sadly-never-after · 13 days
I see you love Sparrow! I do too. What are your thoughts on aroace Sparrow?
Yes I love Sparrow! He is my obnoxious teenage boy whom I love! To be honest I've though of it in the past and I like the idea! I personally headcanon him as bisexual but the thought crossed my mind when thinking about his crushes on Ashlynn & Holly and how they didn't seem very genuine. It reminded me a bit of how some aroace friends would pick a person to deem their crush because they felt like should have a crush on someone, before finding out about their aroace identity.
Admittedly I don't have much else to say on the topic. As of late I've been more interested in the possibility of Daring or Duchess being aroace.
I feel like Duchess being aroace could have some interesting connotations given her tale and her wish for a happily ever after, and in Daring's case it would be such a huge contrast to his past behaviour and his position as the pride of the Charming family.
However, I haven't made my mind up about them yet!
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aromantic-diaries · 7 months
Hey, as an aroace, is it reasonable to have a mental breakdown over people being aphobic and shipping canonically romantically repulsed aroace characters with other characters romantically??? (Also I love your blog so much as an aroace.)
I can completely understand the way you feel, it's really invalidating and even becomes hypocritical when you consider how fandom seems to be very strict about not shipping gay and lesbian characters with anyone of the opposite gender but doesn't extend that respect for a character's canon identity when they're aro and/or ace
There's this post which makes a pretty good point and I saw a video discussing the topic, with the specific example of Alastor from Hazbin Hotel
The whole topic of shipping aro/ace characters seems to have been discussed a lot lately and I feel like it's due to the release of Hazbin Hotel since it's something pretty mainstream with a canonically aroace character who also happens to be the sexyman of the show
But yeah I am definetly on your side here cause we get very little representation and most of it is only confirmed outside the show by creators and doesn't have much impact on the stories. All that could at least be explored in fanworks but it's still mostly shipping. I haven't even watched Hazbin Hotel and I still get annoyed when i see people shipping the funny evil deer man. Surely there must be more potential
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whumpster-dumpster · 1 year
Thoughts on Royal whumper with their favourite royal guard whumpee? They always keep them at hand, taking them to their favourite torture room or personal chambers so they can privately torture them.
The thought makes me grimace but for whump content that's a good sign! The helplessness Whumpee must feel being under their authority is just oof. Not to mention other guards being privately relieved that it's not them so they don't intervene or help their fellow for fear of drawing the Royal's attention or wrath
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beneath-thestyx · 1 year
Gay sex, you agree.
high agree
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astromechs · 1 year
What's your favourite trope in writing when it comes to Starmora?
oooh, what a good question! i've been thinking this over, and i'm not really sure i have a favorite trope related to this ship, specifically, but ones that i seem to like in a lot of my ships? you'll see this in a work that i will... eventually post (my slow writing lately, rip), but i love playing with the idea that people can be connected in a sort of cosmic way — not necessarily like what you would think of as a traditional soulmate au, but interweaving love as something both written into the fabric of the universe and something you can hold in your hands. and i've done the old fun ones with them like high school/college au, you could definitely Oh There's Only One Bed them or trap them in a place until they talk stuff out, like. so many fun possibilities!
the fun of tropes is personalizing them for the characters and the dynamic in question!
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madame-peach · 1 year
Hi, I just wanted to say you are an amazing woman and I really appreciate the dedication and passion you have. You are very intelligent, educated, and knowledgeable. I like to read about your experiences, because they are very eye-opening but also because I think it's important. I admire your strength and your blog. I hope this week is kind to you, and that you are treated with respect and dignity. Thank you for your important voice and I hope you have a good one. <3
You are so kind for sending this! I'm actually going to visit some friends this upcoming week to heal after a stressful past couple months, so I'm grateful for the well-wishes! I hope you have a lovely weekend!
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balasha7sanbardo · 1 year
Hiya! Hope you're having a great day. Thank you for being part of this world and for embracing yourself and who you are. I hope you are taking care of yourself.
Hiii 🩷 thank you so much for your sweet words 🥹 this made me smile so big. Please take care and be yourself alwayss 🧚🏻‍♀️✨
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dremiruu · 2 months
okay, if anyone remembers the post I made a while ago about a server centred around ever after high, I've merged with @maple-flavored-whiskey & it's actually up and running! if you're an ever after high fan, whether or not you're active in the community here on Tumblr, you're welcome to join! there are already some people here and we're having lots of fun!!
(tagging some people who mentioned they'd be interested: @birdbombs714 @shititsarobyn @paintingflowers4you @nyaly)
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starrailprideflags · 3 months
trans flag colorpicked from black swan!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
requested by: @birdbombs714
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lauri-rosehearts · 7 months
Its been a while since I’ve actually sat down to discuss EAH lore or anything EAH related in general. I got a good amount of promps but right now I wanted to focus on one that was submitted to me by @birdbombs714 regarding my thoughts on Alistair and Lizzie’s relationship
Thank you so much for this idea! And happy birthday! (Edit: Where I live it’s already almost 1am so in my time zone, it’s technically the day after as I’m posting this so I’m a bit late. I’m so Sorry. I meant to post this sooner 😭) Thought I’d dedicate this one to you as a little gift if you will! Hope you enjoy :)
Something I find really interesting regarding Alistair and Lizzie in general is the fact that they’re one of very few “future villain and hero” duos that dont seem to have any sort of tense relationship. On the contrary, all the wonderlandians seem to have been good friends from a very young age. But as the characters destined to be the next Alice and the next Queen of Hearts, its very refreshing seeing these two just being friends with no real hard feelings towards each other. Like it honestly makes me wonder what kind of relationship their moms had.
You know I love going into the parents lore when it can provide an expansion on the children’s lore so lets talk about Alice and the Queen of Hearts real quick, both in the context of EAH and in the Alice in wonderland story. In the context of EAH, I don’t think they were ever super close friends like Alistair and Lizzie, but I do think they had a good deal of respect for each other even before committing to their stories. There never seems to be any implication that Lizzie’s mom hated Alistairs mom, which I actually find quite fitting given their characterization in the original story. What’s interesting about their dynamic in the original Alice in wonderland story is the fact that their dynamic isn’t really influenced by something personal like a good amount of fairytale hero and villain duos (for example: Snow White and the Evil Queen). Instead, it’s influenced by the fact that Alice finds herself in a place where all rules and logic work differently, hence why she runs into so many weird and frustrating misunderstandings with the characters. The Queen of Hearts is a temperamental tyrant whose bad side is very easy to get on given the amount of people she executes for petty reasons. Alice just so happens to especially gets on her bad side for the simple reason that Alice doesn’t know how to navigate the logic of the world shes in, and as a result she accidentally does and says things that go against the logic and customs of wonderland and as a result, especially piss off the Queen.
With that said, lets talk about how this translates over to Lizzie and Alistair. I’ve talked about this in the past, but I wholeheartedly subscribe to the theory that the reason Alistair’s last name is “Wonderland” instead of “Liddel” like Alice in the original story, is because during the Evil Queen’s takeover, Alice probably either disappeared or died (this is also potentially supported by the fact that we see all of the wonderlandians’ parents at some point with the exception of Alice), and so, Alistair was sort of co-parented and raised by all the other wonderlandians parents in Wonderland. And so, they renamed him from “Alistair Liddel” to “Alistair Wonderland” as a sort of tribute to both his mother and the world. We know Alistair canonically grew up in Wonderland unlike his mother, so he’s used to the logic and customs of the place despite the narrative of his story’s legacy saying otherwise. He quite literally grew up around Lizzie and the others and I actually attribute this to Lizzies relationship to her destiny. We know from her bio information that while she wants to follow her destiny, Lizzie wants to be a less villainous, kinder Queen of Hearts than her mom, and even then it’s implied her mom wasn’t actually that bad and became a lot more temperamental as a result of the wonderland curse (hence why I also think in the context of EAH, Alice and the Queen of Hearts didn’t dislike each other that much. ). Because Alistair and her were raised right alongside the other wonderlandians, Lizzie has no reason to dislike Alistair the way the Queen of Hearts does to Alice in the original story. On the contrary, she considers him one of her closest friends. Obviously, she probably has other reasons, but her friendship with Alistair is probably one reason she wants to be more lenient in her future reign.
That analysis aside, I definitely think they’re just friends, nothing romantic. I know some people ship them but I personally prefer Lizzie with Maddie and Kitty over anything. Also this is a 100% on the writers but when compared to Lizzie, Kitty, and Maddie, Alistair and especially Bunny’s characterization suffers pretty greatly, I feel. Mainly because most of their individual screentime is dedicated to their romantic feelings for each other, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing but the way their relationship is portrayed frustrates me so much so I don’t really pay much attention to it. As a result though, it makes shipping Alistair with anyone else in his friend group also really hard, because when compared to someone like Lizzie who has a lot of development, he doesn’t feel as fleshed out, yknow. This isn’t Alistair slander, its just my personal view. When thinking of the 5 wonderlandians as a group, I think of them as a sort of found family more than anything. And as far as romantic shipping goes, I mainly focus on Lizzie, Kitty, and Maddie as a sort of poly relationship. But anything is valid as long as its not illegal, obviously.
I apologize if this feels really unorganized and convoluted but I had a lot of thoughts and I was trying my best to fit them in this post in a way that felt correlated 😭. But anyway, I don’t talk about Lizzie that often even though shes my favorite wonderland and overall right up there in my top 5 favorite characters in Ever After High so this enabled me to talk about her a pretty good bunch ❤️
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defsiarte · 7 months
Head's up about the cohost PSA post, looks like it's a smear campaign: https://www.tumblr.com/birdbombs714/743204186864353280
Thanks for your concern but I can confirm that Eevee/Evelyn Woods is actually a pedophile/zoophile/etc. She and her partner were directly involved in the grooming of at least two minors in the fandom of their webseries Floraverse a decade ago, and I used to be a fan and watched the fallout of all that back in 2018(?). The concerns mentioned within the post are relating to the fact that for awhile people tried to bring this fact up on cohost, and due to Eevee being friends (or acquaintances?) with the creator of the website, getting taken down repeatedly. If you want to read more about this from people who were directly involved with the situation, I highly recommend checking out the blog @stopscammingartists, starting with their masterpost here. Huge trigger warning for um... every trigger under the sun though because these people and their associates are truly vile individuals.
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violentviolette · 1 year
What are some good examples of finding a solution that accommodates all parties when it comes to conflicting needs? Like, how would that look like? 
i felt like this deserved its own seperate post since the other was getting a bit long so im answering it here
the specifics of things are always going to vary by person and situation, and sometimes there isnt a solution thats possible that accomadates everyone and thats also okay. the important bit in learning to navigate conflicting needs is that both parties are entitled to their emotions without placing blame and responsibility for those emotions onto the other person
so going off some of the examples i gave in my other post, say ur partner needs a lot of alone time but u require a lot of interaction. one potential solution that accomodates both ur needs is that u get interaction elsewhere and hang out with friends a lot. ur partner isnt shamed, blamed or treated like they're denying u something by needing a lot of alone time and u respect their needs by giving it to them. while also respecting and acknowleging that u require a lot more social interaction and will therefore fill that time with other people and friends and be busy often. both of ur needs are treated as equally valid and deserving of being met, and u acknowlege where its okay for the other person to not be the one meeting ur needs
to use the example where a friend has a new interest that u dont share, and talking about it with them becomes annoying for u. it's reasonable to ask that they talk about other things when they talk to u, but that also comes with acknowleging that their need to indulge in things they enjoy is just as important and valid and so as a result, they might spend more time talking with other people who do enjoy hearing about that interest or share it with them. and it's okay for that to make u a bit sad or to miss them, and if u want u can take steps to make up that time, maybe by indulging more in a different interst u share or making more of an effort to do other things with them, but the important bit is the acknowlegement that neither of u are in the wrong for ur feelings and any negative emotions that might arise from the situation are no ones fault and dont mean that either of u care any less about the other
and then there are times when ur needs conflict and it isnt possible to reach a solution that works for everyone and that is also okay and doesnt mean that either person is at fault or to blame. in the example where two people that are living together keep completely different schedules and hours and cant find a compromise, then the answer is sometimes that that situation cant be remedied and the solution is that those two people cant live together. this doesnt make either of them bad people or shitty roommates or in the wrong, it just means they aren't compatible in that way and thats okay. they can still love and care for one another and no one is at fault for the living situation having to change
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sweet-cici123 · 2 years
Another post just so people can join if they would! I have an Ever After High Server that’s open, the last link has definitely expired but if you can’t access this one for any reason you can pm me!
If you want to join we have channels for ships, discourse, fanfics, fanart, theories, events, and the movies and books are all available. There are roles too and a streaming channel.
Plus a Monster High category for those who want to talk about that, the category also has different channels for characters, fanfics, fanart, webisodes, movies, theories, ships, the old reboot, and the live action remake.
I hope you join!
Also @birdbombs714 sorry I couldn’t reply, tumblr won’t let me, but here’s A new link!
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animerunner · 2 years
Hey @birdbombs714 I kinda want to get your opinion on a theory I had involving how W&D might go. (Sorry for the tag but I didn’t think having this in the replies of that one post was good. So this was the easiest way)
Also I know this is going to come off awkward no matter how I phrase it. So if my tone is leaning more towards ableism because I am bad at phrasing this. Apologies. Genuinely.
Because I don’t know a lot about hypoempathy (while I strongly suspect I have undiagnosed ASD. Empathy is not a part of the spectrum that I seem to have high or low support needs on if that makes sense). Or how it effects certain things idk if this is out of the realm of possibility.
Because I partly thought what might happen that Luz might be able to the whole loneliness thing and be the one that kind of talks him down out of the situation.
But is that maybe possible in the heat of the moment. If he does have hypoempathy?
Also a follow up curious if you have any thoughts on how the Collector resolution might go?
Also I say heat of the moment because I know low and no empathy aren’t the same thing. And I’m guessing a fight is going to change a response?
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beneath-thestyx · 2 years
You're literally so much better than my university work. I can't wait to talk to you again after this shit's over. <3 /platonic
ugh me too
I miss talking to u so much<3
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astromechs · 1 year
You've watched XO Kitty too!? Honestly I adore it, it's definitely not perfect... but the fact it made me jump and giggle in the middle of the night was important. I've never seen a show that made me just jump around and laugh like that. The sapphic representation in the show was truly special to me, and I'm not even a wlw. Like, I'm just an aroace trans man who finds joy in the representation of my fellow LGBTQ+ peers. I don't know. The representation was beautiful and so cute. It was so logical and I was really surprised.
it was so cute 🥹 and it was... really healing? like, at the risk of sounding silly, as a millennial lesbian whose only real rep that existed for me on television during my formative years in media targeted at my age group was brittany and santana on glee, i'm SO glad that younger wlw get this kind of rep in their lives. i may, as i speak, be a bit emotional about it, but like — in a happy way.
netflix will likely cancel this because they tend to cancel all their shows with even a smidge of sapphic anything, but for now i'm going to take this and i'm going to cherish it 🏳️‍🌈
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