#birth death and murder are all fair game in soap
cowboybuckleys · 6 years
i've noticed that a lot of actresses who are new mothers go for storylines like infant mortality/syndromes? maybe because it's easier to tap into emotions, or they want to drive across that not all women are as lucky as them or they've been through something similar in the past so although they're reliving their experiences, they know they're going to handle it in a sensitive way? as someone who's been close to it i'd rather watch a mother who understands than someone who acts it unrealistically
i don’t have (nor want) kids so idk what the drive for female actresses w/kids portraying those kinds of storylines is. i imagine that their want to tell such a story with some level of respect and dignity is their first and foremost thought tho. but having kids probably helps them understand it on a whole different level than I could ever even imagine, i’m sure. wasn’t Charlotte pregnant just before and just after ED’s cot death storyline aired? all the more respect to her (and Lucy tbh) cos i wouldn’t be able to function if had been in their shoes..
my only “devil’s advocate” of sorts is that i think that as an actor you have to play everything handed to you with all the believability you can muster in the world, regardless of where you are in life and how many kids you have. you have to cos that’s your job and any actor worth their stock is gonna be able to do it regardless of their personal life yk?? this applies more or less to most storylines too. and plenty of actresses have done infant mortality/child death storylines while not having kids of their own and have made it so realistic imo. GH’s baby Lila storyline is still some of KM’s best work that i can’t rewatch cos i’ll end up sobbing for days. Deidre Hall and Days tackled a SIDS storyline in the 80s that my gran always gave a lot of praise to (tho this is also coming from the same woman who thought the devil storyline was brilliance and if she was around today would smack down anyone who disagreed with her lol so grain of salt as i’ve only seen the SIDS s/l flashbacks and fan videos..)
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noctepythonissam · 4 years
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[Bio Info]
Luciana Lopez del Castillo
Lucia (by Stephanie)
Lucy (by Solange, Luane, Lygia and Bella)
Lucia Lopez (artistic pseudonym)
The Envious Erinyes (pseudonym as a witch)
February 12th
Luciana in some physical features is no different from her sisters: The same golden eyes, pale skin and some facial features, but of all the fifth most gentle quintuplets. She has long hair styled in a high ponytail, her bangs styled to the right side dyed a light pink and her messes of hair a little more wavy and also dyed pink framing her face. Her height is 169 cm and has a slender physique.
Commonly wearing a white vintage social shirt, a gold necklace with an oval gold pendant and rose quartz, a pair of rose quartz earrings, black high-waisted skinny pants and a pair of black pumps in addition to a rather soft makeup just highlighting Luciana’s almost angelic features.
Luciana is a natural and very charming and vain woman. She is proud of her appearance and considers herself a “Masterpiece to be enjoyed by everyone”. As such, she takes extra care with her appearance and strictly follows a beauty ritual.
Luciana is extremely shameless and loves to flirt with anyone who piques her interest, however; despite her flirtatious personality, she is surprisingly fair and compassionate, if not cheerful, at almost every moment with her beloved daughter Catarina.
Luciana proves to have much more wisdom than her cheerful and flirtatious behavior suggests. It shows moments of solemn clarity when it correctly predicts the events that will occur in the future due to its subtle encouragement or its intentional lack of intervention. She has the ability to tell if someone is telling the truth and because of the relationship which gave birth to her beloved daughter, Luciana has established a rule for herself of never lying to her family.
Even with her flirtatious and shameless attitude, she knows how to position herself with great character and principles to be an example to her daughter and she imposes herself more control in her flirtatious game.
When it comes to protecting her family, Luciana is very vindictive and likes to make her enemies’ lives slowly go to ruin.
Theater and acting
Any being or entity that threatens her daughter
Luciana is the sixth oldest daughter of the Castillo family and the fourth oldest of the quintuplets. She was particularly born with fantastic magical powers and abilities, but much like Solange and Lygia she has almost no interest in delving into magic.
She clearly shows no interest in the older members’ ambitions to restore Castillo clan’s glory and power, but she cooperates with Sthephanie who has taken on that responsibility. Luciana only practices magic for the sake of her sisters and daughter Catarina and even though she does not take the study of magic seriously and having difficulties controlling her powers even if she spectacularly conquered the position of fourth best magic user in the main family.
Hers magic is based on the sin of envy and the moment when directing her envy as a channeler to a target allowing her to inflict damage on anyone the she chooses just by looking at them. Luciana can also affect even inanimate things, like plants, for example, with this power. Among the damage inflicted on a target, they range from inflicting Death Induction, Fear Induction, Hypnotic Vision (the target will be hypnotized by Luciana), Incineration, Insanity Induction, Pain Induction, Paralysis, Petrification, Soul Mutilation.
There are some factors that determine the intensity of the damage caused, such as looking indirectly or directly at Luciana, being within her field of vision and her emotional state. The more intense, negative and troubled Luciana’s feelings while she uses her powers the more powerful the effects will be, but the more difficult it is to control and the more exhausting is what becomes a double-edged blade.
Due to the great influence of her tutors, the god Dionysus she also has a great talent with magic that leads to madness and insanity, being able to create a world of eternal illusions that reflect the most corrupted and most feared part of her victims.
Also due to one of the tributes and influence of the Greek god, Luciana has a great love for theater and acting, making it her career. What made him and the young mortal so close, that he took her as his daughter and adopted Catarina as his granddaughter.
Being clear about the almost null interest in practicing magic and actress, also helping the family financially, Luciana concentrated on her career as a model and as an actress participating in films, soap operas and voice actress and owning a television station. But she is also the owner of vineyards and a very famous wine brand thanks to the gifts presented by Dionísio.
Luciana had a relatively happy and healthy love relationship, which she bestowed on her daughter, but as time went by her partner began to distance her. The end of the relationship was very troubled and that Luciana prefers not to talk about the subject, but clearly that relationship left some trauma on her.
With the end of the relationship, she chose to be a single mother and raised her daughter. Even with her hectic routine as a businesswoman, dancer, model and actress Luciana was always very present in Catarina’s life and striving to also fill the void of her daughter’s father figure.
[Personal information]
Mother (deceased)
Father (deceased)
Cleo (older half sister)
Stephanie (older sister)
Solange (older twin sister)
Luane (older twin sister)
Lygia (older twin sister)
Bella (younger twin sister)
Catarina (daughter)
Miriel (family housekeeper, maternal figure)
Dionysus (tutor, father figure)
She and the quintuplets did not have a relationship with their parents, because the mother died in childbirth and the father murdered by an envious rival;
Luciana considers Miriel as a mother for being present in her life from a young age and as the hybrid has been with her all her life, always helping her;
Under the influence of Dionysus, she also learned from the god the art of wine making which became a hobby that she takes seriously;
Dionysus blessed her with a gift of being able to cultivate the best vineyards with her magic;
With this gift, she also acquired a superhuman alcoholic tolerance;
The relationship ended when she just found out she was pregnant;
Regarding Catarina’s father, he himself rejected his daughter.
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junker-town · 4 years
Reviewing every Stephen A. Smith performance on ‘General Hospital’
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Affairs, murder, things of that nature.
Stephen A. Smith is, for better and worse, an icon of the sports broadcasting world. His unquestionable love of the Knicks, nuclear hot takes, and passionate rants have made him a staple of television for almost two decades. But, there’s a not-so-hidden secret life to Stephen A. Smith you might not know, or appreciate — his recurring role on General Hospital.
Smith has played the recurring role of “Brick” on the show since 2016. In, quite possibly, the greatest piece of irony in pop culture, Brick is a “computer and surveillance expert.” Which, if you don’t know why that’s funny, you haven’t seen this tweet.
TAke a look, y'all: IMG_4346.jpeg
— Stephen A Smith (@stephenasmith) May 27, 2015
Brick serves the Corinthos-Morgan mob family as an advisor, helping criminals avoid detection by the feds, and making them aware when the heat is on. He’s also involved in some of the most incredible plot descriptions I have ever read, courtesy of the General Hospital wiki.
“Sonny catches Brick up on how Julian bombed the Floating Rib because he was working with Cyrus. Brick says he can find Julian using facial recognition software. Later he discovers Julian is in Secaucus, New Jersey where he is waiting for a bus to Montreal, Canada. Sonny and Jason head over to catch him.”
January of 2021 marked Brick’s triumphant return to General Hospital, and with it Stephen A. Smith. I thought it was the perfect time to take a stroll through history and appreciate the acting prowess of one of America’s best-known sports personalities.
Episode #1.13526 (3/31/16)
The only scene with Brick opens with him checking his phone and saying “Damn, they lost ... whoa I didn’t see that happening,” which is obviously a nod to his sports background. But, what’s the context here? By the lighting it looks to be mid-afternoon. Did Brick wait all day to check the score of a game that happened the night before? It can’t be a Saturday college game, because they’re talking about meeting with the district attorney, which I can’t imagine would happen on a Saturday.
Opening writing aside, SAS is pretty okay here. It’s still hilarious that he’s a computer expert, but he seems comfortable in the role.
Episode #1.13623 (8/16/16)
Sonny Corinthos meets Brick in what appears to be a hotel room. They’ve barely said hello before Brick starts asking Sonny if his wife, Carly Corinthos has been talking about him. Now look, I get the whole “shoot your shot” thing — but this is the wife of a mob boss. Stephen A. Smith basically insinuated that he’s having a relationship with a mob boss’ wife, TO THE MOB BOSS.
The thrust of this scene is Sonny asking Brick if he has a discreet, loyal team who can keep tabs on Julian Jerome. Another mobster.
SAS does a fine job being a smoldering, intense computer expert whose ability is beyond question.
Episode #1.13738 (2/3/17)
This is the tour de force performance of Stephen A on GH. He gets two scenes, the first is a simple meet and greet with Jason Morgan and Curtis Ashford, who needed help with a problem.
The second is where things get spicy. Brick shows off a watch he created that has a voice recorder in it, but also some sort of “alert” system that lets you know where there are wire taps and wireless cameras. He doesn’t explain how this system works. Brick says you just need to “wave it around” and it will pick up RF transmitters and recorders. Curtis says “that’s alright, where’d you get something like that?” and Brick loses it.
Tense music enters. Stephen A. Smith furrows his brow and begins needling Curtis with questions about why he’s asking. Clearly he thinks Curtis is an undercover agent. Things are smoothed over before they come to blows, and Brick shows off a comically large camera.
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Brick insinuates you can use the tiny shotgun mic on the top to hear a conversation taking place blocks away, through glass. He calls it a “laser mic,” which to be fair exist ... but they don’t look like a microphone.
Curtis says “almost everything” repeating back Brick’s assertion of what the microphone can hear, and Brick is furious again for being questioned. He cools down, Sonny thanks him for the gear. Brick tells Sonny “don’t thank me, just get the person who killed your son.”
And scene.
Episode #1.13920 (9/26/17)
Brick makes a short appearance with Sonny to discuss a mysterious Russian phone call the mob boss received. Brick tells Sonny he was given a name of who made the call, Piotr Boronsky, a man related to a mysterious “Patient 6,” who is a man with no face ... or something.
Episode #1.13927 (10/5/17)
Another short appearance to offer an update on his findings about the call. Stephen A. Smith is just given tiny bit parts during all this to just offer updates. However, Carly (who remember, Brick thinks has a crush on him) asks Brick to follow her son’s girlfriend.
Episode #1.13934 (10/16/17)
Brick is back baby, and this time he has a lot more to say. Brick arrives at Sonny’s house to tell him his phones have been tapped with sophisticated software so good that not even Brick can crack.
Also he flirts with Carly ... again, in front of the mob boss himself. Brick is fearless.
Episode #1.14158 (9/6/18)
In perhaps the biggest demotion in soap opera history, Brick returns to fix Sonny’s dad’s cell phone. He also flirted with Carly again.
Episode #1.14257 (2/1/19)
Months after fixing a cell phone, Brick returns in the opening scene of the show. Major step up for Stephen A. Smith. Meeting with Sonny, he is a confidant as Sonny explains the difficulties of putting his father in a nursing home.
A big screen time day, Brick has more scenes — this time getting to business. Sonny wants Brick to find his missing son, which you’d think might be how you start the conversation. Everyone is very calm about it all, like child vanishings are common.
Brick says Sonny doesn’t just need a worker, he needs a friend. Just a powerhouse performance.
Episode #1.14366 (7/5/19)
Now a master of the soap opera “smoldering eyes,” Brick meets with Sonny, despite his busy schedule, to talk about something very important. Sonny wants Brick to forge documents so it looked like an orphan from Turkey was really his long lost cousin.
The best part of this is EASILY when Stephen A. Smith hears the last name “Cerci” and immediately knows this is a Turkish name.
At this point I’m wondering what skills Brick doesn’t have. He can supply surveillance equipment, has a crew of guys on call to handle wet work, he can make someone a U.S. citizen with the snap of his fingers, AND he can fix your elderly father’s cell phone. Everyone needs someone in their life like Brick.
Episode #1.14369 (7/10/19)
Brick brings the forged documents back to Sonny. He’s done it all. Brick has made a fake birth certificate, social security card, driver’s license — what a guy. Jason is there for a meeting with Sonny, and casually asks “So, who’s getting a new identity?” Brick hits him with one of these.
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Episode #58.54 (9/3/20)
This is the moment every soap opera actor dreams of. Stephen A. Smith gets to drop the big reveal of the episode. An older man is hiding out at a nursing home, doing puzzles with the elderly and generally being a nice guy. Just as Sonny starts talking to him Brick enters and hits him with the big line.
“From you Mr. Renault ... it’s impossible to believe.”
HELL YEAH BRICK GET HIM! That’s not a kindly old man, it’s notorious drug dealer Cyrus Renault!
Episode #58.57 (9/9/20)
Brick turns up at a bar where Carly is having a drink. He once again flirts with the wife of the dangerous mob boss who he works for. At this point Brick and Carly have been flirting on and off for four years.
Episode #1.14690 (12/16/20)
Brick meets Sonny in Brooklyn and offers his condolences for Dev’s death. Dev is the orphan he forged documents for 18 months earlier. So, to condense the timeline a little, a 16-year-old orphan survived perfectly on the streets of Turkey, was brought to the U.S. and died just over a year later.
This kid wasn’t just killed, he was BLOWN UP IN A BAR EXPLOSION. AN EXPLOSION THAT WAS CAUSED BY A BOMB. Yet, the feds have no involvement in a bombing. Instead it’s on Brick.
Brick has a plan, because he always has a plan. He’ll use facial recognition software to find the bomber using social media photos.
Episode #1.14709 (1/14/21)
Well, now Sonny is dead. There’s a lot of murder in this show. Brick turns up at a bar to talk about Sonny’s death with Jason. It’s at this point Jason asks Brick for a favor, which he’ll do gladly because Sonny was his BFF.
Brick is tasked with learning everything he can about the Novaks, a dangerous rival crime family. Brick is a step ahead, and tells Jason that the Novaks are bringing product into Port Charles! GASP!
Brick enters the warehouse with Jason and it’s full of bodies! The pair retreat to the bar before drug dealer Cyrus Renault shows up.
Episode #1.14710 (1/15/21)
The scene with Jason, Cyrus and Brick continues. Cyrus says they need to work together to fill the void left by Sonny. In what are supposed to be real-time minutes, Brick moves from telling Jason they need to lay low, to telling Cyrus they went into the Novak’s warehouse and found a bunch of bodies — because he is very bad at laying low, despite being an all-time brilliant fixer.
I don’t know much about soap operas, but I know Brick is the greatest character of all time.
Soap opera acting is what it is. In order to find all the scenes with Brick I had to watch a sickening amount of General Hospital, and to his credit, Stephen A. Smith holds his own with everyone else on camera.
Where he really shines is the material though. Brick is both the best, and worst character in history — which makes him the best. He’s an expert at discretion, except when it matters most. A master of computers and technology, who is so important to a crime family that he will brazenly flirt with the mob boss’ wife in front of her husband without any repercussion.
You know you’re in too deep when you become invested in a soap opera storyline. All I need in this world is for Brick and Carly to hook up, because they genuinely seem to like each other. Now that Sonny is dead that window is open, and I’ll keep watching to find out.
God help me.
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