#birdboy my beloved
adorablegorilla · 1 year
It's a bit more difficult to kill Degenbrecher in BI-EX-8 than BI-8 since she has a lot more health and the map layout is less convenient for a quick kill.
But only a bit.
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ladyddanger · 2 years
For the c!birdboys request
What about them teaching avian things to Quackity? That man is so repressed i can feel it and i think it would be funny to see Grian and Philza fight over who is teaching him correctly
For you my beloved. A03 link if you wanna read it on there: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42278373
I Hope You Stay
They were all eating simple stew and veggies dinner when Phil offered to let Quackity preen his wings. He brought it up casually enough that Grian knew he had been planning this. Quackity for his part froze on the suggestion. “I’m pretty sure you don’t want me to do that, I'll hurt you.” he said with a forced lightheartedness. Phil snorted. “I doubt that.” He said. Quackity glared. “I can’t.” He snapped and Phil frowned . “If you're not comfortable, we don’t have to.” He said gently. Quackity swallowed relaxing slightly when Phil didn’t push it. “No, I mean I never learned how to preen and shit. I grew up in jail and it wasn’t really the most hybrid friendly place. You know, being in jail and all.” He laughed nervously. Grian shrugged, finishing the last of his stew. “I can help.” He offered. “We both can.” Phil added “If you're ok with that?” Quackity stood grabbing the on empty bowls and bringing them to the sink to wash. Back still to Phil and Grian he spoke. “I’m ok with it.” He said softly. Phil smiled. “Wonderful. I’ll get cocoa and cookies. We can make a night of it.” Quackity nodded. He still looked pale as he dried off the dishes, his wings twitching nervously. Grian stood pushing back his chair with a loud noise. “Quackity and I can get firewood if you want Phil.” He offered. Quackity shot him a grateful look relaxing at the idea of getting fresh air. Phil nodded. “Go for it. I’ll start with the cookies.” Grian and Quackity headed out bundling themselves into thick wool coats and pulling up the hoods.
Even though it was past dinner time the arctic sun was still out flashing off the white snow. Grian started to shiver slightly the moment he stepped outside, his parrot hybrid genes protesting the snow. Quackity as a duck hybrid was built for the winter and happily leaned into the wind. When he noticed Grain shivering he silently stepped in front of Grian, wings spread to block the other from the wind. Grain sighed in relief. “Thanks Q.” Quackity shrugged it off looking a bit embarrassed. As they walked through the snow, Grian hid his joy that Quackity trusted him enough to let his wings close to Grain. Even though Phil had found him in a snowbank all those months ago, Grain and Phil had only seen his wings a few weeks ago when broken bones and deep cuts were bad enough that it made him sick and feverish and Phil was forced to unbind his wings while Quackity screamed and fought him, dragging his nails over Phil’s skin and leaving deep weeping cuts behind. Even after Quackity had been forced to keep his wings out he still refused to let them touch his wings. Instead he cleaned them himself every night brushing out his feathers and carefully pulling out the bad ones. Grian should have realized he had no idea how to properly preen himself when Quackity pulled a feather so hard he drew blood. All this time Quackity had simply been copying what he had seen Phil doing.
“Quackity?” The duck hybrid, a few steps ahead of him, had reached the wood pile and was bundling spruce logs into his arms, wings still open to shield Grian. “Yeah?” Grian stepped around him to grab logs of his own, careful to stay out of his blind spot. “You know if you asked I’m sure Phil would be happy to preen your wings.” Quackity huffed. “I don’t need help.” He snapped. Grain smirked. “Yes you do. You suck it.” Quackity’s mouth fell open. “Go fuck yourself.” He snapped. Grian raised his eyebrows. “Right here? I mean you’re a handsome man Quackity-” Snow hit him in the face. Quackity snickered as Grian coughed, shaking snow out of hair. “Yeah that's right bitch. See if I shield you from the wind now.” Grain lunged after him only stopping to grab snow from the ground, almost dropping his wood as did so. Quackity yelped and and took off towards the house. The sun was setting down as they raced up the porch and into the house. “Take off your boots!” Phil yelled from the kitchen where he stood over the stove. By the time Quackity and Grain kicked off their boots and piled the wood in the fireplace, Phil had made a plate of cookies and three cups of coco. They had made the batch of cookies a little while ago. Grian and Quackity had spent the whole time fighting over how much sugar to use and how long to mix the ingredients while Phil actually baked. By the time Grian and Quackity had reached an agreement, signed with a peace treaty, Phil had put the cookies in the oven. Phil making the cookies was probably the only reason they were good enough to eat, considering Quackity was banned from the kitchen after his “mystery pot pies'' had caused widespread food poisoning and Grian was “suspended” from the kitchen after lacing the food with magic hair dye. In his defense Quackity with blue hair had been very very funny. Quackity had disagreed. The door slammed knocking Grain out of thoughts as Phil walked back into the living room setting the tray down. “Ready?” He asked. Quackity swallowed “I want help with preening my wings.” He blurted. If Phil was surprised he hid it well. “Alright. I’d be happy to help.”
Quackity nodded glancing at Grian. Grian gave him what he hoped was a reassuring smile. Quackity smiled back, slightly shakily and grabbed a green mug which didn’t hide his shaking hands. Phil sat down next to him, careful to stay in Quackity’s seeing side. “How do you want to do this?” Quackity shrugged. “However you want.” He mumbled, his voice was softer than Grian had ever heard it. Phil nodded. “What about I preen your wings, and then you can do Grian’s?” Quackity nodded and pushed himself to sit in front of Phil. His shoulders were tight with nerves. Phil softened his voice. “Try to lower your shoulders.” Quackity lowered his shoulders, his eyes were squeezed shut, his chest heaving up and down. Phil hummed. “Alright.” He ran his fingers through Quackity’s wings, slowly as if feeling them out. From the floor he grabbed a wooden Pencis from the flower. It was shaped like a small comb with iron teeth curved to mimic a break or claws to draw dirt and dust out. Phil lifted Quackity’s left wing and held it in his hand before carefully running it between the feathers. Dirt, blood and dust fell to the ground around them. Quackity’s body seemed to relax. He took a slow bite of the sugar cookie he was almost crushing to death. Phil paused. “Is this ok?” Quackity nodded. “Yes.” He said, his voice was rougher than normal but his hair hung over his face not allowing Grian to see his expression. Phil smiled. “I’m glad. You’re doing great.” As he kept working, every so often Phil stopped to clean the brush with warm water. Finally he lowered the left wing and picked up the right wing and started to do the right one.
Quackity slowly kept eating his cookie, dipping it on the hot coco. Grian sighed and leaned over resting his head on Phil’s shoulder. He couldn’t help it. Even just seeing another bird hybrid being preened activated his instincts making him want to be close to others. Phil chirped lightly to him. Chirps and body languages were the main way Bird Hybrids liked to talk with each other. That sound and the way Phil flicked his wings asked a gentle question if Grian was alright. Grian chirped up and opened his wings and then slowly closed them to show that he was fine. Phil smiled. “Alright Big Q. I've started preening ok?” Quackity nodded, sitting the third cookie he had gotten, down. His eyes shut as if bracing for a hit.
Phil sat down on the Pencis as it was easier and gentler to use your fingers. Quackity flinched hard as Phil slowly started to run his fingers over the feathers flicking them into place. Quackity sighed. His body relaxed, slumping forwards. His eyes shut sleepily. Phil made a concerned noise. “Quackity are you ok?” Quackity blinked. “It doesn't hurt.” He said a slight slur to his words. Phil went still. “Does it usually hurt?” Quackity nodded. “It hurt when my husband did. My feathers are difficult to preen so he would just have to pull them out.” Phil’s face darkened. “No feather’s are that difficult to preen. That never should have happened.” Quackity’s chin dipped. “Oh.” He said softly.” Phil quickly gentled his voice. “You have beautiful wings, Quackity.” Quackity blinked. “Thank you.” He mumbled and if his voice sounded thick Grian and Phil didn’t mention it. Phil kept working and as he did Quackity slowly relaxed more and more until he was slumped on Phil’s chest, eyes shut soft, nearly purring noise coming from his mouth. Phil kept working on his wings hiding a soft smile. “Do you want to try doing Grian’s wings?” He asked after a moment. Quackity nodded happily. Grian narrowed his eyes. “Don’t break anything.” Quackity smirked. “Fuck you.” He said with no anger. Grian braced himself as gentle hands brushed his wings. Every single avian had different ways to preen. Quackity’s style was awkward but gentle. He moved like he was holding himself back as much as possible, hands moving clumsily through Grian’s wings. Grian chirped. “Is this ok?” Quackity asked, nerves clear in his voice. Grian nodded. “Yeah you’re doing great.”
Quackity sat up straighter. “Good.” He said trying to be smug but he couldn’t hide the smile in his voice. Grian relaxed backwards. He wasn’t sure when they had finished but at one point Quackity had dragged blankets and pillows into a huge nest on the floor. Grian was half asleep by the time Quackity was done leaving him flopped on the ground. Next to him Quackity spread his wings now shiny with wing oil. He purred softly again. Phil glanced over. “Everything ok Quackity?” He asked. Quackity nodded. “Thank you.” He said. “For this I mean.” Phil smiled. “Yeah.” Quackity grabbed another one of Grian’s cookies. Grian pretended not to notice he was too lazy to yell at him. Instead he waited until Quackity wasn’t looking and grabbed two cookies back. Phil raised his eyebrows at Grian but did nothing. The fireplace crackled as Grian shut his eyes. "Flock." he thought and for the first time it felt true.
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ghurab-alzilal · 9 months
Damian, smirking : You made my wife mad.
Random villain: So what? Are you going to torture and kill me?
Damian: Oh, no, she can do that herself. But while she's making you reconsider your whole life and beg for a swift death, I'm going to destroy all what you are, ruin your reputation and tarnish your name forever.
Raven: *appears from out of the shadows*
Damian: Have fun, beloved!
Random villain: No... Wait- Come back, birdboy!
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5blondeboytoy5 · 4 months
What's your favorite LIs ranked in DoL?
ok so…
1. whitney, my beloved darling dearest
2. sydney, especially corrupted sydney (i’ve got a thing for corruption both ways
3. kylar, stalking is so hot (FICTIONALLYYYYYY!!!!!) he’s so pathetic and i’m just his absolute dream girl
4. black wolf, i love dogboys but he’s not a love interest and also barely fucks you???? am i missing something????
5. alex milk me please
6. robin idrgaf he annoys me and i wish there was a way to not have to pay for him and not torture him. imo he’s boring i just can’t….but he’s so pathetic i just feel bad
7. eden, i don’t find his description that attractive and im just. nor into him that much esp as a presumed high school girl yknow???? he’s in like his 40s and wants a housewife like id rather make whit breakfast
8. avery, annoying asf like….i understand you’re meant to meet him on dates and such so his dismissal and obsession makes sense but from my characters perspective he just gets obsessed and won’t leave her alone???? like dude…. leave me ALONE i never stood you up because i never agreed to a date
9. great hawk i’ve never even met him in my main because i really do not care about fucking birdboys and also the alleged oviposition and eggs in the next update grosses me out
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Hey birdboy, tell me about your ocs, I’m interested
youre getting a ramble about the characters from my wip: built on bones and flowers!!! i would explain the worldbuilding and stuff but im tired and dont have the time to type all that out when this is about the characters
the first character we're going to be talking is antoine villeneuve :) he/him, about 32 years old. basically he was a nobleman, raised to be the perfect gentleman–the perfect son, then his parents died when he was around 18 and he was forced to find an identity outside of that which hes having trouble doing. hes like overly formal to the point where it loops right back around to socially awkward.
next up is vixen valentine! any pronouns, anywhere from 12 to older than time itself.(this is a joke. in actuality they're anywhere from mid 20s to mid 30s probably) local openly genderfluid and polyamorous goth, i wrote her to force antoine to have friends if im being quite honest, everyone either loves him or hates them, xe refuses to go to therapy. lives in a constant state of moral crisis over wanting to fuck antoine. most iconic and hilarious character ive ever written.
celestine maxwell :) they/fae/she, mid 30s. proof everything you need in life is a transfem inventor girl, proudly aromantic and pansexual. has a sexual relationship with vixen but otherwise the two are friends who find eachother unbearable to be around. raised by her two loving dads, grew up in poverty, had to claw her way up the social ladder. out of the characters, fae is the most vocal about activism and politics.
arden clayborne my beloved <3 xe/he/they, late 20s. autistic, dyslexic, and tired of being babied because of it. in a casual open relationship with vixen, has something gay going on with celestine. ace and biromantic :) had like the exact opposite childhood to celestine, she grew up a trans girl with two dads in poverty, xe grew up a trans boy with two moms in a relatively rich family. sort of the "happy, carefree, silly goofy friend whos there when you need a break from the world" of the group
melian doyle (beautiful wet cat of a man) he/him, anyone where from mid 30s to early 40s. bisexual, homoromantic, and somewhere on the aromantic spectrum; uses bi and gay interchangeably for himself. had a failed relationship with vixen a few years ago. depressed and exhausted coffee addict. tired dad of the group. grew up in an orphanage. needs a hug, a warm blanket, and some chocolate milk if im being quite honest.
i would talk about analie, alexandria, and silas as well but im tired and words are kinda hard right now so um. have this. and know you might get more later
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 9 months
ah shoot it’s going to have to be later
ahhhhh why did i get this idea at the wrong timmmmmeeeeeeee??????
broncrow is officially a Character I Like (TM) because otherwise, i wouldn’t have this problem.
broncrow my beloved
AGAHH I’m seriously so glad you like broncrow so much,,, 😭😭 WE CAN ENJOY BIRDBOY TOGETHERRR
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maddenrichard · 1 year
@kdsburneraccount and @mandaluskaya most beloveds both tagged me
fave color: dark brown
song stuck in my head: duvet by bôa
3 favorite foods: i answered something similar a while ago, so here’s three more - pretzels, key lime pie, fried catfish
last thing i googled: phantasmal force 5e
dream trip: first, italy with my sisters. second, i would actually genuinely love to see the grand canyon. pretty much any weird rock formation in the world, i wanna see
anything i want right now: the spirits told me max fried is going to pitch a shutout tonight
3 ships: currently? warmonger peepaws (icemav), weird girl and the cool rock she found (callowmoore), birdboys (traebogi)
last movie: clear and present danger (1994)
currently watching: magic johnson larry bird college rivalry documentary on youtube
currently working on: photoshop is open i fear
comfort food: plain bagel w butter and cinnamon sugar
tagging: @allstarzachlavine @jodielandons @captainson @maxikleber @lights-out-go
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Birdboy my beloved
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strikethree · 6 years
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(part 1) (part 2)
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A/N: HEY BITCHES, IT'S FINALLY FINISHED !!! This is the last part of the fluff alphabet and omg I thought it was never going to happen bc I've been busy doing life stuff and well my brain had been focused on some other stuff. Either way, here she is! hope you like it anddddd if you want me to do something in particular I'm down for it! I'll write about this birdboi or our beloved silverboi any time. xoxo
S - Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Your boyfriend is your biggest fan! Into his eyes, there is nothing you cannot do! Seriously, you are the most capable, powerful and decisive person he's ever met. Or so he thinks, Warren's perception of you can be a little love-clouded sometimes, which can get annoying because of how high the pedestal he's put you in can be. And it sucks because there had been numerous times, mostly at the beginning of your relationship, where all you wanted to do was to rant out about how, for example, calculus' final was driving you insane or how the newest move Mystic showed you was anatomically impossible, yet Warren's new-found cheerleadingness, even though well-intentioned, was pushing your buttons.
You had decided against saying anything to Warren in fear of accidentally hurting his feelings, after all, Warren being optimistic was a rare sight, and you sure didn't want to be the cause for him to shut down again, especially over just a dumb pet-peeve of yours. So you just let it slide until Warren started to notice how sometimes when he'd tried to lift your spirits up by praising you or degrading the seriousness of the problem, how obviously uncomfortable it made you. he never addressed the elephant in the room, again, he's more actions than words, so he simply stopped, or so he tries to.
He keeps it down a notch nowadays. Wich in itself is a titanic task for him because honestly he just can't help it. But he's working on it.
T - Thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Yes, I cannot stress this enough, Warren is a bird at his core. And just like birds, who thrive on routines, so does he. Therefore one would suspect a relationship with him would be doomed to become repetitive and boring. But they couldn't be more wrong!
It is this bird-like personality that pushes him out to pursue adventures quite often. There is nothing your boyfriend craves the most than freedom, so whenever things start getting too monotone the saying "feeling like a caged animal" cannot be more accurate for him.
Thanks to this, your relationship is filled with exciting and thrilling experiences, making up for those in-between more monotonous times.
U - Understanding - How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He has a keen eye for understanding people. What used to be a liability for him growing up, always investing himself in other peoples lives more than he should. Like the time 8-year-old, Warren managed to sneak out one of his mom's diamond necklaces for Vicka, his nanny, to wear at her College's graduation party. He knew how much money she had spent for her parents airplaine tickets from Danemark to New York and how she was barely making ends meet. And he also knew how his mom wouldn't notice if one of the hundreds of pieces of jewellery she owned magically disappeared for only a few hours. But she did. Without little Warren realising it.
He never saw Vicka again before that. The next time he did was the night she saved his life when he turned 14.
So yes, The Angel of Death is capable of empathy and understanding people's needs. Therefore it is to nobody's wonder he knowing you like the palm of his hand. He can read you like an open book, each and every mannerism of yours, the way your head tilts to the left when you are curious about something or to the right when you are in disbelief of anything. How you always raise your voice the slightest when speaking to Peter, thinking it will make him pay attention to what you're saying instead of losing his focus (it barely works but you can't help to keep doing it) or how it becomes softer and almost motherly when speaking with Kurt.
V - Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is its worth in comparison to other things in their life?
He knows exactly what it is like to have it all and lose it all. But has never thought about what it would be like for him if you were suddenly out of the equation. And quite frankly, it isn't something he likes to think about. So he doesn't, even the thought of it sends shivers down his spine. Warren Worthington III became was the universal heir to a generational wealth which, after his parent's death granted him the title by Forbes of "The richest man under 30 years old".
Yet he would burn each dollar, shred every painting, smash every statute, destroy all the cars and properties he owns if having to choose between having all that or you.
W - Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon
Warren loves waltzing with you at any given time and at any given place!
Growing up Warren used to spend most of his nights on Galas, state dinners, balls and many more black-tie gatherings. Therefore it was a necessity for his mother her child had the best dance instructor from an early age. As he grew older Warren took a liking for dancing, mostly because of the amount of praise he will always get from his audience. the way he effortlessly swang through the dance floor was impressive enough for his mother to wonder whether or not her son should take his hobby to a more professional direction.
He hadn't realised just how much he missed dancing until he moved into Xavier's. To be more precise, during the New Year's Eve party. It was 11:50 PM, dinner was over and the newly made dance floor was already packed. You never took your boyfriend as the dancer-type of guy so when he pulled out his hand for you to take, guiding you straight to the centre of it, you were beyond surprised.
He danced with you even after you had ditched the high heels and Warren his tux jacket and bow, after the music had died down and everyone had left, you kept softly waltzing until the first rays of the sun from a new year hit your tired yet content faces.
From that day on, Warren love dancing even more.
It was one of the very few things he was never self-conscious of. It never bother him when people stared because if he was being honest, each time he twirled you around the mansion's kitchen or swirled with you in the foyer, the world seemed to evaporate.
X - XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Everybody knows your boyfriend isn't someone to joke with, even after having his horseman wings removed Warren remained with an imposing presence. Everywhere he goes places go silent, people hunches down and children stare. Perhaps it's due to the spiked leather garments, face tattoos and punkish hairstyle alongside his aloof attitude. It's not like it bothers him though, he loves it! This is why he is not wailing to let go of his "bad boy aesthetic" for a pair of doe eyes and a cute smile.
Or so he used to say.
This was one of the main reasons why he established the rule of keeping the PDA to a minimum when you started dating. But each time his body ached for your gentle touch after he had to detangle himself from you whenever someone burst in into the common room, or how he would miss the warmth from your lips when he had to let go of your embrace because he felt some staring eyes or how he would still crave for the relaxing feel from your fingers scratching his scalp after he forced himself up from your lap because he heard approaching footsteps. He cursed himself for having such a stupid rule, each and every single time.
So he ditched it!... Partially, he's still slightly reluctant about it (thank his upbringing for this) but at least he won't yerk up from the couch he had been napping on next to you every time he hears a foreign voice.
Y - Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Warren loves you and adores spending time with you. Yet he also cherishes his solitude.
Life in the streets can make anyone overly independent, in the end, if you don't look out for yourself nobody else will. Although it's a great skill to have, it might come across as an inconvenience sometimes, especially in the "relationship field". One of the main reasons why it's hard for them to be in long-term relationships is due to their inability to ask for help of any kind, they will get overwhelmed by their loss of privacy, the need to think about two instead of one, the pulling and stretching boundaries all the time, etc. And Warren was not the exception.
But neither were you.
This is why he felt so drawn to you, to begin with. Even way back to when you two first met, you never pushed it. Never impose yourself on him, never stick around longer than he was okay with. Always allowing him to be the one to decide whether or not he wanted to prolongate his time with you. Until he realised that, the brief chats in the hallways became all-nighters on the rooftop, the sporadic movie nights and picnics near the lake were now a weekly ritual, and what he believed would be a once-in-a-lifetime experience, the morning he woke up next to you instead of all by himself, was now what he treasured the most at the beginning of every day.
Even when he cannot get enough of you, there are times when life becomes too much for him to handle, when even his own breathing pisses him off and the world is too bright and everyone is too loud. When he disappears. Sometimes for a few hours, sometimes for a few days, but he always comes back, back to you. Because even when he needs his alone time, he needs you more.
Z -Zeal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Warren is the biggest simp ever to simp. To him, there are no impossibles when it comes to you. Without exaggerating, your man will kill and die for you! THAT IS IT! No need for explanations, he has killed before so it is obvious how he won't hesitate to take the life of anyone who would put yours in danger.
In conclusion, what I'm trying to say is: the sky is the limit, there is nothing he wouldn't do for you.
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rhaenyratargeryn · 2 years
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my: Mass Effect
Mass effect my beloved
Favorite character: This is actually HARD??? I love so many of them. I will go with a tie between Tali and Garrus.
Least Favorite character: Uhhhh probably like... Jacob or something? Idk it's not his fault they did the man so dirty in ME3. Really dropped the ball on a lot of ME2 characters carrying forward when ME2 was SO fantastic.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Shakarian, Shenko...whatever Shepard x Tali is called... also a fan of Javik x Liara and Kal'Reegar x Tali.
Character I find most attractive: .... I mean. The raptor man. It's his voice and his personality and his values tho completely. He is a very handsome birdboy, but at the end of the day everything I love about Garrus relates to who he is rather than what he looks like.
Character I would marry: Garrus I MEAN--
Character I would be best friends with: Tali ;; she is so sweet and nerdy and also she has a shotgun.
a random thought: that Jack and Tali were not options for fem!Shep haunts me to this day.
An unpopular opinion: I don't think it is an unpopular opinion more just a Strong opinon but DESTROY IS THE ONLY VALID ENDING.
My Canon OTP: Shakarian <3
My Non-canon OTP: HMMM-- idk. Tali x Kal'Reegar?
Most Badass Character: GOD how can I pick just one?! I mean. It's Shepard. But also like high contenders are Miranda, Jack, Wrex and Garrus.
Most Epic Villain: Saren. Best villain of all three games full stop.
Pairing I am not a fan of: ... I honestly can't think of any. I did get lowkey jealous when Garrus and Tali hooked up on my shenko playthrough LOL
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Thane and Jacob in ME3. They could have done so much more with those two but they really got sidelined.
Favourite Friendship: Liara and Tali's friendships are my favorites.
Character I most identify with: Probably Tali! She is a tech geek, I'm a... well. Geek.
Character I wish I could be: Oooo Kasumi. Cool thief gagets and a neat outfit.
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iwritethat · 6 years
Raven: Gods and Demons
A/N: Because Raven is wonderful and I warn it’s not the best but I did want to write something.
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"(Y/n) you're not going... being human and all without any abilities suited to visiting Hell... you'd put yourself in danger." Starfire quietly noted, the others apparently in unanimous agreement. This was not what you wanted to hear, the complete opposite in fact.
The villains of this planet were simply agitating, you could deal with the petty plots of world domination which inevitably were brought to an end by the heroes but Trigon's Demons dabbling in kidnapping was another story.
"I can handle myself, now I would like to use one of Raven's spellbooks to open a dimensional portal, then I can go get her back." It was an effortless statement, hands on your hips in determination as you stared down the Titans.
Part of you was grateful that they were attempting to protect you but they did not know you like Raven did, they saw you as an average civilian who'd be of no use in the battlefield - though you had never given them a reason to believe otherwise.
"You must understand why we can't let you do that (Y/n)! We've got Titans East on their way as backup." Nightwing slid in front of you, blocking your path with the best intentions.
"You either let me through birdboy or I get through by force." It was a warning, one that admittedly concerned the others - there was something about your voice that made your threat believable, like you could take them all out with ease.
It was apparent this wasn't going the way you wanted, your friends valued your safety and with a flash of lightening sparking outside it was clear your inner frustration was growing. Finding the necessary components was simple as you knew Raven’s bedroom like the back of your hand, and once hauling a familiarly engraved box from the bottom of her wardrobe you silently thanked the demonic woman for keeping your battle armour. You'd equipped yourself with your own personal weaponry and headed back to the centre of the tower only to find a combo of the Titans and Titans East prepared to greet/stop you.
"Damn Midgardians." You scoffed, twirling your royally crafted golden dagger and readying a battle stance of your own.
Kid Flash was fast, but the millisecond he sped towards you he ended up on his back, Kori came next but she wasn't as strong as you were especially with your determination empowering your movements. You caught her burning hands effortlessly, Starbolts fizzling out in your palms as you sent her pummelling into the opposing wall - the display halting all oncoming attacks from the others. You'd taken down one of their strongest with little less than a test of strength as you didn’t wish to cause harm instead opting to dissuade them from stopping you, it seemed like a fruitless battle to continue. Brushing off your armour, you cast open a Nethergate and briefly throwing a glance back to an awestruck group of comrades.
"Now, if any of you wish to accompany me to Hell you are very welcome." With that, you soon found yourself surrounded by grotesque demons in the fiery pits of Trigons playground but the lightning blazing off of you like a live wire certainly assisted in your assault.
The heroes stumbled through battle ready, however dropped all offensive actions when they witnessed your utter trail of destruction and could only watch on in sheer disbelief. They'd obviously accompanied you to save their beloved comrade but were simply awestruck by the amount of power a 'human' possessed. It was clear you were no ordinary civilian like they had originally perceived and the screeching demons were proof of that. Raven was in wrapped in your arms as soon as you could reach her, clutching the enchantress with joy radiating from your figure.
"(Y/n)! What are you doing here?!"
"Here? I survived Valhalla lest we forget, this was a piece of cake Angel." You grinned back at your girlfriend, offering a laugh to ease her worries. Despite the furrowed brows and flushed features at the nickname she nodded in acceptance, enjoying the comforting warmth you’d always emit.
Gently you placed an arm around her waist so she could lean her weight on you since she was basically exhausted, but still strong enough to make it back to her team.
"My father approves of you by the way, says you're a formidable opponent love." Raven smiled to herself, voice quiet but grateful as a gleam glazed over her crimson crystal.
"Hah, well you'd know that well enough. Us Asgardians are strong warriors, my Master Thor is one of the most famous 'myths' here in Midgard." You responded with a smirk, your girlfriend was the only one who knew about your sacred heritage.
"Asgardian?! As in Asgard, like Odin, Thor and Loki?! You're one of them?!" Beast Boy exclaimed, skidding to a halt in front you and Raven who only sighed in exasperation.
"Yes, that's correct."
"Raven! You're dating a god/goddess and you didn't even think to tell us friend?" Starfire flew over this time, eager to understand your origins and relationship with her comrade.
"I didn't think the details were necessary. (Y/n) is a big part of my life - I did technically tell you about them." Your partner was rather smug about her answer which is why you loved her so much.
Eventually you made it back to the tower and we're bombarded by a horde of questions that you could barely keep up with, meanwhile Raven began to heal herself beside you finding her friends pure disbelief amusing.
"How does your hair look so good after battle?" The green furred member brightly inquired, before receiving a comment from Kid Flash.
"Huh maybe it's Maybelline."
"Maybe it's the blood of my enemies."
Raven gave you a playful nudge in the arm at your quick witted reply, Kid Flash stiffening slightly which caused you to laugh.
“Thank you (Y/n), truly I’m honoured to have such a kind partner.” Raven managed, offering you a shy smile and as always she was ever grateful to have you in her presence.
With a pleased demeanour, your fingers intertwined and you joyfully pulled your girlfriend along with you as you backtracked across her lounge.
"Anytime Rae, you’d do the same for me. It was nice to properly meet you guys but I originally came here for a particular reason. So are ya ready to see Asgard?"
"WHAT?!" Their mouths fell agape, sure they now knew you were a God but to find out Raven was taking time off to visit Asgard was more than they could take in a day.
"Raven knows how to pick 'em huh Dick?" Kori beamed, practically radiating positivity.
"Yeah... I still can't believe (Y/n) beat us and those demons so effortlessly, Asgardians are probably just as strong as Diana." Nightwing added, contemplating the possibilities of your race.
"Aside from the fact (Y/n) can control lightning too." Damian added with his deadpan tone.
"-TT- Thor is her teacher Nightwing, and you think that lightning storm was just coincidence? No, (L/n) can control it. This is exactly why I'm the blood son." The youngest brother tutted with a shake of his head. Maybe they should consider asking you to join the Titans when you both returned.
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nagdabbit · 2 years
kenny, my beloved, dunking Real Hard on william birdboy i love, and i cannot stress this enough, to see it
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lengthy-artery · 6 years
for the question game 10, 13 and 25:) have a good day
End of the year asks! 
10) Something that made you cry this year?
As always, laughter. I rarely cry from sadness but I cry from laughter all the time. The most recent time I cried was yesterday afternoon, watching Hot Fuzz in a blanket fort with my most beloved techies from the musical theatre society. One of our new techies was going back home to Australia (she was only here for the semester) and she’d never seen Hot Fuzz so we showed it to her. Hearing five techies perfectly recite, in unison, entire scenes as a very confused Australian watches on is an incredible experience.
13) How was your birthday this year?
That’s a very good question... I don’t actually remember. I know that I had a birthday, but I don’t think I did anything special. I think I just studied. 
25) Did you create any characters (in games, art, or writing) this year? Describe one
Oh my god, yes. This year I started running my own DnD campaign, which meant endless NPCs. The best-recieved so far have been Forthright Bucket, owner of the Bucket and Scoop Tavern who is basically Brian Blessed but more, and I Will Face God And Walk Backwards Into The Nine Hells Johnson, the travelling mortician. I also joined a DnD campaign this year! Tomorrow I’m going to start playing my birdboy ranger, Kivam! He’s very quiet and very observant and he loves quietly goading people into doing stupid things so that he can watch the fallout :D
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windmill-ghost · 3 years
More people should read Choujin X so there can be some fanart of my beloved birdboy
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stay--satan · 7 years
But he’s all mine and I’ll love him - Older!DAMIAN WAYNE X READER
Can you do prompts 6 and 11 with Damian, please? Also I’m really excited for upcoming work! Good luck :) - 6. “Are you even happy?” - 11. “Am I even enough?”
hey hey i love your wally piece and i was wondering if you could do 23 with either dick or damian? thanks! - 23. “We’re not Rose and Jack, we’re more like fucking Sid and fucking Nancy”
I think I took too deep this one, might be the saddest thing on earth
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The team had comeback from a mission that left Y/N, Raven and Aqualad protecting the tower while Robin, Beast Boy, Starfire and Kid Flash left for a three months undercover mission. Y/N is the team's hacker and watcher, taking control over the fights from the outside while both of them kept the city safe. But again, the three of them never were too much of talking so now with the room crowded again with a welcome reunion after months in silence it was difficult. She didn't know many details about the undercover, but Wally said it was one of the roughest they ever had been. Being someone else for months was dangerous enough to change the real person from the inside. Though he seemed okay, she saw Kori flinch a bit when they jumped to hug her and Beast was definitly faking his smile as he was surrounded by his friends. And of course, there was Damian.
Y/N felt her heart stop for a minute as he walks in the room with his bag. The tall boy is tired and more pale than she remembered. He doesn't even glance a look at her direction, he just walks straight to the elevator going to his room. Y/N feels the pity look of her friends over her and a hand over her shoulder "Don't be mad with him... I guess he and Kory had the most intense part."
Two days has gone by and Damian hasn't left his room. She tries to see him over the security camera in his room but he had put a 'DON'T DISTURB' stick over it. She hears every now and then one of her teamates knocking on his door and placing the food there. Mostly of the times she passed through the hall and the food was still there after hours. Y/N thinks about how many times she thought about knocking there to check on him, or just using her spare key and holding him without telling nothing. But she knew Damian better and he would be gone of the room before she was in the middle of the hallway. So she decides to talk to Kory who was still a bit off from herself, but was open to talk about it.
"You don't have to if it's..." "It's okay Y/N..." The orange woman gives a warm smile to her "I need to snap out of it" Starfire, the woman who Y/N admired for her entire life, was now in front of her looking so fragile like a human being. "We got separated before we landed. It would seem to suspicious if 5 people showed up in the city at the same day. We're suposed to look for this man, Hugo. He controlled H.I.V.E after Grant Wilson's death. But we wanted to get to know everyone around him and all his tatics before we could come up with something over them, I mean, H.I.V.E hasn't moved in years so why start while we are away?" she sighes adjusting her posture "We used this mission also to test our undercover watch, it made us look like someone else. So Wally and Beast went to downtown and me and Damian to near the docks where we believed it would be the criminal's spot. We found a few suspects on our first week, but you know how man are... They don't trust you unless they have something in return." Kori looked to her hands "They locked me and when I woke up, I saw myself again as a slave." her voice is rough, Y/N wanted to hug her but she knew there wasn't nobody like Y/N who could listen to her for this time. It's a difficult thing to tell the others and if she ever mentioned to Grayson... God there wouldn't be a a living soul in that city "I menaged to keep myself strong knowing that if anyone crossed a line with me I could burn that place down, but I coudn't help but think about the other girls you know? I know there is so much pain in this world, I just never thought I would see right in front of me and not being able to do anything for months you know?" Y/N's heart was broken. She rushs to hug her friend "Kori, you're amazing. Every single day that you're here it's the day I am proud of you. After everything you've been through I look at you and see the most strong woman I know. We can't save everyone from this, but you did the best you could" The oldest gives a corner smile to the girl "Well, I did break everyone's legs on our last day. Sent that girls back home and I feel good. I really do. But I need time" "Of course..." you grin letting her go from your embrace "About Damian... He was in South from where I was. From what I heard he was the biggest dealer from there, building his way up. Look Y/N, I don't know what he did... But it broke him. He didn't said a word the entire way over." You nodded to her finally knowing what to do.
Y/N opens the door seeing her long-term boyfriend sleeping. She walks over him carefully sitting across from bed messing his hair. The green eyes wide open in shock grabbing her hand roughly and she gaps "Hey, birdboy. It's me..." she whispers trying to calm him down. Damian finally has a clear vision of her and sits straight in the bed "What time is it?" shaking his head and rubbing his eyes "Late. I'm sorry I had to see you" "Yeah. Sorry I..." "No need" she smiles looking at his face. His eyes were not meeting hers by any point and she notices some new scars over his body. "You need some time" He finally looks at her, but his eyes are different. They have this guilt, angry and arrogance that she never saw before. At least not to her. Damian grunts "Time?" he leaves the bed letting her sit alone. She follows him with her eyes and he goes to the bottle of whiskey that now is part of his room. This wasn't there the last time she visited him, she thought. She also never saw Damian as a drinking type like Jason or Bruce. He puts over a glass to him turning his back to her "Time is what no one have." "I talked to Kori..." the girl's voice is a little louder now to make sure he was listening "She is taking hers and I suggest you do the same" "I am fine, Beloved." he turns to her with the glass on his hand. The nickname he used to call her now don't seem that familiar "Do you think some low key idiots would be able to break me?" he makes his way to her. Y/N feels deep in her core a mix of new feelings inside of her. She was scared for whatever was taking over him but at the same time, the way he looks at her was so much more intense than he ever did. It was like a hungry animal and she was his prey. Pulling her up by her wrists that would definetly leave some marks, he kisses her hard gripping her by the hips. His breath is heavy during the kiss taking over her and his touch is more aggressive. He pushes Y/N to the bed again ripping her blouse apart leaving bites all over her body "Damian... Wait I didn't came... Oh god" she tries to protest but he kiss that sweet spot over her neck while his fingers where now working under her panties before she could protest. She missed him, it's been too long. So she just let go for this time only, she could talk to him later.
Weeks goes by and Damian becomes more and more possesive over her. They barely leave the room and when they eventually do, Damian is gone for hours before return and drag Y/N to another night where they kept going until morning. Now after starring the ceiling while Damian is asleep on her arms for a few hours, she stands up putting her boyfriend's sweater to cover her bruises (she didn't had the exactly time to heal) but she didn't mind. Y/N loved that man since she was 14 and now, six years later, she feels like she needed him more than food or air. Stepping out carefully in the kitchen, she gasps when she notices Kori in the kitchen staring at her "Jesus Koriand'r!" Y/N closes her eyes putting her hands on her chest "You scared me!" "You look like a dead corpse." Oh yes, the Tamaran's ability to tell you the hard truth. Y/N doesn't seem impress though, ignoring her and going to the fridge. As she bends over to grab something, Kori's eyes wide over the purple and red marks on her tights. She rushes to the youngest desperate grabbing her by the shoulders "Y/N for your's sake look at you!" "What's wrong with you" Y/N pushes her off the embrace "What... What he's doing to you..." "Don't you dare imply that! What I do it's none of your business" "How can it not? You're my best friend" the red head looks at her almost tearing up "He's sick, Y/N! He's not Damian anymore and you're just feeding on him" "I'm doing that because I love him. I'm giving him time to tell me whatever happened" "Time? I barely see you and in weeks you look more skinny and pale than ever before." Y/N looks to her feet on that. She was right. Y/N had see herself in the mirror yesterday and honestly she couldn't recognize herself anymore. Her deep green hair is now a pale and dehydrated, her lips cut from all the love bites and her eyes so deep dark that looked like two black holes. "I know you love him and you think you're doing the right thing for whatever is you two are doing but... Are you even happy?" The question hits Y/N more surprisingly than she expected.
Entering in the room Y/N sees Damian Wayne laying on the bed with his glass off whisky in his hands. He doesn't look at her but he feels her eyes on him burning. Closing the door behind her she doesn't move for a whole minute only analyzing the man she loved. "Am I even enough?" Her question comes out more like a sigh. He stops the drinking slowly turning his deep dark eyes to her "What are you talking about?" "Why don't you talk to me?" Damian's face is unreadable. He stands his hand up so she could walk towards him and hold it. He kisses her knuckles and looks at her through his lashes "I couldn't live without you, Y/N L/N." he says raspy and passionate. And then it finally hits her. The mess that was made. Her man, her beautiful boy with such lost eyes. The room where they had so many memories smelling like old sex and alcohool and had not see the daylight for weeks. His on going departure for hours doing god knows what and keeping her locked to himself. She pushes her hands out of his quickly leaning against the wall with wide open eyes. She starts to shake her head and the man stands up going in her direction "STAY AWAY FROM ME" Y/N yells leaning more closer to the wall before he reached her. Damian stops looking at her confused "Look at you, Damian! Look at us, this room... We're not Jack and Rose, we're Sid and fucking Nancy." she starts to sob with hands on her face "What happened Damian? Wha-what happened?" she knees to the floor giving up her strengths between loud sobs. Damian wakes up like it was a mess dream. He sees his girl in pieces on his floor, broken in a way he never saw anyone. Actually, he did saw it. Himself. About a month ago in a cheap room where he was. Crying wildly on the floor, alone, screaming and punching the walls.
"I killed someone." His voice comes out in a breath. Y/N controlled her sobs and slowly put her head up facing him with while he was out of breath. Remembering every single detail of that night. "I-I didn't know. They put a knife in my hand challenging me and I thought I could get out of it. But... They were so out of themselfs that-" he stops to kneel on the floor across from her closing his eyes "The guy ran, held my hand into the knife" he looks at his own hands like it was still there "and did it before I could have a chance." Y/N now stares at him bursting in tears. "I try, I swear I tried to save him. Led him to a hospital but nothing worked and... I snapped out of it." He barely can finish his sentence before sobbing loudly than he ever did before. She rushes over him holding him tight over the shoulders, kissing his head repeatedly while he shouts 'I'm Sorry' over and over again. She knew it wasn't only for her, but also his family. Wally rushes over the room scared of what was happening, but before the boy on her embrace notices, she nodds to him to leave. She held him for hours while he struggles for hours under her arms. "My love? Love, look at me" she says holding his head near her's "You. Are. Not. Guilty. Okay? It'll pass." "I've- I've been horrible to you, look what I did to you!" he's crying had not stopped for a single moment. It's getting worse everytime he remembered something "Love, look at me LOOK AT ME" shaking him by the shoulders "You'll be okay. I'll forgive you." she gives away a little smile to him "Bruce and I will forgive you, but Damian, darling you need to talk to us okay?" He looks at her and finally control his crying nodding his head.
Telling Bruce was the hardest day of their life. The moment the man entered you led him to Damian's room, you saw shock and despair on his eyes for the first time. He sees his boy sitting on the bed completely different and it's like he already knew. Bruce hold his son in his arm kissing his head while the other Wayne embrace him tightly Damian was still scared to touch you, his psychiatrist said that what he did to you was to suppress the pain and keep his undercover on even after the mission. He's been going to therapy regularly and moved back to the manor where you two slept in separated rooms. Even though every night you held him in your arms until he falled asleep, he still insisted for you to leave after that. It was important for you too. Y/N's support was what gave Damian Wayne strength. He couldn't leave a day without telling sorry for the rest of his life and after almost a year of treatment, both of them felt trusty enough to love each other.
"Thank you" he whispers stroking her head on his embrace after calming down "For what?" she puts her hands over his chest "Where do you want me to start?" a chuckle leave her lips and he smiles over the sweet sound "I love you baby boy" lifting her head to meet his eyes, Y/N says with a deep voice "You might think that you're broke and hurt inside but you're all mine and I love you." she smiles as he gazes her eyes over him "I'll love you baby boy. No matter what."
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