#birthday invitation maker
farmonics · 7 months
Craft Your Perfect Birthday Invitation with 247 Invites
Unleash your creativity and make your next birthday celebration unforgettable with 247 Invites. Our online birthday card maker and birthday invitation maker are here to help you design the perfect birthday party invitations. Explore our diverse collection of templates, including unique options like the Krishna theme birthday invitation card. Whether you want to create a traditional birthday card or a captivating birthday invitation video, our user-friendly platform has you covered. Join us at 247 Invites and let your imagination run wild, ensuring your next birthday celebration starts with a personalized touch that leaves a lasting impression.
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invitecrafter · 1 day
Free Invitation Card Maker In India Online - Invitecrafter
Invitecrafter is a free online invitation card maker specifically designed for users in India. With a wide range of customizable templates and designs, users can easily create personalized invitations for various events and occasions. From weddings to birthdays, Invitecrafter offers a user-friendly platform to design and send out digital invitations effortlessly. Say goodbye to traditional paper invitations and hello to a modern and convenient way of inviting guests with Invitecrafter.
Invitation card
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hexplaything · 2 months
i have to go to class on my birthday this year and probably work toooo i'll feel so unspecial :(((
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ameliabrownofficial · 4 months
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lovelyx420 · 5 months
how I see it love is a privilege I didn't have so all the darkness people express on their face, clothes, through the tattoos on their skin isn't relatable to me. I've seen sociopaths with mothers who love them. They've done horrible things and their mom still can love and never misses a moment to show it. My biological mom shows me her worst and has the means to hurt me physically. Has the means to take her trauma response out on me, whilst simultaneously triggering mine but my love and honor for her holds me back. My hands shaking with adrenaline, that she triggered, shell laugh at my conditioning in the moment and never apologize after.
My lesson is all pain is valid. Not all of us have a mother's love but there's so many that do. Makes me lonely, and ungratefulness has once made me resentful. But the lesson is all pain is valid and we must use it to learn.
#i had a dream last night where i was cleaning up a mansion after a banquet. it was a 13 y.os birthday party#my exs lil sisters bday party#her mom invited all her classmates#it was huge and i helped out w the clean up... these 13 year olds were smoking cigarettes and at first i walked padt then i was like tf#yall are 11 12 13#so i asked them to take it out their mouths#some refused so i confiscated them and snatched out their mouth#asked them for more and they denied they had more 🙄 but i used to be 13 smoking cigarettes so i knew they had more#they reached in their pocket and i expected to receive a box of cigarettes#the kid i was talking to was the one handing them out#but he opened his wallet and a whole bunch of shorts and ashes was dumped out. i put them in my pocket and collected more from other kids#i was like “damn her mom just invited wveryone in the class#i know she dont hang out w these holligans she hates smoking and she knows better to be around hooligans“#anyways all the kids left and i cleaned up w some other people that got hired#we smoked the kids cigarettes and drank the alcohol that the parents left out#manneeee i was washing dishes in the sink in my dream like wtf then i realized everyone else was putting it in the dishwasher#i went to go for another cig and found out where i left them on top of was this tuna sandwhich maker/press#they fell in and the next three tuna sandwhiches had ashes and tobacco and dirty cig butts in them 🤮#the forth thna sandwich looked good asf i was hungry at that point#then a gunman came in trying to kill us#lol i just wanted to dump on concious rq bye
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taey0ngsvape · 1 year
txt - saying goodbye before they go on tour
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yes, i know tour is basically over but i got this idea and i HAD to write it for txt. it's 3.1k words for all five members (i got carried away). pls enjoy :)
Your phone ringing is what wakes you up and you squint at the screen in front of you noticing it’s nearly four in the morning, but the contact name reads junnie so you pick up immediately.
“Jun?” you ask groggily. He was supposed to be leaving for the airport soon for his flight to America as part of their world tour. You had said goodbye to him last night over dinner so his call is unexpected.
“I’m outside,” he says. “It’s kinda cold, can you come let me in?”
“What?” you ask, shivering as you climb out of bed. “Why are you here? Don’t you have to be at the airport soon?”
“I wanted to see you,” Yeonjun answers. “And it’s really fucking cold can you please hurry up.”
You roll your eyes. “Maybe I should go back to bed.”
“No baby please!”
You laugh. “I’ll be right there, okay? Be patient.”
“Patient? I’m about to freeze to—” his voice cuts off as you hang up the call and drop your phone on the couch as you pass by, grabbing the blanket draped over the back and wrapping it around yourself before opening the door.
Yeonjun is standing there with his arms crossed and tucked into his sides as he tries to keep himself warm, but the way he shivers shows that he’s been unsuccessful. His eyes light up when he sees you and you can’t help but smile and open the door wider to let him in.
“Come inside baby,” you say, closing the door behind him. “I thought your flight was today?” you ask but instead of responding Yeonjun pulls you into a hug. His embrace is warm and inviting even though he’s been standing in the cold. You can hear his steady heartbeat when you press your ear to his chest. You always listen to his heart every time he hugs you and, like always, he mumbles into your hair, “My heart beats for you.”
His hands move to your back and slip under your shirt, his fingers ice cold and startling enough the you push him away from you.
“Choi Yeonjun!” you scold, a shiver running down your spine after the chill of his fingertips.
“You’re warm!” he defends and you just sigh.
“I am not your personal heater,” you deadpan.
“Please?” he asks, pouting in a way he knows you can never resist. 
“I’ll hold your hands for now, okay?” you compromise and that seems to please him.
You wrap your hands around his, taking one hand at a time in between your two slightly warmer ones.
“I can’t stay long,” Yeonjun says quietly. “We have to get to the airport, but I just wanted to see you. I had to see you.”
You look up at him and squeeze his hand. “I love you, you know that?” you ask. Yeonjun smiles.
“I love you too sweetheart.”
It was two in the morning, but you were busy making waffles for you and your boyfriend. He had to leave for the airport in an hour before setting off on a six week tour in the US so you wanted to spend the last bit of time until his departure with him.
You take another cooked waffle out of the waffle maker and onto a plate. Soobin takes the responsibility of decorating both of your waffles and on yours he even makes a heart out of whipped cream. You both sit at your kitchen table to eat together. 
“You better have someone on staff livestream the concert for me on my birthday. I want to be able to see you, even if it’s just through a screen.”
Soobin reaches across the table to take your hand. “I will. And I’m sorry I can’t be here to celebrate your birthday with you.”
“We can always celebrate it another time. Besides, you’ll be back in time for our anniversary and that’s what I really care about.”
Soobin smiles. “I already have ideas.”
“I’m not sure I like the sound of that,” you tease and Soobin pouts, letting go of your hand and crossing his arms. “I was kidding,” you laugh.
“Well I was going to give you an early birthday gift but now I might just make you wait until after tour—”
You gasp. “No, I'm sorry!” You give him your best puppy dog eyes and he playfully rolls his eyes and grins. 
“Fine,” he says. “Let me go get it.”
He returns with a box and gently slides it across the table. “Happy birthday,” he says and you smile.
Slowly, you lift the lid off the box and reveal two silver charm bracelets. There’s only one charm on each one and the prospect of collecting charms is fun and exciting. You can’t keep the smile off your face.
“One for me and one for you,” Soobin says, moving his chair so he’s sitting next to you. He picks up both bracelets and brings the two charms together. “They connect with a magnet.” The two charms stick together and form a beautiful butterfly. “I didn’t want to get a heart, I thought that might be too cheesy.”
You laugh. “I wouldn’t have minded. But this is perfect. Seriously, thank you.” You lean over and wrap your arms around Soobin’s waist and he instantly pulls you closer.
“I’m really going to miss you,” Soobin admits softly. “But I know we’re always connected.”
“I’ll miss you too. But I’ll be right here when you come back, patiently waiting for those not-at-all-suspicious anniversary celebrations.”
Soobin laughs and you can feel the vibration in his chest. You’re going to miss getting to feel him so close to you, but this is his dream and you love watching him get to perform and live the life he’s worked so hard for. You’ll always be there to support him, whether you’re a thousand miles away or right there in his arms, you’ll always be there. 
“You know I’m your biggest fan, right?” you ask. He smiles at you, tucking a bit of hair behind your ear.
“Of course I do,” he says softly. 
When you kiss him, he holds your face in his hands and keeps you as close to him as possible, knowing he has to give this up for six weeks, but he knows he’ll have a good time on tour and you’ll call him often. And when he comes back, you’ll be waiting.
“I shall dream of you every night,” Beomgyu says dramatically and you roll your eyes.
“I’m about to kick you out of my house,” you deadpan and he only laughs.
“Let me finish proclaiming my love to you first.”
You sigh. “Fine.”
“I’ll miss your cooking and your cuddles. You’re so warm when you lie on my chest it’s like a heated blanket—”
“Says the human space heater,” you argue.
“You love cuddling me, don’t lie.”
You shrug your shoulders and feign indifference because you know Beomgyu will see right through it. And he does. “I can see the edge of your lip pointing up. You’re trying not to smile.”
You huff in fake annoyance but accept defeat. You love cuddling him. You love being around him, even when he spends most of the time teasing you. You’re really going to miss him.
“I love you,” you say, watching as surprise fills his features. It’s something that the two of you don’t say often. You always show your love for each other in other ways, but those three words were usually reserved for special occasions. Right now was definitely one of those times.
“I love you too,” he says, wrapping his arms around you. You stand like that for a few minutes until the other boys come into the room and start gathering all their belongings, passing suitcases off to staff members. You follow Beomgyu to his room and help him carry his backpack while he wheels his suitcase to the door.
After a staff member takes his suitcase, you hand him his backpack and once he’s gotten the straps on, he’s pulling you into another hug. “I’ll see you soon okay?” he says. “I know six weeks is a long time to be without me,” he jokes.
“Oh no,” you say sarcastically. “What will I do?”
He only laughs and leans down to kiss you. It’s loving and tender but over far too soon. 
“Don’t have too much fun without me,” he says as he follows the rest of the boys out the door.
“No promises,” you say with a grin, blowing him a kiss. He pretends to catch it and stick it into his pocket.
Once the door shuts you head into Beomgyu’s room, now half empty, to grab a sweatshirt before you go. Then you grab your own jacket from the hook next to the front door and pull it on, zipping it up all the way to try and keep out as much of the cold as possible. 
The walk back to your place is a short one, especially since you manage to catch a bus nearby. At your door, you reach into your pocket to pull out your keys and feel a piece of paper inside. You unlock your door and once you’re inside you grab the paper again.
Puzzled, you pull it out of your pocket and realize it’s an envelope and you can see your name on it in handwriting that is undeniably Beomgyu’s. He must’ve stuck it in there when you hung up your jacket by the door. 
You aren’t exactly sure why you’re nervous, but your fingers tremble as you open the letter. It’s just one piece of paper and gently you unfold it.
My Love,
I wanted to say all of this to you, but if I’m being honest, I’ve been trying to tell you about how I feel ever since we started dating and I’ve never managed to do it. I can’t find the words, and if I can then I always end up forgetting them the second I see you. It’s not my fault really, you make it hard to think sometimes. Most of the time. When I’m with you it’s like time stops or something, and for a while it’s just us. I don’t have to be anyone or anything else. I’m just yours.
I’m always yours.
And now that I’m going on tour and I’m going to be away from you for a while I figured now is as good of a time as ever to finally try and say the things I never can when I’m around you. Because when I’m with you I can’t think straight. You fill my mind and I’ll do anything to make you happy. I just want to see you happy, because you make me happy.
You make me so fucking happy. You make me laugh and feel safe and appreciated. You play games with me and put up with all my teasing. You support me always and inspire me every day to do better and to be better. And I always thought soulmate stuff was cheesy, but if you are my soulmate as my soulmate, you are all of the best parts of myself and more. And every day I want to be more like you.
But at the same time you make me feel like I’m worthy of being loved exactly as I am, and that’s more valuable than anything else. It feels like a privilege to be loved by you, and I hope it’s one I can continue to enjoy, because I’m with you for the long run. Six weeks away? It seems like a lot right now, but I want to spend my life by your side, so I know that in the grand scheme of things, six weeks isn’t a big deal at all. And we have all the time in the world to make up for it.
I’m so grateful for you and I hope I can make you feel as loved as I do. You are everything to me and I hope I can continue to make you happy. I’ll give my best on this tour because I know you’ll be watching me, encouraging me, the whole time. And I’m so glad that you chose me.
I love you. So so so much.
Yours (forever and ever)
Since their flight to America was leaving early in the morning, Taehyun decides to take you out for lunch the day before instead of making you wait up for him or wake up at four a.m to say goodbye. 
He insists on paying for everything and tells you to order as much as you want (he ends up eating some of your food though). 
“Let’s go back to the dorms after this,” he suggests. “I still need to pack a few things, plus, I have a surprise.”
Your eyes widen. “You don’t have to get me anything. You know I’ll survive while you’re away.”
Taehyun smiles. “I know, but I wanted to get you something anyway.”
You take his hand from across the table and give it a squeeze. “Thank you.”
Once the two of you have finished eating, Taehyun takes your hand and leads you out of the cafe to the car waiting outside. You both settle into the back seat and the car sets off in the direction of the dorms.
“What stop are you most excited for?” you ask. It’s been forever since you’ve been in America and there are still so many places you want to visit.
“Probably the Newark show,” he says. “I really love New York City.”
You sigh dreamily at the thought of NYC. You’ve always wanted to go, even if the city isn’t actually as magical as it seems in movies. “I’m sure you’ll have a wonderful time. Make sure you take plenty of pictures,” you tell him.
“I will, don’t you worry.”
When you two make it back to the dorms you follow Taehyun to his room where his suitcase is still open on his bed. He pats the empty space at the end. “Sit,” he says, “I’ll be right back.”
You sit down and wait for Taehyun to return. He only takes a minute and he comes back with an envelope, handing it to you.
“If you wrote me a love letter I will cry and you will be responsible,” you warn. He laughs.
“Open it.”
Gently you lift the flap of the envelope and pull out a folded piece of paper. As you unfold it you find that the paper is blank, but in the middle is a ticket, a plane ticket from Seoul to Seattle and then another from Seattle to… New York.
“You didn’t…” you say, blinking back tears.
“You said you wanted to go to one of our shows. And you’re always talking about going to New York, so I just thought it would be nice.”
“It’s fantastic,” you say, teary eyed. Setting the papers down on the bed, you get up and hug Taehyun, who immediately pulls you closer to him. “Thank you so much.”
“Of course,” he says. “This means I get to see you sooner.”
You smile despite the tears rolling down your cheeks. Taehyun has always been so attentive and kind and you couldn’t be more grateful to have him as a part of your life.
huening kai:
You’re lying in Kai’s bed, your head resting just below the crook of his neck. He’s playing with your hair gently and you almost feel like you could fall asleep, but your stomach is weighed down by a sense of dread because in two hours Kai will be leaving and this trip will be the longest the two of you have ever gone without seeing each other.
You hadn’t said anything about it to him, not when he was so excited to be going on tour, but you can’t hold it in anymore.
“Kai?” you say softly. He hums in response and you can feel the sound in his chest where your cheek is lying. “Are you afraid?”
“Of what?” he asks, his voice laced with concern.
“Us. Our future.” You sigh. “We’ve never been apart for this long before, not even when we were friends.”
That friendship had lasted a while before he’d finally had the courage to say something, and even then, you were the one who confessed your feelings first. But that had only been three months ago. Your relationship was still relatively new and that meant it was fragile. You weren’t sure how the separation ws going to affect it.
“Are you… have you been having doubts about us?” Kai asks gently, still stroking your hair, an action that brings comfort and calm to a nerve wracking conversation.
“I’m just worried. Our whole friendship started because we were seeing each other so often and now we’re together nearly every day. What’s going to happen when we don’t have that anymore?”
“We can still call. I know it's not the same, but it’s something. And this isn’t going to last forever. I’ll be back before you know it,” he says and you can hear his smile. He sounds completely confident and it’s soothing your worries. If he believes in you, then you believe in him and your relationship. 
“Until then, I guess you’ll have to survive without me,” you tease and Kai laughs breathily.
“How will I ever manage?”
You smile and settle back into his side, his body warm and his presence inviting. For a few minutes, you just draw shapes on his chest and enjoy this moment, trying to make it last as long as possible. Kai is the one who breaks the silence.
“You know, if it ever gets too much I can always fly you out to see me.”
“I don’t think you’re allowed to do that bubs,” you say with a soft smile.
“I’m the maknae, I get special privileges,” he says and you laugh.
“Whatever you say love.”
Two hours later, you’re standing with Kai by the door. His suitcase has already been wheeled off by a staff member and Taehyun took his backpack. He’s the last one left in the dorm, but he can’t seem to let you go. 
“Kai,” you say, your arms around his waist as he holds you close to his chest. “Everyone’s waiting.”
“They can wait a little longer,” he says, kissing the top of your head. So the two of you stand together, holding each other and even after Kai finally steps away, you feel content. You know he’s yours, the same way you’re his. Time and distance can’t change that. You’ll always find your way home to each other.
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coolkaius · 1 year
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Furby Resources!
Last updated 2/15/2024 with How To Dye Furby Fur
I added a lot of things since originally posting, so you may want to delete your last reblog and replace it!
Incredible Google Drive folder with a huge variety of Furby content and history
Guide to Furby Fandom Tags
Tips For Buying Furbies
Adult Furby Price Guide | Furby Value Guide For Dummies
Furby Discord Server | Furby Wiki’s Discord Server (direct invite)
Archived Furby content on archive.org
Colorful Google Doc to track Furby projects and collections
Furby Certificate Of Adoption | Furby Adoption Certificate
Images ripped from flash games
Official Furby Tiled Backgrounds
Furby Carrier Pattern | If that doesn’t work patterns are sold on Etsy
All Official Furbys
Eye colors on official models | Common 2005 Furby Eye Colors
Differences between Curly Furby Babies and Sheep Furby Babies
High Quality Transparent Furby Masks
Furbtober Prompts
Pixel Furby Page Dividers
Furby Sticker Scans
Furby Paradise Manga - 1 chapter scanned and translated
Desktop Furby - 2005 Burger King Freeware
A Deep Dive Into The Furby Fandom
Furby Island Movie Free On YouTube
Printable furbish-english dictionary | Official PDF Dictionary | All Known Furbish Words
Official Furby trainer's guide
Furby Songs YouTube Playlist
Dancing Furby Gameplay & Interacting with Furby - Game Boy Color Japan
Unofficial Guide To Furby Species And Biology
Furby Lore Zine
Every printable from Big Fun In Furbyland (contains lore, Furbish words, phrases, coloring pages and photos)
Make A (non-plush) Furby
Furby Bases Collection on deviantART | Extra Furby Base | Furby Bases on Toyhou.se
Design A Furby Shockwave Game (pictured above , also has a few old Furby mini games) | Can be played through Flashpoint which archives old web games
Official Coloring Pages
AdoptAFurby.com Coloring Pages | List Of Official Coloring Books
Color A Furby Online (pictured above)
Furby's Design-o-Matic (pictured above) | Works with Ruffle’s browser extension
Make A Furb Game (pictured above) | Preview Video
Furby Creator Games on Picrew
Origami Furby Tutorial
Big Fun In Furby Land CD-ROM has a very limited Furby maker pictured in a gif above (works with Windows 10, just right click, click “Mount”, then open Furby.exe it’s an application file)
Furby Patterns on Etsy
Real Life Furby Mods
3D Printable Face Plates and Furbys
1998 Furby Pattern
Long Furby Pattern
How to Long Furb |  Longifying Your Furby
How To Skin A 1998 Furby
Eye Chip Tutorial
How To Make Accurate 1998 Eye Chips
Furby Buddy Pattern
replacing a 1998 furby’s speaker
~ furby beret - crochet pattern ~
Curing Me Sleep Again (when you’re Furby won’t stay awake)
How To Skin A Shelby
How To Dye Furby Fur
Real Life Furby Care
How To Find Your Furby’s Birthday
Furby Name Generator | Another Furby Name Generator
How To Brush Your Furby In Depth Guide
How To Clean A Tilt Sensor
Sync Screw Adjustment
Please suggest additions!!
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srbachchan · 2 days
DAY 5982
Jalsa, Mumbai July 4/July 5, 2024 Thu/Fri 10:52 am
Birthday .. Ef Sweta Prasad .. July 5, 2024 .. all our good wishes and love ❤️
🪔 ,
July 05 .. birthday greetings to Ef Shashikant Pedwal from Pune .. and Rajat Watel from Jammu .. 🙏🏻❤️🚩
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.. a 3rd viewing for me and twice for many that came on an invite .. the experience just keeps building .. every time you notice and admire the pains taken by the Director in putting this massive vision into fructification , and presenting it in a manner that makes the film historic .. historic not just in its commercial prospects, but historic in its values of the audacious mind of the Director in metamorphosing the legend of the Mahabharat with its manifestation after 6000 years , into the viewage of modern day humans that go to see the film TODAY in 2024 ..
2024 ... centuries away from 2898 ( in the title of the film) .. which has been calculated after references to the Puran and Ved to be the moment of the reincarnation of Krishna - the Avatar that shall be born at the ending of the Kalyug - when all the atrocities, lies and irregularities of the World to be exhausted and overcome ..
The brilliance of interpreting a mythological Epic - the Mahabharata, which comprises of over 1 lakh 40 thousand verses , the largest epic ever in the history - and bringing it to modern day - well modern meaning 2898 AD - and to embellish it with the subtle nuances, which govern the past with what is to happen after the Mahabharata is over - the war between the Kauravas and the Pandav armies that lasted 18 days ..
does life remain in its stagnancy or there is more ..
WELL FIND OUT BY SEEING KALKI .. and revel in its vast and massive presentation .. and to live till the FINALITY of its story-telling in the wait of the Part 2 ..
SO .. had a wonderful chat with Nag Ashwin for the camera and it should be out soon hopefully as a Podcast or on the TV channels , soon ..
Yes the film is a massive spectacle .. but it is also a learning .. a learning of the merger of myth and reality .. and a learning to the film makers on the process of putting this mammoth together for a viewing audience ..
It is humbling and perhaps not in my league to speak of a project which has been involved with me also , but at times it does become unavoidable .. such be its magnification in its discuss ...
The chat, or as some prominent journalists have titled previous effort with me and the cast of the film as the Kalki Chronicles , could well be titled the Kalki Director Chronicles ..
And I do wish that the Production be swift in putting it out as a PodCast , for it to be viewed and heard by several more ..
I retire now as the night was long and the morning early .. but shall slumber in the essence of Kalki , irrespective of the yay's and nay's of the World for it ..
My love 😍
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Amitabh Bachchan
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yuurei20 · 1 year
Malleus Info Compilation part 7: Malleus, Technology and Music
Malleus has an infamously difficult time with mechanical devices, and we learn that in Briar Valley they “rarely ever see fully mechanically things”, as most of what they use is “technomancy”.
When the electronic toy from Lilia that Malleus carries with him gets wet and breaks, Cater comments “Good thing magic exists—and that you’re good at it! Should be a snap for you to fix, yeah?”.
Malleus explains, “It’s completely mechanical. It’s not technomancy. I don’t understand machinery, and I can’t repair what I don’t understand.”
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Ortho help Malleus look up information on various monsters for Halloween costume inspiration and, while grateful, Malleus admits he has “no idea how he did what he did”.
He also cannot figure out how to work a shaved ice maker that Ortho gifts him for his birthday. In the Firelit Sky event, we learn that Malleus does not know what GPS is.
Malleus says, "Don't ask me about modern gadgets. Even I have blind spots in my knowledge."
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In his birthday vignette Malleus explains that he is quite confidence in his ability to play string instruments, as he had been forbidden from going outside when he was younger and had had a lot of free time as a result.
Lilia taught him to play a variety of string instruments, and he says he is particularly adept at playing violins and cellos. We learn in the Firelit Sky event that he can also play the kamancheh. Cater describes the song he plays as "kinda forlorn".
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Malleus says that Lilia did invite him to join the Pop Music Club with Cater and Kalim, but when he visited he made an attempt on an electric violin, and everyone who heard it fainted (with the exception of Lilia himself, who "found it all most amusing").
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Malleus says he never went back to the Pop Music Club again. In Spectral Soiree, we see that he can also play the pipe organ.
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gabessquishytum · 4 months
Willy Wonka but Dreamling.
Dream Endless has become a complete recluse in the years following people attempting to steal his candy recipes.
When Dream sends out the silver tickets (because gold isn't really his color) Robyn gets the final ticket.
Hob, Robyn's SINGLE father, accompanies Robyn to the factory. He's very surprised that the recluse candy maker is so HOT.
Meanwhile, Dream is delighted by Robyn, especially compared to the other kids, and his father certainly isn't bad either. They are very much alike, even, for though Hob may be grown, he is still very much a child at heart.
Maybe instead of giving away his factory... he can simply invite them to live with him? Surely, they'll both provide wonderful ideas.
Besides, Dream definitely wants to break some health and safety codes with Hob, everywhere 😉👀
- 🐺
So we did have a Wonka/Charlie and the Chocolate Factory au a little while back BUT since the Glasgow Wonka Experience went viral, I think we just have to do something with that 🤣
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Here's Dream, who was hired to play Wonka at this fun immersive experience for kids! Unfortunately, its not going very well. The experience definitely isn't what was advertised, kids are crying, parents are fuming! Poor Dream, it's not his fault - he was just hired to be the entertainment.
Fortunately he finds an ally in single father Hob Gadling, who is extremely amused by the shenanigans. His kid, Robyn, is on the borderlines of being too old for this experience anyway, and he finds it pretty funny too. Hob joins in with Dream’s attempts at storytelling and Robyn laughs at his (awful) jokes, so that the mob of other angry parents calm down a tiny bit and don't come for Dream with their pitchforks. It's still a disaster, though. Dream is pretty sure that he'll never get another job after this - he'll be forever known as the Terrible Wonka Guy.
Hob gives him a friendly pat on the back and hands him a business card. He runs a small family pub and he's been looking for new entertainment for birthday parties and that kind of thing. He'll be happy to give Dream the gig if he wants it. Dream is so grateful, he kisses Hob on the cheek - and of course someone gets a picture. Gay Wonka Experience goes horribly viral, but Dream doesn't care. He's got a potential job, AND a date!
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dairy-farmer · 2 months
Please consider! Bruce size-training Tim's cunt so he can give Clark a Very Special Birthday present, actually getting his massive alien cock fully inside someone (impressive! Cervix breaking! Belly bulging! Tim's poor pelvis!).
One day, Bruce tells Clark how he feels, thier relationship is cemented by double-teaming Tim (Bruce's been size training Tim's asshole! It's super impressive! Tim has talented holes for everyone!) He can't get out of bed for a week afterwards but it's okay, they never leave him alone or empty, they're very grateful.
Tim's pussy really brings people together, he gets all the dick he wants and none of the messy romance part, win-win all round! And if they ever want another kid, well. Tim's right there and he does love a good stretch. 😉
(And what other couples could use him together? The tales told/security feeds shared would make him very popular in the hero community, so many monster/alien dicks!)
tw/cw: wombfucking
yessss, bruce having tim do it alongside his 'robin training; bruce making him sleep with larger and larger dildos plugged inside him, in the morning waking him up with a latex glove touching his tender cunt and working the toy in, asking tim questions about his comfort levels, if he thinks he could go bigger. testing out both tim's holes, making sure both are suited for nice big cocks. bruce is nervous the days leading up, he knows he and clark have been dancing around each other for years and this is the first genuine move either of them have made and so he needs tim to be there as a buffer, to smooth things out, to serve as a gift so that clark will have a good time. so bruce keeps training tim until one day the training pays off and bruce confesses. admits his feelings and invites clark over for a meal and a very special surprise.
the meal goes well. the conversation is light, clark is content the entire time bruce is leading him up the stairs even though there's a shred of hesitance in them. clark isn't gay. bruce knows that, he isn't either. but the love between them is real and true but...they're not gay. which is why bruce had thought to use tim. why he thought to train tim like this, to be able to service them in this way. because this way bruce and clark could be intimate, they could fuck the way all couples did and bruce explains this when he leads clark into the bedroom with tim.
clark is so happy he almost cries when bruce has tim sit on his lap and holds his thighs open, exposing a twitching little pink cunt that's dripping with wetness so thick that clark pressing his head in and caressing the cunt with his cock is audible.
bruce and clark fuck tim for the first time together, bruce has made sure tim could handle it. tim whines and writes as clark punches his cock in, his groans deep and languid as the head mashes against tim's cervix, hitting it again and again until that little hole starts giving in, starts loosening with each orgasm, clark's grinds and precum slicking it until more and more of clark's cockhead is getting in. bruce is buried in tim's ass all the way to the root of his cock when clark finally sinks all the way in. he can hear it in clark's relieved groan and tim's full body flinch and yelp as the head of clark's cock snaps past the tight ring and clark's cock is genuinely fucking tim's womb.
tim's sweet sounds play in the background as bruce tightens his grip on tim's hips and fucks into his hole together with clark who is rubbing his cheek together with tim's like he's an affectionate cat while staring at bruce with those tender cow eyes. clark's big hands rest gently on tim's upper back, holding him close and pressing those baby tits to his chest, he strokes comforting hands down tim's shivering back and whispers praises everytime he jolts to a stop and stutters a thrust as he cums into tim, leaving every drop of his cum to splatter inside his little baby maker. when clark finally pulls out not a single drop of cum flows out of tim, all of it is stuffed in his little womb that has swelled up with the cum, making it look like he was already knocked up which bruce can see pleases clark immensely.
kryptonian stamina is no joke and while bruce would have loved to keep fucking, his cock is just not that young anymore and so he contents himself with watching clark press tim into the sheets, on his back, on his side, his expression never wavering from the look of marvel everytime he watched his cock get swallowed by a hungry little cunt.
every minute spent training tim was well worth it for the heartfelt thanks clark gives him while balancing an unconscious tim to bounce on his cock, little tits pressed to clark's face. bruce holds clark's hand as he cums into tim a final time, his brows furrowing in pleasure as he roughly snaps his hips against tim's wet, slack insides.
tim is unable to even move his legs for a week, isn't able to walk for another few days and bruce makes sure to praise tim well for every day, even making up a lie to tim's school about illness so he won't have to worry about homework when he returns.
bruce and clark are finally able to embrace each other as more than friends, staring into each others eyes while sinking their cocks together into tim who does such a wonderful job clenching down and taking them together for as long as they need. sometimes they argue, they're still 'them' after all and tim is there for the hate and the makeup sex.
tim is perfectly happy and content, always smiling for them because he likes how the place between his legs buzzes with pleasure.
its good. the hardest part is when tim is away on missions and both clark and bruce are horny. a few times clark even flies to san francisco for tim and to bring him back so they can have sex. its a wonderful arrangement, perfect in every way.
and should they ever want to try parenthood together tim's womb was open and theirs to use as they saw fit.
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farmonics · 7 months
247 Invites: Your Ultimate Online Invitation Card Maker
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Elevate your event planning with the convenience and creativity of 247 Invites, your trusted online invitation card maker. Whether it's a birthday celebration, a baby shower, or any party in between, our platform offers the perfect solution with our online birthday invitation card maker and versatile party invitations maker. Crafting your unique online invitation card has never been easier. Choose from a range of captivating templates, tailor them to your theme, and add all the essential event details. With 247 Invites, you can effortlessly design personalized and eye-catching invitations that set the tone for your upcoming gathering. Say goodbye to the hassle of traditional invites and embrace the digital age of event planning with us.
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invitecrafter · 13 days
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Celebrate your special occasions in style with our beautifully designed Marathi invitation cards and videos for weddings and birthdays. Our collection features traditional Marathi motifs and elegant designs that will surely impress your guests and set the tone for your event. Whether you're planning a traditional Marathi wedding or a festive birthday celebration, our invitation cards and videos are the perfect way to invite your loved ones in a unique and memorable way. With customizable options available, you can personalize your invitations to suit your event's theme and style.
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kinq-sleazee · 1 year
Kento Nanami Fluff | Comment , Reblog & Follow for Pt.2
SingleDad! Nanami ? *bites lip while nose bleeds profusely.
SingleDad! Nanami ♕ | the blonde bombshell with honey brown eyes, a diamond etched jaw and expensive taste in suits.
SingleDad! Nanami ♕ | who has a son from a previous marriage that fizzled out from a poor work-life balance but he will always make time for his child. opted for joint custody arrangement of one week on and one week off and none of that once a month bullshit.
SingleDad! Nanami ♕ | raises his little one to be an utter gentleman. a mini knight in shining armor that rescues your little girl from “playground bullies”. tussles with those little losers and spends the rest of the evening playing make believe with her.
SingleDad! Nanami ♕ | feels pride swell in his chest when you compliment his son’s character but insists that it costs nothing to do the right thing.
SingleDad! Nanami ♕ | makes small talk while watching your kids play together. learning that you’re also a single parent; a stay at home mom that’s new to the area looking for a change.
SingleDad! Nanami ♕ | smiles softly while listening to you get carried away about your dreams of opening a bakery. he likes the sparkle in your eyes when you talk about it. he thinks you look beautiful.
SingleDad! Nanami ♕ | chuckles when his son runs over with your daughter , hand in hand, declaring that they are now best friends forever.
SingleDad! Nanami ♕ | offers to exchange numbers with you for “future play dates” but it’s really an excuse to keep in contact with you.
SingleDad! Nanami ♕ | texts you to make sure you made it home safe and bids you goodnight and sweet dreams.
SingleDad! Nanami ♕ | spends his “off” week consumed with work but it’s nice to get little texts from you throughout the day.
SingleDad! Nanami ♕ | enjoys getting to know you over the next few months. he looks forward to your outings at the park where he samples your baked goods while listening to you gossip about PTA meetings.
“Store bought brownies to a bake sale ! Can you believe that ?” You giggled, absentmindedly reaching up to wipe crumbs from his face. “Absolutely scandalous” he adds in his monotonous voice but his affectionate smile does nothing to hide his interest.
SingleDad! Nanami ♕ | doesn’t know what this is between the two of you but he really doesn’t want it to end.
SingleDad! Nanami ♕ | invites you and your daughter over to his upscale apartment for an intimate birthday gathering for his son. the day is spend finger painting, playing board games and decorating cupcakes.
SingleDad! Nanami ♕ | loves watching you interact with his som and his completely enamored with your daughter. can’t help but think of what a cute little family the four of you make.
SingleDad! Nanami ♕ | thinks it’s cute how flustered you get when he mentions it to you. there’s been some light flirtation between the two of you but nothing this direct.
SingleDad! Nanami ♕ | cages against the kitchen counter when the kids aren’t looking. staring deeply in your eyes he confesses his feelings and silently pleads for you to accept them.
SingleDad! Nanami ♕ | is elated when you rise to your toes to peck his lips. with a hand on your cheek he brings you back for a deeper kiss, sighing heavily at the feeling of your tongue sliding against his. his arms encircle you, hands resting on the small of your back and the nape of your neck. picks you up on the counter, settling between your legs to leisurely massage your thighs.
SingleDad! Nanami ♕ | goes a bit red when he hears an exaggerated gag and small giggles, clearing his throat and redirecting the attention off the little trouble makers with the next activity.
SingleDad! Nanami ♕ | can’t wait to get you alone but for now will enjoy this time with his growing family.
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ameliabrownofficial · 4 months
Partyza: Crafting Video Invitations as Unique as Your Event
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Partyza brings to life the concept of video invitations that resonate deeply with the spirit of your event. Our video invitation maker is crafted for those who seek to express their event's uniqueness through every detail. With an intuitive interface and a vast array of customizable options, Partyza empowers you to create video invites that are not just seen but felt. Explore the possibilities of storytelling through your invitations, and let your guests be enchanted by the preview of what's to come. Embrace the art of invitation with Partyza, where your event's first impression is bound to be as remarkable as the event itself. https://gopartyza.com/
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alice-angel12x · 1 year
Since death knows all the great seven and more, she definitely had some distain for some. Like Hades and Frollo
Certainly. Death saw them during their time when their perspective on life and their purpose began to change. So not long after when Death befriended the Epel's many many great Grandmother/ancestor. During this time, Death actually slowed down and began looking at the mortals and their lives. they saw many goods, but also terrible mortals.
Let's start with Hades. And Let's get the hierarchy clear. At the tippy top are Time and Space, and under them are Life and Death, and under them are the lesser gods. The lesser gods are any higher beings that were created by Life and Not Time or Space.
Hades is one of the underworld Gods that did not betray Y/n Death. And their partnership ended on a bittersweet note.
The Evil Queen- She was the first Mortal she ever started observing and was not happy. Death indeed thought the queen was beautiful when she was faced with a potential rival. She sought to snuff out the life of the innocent who could care less about the queen's vanity compaction. Y/n thought her death was well deserved, dying as an ugly old hag.
The Queen of Hearts- She was crazy, Death simply saw a tyrant, who used her temper tantrum to scare the obedience of her citizens. So Y/n may or may not have used their pendant to pretend to be human and start an uprising. Witch leads to the queen being beheaded herself. After that Death Left the white queen in charge.
Jafar- Death simply thought he was a man, who wanted to be heard. But that's where their mercy ends, As he did bring harm to good people. And tried to force a girl to love him with magic. But he is now a genie, so they had to wait a really long time to collect his soul.
Scar- (In this Au, the whole lion king characters are human beastman) Death saw him as a spoiled second prince, who knew nothing about running a kingdom. But he had good leadership skills and was very clever. He could have been a great general, or caption of the Royal guard.
Instead, he killed his brother, attempted to kill his nephew, and almost drove his kingdom to starvation.
The Sea Witch- Death knew she was a deal maker who targets those who are at their lowest, or in a desperate mindset. And made unfair wages on her victims. So death was more than happy to collect her soul when she tried to murder the two lovers. And death used her magic to undo the curse of all the victims of Ursula when she perished.
Maleficent- She is the only one of the Seven, as a mortal, meets death. And even mock them to their face. For she believed that she was so powerful that she could live forever. Since she compared her life span to humans, she thought herself immortal. And after spitting in Death's face, this did many things for her ego.
So much so that she gets offended when she's not invited to a random baby's birthday. And curse death upon said baby. So Y/n was happy to watch the fear in maleficent eyes as they came to collect them.
"And that is my experience on the great seven," Death said, as the Dorm leaders sat around their meeting table.
All of them stare at death with wide eyes and disbelief.
"You started a rebellion?!" Riddle gasped.
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