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dj-cublex · 2 years ago
A variety of game ratings for games I've tried that Steam currently doesn't have a rating for, and why I chose them
Absconding Zatwor - Playable! You have to hold down the right touchpad and slide your thumb around for movement, and if there's anything else you do I'm unaware of it because this game isn't good
Ascent - Playable! Gameplay is just the D-Pad (perfect!) but menu isn't controller navigatable. Right touchpad works great for this.
Binaries - Verified! It just works. Simple platformer, makes sense.
BIT.TRIP VOID - Unsupported. Crashes on bootup. The other original BIT.TRIPs probably do this too, considering BEAT and RUNNER are Steam classed as Unsupported. Another point for the Vita!
CROSSNIQ+ - Unsupported. Boots into the Unity "select your resolution and quality" thingy, and trying to confirm your options and get to the game doesn't work as for some reason the mouse cursor refuses to go low enough to actually press the confirm button.
Ekstase - Verified! Again, it just works. Menus can be a little odd, but I've been able to navigate with controller only. If it gives you issue, right touchpad's your guy.
Velocibox - Playable! And if you usually play the game on stick anyway, it's Verified! (D-pad doesn't work by default, but you can definitely configure it to do so.)
Vividlope - Playable! ALMOST Verified, but none of the resolution options fit the screen without letterboxing. Everything else is perfect, and I'm not picky, but that's how it is.
You Have 10 Seconds 3 - Verified! Simple game controlwise, so it makes sense.
I'll probably edit/update this post later down the line to add more. Most of these are good games, so I recommend trying em out!
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iloveabunchofgames · 2 years ago
1/29 - Week In Review
#JakeReviewsItch Week In Review Archives
This week's reviews: 🧡🧡🧡🧡🤍 2000:1: A Space Felony 🧡🧡🤍🤍🤍 a completely normal dating simulation that is definitely sweet, innocent and normal 🧡🧡🤍🤍🤍 A Dance of Fire and Ice 🧡🧡🧡🤍🤍 A Mortician's Tale 🧡🧡🤍🤍🤍 A Day In the Woods 🧡🤍🤍🤍🤍 A e r o c r a f t 🧡🧡🧡🤍🤍 A Forgetful Loop
Game of the Week
Video games. Space. How many times have we seen this chocolate-and-peanut-butter combo? We've piloted and landed spacecraft, and lord knows we've zapped an alien or two, but you know what you don't see very often beyond the digital atmosphere? Due process of law.
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Oh, you know what? Frog Fractions. I almost forgot about the courtroom scene on Bug Mars. Fine, so 2000:1: A Space Felony or How I Came to Value My Life and MURDER Mercilessly. isn't the first or the best game to remind us that law and order are the bedrock of society, even beyond the confines of national and planetary borders, but it is a game about gathering evidence and presenting a solid argument in the case of Fake HAL 9000 v. An Entire Spaceship's Dead Crew. Give it a try. It's short, it's free, and it's easily the best Itch game I played this week.
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The early days of Nintendo Switch were the best. See, the best way to get visibility on the eShop was for a game to sell a lot of units, and the best way to sell—short of making a good, well-marketed game that people wanted play—was to put a game on sale for a couple cents. The sale would end, and the game would still be on the best-seller list alongside the big-budget blockbuster. Additionally, depending on one's system settings, owning a game from a publisher might enable that publisher to push advertisements to the owner's Switch News section. Shady tactics, but for those of us who kept up with sales, those were great times. Sure, most of the games I downloaded were trash, but the prices were so low, and there were enough pleasant surprises, that it was usually worth rolling the dice. Nintendo got wise, though, and quietly implemented some policy changes. Now, you'll rarely see prices dip below $1.99. And that's why the latest QubicGames sale is a big deal. Now through the middle of February, most of their lineup is available for just 50¢ a pop. (You won't see the sales prices in the eShop unless you own at least one Qubic release. Fortunately, Coloring Book is currently free. Claim it, and then watch the prices melt.) Qubic is actually really cool about breaking the $1.99 barrier. I snagged several games for 99¢ just a few weeks ago, which felt like a smokin' hot deal. If only I'd known. They also have a history of briefly making a handful of games free in December.
I'd love to tell you a little bit about all the games I recommend, but there's a problem: We're not talking about the kind of cheap eShop garbage described above. I have player 39 Qubic games, and most of them are pretty good. Some of them are all-time classics at any price.
The most efficient purchasing advice I could offer is a ranked list.
A Ranked List of the 39 QubicGames Games I Own
Pocket Pool
Pocket Mini Golf 2
One Strike
REKT! High Octane Stunts
Puzzle Book
Good Night, Knight!
Pudding Monsters
Dungeon Top
Zombie Blast Crew
Space Pioneer
Door Kickers
Chex Quest HD
Rimelands: Hammer of Thor
Akuto: Showdown
UTOPIA 9 - A Volatile Vacation
Coffee Crisis
Warlocks 2: God Slayers
Gravity Rider Zero
Timothy and the Mysterious Forest
Coloring Book
Escape Doodland
Mini Trains
Pocket Mini Golf
Mana Spark
Wreckin’ Ball Adventure
Eyes: The Horror Game
I'd be happy to talk about any of these in more detail, but they're so cheap! I keep futzing with the order of this list, but all you need to know is that the top 11 are fantastic. You can safely skip 29-39, although the only one that's outright bad is Eyes: The Horror Game. The rest deliver at least $0.49 of entertainment. Peep the store pages and see what matches your interests. There are still a few gaps in my Qubic knowledge, so take a look at the sale page if you're into, I dunno, boxing and sausage. (Ugh. Do I need to buy the sausage games?) Yuck, I sound like such a shill. To be clear, I'm not getting paid for this, nor do I have any other incentive to promote these products. I just really love those BIT.TRIP games.
#JakeReviewsTwitch is a series of daily game reviews. You can learn more here. You can also browse past reviews…
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cos65535 · 1 year ago
今年は以下の104作品のゲームをしました。太字で書いてあるのは特に良かった・印象に残った作品です。ちなみにだいたいクリア・プレイした順です。  ★がついているものはChallenge Enthusiasts( https://cedb.me/ 、以降CEと表記)のロールイベントでプレイしたゲームです。
Jelly Is Sticky:全ステージクリア
Super Hexagon:全実績解除
ヤマふだ! にごうめ:全実績解除、チャレンジ10全ヤマ制覇
★The Treehouse Man:全実績解除
★Eat colors:全実績解除
Gundemonium Recollection:全実績解除
★Dragon's Lair
★Get-A-Grip Chip:全実績解除
★Duke Dashington Remastered:全実績解除
★Pain Party:全ステージクリア
★Alien Removal Division:全実績解除
ソフィーのアトリエ DX:全実績解除
★Trash Quest:全実績解除
★Deneb: Across the Stars:全実績解除
★Lovely Planet 2: April Skie:全実績解除、アビスハード
★LOST EGG 2: Be together
★Bouncing Hero:全パーフェクト、チャレンジモード
Can of Wormholes:全実績解除、クリアしたゲーム1000本目
★Trace Vector:全実績解除
★Electronic Super Joy:全実績解除
★My Friend Pedro:全実績解除、難易度Bananaで全ステージS
★Petal Crash:全実績解除、ナイトメア
★QP Shooting - Dangerous!!
Lovely Planet:全実績解除
Heroine of the Sniper:全実績解除
★Peggle Extreme:全ステージ100%クリア
★Neon Boost:全実績解除
★Jet Buster:全実績解除
★Prologue for a Vacant Kingdom:全実績解除
★Void Prison:全実績解除
★RAIN Project:全実績解除
★Dizzy Rogues:全実績解除
★No Parachute:全実績解除
Lovely Planet Arcade:全実績解除
Lovely Planet Remix:全実績解除
JellyCar Worlds:全実績解除、全チャレンジクリア
★Super Magbot:全実績解除
★Circa Infinity:全実績解除
★Just Shapes & Beats:全実績解除
★Hard Reset Extended Edition:Heroicモードクリア
JUDGE EYES:死神の遺言 Remastered
★Touhou Fantasia / 东方梦想曲:全実績解除
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2:全実績解除
Hotline Miami:全実績解除
Maiden & Spell:全実績解除
Sonic CD
ゴースト トリック:全実績解除
★I wanna be The Cat:難しい実績一通り
Magnet Block:全面(105面)クリア
Monster Train:全実績解除、エキスパートチャレンジ全Divine Victory
★Nosferatu Lilinor:全実績解除
Ring of Pain:全実績解除
A Hat in Time:Death Wishコンプリート
Cats Organized Neatly:全実績解除
Dogs Organized Neatly:全実績解除
★Wings of Vi:Demon 全ボスノーダメ
Cosmic Express:プレイ中
ゼルダの伝説 ティアーズオブザキングダム:プレイ中
対応ジャンルの幅が広くて有利だと思ったので参加して、運よく現状1位(2位の人が12月のゲームをクリアしたら同点になって延長戦突入Wings of Vi対決に勝ち延長戦に入らず優勝しました)になってるので狙い通りなんですが、期限付きでゲームをするのは時間調整が必要だったりプレイしたいゲームができなくなってしまうので優勝狙いで参加するのはあんまりお勧めしません。
ヤマふだ! にごうめ
Slay the Spireみたいなデッキ構築ゲー。StSよりも軽めになっており2,30分程度でワンプレイできるのが好き。
一番難しいヤマだと運ゲー感が強く、良いギアがないとを登り切るのは厳しい。一方でデッキ構築ゲーの実力が高いと、少しの運の悪さであればねじ伏せて攻略もできるのでプレイの短さも相まって案外バランスは取れてて面白い作品。 あと強いギア・カードとか明確じゃんとか思いつつも、Tierリストを作ったら人によって結構ばらつき出そうだなという気もする。
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ゲームどんくらい上手いの?って聞かれたときにCeleste FWGできるくらいって言えるようになった。やって良かった点としては攻略に1カ月以上かかる難易度への向き合い方を学べたのが一番大きかった。
Petal Crash
今年一番面白かった作品。前から気になっていたゲームで、RTA in Japanの動画を見ていけるんでは?と思って(CEのロールイベントのロシアンルーレットに入れて)特攻したらいけた。
ただこのゲームPetal Crashしかやることなくて、パズルの実力が足りないと絶対にクリアできないので、CPU戦が楽しくて30連戦とかやってしまう人じゃないとナイトメアを攻略するのは厳しい気もする。
Magnet Block
異常に難しい3D磁石倉庫番。 これのおかげで最高難易度のパズルとして、東方紅魔大迷宮・みすてぃっく☆ばる~ん ver.CircusではなくてSteamで入手可能でアンドゥがあるゲームを上げられるようになった。
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My ranking of the Bit.Trip games based off my own skill and opinion of them:
1. Runner
2. Void
3. Flux
4. Fate
5. Core
6. Beat
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delfinoluma101 · 7 years ago
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One day, during a RocketStation stream, I drew Commander Video from Bit.Trip. Fun game series with lots of colour.
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g4zdtechtv · 8 years ago
NTom & Volk's Spot of PC #13 - BIT.TRIP Collection
The sights and sounds of bits.
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touhou-gensoudairantou · 4 years ago
Can I get a fuckin uhhhhhh CommanderVideo moveset
(Dear Anon who requested this, I’m sorry I ignored this for so long, you really threw me a curveball and I struggled for so long on how I would even go about a fighter like this since I never really gave his games much thought before. However, upon doing research, I came to respect what these games have done for the Indie scene by being so bold with its aesthetic sense, and gaining so much attention with so much simple gameplay. I hope that my interpretation of what CV would be like in Smash does him justice. ...I swear to God, if CV is announced for real in Smash at E3 this year, I’m gonna shit an entire house. Regardless, I hope you enjoy this if you haven’t given up. -With love, Tsuki-Sennin.)
BIT.TRIP Presents... Gensou Dairantou Smash Bros.! Now Featuring CommanderVideo! (The Mysterious Voxel Hero Beyond Time)
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(His appearance in this game would likely be a combination of his looks in BIT.TRIP Runner and Super Meat Boy.) Overview: The mysterious, psychedelic hero known as CommanderVideo. His appearance is simple, reminiscent of a long past and especially primitive era of games played on wooded consoles with only one joystick and button per controller. His past, on the other hand, is quite complicated. Enduring a journey of hardship and growth stretching from his youth in the brilliantly inventive BIT.TRIP BEAT all the way to his passing on in BIT.TRIP FLUX, CV took the Indie world by storm with challenging Atari-inspired rhythm and high-speed running games recognized by the Big N themselves, to the point where he was immortalized as a trophy in Smash 4! His hobbies likely include racquetball, jogging, and music. Much like Mr. Game and Watch, he’s a wafer-thin sprite acting in a three-dimensional space, which makes for a fascinating opponent to watch in battle. Get all those unfunny Among Us memes out of you at the door, then strap in for a... challenging, to say the least, concept fighter. As the battle goes on, he can accumulate lightning speeds and incredible attacking power from his MODEs, but be careful. Even a small misstep can cost you dearly with a hitbox as big as he is. He is only a man, but he is not alone. He is ready. Don’t lose your beat!
Intro Animation: CV popping out of the ground and running forward like he does in Runner, before slowing down.
Gimmick: MODEs are the mark of how well you’re doing in any given BIT.TRIP title, and as such it’d be carried over here. Landing multiple special attacks without getting hit will cause CV to MODE-Up from HYPER to MEGA, represented by him getting a Pink Core just above his fighter icon at the bottom of the screen and him gaining his signature technicolor trail behind him as he runs. That means the power of his attacks, and his movement speed will increase with each mode increase. Getting hit too many times will cause you to MODE-Down, which’ll naturally bring you back to normal. Screwing up too many times, however, will cause you to fall to NETHER MODE, and your attacks will do pitiful damage and slow your movement and non-special attacks to a snail’s pace until you get yourself together. However, you do gain a slight boost to your knockback resistance and overall damage is reduced, so you won’t get so severely punished for relatively minor damage. Fans of the Pokémon Archeops such as myself are no doubt jealous. If you can chain together massive combos however, you will be delighted by the speed and intensity of your attacks... but don’t run off the stage now, will you? If you get hit once in EXTRA or above, you’ll MODE-Down.
To put it simply, if NETHER’s speed is equal to Robin, then EXTRA and above are among the highest speed in the game. Got all that? Good, here’s an easy chart. NETHER <- (HYPER) -> MEGA -> SUPER -> ULTRA -> EXTRA -> GIGA -> META
Whew... Now let’s talk Specials. I uh... can’t really think about what kind of standard attacks or tilts our good Commander would have aside from some fairly standard stuff like uh... kicks, maybe reflecting beats into the opponents. His aerials would likely just be more of the same too.
His Dash Attack lets him run into the opponent with the Paddle acting as a shield like it does in Runner. And he’s got a fairly standard but strong slide attack for his Down Tilt!
However, his Smash attacks allow him to fire high-powered lasers. Just like the kind he uses in FATE. And they come with cameos too!
Up Smash: Junior Melchkin Shot. Fires thin lasers into the air only slightly stronger than CV’s Beat anti-air Up Tilt. However, the signal from his antenna also doubles as an attack, so you have two hitboxes to work with! Probably the attack you’ll get the least use out of, but hey!
Side Smash: Mr. Robotube Shot. Fires two streams of bullets in a sine wavelike pattern. It’s super strong and easily pierces through walls and opponents with ease.
Down Smash: CommandgirlVideo Shot. A pair of conical triple spread shots, each facing away from each other. This is a sweeping move that can easily knock a lightweight opponent off their feet. You can tell she’s a girl because she’s pink-ish... and in some games, happens to have boobies. Refreshingly, she’s not a love interest, so I appreciate that at least.
Neutral B: The Red Core. Unlike the Paddle, which is purely for defensive counters, the Red Core allows CV to destroy projectiles and attack with lasers! The Red Core’s lasers can nullify lesser projectiles, and it also has a lot of extra power.
Side B: The Paddle. A nameless icon from the ancient 8-bit era of gaming, the Paddle was a stalwart object of protection for the developing CV in his debut to the world, even guiding him to the afterlife in FLUX. It’s mostly for reflecting Beats, but in Smash it can reflect damn near any projectile that comes its way. It can also be maneuvered up and down by distance equivalent to CV’s height. However, it can be slashed or punched right through, so be careful.
Up B: Spring. CV bounces up on a spring straight out of Runner, going for a pretty high distance. Unlike Sonic’s Spring Jump, CV’s Spring remains in place no matter where on the screen he uses, but causes almost double the damage.
Down B: The Void. The namesake of VOID, in which you absorb black Beats while knocking away white ones. Here in Smash, it functions identically to Ness and Lucas’s PSI Magnet, although the recovery rate only half and the range is somewhat wider. It also does rather small damage.
Bomb: Beat-Clearing Bomb. This is a feature in CORE that allows you to remove Beats from the screen.
Final Smash: BIT.TRIP. CV calls upon the Paddle to slam down on up to three opponents, doing large starting damage
The opponents are taken through a montage of CV’s life, amping up from HYPER in BEAT all the way to META in FLUX as they are pelted by an onslaught of Beats doing chip damage from the games’ various playable entities, and guest attacks from fan-favorite characters like Mr. Robotube and CommandgirlVideo, before finally being reflected by an enormous version of the Paddle in FLUX, doing major knockback.
Victory Screens:
-CV and CommandgirlVideo grilling up a pair of sausages.
-CV posing alongside his Trophy from Smash 4 before jumping over it and looping around the screen.
-CV suddenly transforms into his 3D incarnation from Runner3, then runs around on screen.
Naturally, CV comes with all of his series’ absolute BANGER of an OST, so no need to worry about that.
Uhh... some of my favorites are Descent from BEAT, Exploration from CORE, Super-Ego from VOID, and Triumph from RUNNER.
Enjoy these tracks in the meantime, because I gotta get ready for E3 and plan this silly project of mine accordingly. Thank you for your time!
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schnellonline · 5 years ago
I play games like Cave Story, An Untitled Story, Seiklus, Glace, Pekka Kana, Marble Arena, Yume Nikki, Demonophobia, #21: The World, Le Fantabulous Game, Skyline, CRAZD, Experiment12, Scribs Adventure, Quantum Eternity, Fantastic 1.Fun, Ese Adventures, The Void, Pathologic, LSD Dream Emulator, worlds.com, Excellent Game, Karoshi Suicide Salaryman, Kanye Quest, Platonic Paranoia, Flywrench, Snailiad, Secret Maryo Chronicles, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Ao Oni, Pizza Delivery, Sad Satan, forbidden.exe, Bubsy 3D: Bubsy Visits the James Turrell Retrospective, Insert Title Here, Evil, I have no mouth and I must scream, Hong Kong 97, Poy Poy, Prince of Persia 3D, 上九一色村物語, the static speaks my name, Cry of Fear, Mystery of the Druids, IMSCARED, Fancy Pants Adventure, Lego Island, Toy Story SNES, Wuppo, Cat Planet, Revenge of the Sunfish, The Neverhood, Takeshi no Chosenjo, Rule of Rose, La Mulana, World of Goo, Kao the Kangaroo, Jazz Jackrabbit, Gex, Purble Place, Bonesaw, Merry Gear Solid, loselose, Lostboy, .flow, Environmental Station Alpha, Goblet Grotto, Within a Deep Forest, Knytt, iji, SMW Central Production 2, BBQ Quest, Barkley Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden, Caverns, Kero Blaster, Lisa: the pointless, Mars for The Rich, glap.io, Deus Ex, Hylics, Gingiva, Space Funeral, OFF, Memory of a Broken Dimension, Osada, Space Station 13, Spirit Engine, N+, Dreamfall: The Longest Journey, Drawn to Life, The New Zealand Story, Sanitarium, Abe's Odyssey, The Crooked Man, Skinwalker, Commander Keen, IWBTG, Dreams, Sanguine Sanctum, Crazy Taxi, Syberia, Mark Basehore's Super Damage House, Noctis, Super Methane Brothers, Triumph! WAR 2099, Teeworlds, Freeciv, MechCommander, Bit.Trip Runner, Everybody Edits and Clue
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gamenewsworld · 4 years ago
WiiWare games Bit.Trip Beat, Core, Void, Runner, Fate, and Flux coming to Nintendo Switch – My Nintendo News
WiiWare games Bit.Trip Beat, Core, Void, Runner, Fate, and Flux coming to Nintendo Switch – My Nintendo News
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The acclaimed WiiWare series Bit.Trip is coming to the Nintendo Switch system on 25th December. The series comprises of six very different titles that juggle different genres and they are now being released on the Nintendo Switch eshop on 25th December (Christmas Day!). You will be able to purchase each game in the series individually and they are priced up at $4.99 each. Here’s details…
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eldritchdraaks · 5 years ago
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Here’s my revised Rhythm Game Tier List (These are my opinions)
Just Shapes and Beats - It’s crazy fun, has a lot of techo/electric songs by popular artists, multiplayer, an ACTUAL STORY MODE!!!!!! With characters you actually CARE about! There’s a lot of great tracks to unlock, the gameplay is synced perfectly to the beat, it’s just awesome. I jam out to the soundtrack a lot.
Thumper - A different take on rhythm games, this is full of cosmic horror. There’s not so much songs as there are sounds which create the atmospheric soundtrack. It’s fast paced and can be difficult, but very forgiving with the number of check points. Includes a hard mode.
Rhyhtm Heaven - Multiple games in the series, each one with a large collection of minigames with widely different mechanics to spend hours on. If you don’t like one, you won’t have to spend too long on it before trying the next one.
Crypt of the Necrodancer - A mashup of rhythm game and rogue-like. Tons of replay with the randomly generated levels, tons of characters with different movement mechanics, a story mode, a killer soundtrack, even covers done in other genres. It’s hard, but worth the difficulty.
Elite Beat Agents - The same gameplay as Osu, but with a story, characters, and easier inputs using the DS touch screen.
Bit.Trip Complete (Beat, Core, Void, Runner, Fate, Flux) - 
Beat Saber - Though more of a workout game, it’s done incredibly with VR and your twin light-sabers cutting through the blocks. It even has custom songs. The only down side is the steep price for a VR setup.
LEGO Rock Band - Everything great about Rockband, but with Lego. More memorable than the original, it includes a full story campaign, customizable band members AND crib. A number of tracks feature fun cutscenes while you play.
Taiko Drum Master - Only played enough to know it’s not for me. Take’s awhile to get the hang of, starting off like a “Rub your belly and pat your head” kind of song and dance. Still, excellent game design.
Rhythm Doctor - The best part of it is the simplified gameplay. you only use one button and you have to hit on the 7th note. The difficulty comes from how the game tries to distract you or throw you off your rhythm. The tracks vary in genre.
The Impossible Game - Though it came first, it’s a simplified version of Geometry Dash. Only 5 tracks to play and only a few different hazards in the levels. However, it’s simplicity with it’s presentation makes it more fun to play.
Cadence of Hyrule - Nearly the same gameplay as Crypt of the Necrodancer, but with some features held back making it easier and with little replay value.
Osu! - Same gameplay as Elite Beat Agents, but with custom songs. Held back by it’s controls. Easiest with a touch screen or pen, hard with a mouse.
Riff Racer - Like Audiosurf but with free movement and custom songs.
Audiosurf - One of the older games. Plays like Thumper, but otherwise not too different from Riff Racer.
Deemo - A simple yet beefy tapping game for mobile. Has a bit of a story, cute and well designed characters, and mainly piano mixes. Not much to say.
Rock Band - It’s Guitar Hero, but with vocals and drums thrown in. More options!
Geometry Dash - An improved version of The Impossible Game. Includes a lot of tracks and level hazards, customization, and a level editor. However the presentation is overly distracting at times.
PaRappa The Rapper - A classic, full of charm, super cute and fun. It’s not as rhythm based as other games, rather it’s very simple. 
HarmoKnight - A lot like the Runner games, but I’m not a fan of the art style. It’s still a lot of fun and includes levels with pokemon songs and themeing.
Runner 2 & 3 - The original Bit.Trip Runner was great, and though the sequels have the same fun gameplay, the art style is drastically changed, and it loses a lot of it’s charm because of it.
Dance Dance Revolution - More of a workout. Tiring to play on a dancepad, easier with a controller. You need strong foot-eye coordination that not everyone’s got. DDR is a difficult beast, unique but not always that fun. It takes more practice than most rhythm games. Arcade versions are better than console.
Space Channel 5 - Plays like PaRappa The Rapper but arguably without the charm.
Rocksmith - A more complex Guitar Hero. Less about the game, more about learning to play guitar.
Vib-Ribbon - A great, fun little game, but the sounds are ear grating. Would greatly benefit from a remaster.
Just Dance - Not all that fun. Only a rhythm game by technicality. It’s not bad, but it’s more of a workout than a game.
DJ Hero - Not bad, just confusing. You’d rather play Guitar Hero.
Guitar Hero - Rock Band and Rocksmith do the same thing but better. 
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dj-cublex · 2 years ago
honestly this just makes me mad that choice provisions is making another runner game when they have four other bit.trip games to do. i know nobody cares about fate or core or void sadly. when's the last time you thought about bit.trip fate. it's been a while, hasn't it?
but, oh idk, a new beat/flux game with a tracklist of 30 or something would PRINT MONEY. IT WOULD PRINT IT. SO MANY DOLLARS
the 32bit ipad version of bit.trip beat has bit.trip void remix dlc but i can't fuckign access it HELP ME
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shiningspinda · 8 years ago
Updated Games List
This I’m doing more or less for myself, because I: - Want to keep track of my game library - Want to keep track of which games I’ve yet to finish - Want to keep tabs on my collection. If you’re interested, you can look through this list by reading beyond the cut, and yell at me to finish your favorite game if I have it and I haven’t finished it yet! Just go right into my IM box and be like “Eli, finish those game!!” Also feel free to recommend games to me if you see I don’t own it. I will warn you, I don’t really have anything other than Nintendo consoles and PC at the moment, so I won’t be able to play games that aren’t for those. Anyway, here we go. Oh boy.
Game Boy (7)
- Pokemon Red (Completed) - Pokemon Blue (Completed) - Pokemon Yellow (Completed) - Pokemon Gold (Incomplete) - Pokemon Silver (Incomplete) - Pokemon Crystal (Incomplete) - Quest RPG: Brian’s Journey (Incomplete)
Game Boy Advance (17)
- Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past/Four Swords (Incomplete) - Yu-Yu-Hakusho: Spirit Detective (Incomplete) - Namco Museum (You can’t “complete” Namco Museum) - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team (Completed) - Kirby and the Amazing Mirror (Incomplete) - Pokemon Ruby (Incomplete) - Pokemon Sapphire (Completed) - Pokemon Emerald (Completed) - Pokemon Fire Red (Completed) - Pokemon Leaf Green (Incomplete) - Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga (Incomplete, though I’ve tried many times) - Golden Sun (Incomplete) - Golden Sun: The Lost Age (Incomplete) - Mother 1 (Incomplete) - Earthbound (Incomplete) - Mother 3 (Incomplete) - Drill Dozer (Incomplete)
Nintendo DS (43)
- Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games (Incomplete) - Dogz (You can’t really complete Dogz.) - American Girl: Kit Mystery Challenge (Completed) - Drawn to Life (Completed) - Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter (Completed) - Lock’s Quest (Incomplete and dislike) - Nintendogs: Dachshund and Friends (It’s Nintendogs.) - Nintendogs: Dalmatian and Friends (Again, it’s Nintendogs.) - MySims Kingdom (Incomplete, I guess) - Diddy Kong Racing (Completed) - Hamsters 2 (You can’t complete Hamsters.) - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team (Completed) - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time (Completed) - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness (Completed) - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky (Completed) - Pokemon Pearl (Completed) - Pokemon Platinum (Completed) - Pokemon Heart Gold (Completed) - Pokemon Soul Silver (Incomplete) - Pokemon Black (Completed) - Pokemon White (Incomplete) - Pokemon Black 2 (Incomplete) - Pokemon White 2 (Incomplete) - Pokemon Ranger (Completed) - Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia (Completed) - Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs (Completed) - Pokemon Conquest (Incomplete) - Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (Incomplete) - Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes (Incomplete) - Magician’s Quest: Mysterious Times (You can’t complete this game.) - Magical Starsign (Incomplete) - The World Ends With You (Incomplete) - Kirby: Canvas Curse (Incomplete) - Kirby: Superstar Ultra (Completed) - The Legendary Starfy (Completed) - Professor Layton and the Curious Village (Incomplete) - Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box (Incomplete) - Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies (Incomplete OTL) - Mario and Luigi: Bowser’s Inside Story (Complete) - Rhythm Heaven (Incomplete) - Ghost Trick (Incomplete) - Final Fantasy III (Incomplete) - Kirby: Squeak Squad (Complete)
Nintendo DSi (1)
- Foto Showdown (Incomplete and makes me angry)
Nintendo 3DS (49)
-Tales of the Abyss (Incomplete) - Fire Emblem: Awakening (Incomplete) - Fantasy Life (Completed) - Return to Popolocrois (Completed) - Super Smash Bros 4 (SMASH) - Harvest Moon: A New Beginning (You can’t really complete this.) - Hyrule Warriors: Legends (Incomplete) - Project Mirai DX (Can you complete this? I GUESS,) - Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer x2 (You can’t complete this.) - Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. (Incomplete) - Harvest Moon: Story of Seasons (You can’t complete this) - Tomodachi Life (You can’t complete this) - Yo-Kai Watch (Incomplete, dislike it) - Monster Hunter Generations (You can’t complete this.) - Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (You can’t complete this.) - Final Fantasy Explorers (Incomplete) - Kid Icarus: Uprising x2 (Incomplete, tell me how I got 2 of these.) - Animal Crossing: New Leaf x2 (You can’t complete these really) - Kirby: Triple Deluxe (Incomplete) - Bravely Default (Incomplete) - Bravely Second (Incomplete) - Chrono Trigger (Incomplete) - Pokemon X (Complete) - Pokemon Y (Complete) - Pokemon Omega Ruby (Complete) - Pokemon Alpha Sapphire (Incomplete) - Pokemon Sun x2 (Complete, Incomplete) - Pokemon Moon (Incomplete) - Pokemon Ultra Sun (Complete) - Pokemon Ultra Moon (Incomplete) - Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity (Completed) - Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon (Incomplete) - Legend of Zelda: Four Swords, Anniversary Edition (Completed) - Weapon Shop de Omasse (Complete) - Cave Story (Incomplete, I’M TRYING) - VVVVVV (Complete) - Shovel Knight (Incomplete, AGAIN I’M TRYING) - Pokemon Yellow Virtual Console (Incomplete) - Pokemon Gold Virtual Console (Incomplete) - Pokemon Silver Virtual Console (Incomplete) - Rhythm Heaven Megamix (Incomplete) - Swapdoodle (You can’t complete this.) - Gunman Clive (Incomplete) - Gunman Clive 2 (Incomplete) - Kirby Planet Robobot (Incomplete) - Miitopia (Completed)
Nintendo Wii (13)
- MySims Agents (Completed) - MySims (Almost Completed, 5 stars is hard) - MySims Kingdom (Incomplete) - MySims Racing (Incomplete, I guess?) - Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Incomplete) - Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Incomplete) - Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter Wii (Incomplete, this game is BAD) - Pokepark Wii: Pikachu’s Adventure (Completed) - Pokepark 2: Wonders Beyond (Incomplete) - Pokemon Battle Revolution (You can’t complete this ripoff of Stadium) - Super Smash Brothers Brawl (SMASH) - Animal Crossing: City Folk (You can’t complete this) - Mario Kart Wii (Completed)
Nintendo WiiU (13)
-  Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival (It’s just Marioparty) - Pokken Tournament (Incomplete) - Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap Virtual Console (Incomplete) - Earthbound Beginnings/Mother 1 Virtual Console (Incomplete) - Earthbound Virtual Console (Incomplete) - Animal Crossing: Wild World Virtual Console (You can’t complete this) - Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town VC (Can’t complete this) - Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland Virtual Console (Incomplete) - Ohayou! Beginner’s Japanese (it’s literally a learning dictionary) - Lost Reavers (It’s an MMO and sucks imo) - Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (Incomplete) - Splatoon (Completed) - Shantae: 1/2 Genie Hero (Incomplete)
Nintendo Switch (9)
- Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Completed) - Super Bomberman R (Incomplete, I dislike it) - Stardew Valley (You can’t complete this silly) - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Completed, now I just mess around) - Deemo (Incomplete) - Splatoon 2 (Incomplete) - Touhou Kobuto Burst Battle (Incomplete, I dislike it) - Elnea Kingdom (You can’t complete this silly) - Super Mario Odyssey (Incomplete)
Steam (92)
- 1bitHeart (Incomplete) - Alicemare (Completed) - Angels of Death (Completed) - Artifact Adventure (Incomplete) - Audiosurf (You can’t complete this) - Audiosurf 2 (You can’t complete this) - Awareness Rooms (Completed) - Bastion (Incomplete) - Battle Fantasia -Revised Edition- (Incomplete) - Battleblock Theater (Incomplete) - BIT.TRIP BEAT (Incomplete) - BIT.TRIP CORE (Incomplete) - BIT.TRIP FATE (Incomplete) - BIT.TRIP FLUX (Incomplete) - BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien (Incomplete) - BIT.TRIP RUNNER (Incomplete) - BIT.TRIP VOID (Incomplete) - Cave Story+ (Incomplete) - Celestian Tales: Old North (Incomplete) - Crypt of the NecroDancer (Incomplete) - Cursed Sight (Incomplete) - Destiny Warriors (Incomplete) - Disgaea PC (Incomplete) - Don’t Starve (Incomplete) - Don’t Starve Together (This is co-op) - Downwell (Incomplete) - Dragon Age: Origins - Ultimate Edition (I haven’t touched this tbh) - The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind (Incomplete) - The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Incomplete) - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Complete, this is my raise hell copy) - The Enchanted Cave 2 (Incomplete but I’m obsessed) - Evil Hazard (Incomplete) - Eternal Senia (Completed) - Freedom Planet (Incomplete) - Girlfriend Rescue (Incomplete) - Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure (Incomplete) - Hatoful Boyfriend: Collector’s Edition (Incomplete) - Helen’s Mysterious Castle (Incomplete) - Kero Blaster (Incomplete) - King of Dragon Pass (Incomplete) - Knock-knock (Incomplete) - Labyronia RPG (Incomplete) - Labyronia RPG 2 (Incomplete) - Legend of Mysteria (Incomplete) - LiEat Trilogy (Completed) - LIMBO (Incomplete) - Long Live The Queen (Almost certain you need to sell your soul to complete this game.) - Mega Man Legacy Collection (Incomplete) - Melody’s Escape (You can’t complete this.) - Millennium: A New Hope (Incomplete) - Millennium 2: Take me Higher (Incomplete) - Millennium 3: Cry Wolf (Incomplete) - Millennium 4: Beyond Sunset (Incomplete) - Millennium 5: The Battle of the Millennium (Incomplete) - Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight (Incomplete) - Monaco (Incomplete) - Neverwinter (It’s a DND MMO, so ???) - Night in the Woods (Incomplete) - One Way Heroics (Incomplete) - OneShot (Incomplete) - Ori and the Blind Forest (Incomplete) - Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition (I don’t know the difference.) - Out There Somwhere (Incomplete) - Owlboy (Incomplete) - Portal (Incomplete) - Portal 2 (Incomplete) - QuestEvent (Completed as much as I can) - Recettear: An Item Shop’s Tale (Incomplete) - Secret of Magia (Incomplete) - Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove (Incomplete, sigh) - Silence (Incomplete) - Sins of the Demon RPG (Incomplete) - Skullgirls (It’s a fighting game) - Skullgirls: Endless Beta (???) - Slime Rancher (Incomplete?) - Soundodger+ (I don’t think you can complete this) - Starbound (Haven’t touched it yet) - Starbound - Unstable (Sounds scary.) - Stardew Valley (You can’t complete this) - Storm of Spears (Incomplete) - Super Meat Boy (Incomplete) - Tales of Zestiria (Incomplete) - Terraria (Incomplete) - They Bleed Pixels (Incomplete) - To the Moon (Completed) - Transistor (Incomplete) - Trick & Treat (Completed) - Undefeated (Incomplete) - Undertale (Completed) - VVVVVV (Completed) - We Know the Devil (Steam Version is broke. I completed it on the website) - World’s Dawn (Haven’t touched it yet.)
On PC Alone (WIP)
- Ib (Completed) - Witch’s House (Completed)
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videogameportoalegre · 4 years ago
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O BIT.TRIP SAGA é uma compilação dos 6 jogos premiados do BIT.TRIP: BEAT, CORE, VOID, RUNNER, FATE e FLUX! O BIT.TRIP SAGA introduz a funcionalidade 3D da série, dando profundidade radical aos ambientes. Experimente a dificuldade esmagadora da ação no estilo arcade ao longo da trilha sonora de um rock chiptune e siga a jornada de Commander Video para casa. #nintendo #nintendobrasil #nintendo3ds #nintendo3dsbrasil #nintendo3dsgames www.videogameportoalegre.com.br (em Videogameportoalegre) https://www.instagram.com/p/CP36f_Dnnh9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wildyoungboy · 6 years ago
[Steam] Special Promotion: BIT.TRIP RUNNER ($0.99/90% off) | BIT.TRIP BEAT ($0.99/90% off) | BIT.TRIP VOID ($0.99) | Runner3 ($9.89/67% off) & More
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emotimau2 · 7 years ago
That moment when you realize CommanderVideo can break the sound barrier at the end of BIT.TRIP Void.
The orange ball in the background which I’m assuming is the sun starts turning the other way when he starts to speed up and there’s also the rainbow that appears when he’s going his fastest.
There’s also that time in Runner when he’s at a stop light, he leaps forward one step when it’s green and then OFF HE GO.
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allcheatscodes · 8 years ago
bit.trip void nintendo ds
bit.trip void nintendo ds
Bit.Trip Void cheats & more for Nintendo DS (DS)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Bit.Trip Void cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for Nintendo DS (DS). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the Nintendo DS cheats we have available for Bit.Trip Void.
Check PC cheats for this game
Genre: Simulation, Musical Instrument / Band Sim Developer: Gaijin Entertainment Publisher: Aksys Games ESRB Rating: Everyone Release Date: November 23, 2009
Currently we have no tips for Bit.Trip Void yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no cheats or codes for Bit.Trip Void yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no unlockables for Bit.Trip Void yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Bit.Trip Void yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no glitches for Bit.Trip Void yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Currently we have no guides or FAQs for Bit.Trip Void yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
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