#birmingham city university acceptance rate
aaravsharmaabroad · 11 months
Birmingham City University (BCU) is the 2nd largest public research university in Birmingham city. It made its appearance as BCU in 1992. Initially, it was set up in 1843 as Birmingham College of arts. Later in 1992, it got university status. The university has 2 campuses in Birmingham, namely the City Centre campus and the City South campus. Each campus is famous for its particular courses. The university works with the motto of "Do what you are doing; attend to your business". Also, the birmingham city university ranking, UK location is in the 2nd largest city in England, i.e. Birmingham. The Guardian UK Rankings 2022 for courses
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studentabode · 6 hours
Affordable Student Accommodation in Birmingham: Top Picks
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Knock! Knock! An exciting life is waiting for you in one of the largest cities in the UK. If you are moving to Birmingham for further studies, there are things which will blow your mind away.
Birmingham, after Oxford, is famous for being an educational and cultural hub among students in the UK. This ultimate destination has many prominent universities, museums, art spaces and more. Some of the top universities are Aston University, Arden University, etc.
If you don’t know, thousands of students apply to different universities in Birmingham every year. With such heavy competition and low acceptance rates, only a few are able to make it here. Due to this, the student life here is different as compared to other cities.
Being an international student, you will find a huge demand for affordable student accommodation. This has happened due to the high student population. The college of Birmingham offers good student accommodation, spacious classrooms and other facilities.
However, with a limited number of student rooms, freshman students are always a priority for on-campus housing. And, we get how challenging it is to find quality apartments at affordable prices. This is where off-campus accommodation steps in. This blog talks about the top picks for affordable student accommodation in Birmingham. Let’s find a home for you!
About the Birmingham City
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Before you go around looking for student apartments, you should know about the city you are moving to. From local delicacies to a thriving student community, this city has earned the social title of educational and cultural hub.
Birmingham is the second largest city in the United Kingdom with over 80,000 student population. The city is also famous for art scenes, museums, British culture, vibrant nightlife and more. Over the years, Birmingham has evolved to be a city for students, graduates and working professionals.
The diverse culture lets you explore the city in a way like no one else does. With its rich history and city charm, you will find amazing architecture and people from across the world. Who doesn’t wish to explore a city with beautiful things? So, let’s find the top student accommodation for you to enjoy a student life like never before.
Types of Student Accommodation in Birmingham
Birmingham spans over 267 square kilometres in the UK. Designed as per student life, this city is home to a large variety of both long-term and short-term student room. With such high demand, there are three kinds of student housing available in the city.
● Private Student Apartments: If you are someone who wishes to enjoy privacy, you can consider living in apartments. The market has a variety of apartments with one-bedroom and more, whichever suits you the best.
● University/Student Halls: If you wish to stay on campus, the colleges offer student halls a.k.a university halls.
● Student Housing: Students can also explore homestays if they wish to enjoy living in shared spaces. This kind of accommodation has rooms with two or three-bed capacity.
Best Student Accommodation in Birmingham
The decision to move to a new country for further studies is a big step for every student. The actual part is not getting the acceptance letter but setting up a life in a new country. Here are some top picks of affordable and flexible student accommodation in Birmingham:
● Pebble Mill Residence:
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This student property on Pershore Road offers rooms starting at £366/week, featuring beds, wardrobes, bathrooms, and more. It includes amenities like a gym, laundry room, parking, and equipped kitchens. It's ideal for students at the University of Birmingham, Arden University, and Birmingham City University, with nearby stores, restaurants, and libraries.
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This 6-bedroom semi-detached student property in Selly Oak offers rooms starting from £520/month, including bills. Each room has a double bed, and the property provides amenities like WiFi, a garden, parking, and a fully-equipped kitchen. It's ideal for University of Birmingham students, with local shops and services nearby.
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This student accommodation on Aston Street offers modern, convenient living with rooms starting at £201/week. It includes amenities like comfortable beds, wardrobes, 24/7 security, parking, and heating. Located near popular spots like Grand Central Kitchen and Aria Restaurant, it's ideal for students from University College Birmingham, University of Birmingham, and Birmingham City University.
Being prominent in every sector, Birmingham is evolving by the day. Plus, you will find a large number of both long-term and short-term student rooms, catering to your requirements. As a result, make sure you choose accommodation that ticks all your boxes on the checklist.
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evoldir · 9 months
Fwd: Graduate Position: AuburnU.EvoDevo
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Graduate Position: AuburnU.EvoDevo > Date: 13 December 2023 at 06:26:41 GMT > To: [email protected] > > > > > The Range lab at Auburn University is recruiting graduate students > interested in evolutionary and developmental biology > (www.therangelab.com). Research in the lab focuses on understanding > the evolution of developmental mechanisms that control early axis > formation using the comparative models of temperate and Antarctic > echinoderm sea urchins as well as hemichordate acorn worms. > > A current NIH-funded research project uses sea urchin embryos to > explore how an interconnected network of three different Wnt signaling > pathways (Wnt/Beta-catenin, Wnt/JNK, and Wnt/Ca2+) coordinate the > specification and patterning of the anterior-posterior axis during > early embryogenesis. We also use hemichordate embryos to compare > and contrast early anterior-posterior axis formation between these > phyla to provide insight into anterior-posterior axis formation in > the common deuterostome ancestor. > > Another newly funded NSF project focuses on uncovering adaptations to > the early gene regulatory networks used by the cold-water sea urchin > species Sterechinus neumayeri that allow them to develop at > sub-freezing temperatures. We anticipate that this study will not only > inform our understanding of the molecular mechanisms required for > adaptation to an extreme environment but also will provide insight > into how early embryonic developmental rate is controlled in sea > urchins as well as other metazoans. > > The positions are for masters and PhD students beginning in the Fall > of 2024. Students will have the choice to work on any number of > projects in the lab. The positions offer training in a combination of > molecular manipulations, high-throughput genome-wide assays and > bioinformatics, gene regulatory network analysis as well as classical > embryology. > > Auburn is a Tier 1 research institution with great facilities and > research support. The university is situated in the quintessential > college town of Auburn, Alabama and is located close to several major > cities (e.g., Atlanta [1.25 hrs] and Birmingham [2 hrs]), the beaches > along the Gulf and Atlantic coasts, and the Appalachian Mountains. You > can learn more about the Department of Biological Sciences at Auburn > University at https://ift.tt/iKOdVNr. > > Interested applicants should contact Dr. Ryan Range at > [email protected]. With your inquiry, please include a CV and a brief > description of your research interests and experience. GRE scores are > not required by the Department of Biological Sciences at Auburn. > > Applications for Fall 2024 are accepted until February 1st, 2024. > > > Ryan Range
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96thdayofrage · 3 years
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How lawmakers block progress and maintain oppressive policies
Many lawmakers, especially in the South, fought to maintain the nation’s founding principles of white supremacy.
In Alabama’s Dallas County, more than half the population was Black in 1961 but fewer than one in 100 Black citizens were registered to vote due to daunting poll taxes and other measures meant to disenfranchise Black voters. 
Across the South, registrars could selectively ask Black voters to read part of the Constitution, then decide whether the text had been read to their liking, said Carol Anderson, an African American studies professor at Emory University in Atlanta.
As such, they had enormous power to block people from voting, Anderson said.
A modest civil rights act passed in 1957 had enabled the Justice Department to sue states for voting rights violations but put the onus on people whose rights had been violated, requiring them to challenge systems designed to keep them down, Anderson said. By 1963, a federal report examining 100 counties in eight Southern states found that Blacks remained substantially underrepresented at the polls.
Selma, the seat of Dallas County, became an important battleground as tensions escalated. A local judge stifled demonstrations by declaring public gatherings of more than two people illegal, drawing a visit from Martin Luther King Jr. and thrusting Selma into the national spotlight.
Throughout the 1950s and 1960s, Southern legislators repeatedly derailed civil rights-related proposals while chairing key committees, said David Bateman, an associate professor of government at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. 
“Their control over these committees allowed them to gate-keep the agenda,” Bateman said.
Images of officers attacking voting rights activists – including then 25-year-old activist John Lewis – on a Selma bridge with clubs and tear gas in March 1965 helped sway public support. Days after the so-called “Bloody Sunday” incident, President Lyndon Johnson pressed lawmakers to pass broad voting rights legislation. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 banned literacy tests and other discriminatory practices while requiring federal approval of proposed voting-eligibility standards before states could implement them.
Today, Bateman said, as increasing voting restrictions continue to disproportionately affect people of color, “there’s every reason to believe voter disenfranchisement campaigns will persist.”
The U.S. Supreme Court in 2013 reversed a key part of the landmark Voting Rights Act, allowing states to alter voting rules before obtaining federal consent. This summer, the court issued a ruling that disqualifies votes cast in the wrong precinct and only allows family members or caregivers to turn in another person’s ballot.
At least 18 states have enacted laws making voting harder this year, according to the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University. In Montana, legislators abolished Election Day registration. Florida curtailed after-hours drop boxes.
Georgia shortened absentee ballot request periods, criminalized providing food and water to queued-up voters and made opening polls optional on Sundays, traditionally a day when the Black vote spikes as congregants vote after church. 
“We still have not dealt with anti-Blackness in this society,” said Anderson, of Emory University. “We’re really looking at the same pattern, the same rhymes.”
In September, Democrats introduced an elections and voting rights bill that would expand early voting options, identification requirements and access to mail-in ballots while allowing Election Day registration.
Police have long upheld racist laws, often with violence
As Blacks demanded equality during the civil rights movement, they faced hostility not just from fellow civilians but from those entrusted to protect and to serve.
In 1961, Freedom Rides occurred throughout the South as activists challenged Southern non-compliance with a Supreme Court decision ruling that declared segregated bus travel unconstitutional. The campaign met with often ugly resistance: In Birmingham, riders were attacked by a Ku Klux Klan mob, reportedly with baseball bats, iron pipes and bicycle chains.
Within the mob was an FBI informant who told the agency of the impending attack, but the agency did nothing, reluctant to expose its mole. Two decades later, a U.S. District Court judge excoriated the FBI for its inaction.
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“The FBI was passively complicit,” said Diane McWhorter, author of “Carry Me Home: Birmingham, Alabama, The Climactic Battle of the Civil Rights Revolution.”
The attack occurred with the blessing of Alabama public safety commissioner Eugene “Bull” Connor, who told Klan leaders that police would wait 15 minutes before stepping in.
Paul Butler, a law professor at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., said he sees the links between the police violence of Birmingham and “Bloody Sunday” and the tanks, tear gas and rubber bullets employed at today’s Black Lives Matter demonstrations.
“We have John Lewis and others marching on that bridge protesting police brutality, and they get attacked and beat up by police,” said Butler, author of the book “Chokehold; Policing Black Men.” “And last summer, throughout the country there were marches on police brutality – and at these marches, police attacked the people protesting police brutality. The parallels are clear.”
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People of color continue to be disproportionately affected by fatal police shootings, with significantly higher death rates than whites over the previous five years, researchers at Yale University in Connecticut and the University of Pennsylvania reported last year. “So it’s unclear whether change is actually occurring,” Butler said.
Critics note the police presence and brutality faced by Black Lives Matter protesters during the unrest following Floyd’s murder – the open-source database Bellingcat found more than 1,000 incidents of police violence – in contrast with the relatively unprepared force that was unable to stop hordes of mostly white Donald Trump supporters from breaching perimeter fencing and entering the U.S. Capitol during the Jan. 6 insurrection.
“There has never been a time when policing of public speech hasn’t been racially biased,” said Justin Hansford, executive director of Howard University’s Thurgood Marshall Civil Rights Center in Washington, D.C. “With the civil rights-era protests, most people understood that they were standing up for core American principles as opposed to Jan. 6, where they were trying to stop people’s votes from being counted.”
A USA TODAY analysis of arrests linked to the insurrection found that 43 of 324 people arrested were either first responders or military veterans; at least four current and three former police officers now face federal charges.
Education leaders have maneuvered to keep segregation, hide racist history
Education leaders have also at times sought to stall progress.
Two years after the Supreme Court’s landmark 1954 decision ruling segregated schools unconstitutional, Virginia Rep. Howard Smith took the floor to address his colleagues.
There, he introduced a document signed by 82 representatives and 19 senators, all from former Confederate states. The so-called Southern Manifesto called for resisting desegregation and blasted the Brown decision as an abuse of judicial power violating states’ rights.
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The gesture demonstrated how deep resistance to desegregation ran in the South. The next year, Arkansas Gov. Orval Faubus summoned the National Guard to prevent nine Black students from entering Little Rock’s Central High, in defiance of a federal order.
“After the ruling comes down, you have massive resistance in the South,” said Sonya Ramsey, an associate history professor at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. “You have school boards saying they’re not going to do it. You have government officials saying they’re not going to do it. That’s a system.”
Resistance came in many forms, she said, from committees formed to study the matter in perpetuity to policies that allowed whites, but not Blacks, to transfer schools. 
Some institutional leaders did make positive strides, Ramsey noted, even if for economic reasons. While many Southern cities resisted desegregation efforts, officials in Charlotte, North Carolina, eager to promote the area as a progressive business climate, constructed a districtwide busing plan designed to have schools reflect the community with the help of Black and white families and local leaders.
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But institutional ills continue, Ramsey and others say – in charter schools now struggling with diversity, in faulty school funding formulas and in ongoing debates about what students should be taught about slavery and racism. Bills limiting how educators can teach about racism have been introduced this year in at least 28 states.
A 2018 Southern Poverty Law Center study of educational standards in 15 states found none addressed slavery’s justification in white-supremacist ideology nor its integral part in the economy; furthermore, the report noted, a separate survey found just 8% of high school seniors identified slavery as the Civil War’s cause.
“It’s fear of the unknown and of disruption,” said Donnor, of William & Mary. “And seeing that the status quo is no longer acceptable. One of the major parallels is in the hostility of the pushback. If you peel back the layers, you can see the similarities.”
News media shapes how Americans view race
The news media has throughout the nation’s history helped Americans understand racial issues – for better or worse. 
In 1962, after James Meredith tested federal law to become the first Black student admitted to the formerly all-white University of Mississippi, the station manager of Jackson’s WLBT decried the decision on-air, saying states should make their own admission decisions.
Station officials strongly supported segregation, rebuffing calls for opposing views, avoiding civil rights coverage and notoriously blaming technical problems for interruption of a 1955 “Today Show” interview of attorney Thurgood Marshall. Ultimately, after repeated complaints to the Federal Communications Commission and a crucial federal court decision affirming public input in FCC hearings, the station lost its license.
“These are the stories we weren’t taught in journalism school,” said Joseph Torres, co-author of “News For All the People: The Epic Story of Race and the American Media.” “They (civil rights groups) were saying, it’s a public airwave, and it’s not being fair to the Black community.”
Black media stepped up to offer different perspectives of mainstream narratives or provide coverage that wasn’t otherwise there. When 14-year-old Emmett Till was lynched in 1955 by two men who would ultimately be acquitted by an all-white jury, Jet magazine published a photo of Till’s mutilated body that helped kickstart the civil rights movement.
While some white-owned media such as Mississippi’s Delta Democrat Times and Lexington Advertiser condemned segregation and violence, others such as Jackson’s Clarion-Ledger held to the status quo. Gannett, the parent company of USA TODAY, purchased the newspaper in 1982.
“Had the Clarion-Ledger taken a leadership position denouncing atrocities going on in front of their faces, the state would be farther along in terms of getting past some of the pain,” said Mississippi Public Broadcasting executive editor Ronnie Agnew, who served as the newspaper’s executive editor until 2011.
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In 1968, the landmark Kerner Commission, appointed to investigate the unrest that had exploded in national riots, faulted the media in addition to longstanding racism and economic inequalities. “The press has too long basked in a white world looking out of it, if at all, with white men's eyes and white perspective," the commission’s final report read.
“They made it absolutely clear that the white press had done a terrible job of covering civil rights,” said Craig Flournoy, a journalism professor at the University of Minnesota who has critiqued the Los Angeles Times’ “incendiary” coverage of the 1965 Watts riots, for which the newspaper won a Pulitzer.
Flournoy said the Times relied heavily on white police and white elected officials for material. In one particularly egregious example, he said the newspaper, having no Black reporters on staff, sent a young Black advertising staffer into Watts to dictate dispatches by payphone, but his notes were repurposed into sensational stories that exaggerated the supposed Black threat.
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siteeco15 · 3 years
Online Dating Photographers In Cambridge Ohio
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Share this article Share An elderly man with a walking stick is pictured wading into the fight and hitting people with it ‘Officers were on the scene quickly and arrested eight people who were believed to have been involved. The brawl then moves to the other side of the street where a group of people descend on the elderly man kicking him to the ground ‘One man was left covered in blood. The police and ambulance were called. Three people were taken to hospital with facial injuries and one having suffered a suspected broken hand, but no-one is understood to have been seriously hurt. A West Midlands Ambulance Service spokesman said: Three ambulances attended in total. Six men aged between 21 and 61 were arrested along with two boys aged 16 and
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Birmingham Polytechnic( edit ) In the s, changes were made to the higher education system creating an expansion of polytechnics as a more vocationally orientated alternative to the typical university. The City of Birmingham Education Committee was invited to submit a scheme for the establishment of a polytechnic bringing together a number of different colleges in the city in This was the second polytechnic in Birmingham, the first — Birmingham Polytechnic Institution — having existed in the mid th century for ten years.
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Black Women on POF (Plenty of Fish) Part 5 Birmingham
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scottydd · 4 years
Part 1 of 2
The bounce back plan offered a lifeline to struggling companies. But more than half the £43bn lent so far could be lost
Stephen Bogan, a prestige car dealer, could be forgiven for the confusion. While checking on a loan being used to buy a £41,000 Porsche from his showroom in Airdrie, Scotland, Mr Bogan was alarmed to discover that his company was listed as the buyer. The attempted fraud was barely more sophisticated than skimming his details from the internet and asking for a loan, he says, adding that “the bank still paid out the money”.
“It was the perfect crime because we would not have been aware until next year when the bank would have started asking us for interest on the loan,” says the car seller.
Mr Bogan was the target of fraudsters seeking to exploit weaknesses in the UK government's £43.5bn coronavirus Bounce Back Loans Scheme. Launched by chancellor Rishi Sunak in May, it was designed to provide cash quickly for struggling businesses, but its loose rules were immediately exposed with some estimates suggesting as much as £26bn will be lost to defaults and fraud.
The Financial Times has spoken to more than a dozen senior bankers, fraud experts and people involved in the creation and running of the programme. In the words of one, “the scheme was being abused and defrauded on an industrial scale”.
Several bankers point to a range of attacks from impersonation of legitimate businesses, such as Mr Bogan’s car showroom, to the use of willing “money mules” who take out loans only to then file for bankruptcy.
“In 10 years' time, people will still be looking for the money,” says David Clarke, chairman of the Fraud Advisory Panel and a former head of the City of London Police fraud squad. He adds that the political reckoning could be just as long-lasting, “when the inquiries start into what happened with this scheme”.
Even greater losses are set to come from the billions lent to companies with little chance, or ability, to repay, after a devastating year that is set to cause widespread business failures in 2021 and beyond.
“The period from April to June was essentially a giant bonfire of taxpayers' money,” says one senior banker, “with banks just handing out matches”.
The UK’s bounce back scheme was hailed as the saviour of small businesses fighting to stay afloat amid national lockdowns. Under attack from MPs and companies running out of cash, Treasury officials agreed to guarantee all money lent by the banks. As a result bankers were more comfortable with waiving credit checks to speed up the process, relying on basic “know your customer” and fraud checks.
Mr Sunak told MPs: “There will be no forward-looking tests of business viability; no complex eligibility criteria; just a simple, quick, standard form for businesses to fill in.”
The terms were equally attractive: loans of up to £50,000 with no capital or interest repayments for one year — and then just 2.5 per cent for up to a decade. “People saw it and thought, ‘wow’! Why on earth wouldn't they take it? It’s basically free money,” says the senior banker.
Within days, more than £8bn had been lent to 250,000 small businesses. As of December 17, more than £43.5bn had been lent under the scheme to 1.4m companies, far more than the £18bn to £26bn anticipated at launch.
The Office for Budget Responsibility said in November that it expected a total of up to £87bn of business borrowing to be backed by government guarantees — the majority in bounce back loans.
“The key objective was to get money out, at scale, quickly, and to a broad range of business,” Sarah Munby, permanent secretary at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, told the public accounts committee in November. 
It did not take long for bankers to realise that loans were being taken by borrowers who would struggle to repay. “By definition,” says one person involved in the creation of the scheme, “the sort of borrowers who take the loans cannot afford to pay them back under normal banking conditions”.
Within weeks of the scheme launching, senior executives at high-street banks were raising concerns that up to half of the money could be lost.
The government itself had estimated losses from the scheme could be between a third and 75 per cent due to the parlous nature of many businesses going into the crisis. The threat of such huge losses required a ministerial direction — in effect an order by Alok Sharma, the business secretary — to overrule concerns. 
Ms Munby told MPs in November: “We are not able to sit here today and tell you how many of these loans will be paid back . . . from a managing public money [perspective] that is a concern.”
This is seen as unavoidable by officials — the cost of having to rush money to the type of small businesses that need it most. The focus now is on whether more could have been done to tackle the fraud and default risk earlier.
MPs on the House of Commons’ public accounts committee last week criticised the Treasury for its lack of data to assess the levels of fraud or even the scheme’s economic benefits — as well as its “woefully under-developed” plans with lenders to deal with fraudulently obtained loans or borrowers unable to repay. “Dropping the most basic checks was a huge issue that puts the taxpayer at risk to the tune of billions,” said Meg Hillier, chair of the committee.
At the end of November, the OBR increased its estimates of overall losses to as much as £29bn, the vast majority related to bounce back loans. In the best-case scenario, total losses from all the loan schemes could add up to £22bn; in the worst, taxpayers would foot a £40bn bill — almost half of all government lending to business during the crisis. On Thursday, the chancellor extended the scheme for a second time, to the end of March.
“A lot of the money has been spent having a good time. It becomes unrecoverable,” says Mike Levi, professor of criminology at Cardiff University, who is researching fraud activity during pandemics. “There will be an almighty row in a few years but by then it will be too late.”
In October, three people were arrested in Birmingham on suspicion of involvement in a £145,000 fraud involving bounce back loans. Separately, a human resources manager in Essex has been accused of trying to steal £240,000 in bounce back loans, using claims from oblivious employees on the payroll.
This will be “the first of many operations planned by my officers,” said Michael Dineen, head of fraud operations at the National Investigation Service, after the Birmingham raid.
Ms Munby told MPs that it was recognised that there “would be fraud because of choices about the design of the scheme”.
“This is basically [a criminal’s] dream scenario,” says a person familiar with the banks’ internal reviews. “An incredibly lucrative fraud that requires very little work and has almost no chance of law enforcement action.”
One senior executive at a high street bank says that as many as 15 per cent of applications were deemed fraudulent in the first weeks of the scheme. “This was the highest rate of cyber fraud that we have ever seen pretty much immediately,” he says. “We realised we were going into something scary.”
In a letter to the business department just two days before its launch, Keith Morgan, the then chief executive of the British Business Bank, which administers the scheme, said there were “very significant fraud and credit risks” and that it was “vulnerable to abuse by individuals and organised crime”.
A review of the scheme in May, by PwC, the consultancy, calculated the fraud risk as “very high”. The Cabinet Office said that fraud losses would likely be higher than the estimates of public sector fraud across all government spending of between 0.5 per cent and 5 per cent.
During the first two months, high street banks rejected hundreds of fraudulent applications on a daily basis, according to senior executives. Much of this initial surge was caused by a loophole that allowed the filing of multiple applications across banks — it was at least two months before cross-industry checks were put in place. 
“We were flying blind,” says the chairman of one high street bank.
Criminals adapted the tools of established financial fraud to target the scheme. Acuris Risk Intelligence, which tracks online fraud, found one gang that claimed to have taken £6m using stolen UK identities. Acuris’ head of market planning Nick Parfitt says compromised credit card details were also used.
“At first, criminals were not going for the full £50,000 as they expected banks to check. But when that didn’t happen,” he adds, “they went hell for leather.”
His findings are supported by another bank fraud expert, who says that criminals would apply for loans of £48,000, assuming that applying for the full £50,000 would raise a red flag. But, he says, since the government allowed a further “top up” to the full amount for businesses, fraudsters have tried to come back for the remainder.
Bankers have also highlighted the use of “mules” — people in financial difficulties recruited by organised gangs to borrow money then declare bankruptcy. One banker describes bounce back customers who already had sizeable overdrafts and other debts; customers who rarely used personal accounts suddenly turning them into business ones; customers sending the balance overseas; and multiple occupancy houses where several people all successfully applied for the maximum £50,000 loans. 
“We had some indications this was happening,” says another senior banker, “but could do very little to stop it because the government had taken a calculated risk and just wanted the money out there. It accepted that people would take advantage.”
Part 2 of 2
About £1.1bn in fraudulent applications for UK bounce back scheme loans from almost 27,000 people have been rejected since May, according to a letter from the BBB to MPs in November. But fraud experts worry that many other false claims were successful.
Applicants were checked against a national fraud database and with basic anti money laundering checks, but other measures only took place once a loan was granted. The BBB says that banks expecting to use the government's loan guarantee are required to take on clear anti-fraud obligations.
Anne Boden, chief executive of Starling Bank, told a Treasury select committee last week: “If . . . the fraudster gets through and they self-certify something and they lie, then that will be a claim against the taxpayer. That is the consequence of this scheme.”
The UK is not alone in seeing a spike in fraud. More than 10,000 cases of potential fraud related to the pandemic are being investigated in Germany. While in the US, the agency that manages Covid-related loans found “strong indicators of widespread potential fraud”.
The money provided by the scheme has helped hundreds of thousands of struggling businesses survive the national lockdowns. For others, it was comforting to have money in the bank for a rainy day. Deposits in business accounts rose sharply as government money flooded into company coffers. 
But some business owners saw a chance to pay down a credit card or a deposit for a property, invest in equities or even cryptocurrency, says one bank fraud expert. “Completely against the spirit and terms of the scheme but we honestly don’t know how we should treat these customers,” he adds.
Banks can only lend up to £50,000, or a maximum of a quarter of a company’s turnover. This meant, according to a different banker, “we found a strangely large number of business customers had precisely £200,000 turnover last year”.
Another executive points to the owner of 10 shops who used different business accounts to apply for £50,000 for each of them. In this case, the bank spotted the multiple applications and said no — which led to a complaint from the hopeful borrower. “Maybe he went and opened accounts at other banks . . . this is the type of thing that is going on maybe hundreds or thousands of times.”
Bankers suspect that the authorities will only pursue larger, high value cases, or where there are clear links to organised crime. “How will you prove [a loan] was intentionally misspent,” asks another senior banker, “rather than a bad business decision or the result of another lockdown?”
Banking sources say fraud levels have decreased since additional controls were introduced after June, with weekly prevention meetings between banks, and audits carried out by the BBB and PwC. At the same time fraud teams are scouring business accounts that have received bounce back loans to identify those dormant since the funds were withdrawn.
“The government has made it clear that action will be taken against individuals found to have fraudulently accessed, or attempted to access, bounce back loan funding,” says the BBB.
But bankers say criminals are still trying to game the system, even if many are detected ahead of approval. “The truth is we will not know how much money will come back until May,” when loans start to charge interest, says the bank fraud expert.
“Don't forget these are 10-year loans,” says one bank chairman. “So we could be dealing with this for decades”. 
“We targeted this support to help those who need it most as quickly as possible and we won’t apologise for this,” says a department of business spokesperson. “We are acting to crack down on fraud — with lenders implementing a range of protections including anti-money laundering and customer checks, as well as transaction monitoring controls.”
Although banks have to pursue lost money, they remain confident that the Treasury and Mr Sunak will ultimately foot the bill. Yet the government insists that the banks will need to do their best to recover the money. “We were expecting to just flip them to the government if they didn't pay,” says another senior banker, “but now, I think we are going to have to try for a year to get our money back before we can go for the guarantee.
“Which I feel is unfair,” she adds, “it wasn't our decision to lend”.
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mvdipetsch · 5 years
Outside of London; A Guide.
Hello, friends! I think there’s a semi-substantial amount of roleplays based around England, but honestly 90% of them are in London and while that’s great, England is made up of a lot of cities and I figured I’d show some #representation. 
In this guide we cover: Housing in England, location and travel! 
Disclaimer: This is based off of my experience and the experience of those around me. Most of my knowledge is concentrated around Birmingham, as that is where I grew up, but I’ve spent a fair amount of time in Stoke-on-Trent, Blackpool and Liverpool so I feel that I have a semi-decent shot at helping out. 
If you found this guide helpful, please reblog this as it helps to show me that there is interest and I’m not just shouting into a void. If you have any suggestions or comments about things I could/should cover in these guides please let me know! Any specific questions? Shoot me an ask and I’ll do my best to help you out. 
Location, Location, Location. 
England is divided into counties. There many of them, and realistically they don’t affect anything. All it really means is that your resources (police, fire, ambulance, charities, etc.) are organised by that one area. For instance - the buses in my city are all organised by Network West Midlands. They deal with every bus service (if it’s an NXBus) in the West Midlands. Ultimately, it doesn’t really affect anything. 
From my city to my university, it’s a 3-ish hour drive. That is a long drive. I know some people regard that as nothing, but when everything is so close together, it’s a lot. It’s not really a drive that people would make a lot - this is why train transport (while not that big) tends to be used to get from city to city. 
Only really in the inner cities are things that expensive. When you move away from the main city, things can get pretty affordable, but the inner city is still often really accessible via bus, driving or even train. When I’m at my boyfriend’s I’ll get the bus into the city centre, but when I’m at my mom’s sometimes it’s quicker to just jump on a train. Train tickets are also pretty inexpensive if you’re moving within the city. It’s when you’re heading to smaller cities that the problems arise. For instance, I can get to London for under £10, and to Liverpool for not much more. However, for me to get from Birmingham (a major city) to my University (a not-so-major city of about 200k) it’s £60+ with a change. On coach, it’s £14 with a change + it takes 5-ish hours (there are direct coaches that cost £30~ which is still significantly cheaper than the train) University students will commonly take a coach to and from their university to their hometown if it’s ridiculously priced. 
The higher north you go, typically the cheaper it is. This is dependent upon where in that city you are, but the general consensus is that north = cheaper. Obviously if you’re in Manchester city centre then it’s going to be a bit more pricey, but the general cost of living / food / etc. is seen to be cheaper the more north you go. A good way to judge how expensive a place is, is by how much the bus fare is. Birmingham bus fare is £4.00 for a daysaver (one ticket, on the bus as much as you like) but when I was in Liverpool I paid something like £1.20 for an U18 ticket. That’s a big difference. (For reference - Birmingham is the smack-bang middle of England. Liverpool is about 2 hours north, near Manchester.) 
Typically, when it comes to travelling; 
Cars in the UK are predominantly manual (with a gear stick) but we can still get automatic cars. Manual cars are also cheaper than automatic and you can drive an automatic with a manual license but you cannot drive a manual with an automatic license. 
My mom lives seven minutes from her work (she timed it, she’s got no life) but there are people who live up to thirty minutes away and have to take the motorway. This means that if there’s a massive accident, you can sit there for six hours, bored out of your skull
It’s also worth saying that if you live in a/the city centre, you’re not taking your car to work. It’s ridiculously expensive and parking is so few and far between, it’s really not worth it. People can and do drive, but plenty of people will also opt for a train or bus.
If you don’t drive the bus is often a very viable option. Buses will commonly run from 6:30/7 until 11:30/12 (at least where I am) but you can get night buses or buses that run later, they’re just a bit rare. 
Students (in college or secondary school, typically) are VERY common on buses. As in public buses. Unless someone has an impairment and go to a special school suited to their needs, you make your own way. Which often means that you jump on that bus with every man and his dog. 
Sunday service is real and it’s a pain in the arse. Buses that run every 10-ish minutes during the week drop to 20 between 9 and 5 and then drop to every 30 minutes after that (sometimes even every hour.) This means that if you miss your bus... you can be waiting for a very long time. 
Train’s are far more common for longer commutes. Also trains aren’t really that common for secondary school students (they either get dropped off in a car, walk or take the bus) but college students can and do take the train. My best friend takes an hour’s train ride to and from her college every day, and a lot of my teachers will get the train to college (my college is in the city centre, so it’s pretty logical.) Regardless, trains aren’t as common. 
Houses in England are attached. It is rare that you will see detached (stand alone) houses. Most houses will share their walls with their neighbours, unless they’re the end house in which case they’re called “semi-detached” cause... only half of them is attached. That tends to mean that if your neighbours have a baby, you can hear them crying. You can hear when the tv is too loud and all that kind of stuff. 
When you move out, there tends to be a few options in terms of who actually owns where you live. The options normally are:
You sign up on the website, the council give you a priority rating and a set amount of points. These points are determined by the people in your household and your needs. A single mother with two kids will get more points than a single person with no dependants.
There is also a ‘bedroom’ tax, which states that you have to pay a tax if you live in a council property and are seen as having more bedrooms than you need. If, for instance you have two children of opposite genders that are aged seven and three, you have to pay extra tax for that third bedroom because it’s deemed as unnecessary. However if you have two children and they’re of different genders and one of them is over the age of ten (10) then you do not have to pay the tax. If they are of the same gender, then it is until one of them is sixteen (16).
Council and Housing Associations are most beneficial to those who are receiving benefits or are not working enough to cover rent by themselves. 
Housing Association
The way a housing association works is effectively the same as a landlord and the council. You apply on the council website for the aforementioned points and begin to bid on properties. When this happens, you may bid on a property that happens to be owned by a HA. The HA then acts as your landlord. HAs are pretty okay, dependent upon the area + such. When you live in a HA, any housing benefit you receive will immediately be paid from the council to the HA. This can cause issues if your money gets fucked up (which is more common than not because the housing system in the UK is BROKEN.) 
Private Rent
Private is when you have a landlord. I mean, that’s pretty self-explanatory really. You have an issue? Call the landlord. I’ve never had a landlord so I can’t really comment much on this. I will say that most landlords likely won’t accept housing benefit as a form of payment.
Private own. 
This is just the whole mortgage, thing. You know how this goes. 
There are a few different types of housing options when it comes to England and I’d imagine that this is pretty true for up and down the city.
Blocks of flats.
Blocks of flats are huge high-rises. They’re not as common anymore but there are still quite a few knocking about. If you remember the tragedy of Grenfell Tower, that was a high-rise. 
Blocks of flats can be owned by the local council or be privately rented. I’ve never lived in a flat, so my knowledge isn’t the best. They all tend to have names and there’s normally at least two together. 
A ‘flat’ is basically an apartment. So it’s a bunch of different flats (which, in high rises, commonly have two bedrooms, a kitchen, a living room and a bathroom) High rises have a lot of flats in them. Commonly there’s at least 13 floors, with between around four and six flats per floor. So you can get a lot of people in a high rise. 
A maisonette looks like a wide house. It’s normally one to two floors, with flats that have three (or more) bedrooms. Maisonettes are considerably bigger, in terms of the flats inside, and consist of maybe two flats per floor. Maisonettes can also be council, privately rented or housing association. 
A bungalow is a home without any stairs. They can be council, privately rented or privately owned. Bungalows aren’t that common anymore, but they’re great for people who have difficulty with stairs and such. Also most bungalows are actually pretty decent sizes too. 
Houses in the UK are broken down into one of three categories:
This is literally just based upon how many of your walls are shared with your neighbour. Detached houses are really uncommon in the UK and are usually found in richer areas. Semi-detached is mainly just the house at the end of your street, so semi-detached and attached are the main two. 
Also it’s pretty common that you only have windows of two of the four house walls. Even if you’re in a semi-detached house, you’ll only have front and back windows. 
Houses can be privately owned, privately rented, housing association or council.
Most houses follow a similar layout. Typically three bedrooms, with either one bathroom or a room just for the toilet + then the bathroom (with a bath + sink + such.) It’s also super common for one room to be a ‘box room’ which is normally pretty small. My room at my mom’s house is the ‘box room’ and it fits a 3/4 bed, a chest of draws, and a metal rack that I use as a bookshelf. There is not a lot of room in there. 
And there you have it! I think I covered most things regarding transport and housing in the UK, and I really hope that it was as informative as possible. Stay groovy, my dudes. 
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ocxees-blog · 2 years
How can Ocxee help you study in your dream country?
Every student has unique aspirations for their ideal study location. For example, the majority of students desire to study in the UK, whereas a limited desire to the USA. Students consider their educational future and employment chances while deciding on a country and university. Thus, several factors become important once you have decided on the place where you want to pursue your further education. Your path is obstructed by several obstacles. Who will provide a hand for you? Ocxee is the solution.
There are two parts to Ocxee’s services. Both are pre- and post-landing, respectively. Let’s explore how it can assist you in pursuing your ambition of studying abroad.
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Pre-Landing Services
Pre-Landing Services include every preliminary procedure needed for studying abroad.
University Application
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Get a free consultation from specialists on any obstacle that stands in the way of your desire to pursue an education abroad.
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ahz-associates · 3 years
September Intake in the UK and New Opportunity for Studies!
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For international students looking to study abroad, the United Kingdom is a popular choice. During the autumn, summer, and winter semesters, international students are admitted to UK colleges and universities. Prior to the institution’s application deadlines for their desired seasonal session, prospective students must apply to their chosen college or university. In this way, they would have enough time to spend completing their essential documentation for admission. The cost of living in the UK or attending a conference may be calculated well in advance of the application deadline, giving applicants a better picture of their financial situation.
Why Study in September Intake: The September intake is often regarded as the country’s primary admissions period. It is appropriate for the majority of candidates. The following are the reasons why you should choose the September intake in UK 2022.
The majority of universities offer all courses during the September intake
Before September, academic records, transcripts, and test results are all available, making it simple to apply.
The acceptance rate is greater during the September intake since the class size is larger.
You have a better chance of participating in career fairs and campus recruitments because you have more experience than January intake students.
Steps to Apply at UK Universities
Create an account on UCAS Portal
Fill the application form
Pay the application fees
Track the application status
Required Documents for Application
Personal Statement or Statement of Purpose (SOP)
Letter of Recommendation
Degree certificate/ Academic transcripts with the English translator (if required)
Proof of English Skills (IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, etc.)
Writing Samples
Events                                                                  Deadlines Application of undergraduate courses                June 30, 2022 Last date of apply on UCAS                               July 4, 2022 UCAS clearing opens                                         July 5, 2022 A -Level result                                                     August 19, 2022 Final deadline                                                     September 21, 2022
Time to Apply
If you want to reserve a space for yourself and avoid falling behind, you must keep track of the deadlines and apply as soon as the application form is published. The important dates associated with September intake in the United Kingdom in 2021 are shown below. Take a look at this:
Universities Offer Courses in September Intake
There are numerous well-established and popular universities in the UK that allow September admission. They are detailed below.  
Aston University: Aston University is a prestigious public research university in the United Kingdom. It is situated in the center of Birmingham, England. The University campus spans 60 acres. Sports facilities, swimming pools, gyms, cafés, and health clinics are available to students on campus. Aside from academic lectures, the institution focuses a great emphasis on hands-on learning for students. Through skill development programs, students are taught dexterity for cutting-edge technology. It is one of the greatest institutions in the UK that accepts September applications.
Coventry University: Coventry University, one of the greatest public universities in the UK, offers a comprehensive range of courses and programs for undergraduate and postgraduate students at all entrance levels. Coventry University, located in one of the world’s top student cities, offers world-class facilities, great education, and the opportunity to do high-quality research.
Durham University: Durham University is the next school on our list of UK schools accepting September applications. Durham Institution was established in 1832 as a public research university. The Guardian University Guide continues to rank it 5th. Durham University’s 560-acre estate is part of the UNESCO world heritage site, making it a beautiful place to study. The school has a wide range of facilities, including large classrooms, well-equipped labs, and large libraries.
Finally, students who miss the September admissions season in the United Kingdom may be eligible for the January intakes in the future. September admissions may be higher in the United Kingdom than January admissions since there are more programs to choose from. In the beginning, there isn’t much of a similarity between the two.
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aaravsharmaabroad · 1 year
Knowing the key features of the university is very important for us. Students who want to study in UK can choose BCU as their priority university due to its affordable fees. Here are some of the key features of Birmingham City University which provide insights into it.
2nd largest University in Birmingham.
More than 100 nationalities are studying.
More than 50 courses are accredited by professional bodies like CIMA, CMI, & more.
Offers 1000 or more flexible courses at UG and PG levels.
Economical fee structure for all the courses.
Exceptional Employability rate
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evoldir · 2 years
Fwd: Graduate Position: AuburnU.EvoDevo
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Graduate Position: AuburnU.EvoDevo > Date: 11 November 2022 at 07:21:27 GMT > To: [email protected] > > > The Range lab at Auburn University is recruiting graduate students > interested in evolutionary and developmental biology > (www.therangelab.com). Research in the lab focuses on understanding > the evolution of developmental mechanisms that control early axis > formation using the comparative models of temperate and Antarctic > echinoderm sea urchins as well as hemichordate acorn worms. > > A current NIH-funded research project uses sea urchin embryos to > explore how an interconnected network of three different Wnt signaling > pathways (Wnt/Beta-catenin, Wnt/JNK, and Wnt/Ca2+) coordinate the > specification and patterning of the anterior-posterior axis during > early embryogenesis. We also use hemichordate embryos to compare and > contrast early AP axis formation between these phyla to provide > insight into AP axis formation in the common deuterostome ancestor. > > Another newly NSF-funded project focuses on uncovering adaptations to > the early gene regulatory networks used by the cold-water sea urchin > species Sterechinus neumayeri that allow them to develop at > sub-freezing temperatures. We anticipate that this study will not only > inform our understanding of the molecular mechanisms required for > adaptation to an extreme environment but also will provide insight > into how early embryonic developmental rate is controlled in sea > urchins as well as other metazoans. > > The positions are for masters and PhD students beginning in the Fall > of 2023. Students will have the choice to work on any number of > projects in the lab. The positions offer training in a combination of > molecular manipulations, high-throughput genome-wide assays and > bioinformatics, gene regulatory network analysis as well as classical > embryology. > > Auburn is a Tier 1 research institution with great facilities and > research support. The university is situated in the quintessential > college town of Auburn, Alabama and is located close to several major > cities (e.g., Atlanta [1.25 hrs] and Birmingham [2 hrs]), the beaches > along the Gulf and Atlantic coasts, and the Appalachian Mountains. You > can learn more about the Department of Biological Sciences at Auburn > University at https://ift.tt/VdAm1j4. > > Interested applicants should contact Dr. Ryan Range at > [email protected]. With your inquiry, please include a CV and a brief > description of your research interests and experience. GRE scores are > not required by the Department of Biological Sciences at Auburn. > > Applications for Fall 2023 are accepted until February 1st, 2023. > In-person interviews at Auburn are available. There will be a graduate > student recruitment hosted by the Department of Biological Sciences in > mid-January for interested students if they contact Dr. Range before > December 31st. > > > Ryan Range
0 notes
hairgrowthcentre · 4 years
8 Tips For FUT Hair Transplantation
One hair relocates technique that reforms the game by offering successful and perpetual outcomes in moderate rates is the FUT or Follicular Unit Transplantation.
FUT is an extraordinary arrangement and nothing to freeze when you notice subsiding hairline and some other early indications of male example hairlessness.
Cost of Hair Transplant Clinic Birmingham is a lot lesser and moderate contrasted with the western nations. The FUT strategy is very pocket neighborly and it costs 20-40 rupees for every join. In India, the expense likewise changes starting with one state then onto the next, with Kolkata being one city where the hair relocate segment is blasting with acceptable medical procedure choices at a relatively lesser cost.
What is FUT?
A famously developing hair relocate system where hair follicular units are taken out from the lasting zones of the scalp and put on the uncovered regions. Perpetual zones are your scalp territories where there is no going bald and cause dynamic development in the bare zones after transplantation.
With the presence of the perpetual zone in male example sparseness, the contributor joins for FUT are eliminated from the back and sides of the head.
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Are you an attractive possibility for the Follicular Unit Transplantation strategy
To know your status as a decent up-and-comer or for FUT strategy by Hair Transplant Birmingham, you should get a decent counsel from a rumored facility or specialist. In any case, with certain markers, your odds of being a FUT relocate up-and-comer increments.
Here is a portion of the components that would choose your odds of going through the FUT method:
Your hairlessness is hereditary and follows some anticipated sparseness designs
You have sufficient hair on the sides and back of your scalp
Your balding influenced your appearance
You keep sensible desires
To state in straightforward words, you are an attractive contender for FUT if hairlessness influences your appearance yet not spread to a degree of the serious stages according to Ludwig Hair Loss Scale or Norwood Hamilton Scale.
How FUT Revolutionized Hair Transplantation Methods?
5 different ways FUT got astounding changes the universe of hair transplantation:
Results are normal
Counteraction isn't generally the arrangement; some fix can give you an answer as well by London Hair Transplant Clinic. FUT offers top-notch results to recapture your looks and certainty.
Quick meetings
Strip gather strategy makes your specialist collect and afterward joins a colossal measure of hair follicular units in only a meeting.
Simple moderate
FUT with strip technique will cost you lesser than some other hairs relocates alternatives. As you need to address the cost per unite, you need to pay sensibly.
Higher Follicle Survival Rate
Realize that in hair relocate measures by Hair Transplant Clinic Romford, each relocated hair follicle won't continue, and every methodology has its own endurance rate. In spite of the fact that FUE has developed fruitful as of late, yet follicle endurance rate in FUT is yet higher.
Results Are Permanent
Hair join arrangements done by Hair Transplant Manchester in FUT are lasting. However, hair relocates techniques are not preventive and can't forestall sparseness so you have to deal with non-relocated hair to limit that impact.
Farther it is prudent to counsel your neighborhood specialist with long stretches of mastery in the event that you see yourself a qualified possibility for FUT. Additionally, talk with your PCP about any related dangers and what measure of progress is expectable from the medical procedure. The person can give a better direction.
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avphc · 5 years
Is It Still Worth Investing in Property Since the Increase in Stamp Duty?
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People explore whether it is still economically viable to invest in property since the stamp duty increase, and what sort of properties you may invest in to minimise the effect of the increase or completely bypass it altogether. The Impact of the Improve in Stamp Duty The cost of an investment property in Birmingham is £168, 062. 00 which means you may typically have to pay £5903 in stamp duty costs. The Increase in Stamp Duty Has Contributed to accommodate Price Slump One of the main issues that the increase has caused, has been the increased cost in acquiring innovative property, which has subsequently caused a slump in house price inflation. Whilst this now means it is a superior time for potential investors to consider purchasing additional properties, those who already own property will probably be disappointed along with the growth in the market. In particular, property prices in London are most affected by the increase simply because house charge are generally more expensive so the stamp duty levied on the properties is proportionately higher. This means that either demand may well go down due to the high prices, or property prices may decrease to make up for the increase in stamps duty. In fact , Halifax's April 2016 House Price Index announced negative growth in terms of house prices, since month on month April 2016 saw average house prices fall by 0. 8%, which the idea attributed to a lack of confidence in the wider economy. The Increase in Stamp Duty Fails to Dampen Landlords' Mood The increase seems not to have deterred landlords, as the number of landlords has risen to 1. 75 thousand thousand. This has mainly been due to the increase in lending and cheaper mortgages, as access to funds is one of the principal drivers in the property market. Another factor that has contributed to the increase in landlords has been the better yields, far outstripping interest investors make on their money saved elsewhere. Another positive is that consistent with Halifax's May 2016 House Price Index, house prices are resuming an upward trend, with month-on-month growth of 0. 6%. This suggests that the British public still very much has an appetite for property or home, and is welcome news to existing Verticus condo at Balestier. Strategies to Avoid Stamp Duty or Minimise its Influence Although the increase may make some investors think twice about investing in property, it needn't have to. There are plenty of ways house investors can work around the stamp duty increase or minimise its effect. Purchase Property in a Company Identity Stamp duty land tax can be avoided by purchasing property in a company name using a business loan. This also allows for interest payments to be tax deductible, exponentially increasing your return on investment because mortgages can be granted as much seventy-five per cent of the value of the property which amounts to a lot of interest. The Number of Mortgage Products Available to Reduced Companies is Increasing The number of products available to limited companies is increasing year-on-year. In H1 2015 there would be an average of 99 products available to limited companies, but in H2 this rose to 147 products. The number of home owner loan applications made by companies now accounts for over a third (38%) of all mortgage applications, up from 15% within 2014. It's also worth noting that mortgage acceptance rates are at an all-time high, so if you're considering investing in property, now is a good time to apply for a mortgage. Avoid Stamp Duty Altogether with Alternative Investments Which include Car Park Investments Furthermore, would-be buy-to-let investors are focusing on ways that they can avoid the stamp duty charges most of the time or minimise its effect. Car park spaces are exempt from the 3% stamp duty charge because they really are classed as commercial property. Car park investments can also give an 8% net assured income for two many years and has a five year exit strategy with buy-back option if you decide that the investment is not for your needs. Invest in Properties Outside of London for Lower Stamp Duty Costs Another option is to consider properties around areas outside of London. As mentioned previously in the article, properties in London are more expensive so there is proportionately more stamp duty to pay. Cities such as Manchester and Liverpool command a much higher rental yield letting you maximise your profits. Properties in these cities outside of London are generally much lower, so the amount of stamp job you'll have to pay is much lower. Birmingham is consistently considered one of the best areas for buy-to-let, and was just lately named by the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML) as the number one buy-to-let hotspot outside of London. Average property selling prices in Britain's second city are considerably lower than property prices in London. According to Rightmove, overall usual property prices in Birmingham currently stand at £168, 062, compared to £556, 350 in London. With regard to property investors, this means that if they were to invest in property in Birmingham, they'd pay exponentially less in seal of approval duty compared to investing in London property. Student properties in Liverpool such as Pembroke Studios command an confident net rental yield of 8% for five years had have a buy-back option after five several years. Fortunately, in a city such as Liverpool there will never be a shortage of students looking for high quality accommodation due to the sizeable student population that comprises 12% of the city's overall population. Pembroke Studios is conveniently nestled within a mile's radius of four universities in Liverpool, so it's desirably situated for an overwhelming number of scholars. In conclusion, property investment is definitely still a viable way to achieve good returns, especially when interest rates for money secured in savings accounts is at record low. Property investors should make cautious decisions when it comes to investment, together with consider investing in towns and cities outside of London where possible. For those looking to bypass stamp duty forever, we recommend car park investments or other commercial investments that do not incur the charges.
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addictionfreedom · 6 years
Addiction Treatment Centers In Alabama
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the treatment centers, Inc. is dedicated to the treatment of opiate addiction. Our medically assisted treatment programs include intensive individual and group counseling specifically designed to promote recovery. We are currently in two locations: The Gadsden Treatment Center is located in Gadsden, Alabama and …
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The post Addiction Treatment Centers In Alabama appeared first on Freedom From Addiction II.
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shirlleycoyle · 4 years
Target’s Delivery App Workers to Be Paid by a Blackbox Algorithm Nationwide
The Target-owned delivery app Shipt will soon determine pay for its 200,000 gig workers nationwide using a blackbox algorithm, according to an internal announcement made on Thursday and obtained by Motherboard. 
Shipt claims that the new pay model will compensate delivery workers more equitably. "We highly encourage all of you to try out the new pay model and keep in mind that this pay is based on the effort of the shop," Shipt posted on its private Facebook group for gig workers on Thursday. 
But shoppers (Shipt calls its gig workers "shoppers") fear that the transition from a transparent, commission-based pay model to an algorithmic one that obscures how pay gets calculated will result in dramatically lower earnings.  
Already, in cities such as Birmingham, Alabama; San Antonio, Texas; and Kalamazoo, Michigan, where an algorithmic model went into effect earlier this year, workers say their hourly earnings have dropped by 15 to 50 percent. By the end of September, Shipt says it will roll out the new pay model in more than 230 new cities. 
"Shipt says shoppers are now being paid on effort. This is insulting on its face. This implies shoppers were not putting in effort prior to the non-transparent algorithm being forced on us," Willy Solis, a Shipt delivery worker in Dallas, Texas and an organizer for the Gig Workers Collective, told Motherboard.
"What we are seeing with this new pay model is a shopper must complete significantly more orders, put in more hours, drive more miles, and expose themselves to greater risks of contracting COVID-19 to make the same pay," he continued.
On apps such as Instacart, DoorDash, Lyft, and Uber that already use blackbox algorithms to calculate wages, gig workers have complained that they are at the mercy of routine, unexpected tweaks to their pay and have no guarantee that they'll make the minimum wage. As independent contractors, gig workers do not receive minimum wage guarantees, overtime pay, health insurance, or other benefits afforded to workers with employee status, and must pay for costs like gas and wear-and-tear on their cars out of their own pockets.
"Algorithmic [pay models have] had a severe negative impact on wages across the so-called 'gig economy,'"  the authors of New York University's AI Now 2019 report write. "These platforms treat workers as subjects of constant experimentation, often in ways that destabilize their economic and even psychological security." 
A spokesperson for Shipt denied that wages have suffered from the new pay formula, which weighs factors including driving time, peak shopping windows, location, and number of items to calculate to pay. 
"As we have tested and rolled this model over the past two years, we have closely monitored how it was working," Molly Snyder, the Shipt spokesperson said. "We have consistently seen, and continue to see, that pay for shops has remained stable overall. And, in the markets where we rolled this model out over the summer, we have seen that week over week, we see increasing numbers of shoppers in those markets putting themselves on the schedule, accepting and completing shops."
Shoppers already working under the new pay model say they’re earning significantly less than they used to on large orders that sometimes have hundreds of items. A Shipt spokesperson said “the number of items incorporated in the shop is always factored into the compensation estimates,” but would not explain if this metric is weighted less than others.
Under the previous pay model at Shipt, workers were paid $5 plus a 7.5 percent commission on all orders. 
In July, Shipt shoppers across the country went on strike, refusing to accept orders after Shipt announced the new pay model was rolling out in 38 cities. In April, Shipt workers organized the company's first walkout, after it failed to provide basic protective gear during the COVID-19 pandemic. 
Experts say that gig economy apps, like Shipt, strategically deploy a bait-and-switch model that lures workers in with lucrative, transparent pay and flexible working hours. Once workers have shaped their lives around working on the app, companies switch to more opaque payment systems, which allows them to cut costs by lowering earnings without workers' knowledge. 
Joshua Denver, a Shipt gig worker in Denver, Colorado, where the new pay model rolled out on July 15, said his earnings have plummeted under the new pay model to such an extent that he barely works on the app, which he has relied on since 2017 to pay his bills while he runs a non-profit. Instead, he has switched to its competitor Instacart. 
"I've seen my earnings drop drastically, particularly on large orders," Denver told Motherboard. "For example, I made $16.32 on an 89-item order I shopped recently. Under the previous transparent pay scale, I would have made $27.50."
Because Denver has started accepting fewer Shipt orders (he says many of the ones he's offered "aren't worth it"),  his acceptance rating, which factors into how many offers he receives, has suffered, taking a further toll on his ability to earn income from the app.
"The new pay model is extremely scary. There's no way to look at the algorithm to see how you're getting paid," he continued. "Knowing that I need to work more hours for less pay is really stressful. It's not right that the company is doing this."
Another Shipt shopper who wished to remain anonymous because she feared retaliation from the company for speaking to the press, told Motherboard that she's seen her average earnings on orders have dropped by 15 percent since the new pay model rolled out in Birmingham, Alabama on July 15. 
Shipt, which was acquired by Target for $550 million in 2017, has gained notoriety for a culture of censorship and retaliation on its Facebook group for workers. As Motherboard reported in February, Shipt censors workers' posts, turns off comments sections, and bans workers who speak negatively about their working conditions from its Facebook group, the "Shipt Shopper Lounge." According to a new admin rule reviewed by Motherboard, workers can longer post links to outside news articles on the Shipt Shopper Lounge.
 A Shipt post on Thursday announcing the algorithmic pay model’s nationwide rollout had its comments section turned off. 
Target’s Delivery App Workers to Be Paid by a Blackbox Algorithm Nationwide syndicated from https://triviaqaweb.wordpress.com/feed/
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ads4service123 · 4 years
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