll make the quick switch and I’ll change them back asap.
Don’t worry, I’m not mixing drugs that shouldn’t be mixed. It’s perfectly safe to take your SleepyTime Trazodone Tea and Estazolam. I would never put you in danger. I even accounted for the fact that you always take two.
It’s real handy that I’ll have a whole bottle of ‘Tylenol’ just in case I need to pull out this trick again.
Date: July 12th
The moment you got home you practically sprinted to the shower. Not because you felt icky from work. Not because it was hair wash day. Not because you just needed to get clean.
You needed a good cold shock to your system.
The icy water pelted you like hail. If it weren’t for the chattering of your teeth and the blood rushing to your ears you swear you’d be able to hear the water sizzle and evaporate against your scorching hot skin.
Anakin had ruined you. Absolutely ruined you.
You hardly know him. How can he make you feel like this and you’ve only spoken to him for maybe an hour in total. That’s insane. You’ve interacted with him for maybe an hour or two if you take into account the times you’ve passed each other in the hall and said hello.
It’s like he knows you down to your very soul.
He acts like he was put on earth to serve you; like it’s his only reason for existing. If you were told that every thing he does, he does for you… you’d believe it wholeheartedly.
He speaks to you like he needs you to hear every syllable and know deep in your heart that he is very fucking serious about everything he says. His voice is tailored to fit your needs perfectly. He can be soft spoken and comforting. Kind and understanding. He can be firm and unwavering, serious, stern.
His voice can also be deep, rough, gravely. It can grip your attention and hold you under his thumb in a way that no man has ever done before. It’s sinful really.
He touches you like you are a precious, fragile relic meant to be coveted and kept safe. Handles you like the finest silk, like he knows each and every thread you’re woven with. Those hands, they feel so familiar.
‘He’s loved me in a past life.’ You thought to yourself. ‘That’s the only explanation.’
How else could your body light up in recognition at the firm but gentle caress of his guitar-calloused fingertips along your arms?
He looks at you and sees you.
He sees what you’ve kept locked away from everyone, maybe even the things you yourself can’t see.
You let yourself ponder over the very real possibility that you’ve gone insane. This is crazy. You’re acting like you’ve lost your last marble and you can’t catch it before it rolls under the fridge to be lost forever.
What if it’s all in your head?
What if none of these feelings are reciprocated and you’ve imagined it all? Could you really be that daft?
You shook your head and turned the shower off, stepping out and wrapping yourself in a big fluffy robe. Letting yourself drip-dry in front of the mirror while you desperately try to warm yourself back up. All the while still being painfully aware of the ache between your legs that never fully goes away. Not since the first time you felt it in his presence.
It wanes when you’re away from him. It barely dwindles to a quiet lull when you try to fix it yourself. It’s become an itch that you simply cannot scratch. It’s an incessant nagging reminder that Anakin is slowly consuming you and that he’s completely unaware of it.
It’s gotten to the point that sometimes when you wake up in the morning, it feels like you’ve been toyed with. You’ll wake up with panties soaked with arousal, so much so that the fabric sticks to you. Your nipples feel sensitive and raw. You swear you can feel the ghost of warm hands much larger than your own exploring your flesh.
You’ve come to the conclusion that your body is begging for you to give it what it needs.
You’ve all but given up on masturbation. You’re certain that nothing, not even the most luxe toy on the market could give you what Anakin could.
His cock is the only thing that can sate that horrible tug of desperate hunger you feel in your core.
Until you can have him it seems that you’ll be going to bed hungry and waking up starving.
Diary Entry: July 13th
I should win an award. I have worked so fucking hard on self control and god damn you tested me last night.
I was gnawing off my own fingers trying to quiet myself enough to hear your soft desperate pleas for release. You poor thing, if it hurts me so badly to wait that long to cum… I can only imagine what it feels like for you.
Almost an hour of it.
I could hear it baby. How wet you were for me, the sound your delicate little fingers made when you slid them down beneath your panties and as deeply into your needy little hole as you could.
It just wasn’t deep enough was it, princess?
Twice tonight you’ve tried and failed to give yourself an ounce of relief. If anything you’ve made it worse.
I walked home from ‘work’ (aka the 7/11 because I needed a snack and for you to see me now that I knew you were watching) and listened to your first try, I promise I wasn’t trying to invade your privacy like that. That’s the whole reason there’s no visual to the camera installed in your room. Audio only.
Audio that I always make a point to survey, along with footage from the other cameras, on my way home from work. Gotta keep updated you know? See what I’ve missed.
Anyway, that time you gave up relatively quickly. Must’ve decided to wait for me to get back huh? I saw you. Sitting in the window, watching me watch you through the screen.
Funny that a few minutes after I’d locked my front door I got the notification that your bedroom door had been shut. And I suppose it could’ve been a coincidence that when I pulled up the live audio I just so happened to catch the rustling of your sheets and the soft sigh escaping your lips as you starting in on your second attempt to pleasure yourself.
Of course I couldn’t let you do it alone. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t join my little princess in the bedroom any chance I got?
The pitiful noises you made broke my heart.
You tried so hard didn’t you sweetheart? All that work and you didn’t even cum. It made me hurt for you. I felt ashamed that I finished and you didn’t.
I provided solid, albeit silent and unseen, support while you worked. I wanted nothing more than to burst through your door and help you. To let you take what you needed from me.
I could be your toy. I’d be still, I’d be good. I’d let you use me until you’ve gotten your fill.
You deserve it after all the selfish teasing.
I’m sorry that you’ve been left so needy.
I’m not sorry that I did it though. How could I be sorry for the way I can make you squirm even in your sleep?
Remember what I said about killing two birds with one stone? Well, let’s make that a quad-kill okay doll?
Date: July 13th
You were giddy with excitement, you woke up in the best mood. You flitted to the kitchen and made yourself a cup of coffee in your brand new favorite Hello Kitty mug, then plopped onto the couch to call Luke.
“What are you doing tonight?” You asked the second you heard the call connect.
“What I don’t even get a hello? A goodmorning?” He scoffed.
“Hello, Goodmorning. What are you doing tonight?” You asked, meaning to sound sarcastic but you were too blissfully happy to sell it.
“Probably me.” You heard a gruff, sleepy voice crackle from a distance on Luke’s end of the line. Han.
“Jesus what’s wrong with you?” Luke snapped in a hushed whisper.
“What?” Han asked as though he truly didn’t understand what Luke was referring to.
“Sorry. Anyway.” Luke cleared his throat and you swear you heard Han chuckled and the rustling of sheets along with a dull thud and groan coming from Han.
“Lukey don’t kick your boyfriend.” You sighed, “now both of you shut up.”
“I need you to come to the bar with me tonight. You know for moral support.” You said, a giggle slipping through. “Anakin came to the restaurant for pie yesterday and he wants me to come get a drink at The Cerulean tonight.”
“So, he asked you out?” Luke questioned skeptically.
“Well no,” you said slowly. “Not exactly. He’s gonna be working… he just wanted me to come say hello cause he came to the restaurant…” you trailed off.
“We saw each other at the laundromat yesterday.” You started to explain. “And we realized we never told each other where we worked, and then we both realized we’d actually been to each other’s work… he even served me a drink at the bar. I finally remembered where I knew his face from! I thought he looked familiar.” You said proudly.
“So, you saw him at the laundromat. Invited him to the Bluebird for pie, he’s returning the favor by asking you to come see him at the bar?” Luke repeated.
“Yep. So you’ll come with me?” You asked, a grin spreading across your lips.
“Fuckin’…” He groaned. “Of course I’m coming with you are you stupid? You think I’m letting you go to a bar alone?”
“Oh I just love you.” You cooed, so so relieved he’d agreed.
“You better.”
With your hair pulled back in a loosely curled bun, you slipped into a cute little lilac slip dress that fit you just right. Some heels to match hastily strapped on you timidly walked into your living room and did a little spin for your best friend and his pet leech Han.
“How’s this?” You asked, gesturing to your outfit Vanna White style.
“Perfect.” Luke said with a grin. “Hot.”
“Really?” You asked as a small shy smile crossed your mouth.
“Have I ever lied to you?” He asked seriously.
“No.” You giggled.
“You look gorgeous. Now take me to meet this little boy-toy of yours.” He said, standing up from the couch as Han dutifully follow behind.
“He’s not little. He’s actually pretty tall.” You said nonchalantly.
“Do you have to have an answer to everything?” He scoffed.
“For you? Yes.”
You walked up to the bar, Han and Luke trailing closely behind you. You didn’t see Anakin. When you turned around to pout to your friends you were surprised to see Anakin standing behind you with his hands in his barkeep’s apron.
Luke watched the exchange with narrowed eyes and his lips pulled up in a “hmm” position. Like he was scrutinizing every last movement and word said. Maybe he was wrong about this guy. Maybe you were right and he really was all you’d painted him to be.
“Boo.” He grinned.
“Ani!” You said excitedly clapping, not even realizing you’d dropped a nickname for him.
But he noticed. He noticed and it almost brought him to his knees. Though instead of passing out and throwing up like he felt that he was going to, his hand came up to your bicep to glide down the back of your arm and bring your hand to his lips. Brushing those plump pink lips across your knuckles, all while deeply, intensely, staring into your eyes.
“Hey princess.” He smiled, then broke eye contact to address your friends and leave you to buffer.
Your turn to faint.
“You guys with her?” He asked politely, giving them a once over know that he was in front of them, up close.
“Mhm.” Luke answered. A polite smile on his lips as he stuck out his hand. “Yeah I’m Luke, this is Han.” He nodded toward him and Anakin introduced himself in return, shaking their hands.
“Look, I told Trev I’d be taking a little break to hang out with you all for a bit.” Anakin said, pointing at his work friend. “He’s happy to oblige until he gets sick of handling it by himself.” He grinned.
Conversation flowed between the three of them easily and you thoroughly enjoyed watching it play out. No one you’d ever crushed on had ever won Luke over, but Anakin was definitely cracking the concrete wall Luke built in his head to protect you.
You didn’t even feel the need to speak, you were comfortable and content just to listen. Anakin made you feel included even if he wasn’t speaking directly to you. Every so often he would tap his sneaker against the side of your heel, he’d be talking in depth about something with Luke or Han but staring at you like you were the only person in the room.
You wished he would grab you and pull you closer. But he was too respectful, too… traditional? Was that the right word? What else would you call someone who you’ve come to believe is practically courting you.
That’s what this is. You know it. You’ve seen it, read it, consumed it in enough forms of media to know that he is testing the waters and waiting for you to accept his offer.
This is the modern version of a promenade about the park.
The sweet words. Gentle touches. Occasional obvious flirts. Cutesy nicknames. Only meeting you in public, allowing you to oblige it on your terms. Offering his help in anyway he could. Not asking you out on a date, a proper one. He hadn’t even given you his phone number.
It all translates.
Sweet nothings whispered in the parlor. Comments that would’ve had you hiding your blush with a silk fan. Princess, Baby, Sweetheart; Precious, My Love, My Sweet. He even called you darlin’.
Courting means publicly inviting you to take his hand. Respectfully requesting you to allow him to steal away a piece of your heart. The gentlemanly way.
Offering his help with the groceries, gifting you the book. You’d accepted both and you only had one more until you’d be giving him silent permission to ask you to be his.
Yet you hadn’t even realized it until right now. Wait… did carrying your laundry count? No. Surely not. No. The others were extremely memorable. The third would be even more so, you were sure of it.
“Sweet girl.” Anakin cooed, snapping you out of your thoughts. “I’ve gotta go back behind the counter. What do you want to drink? On me, alright baby?”
“Oh,” you stuck out your bottom lip slightly and quirked up the corner of your mouth in thought, “Um just surprise me.” You smiled.
“Sure thing.” He grinned, a gentle thumb graced your cheekbone before he turned on his heel and headed back where he was needed.
“I’m so sorry for doubting you.” Luke said in a low and serious tone. “Like truly I’m baffled.”
“I know.” You agreed, wide eyed at Luke’s approval.
“The woman was too stunned to speak.” Han said, trying not to smirk.
“Do not quote memes to me right now.” You giggled.
You heard the double snap of Anakin’s fingers and spun around like the obedient little thing you were. Happily taking the two small steps to lean on the bar and accept your drink from Anakin.
“Margarita?” He asked, sliding it toward you.
“Yummy.” You nodded, “thank you.” You blushed.
“Oh, ‘course.” He grinned. “Anytime doll.”
“Beer for the boys.” He said, nodding at them behind you and producing two tall foamy mugs.
“Oh thanks, you didn’t have to do that.” Han said, taking a swig.
“No big deal.” Anakin shrugged, turning back to you. “Go have fun. Find me before you leave alright?”
“Uh huh.” You giggled, “I will.”
“I know.” He patted the counter near your hand and winked before turning to take someone else’s order.
“Oh you’ve got it bad.” Han let out a rumbling laugh.
“Uh huh.” You agreed enthusiastically, knowing it was true and not caring enough to pretend it wasn’t obvious.
The rest of the night was more of the same, your friends teasing you. Stealing a glance toward the bar to see that Anakin was already staring at you with the intensity of a burning star.
“You ready to go home?” Luke asked Han.
“Mmm.” He grunted in agreement and looked at Luke expectantly.
“Go on.” Luke shooed you toward the bar to tell Anakin you were leaving. They walked toward the door to wait for you, giving you just a hair of privacy.
As you walked up to the bar, Anakin was speaking to a girl who was very obliviously trying to flirt with him.
“What’ll you have?” He asked flatly.
“What’s your favorite?” She smiled, leaning on the counter and pushing her tits together.
“If you want a recommendation go to Jess.” He pointed to another coworker who was currently mixing a drink. “She’ll help.”
“What? You think I can’t handle whatever whiskey it is that you like best?” She giggled, clearly unfazed by his lack of interest.
It made your heart swell, he was acting this way and he didn’t even realize you were within earshot. He was so busy wiping down the counter to avoid eye contact with this girl, he hadn’t looked up once.
“I don’t drink.” He said.
“A bartender who doesn’t drink?” She laughed and it sounded like a fucking cackle, you saw Anakin suck in his cheeks and turn his head to tuck his chin into the shoulder farther from her to ensure he wouldn’t burst into laughter at her.
He cleared his throat and finally looked up. The eyes you know as warm and comforting looked cast from frozen steel.
“That’s what I said isn’t it?” Anakin’s voice was cold in a way that you’d never heard before and it scared you… but also kind of excited you? Like the cold wave you’d felt from his gaze once before it was gone in an instant.
Once again he’d surprised you. Just like every other time you’d been in his company. The girl scoffed and muttered something under her breath but Anakin had already left the one sided conversation and his face softened, the blue of his eyes being swallowed by the pools of black that spilled over every time he looked at you.
“There’s my princess.” He cooed. Proving without you even asking, that he had eyes only for you.
“I came to say I’m headed home.” You smiled bashfully, your hands clasped together in front of you as you rocked from your toes to your heels.
“Your body guards are walking with you right?” He asked, concern creeping in to his gentle voice.
“Of course.” You nodded, it was so sweet that he worried about you like this.
“Good.” He smiled, holding out his hand and using two fingers to beckon you closer.
You stepped forward and gave him what he wanted, your hand to squeeze gently.
“Be safe okay? I’ll see you soon?”
“Yeah.” You nodded enthusiastically. “Yes you’ll see me soon.”
“Thats my girl.” He flashed a bright smile, taking your one hand in both of his and kissing your knuckles. Rubbing his across your skin his thumbs creating a heart on the back of your hand when he pulled away.
“Bye Ani.” You said, making a quick escape with one last look over your shoulder before running to Luke and Han.
After they returned you safely to your home you went about your nightly routine. Boil water, make tea, take birth control, and oh look at that you even had the forethought to set Tylenol out as well. Pop two of those and then shower quickly, settle in for bed and before you know it, you’re so asleep that you can’t hear your front door unlock.
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Anakin intently listened to the audio of your bedroom intently on his way home. From the way you were snoring Anakin knew you were deep, deep, deep in sleep. Even so, he needed to be careful, so after he showered at his apartment he crept silently into yours with a small bag in tow.
He tested your level of unconsciousness via sound before even attempting to enter your room. Just like every other time he’d snuck in. No response.
So he opened your bedroom door and gently shooed the cat out of the room. She was very unhappy about this considering Anakin usually let her snuggle in his lap when he came to watch you sleep. But he wasn’t here to watch or to get a quick fix, not even for a little bit of teasing.
He was here to play.
Armed with the necessary tools he laid them neatly on the foot of the bed after slipping on his Ghostface mask. Cliché sure, but he knew your little secret. If you happened to wake up, which was highly unlikely, he’d be anonymous and you’d think it was another wet dream.
He pushed up the sleeves of his solid black hoodie, carefully took off his sneakers, followed by his leather gloves. He hated having to take the extra measure to hide his identity just in case but it’s his own fault for having so many tattoos.
Once finished he picked up your wrist and dropped it, watching it fall clumsily at your side. Perfect. Now he could get to the fun stuff.
He peeled back the covers and took a moment to soak in your image, you were spoon feeding him pure beauty and didn’t even know it.
He’d done this before. He couldn’t help but sneak the occasional picture, but he’d never taken a picture of you completely bare before.
Tenderly he pushed your thin nightie up and over your soft breasts, taking his sweet time to caress and care for you like always, but this time he let himself touch your chest sans fabric barrier. It was something so unforgettable, seeing the peaks of your breasts rise and pebble up under his thumb. Even more so the soft sleepy sigh you let out when he lifted his mask to suck and twirl his tongue around them. Tugging lightly before letting it fall back into place so he could watch them jiggle.
His hands traveled to your hips and slid your panties down partially. He posed you, one hand on your breast, the other he placed between your legs under your panties. He stood over you and took several pictures from different angles.
Deciding his jeans were much to restricting and horribly tight across his swelling cock, he got rid of them.
Once he was more comfortable he slid your panties farther down and placed them aside. He kneeled, getting eye level with your cunt.
The most sacred part of you. Where he so badly wanted to bury his cock, but he refrained. That could wait until you were conscious and willing.
“Look at you.” He groaned, biting his lip before getting back to the task at hand.
For now, he would slide your own fingers past your slick folds, into your greedy pussy. Holding your wrist in place so that your limp hand wouldn’t fall away. He even let you have a little taste of yourself, of course capturing that on film as well.
Now that he had some gorgeous new material for the visual to go along with the pretty little noises you make when you think no one is listening… he had some new ideas to try out.
Ideas like tilting your head to the side and slipping just the head of his precum coated dick past your plump lips. His hand trembled as he clicked record, the bright white light of the flash illuminating your face. You didn’t even flinch. Your eyelids didn’t twitch, your mouth didn’t move.
The longer he rubbed his cockhead over your tongue and traced your lips till they were shiny with precum and saliva, the more confident he grew.
“Tastes good doesn’t sweetheart? Shame you can’t lick those pretty lips isn’t it?” He snickered, tapping your cheek with his cockhead to leave a sticky trail behind.
He wasn’t worried in the slightest that you’d wake up now, so he allowed himself to go just a bit further.
Pinching the tip of your tongue and opening your jaw alittle wider, he removed his cock completely. Making sure to get a good shot of untouched throat, he’d need a before picture to refer to later.
He slowly pushed back in, stopping when he hit the back of your throat. The only bad thing about you being unconscious was that you couldn’t tell him if his fat cock was choking you. So he’d have to settle for his hand covering what wouldn’t fit in your mouth.
He sat his phone aside, he needed both hands for this. If he wanted to feel you moan around his cock, he’d have to give you something to moan about.
Hiking up one leg of yours and letting it fall to your side, he couldn’t help but chuckle at the way you were letting him treat you like a noodle. You were practically boneless… it crossed his mind to put you in the Piledriver, see how far he could fold you, but once again: you’re unconscious and you can’t tell him if you’re uncomfortable.
He had morals, lines he wouldn’t cross, rules he wouldn’t erase… maybe bend them, but not wholly change them either.
So he settled for rubbing circles around your puffy clit, already wet and needy little pussy. His hand on the back of your head to keep you still, he couldn’t have your poor brain rattling around your skull while he fucked your mouth. He loved you too much to give you whiplash via mouthful of dick.
“Oh you like that don’t you baby? Yeah you do, I can feel it.” He moaned, letting himself get lost in listening to the combined sounds of his cock in your mouth and his fingers toying with your wetness.
He slid his fingers down your slit and back up again; that’s when you made a bit of noise for him and holy shit.
His hand left your cunt immediately to keep your jaw pried open and held still while his other pumped his shaft wildly. He’d been at this more maybe two minutes tops and the vibration from that one gorgeous moan was enough to draw up his balls and scrunch his face.
He whimpered, removing his hand from your jaw, he let go of his cock and almost cried from how painfully close to cumming he was. But he couldn’t not get the first time he came in your mouth on camera. So he grabbed you by your hair and propped up your head to keep your mouth open. Straddling your chest he kneeled over you and watched through his phone screen as rope after rope of white, hot, love coated your tongue and throat.
He could’ve shed a tear at how outrageously beautiful you looked, how messy your mouth was, the drip of his semen down the back of your throat.
Anakin quickly switched over to taking photos again, he desperately needed a clear picture of your cum coated throat and god did he get the perfect image. He’d make it his screensaver if he could.
Once again tossing his phone aside he leaned over you, spitting a glob of saliva to help wash his essence down when he squeezed beneath your jaw to make you swallow.
“Perfect. Good job baby.” He whispered. “Took it like a champ.”
He squeezed both cheeks in one hand to squish your lips together. Smiling at the way you looked. Eyelids half raised from all the movement, face flushed, swollen lips.
“S’fucking cute.” He laughed, smacking your cheek twice, gently of course. Just a little love tap.
He extricated himself from you and shuffled back down to the end of the bed, between your legs where he belonged. Spreading your legs nice and wide, he took a second to just enjoy the view.
“Pretty little thing aren’t you?” He splayed his two large hands across your stomach and slowly snaked it down your abdomen, across your mound, trailing to your inner thighs to finally hook beneath your knees and lift your legs.
He needed you in the butterfly position if he were to properly pleasure you this time around. He wouldn’t tease you tonight and make you writhe and moan and hump his hand but never cum.
He’d turned you into a needy whore just like he wanted to, but you deserved a reward, he reminded himself. Because it was oh so tempting to continue that little game he loved.
“What do you think doll? Dildo or vibrator?” He asked, laying the toys one after the other between your legs to snap at photo of.
“Ah who am I kidding, you want the vibrator don’t you?” He asked rhetorically. “Here princess, get it wet for me.”
He brought the toy to your lips and rubbed it across your tongue, grinning when he pulled it away and saw the shiny string of saliva connecting to your tongue.
“Sorry you can’t have my cock sweetheart.” He said, sounding a bit mournful as he dragged the tip of the vibrator down your throat and through the midline of your body, stopping just above your clit.
“I’d love to fuck you but… I can’t do that to you.” He sighed. “You’ll just have to wait. It’ll make it more special huh?” He smiled, turning the toy onto the lowest setting.
He teased your entrance with the very tip, barely ghosting it around and around. When he finally saw your hole clench around nothing he sucked in a sharp breath and chuckled, he couldn’t help it, it was comical how badly you needed him.
Slowly, frustratingly slowly he inserted the tip and twisted. Gently thrusting it deeper and deeper until it was fully seated in your cunt. He left it there to watch for a moment, untouched and unmoved, you dripped arousal down onto the sheets below you. A beautiful little pool of sex he’d get to take home as a trophy.
“More?” He asked softly. “I think you need more don’t you sweetheart?”
He switched the setting higher, about halfway to full power and sat back on his heels watching your hips buck and your stomach tighten. A beautiful strangled moan left your swollen lips and Anakin couldn’t help himself.
“Gotta kiss that sweet mouth baby, lemme see that tongue.” He groaned, sliding the mask up just enough to suction his lips to yours to suck and pull and lick to his heart’s content.
“Fuck your mouth… tastes so good.” He whined, sucking your bottom lip between his teeth and pulling, watching it snap back into place with a wet pop.
Just as he was about to go in for another kiss he heard you take a deep inhale. He pulled the mask back into place and backed away, watching you closely for any sign that you were being roused awake.
“Don’t fucking scare me like that.” He mumbled, turning up the vibrator again.
“If you wanna cum so bad then ask for it.” He grinned.
He thrust the toy back and forth in time with his hand on his cock, loving the way your body tried to so hard to wake up your mind so you could enjoy it fully.
“Poor thing. Squirming for me.” He panted, scooting closer and seating the vibrator back into your cunt fully. “I’ll let you cum this time okay? You need it don’t you sweet girl?”
Anakin brushed his thumb across your clit quickly and beamed at the way your idle hands tried to grip the sheets beneath you.
“So close baby girl, so fucking close.” He whispered, flicking your clit just to see you jump.
He snickered and settled his thumb solidly against your puffy red button and rubbed firmly. Jacking his cock in time with his ministrations on you.
“Gonna cum…” he whined, noting the way your legs were lifting slightly from the bed.
“Yeah. Yeah, c’mon baby, fuck.” He grunted, fucking up into his fist as he tilted his head back. Spilling his cum onto the quivering canvas of your spent folds.
He slowly milked the rest of his seed out onto you and pulled the vibrator from your depths, scooping up his cum and shoving it into your greedy hole to massage into your gummy walls where it belongs.
He stroked your front wall carefully, pressing up against the sweet spongy spot that made your toes curl. The second he pressed the vibrator down on your clit your cunt spasmed around his fingers and he got to see you come undone for the first time.
“Oh shit.” He breathed out, his voice shaky as he watched that puddle beneath you become a lake as your squirt dripped over his hand and onto the fabric.
“Fucking hell.” He moaned, shoving his hand beneath his mask to slurp your juices from every centimeter of his skin.
He was too busy loosing himself in the taste of you to notice you finally fluttering your eyes open just slightly, moaning in overstimulation from the toy he’d left buzzing between your pussy lips.
“Goddamnit.” He swore, shoving his still hard cock back into his boxers and switching off the toy.
He waited, waited a painfully long time to make sure you were still stuck in dreamland before moving again. It was time to high-tail it out of there.
He clumsily shoved his things into his bag and tugged on his pants and belt. Cursing himself for getting carried away like that, for not paying attention, for almost waking you up.
Slipping into his sneakers and tugging his sleeves back down he fumbled in his pockets to find his gloves and hastily shoved his hands in them.
He stood at the foot of the bed and stared at the mess he’d helped you make on your sheets. Great. Now he really couldn’t just leave his own set of sheets beneath your mattress to change later when you were gone.
He had to do it now.
He pulled your comforter fully off the bed, your extra pillows and stuffed animals as well. The top sheet was used to quickly and carefully wipe the mess off your skin before he folded it and shoved it down into the bag.
Thinking ahead he laid the clean top sheet over the comforter so he could put both on at the same time, save a few seconds. Now came the hard part.
He popped up one corner of the fitted sheet and replaced it with the new one, doing the same to two of the other sides. He kneeled on the bed with his feet hanging off the side, careful not to get his sneakers on the clean sheets.
He gingerly laid your arms at your sides and oh so slowly rolled you over until you were flat on your back again.
Anakin held his breath and tried his very best not to laugh because of the fact that he had quite literally rolled you like a log and you didn’t even budge. He walked around to the other side and finished taking off the sheet and fitting the new one over the last edge.
After the sheet was folded and carefully tucked into his bag he tossed it over his shoulder and went to your bedroom door to allow your cat back into the room with you, she’d always snuggle under the covers beside you and you’d be awfully confused if you woke up and realized she had somehow gotten out of your room without the help of opposable thumbs.
Anakin surveyed the room and smacked himself internally. He almost left you panty-less.
“Idiot. All tore up from one little thing.” He scoffed. “Can’t believe I almost-“
He shook his head and told himself to shut his mouth, he could shit talk himself later. Right now he needed to carefully slide your panties back into place and cover you back up, maybe give you alittle goodnight kiss too.
Finally everything was in place as it should be, he marked everything off in his internal to-do list and checked his watch. He’d kept it under two hours just like planned, everything was fine, so fine in fact that he didn’t bother to be careful with his foot-falls.
The high-pitched shriek of pain Boogie let out when he put his full weight onto the tip of her tail was more than enough to wake the dead. Anakin froze, smacking the button on the side of his neck, attached to the box that would alter his voice in case he needed to speak.
“Boogs?” You sat up slowly, your body not in tune with your mind in any capacity. Funny how he could fuck you with a vibrator but an ear piercing cat wail could wake you up. Weird.
You didn’t even have your eyes open, poor thing. Anakin laughed before he realized he was making any noise at all.
If your eyes were sewn shut with sleep before they were stretched wide with terror now. You scanned the room and were horrified to see a tall, imposing figure in a… Ghostface mask?
Hot. Wait- no. You shook your head and flipped on your bedside lamp.
“Don’t fucking move.” He growled, producing a butterfly knife from his pocket and spinning it to flip it open.
You squealed but complied and shrunk back. There wasn’t much you could do anyway, you could barely hold your eyes open and your head up.
“Good.” He nodded, walking up to you basking in the knowledge that you’d be obedient in this type of situation.
“What’d you want?” You asked quietly.
“Just came to say hello to a pretty little thing that’s all.” He cooed and sat down on the side of the bed.
You whimpered and moved sluggishly away, finding it difficult to support your weight with your arms.
“Hold real still.” He soothed and for some reason you did.
You didn’t flinch or fight him when he used the tip of the knife to push your hair away from your eyes.
“I’m not gonna hurt you.” He stated calmly. “Cross my heart, hope to die.”
You could practically hear the smirk in his filtered voice as he slashed the flat side of the knife in an X across the center of chest. In one fluid motion that was much more attractive than you’d ever willingly admit, he flipped out one of the dual knife handles and somehow swung it closed in the open palm of his hand by twitching his wrist quickly.
He showed you that he was putting it into the locked position, pushing the small rod at the bottom of one of the handles with his thumb until it clicked.
“You’re safe I promise.” He said. “I’ll let you hold it if you want.” He offered it in his open, flat palm but you denied it, shaking your head and quickly realizing that made you very dizzy.
“Brave one, huh?” He chuckled, pocketing the knife again.
He saw your eyes flit toward your phone and tsk’d audibly.
“Hey, I said I’m not gonna hurt you.” He reassured you. “Don’t try it okay?”
“Okay.” You agreed, bottom lip trembling.
“Like I said. I just wanted to say hello.” He shrugged. “And maybe remind you that you should remember to lock your windows.” He hated to lie, but he couldn’t say he just unlocked your front door could he?
At that moment your cat jumped up and settled in his lap. He carefully inspected her tail and gave her gentle chin scratches.
“Sorry bud. Didn’t mean to step on you.” He whispered.
“What the fuck.” You whispered, unbelievable. What the hell was happening?
“Hmm? Oh yeah, we’re good friends aren’t we?” He said, patting her head. “Now, go to your mommy m’kay?” He scooped her up and put her in your arms.
“She’s had a bit of a fright.” He told your cat. “Best to keep her company.”
“Now. I’m gonna leave okay?” He said, standing up slowy, his hands raised in a gesture of peace. “Count to 100.”
“Count to 100 before you get up or try to call anyone. Got it?” He said, his tone even through the filter suggested that you should’ve just known what he meant.
“Yeah.” You nodded, your eyes feeling heavy and droopy again.
“Good.” He had to try extremely hard not to use pet names with you. He was certain you’d be suspicious immediately if he did.
“I’m going to leave through your front door, after I lock your window for you. Understand?” He said while slowly backing out of your room.
You blinked, mouth agape, still so very confused. What is this? Is this some strange and vivid dream? Maybe you should ask?
“Am I- this a dream?” You questioned, feeling stupid as soon as it left your lips.
He tilted his head and clasped his hands in front him, leaning his back against your bedroom door frame.
“Do you want it to be?” He asked in a teasing way that sounded too familiar for your comfort.
“What?” Your voice shook, you were suddenly aware of how pathetically helpless you were.
A stranger with a knife is in your bedroom and you’re just speaking to him like this is the fucking checkout line at Kroger.
He chuckled, scratching the side of his mask as if it were his cheek. “Pink book. Right bottom corner under the mattress.” Anakin nodded toward your bed.
“You- wait.” You felt sick, your diary? He was talking about your diary? How long was he in here?
“Mhm.” He nodded.
He waited for you to speak again, relaxing again the the doorframe. He let his head tilt back and knock against the wood while he crossed his legs at the ankle and unclasped his hands. Cracking his knuckles with his fingers laced together.
“Well?” He asked, crossing his arms across his broad chest.
“Well what?”
“Do you want it to be a dream?” He repeated firmly, leaning forward just a bit.
Why did you want to say yes?
“I’m not hearing a no.” He raised a hand in the form of a question from where it was tucked underneath his arm.
“No.” You shook your head, watching the room spin. “D-did you drug me?” You whispered rubbing your eyes as dancing lights flashed across your eyelids.
“Yep.” He answered nonchalantly. “Don’t worry you’ll be fine.”
“Huh.” You breathed out. If this was real life and a stranger broke into your house and somehow drugged you… why wasn’t he trying to hurt you?
It must be a dream. Sure. Yes. A dream.
“What’ll it be?” He asked “should I stay? Or should I go?”
“What do you want to do?” You wondered aloud and immediately regretted not thinking before you spoke.
“Oh you don’t wanna know.” He snickered.
“Then why’re you here?”
“You’re peaceful when you sleep.” He said casually. “I like to watch you.”
“You what?” You squeaked. “You’ve been here before?”
“How about this.” He proposed, walking back to your bed and fishing your diary out from under the mattress. “You have questions for me, I’ll answer them. Write ‘em down.”
He tossed it on the edge of the bed and reached out to you. “C’mere.”
“Just do it okay?” He sighed and watched you scoot closer.
He gingerly reached out as if you might bite him, you probably should. But for whatever reason you didn’t want to. He kind of felt… familiar. He didn’t scream ‘psycho killer’ instead he radiated comfort.
His leathered fingers scratched the top of your head in soothing circles. Why were you allowing this? Why were you not terrified?
“Go back to sleep.” He said softly. “I’m leaving now.”
“Do you want me to stay?” He laughed.
“What? N-no?” You shook your head, denying it vehemently. “Of course not.”
“Sure.” He teased. “G’night.” He straightened up and patted your head.
You watched him leave, heard him walk through your living room and kitchen and leave your apartment.
You didn’t move. You didn’t jump up and run. You didn’t grab your phone and call the cops or Luke or anyone else.
You didn’t feel scared, you thought maybe your strange acceptance of the situation was a survival instinct that would go away when the threat did. But you weren’t scared. If anything… you felt alittle lonely now that he was gone.
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Part Seven
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This is a butterfly knife for those of you who are unaware lol
@wickedtactics @tsugumiholic @kingdomhate @burnthecheshirewitch @exquisitcorpse @arzua10 @bby-imasociopath @depressed-kay @aliciaasky @naty-1001 @mrsmikaelsxn @bunnylovesani @ausskywalker @angelsadmired @slut4starwarssmut @chocolatepalacecloudhoagie @starkiller419 @hearts4mitski4 @lethargic @allhailbuckybarnes-blog @shadowhuntyi @mortalheartache @fallinlovewithevil @sythethecarrot @chaoticantihero @vadersslut @luvvfromme @anakinsbaee @doblasftcisco @sweetcheesecakesblog @luvskywxlker @angelsadmired @kaminokatie @anakin-pilled @graveyard-stray @chiaraanatra @jediavengers @zapernz @lunalitva @salted-snailz @queenofchaos99 @ellie-luvsfics @dazednstars141 @rorysbrainrot @hopesworlld @lonaah @t8lzw @guiltycherries @syralix @doblasftcisco
THE TAGS LIST IS FULL! But if you want to be tagged I will comment ur username for you. Love you all so many.
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Loves Not A Drag
Based on the long text post with @decentsoupperson spicy ending will be in my AO3 later 💕
"I don't know Angel, this is a little over the top."
Angel rolled his eyes. "You make a hot fucking woman, own it!" He finished putting on the last of Adams drag makeup.
Adam rolled his eyes, that now had long sharp eyeliner and fluffy eyelashes, "Of course I'm fucking hot, I'm hot no matter what."
"I don't know what your problem is then, this isn't even the first time you've let me make you up like this."
Adam had been letting Angel dress him up as a drag queen to the nines. Now, he had on a long flowing brunette wig, a lilac purple dress with matching knee high heeled boots, jewelry, makeup done to perfection and perfume.
If he met himself as a woman he'd do him.
Now, Adam never went out looking like this, he stressed it was only to help out Angel. He didn't enjoy looking like a woman, not the dress, the bra or the panties.....
"Shit, I think I left the setting spray in your room."
Adam looked at Angel in the mirror. "Why the fuck is it in MY room?"
"Cause that's where we did this last remember? I must have just forgot it. Can you go get it?"
Adam's eyes went wide. Got out like this?! "Are you fucking high! I can't go out like this."
Angel rolled his eyes this time, putting everything else away. "It's just down the fucking hall. No one will see you big guy. Or should I say, big girl?" He smirked and it only widened when Adam glared at him.
"Don't fucking test me, bitch." Adam sighed, it wasn't that far he'd be in and out before anyone would see him.
"Thank you, buddy." Angel gave an exaggerated thanks.
Adam grumbled as he made his way over to the door. He peaked his head out, no one around. Adam quietly walked down the hall, he was almost there!
"Well hello, there." Adam stopped dead in his tracks, dread filling him. No, no, no, anyone but him. Swallowing thickly, Adam plastered on a nervous smile and turned to face Lucifer. "My, you're a pretty little thing, have we met?"
Adam blinked, he didn't recognize him? He didn't recognize him! In the best woman voice he could muster, Adam answered. "No, I don't think so." He couldn't believe how real his voice sounded, not a high pitched and fake but somewhere in the middle sounding softer and a little feminine. "You are?"
"Lucifer Morningstar." Lucifer took a hokd of Adam's left hand and held it up.
"Like the King of Hell?"
Lucifer placed a gentle kiss on the back of his hand. "The very same. And you my dear, what is your name?"
"Ad-" Shit, he can't let Lucifer know it's him! Adam would never hear the fucking end of it. "Adaline."
"Adaline, what a beautiful name for a beautiful woman. Say, you wouldn't happen to be single would you? Cause I'd like to take you out sometime." Lucifer grinned widely, oh he knew it was Adam, those golden eyes gave him away. But why not have some fun and get to go on a date with his favorite sinner.
"Really? Oh, I'm very flattered. Are you sure?"
"The most sure I've been in a long time. What do you say, Adaline?"
Adam bit his lip, he knew he shouldn't but what would it hurt? "Sure, when?"
"How about tonight at seven? I'll meet you in the lobby."
Adam's heart started racing. "Okay, it's a date."
"It sure is. I'll see you later" Lucifer let go of Adams hand and walked away, making sure to get an eye full of Adams ass in that dress. He'd have to thank Angel later.
Adam sighed in relief once Lucifer was gone. He ran to his room, grabbed the setting spray and rushed back to Angels room. "ANGEL HOLY FUCK!"
"SHIT!" Angel fumbled his brushes. "What the fuck!?"
"I have a fucking date with Lucifer." Words Adam never thought he'd say.
"What? How?"
"He caught me off guard in the fucking hallway. So, I pretended to be a woman and he asked me out."
Angel gasped excitedly he cupped Adams face. "You know what this means!? I have got to make you show stopping! Here, put on these." He handed Adam a matching set of black lace panties and a push up bra. "What will you wear?"
Adam didn't know! He hasn't been on a date in years, let alone one as a woman. "Fuck, um..... Oh!" When he came back as a sinner, he was able to control plants. Using his power, he formed a dress that was made out of red roses. "There." It was high in the front, longer in the back.
Angel whistled. "Smoking. Now, let me do your makeup to match."
Adam looked himself over once more before he was to head down and meet Lucifer for their date. Weird thing to say.
He was in his dress, with black and red pumps and a crown of roses in his hair. With flowers around him, he used them to get the pollen on him so he'd smell even more like a flower. "There, how's that?"
Angel gave him a chefs kiss. "Go get him, Adaline." He winked at him and Adam only shook his head.
Clearing his throat, Adam made his way down to the lobby where Lucifer was waiting for him.
Lucifer turned when Adam came down the stairs and he swore his throat went dry and that he was looking at a piece of heaven once again. "Wow, you look gorgeous."
Adaline smiled sweetly, "Why thank you. You look rather handsome yourself." And he did, even though he was wearing a suit it wasn't his normal one it was more gray. "Where are we going?"
"Ozzie's in the Lust ring." Lucifer opened a portal and offered his arm. "Shall we?"
Adaline took the arm. "We shall." They walked through the portal arm in arm. Adam had never been to another ring before, mainly because sinners aren't allowed in any others.
Lucifer had pulled a few strings and had gotten Ozzie's all just for them, this way he can have Adam or in this case, Adaline, all to himself and see if he can get him to slip up. They were seated at a table near the front. "So my dear, tell me about yourself. Do you like plants?"
"Oh yes, I love plants and nature. Especially flowers." Adam played with one of the roses on his dress. "I love animals too." Was it hot in here? It felt like Adam was sweating, good thing all his makeup was sweat proof.
"Lovely, what kind of music do you like? Pop, classical, rock?"
Adam paused as if to think his answer over but on the inside he was panicking. Did Lucifer know? He seemed to not know that it was actually Adam, he even went the extra mile and shaved! Everything! Yes, even there. "Who doesn't enjoy rock music? Sometimes a girl just has to let her hair down and have some fun."
Lucifer sipped his drink that the waiter brought by. "I couldn't agree more. You like ribs? We can share those if you'd like."
Oooooh ribs sounded so fucking good right now. "That sounds awesome. Um, Lucifer?" Adam looked around the restaurant and noticed that there were no other customers. "Is it a slow night or are we the only ones here?"
"I value privacy so I rented out the entire restaurant. And I would love nothing more than to be alone with a beautiful woman such as yourself.~" Lucifer flirted and yeah, maybe he was putting it on a little thick but he wanted to fluster Adam so that he'd slip up and reveal it's really him. So many complaints was the way to go.
Adam felt his face heat up and he smiled sweetly, making sure to even giggle a little. "Oh stop, you're too sweet." This girly voice was going to be the death of his throat. "Thank you." His voice cracked in the last word and he coughed a little.
"Do you need some water?"
"No no, I just sucked air down the wrong way. No biggie."
In the distance, Ozzie was watching their whole interaction. "He knows that's a drag queen right?" He asked one of the many waiters. The waiter merely shrugged and went over to take the couple's order. Ozzie waited until the waiter left to go in for the kill. "Lucifer! How is everything so far?"
Lucifer looked up at Ozzie and smiled politely. "Good!"
"Good, good. And this is your lovely date....?"
"Adaline." Adam supplied with a smile.
"Adaline, a lovely name. Do you mind if I speak with you over here for a moment, Lu? I just want to make sure that this, uh, detail you ordered is to your liking." Ozzie asked as kindly as he could, he didn't want to raise any red flags.
Lucifer gave Ozzie an odd look but playef along. He didn't order anything special for the date, renting out the place with a private dinner and show was the special thing. So what could he possibly want? "What is it Oz, I'm on a date here."
"Yeah about that. There's no delicate way to say this, so I'll just say it." Ozzie took a deep breath. "You realize that your date isn't a woman, but a man? Like a beautiful drag queen made of roses?".
Lucifer laughed. "Oh is that all?" He started to whisper. "Yes I know that Adaline is actually Adam, but he doesn't know that I know. So, please keep your lips zipped and don't ruin my fun."
Ozzie held up his hands in defense. "Hey, I just had to check. We had a similar situation here not long ago where the guy didn't know." That had been a very bad day, the staff were still cleaning bits of that poor soul out of the carpet. "I just didn't want you blind sighted."
"Thanks Oz, I appreciate that."
Ozzie gave him a knowing look and waggled his eyebrows. "So, you gonna shag him in that dress?"
Lucifer snorted with a grin. "Do I look like a fool? If things go my way of course I will." He could even picture how Adam would look spread out on his sheets, that dress overflowing, a soft look on his face.....Okay now his pants were too tight.
Ozzie clapped him on the back. "Go get em, tiger."
Lucifer smiled and returned to his seat. "I'm so sorry about that my dear, where were we?"
Adam gave a polite smile. "That was Asmodeus, right? I hope everything is okay, it must have been important."
"Nothing I couldn't handle." He winked at him. The waiter brought out their ribs, steaming hot. "Dig in love, these are the best in the ring."
Adam felf his mouth water with want. The urge to devour those ribs like an animal was strong, but he was a woman at the moment. That meant he should probably eat them like a lady, well, as much as he could, ribs were messy no matter what. They split the ribs between them and Adam bit into the tender flesh and chewed slowly, both to try and have manners and to savor the delicious flavor. Not to mention he didn't want to smudge his lipstick. "These are very good."
"Indeed they are." Lucifer had to agree they were good. "What were you like when you were alive? What did you do?" This would trip Adam up for sure!
Adam panicked slightly, he didn't have a background story ready to go. He didn't think there would be this many fucking questions! "Oh, I was a florist! Yes, a florist that's why I love flowers so much." Nice save Adam, he mentally high fived himself.
"Oh really?" Well Lucifer hadn't expected that.
"Yeah, it was a great time, my wife and I- er." Fuck, how could he fuck it up at the end like that?!
Lucifer tried to serpress a smirk. "You were married to a woman before?"
Adam swallowed, no going back now. "Yes, I'm bisexual." Which wasn't a lie.
"What was her name?"
"Ev-" Dammit Adam think this through for once! "Eeeevelyn. Evelyn." Wow, that's not even that creative.
"Did you take her last name?"
"Yes actually, it was Hugo." Adaline Hugo sounded pretty good.
Lucifer blinked and took a breath. "Her name was Evelyn Hugo?"
Adam wanted to smack himself, curse you Angel and your modern romance literature! "Yes." Adam took a drink of water. "But enough about me, tell me about yourself."
"As you know, I've been married before and have a daughter." Adam nodded. "I have a fascination with ducks. Do you like ducks, my dear?" Lucifer asked.
Adam brightened. "Yes, the little yellow ones are my favorite."
"Mine too! And, I have a thing for gorgeous, tall, brunette, women. You my dear are breathtaking." Lucifer flirted, his voice taking on a seductive tone.
Adam felt his face warm up. "Oh thank you. You're quite handsome yourself." He winked feeling bold.
"I'm not the one who looks like she belongs in a wedding dress." Lucifer clamped his mouth shut. What the fuck was that!? This was their first date and he let's something like that slip out!
Adam felt his heart leap in his chest. Lucifer thought about getting married again? He wanted to see him in a wedding dress? No focus!
The flowers on the table changed from yellow lilies to red roses. "Oh oops!" Using his powers, Adam changed the flowers back. "Dinner was lovely, thank you."
"You're most welcome. How about we go for a small walk? I can show you around Lust.~" Lucifer suggested and Adam agreed. They walked around for a while until they came to a bench in a nearby park. Adam and Lucifer sat down and gazed at the moonlight. "I've been meaning to ask, where did you get that dress? It's absolutely ravishing on you."
Adam puffed up a bit. "I made it myself."
This actually surprised Lucifer. "Really? That's quite impressive, it must have taken so long." He took a hold of Adam's hand and swiped his thumb over the top.
"Oh it was nothing really." Adam watched, his breath caught in his throat as Lucifer not only placed a tender kiss on the back on his hand, but started to kiss his way up his arm. It kind if tickled. Adam couldn't help the very genuine giggle that came out. "Luci, thats tickles."
He felt Lucifer smile against his skin, the hand not holding his wrapped around his waist, pulling Adam closer. When Lucifer made it to Adam's neck he inhaled the lovely scent of flowers and something entirely Adam. He looked into Adam's beautiful golden eyes, warmth blooming in his chest. "May I kiss you on the lips?"
Oh how long has Adam waited for a moment like this? To finally have Lucifer want him and to kiss him. "Okay."
Their lips met in a feather light kiss at first, one of Lucifer's hands on Adams waist the other holding his cheek. Adam cupped Lucifer's face and sighed happily. He gasped when he felt a tongue lick at his lips and he allowed Lucifer to deepen the kiss making him moan.
Lucifer pulled away to look at the flushed needy expression on Adam's face. "Oh and Adaline?"
"Yes?" Adam asked a little dazed out still from the kiss.
Lucifer grinned widely. "I know it's you, Adam."
Adam's face dropped, cold reality hitting him like a ton of bricks. Dread filled his insides, Lucifer knew the whole fucking time?! Was he just fucking with him? "I-I-I can explain- Mmfph!" Adam was silenced with another kiss.
"You don't need to darling."
Adam sighed and let his voice go back to normal. "How long?"
Lucifer hummed. "Well, save for the first twenty seconds you had your back to me in the hallway, the whole time."
"Why did you ask me out if you knew?"
"I asked you, because I knew it was you." Lucifer pulled Adam into another kiss, this one full of need and passion. Adam clung to him like he was his only lifeline in the world. "Want to go to the hotel I booked?"
Adam raised an eyebrow. "You booked a hotel room?"
"Another bold move on my part."
"Very fucking bold. But sure, why the fuck not?" Adam was then led back to a fancy hotel, also run by Ozzie, and they went up to room number 1001.
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katyawriteswhump · 5 months
power of love, part 17
PREVIEW: "Steve does that twisty thing with his tongue that Eddie couldn’t stop dreaming about. He’s gotten his whole body wrapped tight round Eddie, legs hitched round Eddie’s hips. In the water, he’s weightless, and as for Eddie… Whoops, can’t help it, Stevie! Heaven exists after all, because Eddie’s gotten both his hands clamped happily to Steve’s butt, and he’s rutting against him, raising waaay more than a semi..."
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 18
CW for temporary character death... and then steddie cuteness, promise!
Eddie POV continued
O’Sullivan regards Eddie like something he’s just scraped off the bottom of his boot, then turns about and grabs Steve’s drooping chin. “Tell us where the girl is, Harrington. Or Loverboy’s gonna wish he’s never been born.”
Eddie’s stomach performs a sickening flip. Steve twists from O’Sullivan’s grip, looks pretty much ready to spit:
“Okay, okay,” he says. “I know who you mean. I never saw her. Ever! I swear! She’s dead. That’s what I heard… uh… yeah. Dead. Right? Trust me, she was swallowed by that Upside-Down-gate-craziness. Happy now? HAPPY NOW?”
O’Sullivan sighs. Then backhands Steve, hard, around the face. The white of Steve’s eyes flash up. He slumps limply against the guy behind him. They let him slide to the floor, impacting with a soft thud.
“If I were you, Munson, I’d consider your answers more carefully,” says O’Sullivan, as casually as if Steve had failed a physics test.
Eddie is left alone, with Steve lying on the floor, slumped on his side. Time stands still. A yellow strip-light flickers. Eddie remains plastered against the wall.
As if moving would be to concede this is real.
Steve isn’t moving. Steve is completely motionless.
Steve is… 
After his second major concussion, Robin told Eddie, Steve wasn’t supposed to drink. But there was more to it, Eddie recalls. He can’t remember who spilled the rest, Steve or Robin, but Eddie knows—the doctor’s warning had been brutal. Any more head trauma, and Steve might have a stroke, a brain bleed, go blind, deaf, lose his memory, go mad. He could die.
A flash of wild terror spurs Eddie into action. He rushes to Steve, eases him over, gives him a little shake. “Steve? Steve!” He lifts Steve’s head and shoulders into his lap, cupping his face, jostling him gently. “You’re gonna be okay, Stevie. I’m gonna slay those son-of-a-bitches for this. Wake up. Wake up!”
He brushes the hair from Steve’s face. It’s so stupidly soft and warm, and his skin is warm too, hot even. There’s reddish marks around Steve’s temple and cheekbone where O’Sullivan struck him. “Not so bad, huh? C’mon. Wakey wakey, buddy.”
Eddie feels the blood trickling from Steve’s ear, mingling with the mud on Eddie’s jeans, before he sees it.
“Oh God, Baby, no, no, no, no, no.”  Eddie lowers his cheek to Steve’s lips. No breath. NO BREATH! He fumbles for a pulse, and…
Time passes.
Tears drench Eddie’s face then dry up then start again. He hugs Steve to him, rocking him as if that would help, showering kisses on Steve’s hair till it’s matted with tears.
Eventually, Eddie’s arms ache so bad he shifts position. He cradles Steve more squarely across his lap and notices the scrap of paper half-tucked in Steve’s pocket. It’s the same green paper that Steve wrote that douchey sucker-punch note on.
Not that it matters now. Nothing matters now. Eddie reaches for it and reads it anyhow. 
Eddie, I love you. Please don’t follow me. Steve x
The sourest tears yet flood his eyes. “I love you, too. I love you, I love you. We shouldn’t have worked. We should’ve hated each other's guts. But we did work, which was totally nuts. Jesus Christ, I loved you so much.” 
Talk about timing, Munson. Story of my life. Story of my fucking life.
He wishes those bastards would come in and finish him. The thought of a future without Steve is unbearable.
Steve POV
Steve’s been here before.
His pain dies in an instant. The blood-red veil lifts from in front of his eyes. That wordlessly singing voice trickles through the waters, reassuring him everything will be all right. 
This time, he sure as heck doesn’t buy that candy-ass bull.
He can see Eddie, though it’s like he’s peering at him through mists. Eddie’s pain, on the other hand, is as raw and real to Steve as a dagger twisting in his gut. He hears Eddie’s voice, too, shaken by endless sobs: “Jesus Chris, I loved you so much.”
“That past tense sucks, Eddie. I love you, too.”
Eddie can’t hear, of course. Even scarier, Steve sees his own body, snug in Eddie’s arms, and he sure as heck isn’t in it. The swirling blue fogs between them thicken, and he hears a trickle of water. No, no, no, no, no! Don’t take me away. Still not yet. Please? I’ve gotta get back to him! 
“You know what you have to do,” says that now-totally-annoying voice in his head.
Steve spins around. His spooky-ass fairy-water-god-spirit is floating around like a nerdy freshman with a crush on him. He raises some disturbingly translucent arms to the heavens. “You’re really starting to piss me off, you know that?”
“You know what you have to do.”
They sorta smile. He glares, while formulating a ballpark approximation of what’s supposed to happen next. Red tide rises, blue tide sweeps through these tunnels like a tsunami and BOOM washes these suckers to Hell. Or whatever. El comes back to Hawkins, defeats Vecna for good, saves the world.
He needs to channel his anger, feed that hate. One major problem:
“Hate to be a bummer, but I’m not being roped into your world of crazy. Not right now.” He plants his ghostly hands on his hips. “I can’t flush away the first guy who loved me back, like he was a dead goldfish or something.”
“You cannot drown him with love.”
“Seriously, if you don’t cut the cryptic bullshit, I’m gonna have to punch you.” 
“Your power never came from anger, Steve. You’ll do anything to protect them, remember? Anything… anything.”
“Huh?” He turns that one over in his mind. Actually, it makes some sense. He shrugs and peeps over his shoulder. A single glance at Eddie, hunched and miserable, growing ever more distant, and that burning core of hate within him fades. Something a shitload stronger replaces it.
That’s when he feels it. A strange drag from the depths of his soul, an irresistible gravity that—somehow, he knows this—draws every drop of water in Hawkins toward the tunnels.
Oh. Crap. This is gonna be huge.
He squeezes his eyes tight, concentrates hard. 
I’ll do anything to protect him. Anything. Anything… Jesus Christ, Eddie, I really hope this works!
Eddie POV
At length, a couple of O’Sullivan’s minions come in, grab Eddie by his arms, hoist him up. He clings to Steve’s cold hand, like a kid clinging to a broken toy, till he’s forced to let him drop. The door slams between them.
“You’re just gonna leave him on the floor?” He mutters it way too quiet, keeps on muttering, as if it would distract him from the searing pain in his heart. “My uncle, a ton of decent guys I know—they served their country. Did it for reasons that made sense to them at the time. Wondering how this makes sense to you? Murdering teens. Hunting little girls. Bet your folks are real proud.”
They frogmarch him back to that vast hall. One of them points to a tall, upright box. Screw it, it looks like a coffin! O’Sullivan stalks over, and a white-hot hatred seizes Eddie, teeth grinding, because he’s totally beyond words.
O’Sullivan points to the box. “We call this the chokey. I suggest you tell us everything you know, and fast, or you will be spending some time in it. We also have one with spikes. It’s called an Iron Maiden.”
That’s when Eddie totally cracks up. “Iron Maiden? Awesome!” He manages several twangs on an air guitar, before he’s grabbed again, mid silent power-chord. They can’t cut off his genuine if joyless laughter: “You couldn’t make this shit up! This is the end of the Twentieth Century, man! I mean, I’m a huuuuuge fan of Iron Maiden, don’t get me wrong, but… Oh my God, oh my God, this is fucking insane!”
O’Sullivan looks pissed, and Eddie is shoved toward the upright coffin. That’s the point where Eddie hears the deafening thunder of the approaching flood.
Panic erupts in the hall. A split second later, the wall of water slams into him and sweeps him along, completely submerged. Screw Iron Maiden—his lungs are caught in an iron clamp. He sees his captors in the water, floating, fighting, scrambling. Drowning! Eddie’s panic swells bringing the swell of darkness with it…
His hand is grabbed, then he’s tugged close, held tight. He breathes something far sweeter than air, because Steve’s suddenly there, and he looks fiiiine, apart from… Oh shit, his eyes are no longer brown. They’re a deep, swirling midnight blue, like a whirlpool that’s gonna suck Eddie in. Which he kinda does, and Eddie’s good with that.
Steve’s lips close over Eddie’s, and the kiss is mind-blowing. Almost instantly, the weight of life lifts from Eddie’s shoulders, sweet air fills his lungs, and everything rocks. Steve anchors them both, as the flood rushes by, allowing Eddie to get totally in to the kiss.
Oh yeah, Baby! 
Steve does that twisty thing with his tongue that Eddie couldn’t stop dreaming about. He’s gotten his whole body wrapped tight round Eddie, legs hitched round Eddie’s hips. In the water, he’s weightless, and as for Eddie… Whoops, can’t help it, Stevie! Heaven exists after all, because Eddie’s gotten both his hands clamped happily to Steve’s butt, and he’s rutting against him, raising waaay more than a semi.
The awesomeness is mildly interrupted by Steve’s voice in his head. “We have to finish this, Eddie. We have to get rid of these suckers, so Eleven can save the world.”
This should be shocking, but Eddie’s so punch-drunk on crazy he barely blinks. I think it’s kinda finished, thinks Eddie. Seriously, haven’t you drowned them already? Oh, and sorry ’bout the mahoosive boner.
“Back at ya, man. It’s not about killing them, tho’.”
Woah, you can hear MY voice too?
“’Course I can, dipshit! You’re part of this—haven’t you figured it out yet? It’s about love not hate, okay? You gotta help me.”
Help you with what, Babe?
“Um… I think I need to open a gate to another dimension.”
The Upside Down?
“Uuuuuh, not sure if I can do that one. It’s another one.”
Riiight. Sounds tricky. Can’t we just make out forever?
“Screw it—that could work.”
The kiss is already messy, sloppy, bordering on bruising, tongues scrubbing roughly, and teeth skimming tender flesh. As they happily suck each other’s faces off, Eddie senses a magnet-like current flowing between them, which doesn’t feel like Steve. It’s the stillness of ages, the brutal strength of nature, and a savage fury that escalates to a scream that’s definitely NOT Steve’s voice, though, actually, it might as well be:
A mini thunderstorm whips up in Eddie’s head, crashing, cracking and fizzing like his skulls gonna explode. He enfolds Steve tighter than ever and kisses him like the fate of the world depends on it.  
Which it might. Which is totally rad. There’s plenty worse ways to save the world than kissing Steve Harrington.
A boom louder than an AC/DC concert shakes the crap out of him, and everything fades to black.
Part 18
I might be taking a short break before I write more of this... maybe not, but life is not kind right now... we'll see ;)
tags: @estrellami-1 @kal-ology @finntheehumaneater If anybody else would like to be tagged on this fic or any of my writing, please let me know :)
(also part of my steve whump fic series on AO3)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16
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x-heesy · 2 months
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The butterfly effect, we keep 'em all in check
Rub a dub dub, two girls, one cup
Smothered in cum, two balls one cock
Gobble it up sluts (yes!), don't waiste none
Bukake, there's more where that came from
Ain't no justice, just sluts
Asses to asses, butts to butts
Your body's the canvas, my dick's the brush
I paint the picture of no love but lust
She's looking at me like, he must be nuts!
I'm looking at her like... You must eat nuts!
The butterflies in her stomach... Make her vomit...
Nah! She just needs drugs!
I got the butterfly effect on her
The reason she calls up a friend of her's
Bad bitches know, so they spread the word
There's a new sheriff in town, let's flirt!
From flirting comes kisses
From kisses comes fingers
From fingers comes something real' big that I insert
Pow! That hits the spot!
Bitches just keep coming back, that's cause I got:
The butterfly effect, we keep 'em all in check
Yeah I'm making her mad, she wants me so bad
She always says that I'm the best she ever had
I stick it deep down her throat, until she gags
Cumshot to the face, then she laughs
On to the next one, the next piece of ass
She dirty in the bedroom, acting high class
I'm down for the get down, I never just pass
She's butt naked, raising her glass
Toast to the scumbag that came to fast (Woops!)
Second time around, yeah you know I'll last
Beat her up good, made her come with a splash
Grabbed my clothes fast as I left in a dash
She felt like a whore so I left her some cash
Bumped into her girlfriend who wants to get smashed
Keeps on saying that she likes white trash
Here we go again, the effect still lasts
The butterfly effect, we keep 'em all in check
(Check, check) Check this, I'm a mess and sexist
Restless with them breasts, I'm wreckless
Test this, I want to impress the best bitch
Sex all my exes, come witness the wetness
I'm working my magic like a wizard
Kiss her, say:
Abracadabra, make that motherfucking bitch squirt
Straight in my face, I'm-a taste it, gracious!
I love to take a sip when I'm wasted, praise it!
All jokes aside, I'm mostly high
Don't divide, I'll have some American and Kosher Pie
I don't know why, but I want a ho in every areacode
And slide my pole inside
The coldest guy... No, I'll be a sweet dude
Candy for them sweetooth bitches
Brazilian to hebrew
I see through
Because my dick's already getting hard and
From the start, you knew I'd rip your clit apart
So pick a card, good bitches or bad bitches
Rags or riches, ask niggas want ass pictures
I get up in that ass vicious, passing the path Mrs
Butt stuff, I'm in the ass business
Christmas bitches, unwrapping the package
I fucked so savage my dick got casted
I guess I did it for the sex, I guess
Now them bitches keep me in check and that's:
The butterfly effect, we keep 'em all in check
The Butterfly Effect by Dope D.O.D.
@len0r @kattywompuss @bigbonzo 🤪😜🤪
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lixenn · 4 months
Things Chief once said
inspired by this hilarious post by @eternitas
“What’s that in your mouth?” *points at floor* “Spit it out, right now!”
After his third consecutive all-nighter: “The sunset taste like blueberries...” *proceeds to pass out on the spot*
“I can observe your braincells dying in real time.”
*closes door* “Annnd that goes straight into the nightmare folder.”
“I’m not paid enough to care about your problems.”
“The bleach costs how much?” ... “This calls for legal action. Someone, get me a lawyer!”
“Vlasta grows on you. Like toxic mold that glows in the dark.”
“The Captain is the only one with a valid opinion here. Everyone else, scram.”
*Staring down a new recruit after they have blown up the kitchen* “Can you even read?”
“Get me coffee or I will feed you to the panthers, don’t test me.”
“You could be the Queen of England for all I care, you will brush your teeth twice a day or I swear to God I’m going to hide every snack in the goddamn compound.”
*at Mammon’s bank account* “Life goals.”
“Your stupidity causes me physical pain. I demand financial compensation.”
“The only reason why I haven’t murdered you yet is because you aren’t worth the time it would take to clean up your corpse.”
“Oh for the love of- Stop! Licking! The frog!”
“I’m totally willing to ritually sacrifice a bitch if it will get me some peace and quiet.”
This was super fun to write! I might do a part two if I come up with more funny Chief content. Feel free to guess in what scenario he has said certain things lol (also which one do you guys like the most? please tell me I wanna know! 🥺👉🏼👈🏼)
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bonesandthebees · 8 months
wilbur hates the wilderness survival adventure. tomys says it's time to suck it up and try. his paranoia then tomys being like *checks nonexistent watch* can we do fire things now. wilbur just broke down .2 seconds in and tomys 'i've done this randomly lost in the wilderness before' ione finds the wood. ah this is great. shows cool character things as well as a little forced bonding already fantastic.
'When i was a kid", Wilbur bit back the urge to remind him he was still a child' the banter is there i can feel it. not there yet but ah well i can dream.
the leg. yeah tomys is way more experienced than wil in this at least in terms of how to handle a wound. but of course the history shit helps - great 'application of skills' wilbur. techno would be proud. anyways splint making time.
'i'm not going to leave you willum' aw thanks tommy. promoting the brotherly bonding i see. yeah it's because he saved your life but you're just a kind boy and trying to tell paranoia supreme over here that you're dragging him back there.
wilbur keeps getting surprised. bro you brushed him off basically immediately as a naive mischievous little brat. only you to blame for that part. then you jump into finally seeing him as being worth the effort in getting close because you had to actually be in a life-threatening situation to truly start the bonding. try seeing beyond your own self-gain for a little bit.
ayo phil POV???? man this guy in general is my favourite, like yeah i appreciate the well-written wilbur but phil's always gonna be my blorbo no matter how fucked up he is. my mans loves his kid. ooooh boy whoever sent the bandits is fucked now. phil's going to tear them apart haha. - :D
man when you phrase it like that it really is hilarious. wilbur really did just break down and lose his mind .2 seconds into being lost in the wilderness. tomys is 13 and handling this shit better than the 19 year old. he's such a cushy palace kid 😭
oh the banter will get there
see kids history tests can be very relevant to the real world
"paranoia supreme" 😭😭
to be fair wilbur wasn't just dismissing tommy for being a little shit (although that was a lot of it) but also because he's been supporting niki for the throne his entire life. he's definitely been peeved at the idea of the plans the two of them have had since childhood being ruined so quickly
PHIL POV YESSSS I really do love writing in his pov he's such a fun character to explore and rose!phil is especially interesting for me. phil's going to kill a bitch for this :)
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cupidsintern · 3 years
shot thru the heart, pt 4
pt 1 // pt 2 // pt 3
Billy was obviously in a pretty foul mood when Steve saw him at school the next day. He didn’t throw Steve a little “hey” of a nod like he’d started doing recently. Didn’t even really look up when Steve sat down. Steve figured Billy probably noticed someone stole his notebook which may or may not have had part of a love letter in the back of it and probably wanted to murder and or never again speak to whoever did it, but then again, maybe he just thought it had been lost?
Steve pulled shit out of his backpack in silence, even as their classmates talked around them, and Steve realized that recently, he and Billy had mostly only been talking to each other. Steve would have to go back to passing full days of school in next to silence if Billy found out about the notebook, and just when things were getting good
The classroom door opened.
A girl- Ellen something? was standing in the doorway in a red pleated skirt and one of those headbands with the hearts on springs. She was holding a basket of roses and a couple teddy bears- Oh my god.
“Valentine grams-” She was explaining to the teacher. As if Steve’s day could not get worse.
The test was going to be postponed for the three excruciating minutes it would take for her to compare notes with the seating chart and one by one hand out Valentines and Steve would just have to sit there wallowing in jealousy and misery.
Steve realized too late that the girl- Ellen… crap, Ellen Studebacker? He thinks?- little headband hearts bobbing, was walking over to him.
“Hi Steve,” Ellen smiled at him, tugging a red rose from her basket and handing it to him like she had probably done a hundred times this week. But he was special, everyone knew him.
The class chattered a little more- someone whistled, someone else laughed- Steve might as well have been deaf to all of it. He wasn't expecting a Valentine gram, only managed a “uh, thanks.” to the girl before she bobbed off on her merry way, and the teacher told them all to quiet down.
Steve got a Valentine gram. He had, a lot going on in his head right now. Way more than there usually was. He stayed up to an ungodly hour last night, later than he had since… you know. But he just couldn’t sleep, he’d felt like someone coated him in slime and he kept getting up to brush his teeth or pace and try hard as he could not to give in a jerk off-
But now he has this. A little heart shaped piece of paper with glitter and lace glued to it to let him know, some girl out there still thinks about him enough to send him a cheesy valentine. What was that thing Billy had said?
Plenty of bitches in the sea.
God he sounded like such a scumbag. Come to find out the guy writes sappy love letters, Steve could almost laugh. He opened up the little Valentine, carefully sliding the rose upright into his backpack before turning back to read:
To: Steve Harrington
2nd Period Class: Room 48
Last category empty, instead of a name, or a “your secret admirer,” the sender had drawn a heart, with an arrow through it. Cartoonish blood dripped off the arrow’s tip.
The swerve of the uppercase S. The line on the H. The tail on the G.
And that stupid shot-through heart.
Steve’s own heart rate reached a yet-to-be-possible BPM he’d know that stupid perfect handwriting anywhere. It was Billy’s handwriting.
Billy sent this.
For a full couple of seconds, Steve drew a complete blank. Nothing happened, he didn’t blink, didn’t move, his heart didn’t beat, he wasn't even sure he breathed.
Then a million different thoughts came crashing down around his ears- almost made him flinch.
Oh my god Billy sent this. To him.
Was this for real? Was this some kind of sick fucked-up-Billy joke? He was just doing it to fuck with Steve’s head- but no. Then he probably would have signed it. Or written some random girl’s name. Not- not drawn a heart. Like the ones he drew in the margins of his notes,
And if Billy was… you know. That would actually make a lot of sense as to why he was such a fucking douchebag.
But what if he wasn't! God but what if he was.
Did he know about Steve?
But god, there wasn't anything to know was there. Steve didn’t- he had never-
Shit, they had a test in class right now, and Steve was sitting with an arrow through his chest and little fucking cartoon hearts around his head.
It was just like the universe to make Billy’s main notebook go missing the day before a big fucking test. It was even more like it to set him up to be running on no hours of sleep and sit down in second period to find those stupid fucking Valentine grams being handed out.
In the split seconds before Steve’s name got called, Billy sort of hoped the gram he bought had been lost. They were pretty anonymous to buy, that’s what he’d said to himself when he filled one out, folded it up more times than necessary and jammed it in the little heart shaped box. But now, faced with the consequences of his moment of weakness, he could not be filled with more regret.
Harrington just sat there too, looking dumbstruck turning the Valentine over and over before the test started. Like he wasn’t a bombshell on the worst of hair days- he didn’t even have bad hair days.
Billy was determined to not look, not stare at the back of Steve’s head like he had every other day this year. But for the split second he looked up, Steve was turned ever so slightly to the side, his perfect nose and perfect forelock illuminated by the sunshine pouring in from dusty classroom windows. He was smelling the rose.
Billy left class as quick as he could, the test was pretty easy, but no doubt Harrington would still be in there struggling for at least ten minutes, which gave Billy more than enough time to cool his nerves before steve inevitably cae to find him at lunch like he’d done for the past couple days, just to say hi.
But he didn’t see Steve at lunch. Probably should be a relief, but Billy couldn’t help but feel his heart sinking a little. And then kicking himself for caring at all when really he shouldn't. This was nothing, just like all the other times.
Billy went to switch textbooks at his locker, more of a nerd move than he would usually allow himself but he wanted to at the very least have an okay school day.
But when he went to open his backpack, there was his notebook. He did a double take. He could have sworn the thing was missing. He had dumped his backpack out and turned it inside out on his bedroom floor, got pencil shavings all over the place in the process, and it wasn't there.
But now here it was. Billy opened it.
A note fell out.
“I took your notebook- sorry. Here’s it and the notes back. Probably be easier to study together sometime anyway. If you’re still down.
Thanks for the rose.”
Billy probably had six separate heart attacks in the span of the couple seconds it took to read the note over again. Then he laughed out loud, in the heart-splattered hallway right in front of his locker, didn't care if anyone looked at him weird.
“Thanks for the rose.”
this was gonna be the last part but honestly i might write one more just cause i want them to kiss. lmk what u think lads :3
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the-iceni-bitch · 4 years
Pairing: Jake Jensen x Fem!Reader
Words: 2097
Summary: You and Jensen are stuck doing surveillance and Jake gets bored. Also, he tries some dirty talk for the first time!
Warnings: Fluff, explicit language, explicit sexual content (unprotected vaginal sex), SMUT, 18+ ONLY!!
A/N: This ended up being kind of precious, but I’m ok with that. I just love this giant nerd so much! Join my taglist here if you want! (Side note, I know that Brother Rapp comes after Sex Machine on the James Brown album but that would’ve been like 15 minutes of dancing I had to write)
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“Oh my god, I’m so bored.”
You shot a glare at Jake as you set up the surveillance equipment. He had draped himself over the table in your loft dramatically as you did your work.
“We’ve been here for literally a half an hour. Are you going to whine the whole time?” You loved the guy but weren’t looking forward to spending the next 12 hours with his ass if he was going to be a little bitch the whole time. You bent down to test the camera angles as he sighed heavily.
“I can’t believe you don’t even have a TV. What are we going to do this whole time?”
“I dunno, maybe our jobs?” You were barely paying attention as you made adjustments to the scopes.
“Nah.” He jumped off the table and stretched. “You’ve gotta have something to do here. I’m gonna look around.”
You just shook your head at him as he started wandering around aimlessly, still fiddling with the equipment to make sure you were covering all the exits.
“Ooh, what’s up here?” He started to climb the ladder to the second level. This was his first time at your place, and he was curious. “Shit.”
You grinned to yourself as you settled back in your chair, eyes on the monitor. He must’ve found the weapons cache.
“Oho, is this a rocket launcher?!”
You gave a laugh as you glanced up at him. “Sure is, baby. Maybe put it down though, you’re pointing it at your face.”
“Oh, fuck. Whoops.” He placed the launcher down gingerly as he scoped the rest of the landing. “That’s it? A refrigerator, a bed, and a shit-ton of explosives?” He started to work his way back down the ladder. “Kinda boring. Oh, what’s this?”
“Fuck.” You muttered to yourself as you considered what his new discovery might be.
“Look at this record collection!” He sounded stupid giddy. “Marvin Gay, Roxy Music, so much Led Zeppelin. Y/N, are you secretly cool?”
“I don’t think it’s a secret.” You teased back at him, smiling in spite of yourself.
“Oh, yesss!” You heard him start up the record player and all of a sudden James Brown was yelling over the speakers as the Sex Machine album started.
“Oh my god.” You rolled your eyes at him. “Turn that down, do you want the mark to know we’re up here?”
“C’mon, you know you wanna dance with me.” He had one of those ridiculous grins on his face as he slid across the floor into your field of view, rolling his hips and shoulders to the music.
“We’re supposed to be surveilling, Jake.”
“You just spent 45 minutes setting up all that equipment, you’re telling me the cameras can’t take over for just a bit?”
You bit your lip as you watched him dancing around your kitchen like a goofball. God he was such a perfect idiot. “Fine, but you tell anyone about this and I’ll stab you.”
“Ooh, don’t tease me, sweetheart.”
You rose out of your chair to join him, gliding across the floor easily, leading with your hips as your feet slid along to the rhythm. Your upper body rolled smoothly to the music, following the motion set by your hips.
“Fuck, you’re a really good dancer.” Jensen was giving you an appreciative look as you kicked your feet in a signature James Brown style.
“You seem surprised, Jake.” You laughed lightly at him.
“I mean, I kinda am. No offense, but you’ve usually got a stick up your ass.”
“Ouch.” You placed a hand to your chest in a mock wounded gesture. “This is nothing though.”
“Really, you’ve got more moves up your sleeve?”
“Yeah, watch this.”
You winked at him before spinning fast and lowering yourself into a split, then rising up as you brought your legs back together. He broke out into hysterical laughter.
“Ok, fine. You’ve officially shocked me.”
“Ooh, I’m full of surprises honey.” You slid closer to him as the song shifted to ‘Bewildered’, pressing your body into his.
“What happened to doing our jobs?” He teased as you started kissing his neck.
“You got me all worked up now sweetheart.” You murmured against his throat.
“Oh, fuck. I hate to do this but…” He pointed at the monitor.
The mark was getting into a black SUV in the middle of a group of motorcycles, getting ready to head out.
“Shit!” You hissed, scrambling over to the radio to call it in to Aisha and the rest of the team. “they’re on the move!”
“Fuck, did you get a chance to tag their ride?” Aisha asked over the comms.
“Yeah, did that first thing.”
“Ok, keep an eye on us while we tail them.”
“You got it.”
“Sooo….” Jake murmured behind you. “Should we pick this up later, or….?”
You just waved a hand behind you to shush him as you went over everything with Aisha. He gave a heavy sigh and went to make himself a sandwich. Maybe you had some books laying around somewhere.
It was three hours later when you finally signed off the comms. You stood up and stretched out, wondering where your puppy had gotten to.
You found him passed out on the couch, glasses askew and a sandwich crust resting on his chest as he softly snored, your copy of ‘Dune’ laying open next to him on the couch. You shook your head as you returned the book to the shelf and tossed the rest of his sandwich in the trash. You slipped Miles Davis’ ‘Kind of Blue’ album onto the record player and crawled into his lap.
“Fuck.” He jolted awake when you started nibbling at his ear lobe. “What time is it?”
“It’s 8 PM, dumbass.” You whispered into his neck. “You slept through the whole op.”
“What?” He was still out of it. “What about the surveillance?”
“Well,” you murmured, slipping your hands under his Petunias tee and running your palms up his torso. “There was a firefight, and it seems the mark is no longer an issue.”
“Ok.” His brain was almost caught up now. “So, sexytime?”
You lifted his glasses off his nose and gave him a low chuckle as you set them on the coffee table. “Yeah, baby, sexytime.”
He gave you one of his stupid grins as he sat up and wrapped his arms around you, his hands kneading into your hips as he ground his growing erection into your mound. You drew his shirt over his head as you gyrated against him, moaning as your cunt clenched around nothing, a fresh rush of arousal soaking through your panties and leggings.
Jake ran his hands up your back and tugged the shoulders of your cami down over your arms until your tits were exposed. He nuzzled himself between your breasts, brushing his lips against your skin softly as you arched into his mouth.
He moved his mouth to your nipple and elicited a groan as he swirled his tongue around your sensitive bud, bringing up one hand to palm at the opposite breast.
“Fuck, Jake.” You whispered, screwing your eyes shut and bringing up a hand to the back of his head as you drove your hips into him, desperate for friction. “God, I need it.”
“Yeah, sweetheart?” He whispered against your chest. “You need my big fucking cock? You gonna take it like a good girl?”
You couldn’t help it, you laughed. Those words coming out of your sweet puppy were just too much and you broke down into a fit of giggles.
“Aww, c’mon.” He was pouting now. “I just wanted to try something new.”
“I’m sorry, sweetie.” You fell back on the couch, trying to catch your breath “You just caught me off guard. I’ll be a good girl for you.”
You scooted yourself down on the couch until you could dip your hands into his sweats, biting your lip as you drew out his cock, biting your lip as wrapped your hands around him.
“Mmm, I need this cock so bad. My pussy is so fucking wet for you.” You ran your thumb through the precum at his tip at the same time you shoved your hand down your panties, moaning as you drew your fingers through your sopping folds until you found your clit.
“Fuck, baby. Ok.” He tore off your panties and lined himself up. “Uh, you want this cock, you better ask me real nice. Is this ok?”
You grinned and nodded to him. “Please, Jake, fuck me with that massive dick?”
“Shit, don’t need to ask twice.” He muttered as he nudged his tip between your folds, slowly pressing into you. You let out a whine as he sheathed himself in you, digging your fingers into the couch cushions. “Yeah, you like that don’t you? Like feeling my big cock splitting you open. God, you’re so fucking tight. Look at this pussy gripping me so good.”
His hips were driving into you hard, his cock dragging against your g-spot with each thrust. You met each of his thrusts with your own, whining as he pounded into you. You brought your fingers down to your clit, drawing circles around it desperately before Jake wrenched your hand away.
“Nice try, sweetheart, but I’m the only one who gets to make you cum tonight.” He licked his fingers before pressing them to your tiny bundle of nerves, making you scream.
“Fuck, Jake! Don’t stop!” You felt your pleasure gathering in the pit of your stomach as you writhed underneath him. “God, I’m cumming!”
“That’s right baby, cream all over my cock.”
The coil snapped and you wailed as every muscle in your abdomen knotted before releasing in quivering bliss. You felt your spend gushing over your thighs around Jake’s dick as you came down, his hips still plunging into you relentlessly.
“I’m gonna flip you over beautiful. I wanna watch this ass bounce while I make you scream.”
You whined when he pulled out, but then he flipped you over like it was nothing and drove back into you, knocking the breath out of your lungs. He slapped your ass hard before gripping one hip to draw you back into him over and over. He wrapped his other hand in your hair and wrenched your head back, making your eyes roll back into your head as he pounded into you.
“God, you’re fucking perfect. I swear this body was made for me.” He murmured as he picked up the pace even more, and you felt your pussy clench around him at his praise as you felt another orgasm starting to build. “You can cum again, pretty girl. I wanna feel this cunt strangle my cock.”
“Ffuuck.” You groaned as another orgasm ripped through you. You body rolling underneath Jake as aftershocks shook your core and left you breathless.
“Shit, gonna fill you up, baby. You ready to take all my cum, beautiful?”
“Yes, please.” You moaned against the couch cushions, still feeling the aftereffects of your previous orgasm.
He hissed through his teeth as you felt his cock twitch inside you, then his hot spend was coating your velvety walls, eliciting another groan from deep in your chest.
Jake stilled his hips and collapsed on top of you, suffocating you in his body heat as you felt his cock softening. You hummed with pleasure as he buried his face in your hair.
“Was that ok, Y/N?” Your boy was so fucking considerate and sweet, he made your teeth hurt.
“That was more than ok, Jensen.” You mumbled against the couch cushions as he pulled out of you and started to roll you over.
“Yeah, I wasn’t too mean?”
“Jakey, baby, you weren’t mean at all. You’re still my sweet puppy.” You gave him a massive grin as you drew your face up to his and gave him a soft, slow kiss.
He gave you a grin of his own when you pulled away and started to lay back on the couch, cradling his head between your breasts.
“Good.” He muttered against your skin. “Cause I have some other things I was hoping to try.”
“Really baby? What else did you wanna try out?” You ran your fingers lightly over his spine as the two of you lay there, starting to doze off.
“Mmm, what do you think about roleplay?” You could feel his eyelashes fluttering against your skin as he started to fall asleep.
You just gave him a light laugh as you slipped into a daze yourself. “Ooh, that sounds like fun.”
Permanent Tags:
@slothspaghettiwrites​ @starlightcrystalline​ @stargazingfangirl18​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @drabblewithfrannybarnes​ @jack-skellingtons-stuff​
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milkacchan · 4 years
Request for anon: Can I have Present mic, Aizawa, and all might where they learn their young student is fatherless? Like... their father walked out/went to prison when they were young. I'm sorry if this is time consuming, but I can't stop sobbing over my father.
I'm the situation baby but remember it wasn't your fault
I changed it up a little bit with Mics- I hope you don't mind
Present Mic:
• from the getgo something was wrong
• The moment you walked into class he could tell
• You looked like shit
• Dark bags under your eyes, hair messily brushed, just to get it out if your face, and your eyes were a light red.
• You didn't look particularly happy to be there either
• something turns in his stomach, a gut feeling that something really had went down
• And he hated seeing his students upset
• but he was relatively close to you to begin with, his felt different
• He felt like he had to do something
• Everyone settled into their seats as the bull rung but his eyes remained on you
• You honestly didn't pay attention during the lesson
• He could tell as much
• class finishes and the bell rings but you sit still, and it's not until most of the students have trickled out of the room do you start packing up
• He walks over and kneels in front of the desk "You okay there? You don't look so good," he looks concerned and his heart drops when he sees your lip start to quiver
• It takes you 0.27 seconds to break and you're frantically wiping your eyes as sobs wrack your body
• He's got his arms wrapped around you in seconds and you're leaning into his shoulder.
• He isn't sure exactly how long you're crying for but eventually you calm down enough to get out a coherent sentence
• "My-My dad was arrested Friday night. He won't tell me why- he won't let anyone else tell me why and I don't know what else to do," you cry, "I miss him so much and its only been a few days- I don't- I don't have anyone else, Mr. Hazashi,"
• And you're crying again.
• He has you take the rest of the day off, in fact he takes the day with you
• He calls in a sub (you don't know what strings he had to pull for that but you don't ask, at this point you don't care) and you two dip
• He takes you to get food, real food, that'll make you feel better
• He knows that'll help a little
• and after that he takes you to get something sweet- that tends to help mood and blood pressure and anxiety
• So he does his best with you
• He nutures you the best way he knows how
• if you need anything and I mean ANYTHING this man has you covered
• He does his best to step up in any way he can
• first off he extends his assignment deadlines and cancels two tests. Who needs them anyway.
• And you eat lunch in his classroom because he can well tell you don't want to talk to anyone else right now
• He closes it off (seemingly) so in reality its just you and him
• He'll probably tell Aizawa too but on the downlow (just so he knows)
• When holidays roll around, the dorms close.
• In this case- he let's you stay with him. He has an extra bedroom. He doesn't want you to stay in an empty house.
• You also get his phone number (which you gladly use) for anything really
• Bored? He'll deliver some shitty puns.
• Confused about homework? Text him.
• having a mental breakdown? He's got you covered.
• You got memes? Please for the love of God send them to him.
• The dynamic eventually shifts to a VERY father daughter relationship.
• He knows he'll never replace your dad. He understands that wholeheartedly, but he wants you to have someone
• He actually gets a letter from your dad, thanking him for taking care of you
• but he really doesn't mind
• He had a feeling that there was something going on at home. Or rather, a lack of something.
• He's dealt with it in the oast- with himself and with past students and current ones
• Shinsou
• I mean, aside from that fact whenever parents were mentioned, you'd either stiffen up or wrinkle your nose
• You didn't really like the subject of parents
• There was an essay prompt about parents (nothing too personal) nd you ended up writing it on the extinction of dinosaurs and why God fucked up instead
"It'd be absolutely stellar to see huge lizards roaming the earth and occasionally stepping on people, you know? Jurassic park was onto something."
• Man's couldn't even fail you on it because it was written v well
• Anyway, he doesn't pry too much. He just silently figures it out by process if elimination and pattern.
• He doesn't really care too much
• In the sense if it doesn't define you and he doesn't help you because he pities you
• he helps you because he seems potential
• He takes you under his wing with shinsou
• Yall spend a whole summer training
• And that's when it all came out
• It was an accident really.
• Shinsou was tired, exhausted really
• and when people get tired- that tired- sometimes they spout random shot they wouldn't usually say
• and thats what he did
• he went on about his home life
• and if he could, you could too right?? You could trust them.
• "My dad walked out when I was a kid. Little, like 3. I have a few pictures of him holding me, but I guess it wasn't enough. I don't have any desire to meet him. Not anymore. But it left me feeling like I did something wrong? I guess? Which I suppose is why I train. Because then I feel strong. Which is a good difference from how it usually feels."
• He knew it.
• He called it.
• He was right again.
• He reassures you that you are good enough, strong enough, and his decision to leave had nothing to do with you
• and when he saw you give him a soft smile, he warmed.
• I mean really, it only goes up from there
• he'll deny it, or grumble under his breath, but he seems you two as his own
• Like these aren't my kids but they are my kids
• When dorms close on holiday yall get to stay because that's where he lives too
• Like if you chose too
• he's not gonna force you to stay but if you don't want to go home, you don't have too
• He has that power
• He will buy you food
• all you gotta do is ask
• and he'll roll his eyes and grumble something he doesn't really mean, just secretly happy that you feel comfortable enough around him to ask for something
• lmao family group chat
S: 'Hey Mr. Aizawa I found this cat. Hold on lemme send a pic'
A: 'Dont need a pic. Bring him home'
Y: 'What if he's ugly??'
A: 'gremlin. Bring him home.'
Y: 'Hey I saw this tweet that said 'kids be like watch this and do a half roundhouse spin kick clap and waste my fucking time' and it make me think of you.'
S: @ mr. Aizawa when he has to watch deku do sumn
Y: Lmaoooo like when he threw the baseball
A: Me watching you too try to figure out how to beat me in training
Y: Yikes bro
S: That was a rough one
• Does he regret giving you and shinsou his number??
• Maybe
• Not really
• Lmao super secret lunch movie days
• Every week on wendesday yall watch a movie. Usually it takes 2 or 3 days to watch the movie since lunch is only 70 minutes
• @ you accidently calling him dad one day and shinsou snickering but it stuck
• dadzawa lmaoo
• Man's has 2 underlings.
• You and Deku.
• Picked you up when he started teaching at UA
• Ion know let's say one day you popped off bc he said some dumb shit and you were like no sir that's clearly wrong
• schooled him in his own damn subject
• the other kids were like 😳
• what the fuck
• Anyway
• He see's you have potential
• And though he's not the best teacher, you seem to respond better to the way HE was taught
• So tbh its easier to teach you
• 'okay, now I want you to beat the shot out if that wall,'
'Okay lmao bet'
• Midoriya is like, hey mayhaps we should analyze the situation
• N ur like noe
• You just don't give a fuck
• about anything really
• other than moving up the ranks
• But even then- its not a super super big deal, you're just gonna do your best but you aren't gonna stress
• However he noticed a pattern w you (even before Midoryia brought it up to him)
• You don't let anyone in
• Midoryia knows a bit more than the other students but that's really only because he's always with you
• a good majority of the week he's w you
• but its not really a deep connection
• you don't rely on either of them
• You do your best to do things on your own.
• He knows midoryias life story
• he knows why he acts the way he does
• but he doesn't know why you do
• he has a gut feeling it could be the same as midoryia
• I mean he already had one kid who's dad dipped
• he'll surely be able to figure out you too??
• So he makes himself a promise that he'll figure it out and he'll become someone you trust
• And he does just that
• When you tell him about your nightmare of a family history he's like mm, makes sense
• but he's happy that you trust him!!!
• He's a BIG suckered for movie nights
• he's got popcorn, snacks, candy, chocolate, soda- he's prepared
• list of movies lined out all ready
• I lowkey feel like he'd be into lord of the rings or fast n furious
• fast n furious at LEAST
• He's really into American action movies
• and he has no problem sharing those movies with you
• he doesn't have a whole ton of money, like he's not rich, but if you or midoryia need something he's definitely there to get it for you
• even if ur like fam no you don't need too
• he'll buy yell food a lot
• a l o t
• and cards
• when you and midoryia get him a father's day card he thinks he's gonna cry
• You guys also have a group chat
• 'da faemilee'
• Y: "Hey dad do you have milk?"
A: "???? Do I have milk????"
Y: "ya I'm looking in your fridge n ion see any???"
A: "How'd you even get in????"
Y: "Izuku."
I: "lmaoo"
Y: Izuku you dumb bitch I left for ONE day
Y: And you got into a fight with Bakugou
I: He wanted to throw hands. I just did what you would do.
A: He's got you there
A: What do you guys want for dinner
I: Sushi
Y: Chicfila
Y: Izu square up
I: K
Y: Izu is fighting kacchow again
A: Beat his ass young midoriya
Y: Lmaoooooo
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spideymarvelws · 4 years
Hi uh idk if like requests are open but if they are could you possibly do nihachu x fem reader where they’re both streamers and accidentally reveal something on stream (like one calls the other babe or something like that) and lots of teasing from the other smp members ensues? Only if you’re like comfortable :)
I tried lmaoo i’m not the best at writing for real people over fictional ones but i really liked the request so i did my best!
Main Masterlist / Add Yourself To My Taglists
Warnings : nothing but floof :), some cursing
Word Count : 1.1k
Slip Ups
Nihachu x Fem!Reader
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Niki walked up behind you, wrapping her arms around your waist and burying her face in the crook of your neck. Instinctively, you put your hands on hers, leaning back into her embrace. You were busy making sure your stream setup was perfect for later and after an hour of testing and moving equipment, you were glad to be back in her arms.
“Ready for tonight?” she said sweetly into your ear, pulling away so you could turn and face her.
“More than ready,” you smiled, kissing the tip of her nose, “I just hope the audio is going to be okay,”
“I’m sure everything will be fine,” 
“Let’s hope so.”
With a light giggle, Niki stepped away, moving to the small desk you kept by the door and grabbed two mugs. 
“Thought we could just relax a bit before stream,” she shrugged, handing you your mug and taking a seat on the sofa towards the left of the room.
You sighed, walking over and taking a seat beside her. You let her lean into you, throwing your arm around her shoulder, squeezing her close. You put your head on hers, taking a sip of the tea she made for you.
“Yeah, we could stay like this for a bit babe,”
She giggled in response, turning to peck the side of your cheek, “Babe? That’s a new one,”
“Just trying out new things,” you bit your lip, trying to suppress the heat rising to your face.
She thought for a bit, letting the silence linger for a moment as she took a sip of her own tea, “I like it.”
“Oh really?”
“Yes really,”
You kissed the side of her forehead, pressing your lips firmly against her pink hair, making her face scrunch up cutely.
“Then I better start using it often then.”
You yawned, adjusting the headphones on your head after stretching in your chair. You leaned in once again, speaking into the mic.
“Okay, maybe we should’ve used dark oak…”
“Well no shit Y/n,” Wilbur scoffed, jumping down from the structure you were building and punching your character.
You crouched, tilting your head to the floor, “Well sorry for having faith in jungle.”
“That was your first mistake.” Tubbo butting in, hitting your character as well but with an iron axe.
You grunted, switching to your netherite sword and chasing the boy down prime path.
Everyone else started to laugh in the call at your antics, the chat was enjoying it as well. Soon enough Tommy jumped in, chasing Tubbo along with you causing him to scream even louder.
“What the hell Tommy! You’re supposed to be on my side!”
“I’m always on a woman’s side Tubbo! Now get back here you son of a bitch and die for your crimes or I swear-”
“What do you mean crimes! What did I do!”
“You hit a woman Tubbo! Now you must lose a cannon life...”
“Since when was that a crime!”
“Since now big man! Since now!”
You noticed Niki’s character coming up in the distance. With a worn out sigh, you stopped sprinting and walked to where your girlfriend stood continuing to build her house.
“For the record, I think it looks great,” Niki said, giggling as you sneaked towards her.
You stopped in front of her, watching as the two boys kept on bickering and fighting. Passing a hand over your face you spoke tenderly, “Thanks babe.”
The call suddenly went quiet after your words. You chuckled nervously, looking around at everyone that started to surround you and Niki, all of them staring you down. In the other room, Niki was blushing. Looking at the chat in her second monitor, they began freaking out about your slip up and her reaction, making the red deepen on her cheeks even more.
“Uhhh-” you moved your arm, gesturing to the new audience, “Everyone alright?”
“What did you call Niki?” Sam asked, knowing fully well the answer.
You froze, eyes widening as you slammed your head on the desk, letting the mic pic up the loud bang. The laughs only amplified at your reaction so you decided to slide off your chair and hide under your desk, slapping your face into your hands to hide your flustered state.
“Aww, she’s embarrassed!” Wilbur snickered.
“Does this mean you both commit marriage fraud together?” Tommy cut in, laughing into his mic, “Because now i’m questioning this friendship Y/n… I can’t go to jail again.”
“Jail?! Again?” Sam exclaimed but was quickly interrupted by Tubbo
“Awwww, I think it’s sweet! Like honey from beeeeees,”
Niki laughed at everyone’s teasing, growing concerned that she wasn’t hearing your own giggles along with her. She looked at her chat again, all of them spamming to go check on you or asking if you were okay because your stream suddenly ended.
“Hold on guys, I’ll be right back,”
“Yeah, you should go check on lover girl, see if she’s doing alright,” Wilbur snickered.
“I will.” she said confidently, deafening herself on discord, switching to her waiting screen and playing ads, telling chat that she would be right back.
She walked into your room, cooing when she saw you under your desk. She walked up and kneeled beside you, gently placing her hands on yours and peeling them off your face.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to say that- fuck, I just messed everything up didn’t I?”
“No, no, no, Y/n. You didn’t ruin anything!” She reassured you, squeezing your hands in hers, “I mean... we were going to let them know eventually, now you get to say it all the time!”
“Yeah, let twitter freak out for a bit… oh god they’re going to have a field day!”
“We’ll be fine Y/n, trust me,” she passed her hand down the side of your face, letting you nuzzle your nose into her palm, “there going to love us together just as much as I love you,”
You sniffed, “That’s a lot of love,”
“Yes, yes it is,”
You smiled softly up at her, “I bet I love you more though,”
She blushed at your words, “Oh really?”
“Yes, really.”
“I don’t think that’s true,”
“Well I think it is,”
“Prove it then.”
She leaned in, brushing her lips against yours, letting you close the small gap she created. The kiss was soft and tender, your lips slowly moving against one another. It wasn't long for the smile growing on your face to break the both of your apart, grinning at each other like it was your first kiss all over again.
“Ready to get back to it?” she questioned, carefully pulling you out from under the table.
You thought about it for a moment.
“Sure babe,” you pecked her forehead, “I’m going to love getting use to that.”
Permanent Taglist (Dream SMP) : @ossinsworld @lunarinnit @chaosofsmarty @starstruckllamapuppy @shio-yuki @lovelychasbug @alice-blue-skies
Nihachu Taglist : @whenpugzfly
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Yandere! Taehyung x reader
Taehyung liked you. Taehyung really liked you. That was why he had chosen you, wasn’t it? Because you were easy on the eyes and you had a head on your shoulders. Your heart was pure — at least, pure enough for him — and the sex between the two of you was great. The synergy was there. Personal chemistry was present. The only thing was that you were the first woman he had ever really liked this much.
This was his first real, committed relationship. He didn’t feel constrained or held down by your demand for exclusivity. On the contrary, it scared him how okay he was with it. To give up his freedom like that for an average girl like you? He would have laughed in anyone else’s face and told them to take a hike. Not you, though. And that fucking scared him.
Three months. It had taken you three months to burrow your way into his heart. You were some sort of witch. Perhaps you were a seductress. Yeah, that had to be it. There couldn’t be any other reason for his sudden, obsessive thoughts and overprotective behavior.
“Who the fuck is that?”
“Tae, that’s my brother.”
“Didn’t like how he looked at you.”
“…did you miss the part where I said he’s my brother?!”
Who gave a fuck if a man was related to you? That wouldn’t stop him from making a move if he wanted to. There were some sick fucks in this world. Didn’t you understand that? Didn’t you understand that he was just trying to keep you safe and his?
But no, you couldn’t simply listen to him. You were independent. He had once liked that about you. Now, however, it pissed him off. It got in the way of you being the submissive woman he needed you to be. It needed to be squished.
Unbeknownst to you, there was a darkness lurking within your boyfriend. Sure, he could be mean, and sure, he pulled some tricks that bordered on abusive, but those things were child’s play compared to what truly lied below the surface. He could be far, far worse than he was. All it took was your love and attention to sow the seeds of darkness. You had made him comfortable enough to expose his genuine traits. If he was being honest with himself, this was your fault. If you hadn’t told him you would love him regardless of how much he changed during his work, then maybe he would have been able to help himself.
You stupid fucking girl. You should have never tempted a man like him with vows as impure as that. Had you thought him to be so noble that he would overlook your words and do the socially acceptable thing? No — you had to know that saying such a thing would serve to tempt a monster like him.
The game started with little quips here and there; nothing major. During a small argument, he had called you an ugly bitch beneath his breath. Of course, he had apologized after you had caught it and started crying. Although, that’s when he had first realized how insecure you were. Your appearance, your intelligence, the way you spoke, your personality traits — they were all free game. You didn’t like yourself as much as you let on. He would expose this gradually, and by the time you finally realized what he was doing, you wouldn’t be able to leave. You would think you were worthless. You would think you were nothing. You would be stuck with him, the sole one who could ever love a pathetic sack of crap like you.
Taehyung knew how much you would suffer through this process, but how else was he supposed to secure you at his side? You were beautiful and capable and bright and and and— God, you were his everything. In such a short amount of time, you were his everything. That was why he couldn’t risk you leaving.
He made it a goal to make you feel like utter garbage at every twist and turn. One day, he would no longer need to do this, but until that day came, he would just have to suck it up and be the villain.
The next technique he tested out was backhanded remarks beyond an argument setting. He would never forget how fast your head had snapped around to stare at him, eyes hurt and facial expression confused. You had been perplexed as to what had warranted him to say a thing like that. He had maintained his composure, however, and merely raised a brow. He had treated the circumstance like your reaction had been the odd thing about it all — not what he had said.
“I said your fuckin’ hair was nice!” He had snapped, rolling his eyes at your audacity.
You had whispered meekly, “you said it would be nice… if I bothered to get it trimmed every once in a while.”
To which he had shrugged callously. “Want me to make you an appointment somewhere? I know a guy that can work with anythin’.”
Much to his shock, you had asked him for the number of his stylist a few days following this event. You had even admitted that he had been right to say that your hair didn’t look the best. And that’s when Taehyung knew that you responded best to emotional conditioning in this horrendous art form.
So, when you tried to exit the house a few weeks later, he amped it up a bit. You were getting weaker by the day. Sometimes, you wouldn’t even want to look at yourself in the mirror. He’d had the pleasure of witnessing the grimaces you made when you were brushing your teeth in the morning; you didn’t even think you were sub-par anymore.
Why? Because in his eyes, you could always be better.
Much better.
You came into the kitchen with a slight bounce in your step. Taehyung didn’t even have to look up from his paperwork to know that you had done yourself up nice tonight because you thought you were going to an office party. Keyword: thought. The only thing that was going anywhere tonight was the rest of your self-esteem. Once that was gone, he could focus on your singularity. He couldn’t have you thinking you could exist without him, just as much as he couldn’t have you thinking you were anything without him.
“Okay, hun, I think I’m gonna head out,” you said softly, your voice low and your eyes cast to the ground.
You were acting exactly as he had taught you. Those who were lesser than him didn’t get the privilege of viewing him, in all his glory. He hadn’t assumed that this behavior would extend beyond the bedroom, but fuck, was he glad it had.
“What’s with all that dumbass makeup?” He grunted with a frown. “Look like a fuckin’ clown.”
Your face shrunk. Sheepishly, you turned to look at yourself in the nearby wall mirror. You didn’t think it was too much at the time you had applied it. It was a bit of eyeliner and mascara. You had covered a few of your blemishes and bruises with foundation, too, but he couldn’t have known that. Taehyung didn’t take an interest in your makeup. It was because of this that you valued his opinion so much. If he could see a flaw in what you had applied, it was probably more accurate than what you saw.
You were biased; he had helped you realize this.
“Do I?” You questioned absently.
He finally afforded you with a cold glare when you turned around to face him. The disappointed expression on your face revealed it all; you were doubting yourself yet again. You were waiting for him to give you the validation you needed but didn’t quite deserve. Self-esteem wasn’t free, though; you had to earn that shit. Hadn’t he taught you anything?
“C'mere,” he demanded, eyes twinkling with excitement he didn’t even bother trying to mask. “Sit on my lap, stupid woman.”
You trudged over to where he was situated at the kitchen table, pouting gently. You plopped down atop his lap. You didn’t like how he flinched upon impact.
“Fuck, you gainin’ weight or some shit?” He hissed, flexing his thighs beneath your ass. “Almost made my damn legs buckle.”
It was false, of course. You had gained no more weight than when you had first met him. Nonetheless, you didn’t need to know that. You only needed to feel insecure. You only needed to listen to what he said.
“Oh no,” you whispered, voice akin to the soft squeaking of a field mouse. “I haven’t weighed myself in a while.”
“No fuckin’ shit,” your boyfriend murmured.
Tears were welling up in your depressed orbs, and Taehyung thought you were gorgeous. He embraced you, holding you firmly to his chest. Time to swoop in with that validation before the sobbing began. He hated it when you cried like a little bitch. He couldn’t deny the rush of power it gave him, though.
“Hey, you know that crap doesn’t matter to me,” he muttered, brushing away your watery streams with rough fingers. “Love your ass no matter what.” But he had to top it off with an insult, of course. “Would be nice if your tits were bigger though. Remember my ex? She had some fucking knockers.”
Couldn’t have you getting a big head when he had you where he wanted you.
Yandere masterlist
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rae-arts777 · 3 years
because i'm a sucker for a fake dating AU, 7 & soudam? or kuzuhina? or any DR ship your heart desires babe
Kuzuhina cause I love you Bryn
(Btw this is NOT a short fic hahaha, I ended up writing 2288 words)
He’s My Boyfriend, Yeah That’s it..
#7 Fake dating
Summary: Fuyuhiko needs a plus one
“Why?” Hajime felt like the yakuza was pulling his leg.
Did Fuyuhiko seriously ask him to hang out? More importantly, did he just ask him on a date?
“Listen bastard this isn’t exactly an ideal for me either.” The shorter male growled, “I hate attending these family functions alone.”
“Why don’t you just go with your girlfriend?” Hajime asked
“PEKO IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND!!” Fuyuhiko snapped, “I mean! Fuck! One she’s like my sister, we’re just close! Two she’s busy! I’m fucking proud she has her own plans rather then hovering over me! And I’m sure as hell not going to ruin that by asking her to come with me!” he explained
“Ok but why me? Aren’t you and Kaz really close?”
“Please that pink hair bastard won’t last a minute in a room full of yauzkas”
“Is that a joke?”
Hajime sighed, guessing he really was Fuyuhiko’s most reliable option, “Ok fine, I guess it gives me an excuse to get out of the house.”
“Good, come on, we're going shopping.”
“I have a suit a home” Hajime protested
“No offense but I'm a hundred percent certain your suit is not suited for a yakuza gathering. Consider this as my thank you for dragging you to my shit family function.”
Before Hajime could protest further, Fuyuhiko grabbed his wrist and dragged him out. Despite the size difference, Fuyuhiko was surprisingly strong. Hajime sighed, he knew there was no point in protesting.
Hajime felt as if he tried on the whole store at this point. Every time he saw the price tag, he felt like he wanted to die. He felt a little bad for allowing Fuyuhiko to spend this much on him for a suit for a one time use.
Stepping out of the dressing room with the last outfit on, “Are we done yet?” Hajime groaned.
Fuyuhiko looked up from his phone and froze. Hajime for sure could pass for a common yakuza. Fuyuhiko cleared his throat and walked towards him.
“It’s missing something.” Fuyuhiko grabbed a red tie and applied it to the taller male.
Hajime felt tense with how close Fuyuhiko was. He watched as the shorter male took his time adjusting the tie.
“Umm..there..” Fuyuhiko turned him around to the mirror “You look good, better then nothing I guess.”
“Why do I feel like a sugar baby?” Hajime jokes.
“Oh shut the fuck up tall bastard.” Fuyuhiko handed his card to the retailer, “He’ll be wearing this out.”
“What are you going to wear?”
“I already have something picked out at home. I'll change when we get there.”
The retailer returned Fuyuhiko’s card, “Thank you for shopping with us.”
“Yeah thanks for the help.” He nodded, “Let’s go Hajime.” the yakuza walked out.
Hajime grabbed his bag and started to follow, but was stopped by the retailer.
“I just wanted to say, you and your boyfriend are super cute together.” She smiled.
“Boyfriend?” Hajime was taken back.
Did they seriously get mistaken for boyfriends? Did they act like boyfriends? Who else thought it? Should he correct her?
Hajime stared at the retailer who had a big smile on her face.
“....Thanks, yeah my boyfriend and I appreciate your help.”
“Shop with us again soon!” she waved him bye as he left.
Trying to catch up to Fuyuhiko, he felt his mind racing. Why didn’t she correct her? Why did it not bother him? Hajime shook his head. No, it was just easier to just say yes cause they have somewhere to be, no time to explain, yeah that’s it. Better she told Hajime and not Fuyuhiko.
The two arrived at the Kuzuryu manor. Fuyuhiko led Hajime inside, there were already a few guests.
“Just stay here.” Fuyuhiko sat him at a table, “I’ll be back in a second.”
Hajime looked around, it was hard to believe these were the people Fuyuhiko hung around with daily. Awkwardly he fidgeted with his hands, he was thirsty. There was a mini bar across the room, he just needed water. It wouldn’t hurt to get up for a few seconds for water.
Hajime made his way over the minibar. The bartender glanced at him and raised an eyebrow.
“Who are you with?”
“Oh I’m just here with Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, I just wanted water.” Hajime explained.
The bartender sided with Hajime as he got the boy a glass of water.
“What are your relations to him?” Was this an interrogation?
Hajime hesitated “I’m...here as...his plus one…”
“A date?”
“Yes...date...he’s my...boy..friend.” Hajime drugged out. Shit he did it again.
“Boyfriend? Huh. Well guess you never know huh? Enjoy your evening.” The bartender turned to help another guest.
Hajime shuddered and took his water back to the table. Why did he say boyfriend? He could have just said friend. This was different from the store, the bartender will most likely tell Fuyuhiko something. Shit.
As Hajime’s mind was racing, he was pulled out from a tap on the shoulder.
“Hey.” Natsumi sat next to him.
“Oh, hey Natsumi '' Hajime sighed in relief, at least there was one more person there he knew.
“Did my dipshit brother drag you to this?” She asked.
“Well he needed a plus one, and I needed an excuse to get out of the house. So I sort of agreed to this.”
“I see, speaking of that asshole, where is he?”
“He said he needed to change real quick. I think he should be back soon.”
“Bastard! Leaving you here all alone! Sorry my brother dragged you on a sucky date. Come on, you’re coming with me.”
Before Hajime could protest, Natsumi was already dragging him away. How is it that he's been dragged by both Kuzuryu today?
Fuyuhiko returned to the table, dressed in a more fancy suit for the occasion. Real quick he noticed Hajime was gone.
“That fucking bastard!”
Fuyuhiko started to walk around looking for him. Deep down he was worried, he shouldn’t have left Hajime alone in a room full of people like this. God knows who he’s with. Scanning the room, Fuyuhiko’s eyes finally landed on Hajime, but his blood boiled.
Hajime is wrapped up in a group of Natsumi’s friends. A guy resting his hand on Hajime’s shoulder. It was clear the male was trying to flirt with Hajime.
Fuyuhiko stormed up to them, “Hey.” Just as the guy turned around, Fuyuhiko struck him in the jaw.
“Jesus Christ bro!” Natsumi yelled “Seriously?! Why are you attacking my friends?!”
“Well tell your fucking “friend” to keep his hands to himself!!” Fuyuhiko snapped.
Hajime flinched, shit he felt like this was a little bit of his fault.
“Why do you care so much?! Hajime is just trying to enjoy himself!”
“I care because-” wait, why did Fuyuhiko care so much? “Because…..” he grabbed Hajime’s arm and pulled him towards him “isn’t it obvious? I brought him as my date! Cause! We’re dating! Yeah! That’s it!” Fuyuhiko proclaimed, the heat rising on his cheeks.
Hajime felt his whole face turn red, did he hear him right? Natsumi looked between the two, studying both their faces.
“Oh. My bad bro I didn’t know!” She smirked at Hajime, “I’m surprised you didn’t mention you’re dating my brother.”
“Oh well...it’s..” hajime looked at Fuyuhiko “We just recently started dating!”
“Yeah!” Fuyuhiko chimed in, “We..started dating...this past week!”
“Yeah..uhhh, Fuyuhiko asked me out.” Hajime smirked a bit “I seriously never seen him so flushed, he was all so shy and nervous. Had a letter and everything. It was just so cute.”
“HUH?!” Fuyuhiko glared at him “I think you’re remembering things wrong! Yeah I asked you out but YOU were the one who was all shy! You guys should have seen him! The bastard was practically sobbing because he was so flustered.”
Natsumi smirked watching the two, “Please tell us more!”
“Yeah please do!” another person chimed in
“Where did he confess?”
“How long have you liked him?”
“Have you two gone on any dates yet?”
“So is he like your eye candy?”
“Wait, the boss likes men?”
Hajime and Fuyuhiko were bombarded with questions. The two looked at each other, well there was no turning back now.
The supposed yuzuka gathering turned into a hearing of Hajime and Fuyuhiko's love story, everyone was invested. The two tried to bounce off of each other’s stories, but also both tried to embarrass the other in some way.
“If I remembered correctly, you were the one staring at me in the locker rooms.” Hajime smirked
“Like hell I was! You’re one to talk! You’re not slick, you were practically drooling over me in there. Now that I think about it, you did tell Nagito that you liked me.” Fuyuhiko chuckled.
“Oh...well I do guess saying I like chihuahuas is the same thing.”
The room busted out in laughter.
“Awww you two are just two cute.” Natsumi smiled, “I didn’t know bro was such a romantic!”
“Shut the fuck up you bitch.” Fuyuhiko growled.
Natsumi just smiled, “I have to say it was such an interesting story, but I think we’re all tired of hearing about your love life.”
Thank god, both of them sighed in relief.
“We want to see! So give us a kiss!”
“WHAT?!” Both of them yelled at her.
“Yeah, kiss him!”
“Come on!”
The whole room was chanting for them to kiss.
“I mean it’s natural for you two. YOU DID SAY your first kiss was in your classroom late at the end of a school day.” Natsumi snickered, “So is a simple kiss a problem?”
The two males looked at each other, feeling their cheeks turn red.
“Ok…” Hajime said
“No problem, no problem at all....” Fuyuhiko mumbled.
The two awkwardly faced each other. They fumbled with their hands not knowing where to place them. Fuyuhiko grumbled and rested his hand on Hajime’s waist. Awkwardly, Hajime draped his arms over Fuyuhiko’s shoulders. Hajime looked down at him, he never saw Fuyuhiko so nervous.
“Everyone is staring…” Hajime whispered.
“yeah...I know...can’t really turn back now..” Fuyhukio tried to avoid eye contact.
Hajime slowly leaded down, he felt Fuyuhiko’s grip tighten a bit around his waist. Testing the waters, Hajime brushed his lips against the yakuza, giving him one last chance to back out. Even though their lips were barely apart, the shorter one mumbled something the taller one could not pick up. Hajime was taken back when Fuyuhiko actually closed the gap.
Their lips felt awkward at first, smooshed against each other, but they worked with it. Hajime felt himself lean in deeper, as Fuyuhiko brought a hand up to cup Hajime’s cheek, trying to pull the taller male closer against him. The two almost forgot they were in a room filled with people watching him. Almost.
They quickly broke the kiss when they heard a flash of a camera. Fuyuhiko head shot around to see Natsumi holding her phone up with a shit eating grin.
“DELETE THAT!!!” Fuyuhiko screamed
“No thank you!” Natsumi ran off laughing.
Before he chased her, Fuyuhiko turned his attention to the crowd “WHAT?! You got what you wanted! Now fuck off!” He then ran off screaming at Natsumi to delete the picture.
The rest of the night is uneventful. Some people came up to congratulate Hajime and Fuyuhiko on their couple status.
Hajime could not stop thinking about the kiss though. He looked over at Fuyuhiko who was chatting with someone. It didn’t seem like the kiss was getting to him as much as it was to Hajime.
Hajime felt his heart tug a bit. He guessed the kiss did not mean much to Fuyuhiko. I mean why would it? They weren’t even dating. But also, what now? Were they going to stage some big breakup or something?
As the party ended, Fuyuhiko walked Hajime out to the car he had arranged to take Hajime home.
“So….that was something..” Fuyuhiko said.
“Yeah...sure it was..” Hajime looked down at his feet.
“Sorry..for forcing you into that silly narrivate.”
“Oh it’s nothing..I mean it was kind of fun...well I mean..I played along so yeah..” Hajime nervously chuckled.
“yeah ...yeah…”
“You know...funny enough, earlier that retail lady said you and I were cute..heh she thought we were boyfriends, and ummm, I didn’t correct her..” he explained.
“Is that so…?” Fuyuhiko said.
“Yeah...so haha. Anyways I guess we can stage a breakup or something like that.”
“Yeah we can..or we can do something else rather than lie again..”
Hajime looked up to meet Fuyuhiko’s gaze, the shorter male had taken a few steps closer.
“We can make those previous lies true..I mean like...the story about our first date. I honestly..umm fuck...I mean if the park and dinner is an good ideal for you as a..first date..” Fuyuhiko's gaze focused on Hajime’s tie.
Hajime felt his heart race, did Fuyuhiko just ask him on a date?
“I…” Hajime grabbed Fuyuhiko’s hand, the shorter male looking up to meet his gaze, “I would really enjoy that..”
Fuyuhiko blushed and nodded. He let go of Hajime’s hand and opened the car door for him.
“Text me when you get home.”
“Yeah I will.” Hajime got into the car.
“hajime ..”
“yeah ?”
Fuyuhiko grabbed his hand again, and kissed his palm “despite what happened, I..really enjoyed tonight.”
“Yeah me too,” Hajime smiled.
The two waved goodbye and Fuyuhiko closed the car door. He waited on the side of the crib until the car was out of sight. Fuyuhiko rubbed his face, mumbling, feeling his face become flushed again.
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imjeralee · 3 years
I am in need of more Human!Revali x Reader HCs. Can I get a jealous Revali seeing his female love interest being romanced by some other Human!Rito villagers at a summer festival? How would Revali react and win the girl's attention back?
Hi anon! I hope this meets your human!Revali needs!!!! I have to admit I really enjoyed writing this one
Revali was leaning against a tree with his arms crossed, waiting
It’s not like he was actively seeking you out at the summer festival, no, he just….wanted to see if you were going to show your face
So when you arrived, looking around the vast space with a big smile as your eyes lit up from the marvellous and colourful stands on display and the livelihood of it all, Revali would find himself staring, his heart lurching hard against his ribs once his eyes landed on you
He can’t help but stare for a long time and would find his cheeks feeling so warm but would manage to compose himself, quickly shaking his head to rid of these pesky feelings 
Instead, he’d decided to go off and do his own thing. He didn’t care what you were doing! No, why should he????
But wait, he should go over and talk to you. At least say hi, right? And maybe…maybe you’d want to tour around the festival with him?
It’s not like him to indecisive like this
However, another Rito villager beats him to the punch - a young man (let’s just call him Seth, idk) casually goes up to you and exchanges a few words.
Revali strains to overhear the conversation - but essentially Seth has asked if you would like to tour the festival together and you had said yes
Revali’s pretty pissed and punches the tree he was leaning on.
It hurts like a bitch and he curses under his breath
Also, goddamnit how could you agree so easily like that?
He finds himself following you guys around, lagging about two or three feet behind, watching you with much suspicion and distaste 
There’s a ‘Test Your Strength’ game and Seth tries it out and gets a pretty lame result.
Revali laughs and pushes through the crowd, approaching you and Seth
“Hah! You’re a weakling. Let me show you what a real Rito’s strength looks like!” Revali boasts with a grin, grabbing the hammer and slamming it so hard on the pedal that the puck shoots up, breaks the indicator and shoots off into the sky
The booth owner starts yelling at Revali and the crowd joins in to laugh, which makes Revali super embarrassed as you stand, looking at him blankly
Seth mutters a ‘This is lame, let’s get out of here.’ And takes you somewhere else
“Wait-“ Revali calls out, but you’re gone
He ends up following you and Seth all over the festival from a safe distance. When you’re at the food court, Seth finds you a table and goes off to buy food
Revali stands hidden behind a booth and the booth owner is like “Hey you! You can’t stand here! Buy something or scram!” So Revali is grumbling under his breath and forced to dish out some money - but when he properly looks at the booth he’s standing at, it’s actually selling one of your favourite snacks - so he buys some of your favourites and it also allows him to stand at a safe place so he can observe you and keep tabs
But then he sees Seth buying some food you’re allergic to and he’s about to head over so Revali steps in once again just as Seth arrives at the table. You look at Revali and Seth’s looking a little pissed
“You again,” grumbles Seth.
“She can’t eat that, you abysmal moron.” Revali barks, before he glances at the snacks he bought for you, which he thrusts into your face. “Here. Take this.”
You blink wide-eyed, but before you can speak, Revali wanders away and retreats to his safe place.
He watches as you open the packet and smile when you see it’s your favourite and Revali’s like smirking to himself, like ‘heh, I knew it’ and he watches as you eat everything he bought for you
When you leave the food booth with Seth, Revali sets off to pursue again
“Hey, what’s up with that Revali guy?” Seth asks.
“What about him?”
“He’s weird around you.”
You laugh. “Revali’s not weird.”
“Yes he is. That’s the second time he’s tried to show me up.”
“Hm…now that you mention it, I didn’t expect him to show up at our table like that.”
“It’s obvious he likes you.”
You pause. Revali….likes you?
“Wow, you had no idea, did you?”
It’s not like you didn’t, but Revali always act so mean and cold towards you, how could that mean he likes you?
Seth sighs. “Look, I don’t wanna get in between you two. I don’t wanna piss off Revali so I’m uh...I’m gonna go.”
Aware that Revali is the strongest Rito in the village and he doesn’t want to step on his toes, Seth makes a hasty retreat and you’re alone.
You set off to find Revali and when you do, he’s at the archery range and beating everyone but seeing you alone, he stops nocking an arrow, lowers his bow to scoff and goes, “Oh, you’re alone now, are you? And where did that little blundering idiot Seth go? He left? I see...well, that is indeed a shame. He is a fool, but it’s good you came to me because I could use your company.”
You stare at him, stunned by his words.
Then Revali says, “It’s a team up challenge now.”
Team up? Oh, he means.... you came to him at the right time....for a team competition.
Shaking your head, you sigh and walk over to grab a spare bow and arrow from the weapons rack, joining his side and you begin to nock an arrow. You hear a sigh and glance over.
“What?” you ask.
“Your posture is atrocious. Allow me.” He goes behind you regardless and straightens your back, pushes your legs apart and helps you adjust the bow properly by curling his hand tightly over yours and leaning close to you that your faces are millimetres apart. “There. That’s better.”
You couldn’t help but notice how he brushed his fingers over your hands and lingered so close behind you, with his lips by your ear. Smooth move, you think.
When he returns to his spot, he smirks at you and the competition begins.
Little do you know that he’s really goddamn happy.
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iwriteficsandmore · 4 years
In Search of Something Special
So tired. Have a test on thurs. But i was so overwhelmed that i needed a distraction. I let myself write blindly and this came out. Hope you guys enjoy and sorry about the spelling errors x3
It'd been a long time since anybody had you feeling like such a piece of trash. Not so much because you had done something petty or worth the hate, but more because of how they treated you. And after months of it, it was only natural that it had you down on the floor like a beaten pup. 
Years had gone by since you last had been on the dating scene. Not because of anything bad. You were just much more involved in your own life and career to bother. Now that you were back and after a handful of less than stellar outings, it was clear that nothing much had changed either.
"Chivalry is truly dead and gone." A long swig from the cold beer in your hand at least did something to lessen the sting.
"Well, someone's partying ahead of time."
Red feathers swaying downward in front of your face told you exactly who dared interrupt your pity party for one. You hang your head back and meet eyes with the Winged Hero who only hovers over you with his gaze turned down to meet yours. Any other day you would've been fine with seeing Hawks. You were fellow heroes who worked near and around the same area. And although he seldom needed any kind of help in his neck of the woods, he was always a ray of sunshine to have when in dangerous missions that seemed like too much of a hassle to do alone.
You were both around the same age give or take a few years, and though your reputations weren't near the same caliber, it was obvious from the first mission you had together that you two worked like a charm. 
If only other things worked just as smoothly.
Heaving a sigh, you lift the can of beer and share a weary half-smirk with him. "Hope you're keen of drowning in booze if you're looking to join."
That characteristic smirk of his disappeared and turned into a quizzical frown without a warning as he landed.
"What's wrong?"
"Oh nothin' much." God, you'd only had about half a pack and you were already losing yourself a bit there. Certainly the heartbreak didn't help. "Just mourning how I only seem to catch total pieces of shit with honey is all."
Those golden eyes of his narrowed as if trying to decipher your mess of a sentence before they widened. Hawks approached where you sat and had a seat beside—the narrow space of your condo's rooftop where no fence kept one away from the edge just wide enough for two.
"You went on another date?"
"Yep. And was met by none other than yet another piece of shit."
"What happened?"
You sniffled, the words stuck in your throat as if not wanting to come out due to shame. Relying on Hawks had become more of a constant in your life than you'd like to admit, and he knew this too. Over time it was easy to see that aside from being good coworkers you two considered each other good friends. It was easy to talk to one another and bitch about work or any particular thing when not out catching thugs. All that made it easier to talk to him about the more intimate side of your life and get an inside on how to get a good guy.
But half a year of trying to find somebody with no fucking luck whatsoever had you're hopes running dry that there truly was any good man out there for you. And it wasn't anything new that when things went south, he was the one to answer your calls in the middle of the night. The one that the next day would come with cheap but delicious take-out from the most obscure, small diner he knew and tubs of ice cream to share for dessert over over-the-top comedy movies.
Bad as it sounded, Hawks was your fail-safe. The one constant you could count on that would be there when you needed it. And you knew how fucking horrible that was because he deserved better than to be stuck with your sorry ass. 
Yet you couldn't help telling him. You couldn't break out of that cycle or from that security that he gave you.
By the time you finish telling him what happened, he's already through his third can. You already cracked open your seventh from another six-pack to have for yourself.
"You have the shittiest luck with guys I've ever seen," he says with a slight grimace.
"I wouldn't think it crazy that I was cursed as a baby or something to just die by my lonesome at this point. That would at least explain things."
Hawks leaned forward, his cheek pressing against his knee as he brought his foot to rest on the ledge. His enormous wings cradled the two of you, the tip of the one closest to you holding you back a bit by your hip. You had huffed about it halfway through your story but no matter how much you protested he said he wasn't about to leave an unbalanced drunkard unbuckled on the ledge of a roof. You hated how he babied you now. You were a hero, god damn it, you could take care of yourself just fine, drunk or not. Hawks wasn’t budging anytime soon though and you were too tired to protest much past the first minute or so.
You legs dangled over the edge and the way you swayed them underneath you had your total attention. "Is it really too much to ask for someone who’s not a complete ass? I really don’t want to live the rest of my life alone."
"Is that really so important" he asked.
For you it was.
You'd seen what a great life your parents had had over the years of a long marriage. Through hiccups, they had stayed together to work out their problems and had lived together through it all. They always said one could never live without the other and it was a promise they kept when not days after her mother died, her father followed suit.
That’s the day she learned that sadness was the deadliest kind of killer. And in her case, loneliness wasn’t that far behind. 
More than wanting to avoid being alone, you just wanted to share that kind of love with someone. 
"I never really wanted this life of glitz and glamour that came with being a hero," you admitted through your own thoughts. “But I worked for it because I thought it’d make me happy. It wasn’t until after my parents passed that I realized...sharing life with someone you love is the kind of life I've always wanted. Now that I know what I want all this just seems...hollow.”
“Well...you’ve got me.”
His nonchalant reply had you chuckling. “I don’t think you heard a word I just said.”
“I heard you,” he corrected. “And I meant what I said.”
A sudden heaviness hits you as you turned to face Hawks. He avoids eye contact with you as he lays down on the ice-cold concrete instead, the glare of the rooftop lights hiding his eyes behind his vizor. 
“Whether it’s as friends, or as something more than that, you’re always going to have me.”
Why does he sound so serious? The way he tilted his head to let the glare disperse and finally meet your eyes told you that he was serious. 
Your cheeks suddenly turn a dark color that you hope was hidden well enough in the dark of the night. 
Hawks? Chicken-brained Hawks? 
Now that there wasn’t a possibility that had ever crossed your mind before. At least not seriously. All you guys had ever been was good friends. Sure, the media was always asking if you two were an item from how often you were seen together in and out of work, and you always promptly shot the idea down as soon as it came up, but was there any real merit in it? 
Was there?
No, there couldn’t be. You were comfortable with him, yes, and you really appreciated him for all the times he was there for you, but it just didn’t feel like...being in love. 
At least not the way that you imagined it would be like. But words your father had once told you when you were but a young girl came to mind at searching for the meaning of what ‘being in love’ really was. 
“How did you know mama was the one, papa?”
“When I realized what having her near me felt like.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I suppose we can say it’s a very calming feeling. A very...warm one, too. And I’ve never felt more at peace with myself and who I am than when I’m with your mother. Loving her taught me that...love is truly our one and only peace on earth. And without her, I will never know peace again.”
That’s what your father experienced and what he called love. And...a part of you could tell that you already knew that peace. Feeling so at peace with yourself with another, so comfortable that it’s like you’ve known them all your life—yeah, that was definitely a feeling you were familiar with during long drawn-out movies nights and cheap take-out. 
At the realization, you can’t help but chuckle and wonder how long this dumb bird brain had been hiding this. Or maybe he hadn’t been hiding it at all and you were just too dense and caught up in your dumb search to notice. Still...if this was the path you wanted to go through, it would crumble down walls that had been build through years of your friendship. Walls that would not come back up intact if things didn’t work out if at all. The risk was there but you also knew that something like what your parents had—that kind of loving peace—was worth the risk. 
“You’re so full of yourself, you know that?”
Hawks chuckled. “I’ve been told worse.”
“By who?”
“You, of course. And all have been more than accurate, I’ll tell you,” he said with another chuckle. All those laughs though didn’t last before he became somber. “But I don’t mean to push you into anything; I was just tired of holding it in and watching you get hurt so many times. But if don’t want to, we can just forget what I said and go back to how things were. I won’t hold it against you. And I promise that nothing will change between us.” 
Before you can answer, Hawks stands from his seat. The wing that been caring for you the hold time brushes against your bare arm sending chills down your spine as it pulled you back from the edge ever so slightly. A single feather stays behind as he heads to the door back inside—a gesture of his that he always made a point of making without any words.
A way for you to call him if you needed him, no matter the time or place. 
You hold it by its quill and twirl the feather between your fingers. 
Peace. That’s what you wanted. Mine—no...ours.
Your hesitation lasts only a brief moment when you hear the door finally open and you speak out without thinking. Your voice is just above a whisper but it isn’t him you’re speaking to. Your lips brush against the single feather as you speak and you know that alone stops him in his tracks. 
“A date.” The feather moves ever so slightly and you know you have his attention. Flustered, you try to make an excuse but it ends up as lame as can be. “I mean, only if you’re okay with it! Like you said, I’m not trying to force you either and I don’t know if I’m emotionally ready for another one, but...but if it’s you...I don’t think...I’d mind.”
“How does take-out and a movie sound to you then?” 
His voice reverberates across the space that separates you and forces you to look back at him. Funny how you’ve never noticed how bright his smile could be, or maybe this is the first time you’ve ever seen him smiling like that.
That peace returns and is accompanied by a flutter in your stomach. The good kind. You twirl the feather around as it brushes against your lips every time making your cheeks warm with anticipation. 
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x-heesy · 7 months
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The butterfly effect, we keep 'em all in check
Rub a dub dub, two girls, one cup
Smothered in cum, two balls one cock
Gobble it up sluts (yes!), don't waiste none
Bukake, there's more where that came from
Ain't no justice, just sluts
Asses to asses, butts to butts
Your body's the canvas, my dick's the brush
I paint the picture of no love but lust
She's looking at me like, he must be nuts!
I'm looking at her like... You must eat nuts!
The butterflies in her stomach... Make her vomit...
Nah! She just needs drugs!
I got the butterfly effect on her
The reason she calls up a friend of her's
Bad bitches know, so they spread the word
There's a new sheriff in town, let's flirt!
From flirting comes kisses
From kisses comes fingers
From fingers comes something real' big that I insert
Pow! That hits the spot!
Bitches just keep coming back, that's cause I got:
The butterfly effect, we keep 'em all in check
Yeah I'm making her mad, she wants me so bad
She always says that I'm the best she ever had
I stick it deep down her throat, until she gags
Cumshot to the face, then she laughs
On to the next one, the next piece of ass
She dirty in the bedroom, acting high class
I'm down for the get down, I never just pass
She's butt naked, raising her glass
Toast to the scumbag that came to fast (Woops!)
Second time around, yeah you know I'll last
Beat her up good, made her come with a splash
Grabbed my clothes fast as I left in a dash
She felt like a whore so I left her some cash
Bumped into her girlfriend who wants to get smashed
Keeps on saying that she likes white trash
Here we go again, the effect still lasts
The butterfly effect, we keep 'em all in check
(Check, check) Check this, I'm a mess and sexist
Restless with them breasts, I'm wreckless
Test this, I want to impress the best bitch
Sex all my exes, come witness the wetness
I'm working my magic like a wizard
Kiss her, say:
Abracadabra, make that motherfucking bitch squirt
Straight in my face, I'm-a taste it, gracious!
I love to take a sip when I'm wasted, praise it!
All jokes aside, I'm mostly high
Don't divide, I'll have some American and Kosher Pie
I don't know why, but I want a ho in every areacode
And slide my pole inside
The coldest guy... No, I'll be a sweet dude
Candy for them sweetooth bitches
Brazilian to hebrew
I see through
Because my dick's already getting hard and
From the start, you knew I'd rip your clit apart
So pick a card, good bitches or bad bitches
Rags or riches, ask niggas want ass pictures
I get up in that ass vicious, passing the path Mrs
Butt stuff, I'm in the ass business
Christmas bitches, unwrapping the package
I fucked so savage my dick got casted
I guess I did it for the sex, I guess
Now them bitches keep me in check and that's:
The butterfly effect, we keep 'em all in check
The Butterfly Effect by Dope D.O.D.
@luna---zylum @bigbonzo @boanerges20 @seanisnothing
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