#bit fishy if you ask me
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I need a publisher to reprint In Place of Fear by Aneurin Bevan, please. I don’t think we need endless millennial pink books of literary fiction—we need to all sit down and learn about democratic socialism x
P.S It's available on the US Archive... Have a read/cry.
#aneurin bevan#nye bevan#honestly very upset when leftists dont know who the fuck he is#its a bit fishy if you ask me#nhs#uk politics#british politics#socialism#democratic socialism
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Man....I should get back into fish keeping...
I still have a (sorta) pair of Betta persephone...but I need more....motivation? Enthusiasm? Both? To do much more.
#I love fish but I had a very unfortunate experience working at a LFS that kinda killed my vibe for the most part#I also sometimes think that I'm better at theory than practice bc I love helping people learn and get set up#But I kinda fall flat a bit when it comes to my personal tanks???#Anyways I had a pair of B persephone and they spawned twice but only one baby survived (still not 100% sure as to the reason tbh)#The original female died (I think bc the male was being a dick and wouldn't leave her alone)#But the one surviving baby is a female so??? Anyways they're in separate tanks rn#I miss working with fish and helping people with fish ngl#Maybe someday when I'm in a better situation I can pick the hobby up again#I love nanos but I also love a few monsters#Snakeheads my beloved even though I can't have you#I also really like bichirs#Do oscars count as monsters I can't remember either way I love them too#Anyways if anyone who follows me has fishy questions feel free to send me asks about it#I love helping people with fish it's why I stayed working at petco for like 5 years despite management constantly treating me like shit lmao#Fish#Drunken fish ramblings#Be glad I put most of this in the tags
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The Fenton Effect
(Or that one time a few Waynes joined a polycule)
(This got really long)
Danny sighed as he looked out at the rest of the city from Tuckers office. His boyfriend had secured himself a spot at Wayne Enterprises for something something technology and his office was on like the bajillionth floor of the building. It had an amazing view though. If only there wasn’t so much smog in the air it might have been beautiful at night.
“Danny I thought you were picking up the kids today,” Tucker said with surprise as he walked in.
Danny shook his head smiling, “Sam said that she wanted Dante and Ellie to bond with her new girlfriend after school today so she will be picking them up.” He made his way over to Tucker, giving him a kiss on the cheek, “I heard that you had some free time today so I could tell you away for a bit. It’s been a while since the two of us have had some time to ourselves without children running around.”
Tucker eyed him suspiciously, “Did you call my boss and ask to take me out for a bit?”
Danny chuckled, “Maybe…” He sat down in a chair, “Well actually I was going to steal you anyways but I just happened to bump into Mr. Drake. He recognized me and told me that if I were to steal you for a bit he didn’t see anything.”
Tucker sighed, “Danny, you and Sam are always stealing me from work for dates, eventually I’m going to get written up!”
Danny pouted in response, “We only do it when you insist on double shifts for week. It’s almost like we miss our boyfriend. Besides if Me CEO agrees with me that you work too much, that’s saying something hun!”
Tucker thought for a moment and then looked back to Danny, “Okay. Let’s go out for a couple hours.”
Danny hopped out of the chair again, “Yay! There’s this new restaurant I found that is supposed to have amazing steak.” He took Tucker’s hand and led him out of the office.
“Mm you know how to treat a man don’t you?” Tucker said in response, letting Danny pull him along.
“I try,” Danny said back wiggling his eyebrows as they went to the elevator.
Jason sat on his bike. He wasn’t in his Red Hood gear at the moment since he was just doing some recon. According to Tim, there was a newer family in town that he needed to look into. Apparently one of his employees had a boyfriend that appeared to be an un registered meta of some kind. Which normally wouldn’t be a problem but there was also the detail that when Tim did a background check on the family, it came up that they had two children neither of which had birth certificates or adoption papers or anything. Like they had appeared out of nowhere. Though Tim doubted it, he had still sent Jason to check it out in the off chance trafficking or some other fishy shit was going on.
He looked at the photos Oracle had provided of the targets he was looking for. Two of the 3 were supposed to be arriving at this restaurant soon. An African American man, the one working for WE, named Tucker Foley. The other… well this was interesting. When Jason went to look at the photo of the other man he was looking for named Daniel Fenton, he noticed the photo was grainy and distorted.
“Babs why does this Fenton guy’s photo look like a horror movie filter?” he said into his comms.
“That’s the best I can provide you with Jason, I’m sorry. All photos anyone takes of him are like that. I tried to clean it up the best I could. The last known photo of this guy without distortion I can find on public domain is from a yearbook photo when he was 14,” she responded.
Well fuck okay. Something was definitely up.
“Could you send that yearbook photo my way? As long as the guy hasn’t made any drastic changes to his appearance like dyed his hair or some sort of Botox I’m sure I’ll be able to figure it out,” he said softly as he didn’t want the car that pulled in next to his bike to hear him.
“On its way,” he heard from Babs before he started to pretend to be scrolling through his phone while the occupants of the car got out and entered the restaurant.
While on his phone he noticed a new message from Cass. She had met up with the woman of the family he was tracking. They had gone to the primary school to pick up the children and was on their way to get ice cream.
The message was followed by a selfie of herself holding hands with a goth woman with purple eyes and black hair. Jason recognized her as Samantha Manson from the third profile Babs had given him. On Samantha’s shoulders was a little girl with dark hair and blue eyes, laughing and reaching for the camera and at the woman’s side holding her hand was a small boy who looked the same age as the little girl who looked almost like a carbon copy of her. Probably twins. He was waving to the camera.
Jason immediatly noticed slight distortion around the children in the photo. Similar to the distortion from the Daniel Fenton file but not nearly as extreme as he could still identify the children in the photo if he were to see them out and about.
He sent Cass a thumbs up in response.
“I’m assuming you got the message too?” He spoke into his comms.
“I did. Looks like the kiddos might be whatever kind of meta this Daniel Fenton is. They do both carry his last name,” she responded.
“And his face…” Jason said as he pulled up the yearbook photo Babs sent him, “Are we sure these aren’t just his kids? Who cares if they weren’t properly documented, that kind of stuff happens all the time in small towns. Have you ever seen Clark’s papers? A fucking mess.”
He heard Oracle sigh, “I have unfortunately. I would be inclined to believe your theory except for the fact that based on their ages, they would have been born when Fenton was 15 but according to my records and from what I can get from Tim, Fenton is more inclined towards men.”
Jason scoffed, “Is that it? That’s not much of a reason at all. People experiment. I’m into guys too but that doesn’t mean I didn’t have a few girlfriends before figuring that out.”
“AND,” Babs continued (Jason had apparently interrupted her), “There’s also the bit where based on the DNA samples Cass has picked up from the kids and Tim has picked up from Fenton, all three of them have 100 percent identical DNA.”
Jason paused. If the DNA was all identical, how is it that two of them are male and the third is female? That wouldn’t be possible without some external fuckery. Not to mention two identical children who only have the DNA of one parent and not the other? This was definitely not right.
“Are you convinced we should look into it now?” He heard Oracle’s voice say into his comms.
“Yeah yeah I’m gonna poke around,” he said while hopping off his bike, “Let me know if anything else comes up.”
Jason ruffled a hand through his hair, took a fucking breath, and walked into the restaurant.
Sam wasn’t nervous…. no not at all. She was just taking her kids to get ice cream after school. With a really pretty lady….
Sam had met Cass a few weeks ago at a small cafe when she was stopping by to get Danny a coffee since he was holing himself up in his workshop for two days at that point and she was hoping the smell would tempt him out of his hole. The two of them got to talking, well signing, while waiting in line and they had hung out a few times since then. Danny and Tucker made fun of her crush but who wouldn’t crush on such a beautiful lady?
Now they were standing in line for the ice cream cart in the park. Not many people went to Ivy’s park but that just made it better for Sam because the line was never long. Besides, None of the plants ate you if you respected them and the ice cream was guaranteed to be Ivy Approved which meant it was ethically sourced.
Currently, Dante was signing to Cass (Cass had told Sam that they didn’t need to sign back if they didn’t want to but Sam had told her that signing was an important thing she wanted the kids and herself to get better at) about his new favorite star that Daddy taught him about and Ellie was playing with one of Ivy’s safer sentient plants. Sam kept an eye on her.
“Now what did I say about the plants at Miss Ivy’s park Ellie?” she called.
“I can look but no touch unless Miss Ivy says so,” Ellie called back, smiling. She seemed to have made a friend with a rather large flower.
Sam nodded and smiled when the child remembered.
She then felt a tap on her arm and looked to see Cass signing, “Not many people come to this park, you seem to not be afraid of the rogue who has claimed it?”
Sam shrugged and signed back while she spoke, “Poison Ivy may be an extremist but I respect her want to preserve natural flora and fawna. My boyfriends and I have already decided that we want to teach the children to respect those things as well since they are important for the health of the people and the Earth. So we come here since Ivy does not have anything against innocent children but if one of them were to misbehave with a sentient plant, they would have an easier time understanding why it is wrong because Dante and Ellie have higher empathy than most.”
Which was true. But also the reason it worked so well is because since the plants were kind of sentient, Ellie and Dante could tell if they accidentally killed one and it made them sad enough to not want to hurt them. They found that out on accident once and since then the children have been strangely fond of the park. But she wasn’t going to tell Cass that.
Sam was nervous that Cass didn’t like that but honestly they were her children and Cass didn’t seem opposed to the park in the first place when the kids suggested it.
After a few moments Cass nodded in response and signed, “Boyfriends? As in plural?”
That was not what Sam was expecting her to ask and it made her blush in embarrassment that she hadn’t explained it sooner. “I am polyamorous. I have two boyfriends. The three of us raise the children together,” she signed although he had a hard time remembering the sign for polyamorous so she ended up spelling it out.
“You all date each other?” Cass signed, curious.
Sam smiled, she didn’t seem to be judging her lifestyle which was something she didn’t find very often. It was part of the reason they had to leave Amity Park in the first place. It was helpful when Tucker got the Timothy Drake scholarship which was a full ride for Computer Science and Engineering at Gotham University.
When they moved into Gotham after that, they weren’t allowed to live on campus with him so Sam and Danny had to start out in a small apartment near Ivy’s Park so they always kept some plants in the window for protection since they had children of course. Since then, Sam had gotten a job as a personal assistant for some rich woman her family was friends with and Danny was working part time at as a bartender during the night shift and was a stay at home Daddy during the day until the kids were old enough for school.
When Tucker graduated he was immediately hired on at WE and not long after that, they bought their much nicer house in a much nicer neighborhood close to Wayne Manor. Was it mostly Tucker’s salary? Admittedly yes, WE pays very well to ensure the employees live in good neighborhoods. But Sam made quite a bit as well and since Danny got the space to tinker with his gadgets and quit bartending as often (he still did it occasionally when his old boss would ask), he had started making a good amount selling his one of a kind clocks mostly. Sam just knew Clockwork was so proud.
Sam signed as she spoke again, “Yes, Tucker is bisexual and Danny and I prefer the term pansexual. We are all together because we are poly (spells it out), and we are open to any of the three of us dating others as well as long as we all discuss and we are honest. Because we have kids we want to make sure our bond and trust is always strong. We want to be together for a long time. See the littles grow up and all that fun stuff.”
Sam was excited to talk about it with someone other than her boyfriends or Jazzy on the phone. No one ever actually wanted to listen about that stuff because people didn’t like things they didn’t understand right away.
They were at the head of the line now though it was going to have to wait until after they got their sweets. Sam corralled the kiddos and asked them what they wanted. Dante and Ellie decided they wanted to share a sundae and Sam ordered herself the Ivy recommended option of the week. She also offered to pay for whatever Cass ordered but before she could, the woman was already paying for everyone.
Sam lead the kids to a park bench where they all sat down. Ellie and Dante immediately started to rock paper scissors for the cherry on top and it wasn’t long until Dante tried to cheat and Sam confiscated the cherry so they wouldn’t start fighting. She didn’t need them to accidentally use their powers in public.
“You didn’t have to pay,” she said, “But thank you.”
Cass smiled and very softly said, “It’s okay. I like you.”
Sam’s cheeks burned. Cass had told her that she did speak sometimes and that her mutism was selective but she didn’t expect her voice to sound so… pretty.
Jason immediately found the targets in a corner table. Most notably a corner table that Fenton had a view of every exit from. Only people who are used to either defending or fleeing at a moment’s notice did that. It wasn’t helping the theory that something was going on.
Fenton hadn’t changed much from the highschool yearbook photo. He looked slightly taller and he had slightly broader shoulders than before but overall the guy was still lanky and thin. His hair was still dark and he still styled it in a similar way. His eyes were still huge and round on his face. The most noticeable difference to the photo though? Danny was much MUCH paler. Almost like a walking corpse. And the eyebags were hard to miss.
Jason sat himself at a table within earshot of the two, ordering himself a beer and some appetizer he didn’t actually read. He was much too focused on listening.
For the most part, it seemed pretty normal stuff. Work, flirting with one another, commenting on the food. But then it got interesting when Foley brought up their supposed children.
“Dante told me you taught him about the dog constellation the other day. He told me Sirius was his new favorite star,” Foley mused.
A chuckle from Fenton, “Yes, he has been super into animals recently so I showed him some constellations like the dog, serpent, eagle, bull. That sort of thing. We used your old PDA to look up where they were in the sky and even pulled up pictures of some of the stars. He was floating with excitement when I showed him the Sirius star. He lost control though and Sam had to help me get him off the ceiling.”
“I never thought I would say that I am glad that they don’t have all their tricks yet. Imagine if either of them went intangible when they were infants. I would have had a heart attack,” Foley responded.
“Tell me about it! Highschool would have been a hell of a time if either of their eyes started glowing. We wouldn’t have had babysitters while we were in class,” Fenton remarked.
Glowing eyes?
“We already hardly had babysitters. I remember taking Ellie to math class,” Foley seemed to chuckle at the memory.
Jason noted all of the strange things the two seemed to be expecting of the children at some point. It was definitely not non meta human type stuff. One thing he did note though was that they seemed to have had the kids since infancy which at least boosts the chances of the children being their own and not trafficked or stolen.
Fenton got up apparently to use the restroom and Foley got up from his seat to sit in Fenton’s while he was gone. More suspicious behavior. But from what Jason could tell, out of the two of them Fenton was the one who would be the first to react. He sat with the view first and only after his leaving did Foley feel the need to take up the same position.
Jason considered leaving right then but he knew that he wasn’t going to get answers that way. The other reason he didn’t leave right away was a message from Cass.
Cass: They are polyamorous.
Jason didn’t know what that meant. He sent back a question mark.
Cass: They are polyamorous. Fenton, Foley, and Manson are all dating each other. They raise the kids together in one household with 3 parents.
Jason thought about it. That would make sense as to why they all shared one address. There was one thing though that it did open up. If Fenton was indeed dating both of the other two, that would mean that he was attracted to women. The kids biologically very well could have been his and he was simply a teen dad.
Jason: Has Manson mentioned carrying them or any mention of a mother?
Cass: No. She treats them as her own but she shows no sign of previous pregnancy. Plus neither of them look like Sam at all.
Jason: Noted. Keep me updated.
If Manson wasn’t the biological mother, it didn’t mean someone else couldn’t have been one. Jason didn’t really know how any of this polyamory stuff worked but from the way Foley was describing it, the relationship had already been established when the children entered their lives. Unless Fenton was unfaithful in some way? Jason sighed, biting his knuckles as he felt the pressure in his chest. The pits were acting up.
Jason looked up from his phone once he felt it calm down just to see blue eyes glaring at him. Fenton was standing a few feet from his table, his eyes staring directly into Jason’s soul. The man looked offended as if Jason had done something to him.
Suddenly he felt the Lazarus pits acting up again. It felt like he was shot through the chest with a spear of ice. Like… he was getting told off for saying something bad. And it felt like… it came from Fenton? Somehow?
Jason tried to make sense of it, looking at the man in front of him but he seemed to be satisfied with whatever the fuck that was and went back to his table, giving Foley a kiss on the cheek.
“You alright Danny? You glitched for a second there,” Foley said.
Fenton scoffed, “Some dead guy’s core let out a signal that pissed me off. Tried to insinuate that I cheated on you and Sam. Fucking prick.”
Jason panicked. How did this fucker know he died? Things were getting weirder and weirder and now this guy knew things about him that he shouldn’t have… he had to keep following these guys.
Okay so Jason didn’t get much after that. He followed Fenton and Foley back to WE from a distance. Or at least at a distance that was far enough for the pits to not act up. Ever since Fenton got close to him at the restaurant, the pits were going crazy. It was like the man made it feel different. There was no anger or violent urge. It was like he wanted to do something but he didnt really know what it was. But he knew it wasn’t hitting people like usual.
Nothing much happened and once he and Cass were recalled to the Batcave, he retreated and went to go meet B and the others. Even Tim had taken a lunch break for once to meet up.
“So what are your reports,” Bruce asked.
Before Jason could get a word out, Cass started signing excitedly and very fast. He didn’t catch hardly any of it.
“Cass, slow down a bit,” Bruce said trying his best to sign back what he knew.
Jason paid closer attention this time as Cass signed at a pace everyone could understand.
“I think Sam is really nice and a good mom. We went to the school together to pick up the twins and they were very happy children. Ellie was very bubbly and and Dante was much calmer. Sam took us to the park to get ice cream after and we talked a lot. She, Danny, and Tucker are in a polyamorous relationship and are raising the kids together. They said that they were open as well if any of them wanted to date others. They trust each other a lot and love the kids a lot. Sam had good values and was teaching the kids the same. I think they are unconventional but very happy as a family. Like us.”
Jason watched as the others nodded, some seeming to understand it more than others. Someone was definitely going to have to sit Bruce down and explain it. He was also going to ask for more of a crash course later. Probably from Cass directly. Or maybe Babs if she knew.
After a few moments of processing what he did understand Bruce turned to Jason, “And what did you find out.”
“Shit’s weird with Fenton. I’m going to go back and get more intel,” Jason stated, “But from what I got on the kids? They’ve been taking care of them since infancy. Mentioned parenting them as babies in high school. And they seem to think that they are going to develop powers. Glowing eyes and intangibility. Fenton mentioned the boy Dante being able to float already. Definitely metas.”
“Maybe we are being over paranoid. It sounds like a teen pregnancy situation in a small town where paperwork isn’t always filed properly,” said Steph, putting her hands in her hips.
Jason shook his head, “Nah that Fenton guy is fucking weird. Did shit that Bruce taught us. Made sure the table was seated in a corner where he had a view of every exit. Civilians don’t do that shit.”
“Only people who are expecting a fight do,” Tim agreed.
The entire room knew that was one of the first things Bruce taught them when it came to safety in public. In their line of work they always had to be vigilant for every possibility.
Bruce conceded, “Jason, keep following Fenton. I have some things I need to look up I think.”
Danny was fucking PISSED. How fucking dare that guy have the nerve to not only think that but then broadcast the insinuation from his weak ass core? He would never EVER cheat on Sam and Tucker! He would NEVER betray their trust like that!
He fiddled with his newest clock commission angrily, his core feeling personally attacked. There was a gear that wasn’t really working right and he was probably going to have to remake it but honestly he didn’t really care at the moment.
“Danny…” he heard Sam call. Her voice made his core purr, feeling the slightest bit better.
Danny leaned up from his clock and looked to see his beautiful girlfriend in the doorway, “Hi Sam.” He sighed, trying to let the anger fall away. How could he ever betray his loves?
Sam must have read his face like a book because she walked over and slid her arms around him from behind.
“You’re brooding baby,” she cooed, leaving a kiss on his cheek.
“I just can’t believe that guy! The fucking nerve,” Danny growled. Though his growl didn’t have any sort of malice behind it at the moment. Sam knew how to calm him down. Physical touch was one of his love languages.
“Danny it’s been a week since you saw him on your date. And you put him in his place. I know you would never do that. Tuck knows. That’s all that matters,” she said softly.
She was right of course. But Danny’s ghost instincts were super protective and he couldn’t help it sometimes. But again, she was right. He let himself take a deep breath mostly for her benefit to show he was trying to get over it.
“Good. Keep taking deep breaths. It’s okay to feel protective and it’s okay to let the feeling subside when the danger is gone,” Sam continued to talk softly, knowing she could talk sweetly to him until he felt better.
It was working. Danny focused on letting his core relax, the danger was gone. The only entities in his haunt were himself, his partners, and his children. No threat.
Next thing Danny heard was whooshing sounds as his kiddos flew into the room, both in their ghost forms. Their hair was white and their eyes glowed. Ellie’s glowed green and Dante’s glowed red.
When Dante first transformed, Danny, Tuck and Sam were unsure if they were going to be red or green since they were red back when he was Dan. When they did glow red, Danny guessed that it was most likely because it was what was familiar to him.
“Dante found a cool rock,” Ellie said excitedly.
Dante then presented the cool rock for Danny and Sam to look at. It was purple and looked like one of the crystals Sam liked to collect.
“Where did you find it,” he asked, just to make sure they didn’t just steal it from the collection Sam kept in her room.
“It was on the floor in Papa’s office,” Dante said proudly. Ah. It must have fallen out of one of Sam’s pockets at some point.
Danny smiled, looking at his son’s pride in finding it, “Good find buddy!” He turned his head to look at Sam, “What kind of rock is it Momma?”
Sam ceremoniously took the rock from Dante and used Danny’s bright work table lamp to get a look at it, “This seems to be a purple amethyst. Good work Dante.” She smiled brightly, encouraging the excitement of the kiddos for the find.
“Purple amythest,” Ellie repeated excitedly.
“It’s really pretty Momma,” Dante said, looking at the small polished stone. Danny could feel his son’s core buzzing happily about it.
“Why don’t you keep it in your room Dante? Then you can look at it whenever you want to,” Sam said smiling and giving it back to the floating red eyed child.
“Really?” Dante asked.
“Of course kiddo,” Danny added. He felt Dante’s core give off a burst of happiness. It made him smile.
“I’ll go put it in my room!” the boy said happily and flew through the wall out of the room.
Ellie then began to pout, “How come I don’t get a pretty rock?”
“When you find one, you’ll get to keep it too,” Sam smiled, “Now I believe your Papa mentioned a Bluey marathon scheduled for tonight. Why don’t you go get your brother and maybe together you can convince Papa to make you some popcorn?”
Danny felt Ellie’s core start to buzz with excitement and determination as she nodded and flew out of the room fast.
Once Ellie was out of the room, Sam gave Danny a kiss on the cheek, “Since Tuck is watching the kids tonight, how about we go get you some more relaxed?”
Danny chuckled, feeling his core buzz. He closed up the clock he had been working on and came to a stand, facing Sam.
“More like wear me out,” he said, giving her a kiss.
“Well of course,” Sam smirked as she took his hand and led him to her bedroom.
Jason watched Fenton for like a week. A whole ass week and he got absolutely nothing on the guy. The only times he ever left his house was for dates with either Foley or Manson or to pick up his kids. At this point Jason was positive they were his in some capacity. The DNA proved that much and he seemed like a pretty standard stay home dad. There was one time that week where after school he took Dante and Ellie to an observatory but as long as Jason wasn’t close enough for the pits to react to him he seemed like just some guy.
Jason slumped onto the couch in the first floor living room of the manor. He didn’t like being here but everyone was out busy today and apparantly someone in the family needed to be there to sign off on some sort of delivery. He didn’t understand why Alfred couldn’t just sign it but the butler had refused, insisting that Jason be the one to do it. It was so annoying.
It wasn’t like he had anything to do that day anyways. Periodically he had all his guys in his organization take a day off and he had promised them today. Not to mention he was “on rest” from patrolling after his fucking helmet broke after falling down a fire escape. Embarrassing as fuck. But he still had to wait for a new one because that was his last spare.
He just didn’t understand. On the surface level, Fenton seemed like a normal ass dude. But he knew what he felt. And knew what he heard. The fucker could tell Jason was kind of dead. And he did.. something to him at that restaurant. The pits kept pulling him toward the guy like he was some sort of fucking magnet.
“Master Jason, the delivery is at the front door sir,” Alfred said appearing out of fucking nowhere.
“Thank you Alfred,” he said as he got up to go do the stupid signing thing. Once it was done, he could jet outta there and start following Fenton around again.
Jason made his way to the front door and opened it only to find it was none other than the creepy fucker himself. The pits sparked in his chest making him squeeze the door a little too hard.
“You,” said the pale man, his eyes burning with disgust. The pits didn’t like that. Suddenly, Jason had an urge to make sure the anger on the man’s face went away. At first Jason thought that was fucking stupid but honestly… being nice might be a good plan.
Now that they were face to face in proper lighting, Jason was able to really get a good look at Daniel Fenton. Of course he knew what the guy looked like. Obviously. He had been stalking him. But this was the first time he had been able to really register it.
Like he had noted before, his hair was dark and he was pale as fuck. But what he hadn’t seen before was the way his hair was blacker than anything he had ever seen before, shining in places that the locks caught the light almost like little stars in a night sky. His eyes were big and bold, an icy hue that that sent shivers down the spine. He was pale of course but not in the way that made one think he had never seen sun before, more in the way that dead bodies look during funerals. All the blood drained from the body. His cheekbones were sharp giving his face a sunken in look like he was malnourished even though Jason fucking knew he wasn’t. His stature was lean and lanky but clearly he was hiding some muscle because he was carrying a big ass clock that no doubt weighed a shit ton like it was nothing.
Jason hated to admit it. He really did. However. Daniel Fenton was attractive.
Danny couldn’t fucking believe it. That dead motherfucker was a Wayne. His core buzzed with anger and he had to take a breath to calm it.
“Yeah it’s me,” said the asshole.
Danny sighed and maneuvered the clock into one arm and gave paper to the guy, “Just sign it.”
Now after doing this he realized that casually holding a heavy ass clock like a football was not the normal thing to do since the man obviously took note of it as he stared a little too long before taking the sign form. However, he already made the decision and he was gonna have to stick to the bit.
Once this guy signed the paper and took the clock he could just leave. Just fucking go. And he could make a note to never take a commission from this address again so he wouldn’t have to see him again. He could do that.
“Hey, I’m sorry about what happened,” the really fucking large man said as he signed the paper. Danny checked the guy’s core. He was being genuine. And it was also giving off confused vibes. Ancients, why- This guy didn’t even know what he did. Fucking of course. Ughhhh and now because Danny was a good person he was gonna have to explain it to him. Fucking great.
Danny sighed, “It’s… fine. Where do you want me to install the clock?” He wasn’t going to talk about this shit openly. He could do it once they were inside.
The man seemed confused but let him in anyways, “I don’t really know where B wants it. For now I guess you could put it on this table over here.”
Danny noted the small table in the entrance hall and put it down where he was told to. Once his hands were free, he collected the sign form from the man and folded it, storing it away in his back pocket.
“Now, I assume you have a shit ton of questions,” he said.
The tall man nodded, “So fucking many.”
A butler escorted them to a sitting room of sorts and disappeared again without a sound.
“Are you okay with him possibly overhearing any information I give you….” Danny realized he didn’t actually know this guy’s name.
“Yeah that’s fine,” said the man, sitting in a chair. Danny decided to sit across from him on a couch. It was off putting how docile this guy was acting with just how fucked up his core seemed to be.
“My name is Daniel Fenton. You can call me Danny. It seems you were never really explained to about this whole being dead thing,” Danny started. He didn’t really know how to go about this. With Dante and Ellie it had always been free knowledge for them to ask about whenever they needed but there was no sit down conversation where he had to like, reveal their identities or anything.
“No. I wasn’t aware there were rules,” the man said, a smile tugging at his lips at his own joke. Now normally, Danny would laugh at that. Because let’s be honest, he would. But he was a bit caught up in realizing that this guy he spent that last week hating was fucking huge. Tall as fuck. At least 6 foot. And his wingspan had be just fucking outrageous. His shoulders were wider than Danny’s front door at home.
Once he noticed that, Danny took an actual good look at the guy. His hair was black mostly, with a signature white streak in the front, no doubt a side effect of dying. It seemed to be a permanent feature rather than something brought on by transformation like for Danny and his kiddos. His eyes were blue, a solemn almost sad blue but they were still very beautiful. He had eyebags for days, probably didn’t get the proper nutrition very often only eating human food with no ecto in his diet. Sleep was probably not a thing either. He was nothing but muscle all over, no doubt an effect of him dying and then getting better. He was covered in scars as well that looked as though they healed a little too quickly to be proper. All in all, everything pointed to gaining the very sliver of his ghost powers without any of them making it to the finish line. Even so, he was the type of guy anyone with eyeballs would swoon over.
“Mr…… Wayne?” Danny guessed. He immediately felt the man’s core recoil in disgust. Okay so not Wayne.
“Todd. My name is Jason Todd. My dad is Wayne. Not me. Just- just call me Jason,” the man said quickly.
Danny nodded and redirected, “Jason, before I start explaining all this stuff, when did you die and how come that’s not the case anymore?”
He again felt Jason’s core want to pull back but none the less he still answered, “I was… I don’t know? 15-16? I don’t fucking remember it was a while ago. Anyways, apparently I got revived by the Lazarus Pits so I was only dead for like 6 months or something.”
Danny nodded solemnly. He knew what it was like to die young. And of course Jason’s core and ghost powers were all fucked up. Those pits were nothing but a shit ton of toxic, contaminated ecto. He wasn’t surprised that when given the chance to create a halfa they would do it in the shittiest way possible.
“Okay so basically, you’re gonna want to buckle in cuz this is about to be a lot,” Danny said, making himself comfortable. They were gonna be here a while.
Tim paced his office. Back and forth back and forth back and forth back and forth back and forth. This was a bad idea. Yes, the Fentons had been cleared but it was still a bad idea. To be honest, he didn’t really want to think about the fact that his favorite employee had been searched by his family for suspicious behavior a month ago.
Yes. His favorite employee. Tucker Foley. Not just his favorite employee but the best one who had never turned in a report late or found a problem he couldn’t fix. Technically his name was Tucker Fenton but the name change wasn’t official yet. Polyamorous marriage was illegal so the family had to send in papers to change their names legally so they would share a last name with their children.
Tim had been eyeing Tucker since he met him which was honestly far too long after he had joined the company. He had been so busy that he had never actually seen the guy face to face until he happened to pass his office and saw the man dutifully typing away at his computer.
He remembered just how immediately he noticed the attractiveness of the man and at first was sad to hear he was in a relationship. He thought he was with a woman named Sam at first. And then a few weeks later he started seeing Danny in the office too. Tucker was poly. Had two partners. And two children with them. A family man.
Then his family started tracking them all and it gave him an excuse to hang around Tucker at the office as much as possible. Of course he only ever got normal vibes from the guy until he noticed some background tabs running on the PDA he used alongside the desktop the company provided.
Of course Tim found time during a date Danny and Tucker went on for lunch to snoop through it. The tabs were all mostly data except one that was in the process of breaking down a government firewall with a prewritten program. Some organization called the GIW. Tim looked through the rest of the computer. There were files on Tim and the rest of his family. Files on WE. Files on the company’s funding and where it all went. He had done his homework before taking the job clearly.
Of course it all looked suspicious at the time. But things had changed since then. Danny Fenton had sat Jason down and explained a lot of things. Who they were, why they were in Gotham. Who they used to be. It made alot of sense.
And it made sense why Danny readily shared the information so freely. After Tim found the files on the PDA, of course he hacked it and sent it over to Babs. After Jason made a fool of himself at the restaurant, the PDA started having files added to it. Of the Bats and the birds. And a very well written and polite file stating that Tucker knew his PDA was fucked with. The vigilante files were his way of telling everyone he knew who they were.
So the Tucker guy was fucking smart and didn’t really give two shits about computer privacy. Now any normal sane person would have found this very concerning but for Tim it only fueled the highly inappropriate crush he had begun to develop on the guy. How hot is it that the guy was cordial enough to write a file detailing that he knew they were watching him and that he was honored to have been hacked?
So… there Tim was in his office. Pacing. He was about to do the craziest shit. He was about to ask out the hot guy from the tech department. Was it a good idea? No. Absolutely not. This guy was about as crazy as he was. Oh but he liked that. He really fucking liked that. He also loved the tracker he found in his shirt after stopping into the guys office to give him some paperwork. It had taken him about a week and a half to find it and since Tim only had 3 shirts he wore to the office, he wore it around alot in that time.
After that, Tim left his own tracker in Tucker’s PDA only for Babs to find a new file on it that simply stated, “Found it.”
How fucking hot was that? He found it in no time even after Tim had taken the time to make sure it was inside the thing. Since then they had been placing trackers on one another whenever they passed, taking turns and making sure the other knew when they had found it. Tucker was always faster. He had yet to take longer than 24 hours to find it no matter where Tim hid it. It was like the hottest kind of flirting Tim could fucking imagine.
So… now that Tucker was cleared of any suspicion, he was free game. When Cass told everyone in the Batcave that the relationship was open to other partners, he nearly had to turn around in order to hide the excitement from his face. He kept his cool though, obviously, he was a professional.
He didn’t mind Tucker Fenton having other partners. He didn’t mind that he had kids. He wasn’t the only one either. He could tell that Cass was crushing hard on Sam and sure enough a week ago, the two of them were official. Now he just had to make his move and ask Tucker out. That was all.
Tim heard a ding on his phone. He looked to see who it was. Barbara.
Babs: New file just got saved to the Fenton PDA.
Tim’s heart raced. Tucker had probably found the tracker he had slid under his collar during their meeting that morning.
Babs: You two really need to bone, this is getting ridiculous.
Babs: I didn’t open it. The file is literally titled “For Tim Drake (if anyone else opens this I’ll make sure a virus melts your software)”
Tim: Pull it up on my desktop.
Babs: On its way you sicko.
Tim rushed to his computer to see a file open on the screen. It was a google doc that Tim was given permission to edit. At first, the doc seemed blank but he knew Tucker well enough now that he knew that there was more to it.
He used his mouse and clicked Select All and sure enough, white writing appeared on the screen. He changed it to black so he could read it properly and he found a series of dashes and dots. Morse code.
Tim felt his heart rate rise at the little game. He had told Tucker in passing that he couldn’t read Morse code but he knew how to sit down and translate it if he wanted to. And the man was so perfect he had remembered.
Tim got out a piece of paper and started decoding the message that looked to be like a poem of sorts. It didn’t take long at all. It turned out to be a series of quotes from media and literature that Tim had at one point brought up enjoying in passing.
“All we can know is that we know nothing. And that is the height of human wisdom.”
“She had an evil face, smoothed by hypocrisy; but her manners were excellent.”
“Knowledge is power.”
“Memory is not what the heart desires. That is only a mirror.”
“Elementary, my dear Watson.”
“O Captain! My Captain!”
“Unless I be relieved by prayer, which pierces so, that it assaults mercy itself, and frees all faults. As you from crimes would pardon'd be, let your indulgence set me free.”
“To die would be an awfully great adventure.”
Tim stared at the quotes knowing that there was more meaning to them. Knowing Tucker, there was probably a certain letter or word from each phrase he needed. He wasn’t provided with a key to solve it so it must have been pretty simple. Then he got it. And his heart raced.
He responded by calling his secretary to tell one Tucker Fenton (Foley) that he needed to send in in his schedule for the next week.
Not 20 minutes later did he see new writing on the google doc, “I’m free Friday night.” Who cared if it was a bad idea.
Tim smiled wide, texting Babs excitedly.
Babs: Why?
Little did Tim know that the moment Barbara saw the message, she breathed a sigh of relief, “Fucking finally.”
Okay so here was the deal. After Danny had explained everything (including the pits actually being a core and the fact that Danny’s children were the de-aged results of cloning and timeline fuckery), he had started helping Jason stabilize his core. And Jason was thankful for that but at the same time… as more and more time went on spending his off moments with the guy, his core was acting all kinds of weird. He didn’t really know how to tell Danny about it because the last time he had tried to explain the weird pull and very odd pleased hum his core had whenever he was around Danny, the guy had waved it off as because he was the Ghost King and all that. Jason was trying to believe that was the case but now that he was in the Fenton household sitting across from Danny in his workshop… it was hard to ignore.
“Well Jason, you definitely look a lot better than a week ago,” Danny said while staring into Jason’s chest. He knew that it was because his core was supposedly around that area but with the fact that he was wearing a t shirt that had shrunk in the shitty dryer in his apartment, he was feeling a little exposed.
“That’s good,” he said clenching his fist to try and ignore the almost purring sensation his core made at the compliment.
“Just a few months and you’ve been reconstructing it really well,” Danny said continuing to stare.
Jason nodded, he had been trying to do the things Danny told him to, added pure ecto to his diet and tried being more open to listen to his core. Although most of the work had been done by Danny, placing his hands on Jason’s chest, shuffling his shattered core pieces around and trying to fit them back together. It had been a joke for a long time that he “came back wrong” but according to the literal Ghost King, it was actually fucking true.
Jason noticed Danny was still staring. His core buzzed, liking the attention. He had to try and distract himself.
“So I noticed when I came in it was awfully quiet. Normally Dante and Ellie meet me at the door,” he said, clenching his fist tighter. He had to change the subject.
Danny looked up from his chest, “Oh uh yeah. Sam and Cass are on a date and Tucker took the kids out to an escape room with Tim. So it’s uh… just us at home at the moment.”
Jason wasn’t as good at reading body language as Cass but he knew enough to know that Danny was acting stiff around him which he wasn’t used to since before they started his core reconstruction therapy.
“I get you all to myself then,” he said chuckling trying to be lighthearted. Was Jason normally this civil around other people? Fuck no. But with Danny… he really couldn’t help it. It honestly felt more like the old him before he died. Before he went all… murder psycho because he literally came back wrong.
He watched as the shorter man in front of him began to actually gain some color in his cheeks. Holy hell he didn’t know Danny was capable of that. He thought the dead guy look was a permanent thing. Jason kind of liked it though.
“I guess you do,” Danny said allowing a small smirk onto his face.
Oh. OH. Jason’s core really liked that. And it must have done one of those things where it told all the other dead people around because Danny’s smile grew wider. What Jason didn’t expect was feeling a mutual positive energy from Danny’s core in response.
Jason felt his own cheeks start to burn the slightest bit, not really knowing why.
“Actually Jason… I didn’t ask you here today just to check on your core. Or because I’m technically your king and I can,” Danny said.
Ah yeah that. Jason knew that because he was dead Danny was technically like, royalty to him. But it had never really clicked since he never acted all high and mighty like that whenever they were together. Which was a lot. But now that Danny mentioned it… he technically could have have power over Jason that he could use whenever he wanted.
His cheeks burned a bit more at that, his core reacting the same way it did before. He really needed to get more control over the sending out core vibes thing because Danny reacted to it again.
The Ghost King’s cheeks grew pink, “I didn’t know you were into that,” he said, leaning back in his chair, the motion causing light to reflect off of his hair like stars, “I wanted to talk to you because your core has been flirting with me non stop since we started your reconstruction therapy.”
Ah fuck. Jason knew Danny was hot but his core was really betraying him by telling him that.
He looked away, embarrassed. Admittedly, it wasn’t like the thought to flirt hadn’t ever crossed his mind. After Babs, with come help from Cass, really explained what polyamory was to him, he had entertained the idea once just to see what would happen but Jason very honestly didn’t know if he liked the idea himself or if it was just his core longing to be close to its king. Or at least that what he was telling himself
“Listen I’m not mad Jason,” Danny said. Jason felt cold fingers brush his cheek to turn his head to face the man. His body reacted the same way if always did when Danny touched his chest for reconstruction. Like a very pleasant bolt of lightning had stuck him, the buzz spreading throughout his body.
Jason knew Danny was a touchy kind of person and he had accepted that but god fucking damn it was still a lot of physical feeling from one touch that he wasn’t used to.
Jason had dated other guys before. He had been more than close and personal with a few. But touch was always a dull feeling when it came to anybody. Danny was the only person he could really… feel. Like back when he was alive. Every touch felt real and not disconnected. He could actually feel the pressure of a hand on his skin and the tingle of when skin brushed his own. It was… electrifying for the lack of a better term.
“I just want to talk about it,” Danny said.
Jason didn’t know how to talk. He didn’t even really know how he felt. He was running on pure instinct and LOTS of willpower to fight said instinct.
“Danny, I- don’t know how-,” Jason started, not really knowing how to communicate into words about it. Clearly he didn’t have to as he could tell his core had betrayed him again.
“It’s okay. I can talk. And if I say anything you don’t like or agree with, you can let me know. How’s that?” Danny asked. It was right about now Jason noticed that Danny hadn’t let go of his face and he was really close. His core liked that. And honestly, so did he. Jason didn’t mind staring into those big blue eyes for a bit. He nodded.
“I like you Jason,” Danny started. Jason’s core? Loved that. But Jason’s brain and probably his heart was waiting for the “but.”
“And so does my core. I think you are good for me,” Danny continued. There was no “but.” It made Jason’s innards do a fucking somersault into the splits.
“Wait you do?” Jason asked, studying Danny’s face. He was still blushing which was a good sign but sometimes you just need to be sure and double check you know?
Danny nodded, making Jason’s core buzz excitedly. Now up until this moment, Jason was very much repressing his own thoughts when it came to Danny. He was slow to catch up when it came to, well, feelings. Well let’s just say Jason was all caught up now. And his cheeks were burning as his lips curled into a smirk.
Jason felt a very strong core response from his king, full of flustered and dare he say lustful emotion that made his core and his chest burn with a desire to pull towards him.
Jason was no good with words. Terrible infact. And Danny knew that about him. So if he had any chance of communicating effectively, he had to take his foot off the brake and let his instinct do what it wanted.
“I’m about to do something stupid,” Jason warned. And then he pulled Danny closer into a kiss.
He felt Danny’s core purr in response as Jason’s lips felt like they were dancing on lightning. Everything felt right. He let his core say whatever the hell it wanted because it knew what to do. He just focused on how right right everything felt.
After they broke apart from the kiss, mostly because Jason needed air in a way Danny really didn’t, he locked eyes with the gorgeous man in front of him. Now that he wasn’t restraining himself, he was letting himself take in Danny’s beauty.
“Be my boyfriend,” Danny breathed, an icy sensation tickled Jason’s ear as Danny’s breath left the slightest bit of an icy fog in the air.
“Deal,” Jason responded, his breath catching up.
Jason’s body burned with sensation and he wondered if this was what being alive felt like and Danny pulled him into another deep kiss and hurriedly dragged him to a bedroom.
Bruce at some point after all this: Where are all of my children?
Alfred: Well sir, almost half of them are at the Fenton household at the moment and the others…
Bruce didn’t even listen to the rest, he just sighed. He should have known. Fentons had that effect. He still remembered Jack from college.
#dc x dp#dcxdp#dc x dp crossover#dead on main#technogeek#green thumbs#everlasting trio#de aged dan#de aged ellie#batfam#danny phantom x dc
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More specifically, a reader that just has a very large shark tail that he likes to hold onto, weather it's hugging it or holding the tail tip as they walk down the halls. Idk I think it would be cute 🫶
Hook, Line and Shy Guy - Idia Shroud x Reader
Idia loves your shark tail, you think it's adorable.
i loved the idea so much <3<3
Idia clutches the end of your tail again.
You’ve told him about a thousand times that it’s fine—no, really, you don’t mind—but the way he’s gripping it like it’s his lifeline, bright red ears poking out of his hood? Yeah, that says everything.
He likes it. A lot.
Currently, the two of you are walking through the halls of NRC. Well, you’re walking. Idia? Idia’s trailing after you, both hands wrapped around the very tip of your shark tail like it’s some kind of comfort object. You flick it every once in a while just to mess with him, and he lets out these quiet little startled noises, like you’ve just pulled a rug out from under him.
“C-Can you not?” he stammers, even though he doesn’t let go.
You throw him a grin over your shoulder. “Didn’t know you were so attached, Shroud.”
He tugs the edge of his hood lower over his face, mumbling something under his breath. You don’t catch it, but you think it was something like, "I hate this place." Or maybe "I'm doomed."
Frankly, it’s adorable.
Idia holding onto your tail has become a habit. The first time it happened, you thought it was an accident—he was nervous, fidgeting with his sleeves, and when your tail flicked by, he just… grabbed it. You didn’t have the heart to pull away when he looked so relaxed for the first time that day.
And now? Now it’s a thing. Your thing.
He clings to your tail when you’re walking to class. When you're studying together in the library, he drapes it across his lap like a security blanket and pretends not to notice that his hands wander to it whenever he’s stressed. Heck, one time in the Mostro Lounge, he straight-up hugged the base of your tail to his chest like it was a giant pillow.
And, honestly? You can’t get enough of it.
“Why do you like holding it so much, anyway?” you ask, slowing your steps just a bit so he doesn’t have to rush to keep up. “Feels kinda fishy, if you ask me.”
Idia grumbles. “That’s... That’s a pun. And it’s not funny.”
You chuckle, swishing your tail to the side slightly. He stumbles, almost tripping, but still clings onto the end of it. You swear you see his hands tighten, just the smallest bit.
“It’s soft, okay?” he mutters, so quietly you almost miss it. “And… I dunno, I just... I like it. Is that a crime?”
A warmth spreads in your chest at the honesty. Idia being open is a rare thing, and you’ll take any little piece of it you can get. But you’re not letting him off the hook that easily.
“So you like soft things, huh?” you tease, glancing back at him with a grin. “You want me to just wrap you up in it one day? I could curl it around you like a big ol’ burrito—”
“Stop talking!” he hisses, his face flushing all the way to his neck. He looks like a lobster. But the way his fingers keep fiddling with your tail tip? Yeah, he’s not letting go.
“Okay, okay, I’ll stop,” you say, stifling a laugh. “But seriously, it’s kinda cute that you like it.”
“...I'm not cute.”
You blink. “Dude, you’re holding onto my tail like it’s a stuffed animal right now. How is that not cute?”
Idia grumbles something unintelligible, squeezing the fin of your tail in protest. He’s trying to look annoyed, but the effect is ruined when you feel him press his forehead to it, hiding his blush in your scales.
“You’re evil,” he mutters. “Pure villain energy.”
“And you love it.” You flick your tail, knocking lightly against his side. He yelps but still doesn’t let go. He never does.
The two of you continue down the hall, your tail gently swaying behind you and Idia holding the end like it’s his own personal lifeline. A couple of passing students stare, but he doesn’t even care at this point—he’s too comfortable, too content.
By the time you reach his room, he doesn’t even hesitate to pull your tail onto the couch with him, clutching it like a favorite blanket.
“Don’t make it weird,” he mumbles, tucking his hood over his head again.
You sit beside him, the warmth of his hands still lingering on your scales. And as he absentmindedly strokes the tip of your tail while zoning out in front of the TV, you can’t help but think that this might just be your new favorite thing, too.
#twst x reader#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland x reader#twst#idia x reader#idia shroud x reader#idia shroud x you#idia shroud#idia#idia x you
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Jade x Reader – Commit to the Bit
Summary: After escaping Scarabia and crash-landing in Monstro Lounge during Chapter 4, you form a deeper relationship with Octavinelle’s vice leader. The Reader’s bold moves pique Jade’s interest. The two are equally committed to keeping up their acts to maximize the most hilarious reactions from their friends. No matter how big the trick is they always “Commit to the Bit,” and some pranks turn into fact instead of a facade.
Word Count: 12.5k+
Author’s Note: This wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for @solxamber. I told her my idea and she became invested. It pushed me to finish this. Somehow it’s turned into this monster of a piece. I had a splendid time with this. Please comment and enjoy!
Tags: @marsinrain @solxamber idk who else to tag lol
You and Grim scream at the top of your lungs as Kalim’s flying carpet rockets past different sceneries. You hear Scarabia students shouting after you. However, no human is a match for an out-of-control, speeding carpet.
“We’re gonna hit the mirror!!” Grim shrieks.
You grip your companion as you fly through. You know you won’t slam into glass but you also don’t know where you’ll land. The two of you exit the hot desert and are flung into darkness. With no ability to see or steer, you crash into something.
You groan. Thankfully you landed on something soft. It feels like a couch.
“Grim, are you ok?” You call out.
The cat whines, “No, but I’m alive.”
“It’s better than being tortured and imprisoned in Hellabia,” you comment, before asking. “Where are we?”
Lights flick on. You wince, shielding from the unexpected brightness. A distinct voice echoes out.
“Oya, I was wondering who would be here at this time of night.”
Your head snaps up to see the tweels. A twinkle glitters in your eyes.
“Oh, thank god, it’s someone menacing!” you exclaim, “Plus, you’re in debt to us for stopping Azul’s overblot and you’ll find our situation interesting.”
You watch Jade’s eyes widen at your rapid-fire enthusiasm. Even Floyd seems momentarily lost for words. It’s not unexpected. Every time you’ve interacted with the trio, you’ve been reserved. The group seemed more trouble than they were worth. While you gravitate to interesting circumstances and people, you’ve been entertained by the overblots. It didn’t seem necessary to seek out the tweel tricksters and their con artist boss. However, your circumstances have changed.
You want revenge on Scarabia and you've fallen right into the perfect predator’s lap. This trio is vindictive and vicious. They like throwing people off for fun. They’re exactly what you need.
You haven’t sought vengeance on the other overblot students because you haven’t been directly involved. If you were, you knew you could get out of it. It was another riveting problem you needed to solve. You weren’t affected by Riddle. You don’t have magic and you’re not in Heartslabyul. For Leona, you can’t play Magical Shift. Ruggie’s magic didn’t hurt you. You didn’t make a terrible deal with Azul. You just had to get your dumb friends out of a bad situation lest you die of complaints. You weren’t worried about Ramshackle, because you had the skill to get it back. You were the one who planned Azul’s ultimate demise after all. With Scarabia though, they put you through torture. They forced you to walk across the desert. They caught you multiple times trying to escape and you’re not letting that go.
Therefore, you’re throwing away all pretenses to recruit these slippery fish folk. If anyone would be on board this ship, it would be the Octavinelle trio.
You barrel on, summarizing. “We just escaped Scarabia prison. They kidnapped us, locked us up for over a week, and forced us into inhuman slavery with the excuse of “training!” Plus, a coup is about to happen. Something’s fishy and it’s not you.”
You get up, walking toward the twin, bubbling in excitement. Before either of them can respond, another person speaks up. It’s the languid and steady voice of a businessman.
“A coup?” Azul inquires.
You glance at him and nod.
“The Scarabia students aren’t happy with Kalim’s treatment. They want Jamil to usurp him,” you briefly explain, before adding. “You know why that’s strange.”
The dorm leader gives a thoughtful hum before a group of Scarabia students burst through the door.
“We found you, thieves! There’s nowhere to run now,” one of them declares.
You step closer to Jade and retort, “Wrongful imprisonment and mistreatment of workers is a crime. We took dire measures to escape. Grim and I aren’t a part of your dorm. Jamil invited us. If you were good hosts, you’d respect the wishes of your guests and let them leave when they become uncomfortable. I have video evidence.”
The last part was a lie, but you wanted to provoke them. You pull out your phone and wave it around. You’re curious to see how the twins will react.
One hot-blooded student lunges for your device. You “yelp,” jumping behind the quieter twin. In a flash, Jade has their wrist in a crushing hold.
“When it comes to recording illegal activity, as long as the person recording does not interfere, it’s submissible in court,” Jade dictates in a smooth and steady voice.
His eyes narrow in delight as his victim’s hand turns blue due to lack of circulation. The student pales.
Another boy argues, “They stole Kalim’s magic carpet. Theft is a crime too.”
“Besides, this isn’t any of your business! Back off,” someone else interjects.
There’s a collective agreement when Azul cuts in.
“Based on the prefect’s testimony, we’ve offered them sanctuary. Until we’ve investigated this matter, Octavinelle will keep Kalim’s magic carpet,” the dorm leader details before giving a deadly smile, “For now, you’re in our territory. I’ll kindly ask you to leave. If you don’t do it willingly, I have no problem forcing you.”
One of the students grits his teeth and barks, “They stole Kalim’s carpet! Do you know how precious it is?”
You speak up, “Yes, and because Octavinelle is sheltering us, they’ll want to ensure his carpet is returned in pristine condition. It would be embarrassing if there were any blemishes they didn’t catch. They’re incredibly benevolent and would want to compensate Kalim.”
You’re about to reassure them you’ll give it back tomorrow when you notice something. Your crash landing destroyed some tables. Azul would never let that go. You change your goal and escalate the situation.
“Although, it is pathetic that there are so many of you and you’re scared of two people, a magicless student, and their cat. Your attitudes are a reflection of your dorm. Perhaps, you deserve the grueling treatment Kalim subjects you to. Maybe you can learn how to be mentally stronger,” you taunt.
It has the desired effect. The Scarabia students attack. You grin and snatch the carpet. Before you move, you see Grim lining up to fire. You pick him up by the scruff of his neck and slide up to Azul.
“Why are you taking me away?” Grim cries, kicking the air. “I want to fight too!”
“If you attack them, we’re at a disadvantage. They could claim we used force as well. It’s better to let the tweels handle it,” you reply, before whispering in his flaming ear. “I don’t fancy paying Octavinelle for property damage. If you don’t want to become fish food, keep quiet.”
Grim squeaks and nods. You place him down, pat his head, and watch the battle. The place becomes a mess. Your initial damages blend in with the landscape.
You’ve always admired the twins’ fighting style. They get up close and personal, bashing people into walls and tables. The combination of physical power and magical prowess is unique, effective, and intimidating. It sends people running.
“You should bill Kalim for compensation,” you suggest to Azul, “He’s their dorm leader. It’s supposedly on his orders that Grim and I were held hostage.”
The man grits his teeth, “You intentionally provoked them. We won’t get any money if the carpet is damaged.”
“It’s not. We can check now,” you reassure.
You turn and walk to the bar. You smirk to yourself. He didn’t notice your crash-landing. You distracted him with the potential coup and later the Scarabia mob blocked his line of sight. Now, you’re off the hook.
You lay the magic carpet on the counter.
“Carpet, are you hurt in any way?” You question.
The animated object’s tassels shake a no.
You request, “Perfect. Just in case, can we look over you?”
It moves its tassels up and down and flops onto the counter. You laugh at the action. Pulling out your phone flashlight, you ensure there are no imperfections. A scream and snap resound behind you. You and Azul ignore it. Floyd cackles with a crazed edge and a sinister chuckle comes from Jade.
You feel Grim press against your leg. Glancing down, you grab him and put him on a bar stool. You ask the carpet to flip itself so you can inspect the back more closely.
“This is incredible quality,” Azul states, running his fingers across the fabric.
You can practically hear the money signs in his voice.
You roll your eyes. “Do you doubt the Al-Asim’s wealth?”
“No! I’m just admiring the business opportunity,” he answers.
Something thuds beside you. You look down to find a struggling Scarabia student on the floor. You stare. You’ve covered up your part of the crime and it’s illegal for them to trespass on private property. You deem it fine to enact violence before slamming your foot into his face.
The student yells, clutching his broken nose. You kick him a few feet away. Once he’s out of range, you casually turn back to the Octavinelle house warden.
“You said you were providing us sanctuary. I expect you to uphold your statement,” you tell him.
The sophomore stares at you with an open mouth. You continue the conversation for him.
“If you can’t tell, I’d like to get revenge on these people. In addition, this is good for you. If we figure out what’s wrong with Kalim, he’ll owe you a debt. Your bodyguards will be invested because it causes chaos. There’s no down–”
A hand brushes your ankle.
You pin it under your foot before the perpetrator latches on. You slowly turn your gaze to the ground. It’s the scum you left a shoe imprint on. How cute.
You give a soft smile and swivel your heel into his hand. There are a few cracks.
“Did you know that there are 27 bones in the human hand?” you ask, leaning down. “That’s about one-quarter of all the bones in your body. They’re also some of the most painful to break because they have the most nerve endings. It’s been used as a torture method to get people to confess.”
The teenager’s free hand shoots out to grab your other ankle. A deadly spark flickers in your eyes. You snatch the extremity and extend it above his body until you hear a pop. His shoulder dislocates. You send another warm smile. It’s so out of place, it’s uncanny.
“You haven’t learned your lesson, have you? That’s ok. I’m a great tutor. Carpet, please move away from me and the fight,” you request.
You watch the magic item fly away and turn back to the Scarabia member.
“For the record, Kalim sent you, correct? I must ensure Azul sends the bill to the right person. I don’t want to be liable for any damages to the Monstro Lounge,” you explain condescendingly.
Instead of answering, your victim spits at you. Your eyes widen. You keep your calm and sweet expression.
“You just signed your ticket to hell,” you sing before stomping his groin.
You use his moment of vulnerability to yank him up. You open his jaw, place it on the edge of the bar, and crack your elbow over his head. Controlling your strength, you make sure he only breaks some teeth. You don’t want to kill him.
“Woaaah! Shrimpy's got some moves!” Floyd cries behind you.
You flash a brilliant grin. Jade looks at you with wide eyes before narrowing into a thrilled shimmer. They’ve dealt with the students on their side. Everyone watches you, so you put on a show.
Pulling your victim off the counter, you throw him onto a nearby seat. You pluck the magic pen off him and toss it to Grim.
“Now you can experience what it’s like to be a magicless student,” you comment, rummaging through his pockets. “Although, you got beat up by me despite having magic. It’s quite embarrassing.”
The boy is too terrified to stop you. You remove his wallet and flip through the different cards he has.
“In addition to losing against me, you lost Kalim’s carpet and—Ooh, a gift card.”
You pocket it and take out the wad of cash. You leave his ID and credit card. It’s more trouble than it’s worth to steal someone’s credit or debit card. If you use it, it can be tracked. On the other hand, gift cards and physical money are safe.
You continue, “You failed to recapture Grim and I. You should probably keep quiet for now and figure it out what to do in the morning. It’s late. Despite your injuries, you’ll have to walk through the desert tomorrow. You need all the sleep you can get. Hopefully, you have a medic on hand.”
After shaking the boy down you snatch his magical pen from your cat. You tuck it back into his shirt pocket and pat it.
“I’ll return this to you so people won’t question why you don’t have it. Be grateful for the small things.” You smile before shoving him out of his seat and onto the floor.
You toss the wallet on his limp body. After making sure there’s no blood on the bar stool, you replace him and cross your legs. When nobody moves, you glance at the mob.
“You should grab him before he bleeds out,” you suggest.
Two Scarabia students scurry up to help their fallen comrade and scuttle out the door.
Jade slides up beside you.
“That was impressive, [Y/N]. Where did you learn to fight like that?” The quieter twin asks.
Floyd grins, skipping over. “Shrimpy’s awesome! I haven’t seen anyone be that ruthless in a while.”
“My family taught me,” you shrug, before addressing Azul. “Do you have a room Grim and I can sleep in tonight?”
The octopus pushes his glasses up, regaining his composure from the intense shock.
The house warden answers, “No, we don’t, but—”
“--That’s fine. I’ll sleep with Jade.”
It takes a moment for the others to process your words. Azul is the first to react.
“WHAT?!?!” He screams.
Jade’s eyes blow wide as they look at you, stunned. Floyd’s voice is caught in his throat. It takes everything in you to keep a straight and innocent face. To distract yourself from laughing, you reach down to pick up Grim. You hold him out to Floyd.
“You can have Grim. He’s a great cuddler,” you tell him, before glancing at his twin. “You share a room, right?”
Jade slowly nods.
You bob your head and shove your cat into Floyd’s arms. Hopping off your seat, you grab the quieter eel.
“You’re ok with it, right?” you confirm.
The man looks torn between asking if you’re sure and agreeing for fun. Your decision to share a bed with a distant, borderline-deadly acquaintance is a wild and concerning move. You can tell he’s worried for your safety and sanity.
Azul interrupts, yelling, “You can sleep on the couch!”
“But I want to sleep on a bed,” you argue, before asking him. “Do you want to share with me?”
“Ew, no,” the octopus responds.
“Well, I’m not rooming with Floyd. Jade’s my best choice,” you say, “Let’s go. I’m tired and we have to get revenge in the morning.”
You drag the chosen twin out the door without waiting for anyone else.
From behind you, Floyd chortles, “Shimpy is bold! I guess you’re sleeping with me, Baby Seal.”
Grim cries out in distress.
Jade leads you to their bedroom. It’s obvious which section is his.
Walking over to his bed, you ask. “Do you have a preference on which side you sleep on?”
“No, I don’t.” The vice leader shakes his head.
Floyd busts in, clutching a dead-faced Grim.
“We’re having a sleepover,” he squeals, launching at you.
You slip behind Jade, but he dodges. Your eyes widen as the chaotic eel barrels toward you. You tackle the vice leader to avoid him.
Both of you fall on the bed as he lets out a surprised sound.
“Dogpile!” Floyd shouts.
He jumps and knocks the wind out of you. Grim screeches as he’s smooshed. The taller twin laughs and you can’t help but chuckle too. It turns into a full-blown cackle at the absurd situation. Factoring in your earlier stunt, you lose it.
You can’t breathe but it doesn’t stop you from wheezing, “Your faces when I said I’d sleep with Jade! You were so surprised. Azul’s reaction was gold. I had to fight so hard to keep a straight face, but it was worth it.”
You grip Jade’s shoulders, shaking. Tears begin streaming down your face. Your giggle fit continues as you shove Floyd off you. The Octavinelle student laughs alongside you and even Jade joins in.
Grim tries to stay silent, frowning, because you left him with Floyd. However, the air is too infectious. He can’t help but snicker too.
It takes a while before you can speak. You sigh as your laughter passes. You turn to Jade.
“Imma get ready for bed. I need all my energy to fulfill my retribution,” you state, sitting up. “Do you have an extra toothbrush and can I borrow some pajamas?”
Jade nods, standing up to fetch the requested items.
Floyd complains next to you. “I wanna stay up~!”
“We’re having a two-day sleepover. Maybe even more. We’re infiltrating Scarabia tomorrow. I’m sure we’ll be too busy planning dastardly schemes to get much sleep anyway,” you reason.
The fictitious eel weighs his options before agreeing, “Ok! I still have Baby Seal to keep me company.”
Floyd grabs Grim and squeezes. Your cat squeaks and looks at you desperately. You turn away, feigning ignorance, as you take Jade’s pajamas and the extra toiletries.
“I’ll get you for this,” Grim promises, as Floyd takes him to his side of the room.
You look at the offered sleepwear. It’s a set of turquoise silk pajamas. You rub your thumb along it. They’re soft.
“Thank you,” you tell him, “I’ll be quick.”
After completing your nighttime routine, you slip back into the room. Heading to the light switch, you focus on Jade’s bed. Once you’ve mapped your path, you flick it off and dive. Crashing into his body, your bedmate lets out an “oof.”
“You’ve done that twice tonight. You can’t keep your hands off me,” he teases, amused.
“You’re interesting and like to mess with people. Why wouldn’t I want to be close to you?” you throw back.
He’s quiet as you climb over him, taking the space closest to the wall and furthest from Floyd. If the ball of eccentric energy attempts to approach you in your sleep, you can use his twin as a shield.
Once you settle in, the vice leader speaks up.
“I could strangle you in your sleep,” he threatens in a low voice.
You raise an amused eyebrow. “You could but you won’t.”
“Why do you think so?” Jade questions.
“I’m more entertaining alive than dead or hurt,” you answer with confidence.
Burrowing yourself into the covers, Jade hums. “You have no sense of self-preservation.”
“Maybe I’m just good at picking people,” you reply.
“You have strange tastes,” he responds.
“If I have strange tastes, then you’re a hypocrite,” you retort with a smile.
Turning toward the wall, you let sleep overtake you.
You’re a light sleeper. Thankfully, you’re only interrupted a few times. It’s better than sharing a bed with Grim. Unlike your cat companion, Jade is still. However, there are moments when you regain consciousness.
You feel the Octavinelle student shift. He drapes an arm over your midsection, pulling you in. You feel his warmth against your back. Your breath catches as you try to calm your racing heart. Despite your previous bravo and nonchalant attitude, you feel attracted to the twin. You take deep breaths and concentrate on deciphering if Jade is asleep. It’s important for your analysis. After a few minutes, you conclude he is unconscious. You raise your eyebrows. That's a surprising and good sign.
The stunt you pulled was a test. You wanted to see if Jade would cross any boundaries. He’s a wild card. You’re certain Floyd would choose his whims over your needs. However, his twin was more restrained or at least clear-headed during social interactions.
Before committing to your romantic pursuit, you need to know if the other person respects you. It’s a key factor in a lasting relationship. You’re not interested in a fling. You want a long-term partner. Jade piques your interest and you want to know if he’s a good match. The sophomore passed the first test. In light of that, you reward him.
Gently flipping over, you nuzzle into his arms. The man is surprisingly warm. Before you drift into dreamland, you wonder if it’s an adaptation to the cold sea climate.
Warm arms leave your side. You groan, grabbing onto Jade’s shirt.
“What time is it?” you question, bleary-eyed.
“6:30,” Jade states, stopping his retreat.
It sounds like he’s been awake for a while. You revel in the fact he didn’t move your positions. It’s another positive mark. You don’t let on to your thoughts.
“It’s way too early, but Scarabia starts walking at 8,” you grumble, “It’s one more reason to get back at them. However, I want to look good while doing it. I need to give off an innocent vibe.”
Your voice is still ragged from sleep and you slink your arms around Jade.
“Innocent?” the vice leader questions, “After you tore through that poor soul?”
“I gotta plan,” you mumble, burying your face into his chest.
Jade stiffens before tentatively relaxing. You resist the urge to smirk. The eel is intuitive. You appreciate a quick-minded and observant individual. It looks like the Octavinelle student is insightful enough to know that you’re up to something and to follow your lead.
You continue, complaining, “I don’t wanna get up.”
You keep it down, not wanting to wake up Floyd. Thinking about the room's other occupants, you peek past Jade to see the other bed.
Floyd is sprawled out with the sheets half kicked off him. Grim lies on his chest fast asleep. You smirk. You have to take a picture of this, but the bed and Jade are comfy.
You huff and scrunch your nose. Taking a breath of fortitude, you give your snuggle buddy one last squeeze, before slinging yourself over him. With the grace of a cat, you avoid getting caught in the covers and place your feet on the floor in silence.
Unbeknownst to you, your chosen eel follows your figure with the eyes of a predator.
Walking over to grab your phone, you pad to the left side of the room. You ensure the ringer is silenced before taking multiple pictures of the cute duo. When you turn back to Octavinelle’s vice leader, he’s half sitting up, gazing with a smirk.
The teenager’s hair sticks up all over the place. You turn the camera to him and snap a photo. A smile is still plastered on his face but his head tilts, planning payback. You roll your eyes. You’re not interested in being a victim of the twin’s antics yet. Plopping beside him, you grab his shoulder and pull him closer. You flip the camera to selfie mode and take photos of you and the eel. There’s a soft smile on your face and an entertained smirk on Jade’s. Both of you look equally ridiculous and disheveled.
“Now we’re even,” you whisper, “What’s your phone number? I don’t want you to think I’m holding this hostage. It’s only fair you have them too.”
Jade raises his eyebrows, impressed by your smooth way of getting his number. He enters his contact info into your device and hands it back. With a few taps, you send him the captured memories.
“We should get ready,” you sigh.
“Indeed. Although, I don’t know how you’re going to pull off an innocent look,” he comments, smirking.
The Octavinelle trio, the Ramshackle duo, and the magic carpet enter Scarabia. The five humanoids are blasted by hot air.
Floyd laments, “It feels like the middle of summer. I’m going to dry out at this rate.”
You perk up, curious.
“Are your body temperatures higher than regular humans because you all live in a colder climate?” you question.
Azul turns to you, surprised.
“Yes, we do. How do you know?” he replies.
You focus on maintaining a straight face. Out of everyone’s reactions last night, Azul’s was the most entertaining.
“Jade was incredibly warm when we cuddled,” you reveal.
The businessman’s eyes bulge out and he coughs. You clench your teeth, resisting the urge to laugh. The gentlemanly twin is unable to resist and enhances your performance.
He puts an arm around your waist and confirms, “They were rather cool, so it didn’t bother me. Their hair also smells nice. It’s a mix of [whatever scent you like, but it’s very specific. Weirdly specific].”
You’re torn between being flattered, concerned about how descriptive he is, and laughing at the fantastic response. The Octavinelle dorm leader stares at the two of you horrified and wary. Floyd gleefully cackles beside you.
“Jade is down bad, and Shrimpy is making the moves~! No wonder Azul’s terrified. He just gained another of us,” the chaotic twin crows, bumping into you.
Floyd throws an arm around your shoulder. The twins squish you on either side. They tower above you with mischievous and deadly smiles.
“I hope you’re not leaving anytime soon. You’re too interesting and my brother likes you,” the basketball player sings, “If you try to escape, I’ll have to squeeze ya.”
You smirk back, looping your arms around their backs. You pull them in. They lean down, excited by the impromptu team huddle.
“You’re much more fun to work with than I thought. As long as we’re all in agreement, I’ll stick around as long as you like. Besides, Azul’s reactions are more than enough to get me to stay,” you say.
You gesture at the lone Octavinelle sophomore. His eyebrows scrunch, attempting to factor your brand of insanity into his plans. The house warden notices your gazes and glares at the three of you.
He pushes up his glasses and declares, “We have a coup to stop, business deals to make, and a mystery to solve. Let’s get going.”
The octopus spins on his heels and stalks forward. The eels and you straighten to attention, falling into your roles. As you walk closer to the elaborate building, Azul relaxes into his usual over-the-top attitude. He glances behind and finds perfect and docile assistants. You hear a sigh of relief.
Eventually, you’re close enough to hear the Scarabia students from last night’s fight. They took your advice and haven’t told anyone. Putting on your best acting face, you pretend to look at the Leech twins in fear. There’s a mirthful sparkle in Jade’s eye and Floyd is ecstatic to see what will happen. Without waiting, he shoves you forward.
“Go and tell them what you need to, Shrimpy,” the embodiment of chaos elogates.
His voice catches the residents’ attention. They stiffen at the sight of your quartet. You make your body small and unthreatening. You put your arms close to your chest, strengthening the effect. You spare the school mafia one more hesitant glance.
Floyd urges you in a threatening tone, “Tell them what you need to and make it quick.”
He puts a hand on his other shoulder, tilting his head. He wears the disconcerting expression of a wild predator about to snap.
“Be grateful we’re allowing you to do this much,” Jade chimes in with a similar grin.
You hurry to the beat-up students and start apologizing.
“I’m so sorry for what happened yesterday. I was scared you would take Grim and me. I shouldn’t have taken my anger out on you. The person I should be mad at is the one making you do these inhuman acts. However, I can’t help but feel there’s something wrong with Kalim. He’s usually so outgoing and kind,” you start.
“I want to help your dorm. I need to make up for what I did and leaving you all to endure this torture isn’t right. As someone who experienced it first-hand, I want to stop this. However, I paid a heavy price to get some help,” you lie.
You slightly gesture to the Octavinelle trio. Based on the Scarabia students’ expressions, the mobsters are as intimidating as ever.
You plead your case, “I’m getting Azul and the twins to help me investigate, but we need to make sure our cover isn’t blown. Please pretend you didn’t see anything last night.”
You give a strained smile before pulling out a healing potion and presenting it to the student you hurt.
You bow. “Again, I’m sorry. Please accept this as part of my apology.”
Your ploy works like spreading hot butter on toast.
“We’ll keep quiet,” one of them assures, “Thank you for helping. You’re doing everyone a favor. There are no hard feelings about your attack.”
“Now that you mention it, you were the one who helped solve the incident in Heartslabyul,” another points out.
“Oh my god, they were! Didn’t they also solve the slavery issue in Octavinelle too?” someone asks.
“That must be where they became in debt to them,” one individual surmises.
They rally around you, buying into your lie and creating a story for you. They believe you’re a saint sent from the heavens. They don’t doubt your intentions at all.
“If you need anything, let us know. We’ll support you to the best of our abilities,” the last reassures.
You give a shaky and appreciative smile. “Thank you. I have one request. If something weird happens between the Octavinelle trio and me, it’s all part of the plan. I ask that you not to give anything away or oppose what’s happening.”
The Scarabia students immediately agree when Azul cuts in.
“[Y/N], we need to find Kalim,” he dictates.
You pretend to jump. You wave to your new followers and scramble back to your party. When you turn your back to the fools, you smirk at your fellow tricksters. Jade sends an approving nod as Floyd gives a joyful grin.
A familiar voice comes around the corner.
“It’s almost time for morning training,” Jamil warns, “Kalim will lose it if you’re la—”
The vice leader stops upon seeing the out-of-place sea folk. He narrows his eyes. Before he can say anything, Azul gives a signature business greeting.
“Jamil! Good morning. How are you on such a fine day?” he questions with a lavishing voice.
The Scarabia vice leader stares with a slightly annoyed and skeptical frown.
“Azul Ashengrotten with the Leech Twins,” he addresses, before asking. “What are you doing here?”
You speak up, “I brought them.”
Jamil furrows his brows. “Why?”
You move, allowing him to see Grim and the magic carpet. The brunette’s eyes grow wide.
“The magic carpet escaped. Grim and I were able to grab it just before it took off. However, it ended up dragging us through the mirror and into Octavinelle. They insisted we stay the night and return it together,” you start.
Azul seamlessly takes the baton and continues, “We want to personally deliver it to Kalim. It’s a national treasure. If someone were to find fault with it and claim it was Octavinelle’s fault, I’d have no end of trouble.”
Jamil purses his lips. “Kalim doesn’t care about something like that. You can give it–”
“--There’s no need for you to pay the 20% labor fee for returning a lost item,” the dorm leader adds.
The whole crew chips in.
“We heard about your training and wanted to talk to Kalim about it,” Jade comments.
“We also brought seafood pizza,” Floyd drawls with a grin.
“And snacks!” Grim adds.
“Anyway, I’d like to hand this to him directly. I assume he’s awake?” Azul finishes.
After being pelted with rapid-fire statements, Jamil closes his eyes and denies the request again.
“I’m telling you he’s in a bad—Hey! You can’t just walk in here!“
Azul strides past the protesting Scarabia student. Your party follows the Octavinelle leader inside.
“The Ramshackle Prefect informed us you’re training over the winter holidays. The three of us happen to be stuck at school too. Isn’t this a perfect opportunity to deepen Octavinelle and Scarabia’s bonds through joint training?” Azul suggests to Kalim.
The sunshine student lights up. “That sounds like a great idea! I’d love to have you over!”
Jamil cuts in with a harsh voice.
“I’m against it. Octavinelle is a rival dorm. It would put us at a disadvantage if we let the enemy come in and learn our tricks,” he advises, crossing his arms.
The wealthy teen looks at his subordinate with a relaxed grin.
“‘Enemy’ is a bit much. Besides, didn’t you invite the Ramshackle dorm?” the sophomore points out.
Jamil purses his lips.
“I suppose you’re right,” he admits, before turning a stern glare onto the mafia trio. “I’m saying this for you as well, Azul. I know how much you value your grades.”
The businessman sighs, looking downcast. “I suppose you’re right. We should make our way back. Good luck with your training.”
The three of them turn around solemnly. You know what the next step of the plan is. They’re going to make themselves look pitiful. However, that wouldn’t be any fun. You can’t wait to see Azul’s facial expression to your next surprise.
“Wait!” You stop them in a heartfelt tone.
The trio glances at you, but you’re already looking at Kalim. You have a pleading expression.
“Kalim, I’m determined to stay here until the end of winter break. Grim and I were thrilled whenever Jamil invited us. We are often stuck alone in our dorm, isolated. Scarabia is so lively and we’ve made great friends. We want to foster those connections, but…” you trail off.
You mentally steel yourself and look at Jade. In your peripheral vision, you watch Azul stiffen and clench his teeth. Floyd gives the widest grin you’ve ever seen and Jade stares in amusement.
“I miss my boyfriend,” you finish.
You barely save yourself from laughing by breaking eye contact with Octavinelle’s vice leader.
You continue, rambling. “It’s ok if you can’t allow that–”
“No!” Kalim shouts, “I cannot break up a couple like this! Azul is one of the best mages at this school. If we let them stay, Scarabia will benefit. I’d sully the Al-Asim name if I turned you all away. Plus, I have to know how you got together.”
Jamil is too stunned to retort. There’s a brief moment of silence where typically Azul would speak up. However, he’s too busy containing his rage and annoyance to do anything.
Jade replies, heading over to your side. “Kalim, thank you. I’ve missed my significant other dearly during this time. You’ve done us a great favor.”
Azul gets his wits about him and puts on a business smile. It’s slightly taut, but he retains his drama and butters up the wealthy student.
“Yes, you are a truly kind and warm-hearted person! I will teach you everything I know,” he promises.
“Floyd and I are happy to assist with any cooking and cleaning,” Jade adds, snaking his arm around your waist.
You catch Azul glaring at the action before covering it with an elegant smile.
Floyd chips in. “Yeah, we’re old pros from working at the Lounge.”
“That’ll be a great help! Jamil won’t have as much work anymore. He already does so much for me,” the embodiment of sunshine beams.
Jamil speaks up with a calculated expression.
“I don’t need any help, but I didn’t know you were together. When did you start dating?” the vice leader drawls.
“I want to know too! You have to tell us everything!” Kalim jumps in.
He urges your party to sit. You move in tandem with your “boyfriend.” Sitting close together, Jade puts a hand behind you and leans into your figure. You copy his behavior and rest yourself on his shoulder. The Scarabia house warden squeals at your intimate position while Jamil narrows his eyes, skeptical.
On Jade’s left is a smug Floyd. He looks at Jamil with a confident smirk. He knows the two of you won’t break. Next to him, Azul regrets his life choices and plots to kill the two of you in private.
“How did you get together?” Kalim questions with twinkling eyes.
Jade chuckles, “I caught an interest in the prefect after Azul’s overblot. They were the mastermind behind his demise and I had to learn more. I ended up finding them in the greenhouse one day. We were both looking for the same ingredients for potions class. They asked me a few questions and I mentioned my terrariums. They were more enthusiastic than I expected, so I showed my hobby to them. [Y/N] wanted to help. I wasn’t opposed to the idea, so we spent time together. We bonded over shared interests.”
Jamil interrupts, “I can’t see you dating just because of plants. What other interests do you share? The two of you are quite different.”
Jade hums, placing his head on top of yours. You take the hint and nuzzle into him.
“You’re right. We do enjoy more physical activities.”
Azul squawks, his glasses going askew. Floyd cackles, clapping. Grim glances at you with a complicated and borderline disgusted expression. Jamil’s mouth falls open at the bold choice and Kalim fanboys.
You scoff, lightly smacking your chosen eel. “You didn’t have to admit that.”
“I know you like it,” he replies.
Kalim continues the interview. “Jade, what do you like most about [Y/N]?”
He gives a thoughtful look.
“They’re unassuming at first glance, but they’re an incredible strategist and tactician. They’re unpredictable,” he details.
Jamil hums, “So that’s why you’re interested.”
He turns to you and provokes, “I suggest you don’t place all your hopes and dreams on him. You’re just a passing fancy.”
Your eyes widen, genuinely offended. Jade grips your midsection and wraps his other arm across your torso. He keeps his ever-present smile, but it has a deadly edge. You lean into him.
Jade responds for both of you.
“Nobody asked for your opinion,” he comments, before turning to you. “I want to know what you find attractive about me.”
A silent understanding passes between the two of you. You want to distract Kalim from Jamil’s comment. The Scarabia vice leader is testing you, but you want to smooth this over.
In the back of your mind, you think that this dating simulation is going well. You’ll have to continue it for a few more days to gain significant data. However, the odds tilt in Jade’s favor.
“You’re rather gentlemanly,” you start, before glancing at him.
You let your eyes wander his face, before going in for the kill. You make sure everyone in the room knows what you’re doing. Your gaze drops from his eyes to his mouth. It lingers for a long time. You tear your focus away and look at Kalim.
“More importantly, he’s interesting. He likes to go along with my plans and I have fun with him,” you say, before adding. “His teeth are just a bonus.”
Azul jerks forward, having been metaphorically K.O.ed. He glares holes into both of you. You smirk. The businessman’s eyes widen, disturbed.
You furrow your eyebrows. The sunshine child explains what happened, clapping his hands.
“The two of you are in sync! You made the same facial expression at Azul. You’re fated to be together!” he praises.
You look at your partner with a satisfied grin. The Scarabia vice leader interjects again, displeased.
“[Y/N] is fairly open. Was there any reason you hid your relationship?” he interrogates.
You’ve been waiting for the question.
“Yes,” you sigh, “We thought Azul would disapprove. I was the one who planned his downfall after all. Unfortunately, we were right about his reaction.”
The Octavinelle leader whips toward you, his mouth open and his eyes filled with fire. You ignore him, continuing.
“It all came out last night. Floyd caught us making out. We tried to stop him from telling Azul, but you know Floyd,” you say, giving a helpless smile. “I’m glad you allowed them to stay, Kalim. I worried Jade might get berated if I didn’t return with him. Thank you. We appreciate it.”
“Anytime!” the Scarabia student waves you off.
The businessman cuts in to defend his honor.
“To be fair, I’m mostly shocked by your union,” he states, pushing up his glasses. “I just need time to process. I’ll get used to this new normal eventually.”
Kalim cheers, “I’m glad Azul is coming around!”
The sophomore in question scowls. From the corner of your eye, Jamil frowns. The vice leader doesn’t believe you and that’s fine. He won’t catch you or Jade slipping up.
You continue the fake relationship for that day, avoiding Jamil’s attempts to prove your lie. That night, Azul almost strangles all of you for the stunt you pulled. You’re quick to distract him. Eventually, Jade and you find the culprit behind Kalim’s “mood swings.” From there, the five of you plan.
You walk with Azul and Grim to Kalim’s bedroom. It’s early in the morning. You want to wake him before his vice leader does.
Azul stops and looks at you. He searches your eyes with a neutral and serious face.
“Are you playing with him?” he questions.
You tilt your head with a smile.
You shake your head. “I’m not, but it’s pretty cute you’re worried.”
The businessman crosses his arms, giving a light glare.
“I don’t want my best asset to decrease his productivity because he’s in a slump,” he argues, “He’s the one who deals with social interactions. If he’s not at peak performance, he can’t follow through with my schemes.”
You give an unconvinced look but don’t push. Instead, you answer the question.
“I am serious about him. My bold moves at the beginning were mostly tests,” you reveal.
The sophomore pauses, confused. “What?”
“When I suggested sleeping with him, I wanted to see if he would do anything inappropriate or cross any boundaries. I wondered how he would react in a domestic relationship. I got a satisfying answer,” you explain, “The fake dating ploy is to see how well we work as a team. I knew Jamil wouldn’t believe us, so this also gauges how dedicated he can be as my partner.
“I look at romantic relationships like a group project. Two people work toward a shared goal of staying together and supporting one another. Both sides have to put in work to maintain it. It’s efficient to put candidates through trials at the beginning. I don’t want to invest in a poor product,” you chuckle.
Azul stares at you, mildly impressed. He pushes up his glasses.
“You’re smarter than I gave you credit for,” he comments, “I’m sure Jade has a long-standing interest in you as well.”
You beam, elated. The Octavinelle student shakes his head before walking forward.
“We have a plan to dislodge,” he reminds you.
“Indeed,” you chirp, skipping alongside him.
The businessman sighs, resigned to his fate of you and Jade getting together.
Everyone stands outside the dorm in the scorching sun, listening to the Octavinelle trio.
“Skirmishes are good exercise and help relieve stress,” Jade informs.
Floyd pipes up with his signature elongated vocals.
“I wanna go wild too! Someone come fight me!” He giggles.
You jump at the opportunity.
“I want to,” you volunteer, running up.
“Oooh, Shrimpy’s offering to wrestle with me! Yeah, I’ll do it,” the chaotic twin agrees, “One on one though.”
“Deal,” you grin.
You look at the Octavinelle’s first and second in command. Azul purses his lips but shrugs, accepting your death, while Jade is amused.
When you turn away, your fake boyfriend’s eyes narrow, cutting into his brother. It’s a warning. His counterpart laughs.
“I won’t kill them, Jade. They’re too funny to cripple,” the chaotic twin reassures, throwing his hands up. “I know they’re yours.”
You glance at the calmer eel. He has a small smile on his face like always.
“Just be careful, pearl,” he cautions you.
You perk up at the new nickname and nod with a hum.
“Thanks for looking out for me, sweetheart,” you reply.
Jade’s eyes flash with satisfaction before returning to normal.
He chuckles, “I’ll let you and Floyd have your fun. Azul and I will manage the rest of Scarabia.”
“Let’s go!” Floyd chirps, dragging you to a section of sand.
You take off your shoes and socks, knowing you’ll have a better grip if you go barefoot. In typical Floyd fashion, there’s no start signal. He just runs at you.
You bend your knees prepared to take him before faking out at the last minute. Wind rushes past you as he misses. However, Floyd’s reaction time is quick. He wheels around to snatch you. You duck and slip under his defenses. You punch into rock-solid abs. The hit doesn’t deter him. You leap back, creating distance and space.
It becomes a game of tag. You deftly dodge, trying to find a weakness, as the chaotic eel runs after you. However, Floyd’s attacks are so randomized, that it’s hard to deduce a pattern.
Then, your feet slip underneath you. Your eyes widen as warm sand meets your calf. Your opponent materializes in front of you. He blocks the sun like a reaper in a Wild West movie. Floyd shoots toward you. You spray sand into his eyes. The eel jerks back, making an odd noise. It’s a cross between a screech and a groan.
You take the opportunity to tackle him to the ground. Before you can lock him down, he gives a frenzied laugh. The chaotic twin pulls his knees to his chest and kicks you in the stomach. There’s a burst of light as you’re sent flying. You skid across the sand as Jade roars.
In moments, the vice leader is by your side. He drops to his knees, checking you over.
“Are you ok?” Jade asks urgently, “Did you get hurt?”
You blink and shake your head.
“My stomach hurts, but other than that I’m fine,” you respond.
Your romantic interest flips your shirt up to look where his brother hit you. Your eyes widen at the brazen action. However, you sober up as you watch Jade’s worried expression. There’s a tinge of frantic concern in his eyes. There’s no visible wound on you.
“There might be some internal injury,” he murmurs to himself.
Your eel’s hands clench in the sand as he recomposes himself. They’re on either side of you, protecting you from Floyd. You tilt your head and you glance up at the other eel. He gives a sheepish smile.
With one hand behind his head, he apologizes. “Sorry, Shrimpy. I used magic on you.”
He waves his magic pen for emphasis. The chaotic twin looks like he wants to come forward and check on you too, but he eyes Jade. He doesn’t move. Your eyes spark and you glance at your fake boyfriend. You’ve read about Moray Eels, they tend to be territorial. You’re glad he’s already so attached to you. It’s a good sign. Your brain kicks back into gear, thinking logically.
“You used magic on me?” you clarify, “I just felt you kick me. Was there supposed to be some other pain?”
Jade looks up, confused.
Floyd tilts his head. “Yeah, I threw an ice attack. Are you not cold?”
You shake your head.
“No, all I felt was your kick,” you answer.
The quieter twin hovers over you with a thoughtful look. You stare at him before catching onto his thought process. You call out to the embodiment of chaos.
“Floyd, can you hit me with that spell again?” you request.
Jade flinches. He gives a tight and displeased smile. You lean toward him and place a hand on his shoulder.
“If I can nullify magic, then I can help you more,” you reason, “If Floyd hurts me, you’ll avenge me.”
The eel’s mouth twitches upward.
“I’ll be doing that anyway,” he responds.
“That’s one of the things I love about you,” you chirp.
You watch Jade’s breath hitch at the word “love.” However, he regains his composure in an instant. He stands up, offering you a hand.
As the vice leader pulls up you, he instructs Floyd, “Let’s go somewhere a little more private.”
The three of you move to a more secluded area to test your unexpected constitution.
After experimenting, Jade ushers you back to change.
You meet in your shared bedroom again once you’re dressed in your typical outfits. In an instant, he’s all over you. He guides you backward until your knees hit the bed. You voluntarily sit down, looking up at him. The eel takes a moment to admire you in that position. Then, he loops his arms under yours and drags you into the middle of the bed. The vice leader drops beside you, pressing himself against you.
“Please don’t do that again,” Jade requests, wrapping his arm around you. “Even though we found out vital information, I’m still going to have a long chat with Floyd.”
You raise an eyebrow. “That’s the code word for beating him up.”
The vice leader grins. “You know me so well, darling.”
You smirk before relaxing into his hold and staring at him. You take in his mismatched olive-brown and yellow eyes. The ones that turn up at the edges. Despite being in his dorm uniform, he’s ditched the hat on the side table. The one strand of black hair threatens to fall on his face. You catch him lingering on your lips. You smile.
“Once this is all over, will you be my boyfriend?” You ask while tucking the hair behind his ear.
“Why wait?” Jade questions, pulling you closer.
“Think of Jamil’s reaction upon learning he’s why we got together. We’ll have a dramatic confession in front of everyone,” you respond, “Azul will be horrified.”
Jade responds with a shark tooth grin.
He hums, “Yes, your plans are thrilling. However, as your fake boyfriend, I deserve some kind of reward for caring about you.”
“Of course.” You lean in to peck him on the lips.
Jade swoops in to deepen it but you slip your hand between you.
“Not until the grand reveal,” you tell him with a smirk.
He chuckles, amused. “Alright, but I can still do this.”
He nips your fingertips, snatching your hand and kissing the inside of your wrist. Your eyes widen and you feel your pupils dilate. Jade smirks, snaking to your neck. He pries open your collar with his teeth and latches onto your flesh.
You jolt at the slippery sensation. He moves on top of you to get a better angle. He slips his arms under you, trapping you. You don’t mind. The eel kisses and sucks the hollow of your neck and collarbone. You tilt your head to maximize Jade’s access. You feel him grin, tightening his hold.
You bathe in the pleasure and let your hands wander along his back. You run your fingers through his hair. The eel hums, confirming he likes the feeling. You feel a little mischievous and give a sharp tug. A puff of hot air hits your neck in surprise. It makes you shiver.
He bites down, hard. You yelp, gripping onto him. You feel his teeth break into your skin. The vice leader swirls his tongue along the wound, lapping the blood. You stifle a moan. The man perks up at the noise. He moves up your neck, kissing it gently.
“You don’t have to hold back,” Jade purrs.
You pant, trying to reign in your reactions.
“What fun would that be?” You retort.
He huffs out a laugh, blowing on the shell of your ear.
“I’d be delighted to slowly break you, my dear,” your soon-to-be lover whispers.
You feel your ears and face grow hot from the action as you resist arching into him. You palm his jacket, trying to find something to ground you.
“That sounds nice,” you admit.
Jade is right next to your face, nuzzling it. You can’t hold back. You turn to kiss him when a hand blocks you.
“We have to wait until the grand reveal,” he teases.
You cackle, flipping him over. He allows himself to follow your movements, gazing up at you with satisfied eyes.
“You’re perfect,” you tell him.
“You are too,” Jade answers softly.
You gaze at him for a moment, basking in the moment. You peck his lips and move to climb off when you realize something.
“I should mark you too,” you comment before launching an attack.
He chuckles, shaking his head as you return the favor.
You and Jade walk into the common room. Azul is sipping water when he spots you. His eyes widen and he sprays liquid all over Jamil. He chokes. The Scarabia vice leader shouts in disgust and looks in your direction. He immediately covers Kalim’s eyes. Floyd laughs so hard, he has to lie down. Grim looks at you in surprise before pursing his lips and reluctantly accepting. You have an inkling it’s because if you date Jade, he’ll get free food from Monstro Lounge.
“Jamil, why are you covering my eyes?” Kalim questions innocently.
“It‘s debauched,” he answered, numb.
Azul yells at the two of you, “It’s 2:30!”
“Do you want us to do it in front of you?” You ask.
The Octavinelle leader suffocates on his spit, shaking in rage and embarrassment. You give a full-force grin. You have no doubt Jade is doing the same.
“We missed lunch. Do you have anything left?” Jade questions.
You cut in with a skeptical hum. “I wouldn’t say that. We just had dessert first.”
Floyd screeches in delight. Azul takes off his glasses and covers his face. Jamil stays frozen, disassociating from this unwanted scene. Grim’s nose crinkles in disgust. He crosses his arms and looks away. You can practically hear the mantra he repeats about free food.
“What’s happening?” Kalim asks, pushing his vice leader’s hands off his face.
Jamil doesn’t resist. The sunshine student spots you and grins.
“It’s so nice to see you guys so open about your love for each other! I’m glad you’re so confident in your relationship,” he compliments cheerfully.
You withhold a snort. Thankfully, Jade responds for you.
“Thank you for your blessing, Kalim,” he replies before spotting some extra food and guiding you over.
You scarf down a bowl of soup. Jade watches in amusement, as he eats slower. Then you watch Jamil and Azul head off together. It’s time to enact the plan.
Your party stands before Jamil with all of Scarabia behind you. The vice leader of Scarabia starts to lose it.
“Me, my family… I don’t care what happens to any of it!” Jamil screams, before encanting. “The one you see before you is your master…”
Your hackles rise but you don’t do anything. You don’t want to let on about your nullification ability.
Jamil continues, “Answer when spoken to, lower your head when ordered, Snake Whisper!”
A giant ripple of magic resounds through the dorm. It permeates every space, crevice, and crack. The vulnerable Scarabia students cow under the pressure of magical power.
“Is—Is he trying to brainwash the entire dorm?!” Azul shouts in disbelief.
Your eyes widen. You sprint toward Jamil, aiming for a weak point. Without flinching, he single-handedly takes you down, bellowing an order.
“Take Kalim, Octavinelle, and Grim and kick them to the curb!” he dictates, “I’ll handle this one.”
You cry out, as he twists your arm behind your back and presses down.
Then, your friends get accosted by Scarabia students.
Jamil taunts Jade, “I’ll take good care of your princess for you.”
The eel sends him a glare before tearing through Scarabia students.
Floyd growls, complaining, “These guys keep getting up no matter how much I squeeze them. They’re zombies.”
Amid the pandemonium, Kalim cries out to his childhood companion.
“Jamil, stop already, I get it! You can be the dorm head and I’ll go home!” he begs.
Your eyes widen. That was a bad response. You glance up at the vice leader. When you see his face, you purse your lips. He’s about to overblot and you’re pinned beneath him.
You take a deep breath and exhale through your mouth. Your heart pounds in your chest and your mind races. You’ve witnessed many overblots, but you’ve never been this close to one that’s about to happen.
Logically, you know you’ll be safe from his magic, but it doesn’t make you feel better. You’re about to be locked up without any of your friends. You’ll be stuck with an unpredictable power-crazed maniac.
You hear Jade speaking and you glance up at him. His eyes continuously flicker to you as he demolishes Jamil’s thralls. You reply with a strained and helpless dry laugh. His eyebrows furrow. He pushes himself harder.
Your face drops when Jamil screams again. Your whole body tightens as you brace yourself for the transformation. The first thing you feel is sticky ink on your arm. You flinch at the sensation, cringing.
Jade yells your name, panicked. Even through the crackle of magic, you hear him push and slam into people, trying to get to you. The air becomes more dense around you. You’re not affected by it but Jamil’s presence is enough to intimidate anyone.
“You’re coming to save your lover? How amusing. I never like Kalim’s version of love anyway. He seems too invested in your fake love story. I’ll take [Y/N] for myself. I’m sure they’ll be a wonderful pet,” the overblot student provokes.
You grit your teeth as rage flares in your eyes. He dares to call you a pet? When you have the chance, you’ll stab him in the back. You’ll take the time to set it up. You’ve become good at revenge plans since teaming up with Octavinelle.
Jamil tosses you to the side, ordering a group of Scarabia students, “Take and restrain [Y/N].”
They grip you and you don’t attempt to resist. You stare straight at Jade with an annoyed and irritated look, signaling your intent for revenge. The eel raises an eyebrow. He’s still concerned and worried, but your expression relieves him of some of his worries.
Jamil floats to the group before launching them into the sky with a huge show of power.
“Jade!” You scream, horrified.
They fade to nothing more than a dot in the sky.
You take a deep breath. They’ll be fine. So far you’ve been lucky with these overblots. Everyone’s made it out ok. You pray it’s the same this time.
You refocus on Jamil. Now, you must collect data, plan this man’s demise, and act.
The Scarabia students dress you in a tight, red crop top with matching harem pants. You’re accessorized in gold and a blue, almost transparent, scarf is wrapped around your shoulders and over your head. They lead you back to the common area. Jamil is sitting there in all his glory. His thralls cater food, fan him, and praise his excellence. When Jamil spots you, he smirks, gesturing for you to come over.
You know how you need to act. The key was not laughing. During the past few days, you’ve become proficient in that skill. You hope your training doesn’t go to waste.
Your guards escort you to him before backing off. You don an innocent and docile air. You tentatively lower yourself on the floor.
“Thank you, Master Jamil,” you state.
The Scarabia student’s eyes widen before a large smirk forms on his face. He leans forward, tipping your chin up. You comply with large, doe eyes.
“It doesn’t look like you’re very loyal to your lover, [Y/N],” he comments.
You lean forward with a worshipping gaze. You keep eye contact as you speak earnestly.
“Master Jamil, you saved my life,” you lie, “I’ve been in debt to Octavinelle for a while. When they found out about Scarabia’s situation, they wanted to investigate. They forced me to follow their plans.”
The Scarabia student raises an eyebrow. A look of satisfaction passes over his face.
“I’m glad I was right,” he murmurs.
Internally, you laugh. Jamil just wants to be right. All you’re doing is feeding into his fantasy. As long as you tell him what he wants to hear, he’ll be none the wiser.
His thumb moves across your cheek and you lean into it. Jamil’s eyes spark at the action.
The man gave you a fantastic opportunity to make more contact. You need to be close to follow through with the plan. Internally, you chuckle. When you defeat the Scarabia vice leader, you’ll be sure to punish him most uniquely.
You sit in Jamil’s lap, feeding him grapes. You giggle and play with his snake hair. The little creatures gained a liking to you. It solidified your thoughts that he’s a blindsighted fool.
A lively and energetic voice bounces off the walls.
“Jamil! You’re a cowardly traitor and I’m going to punch you!” Kalim yells.
You withhold your snort at the brazen declaration. It fits the true house warden well. You look over and find Jade. You give a wink. He keeps a straight face but there’s a look of relief. However, his eyes darken at your position.
From beside you, Jamil is stunned. In a scratchy, otherworldly voice the overblot student speaks. Making sure he can’t see, you make a disgusted face. Jade looks placated for now.
“I threw you so far into the desert. How did you get here so fast?” Jamil interrogates.
Azul speaks up. “Kalim used his unique magic, Oasis Maker, to refill a dried-up river. Jade and Floyd swam us here.”
Jamil sneers, “I thought Kalim’s unique Magic was nothing more than a way to splish-splash in a kitty pool. Who knew you would muster the power to fill a river?”
“I’m here to challenge you as the house warden!” The boy in question declares.
“No, I am the rightful leader of Scarabia. I’m much better than you’ve ever been,” Jamil states before getting up from his seat with you in his arms.
You fake a small swoon and wrap your arms around his neck. He moves to deposit you a little ways away behind him.
“Don’t worry, pet. I’ll exterminate these pests and be back,” the overblot student reassures.
You nod submissively.
Jamil turns and flies at your companions. From behind him, you gag, dusting off wherever he touched you.
“Your lover doesn’t like you, Jade. They’re rather pliant in my hands,” the Scarabia student snarks.
Your eyes blaze with fire at the comment. The eel’s face tightens.
With his ever-present calm and polite smile, Jade replies, “I’m sure [Y/N] will see reason when we defeat you.”
“That won’t happen,” Jamil snorts, before blasting your friends with bloody burgundy magic.
Light flashes across the room as the ink behind Jamil gathers. A towering humanoid snake rises from the liquid. Its face is a broken, leaking ink bottle with a massive Sultan headpiece. On the wrists are two matching golden cuffs. It’s his overblot monster. This is what the group needs to target. They have to break the glass.
Carefully moving to the side where neither Jamil nor the entity can see you, you start giving hand gestures. The first one you give is putting an index finger to your mouth. Grim looks straight at you, confused. Thankfully your soon-to-be boyfriend moves to block your cat’s line of sight and kicks him. Your familiar gets the hint.
Surprisingly, Kalim notices you but doesn’t give anything away. Floyd is on the same page. Everyone makes sure to not look at you directly or at least simultaneously. You begin miming your plan.
When you finish, you see a spark of an idea in Kalim’s eyes. You raise an eyebrow. It looks like he’s planning something. However, none of the Octavinelle students can see it. You don’t mind altering your plans. You’re curious.
You creep up on Jamil, coming behind the monster. You plan to dash past. You lower yourself into a sprinting position and wait.
Kalim takes a deep breath and nods. You take your cue and sprint.
The white-haired boy shouts, “Do you know how this will affect your family?!”
Jamil stops casting, choking in rage.
You leap, latching onto his head. All of his magic stops as you cover his eyes. Restraining his snake hair, your legs wrap around his waist. Jade dashes up, spins, and delivers a roundhouse kick to the side of his jaw.
Jamil falls, unconscious. Jade catches you as the monster roars.
The sound is cut off by shattering glass. Ink gushes from the creature’s face. It crumples and disintegrates to mist.
You glance back. Kalim is standing there with his staff raised. He stays in that position, frozen.
The air clears to reveal the night sky again. The other Scarabia students are still knocked out from the amount of mind control power Jamil used on them.
Kalim hiccups and collapses to the ground, sobbing.
You give a sad smile. Standing up, you walk over to him and put a hand on his back.
“Nice thinking, Kalim,” you tell him, “You gave us the opening we needed.”
The crying student looks up at you.
“I didn’t know! I didn’t know he felt that way about me!” the Scarabia leader wails, “I didn’t want to say that to him either.”
Your eyes widen, not knowing how to deal with this. Then, you spot your out.
You swoop Grim into your arms and carry him over to Kalim.
“You better act like a good stuffed animal,” you tell him, “We both don’t know how to help crying people, but you’re much more huggable than I am.”
Your cat is about to thrash at you before you add, “I can get you seven cans of tuna for free because I’m about to date Jade.”
Your companion stills.
“If you throw me to Floyd again, that promise doubles,” he conditions.
“Ok,” you comply.
You can use his wording against him. He didn’t stipulate if Floyd caught him on his own. Your cat needs to learn that to live with this crew.
You deposit Grim in front of Kalim, who asks if he can hug him.
“That’s what I’m here for. Just don’t get snot on me,” your magical creature huffs.
The wealthy sophomore clutches onto him and weeps. You chuckle, watching the life get squeezed out of your familiar.
You head to the Octavinelle trio.
Before you can say anything, Jade reels you into him. He holds you close. You can feel his breath on your cheek. Beads of sweat drip down his face. You know he wants to kiss you, but he’s too committed to your upcoming stunt. Instead, he rips off the scarf and traces the hickeys he left.
Azul groans, “Not again.”
Floyd nudges Jamil with his foot. “When’s he going to wake up?”
The Scarabia vice leader responds, moaning in pain. Kalim shoots up from the floor and rushes to his side, balling.
The wealthy student is almost incoherent, babbling something about Jamil being alive. He helps the overblotted student sit up. The bruised and beat-up sophomore puts a hand on his chin.
“Who hit me?” he questions.
“I did. I also want to thank you,” Jade answers.
Jamil’s eyebrows furrow.
“For what?” he asks.
The eel ignores him, turning to you with a smile. He takes your hand.
“[Y/N], ever since you flew into Monstro Lounge three nights ago and pummeled that one student, I’ve been enchanted by you. From your bold declaration to sleep with me on the first night—“
“—You did what?” Jamil interjects, horrified.
Jade ignores him. “—to your fake dating scheme. They’ve been some of the most memorable moments of my life. Will you be my girlfriend?”
Azul lets out a sigh of relief, “Thank god, I thought you were going to ask them to marry you.”
You get an idea.
“Of course, Jade. I’ve always thought you were interesting. When we interacted before Azul’s overblot, you fascinated me. However, it wasn’t until Jamil’s shenanigans that we connected on a deeper level.”
You let the sexual insinuation sit for a moment. Jamil gags. You glance at Floyd with a smirk. That was the exact reaction you wanted from him
“You should force him to watch this entire thing. Jamil deserves to be punished for his overblot. It’s not violent, so this is a perfect way,” you suggest with a sweet smile.
The chaotical entity bounces on the balls of his feet and zooms at the offered target.
Jamil grunts as Floyd catches him in a chokehold and forces his eyes open. The eel cackles directly into his ear, causing the vice leader to wince at the volume.
“Shrimpy’s ideas are the best! You should team up with Azul to make even more hilarious schemes,” he chortles beside the Scarabia student’s face.
You grin and turn back to your lover.
“It’s all thanks to Jamil that we’re together. I love that we’re on the same page. I love how dedicated you are to our relationship (and schemes, you internally add, knowing he’ll come to the same conclusion). I love your willingness to try new things. In light of that…”
You get down on one knee.
Keeping your eyes on Jade, you hold your hand face up and demand, “Kalim, give me your ring bracelet. I’ll return it after I get a formal ring.”
You hear an excited gasp and the jangling of metal.
“Kalim,” Jamil complains, trying to caution him.
There’s a hitch in his breath.
“Let [Y/N] and my brother have their moment, Sea Snake~” Floyd sings, tightening his hold.
From the corner of your eye, Azul grips his hair.
“I hate both of you,” the dorm leader hisses.
Without missing a beat, you add. “You’ll be catering the event.”
The businessman pauses. He straightens up, pushing up his glasses.
“I suppose that’s fine,” he concedes, “The wedding business is incredibly lucrative. The price increases if you put the word “wedding” before it.”
Kalim claps his hands.
“I’m glad Azul has finally accepted the two of you,” he cheers, before depositing the requested item in your hands.
You take it.
Looking up at Jade, you hold in a burst of laughter at the absurd situation.
“Jade, will you marry me?” You ask.
“Yes, my pearl.”
You quickly slip the jewelry on before jumping him. You make a big show of making out.
In the background, you hear Jamil protesting as Floyd giggles. You feel your fiance’s sharp teeth as his mouth forms into a grin. After about thirty seconds of twisting tongues, you release your hold. With red lips, you turn to Jamil.
“You’ll be our guest of honor,” you tell him.
He glares at you before Grim speaks up.
“The only reason I’m agreeing is because I get free food from Monstro Lounge,” he states, crossing his arms.
Azul is about to protest when Jade cuts in.
“I can make that happen,” he confirms.
You raise an eyebrow with an amused smirk. “You’re already sucking up to the in-laws.”
He pecks you again. “You’ve successfully gained my brother’s favor. I’m only repaying the favor.”
“This is why I love you,” you sigh, smiling content.
“I love you too,” Jade replies.
“Now, you may kiss,” the officiant declares.
A cheer goes up as Jade grabs your waist and dips you. He catches your lips with his teeth. Jade lets go of the teasing bite to actually kiss you. He pulls you up, still holding on. You smirk and lean into him, recalling the last time you pulled this stunt. You kiss long enough for people to become uncomfortable. It was the trick from when you proposed after Jamil’s overblot.
In the audience, Jamil states, “I’m getting flashbacks.”
“It’s just like old times!” Kalim cries.
“You mean the lowest point of my life? Floyd forced me to watch them make out. I do not want to see it twice,” he retorts.
You pick up more ambient chatter.
From the Ignihyde dorm, the in-person and shivering Idia asks, “Ortho, can we go now?”
“We need to stick around a little longer. They’ve helped us out and they play video games with you.”
There’s a deep, heavy sigh before a familiar flourish of words overpowers it.
“Beau! This is a gorgeous and fantastic match. The Trickster and Monsieur Mastermind. They’re truly a plotting and mischievous duo. I have no doubt their married life will continue to flower with time!”
“Rook, [Y/N] asked you to take their wedding photos. Why are you still sitting here?” Vil questions.
“I already took them!”
“…Why am I not surprised? Epel, did you steal food from the buffet table and bring it inside?”
A muffled voice responds, “…You’re not my dorm leader anymore.”
“Oh? So you think you can just get away with it?” Vil sasses.
“Wow, they’re so cute! It’s a picture-perfect moment and they’re holding their pose. I can get in a lot of good shots,” Cater squeals.
“Trey, what flavor of cake did they order?” The former Heartslabyul leader asks.
“The standard chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry. Each tier has a different flavor. However, they had an interesting request. They want me to use Doodle Suit on a few people’s slices.”
“That sounds like them,” Leona butts in, “They’re always up to something. Even now.”
“Shi-shi-shi,” Ruggie laughs, “They match each other perfectly—Oh, look, Jack’s uncomfortable. That means they’ll end soon.”
“Human rituals are so interesting,” Malleus observes, “It’s fascinating to watch one up close. Although, Silver is missing out.”
“I’m sure he’ll see many more,” Lilia waves off, “I’m excited when they ask for my assistance again. They have a great sense of humor.”
Then your cue was given.
The two of you break away with matching grins.
From the audience, the green-haired man stands stunned that his demands were answered. Lilia cackles and pulls him down as Silver’s eyes blearily open.
Azul comments beside your husband, “Sometimes I wonder why we’re friends and then I remember how much money you make me.”
Floyd whines, “I’m sad it wasn’t more interesting. You’ve already used that trick before.”
“The night isn’t over yet. There will be more,” Jade replies with a smirk.
The other eel perks up.
From behind you, Deuce pipes up.
“Sebek could’ve come in sooner,” he sighs.
“I’m not surprised he didn’t realize he needed to yell,” Ace snorts next to him, “He’s as dense as a brick.”
“Henchman! I want food!!” Grim demands.
You laugh and follow his orders, hand in hand with your husband.
#twisted wonderland#twst#twst x reader#jade leech#jade x reader#jade leech x reader#azul ashengrotto#twst azul#floyd leech#twst floyd#octavinelle#twst chapter 4#scarabia#kalim al asim#twst kalim#jamil viper#twst jamil#vil schoenheit#rook hunt#epel felmier#idia shroud#ortho shroud#pomefiore#ignihyde#savanaclaw#leona kingscholar#ruggie bucchi#jack howl#heartslabyul#riddle rosehearts
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“I really enjoyed going out with you tonight.” you said.
“Me too.” she replied. “And thanks for the lift.”
“You’re welcome.”
As the two of you stayed silent in the car, you were thinking of going for a kiss. Something to sweeten the evening and complete the perfect date.
“Would you like to come in?” she asked. A surprise to be sure, but a welcomed one. Suddenly, your hopes became a bit more ambitious than a kiss.
You two went inside. It was a sparsely decorated, but clean apartment.
“Make yourself at home. I just need to feed the fish. Fishy! Fishy! Fishy!”
You thought it was cute how she would bend over and coo and talk to the fish as if they were kittens. As you looked at her, you saw that her shirt had pulled a bit. And that, because she was bending, her jeans had slipped a tiny bit. All that to say, you could see her underwear. Pristine white, surprisingly big… and Oh. My. God. That’s a diaper. You were dating a diaper girl. Now you were really getting your hopes up. It was such a thick diaper. Worst case scenario must be that she’s incontinent or something.
You were so busy trying to calm yourself down and reel yourself from the discovery that you hadn’t realized that she’d gone quiet. She wasn’t cooing at the fish anymore, she was straining to relieve herself. Letting out, every so often, a low-pitched moan that meant the was putting in some effort. No need to worry, you were going to find out her present for you soon enough.
Photo credit: Alyssa from DiaperedOnline.com
For more stories by me: https://reamstories.com/babywriter
#ab/dl caption#ab/dl girl#ab/dl stories#ab/dl community#ab/dl fiction#ab/dl#diaper captions#ab/dl diaper#diaper stories
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Jessica Rabbit Effect pt. 4
So a lot of people have asked what if Crocodile & Mihawk found out about Buggys hot wife. So here we are!
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• Buggy would be dragging his feet and reluctant on letting you go.. Truthfully he wanted to keep you on his little island village were you could live in ignorance and bliss. (Cause he's possessive)
• However it seemed some things couldnt be helped-
• Especially after your kidnapping attempt. So he felt safer dragging you with him to the Cross Guild meeting-
• "I'm so nervous" You admit, stepping in land as he kept you close.
• "Don't be- You'll be fine. I promise nothing will happen" He stated confidently, you assuming because these men were his friends- (While Buggy ment he'd kill to make sure no one harmed you)
• Once inside you saw them- And you damn near were ready to run back to the ship..
• They looked so much scarier in person!
• Craning your head up to meet the two massive men- Your nerves now all over the place as they just seemed to stare down at you.
• Hard-
• Your hand instinctively squeezing Buggy for reassurance.
• "Croc, Hawk- This is my Wife (Y/N)" Buggy said calmly with a hint of irriation in his voice at having them meet you at all, keeping a secure hand on your waist as you smiled softly at the two infamous men, still a bit nervous.
• "It's lovely to meet you both"
• Sir Crocodile and Mihawk exchanged puzzled glances as they stood before Buggy's wife.
• Perplexed-
• This pretty women was Buggy's wife?- Sure they had both heard rumors that she was apparently attractive but they assumed this was just Buggy's dramatic words floating around.
• However you were actually gorgeous!?
• Crocodile muttered, "Lovely to meet you as well-" Migawk nodding in greeting to you.
• "I know its a bit short notice me coming here and all, vut I made you both some gifts as a gesture of kindness" You say so sweetly as you reach into your bag and pull out the nice gifts for both of them nicely wrapped in colored tissue paper. Mentally praying Buggy's information was correct.
• Both Guild Leaders took the gifts in question- Still assuming something about this was fishy as both slowly ripped the tissue paper to take a peak at what you'd made.
• You had made a beautiful silk orange gold puff tie for Sir Crocodile since Buggy kept saying he was wearing a 'scarf' as a tie (But you knew better that it's a Puff Tie and not a scarf)
• And for Sir Mihawk you made him a white ocean cotton button down with front frills, you didn't make it as dramatic as you typically made Buggys but it was a incredibly pretty and beautiful shirt that would be comforble to wear whenever.
• Both men stared at the gifts, like they were trying to figure out what sort of trickery this was.
• "You made these?" Mihawk questioned at first,
• "I'm a seamstress" You state calmly, a bit worried they wouldn't be interested. However smiled when Crocodile complemented your craft and the quality of the tie.
• Once inside the main meeting room, conversation flowed naturally, You chatting up both men so they could become familiar with you. Even telling them the story of how you and Buggy met all those years ago.
• "Are you wanted to married him?-" Crocodile mused, taking another drag of his cigar.
• "Of course! He's so sweet afterall" Buggy looked miffed by Crocodiles words and the fact you gushed so much-
• Mihawk was the most interested in you however, taking sips of wine as he looked over you calmly.
• "Would you reconsider your marriage for a more suitable option?-" He so bluntly asked which made you blink in total surprise.
• "HEY!" Buggy yelled, Wrapping a protective arm around you as he began to yell at Mihawk for daring to 'hit on' his lovely wife- His temper definitely getting the best of him.
• Buggy throwing a full on tantrum now as he pointed a finger at Mihawk and screamed at him. The yellow eyed man grabbing his sword in warning-
• You flushed in embrassment and patted Buggys arm gently to calm him down before he got chopped to bits. "No No- I'm very happy in my marriage and love my husband dearly. I wouldn't choose anyone else-"
• Buggy stopped his little tantrum and seemed to be soothed by your gentle hands and soft words.
• Both pirates respecting such a loyal trait and moving on from such conversations.
• Both Guild Leaders found you quite enjoyable- You had wonderful humor, great in terms of conversation and essentially made up for everything your husband lacked.
• Work did take place however, Buggy and the two men talking over strategies of wealth and gaining a greater sense of power between them all.
• They did however find it irritating they couldn't beat Buggy's ass like normal- Seeing how it would upset you and the man seemed to be practically glued to you.
• By the time for you and Buggy to retire, Maps, Plans and even money had been exchanged-
• As the meeting delved later. Food and Alcohol was served, which left you full and a bit tipsy. Leaning your head on Buggy's shoulder as you soon fell asleep against him.
• "(Y/N)? Buggy said softly, claiming his arm to properly secure you against him as he saw your sleeping form.
• "Seems it's time to go our separate ways" Migawk said calmly, having finished off 4 bottles of wine himself and not too far behind you in terms of sleep. Crocodile wiping his mouth of the crumbs with a napkin as he set his near finished cigar on a ash tray.
• "Yes.." Buggy said softly, scooping you up with care.
• "....Since my wife is asleep- I need to say this to you both"
• Buggy didn't look at the two of them just stroking your hair as you slept- "I will only speak this once... If you two hurt my wife or make her upset in any way- Death will be the kindest thing I can give to you"
• They had always know Buggy hid his true abilities and simply didn't take things seriously- But they saw you were his only button.
• His only weakness-
• No words were exchanged, but a silent agreement seemed to settle on the three men.
• You were off limits.
• Buggy carried you out of the meeting hall, taking you to his private quarters so you could rest properly. Already mentally mapping out changing you into your nice PJs-
• The two men left behind watching their peer leave with his prized wife. Crocodile muttered, "How did Buggy manage to snag such a pretty and sweet wife?"
• Mihawk, equally mystified nodding in agreement.
• "It's a mystery as profound as the Grand Line itself."
"I can't believe those dirty bastards got you to make them clothes!" Buggy yelled, stomping his foot dramatically as he watched you sew at a purple and gold vest which clearly would belong to Crocodile by the large size.
You sitting in your favorte chair, dressed in comforble clothes as you continued to work into the evening in the home you shared with your dramatic husband.
"I make all your clothes" Gesturing to his low riding pajama pants and socks he was currently sporting. He waved this off with a dramatic eye roll-
"That's different your my wife and I still pay for your time since it's important! and they shouldnt get it fre-"
"They are paying me Buggy Boo" You cut him off quickly, taking the winds from his sails as he stopped mid rant.
"Eh?" He said confused, not knowing what you were talking about. You reach into your vanity next to you and handed your husband the letter both men had slipped you when you'd first met them in the guikd hall.
"They have me a lump some for 5 peices of clothes for each of them. 2 pairs of trousers, 2 shirts and a special item for each. For Crocodile he wanted this vest Im working on- and for Mihawk to restore a coat he liked" You explained, Buggy raising a brow at this news as he opened the letter quickly and read over how much they offered for such peices.
Buggy yelled as he fell to the ground foaming at the mouth at seeing the large number.
15,000,000 Beri for each man....
He couldn't complain-
Well not about the men paying you so handsomely but about having to become the grumpy delivery man for his wife once the clothes were finished.
When he went to the meeting handing his two peers the clothes they had specially bought from you in the nice boxes youd always packed everything in.
Both men quick to open them and look over their new purchased goodies. Mihawk immediately putting on the repaired coat after seeing its quality- which was better then when he bought it.
"Tell your wife I'd like to make another commission when she has free time- I'll pay double" Mihawk said smoothing out the coat and seeing the nice gold pattern on the sleeves and nice red satin insides of the inner coat.
Crocodile adjusting his orange Puff Tie and he nodded in agreement and went through his box with great satisfaction. "Same for me as well-"
"I fucking hate you both..."
#x reader#one piece#one peice x reader#one peice live action#buggy one piece#buggy the clown x reader#buggy x reader#jessica rabbit effect#one piece buggy#op buggy
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:333 hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
im on my octatrio bs again (when have i ever left). could i request floyd jade and azul but they somehow get flustered by the reader and hide their face in their hats? seeing them squirm (affectionate) makes me happy :)
also remember to take care of urself if u havent gotten up in a while go do that 🔫xoxoxooxo yao
SUMMARY: you fluster some fishies so bad they hide behind their hats!
COMMENTS: hi floyd's fishie :3c it was hard coming up with ways to fluster them and still have them act all smooth and in character LMAO

You’re staring at him, and it’s making Azul very nervous. He adjusts his glass, clearing his throat as he looks up from the study guide in front of him, giving you a skeptical stare. The soft blue lighting of Mostro Lounge makes you look so dreamy, and he can’t tell if it’s actually the lighting or if your face really looks as lovestruck as he thinks it is. He feels his cheeks heat up but he ignores it, making a point to press a single gloved finger against your worksheets. He asks you the first question that comes to mind, and he isn’t even sure it makes sense, especially when you hide your grin behind your hand and giggle. You tell him he looks handsome instead of answering his question and it's like the nail in the coffin. Azul’s hat tumbles off his head as he slams back against the booth, snatching up his hat and covering his face. He disguises the gesture with a cough and an excuse before running off, shutting himself in his VIP Room.

It isn’t hard to make Jade laugh, you’ve learned. All you have to do is crack a pun or two about the current situation, and you’ll be blessed with the most undignified snort and giggle combo you’ve ever heard. It makes all the more willing to make jokes about his “morels” and more recently how “cap-tivating” he is, just to see him take his hat off and hide his laughter. His shaking shoulders give him away though, even when he puts his hat back on and hides his toothy smile with a hand to maintain some sort of professionalism. It’s only after a particularly cheesy fungi joke you make when sitting right next to him that you notice his pink cheeks behind his hat, and it gives you pause. Has Jade Leech been blushing over your mushroom puns this whole time?

Floyd isn’t easy to fluster. One would say it’s impossible—but you’ve learned that it’s very possible. Floyd just has to be in the right mood. He has to be a little bit clingy, a little bit sweet, and just the right amount of whiny. Snuggle up with him in one of the Mostro Lounge’s booth, pet his hair and kiss his forehead, really love on him no matter who is around you and before you know it he’ll be pliant in your arms, his hand clenched in his hands as he holds it over his pouty lipped face. He may look grumpy but don’t be fooled, this eel is so in love with you and he’ll never get sick of your affections.
TAGLISTS -> azul's business partners . . . @cookiesandbiscuits @vivigoesinsane @identity-theft-101 @dove-da-birb
-> jade's mushrooms . . . @cookiesandbiscuits @vivigoesinsane @identity-theft-101 @welcometomypersonalhell098 @dove-da-birb
-> floyd's fishies . . . @cookiesandbiscuits @vivigoesinsane @identity-theft-101 @welcometomypersonalhell098 @dove-da-birb
#auburn's fics <3#twisted wonderland#disney twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland x reader#twst#twst x reader#disneys twisted wonderland#disney twst x reader#disney twst#azul ashengrotto x reader#jade leech x reader#floyd leech x reader#azul ashengrotto fluff#jade leech fluff#floyd leech fluff#azul ashengrotto#jade leech#floyd leech#azul fluff#azul x reader#jade fluff#jade x reader#floyd x reader#floyd fluff
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The Art of Pleasure

Synopsis: Rafayel asks you to come over, insisting it’s urgent. Once you arrive, you quickly realise you are about to become a part of an art experiment he is very eager to realise. Having him suspend you from the ceiling, naked and at his mercy, while you become his live canvas, however, is the last thing you expected...
A/N: Okay, listen, as a Sylus girlie (with a weakness for Zayne), it took me a little while to warm up to our dramatic fishy but I do love him now. I don't know what happened but this filthy idea popped into my head even before I started liking him, haha! Enjoy! ;)
Words: 2124 Warnings: smut
Additional NSFW warnings: CMNF, bondage/suspension, body paint
“Rafayel? Rafayel, where are you?”
When you stepped into his studio, the silence was deafening. No swift paint strokes, no soft sighs, no near-silent footsteps on bare feet. Rafayel had sent you forty-three messages within the span of one hour. That was a new record even for him.
You’d only been under the shower for a few minutes to wind down for the day and wash the remnants of Wanderers off your body when he decided to call and practically blow your phone up.
“Rafayel, I’m here! What’s so urgent?”
He wouldn’t tell you in his messages, only that “inspiration had struck like it never had before” and that he needed you to be around him for it to work out. Only the heavens knew what that meant but being a good little bodyguard for your dramatic artist and fish boyfriend, you’d bitten the bullet, got dressed again, and took a cab to his studio.
And now, Rafayel was nowhere to be seen. Rude. Well, at least until a barely audible moan reached your ears. A few moments later, he finally appeared. “You’re here! Come on in!”
He stepped out of his bedroom with his clothes and hair a little dishevelled, rubbing the back of his neck as he approached you and pressed a chaste kiss to your cheek.
“Did you take a nap while I rushed here like a maniac because you said it was important?” You crossed your arms before your chest.
“Yeah…a nap. And this is important!” he argued. “Now come in and take your shoes off.”
Sighing, you obeyed and slipped out of your boots. You hadn’t bothered wearing socks before leaving your apartment again and you had to admit, feeling the cool marble of his studio floor under your soles was pleasant.
“What’s so urgent then? The last time you were so ecstatic about ‘inspiration striking’, you decided to draw me sleeping, and not prettily.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I painted a sleeping cutie. But that’s not what I have in mind this time. At least, not exactly.”
“Not exactly?” You raised an eyebrow at him. Rafayel often caught you off guard with his lunatic, excuse you, artistic ideas. Still, you loved that side of him and secretly, you were pretty sure he knew that.
“I had an idea for a painting but it will only work with you,” he continued.
“Okay?” You drew the word out, your eyebrow still arched.
“First, you’ll need to take off your clothes.”
“All of them, do it now!”
“Rafayel…” You bit your lower lip.
His voice softened a little. “Hey, do you trust me?”
You did. That was out of the question. “I do but—”
“Then take off your clothes, come on!”
Eyeing him with suspicion still, you did as you were told. Your jacket came first, then your trousers, and then your blouse until you were left standing before him in your underwear. It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen you naked before, still, having him observe you as if you were a piece of art made you feel all hot and bothered.
“Your bra and your panties too.”
“Seriously? Rafayel…are you going to paint me nude? Just tell me what your plan is, you’re freaking me out!”
“I can’t, it would ruin the surprise!”
He tapped his bare foot on the ground by way of showing you his impatience.
You let out another sigh before you complied.
Rafayel bit his lower lip. Distracted by your naked body for a moment, he blinked and offered you his hand. He led you over to the opposite wall in his studio, the one where he usually painted his mural-sized artworks. Today, however, there was no canvas. Only a handful of black loops made of thick leather hanging down low all the way from the ceiling.
Confused, you furrowed your brows.
“What is this?”
“You’re going to be my canvas tonight, cutie.”
“What do you mean…I’m going to be the canvas?”
“Up you go!”
“Wait, what are you…” You didn’t get to finish that sentence. Rafayel pushed you forward gently, nudging you against the loops. You gasped when he flipped you around, lifted you up, and hooked your legs into the hoops before sliding them up towards your thighs.
Concentration lined his pretty facial features as he reached for a swing-like leather strap underneath you and had it rest against your butt cheeks, supporting your weight, before moving on to your arms. The hoops for your wrists were smaller and you knew instantly that you would be completely trapped and at his mercy once he’d finished restraining you. Hypothetically, you could wriggle your way out of them but that would result in your whole body tilting backwards and the back of your head connecting with the hard floor. No, thank you.
Besides…as much as you wanted to scold him for this crazy art project, this was exciting.
You bit your lower lip. “Rafayel…” you whispered once he was done, nodded, and admired his handiwork.
“Perfect,” he stated, bluish-pink eyes roaming over your naked body, lingering on your glistening folds for just a second too long. Shit, how had you gotten wet so fast?
Perhaps he wanted to paint your pussy and needed a good view for accuracy? Yeah…that had to be it. You wondered how he’d draw the arousal dripping from your core. What colours he’d use… But wait. You paused. Fuck. Hadn’t he said earlier that he wanted you to be his canvas? What was his plan?
“Here I go. Hold still for me.”
Swinging helplessly in the air, you had no other options anyway. You nodded regardless, your eyes a little wider than they should be. Your breathing was quickening. Damn, this had no business being so hot…
You hissed when with a start, a wet and cold paint brush drew a thin orange line all around your right breast.
He shushed you, chuckling once again. “I told you, you’re my canvas today. Now hold still, you’re messing up my outlines!”
“B-but…” Your half-hearted protests fell on deaf ears. Rafayel was in the zone. Again and again, he dipped various paint brushes into their respective buckets to draw only the gods knew what on your body. It tickled. It was cold. And yet, the more strokes he teased your naked skin with…the wetter and more aroused you grew.
You flinched when his hands wandered down to your pubic bone. Lower, lower…the brush grazed your outer folds and you gasped.
Whatever kink he was living out right now, you were more than eager to indulge him but to have paint anywhere near your pussy did not seem safe at all. “Rafayel…n-not d-down there…”
“Relax! This is body-safe paint. I bought it for exactly this purpose.”
“Y-you did?” Fuck, how long had he been planning this? Hang on a moment…when he’d come out of the bedroom all dishevelled…that moan you’d heard…
“You…oh gods…did you…was that what you were doing when I arrived? You…did you g-get yourself off to prepare for t-this?”
“Yepp. I have to remain focused while I paint. I can’t do that when my pants get too tight,” he said matter-of-factly, almost as if he was talking about the weather. Shit, even that turned you on!
Rafayel bent down, using his free hand to split your folds, revealing your dripping core to him. Your walls clenched around nothing in response, eager for some stimulation after his delicious treatment. This time, his chuckle was…darker. Enraptured.
“Yeah, cutie? Do you want me to stop?”
No. You did not want that. You did not want that at all.
“I gotta make sure to get every last spot, you know, or else the painting won’t look pretty.”
You had no idea how long you’d been hanging there now. You only knew this—if he kept going…if he kept brushing your clit like that, you would…oh…oh…
“Rafayel!!!” you called out, yet another brush stroke almost sending you straight over the edge.
“Hold still! I’m almost finished!”
“M-me too!”
Rafayel chuckled. The cheeky Lemurian knew exactly what he was doing. He tipped his paintbrush into the pot one last time and brought it back to your pussy, this time focusing solely on your clit. Seconds passed and you came with a shudder, exploding into a million pieces. Shaking, you hung there helpless against the pleasure rippling through you. The moment you fell, Rafayel slid two fingers inside of you. Whether his motivation was to give your pussy something to clench around or him wanting to feel you come undone for him didn’t matter. Only that it felt good.
He curled his digits to stroke your g-spot, letting you ride out every last wave of bliss. You were a panting mess by the time you came back to your senses.
“Perfect!” Rafayel exclaimed. He withdrew his fingers, ignoring how you whined at the loss and licked them clean with relish. Your eyes widened, yet another surge of arousal igniting you from the inside out as if he’d used his Evol on you. H-how…how did he manage to act so nonchalantly after making you orgasm like that? Was that an act? Part of the game he was playing?
“Shh, relax, cutie. Let the paint dry. Besides…if I let you down now, your knees wouldn’t even support you. You’d fall straight into my arms, ruining my work!”
He dropped the paintbrush and stepped back, admiring his work. He was moving a bit funny too though, could it be that…
Alarmed, your eyes widened when he reached for his camera on the coffee table and brought it to his face, forcing you to tear your gaze away from his crotch.
“You wouldn’t dare! Rafayel, I’m completely naked and exposed! And I just…” I just had the most intense climax of my life…
He lowered the camera again, his bluish-pink gaze serious all of a sudden. “Do you trust me?”
“O-of course I do.”
“No one but us will ever get to see this picture. I promise.”
You took a deep breath. You believed him. And…while you hadn’t seen yourself yet, it would only be natural for him to want to immortalise his art on your body. “All right. Go ahead.”
“Okay then! Smile!”
Your reaction came a little too late so you could only hope that you looked sexy rather than exhausted and spent. Judging by the way Rafayel gasped…it must have been the former.
He brought you a glass of water and held it to your lips for you to drink before he finally helped you back down on solid ground, supporting you on your trembling legs and leading you over the full-body mirror he normally kept in his bedroom.
Your jaw dropped. His painting on you, it… It was…an ocean. A beautiful, dark and deep ocean with gentle rays of sunlight reaching down towards the sandy bottom. The initial outline he’d drawn had become an incredibly detailed coral reef, right below it, covered by algae, shells and starfish, there was a pitch-black cave ending right above your thigh.
Your entire stomach had turned into a sea of different shades of blue, little fish and bubbles. Right below your chest, the grey silhouette of a mermaid, a Lemurian, reached towards the surface that was a wild sea across your breasts, salt water foaming over your mounts and hardened nipples.
Further down, a whale swam through a forest of sea plants stretching from below your belly button all the way down to your pubic bone and eventually, your dripping folds.
He…he really had turned you into a living piece of art.
“Rafayel…this is beautiful.” Your cheeks were still flushed as you leaned against him, your eyes remaining fixed on your form in the mirror.
“I know,” he said with a cheeky grin, his hands caressing your hips. “Then again, you were already beautiful when you stepped foot into my studio. I just provided the finishing touches.”
Your heart warmed. “I almost don’t want to wash it off.”
“You will sweat it off eventually. And then it’ll get all itchy and gross. And we have the picture, remember? Besides, now I have an excuse to take a shower with you.”
Tilting your head, you grinned at his reflection. “You don’t ever need an excuse for that.”
“Then let’s go.”
He grabbed your hand and dragged you with him into the bathroom before you had a chance to respond. You did, however, catch a glimpse of the growing bulge in his trousers. Ha. So of course this whole art project hadn’t left him unaffected. You had to admire the man for his professionalism. Perhaps he could be persuaded to let you paint on him next time…
#rafayel imagine#rafayel x you#rafayel x reader#rafayel x mc#rafayel smut#rafayel lads#rafayel love and deepspace#rafayel love and deepspace imagine#lads#love and deepspace
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Tw: Dubcon, coercion, orgasm denial, general guys being icky and manipulative.
(Its kinda ass idk)
Thinking about...
A couple of guys, not really delinquents bit certainly not 'upstanding' citizens just using you for some relief. It's probably after some event, maybe a rock show at some shithole downtown, or maybe you were just getting some snacks with guys you thought were your friends. Not thought, they are your friends, but you couldn't have imagined this.
The first fidgets with the lever of the backseats, trying to get them folded back into the trunk while number twos tugging at your skirt, your tits pressed harshly into the leather of his car. "Cmon, find the fucking lever!" He growls and number one, who raises his hands in defense. "What do you want me to do, its probably your fucking car that let this happen. This shit-bucket probably doesn't even have a lever for the seats anymore."
Number three is driving, slowly finding some small lot with minimal lights in the back of some old building, shifting into park. While the two in back continue to bicker, he makes his way to the front of you. "Are you two sure about this? Seems like going to far." He says, one hand gripping at his pants sleeve with tension.
"You're bricked up too, bro. You aren't exactly the virgin Mary here." Number two pauses, then chuckles. "But, maybe virgin does fit." One cackles too, prompting three to smack the shoulder of two. "You're not scared, are you? You want this plenty, right?" Two asks, squishing your cheeks together in a 'fishy' face with a free hand.
"Don't know." You're scared, tired from the the fun night, unsure why three guys you've always been platonic with are doing this, but you can't deny the aching in your gut, the way your thighs are rubbing a bit against the leather seams of the middle seat and the far right seat. "I'm not sure, you guys-" You yelp, a hard open-palm grazing across the sliver of exposed ass poking from under your slightly ridden up skirt.
"Fuck is wrong with you?" Three asks, suddenly the seat jolts down, making you gasp. "Easy, easy."
"Get that skirt off, I just know she's got a good ass." One's hands push up, grabbing a cheek each amd kneading them as he groans. "Fucking mint, look at this, baby!" One leans so he's over you a bit, hard clothed cock pressing against your ass as he whispers in your ear. "Why'd you hide this thing from us?" He asks.
"I wasn't hiding it-"
"Obviously." Two snarks. "We barely even had to lift this skirt up, you were practically flaunting it."
God, you're aching. Maybe it's half stress, half arousal making you run on adrenaline, but the lack of care they seem to have for how you feel about this is having a primal effect on you.
"Pussy's fat too..." One comments, yanking down the thin panties keeping your soaked lips from him.
"Careful!" You squeak, causing them all to actually pause for a moment. "Its... been a bit."
Two breaks out into a grin, realizing this should mean dwindling protests from you about the way they plan to use you.
"She's not saying yes." Three protests, hand coming to hover over your cunt, effectively blocking his eager friends wandering fingers.
"She said maybe, and look at her!" One tries to get his hands past threes hand. "She's dripping on his leather seats, she's wetter than a bitch in heat.
"Its not like we're holding her down in some alley or something!" Two adds, placing a kiss on your sweaty forehead. "This is loving compared to that. Vanilla stuff." He snips.
Three seems conflicted, eyes downcast as he reluctantly pulls a hand away, moving it to gently rub your back up and down, as if trying to soothe a cat.
"Finally. Glad you decided to knock off the cockblocking." Spreading the lips of your labia, one whistles lowly, dragging a digital from your hole to aroused bud from behind, gently circling once, then twice.
"Shit-" You whisper out, gripping the seat edges with slick hands. You can feel threes hand clench slightly, but you lay your cheek on his knee, casting a flushed and low-lidded glance up at him. This reassures him a little, but your head near his oh-so sensitive inner thigh makes this action also go right to his dick.
"Fingers, how many you want?" One whispers. You just mewl at the feeling of friction on your clit, whining when it suddenly stops. "Wait, wait, okay, two, two!" You exclaim. You jolt forward a bit at the slight intrusion, the digits working you towards a finish, but not at the pace you'd like.
"You're sucking him in like crazy, shit." Two chuckles, leaning to glance behind you. "Makes me wonder what kinda suction you'd have elsewhere." He fidgets with his belt, the sound of a zipper and belt clasp coming undone sounds out, and a snap of boxers being pulled slightly lower. Three looks disgusted as two just winks, taking his own cock in his hand and running his hand over it once, then twice before pressing it forward.
Your lips wet with the slightly sticky red tip he presses to them, prodding once or twice like he's seeking entrance. "You wanna out in? Just give it a taste, I promise I'm not gonna make you take it all the way, baby." Two chuckles as you awkwardly kiss the tip. "That's nice, but I'm not asking you to give it's first kiss." Gripping your hair, he guides it in a bit, groaning. "Yeah, there we go. Right around my cock, use your tongue." You let out a moan as one hits a spot with the tips of his fingers, curled inside. It reverberates around Two's cock, causing him to buck. He keeps his promise, you have to admit, he only bucks forward a bit before pulling his length back out. "You're taking it so fucking good, not gonna bruise your mouth though, she's taking it like a fucking champ, man." He glances at One. "You think she's close?"
"Her pussy's twitching like she's gonna pop any second." The bragging first member slows his pace, causing you to whine and pull your mouth off Two's cock. "Why'd you stop, wait- wait-" You're panting, on the verge of overstimulation and seeking that release rather than focus on all your conflicting feelings.
"Shh, calm down. You'll get your pussy rocked, calm down." Two elbows Three, nodding his head towards the man. He's been stoic since you out your head on his leg, conflicted and sickened, while simultaneously being sickening aroused. "Last chance to jump this, man. I know you want to.." Three just pushes him back, but moves to have you sit up, now facing him. His hands on your cheek. "Breathe. S' okay, you want to stop, or you want to finish this?" He asks.
"Finish it, baby. We'll stroke it over yo-" Three smacks off one, scolding him before turning back to you. "Your choice. Your decision. Don't listen to them." Three reassures you, arms on blocking you in and leaning over you slightly to keep the other two from interfering.
"Finish. I wanna cum, m' aching and-" You buck forward just a bit, and he gets the memo. "Okay, okay. Lay on your back, spread your legs, I'm gonna do the work."
You don't have to be asked twice; laying on the cool leather, this time back down, chest rising. Two hands get your feet tucked around Threes waist, and he lowers down on you. You're so hyper focused on how sensitive you are, and your 'friend'leaning over you you can barely register one and two jerking off, hoping to climax around the time you do.
Three gets himself lined up, but not before placing a few soft kisses on your neck. "I got you. Just forget about those idiots, okay? You and me, I'm taking care of you. I'll let you finish and make em' take you right back home."
You just nod, eyes squeezing tight as he enters. "Ah-" You groan. "You're big, fuck-"
He's not moving. "Too big?"
You shake your head, and he resumes several slow repitions. Eventually, he's fully sheathed, balls smacking against your ass as he thrusts. "Amazing, you feel so good, so good." He grunts. His hands brace on either side of you, but don't grip you harshly like one and two. "Is it good for you?" He asks.
"Up..." is all you can mumble. He gets the hint, angling his cock slightly. Soon, his bulbous tip is hammering that spongy place deep inside you, and you can feel your release finally hitting. "Yes, cumming, I'm finishing-" You start to yell, then gasp at a hot rush of fluids that's aren't your own.
"Holy shit!" Two cackles along with one, as three halts in his movements. "Mister 'i don't wanna, it's not right' might've just knocked you up!"
Your still riding out your orgasm, but three has immediately snapped out of ir. "I didn't mean to, sorry, I didn't-" he's pulling out, immediately smacking two who finished a bit ago. "Its your car, drive. Fucking drive, go to the pharmacy." Two puts his hands up, but obeys.
"M' so sorry." Three says as he sits you up. "I promise I'm clean and stuff, and we're gonna grab plan b, get you some water too-"
"Its okay." You blurt. "Its okay, I know you didn't mean to." Biting your lip, you think about what happened. Of any other guys did this, it'd be horrifying, and you admit it was scary. But... it also wouldn't feel nearly as hot with anyone else. "It was good."
"Hell yeah it was." Both of you were so caught up, you didn't realize One stayed in the back of the car. "Wait till you get a ride on me, baby. I promise I'll be even more of a gentleman. Shit, I'll tell you before it shoot my load in you."
You should go out for late night drives more.
#yandere#yandere oc#tw.dubcon#tw.noncon#tw.dark content#yandere boys x reader#tw.yandere#yandere fanfiction#x reader#yandere boy#yandere x reader#drabble#smut drabble
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ERrOr 0.2

Love and Deepspace Various! / Reader
《File welcomes you! Enter! ... Good Luck.》
Wiping down a few menus scattered around the café, you glance at the cloudy skies.
Not quite sunny, but rather plain. Reaching over to the blinds, you lower them down. Ready to close up since you had the key.
A young man wearing a familiar smile comes in, a jacket wrapped around him as hands laid in his pockets.
“...Are you still open?” He asked politely, the friendly and attitude lighting up the rather quiet cafe.
Blinking at him, rag in hand. A somber, almost knowing grin creeps up your face. “I… Yeah, please. Come in.”
You move away from the blinds, barely having the courage to look at his handsome face. Setting yourself up at the register, you ask for his order, rag held tightly between your fingers.
He eyes the menu behind you, scanning over the titles until he settles on a few things. Two mini apple parfaits and a single coffee.
Not even bothering to right down the order, you keep eye contact when asking for his name. Voice almost shrill as the rag becomes tatters in your grip.
“Oh! It’s Caleb.”
Holding the tearful girl in your arms, you keep your mouth shut. Patting her back as she wails incoherent nonsense by your ear.
While, you wished to tell her the truth, you knew deep down you couldn’t. The only solace you could offer in her time of sorrow were merely gestures of comfort. Hoping it would be enough to appease the both of you.
Glancing at the apple parfaits sitting on your kitchen counter, you hold MC tighter.
Xavier blinked at the small bunny shaped dessert, the white porcelain plate glimmering against the sun from the window. You sit in front of him as he blinks the sleep away from his eyes, his lunch barely touched.
“Hi..? Are you awake?” You smile far to chipper, blinding him more the sun rays. Expecting the fawning gaze you directed at him, his lips part into a frown.
The expression you wore was unfamiliar to him.
“...Mn, ‘sorry.”
“It’s fine, I thought some dessert would wake you up. Don’t worry, it won’t be on your bill!” You wink.
Amused, he nods, grabbing a spoon, lightly poking at the jiggly rabbit shaped pudding. You giggle, enjoying his actions openly. Xavier relaxes a bit, forgetting the small details from before.
“Hey… Is…” You pause, biting at your lips,nervously gripping the tray.
“Hm?” He hums, his beautiful blue eyes keeping sole attention on you.
“Is MC-... I mean-! So, are you and MC doing anything later? I’m free after closing, maybe we get something to eat?” You ask hopefully, knowing you would be dismissed from the offer. You even asked Zayne a day ago if he’d like to meet up for some grub.
Not knowing the next chance, you would be able to see him out and about! Yet before he could even give an answer, he got an urgent call from the hospital. Leaving in a hurry as he grabs your notepad and pen, writing something down before placing it on the table. Leaving soon after… Checking what he wrote in such a rush … HIS NUMBER!?
You recall skipping home, swinging the paper about joyously.
“I would-”
Rafayel beams, the doors bell announcing his entrance as a sweating MC follows behind. Features censored for readers!
“YOU…!” She grits out, before gasping and making a beeline towards you. Eagerly like a cat drawn to milk. “I’m so sorry about him, (Y/N)! I’ll kick him out right now!”
Yet she makes no move to do so as she sticks to you like glue, wrapping a hand around your waist easily. She plucks the cafe tray from you.
She holds it as if she were a brave knight, the tray her shield to protect what a knight holds dear!
Glaring at the purple haired male. “Go, shoo fishy~!” She waves him off, the merman in question scowls.
“Sorry Miss Bodyguard, but I can’t at the moment, now if you would move-” Rafeyels tone was filled with annoyance as the female hunter shakes her head.
“Excuse me, I’d like to order…”
Blinking, you regain your bearings as MC hisses at the new voice.
“Right! Sorry! Coming right over!”
Moving out her grip, you walk over to the disguised Sylus, you follow after him like a loyal dog.
“Not him too..!” She grunts stubbornly under her breath, exasperated. Sighing before receiving a text from Zayne that he was about to stop by the cafe for lunch. Asking if she wanted anything.
With another reluctant sigh, she texts back.
Rafayel huffs, scanning the small cafe, before his eyes settle on the small fish doodle placed near the menu, a few other animal drawings scattered around as well.
{Part 1. Side Story 1. Side Story 2. Side Story 3. Side Story 4. Side Story 5.}
[To celebrate the Caleb update! A two parter! I hope you guys like this new installment, if you guys got more caleb ideas or your favs, let me know! Thanks for reading! See yall later!]
@mangooes @deputy-videogamer @yoongi-tunes @3ophelia3 @kuni-k @paledonutking @i-literally-dk @liz9898
#love and deepspace#love and deepspace sylus#love and deepspace rafayel#love and deepspace xavier#love and deep space#love and deepspace zayne#love and deepspace caleb#y/n#love and deepspace au#mc love and deepspace#mc x reader#lads au#lads x reader#caleb x reader#zayne x reader#xavier x reader#rafayel x reader#sylus x reader#lads mc#lads sylus#lads xavier#lads zayne#lads rafayel#love and deepspace mc#loveanddeepspace#lads caleb#caleb love and deepspace#love and deepspace x y/n
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Wait ok hear me out. Bored preggo wife starts reading smut and finds she really enjoys a breeding kink/men getting real nasty and aggressively talking about breeding their woman. So she asks Joel to try it and when he does, she’s like grossed out “uhh… nevermind” and he’s so fuckin frustrated and blue balled 😂
Joel Dealing with Preggo Wife: Role Play Me Not
Notes: Thank you for your patience with these requests lately, this one was from March and I've been thinking about it ever since!
warnings: almost smut, lots of dirty talk and degrading language, and usual shennanigans with these two
18+ ONLY
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It’s pretty late, Joel’s body is wracked, and nothing feels better than the foam mattress bed he’s curled up on. You had a pretty good day, judging by your happy soft hums and scrolling aimlessly on your phone. Hopefully whatever nonsense thing you’re gonna purchase with his card and surprise his doorstep tomorrow morning won’t be too harrowing, but for now, he’ll live with it if it means some rest.
But your incessant giggles, matched with the way you’re shrinking under your brightly lit phone reading something so furiously just begs Joel to ask:
“What are you doin’?”
“Nothin!” You quip quickly, rotating best you can so he can’t see the obvious thing you’re hiding on your phone.
“Okay.” He tosses the cover over his shoulder and presses his head back into the pillow again to close his eyes.
Obviously not the answer you wanted, so you loudly snort with your fake ass ‘Tee Hee!’ again because this motherfucker better take the god damn hint.
He sighs. “What.”
“Hmm? Nothin!”
Joel squeezes his eyes shut, gritting his teeth. You can’t see his face from your side, but even if you could, he doesn’t think it would deter you.
You clear your throat before uttering your loudest and most obnoxious giggle.
“JUST—!” Tossing the covers down and rolling to his back, he remembers to take a breath, channeling his calm bear voice. “—just show me already. Please.” He’s exhausted, rubbing his face with both hands before holding out one palm behind him for you to place your phone.
You excitedly shove it in his grasp, and Joel rolls over to see. His eyes take a moment to adjust to the brightness, so he collects his reading-glasses from the tableside and props them upon his nose.
Its quiet for a solid minute, and your heart is racing as he stare at his broad back, the fabric of his shirt all stretched tight to accentuate that massive man of man that is your manly man—
He rolls back over with a questionable uncertainty, fear and paralysis mixed with concern and shock.
You’re giddily nodding your head, lips tucked under your teeth from the excitement. “Can we do that?”
He opens his mouth but no words come out. He doesn’t even know where to begin.
“This is—uh. you like…this?”
“Well I don’t know, but I wanna give it a try…”
He scratches his skull with two fingers, hoping it’ll dig deep enough to itch the bad feeling he has in his brain. “I don’t know, baby, It’s a bit … much.”
“But you call me your pretty slutty wife sometimes! It’s not much different!”
He glances back at the vivid words on the screen. It is VERY much different than that. But you put on your famous puppy pout, with those big round gleaming eyes, trembling fishy lips staring up at him, topping it off by squishing your tits together so they’re bursting out of the nightgown and smashing into his chest.
That’ll do it.
He shrugs, chucking his bifocals behind him with renewed energy arousing his body, especially down south. He gets to his knees, pulling your cover off from your lap and tracing his big hands over the soft expanse of your thigh like a new toy. you bite your lips, shouldering off your spaghetti straps so your tits are close to being popped out. He rolls the soft fabric of your gown up your growing belly and presses his lips against the swell. “Shit, that’s what I like to see. Gonna be a little fuck toy whore for Daddy to play with?”
“Ah…time out.” You hold your hands in a T formation. He stops rubbing and looks down towards your face.
“I don’t like whore.”
“Ah okay—Daddy’s fuck toy?”
“Ok that’s—mmm.”
“What? No good?”
“It’s just ok. We’ll work on that. You can keep going.”
He shakes his head a little but resumes his gentle ghost of his fingers and lips, cascading lower until the scratchy prickle of his beard is at your naval. “Bred ya nice n’ good huh? Little breedin’ stock just f’me—“
“Oh hold on.”
“Breeding ‘stock’? What am I, chicken soup?” You chuckle.
He purses his lips. “I don’t know, it was in the damn fic you made me read!”
“Okay okay, sheesh!” You toss your hands up.
“Can I please keep goin now?”
You nod, and he commences lower.
“Body was made for breeding. Now spread those petals—“
“Oh what I’m a flower now?”
“Damnit, Baby! Am I doin this or not??” He curses.
You go quiet and nod again, shrinking in against the headboard.
“Just about had it with ya whinin’, baby. I should tie you up like the naughty cow you are—“
“Farm metaphor again?”
“N BREED YOU—“ he seethes, gripping your thighs and hitching them around his hips so you can feel his bulge press into your core. “Breed you over and over again, like the dumb little cum dump you deserve—“
“Ugh hold up this position isn’t comfortable I need ta—“ you wiggle out of his grasp and begin trying to alleviate the pressure your baby is putting on your spine. Joel all but abandons holding your legs as he sits on his knees in front of you with his thumb and finger pressed tightly into his eye sockets.
You wiggle and roll, unable to find a good position to sink yourself comfortably. The bed shifts with each turn, and Joel is damn near done role playing with you and about to just fuck you with your face down in the mattress whether you wanted to or not when—
“Okie! I’m ready Daddio!” You announce.
You’re in the exact same position.
“Are we good to continue?” He asks slowly, his frustration being held at bay along with his hard cock that’s begging for some action finally.
You nod.
He finally tugs his dick out and positions it at your entrance, spitting onto your slit. “Now shut up, take this fucking cock, and let me fuck my seed into you cuz that’s all ya good for—“
“Ya know what.” You wave your hand over this whole scene. “I’m done. This is … no. Nevermind, I’m done with this. M’ready for bed now.”
You slap his cock away like it’s a needy hand and roll to your side, slinking the cover over your shoulder again and turning off your light with a little grin.
Joel just falls back on his haunches, his cheeks puffed red, balls swollen blue, fully awake all over, with a grumpy cat-worthy scowl etched into his face staring down at you.
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@harriedandharassed @lola8888673 @its-nebuleuse @zliteraturehoe @merz-8 @joeldjarin @pascalscoffin @pedroshotwifey @ghostslillady @innerpersonunknown @missladym1981 @mrsoharaxx @survivingandenduring @milla-frenchy @cockykookiee @fairytale07 @daddy-din @pedropascalsbbg @spookyxsam @somehopeatlast @millercontracting @pedrostories @mishala005 @theoraekenslover @animez96 @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @puduvallee @cassiecasluciluce @loohoop @himboelover @callsignwidow
#pedro pascal smut#joel miller fan fiction#joel miller x reader#joel miller fanfiction#last of us fanfiction#joel miller x you#joel miller smut#joel miller fic#last of us smut#the last of us fanfiction#tlou smut#the last of us smut#the last of us fic#last of us fic#tlou fanfiction#tlou fic#joel dealing with preggo wife#joel miller fluff#joel miller fan fic
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Pretty in Pink
Synopsis: your boyfriend, rafayel, finally lets you buy feminine clothes for him after you asking. he tries them on for you, but to your surprise he ends up liking them a lot more than you imagined.
Tags: rafayel x afab!reader, MDNI IF YOU ARE A MINOR YOU WILL BE BLOCKED, no use of y/n, smut, porn with little plot, not proofread, not edited, femboy!rafayel, overstimulation, pegging, dressing rafayel up, whiney and needy rafayel, use of pet names (m receiving- my fishy, baby), raf calls you master, light spanking, you suck him off through his panties
Words: 4.2k
a/n: hi everyone, i know that there is a lot of stress right now especially with my fellow americans so i hope this can distract you even for just a moment. also i literally wrote this bc moot on twitter were making me and tbh? i loved it. but this is my one shot to tell everyone im back to writing after taking a week off! i hope you love femboy rafayel as much as i do because this man makes me insane actually
ao3 | kofi
It's been over a month since you've tried to convince your boyfriend to let you dress him up in feminine clothes, the thought of seeing his smooth, silky skin wrapped with lace and soft fabric made your head spin and twisted the desire in your gut even tighter. He finally warmed up to it, allowing you to go out and buy whatever your heart called out to. Excitement wasn't even the word to describe the feelings that whirred around in your head.
You sat on your shared bed, staring longingly at the massive walk-in closet that held Rafayel, gnawing your lip as the only sound to occupy the space was the soft shuffling of him dressing behind the closed door. You wondered what he would choose first, having gone maybe a bit crazy in the luxurious stores, grabbing anything with lace and bows. Fuck, the anticipation making you nearly jump out of your seat to see his beautiful milky skin in fabric so thin you could rip it to shreds. The image of his long legs in stocking, or better yet, thigh high socks nearly make you drool.
Rafayel poked his head out from the door, cheeks a rosy pink, his eyes not meeting yours. "I think I'm finished..." His voice quiet, embarrassed. You shift, sitting up straighter on the bed as you wait for him to show you.
"Well?" You question, wanting nothing more than to walk over, throw open the door, and run your hands all over his body. He gulps, taking a breath before pushing open the door at an agonizingly slow pace. You wished he would hurry, toss it open so you can drink him in, but the slight tremble in his hands and the blush deepening down to his neck you knew he was nervous.
"Uh," Rafayel spoke, stepping fully into view in front of you, hands attempting to pull the short skirt down further to cover more of his delicate skin. You rake your eyes down his body, slowly taking him in fully.
A baby blue sweater hung off of his torso loosely, small cherries embroidered on the knit fabric, making it look warm and perfect for spring. The sleeves falling just shy of his fingers as his palms lay hidden underneath. Hugging his hips and dipping down his legs a blue and white pleated skirt lay, falling a few inches below the curve of his ass. Legs almost fully on display, white sheer stockings stopping just at the middle of his plush thighs - lace bows tying at the top.
You watched as he wrapped his arms around himself, eyes darting off to the corner of the room as his cheeks and the tips of his precious ears blazed in heat. His thighs rubbing together as your gaze pierced right through him. You knew, just in the way he squirmed under your eyesight that the other outfits would have to wait for another day. You needed him, and the growing tent he tried to conceal in his skirt told you that he needed you too.
"Come here," Arms opening for him, voice soft and warm. Your boyfriend flashed his eyes to you, teeth sucking his bottom lip in as he nibbled. Unsure footsteps towards you, his eyes staying trained on the floor as he inches closer.
"Do you... like it?" Rafayel asks, eyes never meeting yours, hands running down the length of his short skirt. Do you like it? Surely he's joking. The growing dampness between your thighs was answer enough for his silly little question. You loved it. Wanting nothing more than to pull him onto your lap and let your fingers run over every inch of his heavenly body.
"I love it, baby," You reach out to him, hands finding his small waist as you pull him closer, needing to feel his body heat on you. He looks down, watching your hands slip under his sweater and caress his soft, sweet skin. "So beautiful," You whisper, barely enough for him to hear. Rafayel reaches forward, hands resting on your shoulders as he slots himself between your spread legs bare thighs brushing your own. You could feel how warm he was, how his body temperature raised just by you admiring him.
Hands running down to his thighs, you rub your thumb where the stockings met his skin, admiring the way the lace looked as if it belonged on him, like it was made for Rafayel alone. Hands brushing over his creamy pale skin, running up towards the hem of his skirt, you could hear his ragged breath quicken. How his hands gripped your shoulders tighter and how he shifted between your legs. You knew he liked this, could see how turned on he was from wearing this for you. You continued on your path up, groping here and there at his delicious thighs until your fingers brushed against something soft and thin on his hip. Something you hadn't expected.
"What?" You question, reaching to push the skirt up higher so you could get a look for yourself. Your boyfriend's hands flying to still yours, just a second too slow.
"W-wait!" He stutters out, voice high and desperate - but it's too late. With his blue skirt hiked up to his hips you're face to face with a pair of pink pastel panties you do not recall buying for him - or even owning for yourself. Fabric so thin you could make out the outline of his shaft through them, the small but growing wet patch near his tip becoming translucent with his precum. A tiny pink bow sat at the waistband, a pearl in the center glistening in the light. You couldn't help the smirk curling its way onto your lips as you stare at his weeping cock through the material.
"I don't remember buying you these, fishy," You hum, index finger reaching out to stroke his pretty, pink head. He gasps at the touch, cock twitching as his thighs rub together.
"I... got them myself..." Words nothing more than a mumble as you finally look up at him. Eyes blown wide and glossy, pink lips parted as he pants out hot breath, a heavy flush painting his beautiful face. A few strands of his purple locks brush the tip of his nose as he looks down at you. "You were so excited, I wanted... to surprise you..."
Oh how badly you wanted to take him right then and there, toss him on the bed and have him writhe beneath you as you fuck his beautiful brains out. Rafayel had always been one to have a surprise or two up his sleeve, always leaving you on your toes - but this was something you would've never expected from him.
Without answering, you let your finger run up the length of his shaft once more, a teasingly slow pace until you made your way back to his tip. He twitched beneath your touch, stomach clenching as you assault his sensitive skin. You wanted nothing more than to savor this moment, drag it out for as long as you can so you can drink in every moan, every twitch and flex of his muscles as you milk his sweet cum out. Lips graze over his cock as you lean in, placing a soft kiss to it, his wetness painting your lips when you pull back. You swear he stopped breathing as you look at his face, in a daze of lust - wanting you to ruin him.
"I don't think we are going to be able to see the other outfits I picked for you tonight, fishy," Hands coming to lift his sweater, exposing his stomach to the chilly air of the room, his muscles tightening under his skin.
"Yeah..." Throat bobbing as he gulps. You stand, bodies flushing together. Hands cupping his cheeks, you bring his face to yours, lips connecting in a kiss. You can feel his desperation, the way he works his lips against yours, hands coming to your waist as he grips you closer. Feeling him grind his hips helplessly to yours, seeking relief for the tight tension that wound its way into his core. You hum, slowing him, licking at his lips as he tried to bury his tongue deep in your mouth, a cat and mouse game you both played so often, but him being on the receiving end. He didn't like it, a grunt leaving his mouth as he tried once more to deepen the kiss, only to be disappointed when you pull away completely.
"Not yet," You hum, thumb caressing his face as you admire his eyes, pupils wide with lust, with need. Hooded, showing the pink hue that swirled and darkened. Heavy pants leaving his lips as they dusted on your face. "Why don't we take this off of you?" Fingers coming down to play with the hem of his sweater. He nods, barely enough time before you pull it up and over his head, leaving his torso bare. Pink nipples hardened, your mouth wanting nothing more than to latch on and hear him whine for you, arching his back into you. But that could wait, you needed to get him on the bed.
Wrapping your arms around him, you switch positions, the back of his knees pressed to your shared bed. With a small push he sat with a bounce, you could see the nerves tensing in his arms as he stared up at you. Those eyes waiting in anticipation, swirling with need and want, moments like these you were thankful he was all yours.
"Do you want me to take this off?" Rafayel asked, hands smoothing over the pleated skirt. You smile, lips curling as you climb on his lap.
"No, I want it on," With shaky hands he holds onto your waist, looking up at you with wide eyes. You lean in, kissing him again, slow and lazy as your hands roam over his top half. Snaking down from his neck, over his broad shoulders, down to his pecs. The nails of your index fingers grazing softly over his sensitive nipples.
"Ah!" He pulled back with a gasp, chest heaving with every rough breath leaving his lungs. You feel him twitch beneath you, cock jumping at the contact he craved. Chuckling you place a soft kiss to his forehead, brushing his soft locks to the side before you let your hand drop to his chest again. Thumb brushing over one perked nipple, a hiss drawing from between his teeth. You flick it, softly, feeling his hands tighten on you as a soft, sweet whimper leaves his blessed lips. A sound so beautiful you wish you could record it, your favorite song.
"Lay back, baby," Whispering in his ear, sending a shiver to rake through his body. He obeys, back hitting the mattress and eyes closing. You run your hands down, teasing him with just your fingertips as you draw out small gasps and heavy breaths from him below you. Taking the opportunity, you grind your hips down on him, rubbing your clothed heat against his leaking dick. A moan slipping from your lips from just the feeling of how hard he was for you, how much he wanted to be fucked by you. Rafayel cried out, eyes screwing tighter shut as he arched his back, trying to get even more friction any way he can.
"Mm, please," He whined, thrusting his hips up in an attempt to meet yours, but you pull away before he could make contact.
"Please, what?" You coax, knowing this would only make the blush on his face deepen. While Rafayel took his time to whine and wiggle in protest, you sink to your knees on the floor. Fingers tracing between his thighs as you push them apart, getting a glimpse of his pretty pink panties that held his needy cock. Peeking an eye open he glanced down at you, brows creased as he watched you plant a single kiss to the skin of his thigh.
"I'm waiting," You remind him, fingers playing with the hem of his stockings, curling under softly and letting it snap back onto his skin.
"Please..." Rafayel pauses, breathing in deeply as he stares into your eyes. "Master..." Word so soft you almost didn't catch it, but as it rings through your ears something ignites deep in your core. Pushing his skirt up, bunching it at his thin, slutty waist, you waste no time to touch him.
Cupping his member through his now sheer panties you feel him shudder, pearls of precum leaking from his pretty tip. You stroke him once, a soft moan slipping from him as his thighs tighten around you. Already so touch starved and you haven't even gotten started yet. Swiping a thumb over his tip Rafayel tries to lift his hips, desperate, already so close to cumming for you, but with your other hand you hold him still, wanting to draw everything you can out of him.
"Not yet, baby," You mumble before leaning down, placing a firm kiss to his throbbing cock. "I've barely had any fun yet." Placing another, you hear your boyfriend stutter out a moan, the slick wetness of his groin collecting on your lips. It made you drool, just the taste of him sending your brain into a frenzy.
Flattening your tongue, you lick a fat stripe up his shaft, his fingers curling in the sheets, hips attempting to rock forward. He didn't make it far, bumping onto your outstretched tongue once before you held him back down. He whined in protest, high pitch and defiant, but slowly washing out into another moan as you lick one more stripe.
"Please, please please!" He cried out, head falling back onto the plush bed. You wanted to laugh at how cute he sounded, how his whimpers and whines only wanted to make you torture him even more. But you wrapped your lips around his leaky head, tongue brushing over his clothed slit as you lapped up his precum through the fabric. Rafayel choked out a cry, body jumping as one of his hands threaded through your hair. Now, you had him right where you wanted him.
"Taste so fucking good for me, baby, you know that?" Lips brushing on his cock as you spoke, low and sultry to make his head meddle into mush. He only cried in response, shifting under you as to coax you into pleasing him more. You obliged, humming as you wrapped your lips around him once more, drooling on his dick, his panties completely soaked in the front. Other hand coming up to caress his balls, granting a high pitch whine from him as his fingers tug at your scalp. You could feel how close he was. How much he aches for release from the way your mouth was flooding with his wetness. The way his balls tightened, and the vein running along the underside of his shaft throbbed.
"Cum-!" He cried out, words dying on his tongue, mixing with a moan as his hips jutted forward, pressing your face directly onto his cock, forcing you to smell the musky scent of his skin and arousal. You could hear how quick his breaths were becoming, almost on the verge of hyperventilating.
"Not yet fishy. Hold out a little more," You hum onto his sensitive skin. Tongue massaging his cock from base all the way up to his head. You slurp at his slit, sucking down everything he had to offer as he tried to hold back his release, the lewd sound buzzing off of the walls. You could feel your arousal dripping down your thighs, soaking through your underwear at just him alone. It didn't matter if you came tonight, you just needed to string out as many orgasms from him as you could until the sun rose, the image of him cumming for you was enough to get you off.
"C-can't! Can't hold-!" Rafayel cries, back arching as his hand falls from your hair and back to the sheets below. Releasing him, you lean back, hand still stroking him as you watch in awe at his cock twitch, tip an angry shade of pink as he tried to hold himself back.
"Cum for me baby," You whisper, eyes never leaving him as your hand moves faster, forcing him to reach his peak.
Rafayel wastes no time, a deep moan growling from his chest as his eyes roll so far back you swear he could see his own brain. His beautiful cock twitches once, twice, then you watch as his milky cum spurts out of his tip. Soaking his panties even more, dripping through the fabric and onto his pelvis. You want to lap it up, drink whatever he has to offer, but that wasn't the plan for tonight. His mouth the perfect O shape as his moans drowned out to silent gasps of breath.
As he slowly calms down, only thing left was him twitching beneath you, you never released him. Still stroking him, milking his cock dry, sending spasms through his body with every stroke. You don't allow his cock to soften, pumping him until his shaft swelled and thickened once more.
"You did so well," You praise, other hand coming to stroke his soft thigh. "Do you think you can do one more for me?" Voice silky, hoping he would grant you your wishes. With a weak nod, you see him bob his head, chest inflating and deflating with every breath.
You waste no time pulling his spent panties down his legs, freeing him completely. Slick and wet cock, shining in the lights of his room. Your hand returns, pumping him, not satisfied until you see those pearls dribble down from his slit. He squirmed, thighs jumping, abs flexing as he threw his head back onto the bed again.
"Ah-!" Your lover cries out, hand coming to push yours away from his sensitive member. Swatting his hand away, it only drives you further, feeling him twitch in the palm of your hand, watching the first beads drip down his shaft.
"I want you to ride me, baby. Can you do that for me?" You push off of him, standing to your feet and strip. Cool air kissing your skin as you lay on the mattress. Reaching your hand to your nightstand and pulling open the drawer, your fingers clasping over a bottle of lube and your pink opal strap on. You slip it over your hips and reach out to your pink faced boyfriend. With shaky arms, Rafayel crawls to you, still huffing out hot air, cock stiff and leaking as he settles on your lap.
The dildo pressed to his backside, your hands come down and kneed his ass cheeks. Two full handfuls as you massage them, soothing him as he made himself comfortable on your thighs. His hands coming to rest on your waist, holding him steady as you fondle him, fingers giving you a small but loving squeeze as his eyes bore into yours. Vibrant irises swirling with color, lust, and affection - moments like these made you realize just how much you loved this man. After a beat, you released him, hands finding the bottle of lube and coating your fingers.
"Are you ready, my fishy?" He nods, bobbing his head as he lifts himself off of you just enough for you to reach around. Fingers graze over his hole and you feel him clench, a small hiss at the sudden liquid. Your free hand hold onto his hip, squeezing it to let him know you would take care of him, that he is safe. Rafayel and you have used your strap a few times, him slowly warming up to it more and more but every time you started you could see the nervousness in his pretty eyes. "I have you," You promise, easing a finger through his tight ring of muscle. He relaxes, letting out a breath, allowing you to sink in deeper. He was so warm, wishing you had an actual cock so you can feel what it was like to be inside of him, feeling your own personal heaven.
He whines from above you, shifting his hips to let you know he wanted more. You reach another finger in, him relaxing more, taking your fingers to the base. You give him a moment to adjust, watching his face intently for any signs of discomfort or rejection. But the only thing you can find is his glossy pink lips parting, tongue darting out to swipe at them and his lust filled eyes calling out to you.
"More," Voice clear, almost demanding as he moves his hips, grinding back onto your hand. You oblige happily, pulling them out almost completely before thrusting them back in. He grants you a moan, eyes fluttering shut, his hair brushing along his cheeks as he tips his head forward.
"Already such a mess and I haven't even fucked you yet, someone is a needy boy tonight," You coo, thumb brushing against his hip as you thrust your fingers into him again, this time curling them.
"N-need you in me, M-Master!" Rafayel cries out, thrusting forward into the air between you. You don't waste any time, pulling your slicked up finger out and coating your fake cock with lube. No matter how much you wanted to push him down and fuck his brains out you knew you had to be patient, just for a little longer at least.
"Go slow," You soothed, holding his clothed hip firm as he slowly eased himself onto your fake cock. You watch as his mouth falls open, the tip of it sliding in his hole as he slowly sunk deeper until he consumed it to the hilt. His skin on yours was hot and damp, a light layer of sweat glowing on his skin as you watch him breathe in and out.
Rafayel recovered in seconds, rising his hips before letting them fall back down, skin slapping on skin. You watch as he takes his bottom lip between his teeth to conceal his noises, those delicious sounds he kept from you.
He rose his hips again, stiff cock slapping on your tummy as he fell back down, bobbing the hem of his skirt, dribbling his precum on your silky skin. When he rose once more you watch the thin string connect from your stomach to his head snap, before another bead rolled down his swollen shaft. You raised your hand and placed a hard smack to his ass cheek.
"F-fuck, ah!" Rafayel gasps out, shaky body lurching forward. You take the opportunity to shift your hips under him, hands coming to his waist so you can take control. One thrust, his sweet, beautiful cries ring out. Eyes closed, his flush spreading to his broad chest, looking ethereal and fucked out.
"So pretty for me," You breathe, caressing his skin as you fuck up into him again, faster. He hummed in response, brain foggy and only filled with sex, not able to form words.
The sound of your bodies slapping together filled the space around you, both of your moans clouding your mind as you give your all to your lover. Watching his godlike body crumble over every small touch you grant him, every twitch of his weeping cock as it smacked against your skin leaving behind marks of his love for you. You wanted nothing more than to watch him come undone, paint your body as you feel him shake with pleasure on top of you.
"Close-" Your lover shivers out, hands coming to hold you tight as he squeezed his eyes shut. You bless him with another spank, it ringing off of the walls as he falls to your chest, arms giving out beneath him.
"Yeah? I want you to cum for me, fishy," You whisper in his ear, hot breath fanning down his neck and making him groan. That was enough to send him over the edge, a string of high pitch moans falling from his beautiful lips as you feel him twitch twice, then his warm, hot liquid seep between your bodies. You don't stop, slowing your hips to lazy thrusts until every last drop drained from his balls, every spurt met with its own thrust. Sweaty forehead nestled in the crook of your neck as he cries, lips pressed to your skin, hands grabbing you wherever he can, rubbing his softening cock against your body. You wrap your arms around him, holding him close to your chest as you ride out his high with him.
Slowly, your boyfriend stills, hips jerking once before settling quietly in your arms, breath fanning over your skin as he fights to control himself. You ease out of him, earning a hiss in response, but once you're out he bares his full weight onto you, crushing you beneath him onto the bed. You kiss him, lips brushing on his temple as you feel his rapid heart beat against your chest.
"You did so well for me, baby," Cooing as you pet his dam hair.
"Well obviously," His cocky attitude returning in no time as he huffed out of breath, making you laugh out loud with how ridiculous he could be at times.
#idek how it got this long but i hope you enjoy!#lads x reader#sylus love and deepspace#lnds angst#lads smut#lnds fanfics#love and deep space#lnds smut#lads rafayel#love and deepspace#rafayel#lnds fluff#rafayel fluff#rafayel love and deepspace#lnds rafayel#rafayel lads#rafayel smut#rafayel x mc#rafayel x reader#love and deepspace rafayel#lnds#rafayel x you#love & deepspace#love and deepspace fanart#love and deepspace fanfiction#love and deepspace smut#love and deepspace x reader#love and deepspace xavier#love and deepspace fluff#love and deepspace sylus
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happy xb monday!
alright, so today's xb monday is a great opportunity for me to tell you about my silly eldritch horror husbands au!
basically, in this au both xb and keralis are eldritch creatures and they are happily in love and married to each other and. that's pretty much it. you can say they are "retired" from all the eldritch horror stuff and just live almost normal lives as hermits with some occasional incidents happening...otherwise just 2 almost perfectly normal guys on an absolutely normal server being in love. maybe they're also a bit obsessed with each other, given how much time they spend together, doing stuff related to or for each other. well, you know, normal xbralis stuff. they will just sit together and talk a lot about stuff only they could understand and if any other hermit will hear their conversation it will just sound absolutely bonkers. and that's all i need. it's a silly au, really.

now let me tell you a bit more about xb himself! meet the papa of all guardians, the great marine disaster, eldritch god of ocean and all that entails...in his true form he is a big fella, that is true, but really he's quite chill and generally won't harm you if you treat the ocean or its habitants with respect. otherwise, he might slap you out of existence or something even worse.
he created all of the guardians to protect the waters (hence the name) from any threat that might oppose. in guardian culture he is their god, the great creator. he is depicted in their monuments and is well respected. additionally, conduits are quite literally his eyes! he can see through them, which is an awesome way to annoy hermits by asking them about their super-secret underwater projects that no one is supposed to know about.
of course, by itself xb's true form is too large to actually be on hermitcraft and comfortably interact with the other hermits. that's why you can see those glowing lines on his body. they are, in fact, magical runes(but i am too lazy to draw them properly) that transfer his consciousness to a human body, while the large form is asleep.
that's where we get to talk about human form of xb!
he got none of them fishy features, but he still managed to keep his crown of spikes. i'm sure he never came up with any explanation for the other hermits, and they just got used to it.
additionally, being a normal size brought him an unusual problem: guardians ADORE him. xb usually can't even approach monuments because all of the guardians start swarming around him happily. they recognize their god, they know he is their papa! they are incredibly happy to let him know that. and don't get xb wrong- he loves his little children and can't ignore them, but sometimes he needs to actually do his tasks, and he doesn't have an extra 5 hours to pat each one of the guardians on their spiky heads..

oghh boy.. that post is a mess. but so is my brain when i think about xbralis.
also, a big shoutout to @mawofthemagnetar and their amazing eldritch horror keralis fic which is what partly inspired me to create this au.... i love this fic—it has changed my life
#xbcrafted#xb monday :d#keralis#eldritch horror keralis#eldritch horror xbcrafted#eldritch horror husbands au#<- just in case i will post about them more. who knows.#hermitshipping#hermitcraft#hermitcraft fanart#my art ꮚꆤꈊꆤꮚ
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THIRD TIME - 03. fortuitous
pairing ꕀ rafe cameron x reader
WARNINGS. none. (but the tension thickens increasingly fast)
WC. 1.8K
TAGLIST. open! comment or send in an ask
series masterlist. previous next
fortuitous. (adj) happening by a lucky chance; fortunate.
Luck wasn’t necessarily supposed to come in arrogance and trouble. But it seemed to be the case for you in the span of three consecutive days.
This time, it wasn't in the warmth of a coffee shop or the chaos of a party, but it was a pleasantly quiet stretch of the waves. Where one could note the scent of fishy saltwater hanging in the air, and how only the sound of the occasional cry of a seagull could be heard.
It was a late afternoon, and you had been walking along the docks – thoughts heavy as the gray clouds gathering on the horizon. The docks had always been your special place to think. A spot where the world felt a little less inordinate. Peace. Solitude. Tranquility.
And after many days being alone here at the docks, you didn’t expect anyone to be there before you. At least least not him.
But there he was. Rafe Cameron, sitting on the edge of one of the docks like he had all the time in the world. His legs dangled over the edge, a cigarette held loosely between his fingers, and his gaze fixed on the water as if he were waiting for something – or more specifically, someone.
Your first instinct was to turn around (like last time) and leave before he noticed you. But the creak of the dock beneath your feet betrayed you, and his head turned, those sharp blue eyes locking onto yours.
For a moment, neither of you said anything. The air between you two was thick with tension, unspoken words hovering like a raging storm waiting to break.
Breaking the silence, he spoke first. “Well, if it isn’t my favorite mystery girl,” Rafe remarked, his voice laced with that infuriating note of charm.
You sighed, crossing your arms. “Do you plan to appear every part of this town this entire week, or are you just trying to follow me?”
He smirked, flicking ash from his cigarette into the water. “Neither. I'd like to rather think of it as fate.”
“Fate? You think you’re poetic now?”
“Maybe,” he said, his smirk widening. “You’d be surprised what I’m capable of.”
“Surprise me then,” you challenged, eyes narrowing at him.
Rafe’s expression shifted slightly, the teasing edge softening as he studied you. “Never mind that, what are you doing here?”
Your brow furrowed. “I could ask you the same thing.”
“I asked first,” he said, leaning back on his hands, looking completely at ease.
You hesitated, taking a seat carefully next to him. “I just like coming here time to time. I like having my own time to think about stuff. The bits of silence here eases me.”
His gaze lingered on you for a moment, something unreadable flickering in his eyes. Then he nodded, as if your answer satisfied him enough.
“What about you?” you asked, the question slipping out before you could stop yourself.
He shrugged, taking a long drag from his cigarette. “Needed some air. Couldn’t stand being around people for a while.”
You arched an eyebrow at him. “You? Needing space from people? That’s hard to believe.”
“Don’t act like you know me,” he said, his voice carrying a sudden edge.
“I don’t,” you admitted, tone getting softer. “But you make it pretty easy to assume.”
Rafe’s jaw tightened, and for a wild moment, you thought you’d pushed too far. But then he let out a breath, the tension in his shoulders easing slightly. “You said that last time, but fair enough.”
Silence. It started to lightly drizzle, the droplets cold against your body. You shivered but stayed where you were, the thought of walking away feeling strangely wrong.
“So when you said you like to come here and think,” he said, breaking the silence. “I'm guessing that means you like to think about how you think you're better than everyone else.”
Your head snapped toward him, eyes beadily staring at him. “Excuse me?”
Rafe smirked, but there was something darker behind it. “You’ve got that look on you. Thinking as if you’re too good for this place, all snotty and haughty.”
You laughed, the sound dry and humorless. “That’s rich coming from you. Having no worries about life, money, and other shit. Looking down at everyone else.”
The smirk faltered, just for a second. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I don’t?” you pressed, being unable to stop. “Life's easy because you have the money. You have lots of friends. You think the world owes you something just because your daddy’s loaded.”
He stared at you, his jaw tight, and for a moment you thought he was going to fire back. But instead, he let out a short, bitter laugh.
“You think it’s that simple?” he said, his voice quieter now, almost bitter.
You frowned, caught off guard by the shift in his tone. “What are you talking about?”
Rafe stood, brushing his hands on his jeans as he turned to face you fully. “You think you’ve got me all figured out, don’t you? The spoiled rich kid who’s never had a real problem in his life.”
“Well, am I wrong?” you challenged, though your voice had lost some of its heat.
He shook his head, a forced smile tugging at his lips. “You have no idea.”
For the first time, you noticed the tension in his posture, the way his shoulders seemed to carry more weight than they should. Though it didn’t excuse his behavior (certainly not), it certainly made you pause.
“Then?” you asked, your voice quieter now. “I wanna know. Tell me about it.”
Rafe hesitated, his gaze flicking toward the water. When he spoke, his voice was low, almost like he didn’t want you to hear.
“Do you have any idea what it’s like to live up to someone else’s expectations? To know that no matter what you do, it’s never going to be enough? And you always have to do something fucking reckless to get someone's attention?”
Your breath caught, the rawness in his voice catching you off guard. You didn’t know what to say, so you said nothing, letting the silence stretch between you two.
“Didn’t think so,” he said finally, his tone sharpening again as he turned away.
“Wait,” you said before you could stop yourself.
Rafe paused, glancing back at you.
“I didn’t know.” You hesitated, unsure of what to add. “I’m sorry.”
He shrugged, the motion almost dismissive. “Whatever. Doesn’t matter.”
“It does,” you said, surprising yourself with how much you meant it.
He studied you for a moment, his gaze searching yours like he was trying to figure out if you were messing with him. When he didn’t find what he was looking for, he let out a long breath and sat back down next to you.
“You know,” he said after a long pause, “you’re not as tough as you pretend to be.”
You frowned, crossing your arms. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means,” he said, leaning back on his hands, “you act like you’ve got it all together in life, but I don’t buy it. And it’s obvious you don’t.”
You opened your mouth to argue, but the words caught in your throat. Because he wasn’t wrong. He wasn’t wrong at all.
“What’s your point?” you asked instead, your voice was much more defensive than you intended.
Rafe shrugged. “No point. Just saying it takes one to know one.”
Silence fell again, the rain now falling hard, soaking through their clothes.
“I come here to breathe,” you admitted over the long stretch of silence. "Not just to think."
Rafe glanced at you, his expression softer now. “Breathe?”
You hesitated. “Sometimes it just feels like the world’s too loud for me. It expects too much out of me, and I can’t give what it’s asking for. And if I don’t get away once in a while, it’s going to swallow me as a whole.”
For the first time, he didn’t have a quick reply. Instead, he nodded, as if he understood exactly what you meant.
“I get that,” he said finally.
You turned to look at him, your curiosity growing. “You do?”
His lips twitched into something that wasn’t quite a smile. “Yeah. I do.”
The honesty in his voice caught you off guard, and for a moment, you didn’t know what to say.
“To be honest, I don’t know why I’m telling you this,” you said, more to yourself than to him.
“Maybe,” he said, his tone lighter now, “you’re starting to like me.”
You laughed, the sound genuine despite yourself. “Don’t push your luck.”
He smirked but didn’t press, and you two sat there in companionable silence. The sounds of the drizzling rain washing away some of the tension between you two.
The wind started to pick up even more. You glanced at the clouds, then back at Rafe. “You should probably head inside now. It’s going to pour soon.”
He smiled, a lazy, lopsided grin that sent an unwelcome warmth through your chest. “Is mystery girl seriously getting worried about me?”
“Not even a little,” you uttered, though the corner of your mouth betrayed a slight twitch of amusement.
Silence fell over again, the kind that wasn’t quite comfortable but wasn’t entirely hostile either. It was strange, being here with him like this. It’d been only three consecutive days where you had short conversations with him, yet now you were here having a conversation you could barely get out to anyone.
The sound of thunder rumbled in the distance, and you glanced at the sky again. “Seriously, you should go.”
“And leave you out here alone?” he asked, feigning mock concern. “What kind of gentleman would I be?”
“You? A gentleman?” you scoffed. “That’s a wild stretch.”
“Maybe,” he admitted, the ghost of a smile tugging at his lips. “But I’m working on it.”
You didn’t know how to respond to that, so you stayed silent, letting the silence stretch once again. This was okay. Silence and peace.
Rain started heavily pouring, the droplets cold against your clothes. You shivered, wrapping your arms around yourself.
“You’re really going to stay out here?” Rafe asked, standing and flicking the stub of his cigarette into the water.
“I’m fine,” you said, though your voice betrayed you.
He shook his head, pulling off his jacket and holding it out to you.
“I don’t need it,” you said, your pride flaring (but failing).
“Take it,” he insisted, his tone leaving no room for argument.
Reluctantly, you accepted the jacket, the fabric warm and surprisingly soft. “Thanks,” you mumbled, avoiding his gaze.
Without a reply, he gave you a curt nod.
For a moment, you two were just there - under the rain, the tension between them shifting into something quieter, something neither of them could name.
“You know,” you started off, carefully standing up. “My house is nearby, you can dry off until the storm subsides.”
Rafe glanced down at your face with a teasing grin. “Inviting me to your house already? I don’t even know your name, mystery girl.”
With a quiet mumble you answered. “It’s Y/N.”
“Y/N. Well now I won’t have to call you mystery girl,” he chuckled.
Rolling your eyes, you asked in a more casual tone. “You coming?”
Rafe nodded with a smirk, following you.
As you two walked (quite quickly), your steps were falling into an unspoken rhythm. You realized something strange.
For the first time, being around Rafe didn’t feel like a battle. It felt like something else entirely.
And that terrified you.
NOTES. we finally get to see some rafeyn development 😊😊😊😊 THANKYOU for all the love and support omg. it hasn't even been a week and i've been already getting so many love for this series :') so excited to write the most false hope giving chapters ever..!
TAGS. @urbrunettebombshell @rafesfavouritegirl @sabrina-carpenter-stan-account
#⊹ ࣪ ˖ works#౨ৎ THIRD TIME series.#rafe cameron#rafe#rafe obx#rafe cameron x reader#rafe x reader#outerbanks rafe#rafe x reader smut#rafe smut#rafe x you#rafe cameron x you#rafe cameron x y/n#rafe cameron x female reader#rafe fanfiction#rafe outer banks#rafe x reader angst#rafe angst#rafe cameron fluff#rafe fluff#outerbanks fanfiction#obx x reader#obx fic#drew starkey#rafe cameron fic#drew starkey smut#obx rafe cameron
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a/n: a little fic inspired by a convo @youunravelme and i had a couple of days ago! couldn’t stop thinking about this little idea and just had to write it ☺️ a little bit more lore in the squeaks’ verse added here and lots more to come! enjoy!!
tw: a little innuendo, domestic fluff
word count: 4.3k
summary: it’s talia’s first day of kindergarten and neither you nor mat is handling it particularly well
mat and t’s first day of kindergarten
You lean forward on the counter and smile at Talia, who’s looking at you skeptically. “How about we pick some snacks for your lunch tomorrow?” You ask chirpily.
“How about no?” Talia looks back at you with wide hazel eyes and a nervous tilt to her lips. Her fingers twist together and she kicks the heels of her feet against the legs of the stool she’s sitting on.
“You’re going to be hungry if we don’t pack any snacks,” you reply reasonably, unzipping the brand new Disney Princess lunchbox you’d picked up a few weeks ago at Target. The rush of back to school shopping, even if it wasn’t for you, was a high like nothing else. You’d gone slightly overboard on the supplies and in a burst of excitement, had bought yourself a new planner and half a dozen packs of various styles of pen. You can’t help but get excited about stationary.
“If I was home I wouldn’t be hungry and I could have snacks whenever I want,” Talia points out, tugging at the end of her dark braid. She twists her fingers in the hair below the tie and you reach over the counter to gently untangle her fingers.
You prop your chin on your palm and nod. “You could. But you’re not going to be home. It’s your first day of kindergarten and you’re going to have so many new experiences,” your tone is infused with excitement and you’re relieved to see that the nervousness in Talia’s expression fades a little. Her mouth twists to the side, eyebrows drawing together over her nose.
“Am I gonna see Tulsa?” She asks, hopeful.
“Tulsa’s in the next school, remember, baby?” You reply carefully, hating to burst her bubble. “She moved to a new school too.”
Talia’s lower lip quivers and she sounds impossibly sad when she says, “I thought me and Tulsa were gonna be in school together?”
“Not this year,” you reply sympathetically, but then perk up to continue, “we’re still getting first day of school ice cream with Tulsa and Gunnar and Aunt Holly and Uncle Bo. That’s exciting, right?”
Talia’s eyes light up at the promise of ice cream and you knew that would work. She’s her father’s daughter when it comes to her sweet tooth.
“And you and Daddy, right?” She asks, leaning up in her knees on the stool, little palms pressed flat against the countertop.
“And me and Daddy,” you confirm. “We’re even bringing you to school in the morning, before Daddy goes to work.”
“Okay,” Talia nods once, decisive, and her mood about starting kindergarten is all but gone. “Mommy, can I have fishies for a snack tomorrow?”
You move around the kitchen, gathering up the components for her lunch, “sure, love bug, you can have fishies.” The snack-sized packet of Goldfish get tossed into her lunchbox, along with a handful of raspberries, a peeled Cutie, exactly five pretzel twists, a Nutella and peanut butter sandwich cut into stars, and a small water bottle. Now that she’s into it, Talia’s definitely got opinions on what should be included with her lunch.
“No, you can’t take seven cheese sticks,” you sigh, pulling the bag out of her hands and replacing it in the fridge before shutting the door. “I’ll give you one.”
“But I want six!” She yelps, hanging from the fridge handle. “I want six!”
“Six what?” Mat’s voice echoes through the kitchen, the back door closing behind him.
“Daddy!” Talia squeals and makes a beeline for his knees, crashing into them with a muffled grunt from Mat. He holds the pizza box high over her head in one hand and rubs at her head with the other. “Mommy won’t let me have six cheese sticks.”
Mat grins at you over Talia’s head and you roll your eyes back, crossing your arms and leaning a hip against the counter. You wait to see how he’ll handle it.
He slides the pizza box onto the counter and hoists Talia up next to it, leaning his palms on the counter and kissing her cheeks until she giggles. “Mommy is always right, Talia Bee,” he says seriously. “Especially when it comes to knowing how many string cheeses you can eat.”
You smile to yourself, turning to the cabinets to get out plates and glasses for dinner. Mat keeps talking to Talia behind you. “Besides, the last time you ate three string cheeses you puked on my sneakers, what do you think six would do?”
“Uhhh,” Talia’s eyes go wide and she cradles Mat’s face in her little hands, “puke six times?”
You and Mat wrinkle your faces into matching expressions of disgust. “Yeah, we don’t want to do that, right?” Mat laughs, tickling Talia until she shrieks for him to stop.
Before Talia can knock into it, you slide the pizza box out of her reach, warmth filling your stomach at how adorable Mat and Talia are together. Every time you see them, with their dark heads bent together conspiring, your heart lurches with love. Having a family with Mat is all you’ve wanted since you’d seen him around his teammates’ kids.
“Daddy?” Talia pipes up a few minutes later, half-chewed pizza in her mouth.
“Swallow first, please,” you remind her, snagging the green peppers off of Mat’s slice. You have no idea when he even orders with green peppers when you’re the only one who likes them.
Talia chews and quickly swallows while Mat waits with a soft smile on his face. “Can I wear my helmet to school?” She props her chin on her fists and grins charmingly at you both. Her hockey helmet is covered in stickers and glitter, a project with Mat that you hadn’t been privy to before it happened. She’s really easy to spot on the ice during her skating lessons though.
Mat grins at your daughter, clearly delighted at the prospect of her walking into her classroom with the decorated helmet on, but he shakes his head a little. “I think your helmet is better left on the rink, TB. Didn’t you and Mommy pick out a dress?”
You casually slide a few carrot sticks on her plate, mentally fist pumping when she grabs one and absently starts chewing on it. “Yeah, baby,” you chime in, “I thought you liked the dress we picked? With the blue stripes and your fancy heels?”
Talia’s fancy heels are a regular old pair of sandals with a twisted knot over the toes and an ankle strap, but they also have a quarter of an inch thick sole by the heel and so, they’re “fancy heels.”
“Oh yeah,” Talia nods. “I forgot. Can I bring Sparky?”
“Sure you can,” you agree. “But he has to stay in your backpack, okay? We don’t want him getting lost.”
“And maybe,” she plucks her fingers at the crust of her pizza, “maybe I can take Daddy’s hat. And maybe my sparkle jacket?” Nerves creep into her voice and it wavers a bit, making your heart clench painfully. You just want to protect her from all the bad feelings.
Mat reaches out to tug at the end of her braid, “you can take my hat in your backpack too.” His lips twist up to the side a little, concerned about Talia’s nerves.
“And you can wear your sparkle jacket over your dress,” you promise. Mat’s Stanley Cup Champion hat and Talia’s customised playoff denim jacket had been staples in her wardrobe all summer and you’re not surprised that she wants to bring both with her to school as comfort items.
Talia beams and Mat slings his arm over the back of your chair, relaxing now that Talia’s happy again. “How about you finish that pizza and we get in a little park time?” He suggests, laugh echoing around the kitchen when Talia jumps up on her chair to start chanting about the park.
After clearing up dinner and wrapping the leftover pizza up, the three of you head out to the park, Talia zipping ahead of you on her little pink bike. Mat links his fingers with yours and you squeeze his hand gently.
“She’s getting so big,” he comments sadly, his lips turning down in a frown. You look up at his side profile, studying the way his eyes never leave Talia for a second. Your heart flips in your chest, a painful lurch when you think about how you should be holding another baby right now, how you want so badly to give Talia younger siblings. Mat looks down at you and squeezes your hand tightly, drawing you away from the negative thought spiral. His lips twitch, like he’s trying not to smile and you know he’s about to say something out of pocket to lift your mood. You wait and sure enough, he says, with a little twinkle in his eye, “maybe we should homeschool her?”
A laugh bubbles out of your chest, the absurdity of his question slash suggestion easing the knot in your chest.
“Mat, baby,” you giggle at him, “you have a high school education and I can’t do math. It took all of my brain power and patience to teach her how to read and write.”
“Okay, homeschooling is out,” he replies, leaning in to give you a quick peck before running off to the swings, where Talia is calling for him to push her. She still has her helmet on and it’s tipping just a little bit over her eyes. Mat’s behind her in an instant, sending the swing higher and higher into the air. You reach Talia’s bike and set it upright, sitting on the seat and watching your two favorite people in the whole world laugh together.
A warm early September breeze ruffles your hair and you wave when Talia shrieks for you to watch how high she’s going. You want to live in this moment forever and commit every detail to memory.
Mat spends the next forty-five minutes chasing Talia around the park, wearing her out enough that bath time is a breeze and she slips under her covers with little argument. You and Mat pile into her bed too and Talia curls up against your side, yawning widely. Mat reads Madeline, voice getting quieter and quieter as Talia nods off, until he’s stopped reading altogether and her mouth hangs open, face slack in sleep.
“Sleep tight, love bug,” you whisper, kissing the top of her head before easing out from under her arm. Mat helps, holding your waist and keeping you steady as you get to your feet. He plants his own kiss on Talia’s forehead and clicks off the bedside lamp and turns on the nightlight before following you out of the room.
A sort of bittersweet mood traps you and Mat while you get ready for bed later. You know she’s ready for school, ready to make new friends and learn, but it’s hard to know that your tiny best friend is going to be out of your sight for eight hours a day now.
“She’s going to kill it,” Mat says, opening his arms for you to cuddle close. You rest your cheek over his heart, arms wrapped around his waist.
“I know,” you sigh. Your legs tangle with Mat’s under the covers. “What am I going to do with my day now?”
“Bottomless brunches and window shopping at the Americana,” Mat teases, kissing the crown of your head.
You tuck yourself even closer to him, soaking up his body warmth. “Oh ha,” you drawl. “Very funny.”
“It’s why you married me,” Mat chirps and you know he’s grinning without even having to look at him.
“Mhm,” you hum. “Definitely not for your big….wallet.”
You giggle and Mat groans, training his fingers up and down your spine, making you shiver. “That was even worse than mine, Squeaks,” he mutters.
“Guess your terrible sense of humor is rubbing off on me,” you snark, kissing Mat’s chest and closing your eyes. He mutters something under his breath, but his heartbeat is steady in your ear and you’re asleep before you know it.
The next morning is harder than you expected, emotion clogging your throat as you get a special breakfast - Mickey Mouse shaped pancakes, bacon, and fruit cut into different shapes - ready for Talia while Mat helps her get dressed.
He’s surprisingly adept at doing her hair, a high ponytail braided and tied off. There’s a big white bow at the top of her ponytail and her smile is huge as she spins in the little blue and white striped sundress.
“I love this dress, Mommy,” she beams, wiggling excitedly while you tuck a napkin into her collar to keep her clean.
“You look like a princess,” you compliment her. “Daddy did a really good job with your hair.”
“Thank you,” Mat wiggles his eyebrows and sits down to his own plate of Mickey pancakes.
Talia looks at you with wide eyes and covers her mouth with both hands while she tries to whisper, “Daddy messed up soooo many times.”
Mat’s lips flatten into a straight line and he looks at Talia with sarcasm written plainly on his features. “Gee, thanks, TB. I thought we agreed not to tell Mommy that?”
Talia shrugs at him and returns to her breakfast, humming happily under her breath. You smile at Mat and lean over the counter to kiss him gently, darting your tongue out to lick up a drop of maple syrup on his lower lip. “I still think you’re pretty impressive,” you whisper against his lips.
Mat grins against your lips and Talia makes a fake gagging sound, “kissing’s gross!”
You pull back from Mat with a laugh and point your fork at your daughter. “You won’t always think that, now finish breakfast. You don’t want to be late for your first day, do you?”
Talia shovels another bite of pancake into her mouth, slightly less enthusiastic, and you kiss the top of her head before going into the front hall to find her backpack to make sure everything is packed up. It’s heavy, full of fresh supplies (including a 64-pack of Crayola crayons with Talia’s initials Sharpied onto each individual crayon, a fit of mania from Mat, because “no one is going to try and snake my baby’s crayons from her!”), the Disney Princess beach towel that’ll be used for nap time, and one of Mat’s old button downs that’ll be used for a smock during art class.
You zip the backpack and settle it back against the wall, swallowing the emotion clogging your throat. Seeing all of Talia’s gear packed up is making everything so much more real.
Mat’s hands on your hips startle you a little, and you jolt back against his chest. “Penny for your thoughts?” He mutters, kissing your cheek. His palms are warm on your sides, fingers splayed towards your belly button.
“Just thinking about how it seems like time is moving so fast,” you sigh.
Mat nods against your neck and mumbles into your skin, “can we get serious about trying for another again? I miss the baby years.”
Your heart beats in triple speed in your chest, anxiety flooding your veins, but you nod, whisper, “yes, definitely. I want another baby, Mat.”
The conversation is halted when Talia comes stampeding into the hallway, twirling around. “Mommy! Can I wear your lipstick?” She clasps her hands under her chin and pouts adorably. You should resist, tell her no and swipe on a little of the Pink Sugar Summer Fridays lip balm that she loves instead, but you find yourself nodding and pulling away from Mat to grab your purse off the hook.
“Sure, baby,” you squat in front of her, digging out the well-loved tube of Black Honey from the bottom of your purse. Talia puckers her lips out in a kiss and you swipe on a little bit of the sheer balm.
Twenty minutes later and running slightly behind schedule, after you make Talia pose for a few pictures with her Back to School board and she insists on Mat sitting on the step next to her for a picture, you’re all buckled into Mat’s car for the quick drive to the primary school. Talia’s swinging her feet in her booster seat, smiling happily now that she’s wearing the red cowboy boots Aunt Liana had brought back as a souvenir from her trip to Nashville over the summer instead of the sandals you initially wanted her to wear.
“Mommy,” Talia sing-songs, “I’m hot.”
“The air conditioning is on, T,” you sigh, rubbing at your temple. You know she’s probably hot because of the boots and the denim jacket she’d insisted on wearing. Her sandals are in your tote bag and all she has to do is ask for them, but a stubborn streak runs through your daughter, inherited directly from both you and Mat.
You can see the side of Mat’s lips tick up out of the corner of your eye, his fingers tapping along on the steering wheel as Justin Bieber plays on the radio - the old-school throwback station, which makes you feel ancient. He looks at Talia in the rear view mirror and says casually, “I bet you’d feel better if you let Mommy give you the sandals.”
Talia’s face crinkles up in disgust. “I don’t want the sandals. I wanna wear my Mashpill boots.”
A little giggle bubbles up in your chest, it’s getting rarer that Talia mispronounces a word, so you’re living for the Nashville/Mashpill mistake.
“The sandals won’t be as hot,” Mat says, and then, laughing, adds, “plus your feet won’t stink!”
“My feet don’t stink!” Talia gasps, outraged. She shoots back, shouting, “your feet stink!”
You laugh and Mat mock-glares at you. You give him an innocent smile, teasing, “keep your eyes on the road, dear.”
Mat scoffs at you, rolling his eyes even as a full smile graces his lips. Talia’s still chanting in the back about stinky feet, at the right age for the silly humor. Mat reaches out and rests his hand on your thigh, letting his fingertips drift up under the hem of the linen dress you’re wearing. The pads of his fingers dance lightly over the sensitive skin of your inner thigh and you shiver a little, goosebumps rising on your arms. Mat’s smile turns smug and he taps the volume button on the steering wheel with his other hand, singing along loudly to the Billy Joel song now playing. Talia’s little voice chimes in from the back seat with her made up lyrics, and by the second verse, you’ve joined in for the three-part harmony.
Mat pulls the car up to the curb outside of the school, parking behind a line of SUVs before turning the car off and pocketing his keys.
“Ready, T?” You turn around in your seat, smiling widely at her.
She sighs and kicks her feet up at you. “Mommy, can I have my sandals?”
Your smile softens and you nod, reaching behind you for the tote resting at your feet. “Sure can, baby. I think you’ll be more comfortable this way,” you reply, getting out of the front seat so you can open Talia’s door and change out her shoes before she hops out of her booster seat. Mat’s already out on the sidewalk, holding her little pink backpack in one hand.
He looks like such a stereotypical dad in his dark jeans and navy polo, hair scraped back off his forehead and slightly beat up sneakers. The little pink backpack just makes him even hotter and you can’t help but stare. When Mat catches you looking, he gives you a slow smirk and a quick wink, holding his hand out for Talia to take.
She grabs his hand with her free one and lifts her feet off the ground without warning, swinging between you and Mat. Your arm nearly pulls out of its socket and your heart skips a quick beat, but Talia giggles and you love that she feels safe enough to do that. Mat swings his arm, sending Talia forward and eliciting even more giggles.
“Maybe we can just skip school and go to the park?” Talia asks, planting her feet back on the ground and squinting up at the school. It’s a cute little square brick building, kindergarten and first grade classrooms on the outside of the hallways and glass windows looking in on a courtyard. The ceilings are lower inside to make it more welcoming to the kids and Mat can brush the ceiling tiles with his fingertips when he stretches his arm over his head - something he had learned during the open house a few weeks ago.
But from the way Talia’s looking at the building now you’d think she was standing in front of Hogwarts.
At the same time you open your mouth to suggest going to the park after school, Mat pipes up and says, “that’s a good idea, TB. You don’t need to go to school, you can just stay home with Mommy.”
“Mat!” You hiss at him over Talia’s head and he cocks his head at you, barely looking apologetic.
“What?” He mutters back. “It’s an option.”
“It’s not!” You say, at the same time Talia says, “I wanna stay with Mommy.”
You glare at him, hoping your expression conveys the exact levels of ‘see what you did?’ that you’re feeling. Mat’s mouth curls in a sheepish expression and you can see his hand tighten around Talia’s, like he’s not going to let her into the school. Before any of the three of you can say anything, you spot a tall older woman striding down the path towards your little group. You recognize her as the principal and are bracing yourself for the absolute hysterics that Talia is sometimes prone to.
“Hi Talia,” she smiles, bending a little at the waist so she can be at eye level with your daughter, “I’m Mrs. Seaver, the principal. Do you remember meeting me at open house?”
Talia nods, totally mute, her fingers tightening around yours. Your hear squeezes a little for her, nearly ready to break down and bring her home, like Mat had suggested.
“Why don’t you come with me and we can get you settled in your classroom?” Mrs. Seaver continues, somehow managing to get Talia’s hand and backpack away from Mat and starts walking her back up the path to the school. “Your mom and dad will be so excited to hear all about what exciting things you got up to today.”
Talia looks back at you over her shoulder, an apprehensive look on her face. Mat makes a move to step forward and follow them, but you reach out to lace your fingers with his, tugging him back gently. “We literally cannot keep her from going to school,” you whisper, pasting a bright smile on your face and waving at her with your free hand.
Mat looks constipated and you nudge him with the back of your hand, muttering, “smile,” until he manages something halfway decent.
“She’s just a baby,” he says out of the corner of his mouth, waving like a robot. “She shouldn’t be old enough for school.”
You sniffle a little, watching the door shut behind Talia and the principal, your hand dropping from the air. “I don’t understand how time went so fast,” you hiccup, tears building at your lash line. Anxiety starts to churn in your stomach. “Maybe you’re right, maybe we should keep her home another year.”
“Oh, whoa,” Mat wraps an arm around your shoulders and pulls you to his chest so he can hug you tightly. “We definitely need to distract you, if you’re starting to agree with me.”
He laughs and you manage a weak giggle against his shoulder. Mat’s hands are warm against your back and you melt into him. “I’m going to miss having my little sidekick around,” you confess, suddenly exhausted from holding it together. Other than a few hours a week at pre-k, Talia’s been by your side practically every second since birth.
Mat drops a kiss to the top of your head, “I’ve got a couple of hours before I have to hit the gym, why don’t we go home and make you a new sidekick?”
You can hear the grin in his voice and you pull back from his chest, looking up at him with wide eyes. “Don’t tease me, Mat,” you murmur, heart pounding wildly. He’d said about trying again earlier, but you weren’t really sure if he was serious.
“Not teasing you, Squeaks,” he replies, the familiar nickname falling from his lips warmly. At this point, he uses it more than your given name, the curse of those damn Nikes. Mat grips your chin in between his thumb and index finger and tilts it up a little more so he can bend his head and kiss you sweetly. “Let’s give it another try and if…well, if not, we can look more into surrogacy again.”
Your head bobbles a nod and your heart swoops a little in your chest, the excited/nervous fizz of Mat’s words making you feel a little dizzy. Baby making is a land mine sometimes for your brain, but right now all you know is that everything in your body is screaming for your husband to give you another baby.
Mat’s grip on your chin tightens briefly and he kisses you again, lacing your fingers with his to drag you back to the car. You skip along behind him, laughter fighting to escape your lips.
“Should we make this one in the bedroom?” Mat teases, holding open the door for you. His hazel eyes twinkle with mischief. “Or in the shower like T?”
A flush works its way up over your chest and face, your entire body going hot. Mat laughs at the expression on your face and you mutter, “we don’t know it was the shower.”
“Right, could’ve been the back seat of the car or the couch or in Bo’s bathroom,” Mat’s eyes dance, his smile wide and shit-eating.
You can’t help but smile back at him, electric delight working its way through your veins.
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