#bitch pasta came from chinese people anyway
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man why do foreign influencers in Japan come for Saizeriya so much lol. First they yap about how it's "not authentic Italian" lmao why did you think it would be...??
(spaghetti is really popular in Japan - it's a cafe food for whatever reason - and you're hard-pressed to find another other form of pasta except occasionally penne - that by itself should tip you off that it's not gonna be any more authentic than Chinese takeout orange chicken).
Then, naturally, they go for the $1 wine. hey I do get it... there are tons of people who can't wrap their minds around why this would exist, because who'd order it?? Hello *raises hand* It's me, I order it! One wine tastes pretty much the same as another to me, sorry wine elitists. Go enjoy your premium Cabernet Sauvignon from 1774 and let me sip my cheap wine that tastes like ass in peace lol
(That redhead on Facebook for some reason referred to it as juice? with quotation mark fingers. Idk if I'm not getting something, I looked at the menu but didn't see juice, they had it properly listed as wine... is it a Facebook thing where you can't mention alcohol in videos??? really not sure why she did this)
And every foreigner ever always has such Strong Opinions about corn pizza! Including me, when I first came. Honest to God corn pizza is not the travesty every westerner in Japan behaves like it is. Corn pizza tastes fine. It's not my personal taste. It doesn't offend me. Lol.
Idk man I go to saizeriya because it's cheap as fuck even now that the yen's value is so low, it serves peas, which I love and which aren't common here, and it serves fast food pizza and pasta which never hurt anyone lol. One guy bitched that his "margherita pizza" seemed like it was just a cheese pizza... but afaik Saizeriya does not sell margherita pizza. At all. I can't say for sure because sometimes menus at these chain restaurants are different depending on your region - maybe there was a margherita pizza on the menu at his place, or maybe he took the video in a year that they did just have margherita pizza... However, to my memory and experience over several years, there is no margherita pizza at Saizeriya, but there is buffalo mozzarella pizza. As in a cheese pizza lol. I think the guy misread mozzarella as margherita (the katakana doesn't really look alike but I can kinda see it especially if you're not great with マ行) and then was surprised by what he got. And redhead praised the doria because "Japan does rice well" haha. IMO Saizeriya doria tastes hardly better than like conbini doria...
Anyway the point is if you come to Japan and don't want to eat inauthentic Italian food... don't go to Saizeriya lol.
I guess I'm just over the whole "WOW look at this WEIRDO thing Japan does it's so UBER CRAY-CRAY" vibe, especially from influencers who are making a profit... like it's been done man... can we find something else to make fun of?
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watch this if you wanna get real hungry and read the comments if you wanna see a bunch of white people saying “so it’s just pasta then.....”
#bitch pasta came from chinese people anyway#if you’re gonna try to sound smart maybe know what you’re talking about first#🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄#YOU KNOW NOODLES DON'T HAVE TO BE IN SOUP FOR THEM TO BE CONSIDERED NOODLES RIGHT#HAVE YOU EVER EATEN REAL FOOD#I hate y’all#i'm heated#uncultured ignorance makes my blood boil#food
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Tag Game
tagged by: @ddaenggtan whom I love and is one half of two spider-man’s pointing at each other
:: nickname(s): B, BayB, Sherbert (Based on my real name this is risky), Bob (Because my phone autocorrects BB to Bob and so my best friend and I call each other that).
:: bias: In BTS, Namjoon, Yoongi, and Jungkook (Because I am a whore)
:: blood type: I genuinely do not know, I think A+ .....
:: favourite food: Tofu and rice from a very specific Chinese place near my undergrad school OR from Sticky Rice, Asparagus, Pasta of any type, Tofurky sandwich
:: birthday: March 11, 1997
:: zodiac: Pisces Sun, Aries Moon, Sagittarius Rising
:: pronouns: she/her
:: hair length: OKAY right now it is SO LONG I’ve had short hair since I started senior year of High School, and now, 6 years later, my hair is an inch or 2 past my shoulders (I think I should cut it)
:: height: i am 5′3″ and one time I said ��tall people should always be afraid” as I stood on a stool because BEING THAT HIGH UP IS SCARY
:: a crush: I have a new crush every room I walk into I am hopeless also what ever happened to Alex the regular that I blushed around why did he stop coming to my Starbucks Alex I miss you
:: what do you like about yourself: I like my style and my confidence. I took me a really long time to feel good about myself, but I feel like I’m finally as confident as everyone always thought I was. I like my creativity and how empathetic I am.
:: left or right handed: I am right handed but live in fear that I was supposed to be left handed based on my mom’s haunted memory of taking the marker out of my left hand as a child and putting it into my right and immediately regretting it.
:: list of 3 favourite colours: CURRENTLY: pastel pink, neon green, and pastel purple
:: (right now) eating: nothing, but I have a Mediterranean grain bowl from Panera in front of me for later so I could use their wifi
:: (right now) drinking: Starbucks venti iced coffee with soy, light ice, and 3 pumps of cinnamon dolce syrup.
:: i’m about to: start planning for Spring semester which starts tomorrow!
:: listening to: my Korean music playlist, which is named 음악, because Google translate told me that’s how you write music in Korean, if it’s wrong please tell me I don’t want to be embarrassed. It’s my most listened to playlist and more specifically I am listening to Tell Me What To Do by SHINee
:: kids: Does my cat count? I call her my baby and her name is Mochi. Or is this like do I want to have them? Yes, I have wanted to be a mom since I was very little, but that’s also maybe because of child hood trauma that we do not have time to unpack, anyways I always pictured myself as a mom but like not as a wife? So kids even if I’m a single mom.
:: get married: LMAO according to the above I am not like that invested in it, but also I am down to get married one day. I’m genuinely happy alone and I don’t actively seek out romantic relationships BUT ALSO I WANT TO BE LOVED DAMN IT. Idk one day but no time soon.
:: recent phone call: My mom because she face timed me and I could tell it was a butt dial and I was right.
:: (have u ever) dated someone twice: No. I am the type of person that is done when I’m done and my mind isn’t going to be changed. Also I never liked anyone I dated that much OOP.
:: been cheated on: Probably, like they swore to the end that they didn’t, but he immediately started dating the girl (my best friend) that I swore he was cheating on me with SO LIKE EMOTIONALLY YES.
:: kissed someone and regretted it: Literally one of my boyfriends, and yet even after regretting the kiss I DATED HIM WHAT THE HELL
:: lost someone special: Yes. No way to make this entertaining or funny sorry.
:: been depressed: We are thicc into the effects of seasonal affective disorder SO YES (I’m sorry that effects my work on this blog and is proof that being depressed TM does not make you a better artist I CANT DO SHIT RIGHT NOW)
:: been drunk and thrown up: OKAY so yes, the first time was my freshman year of college and I WAS WASTED, and then not again until MY SENIOR YEAR where I would be LEGALLY ALLOWED TO DRINK. I learned the hard way that when I am out and my friend says WHO WANTS TO DO SHOTS if my immediate answer is yes, it should be no, because I never want to take a shot unless I am already too drunk.
:: had glasses or contacts: I have both! I’ve had glasses since the first grade and I got contacts in the 7th grade, which I prefer because I like seeing in my peripheral.
:: had sex on the first date: well as a Virgin TM, no
:: broken someone’s heart: Yes, and I am not sorry OOP
:: turned someone down: Yes, and it is always awkward I hate it
:: cried when someone died: Yes, every time
:: fallen for a friend: Yes, refer back to I have a new crush every room I enter
:: (in the last year have you) made a new friend: YES, I moved to a whole new state and made friends on this here website
:: laughed until u cried: Yes and its one of my favorite emotions
:: met someone who changed u: I think everyone we truly get to know and meet changes us in some way.
:: found out who your true friends were: Yes and that shit hurted
:: found out someone was talking about you: Probably, I am pretty oblivious to things like that, so I could genuinely never realize.
:: lips or eyes: Eyes I guess. I’ve never thought about it but I guess I think more about eyes than lips when it comes to a person.
:: hugs or kisses: Kisses are great but HUGS hit DIFFERENT. You can kiss random people and it means nothing except hey you’re hot, but THE THOUGHT of the person I love hugging me tight EUPHORIC
:: romantic or spontaneous: Spontaneous romantic gestures
:: hookup or relationship: Relationship, even though like to think I’m a bad bitch that can’t be locked down, I also need to be comfortable with a person before I can be intimate.
:: first best friend: from birth until the beginning of high school, growing apart from her was worse than any break-up I’ve ever had and I still think about how my mom held me in the car while I cried about the end of our friendship.
:: surgery: nope
:: sports i joined: I did Softball and basketball until high school, played JV volleyball for one year in the 8th grade, and then after that I was a Cheerleader.
:: do u believe in yourself: Sometimes. Recently when Fall semester ended I thought I did really poorly on my final papers, but when I presented in both classes people were really impressed. I had even started to wonder if trying to get my PhD was unrealistic. I think it was the reminder I needed that I am smart and strong and I can do most things if I set my mind to them, so I’m dedicated to believing in myself in 2020.
:: miracles: I don’t know. Maybe. I hate to take a strong stance and say no, but I’ve also never seen one.
:: love at first sight: I believe in like at first sight, but not love. Love is a verb and requires work. Love is so much more than just seeing someone, it involves looking into their soul and saying I recognize the light in you and I love it.
:: heaven: I was raised religious but idk man. It’s crazy because of how strongly I felt about this 6 years ago.
:: do u have any pets: My parents have a dog that I lived with until 6 months ago and I have a cat. I want another cat uwu.
:: do u want to change your name: No, I love my name. But my alias on here, I think about changing it all the time.
:: what did u do for your last birthday: I went out with my friends, and did really cute makeup, and was really feeling myself.
:: what time did u wake up today: I got to sleep in since I had the day off, so 10:00 am.
:: what were u doing last night at midnight: Sleeping my dude, I passed out at like 10:00 pm
:: something i can’t wait for: my whole life I’ve been waiting to live the life I want to live, and I know this is a sad thing to say, but I still feel that way. It’s hard to change my mentality, but I’m very future focused.
:: last time u saw your mum: AHHH recently! My parents came up last week and I got to see them for the first time since November, and my mom cried WHEN SHE WALKED INTO MY APARTMENT
:: what is one thing u wish u could change about your life: I wish I could finally make a solid group of friends where I currently live, but I am very nervous about it and I don’t put myself out there ooof I also would like to stop procrastinating the things I want to do like my YouTube channel and I want to stop being depressed and I want to go to NYC more often
I’d like to tag…. @strawbxxymilk @honiboyyoon @helpitskpop @sketchguk
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Oh yeah, the same thing happened to me. And I am hoping it will happen to my child.
But you don’t have to be racist to have basically no exposure to any genuine cuisine outside of the area you live in; you just need to be an American who doesn’t live on the coasts and doesn’t live in a city. If you have no exposure to foods from other cultures, and any attempt you might make to produce a watered-down version from a recipe online hits you like a ton of bricks because the spice levels are way too high for your untrained palate... you’re not going to want to eat outside your own comfort levels. And honestly that’s fine, more for the rest of us. :-)
My mom liked to experiment and try new things, and still, the food she cooked -- which I found delicious at the time -- would probably strike me as very bland now. In fact I know it would because I wrote down her recipes to take to grad school, and now when I make them, I have to add a ton of cheese or spices to make it good. She wasn’t racist; she was surrounded by people with sensitive palates who wouldn’t eat strongly spiced food. She visited New York City often and traveled the world a few times but she never managed to live anywhere but her home town, the place she grew up. And, I mean, she watched cooking shows. She collected cookbooks. But nobody got used to spices from eating her food because everyone who regularly ate her food wouldn’t eat it if it was too spicy. Including my dad, who comes from the side of the family that the autism comes from too.
Delicate palate isn’t a racist thing, it’s a “never lived around people who cooked differently for long enough to naturally adapt, and isn’t adventurous enough to insist on trying new things anyway.” Are there racists with delicate palates? Sure. But, I mean, dill is a flavoring. Lemon is a flavoring. White people cooking has no problem with those. Mostly it’s the physical sensation of “hotness” that “white” cuisine tends to avoid... and, I mean, if your food tastes good without it, why adopt it? I didn’t learn to like hot spices until my allergies overwhelmed me and I learned that hot spice clears your sinuses and helps fight fatigue. Food tasted fine to me before I acclimated. Now some foods are boring as shit if they don’t have spices. I used to eat Popeye’s Mild Chicken. Now I eat the Spicy and find the Mild really, really dull. But the only benefit I got from that is that it increased the range of other people’s cooking I can eat and, as mentioned, hot spice fights fatigue and clears sinuses.
I guess I feel like... why are we in a position to say that white people who live in the suburbs in the middle of the US, who love mayonnaise and lemon and dill and vinegar, who think that cold pasta and mayonnaise is actually a food... why’s their cuisine objectively worse than any other cuisine? It’s the fact that they’re not worldly, that they only eat one kind of food, that makes us look down on them... but if it tastes good to them, what business do we have insisting that it’s wrong? (Cold pasta and mayonnaise is, however, objectively wrong. :-) No, I’m joking.) Yeah, the Chinese food you can get in a white suburb absolutely sucks if you’re familiar with Chinese food from a big city’s Chinatown... but I am assured by actual Chinese people that that doesn’t taste like the food in China, either.
Especially as autistic people -- we are from the group of humans that came up with the term “samefood” and made it a positive word -- I think it’s wrong of us to insult other people’s tastes in food just because they’re blander than what we like. For all I know, my kid who likes the plain meat and rice has much more sensitive taste buds than I do and is picking up delicate flavors I couldn’t possibly. And there’s no way to bitch out the white people who put pickles and ketchup on meat they cooked to death without bitching out many of our fellow autistics and “cousins”, as well.
My parents got a fancy pfaltzgraff spice rack with fancy little matching spices with the same design as their dishes printed on them, anyway they probably got it 25+ years ago and its true they never use the spices
This is so...😑
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