#bis certification list
agileregulatory · 11 months
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BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) certification is a mandatory quality and safety certification process in India that ensures products conform to specific standards and regulations set by the BIS. This certification is designed to guarantee that various products, ranging from electronics and appliances to industrial goods and food products, meet the established quality, performance, and reliability requirements. Manufacturers are required to obtain a BIS license, adhere to BIS standards, and label their products with the BIS mark, signifying compliance. BIS certification plays a critical role in consumer protection, product safety, and the promotion of quality standards within the Indian market, both for domestically manufactured and imported goods.
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jrcompliance1 · 3 months
Obtaining a BIS certificate for foreign manufacturers is laborious and time-consuming because it has to be done manually, not online. However, to make these tedious activities unchallenging you can contact our FMCS BIS consultant who can assist you in providing the finest solution to your queries.
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aleph-12india · 1 year
what is Product Certification Scheme under BIS?
BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) certification is a valuable mark of quality, safety, and compliance for products in India. While obtaining BIS certification is not mandatory for all manufacturers, certain product categories are required to have it. In total, 380 items fall under the purview of BIS Product Certification Scheme, ensuring that these products meet the necessary standards. If you are unsure whether your product requires BIS certification, you can refer to the BIS mandatory list of products to find out.
The process of obtaining BIS certification involves several steps, ensuring that the product complies with the specified standards. Let’s take a closer look at the process:
Documentation: The first step is to gather the necessary documents. These typically include your business license, trademark license, application form, air details, authorization letter, flow chart of the manufacturing process, product literature, list of testing equipment and machinery, technical specifications, and any additional documents that may be required.
Application Submission: Once you have gathered the required documents, you need to submit the completed application form to the BIS. This can typically be done online through the BIS portal. Ensure that you provide accurate and up-to-date information in your application.
Scrutiny of Application: After receiving your application, the BIS will scrutinize it to verify the provided information and documents. They will assess whether your product falls within the scope of BIS certification and meets the necessary criteria. This scrutiny ensures that the application is complete and that all requirements have been met.
Audit of Manufacturing Premises: If your application passes the scrutiny stage, the BIS will conduct an audit of your manufacturing premises. This audit assesses the production process, quality control systems, and compliance with relevant standards. The BIS representatives will visit your manufacturing facility to evaluate the manufacturing capabilities and processes.
Sample Collection and Testing: As part of the certification process, the BIS will collect samples of your product for testing. The samples will undergo rigorous testing in BIS-approved laboratories to ensure that they meet the specified standards. The testing may include various parameters such as performance, safety, and durability, depending on the product category.
Grant of License: Once the samples pass the required tests and meet the standards, and your manufacturing premises are found to be compliant, the BIS will grant you the BIS certification license. This license allows you to use the BIS mark on your certified products, demonstrating their adherence to the specified standards.
It is important to note that the documentation requirements and the process may vary depending on the specific product category and its associated standards. Therefore, it is advisable to consult the BIS guidelines and seek professional assistance if needed to ensure a smooth and accurate certification process.
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BIS Certification In India
BIS Registration in India
BIS License in India
Bis certification in Delhi
bis registration product list for electronic products
bis approval india
Bis online approval
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chainlollipop · 8 months
hi as someone whos consumed a lot of hunger games media in these past few weeks heres my specific list of thg characters that i think are lgbtq+ (my certification: im a lesbian) (tldr everyones a fruit but what kind of fruit)
johanna is SUCH a lesbian to me. OURGH.
i know finnick gets called gay a lot and thats very correct! he just gives so much bi energy! all peacock guys are 100% bi thats a new law. hes so out and proud bisexual its crazy. (edit: THANK YOU FOR CONFIRMING IT HES VERY BI)
beetee gives me vague aroace vibes? maybe im wrong but he reminds me of a lot of aroace people i know.
effie is so schrodinger’s gay person. lesbian? pan? who knows. all of them work.
peeta (+ everlark in general) is SO BISEXUAL. ITS CRAZY
thank you for your time
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wingamy24 · 4 months
Love all the stuff you’re doing for the jeffbritta girlies!!
And I know I’m asking for a lot but could you do like a little guide for their best episodes? Cuz when I sit down to watch a random episode I always forget what episodes have good moments with them that are not mixology certification lol
If this is too much to ask that’s okay💕
Okay, SO. This is my personal list of my go-to Jeffbritta episodes. Obviously not all of these are romantic: they're just focused on them or have funny interactions with them.
I love them and they deserve everything + endgame
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Season 1
Season 1 has a BUNCH of Jeffbritta episodes, specially considering they were supposed to be the main couple of the show back then. My favorites are:
S1 E1 Pilot: Obviously.
S1 E3 Introduction To Film: Seize the day!
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S1 E14 Interpretative Dance: This is the cute episode where Jeff brings flowers for Britta.
S1 E16 Communication Studies: This is the episode where Jeff gets drunk with Abed and ends up calling Britta and blablabla...
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S1 E22 The Art Of Discourse: This one doesn't have any explicit Jeffbritta I think? It's just fun to see them make an evil plan to take revenge on some random highschoolers.
S1 E23 Modern Warfare: One of my (if it isn't my #1 favorite) favorite episodes of Community. The one where Jeff and Britta have sex in the study room table.
Season 2
On Season 2 we got a weirdly amount of Jeffannie episodes, but we still had our fair share of Jeffbritta episodes!
S2 E1 Anthropology 101: Not really Jeffbritta, but it's still fun watching them being gross in this episode, right?...right?
S2 E6 Epidemiology: Seeing Jeff walk around with Britta to give her drinks is funny.
S2 E10 Mixology Certification: This is an obvious one.
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S2 E13 Celebrity Pharmacology: Cool cats. AKA, The Bi Panic™
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S2 E16 Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking: That's Irak, stupid. WHAT DO I KNOW, I'M JEFF WINGER'S DUMB GAY DAD!
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S2 E19 Critical Film Studies: This isn't really a Jeffbritta episode, but they match costumes... that's... that's enough, right
S2 21 Paradigms of Human Memory: Unrelated, but I just looked at the Wikipedia page, and it was almost entirely filmed in Universal Studios. The "popping the back of a raft makes it go faster" scene was filmed in a Jaws set! Anyway, we have the funny Jeffannie sequence, but it's a fun episode if you focus on Jeff and Britta, too.
S2 E22 Applied Anthropology and Culinary Arts: Not a lot of Jeffbritta, but still, fun and cute interactions.
Season 3
S3 E6 Advanced Gay: I love this episode so much, it's so ridiculous at so many levels. Also, Britta adressing Jeff's daddy issues is always fun.
S3 E11 Urban Matrimony and the Sandwich Arts: One of the many times Jeff and Britta almost get married.
S3 E12 Contemporary Impressionists: This is one of my favorites of all the show. It's so funny seeing Jeff be... whatever this is
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S3 E21 The First Chang Dynasty: GothJeffandBrittaGothJeffandBritta
Season 4
It's amazing how many Jeffbritta moments the gas leak season gave us.
S4 E2 Paranormal Parentage: Again, Britta with Jeff's daddy issues.
S4 E5 Cooperative Escapism in Familial Relations: Britta helping Jeff is heartwarming. SHE'S SO PROUD OF HIM YOU GUYS. Also, them in cars. You can never have enough Jeff and Britta in cars.
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S4 E8 Herstory of Dance: This is also an episode I really like. Jeff and Britta are adorable in this one.
S4 E10 Intro to Knots: Greendale parents.
Season 5
I love the Jeffbritta episodes here, but at the same time... it's so cruel that they made all this build-up just for a Jeffannie ending. It's like they WANTED to make us suffer. Fuck you, Dan Harmon.
S5 E7 Bondage and Beta Male Sexuality: HE WANTS HER BACK
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S5 E8 App Development and Condiments: mustard
S5 E12 Basic Story: I cried
S5 E13 Basic Sandwich: I also cried. RAGE TEARS
Season 6
I don't really like watching S6, buuuut I'm gonna say "S6 E6 Basic Email Security" for the short Jeffbritta banter.
...this is it. this took me two days. okay bye
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nytehavyn-circle · 4 months
About Terran Nytefyer
FC: Drawn (this muse will never have a live FC) Sexuality: Pansexual (picky) Occupation: Humanitarian, philanthropist, (is also somewhat of a celebrity)
Terran Nytefyer is a Living Vampire, who is well over 1,500 years old.
No one really knows when or how he was sired, but he’s one of the oldest Living Vampires.
The town of Rhys, along with NyteHavyn castle, are both places he’s spent most of his long life building over a congruence and convergence of ley lines.  (Info about Ryhs and NyteHavyn castle are available in the links.)
He stands at 6'1", and can usually be seen sporting a vandyke (goatee/mustache); a white suit, a cane (which is normally used for fashion), and a white fedora.  He has deep, almost bright, icy-blue eyes.  He speaks with a refined, high upper-class British accent.
He’s highly intelligent (and has no qualms with saying so), has a bit of an ego (remember, he’s spent centuries developing a huge network of contacts, and highly sophisticated resources - in fact, he’s spent centuries building up one of the largest, most comprehensive and interconnected spy and information intelligence networks in the world - with one of the most sophisticated AIs ever created [which has gifted to him by a certain genius billionaire playboy philanthropist]. But because of his intelligence network, he can find out almost anything - he even knows the identity of many of the world’s superheroes. He has top-notch security, materials, etc.  The list goes on. (There’s a reason he seems to know almost anything that goes on in the world.)
And although he may seem like one of those high-brow, stuffy people, the man knows how to have fun and tries to have everyone’s best interests at heart.
He does have a superiority complex, of sorts.  But that doesn’t make him a bad person. He can, however, be quite cruel in action and word. Sometimes, if only to prove a point. But with his partners, he's almost a kitten.
In fact, Terran’s fairly fragile with a lot of things, but he doesn’t always quite let it show.
Terran Nytefyer has never hidden the fact that he’s a Living Vampire from the general public. Across the country, and internationally, what have you. He’s stated it several times (but only ever hinting at his age - this keeps the illusion that, during a 'normal’ mortal’s aging process, he just takes really good care of himself and has had a lot of plastic surgery; and keeps the illusion that every few decades, he has a new birth certificate and ID and such drawn up, and that his descendants just looks identical to each other), and he’s never been believed. The general public - even the press - believes it’s just some sort of persona he made up to explain his 'eccentricities.’
People believe he uses this 'persona’ to explain how he’s so rich (no one knows his true net worth. No one). Why he throws so many blood drives (yes he donates a lot of blood to the Red Cross and hospitals, but he also takes a 'percentage’ for use for vampires in NyteHavyn that have a difficult time finding a donor, and for those that are compelled to kill when feeding but do not want to kill while doing so).
People, in general, believe that his elongated canines - his vampire teeth - are either very expensive, Hollywood-quality veneers, or that he’s went as far as to get implants.
Most importantly, no one knows about NyteHayvn Castle and Rhys. All people know is that Terran runs a sanctuary for 'outcasts.’ He prefers it that way, of course, in order to keep the town and the castle protected within the dimensional bubble. The only ones who HAVE heard of NyteHavyn and Rhys, are those of the supernatural world, or who are very closely connected to the supernatural world.
To say that Terran Nytefyer is a bit of a celebrity is an understatement. With all the fundraisers he throws, housing he’s built for the homeless, being a vocal advocate of LGBTQ+ issues (being bi/pan himself - he’s been photographed with men and women, of course), women’s equality issues, domestic violence issues (for both sexes/all genders, because he’s been a victim of domestic violence), sexual assault issues, et al.
However, there is a select few, a handful, of people who completely believe Terran being a Living Vampire is not just a story, but the absolute truth. Some of these people just want to have their beliefs confirmed. Nothing else. However, some people in this small handful want to expose Terran for what he is.
So, to say Terran is a little paranoid, despite his calm and cool demeanor, is an understatement.
Terran is polyamorous.
(Terran is fandomless and thereby can fit across pretty much any fandom.)
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nerdygaymormon · 2 years
Heaven will be what heaven will be
What if being trans, enby or genderfluid really is something that’s part of mortality and won’t exist in heaven? What if the gender of our spirits really is what is listed on our original birth certificates? What if gay people won’t be gay in heaven? What if no one will be panromantic in heaven?
Heaven will be what heaven will be. Meanwhile people live in this world and need to do what works for us here.
If 2 men or 2 women won’t be together in heaven, why should they not be allowed to be together during this life? If people who transitioned will suddenly not be transitioned in the next life, then why is it a problem if they transition in this life? 
Some religious people teach that God doesn’t want people to be gay, bi, trans, ace, aro and so on, and they no longer will be after they die. So once we’re dead we will be cisgender heterosexual beings? 
I’m not yet dead. God made people who are trans or gay or ace or intersex. We didn’t choose to be queer. Why would God expect queer people to live this life as cisgender heterosexual people?  
Some people seem to have a lot of certainty about what heaven will be like and will say queer people aren’t allowed to experience joy and love in this life because things will be different in heaven. Heaven will be what heaven will be, meanwhile our lives aren’t on hold, we need to live life now as we are, not wait until heaven to live.
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hii i wanna hear about your fav barbara momentss
(also hope you feel better soon <3)
ohhh i love this question sm !!! i actually have a lot of them. anyway here's the list in random order:
1. all barbara + montoya scenes in s1. they're so fucked up and i was amazed that there's canonical bisexual character in the show. also in love w Barbara smoking weed in Montoya's apartment. she was so real for this (not for weed but depression) 2. that little dialogue between Oz and Barbara, when Oz shows at Barbara's flat to see Gordon. like "Men 🙄" "Don't i know🤗" THESE LOSERS DESERVED TO BE BESTIESSSSS!!! 3. when she visits her parents and they ask her about Jim and Barbara answers that they're happy. for the love of god MY WOMAN IS B RO K EN!!!! i love her. also i love this strain between her and her parents. i wish we saw more of their interactions 4. of course. of fucking course: barbara's psychotherapy session w lee. GREATEST WLW SCENE EVER FILMED!!!
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5. okay there's super fucked up scene i don't even remember episode or season (i think it was s3?) anyway. jim had massive hallucination and there was elevator and barbara was in elevator boy uniform AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD I DIDN'T KNEW I NEED IT SO BADDDD. oh my god she looked awesome in this scene. also im in love with barbara being character who leads the mc through his consciousness. my girl was the narrative in this scene upd: i found screenshot of this scene!!! it's s3 ep7. i need to rewatch it. probably download and make edit. idk i love her sm here for no reason
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6. scene where barbara shot butch at the end of s3. like this is literally peak of female rage and this is so cool that they show that barbara haven't forgot him for assaulting in s1. such a snake move from her. she was waiting this for so long. and she looked so satisfied w herself there. im prod of u girl🙏 7. everything related to her duo with Edward in s3. look at these sneaky pricks. i loved their duo so much i miss them (ofc i felt sorry for Oswald. but they had such chaotic bi swag it's amazing) "let's make gotham BEG" YASSSSSSSSSSSS YOU GO GIRL!!!
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8. SCENE IN THE NARROWS. SCENE IN THE NARROWS. SCENE IN THE NARROWS. IN S4. dear god im eating this scene FOREVER. it makes me feel THINGS. im insane about Lee and Barbara's interaction here. Im insane about Lee here. Im insane about Barbara here. i love their transformation here. both character's and relationship (they almost handled conversation w/o mentioning Jim). also peak of romance. to me. (and kind of. "im a fool to want you" by frank sinatra vibes. to me) and. GREATEST WLW SCENE EVER FILMED N2!!!
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9. "Barbara Queen! 🥰" scene. my girl slayed SO HARD. (also it took me to play m2 to understand what "capiche?" means lmao) look. look at her. she's a queen indeed
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10. i posted this scene several days ago, anyway. jim visits barbara's club and shots smth, then tabitha raises a gun at him in return. and barbara's annoyed "seriously?" brings me so much joy lmao. she's so done with them
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11. her arrival in s4. I LOVEEEEE HER SM IN S4 ITS INSANEEEE. i love everything about her. she's so cold. she looks gorgeus. she's depressed. she's my everything (my pfp speaks for itself lmao😭)
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12. and when she visits Oswald in s4. i don't remember what happened in this scene but im talking bout this one:
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i loooove how calm she is here. and how sassy oswald is she's observing things. she's calculating. i love her
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13. of course. of courrrse: bride scene in s2. not to say that i like her in s2 much buuut. this is a certifed thompkean scene and barbara is obviously having psychotic & obsessive episode here and it's so interesting to watch
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14. also i remembered scene in gcpd, i believe it was s2? anyway barbara comes to gcpd and calls jim and asks him "how do i look?" i love her outfit and that she beat up Jim after this. also i see parallels w virus!lee coming at gspd in s3. they're so girlfriends (i need to draw this au where they unite against jim ohgodddd) upd. i found someone's edit with this scene:
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15. "this woman isabella. nygma said she was a librarian, right? who kills a librarian, i mean what's the motive?" and then she realizes oswald killed isabella. she looks SO HAPPY with herself. "you kn.. you know them!!! 😦😦😃😃" and i think she thought "omg bestie i've done the same thing to my ex!!!!" back then 16. scene in s5 "honey, im still amazing😌" IM IN LOVVVVVE WITH HER THERE. LIKE. OH MY HER VOICE SOUNDS SOOOOOO LOW AND KINDA HOARSELY. YOU CAN TAKE ME NOW. IM ON MY KNEES OH MY GOD. also she looks so good in red 17. s4: "did you guys ordered thai?" "no" "good, cause i don't have any" *shots everyone in the room* i love her being rough and cold sm ohhh 18. when she's entering arkham in s2 having lana del rey vibes. queen 19. also i love these scenes in s1 when she discovers that selina and ivy was living in her apartment. idk there's something so soft about that 20. "disco vampire haircut" of course. iconic scene 21. "remember me?" when Nygma n Barbara took mayor Aubrey hostage. she's so sassy 22. this certifed thompkean scene. ofc. girl youre not fucking normal
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23. and this one from s5 which i still haven't watched BUUUT ughhh THEM. wives.
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there's more but im tired lmao. anyway i think i love almost every scene w her (except for s2. idk idk her psychotic episode portrayed a lil bit too cartoonish i think? idk this shit is actually way more scary in real life. also highly sexualized relationships w tabitha. i mean its ok if they had mostly sexual relationship and i aprecciate this as aro but y know. it could be portrayed way mooore elegant and subtle. or rough, doesn't matter) and THANK YOU SO MUCH for this ask. she's my comfort character and it's always nice to think about her😫😫💞💞💥💥 and i hope you're doing well too!!! actually thank you for this ask once again thinking bout her made me feel better lmao 😭😭😭
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agileregulatory · 1 year
Get BIS Registration Certificate Setting New Standards of Quality and Market Recognition
Compliance with National Standards: The BIS sets stringent quality and safety standards for products across different sectors, ranging from electronics and appliances to chemicals and textiles. By obtaining a BIS Registration Certificate, businesses demonstrate their commitment to complying with these national standards, thereby instilling trust and confidence among consumers.
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jrcompliance1 · 3 months
Our #1 BIS, CRS, and FMCS consulting services may help you grasp the full potential of your Indian business. Our skilled staff will walk you through the certification process, certifying compliance and enabling new business options.
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aleph-12india · 1 year
Building Trust through Certification Understanding the Mandatory Certification Scheme
In a diverse and rapidly developing country like India, ensuring the quality, safety, and performance of products is of utmost importance. The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) certification plays a crucial role in achieving this goal. BIS certification is a type of quality certification that is mandatory for certain products in India. It serves as a mark of conformity to Indian standards, assuring consumers that the products they purchase meet the necessary requirements.
The BIS, established under the BIS Act of 1986, operates as the national standards body of India. It functions under the aegis of the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution. The primary objective of the BIS is to harmonize the country’s diverse product standards and ensure their compliance with globally accepted benchmarks.
The BIS certification process involves thorough testing and evaluation of products against relevant Indian standards. The certification covers a wide range of products, including electrical appliances, mechanical goods, chemicals, food products, and more. The process is carried out by a network of BIS-approved laboratories, testing centers, and certification bodies.
One of the key aspects of BIS certification is quality assurance. BIS standards encompass various parameters such as durability, reliability, efficiency, and functionality. By certifying products that meet these standards, the BIS helps build consumer trust and confidence in the marketplace. Consumers can rely on the BIS mark as an assurance of quality, making informed choices while purchasing products.
Moreover, BIS certification also focuses on safety considerations. For instance, electrical appliances undergo rigorous testing to ensure compliance with safety norms to prevent electrical hazards. Similarly, food products are tested for adherence to hygiene and quality standards, safeguarding consumer health and well-being. The BIS mark acts as a symbol of product safety, providing peace of mind to consumers.
Furthermore, BIS certification plays a significant role in facilitating trade and commerce. It serves as a common platform for manufacturers, importers, and exporters to comply with Indian regulations and demonstrate product conformity. BIS certification is often a prerequisite for products to be sold in the Indian market, eliminating barriers to trade and ensuring fair competition. It also helps protect domestic industries from substandard and unsafe imports, fostering a level playing field.
The BIS has been actively expanding its certification scope to keep pace with emerging technologies and changing market requirements. For instance, it has introduced certification schemes for renewable energy products, electronic goods, solar photovoltaic systems, and more. This proactive approach ensures that Indian standards remain relevant and up-to-date, fostering innovation and sustainable development.
However, it is important to note that not all products require mandatory BIS certification. The BIS maintains a list of products covered under the Compulsory Registration Scheme (CRS), which outlines the specific categories that need certification. Manufacturers and importers must comply with the CRS to legally sell their products in India. It is crucial for businesses to stay informed about the applicable certification requirements for their products and seek BIS certification accordingly.
BIS certification is a vital mechanism for ensuring the quality, safety, and performance of products in India. By adhering to Indian standards, manufacturers and importers demonstrate their commitment to delivering reliable and safe products to consumers. The BIS mark serves as a symbol of trust and confidence, empowering consumers to make informed choices. As India continues to progress, BIS certification plays a pivotal role in promoting a culture of quality and fostering economic growth.
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lunis-associates · 10 months
Decoding the Significance of BIS Certification: Ensuring Quality and Compliance
In today's rapidly evolving global marketplace, where consumers are becoming increasingly conscious of product quality and safety, regulatory standards play a pivotal role. One such crucial certification is the BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) certificate. This blog aims to unravel the importance and impact of BIS certification, shedding light on its significance for both businesses and consumers.
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Understanding BIS Certification:
What is BIS Certification?
The BIS certification is a mark of quality and safety awarded by the Bureau of Indian Standards. It serves as a testament that a product complies with the specified Indian standards, ensuring that it meets the necessary criteria for quality, safety, and performance.
Products Covered by BIS Certification:
Explore the diverse range of products that fall under the purview of BIS certification, ranging from electronic goods and appliances to industrial machinery and consumer products. Understanding the extensive list of items requiring certification underscores its widespread applicability.
Why BIS Certification Matters:
Consumer Confidence:
Discover how BIS certification builds consumer trust by assuring them of product quality and safety. Uncover the role it plays in enhancing the credibility of a brand and how consumers have come to rely on this certification as a marker of excellence.
Legal Compliance:
Examine the legal implications of BIS certification for manufacturers and businesses. Delve into the regulatory framework that makes BIS certification mandatory for certain products and the consequences of non-compliance.
The BIS Certification Process:
Step-by-Step Guide:
Demystify the BIS certification process, breaking it down into comprehensible steps. Gain insights into the documentation, testing, and verification stages, helping businesses navigate the certification journey seamlessly.
Cost and Time Implications:
Explore the cost and time factors associated with obtaining a BIS certificate. Understand how this investment contributes to long-term benefits for businesses, outweighing the initial challenges.
The Vital Role of a BIS License
Shed light on the importance of obtaining a BIS license for manufacturing and selling regulated products.
Explain how a BIS license contributes to legal compliance and market acceptance.
Showcase success stories of businesses that have benefited from holding a BIS license.
BIS Certification and Sustainable Practices:
Environmental Considerations:
Explore the role of BIS certification in promoting environmentally sustainable practices. Discuss how adherence to BIS standards contributes to reducing environmental impact and ensuring the longevity of products.
Social Responsibility:
Examine how BIS certification aligns with corporate social responsibility initiatives. Discuss the positive social impact of ensuring that products meet BIS standards, including improved working conditions and fair trade practices.
Empowering Businesses:
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs):
Highlight the role of BIS certification in empowering small and medium enterprises. Discuss how obtaining BIS certification can level the playing field, allowing smaller businesses to compete on a larger scale.
Innovation and Competitiveness:
Explore how BIS certification fosters innovation and enhances the competitiveness of businesses. Discuss real-world examples of companies that have thrived by prioritizing quality through BIS certification.
Challenges and Opportunities:
Overcoming Hurdles:
Acknowledge the challenges businesses may face during the BIS registration process and explore strategies to overcome them. From understanding complex standards to addressing testing requirements, businesses can navigate these challenges effectively.
Market Access and Opportunities:
Uncover the market advantages that BIS-certified products enjoy, both domestically and internationally. Discuss how BIS certification opens doors to new opportunities and markets, contributing to the overall growth of businesses.
 In conclusion, obtaining a BIS certificate, completing online BIS registration, and acquiring a BIS license are integral steps for businesses aiming to thrive in the Indian market. By prioritizing quality assurance and regulatory compliance, companies can build trust among consumers, gain a competitive edge, and contribute to the overall safety and reliability of products in the marketplace. Embrace the journey towards BIS certification and position your business for success in the dynamic landscape of Indian trade and commerce.
By delving into the intricacies of BIS certification, this blog aims to empower businesses with the knowledge needed to navigate the certification landscape, fostering a culture of quality and compliance in the ever-evolving market.
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nwbeerguide · 11 months
Sapporo-Stone Brewing extends an offer to Joel Pipman, as its VP of Brewing Operations
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Press Release
ESCONDIDO, CA ... Sapporo-Stone Brewing announces the addition of Joel Pipman, VP Brewing Operations to oversee the company’s bi-coastal breweries. Pipman brings 19 years of brewery experience in the areas of brewing, packaging, quality assurance, utilities, business administration, engineering, maintenance and leadership.
Pipman will be based in Richmond, VA where Sapporo-Stone Brewing will be producing about half of its beers, shipping to the Eastern and Central U.S. and abroad. He will oversee operations at both bi-coastal breweries in the primary leadership role.
“Sapporo-Stone's quality culture enticed me to join this great team,” explained Joel Pipman, Sapporo-Stone Brewing’s incoming VP Brewing Operations. “I look forward to helping the team reach its goals and am excited to brew a lot of awesome beer together.”
Sapporo-Stone’s leadership team is designed to meet the unique needs of a large brewery producing the number one selling Asian beer brand in the U.S. and innovative craft offerings. Pipman will guide the team through ongoing growth and innovation, ensuring consistency across both breweries and meeting the exact specifications of Sapporo’s beers.
Pipman spent the last five years as Senior Brewmaster for Anheuser-Busch in Williamsburg, VA. Prior, he held roles in engineering, quality assurance, finance, and maintenance at Anheuser-Busch breweries in Newark, New Jersey and St. Louis, Missouri. Pipman holds a degree in Chemical Engineering from The Pennsylvania State University with a Master’s in Business Administration from Washington University in St. Louis. He earned his diploma in Brewing from the Institute of Brewing and Distilling and is Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Certified.
Both Sapporo-Stone breweries are currently undergoing major expansion as the company prepares to brew all Sapporo beers for the U.S. in addition to Stone Brewing offerings. The combined company anticipates brewing about 700,000 barrels in 2024, double the total production at Stone breweries prior to its 2022 acquisition by Sapporo U.S.A. Sapporo beers will begin flowing from Sapporo-Stone breweries in early 2024.
Sapporo is the oldest beer of Japan and the number one selling Asian beer brand in the U.S., growing 7.6% year-over-year and gaining share within the rapidly expanding import beer category. Stone Brewing is also gaining share within the crowded craft beer category, outpacing category trends by nearly 4 points. 
Pipman joined Sapporo-Stone Brewing on October 23, 2023.
Sapporo brewed the first beer of Japan in 1876. It’s now the number one selling Asian beer brand in the U.S. thanks to its best-selling Sapporo Premium. Sapporo acquired Stone Brewing in 2022 to brew all of Sapporo’s beer for the U.S. market. Stone Brewing, established in 1996, pioneered the West Coast Style IPA helping to fuel the modern craft beer revolution. Its most popular beers include Stone IPA, Stone Delicious IPA and Stone Buenaveza Salt & Lime Lager. Now one company, Sapporo-Stone Brewing is among the 15 largest breweries in the U.S. and operates production facilities in Escondido, CA and Richmond, VA plus seven Stone Brewing tap room and bistro locations. Sapporo-Stone's long list of environmental efforts includes a LEED Silver Certification, world-class water reclamation and creative uses of spent grain. To find Sapporo and Stone beers, visit find.stonebrewing.com and Sapporobeer.com/find-sapporo. For more information visit stonebrewing.com and sapporobeer.com. 
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mx-mind · 1 year
🏳️‍🌈 Alex yiik . Or Vella if you hate him too much
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I PROMMY there's context for the intersex and non-binary hcs, the devs showed an asset for the upcoming I.V update that was Alex's wallet and his sex was listed as "N". I assume this means "No", thus either he was already listed as N on his birth certificate or he got it changed. Maybe both. HENCE-
Also Vella is trans and a bi lesbian thank you for your time (used this flag here: https://www.reddit.com/r/QueerVexillology/comments/kjsrxe/bi_lesbian_flag/)
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Hi there could you please provide sources of posie parker being homophobic? I'd like to look into it further. Thank you
Here's Posie saying that a lesbian couple shouldn't be allowed to be legally listed as mothers of the same child
LGBWithTheT on Twitter: "TW Homophobia Hate preacher Kellie-Jay Keen (aka Posie Parker), exposed as supported by the far right, has tonight said: "There's a state in America that allows two women to be listed as parents on a birth certificate... Affirming parents as something they're not!" https://t.co/NPw1CU9e6q" / Twitter
Here's Posie literally yesterday (today is 17/04/23, vid is 16/04/23) saying a gay man didn't 'look gay' AND says this gay man has never fought for gay rights:
Aidan Comerford on Twitter: "While telling an anecdote about her experience in New Zealand at her event in Belfast this afternoon, Kellie Jay Keen questioned why a male protestor was at the LGBT+ counter protest saying, "HE DOESN'T EVEN LOOK GAY." You're not fighting for gay rights if you're following KJK. https://t.co/0dAibAZzlX" / Twitter
Also yesterday, her calling the LGBT+ community (not the trans community, the whole LGBT+ community) a bunch of 'men in dresses':
SpeakOutSister on Twitter: "Kellie Jay Keen says "the LGBT community is a bunch of f***ing men in dresses" at her Belfast rally. https://t.co/tGYsQI7A5p" / Twitter
Here's Posie saying the LGBT+ community (again, not trans, all of LGBT+) is trying to indoctrinate children:
LGBWithTheT on Twitter: "Kellie-Jay Keen (aka Posie Parker) has gone FULL mask off in her latest video. She says: "The LGBT community is attempting to indoctrinate or groom children... We 100% agree with you, thank you for saying so!" https://t.co/dGfAk7izQO" / Twitter
Here are multiple videos of her showing contempt for the gay flag (again, not the intersectional flag with stripes for trans/POC/AIDS, just the OG rainbow flag). This includes a more than one instance of her rallying against a flag held by one of her lesbian supporters. Her issue with the gay flag, per the second video here, is that she equates the rainbow flag with misogyny:
LGBWithTheT on Twitter: "The mask is off... No lomger happy with just hating on trans people, Kellie-Jay Keen (aka Posie Parker) says about Dr @xandvt : "Oh, he's got a rainbow flag as well... That makes me dislike him even more!" Gay and bi people... It seems to be your turn next. #homophobia https://t.co/FjvlRJ7E3n" / Twitter
SpeakOutSister on Twitter: "Kellie Jay Keen/ Posie Parker really doesn't like rainbow flags. Here she is for the second time recently demanding one is removed from her rally. The first time was in Melbourne. https://t.co/c5UCsWrpHy" / Twitter
On a clear day on Twitter: "@LGBwiththeT That time she removed one of her lesbian supporter's flag from her Standing for Women rally https://t.co/9zOeFWX6rC" / Twitter
And this isn't about Kellie-Jay (Posie) directly, but, because it came up in the search results and I found it interesting and hope you will, too, here's a thinkpiece written by a former GC lesbian, who, following a few events involving Posie, feels that the TERF movement was no longer a place she felt represented:
Last Pride, a Lesbian Showed Me Gender Critics Were Using Us | by Beau Dyess | Medium
There are other instances, and just googling Posie's name and 'homophobe' brings up a tonne of stuff, but I'm on a train and have to pack up my laptop so sharing these and will check back later.
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