#birthday boy jin hyungie
poutyniall · 10 months
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softlyjiminie · 4 years
black swan | three.
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⇢ pairing(s): professional dancer!park jimin x figure skater!reader.
⇢ word count: 4.1K.
⇢ rating: 16+, mature.
⇢ genre: angst, eventual smut, fluff, e2l, fake dating!au, corrupted idol!au, dancer!au, figure skater!au.
⇢ summary: a life of skating was all you’d ever known, your heart craving the feeling of ice beneath your feet and the light brush of cool air against your skin under thousands of sparkling lights… what a shame, if only you’d known that one night, one accident could rip you from the life you’d grown to love, leaving your career in the unsteady hands of the prince of ballet, park jimin.
⇢ warning(s): please read for this chapter! heavy angst, social media bullying, mentions of drugs ( weed ), mentions of alcohol and drinking, angry jimin!
⇢ author’s note(s): hello my loves! sorry for posting this so late but i really hope you enoy this chapter. i might have to delay chapter four, for a special post in order of joon n koo’s birthday! love you lots.
⇢ previous | series masterlist | next
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“park... you’re out, bail’s been paid.”
jimin rolls his shoulders at the call of his name, standing from his seat on the cold metal bench. he shakes out the blonde in his hair, deciding that the colour was too good and that he’d probably dye it a darker shade as soon as he was back in the safety of his penthouse. smirking, he grabs his discarded leather jacket... designer of course and slings it over his left shoulder— poking his tongue into his cheek as the officer unlocks his cell with a deep blush.
“you sure you don’t want to join me in here one last time sweetheart?”
the officer looks down, fumbling with the keys in her hand as a blush paints her heated face. “wouldn’t you get in trouble for that? another scandal wouldn’t be good for your career,” she bites down on her lower lip and the cat like smile on jimin’s face only grows wider— his forefinger and thumb touch at her chin, tilting her head up to meet his dark eyes as if he’s going to kiss her. “especially now that the paps are outside...”
he only lets out a simple tut, staring down at her with a hooded gaze. “you wouldn’t have a career if you opened that pretty little mouth of yours, sweetheart.” the cop falls silent, not having the chance to reply as jimin parts ways with her— collecting his belongings on the way out. inmates clap and cheer for him, although he’d only been in this station for a night, he’s already built up a reputation for himself around town...drunk driving, speeding, possession of drugs. park jimin was booked in for nearly all of it; but got away with it practically every time.
the sunshine from outside blinds the dancer, harsh golden rays warming his skin in the most irritating of ways. instead, he tilts his shades down over his eyes and way from the mass of bleach blonde hair that swoops messily over one side of his face. cameras are situated around the station, jimin knows that for sure, he can’t see them but he can hear the clicks and flashes from paparazzi that hide in bushes around them. they all want jimin for this week’s front cover, it’s only obvious that he’ll make the headlines for the fifth week in a row but who’s to say he cares? flashing a toothy grin as he flips the middle finger to sneaky photographers that pretend not to be seen.
“you’re so immature, jimin,” hoseok, his manager scolds, fixing the hem of his tight and light grey christian dior suit. the man himself is only a little ways taller than jimin, hair parted and slicked down with brown tinted shades that hide the tiredness in his eyes. hoseok is not that much older than jimin, but they’ve worked together long enough for jimin to consider the elder his family— or more like a pestering older brother. his manager pulls him into a sleek black van parked not even three minutes from the police station, the walk taking longer as jimin stopped to wave at fans. he was a dancer, a performer— it didn’t matter where he was, he always had an audience and he always appealed to them. “get in the fucking car.” hoseok seethed through gritted teeth, opening the door for his client, who only smiled mischievously as he entered it.
slamming the door, hoseok circled the vehicle and climbed in from the passenger  side. “what’s got you in such a sour mood hyungie?” jimin hums lazily, leaning back into the plush, cream leather seats of his mercedes while his manager tuts in annoyance— gesturing for their driver (and body guard), seokjin, to head towards the dancer’s gated neighbourhood. running a hand through his blonde locks, jimin’s caramel eyes light up at the sight of his day bag of which he carries around on a daily basis— diving in he pulls out a box containing a few of his rolled joints. grabbing one and bringing it to the flesh of his plump lips, jimin frowns darkly, at the lack of lighter in his bag. “the fuck his my lighter?”
“i took it,” hoseok mumbles simply, rubbing his temple with his free hand, the other twirling jimin’s pink lighter between his own slender digits. the younger leans forward in his seat, restricted only by his seatbelt as they make their way through the L.A traffic— making a grab for the lighter which his manager swiftly pulls away and pockets. “you’ve been acting up again jimin, it’s not looking good for you—“
the dancer in question lurches forward once more, making seokjin swerve ever so slightly. “give me the damn lighter hoseok.” jimin seethes through gritted teeth, the hand that launched at his manager now digging into said man’s head rest. anger flares up in the dancer’s chest— he’s just spent the night in a fucking cell and all he wants to do is have a few puffs of his joint so that he can relax a little.
but hoseok doesn’t budge, easily sinking into the comfort of his seat. “you can’t keep doing this ji,” he scolds, watching the scenery pass by through their tinted windows. “this is the third time in the last two months that you’ve gotten booked into a station for something...” the younger rolls his eyes knuckles turning white. the manager feels a temper tantrum coming on, from the way his client breathes hotly down his neck. jimin had never been good at managing his anger, no one had ever known why— he was a brat for no damn reason but hoseok sensed there was always more to the blonde, that’s why he took him in. “speeding? when you could have waited for jin to pick you up. not to mention how the company shouldn’t be putting their money towards paying for your bail—“
“money that i bring into that fucking company? they wouldn’t have it if it weren’t for me.” the younger points out childishly... and to be fair, he’s not wrong. people from across the world came to see park jimin perform— if they were lucky enough. his graceful movements and talent for following the music no matter how it changed was always something that entranced his fans. jimin was their biggest source of revenue and a major asset, one of the only reasons they hadn’t fired him yet— hoseok supposed. “i’m park jimin, shit...they need me!”
hoseok sighs in defeat as their bodyguard pulls into jimin’s gated neighbourhood. the brunette turns to face his client, a worn out expression pulling at his heart shaped face. “just think about it jimin, if you don’t fix up and don’t stop your bitch fits... it could be over for you.” hoseok hates to scold jimin like this but he also knows it important that he learns. he flinches when the dancer scoffs, begrudgingly pulling out the pink lighter and passing it to the latter.
the younger simply snatches the small device from his hyung’s grasp, brining his joint to his lips and lighting it as he slides from the car.
he didn’t need to think about shit, he was park jimin for goodness sake.
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social media was an evil place.
jimin was used to all types of comments across his socials. he knew he was meant to be in the studio for practice, but he was too deep into the internet to turn back now. so more often than not he found that he was drowned is all sorts of praises and love from his fans, complimenting him on his skills, his physic and his oh-so-beautiful face but sometimes, if he looked hard enough— there were those full of hatred and malice, intended break down the souls of those they were targeted at, break the soul of park jimin.
‘i used to love jimin, but he’s getting caught up in all this bad stuff... we might have to unstan...’
‘he’s still a great dancer, but i’m disappointed in how he’s acted recently.’
‘why do celebs think it’s funny to get arrested? it’s fucking cringe especially since they can afford bail? lol no offence park jimin.’
each word cuts sharply at his heart, like knives, creating deep wounds. it hurts to read them, so much so that it brings stinging tears to his eyes but he doesn’t let them fall— he hadn’t in a long time. moments like these lead the blonde to believe in his hyung’s words, was he a has been? was his career coming to an end? familiar insecurities rot his brain, draining what was once left of the boy who loved to dance.
he takes a sip of the bitter, honey liquid that fills his crystalline glass, eyes blurring and throat tightening at the burn the alcohol brings. a filling pain to ease the hurt in his heart. ‘fuck,’ jimin thinks, he’s fucked and he knows it. the dancer wonders if he had been different had his brother not fucked up his life, the older park was probably off somewhere doing god knows what with who knows who and jimin can’t help but let his mind wonder to what he would be doing if his brother wasn’t there. if his brother hadn’t caused that accident. before that day, jimin only ever dreamed of where he is now— practicing hard wherever he was; the canteen in high school, his bedroom, the kitchen when his mother was making his favourite dish.
god he missed those days.
slamming his glass down onto his island counter, jimin stretches his arms above his head so that his black fitted shirt rises up— brushing his tummy briefly. the news hums from the TV in the background, as he sways with sleepiness. something about an accident, something about a skater...he’s not listening. sighing in defeat, jimin grabs the bottle of special edition brandy and takes a lengthy swig while he makes his way to his on-suite bathroom. the dancer’s nimble fingers brush through the roots of his overbearingly blonde locks, fisting them as he looks into the mirror with reddened eyes and a broken heart.
taking another sip of his liquor, jimin finishes the substance off with a warm, fuzzy feeling in his chest before throwing the bottle in the trash and opening his cabinet, reaching for the dark hair dye that sits on the middle shelf.
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stopping his mercedes benz, jimin parks his car outside of hangsang studios, the dance company that hired the boy. his eyes that reflect black under the artificial lights of the street lamp flicker up to the company logo cast into the side of the towering building— a scoff emitting from between his plump lips. the door to his car opens not a second later, aeri, jimin’s girlfriend slipping into the passenger’s side with a huff.
she throws her practice bag onto the back seat, making the dancer flinch as he presses his forehead to the steering wheel. “practice started at five, you know that right?” aeri seethes, buckling herself in and pulling down the mirror, she fluffs her blonde hair— colour similar to the one the dancer once possessed as she insisted on matching. “of course you don’t, god sometimes i wonder why i’m even with you...”
her words do nothing to the dancer as he sits up in his seat, pressing his foot into the peddles as he sets the gears into drive. ‘i sometimes wonder the same thing...’ jimin can’t help but think, sourly. he loved aeri, he did, but she was draining to be around— obsessed with the idea of being at the top, even if it meant criticising her lover at every point. he’d grown numb to her abuse by now. “i’m sorry, ri... i’ll be at practice next time.” he says instead, knowing very well that speaking his thoughts will only set the girl off. the streets are clearer than they were earlier in the day, fewer cars allowing jimin to pass through lanes with ease... his eyes focus on the road, but he longs to take in the scenery— just for a moment. to feel like the world has stopped in place. “i’ll make it up to you, babe.”
aeri scoffs, wrapping her arms around herself after she pokes jimin’s arm. he slows the car at the stop sign, watching with thin patience as the signals change from green to red, colour by colour. the girl turns to face him, lips drawn into a scowl and small hand taking a fistful of jimin’s darkened, navy locks. “dying your hair? is this what you skipped practice for? when will you take this showcase seriously jimin? fucking hell.”
the pinch in her tone irritates the life out the aforementioned dancer, so much so that his shoulders pick up while he begins to drive again. aeri wasn’t always like this, there was a time, back when they were trainees where jimin would have tripped over his feet to get her to notice him, they were usually paired for dancing events— closeness eventually leading them to dating. but now, she fancied the idea of being a star rather than the blue haired boy himself... the infamous new york showcase had always been her dream and jimin supposes he was only a stepping stone to that path. his name being a direct lead there, his money an added bonus. he knew that skipping practices made her mad, maybe that’s what why he did it— to get back at all the horrid words she’d spouted at him in the last few years.
“— and i swear, if you don’t clean up your act, i’ll leave you and find a new dance partner—“
jimin tunes back into her words, an empty threat that he’d heard from her many times before— looking into the rear view mirror he catches her humid gaze before making a turn towards her house. “i know baby, i’m sorry...i’ll do better, let me make it up to you, yeah?” he mumbles absentmindedly, using words that he knew would satisfy her appetite to being him down until the next time. “i’ll buy you that bag you wanted, hm? or those dance shoes you were after... will that do until i’ve caught up with dance?” aeri pulls at her hair in frustration, reaching behind her for her dance bag as she kicks her feet and screams like a petulant child.
“pull over!”
jimin does as he’s told, pushing his hands through his hair as anger rises in his chest— rattling inside his body as if asking for permission to break free. aeri waits for cars to pass before opening the door and storming out, not even giving her lover time to react. the blonde girl whips out her phone, texting someone jimin can’t see before the dancer’s wound down his window.
“aeri, come on doll, let’s not fight.” he tries to reason with her, but the will to keep her close has gone from her voice as she looks up at him with a fiery gaze. her chest rises and falls with anger, causing jimin to roll his eyes and bring his head back into the car. “you’re really gonna walk home?”
“no, my new dance partner is coming to pick me up because he’s not a lazy bum like—!”
jimin doesn’t stay to hear the rest of her cold insult, having had just about enough of her attitude, reversing the car and heading in the direction of his home, his anger still simmering brightly.
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“well well well, if it isn’t our handsome ji. look who’s finally coming around!”
the boy in question rolls his eyes despite the little smile that plays at his lips, he’s glad to see that hoseok hyung’s mood has sweetened slightly— his expression matching the brightness of the L.A sun that highlights the blue of jimin’s hair, yet causes him to squint at the same time. he pulls his shades over his eyes, ignoring hoseok’s outstretched hand and going in for a quick, apologetic hug. the manager knows jimin isn’t one for displays of affection, but knows him well enough to recognise an apology from the younger when he sees one.
but jimin’s warmth retreats just as fast as it came, the younger pulling away as if hoseok’s new alexander wang suit has has scorched his tan skin. jimin seems to be grumbling as he slides into the van which seokjin drives and buckles himself in. the annoyance the blue haired boy felt from last night has yet to fade, but he knows he has to keep his anger in check— hoseok texted him early this morning about a meeting with the board... which usually never means anything good.
the car ride is mostly silent, the slight hum of the radio in the background as jimin rests in the back seat. there were few times he’d ever met the board, the first being after his accident, when hoseok had recruited him. the second being when he’d made it big, when the CEO had told him he’d made it big just like his parents would have wanted and the third, well...that would be now. seokjin pulls up to the tl the hangsang company building, quickly helping the dancer out before heading with into the building with hoseok by their side.
walking through the company building, jimin attracts a lot of attention— many have said that he exudes an intimidating, strong aura but the dancer only reckons it’s because of his name...after all, his family does come with a reputation. rookies and senior dancers alike blush and bow as jimin makes his way towards the head office, his slicked back blue hair shines under the false white light and reflects off of the black shades that match his jeans,  chelsea boots and turtle neck.  of course, the boy knows that he looks good, fingers coming up to fix the denim jacket he wears but his stride slows when passing his usual practice room— gaze faltering as he spots aeri tangled with a younger dancer, a rookie who jimin recognises as choi san. the familiar emotions from yesterday crawl up his spine and mix with the blackened jealousy that blooms across his firm chest— but jimin doesn’t have time to linger on his feelings as hoseok ushers the trio into an elevator and presses the button for the tenth floor. aeri looks away from the dancer just as the door closes.
“it’s not looking good for you jimin,” the CEO, explains— he goes by the name of mr.chan. jimin himself admits that he hasn’t been listening since the moment they entered the room but he picks up the tone of disappointment in the CEO’s voice.  shaking out his dark locks, jimin scoffs likely and rolls his shoulders— feeling annoyance build up behind his eyes... he’s got a headache now, which is only worsened by hoseok giving him a scolding glare.
“jimin don’t.”
he sits up at the second mention of his name, jimin knew not to test his manager at this time and also knew hoseok would give him the scolding of a life time if he didn’t listen. tilting his gaze to the CEO, jimin finally tunes into mr.chan, even if he doesn’t like what he’s saying. “you’re our prized dancer park, a household name...but you’ve had fewer performances then any other dancer this year, your recent bad reputation is...driving clientele away,” the old man lets out a wheezing cough, making jimin grimace. mr.chan was a greasy old man, with oily hair and beady eyes. he was harsh to the eyes, jimin supposed it was lucky that he was rich or mr.chan was doomed to be single for the rest of his life. “not to mention the bail we’ve been paying, you’re more of a burden than an asset at this point.”
“you’re fuckin’ kidding me right?” jimin rises from his seat like the anger that boils and bubbles through his veins, having enough of the ugly man that rattles on before him. all he can think about his punching the CEO square in the face. “you  fucking need me here. if im a burden to you, i’ll cut my loss and join another company that wants me. they all want me. i made this place what it is and i’ll tear it right back down. you need me.” the dancer seethes, pointing his finger right at the CEO’s face, mr.chan and his fellow associates swallow thickly, because after all— jimin is right. his raw talent alone is what built this company up from what it was, and anyone would kill for the money that he brings in however he may act.
the panel of staff mr.chan has with him, are rendered silent as is the CEO himself— who are they to challenge park jimin? but a lowly assistant speaks up, grabbing the attention of the congregation. “but raw talent will only last you so long...after that, what will you have? a pile of scandals?” she says meekly, as if no one would hear her— but the scowl on park jimin’s face tells her otherwise. usually, she’d have been fired on the spot for talking in such a manner— jimin might have even had a field day with making her run errands for him but mr.chan and his associates need an argument against the dancer’s case, promptly taking  the assistant’s statement and running with it.
the blue haired dancer sits back in his seat with defeat as the group of fat heads before him smile and cheer as if they’ve just discovered wine. although hoseok chooses this time to interject, sensing jimin’s temper tantrum reaching its peak once again. “but we have a solution, don’t we mr.chan?” the manager cuts through their wheezing laughter in a way that would make you think he was the boss around here. “remember what we discussed?”
the old man nods suddenly, almost in fear as he gestures to the assistant to pass a file to jimin. honeybrown eyes narrow as the girl makes her way over with a brown file full of documents— a sense of nervousness emitting from her. the dancer knows it’s partly because everyone is scared shitless of him and his reputation, the other part is that he’s damn well attractive up close. jimin bites down on his lower lip, looking the girl up and down before he snatches the file from her and opens it up — revelling in the way she blushes with embarrassment.
“we’ve proposed that you start dance therapy with a world renowned physical therapist, min yoongi,” hoseok explains slowly, knowing that anything mr.chan says from now will surely set the dancer off. the aforementioned male grips the arms of his seat, knuckles turning white as he tries his best to suppress another outburst and listen to his manager. “he’s excellent at what he does, the best of the best— he’d be sure to get you back on track...”
jimin scoffs, staring daggers into the spot between mr.chan’s unbearably bushy eyebrows. if looks could kill, he’d be dead within an instant. “so you want me to join a beginners class? do i need to remind you of who the fuck i am?”
“no, you’ll have private sessions,” his manger says lowly, grabbing the younger’s attention. “we want him to motivate you, we’re not denying that you’re a phenomenal dancer jimin, you’ve just been heading in the wrong direction for a few years...”
all this new information causes a feeling of unease to reside within park jimin, the changes that are to come don’t sit well with him... but with hoseok’s words from a few days ago swirling and twirling with his thoughts like a waltz, jimin can only agree to their proposition. “so, what’s the catch?” he whispers now.
“they’ve got another client in south korea ,  we’re thinking of bringing them over too—“
“well then do it!” jimin stands, raising his voice, the conversation is too tedious and all he wants it out. he needs a drink or a smoke or something other than people telling him what he was or what he isn’t. running a hand through his navy locks, the dancer grabs the file and begins to head out, not caring about what’s left to he said. but before he has a chance to storm out, hoseok slips a piece of paper into his hand and lets him go with a saddening smile.
“it’s the name of the client,” he whispers.
and so with that, jimin strides out of the office, the company building— not even bothering to greet seokjin properly as he jumps back into their black van. his bodyguard promptly drives him home, knowing better than to question the silenced dancer, who unfolds the paper to reveal a name.
‘LN YN’.
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⇢ taglist ! ( comment, like or dm to be added! )
@periminkle​  @ggukkieland​   @aishots​ @ownthesunshine​ @codeinebelle​ @taeass​ @trviahope @singular-itae​ @preciouschimine @yoongismykink @idiakh @honeyspillings@kimsdior @chimshoe95​ @cypherft-v @tangledsparkles​ -@ultraanonymousey @rjsmochii​ ​  @thenoblr @icedoutmywristtitanic​ @chiminies-noona​ @mrsfortune1306​
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anotherkpopvictim · 5 years
Fingers Intertwined - TaeGi Littlespace Drabble
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(Gif Source - taegidda)
A/N: So, as I was searching for inspiration for a story, I watched BTS’ Winter Package in Helsinki and Taegi’s adorableness was too much for me to handle.
Happy Birthday to our wonderful Min Yoongi <3
Pairing: Little!Yoongi X Caregiver!Taehyung
Rating: G (little bit of kissing)
Words: 2376
Fluff, pure fluff
PLEASE NOTE: This story involves kissing during littlespace, so if that makes you uncomfortable then please do not read. It isn’t anything hot and heavy, but I thought I would put a warning anyways.
ALSO, to explain the dynamics in the story better - while this is a TaeGi fic, their relationship is developing, so Seokjin and Hoseok are Yoongi’s main caregivers at this point in time, and the rest of the boys typically only help out sometimes.
It was a joke within BTS (and the fandom) that Yoongi liked to hold hands with his bandmates, and honestly, he couldn’t deny it. The feeling of someone’s warm hand linking with his own, knowing that they were right by his side - it was a reassurance to a man who had always had a hard time expressing his feelings that his friends understood and were there for him.
In the few weeks following BTS’ month-long break, everyone had been so busy that Yoongi didn’t notice that he hadn’t cuddled any of his members since their quick getaway for Bon Voyage. He hadn’t even held their hands!
The thought hit Yoongi while he was lying awake in his hotel bed in Finland and his little side was appalled. Speaking of his little side, he’d also been neglecting his younger headspace for a good few weeks now. Yoongi could feel that urge to slip growing as the hours, the days, pass him by.
Jin and Hoseok, Yoongi’s main caregivers, had been keeping a close eye on him lately, their worried gazes far from subtle. The others had also started looking at him, trying to spot any signs of abnormal fatigue or sadness. Yoongi hated worrying them, he hated worrying them so much.
Filming for the group’s very first Winter Package found the members in Helsinki, Finland, a beautiful and chilly landscape that was perfect for the concept they were going for. The rainclouds hovered unrelentingly above the city for the first two days they were there, and though the eldest rapper actually enjoyed the rain, their final day allowed them to see the wet greenery sparkle in the light of the sun, the clouds sparse in the sky.
Yoongi and Taehyung had teamed up to go sight-seeing at some museums and such for the day, a common interest between the two that they could share. The older was dead set on visiting a famous cathedral he’d been reading about in the city’s travel guides and Taehyung wasn’t about to tell him ‘no’.
“What’s your team name going to be?” Hoseok - the dedicated MC for the day - had asked.
“Team Holding Hands,” Taehyung replied without hesitation.
The rest of the members let out a chorus of oh’s at the creative name, while Yoongi chuckled a bit. He made a show of picking up Taehyung’s outstretched hand and linking their fingers together which caused the others to laugh. He tried his best not to revel in the warmth of the younger man’s palm.
Their free time came around a couple days later.
As the two of them walked down a quiet street, only a few others wandering around, they appreciated the picturesque scenery around them. The gentle breeze carried a bit of a chill but the sun provided them some warmth.
They visited the cathedral and it was as grand as Yoongi had expected. The place had an aura of the old days, and that was seen as well through the architecture and design.
After spending a good amount of time there, Taehyung and Yoongi decided to walk and enjoy the nice but chilly day. The cameraman that had been following them around all day took a few minutes to rest with them at a coffee shop.
As Yoongi sipped at his hot coffee, he wasn’t expecting a large, warm hand to envelop his own just out of sight under the table. The rapper glanced at it with wide eyes before looking up at the culprit.
Taehyung kept speaking nonchalantly with the cameraman as if he wasn’t holding his hyung’s hand under the table.
It obviously wasn’t an accident, however, as the younger let their fingers link and began rubbing his thumb over the back of Yoongi’s hand in slow, soothing motions. Yoongi was definitely not blushing.
Despite being a little overwhelmed by how much he was enjoying the soft touch, never once did he attempt to let go.
When they got up from their seats and inevitably their hands separated, the older had to hold back a whimper at the cold feeling that overcame him. Yoongi bit his lip and gathered himself together enough to get through the last hour of filming.
The two of them made easy small talk about the scenery and such, and Yoongi just prayed that the redness of his cheeks could be explained away by the chilly breeze rustling the trees.
As they returned back to their accommodations, finished off for the day, Yoongi gathered up what little courage he had and reached over to grab Taehyung’s hand once more.
The younger looked over at him, surprised. “Hyung?”
Yoongi’s eyes went down to his feet shyly. The warmth and softness of Taehyung’s hand intertwined with his set off a flood of endorphins flowing through the rapper’s system.
Taehyung squeezed his hand reassuringly, “Are you feeling little, hyung, or did you just want to hold my hand?”
“Both,” the rapper replied quietly.
Taehyung lifted their interlaced hands and pressed a kiss to the back of the older’s pale one. Yoongi wanted to simultaneously squeal at the top of his lungs and melt into a puddle on the floor.
“Alright, let’s get back to the room and we can cuddle, okay Yoonie?” the tender tone to Taehyung’s voice didn’t help Yoongi’s rising emotions.
The little hummed in affirmation softly and allowed the other to lead him through the maze of hallways until they reached the group’s shared room. As they entered, it became clear from the silence that none of the others had returned yet, but neither could find it in them to mind.
Taehyung assisted Yoongi in removing his shoes by the door and then tugged him in the direction of, surprisingly, Jin and Hoseok’s shared bedroom.
“Now, where do you think your Daddy and Appa hid your bag of little things, Yoons?”
The little just looked up at him with big eyes and a shrug.
Taehyung sighed, fond. “Well, they probably put it in the emergency bag...”
The “emergency bag” which Taehyung was referring to was a large duffle bag that they filled with all the important items one of their members might need in the case of an emergency. However, besides just including a first aid kit, the bag had both Jungkook and Yoongi’s little supplies, panic medication for Namjoon and Jimin, as well as each of their favorite movies (for nights where they felt a bit depressed).
The emergency bag was one that the group took with them everywhere. To dance practice, vocal lessons, and most importantly on tour. It made sure that no matter where they were, their comforts were right there within arms reach if needed.
“...and here it is!” Taehyung exclaimed as he held up a smaller sack from within containing some of Yoongi’s little supplies. He walked over to the bed and opened it, first pulling out a set of fuzzy pajamas and a red pacifier.
The little’s eyes seemed to light up at the sight of the pacifier and he reached out for it with grabby hands.
“Hang on,” Taehyung smiled, “Let me make sure this is clean before I give it to you, bub.”
After returning from the bathroom, Taehyung held the pacifier up to Yoongi’s mouth, who sucked it in eagerly.
“Alright, now let’s get you dressed!”
Yoongi immediately began whining when he caught sight of Taehyung unfolding the diaper. He felt too little to use words, so he simply shook his head and hoped it got his point across.
Taehyung gave him a knowing look, “I know you don’t like diapers, kitten, but Daddy and Appa and Hyungie want to make sure you don’t make yourself icky.”
Yoongi normally probably would have fought again, but this time his mind was a little preoccupied with the new pet name Taehyung had just called him. Kitten. Yoongi really, really liked being called kitten.
Taehyung seemed to have noticed too, so as he began slipping the little’s diaper on, he smirked and asked, “Has no one called you kitten before, love?”
Yoongi was starting to blush by now, shaking his head from behind his hands.
“Well,” the caretaker concluded, “I would love to keep calling you kitten if you’re alright with it.”
Almost instantly, Yoongi was nodding, albeit shyly. “Yoonie okay wif it. Yoonie like it.” The words were so quiet and soft and they absolutely melted Taehyung’s heart.
“Well then, kitten, how about the two of us cuddle up under those comfy-looking covers over there.”
Little Yoongi absolutely loved cuddling, especially in a comfy bed. He wobbled his way from the end of the bed until he could sneak under the blankets like a cat burrowing.
Taehyung changed out of his clothes in favor of slipping on some sweatpants and a t-shirt. As he stretched, he said, “Well, I don’t know about you, but all that walking made me a little tired.”
“Yoonie too,” the other replied with a nod.
Taehyung joined Yoongi under the covers and quickly pulled him into a warm embrace. As the little made himself comfortable on the other’s chest, he found himself also reaching out for Taehyung’s hand once more.
With a fond smile, Taehyung complied, linking their fingers just how Yoongi liked. Now the little was definitely blushing because the sight of the other’s hand on his own was making his heart race.
Big Yoongi often found himself with butterflies in his stomach when Taehyung gave him one of his famous boxy smiles or when he laughed heartily, but that didn’t mean that Yoongi liked Taehyung, did it? But when he really thought about it, as much as he loved the others, they didn’t snatch his breath away or pull his gaze to them like a magnet. Not like Taehyung did.
So, yeah, maybe Yoongi did like Taehyung as more than a close friend.
The sudden realization made Yoongi’s eyes pop open and his whole body tense.
Taehyung, noticing the other’s rigidness, pulled back so he could look at him with concern. “Hey, what’s wrong? What’s going on, kitten?”
Yoongi couldn’t help the whine he let out at the pet name. “H-Hyungie...”
Taehyung eyed him expectantly, but the words were stuck in the little’s throat. Yoongi, for the second time that day, gathered up his courage and took a deep breath. Then, he slipped the pacifier out of his mouth and leaned up to press his lips against Taehyung’s in a sweet kiss.
Despite being taken aback at first, Taehyung quickly adjusted and responded to the kiss. His hands slipped down Yoongi’s body until they settled in a more comfortable position on his waist.
It was a quick kiss, nothing too passionate, but it still caused the little’s cheeks to flush a dark red when they pulled away. “T-TaeTae...”
“Thank you for the kiss, love,” Taehyung said with a gentle smile. “I think I understand what you’re trying to tell me, but we’ll talk more later, okay? Right now let’s just cuddle.”
Yoongi felt himself relax completely at the other’s words, relieved that Taehyung was allowing the kiss to go unacknowledged for a bit. It would be no use trying to talk about it while he was still in littlespace, and frankly, he was still attempting to gather his own thoughts about it.
Taehyung pressed a kiss to the little’s forehead before guiding him to lay on his shoulder.
Yoongi, who felt suddenly overwhelmingly tired, was thankful when Taehyung nudged the abandoned pacifier against his lips. Like this, with warm arms around him, it was impossible for the little not to fall asleep.
“Oh my god, they are so cute!”
“Shh! Keep your voice down Jimin! You’ll wake them up!”
“Yeah, I need to get some blackmail photos!”
“What, Joon? I’ll get Yoongi to do the dishes without complaint for the next few weeks with these!”
Taehyung groaned at the voices invading his dreams and opened his eyes to see what the disturbance was all about. He found himself looking at his five members standing at the end of the bed, phones in hand and pointing at the sight that was Taehyung and Yoongi cuddling. The only one not holding their phone was Jungkook, and instead, he was smiling brightly at the two of them.
“Really guys?” Taehyung whined quietly, trying his best not to wake the little still peacefully asleep on his chest.
Hoseok rolled his eyes, “You’re in our room! On our bed!”
“Oh,” Taehyung replied intelligently. “I forgot about that.”
“Geniuses,” Jimin remarked.
Taehyung pouted and wished he didn’t have his arms full so he could punch his friend. “I came in here with him to get his little stuff and we just...ended up staying here.”
“Well, that’s okay,” Jin replied, “I got some great blackmail photos out of it.”
“Some...what?” the gravelly voice of Yoongi came suddenly, making it obvious that he wasn’t in his little headspace anymore. His eyes blinked open and locked onto Jin. “What photos, Jin-hyung?” he asked, tone eerily calm.
“Um...” the eldest looked like a deer in headlights. “Just...some pictures I took of you and Taehyung cuddling...”
Yoongi took a deep breath and sighed, “You’d better start running, hyung.”
Jin didn’t waste a moment, immediately turning on his heel and bolting out of the room. “This is not what I planned!” he shouted.
The others laughed until Yoongi turned his piercing eyes on them. “You too, boys. I’m coming for blood today.”
Hoseok and Jimin followed Jin’s path out the door. Namjoon chuckled and shook his head before he walked out as well. “Dumbasses. They should know Yoongi doesn’t run for anything.”
Jungkook was the only one who stayed in the room, giggling a little before he crawled under the covers with Taehyung and Yoongi. His bunny smile was still lighting up his face. “Yoonie and TaeTae-hyungie look so cute!”
Hearing a fellow little, Yoongi almost immediately slipped back into littlespace. His cheeks became a little pinker and he smiled shyly. “Really, Kookie? Yoonie is cute?”
The maknae nodded enthusiastically, “Yeah, the cutest!!”
“Ugh,” Taehyung groaned, “You two are the cutest. Seriously, what am I going to do with you, huh?”
The two littles looked back at him in response with innocent grins on their faces.
A/N: So, there’s the fic. It’s definitely not my best work, but when I say that writer’s block has been plaguing me this past month, I’m not joking. I felt like its a bit awkward in places but I hope that you guys at least still enjoyed it.
Also, I am still working on a request for a JiHope fic. It’s taking longer than expected, but I refuse to post it until I’m somewhat happy with it. Hopefully only another week or two. Fighting!
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anotherkpopvictim · 4 years
Heated Love - NamJinGi A/B/O Drabble
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(Pic edit by me)
A/N: Soooo, I was trying to figure out what pairing or relationship to write about next, and I thought, why not make a kind of companion fic (to The Scents Of Us - Hoseok X Jungkook X Jimin X Taehyung) with the other three members? You don’t have to have read that one for this one to make sense, though.
This one does not have littlespace like the last one. I just felt like writing something a bit different, so here ya go!
And a very Happy Birthday to Mr. Kim Namjoon AKA our leader AKA our president <3
Relationship: Omega!Seokjin X Beta!Yoongi X Alpha!Namjoon
Rating: M
Words: 2641
Smut, fluff bc I’m me okay
“No, no, stop!” Yoongi ordered, reaching over to press a button to cut the track. The group of four boys all looked up at him through the window in the recording booth with fear in their eyes. “These harmonies are what’s going to take this song to the next level. Minhyun, you need to focus more on your part, you keep getting distracted by the others. Yejun, I know that you’re not as comfortable singing as you are rapping, but I need you to be a little bit louder, a bit more confident. Siwoo and Sungjin, I need you two to sing just a tad bit quieter so I can really hear the balance in the harmonies.”
The kids - teenagers - nodded swiftly in understanding, anxiety swimming in their eyes. Whether that was because of the pressure of singing perfectly or the unforgiving bluntness known of their producer was up for debate, but it was probably a mixture of both.
Yoongi knew he could come off as harsh and cold sometimes, but it was just that he took his job seriously and didn’t have any time for pointless goofing off or complaining.
The beta took a deep breath and gave the group still standing frightened in the booth a small smile, hoping to ease their obvious nerves. “Hey, you guys are doing a great job,” he said, voice softer than before. “Take ten minutes to yourselves and practice what I’ve just told you, then we’ll regroup and try recording again, alright? You guys are so close to finishing the song.”
The four boys all nodded once more, looking infinitely more relieved thanks to Yoongi’s kind words. Siwoo, the group’s leader smiled back and said, “Thank you, Yoongi-ssi. We’ll work hard!”
Just as the beta left them to their own devices, sitting back in his own chair and taking a sip of his now lukewarm coffee, there was a hasty knock on his studio door.
Yoongi’s eyebrow rose in surprise. Everyone at the company knew not to bother him with anything while he was in session with a group, not unless it was important.
The beta hurried to open the door and was greeted immediately by his alpha boyfriend and the familiar scent of sandalwood. The sight of him at his studio when he should have been working caused Yoongi’s heart to sink to his stomach in fear.
“Joonie,” Yoongi began, “Is everything okay? Why are you here?”
Before his thoughts could start running wild about what could be going on, Namjoon cut him off. “Hyung, everything’s fine,” he reassured with a smile, “Jin-hyung’s just started his heat early.”
Yoongi let out a breath of relief. “Oh...oh!” he blinked, “But I thought he wasn’t supposed to have one for another few weeks yet?”
Namjoon nodded, but didn’t appear worried, “I think it’s the stress of the workload he’s had at the bakery lately that caused it to come so soon.”
“I told him to take it easy,” Yoongi grumbled, running his hands through his dark locks anxiously. “Taking on catering for five big events in two weeks is insane. Especially with the number of staff he has at the moment.”
The alpha hummed in agreement, “Well, you can tell him all about how right you were later. Right now, we have an omega at home who is on his way to being very angry at us for not being there.”
Yoongi told the four idols still waiting in the recording booth that they would have to pick up where they left off in a few days and gave them a couple more tips to improve their vocals in the meantime. After they’d all left, Yoongi slipped on his leather jacket, mask, and hat - all black, of course - and hurriedly followed Namjoon out of the company building.
“Jungkook and Hoseok-hyung are with Jin-hyung now,” Namjoon explained as he began driving through the city and towards their apartment. “Jin-hyung was feeling kind of strange and called them over to talk, thinking that it was an omega thing he’d never experienced before. When his heat hit, Hoseok-hyung called me to tell me what happened.”
“It usually takes a few days of preheat before his actual heat hits,” Yoongi frowned, “No wonder he was confused.”
Namjoon reached over and settled his hand easily on the beta’s thigh. “Hey, I looked it up already. I promise this is all common in early stress heats.”
Yoongi nodded, placing his hand over the alpha’s to give it a squeeze. “I know, I’m not doubting you. My head just...”
The alpha lifted Yoongi’s hand up to his lips to give it a quick kiss before settling their hands back on the beta’s thigh. “I know.”
Yoongi hated that his anxiety made him feel so crazy sometimes, so jumpy and filled his thoughts with the worst-case scenarios, but his boyfriends understood and never complained about it. He could always see the genuine honesty in their eyes when they told him that they loved him for him and everything that included.
The beta allowed his boyfriend’s familiar, calming scent of sandalwood to ease his worries and keep him grounded as they drove home.
When they arrived, they were greeted at the door by a slightly flushed and disheveled Jungkook who gave them a knowing smile. “He just started nesting a little while ago, Hobi-hyungie’s with him in the bedroom.”
Sure enough, when they entered the bedroom, they found their Seokjin working away at perfecting the nest he was building, adjusting the pile of blankets, pillows, and clothing to his liking. He had the most adorable concentrated pout on his face that his two boyfriends couldn’t help but sigh fondly at.
Hoseok was the first to see them, and he greeted them with a smile just like Jungkook had.
“How bad has it been?” Yoongi asked.
“Not too bad,” Hoseok replied with a shrug. “He was starting to get angry earlier when he remembered you guys weren’t here, but Jungkookie suggested that he start building a nest and it’s kept him busy ever since.”
Namjoon gave his friend a hug, “Thank you for looking after him. You guys are awesome.”
Hoseok grinned that infamous heart-shaped grin of his. “No problem Joon-ah, Yoongi-hyung. We love you guys, we’d do anything for you.”
“You guys, too,” Namjoon replied. “Say ‘hello’ to Jimin and Tae for us, alright? And dinner’s still on for next Friday so don’t forget it.”
“Aye aye, captain!” Hoseok saluted dramatically with a grin. “Don’t have too much fun, yeah?” The omega waggled his eyebrows teasingly before giving both Namjoon and Yoongi pats on the shoulders and departing from the room.
“There you two are!”
The alpha and beta both looked up with wide eyes at the familiar, angry tone. Seokjin had spotted them, it seemed, as he was glaring in their direction with his hands on his hips. His slightly overgrown chocolate locks fell into his eyes and he pushed it out of the way with a huff.
“I’ve been waiting for you for weeks!” the omega pouted. “Thanks for finally showing up, I guess.”
Namjoon went right towards him, arms outstretched. “Don’t be so dramatic, hyung. It’s only been a few hours.”
“Weeks!” the omega insisted stubbornly, whilst simultaneously throwing himself into Namjoon’s arms.
Yoongi sighed fondly and joined them at the bedside. “How are you feeling, hyung? Do you need a cool bath or anything yet?”
The omega’s demeanor changed in an instant as he turned in the alpha’s arms to bring Yoongi into a tight embrace. He wasted no time in nuzzling into the beta’s neck, making sure to leave his scent of strawberries and cream all over him and inhaling his soft scent of a rainy forest in turn.
“I’m okay right now,” Seokjin finally answered, remembering that he’d been asked a question. “Just want my mates.”
Namjoon curled around the omega from behind and pressed a kiss to the side of his head. “We’re here now, hyung. And we’re not going anywhere.”
Seokjin nearly purred in contentment at being squished in a Namjoon-Yoongi sandwich. The feeling of being surrounded completely by his mates, in his own house, his own nest, it made his wolf feel utterly safe.
“You know what I do need?” the omega asked, a teasing smile on his face as he glanced at his mates.
“Hm, what?” Namjoon inquired.
“A good fuck.”
Yoongi groaned at the blunt words, his cock already tenting in his pants. “I think that can be arranged.”
The beta lifted both hands to cup the omega’s face and brought him in for a passionate kiss. Seokjin sighed happily and bit teasingly at Yoongi’s lower lip.
Namjoon watched as they continued to make out languidly, their tongues and lips tangling together lovingly. The alpha’s eyes flashed red with desire as his large hands began running up and down Seokjin’s sides. His fingers brushed the soft skin under the omega’s t-shirt (which Namjoon belatedly realized was actually his t-shirt) and felt pride bubble up inside him when Seokjin let out little breathy whines at the feeling. He pulled the shirt off completely, but apparently it wasn’t quite enough for the omega.
“Mm, get in my nest.” Seokjin pouted, “This is taking too long.”
The alpha huffed out a laugh, “We’ll get in, but after that, you’re not going to be making any more demands, sweetheart.”
Seokjin shivered at Namjoon’s deep voice in his ear and smirked. “Make me, alpha.”
There was a sudden flurry of movement and the omega found himself laid out in the center of his nest. Someone was on top of him, between his legs. He expected it to be Namjoon but was mildly surprised when he saw Yoongi looking down at him with a dark, lustful gaze.
Seokjin didn’t fight it when the beta grabbed his hands and lifted them above his head. “Keep them there,” Yoongi ordered.
“Yes, sir.”
Namjoon sidled up beside the two of them, running his hands all over Jin’s torso, from the waistband of his sweatpants to his collarbones. “You’re in a bratty mood today,” he commented, sounding amused.
Yoongi was busy pulling down the omega’s pants and boxers that were getting close to becoming drenched in Seokjin’s slick. The beta tossed the garments over his shoulder nonchalantly, unable to care where they ended up.
“‘M always bratty,” Seokjin remarked with a prominent pout on his plush, pink lips.
The beta snorted, “Can’t argue with that.”
Seokjin opened his mouth once more, probably to make another sassy comeback, but his words turned into a loud moan as Yoongi plunged two fingers into his asshole without warning. It didn’t hurt, of course, because of the copious amounts of slick leaking out of him, but the sudden feeling of being filled with something caught the omega off guard. Not to mention that Yoongi easily found his prostate (thanks to years of getting to know Seokjin’s body) and thrust his long fingers mercilessly against it.
Taking advantage of the older’s opened mouth, Namjoon locked their lips together and growled at the arousal growing in his gut.
“Oh, fuck...” Jin groaned.
The beta looked up at his mates once the omega was thoroughly prepared and took in the delicious sight of them making out. He also noticed that Seokjin’s hands had stayed above his head the entire time, just as he’d asked.
“He’s ready for you, Joon-ah.” Yoongi announced, ignoring the displeased whine Seokjin let out when he removed his fingers from inside of him. “And he’s obviously desperate since he’s actually listening to us now. Give him a good knot to calm him down.”
“Yes, fuck!” the omega all but whimpered, “Give me your knot!”
Namjoon looked over at Yoongi, “You sure I can go first?”
The beta nodded, “I’ll get my turn with him later.”
So, Namjoon and Yoongi switched places, the beta pressing kisses to Seokjin’s lips and the alpha running his hands admiringly over the omega’s legs he now knelt between.
Belatedly realizing that they were still fully dressed, Namjoon nudged Yoongi and the two of them began to strip out of their clothing hastily. Seokjin enjoyed the show until the two of them were completely naked and Yoongi claimed his mouth once more.
Namjoon’s cock always stretched the omega so good and this time was no different. The alpha’s large, thick dick sliding into him gave him slight discomfort - despite the thorough fingering he’d received from Yoongi earlier - but it also felt oh so good.
Seokjin let out little whiny mewls into the beta’s mouth as he waited for his body to adjust. It only took half a minute, and once he felt he was ready, the omega wasted no time in circling his hips to get the alpha deeper.
“’M good, Joonie.” Seokjin assured. “Give me all you have.”
And, really, Namjoon didn’t need to hear it twice. He grabbed the omega’s hips in his hands and pulled back until just the tip of his cock was still inside of him, and then he thrust back in harshly.
The pace didn’t take long to pick up, Seokjin’s body rocking up and down with the force of the movements. “Oh, yeah, that’s it! Right there!” The omega nearly squealed when Namjoon moved his hands to his thighs and lifted him slightly off the bed, the new angle causing the alpha to thrust straight into Seokjin’s prostate.
Yoongi reveled in the heady smell of sandalwood and strawberries and rainy forest, the scent of safety and love. As the omega got closer to his orgasm and became more out of breath, Yoongi shifted his attention from Seokjin’s lips to his neck, where two mating bites sat proudly. He kissed and licked at Namjoon’s bite mark lovingly before moving slightly upwards to his own. His teeth found the healed-over mark and bit gently, just enough to cause the omega to lose it completely.
“Fuck,” Namjoon moaned, “Made him get so tight around me, Yoongi-hyung. Getting so close.”
The beta grinned and turned back to Seokjin, who looked stunning laid back in his nest, naked and sweaty, mouth parted and eyebrows pulled together in pleasure. “He’s almost there, Joon-ah.”
And he was right because within ten more thrusts directly to his prostate and the gentle sting over his bite mark, Seokjin came. He came loudly and all over himself, but he kept his hands held above his head, determined.
“Oh, shit!” the alpha hissed, his sandy blond hair wet with sweat and falling in his face. “Seokjin-hyung, that’s-”
Still riding on the wave of his high, Seokjin whimpered when he felt the alpha’s knot expanding inside of him until the two of them were locked together completely as Namjoon came.
Yoongi pushed the alpha’s hair off of his forehead with one hand and used the other to touch gently over his bite mark on Seokjin. The omega mewled and leaned into the touch easily as he came down from his high.
A few minutes passed in silence as they caught their breath and Yoongi gave them water.
“Love you guys,” Seokjin mumbled with a dazed grin. “Always make me feel so good.”
Yoongi leaned down to kiss him, this time more softly than earlier. Namjoon followed suit before flopping down on the other side of the omega. “Love you, too.”
“Love you,” Yoongi repeated with a gentle smile. “Now let’s cuddle while your heat is sated for a bit.”
Seokjin eagerly pulled Yoongi into his chest, allowing Namjoon access to give the beta a much-needed kiss on the lips.
“I want Yoongi-ah to fuck me next,” Seokjin announced, blunt as always.
The beta snorted as Namjoon huffed out a tired laugh, “I see you’re back to being bratty again.”
Seokjin shrugged, “I want what I want and I have no problem asking for it.”
A/N: Well damn, that was a ride. I thought it would be interesting to write Seokjin as a bratty omega and I have to say I’m pretty happy with the result, but let me know what you think!
Also, I was planning on ending it here but if you want a second part where Yoongi fucks Seokjin then let me know!
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anotherkpopvictim · 5 years
What A Relief - An OT7 Littlespace Drabble
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(gif source - tearuntold)
A/N: So...long time no see.
My mental health usually goes out the window around this time of year, when fall turns to winter, so I apologize for not posting anything, but I haven’t been inspired. I’ve worked on a few things and felt like they were forced. I’ll probably go back and rewrite them in the future because they were good ideas.
I also got a couple requests in the last week and I plan to write and post those as soon as I can, so please bear with me.
Anyways, BTS’ performance at the MMAs was one of the most epic things I have ever witnessed. (Edit: I just watched the MAMAs and our boys won all the prizes) I am so proud of them and seeing them live again kind of gave me the inspiration to write this <3 And over the last few weeks, my love for Jin has grown even more (if that’s possible, because I already love him a lot) so this was perfect to post for his birthday.
So, happy birthday Mr. Worldwide Handsome, and thank you for being you <3
Relationship: Little!Seokjin X BTS
Rating: G
Words: 2816
Fluff, hurt/comfort (just a tiny bit)
NOTE: Seokjin will refer to everyone as “hyung” while he is in littlespace, except Namjoon and Yoongi, who he will call “daddy” and “appa”. 
Also, in this fic OT7 is an established romantic relationship though it’s not really specified in the writing.
Almost as soon as the door to the dressing room closed behind Jin - signaling that they were all finally finished being “BTS” for the night - the oldest member felt the last of the hype and energy of the award show leave him.
It was something they all had to deal with - the post-concert (or in this case, award show) drop. It was inevitable, going from tens of thousands of people with all of their attention on you to the quiet of their dressing room. They all experienced their drops differently, but they’d been around each other for so long that it wasn’t a surprise to any of them when the oldest suddenly looked weak in the knees.
Namjoon was at Seokjin’s side in a moment, his long arms wrapping around his waist and helping him hold up his weight. The leader maneuvered his hyung until he was held against his chest closely, Jin’s arms instinctively twisting around Namjoon’s neck.
“I’ve got you, love,” the blond-haired leader whispered, “How are you feeling?”
Jin knew what the younger was asking him and replied, “L-Little.”
Namjoon hummed knowingly, “Slip, hyung. I’m right here. So is everyone else.”
And really, that was all it took for Seokjin to let himself go. It had been months since he’d last been able to relax in his headspace, and they’d all agreed earlier in the day that it was about time he did once more.
Before he really knew it, Jin’s eyes were a little wider, a little brighter, and his shoulders slumped completely.
Perhaps it was slightly easier to slip with Namjoon than the others as the leader had been the first person Jin had ever told about his liking for littlespace. Namjoon had been surprised at the admission, but not at all disgusted as the little had feared. Namjoon spent that entire night scouring the internet and learning as much as he could on the subject.
So, yeah, maybe it was the fact that Jin was with his first boyfriend that made it easy to slip.
Hoseok, who had finished changing into his comfortable clothes (track pants and a blue long-sleeved shirt) and removing his makeup, approached the two still standing at the door with his heart-shaped smile. “Let me take him,” he said to Namjoon, who carefully transferred the little into his fellow ninety-four liner’s arms.
The leader left to go change himself with a quick kiss to Jin’s forehead.
Hoseok nuzzled the little’s cheek, earning himself a quiet but happy giggle from him. He helped Jin over to the grey couch and laid him down just as Taehyung and Jimin appeared behind him, clutching Jin’s spare little supplies in their hands. The two ninety-fivers were dressed similarly in grey sweatpants and a t-shirt, except Taehyung’s shirt was black while Jimin’s was white, and Taehyung’s dark locks were covered by a black beanie.
“Should we get you changed, baby?” Hoseok asked Jin, pinching fondly at the little’s cheek.
Jin nodded, his lips pursing out in a cute pout that had smiles on all three of the others’ faces.
As Hoseok and Jimin began unbuttoning Jin’s shirt and pants and slipping them off of the little, Taehyung appeared in his vision upside down, making silly faces that Jin couldn’t help but laugh at, poking at his boyfriend’s puffed-out cheek.
With Taehyung’s distraction, the two dancers didn’t have any problem at all fastening a diaper around Jin’s hips and then slipping him into his favorite RJ pajamas.
“Oh, Jinnie!” Jungkook sang, popping out from behind the couch with a familiar purple object in his hands. The maknae grinned his bunny smile, “Want your paci, baby?”
The little’s eyes widened significantly and he nodded, reached out for it with impatient hands.
“No, Jinnie,” Jimin scolded Jin softly, “That’s not how we ask for things, is it?”
Seokjin had always been the kind of little that was super quiet, especially when he slipped into a littler headspace than usual. None of them could tell yet how far he’d slipped, but checking his understanding and if he was willing to talk typically gave them a good idea.
The little looked up with apologetic eyes, “S-Sorry. C-Can Jinnie please have paci, Kookie-hyungie?”
The four members surrounding him burst into fond smiles.
Jungkook cooed and lifted the pacifier to Jin’s lips, who eagerly took the object into his mouth and began suckling on it. “Good boy,” he praised.
The little’s cheeks turned an adorable pink and their hearts were so full of love it was a bit ridiculous.
“God, he’s so cute, it’s unfair,” Jimin pouted from his spot on the floor, leaning his elbow against the coffee table and his head in his hand.
Hoseok ruffled his hair and replied, “You’re cute too, Minnie, don’t you worry.”
Jimin’s smile turned smug.
Jungkook and Taehyung were busy playing peek-a-boo with Jin when Namjoon returned, this time with Yoongi by his side. Namjoon was dressed comfortably in some dark blue track pants and a sweater, while Yoongi was wearing all black - from his sweater to his sweatpants.
The eldest rapper immediately hip-checked Taehyung out of the way and took over his spot. “Hey!” the second youngest whined before moving to stand next to the maknae behind the couch.
Yoongi ignored him and grinned down at Jin, his long fingers slipping into the little’s soft, brunet hair. “Hi, little one, I’ve missed you,” he all but cooed, his deep voice sending a shiver down the little’s spine.
After Namjoon, Yoongi was the second person Jin had told about being a little. The eldest rapper had taken to caregiving like a fish to water as he was naturally very protective and - though he may not admit it outright - he loved to cuddle.
“Appa!” Jin exclaimed, relaxing into the rapper’s hands.
Namjoon’s phone beeped in his pocket at that moment and he quickly fished it out. “Sejin-hyung says that the car is here for us. It’s ready just outside the back door and no fans are around so it’s safe to bring Jin.”
BTS’ manager, Sejin, had found out that some of the members were littles by accident a few years earlier, and thankfully he had taken it pretty well. The man had been their manager since the beginning, and he was somewhat of a second father figure in all of their lives. Sejin agreed to help them hide the fact that most of the members were littles and made accommodations whenever he could when it came to events and schedules.
Jungkook moved in front of the couch and tapped Jin’s arm softly. “You want a piggyback ride, baby?” he asked.
The little nodded furiously and moved to cling to the maknae’s back, his arms curling around Jungkook’s shoulders and holding on tightly.
As Namjoon and Hoseok led the seven of them out of the dressing room, Jungkook bounced the little up and down just to hear the cute little squeals he let out. Jimin, Taehyung, and Yoongi all held extra sweaters and blankets in their hands, just in case they were seen by anyone and needed to quickly cover their oldest hyung up.
While they all hated the fact that they needed to hide the littles, they understood too. If something like that were ever to get out to the public, they would lose a lot of supporters and garner a lot of horrible comments. It was unanimously decided between the seven of them that though it killed them to hide it, it was in their best interest to.
It was an easy walk to the back door and out into the garage area where their car was waiting for them, thankfully. Sejin was in the driver’s seat and Jimin immediately claimed shotgun. Jungkook and Yoongi settled in the very back with Jin in between them while the other three were in the middle seats.
Their manager eyed the oldest member through the rearview mirror with a smile. “How is he?” he asked.
Most of the time, Sejin was kept on a need-to-know basis regarding their littles, but he checked in from time to time to make sure everything was going alright.
“He’s good,” Jimin replied, “It’s been a while so we thought he needed to have a relaxing day.”
Sejin nodded and left it at that, instead diverting his attention to driving them through the city back to their shared apartment.
The ride back was fairly quiet, as little Jinnie was nodding off against Yoongi’s shoulder in the back and cuddling with the sweater Taehyung had been holding. The pacifier was still in his mouth and he let out a sigh of content at the comfort surrounding him from all sides.
Yoongi allowed the little to snuggle into his side and ran his hand up and down his opposite arm soothingly.
Jungkook - on his other side - helped to keep him sitting in a safe position.
When they arrived back at the dorms, it was Namjoon who picked up the sleepy little and hefted him into his arms. Jin wrapped his arms and legs around the leader’s front and allowed him to carry him up to their apartment.
Jin napped for probably an hour, and when his eyes fluttered open again, he found himself in Taehyung’s room, with both the second youngest and Namjoon curled around him on each side.
The little couldn’t help but giggle when Namjoon let out a loud snore, which caused Taehyung to wake up with a quiet groan. “Baby?” he said, his voice low and raspy with sleep.
Jin squirmed around in the arms surrounding him until he was facing Taehyung properly. “TaeTae-hyungie!” he exclaimed.
Taehyung grinned his boxy smile and shushed the little with a finger to his lips. “We have to be quiet,” he explained in a whisper, “We don’t want to wake your daddy, now do we? I think he deserves a bit more sleep after tonight.”
Though Jin was in littlespace, he still understood the implications of the statement. Namjoon worked harder than any of them, especially when it came to public appearances. As their leader, he kept them in line and tended to do most of the talking.
It was because of Taehyung’s comment that Jin got thinking. He thought about every member and how they each played an important role.
Well, every member except him.
It was something the oldest member struggled with a lot; his place in BTS. Many a time had he fallen into his dark thoughts and needed to be pulled out by one of his members.
What did he bring to the table for the group?
His vocals? They were sub-par at best.
His dancing? Never in a million years.
His visuals? Though he joked about being “Worldwide Handsome”, he knew the others were just as good looking if not better looking than he was. Taehyung had won the title of Most Handsome Man In The World for crying out loud.
“Hey,” a gentle tap to his forehead caused the little to blink and return to his surroundings. Taehyung was looking at him with a furrowed brow, “Are you feeling insecure again, love?”
Well, didn’t Taehyung hit that one right on the nose?
Jin let out a whine and shoved his face into the second youngest’s chest. “J-Jinnie sorry, hyungie.”
“You don’t need to be sorry, baby,” Taehyung replied softly. One of his big hands moved to rub at the small of the little’s back while his other began carding through Jin’s hair. “I know you can’t help it, Jinnie. None of us can help it when we feel down, but we have each other to bring us back up, yeah?”
Jin nodded, his face still hidden in Taehyung’s shirt. The oldest Bangtan member could feel himself slipping out of his headspace, straddling a line between big and little.
“We love you so much, baby. Every single one of us,” Taehyung continued, seemingly understanding the older’s state of mind. “We’re all so proud of you, Jinnie. You joined BigHit because you wanted to be an actor, and before you knew it, you were thrown into an idol group.”
Taehyung gently guided Jin’s head away from his chest so he could look him in the eye directly and know he was telling the truth. “Your dream changed, and you changed with it in the best way possible. You couldn’t sing at first, remember? But you dedicated so much time and effort that you became your vocal teacher’s best student. You weren’t much of a dancer, just like Namjoon, but you keep up with Hoseok-hyung, Jiminie, and Jungkookie really well.”
The oldest’s eyes were rimmed with tears and he sniffled quietly. “Yeah?” he asked in a trembling voice.
“Yeah,” Taehyung confirmed. He moved the hand that was rubbing at his back to cup Jin’s cheek, looking at him with what could only be pure love and adoration.
“He’s right,” Namjoon’s voice suddenly sounded from behind him, causing the little to startle a bit and turn to look at him. The leader was gazing at him with the same look Taehyung was giving him, a dimpled smile on his face. “Could you imagine the Best Moment In Life series without your incredible acting? No one would have taken us seriously. And I think your voice is amazing, baby, even though I know you have your doubts.”
“Oh no!” the three curled up together on the bed all turned their heads simultaneously at the sound of Hoseok’s voice coming from the doorway. The dance leader walked into the room with a solemn expression on his face. “Is Jinnie feeling down again?”
Both Taehyung and Namjoon hummed in confirmation.
Hoseok walked over to the bed and grabbed one of Jin’s hands in his own. “I’m sure these two have already told you how talented you are, but there’s something else, too.” Hoseok kissed the back of the oldest’s hand softly, “Jinnie, you’re the oldest member and I know sometimes that feels like a burden to you, but we’re all just so happy that you love us and take care of us. It’s a joke, I know, that you’re like our mom, but it’s kind of true. You always cook us our favorite meals when we’re not feeling good, and nurse us through sickness. And we love to take care of you in return, baby. We always will.”
Jin glanced around at the other two to see that they both seemed to agree with what Hoseok said as well. That caused the tears to start spilling from his eyes.
“T-Thank you guys,” he managed out, “I love you so much.”
Namjoon tightened his grip on his waist, “We all love you too, Jinnie.”
“Now, how about we go have some chicken nuggets for dinner and put on a movie, huh?” Hoseok suggested.
And just like that, Jin was fully submerged in his headspace once more, his eyes lighting up, “J-Jinnie loves chicken nuggets!”
Taehyung chuckled and kissed his forehead before beginning to untangle himself from him. “We know you do, love.”
“What movie should we watch?” Namjoon asked as he carried Jin out of the room and to the living room.
The others could be heard in the kitchen, but the living room was set up with tons of blankets and pillows, much to Jin’s delight.
“Can we watch Moana?” the little asked hopefully.
“Sure, love,” Hoseok replied, booping Jin on the nose before grabbing the television remote to start up the movie.
It was only a few minutes later that Yoongi, Jimin, and Jungkook entered the room with a large tray of chicken nuggets, some paper plates, and a few different dipping sauces.
Yoongi and Jimin claimed the seats on the sofa on either side of Jin, while Jungkook settled on the floor right next to his legs. Taehyung, Hoseok, and Namjoon cuddled up together on the other couch, watching the other four fondly.
As the movie started, the opening song beginning, Jimin and Jungkook alternated feeding Jin, who enjoyed all the attention he was getting. Yoongi held a napkin in his hand and wiped at the little’s mouth whenever he got crumbs and sauce everywhere (which was a lot).
About halfway through the movie, when their bellies were full and they were all focused on the plot, Jin took a moment to look around at everyone.
His heart fluttered with the love he felt for each of his members. He couldn’t help but be thankful to them for always being there for him and keeping away the dark thoughts that crept around in the back of his mind.
It was at that moment that he remembered something Yoongi had said to them once, something that they all thought of dearly and proved to be true time and time again.
What a relief that we have seven members. What a relief that we have each other.
What a relief indeed.
A/N: Kudos and comments do wonders for my self-esteem, so it would mean a lot if you left one if you enjoyed this fic <3
I purple you guys and hope that you’re having a good December so far!
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anotherkpopvictim · 5 years
I Wanna Worship Your Body - TaeKook Drabble
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(Source - softjeon)
A/N: So this is my first non-littlespace story I’m posting. I wanted to post something for Jungkook’s birthday so I whipped this up in 24 hours.
While it doesn’t involve littlespace, Jungkook does slip into subspace, so some things here might be similar to what little Jungkook does in some of my other fics - like speaking in third person and referring to Taehyung as hyungie (daddy a few times near the end).
Also, I apologize that this fic is kind of similar to the last two I posted. I’m very interested in the dynamics of dom/sub and certain kinks (pet names, praise, etc.) but I will write other things in the future. I also have a thing for baby boy kook but I will write some taekook fics where Jungkook is the one in charge. I might already have one in the works (wink, wink).
For now, this is what I have for you.
Enjoy <3
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook X Kim Taehyung
Rating: M
Words: 4686
Smut, fluff, Sub!Kook, Bottom!Kook, Dom!Taehyung, Top!Taehyung
The entirety of the day that Jungkook’s birthday fell on was full of anticipation and arousal.
He woke up to the sunlight shining in through the gap in curtains and warming the room. There were two strong, familiar arms wrapped around his waist from behind, the body attached to the limbs shifting as they too woke.
“Happy birthday, baby,” Taehyung’s deep baritone droned into his ear.
Jungkook bit his lip and sighed contently as his hyung moved down to suck a hickey into the younger’s shoulder (a place that was easy to cover up with makeup).
Taehyung had an obsession with marking - something that had become known only a few weeks after meeting each other, but long before they were dating. Even back then, when they were merely friends, Taehyung would suck little marks into the skin of Jungkook’s neck or sometimes his arms - wherever he felt like really.
Yeah, maybe it was a little strange for something between people who claimed to be just friends, but the maknae didn’t mind in the slightest - he probably loved being marked as much as Taehyung loved to do the marking. Jungkook found it almost relaxing.
Now that they were dating, Taehyung was even more possessive, sucking larger marks all over the maknae’s skin, favoring his more intimate areas like his thighs and stomach. Over time, the older was able to find all of the spots Jungkook was most sensitive, and he learned just how hard he needed to suck to make the actions arousing for the younger.
“Hyungggg...” he whined a bit under his ministrations, “Don’t start something you’re not going to finish. I think we have to be out the door in like ten minutes.”
Taehyung hummed but refused to stop his marking. Once he was satisfied with the dark purple bruise staining the otherwise smooth, unmarred skin of his baby’s neck, he pulled back and admired his work.
God, Jungkook looked beautiful.
“How do you feel about playing a little bit while we’re out today, bun?” he asked sensually, pressing a kiss to the younger’s hair.
Jungkook bit back a whimper of arousal at the implications, the nickname only making him want to squirm more. “Y-Yes, please, hyungie. I-I’d really like that.”
He wasn’t quite sure what the older had in mind but playing while they were working usually meant touching under the cover of a table or wearing a butt plug the whole day. Either one made the maknae want to squirm in anticipation.
“Yeah, bun? You gonna be good for hyungie and do whatever he wants today?” Taehyung asked, tightening his arms around the younger’s waist so he was pulled flush against him.
Jungkook gasped as the older’s half-hard cock pressed up against his ass through the fabric of their sweatpants. “W-Wanna be a good boy.”
With a pleased hum, Taehyung pulled back and turned the maknae onto his back so they could face each other properly. The submissive haze over Jungkook’s eyes made Taehyung’s gut coil in arousal. “I’m not going to tease you right now, because today is going to be a little more difficult than usual, baby,” the older explained.
With curious, slightly nervous eyes, Jungkook watched his hyung reach over and pull out an object from the bedside table. He gasped when he realized what it was.
Taehyung held a sparkly pink vibrator in his hands. The object itself wasn’t very big, but it wasn’t small either. It had a good thickness and a length that, when snugly fitted inside his hole, would just graze over Jungkook’s prostate - that was why it had been purchased in the first place.
Jungkook had used it before, and it was definitely one of his favorite toys, but he’d never experienced a vibrator plugging him up throughout the whole workday. He’d used plugs, but never a vibrator.
The maknae nearly whimpered when he mentally went over the day’s itinerary. They didn’t have dance practice (that was one thing that was impossible to get through with anything in his ass) but they did have a few interviews and a quick stage rehearsal for their upcoming concert next week. Though the interviews would be difficult to get through - Jungkook knew that Taehyung would tease him relentlessly throughout it - the stage rehearsal was what worried him the most. It wasn’t as strenuous as they didn’t actually give the choreography their all during the rehearsal, but it wasn’t going to be a walk in the park either.
“I want to be clear, baby,” Taehyung said, eyes turning serious, “I plan to tease you with this today, from when you put it in until tonight, and I won’t go easy on you. But, because it is your birthday, I promise that you’ll get what you want tonight.”
Jungkook understood what he was saying. Orgasm denial was a frequent part of their sex life, and sometimes the younger went weeks without getting off, despite how many times Taehyung brought him close to the edge. It was always so worth it in the end, though. When it was all finished and all those denied orgasms built up and he was finally able to cum.
“Tell me your safewords, bun,” there was an air of dominance about Taehyung’s words that sent a shiver down Jungkook’s spine.
“G-Green for good, yellow for slow down, and red for stop.”
“Good boy,” the older praised with a coo, “You can use your safewords anytime you need and hyungie won’t be upset with you, okay? I need you to understand that, baby.”
Jungkook licked his lips, “I understand, hyungie. W-Want it, please. I promise I’ll tell you if I want to stop.”
Taehyung smiled softly then, the contrast between it and the dominant gaze in his eyes sexy as all hell. “Alright, bun. Hyungie’s gonna open you up a bit for the vibrator, okay?”
Once the maknae vocalized his consent, his hyung worked on slipping the sweats off of Jungkook’s body. Never one to wear underwear under his sweatpants, Jungkook was now completely exposed to the older’s lustful gaze.
“So beautiful, my baby,” Taehyung commented almost mindlessly.
He didn’t waste time teasing the younger right now (the poor maknae was going to be teased all day, so the least he could do was give him a little break) and slipped a couple of lubed up fingers into Jungkook’s tight ass.
Despite Taehyung’s best efforts not to tease the younger, Jungkook was still struggling to hold back his moans. The flashes of pleasure he felt as his hyung stretched him out thoroughly caused his cock to plump up.
As soon as three fingers fit into the maknae’s hole more easily, Taehyung removed them. Jungkook whined out his protests but quieted down as he felt the lubed up vibrator slip past his fluttering rim.
Taehyung firmly pushed the vibrator into place, the younger letting out a little cry as the head of it grazed over his prostate. “Oh, god, TaeTae-hyungie!”
Momentarily, Jungkook worried that he’d overestimated himself. He’d assure the older that he could take the vibrator, but it wasn’t even turned on yet and Jungkook wasn’t sure if he could make through the day with the teasingly gentle pressure.
But a more sinful part of him wanted the teasing, wanted to be brought to the edge and back as many times as Taehyung wished.
“That’s a good boy, Kook,” his hyung praised, leaning down to press a reassuring kiss to the younger’s lips.
Just at that moment, Taehyung’s phone alarm went off, signaling that they needed to get up. The older turned it off quickly, “I won’t turn on the vibrator for at least fifteen more minutes. You might want to make good use of that time and get yourself ready.”
Jungkook’s eyes widened and he bolted out of the bed, leaving behind a smugly chuckling Taehyung.
By five o’clock that night, Jungkook was a hot mess.
The maknae had managed to get through his morning routine and had just finishing breakfast when the vibrator suddenly buzzed to life inside of him. It had only been on the lowest level, but Jungkook had yelped and jumped, causing some of the birthday breakfast cake Jin and Yoongi had made to go flying off of his plate.
“Are you alright, Kook-ah?” Namjoon asked, looking on worriedly from across the table.
The maknae willed himself not to turn into a tomato and instead plastered a smile on his face, “Yeah, I’m fine, just-” the vibrator had gone up a notch and caused him to squeal. He masked the sound by turning it into a cough, “-just really excited for the day!”
The others hadn’t looked like they particularly believed him, but they thankfully let it go in the end.
By the time they got to the set for the interviews, Jungkook had pretty much adjusted to the constant vibrating on the second setting. That particular vibrator had seven levels, and he couldn’t help but wonder how high Taehyung would take it.
Halfway through the first interview, the constant vibrating turned to pulses, falling into a pattern similar to Jungkook’s racing heart. He didn’t startle that time (thank god) but his hands did visibly tighten where they were clutching at the sides of his chair.
Jimin had given him a confused look, silently asking him what was going on. The older had, once again, let it go, as Jungkook proceeded to answer a question from the interviewer.
He had been proud of himself for speaking so eloquently while having a pulsing vibrator shoved up his ass.
Unfortunately, Taehyung had been seated as far away from Jungkook as he possibly could get, which made things even hotter and more nerve-wracking. The younger couldn’t see what his hyung’s hands were doing at all, so he had no idea when he was going to change the setting again, and it had him on edge in the best way possible.
Jungkook somehow survived the four long interviews, with Taehyung slowly changing the vibration levels up to five and alternating between constant vibrations and pulsing ones.
The car ride to the location of the stage rehearsal was a (sort of) break. Taehyung turned the setting down to one again and sat with the younger in the backseat of one of the cars. He ran his hands soothingly through Jungkook’s hair and whispered how good he was being into his ear.
The maknae himself felt only half-alive at that point - somewhere between reality and a faraway place. His whole body was bordering on too warm, his skin a little tacky with sweat.
“Hyungie,” he said softly, so the others seated in the front of the car wouldn’t be able to hear them, “You still promise to let me cum later, right?”
He needed the reassurance because the day was more difficult than he had expected even though he was enjoying it so far. But if he wasn’t even going to cum tonight, he might give up then and there.
Thankfully, Taehyung seemed to understand him completely. “Of course, bun. I’m not going to go back on my word. I’ll let you cum later,” the older confirmed.
With the reassurance, Jungkook decided that no matter how hard the rest of the day was to get through, he wouldn’t use his safewords. He knew that it might be hard, but the reward he would get at the end of the night would be more than worth the teasing.
Stage rehearsal definitely pushed his limits a bit, however.
It was a long day. Between the constant pausing of rehearsal to fix something and Taehyung’s trigger finger of sorts on the remote, the four-hour time frame allotted to their rehearsal seemed to move at a snail’s pace.
At some point, Jimin put the pieces together and realized exactly what was going on. “You kinky bastards,” he said to them with a knowing smirk when he had a moment alone close to them.
Thankfully, the others seemed to have chalked the maknae’s strange behavior up to excitement about his birthday, even though Jungkook had never really been super hyper about turning a year older before.
During a brief break in stage rehearsal, Taehyung turned the vibrator’s power up to the highest level.
Jungkook’s eyes threatened to roll into the back of his head as a flash of heated arousal went through him, and his knees felt weak where they barely held him up. He had to grip on to the nearest object so he wouldn’t fall - that object just happened to be Seokjin.
His oldest hyung looked at him exasperatedly, “What is up with you today, huh?”
“‘M just tired now, hyung,” Jungkook replied, his words already beginning to slur. At least he could write it off as being exhausted.
“See, this is what happens when you get hyper and hop around all day like a fucking rabbit,” Jin shook his head, but even in his haze, the maknae could tell it was fond. “Don’t fall asleep yet, I’m planning to make your favorite dinner tonight.”
Jungkook perked up at that, almost able to ignore the vibrator practically massaging his prostate. “Lamb skewers?” he asked cutely.
Jin nodded with a little chuckle, “Yeah, so you’ve gotta stay awake, alright?” he booped the younger’s nose affectionately.
Jungkook nodded furiously and continued stage rehearsal with renewed determination. Now, not only would he get rewarded with whatever Taehyung had planned, but he also had Seokjin’s homey cooking to look forward to.
Tae grinned from off to the side when he met the maknae’s eyes, his expression spelling trouble.
The younger didn’t realize that dinner with all the hyungs meant another hour of torture until he was seated at the dinner table with mouth-watering lamb skewers and kimchi rice set in front of him.
Taehyung chose that moment to turn constant vibrating of the vibrator to a pulsing buzz.
This always affected Jungkook more than just the constant vibrations, because he had momentary relief that was taken away with a harsh motion against his prostate. He felt drops of sweat trailing down the back of his neck as he tried his best to keep his breathing under control. He felt like he’d run a marathon and it was still early in the evening - they hadn’t even reached the climax yet (pun intended).
Jungkook decided that the best plan of action was to stuff his face with dinner at an inhuman rate. The faster he ate, the faster he could get his reward. It was a little odd, but he moaned at the combination of the taste of the juicy lamb pieces in his mouth and the stimulation in his ass.
He looked up from his plate and saw that the others were looking at him with their eyebrows raised. Belatedly, he realized that he really was stuffing his face at an alarming rate.
The maknae blushed and stuttered out, “It’s really good, Jin-hyung! I’m so hungry.”
Jin seemed placated, his chest puffing out with clear pride. “I’m glad you like it, I worked hard on it just for you.”
Jungkook nodded and felt a bit bad that he wasn’t enjoying the oldest’s homemade dinner to the fullest. But it wasn’t like it was his fault - Taehyung was the one with the remote control to the vibrator after all.
Just as the maknae lifted a skewer to take another bite of the meat, Taehyung, who was conveniently seated next to him, sneakily reached his hand between Jungkook’s back and the chair. He slipped the wandering hand over the younger’s ass, into the back of his jeans, and pushed at the base of the vibrator. This forced the object further into Jungkook’s ass, the vibrator pressing and massaging his prostate more harshly now.
The younger couldn’t hold back a low moan at the sensation, but thankfully it seemed the hyung’s were too involved in their conversations to notice (except Jimin, who just wiggled his eyebrows suggestively in the maknae’s direction). Jungkook gripped at his own jean-clad thighs for something to hold onto. His eyes nearly rolled to the back of his head as his hips involuntarily bucked forwards. The coil sitting low in his gut was tightening and tightening until he was teetering on the edge of his orgasm.
Reluctantly, Jungkook leaned over to say quickly into Taehyung’s ear, “Hyungie, it’s too much. Gonna come.”
Taehyung turned to him with a look of pride. He understood how difficult it was for Jungkook to tell him about his approaching orgasms when the younger knew that his hyung would deny him of them when he did. And yet, without fail, Jungkook told him every time.
“Good boy for telling me,” Taehyung released the pressure on the base of the vibrator and moved his hand up to rub soothingly at the bottom of the younger’s back, just under his t-shirt. “Just wait a bit longer, love, and then you’ll get your birthday present.”
Jungkook shivered at the implications in those words and the teasing little bite his hyung gave to his earlobe.
After a grueling thirty-minutes more of torture, Taehyung finally excused the two of them from the table.
“I think Kookie and I are going to head to bed, hyungs,” he stated with a casual smile, “Thanks for the dinner!”
Jungkook tried his best not to appear too eager at the prospect of the long day finally coming to an end. “Y-Yes, thanks, hyung!” he agreed.
“Of course, the boyfriends need their time alone,” Jimin drawled teasingly, a grin on his face reminiscent of the Cheshire Cat. “Don’t have too much fun, okay?”
The maknae was surely blushing harshly by now, but thankfully Taehyung was pulling them out of the room before he could hear his other hyungs’ responses to Jimin’s comment.
“Goodnight!” the second youngest shouted over his shoulder.
“Happy birthday, Kookie!” Hoseok hollered after him.
“Thanks!” Jungkook just barely managed out.
The second the bedroom door closed behind the maknae, his knees gave out beneath him.
Taehyung was there to catch him and pull him against his own lean body. “Did so good, baby,” he crooned, causing the maknae to fall deeper into his impending headspace. “Did everything hyung wanted today without any complaining.”
Jungkook whimpered, arms weakly coming up to wrap around the older’s neck. “Hyungie, please. N-Need to come. Please let me come.”
“Not yet,” his hyung ordered firmly, “Hyung wants to worship you a bit more tonight.”
The maknae was guided over to the bed and laid down on the soft covers with sure hands. Jungkook didn’t find it difficult to hand over complete control to the older, on the contrary, it always felt amazing to be taken care of like this. And he knew his hyung could never - would never - fail to do so properly.
Pulled into a deep, sensual kiss, Jungkook relaxed into the feeling of his hyung’s lips on his own. Taehyung was a master with his mouth - the maknae swore it - and always knew just how to move his mouth to take Jungkook apart slowly, piece by piece.
The older held his chin firmly with one hand, the action matching the dominating motions of his lips. He nibbled at the younger’s plush lower lip momentarily before he slipped his tongue into Jungkook’s welcoming mouth.
Jungkook whimpered lowly as the small fire in the pit of his stomach grew into a forest fire just from his hyung’s lips alone.
Taehyung proceeded to strip the younger with practiced movements, taking the time to press kisses to every expanse of newly exposed skin. First, his shirt was lifted off of his body and the older left his lips. Taehyung trailed his lips down the maknae’s neck, sucking hickeys in a haphazard pattern across his chest.
Taehyung sunk his teeth into the meat of Jungkook’s bicep, letting his fingernails scrape across the maknae’s abs at the same time, leaving pleasurably stinging trails of red in his wake.
“God, you’re so fucking sexy, baby,” the older nearly growled as he admired the indents of his own teeth marking Jungkook’s skin. “Love your muscles so much.”
The maknae’s head was spinning with too much arousal for him to even think of forming a proper sentence anymore. He just kept babbling his hyung’s name over and over again, not really sure what he was asking for, or if he was even asking for anything at all.
Taehyung unbuttoned and unzipped the younger’s dark-wash jeans and removed the tight material from his legs with surprising ease, his boxers taken off along with them. The older’s gaze was burning as he took in the sight of his boyfriend splayed so lewdly out beneath him.
“And your fucking thighs,” Taehyung continued, grabbing two handfuls of said thighs. They were corded with muscles, a clear result of the younger’s rigorous workout routine. “Hyung’s sexy bunny.”
Jungkook’s own cock sat uselessly against his stomach, hard and a dark red. The older forcefully pushed his legs apart and bent them at the knee, allowing the makae’s vibrator-stuffed hole to be completely exposed to him. “I love that you’re stronger than me and yet you let me take charge like this. I love that you trust me to take care of you.”
Taehyung grabbed the base of the vibrator and pulled it out a few inches.
Jungkook let out a sigh of relief at the pressure finally, finally being taken off of his prostate. He yelped out in shock a few moments later, however, when his hyung started thrusting the still turned-on object in and out of his fluttering hole.
“F-Fuck, oh god, hyung...” Jungkook whined out mindlessly, “Need your cock. Please, please, please. Want hyungie’s cock.”
He just knew that Taehyung’s dick would fill him better than the vibrator was, that it would be able to hit his prostate with such force that he would see stars. Jungkook wanted that so badly he felt a little insane. Trust his hyung to make him feel crazy in the head in the best of ways.
Taehyung hummed and slowed his movements, eventually pulling the torturous vibrator completely out and tossing it aside after turning it off. “Want my dick to fuck you open, bunny? Want to feel me all the way in your stomach?”
Jungkook moaned out loudly at the thought, “Y-Yes, please. Please, I’ll do anything. Kookie will do anything.”
The switch to speaking in third-person was a clear indicator that Jungkook was deep in the throes of subspace. Taehyung knew it was important to take special care of his baby when he was so far gone, and he had no problem with that whatsoever. Spoiling the younger with love and attention was one of the things he did best.
Taehyung sat up and began stripping himself of his clothes, enjoying the awed look the maknae was giving him as he did so. Even though they’d seen each other naked countless times, his hyung’s built figure always made Jungkook’s mouth water.
“I’ve got you, baby,” he finally replied, reaching over to the bedside table, where the lube he’d used this morning was still sitting. Taehyung spread a good layer of it over his aching cock, the first touch he’d given to it all day.
Taehyung moved back between the maknae’s legs and lined up his dick to the younger’s entrance.
Jungkook squirmed in anticipation when the thick head slipped past his rim. “D-Daddy!”
The older knew that the maknae was stretched out thoroughly, so he pushed his cock into Jungkook’s hole until he was buried to the hilt.
Jungkook felt like he was on cloud nine. He felt so amazingly full with his hyung so deeply inside him like this. He wanted to stay like this forever.
After a few moments given to adjust to the older’s rather large size, Taehyung began thrusting at a generous pace. Jungkook’s hands grappled uselessly at his hyung’s bare shoulders, overwhelmed by the absolute pleasure he was feeling.
Taehyung himself was having a difficult time fighting his own arousal. He’d planned to drag this out a bit longer, but even he couldn’t deny that he was becoming desperate. Teasing the maknae throughout the day and seeing that familiar glazed-over look in his eyes affected him more than he showed visibly.
The older leaned down and kissed Jungkook’s parted lips sweetly, contrasting with the harsh movements of his hips. Moans were slipping unashamedly from the maknae’s throat now, as he got closer and closer to cumming once more. He could only pray that Taehyung was going to let him cum this time.
“God, you feel so fucking tight around my cock, bunny,” Taehyung groaned against his lips, “So good.”
Jungkook whimpered helplessly, “T-Too much, Daddy. K-Kookie needs...needs...”
On any other day, Taehyung might have teased the maknae for not being able to speak properly - play into both of their degradation kinks - but he figured Jungkook had suffered enough for the day. And he’d been so good for him, too.
When he told the maknae as much, Jungkook preened, basking in the praise that pulled the coil in his gut tighter. The maknae felt like he was in the middle of a blazing fire, but instead of pain, he was only feeling overwhelming pleasure.
“You close, baby?” Taehyung asked, even though he already knew the answer.
“Y-Yeah, Daddy. Kookie’s close,” the younger panted, eyes half-closed in his pleasure.
Taehyung hummed. Without any warning, the older wrapped a strong arm around the maknae’s back and pulled him close, keeping them together as he maneuvered around on the bed. He settled himself up against the headboard, Jungkook comfortably seated on his dick in his lap.
The new angle caused Taehyung’s cock to hit the younger’s prostate more directly with each thrust, sending Jungkook’s eyes rolling back in his head. The maknae made a high-pitched whining noise as he leaned his forehead on his hyung’s wide shoulder for support.
“Ah! D-Daddy, please!”
Without responding, Taehyung continued to abuse the younger’s prostate with his cock, causing the maknae to become lost in the blurry haze of his high.
Jungkook wanted to cum so badly, but he knew that he couldn’t without explicit permission from his hyung. His neglected cock bobbed against his stomach, and he gasped when Taehyung gripped it easily in his one of his large hands.
It only took a few pumps for Jungkook’s breathing to come even faster than before. “Hhngg - Daddy...please! Please!” the maknae was fucking desperate at that point, begging for release.
Taehyung’s own pace began faltering, a groan tearing its way out of his throat, “Alright, baby, cum for Daddy now.”
Those words were like a trigger - the second they were said, Jungkook was cumming, hot ropes spurting from his cock and leaving a mess on his stomach. The maknae screamed with his orgasm, his mind floating far away as he rode out his high.
Taehyung only needed to thrust into the younger a few more times before he himself was cumming with a grunt, filling the maknae up with his seed. His hand rubbed over the slight rise in Jungkook’s lower abdomen, where he was bloated with Taehyung’s release, and hummed in approval.
Jungkook floated in and out of reality as his hyung cleaned the two of them up and then proceeded to tuck the two of them under the covers. When he finally came back to himself, he realized that his head was resting against the older’s warm chest and Taehyung’s hand was rubbing soothing circles into the bare skin of his back.
The maknae felt sated, relaxed in a way that he could only achieve by cumming after a long period of denial at the hands of his boyfriend. He sighed out contently and snuggled further into his hyung’s chest.
“You back with me, bunny?” Taehyung’s deep baritone questioned.
Jungkook hummed, his eyes fluttering closed as he basked in the calm and warmth and safety he felt.
Taehyung tilted the younger’s head up and planted a sweet kiss on his lips, “Happy birthday, baby.”
The maknae chuckled a bit tiredly, slowly slipping out of the haze of subspace. “Happy fucking birthday to me.”
A/N: I wrote this in a rush because I wanted to post it before Jungkook’s birthday was over (going be PST) so I know it’s not my best work.
I hope at least that you enjoyed it anyway :)
I will be posting another littlespace drabble on Tuesday!
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anotherkpopvictim · 5 years
Thank You (For Everything You Do) - NamjoonXBTS Littlespace Drabble
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(Source: nikadonna) I was searching for gifs for this fic and came across this perfect fanart that just so happened to say Thank You! I’d titled this fic before I found it so I just had to use it :)
Unfortunately, it will not allow me to actually link the source :(
A/N: I wrote this for our leader’s birthday ;) I wanted to write a story showcasing BTS giving back and appreciating all Namjoon does for them as a leader.
Hope you enjoy!
Also, just for reference, this is what Namjoon refers to the others as in littlespace:
Jin - Eomma (I know this is kind of overdone, but I liked it for this fic)
Yoongi - Appa
Hoseok - Daddy
Jimin - Oppa (Again, kind of done a lot, but I chose it anyways)
Taehyung - DaDa
Jungkook - Hyungie
Relationship: Little!Namjoon X Caregiver!BTS (My first OT7)
Rating: G
Words: 3130
Fluff, just fluff. Too much probably. Y’all gonna need a dentist after this, it’s just too sweet.
Namjoon felt only half asleep as he stumbled up the three flights of stairs to their dorm, because, of course, the elevator was out of order.
Their promotion period just came to an end after months and months of concerts and interviews and music shows and filming Run episodes. The rest of the BTS members had been sent back to the dorm five hours earlier, but Namjoon was asked to stay back at the company for a meeting with Bang-PD.
Now, he was finally finished. It was barely four o’clock in the afternoon but he was tired and he ached all over. The front door of the dorm never looked so inviting, and the fact that all of his boyfriends were inside and one of them would surely be willing to cuddle tonight, made it all the better.
Namjoon thought about the comfort of his bed and sighed out contentedly. He lifted one of his hands to grab the doorknob of their dorm door when the door opened on its own.
The leader looked up with a heavy blink, taking in the smiling forms of Jin and Yoongi. They appeared to be well-rested - no doubt they spent the last five hours catching up on some much-needed sleep while Namjoon was busy.
“Oh - hi, hyungs,” he said, so tired that it made his voice more raspy than usual.
“Hey, Joonie! Come on in!” Seokjin exclaimed, his voice a bit too happy.
Namjoon arched a curious brow at the odd behavior, “What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” Yoongi was the one to reply, stretching his arm around the younger’s shoulders and guiding him into the dorm fully. As Jin closed the door behind them, Yoongi sat Namjoon down on the bench in the entryway and began removing his shoes for him.
“What are you doing?”
Yoongi looked up at him, confused, “Removing your shoes?”
“Okay,” Namjoon drawled, fighting the urge to roll his eyes. “But why?”
“Because I feel like it.”
The younger whined and he didn’t care one bit that it sounded extremely childish. “Why are you guys being so difficult?”
Yoongi and Jin shared a look between them that the younger couldn’t decipher and then the oldest was grabbing Namjoon by the cheeks and pulling him into a kiss.
Namjoon was pleasantly surprised and kissed his hyung back gently. When Jin backed away again (much too soon if you asked Namjoon) the younger asked with sparkling eyes, “What was that for?”
Jin winked at him and pressed one last kiss to his lips, “We wanna spoil you today, baby. How does that sound?”
The leader heard the term of endearment and felt the tugging of littlespace in his mind. “Y-You really want to do that?” he asked hesitantly.
Namjoon was always a little insecure about his little self. He was the leader of BTS, he was the one that was supposed to be taking care of the others, not have them take care of him.
Yoongi spoke up, placing a kiss to the leader’s cheek. “We really, really do, bub.”
It wasn’t a hard decision to make after that. Namjoon felt all the built-up stress and tension release from his body as he let out a whine, “Appa!”
“Ah, there’s my good boy,” Yoongi said with a smile reserved only for little Joonie.
“Come on, baby,” Jin picked up Namjoon in his arms without much difficulty and began leading them further into the dorm. The little wrapped his arms around his oldest hyung’s neck and nuzzled in contently. “We have a lot planned for our baby today.”
First, they went to the bedroom, where Jin and Yoongi worked together to change the younger into an old t-shirt and sweats. The little was confused as to why they weren’t putting him in something more comfortable, like a onesie, but he accepted it without question.
They left the bedroom and entered the living room, Yoongi trailing behind them, to find Jimin and Hoseok sitting patiently on the floor in the middle of the room. A tarp was spread over most of the space, and about a dozen tubs containing different colors of paint as well as multiple sizes of canvases were set up beside them.
Namjoon eyes widened at the sight. If there was one thing little Joon loved to do, it was paint. “Pretty colors!” he exclaimed as he began squirming in the oldest’s arms, “Eomma, pretty colors!”
“I see that, baby,” Jin replied fondly, placing the younger on the ground so he could hurry over to the two sat on the floor. “Appa and I are going to go start on dinner while you hang out with your Daddy and Oppa, okay?”
Namjoon nodded his head excitedly as his eyes darted to each of the tubs of color. He was already planning his first painting.
Jimin scooted over to sit beside him and smiled so wide his eyes nearly disappeared, “Hey, baby, are you excited to paint?”
“Yeah! Joonie gonna be a artist!” he said.
Jimin ruffled the light brown hair falling over his forehead, “We have some paintbrushes if want, honey, or you can just use your hands.”
Namjoon responded by dipping his entire left hand in a tub of bright pink and slapping it on the canvas closest to him.
“Okay, hands it is,” Jimin mused.
“Joonie, can we paint too?” Hoseok asked, sitting across from the little.
“Mhm!” Namjoon hummed his reply, more focused on his masterpiece.
Jimin and Hoseok both chuckled at the adorable little and set about working on their own paintings, opting for using the paintbrushes Namjoon hadn’t wanted.
Little Joon spent the next half hour slapping and smearing color over his canvas until it was absolutely drenched in paint. Thank god the others had put down a tarp, otherwise the floor would have been a mess.
“Daddy, look!” Joonie picked up his first finished painting and held it out so the other could see.
Hoseok looked up from his own painting to observe the younger’s artwork. It was an abstract mess of pink, blue and yellow, with accents of red and purple. “Wah! You made that, Joonie? That’s amazing!”
Namjoon giggled and blushed a bit at the compliment, “Thank you, Daddy!”
“Let me see, let me see!” Jimin demanded. Once Namjoon showed it off to him as well, he grinned, “We’ll definitely have to hang that in the living room somewhere!”
“Right there!” Namjoon pointed to an empty space next to the television.
“Perfect,” Hoseok replied, clapping his hands together. “We’ll put it up once it’s fully dried in a few days.”
“What you make, Daddy? Oppa?”
Jimin puffed his chest out proudly and lifted his painting up for all of them to see, “I worked very hard on it, so be nice!”
The white canvas had been covered in various blues, creating a nice ocean base. On top of that, Jimin had painted multi-colored fish and other sea creatures in a rather, ah, basic technique. It looked more like a child had painted it than Namjoon’s did.
Hoseok was holding a hand over his mouth in a weak attempt to hide his snickers at the sight, but Namjoon - well, Namjoon looked in awe.
“Oppa painted pretty fishies!” he exclaimed before pointing to a particular blob of orange, “Lookit! Baby crabs! Joonie loves crabs, Oppa!”
“Well, thank you, baby, at least someone likes it,” Jimin sent a glare in Hoseok’s direction, who simply held his hands up in surrender.
“I didn’t say anything!”
“What about Daddy? Can Joonie see his picture?”
Hoseok’s attention was directed to the hopeful looking little holding his hands clasped together adorably. “Well, I can’t say no to someone so cute, now can I?”
“Nuh-uh!” Namjoon agreed, grinning widely.
Hoseok chuckled and lifted up his own painting for the others to observe. He had created a forest scene and splattered some white paint over everything so it looked like it was snowing. It certainly wasn’t the best painting in the world, but it was definitely better than Jimin’s, and it seemed the younger knew it too by his defeated pout.
“It looks like real trees!” Namjoon said, “How did Daddy make them look so pretty?”
“Why don’t I show you, baby?”
They spent another hour painting before Yoongi walked back into the room from the kitchen.
“Woah!” he exclaimed as he took in the mess of paint all over the tarp and the little. It looked like more of the colors had ended up on Namjoon’s body than on the actual canvases. “Someone had fun, didn’t they?”
Namjoon looked up at him with a giant grin, his adorable dimples showing as tried to simultaneously hold up the three canvases he had worked on at the same time. “Appa! Lookie! Joonie made the most prettiest pictures ever!”
Yoongi wandered over to take a closer look at the pieces of artwork as Jimin and Hoseok looked on fondly. “That one definitely needs to go there...” The second oldest pointed to the little’s first masterpiece and then to the same spot Namjoon had pointed to earlier, right next to the television.
The little lit up, his eyes so wide they nearly bulged out of his head. “That’s what Joonie said!”
Yoongi chuckled and gestured to the other two, “I think those should go in the entryway. That way whenever someone comes home, they can be greeted with your beautiful pictures.”
Namjoon giggled and clapped his hands together happily at the thought.
The others could only look on with heart eyes. They were all so damn whipped for the little and he probably didn’t even realize the extent of it.
Yoongi did a double-take as he caught sight of the ocean painting, “Uh...who painted this one?”
Hoseok snickered again, “Jiminie did.”
Jimin reached over and smacked him on the shoulder, “Shut up!”
“Well,” Yoongi began in a teasing voice, “It looks like...something else, that’s for sure.”
Jimin pouted and crossed his arms over his chest. Hoseok cooed at him and leaned over to pinch his cheeks, only to have his hand smacked away.
“Anyway,” Yoongi straightened up, “I came to get you because dinner is almost ready.”
Namjoon’s eyes lit up before they dimmed a bit once more, “Joonie has to help clean up, though.”
Jimin and Hoseok moved to either side of him and pressed kissed to each of his cheeks. “We want this to be a special day for you, baby,” Hoseok said, admiring the blush on the little’s face at their blunt displays of affection.
Jimin hummed and finished, “So just this once, you don’t have to help us clean up.”
Hoseok chuckled, “Yeah, bub, why don’t you go with Appa and get yourself a bit more cleaned up for dinner, huh?”
Namjoon eagerly accepted the oldest rapper’s hand and let him lead the two of them from the room.
Jimin sighed as soon as they were gone, his head in his hand and a smile on his face, “God, he’s so adorable. He’s gonna be the death of me.”
Hoseok scoffed fondly, “That boy only has to smile and I’d willingly give him the world.”
Yoongi used a cloth to clean up the worst of the splattered paint (he wasn’t sure how he managed it, but Namjoon had gotten some vibrant purple behind one ear and neon orange behind the other). He didn’t worry about getting everything since he knew the little was going to be having a proper bath after dinner.
“Did you have fun painting, bub?” he asked as he wiped some blue from between the younger’s fingers.
Namjoon nodded and swung his legs where he was seated on the bathroom counter, “It was the bestest, Appa! Joonie likes all the pretty colors!”
“I can tell,” Yoongi teased, “How did you get so much green on your feet? Weren’t you wearing socks when your Eomma and I dropped you off in the living room earlier?”
The little gave him an innocent smile, “Yeah, but Joonie wanted to paint with his feet!”
Yoongi blinked, “And your Daddy and Oppa let you do that?”
“Mhm, they thought it was funny!”
Of course they did, Yoongi thought to himself with an inner eye roll.
“Well then,” Yoongi grinned at the other, “I think it’s dinner time.”
Yoongi hitched the little up on his hip (the others were always amazed that the rapper, who had little to no muscle, was able to carry him, but he wasn’t that weak, okay?) and walked them to the kitchen.
When they arrived, everyone else was already seated at the table and they all turned to them at their entrance. Jungkook and Taehyung, who Namjoon hadn’t seen since he’d gotten home, gave him bright greeting smiles.
Namjoon saw the food on the table and promptly gasped, “Chicken nuggets! And mac’n’cheese!”
“Your favorite,” Jin said with a smile as Yoongi moved to place the little on the oldest’s lap. Jin scooped up a spoonful of the macaroni and cheese and lifted it up to the younger’s mouth.
Namjoon eagerly accepted the food, “Yummy!”
Jin kept feeding the younger, alternating between the macaroni and cheese and the chicken nuggets. Namjoon ate all the food with gusto, swinging his legs back and forth from his spot on the oldest’s lap.
The others were only eating half-heartedly, much too interested in their leader’s little side - well, all except Jungkook. The maknae was stuffing his face with food like it was the last meal he was ever going to eat.
“Jungkook, that’s gross,” Jimin commented as the youngest attempted to chew without fully being able to close his mouth. Jimin scrunched his nose up in disgust, “Please, stop.”
“This shit’s great!” Jungkook exclaimed, shrinking when five hands all reached out to smack him for swearing in front of the little. “Ah! Sh - sorry, sorry! But this is so tasty. Can we have this for dinner every night?”
Five mouths opened to shoot down the idea when one spoke up excitedly, “Yeah! Joonie want this every day!” Namjoon grinned, showing off his dimples. “Oh, please!” he added hastily, never one to forget his manners.
Taehyung cooed loudly and reached over from across the table to bop the little on the nose, “Oh my god, I really can’t say no to you.”
“But we will have to this time,” Jin said, giving the others a pointed look before focusing back on the little in his lap. “It’s not healthy to have this food every day, but if you’re a good boy I think we can have it more often.”
Hoseok and Jimin made simultaneous noises that sounded similar to that of a dying whale at the cuteness.
Namjoon promptly looked up at them with worry, “Oppa! Daddy! Are you okays? Do you have booboos?” his wide, innocent eyes and adorable pout were too much for the others to handle.
Yoongi was the one who answered, “They’re fine, baby. They’re just being silly.”
“Oh, okay!” Namjoon’s mood did a one-eighty and he was back to his grinning self.
The rest of dinner was pretty uneventful - aside from Jungkook nearly choking from how fast he was eating, but Hoseok gave him the Heimlich and Namjoon only had a mild heart attack at one of his caregivers nearly dying, so it was fine.
After dinner, the others were put on dish duty while Jin and Yoongi gave Namjoon a proper bath.
The little had a blast playing with the toy boats in the nice warm water of the bathtub, so much so that he almost didn’t want to get out when it was all over. The promise of cuddles made the decision easier, though.
After toweling Namjoon off, Jin put the younger into a diaper (he nearly slapped himself when he realized they had all forgotten to do that earlier) and slipped him into the cutest frog onesie. Yoongi distracted the little by making funny faces for him and making him giggle behind his green pacifier.
It was common for Namjoon to slip further into his headspace the more tired he got, and the bit of energy he had regained by slipping earlier was slowly fading.
As the three of them began making their way down the hall, Namjoon dropped down to the floor and began hopping in clumsy movements, “Ribbit! Ribbit! Joonie is froggy!”
God, they were so whipped for him, it was ridiculous.
They entered the living room (now cleaned up from the art session earlier) to find everyone scattered on the couches and few bean bags, television paused on one of the little’s favorite movies.
Namjoon scrambled to lay on top of Jimin, Hoseok, and Jungkook, who were already a mess of tangled (haha) limbs. They preened like they were the chosen ones while the other three rolled their eyes and tried to hide their pouts.
Yoongi climbed into Taehyung’s lap where he was lounging on a bean bag while the oldest took a seat in an empty one next to them.
The movie played and they all genuinely enjoyed it, even if they were constantly distracted by Namjoon’s cute little giggles and wide, intrigued eyes.
Soon enough, the credits were rolling and Namjoon’s eyelids were drooping.
“I think it’s somebody’s bedtime,” Taehyung mused, getting up from the bean bag chair and going over to pick up the sleepy little.
Namjoon nuzzled into his neck and sighed contently.
Jin and Yoongi first came over to press mandatory kisses to the little’s cheeks, whispering their goodnights to him.
Then came Hoseok and Jimin, who followed the oldest members’ actions with matching kisses on the little’s reddening cheeks.
Taehyung carried Namjoon back to his bedroom, Jungkook not far behind him. By the time they’d changed into their own pajamas, the little was pretty much asleep.
Taehyung and Jungkook exchanged fond smiles before crawling under the covers and settling on either side of the little. Namjoon gripped onto Jungkook’s t-shirt and cuddled into his chest, his other hand reaching back weakly to grab onto something of Taehyung’s, which ended being his wrist. Taehyung complied by wrapping his arm around the little’s stomach.
“Thank you. For taking care of Joonie.”
The two of them opened their eyes at the little’s words.
“Oh, you’re welcome, baby,” Taehyung replied with a kiss to the back of his head. “We all love taking care of you.”
“Yeah,” Jungkook agreed, kissing the little’s forehead. “You always take care of us as our leader when you’re big, and we take care of you when you’re little. It’s a win-win.”
Namjoon let out a tired giggle behind his pacifier, “Love you, hyungie. Love you, DaDa.”
“Love you too.”
Arms tightened around him from both sides and Namjoon couldn’t help but smile as he settled back into Jungkook’s warm chest.
A/N: There will never be enough Namjoon appreciation fics. Hope you enjoyed adorable Joonie!
Let me know what you thought! Comments and likes are greatly appreciated.
If you would like to request a BTS littlespace drabble, you can go to my Request Guidelines page :)
Happy Birthday, Namjoonie!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
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