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abortnite-battlepass · 3 months ago
What if House MD was a twitch stream music producer like Eliminate or Bishu and popped vicodin while telling people that their songs were garbage.
That would be pretty funny I think
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utsuroyihon · 4 months ago
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(Xユーザーの映画『BISHU 〜世界でいちばん優しい服〜』公式さん: 「/ 📣発売中📖 \ 【シナリオ付きデジタルパンフレット】🪽🩵 ✅決定稿の台本データ ✅未公開写真多数のデジタルフォト ✅キャスト・監督からの皆様へのメッセージ などが詰め込まれた豪華仕様! 詳細は👇 https://t.co/ExKjlqosRW #BISHU #世界でいちばん優しい服 https://t.co/NB4kuqoqqN」 / Xから)
詳細は https://x.gd/xz6Ew
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mercenaryg · 5 months ago
I still feel so Lonely.
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a-voyd · 1 year ago
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ninja-jock-bot · 24 days ago
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bearbench-img · 1 month ago
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「尾州不二見原(びしゅうふじみがはら)」は、浮世絵師の葛飾北斎によって制作された「富嶽三十六景」シリーズの作品の一つです。「富嶽三十六景」は、富士山をテーマにした風景版画のシリーズで、日本の最も有名な芸術作品の一つとなっています。 「尾州不二見原」では、尾州(現在の愛知県西部)の広々とした平原から見た富士山の景色が描かれています。絵の中央には、雄大で優美な富士山がそびえ立ち、その頂上は雪に覆われています。富士山の周りには、青々とした平原と、穏やかな川が流れており、手前の木々が風景に奥行きとコントラストを与えています。
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genkinahito · 4 months ago
BISHU Sekai de ichiban yasashii fuku, The Last Passenger, Oshaberina Shashinkan, Yuyu no kimi he, Katsu-chan Okinawa no Sengo, Pianisuto o machinagara, Japanese Film Trailers
Welcome to the third of three trailer posts for this week. You can find part one here and part two here. I am continuing on with my festival work so have breezed past 500 films watched this year quite quickly. V/H/S Beyond – some fine segments with a solid wraparound – nothing as grimy and nasty and unexpected as the first film, which really leaned into the snuff film aspect. Cuckoo and The…
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gacktfan69 · 7 months ago
So you mean I just have to remember all these words to be able to speak the language. I just have to know them. In my head?. So fucked up
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chaos-vulpix · 8 months ago
Legacyerse: Lloyd - Evergreen Fate
I haven't been keeping up with Legacyverse lately, but I'm sure Ren is putting this boy through it & doing it so flawlessly~
(Like, the place is obviously on fire, but that's just a natural occurrence around here.)
So, this music may or may not coincidently sync up with the current story beats? I dunno lol.
1,000,000 TIMES - MY FIRST STORY ft. chelly
All That Really Matters - Illenium ft. Teddy Swims
Be Like You - Whethan ft. Broods
Behind Your Eyes - Bishu & Juneau
Circles - Post Malone
Cold World - 8 Graves
Die For Me - Post Malone ft. Future & Halsey
Escapism. - RAYE ft. 070 Shake
Feather - Sabrina Carpenter
Grapes - James Marriott
Insanity - Illenium & American Teeth
L'AMOUR DE MA VIE - Billie Eilish
Left Behind - The Plot In You
Like in the Movies - Ameryh
No Going Back - Openside
Shivering - Illenium ft. Spiritbox
Still Here - Forts, Tiffany Aris & 2WEI | League of Legends (Season 2024)
THE GREATEST - Billie Eilish
Third Eye - Emma Blackery
Vampire - Olivia Rodrigo
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magicstar16 · 25 days ago
Negati English name propositions for those without canon english namesbbecause only a handful of them have english names
Balibali - Energi
Bangbang - Bulki
Bilibili - Chargi
Pukapuka - Floati
Bishu - Blasti
Chickn - Bounci
Dokadoka - Explosi
Guigui - Pelli
Gabugabu - Crunchi
Guragura - Wimpi
Hiehie - Snowi
Hirahira - Blusteri
Hyururira - Floweri
Kurukuru - Twirli
Paripari - Sneaki
Pyonpyon- Jumpi
Sutasuta - Birdi
Zudozudo - Errupti
Gawgaw - Hungri
I didn't include Kosokoso or Gachigachi because cut dialogue implies they were supposed to be called Cowardli and Defensi respectively.
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utsuroyihon · 4 months ago
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(Xユーザーのdelaさん: 「【お知らせ】 映画「BISHU 〜世界でいちばん優しい服〜」 世界3大毛織物の産地愛知県一宮市を中心としたエリア「尾州」が舞台の映画、delaからは本多もか、竹下優里が一部出演しています 「BISHU」は10月18日(金)から全国100スクリーンで拡大公開! 出演/服部樹咲、岡崎紗絵 https://t.co/ySB03WjE2N」 / Xから)
世界3大毛織物の産地愛知県一宮市を中心としたエリア「尾州」が舞台の映画、delaからは本多もか、竹下優里が一部出演しています 「BISHU」は10月18日(金)から全国100スクリーンで拡大公開! 出演/服部樹咲、岡崎紗絵 田中俊介、山口智充、近藤芳正、吉澤健、清水美砂、吉田栄作、他 監督:西川達郎
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mercenaryg · 2 months ago
It's getting So Absurd, this world we live in.
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iuminouscrown · 9 months ago
Gambit/Prologue Translation
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(The first year since the founding of ES - Mid-March: Hanging garden of the ES building)
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Leo: ー��ーチェックメイト
Leo: — Checkmate.
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Tsukasa: ………
Tsukasa: ………え?
Tsukasa: ……… Huh?
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Leo: 『え?』って何だ〜、だからこれで詰みだよ詰み
Leo: What do you mean by “huh?” Like I said, this is checkmate. 
Leo: チェスのルールを知らないのかスオ〜? それとも言葉の意味を忘れちゃったのか?
Leo: Do you not know the rules of chess, Suo~? Or have you forgotten the meaning of the word? 
Leo: あぁ待って言わないで! 妄想するから!
Leo: Ah! Wait! Don’t speak! I’ll fantasize about it! 
Leo: 果たしてスオ〜を突如として襲った過酷な運命とは!? すべての謎を解く鍵はスオ〜が発した『え?』に秘められているッ!
Leo: What kind of cruel fate struck Suo~ so suddenly!? The key to solving the entire mystery lies hidden in the “huh?” Suo~ uttered! 
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Tsukasa: Shut up! あなたはすぐにそれです! こっちが何か答える前にどんどん話を進めてしまう!
Tsukasa: Shut up! You go off immediately! Before I can even answer with anything, you instantly continue your story! 
Tsukasa: そして進んだはいいもののどこへ向かっているのかわからない!
Tsukasa: And although you’re this deep in, I don’t understand where you’re heading! 
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Leo: わはは〜、おまえ巧いこと言うなスオ〜? そうっ、おれたちは常にどこに向かっているのかもわからず旅を続ける彷徨いびとだ!
Leo: Wahaha!~ Did you just say something clever, Suo~? Yeah. We are always wandering; continuing to travel without knowing where we are going! 
Leo: あぁ、湧いてきた湧いてきた霊感(インスピレーション )が! わかるかスオ〜、今おれの頭のなかには無限の砂漠が広がり始めている!
Leo: Ah! Inspiration* is surging within me! Do you understand, Suo~? Now, an infinite desert is starting to fill my head! 
Leo: あぁっ、砂のなかに盗賊が潛んでた! 逃げろセナ、リッツ、ナル! 宝石が狙われてるぞ! 
Leo: Ah! A thief was hiding in the sand! Run away Sena, Rittsu, Naru! They’re after the jewels! 
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Tsukasa: どんな幻覚を見ているのですか!? 話を聞いてください! 
Tsukasa: What kind of hallucinations are you having!? Please listen to me! 
Tsukasa: ほら、盤面をよく見てください! たしかに小癪にも意外とレオさんは手強くて私の劣勢ですが、まだ詰みではありません!
Tsukasa: Here! Take a good look at the board! Leo-san is surprisingly tough though certainly impudent. But, although I’m at a disadvantage, I’m not checkmated yet! 
Tsukasa: この段階からでも、がんばって考えれば必ず逆転への筋道がーーー
Tsukasa: If one keeps on thinking, there is certainly a method to turn the tables; even at this stage.--- 
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Leo: 無い! 砂漠だから! 何をやっても無駄っ、迷子のまま干からびるだけ!
Leo: No! Because it’s a desert! No matter what you do, it’s useless! As a lost child, you’ll just wither away! 
Leo: 例えば、今回は仮にでもいいから適当に駒を勧めてみそ?
Leo: For example: Can I recommend some suitable pieces for now?
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Tsukasa: 味噌? えっと、ではあの、ではあの、このKnightの駒でレオさんのBishopをいただきます! 
Tsukasa: Self-praise?** Well… Then… then well… With this Knight piece, I receive Leo-san’s Bishop!
Tsukasa: ふふっ、ずっと狙ってたの気づかなかったでしょう♪
Tsukasa: Fufu. It seems like you didn’t notice that I had my eye on you the whole time!♪
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Leo: はいド〜ン☆
Leo: Yes! Ba~ng! ☆
Tsukasa: 何を急に!? あぁっ、私のKnightがレオさんのPunchでどっか吹っ飛びましたよっ?
Tsukasa: What happened so suddenly!? Ah! My Knight was blown off by Leo-san’s Punch?
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Leo: はい死んだ! スオ〜のナイトは死にました! それは何故か!? 見ろっ、地平線の向こうを! そこから迫りくる未知なる宇宙艦隊を! 
Leo: Yes! He died! Suo's~ knight has died! Why is that!? Look! Beyond the horizon! An unknown Starfleet*** approaches from over there! 
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Tsukasa: 宇宙!?
Tsukasa: Space!? 
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Leo: うっちゅ〜☆ そう、それは遙か外宇宙から地球を侵略するためにやってきたエイリアンだったのだ! 
Leo: Ucchu!~☆ Yeah. It was aliens that arrived from distant space to invade Earth! 
Leo: 空を埋め尽くす無数のUFO! そこから放たれる怪光線! ずばばばば! びしゅびしゅっ! ちゅど〜ん☆
Leo: Countless UFOs fill the sky! They emit mysterious rays of light! Zubabababa! Bishu Bishu! Chu~don! ☆
Leo: ーーーというわけで、スオ〜のナイトは謎の怪光線に焼かれて戦死しました! 可哀想に! ここにお墓を建てよう!
Leo: — That’s how Suo’s knight was burnt to a crisp by the enigmatic rays of light and killed in action! Poor thing! Let’s build him a grave here! 
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Tsukasa: ば、盤���にお墓の落書きをしないでください! 自由ですか!? 
Tsukasa: Pl… Please do not scribble graves on the board! Are you free to do that!?
Tsukasa: というかっ、そんなの駄目です有り得ないから駄目です! 何ですかUFOって!? ChessにそんなRuleはありませんからね! 
Tsukasa: Or rather: that’s not allowed! It’s impossible so it’s not allowed! What is a UFO!? Chess has no Rules like that! 
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Leo: ルールなんか知るかああああ!
Leo: Do you even KNOW the ruuuuuuules!? 
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Tsukasa: えええ!?
Tsukasa: Eeehh!? 
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Leo: いいかスオ〜? この世の中、次に何が起きるかはわからない!
Leo: You see, Suo?~ In this world, you never know what will happen next!
Leo: 突然、宇宙から何者かが侵略しにくるかもしれないしチェクのルールも変更されるかもしれない!
Leo: Someone from space might unexpectedly invade and the rules for a check might change!
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Tsukasa: わけのわからないことを言わないでください!
Tsukasa: Please don’t say things I don’t understand! 
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Leo: だからな、わかるな? このチェク対決はおれの勝ち〜♪
Leo: So, you know? This check showdown is my win!~♪
Leo: わはは〜、ざ〜こざ〜こ☆ 自分から挑んできといて負けてやんの〜♪
Leo: Wahaha!~ Lo~ser! Lo~ser!☆ Even though you had challenged me, you lost!~♪ 
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Tsukasa: ま、負けてません! そんな反則は認めません! あなたには同じことを言い過ぎてうんざりですが、ちゃんと真面目にやってください!
Tsukasa: I… I have not lost! I do not approve of such blatant breaking of the rules! I am fed up with saying the same thing to you over and over, but please take this seriously! 
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Leo: ーーーん。じゃあ、真面目にやってやるよ
Leo: —- Yeah. Then I’ll play seriously. 
Leo: ほら。さっきスオ〜に殺られた可哀想なビショップちゃんの裏から、その変人だったおれのナイトが忍び寄ってくるぞ〜?
Leo: Look. Isn’t that eccentric knight of mine creeping up from behind poor Bishop-chan that Suo~ killed off just now?
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Tsukasa: え? あ、あれ?
Tsukasa: Eh? H… Huh?
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Leo: どうする? あれれ〜、おかしいな〜? このナイトを止められるやつがどこにもいないぞ〜?
Leo: What will you do? Oh-oh!~ Isn’t it odd? There’s no one who can stop this knight, right~?
Leo: このままだと、次のおれの手番でおれのナイトが丸裸なスオ〜のキングを仕留めちゃうな〜?
Leo: If this continues, my knight will slay the fully exposed**** Suo’s~ king on my next turn, right?
Tsukasa: あっ、うっ、でもあの、だ、だったら先ほどのは無しです!
Tsukasa: Oh… Uh… But that… I… if that is the case, then the earlier move is unacceptable!
Tsukasa: レオさんも仮に駒を進めるなら〜みたいに言ってましたよね、だからそれは無しにしてBishopを取らずにーーー
Tsukasa: Leo-san. You also said something like: ‘even if you were to move a piece forward, taking the Bishop was not going to happen.’
Leo: そうなると、幼なじみのルークくんがそのナイトを横から串刺しにしてハッビーエンドだ!
Leo: If that’s the case, then his childhood friend Rook-kun will impale the knight from the side. It’ll be a happy ending!
Leo: ほぉら♪ それでより手薄になったおまえの本陣には、おれのナイトさんが入りたい放題だぞ〜?
Leo: Loook!♪~ My Knight-san can come in and do whatever he wants now that your stronghold is undermanned, right?~
Tsukasa: えっ、えっ。。。。。。?
Tsukasa: H… Huh…...? 
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Leo: だから言ったよな、チェックメイトって
Leo: Like I said. Checkmate.
Leo: おまえは詰んでるって
Leo: You’re checkmated.
Tsukasa: ……… 
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Leo: これがギゃンビットだ。有名な戦術だから当然、スオ〜��知ってるよな
Leo: This is a gambit. It’s a famous tactic so, naturally, I thought Suo~ would know about it. 
Leo: 冒頭であえて手駒を取らせることで、自由な戦場を手に入れる。最初に不利を引き受けたぶんその後を有利に勧められる
Leo: You free up the battlefield by intentionally letting the other player take pieces at the beginning. After taking on a disadvantage at first, the odds may turn in your favor.
Leo: そうして最初の最初からおれが自由に〝戦場〟を横築していった結果、おまえは知らず知らずのうちに追い詰められていった
Leo: As a result, I was able to construct the “battlefield” as I liked from the very start. You were cornered without ever knowing it. 
Leo: こんなのはもう戦争じゃないよ。料理だ料理。おまえの可哀想な駒たちは、おれが望んだ順番で料理される食材に過ぎなかった
Leo: This isn’t war anymore. It’s more like cooking. Your poor pieces were no more than ingredients prepared in the order I wanted. 
Leo: 最後の仕上げにキングをちょちょいと片付けて、お終い
Leo: For the last finishing touch, I did away with the king. The end. 
Leo: さぁ、どうぞ召し上がれ♪ 
Leo: Now… Bon Appetit! ♪ 
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Tsukasa: ……… 
Leo: .....おまえが冗談に乗っかってくれたら良かった
Leo: …… I wish you were in on the joke. 
Leo: 宇宙からUFOが攻めてくる話をして、一緒にゲラゲラ笑えたら良かった。そうしたら最後までどっちも傷つかずに、笑顔で終われたはずなのにな
Leo: I wished I could have laughed together with you while talking about UFOs attacking from outer space. Then, we should have been able to smile as we wouldn’t have been hurt until the very end.
Leo: でも���真面目にやれって言ったのはおまえだぞ、スオ〜
Leo: But you were the one who told me to be serious, Suo.~ 
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Tsukasa: ………
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Leo: 明日のドリフェスも、【ジャッジメント】もおれが勝つ
Leo: I will win tomorrow’s DreamFes as well as “Judgement.”
Leo: それでお終いだ。おまえの『Knights』は、それで終わる
Leo: So, that’s it. That’s the end of your “Knights.” 
Translator Notes:
*Inspiration written both in kanji (reikan; 霊感) and katakana.
**Literally miso. As in miso soup. Pretty sure this an abbreviation of 手前味噌 (self-flattery) but I am unsure.
***Star Trek reference.
****丸裸な (maruhadakana) means both being completely nude and losing everything. Possible reference to the 2015 event: Judgement (especially since Leo talks of Judgement (the Knights showdown style DreamFes)). The story: Rebellion! The King's Horseback Ride refers to Leo as "The Naked King." The roles are reversed here.
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aladaylessecondblog · 2 years ago
So in my Skyrim fanfic the Dragonborn gets this letter from the Archmage of the College of Winterhold. Says he's got a friend who's "slightly less than alive" and wants the man escorted to the face sculptor in Riften as he's heard the woman has started working on the undead. Promises a great reward if she does the mission, even if the face sculptor turns out not to be working on the undead.
So the Dragonborn goes to Winterhold because big reward, and the guy she's escorting has his face wrapped up in bandages like some sort of Dunmer version of Joshua Graham except only one eye is exposed. And he's a vampire, she can tell that from the one eye she can see.
(Spoiler: It's Dagoth Ur, and the Archmage is the Nerevarine who you may have seen on my page already from the art I commissioned, but neither of these facts are obvious.)
(Fun additional spoiler for fun future chapters: Her mother's an Ashlander and booooooooy is Ashlander mama gonna have a lot to complain about when she sees her daughter again)
I linked it elsewhere but this post is getting more attention so here's the link for those of you who are interested
Faal Hah Wuld (9718 words) by Aladayle Chapters: 7/? Fandom: Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Elder Scrolls Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Female Dunmer Dovahkiin | Dragonborn/Dagoth Ur Characters: Female Dunmer Dovahkiin | Dragonborn (Elder Scrolls), Thorald Gray-Mane, Nord Nerevarine (Elder Scrolls), Dagoth Ur Additional Tags: Post-Skyrim Main Quest, Daedra (Elder Scrolls), The Dragonborn is ADHD, The Author Also Has ADHD, Skyrim Special Edition, Skooma (Elder Scrolls), Skooma is Meth, Thalmor Being Assholes (Elder Scrolls), The Author Is Overly Ambitious, Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind References Series: Part 3 of After Destiny Summary: My mother called me Sadrith, because I was born in a mushroom cave. The khajiit caravan we traveled with called me Bishu Aydith, what they told me meant little dreamer, for the grand dreams I was always having. Dragons, flight, empirical wars… Something is wrong with me. Something that makes everything take more to do. Something that scrambles my mind, that gives me wild creativity but takes my ability to do much with it. Something that only skooma seems to help. As my mother once said - Akatosh blessed me with the soul and blood of a dragon, and Sheogorath cursed me, that I may not turn into Tiber Septim. I have defeated Alduin, though as is my mind's wont, I have no idea what to do next. But perhaps with help, I could figure it out.
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ninja-jock-bot · 24 days ago
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punishabel · 4 months ago
But we weren't the kind of friends to lose contact despite all that. Akash went to Delhi to continue his Higher Secondary, he hated it over there. All kinds of new people, mostly racist towards him, but in any kind of place you went to, there was bound to be that initial discrimination, soon he had made some good friends and was starting to have some slight fun although the barely bearable heat and the recent heatwaves had him crying tears of blood at night.
The bastard really missed me and Bishu, of course we grew up in the same neighborhood but only became friends way later in 6th grade.
Summer really hit him bad this time.
He tried to find at least one good thing that Delhi had going for itself, but sadly the poor guy could not come up with even one thing, it was simultaneously both saddening and hilarious.
Myself being in Guwahati, proudly reputed as being one of Northeast India's most boiling cities, I could relate to him. We would often call and ask which city had it worse in terms of temperature. Guwahati lost a few times but was off with just one 3 or 4 degrees.
He really really missed Shillong and his old house, our childhood base of operations.
Bishu on the other hand had it easy since he went to Bangalore, the Tech City situated in the southern peninsula. Weather there was much like Shillong, "Very very pleasant and welcoming" in his own words, miles off from Delhi, though he got sick and caught a fever as soon as he reached the place he was going to stay at. Must've been the variety of new microbes entering his body.
We all had summer break for approximately 2 months and in the deepest and most unused corners of Akash's brain, rose an idea. And before we knew it, we were standing infront of our most cherished meeting spot, Akash's infamous house. The pungent smell that defined his home, though nostalgic, always remained a mystery to me.
Even after four years, I still can't seem to forget his house.
Me and Akash were just chilling inside his house, lounging on the worn-out bamboo couches and reminiscing about our old days. The air was thick with laughter and inside jokes, echoing through the familiar rooms that held so many memories. Bishu brought out a dusty old board game from his house, it was Ludo, and soon we were engrossed in a heated competition, teasing and cussing at each other mercilessly with every move. The hours slipped away unnoticed as we caught up on each other's lives, sharing tales of triumphs and setbacks since graduation. It was a moment frozen in time, where worries faded and bonds grew stronger amidst the oddly comforting scent of Akash's dilapidated wooden floor.
But suddenly, ours phones started to vibrate at the exact same time, almost in harmony. The sudden notification sound and intense vibration startled all of us. There appeared to be texts from the NDCAI
The messages read "Citizens are strictly prohibited from going outdoors and if you're outside head home immediately. this text is for your safety. Stay inside your houses and do not let any suspicious or strange individuals inside your houses.
National Disease Control Authority of India"
They were texts from the government. Normally messages that came from the government bodies were very detailed
with precise instructions but this text sounded very abrupt and seemed to be very much written in a hurry.
We get curious and turn on the news and we were blasted with reports of people panicking and screaming and right then...... a cameraman pointed to a scene where maddened people were eating and attacking others, it was a scene of blood and carnage everywhere and for some reason the channel operators didn't censor all the gore happening on the streets.
It was the doing of a zombie virus that was plaguing the streets of lower Shillong, it was called the Avita virus and there were more than 5800+ cases of infection, in one single day. It was insane.
Every major country had been the victim of Avita, there were infections everywhere. Scientists were also baffled as the RNA structure of this virus was impossibly unpredictable, they couldn't get a hold of Avita.
The three of us get dazed from watching the carnage unfold, I instantly reach for my phone to call my parents, but as I dialled the call, I was hit by a robotic voice saying communications are down for the network service provider.
It was to be expected, I couldn't imagine the number of people trying to call their loved ones to make sure they're okay.
I looked over Akash and Bishu and they had the same problem. It was incredibly frustrating, I wanted to know how my parents were doing and above all if they were safe.
All the screaming and panic from the news was starting to disconnect me from reality before Bishu turned it off.
I could see visible panic and uncertainty from Akash and Bishu, it was to be expected as they too must have wanted to know about the safety of their parents and siblings.
"Man we gotta figure something out guys" I said.
"No way this shit is real. A zombie virus seriously? What is the army doing?" Said Bishu.
He was visibly confused. He had every right though, seeing a zombie apocalypse unfold in front of our eyes was as unreal as the word unreal could define it.
"All our parents live in scarcely populated rural areas so they should be relatively safe." I said to reassure them.
Akash sighed.
"I guess you're right, my property in Manipur has very few people near us, but you know, still worried about my family man." said Akash.
I understood it all too well because that was case with me too.
Akash was trying to take it calmly but I could see a trickle of sweat on his forehead. Worry and panic are contagious things much like a virus.
"Fuck it man, we will survive. We ain't dying no dogs death. These undead fuckers can come to all they want, we'll send them back to hell as many times as they want. And don't you fuckers dare die on me now, I need y'all to think of yourselves as gods if you have to but make absolutely no fucking mistakes, make every decision with everyone's survival in mind. YOU WILL FUCKING SURVIVE AND THRIVE IN THIS WORLD!" I exclaimed.
I don't know where that speech came from, but at that moment I felt it, no we felt it together, something awakened in the three of us, a change that we all furiously wanted, but it had to be suppressed because of the peaceful good times.
This was what we always wanted, an apocalypse. A test of our wits and will, a challenge to push ourselves to the extremes of any moral, physical or psychological dilemmas. We dreamt of surviving an apocalypse. We will survive. We will protect each other until death, even after death.
"Guys now who wants to live and kick zombie ass?!" I cheered.
"We do!²"
They both forgot about their worries and cheered back
"Then now lets check what we have in stock in the house, check for any food and some weapons too, wait I saw a sack of potatoes Akash, how old are they?" I inquired while trying to distract myself from my thoughts.
"We just bought that sack 4 days ago, my parents wanted to take it along to Manipur but it was too much of a hassle" answered Akash.
The moment Bishu heard the word weapon he had a silly grin on his face. He was always into weapons, any kind, melee weapons such as aluminium bats, kukris, traditional swords from Meitei culture, he even crafted ranged weapons such as slingshots, bows and arrows. He was an incredibly crafty guy.
The houses of Akash and bishu were connected to each other, Akash's house being directly above Bishu's house. Though my house about 30 steps away. Very near.
There were a few knives in Akash's house but not the kind we could defend ourselves with but thankfully he had a few small shovels in his storage room. There were lots of useful things stored in the room, things like tarps, many buckets, hammers, axes, wood and planks and more.
"Aye Bishu, what happened to all those weapons you collected?" I asked.
"Shit man, I sent them all to Manipur, who'd know there would be a damned zombie apocalypse waiting for us man." He answered with remorse.
"Ah man, its alright, you still know how to make them right?" i said
"Yep its all in my brain. I can craft them again if i get the materials."
" We'll be counting on you for that then."
He flashes a confident smile.
I had two Kukris in my house as well as tons of firewood, I also had a 500 litre tank of water filled to half, for now we didn't have any worries for food, water or shelter.
While we were planning and looking at our inventory, there was a loud scream outside, probably of a middle aged woman, we ran to the front door and before we could pull the curtains to see what was happening, there was blood being splattered everywhere on the front porch and there it was, our first encounter with The Mad a.k.a. the zombies.
These 2 infected "people" if we could call them that were tearing this old lady's legs apart.
Akash was about to bolt outside because that woman was his neighbour who lived just beside him.
He was a brave guy, and I always admired that courage of his to shoot towards any kind of problem without a care for himself, a Hero if we could call him.
But just before his hand could reach for the doorknob, I stopped him. He gave me a questioning look, it was to be expected. I pointed to the woman's legs, Akash after catching a glimpse of the woman's legs was horrified. Her legs were practically none-existent from the Mad feeding on them, we could see her femur poking out of her right thigh. Akash appeared to be deeply saddened probably because he grew up seeing that woman as an older sister.
It was regrettable but any hope of her living was gone.
Akash composed himself and said "Although we cant save her life anymore, we can grant her life a peaceful end."
His determination exorcised any hesitation Bishu and I had. A brave lad he was and we had to honour his decision.
He opened the front door and ran towards the half alive woman.
we followed in suit to protect his back.
Akash was strong guy. He never boasted his strength and was always humble. He could give his literal all to have his people's back.
And with one swing of that blunt decade old shovel, he severed the head of the first zombie who appeared to be a middle aged man. His hands were trembling because even though whatever he put an end to could hardly be called a human anymore, whoever that zombie was, it still used to be someone's father and husband.
After finishing off the zombie, his eyes met the old woman's eyes. Her retinas were starting to dilate.
While he was staring at the motionless woman, the other zombie lunged at him, but was repelled by a straight kick from Bishu. The zombie appeared to be of the same age as the other zombie and made a strangely human shriek as it crashed onto the asphalt.
"YOU BRAINLESS FUCKER! What the hell are you just standing there for?" said an enraged Bishu.
"Give him some slack man." I said to Bishu as i finished off the fallen zombie.
"...akash.." muttered the old woman, she was barely holding onto consciousness.
His lips quivered.
The old woman didn't have any children, her husband too died in a housefire. She saw Akash as her own son and he saw her as another mother figure.
"....aunty why did you go outside?..." said Akash, while tears started to well up in the corners of his eyes.
"...Beverly..called in a hurry saying that her husband was acting.....very strange." said the woman as her voice got increasingly softer and quiet.
Mustering the last bit of her strength, the old woman moaned
"...than..k.....you kids." before her body went limp.
It was a grieve-stricken goodbye.
"God fucking damnit." sweared Bishu at the absurdity of this forsaken world.
Akash bit his lower lip as he looked away from the old woman.
I embraced him, not knowing what to say in a situation as dire as this.
"Let's bury her in a nice and quiet place, okay?" I told him.
"Yeah okay." he replied.
As Akash went inside, me and Bishu investigated the zombies for anything that could come in handy. The male zombie had a phone, a pack of Marlboro cigs, and 150rs.
The female zombie didn't have anything useful on her except for tattered rags.
We didn't notice it before but there was a thin trail of blood reaching from, the old woman's body to the what would be the old pair's house.
I made a mental note to go check it out later. For now we needed to head back inside but as we were heading back, I saw movement in my peripheral vision.
In the blink of a eye the old woman's body began showing erratic movement similar to a person experiencing a seizure. We were mortified, seeing a phenomenon like the dead coming back to life was so absurd to comprehend, yet, there she was, rising to what seemed to be an imitation of life.
I don't know how it was possible, she appeared to have died from blood loss, how could a body devoid of blood even move?
No use applying common sense to this situation.
Her body was moving in ways not quite human. In fact, I don't know in what way any part of her could be considered human.
I sure was glad Akash wasn't here to witness her try walking with just half a leg. In a flash, "it" realized how it's moving was inefficient, and quickly adapted to use both her hands as well.
This virus was adapting at an alarming rate.
Before we could see her become more and more inhumane, we put an end to an end to her now miserable life. It was getting late so we decided to head back home and check how Akash was doing. As we entered through the front door, we saw Akash peeling some potatoes and onions. We
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