#birdsec model
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exploded bird primary (lion system → burnt badger system) + lion secondary (bird model)
Hello, you have a really interesting blog! It’s fascinating to read the process of you sorting someone. I was wondering if you could help me find my sorting.
I don’t know my primary OR my secondary. They might be burnt, but I think this is mostly a result of me overthinking and being shite with self-analysis. Which is a horrible combination.
I’ve found my best work is usually the result of me taking what someone else has done, ripping it apart, adding or removing parts as needed (usually all of them) and then making a cohesive Thing out of it. It’s how I’ve made projects, stories, art, etc.
What an interesting thing to say. Wanting something to start with something which you can then respond to is making me think Improvisational secondary. Snake or Lion?
The process of picking apart someone’s work/advice gives me an idea of what I want to make. Which is why I usually end up doing my work at the last minute, by begging everyone else for their work.
Oooh we’re leveraging the community. So a social secondary like Snake is still very possible, especially with that description of pulling something together last minute using pieces. Very improvisational. But I’m wondering if there’s going to be any Badger in your sorting. Maybe as a primary.
It’s also how I treat advice and suggestion (which annoys my sister a lot, heh). I listen to someone’s suggestions on how to act or react to some problem, and then decide what I want to do. It’s like I need a base to completely disregard. A signpost which tells me, ‘Going left looks like a decent idea’ so that I can decide for myself to go whether to go right or centre. The metaphor is somewhat nonsensical but it’s the best I’ve right now.
So I could read this as just being contrary (rebelling to rebel), or maybe being in a situation where you need to utilize negative indicators. It could be a way to bootstrap a Lion primary - get some outside advice, then see if you emotionally respond positively or negatively. But the fact that you depend so much on your community when deciding what to do makes me think an external primary - Badger or Bird.
Making a plan makes me feel secure, because ‘Finally! A direction to move in.’ However, I’ve never been able to follow any of the plans I have. I usually end up just doing stuff at the last minute when I can’t worry about other things. You know, when my head is too full with an overwhelming sense of ‘I have to do this right now!’ to get distracted. The plan’s just to get me started.
Oh this is executive dysfunction stuff. And not to armchair diagnose, which is super not ethical… but a LOT of neurodivergent people write into me, and a LOT of them have helpful bird secondary models that function as toys/coping techniques.
My go-to method for solving people-problems is to think of the things I want to get across, psyche myself up for the confrontation and just barge on with it. Just, do it. Yeet myself into the tense and undesirable situation and we’ll see what happens. It’s the only good method. The other two are ‘pretend this problem doesn’t exist’ and ‘ignore that person/those people forever’.
Super DUPER Lion secondary. There are two choices 1) Charge at the problem, see what happens 2) Do nothing.
It’s easy for me to fake my investment in things. I got into the Environment Club recently, and in the application form I remember writing about oil spills in a way that made it seem as though it was an issue I’ve been passionate about for a long time. It had only come to my attention when ‘Ocean on Fire in Mexican Waters’ became a headline. I was very proud of that one. While I won’t fake an opinion, I can and will control how passionate I appear about a thing. I am rather proud of this.
Still Lion. That is how Lions face-change - they can raise or lower their intensity.
Secondaries are easy to understand for me. The idea that there is a way of doing things that comes naturally to me is fairly plausible. Primaries on the other hand….they are murky as fuck for me. I always end up getting in tangles over it.
On one hand, it’s natural for a person to prioritise their loved ones and the issues that affect their people over other issues. On the other hand, this is the sort of mindset that stops us from caring about issues beyond our tiny sphere. The sort of things that makes us indifferent towards the suffering of those who are not a part of your group or one of your people. What is the correct mode of action here?
The way this is phrased, and even the way it’s framed as a search for the “correct” answer is already very Bird. I’m going to keep on using Sartre’s Loyalist vs Idealist example because it’s such a good one, but philosophers and moralists have been debating “objectively correct” morality for… a long time now.
Obviously, we can’t spend all our time caring about causes that don’t affect us. Not only will it make us laughing-stock it is also a foolish idea. A person’s priority, in my opinion, ought to be bettering their life and helping alleviate the problems that plague them and the people around them. Of course, it is every person’s right to choose what to care about, and to find what works for them, but in my opinion starting with what’s around will show maximum results and well, it just feels more right.
I think we have a Bird primary with a Badger-flavored system.
When I have to make an opinion, I first try to see if it’s something I can avoid. Seriously, having an opinion is so difficult. Socialising is easier than forming an opinion.
Oh ouch. I think it’s very possible that your bird might be a little bit… burnt. Or exploded. Specifically the frozen Chidi-style Exploded Bird, because how can you do *anything* if you don’t know *for sure* it’s objectively right.
I don’t have to make many moral decisions in my daily life, most of us don’t. I try to avoid passing judgements on topics I don’t know about or ones that appear too morally grey.
Primaries aren’t just about moral decisions. They’re also about things that you, you know. Want. The things that get you out of bed in the morning.
As a kid, I used to make snap judgments all the time and incessantly defend them in the face of opposition, but now it just feels foolhardy to do.
That’s definitely your stubborn Lion secondary combining with an Idealist primary. Immature Glory Hound Lion or Black-and-White Bird.
Not to mention having to change my opinion after realising that I made a mistake (which happens often) is really fucking embarrassing, even if it’s something I’m doing in private.
I mean, no one LIKES being wrong. But the choice of the word “embarrassing” is skewing me more Bird. I’d expect a Lion to say something like making a mistake is “miserable” or “stressful” or “disorientating.”
And not changing my opinion when confronted with new information makes me feel pathetic.
Yeah. Bird.
There’s also the reality of ever pervasive fake news and showing + wording things in a light favourable to the people funding the news. I have zero trust in any of the media outlets I have around me (paranoia ftw!).
We have an Exploded Bird. No wonder you don’t like having opinions on things. You’ve cut off your ability to take in new information.
The same goes for what other people tell me, including my family. While I want to believe them (my family), they’re dead wrong about something I believe in with all my heart. So, what’s to say that they couldn’t be wrong about other things too?
Nobody can be right all the time. It sucks.
I love my family, and I’ll love them even if they disown me once I come out (I’m bisexual and they’re queerphobic).
I think it must be really, really brutal to have a loud lion secondary and also have to stay in the closet for an extended period of time.
As long as their mistreatment will be limited to throwing me out of the family, I won’t stop caring about them. They’re my family. They would have to become pretty terrible people for me to cut off ties with them.
So you’ve basically given me a set-up where you don’t feel able to have an opinion on anything, apart from a sort of generalized Badger worldview, and then you hit me with something as intensely loyalist as this? Is there a really Burnt Badger (or even really burnt Snake) underneath the Bird? Or is this a Loyalist talking point/model that you’ve picked up somewhere? Or is your Badger system just like, super intense? (also, is it just me, but have you kicked yourself out of your own system?)
This attitude was the one I used to have with my friends. Until I realised that friendship doesn’t work out for me for some reason. I’m simply grateful for company now. I only show people the degree of care that I feel they will reciprocate. I don’t want to be taken advantage of by people whom I choose to become close to.
This is sounding intensely Burnt Badger? Like you want a community, but communities don’t feel safe.
A lot of Shonen anime at an impressionable age has left me with high standards for friendships.
… or maybe you’ve got Prince Charming Syndrome, only with friendships.
If one of my family did or said something that I disagreed with and which granted them public condemnation, would I stand by them or condemn them? I would do both. I wouldn’t pretend to agree with what they said (doing that would make me feel horrible) but I would stand by them.
Lion secondary. Some kind of Loyalist *something* primary.
I will never lie about my opinions. I don’t care what punishment I get. I’ll either make it really obvious that I don’t agree with the majority opinion, make myself scarce or just outright argue about it.
… because you’re a Lion secondary.
I can’t lie without feeling guilty. It’s a hassle really, but what can one do? I’ve settled on becoming more authentic and truthful. I don’t want to hurt people with my actions or words. Apparently, I need to show my anger (per my therapist) but how can I do that without crossing any lines? Without making people feel bad?
You’ve probably heard this from your therapist, but sometimes people are just going to find you unpleasant. It’s inevitable, and it’s ultimately not that big of a deal. In the end, everybody is responsible for their *own* emotional well-being.
What if I was wrong for no reason?
… and there’s that exploded Bird primary coming back.
If something has hurt me, I do my level best to never do it to other people. Basically, ‘not hurting others’ is a pretty big rule in my book. It’s one I’ll bend sometimes, but not without reason. After all, a rule that doesn’t have exceptions is either something really obvious (‘no murder’) or something incredibly vague (‘always do good things’).
bird bird bird bird bird
As a kid, I was really power/fame-hungry. Now, I just want to feel secure, without second-guessing myself and my actions. Massive priority shift. Kid me didn’t really think about stuff beyond wanting to be the most powerful person on Earth. I wish I could go back to that.
… do you really though? :) But it is interesting that young you sounds so much like a Glory Hound Lion. I wonder if your Badger-flavored system used to be a lot more Lion-flavored, or if this is maybe a side effect of having a really loud Lion secondary.
I wish I could do things that have a tangible effect on the state of affairs. I wish I could hand-wave the world’s problems away. I wish, at the very least, I had a book telling me what to do, and I how to do it.
THE BOOK FANTASY. You are like the fifth person who has written in with “I wish I had a book that told me what to do.” It’s always in exactly those words too. This seems to be a VERY common Bird primary fantasy.
Although on second thought, I would probably read the book and cherry-pick advice that makes sense to me. And that’s if I even believed the book in the first-place.
… and then the Exploded element of your Bird kicks in.
……..So, I suppose that’s about it. It feels like it’s all over the place, and at more than one place I’ve tmi’d while at the same time not giving enough information. Sigh. I hope though, that it’s enough to sort me with. I would be grateful if you would do so. Either way, thank you for taking the time to read this.
Hmmm. Well, your secondary is pretty straightforward. Lion, with a Bird model. And at the moment your Lion is pretty stressed out, because you’re in an environment where you do not feel able to be truthful and authentic. Primary is harder. Bird for sure, and I think you had a Lion-looking system when you were younger, which you sort of miss. Because at the moment… you’ve put together like a *Burnt Badger* system? Like, community is the ultimate good, but also impossible for you, personally? Trusting the community is impossible, to the degree that even trusting any *information* that gets to you is also impossible? Sorry friend. That sounds brutal. I’m glad you’re taking care of yourself, and I hope you find a better community soon.
#sortinghatchats#sortme#wisteria sorts#birdpri#lion secondary#badger primary vs bird primary#birdsec model#lionsec#bird lion#philosophy stuff
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i have not been active on this blog in a While and being very normal about my old hyperfixation lorien legacies, which has an absolute fuckload of characters to sort, has finally gotten me to crawl out of my hole.
[spoilers ahead for both lorien legacies and its sequel series!]
there is a LOT of ground to cover here, and i am mostly going to limit myself to sorting characters and themes from the first series, but my initial notes are:
probably one of the biggest overarching themes of the series is toxic birdsec, and the harm it can do to every aspect of a society or a person's life--on both a systematic level and an individual one--right down to their basic humanity. by extension it also goes into similarly fucked up lion and bird primary used as weapons and tools of abuse, and how they interplay with each other.
a large part of this stems from setrákus ra being The Worst Fucking Lion Bird Ever to Live, lmao. he's an interesting example of birdsec interplaying with cannibal badger, and also of a lion bird who's a cheetah in that he uses systems as tools to manipulate people instead of actually believing them. he hands out toxic systems like candy while peppering them with outright lies, and blithely admits that even the one that he's put centuries into building--mogadorian progress, and the great book--is at its heart just a ruse to run his cult on. the truth he pretends to worship and champion isn't external, objective truth--it's an extension of him. he is the ultimate truth. and the only truth he believes in is his cause, which is that he has the right and ability to own, make use of, and do whatever he sees fit with everything in existence. everyone and everything that could possibly be a shiny or a tool belongs to him.
one of the other overarching themes is toxic badger primary and secondary--cannibal badgering AHOY--as well as toxic lion primary, and it is a great deal less intentional than the bird cautionary tale part lmao
five is a bird snake with deeply toxic lion primary and bird secondary models, one of which he picked up after getting involved with a cult, and one of which he's had since his abusive birdsec guardian started amputating his masks by trying to apply actor bird to them. :') his brand of birdsplode and snakeburn make him horribly, horribly vulnerable to the cult, especially combined with focused, one-on-one gaslighting and manipulation from setrákus himself, and he has to burn his bird right to a crisp to break away from it. i am very biased and i have so much to say about my boy, but i plan to go in depth about this later
there are a LOT of lionsecs among the loric garde kids. the only surviving ones who aren't lionsecs are marina's badger and five's snake (the latter of which is heavily villainized, lol); number one is either a lionsec or a snakesec, maggie is either a birdsec or a badgersec, and we don't really see enough of hannu to be sure, but my guess is badgersec. in context, whatever these books are saying here i am not sure i like it lmao
this stands in contrast to the non-garde allies, minus adam, who end up being Part of the Gang. sam and lexa are birdsecs, and sarah and malcolm are both badgersecs.
speaking of adam, he is a lion snake with a cool, calculated double bird performance/model, who has been waiting all his life for a chance to go Absolutely Feral. there are a lot of ways in which he's a real shithead, which track given his life and circumstances up to then but are also real 😬 sometimes, but like, good for him. go ape shitt, kid
nine is an awful, AWFUL double lion who models/performs the worst parts of badger primary; he also uses lionsec stereotypes and methods to misdirect people, so that he can hurt, gaslight, prey on, and abuse them. it's genuinely interesting how he does it, and i could go on for a long time about it, but it's also Infuriating because the authors really want you to love him for being a ~charming jerk with a heart of gold,~ so that is for another post. in the sequel series he also picks up a nasty posthumous birdsec model from sandor to gleefully torture children with so lmfao
there seem to be a lot of birdsecs and badgersecs among the mentor cêpans, which tracks, because, well, mentors. interestingly, it seems to be a pattern so far that the birdsec mentors are either some of the most deeply abusive among them (see: rey, sandor, and ethan even though he's an unofficial cêpan), or the most decent parents of them under the circumstances (see: katarina).
john is a hognose (badgery snake) 'i live here' snake lion, and a VERY loud one. he's set on saving the world mainly a) in order to save his People, or b) because it's what they would want. he also believes STRONGLY in snake values as applied to other people, and absolutely cannot grok that anyone would feel differently--he holds back on killing a major enemy because he's worried about killing a friendly acquaintance's Person--and honestly he can be kind of a huge dick about it lmao. he burns HARD at the end of the first series when sarah dies; in the second, he copes by making an entire community into his circle and no longer gives a shit about the rest of the world outside it, including groups who are in similar if not worse circumstances than his community. Horrific War Crimes Ensue!
rex is an everyone double badger and i love him so much. i love him So Much. he is a wonderful example of how to write a morally dubious character whose dodgy qualities interest me instead of making me grit my teeth and Tolerate Them. his arc could have fixed So Much of the Ending's Bullshit and i will be forever mad that they dumped it in the trash
there is more, oh my god there's so much more, this series has SO many characters in it, but this is a start thank you for coming to my ted talk
#lorien legacies#sortinghatchats#sorting hat chats#LL group tag#lion primary#bird primary#snake primary#bird secondary#lion secondary#badger secondary#snake secondary#bird primary model#bird secondary model#badger primary model#hognose#cheetah#superb bird#manul#toxic primaries#toxic secondaries#there is a lot going on here lmao#LL tag
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hi! I hope you're well. I've been thinking about my primaries and secondaries a lot lately. I'm always interested in people and I'm very good with understanding them too: it drives most of what I do, from my job to my choice of education to what I do for fun. ethics in my mind are also a bit contextual because of this: I can't really evaluate an act without knowing more about the person and situation//it's never black and white for me. I'm not an idealist, I think? (1)
I'm already giggling at this. You are such a loud Bird. "Evaluate an act" is an incredibly Bird lens. I think you might be associating Idealists with rigidity, or with certainty. Healthy Birdpris actually make a lot of space for uncertainty and for being able to say they don't have a good conclusion for whether something specific is Right yet.
And Birdpri systems are complex and built gradually over one's life precisely because there's so much nuance to be had in different situations. Not everything is going to run up against the core axioms of your system (things like "human life is inherently valuable" and "unnecessary suffering is bad").
Idealists can value people too. Birds tend to really value understanding others, it's a highly prioritized form of empathy for us, but not everyone works that way. Someone else might say, "I don't understand but I feel for you," or "I don't understand but I want to help, so you tell me what you need." Other primaries value understanding too, but for a Bird it's the first thing we go for--we feel pretty lost if we don't have some model of what's going on.
secondary-wise, much of the understanding of people thing happens sort of subconsciously--I figure out what's happening w people or how they're thinking or what they really want right 99% of the time, and it's always without really thinking about it. when it comes to other things, though, I usually work like this: I plan a thing/reach a solution for a problem, check w one person I trust about whether it works, then I execute. (2)
You've basically written me a flowchart. You lean heavily on plans and processes. Birdsec.
Having a skill down to the point where it works without you thinking about it doesn't make it not a skill; this is a Rapid-Fire Bird thing, not an Improvisational thing.
Checking your work with someone trusted doesn't make you a Badger; in this case it makes you a very meticulous Bird who's using your resources effectively.
I'm guessing at badger primary (I think just ensuring *everyone* is understood well matters the most to me? so it feels like a better guess than the rest rn), but very uncertain about secondary. feels a little gryffy sometimes but not really? I am anti-charging or plowing ahead--plans keep me sane and calm. I also read through multiple posts about shc cross-verifying traits and analyses and had to feel like I was getting nowhere before I sent this, if that says anything? thank you for this! (3)
Again, the "everyone needs to be understood" thing is a Birdpri trait. Why does everyone need to be understood? So that you and everyone else can factor the full context into your personal decision-making systems, of course! If you care about someone, you have a mental model of their needs and priorities and favorite ice cream flavors, right?
Badger language tends to be more like, "everyone needs to be cared for, their voice heard, not forgotten about--they deserve to get the help they need because they're people." But understanding is so important to Birds because a lot of our identity is often wrapped up in our systems, which we see as a thing that can be understood--and not everyone has this intricately defined worldview that they think about a lot and can explain to other people.
Plans keep you sane and calm and you've been problem-solving your Sorting by doing tons of research and cross-referencing everyone's different writing to come up with a mental model of the system to work with. Also, for all the reading you've been doing from probably a variety of different posters, I was the one you chose to write to--probably because my extremely double Bird writing voice sounds comfortingly familiar.
Welcome to the birdhouse, nonny.
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Hello! I cant figure out if i am a bird primary w/a badger truth or a badger primary w/bird model. I prioritize understanding. Finding the truth and connecting with ALL living things. I highly value my independence but i defend all underdogs-including plants and animals. I only ever regret if my actions or words hurt someone, but i will never pretend something is right to spare anothers feelings. Please help?
(heads up, @wisteria-lodge has asked the community if we'd like to help answer asks to get to them more quickly, and this is one that was sent to me! for reference, i'm a birdpri/badgersec with a snakepri model and a whole host of secondary models.)
I prioritize understanding. Finding the truth
understanding and finding truth are extremely birdpri priorities! badgerpris are usually much more straightforward about things like this: what is true is true, and why are we still thinking about it? in other words, truth is still important, but (in my experience) there's not much finding involved.
and connecting with ALL living things. I highly value my independence but i defend all underdogs-including plants and animals.
and those are your truths! truths are important to birdpris, but we're not just completely objective logic machines. our truths can be (and often are) rooted in our instincts of What Feels Right; we are open to being wrong, but that doesn't mean we throw out everything we can't confirm.
so, how often do you examine your beliefs? do you pick over them to find their roots, as the birdpri do? or do you accept them as they are, and focus more on acting upon them, as a badgerpri would?
I only ever regret if my actions or words hurt someone, but i will never pretend something is right to spare anothers feelings.
this part is closer to your secondary house than your primary house! i won't speculate too much, since you don't appear to be looking for help there, but i will quietly wonder whether this might be a human thing and not a house thing <3
final verdict: birdpri+badger truth/solid secondary or badgerpri/birdsec.
#perpetually [surprised pikachu face] at how easily the secondary houses leak into the primary (and vice versa)#i know they are like this And Yet x)#sortinghatchats#ty for sharing your asks wisteria!#anonymous#fez talks#shc community
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Hi, I have a question about distinguishing Bird and Badger secondaries.
My best friend is someone incredibly hard-working who managed to be valedictorian while holding down a part-time job during most of her high school career by sheer force of will and consistency. She's a bit of a workaholic and fairly reliable, which made me think she must be a Badger secondary. However, she's also known for knowing the most random but weirdly useful things. She's always picked up knowledge from the people around her, which sounds very Bird to me. As an example, she could tell which precise techniques a random artist had used just because her brother paints and she learned some art theory from him. She also knows German because a friend of hers is originally from Germany. And many things more, knowing stuff and having unique skills because "I learned it from X" is sort of her thing.
Does this mean she is a Badger secondary, a Bird secondary, one of the two with a model...?? Thanks for your help, by the way!
(for context: @wisteria-lodge asked members of the shc community to help with her ask backlog! I am a lion/bird with badgerpri and badgersec models)
I definitely think there's some Bird in there anon! Picking up knowledge and skills like that sounds very Birdsec to me (and is definitely relatable haha).
As for whether she is a badgersec or is a badgersec model - I think it depends on how she went about achieving those impressive accomplishments you mentioned. Did she take shortcuts or come up with 'hacks' at school or at the part time job? Did she prefer to 'chug along' and work steadily at tasks instead? If she did both, which did she prefer? Were there circumstances when she picked one over the other?
I think these questions will be helpful in determining whether she is a birdsec with no models, a birdsec with a badger model, or a badgersec with a bird model
#sortinghatchats#shc#wisteria-lodge#bird secondary#badger secondary#sorting submission#badger secondary model#bird secondary model
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badger primary + very burnt lion secondary (bird model)
Hi, I’m a Badger primary and stuck between Lion and Snake secondary. I model Bird and Badger over whatever my (probably pretty burnt) secondary is. Would you mind helping me figure it out?
As a kid, I remember being a total joker in class. I thought it was really funny to trick my friends. I got everyone to start chanting at the teacher once. I’d do something daring (for a first grader) like look up “sex” in the dictionary. It basically just said gender and I was confused about what all the fuss was 🤦🏻♀️.
Definitely see why you’re thinking Improvisational secondary. One of the old-school SHC bits of wisdom is that when proud rule-breaking is a personality trait, that’s usually the sign of a Lion secondary.
My mom didn’t want me reading all night so I hid flashlights under my bed and would pretend to sleep if she checked on me. I’d lie and would only feel bad about it if threatened with consequences. If I got in trouble, I’d lie or pretend I didn’t know what I’d been doing.
But I could also see Snake. Being very proud of your ability to lie or pretend is very Snake to me.
In middle school, my learning disability really began to show and I started having anxiety and possibly PTSD after 9/11. (I’m from NY). That’s when the Bird model kicked in.
As it does.
People at my new school didn’t get my humor and took my trolling literally and it was really uncomfortable. Honestly middle school sucked and most of what I remember is just snobby, awful social stuff.
I’m definitely getting Lion secondary here. You are YOU, it’s very important that you be you, and the problem is that other people don’t get you. Snake secondaries aren’t so binary.
Oh I did manage to get a teammate’s cell phone number and pranked them. And I hacked into someone’s AIM account. And one time I got in a fist fight with someone on a different team of mine and then we were best friends. Which is weird, looking back.
awww Lion secondaries making friends :D
High school was really hard because I had a really hard time with the schoolwork (learning disability was still undiagnosed) and with finding good friends. I got in trouble a few times for offending people by repeating things I didn’t know were offensive, I dressed up as someone kinda controversial for Halloween which is honestly still one of the highlights of my high school experience. I tricked this creepy guy who wouldn’t leave me alone and embarrassed him in front of the whole school. But wouldn’t ever insult someone to their face on purpose unless I completely lost my temper.
Obviously you can have a hot temper and not be a Lion secondary… but I’m already skewing in that direction, and everything you’re saying here is supporting it. Kind of getting a kick out of offending people (or making them uncomfortable) is VERY Lion secondary.
I joined the Political Union club and didn’t really debate because I’m terrible at it.
Lion secondaries tend to be pretty bad at formal debate. That’s more a built secondary thing. Great at giving speeches, though :)
I just watched everyone argue and trolled people. I remember one meeting, people started throwing books at each other and it was amazing. That “agent of chaos” answer on the quiz is me haha.
The “agent of chaos” answer is the Lion secondary answer.
I knew the perfect way to get this one teacher to go off on a tangent about the Soviet Union for the entire lesson. I couldn’t keep up with the schoolwork so I’d BS a lot of it and manage to get by. Participation was key to your grade so I’d read just enough to discuss parts of it and then just make throwaway funny comments and ask good questions to beef up my contributions.
I’d say that gaming the system in this particular way (which I completely support) actually sounds like you Bird secondary model. Which makes sense, if the *purpose* of that model is to help you out in an academic setting.
I think I burned after a traumatic event at the end of my senior year. I started modeling Badger secondary hard. Basically just be sweet and helpful and everything will be fine, right? When that did not, in fact, make everything be fine, I pulled out the manipulation to make damn sure people were on my side.
I’m interested in what you mean by “manipulation.” Because while that’s normally a Snake secondary word, I’m not getting Snake Secondary from you. I suspect you may actually parse your Bird secondary as “manipulation,” which is sort of unusual.
I did still troll sometimes, but I haven’t felt playful and fun in so long. I’ve been really depressed over the last few years about some serious medical problems that can’t really be resolved. I just feel flat like a car stuck in park.
Oh ouch. Yeah, that’s a burnt secondary all right.
I’m scared of failing. I’m scared people won’t like me or that I’ll get in trouble. I don’t have the energy to lie convincingly or put on a show but I also don’t feel safe enough to be blunt. I’m reluctantly forcing myself to be diplomatic while screaming inside.
This is portrait of a Burnt Lion secondary. You’re afraid of failing, but failing is necessary and important to Lions. It’s how they change direction. “Being yourself” had gotten you into trouble and made some people not like you, so you’re scared about going there again. You want to be blunt, but it’s too scary. Instead you’re being diplomatic and putting on a show, both things you define as “lying” (very Lion secondary) but it’s incredibly energy consuming.
I don’t know how to go back to how I was. (I am trying to find a good therapist but it’s hard to find one who specializes in all the things I need, not to mention a good fit personality-wise). When I’m not Like This, I can be really charming. I miss it.
Well, a therapist is the first step. I guess my tiny little piece of advice in the meantime, is find a place in your life where you *can* use your lion again. Make that place as tiny and as low-stakes as you need to. Maybe you have an anonymous blog where you shit-post. Maybe you bring out your Lion for just one person. Maybe go to a weekend convention - if it’s three days with people you never see again, who cares if you get in trouble or offend something. Check out the SHC discord server, and see if any of the other burnt Lionsecs have tips. I know Lions are very all-or-nothing, but I’m a Badger. Baby steps are steps.
#sortinghatchats#sortme#wisteria sorts#lion secondary#burnt lion seconday#birdsec model#lionsec#lion vs snake secondary
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I never thought I was a Badger sec modeling Bird until I realized that I made a spreadsheet and emailed it to everyone in the program so they could fill out their info (preferred names, pronouns, and which lab they are in for the program) and get to know each other better XD
It’s a summer program we all just got accepted to, so no one knows anyone yet except each other’s email address from the “To:” section of the email sent from the organizers to us, and the official orientation date is still one month away :3
sooo very Badger (bird model)
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Do you think the fact that so many people model bird and badger secondaries has to do with modern popular culture? I feel like knowledge (more being smart than actual knowledge, which the two don't always go together) and hard work are two highly emphasized parts of society nowadays. Like oh, if you want something work for it. You want success, be smart. Any secondary can be smart, I think Birds just tend to be the ones who that tends to come across the most.
(for context @wisteria-lodge asked other people in the shc community if they were willing to tackle some asks! For context I am a lion/bird with badgerpri and badgersec models)
I think it depends on what you mean by popular culture, anon. If you're referring to societal values then yes, in many parts of the world and sectors of society builtsecs are highly valued. I think this is partially because they feed into meritocratic narratives ('I got this because I worked the hardest' or 'I got this because I came up with the best tools/solution') and partially because they, like the skills that improv secs have, are valuable to communities (creating infrastructure, tools, etc). If you're an American like me the effects of the Puritan work ethic and American dream narratives also play a significant role in how builtsecs are viewed and valued. I do want to note that there are parts of society where improv secs are highly valued. For example in the business world elevator pitches, which play heavily into improvsec skillsets, are valued. 'Thinking on your feet' and improvising is an important part of quite a few disciplines and plays into a lot of 'soft skills' like networking.
If you're referring to pop culture (eg popular movies, tv shows, etc) then I think you can find media that touts every secondary.
I agree with you that any secondary can be smart! I think the Birdsec tendency to hoard and display shiny nuggets of information is what contributes to the 'birdsec = smart' idea.
#sortinghatchats#shc#wisteria-lodge#tagging that so anon finds this ask haha#built secondary#badger secondary#bird secondary
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a bird secondary
Hi! Some time ago I sent an ask about my Primary and you helped me so much, thank you! Burned Snake btw. Anyway, I'm mostly writing again because I thought I'd take a shot at my secondary as well. Pretty sure it's either Badger or Bird. The only improvisational stuff I can think of doing are things like "opening up the fridge and making sth from the ingredients there" or "when trapped, looking for a way out" but I don't think my mind actualy works that way 24/7.
I remember when I was studying, I had in mind what skills people/teachers expected me to have or acquire in order to be a professional in the field so I read books and articles, watched videos, watched movies in order to get a solid foundation.
Yeah, wanting to get a “solid foundation” and feeling off, unstable or unsafe without one is very Built secondary. I’m agreeing so far that you seem Badger or Bird. I think I’m sort of leaning Bird [or Bird model] because of the specific wording of “acquiring skills” but we’ll see.
I also always knew inside if I was near or far from the goal. I remember that even when I was younger I always felt more at ease if I read about sth that interested me before i tried it (let's say, make up).
Reading about makeup is very Bird. A badger would be defaulting to - asking someone else to show them, or just practicing a whole bunch until they get good.
Whenever I get to make a recipe, I always have to check the measurements religiously unless it's something I know how to make because it's second nature.
So... Bird. (Maybe you’ve got a little bit of Rapid-fire bird in there once you get confident.)
I am way more likey to dive deep into something that I am interested in deeply rather that accumulate knowledge simply because it's useful, eventhough I sort of shame myself for not going through it and learning stuff that I know would be very useful to me at any given moment.
This makes me think Bird secondary rather than Bird secondary model. It’s pretty common to think of your own secondary as... not good enough, or too basic to be useful, just because it’s so natural for you.
I think that this is a reccuring theme in my life. At the rare occassions that I actually plan something and do it on time, naturally, without any anxiety of underperforming or learn something at the point of expertise, I feel incredibly powerful (it's kinda scary)
Bird sec.
I'm always torn between being a "one woman island" and "asking people for help" but I think that's because I'm kinda prideful so it gets uncomfortable asking for help on serious matters unless i know I have "that kind of relationship' with someone. I know that I have done the 'I know a guy for that thing' several times in my life.
Well, you’re certainly using a lot of Bird secondary language. Which makes me suspicious :D Why do you want me to tell you that you’re a Birdsec so bad.
(probably because you’re just the teensiest burnt and under-confident in your sorting, and want an affirmation.)
i also like being in a community but I'm not sure if it's fullproof Badger style. i like finding people that we share common interests with or speak a "common language". I will probably become close with only a handful but I don't mind the rest. It's sort of either a picking process from the many or an expansion from the one/few (if it happens)
Wanting to be part of a group is human. Wanting to be part of a group so you can solve problems better is Badger.
I don't know what my stance is on taking shortuts honestly, because I feel that there's some morality tied up to it and it always depends on the situation. I'd rather ultimately not get in trouble and shortcuts of any kind (in serious matters) tend to lead to that so I avoid them. I don't particularly like cheating. Can't say though that if I had a foolproof way of doing it, I wouldn't do it. I just tend to avoid it.
That’s not a Badger answer, and yep. I’m doubling down on Bird secondary for you.
I don't know what more to write honestly, it always feels like I write too much but ultimately, too little. Thank you for your help, if you have any inclination of the secondary I'll be happy to hear it.
Bird secondary, all the way though. This one was easy :D
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Hey I hope this isn’t awkward but that post about your burned badger (lion?) secondary really hit home for me. I’m pretty sure I’ve had the same burned model in the past - I think I started off with a healthier badger/lion model (I can’t figure out which and am still figuring out my sorting anyway) and some external life stuff going on later, I’m really just pushing through and getting stuff done with all the delicacy of a brick. And same here with the emotional rollercoaster ... 1/2
And same here with the emotional rollercoaster of it between panic/apathy. And the burnout. And the ignoring physical pain. And I can see now how this was uh. Pretty unhealthy actually but it really was just so. effective especially given the circumstances and I kind of miss it in a way. It would be nice if I could get back a healthier version of whichever model it was. Anyway I love reading your blog you always have such insightful things to say thanks for reading this ramble <3 2/2
💙💙💙 :D
Not awkward! I'm glad that was useful for someone, rather than just being an angst dump on my part lol
Emergency secondary mode, Badger or Lion?
Links to previous posts:
- post describing my emergency secondary mode (cw for burnout stuff)
- the worst version of this post (cw for terrible memes)
So, after a lot of consideration and chatting with some lovely SHC people (looking at you @mooglesorts and you @magpie-of-a-birb), I've come to the tentative conclusion that I have a Lion secondary performance.
Which is not something I ever expected to say! I've long had a knee-jerk "aaaaa scary!" reaction to Lion secondary, but actually I think that's because I have this performance and I've had to use it in unsustainable ways.
I should probably put a trigger warning here for self harm through overwork... yeah.
So, I found this song:
(While it is a bop, it is also x2 trigger warning combo for self harm ahaha)
This song's primary is exploded Glory Hound Lion--that's not what's relatable about it to me tho. What I wanted my friends' opinion on was the secondary that's displayed here. Sounded familiar. So I brought it up on the SHC Discord server (which is out of beta, dm me for an invite link if you wanna join!).
I was thinking it might actually be the fully Burned "anything that works" secondary, but Magpie was like "no, that's a Lion sec with a Snake model" and I went "huh..."
...and then Moogle was like no that's a snakesec with an unhealthy Lion model, the masks aren't working so they're busting out Lion--and especially there's the focus on the character feeling powerful because they can hurt themself with it and keep going anyway
And I was like "oh shit that tracks more than I was expecting it to... whoops"
Badger hits different without unhealthy pressure
I do have and use a Badger secondary model, and I used to think my emergency secondary mode was just my Badger model taken to unhealthy extremes. But I don’t think so now.
First, because I actually think that my emergency mode is/was often a product of my exploded Badger primary model, which itself idealized Badger secondary.
I'm still picking through that thing's shrapnel and finding its influence in old memories and automatic reactions I still have and stuff like that--not to mention rooting it out of my system. Which is to say, now that I know what I'm looking for, I'm still discovering how far back this thing goes! Turns out I've been trying to whack this piñata for years, and it used to be so much worse.
The self-destructive "I'd rather run myself hard into the ground than fail" nature of my emergency mode makes a lot of sense in retrospect. When you tie your self-worth to achievement... well: the lyrics "I'll never lose / I'll never die" from the song seem less "I have achieved immortality!" and more "I basically equate failure with death." This song really straddles that edge of relatable but also obviously messed up. It's... something.
Second, my Badger secondary model is very different when it's not under pressure from the 'splodey primary model. I'm kind of having to figure out what it's like without that and it's weird. It seems to be a whole lot more chill and also I'm getting more Courtier than I'm used to?
Yeah, turns out if you dig out "you should help other people to justify your existence, but don't accept help back or it cancels it out" from your system (because damn, there's a system piece I didn't look at closely enough) it might have been holding up Courtier potential you haven't been using.
What's the difference?
I don't know who pointed this out first, I think I read it somewhere, but Badger secondary is very process focused and Lion secondary is very results focused. (Bet you this was from @wisteria-lodge. I'm not sure, though.)
Badger usually shows up as a few main things for me: mirroring, chipping away at big projects, picking up life maintenance and self care type tasks (especially when Bird secondary is burned), and caregiving/service stuff. It can also Burn on its own, which is its own brand of "motivation is a cryptid" exhaustion. None of this looks like Lion, so where does the confusion come in?
The only time my Badger model starts to look like Lion--and here the line really blurs with the performance--is when I've tried to get it to do tasks it's not really meant for. There are things I need Bird unburned in order to tackle (perhaps it's the presence of burned Birdsec that gets in the way? That injured confidence can be really debilitating) and I can't do them with just Badger.
I'm sure actual Badger secs know how to, say, learn Adobe Illustrator's unbelievably complicated controls while under deadline using Badger, but I have no clue. I powered through using probably the least efficient controls possible. (If you're using the nudge tool as a form of measurement, you're probably doing it wrong. I'm guessing.)
Needless to say, that's exhausting. I think there's some point in the project timeline where it stops being "well it's not efficient but at least I'm making progress!" and starts being fueled by raw stubborn determination and a little bit of spite. The contentment with the process goes out the window. I'm fighting my own perfectionism (and usually losing) because I just want this thing done.
Which, that's not necessarily a bad thing! Sometimes it's really useful to be able to go "screw it" and charge. It becomes a bad thing when you ignore all your other needs to do it, possibly because you've tied success and/or productivity to your self worth, and also you're still clutching your perfectionism and hissing "my precioussssss."
It's not always obvious, but I sometimes use Lion secondary in ways not connected to the splodey Badger primary model.
(Occasionally it is obvious though... haha)
I do have this one story about realizing my younger brother might be in danger and charging off to find him, armed with a heavy wooden coat hanger against potential assailants. I went from Bird situational analysis to "this is the best weapon I can find on short notice" in like 30 seconds. In my defense, I was very sleep deprived at the time.
(It makes more sense in context.)
(Sort of.)
I think the emergency secondary mode is a Lionsec performance.
This post took me like a month to write even after figuring it out. And then another few weeks collecting dust in my drafts, because how do you edit something like this
But I've been sitting on it for way too long and I'm tired of saying I should finish/post it, and tonight I'm feeling bored and a little impulsive... so, screw it--I'm calling this done.
(can you hear it? it's there... fighting my Birdsec/Badgersec model perfectionism again.)
(this time, I will listen.)
#sortinghatchats#shc performances#gryffindor secondary model#(i don't have tags for performances alas)#hufflepuff secondary model#burned ravenclaw secondary#splodey badger primary model#secondary toast revolving door#asks#paint speaks
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Nonny you sound like me. For context, in the last year or so I've picked up kind of a Snakesec model, alongside having to lean really hard on all my Actor Bird masks for Reasons. Underneath, I'm an obnoxiously loud Birdsec. But I mention that upfront because I'm actually going to talk about this from a slightly different angle.
See, one of the complaints people have with the term "Actor Bird masks" is that "masking" is also the word for when--for one reason or another--you can't trust that the people around you are safe. Not just physically safe, but emotionally: that they won't harass or reject or abandon you. This kind of masking is associated with neurodivergent people, but honestly I don't think it's exclusive to us.
It's that feeling like you're performing pieces of yourself, showing people what they most want or need to see in you. Or maybe you're performing you but more charming, you but more competent, you but more *whatever* that person values. You're prioritizing the other person's (perceived) desires and expectations over your own comfort and authenticity. And sometimes that's necessary, but it's exhausting. It kind of requires you to become hypervigilant in order to do it effectively. Basically, it feels like you're in a job interview, but all the time.
Both the energy drain from ND-style masking and the constant undercurrent of feeling like it's dangerous not to can take a toll on your mental health the longer you have to maintain them. If this is a constant or frequent issue for you, I recommend finding a therapist you click with and just getting that outside check to make sure you're not dealing with undiagnosed trauma and/or neurodivergence, because knowing about those things is important to being able to take good care of yourself.
(Further reading--I saved this post for myself: how to identify masking --and my therapist was like "yup that's a good post" although it is kind of dense and technical.)
So yeah, of course you want to know people are safe to fully be around before they become inner circle. Makes perfect sense. When you're thinking this way, you kind of have to become methodical about how you handle people. I wouldn't rule out Snakepri for you, buuut it's possible you're a slightly crispy one if so. Sorry. ^^;
You've asked, is it okay? Well... in terms of "can you still be a Snake primary," yes, you might be. In terms of whether that's a happy and unburned Snake primary, probably not so much. *hugs*
Is it okay for a snake with bird primary to have no one fully in their inner circle since they're also snake secondary and behave differently with everyone, thus can't know if any of the potential-inner-circle-material people accept all of themself which is one of the criteria for being inner circle?
Hmm. Snake secondaries in the community correct me, but that... doesn't sound like how Snake secondaries think about their shapeshifting. Since the process is automatic, every mask you wear feels like *you.* If anything, that particular angst of 'they don't really like me, they like one of many parts I play' is more Actor Bird.
(and I dunno.... going by this mini-ask... that primary sounds preeetty constructed. I would look into Bird, both primary and secondary, as possibilities. You might be a Double Bird who looks like a Double Snake, like Blackbeard.)
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