#i couldnt resist i had to at least acknowledge it
bylerisc4non · 2 years
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smth smth you've been away a whole year (6 months) maybe they just forgot
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smth smth dustin's wearing yellow for will. will's birthday was forgotten. he's also wearing green which is the byler color. byler has a fight about how it's been a while and mike didn't call. will felt forgotten. mike forgot will's birthday, as did everyone else. mike also forgot dustin's birthday. dustin thought everyone forgot him when he got back from summer camp.
dustin and will are the forgotten party members.
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wingedbeings · 5 years
so it turns out my ed is rlly badly acting up again and idk what to do abt it
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:O!! I would love to hear a more detailed plot bunny about Hizashi sharing about the Bug Incident!! Shouta being protective of Hizashi (who has such a heavy "loud, goofy and happy" air to him that my brain says: this is a person that's probably got issues that they don't speak of easily) is such good stuff. And that deeply caring side of Shouta showing up is always fantastic~
;-) anything for a dedicated Listener! <3
Age-Swap BNHA AU (Erasermic)
It took an hour and a half for Hizashi to tell Shouta everything, between the memories and the mental breaks shouts made him take when it looked like the blonde would collapse. From the 10 foster homes he had gone through, to the Bug incident at his third home. He had to resist the urge to throw up at the memory. The drunken laughter filling his head...the feeling of rough hands locking his head in place, a man's fingers prying his jaw open and shoving bug after bug into his mouth. He flinched at the memory, remembering how he cried and threw up right there on the dirty kitchen floor... his sobs the only thing sounding in the now silent kitchen.
His eyes snapped opened, the kitchen disappearing and his best friend filling his vision instead. He felt tears build up in his throat, choking down a sob.
"Sorry sorry... I'm done ... see..." he tried to sound happy "silly fear...happened like...8 years ago...I just..."
"Shut up" and then he was engulfed in the arms of the other. "Dont say sorry... dammit Zashi..." Shouta choked, full of rage, helplessness, and...something the blonde couldnt pinpoint.
Hizashi just nodded, tears falling down his cheeks as he snuggled deeper into the others embrace. Shouta cuddles were hard to come by...and he was going to take advantage of this event.
While the other tried to sob in silence, Shouta held the other tight, eyes burning fiercely as he glared at the wall. What the fuck? What kind of adult would do that to a child? What kind of person would do that to Hizashi? His friend who was loud, friendly, smiling, always trying to help others, and always ready to do his best. He felt his teeth creak as he grit them...he mindlessly wondered if they might break under any more pressure.
He buried his nose into Zashi's hair, closing his eyes and breathing in the scent of coconut shampoo the blonde always used. He had to stay calm, he could beat the shit out of a training dummy later. His friend needed him.
At the back of his mind, he reminded himself to tell his dad and pops about this later. That way they could fumigate the dorms, kill every bug in sight, and maybe avoid certain training simulations... Shoutas eyes clenched shut harder. No wonder the blonde hated forest training... such a high potential for bugs crawling around.
"Shou...I love cuddles but you're squishing me!" The other chuckled, sounding more like himself now, a wide grin now on his lips but wetness still clouded his eyes.
Shouta grunted in acknowledgement and loosened his grip, though not completely letting the other go. Hizashi chuckled.
"...I'm sorry for sobbing on you" the blonde said softly, sobering the mood once more
"Its fine..." he debated furthering his thoughts "Why didnt you tell me this sooner?" He said bluntly
Hizashi just gave a one shoulder shrug
"...I dunno... guess I'm just used to dealing with that stuff on my own. I'm mr. Happy go lucky you know!" He laughed, pushing his fingers into his face to make himself smile "I'm not supposed to have stupid little fears like bugs..."
If shouta could punch that foster father now...he would be sure to throw him into a building
"Idiot" he scoffed softly "a phobia isnt a stupid fear. It's something you cant control"
"But a pro hero afraid of bugs? That's so-"
"Normal" shouta cut him off before the blonde could get anymore self deprecating "everyone has a fear that they cant explain and that is normal"
They sat in silence for a while, until Hizashi gave a nod - though he still wasnt fully convinced. Shouta slowly let go of his friend, holding him by the shoulders so they stared into each others eyes.
"No more secrets okay?" The brunette huffed
"I mean it Hizashi," he cut in "I can't help you" or protect you "if you dont tell me these kind of things!"
Hizashi bit his lip before nodding. "You didnt laugh at me..."
"Why would I? Wait - Who laughed at you??" He asked, hair starting to rise in preparation for an ass kicking
"Shouta no!" Hizashi said seriously, though it was filled with amusement "I'm fine I promise... I'm great now actually... thank you for listening..."
Hizashi swallowed
"You're my best friend you know that?" He murmured softly
Shouta swallowed down the words, what about more? He gave a chuff and turned away, though the smile on his face was very obvious. Hizashi laughed at his friends actions and bumped the others shoulder.
"We should probably get to training hm?" Hizashi sighed, running a hand through his hair, now noticing how dirty his training clothes were.
Shouta stiffened at the thought of bringing Hizashi back to the forest.
"I'm too tired..." he groaned, laying his head down on Hizashis lap, pinning the blonde.
"Shou! Your dad is gonna kill us!" He laughed, though some genuine worry shone in his bright green eyes.
Shouta rolled his eyes, closing them before they got lost in the others.
"Dont care, I'm tired...you're tired... the logical choice is to take a nap"
"Naps aren't the solution to everything"
"Says who? Mochi likes them"
"Using your cat for an argument? That's low shou"
"Its logical. Plus if we nap now we can do something after school..."
"...you want to do something after school? Willingly?"
"Shove it blondie."
"Theres my grumpy friend!!"
"what was that thing you were talking about in homeroom?"
"Glad to know you were listening to me" he cackled, looking up at the ceiling in thought as his hand absentmindedly ran through shoutas hair "I was talking about a lot of things this morning! The arcade is open today, and Oh! The record shop just got in some new CDs I wanted to listen to. And you wanted to go to that cat cafe right? We could do that before and-"
Hizashi filled the room with idle chatter, the sound comforting to the both of them. Shouta hummed at appropriate times and responded when Hizashi actually asked a question.
Tomorrow he would go to every person that ever interacted with Hizashi, and threaten them away from bug filled pranks or teasing, least Shouta throw them across campus with his capture weapon. His friend loved a good prank... but there was a line. Shouta wouldnt let that line be crossed. Hizashi already had to deal with enough... and he did so much for everyone around him.
He cracked an eye open to look at the blonde, smirking as he saw Hizashi continue to ramble, his free hand gesticulating in excitement. This was how he was supposed to be... happy and carefree.
And like hell would he let anyone or anything hurt his friend.
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thatfanficstuff · 6 years
Battle Scars - Chapter Six
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Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader
Warnings: um...nope
You pulled your hand from Bruce’s and curled it back into a fist. “I’ve had that scar forever. Don’t even remember how I got it now.”
He arched his brows and gave you a look that said he didn’t believe a word you were saying. “You did not have that scar yesterday. Or even today when you handed Tony his coffee. Don’t bullshit me, Y/N. I’m more observant than most people give me credit for.” He slid off his glasses and tossed them onto a nearby table before crossing his arms over his chest. His gaze never wavered from you as he waited for you to speak.
Finally, you sighed and paced away from him. “I’m not trying to bullshit you, Bruce. I just wasn’t intending on telling anyone. Not for a while, at least.”
“So, you are Tony’s soulmate then?” He dropped his arms and took a step toward you. 
Suddenly unable to speak, you nodded.
“Okay. And you’ve known since?”
“After he was missing. He was doing a press conference and I saw him on the television. Our bruises matched.”
He raked a hand through his already messy hair and huffed out a breath. “And you haven’t told him?”
“What do you think, Bruce?”
“All right, all right.” He gestured toward one of the chairs at his small kitchen table. You sat and he took the one across from you. “Are you planning to tell him?”
You debated for a moment whether to even the continue the conversation before deciding it was too much of a relief to have someone to talk to for you to stop now. If things got back to Tony, you’d just have to deal with it then. “That was my intention when I came here. I tried to get through to him by phone and I couldn’t so I just showed up. They assumed I was here for a job interview and here we are.”
“I don’t suppose you mentioned you were his soulmate when you tried to call?” he asked.
“It’s not like anyone would have believed me if I had. Besides, that’s the kind of news you need to deliver yourself don’t you think?” You leaned back in your seat.
He ran his fingers across the surface of the table as he thought. “All of that aside, why haven’t you told him since then? You’ve had time. He’s been looking for you for a long time.”
Hearing that Tony had wanted to find you made your heart a little lighter. It also made you feel a little guilty. “He has a girlfriend, Bruce. I’m not going to be what breaks them up.”
“Who? Pepper?”
You nodded.
He grimaced. “She’s not really his girlfriend.”
You pursed your lips thinking over everything you had seen the last few weeks. “Are they dating?”
He tilted his head from side to side. “Well, I mean, technically—”
You held up a hand to cut him off. “Technically is enough of a relationship for me. I’ll tell him when the time is right. This isn’t it.”
“How do you know that it isn’t? I won’t tell him if you don’t want me to, but you should. And the sooner the better.”
“That’s enough. I’m not going to let him drop his entire life because of me. That’s not fair to him, Bruce.”
“You dropped yours to come here for him. Shouldn’t he get the same choice?”
It took a while before you were convinced that Bruce wouldn’t spill your secret. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to tell Tony. You would love nothing more than to be with him but you didn’t want him to pick you just because you were his soulmate. You wanted him to get to know you as a person first and a soulmate second. Things like that took time.
You were still deep in thought when you left Bruce’s room to head back to your floor.
“Everything sorted?”
The unexpected voice startled you and you found yourself staring at Tony with wide eyes. “Huh?” Well, that was eloquent, Y/N.
Tony straightened from where he’d been leaning in the doorway of the lab. You wondered briefly how long he’d been standing there. His gaze darted past you to Bruce’s door before settling back on you. “Did you get Bruce squared away?”
“Yeah,” you answered feeling moderately guilty for misleading him. “It’s all good.”
He stepped forward as his tongue darted out to moisten his lips. “What did he need anyway? You two were in there for a while.”
You lifted one brow. “We got busy talking. You know how it is.”
He hummed in what you assumed was agreement. “Well, I’ll let you get back to it.” With that he turned and went back into the lab.
You stood there for a moment trying to process the strange scene you’d just been part of until your phone rang. “Hello,” you answered without paying attention to who was calling.
“We need to talk,” came Fury’s deep voice and you instantly forgot about anything else. Why was the director of SHIELD calling you?
As soon as you were off the phone with the director, you spent the next two hours making calls, placing orders and issuing instructions. Once you were certain everything you needed done would be completed by morning, you called a meeting in the Avengers conference room.
As the team shuffled in, they fell quiet as they found you waiting for them. Tony and Bruce were the last two to file in. Tony scowled as his gaze fell on you. “I thought this was a team meeting. What are you doing here, hot stuff?”
You arched a brow at the nickname. “It is a team meeting, Tony. Fury thought I could handle this one.”
Steve’s brows shot up. “Would you mind repeating that?”
“Just sit down,” you instructed the science bros. “It’s not that kind of meeting.” You passed a thin folder to everyone at the table. “Fury is expanding the team.”
“Sam Wilson, the Maximoff twins, and James Barnes have all been approved on a probationary basis.” From the corner of your eye you saw Steve sit straighter in his chair as a grin curled his lips. “Sam will maintain his own residence. The twins will be on the floor below Nat and Clint and Bucky will be on your floor, Steve.”
Not everyone looked particularly thrilled with the news you were giving them. “The information in the folders includes what they are required to do to maintain their status on the team. Steve, Bucky requires daily therapy for the time being, would you prefer I bring someone in?”
“Yes, please,” he responded with no hesitation.
You shifted your attention to Tony who just frowned at the folder in front of him. “Tony.” You’d said his name softly but it was enough to get his attention. He looked up with wide eyes.
“The twins need therapy, too. Three times a week. And then there are the after mission sessions. Should I see about getting one on staff?”
Natasha huffed a laugh. “I’m surprised Fury didn’t offer to move one in.”
You smiled at that. “Oh, he did. I didn’t think any of you would care for a SHIELD shrink when we can hire our own. Then you don’t have to worry about them reporting back to anyone.”
“See. This is why I like her,” Clint piped up. “Always thinking.”
Tony’s lips twitched for a second before he gave in and smiled. “Hire us a shrink, sweetheart.”
With Jarvis’ help it didn’t take you long at all to find the perfect candidate and he was quickly hired. Anxious to share the news with Tony you were talking before he could even acknowledge your presence in the lab. You read off the man’s qualifications and talked about his references and then realized Tony wasn’t commenting on anything you said.
You looked up from you tablet to find him smiling as he looked between the device in his hand and you. It was easy to see that you amused him. Your face heated. “Sorry, I ramble when I get excited.”
“I look forward to exploring that trait of yours in more detail later, but why are you so excited about hiring a team therapist? Or should I not ask? Is he handsome? Are you impressed by the size of his PHD?”
You blinked as your brain tried to catch up with your soulmate’s teasing. He was certainly in a flirtatious mood. As you looked him over, you realized that he had stripped down to a white tank. And coming from beneath it was a bright blue glow. “Um, Tony?”
“Yeah, Y/N?”
You gestured vaguely in his direction. “You’re glowing.” You tore your gaze from his chest to meet his eyes.
His brow furrowed and he glanced down. “I’m surprised you haven’t noticed before. It keeps me alive. Keeps shrapnel from going into my heart.”
That made your chest hurt. What if he wasn’t a genius? Would he already be dead? You sat your tablet down on the table and stepped around until you stood next to Tony, his eyes following you. “Can I see?”
He tilted his head and studied you for a long moment and you wondered what he was thinking. Finally, he emptied his hands and turned on his stool so he was facing you. In one swift movement, he took his tank off and tossed it on the table beside him. “Look all you want, sweetheart.”
You closed the small distance remaining between the two of you, your eyes glued to the device in his chest. No wonder your scar had never faded. This thing had to be inserted inside of him. It was a permanent wound. You reached your hand out to touch it before you caught yourself. “Sorry,” you said, snatching your fingers back just before you actually made contact.
Tony’s warm hand wrapped around yours and he tugged you closer. Your heart raced and you sucked in a deep breath as he laid your hand against his chest. He kept his over the top of it. “It’s called an arc reactor,” he explained. “It not only keeps me breathing, it powers the suit.”
You glanced up at the sound of his voice and swallowed past the lump in your throat as you realized just how close you were to him. “Does it hurt?”
He shrugged. “Hurt like hell at the time. Now, not so much.” His thumb rubbed against the hand he was holding making a tremor shoot through you.
You reached your other hand up and traced one of the many scars that decorated his skin. He hissed in a breath. Your first instinct was to apologize but you resisted the urge and looked up to meet Tony’s gaze. His eyes studied your face as the corner of his mouth kicked up in a grin. “If you’re planning on checking out all my scars, it’s going to take a while. Not that I mind. I just think you should be prepared.”
The two of you leaned toward each other and your eyelids closed as you prepared for the kiss.
“Ms. Potts is requesting that you meet her in your apartment, Mr. Stark.” Jarvis’ voice cut through the silence in the room and you took a giant step away from Tony as you were reminded of his girlfriend.
Your face was warm and you suddenly found yourself unable to meet his gaze.
“Thank you, Jarvis. Impeccable timing,” Tony bit out.
“Of course, sir.”
You couldn’t keep yourself from glancing up. Tony gave you a smile as he put his shirt back on. His eyes stayed locked on yours as he gave instructions to the AI. “Tell Pepper I’ll meet her in her office.”
He stepped toward you, stopping when you took a step back to maintain the distance. He held up his hands and leaned against the table behind him so you knew he was giving you the space you needed right now. “Pepper is not my girlfriend.”
You bit your lip. “It’s not really my business.”
“I think it is.”
You glanced down briefly before looking back up. “Then does she know she’s not your girlfriend? Because I’m not so sure she does.”
His dark eyes studied you but he said nothing.
You cleared your throat and gestured toward the door. “I should go.”
He nodded once. “Just remember, sweetheart, we’re not even close to done here.”
Battle Scars: @i-dontwikeit @thevanishedillusion @amandamartinez3568 @clumsy-hailles @little-nonny @tonystarkismyboy @redfoxwritesstuff @lowkeyofsassguard @sherlocked-whovian-1969 @tori24rose @a--1--1--3 @youclickedthislink @beckastark @confusedhada @nuggeteater-dot-com @bluehuskey2099 @kit-kat-katie99 @sexysamsungl @staringmoony
All the Things: @swanky-batman @rissyrapp20 @startrekkingaroundasgard @spooookyscary @taylordrunkonwhiskey @thewolf-and-thesheep @laneygthememequeen @collette04 @shatteredabby 
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weiqiankun-blog · 5 years
beauty you hold.
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female reader x mark lee 
pretty frickin soft 
my first piece of writing so i do hope you enjoy reading it 
3k ish
You'll admit, working at a coffee shop had it's quirks but there were just sometimes when all you wanted to do was go home and just sleep cause after all you were an exhausted college student and lets just say times were...tough sometimes. You've been working at your local coffee shop for awhile now and youve made friends with the other workers keeping in mind that theyre all quite older than you but atleast you have one close friend who works with you, this of course being one of your bestfriend's yuta. When you first met yuta, you kinda thought he was a pushover and a bit too bossy (or atleats thats what you said to him when you were explaining why you didnt approach him when you guys first met but actually it was only cause you were too scared). But ANYWAY, you were first to start working at the coffee shop, its name being 'Euphoria Cafe' and once you saw the help wanted sign through the window you were probably the first to apply cause you loved that place. Need a place to study? Euphoria, Need a place to relax? Euphoria, Need a place to sometimes see a few cute boys from time to time?... Euphoria (hotel?trivago (sorry i just had to)) so yeah. you got the job obviously and it was difficult at first to get used to how to use all the machines and everything but eventually you got the hang of it. And this is when your (not yet) best friend yuta comes waltzing in as the newly hired worker and you were kinda nervous cause yeah sure you're good with making friends but that doesn’t change that fact that you're terrified of embarrassing yourself especially in front of someone you found intimating.
So your first day together was awkward to say the least, there were many glances on both ends and all you guys said to each other were hi's, sorry's, here ya go's, and bye's when you guys left eventually. The next day it was like something snapped inside of you and you were having a really good day and you were just happy for ledgit no reason but when you're in moods like this, you kind of forget how to act around people or not forget but it's just a lot more free? So when you come into work you see yuta just getting in as well, and out of nowhere you just shouted, " hey yuta!!! how's your day been, excited for work?!" and the shock on his face was priceless and he just turned around and said, "oh, hey y/n, its been good and yeah i guess you could say i am", and to be honest you were kinda surprised he knew your name cause you guys literally never talked before yesterday and today was the first actual conversation you guys were having so naturally you asked, " oh woah, you know my name?", " well yeah, you know my name so...", "good point good point". And that was the start of a beautiful friendship, you guys grew really close and pretty fast and what surprised you the most was how jokingly flirtatious he got and it was definitely a joke cause at this point in your friendship you guys have seen TOO MUCH (dont be weird not like that) of each other to catch any feelings. You guys came to work together almost every day with him basically clinging onto you cause he needs affection and you obviously giving him it cause um who could resist. So yeah life was nice other than the crazy amount of work you had to do for college but OTHER THAN THAT just great :(.
Well anyway (yes this is a mark fluff just waittt) after  few months of working there another employee joined and you recognized him almost instantly, he was in almost all of your classes but you guys barely talked, actually you guys only talked when you were forced to (partnered up and stuff). He wasnt in your shift but you always saw him leaving when you and yuta coming in. Eventually, mid-term break came along and yeah you were excited as hell but yuta was leaving to back to his hometown in japan so you would be pretty lonely. But then... you come into work one day not really being aware of your surroundings because you were too absorbed in your music but then when you walk in you see mark behind the counter not looking ready to leave at all so you said, "oh hi mark" (get the reference?) clear confusion coming out with your words and mark acknowledged it so he replied, " hey y/n, oh i asked if i could change my shift time because this works better for me so youll be seeing me for a while haha", " oh okay then i look forward to working with you", you say while nodding your head slightly. so mark right, you always liked him, not like crush sense but you thought he was cool you guess, and theres no denying that he was pretty cute but you never even had the idea of liking him until one day. So you come into work and suprisingly mark's not there he was usually early but you just thought oh he probably had something to do and didnt really care (#sorrynotsorry) but then in comes an extremely disheveled looking mark with messy hair and ripped jeans and a hoodie on and you were concerned to say the least. Thankfully no customers were in the shop yet and mark just runs to the counter panting and you genuinely think someone's been chasing him but he later explains he woke up like 2 minutes before he came to the coffee shop cause his phone ran out of battery hence alarm=nonexistent basically. That day you had a lot of customers and since you guys had to stay the entire day by the end of the day you were exhausted. When it was about an hour to closing mark just went on his break and it was just you in the shop because he just went for a walk which he regularly does for his break, something you noticed. but there werent many customers so you were okay but when you turned around to the register you saw a pink post-it saying: stay back today for a bit?. you already know mark wanted to just relax after work today and you guys had stayed back after work sometimes and you enjoyed it so you smiled and continued with the order for the customer. eventually he came back and you smiled and nodded and he smiled back and that just made you smile harder. so the day was finally over and you went to sit infront of the counter and took off your apron while mark was busy making something that you figured was his but when he was done you realized he had two drinks in his hand one being your favourite, a hot chocolate and one a berry smoothie. He placed the hot chocolate infront of you and you were like huh? and he said, “you drink this practically whenever you have the chance anyone would know it's your favourite". your heart kinda fluttered but you were like gurl dont be dumb staph but that didnt really stop much. you guys moved to the sofa after grabbing a few snacks (this was the main perk of getting the end shift cause you could stay back). You guys were facing each other and the windows were all still open blowing chilling air in and although you loved it you were cold and being the dumb one you are you forgot to bring a jacket so you shivered but you were fine after you closed the windows or so you thought for like two seconds and then you were like yeah no i be cold. "so care to explain why you came in looking like a wreck today" "so are you implying that i look good every other day" " well im not denying it.." you were always quite flirty with everyone unintentionally (sometimes intentionally) but mark kinda got used to it " i just slept really late yesterday and today wasnt the best" "i can tell but hey whats up?" "eh just stuff" "oh also ive been meaning to ask how long are you going to be working this shift?" "oh you want me to stay i see" "please, if anything the opposite" "mhmmm sure" he says with a smug look on his face, "well until your boyfriend comes back" you spat out your drink," my boyfriend?!" confusion was plastered on marks face and he said" yeah the guy you were working with before i came, yuta i think his name was?" you genuinely couldnt stop laughing until you eventually explained that he was just a bestfriend and you noticed a look of relief on his face? but pushed it aside. suddenly mark just got up and went to the back where you heard rummaging. after a few minutes mark came back with a t-shirt on and his hoodie in his hand. He threw over to you "stop shivering and wear this" he says he sat next to you this time causing you heart to basically jump out of your chest he wasnt that close or anything just him being kind. you mumbled a thanks. after a few moments of silence mark asked " so do you have a boyfriend?" "no you?" "nah. hey wanna lock up and just walk" you were actually glad he asked cause you were kinda tired of being in the cafe for this long and you thankfully nodded ---- you guys walked to a nearby park just talking about literally anything that came to your mind at this point you guys were pretty close and both of you guys knew things about each other that a lot of people dont, irrelevant and meaningful, like he knows that you only like the ends of those soda gummies cause apparently then have the most taste, but he argues that it all tastes the same, that doesnt stop him from eating the other end when you dont want it though, and you know that whenever hes stressed the only thing he wants to do is talk to someone he trusts and you were the same that way. as you were walking you werent really focusing on anything cause your heart was kinda all over the place cause youve officially developed a big fat crush on this idiot and you knew he didnt feel the same but then you being so absent minded caused you to trip and almost instantly mark grabbed your hand to stop you from falling over and you just started laughing while mark asked you if you were okay. you guys continued to walk in silence with the howling wind filling the air, although you guys were nothing you couldnt ask for more in this moment. you were reaching for your phone when you realized mark was still holding your hand you just stopped walking and froze staring at your hands clasped together (they werent intertwined but just holding ya get?) and obviously every force has an equal and opposite Reaction (its SciEnTifiC oKaY) so since you stopped walking and you were connected to mark he kinda was pulled back and this is when you noticed how red his face was and that surprised you but at the same time youre sure you were too (but like im brown so you wouldnt even be able to tell ay ay) "you only noticed i was holding your hand this entire time now?" "uh.. well.. ummm-" "sorry do you want me t-" he said as he started letting go "no no its fine i was just surprised thats all" and you guys continue walking except now your fingers are intertwined and your heart beating double time. you truly liked mark for his personality, for the way he made you laugh, the way he made you feel, the way he treated you, you really liked him. you guys found a a green patch that was pretty empty and decided to sit. mark was pretty sleepy so he asked if he could put his head on your lap and you said sure. it was pretty late at night but you werent scared if anything you felt safe and happy. mark did that to you and as you looked down at his face you truly realized how beautiful he was. his skin was so smooth and the fluorescent lights along the park were reflecting on his round glasses that shaped his face perfectly. you then hesitated before taking his glasses off cause you noticed he takes them off whenever hes tired so you just wanted him to feel comfortable. he opened his eyes at that and looked straight into your eyes, his eyes truly glimmered in the light as if they were shining stars of their own but what you didnt know is that those same eyes have been staring at you all night admiring your beauty and presence. you give him a slight smile and he does the same before shutting his eyes once again. you kinda wished he didnt because you wanted to stare into his eyes for more but atleast he was getting rest. this is when you decided to play some music. it was calm and relaxing and always helped when you were feeling stressed and you could tell mark was for whatever reason cause he refuses to tell you and since music was such a huge part of your life you hoped it would help him too. you started singing along lowly and not to brag or anything but your voice wasnt half bad, after all you were a music major and one of the instruments you play was your throat so you sounded pretty nice and mark seemed to agree with this cause he then reached for your phone and paused the music to say, " i like your voice better" and you being way too scared to sing infront of him refused but eventually he convinced you by saying he would sing as well which he did and you guys sounded nice.
after staying for a bit longer you decided it was time to go home so you told mark to get up and he obliged. he held his hand out for you and even after helping you up he continued to hold it. he insisted on dropping you off to your dorm which hes visited before to watch a movie or two but thats all. on your way back you asked him, "mark are you sure you dont want to talk about whats stressing you out?" "no its okay really, thanks for caring" he replied "anytime and if you change your mind just call me okay?" he nodded you guys reached your house by now and mark with such sincerity in his voice said" thanks for today, really" "we do this almost every week what are you talking about" " i know but just thank you for being you" he says while staring admirably at your face "look mark, well first you know im always here even if we arent working the same shift anymore im glad we became as close as we are now cause i truly cant imagine my life without you and yeah i know its really cheesy but its true but most importantly you need to stop beating yourself up whenever you mess up. youre human and we tend to make mistakes sometimes and thats fine because i know you mark and i know at the end of the day you’re going to be an amazing dancer and youll be great at whatever you want to do so i dont know whats bothering you but whatever it is i know you can overcome it so just keep your head up high and be strong but dont be afraid to talk to people about it. and mark, im just saying all this cause i care abo-" interrupting what you were saying mark comes closer and kisses you. His lips were warm contradicting the the cold weather and one of his hands was around your waist ever so gently pulling you closer to him while the other was on your neck gently caressing it. his lips were so gentle yet so passionate as if you could feel all of his emotions, your eyes were closed and your hands were around his neck and then your fingers ran through his hair. you dont even know how long the kiss went on but you had to pull away cause you were out of breath. Your foreheads were against each other and noses almost touching his eyes were closed and he mumbled under his breath " thank you, thank you so much. thank you for being the person you are and for making me feel the way i feel. every time i see you im so mesmerized by the amount of beauty you can hold. everything you do makes my heart beat faster and im just so glad that youre in my life and im really sorry if you dont feel the same ill act like this never happened if you want me to but i really like you and i have for a long while and i just want to compliment you everytime i see you and hold your hand and kiss you to show you how much i appreciate you and god y/n you make me feel things i dont think ive ever felt befo-" "mark..." you say moving your head to look a him, he hesitantly opens his eyes expecting a rejection "i like you too" you say before giving him a deep but quick kiss and after that he lift you up and hugs you and start cheering almost about how happy he is. And that was the start of your relationship with mark lee <3
3:00 AM 1/24/2019 (this is when I wrote this can you frickin believe wow welp.. that was it)
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patriotsnet · 3 years
How Many Registered Republicans In Illinois
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/how-many-registered-republicans-in-illinois/
How Many Registered Republicans In Illinois
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Illinois: Error Registered A Possible 545 Noncitizen Voters
CHICAGO An error in Illinois new automatic voter registration system led to a possible 545 non-U.S. citizens being registered to vote, 15 of whom cast ballots, state officials publicly acknowledged this week.
Illinois Secretary of State Jesse Whites office, which oversees drivers licenses, said the data of 574 people who self-identified as non-citizens was erroneously forwarded to elections officials to be registered to vote. Election officials confirmed Tuesday that 545 of them were ultimately registered.
It was a computer error, White spokesman Dave Druker said Tuesday. We moved to correct it and contacted people involved.
As Illinois Republicans called for an immediate hearing over a serious breach of voter protections, election officials worked to determine how many of the registrations were indeed invalid. Over 150 registrations had been canceled, said State Board of Elections spokesman Matt Dietrich.
Dietrich said it was possible some people indicated that they werent citizens by mistake. When Illinois residents get standard drivers licenses, they have to confirm they meet the criteria to vote, certifying they are 18 and a U.S. citizen. Only those who meet the criteria are supposed to be sent to election officials for registration.
The 15 people cast 19 ballots in elections in 2018 and 2019.
It was not immediately unclear what would happen to the individuals.
Follow Sophia Tareen on Twitter: https://twitter.com/sophiatareen.
The Numbers Bear Out The Dominance Of The Democrats
According to gallup.com about 42% of voters claim to be independents. Nationally, the democratic advantage in the party registration states approaches 12 million. Many other republicans, as noted, lean in either the conservative or highly religious direction. Overall, targetsmart found that 42.6 percent of the new voters registered this year lean democratic, and only 29 percent lean republican . There are about twice as many registered democrats living in passaic county than republicans. The counties with the 10 highest percentages of democratic party, republican party, and no party preference registered voters are: the percentage of voters registered with the republican party decreased from 27.1% to 24.0%. 4,600 fewer republicans after the riot. In the week from jan. Currently, republicans have 51 seats, and democrats have 47 with two races still undecided. The biggest spikes in republicans leaving the party came in the days after jan. Their partisan affiliation was roughly split between three groups: Gallup.com says 31% of voters are democrats.
Republicans And Democrats Tend Not To Live Side
Weve heard it over and over: Democratic candidates win cities. have the way Democrats have dominated in cities since the 90s. Politicians bring up Americas deep-blue cities constantly, including in stump speeches and in every debate over the Electoral College. Even FiveThirtyEight couldnt resist joining in: In December, Galen Druke and I showed how Americas cities and tightly packed suburbs shifted toward Democrats in the most recent midterm election. The more densely populated the place, the more Democratic the voters.
But just because Republicans arent winning in cities doesnt mean that no Republicans live there. has been of the countrys political , but almost every Democratic city has Republican enclaves, especially when you think about cities as more than just their downtowns. Its a sign of our polarized times that these Republicans arent evenly distributed across the city, of course. But its also a sign of how centuries of American history have shaped and continue to shape where we live and who our neighbors are.
But before we get to the sociology, lets dig in to the geography. What did the political landscape of the city1Includes only urbanized areas with a population of 250,000 or more, as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau. closest to you look like in 2016?
And heres where the city closest to you ranks among the countrys most populous urban areas in terms of their partisan dissimilarity index:
Urban area 0.10
Map 1 And Table 1: Party Registration Totals By State July 2018
Democrats no longer control the White House, the Senate, the House of Representatives, or for that matter most of the governorships or state legislatures. But they still maintain a toehold in the political process with their edge in the realm of voter registration. At least that is the case in the 31 states and the District of Columbia that register voters by political party. As of this month, 13 of these states boast a Democratic plurality in registered voters, compared to eight states where there is a Republican plurality. In the other 10 states, there are more registered independents than either Democrats or Republicans, with Democrats out-registering the Republicans in six of these states and the GOP with more voters than the Democrats in the other four. They are indicated in the chart as I or I. Nationally, four out of every 10 registered voters in party registration states are Democrats, with slightly less than three out of every 10 registered as Republicans or independents. Overall, the current Democratic advantage over Republicans in the party registration states approaches 12 million.
Poring Over Party Registration
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This is not the best of times for the Democratic Party. No White House; no Senate; no House of Representatives; and a clear minority of governorships and state legislatures in their possession. Yet the Democrats approach this falls midterm elections with an advantage in one key aspect of the political process their strength in states where voters register by party.
Altogether, there are 31 states with party registration; in the others, such as Virginia, voters register without reference to party. Among the party registration states are some of the nations most populous: California, New York, Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Arizona, and Massachusetts.
The basic facts: In 19 states and the District, there are more registered Democrats than Republicans. In 12 states, there are more registered Republicans than Democrats. In aggregate, 40% of all voters in party registration states are Democrats, 29% are Republicans, and 28% are independents. Nationally, the Democratic advantage in the party registration states approaches 12 million.
Still, Republican Donald Trump found a route to victory in 2016 that went through the party registration states. He scored a near sweep of those where there were more Republicans than Democrats, winning 11 of the 12, while also taking six of the 19 states where there were more Democrats than Republicans a group that included the pivotal battleground states of Florida, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania.
In 12 States There Are More Registered Republicans Than Democrats
6, especially in california, where there were 1,020 republican changes on jan. Still, as the republican party began leaning further right in the 2010s, black americans moved left. Many other republicans, as noted, lean in either the conservative or highly religious direction. The biggest spikes in republicans leaving the party came in the days after jan. Meanwhile, there are more republicans in each of those counties than there were in 2016. Passaic added 9,912 voters in the democratic. San francisco 62.61% modoc 54.46% santa clara 29.92% According to data from ballot access news, independents make up 29.09 percent of registered voters, while republicans make up 28.87 percent and democrats make up 39.66 percent. What are the number of senate seats that the democrats and republicans hold now respectively? In 2021, republicans will have full control of the legislative and executive branch in 23 states. Democrats and independents grow more diverse since 2008. Nationally, the democratic advantage in the party registration states approaches 12 million. There is a big difference between a state, for example with 7000 registered greens, which had a net increase of plus 200 where 201 new voters registered in to the greens and only 1 left, compared to a situation in the same state where 5000 voters newly registered green but at the same time 4800 left the party.
State Political Party Revenue
See also: State political party revenue and State political party revenue per capita
State political parties typically deposit revenue in separate state and federal accounts in order to comply with state and federal campaign finance laws.
The Democratic Party and the Republican Party maintain state affiliates in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and select U.S. territories. The following map displays total state political party revenue per capita for the state party affiliates.
Lots Of Consistency Elsewhere
In the rest of the country, there was much more consistency between party registration totals and the 2016 election outcome, with only three non-Southern states voting against the grain. On election eve in Pennsylvania, there were 915,081 more registered Democrats than Republicans; Trump carried the state by 44,292 votes. In West Virginia, there were 175,867 more registered Democrats; Trump won by 300,577 votes. And in New Hampshire, there were 24,232 more registered Republicans than Democrats in the fall of 2016, but Hillary Clinton took the state by 2,736 votes. Thats it. The other 22 party registration states outside the South were carried in the presidential balloting by the party with more registered voters than the other.
And in many of these in sync states, the registration advantage in recent years has grown more Republican or Democratic as the case may be, augmented by a healthy increase in independents.
The registration trend line in California is a microcosm of sorts of party registration in the nation as whole. Democrats are running ahead and the ranks of the independents are growing. Yet registered voters in both parties appear to be widely engaged. That was the case in 2016, and likely will be again in 2018, with Trump flogging issues to rouse his base. In short, this is a highly partisan era when party registration totals, and the trends that go with them, are well worth watching.
Illinois Has Highest Number Of Registered Voters Since 1970
Tribune news services
CHICAGO The number of registered active voters in Illinois ahead of next month’s election is at its highest since 1970, even edging past the number from 2008 when Barack Obama, then a U.S. senator from the state, ran for president, officials with the state Board of Elections said Tuesday.The increased numbers come amid an unprecedented campaign season in which Democrat Hillary Clinton, the first female major party candidate for president, has squared off against Republican billionaire Donald Trump.There are nearly 7.99 million registered active voters and 758,000 inactive voters in Illinois as of Tuesday morning, state board of election spokesman Jim Tenuto said. That’s more than the 7.8 million who were registered before the 2008 presidential election, the previous high since 1970.
Tribune news services
Republican Party Primaries In Illinois 2020
Poll times: 6 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Date of Illinois presidential primary: March 17
State political party revenue
This page focuses on the Republican primaries that took place in Illinois on March 17, 2020. for more information about the Democratic primaries.
Note that the dates and terms of participation for presidential preference primaries and caucuses sometimes differ from those that apply to primaries for state-level and other federal offices, which are the subject of this article. For more information on this state’s presidential nomination process, .
Lake County Republican Central Committee Executive Committee
Mark  Shaw, Chairman
Jennifer  Neubauer, Chairwoman
Michael Danforth, First Vice Chairman
Theodore  Livengood, Jr., Second Vice Chairman
Margaret Siebert, Secretary
Barbara Bonnie Quirke, Parliamentarian
Lynn OBrien, Deputy State Central Committeewoman
Lisa Roti, Deputy State Central Committeewoman
Township Chairmen:
In 2021 Republicans Will Have Full Control Of The Legislative And Executive Branch In 23 States
Democrats and independents grow more diverse since 2008. According to gallup.com about 42% of voters claim to be independents. There is a big difference between a state, for example with 7000 registered greens, which had a net increase of plus 200 where 201 new voters registered in to the greens and only 1 left, compared to a situation in the same state where 5000 voters newly registered green but at the same time 4800 left the party. Currently, republicans have 51 seats, and democrats have 47 with two races still undecided. San francisco 62.61% modoc 54.46% santa clara 29.92% Their partisan affiliation was roughly split between three groups: How the county has changed since this time last year: Democrats will have full control of the legislative and executive branch in 15 states. There are roughly 55 million registered republicans. There are 517,562 registered democrats this year in allegheny county, compared to 520,135 in 2016. The counties with the 10 highest percentages of democratic party, republican party, and no party preference registered voters are: According to data from ballot access news, independents make up 29.09 percent of registered voters, while republicans make up 28.87 percent and democrats make up 39.66 percent. In 12 states, there are more registered republicans than democrats.
Political Party Strength In Illinois
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Illinois is a Democratic stronghold in presidential elections and one of the “big three” Democratic strongholds alongside and New York. It is one of the most Democratic states in the nation with all state executive offices and both state legislative branches held by Democrats. For most of its history, Illinois was widely considered to be a swing state, voting for the winner of all but two presidential elections in the 20th century. Political party strength in Illinois is highly dependent upon Cook County, and the state’s reputation as a blue state rests upon the fact that the majority of its population and political power is concentrated in , Cook County, and the Chicago metropolitan area. Outside of Chicago, the suburban collar counties continue trending Democratic while downstate Illinois can be considered more conservative with some moderate regions, particularly suburban St. Louis.
Illinois’s electoral college votes have gone towards the Democratic presidential candidate for the past eight elections, and its congressional makeup tilts heavily Democratic. However, it has a long history of competitive statewide elections and has elected a small number of Republicans in recent years, including Governors Jim Edgar, George Ryan, and Bruce Rauner, Senators Peter Fitzgerald/
William Lee D. Ewing vacant 79R, 70D, 2Soc, 1I, 1Prog 16R, 10D, 1Prog John Henry Stelle vacant Samuel H. Shapiro vacant William J. Scott 94R, 83D
How The Primary Works
A primary election is an election in which registered voters select a candidate that they believe should be a political party’s candidate for elected office to run in the general election. They are also used to choose convention delegates and party leaders. Primaries are state-level and local-level elections that take place prior to a general election. Illinois uses an open primary system. Voters do not have to register with a party, but they do have to choose, publicly, which party’s ballot they will vote on at the primary election.
Number Of Registered Voters In Illinois Exceeds 8 Million
Something about the 2016 election is striking a cord with the populace to make sure that theyre registered, said Ken Menzel, general counsel for the Illinois State Board of Elections.
With less than two weeks until Election Day, more Illinoisans are registered to vote since record keeping began in 1970.
Map 2 And Table 4: Party Registration And The 2016 Presidential Vote
Of the 31 party registration states, 24 were carried in the 2016 presidential election by the party with the most registered voters in it. Donald Trump swept 11 of the 12 states with a Republican registration advantage, while Hillary Clinton won 13 of the 19 states which had more registered Democrats than Republicans. Four of the Democratic registration states that Trump took were in the South, led by Florida and North Carolina. He also overcame Democratic registration advantages in West Virginia and Pennsylvania to win both. The only state with more registered Republicans than Democrats that Hillary Clinton carried in 2016 was New Hampshire, where the outcome was very close.
Notes: An asterisk indicates states where there were more registered independents than either Democrats or Republicans in October 2016. Independents include a comparatively small number of registered miscellaneous voters who do not fit into any particular category.
Key Point From This Article
Altogether, there are 31 states with party registration; in the others, such as Virginia, voters register without reference to party. In 19 states and the District, there are more registered Democrats than Republicans. In 12 states, there are more registered Republicans than Democrats. In aggregate, 40% of all voters in party registration states are Democrats, 29% are Republicans, and 28% are independents. Nationally, the Democratic advantage in the party registration states approaches 12 million.
Candidates And Election Results
General election for U.S. House Illinois District 16
Incumbent Adam Kinzinger defeated Dani Brzozowski, Branden McCullough, and Roy Jones in the general election for U.S. House Illinois District 16 on November 3, 2020.
17.02% 17.56%
In the 2016 presidential election, Hillary Clinton won Illinois with 55.8 percent of the vote. Donald Trump received 38.8 percent. In presidential elections between 1900 and 2016, Illinois voted Republican 50 percent of the time and Democratic 50 percent of the time. Illinois voted Democratic in all five elections from 2000 to 2016.
Presidential results by legislative district
The following table details results of the 2012 and 2016 presidential elections by state House districts in Illinois. Click to expand the table. The “Obama,” “Romney,” “Clinton,” and “Trump” columns describe the percent of the vote each presidential candidate received in the district. The “2012 Margin” and “2016 Margin” columns describe the margin of victory between the two presidential candidates in those years. The “Party Control” column notes which party held that seat heading into the 2018 general election. Data on the results of the 2012 and 2016 presidential elections broken down by state legislative districts was compiled by Daily Kos.
2016 presidential results by state House district District
See also: FiveThirtyEight’s elasticity scores
Election Procedure Changes In 2020
See also: Changes to election dates, procedures, and administration in response to the coronavirus pandemic, 2020
Ballotpedia provided comprehensive coverage of how election dates and procedures changed in 2020. While the majority of changes occurred as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, some changes occurred for other reasons.
Illinois modified its absentee/mail-in voting and candidate filing procedures for the November 3, 2020, general election as follows:
Absentee/mail-in voting: Mail-in ballot applications were sent to all registered voters in the general election who cast ballots in the 2018 general election, the 2019 consolidated election, or the 2020 primary election.
Candidate filing procedures: The following changes were made to the filing procedures for unaffiliated and new-party candidates: petition signature requirements were reduced to 10 percent of their original numbers; candidates were authorized to collect petition signatures electronically; and the filing deadline was extended to July 20, 2020.
For a full timeline about election modifications made in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, .
Nationwide Voter Registration Data By Party
In the 32 jurisdictions that have registration by party, here are the number of registered voters in each party and the number of independents:
Democratic: 47,106,084Reform: 9,004oth parties 1,814,973
This data uses the most available figures for each jurisdiction. All are as of September or October 2020, except that New York has no data newer than February 2020, and Massachusetts is August 2020.
In February 2020 the numbers were:
Democratic: 45,715,952Reform: 6,665oth parties 1,712,747
The February 2020 tally is the only one in U.S. history in which the number of voters registered independent and miscellaneous was greater than the number in either major party. But between February and now, Republicans regained their second-place position.
The print issue of Ballot Access News for November 1, 2020, has this information by state. All the numbers in that edition are correct for the state-by-state figures and for the national totals for the Democratic, Republican, Libertarian Parties, and the number of independents. Unfortunately the totals for the other parties, as printed, are not, and the national percentages as printed are not. I forgot to update some of the national totals when I was working with the template of the February 2020 data. A correction will be made in the December 1 issue.
Will The Loneliest Republicans Vote For Trump
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So far, Mr. Trump has tended to fare well in districts with few Republicans. But many such districts have not yet voted.
New York’s 15th District is notable for its above-average black population and its many Puerto Ricans and Dominicans. Just 3 percent of adult citizens in the district are non-Hispanic white the lowest percentage in the country. Outside of a few Cuban districts in South Florida, there probably isnt anywhere else in the country where nonwhite and Hispanic voters will represent such a large share of the Republican primary electorate.
Mr. Trump could do well with Hispanic voters in the district. He carried every one of the 11 wards in Chicago where Hispanics represented a majority of the population. In the most heavily Hispanic ward the 22nd on the West Side, where 93 percent of the population is Hispanic Mr. Trump won 42 percent of the vote.
The white voters in New Yorks 15th do seem likely to back Mr. Trump. More than 24 percent of white adults in the district dont have a high school education, according to the American Community Survey. Startlingly, 21 percent identify their ancestry as American, the second-highest share in the country after eastern Kentucky, and far and away the highest outside the South. Mr. Trump has won just about everywhere that white voters have such low levels of educational attainment but white voters have represented the majority of the electorate in all of those places.
Additional work by Jeremy White.
What Id Do I Need To Register
Two forms of identification are required, one of which must list your current address. The following are acceptable forms of ID:
Passport or Military ID
Driver’s License or State ID card
College/University/School/Work ID
Lease, mortgage or deed to home
Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid card
Insurance card
Civic, union or professional membership card
LINK/Public Aid/Department of Human Services card
Illinois FOID card
Mail of the following types addressed to you
Bill, transcript, or school report card
Bank statement, pay stub, or pension statement
Utility, medical, or insurance bill
Official mail from any government agency
The Most Republican County In Each State
In less than a month, the United States will finally elect its next president after close to two years of campaigning, fundraising, scandals, and debates.
Republican candidate Donald Trump is considered an outsider to politics and the party. As a result — and because Trump’s views have sometimes clashed with the party’s vision — some have wondered whether this election might be less divided along party lines than in recent elections. Despite the division within the Republican Party, most major polls suggest that the majority of states will vote the same as in the past several elections. It seems that a portion of the population will always vote Republican or Democrat no matter who is running for president.
Based on voting data compiled by political news organization Politico and a review of current and historical representation in the U.S. Congress, 24/7 Wall St. created an index to measure the political leanings of U.S. counties’ residents. The index is based on the political party of the countys elected representatives to the Senate and House of Representatives through the last five election cycles, as well as the results of the 2012 presidential election.
These are the most Republican counties in every state.
1. Alabama
Reddest county: Blount County
2. Alaska
Reddest county: N/A
3. Arizona
Reddest county: Cochise County
4. Arkansas
Reddest county: Boone County
5. California
Reddest county: Amador County
6. Colorado
Reddest county: Teller County
7. Connecticut
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