#bishova fluff
olsenmyolsen · 6 days
lifting the shorter one up so they can be seen in photos
But the opposite, with short but strong!R (or beefy!Kate/Yelena) lifting up the tall bombshell GF Wanda/Nat/Lizzie out of her way for a photo
The Widow Bites Concert
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maroon master list . dark master list . request marvel master list . short n’ sweet master list
No Powers AU / Rockstar Band AU (Bishova)
Summary: Kate ends up going to her favorite band's show by herself. Que, a blonde named Lena.
Word Count: 3.5K
Content: Natasha, Wanda, and Carol are in a band, Fluff, Flirting, Awkward Flirting, Feelings, Soft Yelena
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"Kate, I'm sorry!" It was the day of the concert, and Kate's friend America Chavez apologized over the phone for having to back out of their plans.
"I wish I could make it, but if I'm going to be anywhere near getting my doctorate soon, I have to go on this trip to Karma Taj with Dr. Strange." Kate rolled her eyes. A little playfully. A little annoyed. She bought tickets months ago to see one of her favorite bands, The Widow Bites, play at a local arena.
And she had confirmed beforehand with America so many times that she would still be going.
But leave to Chaevaz and her studies to make her bail.
"It's fine." Kate sighed into the phone. "Maybe I can sell the ticket or give it away or something." Money wasn't a problem for Kate, so it's not like she needed to sell the ticket.
"Promise me you'll still go!?" America pleaded over the phone. "I would hate for you to mope at your place all alone." Kate leans against the doorway to her kitchen.
She walks and talks whenever she gets on the phone.
"I don't mope," Kate said back defensively. "Kate," America replied. "You locked yourself in your room for two days when you found out the local ice cream place was closing."
"Well, it was unfair!"
"Kate, they found mice in the freezer!" Kate shrugged. "So! I know of a restaurant where the head chef is a rat!"
"Kate, for the last time, that's a movie, not a real place!" America sighed into the phone. "Look just please go to the concert! Have fun! They're your favorite band." Kate nodded into the phone. "Okay. I'll go. I'll go." She bounced off the doorframe. "By the way, I know the movie Ratatouille isn't real. It's animated. It's just based off a real story."
America didn't know whether Kate was joking, and she needed to get back to her studies, so she did what any friend would do and hung up.
"Hello? America?" Kate pulled the phone away from her ear and hummed as Kate's dog Lucky walked up with its leash in its mouth. "If only you could come with me," Kate said to the dog who tilted its head. "Ugh, what am I saying? You'd be the main star at the point, and the band wouldn't even come on stage!" Kate shakes her head at the golden retriever. "That's it, you're too cute. You can't come!"
Lucky dropped the leash from its mouth. Kate's eyes moved with it to the floor. "Alright. Alright. Damn. I'll take you out."
If the dog could roll its eyes, it would.
Regardless, a few hours later, Kate had arrived at the venue for the concert and was being directed by a security guard to her section.
Onto the floor.
Front row.
Well, she was supposed to be, but thanks to some last-minute outfit changes and the ability to yap on the phone with an old deaf man who had better things to do on his farm. She was late. Kate missed her early access sound check and the opportunity to be in the very front.
So, instead, she was a few rows behind.
Which didn't bum her out too much as the person standing beside her was a very attractive short blonde. The blonde wore an older cut-off band t-shirt, black jeans with holes cut into them, and black boots.
If Kate wasn't fruity before this should definitely would've bought an apple orchard.
"Hi," Kate said as she stood next to the woman who might be a few years older than her. The woman glances up and to her right before smiling. "Hi." The blonde said back with an accent.
Kate was drooling.
"I'm Kate," Kate said, sticking her hand out. Something she internally hated herself for. The blonde looked at the extended hand and Kate's face (and body) again before smiling as well and taking her hand to shake. "Hello, Kate. I'm Lena."
"Strong grip." Kate awkwardly chuckled before she and Lena let go. "I was- I was joking it was... It was fine! No good! The handshake was-" Kate stopped talking and turned away from the blonde. Hoping a sinkhole would open up and only take her as more people began to fill the room.
Kate was thankful that America and Lucky weren't here to see this.
However, Lena was fascinated with Kate.
"First time?" The blonde asked Kate, who wiped her ponytail and head around. "No, I've done it- I mean, shook hands before. Yes. I- I was just trying to make a joke earlier-" "Seeing the band?!" Lena clarified for everyone's benefit.
Kate shut her mouth before shaking her head. "I saw them two years ago in New Jersey." Lena's eyebrows shot up at that. "I was there too!" The blonde said, making Kate gasp. "Really!?" She questioned. "The show where Carol drummed so hard she broke the stick in half!?" Lena nodded and smiled. "It flew right over my head."
Kate remembers watching the stick fly into the audience from across the club. "Wow, that's insane!"
Lena nodded. "That place was smaller than here. I wonder how we didn't bump into each other." Lena said, eyeing up Kate once again.
Not that the younger woman noticed.
In fact, Kate shrugged. "I'm not sure, but we're here now." She said with a giant smile that Lena couldn't help but smile wide back at. "So, do you have a favorite song?" Kate asked as the place was about packed, making Lena scoot closer to Kate. Lena nodded as her eyes found Kate's. "Personally, I love Dinner & Vodka."
Kate gave a little bit of a surprised look at that. Not expecting Lena to pick a slow and acoustic song. "Wow, that's a good song! It deals with heavy themes." Lena nods. "Yeah, I cried the first time I heard it." She admits to Kate, making the taller woman give Lena an "awww."
Lena blushes and shakes her head. Kate smiles and leans closer. "So, do you believe the rumors that Natasha wrote that one for her sister as an apology for leaving her the second she turned 18?" Kate asks, not knowing that, yes, the rumor is true and she's talking to said sister.
Lena looks back at Kate. "Yeah, I believe it."
Kate nods. "Me too."
Kate glances around the room at the number of people, while Lena looks at Kate's side profile and inches herself closer. "What about you? What's your favorite song?" Lena asks, but before Kate can answer, the lights flash above the stage, making the crowd cheer and scream around them.
Kate's eyes go wide with excitement as she turns to face Lena. Who makes the same facial expression in return. But Kate doesn't forget the questions as she moves even closer to Lena. So close, in fact, that their arms are pressed against one another. "Honestly, I love all their songs, but for some reason..." She pauses as if scared to admit it. Lena throws up one of her eyebrows, waiting. "I think their cover of Heads Will Roll is my absolute favorite." Kate finally says with a shy smile.
The blonde looks at her with a large smile after hearing this. "That's hilarious." She says, making Kate's mouth drop. "Did you not hear me when I said I love all their songs?!" Lena laughs and nods. "I did! But I'm just saying I love that you love their covers so much!" Kate laughs because Lena's laugh is so damn infectious, and she looks cute when she scrunches her face.
"Oh man, Natasha is going to love that," Lena says as she turns back to face the stage. Kate, hearing that, tilts her head, confused, and looks to Lena to ask for clarification, but the roar from the crowd as the lights go out makes it impossible.
Kate spins her head towards the stage, and as the fog creeps in around the stage and the slow drumming from Carol starts thumping her body, Lena can't help but smile and watch Kate.
Especially when red lights come down and shine on each band member before Carol kicks it up and starts wailing on the drums as the lights go wild around them.
The crowd follows suit, and you'd be surprised to hear yourself think as they scream for The Widow Bites.
As the show rocks on and Kate watches her favorite band kick ass, she feels a hand grab her arm. It's Lena. "Yeah?!" She yells over the music as Lena scoots closer and rises on her tiptoes to yell into Kate's ear. "I'm going to grab a drink. Do you want anything?" Kate is a little taken aback by Lena's niceness and goes to shake her head to be polite, but she is severely thirsty. "A water, if you don't mind."
Lena smile. "I'll be back."
With that, the blonde disappears, and she's gone for the remainder of the current song. And then the next one. And the next one. By the time the fourth song since Lena left begins to start, she is looking around, worried and panicked for her new hot friend.
Wait, who said hot? Did you say hot?
"Here!" Kate snaps back and takes the water bottle from Lena as she holds it out to her and pushes her way back neck to Kate. "Dude, where did you go!?" Kate yells over the music, taking the after bottle from the blonde's green-painted fingernails. Lena hears the tone and smiles. "Were you worried about me?"
Kate pretends not to hear her over the music and turns back to the stage with pink on her cheeks.
Lena laughs and bumps Kate's shoulder, gathering her attention briefly. "Sorry, there was some drunk asshole at the merch line. I was going to surprise you with something, but I had to deal with the guy." Kate's eyes soften as she looks at Lena. "Oh!" She says, a little surprised and a little... she wouldn't know what word to use, but butterflies were definitely happening. "That's okay! And thank you! I was just making sure you were alright!" Lena smiled and laughed. "I'm alright." She says, looking into the taller girl's eyes before Natasha ends the song and starts talking to the crowd.
"You know, looking out into the crowd, I swear I see some familiar faces!" Natasha says as she walks from one end of the stage to the other. Her eyes quickly find her sisters before she looks at the taller person beside her. She hides a smirk and bites down the need to embarrass her sister while Kate's mouth drops at being looked at by THE NATASHA ROMANOV!
"She looked at me!" She squeals, making Lena laugh. "And you!" Kate says, grabbing Lena's arm and cheering for her. Lena's eyes look at the fingers gripping her before looking back up to Kate with a puppy dog look.
She was starting to become very down bad, barking at the gym or whatever that lyric was.
As Natasha starts talking to her bandmates about what song they should do next. (Even though it's all pre-planned.) Lena starts talking as Kate still has yet to let go of her arm. "You know..." Lena was enjoying Kate and her personality. She was cute and charming and had a smile that made Lena feel all the things. "I have an extra backstage pass for after the show... You can come if you want."
Kate looks to her left with a more than shocked expression before nodding furiously. "Yes! Yes! Oh my gosh!" Before Lena knows it Kate is crashing into her and wrapping her arms around her new best friend.
Ahh, the classic friends-to lovers.
Lena smiles and laughs as Kate squeezes her before the hug stops. "I don't know how I'll be able to thank you! I would take you out for ice cream, but my favorite place closed a while ago!" She yells over the music as the concert slowly fades into the background, and Lena and Kate only look at one another. "You don't need to thank me!" Lena tells her but secretly hopes that tonight won't be the last time she sees Kate.
Kate vibrated with happiness before turning back to the stage. Her arm was still wrapped around the blonde.
Lena slowly pulled her eyes from the side profile of Kate before she looked to the stage to see a smirking Natasha.
Lena makes a motion with her head that Natasha nods to, and later in the night, when they come back out for an encore, the band plays Kate's favorite.
"Oh my gosh!" Kate said louder than she meant to as she and Lena walked through a hallway after the show, towards the green room. The concert had made it hard for Kate to tell whether she was speaking normally or yelling.
Not that Lena minded.
As they walked through the hall, crew members and security nodded toward the blonde as she walked in front of Kate.
They all respected Natasha's younger sister and were always happy to have her come to shows.
"I can't believe this! Seriously, thank you!" Kate said as she sped up to stay step in step with the shorter woman. Lena looked up and over with a smile. "It's no problem."
"Still!" Kate said. "Backstage passes are like notoriously hard to get." Lena flicked her eyes up and nodded. "Yeah, but I have connections..."
Also, before you ask, it's not like Yelena Belova was hiding who she was or lying to Kate. She just got tired of people trying to get to her sister and the band and not knowing her.
But with Kate, she feels- she hopes it will be different.
However, the moment of truth is just around the corner.
"Fuck you!" Kate and Lena move flat against the wall as You and Wanda Maximoff come around the corner after another one of your fights.
Wanda swears she saw you flirting with someone while she was on stage, but after the millionth time of telling her it was an old friend of yours you were talking to, you got tired of it and wanted to leave. "When you want to apologize and make up, call me!" You shout as you groan and turn away from the brunette in a red corset.
Your eyes flash to Kate and then Yelena's as you go to walk away.
Wanda watches you, her girlfriend, leave and storm out the double doors at the end of the hallway before she turns to her friend and guest.
Kate swallows from watching what should have been a private interaction.
Wanda wipes her eyes before putting on a smile. "Hey." She says through a breath as she turns and puts an arm around Lena to hug her. "Sorry, you had to see that." Lena shrugs.
It wasn't the first time, and it wouldn't be the last.
"Umm, Wanda, this is my friend Kate." Kate looks between a member of her favorite band and her new friend. She thinks she's dreaming and has no idea how the blonde knows the band.
And yet she steps forward and extends her hand to Wanda. "Hi Kate, I'm Wanda." Kate closes her eyes, embarrassed. "Sorry, you're Wanda. I'm Kate." She chuckles and opens her eyes to see Wanda laughing and Lena smiling. "I'm sorry, but how do you know each other?! Am I missing something? Also, I always thought you..." She points at Wanda. "Were with Natasha."
Lena makes a disgusted face while Wanda covers her mouth as she laughs. "Oh god, no!" She then crashes into Lena's side. "Looks like you got a WandaNat truther." Lena rolls her eyes and pushes Wanda away. She chuckles and moves back to Kate's side.
Lena bites her lip as Kate keeps her eyes on her, waiting for her other questions to be answered. "You don't really think my sister and Wanda got together, do you?"
Kate's mouth drops, shocked as the bomb drops. She puts a hand to her head and breathes, looking at a nervous Lena and a smiling Wanda.
After a few moments, she lightly laughs. "Well, NOW I don't think Wanda and Natasha slept together."
Once again, Lena makes a face of disgust.
Wanda laughs and senses a conversation needing to be had between the two younger women. "I'll go let your sister know you're here." She says, retreating back to the green room. Kate watches Wanda walk until she disappears around the corner before looking at the blonde beside her.
"You're Natasha's sister?!" She questions, making Lena nod. "Lena... Yelena..." Kate sighs. "That makes sense." Yelena nods, and Kate looks over her face.
She wants to question why Yelena didn't tell her, but she can figure it out. Celebrities and fame make people lie and hurt other people.
Kate scoots closer to Yelena as they stand against the hallway wall. Her shoulder bumping the blondes. "I get it. I get you not telling me." Yelena looks over to Kate and smiles a little bit. "I just..." Yelena starts. "Since Natasha and I have become close again, people don't want me..." Kate looks over with a sad smile forming on her face. "They either figure out who I am or know it before I know them, and then they try and use me."
"I didn't, and I wouldn't." Kate quietly says as she turns her body to Yelena's—the blonde nods. "I know. I knew from the moment I met you in the crowd." Yelena smiles, making Kate smile.
"You're different," Yelena whispers, forcing pink to rise on Kate's cheeks. "Sorry." She then says into the space between them, but Kate shakes her head. "No, don't be." She bites her lip. "I enjoyed tonight. With you. And I like hearing what you say..." She smiles, which turns slightly into a smirk.
Yelena feels like she can tell where this is going, but Natasha, Carol, and Wanda show up around the corner before anything can happen.
Kate and Yelena straighten themselves out and turn towards the trio.
Natasha ignores the sexual tension between Kate and Yelena and runs towards her sister to hug her tightly. "I thought you weren't going to make it tonight!" Yelena hugs her sister back and laughs. "Natasha, I always say that whenever you're in town, and I'm always joking."
Kate's ear pick that up. "You live in the city?" Kate questions Yelena, making everyone look in between her and Kate as Natasha exits the hug.
Yelena awkwardly nods. "I live and work in the city," Natasha smirks. "Looks like you two will have some fun talking later." She winks to her sister before moving forward to Kate. She clears her throat. "Thank you for coming to our show." Kate lifts her hand up as her eyes look over Natasha in steel-toe boots, fishnets, and black leather shorts that go well with her white crop top. Kate swallows before glancing towards Yelena and back. "It's to meet Yelena's sister." She smiles at Natasha as Carol nudges Wanda behind her. "Oh, she's good." 
Wanda agrees. "Look at Yelena's smile... Oh, now she's looking at us."
Yelena shakes her head. "Yes, we can all hear you." Natasha nods and smiles at Kate, then Yelena, and back to the dark-haired woman. "Break her heart. I'll break your neck."
"Natalia!" Yelena exclaims, but that does nothing as Kate nods out of fear. She and Yelena aren't even dating as of this moment, but she still understands the message. "Go-got it."
Natasha smiles. "So, do you want a picture or anything before we head back to the green room? It's kind of an NDA space so no photos and video in the room."
Kate nods and pulls out her phone. Shaking it a little before Carol snatches it and looks Kate over. "Hmm. Ever been with a drummer?" She flirts, causing Wanda to push Carol. "You're married." Carol turns back. "Yes, but unlike you, Maria wouldn't mind."
"Both of you stop." Natasha takes the phone as the three of them surround Kate. Natasha holds up her arm, getting ready to take some selfies, but Kate looks to her left and right and doesn't see Yelena.
She then turns full all the way around to see Yelena looking extra small behind her. "Come on. I want a picture with you, too!" Kate laughs as she pulls Yelena forward in front of her.
"Oh great, now we can only see Yelena's head." Natasha jokes. "Ha ha ha." Yelena dryly speaks. "You sure missed your calling a comedian."
Kate smiles at the interaction between siblings before she looks up at the phone camera.
Yelena does the same and gets an idea.
"Natasha, now!" Yelena yells as she wraps her arms around Kate's waist and lifts her up to be seen. Everyone quickly moves with this plan, smiling and posing in a thousand different ways.
The picture of Kate laughing in her arms is still Yelena's favorite picture to this day.
And on the flip side, when they switched, the picture of Lena laughing in her arms is still Kate's favorite picture to this day.
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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natasharswifey · 14 days
Happy birthday, by the way 🎂
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Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: After a few months of dating, you realise you don't know when Nat's birthday is. She isn't interested in celebrating, and when you ask, she refuses to tell you. But you are very determined.
A/N: This is just a little fluff, also my first x reader fic. Love reading em so I thought I'd give it a go :3. Also I find it hard to read Y/N as my name so I'm using [...] instead!
Tags: Just fluff <3
"Oh, come on, why won't you just admit it?"
"Because I can't deal with you inviting half of the United States to the tower for a party."
Natasha raises a brow at you. "Oh really? And what about he time you put flyers around about Wanda's party?"
"She was turning 21!"
She gives you a 'really?' look and you know you aren't getting anything out of her. It just didn't make any sense, birthdays were the one day a year where it was all about you. Well that's everyday if you're Tony Stark, but for well functioning members of society it should count as the best day of the year.
"I will not be disclosing that information until I can trust you not to make a huge deal."
"What if I pinky promise?"
"You always overdo it, detka, it's just how you are." She plants a small kiss on your forehead and leaves you on the couch to begin plotting.
"And then she said 'you always overdo it', give me a break!"
Wanda looks up from the pot she's stirring and chuckles, "I didn't know half the people the showed up at the tower on my 21st, [.....]"
"I knew I should've gone to Tony, he would get this."
"I don't think asking the most flamboyant Avenger would be very helpful in this situation."
"I think you should just leave it, she'll probably tell you eventually." She gently taps a bit of salt into the pot.
"You didn't even hear me out!"
"I can read minds. It's a terrible idea."
"Firstly, reading Nat's mind to figure out her birthday is literally a flawless plan, and secondly, you're good reading my mind and not hers?"
"Natasha already set her boundaries with me, and plus I don't feel like getting my ass kicked for aiding and abetting."
"Thanks a lot Wands."
"Any time."
If Wanda wasn't going to cooperate then you were simply going to have to enlist the help of a certain blonde assassin.
You hear Lucky and Fanny barking hysterically after you ring the doorbell, followed by fast paced footsteps and a small "One minute" from the other side of the door.
Usually a simple question would only warrant a text or phone call, but for some reason Yelena NEVER answers her phone. Unless it's from Kate of course, you're half convinced that she has a special ringtone and notification for her.
It's none other than the archer that answers the door, "Hey, [.....]! I didn't know you were coming over."
"I've actually dropped in unannounced, but I won't stay too long." You reassure her. Kate has a habit of forgetting things, including scheduled hang outs and honestly everything else that isn't attached to her body.
"Come on in!" She steps out of the way and shuts the door behind both of you.
You're immediately greeted by the two large dogs, fighting over your attention in a confusion of wagging tails and paws. Kate tries to get them under control and ultimately fails until they're distracted by Yelena calling them.
"That's totally not fair, they only listen to you." Kate complains and Yelena laughs.
"Because they love me more."
"Lies and deception!" Kate is soon distracted by the golden retriever pulling at her sleeve and gives Yelena a smug look before pouring all of her attention to him.
"Hey, Yelena."
"Hello, [......]. To what do we owe the pleasure?"
"Uh, I actually had a quick question. When's Natasha’s birthday?"
"Ah. I do not know."
"What?? But you're sisters!"
She shrugs, "She does not want me to know. Birthdays are not really Natasha’s thing, surely you must know that."
"Yeah, I know, it just doesn't make any sense."
"That's Natasha for you."
You sigh in defeat and sit down on one of the armchairs, your lap immediately occupied by Fanny who still wholeheartedly believes she's the size of a puppy.
"Well, there is someone else you could ask."
Your ears perk up, "Who?"
Ah. Melina. It wouldn't be fair to say that she hated you, but it also would be lying to say that she was fond of you. Perhaps you could ask Alexei instead.
"Hello? Can you hear me?" You ask over the phone to your future father in law.
"HELLO? ARE YOU THERE, [......]?"
"Yeah, I'm-"
"No, no, Alexei there's really no need."
You hear the sound of footsteps and Melina scolding Alexei for always forgetting to turn up the volume before she picks up the phone.
"Ah, hello Melina."
"[........]. Do you need something?"
"When's Natasha’s birthday?"
"December third. Is that all?"
"But- that's today."
"I'm aware."
"Well, thank yo-" The phone cuts off before you finish your sentence and you're left with about two hours to plan a surprise party for a spy.
"I did it, Wanda!"
"Only took you half the day."
"Okay, hater, I need you to help me surprise her."
"Are you sure this is a good idea?"
"One hundered percent." You reply confidently. For most of the day you'd been discouraged, but now it was time for you to trust your gut.
Soon enough you've formed a team of Kate, Yelena and Wanda gathered in one of the common rooms of the tower.
"Alright, Wanda you can be in charge of snacks, Kate you can do decorations, and Yelena you can find us the cake."
"No it may not have profanities on it."
The blonde sighs but jumps into action with the other two. Now all you have to do is buy them some time.
You greet Natasha at the tower's entrance with a huge smile plastered on your face.
"Hi, Nat!"
"Hey, [.......]. How was your day?"
"A little hectic. Wanna go for a walk?"
"I would love to but I need to sleep for at least ten hours straight."
You step in front of Natasha as she starts to head inside, "Wait- Uh, did you know walking actually improves energy levels?"
Natasha raises an eyebrow, "What's up with you?"
"For some strange reason I do not believe that." She holds you in place by your shoulders and steps around you, but you take her arm and try to steer her to the kitchen, your plans are foiled by Lucky and Fanny who bound up to Natasha happily.
"What are Yelena and Kate's kids doing here? Seriously, what is going on?"
"I don't know what you're talking about."
She stares you down for a few seconds before suddenly moving towards your shared quarters and only speeds up once she realises you're trying to stop her.
The red head clears the stairs in a few seconds and opens the door, only to be met with pitch black. When she steps through and flicks on the light Wanda, Yelena and Kate jump out from behind the couch and yell "Surprise!".
The look on her face is priceless when she turns to you, "How- when did you-"
"I have my ways."
Natasha pulls you into a tight hug and you hug her back even tighter when you feel a small damp patch forming on your shoulder.
"Okay, now make a wish!" Yelena says excitedly, the three of you are crowded around the table where the birthday girl sits in front of her cake.
"Alright, alright." She closes her eyes and blows out the candles, which prompts a cheer from everyone in the room.
The five of you all squish onto the couch to watch a movie and eat snacks and cake, with Natasha curled into your side.
"So, did I 'overdo' it?" You ask playfully.
You hear her chuckle, "It was perfect."
Tysm for readinggg, If you liked it I have more stuff in my masterlist :)). Reqs are open!!
Also, if you saw the unfinished version of this when I posted it by accident, no you did not.
@l0nelyish 👁👁
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noturlondonboy · 15 days
Your fellow elder ready to prompt you with some Bishova Touching 35
thank you~ 💖
Touching #35- kissing their bruises and scars
Kate Bishop was no stranger to bruises. She always had one somewhere, one way or another- her tendency to jump headfirst into danger and challenge every random criminal she met made injury inevitable. If her knuckles weren’t red and swollen, that just meant she hadn’t been training enough. If her cheeks weren’t aching from getting thrown on her face then she wasn’t working hard enough. Pain was a distraction. Pain was constant. Pain was good.
Until she met Yelena.
The woman was a mystery to her- one she wanted to completely uncover. She was mesmerizing, and insane, and stronger than anyone Kate had ever known. It drove her crazy, to see the assassin so close to her and still feel like she knew so little. But they got close, faster than Kate expected. Before she knows it they’re somehow dating, and she’s the luckiest girl in the world. If you asked Yelena, she would say the same.
Kate’s addiction to pain was never unnoticed. Yelena knew how hard she pushed herself, how much she loved the ache in her muscles and the blood on her lip. And it bothered her, but she understood. The want, the need. The pleasure it brought to be so beaten, even in victory. She understood, so she said nothing; just silently patched them both up whenever it was needed.
But she decided that staying silent may have been a mistake the day Kate comes home inches from death.
The archer is barely conscious, bleeding from her head and mouth and cradling a broken wrist to her chest. Her shoulder looks dislocated. There’s a bullet wound in her thigh. Yelena can see gashes and rips in her suit and skin, dark, painful bruises blooming over her taut stomach.
She wants to scream and cry and kill whoever did this to her Hawkeye.
Kate is different after that. Quieter. Timid. Reluctant to go on patrol, hesitant to accept missions. Yelena sees it all, and it breaks her heart in two. She starts taking whatever position Kate was supposed to have, willingly going out with Barton to take down street level crime. Kate isn’t well. She can be good for her. She can DO good for her.
The first time they get close to having sex after Kate heals up, the archer stops her, tears in her eyes and heart beating with anxiety.
“My darling, what is it?” Yelena says gently, cradling her lover close.
Kate can only cry for several minutes, but eventually she curls into Yelena’s warmth. She mumbles something, and Yelena leans closer, asking her to repeat it. “I don’t feel… pretty- anymore,” Kate chokes out, her face pressed into Yelena’s neck.
Something hot flares in the assassin’s gut, and she pulls away to cradle Kate’s cheeks. “Malen’kiy yastreb…” she whispers, waiting for Kate to meet her eyes. “You are the most beautiful creature I have ever been given the honor to lay eyes on.”
Kate stares at her for a moment, lips trembling. “But I’m… I’m broken. My body is… disgusting. The scars, the- the bruises that never go away.”
Yelena shakes her head so hard it nearly makes her dizzy, and she kisses Kate insistently. “Those scars are proof of your strength, your loyalty, your fight, your power.” She's moving back down Kate’s body, marveling at the marred skin underneath her lips as she kisses and nips softly at the scars that her Artemis hates so much. “These are beautiful. You are so beautiful. You are my everything.”
Kate is sobbing quietly, watching Yelena with so much love swelling in her chest she swears she could burst. The blonde explores her body softly, carefully, as if it’s the first time she’s ever seen it. Her fingers trace over the map of pain on Kate’s skin, turning it into love and adoration.
“Kate Bishop, you are perfection,” Yelena murmurs, her lips so warm and so soft as they worship the long, jagged lines over her ribs. “You are nothing but ethereal.”
And Kate thinks that if that’s how Yelena sees her, maybe she can try to look at herself that way too.
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romanoffsbish · 2 years
Cuddle Bug 🐞 🫂
Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Carol x Val ; Bishova 🥰❤️
SIKE! Fluff train still flows through the station besties, I promise not to go all dark on you, 🥹🥰
I wrote this for a very special person, and I hope it brings her comfort in these trying times (🖕🏼you Mercury for being in retrograde lol) ❤️
Warnings: None, unless tooth rotting fluff bothers you lol (Emotional R 🤷🏼‍♀️)
Smut: Soft!Shower sex, Mommy (N), Fingering(R), Marking (R), Praising!!
18+ | Minors DNI !!!
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(Gifs from Google/Tenor)
Natasha sighed heavily, her breaths fanning across your sleeping face, and she smiled wide as your nose lightly twitched from the breeze. That, and the subtle smacking of your lips was a telltale sign to her that you're nearly awake, and since she's leaving this evening she doesn't exactly feel that bad being the reason you're going to be up "early." Though the clock is flashing a reasonable 10:00AM behind you she just knows you're going to be a grump about it.
She'll gladly take a grumpy Y/N, to be honest she'd take you anyway you came, you're the human embodiment of a safe space for her. This—the genuine domesticity, is everything the trained assassin had ever wanted, and she knows now that it is all she would ever need. You'd come into her life at a time when the world expected too much from her, and with her guilty heart she was ready to give it all.
Then you showed up, and like the breath of fresh air you are you never expected much of anything from her. She'd been hesitant to let you in when you first joined the team five years ago, but now, with you perfectly molded against her body she finds it a silly notion that she ever ran away from you and your serenity. Love came far too naturally with you, all she'd ever known was that it was meant for children, but with every soft touch, or giggle her guarded heart was being disarmed by your open one.
To the world you were a force to be reckoned with, most feared you and your skillset, but behind closed doors you are not a threat. Natasha, as well as many other Avengers, view you as if you were akin to a snuggly koala, and now that you've retired it's almost all you are. Soft, and full of love to give, and with a group of superheroes it's almost a necessity to have you around; cuddles heal the broken.
Just as you went to shift your body so your face could hide in the pillow she stopped you with a gentle touch to your shoulder resulting in your immediate groans of protest. Natasha smiled at your expected outburst, then she leaned in to whisper in your ear., "Now, now, how about you wake-up, and spend the day with me.," you didn't even budge, and she was honestly a tad bit offended., "Or you can stay in bed, and miss your chance at snuggles before I leave."
An eye popped open, and she sighed in relief, but then you squinted said eye, glaring halfway up at her, she was both confused, and amused., "Is this not snuggling?," you rasped out, and the assassin pouted at your factual words., "Yes, but it's not proper if you're snoring in my face the entire time.," her adorable whining lightly roused you out of your grumpy state., "Fair enough Nat, I'm up, so what's the move?"
The redhead leaned in to kiss you as soon as you changed your tune, shifting your positions until she was lying atop of you, and that's how you two spent the following twenty minutes. Engaged in a slow, yet passionate make out session, where every last bit of love the two of you felt for one another was transferred.
It would've lasted through the hour too, but your stomach announcing your hunger roused your lover to move into action, and pull you to the kitchen. Feeding you well before she left was always a must, because she knew when she left you failed at maintaining a decent intake., "Bon appetite, mon cherie.," she placed the plate of french toast, with fruits and eggs in front of you, then she settled a kiss to your forehead before she took her space beside you., "Merci, mon amour.," a tint of pink decorated her cheeks, she always loved when you spoke to her in such soft ways, it never failed to make her whole body warm with bewildered delight.
The day went by in the blink of an eye, full of unwavering joy, but ending now in immense sadness as you watch Nat slipping into her mission suit, a permanent frown on your face., "Stop that detka, you're going to get wrinkles.," the redhead teased, trying her best not to mirror your mood in a show of faux bravery., "Yeah? Aging is natural—are you saying you'd stop loving me if I had wrinkles Natty?," she heard you sniffle, and almost immediately she dropped to her knees before you on the bed.
"Detka.," she sweetly whispered, using her hands to link with yours, and moving until her face found yours., "Don't say such silly things.," she chuckled when you squealed, her having pulled your body off the bed and into her lap., "I just don't like seeing my baby so sad is all."
A sigh left her lips when you buried your face in the crook of her neck, where you began to leave soft kisses against the sliver of exposed skin., "I'm going to miss you Natty.," her heart nearly snapped in two as you began to cry, and the thought of telling Fury to shove it crossed her mind, but then she reminded herself that her petition for retirement calls for only two more months of this, then she's free to leave, and live out a life worth living with you., "I'll miss you so much moya lyubov', but I'll be back in no time.," she offered you a smile, and you mirrored it the best you could with puffy eyes., "Safe and sound?," she nodded, then kissed your lips for a final time before she pulled you both off the ground, and embraced you tightly.
Natasha picked up her duffle bag, while carrying you out of the room as you latched onto her like you always did as she left. Yelena was standing in the middle of the hangar, as she always was to collect you from her sister., "Come now my koala, it's my turn for all the snuggles.," you always giggled when she took you from Natasha with a smug smirk., "Be mindful of who's girlfriend she is Lena.," the elder sister warned, and she rolled her eyes., "I'm well aware that Y/N has bad taste sestra.," you narrowed your eyes at the blonde, but when she smirked at you all the anger melted, and you snuggled into her hold., "Ha. Mine."
Yelena immediately took off, hold on you tight to keep you secured, because her sister was already cursing at her from afar, if she were to injure you she just knew her days would be numbered., "Get comfy moye solnyshko.," Yelena grunted as she tossed you onto her mattress before moving to her bathroom, you gasped excitedly when you found you weren't alone in the bed., "Kitkat!," you squealed, the brunette's brown eyes slowly fluttered open., "Y/N/N.," she half smiled at you, then as if it were second nature she pulled you in, and the both of you sighed at the comforting hold.
The peace lasted all of two seconds though, as the blonde returned, and threw herself atop of the both of you., "Make room my girls, I'm supposed to be the middle spoon this time!," you both groaned at the impact, but shuffled for her nonetheless, and with the warmth of their bodies, and love, you fell asleep quickly., "Such a snuggle butt she is, my sister is lucky.," Kate shoved her girlfriend lightly, but in a way she agreed with her lover, Natasha was lucky.
Days had gone by, and the couple kept you close, but unfortunately they were also called away on a mission, and so that left you alone. There wasn't an exact science to it, but come day three without Nat, and you were usually at your worst in terms of missing the woman. Which is how you found yourself in the one place she loved most, wearing all of her clothes, and wrapped up in her designated blanket.
Wanda was reading in the compounds study when she heard a body shifting uncontrollably. Peering over the couch in the corner she found your teary eyed face looking back at her, then when you reached for her she wasted no time in joining you on the tiny couch. She laid directly atop of you to ground you, and once your sniffling had lessened she shifted to her side and pulled your face to her chest., "Oh honey, why didn't you come to find me?," your arms tightened around her., "Didn't wanna bother you Wands, you seemed busy earlier."
"I'm never too busy for you Y/N/N, you should know that by now.," she settled a kiss to your temple, then ran a hand up and down your back just like she knew you loved., "Get some rest now malen'kiy, I'll be here with you, then when you wake up we'll go make dinner.," an accomplished smile overtook your sister's face when she felt your soft patterned breaths, and after a few moments she also slipped into a nap, it's really hard not to when you have a human shaped furnace there to lull you.
When the both of you awoke a few hours later Wanda allowed herself a moment to just bask in your cuddles, dinner could wait a few more minutes, because she knew everyone would understand that you don't pass up on cuddles with Y/N., "You hungry malen'kiy?," she asked in a whisper, to which you nodded against her chest., "Then let's go make dinner for the team.," and though neither of you wanted to get up, you both shuffled off the couch and made your way to the kitchen where a group of people were waiting., "Valkyrie! Carol!"
The otherworldly woman beamed at the sight of you, opening their arms wide as an obvious invitation, and they nearly awe'd out loud as you shuffled into their embrace with your lovers blanket still wrapped tightly around your body., "We were hoping for dinner, but this is even better.," the Asgardian admitted, and the blonde simply tightened her grip in agreement., "I am so happy you guys are here."
Valkyrie, and Carol soon turned to your sister, engaging in light conversation with her about their previous endeavors, while you cuddled further into the King's hold, and she smiled down at you as you did., "Such a cutie pie.," you shied away from the teasing compliment, huffing even in an attempt to warn her, but she just chuckled lightly, and held you tighter., "Calm down now, unless you plan to smother me to death with your snuggles, I am not afraid of you in the slightest honey."
"Careful Val, Y/N might be the cutest thing around these parts, but she's deadly as can be.," Carol winked at you as she spoke, and you smiled in triumph when the other woman gazed at you skeptically, then shivered at the sight of the ice blue swirling around your eyes., "You know Danvers, I won't doubt you here."
"Smart choice.," you tiredly mumbled, and in a few moments time you were lightly snoring., "She's sleeping again?," Wanda remarked in an exaggerated tone to give way to the fact that she expected nothing less than this, and the couple giggled as they looked down at you., "Nobody would ever believe she was the most dangerous person in this room.," Carol mused while snapping a photo of your softened face to immediately send it off to your girlfriend.
The next day came and went with you literally attached to your sister's side, and the witch loved every second of it. She missed having to be your cuddle partner, if she didn't love how happy you genuinely were with Natasha she'd have likely sabotaged the relationship ages ago.
Now though, on day five, you were moping around the empty compound wondering where everyone could have possibly gone. There was no one left to cuddle, at one point you even began looking for Tony, desperation nearly leading you into the stinky mans arms, but fortunately for your later pride he was also out. Today was even worse than the last few days for you, because Natasha is due back at some point between today and tomorrow depending on the weather and amount of paperwork.
Suspense was always your worst enemy, which is also why being alone was the absolute worst. You dropped onto the couch in a huff., "Friday, shuffle my tunes please.," you stared up at the ceiling dramatically as the AI did as you said., " 'Y/N's — What Even is Existence, if not just a Means to Cause Pain?' playlist is on shuffle."
Songs began to blur the longer you laid there, staring up and imagining it was your girlfriend hovering above you and not the swinging light. After an hour of lying there you slipped into a light slumber, completely oblivious to the sound of scuffling at the compounds doors, but then a loud boom had you shooting into a sitting position., "Honey, I am home!," you bounded off the couch and straight into the blondes arms., "What am I? Chopped liver?"
"Don't be silly KitKat, it's called saving the best for last.," you teased while shifting into her arms and missing the way Yelena's face drops, or how Kate's tongue pokes out at her lover., "That sounds like no mac and cheese for you!"
The three of you filtered back into the living room after a bout of bickering, leading to the blonde saying you got all the mac and cheese after you threatened to "Tell Natty on her.," and now that all was well again you'd began to watch the Harry Potter films upon Kate's requests, and against Yelena's pleading. It didn't matter to you honestly, all you wanted was cuddles, and honestly they felt the same.
As the hours went by, the team began to slowly return to the compound, filtering into the living room, and silently fighting over who got to hold you next. After a few hours of playing "hot Y/N," dinner was finally ordered, and Wanda held you close, and ensured you ate it, while everyone settled into the blankets you set on the floor, and watched your favorite movie.
You were so enthralled with what was taking place on the screen that you once again missed the creaking of the front door. Everyone else saw the silhouette of your lover though, and for their safety they began to create loads of space. To which you did take notice of, all the warmth was being stolen from you, but when you went to protest it died on your lips, and was replaced with squeals and the soft pattering of your feet., "NATTY!!!!," she effortlessly caught you, and pulled you up and into her strong arms., "I've missed you so much my sweetest girl."
The redhead nodded to everyone in the room in silent thanks before taking her leave with the quiet sobbing body attached to hers., "Shh, I'm home moya lyubov', and I'm going nowhere.," she carried you into your bathroom next, where she started to run the tap, and while it warmed she pressed your body against the marble with hers, and cupped your wet cheeks., "Hey, hey, there's no need to cry sweetheart.," she tenderly pressed her lips to your cheeks, catching your tears in the bow of her lip as she did, and soon she was transferring that salty taste to you as she locked her lips with yours., "I'm right here detka, mommy's got you."
With an effortless pull your shirt was removed, followed quickly by the rest of your clothes, then in the blink of an eye you found yourself under the stream of steaming water, with your girlfriends hands trailing over your bare body., "Mommy, please.," she smirked into the kiss., "What is it detka?," her lips began to trail down your slippery skin, leaving behind her marks in the most familiar of places., "Tell mommy what you need from me... I'm not a mind reader."
"Need to feel you inside.," you panted, already out of breath as she had been toying with your breasts while you had been aimlessly begging for more., "There we go detka, my smart girl using her words so well.," at the sight of your proud smile she slammed her lips back to yours for a heated kiss, while her fingers lazily traveled down to spread your folds apart, and she groaned into your mouth upon finding out you were already wet enough for her., “Fuck."
Natasha slipped two fingers into you with ease, her lips on yours to stifle the initial gasp, but soon they were en route to your breasts, she never was one for restricting your heavenly sounds., "There you go detka, show me just how well my fingers are fucking into your tight little cunt.," she kept a slow, and steady pace as she worked on bringing you to a place of total euphoria, because to her there was just always something so beautiful about watching you coming apart so openly with only her fingers and mouth involved in the process.
Her own core throbbed whenever you moaned in pleasure, but she paid it no mind, because it was always all about you when she returned. You’d never taken her being gone on solo missions well, and so whenever she returned the first twenty four hours were for you. There wasn't anything more important to her than making sure your bodies were reconnected, it was her quickest way of reassuring you of her permanence, and quite frankly being wrapped up in the sheets, or in the shower like you both were now were some of her favorite moments.
The two of you had a rather lively sex life, so much so that Tony installed a sound proofing option a few years back. But these moments, they are different, it’s not a carnal experience as much as it is a seeking of deeper intimacy. Being buried deep inside of you brought the redhead immense comfort, knowing that she is the only one allowed to have you like this, to be able to lay her claim to you while your body racks with pleasure that only she can bring.
Natasha’s tongue was swirling over your sensitive nipples, with her thumb delivering slow, yet incredibly powerful circles to your clit so she knew she’d have you nearing that edge of bliss in no time. She released your nipple when she felt your chest heaving even harder, your walls now clinging to her unrelentingly. Quickly she peppered kisses all over your chest, retracing over the route of her marks, then she gently pecked your parted lips for reassurance. She pulled back with a soft smile, your eyes held an obvious pleading, and she leaned her forehead to yours., “Let go for mommy detka.,” she whispered the encouragement while her fingers curled perfectly into your innermost sensitive spot, and your body arched into hers.
“Such a good fucking girl.,” she groaned as she felt your slick release trailing down her palm., “Always so good for me, fuck, I need to taste you my sweetest girl., ” her arm remained around you as she held your tired form up, she continued to whisper softly to you as her fingers left your core with pitiful whines., “Taste so sweet detka, smooth like honey.”
“I fucking love you so much detka.,” her hand that was once inside you moved to trace over the features of your face before cupping your cheek, and pulling you in for a deepened kiss., “My one and only.,” you smiled against her, breaking the kiss but she didn’t mind that much when she could feel your happiness so deeply., “I love you Natty, my one and only.,” she reconnected her lips to yours, exploring your mouth, and feeling rather affected as you moaned at your lingering taste on her tongue., “Let’s get all cleaned up detka, then we can continue this in the bedroom, sounds good?,” she placed a soft kiss to your shoulder, then got to work as soon as you nodded the go ahead.
Natasha took care as she cleaned your body, then she massaged your scalp tenderly, hoping to alleviate you of all your remaining stresses. A smile was on her face when you eagerly took the chance to return the favor, you sudsed up her loofah with your favorite body wash of hers, and tenderly traced it over her body. Her body shivered as you kissed over the fresh, tiny scrapes that marred her silky skin, then she watched with teary eyes as you kissed over all of her scars, parts of her she always wanted to hide were the parts you made sure to care for. Healing her in ways that are far deeper than the marks had ever been, which lead her to pull you back up and in for a needed hug.
“Natty, we have all day tomorrow, why don’t we just snuggle? I’ll run get you some dinner, and we can watch all the Bond movies.,” she chuckled at your offer, your face was already nuzzling into her chest telling her that you were definitely a bit tired, but also because there’s no way you’re even lasting the first movie, it still warms her heart that you’d try for her sake., “Sounds perfect detka, but I’ll just have Friday make one of the guys bring dinner up, I wanna start my snuggles instantly!,” she lifted you up, causing you to giggle as she ran your conjoined bodies out, and jumped onto the towel she’d already left on the mattress.
“Prettiest baby.,” she coo’d, now that she was straddling your naked body, and using the spare towel to dry you off, just to follow it up with a layer of lotion, and a baggy band t shirt., “Easy access.,” she answered your furrowed brows unspoken question with a wink, then a peck to your nose before she shifted you beneath the blankets, and repeated the process for herself just in time for her takeout to arrive.
Natasha settled into the bed, and within the second your body was smushed into her side, an arm laying over her, and that sight of your sleepy smile was enough to make her melt. After pressing play on the remote, she settled her hand on your back, and began to move it up and down to lull you to sleep faster while she ate her food, and watched her movie for as long as she could before her eyes would make their way back to just watch you sleeping, content to live in this moment forever really.
Just knowing that in every sense of the word, you’re hers—mind, body, and soul, well it is the reason her heart still beats without contempt; loving you was her peace in the storm that many would call life, and even if she winds up sharing you with the team at times, when you’re snuggled into her chest in the dead of night like this, she knows you are hers alone.
3,880 Words
❤️ Kaitlyn 🥰
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axinite25 · 2 months
The Crest
SUMMARY: Yelena is certain Kate Bishop hates her. A glass to the face will do that.
So why does Kate invite her to her vacation home? And since when did she know how to surf?
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wlw-stanbot · 8 months
Time continued to pass both slowly and quickly for the new lovers. Lazy hands barely brushing damp skin turned into more fervent motions that ended in sore throats and bodies, then back again to slow breathed snuggles. The cycle continued to repeat as they dozed, and fucked, and worshiped each other for an unknown amount of time. Eventually, the pattern was broken by hunger.
Kate threw a frozen pizza in the oven to make the break in pattern as short as possible. Yelena took the chance to jump in the much nicer shower hiding in the basement behind the spiral staircase. Chef Kate couldn’t resist joining, of course. Their dance together under the power of multiple showerheads went much better than the first one over a week ago.
The pizza almost burned as freshly cleaned hands helped Kate guide Yelena through another orgasm with her back pressed into the finely laid tile of a glass doored shower and one leg hooked around Kate’s waist.
Getting fucked into mindlessness by Yelena’s strap was one of the best feelings Kate had ever experienced, but the way the blonde’s body submitted to her had started to unlock another addiction. The uncontrollable moans, the twitching, squeezing muscles that surrounded her hands and the dark eyes that pinched and plead for release filled her whole being to such an extent that she felt like she would never be able to be rid of them, no matter how many miles eventually ended up between the two.
They didn’t talk about the elephant of Kate having to go back to NYC in a few weeks, but conversation over a single plate of stuffed crust supreme, half covered in hot sauce -  Yelena’s favorite, of course - eventually led to Kate being able to broach the subject of what she had originally wanted to ask for…before their attentions turned to seeking as much pleasure in each other as possible.
Yelena’s teasing voice reached over the empty plate between them, “So, full report, did I give you what you needed, Kate Bishop?”
Kate laughed sarcastically, “I don’t know if I exactly needed that many orgasms but, it was pretty good.”
“Um, that was more than pretty good. How dare you?” Yelena leaned over the plate, menacing Kate with a look of faux shock.
Kate laughed deeply as she moved the plate from between them and replaced it with her own body, “Ok, ok, you’re as great a lover as you are a killer, maybe better.” She nuzzled into Yelena’s shoulder, sending them both back into a near prone position propped up on thick, down feather stuffed pillows.
Yelena grinned softly then placed a firm chin on the top of Kate’s head, “I’m glad I didn’t kill you.”
Kate shifted her head to look upward, forcing Yelena’s chin to drop. Her ardent blue met the playfulness of Yelena’s green with more serious intent, “I’m glad I didn’t kill you .”
“Like you could have.” Yelena didn’t bother trying to hide the roll of her eyes.
Chapter 16 is up. It's cute!
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bambinella · 2 years
Books and best friends
A/N: Whaaaat? Another one so quickly? Well I guess I surprised myself too, since this one was created by looking at a single picture. Therefore, I present you with more Yelena and Kate fluff! Enjoy
Summary: When Kate disappears into her room for several days, Yelena pays her a visit to find out why exactly she disappeared
Warnings: none, just lots of fluff
Word Count: 2619
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“Hey Natasha, have you seen Kate around recently? I’ve been less annoyed than usual, which means that she has spent less time around me,” Yelena asked, half-serious half-jokingly as she walked up to her sister. It was late in the afternoon, and there was once again no sign from the young archer, who would usually spend her time lounging in the common room. It was not the first time Yelena had noticed her absence that week, and while she would never admit it out loud, there was a part of her slightly worried that something was wrong with Kate. Natasha scoffed and playfully glared at the  blonde.
“I saw her this morning, but I think she’s in her room right now. She talked about having bought several books in one go, so I think she’s reading them. Why?” The older sister questioned, raising one brow at Yelena. The blonde merely shook her head with a shrug.
“No reason,” She said, yet didn’t look Natasha in the eyes.
“... Do you miss her?” Natasha asked, a smile appearing on her face. Almost immediately Yelena shook her head and folded her arms with a frown. 
“I do not miss her! Why would you ever think that?” Yelena huffed, yet couldn’t hide the blush creeping onto her cheeks as her sister looked at her for a few long seconds. Natasha’s smile grew wider as she noticed the blush, knowing enough. 
“You do miss her,” Natasha chuckled, earning a groan from her sister. No matter how hard Yelena tried to hide something from her, her sister could always tell when she was lying. It was infuriating.
“Ugh, you’re the worst,” She said, turning on her heels to leave the kitchen, and Natasha, behind her. She heard her sister laugh and yell ‘say hi from me!’, which earned another loud groan, as she made her way to Kate’s room. And while she tried to ignore it, she couldn’t deny the excitement she was feeling as she thought of seeing Kate again.
Kate was currently sitting on her couch in her apartment, surrounded by at least five books - minus the one in her hands - with her tongue slightly sticking out of her mouth. After a brief conversation with Peter the other day (he had shown her a few books from his collection, and she had been enchanted to say the least) Kate had decided that she officially didn’t have enough books. While her mother had always tried to ignore or discourage her love for fantasy when she was younger, there was literally nobody stopping her now. So, now she had about a dozen new books laying around in her room, and she couldn’t wait to read them all.
A sudden knock on the door made her look up in surprise, as she didn’t expect company. Maybe it was Natasha checking up on her if she was still alive, or Peter to see the new books she had bought.
“Door is open!” She said, and while she definitely tried her hardest, she was unable to hide her surprised expression when Yelena stepped into her room. She had not expected the younger Widow to visit her.
“So here’s where you’ve been hiding, huh?” The blonde said with a smirk, closing the door behind her. Kate immediately sat up on the couch, remembering the page she was at before closing the book to put it aside.
“Hey Yelena! Sorry, I didn’t expect to see you today,” She said with a chuckle, a wide smile appearing on her face as she looked at her friend. 
“Well I noticed it was remarkably quieter in the living room, which meant you weren’t there. And what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t annoy you on a daily basis,” Yelena said with a smile, yet Kate could sense some kind of awkwardness behind it. The assassin was still testing the boundaries of their friendship, and while Yelena found it a very weird concept that she could go see Kate whenever she wanted, Kate couldn’t be happier. She knew that Yelena would have never come to her if it wasn’t necessary a year ago, so for her to show up in her room without a specific reason was proof that they were friends. 
Kate smiled widely at Yelena and patted the couch next to her, an invitation to sit with her. The blonde, seemingly relieved, smirked and made her way towards the couch, yet stopped as she noticed all the books laying on the ground.
“Kate Bishop, did you rob a library or what?” She asked with a raised brow as she looked at the younger girl. The archer let out a giggle and looked somewhat embarrassed at the messy floor.
“Ah, it definitely looks that way, huh? No, I went shopping a few days ago, and I got around fifteen new books and comics! Wanna see?” She asked, sounding a little uncertain herself now. She had no idea if Yelena would be interested in her books in the first place. 
“Wait wait, if you went shopping for comics, that means…” Yelena said, quickly glancing around the room for a moment. “Aha! I knew it!” She said triumphantly, reaching down to pick up a collection of Hawkeye comics.
“No! Give them back!” Kate cried out, a blush of embarrassment covering her cheeks as she lunged for Yelena, who heartily laughed at the archer’s reaction. 
“And you dare say you don’t have a crush on Barton? Oh Katie, you’re such a liar!” Yelena teased, easily keeping Kate at bay by placing a hand on one of her shoulders. However, over time Kate had learned several tricks from Natasha, meant to use when Yelena was being a turd. She reached forward - her arms were still longer than Yelena’s - and briefly tickled under the blonde’s arm. While the Widow shrieked and curled in on herself, the brunette leaned forward and snatched the comics from her other hand.
“There! And now they stay here!” Kate said with a nervous giggle, trying not to shrink at the glare Yelena was giving her.
“You did not just do that… oh you’re gonna regret that, Katie,” Yelena playfully warned, earning another giggle from the brunette. However, her attention quickly shifted to one of the comics on the couch next to Kate. It was a comic about Black Widow. She reached out and carefully grabbed it, finding it odd and fascinating to see a comic about her sister.
“It’s the first of many, and I have a few more somewhere in my room! You can read it, if you want,” Kate suggested with a warm smile, earning a gentle yet firm nod from her friend. Kate’s heart swelled at the thought of Yelena reading comics with her in her room, realizing that she had reached the next step in their friendship.
Yelena sat herself down in front of the couch, her back leaning against it, as she started reading the comic, while Kate reached for one of her Hawkeye comics. The two women sat in a comfortable silence for a while, with the occasional ‘ha, such a poser’ or chuckle coming from the blonde, until Kate shifted position. Her right leg was stretched out, and the other one folded underneath, her bare foot now facing Yelena. The Widow noticed right away and curled up her nose, looking up at the brunette.
“Kate Bishop, do you HAVE to aim your stinky foot at me?” She basically whined, making Kate look up at her with a laugh. Yelena could be so dramatic over small things, and she found it rather cute.
“Well, if you don’t like the view, you can always move,” She teased, going back to reading her comic. Yelena huffed and reached out with her hand, running a single nail up her foot.
“I don’t see how I have to move becau–” She said, yet was interrupted by Kate’s loud, giggly squeal. The two women looked at each other, Kate with a nervous expression and Yelena with a rather mischievous one. The brunette immediately noticed the dangerous glint in her eyes and tried to shift position, yet Yelena was quicker and had already latched a hand around Kate’s ankle. 
“Well if you don’t want to move by yourself, then I’ll have to make you move, right?” Yelena said with a teasing grin, lightly scratching her nails against the bottom of her foot. Kate immediately burst into giggles and reached for Yelena’s hands, her comic dropping to the side.
“Y-Yelena nohoho! NO! No wahahahait! Aahahaha that tihihihihickles!!” The brunette giggled loudly, earning an eye-roll and chuckle from Yelena.
“Yeah duh that’s the point, you dumbass,” She said with an even wider grin, moving her nails up to scratch under her toes, sending Kate straight into hysterics. The brunette rolled side to side, giggling her head off as she pushed against Yelena’s shoulder.
“Yelehehehehhena plehehehhehehease!! I cahahahahahahahahan’t!!” She squealed, curling her toes tightly since she was unable to handle the gentle tickles. Yelena cackled and started to firmly scratch at her helpless heel.
“Keep reading that comic of yours, Katie, go on, don’t mind me,” Yelena teased, letting out a giggle herself as she heard Kate’s contagious laughter. The archer’s laughter had gone from giggles to deep-belly laughs as a reaction to the heel tickles, laying herself flat on her back while covering her face with one arm. Yelena took this opportunity to jump up onto the couch, straddling the younger girl’s hips.
“That’ll teach you,” Yelena grinned, shaking her nails into Kate’s stomach. Said brunette let out a shriek of laughter, both arms immediately lowering to cover her stomach. 
“NOHOHHOHO! NOHOHO LEHEHENA STAHAHAHAHAP!” Kate cried out, pushing half-heartedly against the blonde’s buff arm to make her stop. She really hoped Yelena wouldn’t mind the nickname, since it had slipped out before she could stop herself, but surviving the tickle attack was a bigger priority now. The Widow chuckled at her attempt, slipping one hand under Kate’s shirt to tickle her bare stomach. The brunette’s eyes nearly bugged out at that, causing her to arch her back. 
“Awww, does it tickle too much for poor Katie?” The blonde teased, using both hands to knead up and down her sides and ribs, occasionally giving her stomach a few scratches. Kate was positively dying.
“AahahahahaAAAHAHAHA!! Lehehehehhena why aahahare you dohohohoing thihihihis?!” Kate shrieked with laughter, and for some reason Yelena felt caught off guard by the question. She pulled her hands away and realized what position they were in, and how easy it was to let her guard down when she was messing with the younger girl. Kate noticed Yelena’s expression and leaned onto her elbows to sit up, slowly catching her breath.
“I thought you… nevermind. Sorry if I overstepped, I guess I just missed messing with you,” Yelena said, embarrassed as she started to shift off of Kate. While she was usually very confident in everything she did, including messing with Kate, the sudden question had surprised her. She had never had a friend like Kate before - someone else than Natasha who she felt at ease with - and while Yelena had heavily disliked her before, now she was at the point where she truly cared for Kate. Natasha would always be her number one person in the world, yet she would be lying if she said she wasn't afraid to be rejected by the brunette. However, before she could get off, or overthink any further, Kate had grabbed one of her arms and gently held onto it, making the blonde look down at her friend.
“Hey, I didn’t mean it that way Yelena… I don’t mind if you tickle me, I was just surprised since you usually have a specific reason for it,” She assured with her typical smile, a blush covering her cheeks as she looked up at the older girl. When Yelena merely stared at her, Kate flashed her another smile. 
“You didn’t overstep, Lena, I like being tickled by my friends,” The brunette said, looking away for a moment as she admitted the embarrassing truth. “And I’m having fun right now, with you,” She added. The Widow blushed at that last comment, her hands shooting down to squeeze at Kate’s ribs.
“Kate Bishop, you dare make me feel embarrassed AND make me blush?” She growled, yet there was a smirk visible on her face. Kate let out another shriek in surprise and immediately burst into giggles again, feeling relieved. She had feared for Yelena’s reaction, yet it seemed there was nothing to worry about.
“I’m sohohhhorry! Nohohhoohohhooho!” She giggled loudly when Yelena’s hands found her stomach again, yet this time she didn’t even bother to stop those hands. She merely covered her face with her arms to hide her blush.
“Too late for apologies now, Katie. Say your prayers, I’m gonna tickle you to death,” Yelena teased, back to her confident self as she continued to tickle the poor archer to pieces. Kate rolled side to side on the couch, letting her laughter flow freely as she realized Yelena wasn’t gonna stop anytime soon. And neither of them really minded, since they both were having fun.
Natasha put down the book she had just finished and looked at the clock. It had been several hours since Yelena had asked where Kate was, and while she could have sworn she’d heard Kate’s loud laughter at one point, there hadn’t been a sound from either of them in a long while. While Natasha knew that Yelena probably wouldn’t have murdered Kate, there was no harm in checking up on them, right? Right!
The redhead made her way to Kate’s apartment, knocking on the door a few times. There was a familiar ‘door’s open!’ coming from inside, which made her chuckle and open the door. What she saw inside was far from what she had expected, however. Kate was laying down on her stomach on the ground, reading one of her new books, with Yelena laying across Kate’s back, seemingly reading one of Kate’s comics.
“Tasha!” Kate cried out, a wide smile spreading on her face as she saw her friend. Yelena let out a chuckle as she looked up at her sister, raising an eyebrow.
“Don’t worry Poser, I didn’t kill your precious puppy,” She said, earning a huff from her sister. Yelena knew her a little too well. 
“Actually,” Natasha said, looking at the two of them with a smile. “I was about to order food, should I order anything for you two as well?” She questioned. Both women immediately nodded excitedly at the mention of food.
“Mac & cheese!”
Natasha couldn’t hold back her laugh at the two simultaneous shouts, shaking her head as she looked at the X-shaped pile of idiots on the floor. She truly loved them to death.
“Alright, I’ll go order now, food should be here in around an hour,” Natasha said to them, before realizing that neither of them were listening anymore.
“Lena, you eat mac & cheese every day, you can go without it for one day,” Kate said with a roll of her eyes. However, she quickly relented when she saw one of Yelena’s hands move towards her side. After all, she was still trapped underneath the blonde.
“Kate Bishop–”
“Okay okay, mac & cheese is fine!” Kate cried out, bursting into giggles when the Widow squeezed her side. 
Natasha shook her head as she closed the door behind her, listening to Kate’s laughter as she made her way to the living room again. For the longest time she had been worried for both Kate and Yelena, since Kate had been lonely for such a long time and Yelena had had so much trouble opening up to people. And now, with them being close friends, it seemed like she finally didn’t have to worry at all.
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peter-pan-demonium · 9 months
Bishova Fic - Update
A new chapter of Little Things is up.
This is a collection of short, Yelena POV fics that are part of my longer, multi-part Bishova series.
Kate and Yelena are in a new, but established relationship and Yelena really enjoys getting Kate all worked up. This chapter is called "Tease" for a reason.
Happy Bishova season to those who celebrate! 🌲
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olsenmyolsen · 28 days
Chapter Eight: Back To Work
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The Farmer's Daughter - (A WandaNat Story)
Tag list: @xenaizogie
Summary: Wanda invites Natasha out with her friends, but they run into someone from Natasha's past.
Word Count: 3.4K
Content: Drinking, Jealousy, Feelings
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It was Thursday.
As the clock rolled into the afternoon, it had officially been four days since Wanda came home with a newfound... feeling... for Natasha.
It wasn't love or a crush. At least, she didn't think so. She was still flirty, but it wasn't as blatant as before. Maybe it was? Wanda truly wasn't convinced.
Regardless, one thing was for sure.
She loved to see Natasha work up a sweat in one of her old t-shirts.
"Howdy, partner!" Wanda embarrassedly said as Natasha approached the fence near the house to grab her water bottle. "Oh, is that what we are doing today?" Natasha teased as she took a big sip.
Wanda shrugged. Honestly, her accent could've been worse.
"Did you see my story?" Wanda asked as Natasha laughed and set down her water. "Wanda, you know I don't check my phone. Especially today." Natasha turned away and saw Erik on a horse in the distance. "I can't believe you guys used to have horses."
Wanda looks at her father in the distance. "Yeah. Cookie Dough." Wanda says. "Cookie Dough? The horse's name was Cookie Dough?" Natasha wears a cute smile as she leans closer to the fence.
Closer to Wanda.
Wanda smiles at her before looking away.  "You can't make fun of me. I was eight." Natasha keeps her mouth shut and gives a playful tilt of the head. "Cookie Dough is a good name." Natasha turns back to see Erik making his way towards her.
She turns to Wanda. "Back to work."
Wanda watches the latest Farmhand start jogging away. When she's far enough away, she gives one last look and starts making her way back to the house, where she opens a group chat with her closest friends.
Seven Peas In A Pod
Sunday: Jarvis has been kicked
Darcy Renamed The Group to Six Peas Minus A Bitch
D: Fine 😒
Darcy Renamed The Group to Six Peas In A Pod
We should go out tonight
S: Its Thursday...
D: damn sam stay home then. where we going bestie???
M: I can't sorry guys
That's okay Monica. But I was thinking city??
C: City? I'm down.
D: surprise surprise
C: 🙄
B: Is Natasha coming??
D: Bucky.. but fr 👀
Darcy kick Bucky
B: No! Okay I'm sorry
S: No but fr is she??
I have to ask..
Wanda flipped her phone over and laid face-down on her Queen bed.
Why did the thought of asking Natasha to hang out feel like a monumental task? It was Natasha.. What made that difficult?
Wanda dwelled on it for a few more seconds before she shook her mind free of the redhead and lifted herself up. Her eyes drifted to her open closet with a black cocktail dress hanging in the corner.
Would that be too much?
Of course, I'm hanging out with friends, not going to a rooftop restaurant.
Wandas flopped back down her bed and grabbed her phone. Ignoring the group chat and instead going to Pinterest to look for inspo.
Hours later, with clothes thrown everywhere and multiple eyeshadow pallets open did she receive a text from Carol outside of the group chat.
"Hey, I'm not saying this to stress you out or anything, but have you asked Natasha yet? I wanna know if we're gonna meet here or not."
Meanwhile, Natasha was finishing up her last lesson in horse care for the day with Wanda's father as they put Butterball into his stable. 
"...and in the morning, I'll worry about his food if you just focus on keeping the area clean and work on getting the addition to the coop built."
Natasha turned towards the house of chickens and sneered.
"Yes, sir." She replied, making Erik laugh. He knew of Natasha's hatred for the pecking monsters, but a bigger coop needed to be built. You win some, you lose some.
"Romanoff." Erik started as the pair walked down towards the house. "Sir?" Natasha questioned. Erik stopped and took his hat off to wipe his forehead. "I just want to thank you again for everything you've done for us so far. Even though it's been a short time, it sure as hell feels longer."
At that moment, Wanda walked out of the house looking for Natasha. 
Natasha spotted her immediately.
"I know just what you mean, sir." Natasha pulled her focus back to her boss. Erik hummed and turned his head to Wanda as the two continued walking. "I guess what I'm saying is, is that good help is hard to find, but you sure found us at a good time,"
Natasha turned her head to the man as they reached the fence gate. "Thank you, sir." He smiled, and it looked like he wanted to say more, but as Wanda walked up, Erik didn't say a word. "Hi, sweetie." Erik smiled at his daughter. "Hi, Papa!" She waved before her eyes moved to Natasha's.
Erik turned slightly and made his exit known. "I'll see what Magda's feeling for dinner."
Natasha waved bye before moving to take off her work gloves. "What's up?" Natasha questioned Wanda. Wanda held the end sleeve of her heather grey oversized sweatshirt. "I was kinda wondering if you wanted to come out with me and the group tonight?" Wanda asked without any stutters or flubs.
Natasha looked at Wanda, a little surprised. "Oh!" Natasha looked down and smiled before finding Wanda's beautiful face. "Out like to a club or-"
"No, no, no. Like a beer garden that has like board games and stuff!" That interested Natasha a lot more. "Oh!" She said again. "Yeah. Sure. That sounds like fun!" Natasha genuinely couldn't remember the last time she played a board or card game, but if she had to guess, it was probably at Clint's before the man flipped the board over and walked away like a baby.
Wanda felt ecstatic!
"Great! I'll let everyone know!" Wanda rushed off to get ready for the night without giving Natasha any additional information, but seeing the smile on Wanda's face was more than enough for her.
Now, she was glad she splurged more on her body wash.
But just like Wanda before, Natasha was now left figuring out what to wear.
Natasha turned her back to the mirror. She was watching the way her ass filled out her favorite pair of black jeans.
This could work.
Natasha, happy with that choice, sat on the bed as she looked at her newly filled closet while she put a pair of socks on and her brown boots. Natasha planted both feet on the hardwood floor and sighed. She stood up once again and walked to the mirror.
Her eyes found the scars on her left arm before she moved to look at a mole in the center of her chest. She brought her hand up and circled it with her healed index finger. She smiled as she briefly thought about the seconds before she cut herself on the kitchen knife.
That's how many small moles she counted on Wanda's left breast.
She also remembers the teasing look Wanda wore.
Natasha lifted her face slightly to look at herself. She looked better and knew Wanda was a reason for it—that and leaving the military.
Still, Natasha cleared her throat, and instead of looking for a shirt, she parked herself at the small desk by the door. She began lining her ears with additional gold pieces of jewelry she had been absent of.
Natasha turned her head and beamed at her beauty. She opened her phone camera and looked at the freshly applied lipstick and lip liner.
She was trying something new.
Natasha wasn't too sure about it. But before she could reach forward and grab a wipe, a shadow caught her eye.
Away from the dipping sun behind a pink sky, Wanda was in her bedroom window with her light on. She stood posing in front of her mirror in blue jeans and a lacy black bra.
Natasha felt her cheeks run red as she couldn't pull her eyes away in time to watch Wanda check herself out. Soft hands were smoothing themselves across her beautiful skin.
Natasha closed her mouth and looked away before a noise could disrupt this tranquil moment. She threw on whatever was the nearest shirt she could find, as her mind wouldn't let go of Wanda.
"Hey, where do you think you're going?" Magda asked as she looked her daughter's outfit up and down. She smiled. Her daughter had grown up into a beautiful, intelligent woman. 
Wanda looked down at her outfit of blue jeans, brown boots, and a white t-shirt with a red button-down open-dress shirt.
In the right light, her black bra could be seen through the white shirt.
Wanda did this on purpose for one person tonight.
"Out with friends. Natasha's coming." This was news to Magda. "Oh!" Her surprised voice turned into one of acceptance. "Okay. Well, have fun and be safe!"
Wanda smiled and entered the living room to hug her mother. "I will."
Natasha will make sure of it. Wanda thought.
"Where's Papa?" Wandas asked. Magda pointed upstairs. Wanda nodded and said another goodbye as her mother joked about ordering pizza now that no one would be home tonight.
Wanda laughed and closed the front door just in time for her to see Natasha walk up the path from her place like a goddess. Natasha had a natural beauty that was only exploited even more by the paint on her lips and the jewelry on her body.
Wants didn't miss the way the leather jacket stuck to Natasha in a way that would look good on her. Not to mention the jeans.
It was then that Wanda found herself being wrong.  She did, in fact, have a crush on Natasha Romanoff.
Natasha smirked as her eyes savored in Wanda. Wanda wasn't just attractive tonight. She was hot. And judging by the lacey bra she wore underneath, Natasha knew that Wanda knew how gorgeous she was.
Wanda smirked and walked off the porch as Natasha stepped closer. "Oh, Natasha, I don't think you understand what you're doing to me." Wanda hid the truth behind a teasing voice and smile.
Natasha would've rolled her eyes, but something shifted between the two.
Natasha gave a wink instead that she instantly regretted, but Wanda laughed, so maybe it wasn't that bad. They each walked closer to Natasha's bike.
"So, are we meeting everyone at one of your friends?"
That was the plan.
"Umm.." Wanda didn't want to do that anymore. "Actually, we're gonna meet them at the beer garden."
Natasha didn't remember that being the plan but went along with it. It's not like she was in the group chat. "Okay." She said and smiled as Wanda stepped closer to her motorcycle. "Oh wait!" Natasha said.
Wanda took a step back, unaware if she had done anything wrong.
"You need a helmet!" Natasha said, which led to Natasha laughing as they hit the main road. "It's not funny!" Wanda shouted as her arms wrapped tighter around Natasha's middle. She smelt her shampoo in the wind.
Natasha giggled as she caught the reflection of Wanda in a bright pink helmet that barely fit her anymore.
As Natasha parked her bike, she felt a little sad when Wanda's arms unraveled themselves from her body.
Wanda hopped off the bike first and stood on the sidewalk as she watched Natasha swing her leg around the bike. God, it was hot. And how did Natasha not get helmet hair?
Natasha placed her helmet on the seat as she peeked over at Wanda before full-blown laughing again. Confusing Wanda. "What?!" Wanda smiled. Natasha came closer and raised her rough hands to Wanda. Her fingertips brushed up Wanda's neck to her chin.
"Were you planning on wearing this inside?" Natasha unclipped the strap to the bright pink helmet. "Oh, right! Duh!" Wanda closed her eyes, embarrassed, as Natasha lifted the helmet. "It's okay. We'll just leave it here." Natasha put it on the right handlebar. "I don't think anyone's gonna want it." Natasha joked, making Wanda agree with laughter.
Natasha, meanwhile, took her helmet with her and placed it under her arms as she and Wanda walked side by side to the beer garden.
The two felt an electric touch when their hands brushed against each other more than once.
"Wanda?" Natasha tilted her head to the younger woman as they approached the establishment. Bouncer in sight. "What's up?" Wanda blinked her big doe eyes. "Aren't you 20?" Natasha innocently asked.
Natasha didn't care if Wanda had a fake ID or not. Even if Wanda showed that she did, in fact, have one, she ignored Natasha's question and presented the bouncer with an ID that said she was 22 years old.
Natasha just didn't want for Wanda to be turned away at the door. She didn't want to see her sad.
However, to Wanda, Natasha's question was an unwarranted reminder of the eight-year gap between the two. 
"Happy?" Wanda asked with a slightly sour tone that surprised Natasha. "Of course," Natasha replied as she followed an already guilty feeling Wanda.
Wanda turned to Natasha and gave a warm smile. A subtle apology that Natasha didn't realize before grabbing her arm and leading her to the bar. "I'll buy the first round!"
Natasha widely smiled and accepted. "I'll buy the second." She found Wanda's eyes and leaned in a little closer until their sides touched.
Wanda and Natasha both hid smiles.
As Natasha kept her eyes occupied with reading the menu above the taps, Wanda received a text.
Six Peas In A Pod
I have to ask..
D: did she ask??
C: Where are we meeting btw?
S: We doin shots tonight right? Wanda??
D: wanda? babes?
B: What is Natasha said no...
D: bucky i will kick you out don't play. wanda??
C: Imma text her.
M: Omg!! Girl I can't wait to hear all about it!!
B: Five step plan to make Natasha fall I love with me starts now.
D: @Bucky🙄 as if
S: We doing shots!!!
D: gotta say im loving the way natasha fills out the jeans 👀
Wanda flipped her phone screen down so hard she thought it might have broken. Natasha noticed. "Is everything okay?" Wanda nodded as she began looking for any signs of her friends. She found them when Darcy started shaking her hands wildly.
"Oh, I see." Natasha laughed. "Let's order, and then we'll join them," Natasha suggested, much to Wanda's agreement. Moments alone were going to be rare, and Wanda wanted to make it last.
"Nice helmet!" Sam noted as Natasha and Wanda sat next to each other—separate seats. Darcy immediately caught the way Wanda was watching Natasha converse with the rest of the friend group.
She smiled behind her second beer of the night.
"So Natasha, be honest with me." Sam began making everyone be prepared for him to say something crazy. "Oh boy," Carol mumbled. Sam waved his hands at his friends. "Is Wanda a snorer?" Bucky and Carol immediately slapped his arm and head as Wanda became red in the face.
Natasha, surprised and amused by everything happening, cleared her throat before sipping on her second beer. Her green orbs caught Wanda's before they darted away. "Umm.." Natasha said. "I don't have an answer for you. But if I had to guess..." She looked at Wanda and smirked. "I'd say she's definitely a loud snorer. She would probably keep me up the whole night!"
"Oh my god! No! Shut up!" Wanda lightly pushed Natasha but glowed at the mention of Natasha and her sleeping together.
Natasha laughed and high-fived Sam. Darcy even joined in.
Conversations like that flowed again with a round of shots before a stranger made their presence known.
"Excuse me..." A soft voice interrupted a story Bucky was telling about the group's time at the beach. All eyes turned to a dark-haired woman with a bandage on her nose. She wore a purple flannel over a grey shirt, dark-wash jeans, and black boots. She had a very striking complexion.
Carol and Bucky both found themselves looking the woman up and down. Sam, like with Natasha, noticed the dog tags around her neck.
Sam turned his attention to Wanda.
Wanda's soft eyes and smile changed when she saw how the woman was looking only at Natasha.
"Tasha?" The woman asked as her cautious face turned into a smile when Natasha turned to face the mysterious person. "Oh my gosh! Kate!?" Natasha rose to her feet and hugged them.
It had been years since "Tasha" had seen this person.
Darcy looked to Wanda, who quietly sipped her beer. The rest of the group also watched the interaction unfold in front of them.
"How are you!?" Kate kept her arms on Natasha's side. "I'm good. Doing some work in the city." Natasha raised her eyebrows and grinned. "Oh wow. That's great!"
Kate lifted her arms away from the redhead. "I heard you're a free woman!" Natasha laughed and knew exactly who told Kate the news. "Fury?" Kate nodded. "Fury."
Darcy slapped Wanda's leg as Wanda sneered at the friendly exchange.
"It's nice when he calls. It's rare, but it happens." Kate said as the friend group watched the way Natasha and Kate spoke in what might as well be riddles.
"So, did you ever-" Natasha's eyes caught a glimpse of the metal hanging around Kate's neck. Kate shared a knowing look with Natasha as they both saw the other person wearing their dog tags. "Get that dog?" Kate finished Natasha's question. Natasha nodded.
"Yeah. Fanny's her name. She's great! I can show you pictures!" Natasha loved how excited Kate was talking about Fanny. "I'd love to see them."
It was then that Natasha could sense all eyes on them. Especially a brunette who was burning a hole into her head. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry guys!" Natasha spoke to the group. 
Wanda thought Natasha should've acknowledged her first as she finished off her third drink. 
"This is Kate Bishop. We..." Natasha trailed off, and half the friend group thought exes. "We were in the military together." Kate once again finished Natasha's sentence. Kate waved to the group.
Bucky flashed his eyes towards Wanda.
"How about you join us!" Darcy spoke up, making Wanda spin her head around. Natasha didn't notice the shocked look Wanda wore.
Darcy was an ally for Wanda through and through, but she also lived from drama and gossip.
"If everyone is cool with it?" Natasha posed to the group. Everyone gave nods and waves of approval.
Everyone but Wanda.
Wanda darted her eyes back and forth between Kate and Natasha. Kate was shorter than Wanda but closer in age to Natasha.
"Here, take my spot!" Natasha moved her drink next to Wanda's empty glass and sat on the loveseat with Wanda. Wanda's stomach jumped, and for a brief moment, a smile was found on her face again. Natasha's stomach also flipped, but she was too focused on giving her attention to Kate than worrying about whether she and Wanda were too close to one another. 
This drove Wanda crazy. Her little movements and longing touches seemed not to faze Natasha throughout the night as card games and more drinks were had.
Too many drinks for Wanda.
This is why when Natasha unsubconsciously put her arm on the backside of Wanda's part of the loveseat, Kate's eyes flickered between the two.
She had been eyeing Wanda most of the night, but when Wanda blushed as Romanoff scooted closer to her, Kate felt safe in making a comment about it.
"I must say, Romanoff, it suits you," Kate said as the game of UNO ended with Carol winning again. Her laughing in Bucky's face.
Wanda could've won multiple times, but she couldn't focus on her cards. Plus, she saw doubles when there weren't any.
"What do you mean?" Natasha inquired. Kate nudged her head towards Wanda, who was turned talking to Darcy.
Darcy was trying to stop Wanda from leaving.
"Oh no.." Natasha shook her head and turned her eyes to Kate. "We're just friends."
Everyone heard it and froze.
The corners of Wanda's eyes immediately began to sting. She got up and started walking away before anyone could stop her. "Wanda!" Darcy yelled, causing Natasha to spin her head in that direction.
Why was Wanda leaving?
Natasha swung her eyes across everyone's face, no one looking directly at her. "Natasha..." Kate spoke up. "Did she know that?"
Natasha's mouth dropped, but no words came out. Every little thing Wanda did tonight finally hit Natasha, and she felt awful. "I-.." She needed to find Wanda. "I'll be back." Natasha stood up and chased in the direction Wanda ran off.
The friend group all turned to Kate.
"Just who do you think you are-" Darcy started yelling at Kate before Sam stood up and stopped Darcy from being a real one. "Look at her tag!" Sam yelled.
"Oh shit..." Bucky's face fell as he saw it.
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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hard-core-super-star · 9 months
make you mine this season [K.Bishop]
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pairing: kate bishop x barton!reader
summary: a badly timed snowstorm leaves you unable to make it to the barton farm for christmas. thankfully, a certain archer shows up to keep you company.
warnings: none, i think? just really cheesy, holiday rom-com type of fluff [i say this as if i've watched any holiday rom-com besides happiest season and the holiday 😶]; kate's a dork [wow, what a shock]; idiots in love; past mentions of bishova; bad jokes?; snowstorm; cheesy gifts bc kate can't talk about her feelings
wordcount: 1.5k
a/n: HI, EVERYONE, I'M ALIVE! and it wouldn't be a rubix fic if it WASN'T posted a little late 😅 i hope you all had a fantastic holiday season and that you'll accept this very cheesy Christmas fic <3 [and maybe that last line is very self-indulgent but that's none of your business, if you know you know]
* * * * * * *
You’re no stranger to loneliness but things were bordering on ridiculous. Not only have you spent the past two years ridiculously in love with a certain purple-loving archer, you’re also on the verge of spending Christmas by yourself thanks to the worst-timed snowstorm of all time.
And maybe the first part of your unfortunate situation is your fault but that doesn’t stop the waves of disappointment from crashing into you.
This year was supposed to be different. 
That’s what you had told yourself in an effort to convince yourself to tell the young archer about your feelings for her. It was a strategy that almost worked…until a certain blonde decided to accept Kate’s offer for drinks…which turned into a date…which turned into a second date…which turned into the longest four months of your life.
You could never be one to be mad at someone else’s happiness but that didn’t stop you from feeling absolutely defeated every time you saw them together. There was no one to blame except you for the brunette’s lack of knowledge about your feelings and that only made everything worse.
It was impossible to ignore the ache in your chest when your eyes met Kate’s or the heavy jealousy that clouded most of your interactions with her. Maybe if you had been less into your head about the whole thing, you would have realized the way the archer’s smile never seemed to reach her eyes. 
Eyes that followed you every time you walked away.
You never noticed the traces of darkness that clung to her usually radiant persona but you were the first person at her side when the break up happened. She offered little to no details besides an awkward joke about the relationship ending almost exactly where it started right at the Rockefeller tree.
It was messed up in a way that made Kate want to make as many jokes about it as possible which resulted in you laughing at things that definitely weren’t funny and were just sad. Not as sad as spending the holidays completely alone and hopelessly in love with your best friend, though.
You were sure the archer was already well on her way to your dad’s farm which leaves you completely unprepared when the door to your apartment swings open to reveal her. She almost drops the key in her hand the second she realizes you’re home.
“What’re you doing here?” You question, doing your best to pretend you don’t see the gift bags she tries to hide behind her back.
You can practically see the wheels turning in her head before she’s finally able to respond. “What am I doing here? What are you doing here? Why aren’t you at Clint’s?”
It’s hard not to laugh at the incredulous look on her face. No matter how many times you see it, it’s still as endearing as the first time. Back when she was just your dad’s protege and you hadn’t spent so many of your days learning the ins and outs of her complicated personality.
“Did the incoming snowstorm happen to slip your mind?”
“No, I just thought you’d want to go anyway,” she replies with a small shrug. 
“I’d rather not crash, Lila will never let me hear the end of it.”
Your words make her tilt her head to the side, the slightest hint of a pout on her face. “So…what, you’re just going to spend Christmas alone?”
“Yup. Kate, I’m not a kid anymore, nothing will happen if I spend one day by myself.”
“But it’s Christmas!” She exclaims, looking borderline offended that you’re so comfortable spending the holiday alone. 
“Is that why you’re breaking into my apartment?” You ask in a foolish attempt to stop yourself from asking her to spend the day with you. 
Just because she thought about you long enough to come drop off her, no doubt ridiculously expensive, gifts for you does not mean she wants to spend the holiday with you when she could easily spend it with anyone else.
The pink hue that overtakes her cheeks is a better gift than anything that could be inside the bags in her hand. “Well, uh…maybe…”  
She finally gathers enough courage to get rid of the distance between you with a bright, albeit nervous, smile on her face. You half-expect her to launch into some long ramble about why she just couldn’t stop herself from buying an insane amount of gifts for you this year but she doesn’t. 
For once in her life, Kate Bishop makes things easy for herself.
“I didn’t think I was going to make it to the farm on time so I was just going to drop these off for you…” She holds out the bag for you and you do your best to calm the rapid beating of your heart as you take it.
“Can I open it right now or will you get embarrassed?” 
“Both,” she replies through a chuckle. “I would leave but I don’t want you to be lonely.”
“Right, because I’m the one who gets lonely.”
“Shut up.”
It’s both a blessing and a curse to have broken through the archer’s defenses and right now, her cute reactions are beginning to feel like a curse. Although, that might just be your unrequited feelings talking.
A slightly awkward silence settles over both of you while you rifle through the overwhelming amount of purple tissue paper until you find your gift. You’re expecting another expensive necklace, maybe a bracelet this time, but what you’re met with is the most thoughtful gift you’ve ever received…and probably the most thoughtful gift Kate has ever given.
What you end up pulling out of the bag is a leather journal with a beautiful engraving of yours and Kate’s initials. “Kate…is this-”
“Yeah, I, um…I couldn’t find a photo album that I liked so I sort of…made my own.”
You can’t stop yourself from flipping through the first couple of pages, caught somewhere between the euphoria of being given something so beautiful and the disappointment that comes with knowing it all only serves to fuel your love for the archer. 
Love you can’t express the way you want to.
Love that’s hidden between the pages of the journal you hold in your hands. 
You don’t notice and Kate isn’t really in a hurry to watch you read the series of rambles that make up her overdue confession so she lets the moment fade like she always has. It’s not like you can blame her for wanting to move on to something else, her lack of focus isn’t necessarily a secret, and you let yourself get carried away by her jokes and her stubborn need to make mac and cheese for you.
The archer manages to cook without setting your kitchen on fire and the two of you settle on your couch to watch the first cheesy Christmas movie you find. In all honesty…the movie is awful but the corny jokes make Kate laugh so you can’t find it in yourself to be too grumpy about the shitty writing.
Until the scene in front of you reminds you of the archer and her ex. You’re unable to hold back the jealousy-tinted snarkiness said reminder brings out of you. “I think Yelena watched this movie and then decided to be a dick just like the main character.”
Kate instantly turns toward you, staring at you with wide eyes that barely hide her amusement. “What?”
“What?” You feign confusion to avoid having to repeat yourself.
“You know what,” she replies with an eyeroll. “If I’m the one who got broken up with, why are you the one that’s still upset?”
“Because- wait, why are you not upset?”
Your uno-reverse of a response leaves Kate speechless for a few seconds and you prepare yourself for the series of jokes that will no doubt leave her mouth next. 
But Kate’s never been predictable.
“Because…she didn’t break my heart. She didn’t even own it in the first place.”
Her words spark the low flames of hope hidden in the depths of your heart. It feels impossible and if you were a believer, you might even say Santa’s on your side, helping to give you the one thing you’ve wished for more nights than you can count.
And yet you hesitate.
“What are you trying to say?” You ask, your voice so soft it borders on cautious.
“That I’m an idiot,” she replies with that same bright smile that made you fall for her so long ago. “And…I’d really like to kiss you.”
The world seems to slow down to a complete stop at that moment. 
You almost don’t even know what to do with yourself. Thankfully, you manage to kick yourself into action before the moment passes.
Kate’s awkwardness seems to disappear into thin air as she leans in toward you, meeting you halfway for the softest, sweetest, kiss you’ve ever had. And maybe nothing about it is perfect but it’s you and her and that’s all that matters for now.
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domripley · 3 months
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noturlondonboy · 17 days
Up in the Night//Bishova sick fic
Pairing: Kate Bishop x Yelena Belova
Summary: Kate wakes up in the middle of the night with a fever.
Warnings: not proof read because my head hurts and I don’t care, established bishova, illness, vomit, general inckiness that comes with being sick, but also fluff so like, Kate being a big baby, I love her so much
A/N: I have Covid so I decided to project and write my girls having a hard time. i just wanted them to take care of each other. I hope you enjoy <3 also ps pretty please send me asks I am a tad bored (pps fabled smut shot and ask game prompts coming soon)
When Yelena’s eyes crack open in the middle of the night, she’s unsure of what’s awoken her. She blinks sluggishly into the darkness of her bedroom, a groan escaping her mouth as she slowly stretches her arms out above her to relieve the tension in her elbows. The bones popping send a sharp click around the small space, and the noise triggers a shift of movement to her right.
Kate. That’s what woke her up. Yelena squints, her mouth pulled into a frown as she sits up, rubbing at her eyes. She can see the outline of Kate’s shoulders from where she sits on the edge of the bed, the dim light of her phone charger casting her skin in a pale glow.
“Katie?” Yelena mumbles, her tongue thick with sleep. “Are you okay? Why are you up?”
Kate doesn’t respond, only lets out a soft noise of distress. Her head is tipped down, and Yelena scoots closer, expecting to see tears on her girlfriend’s face when she rests a gentle hand on her shoulder and tilts her close. She finds no such thing- Kate’s eyes are glassy but dry, her lips pulled into a soft pout and eyebrows furrowed.
Kate groans and looks to her, her shoulders curling in as one of her hands weakly presses to her stomach. “Don’ feel good,” the archer mumbles, her words slurred. Yelena frowns slightly and presses the back of her hand to Kate’s forehead. Her skin is warm, but it doesn’t burn. “T… tummy.”
“Your tummy hurts, baby?” Yelena echoes, her voice a gentle coo as she carefully pulls the covers off of her legs and gets out of bed, squatting in front of Kate. “Can you tell me what else hurts? Anything besides your stomach?”
“Throat. Head.”
Yelena nods, her fingers rubbing over Kate’s bad knee in slow, gentle motions. The raspiness in the brunette’s voice that she thought had been from sleep may be a sore throat. “Okay, honey. You’re feeling pretty shit right now, huh?”
Kate’s chin dips, her bottom lip trembling as tears gather in her eyes. Yelena murmurs softly to her and stands to kiss them away, and Kate leans into the touch, her body sagging. “Feel so crummy, Lena,” she whines, shoulders pitching.
“I know, detka, I know,” Yelena murmurs. She cups Kate’s face and cradles her cheeks close, stroking a hand through her hair. Even if her skin wasn’t warm enough for concern, the archer was still sweating, with dark strands sticking to her brow. “Oh, poor girl. Small fever, maybe, huh?”
Her girlfriend only whimpers, glassy eyes closing as she rests her head on Yelena’s sternum. Yelena wraps her arms loosely around Kate’s shoulders and rests her cheek on warm hair. “Got you, baby, it’s okay.”
Kate whimpers again, the sound weak and defeated. After a few moments, she suddenly pulls away, standing to her feet and starting to make her way to the door, body wobbling.
Yelena quickly grabs her hand to keep Kate steady, following along. “Where are we going, darling?”
“Toilet,” is all Kate slurs, her hand clutching tighter to her stomach now.
Yelena nods, understanding as she frowns softly. Kate all but collapses onto the cold tile floor when they reach the bathroom, her knees hitting sharply and making them both wince, but the archer is more concerned about getting the toilet seat up and hanging her head over the porcelain lip. She groans lowly, eyes fluttering before scrunching up, spit dripping from her lips as her mouth waters with nausea.
Gently pulling her hair from her face, Yelena coos softly, her hand running up and down Kate’s back once she’s managed to secure the dark waves into a low pony. Kate melts into the touch, the tension in her body loosening a bit.
“Dinner isn’t sitting very well, huh, baby?” Yelena says lowly, settling herself on the edge of the tub next to her girl. She keeps her hand on Kate’s back, frowning softly at the sweat soaking through the fabric of her sleep shirt.
Kate nods weakly in response, her face tightening again as she pitches forward and gags, only spitle coming from between her lips. She dry-heaves a few more times, her groans getting more and more frustrated until she’s crying, the sound keening and without rhythm.
Yelena just keeps rubbing her back, occasionally letting her fingers scratch the back of her neck while she coos and murmurs soft words to her. “I know, sweet girl, I got you. You’ll feel better in a second. It’s okay.”
Kate finally manages to empty her stomach after a few more sluggish, dizzy minutes, her sobs broken by choked gags as vomit and tears fill the toilet bowl under her. Yelena whispers to her encouragingly, routinely flushing the toilet until the water stays clear, and Kate leans back, her chin trembling.
“Think you’re done, baby?” Yelena asks, wiping her girlfriend’s mouth and nose with a square of toilet paper. Kate nods after a moment, a low whine in her throat, but she manages to stand when Yelena carefully helps her up. “Okay, myshka- let’s brush your teeth, get some water.”
Kate protests weakly for only a moment before she lets Yelena sit her down onto the closed toilet, the blonde gently holding her chin and popping her toothbrush into her mouth. She’s methodical and gentle as she carefully cleans the archer’s teeth, mindful of her tongue and cheeks. When she’s finished, Yelena helps Kate back to the sink, and once her mouth is rinsed out and no longer tastes like garbage, she sags into the blonde’s warmth.
Yelena holds her securely, slowly swaying back and forth as Kate clings to her. They stay that way until Yelena kisses the side of her head and her lips come back burning, and she pulls away a bit in order to press the back of her hand against Kate’s forehead.
“You’re burning up, darling,” she murmurs, pulling her hand away with a small hiss. Kate whines pitifully in response, her head dropping onto Yelena’s shoulder. Pesky fever, rising so fast. “Okay, sweetheart, it’s okay, you’re okay.” Yelena cards her fingers through Kate’s hair gently, thoughts swimming. “Let’s get you into a cold shower honey, then some medicine once your stomach has had enough time to settle, okay?”
Kate shakes her head in response to the shower, but the motion stops almost immediately when pain shoots through her nerves, and all she can manage to do is cling tighter to Yelena with a weak sob. The blonde coos to her softly, holding her close for another few minutes before the heat radiating off of Kate’s body becomes uncomfortable for both of them and therefore impossible to ignore.
“Come on, darling, I’ll get in with you,” Yelena murmurs, stripping her own clothes off before carefully helping Kate out of hers. The archer’s skin is red and clammy and hot to the touch, and she protests weakly when Yelena turns the water to cold, but ultimately, when her girlfriend slowly coaxes her in, they manage to end up under the shower head together.
Kate is shivering violently while clinging onto Yelena, her head leaned down to tuck into the blonde’s shoulder. The water isn’t freezing, just a bit below room temperature, really, but she hates it all the same. Normally Yelena would agree with her- pulling herself from her warm bed and ending up here was less than ideal, but she knew that Kate needed to cool down.
“I got you, honey, it’s okay,” she murmurs, stroking her fingers over the ridges of muscle and bone along Kate’s back. “I know it’s cold, you’re doing so good. It’s gonna feel better soon.”
Kate’s shivering dies down when the assassin turns the water a little warmer, but she doesn’t let them stay there for long, not wanting to give Kate’s fever an excuse to climb back up again. She’s quick to get Kate dried off and into clean clothes before following suit herself. When she checks Kate’s head again, she’s still warm, but not enough for Yelena to throw them back in the shower.
Kate’s feet are dragging when they finally leave the bathroom, and Yelena watches her sway haphazardly for only a second before maneuvering the archer into her arms. Had Kate just gone limp in her hold, they surely would have toppled over, but she shifts her weight forward into Yelena’s chest and wraps her arms around the blonde’s neck, pressing her warm nose into soft skin and letting out a keening whine.
“I know, detka, I know,” Yelena soothes, arms straining slightly as she walks them back to their bedroom. “I got you.”
She has to physically peel Kate away from her in order to get the woman comfortably into bed, but her whines and cries pull Yelena back quickly once she’s managed to grab the Tylenol from the cabinet.
“Shhh, Katie, I got you,” Yelena coos, brushing Kate’s damp hair from her eyes and propping her up on the million squishmallows on their bed. “Let’s get some Tylenol in there, okay?”
Kate gives a weak nod and whimpers again, but her mouth falls open for the pills and glass of water in Yelena’s hand. They go down without much fuss, but the archer winces at the swallowing motion, her eyes blinking sluggishly.
“There you go, good girl. So good.” Yelena sets the medicine bottle aside and cups Kate’s face, checking her forehead again. Still good. “Are you hungry, baby? Do you wanna try for some crackers?”
The brunette shakes her head and slumps back into the mass of pillows, feebly reaching out for her other half. Yelena climbs back into bed with her, cradling the archer to her chest and running her hands through her hair and over her warm face tenderly. Kate lets out a little sigh, melting into her cool touch. A small whimper sounds in her chest, but it dissipates quickly when Yelena holds her tighter, her arms pressed securely between their chests.
“I love you, baby, it’s okay,” Yelena murmurs to her, humming low in her chest. Kate nuzzles closer to the sound, her warm nose pressed against the blonde’s sternum. She shifts around for several minutes, tossing and turning in an attempt to get comfortable, and after a few long moments of soft whining and labored breaths, Kate finally relaxes completely, her chest rising and falling in a steady beat.
Yelena watches her for a few seconds before allowing her own tired eyes to close, her lips pressed firmly to Kate’s head and arms wrapped securely around her middle.
Hopefully her girl would feel better in the morning.
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romanoffsbish · 1 year
Meet the Fockers Bishop-Belova’s
Natasha Romanoff x (Dr.Doolittle)F!R
Bishova 🥰
Liho to the Rescue (Part 1)
Natasha has a mission, entrusting you and Liho with Yelena, Kate, and their dogs that couldn’t be more different, and you (un)fortunately get to spend a week getting to know all of them intimately.
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"Lucky Bishop, you are embarrassing us in front of the guest, sit still."
"But Fanny! Look! No matter how fast I go, my tail never gets closer, it's crazy isn't it?!"
"They're so uncultured, this is why cats are the better option. Imagine being a dog person."
To the women before you exchanging familiar friendly greetings it is a normal occurrence, the dogs barking while the cat lazily meows atop of Natasha's shoulder. To you though, it's an interesting engagement that you almost feel bad for intruding on, but not enough to not laugh out loud, instantly drawing the attention of all the humans, and animals before you.
"Oh, let me introduce you all to my girlfriend," Natasha beams, gently tugging you forward and right into her side for a comforting hug, "This is Y/N." Yelena immediately gasps and steps forward, "The animal whisperer right?"
"Yes she is, I can no longer have my thoughts to myself," Liho groans, and you lean forward to glare at the feline, and he tilts his head back in challenge, "Yes, that's me, and if you're curious I offer interrogation services, it's how I found out that Liho ate Nat's hoop earrings."
"You promised!" Liho shimmies onto Nat's other shoulder and swats at you, "Yeah, and you just dissed me, served you right, jerk!"
"This is so cool! Tell me, what's Fanny thinking right now?" Yelena jumps in place, clapping her hands together in obvious excitement.
"Well, I don't invade their thoughts, so why don't you ask her, and I'll respond for her."
"Fanny, my truest love, what's on your mind?"
Your girlfriend and you bite back a laugh when seeing Kate's face scrunch up in offense as her aloof girlfriend drops to her knees and cups her pooches face, "Tell my new friend baby."
"Well, for starters, I wish for Lucky to stop breathing down my neck, it is bothersome," she barked curtly, "Then, I would like to go to the barn and chase the chickens to decompress."
"She's very, um, well," you paused, looking to your lover for help she simply couldn't offer you, "She'd like some personal space, and she wishes to chase the chickens to get it."
"Mention Lucky, she's too clingy!" she barked shortly in your direction, and you smiled sympathetically at the whimpering retriever, "She'd also like for me to mention that dear, sweet Lucky's a bit too clingy at times."
"Kate Bishop! I told you that Lucky was crowding her, didn't I?" she scolded, then gasped, "Oh my god, I'm a dog whisperer too!"
"Go ahead, chase the chickens moya lyubov'," she pecked the pooches wet nose, then rose back up to face all of your stunned faces, "What? You expected me to say no to her?"
Natasha turned to you with an apologetic smile, "I'm so sorry detka," she nuzzled her nose with yours and softly pressed her lips to yours, "I'll only be be gone for a week."
"Don't worry Natasha! She will be fine!" Yelena boasted, then your girlfriend shook her head as you were torn from her, "Now, we have fun!!"
Natasha blew your shocked form a kiss from the car, then she sent up a prayer to whatever higher power listening that you don't breakup with her at the end of this sure to be long week.
"How's it going moya lyubov'?" Natasha asked through the phone, and you shot her a smile, but it didn't reach your eyes, "I miss you Nat. It's so cold without you to snuggle up to."
"Aww baby," she cooed as she lifted the phone closer to her face, as if that equated to comfort, and in a way it did as you giggled softly at the sight of her nostrils, "You can cuddle Liho."
"No, she can't!"
You rolled your eyes, and Natasha smirked in understanding as she heard the cat plop onto the ground after you gently nudged it with your foot, "Can't you two just get along, for once?"
"We once did, then she betrayed me, and never gave me my can of tuna after doing so!"
"Blame Natasha! I tried to, but she said no tuna for naughty cats, and you just keep acting up!"
"He broke my limited edition nunchucks!" Natasha shouted, reaffirming your stance, and it seemed to soften the black cat a smidge.
"Hmph," Liho meowed angrily while plopping onto your chest, giving Natasha a view of his butt instead of you, "I want my damn tuna."
Natasha gasped, "Did he just swear?"
"Uh, I'm not even going to ask how you know."
"Easy, when you bicker he meows like that."
You chuckled softly, "Goodnight Natty, be safe please," you smiled at your awkwardly tilted phone before blowing her a kiss that she caught, "Always am, I can't leave you two behind, you'll likely kill each other if I did."
After you set your phone down on the bedside table you whispered softly, "I love you Nat."
"Why don't you say it to her instead of the air?"
"Because, I don't think she's there yet Liho, and the last thing I want is to scare her away."
"You're being dumb then, she's totally in love."
"Be nice, or you can sleep with the dogs."
Liho's defiance instantly faded, he nuzzled into your chest, and began to purr so loudly you couldn't hear your insecure thoughts, making your trip into the realm of unconscious fast.
Natasha stared down at her phone with a sad smile, she'd accidentally pressed mute over end, and in turn she heard your confession.
It felt wrong, she knew she didn't mean to do it, but she has yet to hang up so she also didn't do the right thing. At this point you were snoring, an adorable sound she's grown used to. Honestly, it brought her comfort, and that was good because she was in a state of shock.
Natasha knew she loved you, it wasn't hard for her to breakdown the emotion, but she's never been on the receiving end of such a feeling. Romance hadn't even interested her until she first saw you, it was like everything she ever knew went right out the door the second your sweet voice broke through her steel walls.
With how easily she fell though, it was as if her walls were only made of paper for you. You cracked the code, and your reward was her battered heart, and you accepted it wholly. That much apparent now that you'd confessed in presumed secret that you loved her too.
Natasha whispered softly with a smile, "I love you too," before the line finally went dead.
"I knew it," Liho meowed tiredly atop of you, but fortunately you were too gone to hear.
The following morning you awoke when the sun peaked through the blinds, making Liho purr in thanks for the newfound warmth. It was a moment of total bliss, then the sounds of dogs excitedly barking led to you wincing once sharp claws penetrated through your thick sleep shirt and then the skin of your breasts.
"Stupid canines, do they not know how to keep their volume at a maximum of total silence?"
"Jesus, Liho are you sure you're three? You act like an elderly man with kids on his lawn."
"I do not get your inference, but I will say kids are annoying too, so I understand the man."
With a gentle touch you removed the cat from your chest, then you entered the bathroom to get your morning hygiene done, and while doing so you saw Natasha had texted you.
*Good morning krasivaya, I miss you, and I'm counting down the days until you're back in my arms. Have fun (if you can—again, I'm sorry), I will try to call you later, but I might end up being forced to go no contact.*
You frowned, but you understood that she had a job to do, but it wasn't long before you were smiling as she'd also sent you some photos. There was a selfie of her smiling, then you got to see the reason for her excitement as the next photo was of her with a stray calico kitten that you have an inkling you'll be meeting soon.
There was a final photo, and you audibly awed at the shot of you two on the couch, you were giggling and Natasha was holding onto you tightly from behind, with a par-visible grin as she pressed her face into your neck.
*Don't forget about me as you snuggle Liho*
When you finally ventured out of your room you made your way to the kitchen to find Kate alone while studying for some math course.
"You wouldn't happen to know how to find the x would you?" The raven haired girl asked you tiredly, and you chuckled softly, "Not really, I've always found it's best not to question them, but to instead leave them in the past."
Kate rolled her eyes playfully, then went to refocus on her paper but then her dog barked, catching her off guard, "What is it honey?"
"Well mama, you needs to get all like minded variables to the same side, then you'll get what she needs. Which would make x = 10 here."
Kate's eyes widened as you regurgitated Lucky's tip, she stared down at her dog in bewilderment, "Oh my gosh, my dogs a genius. We should call all the local news stations!"
"Kate, you guys live in the far away woods."
Kate deflated slightly, "You have a point."
After you collected your psyche, you moved about to get breakfast as well, then just as you were about to leave Kate stopped you with a hand in your face, "Wait! I just want you to know I knew how to do it, I'm smart too!"
“Don’t worry darling, I figured as much.”
A few days into your stay and you were feeling as if your only purpose was to service Yelena and her need to be in constant communication with Fanny, who was growing irritated by it.
"Ask her," you quietly groaned along with the poor dog who's head now burrowed beneath the pillow in her dog bed, a sign you'd think a well trained spy would catch, but she didn't.
"Tell her that she is worse than Lucky."
"You know, I think Fanny's tired."
"Y/N Y/L/N, I know my dog, she is not tired. We've not even taken our morning walk yet."
"I just want to know, does she prefer to take selfies with me or to live more in the moment."
"Tell her I'd actually like to live alone."
"She's very much all for living in the moment, now, if you'll excuse me I need to go pee."
As you passed the kitchen you saw Kate wearing a smile, "What did she really say?"
"Nothing the blonde’s heart can handle."
Kate nodded, "I figured as such, now go, hide in the study, Yelena hates books, she says they are just tiny, evil distractions, but actually, and don't tell her I told you, but she read Marley and Me and never went back in there again."
“That’s understandable… Welp, I’ll be going now, you’ll know exactly where to find me.”
The week you spent at the Bishop-Belova's was interesting to say the least, and unpleasant if you’re being honest. Finding yourself in the middle of an all out war sealed that in for you.
“Kate Bishop! Take your hand off of Y/N, she is mine!” Yelena yanked you away from her lover with all her might, and in doing so she nearly dislocated your shoulder, “My sisters girlfriend makes her mine before it makes her yours!”
“Yelena! She is her own person first, and you are making her miserable, it’s always: Fanny this, Fanny that, oh, what does Fanny think?” Kate shouted back, arms waving around like crazy, and you knew this was reaching way beyond yours and Fanny’s overall discomfort.
“What about me? What about my thoughts?”
Yelena’s brow’s scrunched, “I don’t need to hear them, I can read them on your face.”
“Oh, can you really now?” Kate arched a brow, and you watched as Yelena visibly froze up, and though this wasn’t your business you hated watching the poor girl struggle to understand.
“If I may,” Kate reluctantly nodded, so you gently touched Yelena’s arm, then leaned in to whisper, “She is feeling unappreciated, maybe you could take her out to a nice dinner.”
“Unappreciated? I appreciate her always!” Yelena shrieked in offense, “Who cleans her bow and arrows?” Kate frowned, “I do.”
“Yeah, the wrong way, so I go back and fix it,” Yelena boasted, and you saw a lightbulb of sort flicker behind the archers now widened eyes.
“Yelena, please tell me you’re not the reason I almost took Clint out on a mission last week.”
Yelena smirked, “I can neither confirm nor deny, but I can say it wasn’t my intention, more so a happy little accident in favor of my glee.”
“What did you use? Grease?” Kate shrieked in wonder and the blonde tentatively nodded.
“Welp, I’m going to chase the chickens again,” Fanny barked out of nowhere, you watched as the fluffy Akita stretched its entire body before making the great escape. Lucky whimpered as his ‘friend’ left, “I’m going to chase Fanny.”
“When is Natasha returning for us?” Liho questioned stoically while jumping atop the table before you out of nowhere, “I’m not sure I can handle their bickering for much longer.”
“Oh, because we’re so much better?”
Liho tilted his head, the cat’s equivalent of a shoulder shrug, “At least with those I win.”
“You do not!”
“Do too!”
Natasha watched from the doorway as the pairs of you were readily going at it, she found the sight rather amusing really. That was until Liho pounced onto your back when you tried to walk away, meanwhile Yelena was in a chokehold because she didn’t know when best to do that.
Natasha suddenly cleared her throat, spurring Liho to dart down the hallway as a tactic of self preservation, and for the couple hosting you to straighten up, and run away upon seeing the unamused glare of the one who trusted them.
Once they were all gone you ran into your lover, but pulled back from her embrace just as a soft hissing came from beneath her hoodie.
“Natty?” she smiled bashfully, “Don’t get mad.”
With a gentle movement the redhead pulled her hoodie forward, allowing the kitten you recognized from the photos to peak its little head out so that it could silently observe you.
“Ugroza,” Natasha smiles widely as she tells you the newest additions name, “It fits her, it means menace; we’ll call her Roza for short.”
“Liho isn’t going to appreciate this,” you teased while moving to hug your lover much slower this time, with the now sleeping cat snuggled between your bodies, “He’ll get over it,” she shrugged her shoulders playfully, then she leaned in to kiss you with total tenderness.
“I missed you so much Natty,” you whispered as you nuzzled into the side of her neck that the cat wasn’t perched upon, “Don’t leave again.”
Natasha sighed, “I wish I never had to love, but the world needs saving, and you protecting.”
“I’m sorry you have to worry about me, I wish I wasn’t so helpless,” you lamented, and the redhead immediately moved to hug you tighter, “Helpless or not I’ll always worry Y/N, I never stop worrying about those that I love.”
Natasha smiled as you choked on air, the small breath released hitting her skin causing her to shiver lightly, “You love me?” you looked up at her with untrusting eyes, it hurt her, but she couldn’t blame you for being scared, because she herself was terrified, but you were worth it.
Worth facing the unfamiliar feelings, and for her to express them openly, “Of course I do.”
“I-I love you too,” you squealed, bringing her in for a kiss that hardly worked since the two of you couldn’t stop smiling long enough for your lips to really touch. “Like, I love you so much!”
“Yeah?” she chuckled softly as you nodded with a glee to rival her own, “I love you so much too detka, more than I’ve ever loved anything.”
“That’s rude! I’m so much better than her,” you harshly rolled your eyes, “Welcome back Liho.”
Liho climbed up your back, disregarding your many grunts of pain, and as he settled on your shoulder he zeroed in on the new feline.
“Who is this, and why is she cuddling with my mother?” he tensed on your shoulder, and you held back a giggle to avoid obtaining his wrath.
“Liho, meet Ugroza,” Natasha lifted her up, and the black cat lifted his nose upwards, “Fitting.”
Natasha looked to you for clarity, you simply shook your head with a smile and she mirrored your action before leaning in to kiss you softly.
“Since when do you understand Russian?” You mused while following your lover out to the car, “It is a common word mother uses, so I don’t know what it is, just that it’s not good.”
“At least you’re aware that you’re a menace.”
Natasha scooped Liho up from your chest to nuzzle him gently, “Don’t worry, mama loves you both, and you’re gonna love Roza too.”
After ensuring both felines were buckled in tight Natasha rounded the car to ensure the same for you. She tugged to test the belt’s security, causing a warmth to flood through you, it was such a simple thing, but the way she cared for your safety above all was telling. It worked wonders erasing any remaining doubt you had that she didn’t really love you.
“I love you Natty,” she smiled over at you from the drivers seat, her hand fell atop of yours on the gear shift, “I will never tire of hearing it,” she put the car in drive, then brought your now conjoined hands to her lips to lay a gentle kiss to your knuckles, “I love you most detka.”
“Thank you for kidnapping me a year ago,” you genuinely relayed, but you were also wearing a silly smirk that made Natasha cackle rather loudly, “Thank you for letting me darling.”
3,061 Words
I don’t normally ask, but someone somewhere mentioned a part to this R where she and Nat get trapped in a Jurassic Park crossover, and I’m curious if anyone would want that 👀
❤️ Kaitlyn 😂
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axinite25 · 8 months
Hostess with the Mostess
When Natasha returns from the dead they have to go somewhere safe.
Yelena isn't sure why the first place she thinks of is Kate Bishop's apartment.
Chapter 4 is out!
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askbishova · 1 year
The Bishova Family
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Kate Bishop- She’s THE wife. Does legit everything but also nothing at the same time and it infuriates Yelena. She’s also overly dramatic and insists on protecting America.
Speaks in purple italics
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Yelena Belova- Despite everything, she’s a very successful stay at home dog mom. She truly believes Kate exists to annoy her, but she married her anyway.
Speaks in green bold
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Lucky the Pizza Dog- Emotional support wrapped in an infinite ball of fluff. Thanks to Wanda, Lucky is practically immortal (his aging was slowed)
Woof woof woof (Translation: will bark at you)
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Natasha Romanoff- Like classic Marvel Comics style, true heroes never stay dead unless your MCU contract runs out. And to all you WandaNat shippers, yes, that’s a thing.
Speaks in orange bold
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Wanda Maximoff- Adopter of multiversal orphans, girlfriend of Natasha. Is there anything she can’t do?
Speaks in red italics
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America Chavez- Hopeless romantic, adopted by the WandaNat couple. Secretly Lucky’s favorite. Her love is secret and forbidden and stuff.
Speaks In blue bold
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Kamala Khan- Spoilers! America’s forbidden love. Nobody’s quite sure if she loves America back. Okay, everyone’s sure she does, but that’s not the point.
Speaks in yellow bold+italics
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Tommy & Billy Maximoff- Troublemakes galore. They love Goose and their big sis’s secret girlfriend (but mostly because she has Goose)
Tommy speaks in black bold and Billy speaks in pink bold
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Goose the Flerken- Stolen from Carol in true Kamala Fangirl style, and a major part of the family. Carol is looking for her to this day.
Meow Meow Meow (Translation: Will meow at you)
Send in your asks, and remember: the pets cannot answer unless you want to be barked or meowed at.
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theceltickitten25 · 1 month
Love Shack
My new bishova one-shot has now dropped https://archiveofourown.org/works/58269565
Love Shack Rated: E (very, very explicit lesbian sexual content)
NSFW, 18+
Summary: Yelena is living a quiet life in Idylhaven after the events of Hawkeye, but she struggles to feel fulfilled. When Sonya invites Yelena to NYC for the weekend, she takes her to a house party where Yelena sees her very dear friend/crush Kate Bishop dancing. Will a few dances, some deep conversation and the B52s Love Shack change the way Yelena is feeling?
Tags: Post-Hawkeye, White Widow Comic-inspired, Dancing, First Kisses, First Times, Face-sitting, strap-ons, smut and fluff
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