#birthdaygate die
sadboyhrs · 2 years
confession time.
i HATE birthdaygate. i like when Will is sad but this is too sad for me. how did his mother forget his birthday? his best friend? ALL of his best friends? his brother? his sister?
like bro that is so upsetting idc if Vecna was behind it im still sad for him. sad enough to not want it.
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coniangray · 5 months
The Rink-o-mania scene was foreshadowing stuff in s5 and it has to do with an attack El will deal with
At the rink o mania scene, Angela drags her down to the roller rink, and the bullies surround her and start mocking her. Then, that dude throws milkshake at her and she falls. That could be foreshadowing a fight in s5, lemme demonstrate.
Now, don't demobats also fly in circles when they want to attack? Yes, they do. We saw that right before eddies death, as he was fighting them.
Let's say the bullies are demobats.
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Something drags El into the battlefield, she's clueless atm (just like with Angela) but then a bunch of demobats distract her. Why? Because everything is connected to vecna in the ud, and Vecna knows El would be there
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Now, the milkshake could also forshadow demogorgon venom (?) Idk. But it seems like after that, els gonna get spayed with it.
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As they surround her, she first falls, looses control but then remembers what happened in s4, and probs how she hit Angela with the skate and she tries to defeat the bats.
Plus, before that, El and will argued about her lying to Mike. Lately I've been thinking and I found many clues that he could be a villain (including this one). In the roller rink he is seen alone, after the mileven happy scene, that could easily be used in a villain arc idk.
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And what if willel also argue in s5? What if a possessed will drags El down to the battlefield to get her attacked? What if the whole bully scene was just to help El fight the bats or any other creature?
Adding to this, we know part of the hive mind got trapped in a demogorgon in the Russian plot What if that also happens in s5?
(this was a theory I posted on 29th of October 2022 on tweeter... Been two years since then I can't believe it 😭)
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bylerisc4non · 2 years
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smth smth you've been away a whole year (6 months) maybe they just forgot
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smth smth dustin's wearing yellow for will. will's birthday was forgotten. he's also wearing green which is the byler color. byler has a fight about how it's been a while and mike didn't call. will felt forgotten. mike forgot will's birthday, as did everyone else. mike also forgot dustin's birthday. dustin thought everyone forgot him when he got back from summer camp.
dustin and will are the forgotten party members.
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star-41306 · 1 year
I'm making a bingo board for when I watch stranger things 5 and this is everything I have written down for it so far!!
something (prob vecna) is messing with characters memories/birthdaygate
max is still with vecna
will has powers
will and el are somehow siblings /kinda twelvegate
vecna is el's bio dad
someone else is el's bio dad
Mike has a letter to will/lettergate
El, Mike, or Will die (NOOOOOOO)
ANYTHING related to time travel
ANYTHING related to reality warping
will gets vecna tranced (possibly at the very very beginning/actually the end of S4)
Mike and Will get stuck in the upsidedown together
byler kiss
ambiguous ending (NOOOOOOO)
if you have any other theories or ideas for stranger things 5 that I could add please comment or reblog!!!
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mikeslawyer · 1 year
I read a fic where Will had powers and vecna revealed in his monologue that he actively made Will feel more isolated and hated so that he wouldn’t be powerful anymore. Like noah said, Will’s strength is his heart, so it makes sense that vecna would want him to feel like shit all the time. It’s one of the reasons why I think birthdaygate is real and will have narrative significance in s5
objectively i think birthday gate is happening because there is no way everyone just forgot about wills birthday.
subjectively i hope birthday gate is not happening because every time i think about it it makes me wanna curl down in a corner and die!
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will80sbyers · 1 year
What if Vecna is linking his mind with the minds of his victims and he doesn't need to kill them to have this link and take their memories from them and their abilities
(this could be how he does birthdaygate without killing if that turns out to be true)
he just needs to open the door of their minds forcefully and he did that to Will and El and Max
but he WANTS to kill so every time he did the link right after he kills them so that is why Max's mind is now in Vecna's mindscape even if she did come back to her body before dying... because he didn't kill her but the link was already formed, so that's why Vecna said to El you have already lost because he had already opened the connection even if Max doesn't die
And this is also why Vecna can spy and go inside Will's mind and maybe why Will senses Vecna and maybe that's also how he took Eleven's powers using the meat monster he made her vulnerable and took those powers through the hivemind
he removes the physical body because in this way all the shared information has only one way to go and it goes inside his own mind in his personal cage for them
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aemiron-main · 2 years
Hey there! I���m Em/Aemiron (he/him), and I’m an artist and writer who loves fantasy, history, and analyzing Stranger Things! This pinned post is a temporary one until I can get my proper one finished. If the links don’t work on mobile, it’s because tumblr has decided to act up. This can be circumvented by pressing and holding on a link and opening it in your phone browser. I know this isn’t ideal but alas that’s tumblr for you, and hopefully things will be easier to navigate once i get all this info into a google doc instead.
This is my main/personal/Stranger Things blog- if you’re looking for just my art, that’s over at @aemiron-art​
Like i said, I’m working on a proper pinned post/directory/redoing my tags & working on some big google doc analysis writeups so I’ll make a different pinned post with those resources once that’s all finished, but for now, here’s just some of my random ST analyses/ST posts I’d like to highlight:
henry creel is innocent: edward creel vs henry creel, edward hyde vs henry jekyll, carl jung’s theory of the shadow and stranger things: the first shadow
og eightfifteengate post/where eightfifteengate started
og post about the creel murders occurring on the same day as will’s birthday and ties to birthdaygate
og edward creel post
og post about victor being found on the side of the road and how this ties into what i’ve been saying about hawkins lab being involved in the creel murders  og post of the grandfather clock behind will in the byers house in s1 og post about the fact that we’re getting a “henry in the sensory tank” scene in s5 (this is not the full sensory tank scene analysis)
og post about BTS proof regarding the henry in the sensory tank scene
yes, alice creel was 15 and the creels lived at the creel house for 2 years and here’s proof.
the og ‘if will is gay men who die by hate crimes, mike is gay men who die by suicide’ and hypervisible vs invisible gay men and ted wheeler’s ignorance post
virginia creel likely still had her eyes when she was laying on the table
even more highlighted posts beneath the cut
initial post about henry’s regenerative abilities and some henry-demogorgon parallels post analyzing henry’s regenerative abilities and the “tumors” that appear on the henrygorgon in the byers house in S1 and why henry has teeth on his forehead.  stair scene parallels between barb, billy, and mike  el kisses mike the same way that the fleshflayer flays people
the grids and specifically the plaid in ST as webs (later i will find my posts about spiders = predators and therefore web imagery is tied  to when people are being preyed upon but tumblr hates me and i cant find half my posts rn) og post about the creel tub being the same as heather’s void bathtub og post about “chester is not a dog” 
og post about s1 mike-henry parallels and the idea that the mike in the garage Wasn’t Mike one of the mike-henry parallel scenes during will’s vanishing
“mother is god in the eyes of a child,”/“i can see your sin as clearly as god can”/“if i only could, i’d make a deal with god,” and why alice creel was the angel in the creel house and why virginia killed her. og post about the st-tommy parallels henry is subtitled as “boy” during the electrocution scene
mike isn’t just realizing who he loves- he’s realizing what romantic love IS
mike thinks will had a crush on angela
some ST soundtrack realizations and how they tie to gay mike
more soundtrack and gay mike and rock me amadeus by falco vs play with me by extreme thoughts
some thoughts about why mike’s gayness isn’t presented the same way as will’s and will and mike representing hypervisible vs invisible gay men respectively
the 60 minutes namedrop in s4 and the aids-themed episode it’s referencing
el and gay mike and mileven breakup and the narrative
ramble about mike and internalized homophobia #1
if mike ever loved el romantically, why did he lie about love at first sight instead of using the actual moment he realized he had feelings for her?
mike calling el pretty does not indicate attraction
mike’s ‘not into girls’ facial expression
ramble about mike not being attracted to el #1
ramble about gay mike and wrapping up s5 and how gay mike recontextualizes mileven moments
why am i so sure about gay mike? do i think i have magic future-seeing powers for s5?
mike didn’t even try to hit the water at the quarry & mike-joyce parallels & the importance of seeing mike through a mike lens and how mike represents people who don’t look like they’re drowning & how mike is a character that’s meant to make people challenge their own biases about mental health and sexuality (part of this analysis is in the reblog that’s linked there but here’s also a link to the reposted section of it)
ramble about mike and the invisible struggle
og post about the pair of eyes on the skis behind mike during will’s vanishing
will and saruman parallels and will and henry’s connection working like a palantir
og post about “victor” holding henry the way brenner holds el during henry’s memories of the creel murders [panicked chittering]: an analysis of the “henry killing the rabbit” scene
the og post about henry wearing a straitjacket when he’s laying on the floor of the creel house post about henry being the mindflayer and parallels between henry and dnd mindflayers “everyone vandalizes the bathroom stall”: mike is taught that HE is the problem a rant about the wheelers
I’ve made an absolute TON more posts and analyses but like I said, I’m still in the process of organizing those & making a final pinned post with links to all of them. 
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purrincess-chat · 6 months
blue guitar boy + 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 13, 18, 19, 25
have fuuunnnn answering
Rae, you glutton for punishment, you XD
Fair warning for those who maybe don't know the history here, this answer will be salty~
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
His relationship with Marinette was short lived and stripped of any meaningful content
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character
That he got off essentially with no punishment for LYING TO MARINETTE'S FACE and keeping secret that HE KNEW HER FUCKING IDENTITY and she doesn't even get mad at him for lying about it, and the narrative doesn't punish him for it either in any meaningful way. I mean, I was happy he had to leave for a while, but then him learning Mirakungfu is just ehhhh I'd have preferred he just never found out and left anyway to go travel with Jagged. I also hate that Jagged is canonically his dad/a deadbeat dad. I liked Jagged significantly more before that was canon, but after that being canon it kind of ruined his character for me ngl...
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Not really a song-song per se, but I think of jacksepticeye's Night in the Woods playthrough when he's like "why is there always some douchebag with a guitar who's like 'I sing about my feelings cause I play guitar'" and that is always the first thing that comes to mind when I think about him. Also, since seeing the Barbie movie I think of that one scene with all the Kens playing guitar at the Barbies, and I love that movie so much for pointing out how cringy it is.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
They make him more attractive when they draw him than he actually is in canon
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Literally everything else XD People who have been here a long time know about birthdaygate. I hate that they pretend he is better than Adrien, I hate that they act like the love square is toxic and their ship should have been endgame, I hate that they take key traits from Adrien and give them to the blue boy in order to make him more interesting but then shit on Adrien and act like he's the worst character in the show and somehow a creep/abuser toward Marinette/LB while propping up the blue boy on a pedestal as if he's god's gift to the fandom, I hate that they excused away him lying to Marinette about knowing her identity and even praised him for it when literally a season prior to that they shit on Adrien for finding out in CB and not telling her when she just literally had no idea and never asked, but when blue boy gets asked point blank if he knows, he lied and somehow that was perfectly fine and acceptable and they were glad he finally did something selfish/for himself for once. Literally, every time I read a take by blue ship truthers, I feel like my braincells die.
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
I don't have much of a reason for this, but I feel like he would sign off most of his messages with a peace sign ✌️
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
That one episode with Juleka wanting to model was kinda cute when he was encouraging her
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Listen, for those that are like why so negative about the blue boy, Cat? What did he ever do to you? I want it to be known, that my first impression of him was very neutral. I didn't love or hate him. He was just okay. I thought he was a little bland, but I was open to seeing where he would go. The fandom 100% ruined him for me entirely. Canon helped later in S4 as I've already talked about, but it was mostly the fandom. Birthday spamming bitches. But when he first debuted, I just thought he was kinda meh, which was a crime apparently. But since then I've been more open with my disdain, so idgaf about it anymore. He's still mid imo.
Send me a character and some numbers
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a byler tangled meets anastasia au with a splash of reverse birthdaygate (mike's parents worked at the palace and he and will were best friends when they were five. will demonstrated powers of light when he was young. a year later, vecna ripped the kingdom to shreds, plunged the world into eternal darkness, and stole will away. the chaos caused mike's parents to leave the palace and find work elsewhere, so in the years to come, mike can't fully remember his lost best friend's face. vecna's hid will in this isolated tower and is obsessed with cultivating will's powers so he can feed off of them. everyone in the kingdom remembers his birthday and celebrates it by lighting the darkness with floating lanterns (it uses a ton of resources but it's all funded by the queen, who is determined to hold onto the hope that her baby will come back to her) but will doesn't remember his birthday/anything about his real life because vecna, you know, vecna is determined to keep him. but regardless, will, with his own powers drawn towards light, feels drawn towards the lanterns. eventually, he and mike meet again. they both feel a sense of familiarity with each other but they don't know how or why (will bc vecna, mike bc, well, they were little kids). but they eventually fall in love, and as mike tells him more about the kingdom, the more will's memory jogs. eventually, will uses the powers vecna cultivated, the power of being in love, and the power of his recovered memory (and returned understanding of self) to defeat vecna and return home to his family. and vecna nearly kills mike with a darkness sickness (idk, it, like, pulls him into darkness, like when people die and the light fades from their eyes kind of thing) but will uses his powers of light to force the darkness away and bring mike back to life.
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willow-lark · 2 years
Dude ong i just read your birthdaygate ficlet and i just—AJSJDKFNCKDLDLEKEFKFV
If you would be willing to share whatever outline you have in your head, you would, like, have my undying loyalty. Bc OMG. I—I freakin’ LOVE what you have written so far j can’t. And not being anle to write the whole long fic is such a mood—there are. So many outlines for fics in my google docs. That i simply cannot write.
So like. I love and adore outlines/concepts/plans for fics-that-could’ve-been, they are my JAM, and i would love to read yours.
Thank you for sharing this ficlet with us!
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omg i am HONORED that ppl are interested in my fic idea?? you're all so kind omg y'all this means so much to me i am hugging all of you so hard rn. 🥺💖🫂 also i'm gonna put some of this under a readmore cause it's kind of long. also i put this at the end of my ficlet but idk how much of this i will actually write so everybody has my blanket permission to add onto/do anything w this that they want :))
ok! so! in my head birthdaygate goes something like this:
of course, everyone forgets will's birthday in 1986. will says nothing. this continues when the cali and russia gangs get to hawkins. will is just kind of there. he helps out at the crisis center at hawkins high, visits el at the cabin, but every time he walks into a room people's eyes glaze over him kind of like he's not there. though both he and jonathan are staying at the wheelers, mrs w starts forgetting a place for him. jonathan forgets to get will up and leaves without him in the mornings. mike doesn't speak to him. and, constantly, there's a voice in will's head (vecna) telling him Come home. They don't want you.
and... will listens. he intends to go to the upside-down and fight vecna on his own, while going through an unhealthy amount of self-deprecation and self-hatred (à la my recent series). into the upside down he goes, but it's a futile hunt, and he ends up trapped there, tormented and hunted at every turn.
meanwhile, everyone else's minds just kind of fuzz over when it comes to will. when it comes to things that involve him in their memories, he's either erased or the memory is rewritten with some other explanation. for example: why the party was out in the woods when they met el. why jonathan was taking pictures of the steve's backyard. the entirety of s2. why the UD is stuck on nov 6, 1983. you get the gist. the others spend the next two and a half years struggling against vecna, and meanwhile will languishes in the upside-down.
that is, until stoncy embark on some sort of reconnaissance mission (this is where my ficlet comes in) and run into him in the upside down. on will's end, it becomes apparent very quickly they have no idea who he is, and on their end they r adamantly NOT going to leave someone in the UD to die. so, they take him out with them and call a meeting at the cabin.
of course, mike does not trust this kid (what if he's a spy??) very much like lucas with el in s1. lucas somewhat agrees with him, but acknowledges that it turned out well when he gave el a chance, so he's ready to do that here, and besides he'll do anything to help get max out of her coma. the others have more of lucas's mindset. plus, will can give them intel about the UD that they don't have.
meanwhile will is struggling. there's the angst-fest of him being surrounded by all the people he loves and none of them know and they're all kind of wary of him and he can't say anything, plus he's trying not to give away to anyone that he actually knows things about them and about all the upside-down ish that's happened in previous years. this does make him act kind of sus at times.
mike is determined to not trust him, but will literally gives him déjà vu every other second. at one point they r in mike's room for some reason and he has The Painting up on the wall and will does a double-take and mike's like. isn't it awesome??? my (ex)girlfriend had it commissioned for me but i still keep it up bc it's of all my friends plus i think the person that painted it is THE best artist in the world. will is like. oh. who painted it. and mike's brain like. flatlines and he changes the subject (You're the heart, a voice whispers to him, one that he can't quite place).
there are also similar scenes with the byers fam and the rest of the party. there's this one scene in s1e1 the morning after will goes missing where joyce comes out and like. says hi to jonathan who's cooking breakfast and then goes to ruffle will's hair but he's not there and the same thing happens but will IS there this time and joyce's brain short-circuits a little bit
and there's one scene where they give will a walkman to guard against being vecnaed and ask what his favorite song is and he's like "should i stay or should i go" bc DUH and jonathan's like "excellent taste" and will just says "thanks, i got it from my older brother."  all aboard the angst train choo fuckin choo!!
anyways thanks to will's intel the whole squad suits up to head into the upside down. will maps it out for them (vecna's got a vine hub thing in the UD similar to s2 which is his new base of operations since he moved out of creel house). and thus we have my sword mike + bow and arrows lucas + nail bat dustin + gun will agenda. el is off with hop and nancy and whoever heading in to fight vecna or whatever. so now we have the core four og party in their little pod to complete their mission. they r armed with the weapons above but also like. molotov cocktails n lighters n shit too. but they r surrounded by a shit ton of demodogs about to eat them and d'art isn't here this time for dustin to take advantage of his bond with. OHHH SHITTT what r they gonna do???? dustin wants to hunker down and stay on the defense (Cast protection!). lucas wants to light them up (Fireball him!) and mike (still slightly distrusting, waiting for will to prove himself), demands that (since will's the one who spent two and a half years here) he lead the party in what to do (Will, your action!). and will decides that they need to fireball these mother fuckers. this time, it's like they each rolled a nat 20 and the demodogs are decimated.
now the party moves on to provide backup for the el v. vecna showdown. vecna hones in on will. Come home again, William? I knew you would. but el and will have this absolutely epic banging team-up and take him DOWN. vecna dies. el, exhausted, staggers back. will goes unconscious and falls to the ground. all of the memories that vecna was hoarding about will are released now that he's dead, and everyone remembers. (max jolts awake in the hospital.) 
i have this very distinct image of the party getting their memories back. they're standing there injured and exhausted and then it dawns on them and in TOTAL UNISON they're like. WILL.
later, will wakes up in the hospital to his mom petting his hair and his brother crying and the party runs in and it's very s1 reunion except they're all crying way more and apologizing and (only a tiny bit) mad at will for not saying anything. also idk the specific logistics but byler goes endgame ofc. and there we have a VERY happy ending!!! yay!!! 
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coniangray · 8 months
A FOOTNOTE WILL DO - Shiftingfics on ao3
Mike wheeler has to face the facts. Despite Vecna's curse killing victims in Hawkins one by one, he finds himself in California, Lenora, only to find a complex situation with Will. This day is one that will change everything....
A canon compliant fic that starts in season 4 of stranger things and follows both Mike and Will's prospectives from Lenora all the way to a destroyed, apocalyptic Hawkins after the four gates of those victims collided.
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The story is split in two parts:
Part one: The best spring break ever
After the terrible shooting, and Will thinking everything was his fault, Mike tries to approach him, even try to get a word from him. But will doesn't talk- he won't talk. He's mad at himself for everything.
All changes when Mike spits out that one lie he never meant. A lie that stigmatized Will for ages.
Part two: This is the end(?)
A year later. There was an attack on Halloween - called the crawl- that forces both mike and will to come closer to each other after drifting away for a long while. The Hawkins crew now has to protect their hometown from demo creatures by completing night shifts out in the wild, specifically by checking areas that are abandoned and in a non-quarantined zone. Little did they know that in one of them affected Will in a way that can't be deceived. Little did they know that this shift would change everything not even four days later.
The finished story contains 29 chapters and about 120k words. Hope you enjoy <3
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theswifterhood · 2 years
Random Season 5 Predictions:
- pre-time jump we don’t have any revelations about max or her condition
- the first post-time jump episode, ends with el somehow reaching max, or something changing regarding max’s condition.
- the second post-time jump episode opens with Max’s eyes opening up in the void (Vecna’s mindscape thing is seemingly gone now and it faded to a void while El was there) which will be a parallel to 2x2 when El wakes up in the UD after the characters believe her to be dead, but it’s revealed she’s alive. we’ll then follow Max’s experience in the void throughout the beginning of that episode, and will be provided with the (possibly foreshadowed) reasoning (from a storytelling perspective) for Max surviving
- El will go work with Owens in the time between now and the time jump
- Mike and El will have broken up over the course of the time jump. It’ll be offscreen, but will be explained as to how it happened.
- Jonathan and Nancy will have broken up before the time jump, maybe during. If it happens at either of these times they will get back together. If they don’t break up till after, they won’t. Or if they don’t break up at all……. someone’s dying
- Steve will die
- El won’t die but will go through a major independent character arc, which will wrap up the arc we were teased in s3. So 11 will die.. but El will prevail
- Multiple references to Eddie. “this is for you Chrissy” parallel with Dustin saying that about Eddie.
- major byler moment in 5x5 (betting it’s the painting reveal
- byler kiss isn’t until episode 7
- flickergate is real
- birthdaygate is real
- manifesting labyrinthgate 🤞
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wibble-wobbegong · 2 years
birthdaygate got me thinking about the concept of mike completely forgetting will, forgetting him everyday because vecna strips every new memory he makes as soon as will leaves so they don’t rebuild their connection. will coming to hangout with him everyday, reintroducing himself everyday, because he refuses to lose mike completely. mike never gave up on will while he was gone and will isn’t gonna give up on mike.
the only problem is the mike doesn’t filter himself around will anymore because he doesn’t remember why he would need to. suddenly, every time they hang out, mike is an open book.
“holy shit, you drew this?? this is amazing, I mean holy shit, this is so cool! do you mind if i keep it? i found this binder earlier with a bunch of random art in it and i wanna put yours in there too!!”
“you play dnd too? no way, we’ve gotta play together! we should make a campaign!! it’s practically the greatest game of all time.”
“y’know, for a byers, you’ve got a really nice face. not that joyce isn’t pretty, but jonathan-“
“i know i don’t really know you, but meeting you has been one of the best things i’ve ever done. that sounds stupid because i’ve known you for like, eight hours, but you just… i dunno. i can’t really explain it.”
mike is touchy again, too. arms over shoulders, grabbing his hand to pull him across the arcade, sometimes just grabbing his face and looking at him. searching him. looking for something.
it’s one of those instances where things start to get better. it was a new day, and will had just gotten into mike’s room when mike saw him and immediately made him sit. mike and will are just sitting cross legged on his bed, facing each other, mike grabbing will’s face and looking at him like he’s trying to remember something. he never does. until,
“will. your name is will, right?”
and will is about to cry because he remembered as he answers with a barely audible, “yeah. yeah it is.”
“and we went to look at the gates yesterday, right?”
and will is nodding because he can’t manage words while mike starts celebrating because he finally remembered.
some time later, when mike is able to remember all his present memories with will, he tells will he wants to show him something special. mike leads the way to the kindergarten park, talking about how this was one of the only playgrounds left standing. mike takes will, who’s barely talking because oh fuck, over to the swings and tells him to stand right there before walking away.
he stops once he’s walked off the mulch before turning back around and walking up to will again, stopping right in front of him. he sticks his hand out and asks,
“hi, i’m mike. do you wanna be my friend?”
and will looks up at him, and they’ve both got teary eyes, and will’s asking him if he remembers and mike insists that he has to answer the question so will grabs his hand and says,
“i’m will, and i would love to be your friend.”
“best friend?”
“best friend.”
and mike’s yanking on will’s hand to pull him into a hug. they’re hugging like they’re about to die, both of them are crying, and mike remembers. he remembers.
this was not supposed to be fanfiction-y idk what happened but. concepts. it’s totally an au but i can’t stop thinking about it
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On the topic of the whole birthdaygate thing, I personally really think that the Duffers did just forget his birthday.
If the birthday was forgotten in canon, I they probably would have really signposted the fact that it was his birthday - maybe a shot of a calendar with it written, etc - so that way it would have appeared openly very sus when everyone forgot. 
Especially considering that the only reason why this error was clocked in the first place was because a lot of people involved in the fandom (Will stand and bylers) were pointing it out, so the GA knew. If you weren’t a die-hard fan or part of the fandom, I doubt you’d actually have remembered it anyway, hence why they’d have to signpost
This is such a throwaway error as well, and there’s no indication of it being revisited
Overall, they’re very thorough writers, but even good writers make mistakes. Sometimes the most obvious errors are the ones that slip past us 
Obviously, we can all believe what we want, and I’m happy to eat my words come 2024, but I think the most likely explanation is that they just forgot
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will80sbyers · 1 year
It’s funny how against birthdaygate you are bc of how tragic it would be for Will but you’re so convinced of Jonathan dying.. like his own brother dying isn’t much worse than his birthday being forgotten lmao
I have already explained this before:
Jonathan dying brings Will to develop as a character and it is pain that can be used in a positive way in the long run making him follow Jonathan's advice and take pride in his differences, Will believing everybody forgot him again it's pure emotional torture without any important effect on Will except tricking him... It's a lie from Vecna just to torture him, it's not meaningful.
Besides... I don't like Jonathan dying either, I would prefer if he doesn't die but I think it's possible it will happen
Also, why does me not liking a theory in my personal taste affect you this much to the point of sending me anon asks?
I could have my opinion on this and like one thing more than a different one without even needing to justify myself on my personal taste in stories
Birthdaygate would be only emotional torture without any possibility of bringing personal development to Will and I don't like that type of writing in stories ❤️
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