#bird prevention netting
sairamsafetynets · 1 month
Quick Solutions: Installing Bird Protection Nets on Your Balcony
For quick and effective bird protection on your balcony in Chennai, Sai Ram Safety Nets offers efficient solutions. Here's a quick guide to installing bird protection nets on your balcony with their assistance:
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1. Contact Sai Ram Safety Nets:
Reach out to Sai Ram Safety Nets in Chennai to discuss your bird protection needs for your balcony.
Schedule a consultation to assess your balcony and receive expert guidance on the best netting solution.
2. Customized Solutions:
Sai Ram Safety Nets will provide customized bird protection net solutions tailored to the dimensions and layout of your balcony.
They offer a variety of netting options to suit different balcony sizes, designs, and aesthetic preferences.
3. Material Selection:
Choose the type of bird protection netting that best meets your requirements, whether it's nylon, polyethylene, or another material.
Sai Ram Safety Nets offers high-quality, durable netting materials that provide long-lasting protection against birds.
4. Professional Installation:
Once you've selected the bird protection netting, Sai Ram Safety Nets will schedule a convenient time for installation.
Their experienced team will install the netting securely on your balcony, ensuring complete coverage and maximum protection from birds.
5. Aesthetic Appeal:
The bird protection nets provided by Sai Ram Safety Nets are designed to be discreet and blend seamlessly with the architecture of your building.
They are installed in a way that preserves the aesthetic appeal of your balcony while effectively keeping birds away.
6. Quick Turnaround:
Sai Ram Safety Nets understands the urgency of bird control issues and strives to provide quick solutions to their customers.
They work efficiently to install bird protection nets on your balcony in a timely manner, minimizing inconvenience to you.
7. Enjoy Bird-Free Balcony:
Once the bird protection netting is installed, you can immediately start enjoying your balcony without the nuisance of birds.
Relax, dine, or entertain outdoors with peace of mind, knowing that your balcony is protected from avian intruders.
Contact Sai Ram Safety Nets:
To get started with installing bird protection nets on your balcony in Chennai, contact Sai Ram Safety Nets today.
Their team will assist you throughout the process and ensure that your balcony is effectively protected from birds in no time.
With Sai Ram Safety Nets, you can enjoy a bird-free balcony and make the most of your outdoor space in Chennai.
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How to fix bird net in balcony without screws?
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Are you eager to bird-proof your balcony but hesitant to drill holes or use screws? No problem! Discover hassle-free methods for fixing bird netting in your balcony with Super Fast Safety Nets Bangalore. Follow these steps for a secure and screw-free installation:
Materials You'll Need:
Bird Netting: Visit Super Fast Safety Nets Bangalore to acquire high-quality bird netting tailored to your balcony dimensions. Ensure the netting is durable and comes with reinforced edges for added strength.
Cable Ties: Opt for heavy-duty cable ties or zip ties to secure the netting in place. These provide a reliable alternative to screws and are easy to use.
Adhesive Hooks or Clips: Choose adhesive hooks or clips designed for outdoor use. These will allow you to attach the netting to your balcony railing or structure without drilling holes.
Scissors or Cutting Tool: You'll need these to trim the netting to fit your balcony dimensions accurately.
Ladder or Step Stool: Depending on the height of your balcony, have a ladder or step stool on hand to reach the installation area safely.
Step-by-Step Installation:
Measure Your Balcony: Use a measuring tape to determine the length and width of your balcony. Take precise measurements to ensure you purchase the correct size of bird netting.
Purchase Netting: Head to Super Fast Safety Nets Bangalore and select the appropriate size and type of bird netting for your balcony. Seek assistance from their knowledgeable staff if needed.
Prepare the Area: Clear your balcony of any obstacles and debris. Ensure the surface is clean and dry for optimal adhesion.
Attach Adhesive Hooks or Clips: Place adhesive hooks or clips along the edges of your balcony railing or structure, spacing them evenly apart. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper application.
Secure the Netting: Stretch the bird netting across your balcony, ensuring it covers the entire area and overlaps the adhesive hooks or clips. Use cable ties to fasten the netting to the hooks or clips securely.
Trim Excess Netting: Once the netting is in place, use scissors or a cutting tool to trim any excess material along the edges of the balcony. Be careful not to cut the netting too short, leaving enough slack for a secure fit.
Double-Check Security: Walk around the balcony and inspect the netting to ensure it is securely fastened at all attachment points. Make any necessary adjustments to achieve a tight and uniform installation.
Enjoy Your Bird-Free Balcony: With the bird netting securely in place, you can now enjoy your balcony without worrying about feathered intruders. Relax and unwind in your outdoor oasis!
Trust Super Fast Safety Nets Bangalore for Quality Solutions
For top-notch bird netting and expert advice on screw-free installation methods, turn to Super Fast Safety Nets Bangalore. Their wide selection of products and friendly staff make it easy to achieve a bird-free balcony without the need for screws or drilling.
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Simple Solutions: Bird Nets for Balcony Protection
Birds can be a delightful sight in nature, but when they invade your balcony, they bring along problems like droppings and nesting materials. Pigeon Nets Hyderabad offers simple yet effective solutions with bird nets to protect your balcony from avian intruders.
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Why Bird Nets Are Essential for Balcony Protection
Prevent Bird Entry: Bird nets create a barrier that prevents birds from entering your balcony, keeping it clean and hygienic.
Safety: By blocking bird access, these nets ensure the safety of your family and pets from potential bird-related hazards.
Preserve Aesthetics: The transparent nature of these nets ensures that your balcony's view remains unobstructed while providing effective protection.
Humane Solution: Bird nets offer a humane way to deter birds without causing harm, allowing them to find alternative roosting spots.
Why Choose Pigeon Nets Hyderabad
Pigeon Nets Hyderabad is a trusted provider of bird control solutions in the region. Here’s why they are the go-to choice for balcony protection:
Quality Materials: They use high-quality, durable materials for their bird nets, ensuring long-lasting effectiveness.
Professional Installation: Their skilled technicians ensure that the bird nets are installed securely and correctly, providing reliable protection.
Customized Solutions: Pigeon Nets Hyderabad offers tailor-made solutions to fit the specific dimensions and requirements of your balcony.
Prompt Service: With Pigeon Nets Hyderabad, you can expect prompt and efficient service from consultation to installation.
Here are some testimonials from satisfied customers:
"Thanks to Pigeon Nets Hyderabad, we can now enjoy our balcony without worrying about bird droppings. The nets are barely visible and do the job perfectly!" - Rahul, Banjara Hills
"Pigeon Nets Hyderabad provided excellent service. The installation was quick and hassle-free, and the team was professional throughout the process." - Priya, Jubilee Hills
Contact Pigeon Nets Hyderabad
Protect your balcony from bird intrusions with simple yet effective bird nets from Pigeon Nets Hyderabad.
Phone: +91-9363632161
Website: Pigeon Nets Hyderabad
Don't let birds ruin your balcony experience. Contact Pigeon Nets Hyderabad today for reliable bird protection solutions!
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AITA for reporting my neighbor to the police and getting him evicted for trying to poison my chickens?
I know that question sounds insane but bare with me. I (F30) live next to my landlord (F60s?) and my neighbor (M30s). I have 3 hens that I keep as pets and for fresh eggs.
I have my landlords written permission and follow all city ordinances (so no roosters, no more than 6 hens, built the coop away from houses, have a permit from the city, etc.)
They are in my yard in a fenced in run with a coop. I made sure to get a breed that's very quiet and docile so as not to bother neighbors, but whenever new people move in, I still go introduce myself, let them know I have hens, and then ask them if they want fresh eggs.
When I asked my new neighbor, he looked disgusted and said "I don't want shit from dirty ass barn animals"
Uh, okay. I told him that I was sorry for bothering him and to have a good day. He said "Whatever" and then closed the door.
A week later, I get a knock on my front door and open it. It's someone who works for animal control telling me that they've received a noise complaint.
At first I thought it was for my dog, who's a chihuahua mix, because he was barking VERY loudly at a squirrel the other day. Nope, it was the chickens. The guy said that someone reported roosters crowing.
I do not have roosters. My chickens are 2 years old so I'm 100% sure that they're hens and not roosters.
I invite him in, take him into the yard, and show him the chickens. I show him where their coop is, show him that I keep all of their food in secure containers to prevent mice and rats, I show him my license number, etc. At this point he's confused, because my chickens are very quiet and I clearly have no roosters.
Every time I saw the neighbor, he was usually hanging out with friends, and as soon as he noticed me he would immediately start complaining about my chickens. Talking about how barn animals are nasty, chickens are loud and stinky and gross, how they're only good for eating, etc. Basically the usual "You have prey animals as pets so I'm going to joke about killing and eating them".
I ignored him, and whenever I did see him I would smile and say hello, ask how he's doing, etc. which he ignored.
One morning I came out into my yard to let the hens out for the day, and saw something in their run. At first I thought it was some kind of weird, fucked up mushroom, but I looked closer and realized it was a piece of bread that was a bluish green color.
I looked up, because my chickens run is fenced in and covered in aviary netting, and realized that there was a huge cut in the netting. I went back inside, grabbed a plastic ziploc bag and gloves, put the bread in it, and then got a shovel to dig out the dirt that the bread was sitting on just in case.
I wasn't sure where to go, so I took it to my vet and showed one of the vet techs. He looked concerned, asked if any pets ate it, and then took it back to show one of the vets.
He came back out and told me that it looked like it had been covered in rat poison, and I told him that the aviary netting was cut, and this was in my yard. He told me to go to the police and make a report because it was 100% someone intentionally trying to poison my chickens/dog.
Before doing that, I went home, and checked my cameras. I have them up in the corner of the birds run facing their coop, so that if anything ever happened to them (we have lots of raccoons) I would be able to see.
I saw my neighbor climb up (I'm assuming on a step ladder), use a knife to cut the netting, and throw the bread into the yard. I took the video and piece of bread to the police, and filed a report.
I told them yes, I know, it's just chickens, but they're my pets and I also have a dog that could have eaten it (he goes into the coops with me). I love my chickens, all of them have names and I take them to a vet if they ever get sick, so to me they're more than livestock.
Cops are useless and I figured they wouldn't do anything, so I also told my landlord about it. I showed her a copy of the video that I saved, and she was horrified and told me she would take care of it immediately.
I'm not sure if the cops ever did their jobs, but he was gone a week later. My landlord apologized profusely for the trouble and I said it was fine, she had no way of knowing.
I thought I was justified in what I did, since I literally caught this guy on camera throwing poison into my yard for my pets to eat (and then slowly die of internal bleeding).
But I mentioned it to an IRL friend (F28) through text (she's out of town) and she was FURIOUS. She asked me wtf I was doing, ACAB, etc. and basically said "Isn't your neighbor black? How would you have felt if the cops showed up and shot him over some stupid birds?"
I told her that I went to the cops because my vet told me to, and just because he's black doesn't give him an excuse to poison peoples animals for no fucking reason.
I also reminded her that the cops in our town are useless and since no animals were actually poisoned, they probably wouldn't even get off their asses to go talk to him.
For context: One time someone got HIT BY A CAR 10 minutes away from the police station. It took them 20 minutes to get there.
She told me I was a racist bootlicker and a cracker... She's white and I'm mixed race (my dad is Colombian) so like... lol. lmao even.
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redd956 · 1 year
Feather Winged Whumpee Ideas
Redo of old post of mine
Whumpee's wings being sore from excessive use
Being far too exhausted or sick to lift themselves off of the ground. They seemingly have no strength left to fly
Plucking whumpee's feathers
Something goes wrong mid-flight with whumpee, and they plummet to the ground
Caretaker carefully combing their hands their whumpee's feathers, messaging and preening their wings for them, as they have no other winged people around to help them
Whumpee being weighed down, or similar to prevent them from flying away after being taken captive
Clipping whumpee's wings
Whumpee's wings being pulled on or forcefully extended, in order to see or present the feathers better
Getting caught in a thunder storm, and being struck by lighting
Forced to land on hostile ground due to extreme weather
Caretaker massaging whumpee's back where the wings connect
A whumpee breaking one of their wings, after hitting it against something in flight
Getting caught in a net or line they couldn't see while flying. Whumpee panicked, and made it worse, getting their wings horrible entangled alongside themself
Bird cage
Whumpee's wings being forcibly closed
Getting shot while flying
Whumpee landing on a high surface, winded from desperate flight and promptly collapsing via exhaustion
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dairy-farmer · 9 months
As much as I love the scenario where Ra's kicked Tim out of the window and Dick couldn't catch him in time, I want to talk about Damian's cutting Tim's line. And even though I really like it when everyone is in love with Tim, for this scenario some characters can be a little heartless... Well, I hope you will enjoy it
The moment Damian cut his line, Tim was actually prepared for this type of move. He just had only thought that given how Dick's parents's death happen, this little demon would actually think about his actions. And with every person he saw talking about how far Damian has became...
It was an instant death. Tim hit his head on a ledge as he started to fall, couldn't do anything to lessen the impact
Damian didn't control the corpse. He just thought Drake would just got up and start to annoy him again. Even something happened to him, who would care? Grayson choose him over this pretender, his father didn't come back right now, Todd hate him just like himself... He did something good for everyone
The body was not found by any of the vigilantes. One of the patrolling police officers checked in when he saw a trace of excessive blood in the alley, and was greeted by Red Robin's already cold body.
The first thing Commissioner Gordon did after turning on the bat light that evening was to send his condolences to Batman. When the person in the costume did not understand what he was talking about and looked at him with blank eyes, he got angry and shouted that how Red Robin was one of the children working for this goddamn city, saying that at least a proper funeral should be held for him
Dick could feel the control of his body slipping away as soon as the words Red Robin came out of the commissioner's mouth. He had seen Tim only yesterday, his younger brother's anger at him hadn't fully subsided, but at least he was starting to stop by the cave. And Damian didn't mention any problems with the patrol last night. Everything had to be a joke. A disgusting joke that won't be laughed at later on...
He only remembered that as soon as he saw the body, which had already cooled down and his eyes were open, he started screaming. The fact that all the police officers around him left him alone, that he whispered Tim's name by holding the body of his little baby that would never grow up again, that he returned to the cave with the body in his hand was done in a completely shocked moment and that if someone asked him to tell them, he would not be able to say anything
As soon as he regained consciousness, he had contacted Barbara and asked her to check all the cameras. If anyone thought that they could rip off his baby bird's wings and get the collar off, they were very wrong. This time, no one would be able to bring back the human or monster he will kill
The scenario with the Joker would not happen again...
But everything changed when he saw the records. When Tim tries to fly without a safety net, just like his parents, and Damian, who he believes has truly changed, cuts off the only thing keeping the boy in the air...
Everything became a chaos...
Dick grabbed Damian, who had just come from school, by the throat and stuck him against the wall, spewing poison in an instant. Alfred had to give Dick a sedative to prevent it from turning into a bloodbath, which shattered Dick's last shred of trust in everyone living in the Manor
Dick took care of all the funeral procedures without Bruce returning from the time stream. He took all of Tim's belongings from the manor from his old room to take them to the house he was going to move into, went into the room with Leslie, the doctor who performed the autopsy of the lifeless body, and took it upon himself to wash Tim one last time before putting him in the coffin
When Bruce came back and learned that Tim had passed away, he was, of course, devastated for a while. But then he decided to put his feelings aside and think rationally. He didn't do Damian's education himself, he wasn't in charge of his biological son during that time and Tim didn't expect Bruce to save him when he died, so unlike what happened the previous time, this Robin's death wasn't his fault, was it?
As soon as Jason found out he was thinking about it, he shot and told him that any bat would never be able to set foot on Crime Alley again...
He made the decision to leave the family completely and continued to talk to only completely collapsed Dick, who lived in his area. He tried to make sure his older brother ate at least one meal a day, remembering when Tim told him how everyone changed after Jason's death, seeing with his own eyes, Jason believed that at least he owed it to that little boy who was trying to save everyone
Dick never stepped into vigilante life again. He was constantly hearing Tim's voice around him and was trying to get on with his life completely collapsed with sadness. Whenever he tried to do any gymnastics moves, he remembered their first encounter at the circus, looked at the old photo and believed that he was cursed as the only living person out of the six there
For Damian, I think he'll really realize what he did as he gets older. And he'll want to use the name of his older brother, who will never be older than him and who he will never really know, to honor him.
Just one night, Red Robin soared through the skies years later. As soon as Dick gets the news of this, he will shout at Damian that he has no right to this kind of thing and will not let Bruce display it in the cave like he did with the other costumes, and take it back to his own house
For the girls, every year on the day of his death, Barbara would turn off her system and watch every single image she found about Tim over and over again. After Cass tried to kill Damian, because how dare he touched his baby brother, she wouldn't set foot in Gotham again except for the cemetery visit while Steph would visit the cemetery every week to talk about anything that came to her mind
Even if the body six feet underground will never speak again...
For Lazarrus Pit, I think after the days he spent on the League Tim would have a testament about his death and how he don't want anything Ra's offer... And everyone agreed to Tim's last request even it kills Dick over and over again with knowing how he can bring his baby back but he couldn't do it without someone knowing...
Or maybe he can?..
Tim will forgive him for not doing what he wants, he loves Dick so much just like his older brother loves him too...
He can be with his baby again... No one could ever come between them again...
for damian cutting tim's line i think it's very overlooked how VERY badly things would have gone had he actually suceeded. tim's death at the hands of a comrade would make waves in more than just gotham and his direct family.
because this wasn't a rogue who killed tim. this wasn't an anti hero. this wasn't some random accident or anything like that. the person who killed tim was a comrade- robin, batman's partner who dick had vocally advocated for, who he'd repeatedly told off people for when defending him. "just give him a chance!" is what he'd say. i feel like a lot of heroes would feel exceptionally chilled because if they can't trust their own comrades to have their back then that basically destroys 90% of vigilante work because you NEED to be a team player in their line of work, you have to be able to trust and be trusted by others. even if damian realized he made a mistake seconds after he made the decision to cut tim's line- he'd be standing on the rooftp, hurt and fury overflowing in him, he's breathing hard like an animal that's out of breath and he's so angry and waiting for tim to get up so he can scream at him but tim doesn't get up. and it sinks in very quickly what has happened.
to think he would get away with it, damian would have to be VERY certain of the strength of his relationship with the family and to be honest it's not in the best place. since tim left things are tenuous, dick is still working out being 'batman' they've grown closer, damian feels like he can rely on dick and on alfred and he thinks they'll understand why he got rid of "red robin" who abandoned them when gotham went to shit, left them to pick up his slack, actively avoided and dismissed dick's attempts to contact him, and then blasted into the city acting like he was an authority and treating damian like a hostile when he hadn't been in gotham for months. damian is angry but he's sure dick and alfred will understand even if they're upset with him.
he does not expect the immediate and severe backlash. he is not ready for dick having to be sedated just to stop him from strangling damian and he's not ready for alfred to refuse to meet his eyes when they learn what he's done.
damian loses every bridge and connection he was forming following tim's death. his luck outside of gotham is ever bleaker because no one wants to be on a team, work with, or help a "cape killer". damian can also absolutely never step foot inside san francisco, both superboy and impulse have made it clear that they'll crush his skull like a tomato if he even thinks of coming close. wondergirl is the leader of the titans and can't threaten another cape like that but she makes it clear he won't be treated as friendly if he steps foot in their city.
when bruce, batman, damian's father returns he is devastated. dick, who had already started neglecting patrol and pulling away from batman duties is asked why he didn't teach damian better, why he wasn't there supervising, why he'd pair the two of them up when tim was a known trigger for damian- he's asked why and its clear that bruce blames dick more than damian. he blames dick the way an owner would be blamed when a dog bites a baby. "why weren't you there? why didn't you stop it?"
it must be the push dick needs because he drops from the vigilante life completely after that. he leaves the manor, moves into tim's abandoned 'nest' in the city and no longer speaks to them.
damian, aside from the day dick found out what he did, was never punished. he wasn't pulled aside and reprimanded, scolded, wasn't told he did something wrong. he was just...pushed to the side. looked at. looked down on. with disgust. with distrust.
it was like some twisted irony. he killed tim for not trusting him and in doing so ensured no one would ever trust him again. batman takes him out sometimes. but only when he desperatly needed a pair of hands because bruce's lack of "punishment" for damian did not go unnoticed. and it cost him a lot as well. damian grows up angry and confused and then bitter and resigned when it settles in what he's done.
he's 17, the age tim was when he died in that alley. and the realization does something to damian's brain. damian never really knew tim. they'd met in passing, fighting most of those meetings. even when they'd lived in the same house they avoided each other.
damian knows nothing about tim but he knows killing tim had ruined his life and the life he could've had. it was his fault all because he couldn't control himself. tim was right to have not trusted him. it doesn't hurt any less to know that.
damian thinks of the mantle, thinks of how people never really forgot who was wearing the robin mask, about who should've been wearing it instead of him.
red robin hasn't flown in a long time and batman doesn't pay enough attention to him to notice. but people notice when he starts going around gotham as red robin and dick shows up to the manor for the first time in years. he looks horrible. like he hasn't slept lately but he screams at damian, asks how dare he do this, how dare he wear tim's mantle after what he did.
damian thought it wouldn't hurt after years of not seeing him but it does.
so damian avoids the part of gotham dick occupies. avoids where dick shops, where he eats, where he works at the little gym for preschoolers.
damian tries to. but seeing dick again after so many years...bruce isn't a good father. or a good batman. he's not like dick. he doesn't reach out, doesn't try to understand him, reassure him, doesn't try to reason with him....he just doesn't try.
damian tries to respect the clear boundaries dick has drawn with all of them. with bruce, jason, cass, alfred, barbara. dick doesn't want to see them, talk to them. he wants to be left alone.
but...damian can't ignore that want in his heart to see his...brother again.
so he learns and he sneaks and he visits the grocery store dick shops at, the take out places he frequents, the gym he works and...damian...notices...something.
not immediatly. it's just small things. like how dick hates sausage but he'll buy fresh links from the italian butcher. how when he's on his way home he'll buy things. flowers, a single rose, fresh bread, pastries from a bakery, chocolates, he even stops by a makeup counter and buys perfume.
it's not suspicious but it is strange. but then damian notices how when he buys groceries it's in large volumes and amounts like...like he's buying for more than one.
as far as damian is aware dick is a loner now. he doesn't even talk to old titans or that alien he used to be together with.
no one has seen dick, not since he came to the manor to yell at damian.
damian has no right to snoop, no right to know more about his....brother's life.
but...he can feel that there's something off. something that's tugging at the edge of his senses as he follows dick home, making sure to tail him only through binoculars. even after years of retirement dick had been a cape longer than damian had been alive- there was no doubt in damian's mind he'd spot him or sense him.
so keeps his distance. all the way up until he reaches...the nest. tim's old apartment he was converting to a base.
damian stops in his tracks and thinks of turning back but then dick is stepping up to the front door and...something in damian just...stops.
the front door creaked open and revealed a small, slim figure greeting dick with a huge smile. dick's rough, sterm features softened and he pulled the rose he'd been hiding behind his back out and presented it to...to tim who giggled all red cheeked and happy and full of life.
damian can hear his own heartbeat in his ears. he's pretty sure he's going to throw up because....because there's no way that's tim.
tim is dead and buried in the cemetery by his mother and father. his casket is enchanted to ensure decomposition so neither ra's or anyone could reanimate him. tim hadn't wanted to be brought back to life it had been clearly outlined in his unofficial will that was just a note in his computer.
the nest was going to be tim's base. damian had seen the blueprints once, he'd seen the equipment that had been shipped there including old machinery from the cloning facility he'd used during his break from reality.
it's like a puzzle piece in damian's brain clicks into place as he realizes with dawning horror that aside from lex luthor, tim probably had the most comprehensive manual on cloning in the world. hybrids like a half human half kryptonian were exceedingly difficult but a regular old human? especially one you have plenty of dna samples for on file? (damian thought of the pints of tim's blood that had been in the medbay on ice because they all stored away blood and plasma each month in case they were ever injured enough to need it, not to mention all the hair and skin samples likely littering the nest).
tim hadn't wanted to come back, hadn't wanted to return in this way (his will had never said anything about clones).
it's unethical. it's wrong. dick shouldn't have cloned tim and he certainly shouldn't have hidden it to protect....to protect whatever was happening.
damian swears his heart skips a beat when dick pulls tim into a deep kiss. dick had never been that affectionate with tim before, he'd certainly ever kissed him so intimately. as far as damian knew, dick had thought of tim as a brother and now he was...was together with a clone of him?
damian feels distressed and agonized watching. he wants to turn. to leave. but he can't.
because everytime he blinks he sees another scene of tim alive and breathing. and it does something to damian to see his mistake undone, to see the life he'd taken alive and well.
he should leave. he should confront dick.
but damian just stands there on that roof and watches.
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flock-talk · 2 months
Hey there! Thank you for letting people submit their questions and I do really appreciate the videos, posts and resources you made available for free. I love you instagram posts and YouTube channel. I’ve recently moved back to my home country and will be living with my parents. They’re in their 73-74 years old and they sometimes have trouble remembering things. I’m about to have a lovebird and in a process of educating them about safety for birds. We live in SE Asia and we open windows or close if we have AC on. The windows have nets for preventing mosquitoes and insects at night. Would you please create a safety guide for new bird owners where I can print it out and put it up in the way that they can keep coming to look at and it’s fun to learn about (maybe with some visuals, if that’s too much; a list of things to be cautious would be really appreciated) so they can beware and be cautious? I have a full time job that I’m sure can’t take the bird with me so I will have the bird stay home with my mom and dad. Thank you so much 🙏💕🐦
If you had asked me 5 years ago I’d 100% say yes and dedicate the time and energy to doing that for you but unfortunately I no longer have the energy required to put out a task like that anymore.
I have the resources page and the tags page which cover a load of helpful topics and beginners guides which you’re more than welcome to look through and bullet point form notes for yourself but I’m afraid I just don’t have the capacity to take on a project like that anymore
Oh the info tag also has all my master posts and previously made infographics
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conalnghing · 3 months
ok FINALLY i am posting this map:
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This is the cosmology of the world, shown as a traditional wooden carving on a piece of wood with gilded bark.
On the very top of the map, the phrase "The God of the Skysea supervises all things" is carved in the "angular form" of the script, with more angular lines and a wider, bigger style being better for carving into wood.
The first level of the map (the one with a row of jellyfish patterning) is called the Dome of the Sea, or in the Acting Snails' language "the Water Sky". It is at the very bottom of the world, and is home to deep sea creatures like anglerfish, just like in our world. Most importantly, however, is the many jellyfish that live here. They are aimless souls that haven't had the chance to find an organism to live in yet.
The second level of the map (the thick line between the Dome of the Sea and the space with 3 jellyfish), is the Great Opaque, or "the God of the Skysea's thing" in the Acting Snails' language. The Great Opaque is a giant wall of fog created by the God of the Skysea that seperates the Dome of the Sea and the Dome of the Sky (level 6) from the world in between. This is to prevent desperate souls from going into the world and entering whatever thing they can find, causing strange organisms such as living rocks or reanimated corpses appearing.
The Opaque also serves as a portal, and when a soul in the Dome of the Sea touches the Great Opaque, it will be transformed fron a jellyfish to a star, and vice versa for the Dome of the Sky.
On exeptionally sunny days, one can look up into the sky and through the fog, see the sea, and look into the sea and see the sky. On days like this, Rifts of Sky and Rifts of Sea (the tree stumpy looking things) can appear, as the Great Opaque is extremely weak in this time. Rifts are gigantic holes that appear in the Opaque, when a soul touches a weak part of it. The soul widens the hole until it can pass through in a very dramatic way. (more on this next time) Collectively, the Great Opaque, Dome of the Sea and the Dome of the Sky are called the "Skysea".
The next three levels are the Stage of the Sea, the Stage of the Islands and the Stage of the Sky, the middle three levels in the carving. The Stage of the Sea is where we can find fish, coral and some of the seabed. Spirits that pass though the Great Opaque on the Dome of the Sea's side can occasionally be found here.
The Stage of the Islands are the blobs in the middle, and are where the Acting Snails' civilization is located.
The Stage of the Sky contains most of the atmosphere, and is where most of the birds are located.
Even further up, we find the Great Opaque again, and beyond that the Dome of the Sky. It is an impossibly tall mesh-net covering the planet, with the sun and moon beyond it. The purpose of this net is to prevent souls from escaping into space, so they can still enter organisms when it's their turn. Here, they take the form of firey orbs of light.
Next post explaining the Islands with an actual map coming later!!!
@dezerex ive finally posted a cosmology map😭😭
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rjzimmerman · 2 months
How to co-exist with a belligerent catbird. (Washington Post)
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My childhood bedroom had a Jane Goodall quote on the wall — “My mission is to create a world where we can live in harmony with nature” — and I think this helps explain how I became a person who surrendered five blueberry bushes and my dignity to an angry catbird.
We called her Catherine. The spring when my daughter was 2, Catherine claimed the entire garden beside our house as her domain. I discovered this when we went to pick blueberries from our bushes; as my toddler plucked the fruit, the bird began calling loudly. Then she dove toward me and landed on my headband. I gasped and jumped, startling my daughter.
“What happened?” she asked, and because I wanted to convey a scene that was more Beatrix Potter than Alfred Hitchcock, I said, very calmly: “Mama catbird is asking for some space for her babies! What a good mom! Congratulations on your babies, Catherine!” Then I hurried us away, my daughter cheerfully calling, “Congratulations!” to the bird who was still shrieking and swooping toward my head.
When we think about living with animals, we might think first about pets — how they teach us empathy, responsibility and patience and shape our daily rhythms. But the wild creatures who inhabit our yards and neighborhoods offer their own lessons in companionship and accountability, and these, too, have become an indelible part of our family life. My daughter’s first words were, “Hi, squirrel!” as she waved to the plump rodent peering in the window. When the white-tailed deer bring their fawns to our yard, we are sure to keep the birdbath full; the nursing mothers are always thirsty. My children greet our garden residents by name: Mariah, the chipmunk, known for her clear, high-pitched vocalizations; Sally, the eastern cottontail rabbit, who nests in the flower bed; Albirdo, the redheaded woodpecker, who rudely banishes all competition from the suet feeder. (“Share,” my daughter urges him, unsuccessfully.)
Albirdo doesn’t understand that edict, but we try to uphold it. This is the one little patch of Earth over which we have any measure of control, and I want our family to share it thoughtfully with the other beings who belong here — even when those relationships demand a little extra compromise.
My loved ones have come to accept my soft spot for the wildlife forced to adapt to our modern human presence. In an apartment where doves nested above the concrete patio, I set out cushions and towels to soften the landing for fledglings. I once baited a humane mouse trap with parsley and peanut butter and conducted daily releases in a wooded area behind the yard. (Turns out I was releasing just one mouse, who returned day after day, increasingly plump and at ease with our morning routine. My mounting suspicion led me to dot a black Sharpie on the back of his head before he dashed into the underbrush. The next day, I drove Sharpie Mouse to a park several miles away, where I bid him a permanent farewell.)
Others are more skeptical of my devotions. Once, circling the perimeter of our house with a termite prevention specialist, he gestured toward the ivy-covered stump where a magnificent oak once stood. “That,” he said gravely, “will attract voles or chipmunks to live there.” “I know!” I gushed. I think he realized I was a lost cause.
Catherine sensed my weakness, too. She harvested the majority of our blueberries that first year; I didn’t dare challenge her. The next year, I tried to net the bushes — but she built her nest within the netting, so I gave up and took it down. Every time my husband passed by to take the trash out, she divebombed him. Still, I couldn’t bear to banish her.
In our third year as neighbors, when it came time for me to plant my dahlias in the raised bed — squarely in Catherine’s territory — I knew I’d need protection. I dug my old horseback-riding helmet out of the closet.
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violetcheekedconure · 4 months
Beltorze started having leg weakness on Monday in his right leg making it hard for him to climb. He was brought to the emergency avian vet. He had bloodwork (waiting on it) and is preemptively scheduled for an xray next week when results are back. A physical exam showed that he’s a good weight, healthy feathers, normal feces, and behaviorally functioning normally (eating, drinking, talking, preening). He was given a super low dose of pain medication but his symptoms aren’t resolving so it’s unlikely a sprain. According to the vet, this could very possibly be a result of the kidneys or a tumor compressing on his sciatic nerve, causing mobility issues in that leg. The blood tests will tell us more when they come in, followed by the xray. I rushed ordered on Amazon some wider perches and a large seagrass woven net to help him navigate his cage to prevent falling.
I love my little green man very much, the idea of something being wrong with his health has me in shambles. I’ve had him 11 years, so of course he’s starting to get older and let bird genetics aren’t always great. I’ll have more information in about a week. I posted my Venmo and cashapp in my profile if anyone wants to donate towards this, there’s no pressure there, but I’m assuming the vet bills won’t stop at the blood work and xrays.
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sairamsafetynets · 1 month
Comprehensive Guide to Bird Net Installation in Chennai: Protect Your Space from Avian Intruders
Protecting your space from avian intruders like birds requires a comprehensive approach, and bird net installation is an effective solution. Here's a guide to bird net installation in Chennai with the assistance of Sai Ram Safety Nets:
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1. Initial Assessment:
Identify the areas where birds are causing problems, such as balconies, windows, or building facades.
Determine the size and scope of the bird net installation required to effectively cover these areas.
2. Contact Sai Ram Safety Nets:
Reach out to Sai Ram Safety Nets in Chennai to discuss your bird net installation needs.
Schedule a consultation to assess your space and receive a customized solution.
3. Customized Solution:
During the consultation, the experts from Sai Ram Safety Nets will evaluate your space and recommend the appropriate type of bird netting based on your requirements.
They will provide a detailed proposal outlining the scope of work, materials needed, and cost estimates.
4. Pre-Installation Preparation:
Clear the area where bird net installation will take place, removing any obstacles or debris.
Communicate any specific instructions or preferences to the installation team.
5. Installation Process:
On the scheduled installation day, the team from Sai Ram Safety Nets will arrive with the necessary equipment and materials.
They will begin by securely anchoring the support structure for the bird netting, ensuring stability and durability.
The bird netting will then be installed over the designated area, covering it completely to prevent birds from entering.
6. Quality Assurance:
Sai Ram Safety Nets ensures that all installations meet high-quality standards and adhere to safety regulations.
The installation team will conduct thorough inspections to ensure that the bird netting is properly secured and free from any defects.
7. Post-Installation Care:
After the bird net installation is complete, Sai Ram Safety Nets will provide instructions for ongoing maintenance and care.
Regular inspections and cleaning of the bird netting will help maintain its effectiveness over time.
Sai Ram Safety Nets offers prompt assistance for any maintenance or repair needs that may arise.
Additional Tips for Bird Control:
Keep outdoor areas clean and free of food sources that may attract birds.
Use additional bird deterrents such as spikes, scare devices, or visual repellents in conjunction with bird netting for enhanced effectiveness.
Regularly trim trees and bushes near your property to reduce perching and nesting opportunities for birds.
By following this comprehensive guide and working with Sai Ram Safety Nets in Chennai, you can effectively protect your space from avian intruders and enjoy a bird-free environment.
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Installing bird netting to balcony
Installing bird netting on your balcony with Fast Safety Nets Hyderabad is a straightforward process. Here's a general guide to help you understand the steps involved:
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Assessment: Begin by assessing your balcony to identify areas where birds may enter or roost. Look for gaps in railings, openings in the roof, or spaces between walls and ceilings.
Measurement: Measure the dimensions of your balcony to determine the amount of netting needed. Consider the height, width, and length of the area you want to cover.
Selecting the Right Netting: Choose the appropriate type and size of bird netting based on your balcony's dimensions and the types of birds you want to deter. Fast Safety Nets Hyderabad can provide guidance on selecting the right netting for your needs.
Customization: Fast Safety Nets Hyderabad can customize the netting to fit the specific layout of your balcony. This ensures complete coverage and prevents birds from finding alternative entry points.
Professional Installation: Work with Fast Safety Nets Hyderabad to professionally install the bird netting on your balcony. Their experienced team will securely attach the netting to the balcony railing, walls, and any other necessary structures using appropriate fasteners and techniques.
Sealing Off Openings: Before installing the bird netting, seal off any gaps, openings, or potential entry points for birds to prevent them from finding alternative routes onto your balcony.
Regular Maintenance: Periodically inspect the bird netting for any signs of wear, damage, or tampering. Fast Safety Nets Hyderabad can provide maintenance services to ensure that the netting remains intact and effective over time.
By following these steps and working with Fast Safety Nets Hyderabad, you can effectively install bird netting on your balcony to keep birds out and create a clean and bird-free outdoor space. Their professional installation and high-quality netting ensure reliable bird control, allowing you to enjoy your balcony without the hassle of bird-related issues.
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hook-line-and-sinker · 11 months
Why Orcas are gonna take over the Planet
A list:
Number 1: They can and will kill literally everything including but not limited to
Swarms of fish by herding them together and slapping them with their tales
Yeeting dolphins, fish, whale calves into the air (in one case 80 feet)
Washing seals of ice floes with artificial waves
Temporarily beaching themself to snap at bird and other animals in the land
Dragging sea mammals into the deep until they drown
Great white sharks
Fully grown great blue whales
Fukin blue whales i cannot stress this enough like sometimes not even for food they just wanna pick a fight
Number 2: Their family structures are more reliable and stable than ur broken homelife
They stay with their mum for life
The whole family cares for the young males and females
The group lead by the oldest female usually consists of up to 4 generations
Females get up to 80 years old in the wild teaching the younger generation hunting techniques
A family of orcas (a pod) never separates for more than a couple hours
A clan (multiple pods sharing the same ancestor) usually lives seperated but meets occasionally
Pods and clans also have similar calls referred to as dialects
Number 3: They could get a PhD they just choose not to
They have the second heaviest brain of all marine mammals
They have a good memory and pass on knowledge over generations
They learn really fast
There was a case of an orca in captivity throwing bits of fish onto land and eating the birds trying to get to it, it them taught the technique to 3 more orcas
A researcher in the 1910s almost fell of a floe because an orca repeatedly tried to flip it over
They learned to steal fish and bait from longlines belonging to fishing boats
When the fishermen set up decoys they figured it out
When the fisherman tried throwing out their nets far apart and with only small time intervalls inbetween to prevent the orcas to get to them on time they got behind it after like 3 times
When we inevitably delete our species from the planet these guys are gonna reach world domination in like a week. And if we stick around longer than expected they will challenge us to 1on1 mortal combat.
They can literally kill god.
In fact they did the reason theres no god of the sea is because the orcas fukin ate him. Where are the mermaids? Fukin dinner mate! The kraken? Dessert! They fished god out of the sky and fed him to their babies. And then taught them how to kill Satan in a fun family game night.
There's albino orcas and they look like white chocolate. Look.
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Theyre out for blood but °˖✧awww pwetti✧˖°
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greenbeansartgallery · 6 months
Miracle of Chu Chapter 1: The Rise of the Indigo and Purple
Sig finds the Peacock Miraculous and makes a bug friend, things go downhill from there and a Moth heroine is born. AU: @greenysoliatre and @camirazone
Sig let out a yawn. This has been a tiring day and all he did was look to see if there's any new bugs he can find, being the season of summer with the cold being away bugs will come out and play but so far he had very little success.
Before he could call it a day and take a break, a shine of blue stopped him in these tracks.
Coming from his bug catcher net..
Wait, when did that get on his net?
To his disappointment, it was not a bug but a blue broach shaped like five segments of peacock feathers and a black teardrop at the bottom centre.
But at least it looked cool, it was blue and Sig liked the colour blue as it was the colour of the sky and the ocean. With no second of hesitation, he puts it on after taking it out and is met with a bright blue light causing him to shut his eyes to prevent them from being blinded.
As it subsided, a high pitched voice chimed "Hello~!"
Eyes now opened, floating before Sig was a deep blue creature resembling a peacock looking at him with a curious smile.
"Are you the one who found me?"
"Uhh.. I guess I did." The only response he can think of at this point.
Meanwhile in Primp Magic School, class was starting and everyone was present apart from one.
"Umm.. where's Sig?" Lidelle piped up as she took notice there was no sign of him anywhere. It really didn't take a detective to know where he went as everyone knew the answer.
"He's probably still doing his bug hunting. Surely he'll be back..?" Amitie responded with her hopes up. Sig has gotten a bit better keeping track of time, what's wrong with being a little late?
"Maybe one of us should go get him?" Carmen asked. "It's possible he might have fell asleep."
"Don't bother wasting your time, if he's absent from class, that's on him." Klug scoffed as he paid no attention to the disapproving scowl from the others.
Raffina found herself pulling a face at the notion that she does agree with his point.
"Maybe after school one of us could check up on him in case~" The gentle giant known as Tarutaru suggested but before anyone can reply, their one and only teacher Professor Accord arrives
"Hello, children, I hope you enjoyed your break because we have a pop quiz coming up." She greeted as she does an attendance count, everyone was here apart from Sig. Oh dear, she hoped he was alright. Marking him off as absent, Accord made a mental note to speak to him first thing tomorrow if he does make it. "Now time for the pop quiz~"
Back to Sig who couldn't really understand the little bird thing who introduced himself as the Kwa.. me? Kwami of Emotion, Duusu as the name of the bird was trying to tell him as they were panicking kind of like Amitie really when she stresses out. "There's something gone amiss and I really need your help, Sig! Please this is urgent!"
"What's gone a miss though?" All Sig could respond as this sounded too vague for him to understand.
"That's what I'm trying to find out but I can't do this alone, please help!"
"Okay, but how?"
Duusu then proceeded to go on ramble: "Well as I said before I am the Kwami of Emotion. I bestow powers to whoever wears my pin and turn them into a peacock themed superhero! The said power is to manifest people's emotions into creatures known as Sentimonsters."
Senti.. monsters? Sig suddenly became intrigued. "So I could make any creature as long as it's based on people's feelings? Even mine?"
"Yes, yes! But now's not the time! We need to start!" The Kwami of Emotion says flapping their arms frantically. "In order to transform, you just need to say "Duusu, Spread my feathers!" and if you want to detransform you say "Fall my feathers." Can you do that for me?"
Sig still confused as ever decided to go with what he has been given. "Okay.. uhhh..."
May as well give it a shot. "Duusu, spread my feathers, I guess."
And just like that the magic of the Miraculous began to do it's work as Duusu disappeared into the peacock pin and Sig felt an odd power surge through him. It felt great but at the same time so strange. In a sudden flash, he took a look at a nearby pond to see that his hair changed into midnight as his usual outfit transformed into a dark indigo jumpsuit with a blue tailcoat adorned with light magenta buttons and a five pointed tail resembling that of a peacock and dark blue gloves. The hood over his head having a feather straps with a magenta center on each side with three blue feathers. His blue and green running shoes were now high boots, the skin also dull indigo and finally his mismatches eyes came in two different shades of magenta.
With all this blue he's wearing the only superhero name he can think of is Sapphirus like his spell Sapphire.
He wasn't sure how to feel about this new look nor on what to do next. A hand fan that somehow appeared in his hands started glowing, more specifically the feathers on the fan did, giving him a hint on what to do. So on instinct, he plucks a feather.
With a clenched hand, the feeling of confusion turns the feather into blue and flings itself onto the butterfly net.
A dark blob appears taking the shape of an oddly shaped beetle three times his height. Sig couldn't help but take a moment to cheer as he made a new bug friend but the celebration was cut short as the beetle charges at him. On instinct he dodges out of the way and watches his new found bug friend running around the Nahe Woods prompting Sapphirus to give chase, leaving behind the net in the process.
"Wait, bug friend! Come back!" He called out hand reached out as he ran after his first creation. By the time he caught up the large beetle was ready to change at him again.
How can he make it stop?
Maybe a Puyo battle could calm it down-
Wait.. what's that beeping sound?
And suddenly in a flash, Sapphirus' form was reverted back into Sig who only had a second to react and catch the exhausted Duusu in his hands.
Wait what just happened?
"Ah, Sig! Incoming!!" The Kwami screamed as beetle charged causing the bug enthusiast to dodge the attack barely as he ended up flopping on the ground, Duusu encased on his hands in front of his head safely. Having the sudden lack of energy to get up, all Sig could do was watch as the beetle went on its way.
"Oh right, your Miraculous has a timer of five minutes anytime you use your powers and it turns you back after it hits zero.. oops." Duusu says sheepishly, slightly as they turn around to see that their holder isn't getting up.
"Coulda told me this sooner..." Sig drawled as the feeling of sleep takes over and the last thing he heard was his new friend crying out in confusion as he began to pass out.
Somewhere the town square of the resident shop where you can buy almost anything at your convenience run by the one and only Oshare Bones, the dapper skeleton, the door bell chimes indicating a customer has arrived. "Hello, Mr. Oshare!"
Hello, Carmen~!" Oshare Bones greeted as Carmen walked in to take a look at what she was looking to buy. "Just came back from school?"
"Hmm mmm, we had a pop quiz." She looked around the shop to see anything she could buy.
A couple of flower seed packs were a must have on her mental list. Mama mentioned she needed some to grow more Tulips as they were getting sold fast. Also some Hibiscus flowers sound nice to grow, it's the season after all.
After a few minutes of deciding what she wants, she places her would be purchases on the counter and gets ready to pay.
Before the platinum blonde knew it, her eyes caught a glimmer belonging to a small deep purple broach with a silver lining resembling a butterfly of some sort in a plain black wooden box sitting by the counter.
It was memorising as if it was calling out to her. "Oh hoo! Found something else to purchase as well? Carmen?"
Carmen snapped out of her trance and looked at the shop keeper and points at the broach.
"Oh that's just a broach I found while I was on a stroll, I thought it looked cool at first but it looked so UGLY when I brought it in so may as well put it up for sale."
For only a couple of silver coins? Aren't jewellery usually a bit more expensive than that? Carmen wanted to say aloud but choose to say something else. "Could I buy it then?"
"Buy all means, you're doing me a favour getting rid of the drab. That would be two silver coins."
And just like that Carmen handed the coins in favour of the butterfly looking jewellery with a thank you and took off. Oshare was kind enough to call her back in for the other items make her purchase to her relief and embarrassment.
While making her way back home, she couldn't help but stare at the box with fascination, it wasn't everyday Carmen would make such an impulsive purchase as she did, as she was taught better than that by her mothers, the importance of planning on what to buy, difference between a want and a need though a bit of self indulgence didn't hurt but it was rather fortunate it costed her a couple of silver coins.
What isn't fortunate however is that the lack of attention towards her surroundings had the winged student bumping into something causing her to stumble back, nearly dropping the box in the process and bringing her back to reality.
"Sorry-!" She began to apologise looking up and sees a rather shiny looking surface.. odd. She could see her reflection on there, kind of.. Taking a second to pat the surface with her hand, it felt smooth now where did she see and felt this before..?
Steps back and eyes went wide with astonishment, a giant sized beetle?! In the town square?! And why does she feel like she's in danger all of a sudden?
The massive beetle began to move causing her to jolt and make a dash for it only for the creature come at her with a charge with an alarming speed causing her to let out a scream in terror as she tries to outrun it but alas she throws herself to the floor to dodge it. Getting up with her heart feeling like it was burst out of her ribcage, Carmen sits up to see the beetle running around the square, she wasted no time running back home before it sees her, opening the door and shutting with a loud slam slipping to the floor with her back pressed again the door and hand clutching the box to her chest, gasping to regain her breath.
Thankfully Mama was there to see her though it took a while for the girl to explain as she went nonverbal and needed to calm down, eventually telling her mother about this large beetle attacking the town square, Carmen was advised to stay home until it's sorted out. Fleeing to her room, she plops on her bed to bury her face into the soft pillows for a second before looking at the broach one last time, as she opens the box once more and suddenly the broach began to shimmer and a small orb of purple light appeared out of it causing her to reel back into her pillows flinch at the sudden brightness as she watches the ball of light manifest into a small lavender creature with butterfly wings that have a long tail with a tip at the end of each lower wing and large dark purple eyes with a swirl of the matching colour on his forehead.
Doing a small polite bow, the creature begins to speak. "Hello, my name is Nooroo, the Kwami of Transmission. I know this must be overwhelming for you since we just met but I need your help!"
Carmen stay sunk into the pillows gasp and covering her mouth with surprise and adoration. He looked adorable! Wait.. what? Looking around a flock of glowing white butterflies made their acquaintance in her room, did they come from Nooroo?
She sits up properly and flaps her hands as Nooroo continued to ramble. "Wait, wait please slow down! What is it you need my help with?"
"Ah, sorry! It's just that it's very urgent. A great threat is here in Primp and it needs to be stopped before it could get worse. The Miraculous you're holding grants you the power to transform into a superhero."
"The miraculous.. the broach?"
Nooroo nods patiently as he watches Carmen take the time to process what he's saying to her and make a decision.
She stares at him before looking at the broach. A threat in Primp..? It had to be the large beetle creature that's attacking the town square maybe she can use the miraculous to stop it. But.. Did she really deserve the right to be called a superhero? After all she did buy the miraculous instead of earning it. She looked down away from the broach upon thinking about it.
But Nooroo needs her help. She'll just have to put in the hard work to make up for that, looking back at the miraculous then clutching it with eyes back at the lilac kwami, eyes hardened with resolve. "I'll do it, what should I do?"
Nooroo beams with delight at this and answers all of the questions she had in great gusto. Putting on the miraculous and standing up away from her bed, Carmen learns that she can create butterflies that can allow her to choose a champion to bestow a superpower onto based on their emotional state to aid her in combat and in order to transform she just needs to say;
"Nooroo, Wings Rise!"
She felt such power coursing through her as the glowing butterflies danced around her with purple light and Nooroo disappearing into the Miraculous. Carmen took a moment to look at the new change of appearance. A dark purple and indigo dress with the skirt resembling that of a butterfly wings and the fluffy top and collar kind of like a moth. The legs being indigo and periwinkle with purple heeled boots and matching gloves that reach up to near her shoulders. Her ponytail was now split into two braids and a large purple fancy hat with two feathers can be felt on her head and course a mask on her face.
Her wings feels different as well.. turning her head to see, what was once sparrow wings now turned into that of a butterfly or a moth, it was hard to see really. Nooroo mentioned having a superhero name. She sits down to think of one, it had to be good. Something memorable, something that feels right..
Butterfly and moth.. Sig some time ago mentioned an order of butterflies and moths but the name escapes her.. Taking a moment to find the notebook dedicated to his bug ramblings which the platinum blonde took a moment to look for, she searched to see if she still had that information written down.
Aha! There it is! She smiles with satisfaction. Lepidoptera.
She will be called Lepidoptera henceforth.
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hookaroo · 8 months
Laden of the Torn (20 of 25)
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AO3 link Catch up on tumblr: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Tagging @priscilla9993 @cocohook38 @killian-whump <3
Retracing his steps yet again to escape another cruel dead end, Killian worked to quell mounting frustration. With less than an hour until sunset and no means of building a fire, it was looking increasingly likely that he would face the choice of continuing by whatever moonlight permeated the clouds, or hunkering down on cold stone in damp clothing and possibly freezing to death by morning. Even the map would have done them little good at this point. They seemed to be caught in an invisible tide, approaching the likely misremembered landmark only to meet a dead end and be swept backwards the exact same distance to try a new path. If only he could climb the heartless crags concealing the way. 
Puzzle was asleep again, in her new favorite spot beneath his shirt, riding his braceless forearm as he held it stiffly against his abdomen. At least one of them was comfortable.
He considered again the idea he’d been toying with all afternoon: if he simply called out for help, perhaps some of Puzzle’s kin would find them and guide them home. The First had allegedly been observing Killian and Blackbeard for days before the ambush with the fishing nets; undoubtedly, they would have scouts watching for Puzzle’s return.
But a shout could bring unwanted attention, too. If the Less were attempting to get their hostage back, they may be closer even than any First scouts. And Killian was not at all confident in his ability to survive another skirmish.
He reached the fork at which he’d made the incorrect choice before and dutifully turned to follow the other path. Alice had recently gone through a maze phase, after reading the tale of Theseus and the Minotaur, and had occupied herself for nearly a week drawing increasingly complicated labyrinths for him to solve, or begging him to create the same for her. Being afforded a bird’s-eye view was entirely different than navigating one from inside, though. Theoretically, following one wall or the other might eventually lead to the exit, and would prevent endless meandering and becoming lost, but that strategy would likely also take longer as every single branching path would have to be traversed. And in this case, there were probably multiple routes and more than one exit, so he just needed to be persistent and try not to wander in circles…
Behind him. The sudden clatter of stone on stone, and the hair on the back of his neck was standing on end. He spun on his heel, immediately tense, and as he searched dizzily for any sign of movement, his hand edged toward the precious passenger concealed in his shirt. He would not allow her to fall back into enemy hands, no matter what it took.
There was nothing there. He watched for a moment, and listened. Silence. Perhaps he’d just loosened a bit of slate passing through, causing it to belatedly shift in his wake. Cautiously, he bent to fish the spear blade from the bandage pouch. Grasping it hurt, but he refused to be unarmed this time. Even if the noise wasn’t an approaching foe.
Puzzle seemed to have picked up on his apprehension, and she positioned herself more securely in the crook of his elbow. Her tremors were visible in fluttering waves of damp black cotton. Killian limped two cautious steps backwards and halted. The silence persisted. He did not trust himself to keep his balance without watching his steps, so he did an uneasy about-face, but moved as quietly as he could and cast frequent glances rearward to keep an eye out for movement.
He made it perhaps a hundred paces further down the canyon without incident. He was finding it increasingly harder to grip his makeshift weapon as the tooth punctures at the base of his thumb pulsed with pain. But his danger sense still tingled, warning of invisible eyes upon him as he walked, and he had to remain ready for an imminent attack despite appearances to the contrary.
Killian froze. Up ahead of him this time: grating shale and the briefest hint of movement. The synchronized throbbing in his hand and leg tripled in tempo to match his racing heart. Multiple pursuers? The whole Less Clan could very well be out searching for him, but with such an imbalance in numbers, why then would they be holding back their attack?
A rumbling, repeated whoop filled the empty space behind him, starting slowly but gradually picking up speed, and Killian needed no translator potion to interpret its menace. Panting with adrenaline, he made several staggering circles but still could not find the source of the sounds. A higher-pitched hooting joined the first voice, calling an invitation: the advance scouts had found their prey.
Killian stood no chance. Fight or flee, the Less had the advantage. In desperation, he whirled and took off down the canyon, praying he would not fall and crush the treasure he carried. As the call to battle grew and became more shrill, it brought to mind certain hooligans from certain bygone days, and Killian half expected to feel a dreamshade-laced arrow pierce his heart at any moment. Instead, a well-timed hurdle sent claws and fur flying at his face, and though he ducked, stumbling, the Less warrior found purchase in his collar and was immediately on the attack. It was unarmed, the better to keep up with its longer-legged quarry, but that wasn’t much of a hindrance, considering its natural weaponry. As Killian struggled to maintain his balance, he swiped at the monkey with his spear blade, hoping to throw it off before it found flesh with its teeth.
With very little effort, the monkey dodged the blade and sank its fangs into the protruding knuckles of Killian’s first two fingers, all in one rapid motion. Before the pain even began to register, he was shaking his hand furiously to dislodge the vicious beast, but it was now wrapping all four limbs plus its tail around his forearm, intent on removing his only visible means of defense.
Still lurching down the path leading gods-knew-where, Killian took a drunken step sideways, aiming for the nearest rock wall. His desperate plan was to pummel his sharp-toothed tormentor against stone until it let go, preferably before it managed to sever any fingers entirely.
A shard of razor-stone hissed past his ear. Another bounced off the back of his neck. The terrifying din swelled in volume, coming from all directions now, monkey shrieks of aggressive solidarity. Hardly breaking stride, Killian flung his weighed-down arm against the rock face, no time for precision as more irregular missiles bruised and shredded wherever they struck. Instinctively, Killian turned his shoulder to the assault, hunching over slightly, shielding Puzzle as much as he could.
Though probably dazed, the monkey attacking his hand would not let go. Its teeth clamped tighter as it wrenched its neck side to side in an apparent effort to rend flesh from bone. Killian struck the rock again, but the heel of his fist absorbed most of the blow. Clawed hind feet scrabbled for better purchase as tiny fingers dug and scratched agonizingly at his already-injured palm, and Killian realized it was trying to take his blade from him, or maybe just to prevent him from using it…
From seemingly out of nowhere, two additional Less warriors, bigger than their comrade, alighted on Killian’s back and shoulder, and he narrowly avoided a stumble, stabilizing himself with the hand currently hammering against the rock. Pivoting quickly, he slammed his back against the wall so hard it nearly knocked the wind from him, but his passengers were too quick to be trapped. They leapt nimbly to the wall’s razor crest, then immediately back down to their target, both realizing at the same moment where the rescued princess must be hiding. Their collision momentarily caused them to forget they were allies, and the earsplitting tussle that followed gave Killian just enough time to pin the finger-biter between his hip and the wall, and with a mighty heave, he tore his hand free from its determined gnawing.
Pushing off from the wall, Killian bent forward abruptly in an attempt to throw off his remaining two attackers, but they had damnably good balance and reflexes, and they merely shifted their wrestling match to his upper back. With a cursory glance at the blood covering his mangled fingers, Killian carefully positioned his arm across his chest to cover the little “cave” where Puzzle cowered. He had somehow retained his grip on the spear blade in his fist, and he rested it against the opposite bicep, pointing upward as a pathetic obstacle for would-be arm-scalers.
Killian had just taken a faltering step forward when a solid mass barreled into the back of his leg, causing his knee to buckle and sending him sprawling forward. He managed to avoid using his arms as he landed hard on both knees. The duo on his shoulders were finally knocked loose by the jarring landing, but he didn’t have time to register that fact before his new assailant took their place. It felt like nearly triple their combined weight, and Killian could only surmise that the Less commander Quake had found him.
The big ape suddenly had his very humanoid fingers wrapped around Killian’s throat. There would be no need to pry Puzzle from the pirate’s grasp if he were dead.
Immediately panicking for air, Killian slashed upward with his blade and was rewarded with a lessening of the pressure on his trachea, though the keen edge sliced into his hand just as deeply as it did Quake’s. He stabbed upward again. The weapon slipped from his grasp. Quake seemed to be treating Killian’s throat as a tree trunk while he nursed his cut, leaning back at a casual angle, hind feet on Killian’s shoulder blades. Killian’s damaged fingers had little effect on the powerful grip.
“Kill!” shrieked Quake, between licks of his own blood. “Kill the Torn!”
Killian dragged an unsatisfying breath past the obstruction and began to struggle to his feet. He heaved himself up with an exhausted, strangled groan, his fingers still engaged in a futile wrestling match with the hand squeezing his windpipe. He could see dozens of Less warriors flooding the canyon, pouring over the walls like drones defending an anthill. Killian felt as if he were carrying a full cask of rum on his back as he braced himself for the onslaught.
They came from all sides, scaling his legs, using each other as springboards, or even leaping from the walltops and, try as he might to dodge or shake them off, there were simply too many and he was quickly overwhelmed.
One particularly conniving creature latched on to one of Killian’s boots and began a ferocious tug-of-war battle as he fought to maintain his balance. Others swiftly joined in, and it wasn’t long before he had his feet pulled out from underneath him. Once more on his knees, being flayed and helpless to stop it, Killian curled himself protectively around princess Puzzle. Should it be his fate to die today, he was damn well prepared to spend his final moments shielding her for as long as he could. 
Suddenly, the tightness in his throat could not entirely be explained by Quake’s almost-lazy grasp. Another young one he’d failed to save. It seemed he deserved this death.
Into the haze of pain came a bolt of fire as mighty ape fangs pierced the back of his neck and shoulder. Doubtless probing for vital structures, though with victory all but assured, Quake must have wanted to savor the moment, and paralysis only lurked. But jolts of electricity shot down his arm and torso, and it could only be a matter of time.
Other clawed hands were digging, tearing at his arms as his strength quickly faded. Soon, they would breach the cave protecting Puzzle, drag her out, take her back or kill her in their frenzy, and Killian could do nothing.
Amidst the raging anguish of the attack, a sudden doubling of the surrounding tumult could only be Hellfire’s roar as eternity rushed to claim him. But then… one fewer set of claws raking his arm, a little less weight on his back. Fangs withdrawn abruptly, assault averted. By the next heartbeat, all of the monkeys had abandoned ship, even Quake, though it felt as if he’d taken a sizable chunk of Killian’s shoulder with him.
It could be a trick. They could be backing off to get him to look up and expose Puzzle. Killian didn’t dare risk it and remained frozen in place, panting and bleeding.
The nearby melee continued. Then the screams of pain started. And they sounded too intense to be faked. 
Killian lifted his head cautiously, poised to resume his position should anything dive for the entrance. But no, one glance made plain the all-out battle taking place. First versus Less, to the death, and no attention could be spared for the Torn intruder in their midst. 
Killian’s vision swam as he made desperate calculations. He should make a run for it, if he could even stand. He had missed seeing where the First had come from. Away from here, though, while the two clans fought. Figure out the rest later. Or… turn Puzzle over to a First ally? Could he pick one out with enough confidence?
This whole time, the cacophony had blended into an unintelligible animal din, too garbled for the translator portion to keep up, or maybe the pure wild rage needed no interpretation. But suddenly, one shout did rise above the noise, a single word, repeated.
Killian searched frantically for the culprit. Nearby, Quake thrashed dark limbs beneath a swarm of undersized opponents. Blood, fur and carnage everywhere. No clear advantage for either side, not yet; only the vultures gathering high above.
His eyes were drawn to the walltop, about forty paces ahead and to his right. Concealed in the striated shadows, a gray-and-black face peered out between two thorn-like projections crowning the canyon walls. The distance challenged his ability to distinguish facial features, but Killian was fairly certain it must be Mandible, or at the very least, another of the First Clan. Only they knew the nickname by which he was now being summoned.
Killian forced himself up, and the world dimmed for a disconcertingly long period of time. Wincing, he took an off-kilter step toward renewed hope, feeling as if he were floating above the horde of distracted monkeys underfoot.
Perhaps even long-disused sea legs aided him against a madly tilting pathway, for he managed to avoid falling despite obstacles he could barely see. One Less soldier made a half-hearted grab at his ankle but was immediately set upon by one of the First. Hardly pausing in his unsteady stride, Killian pressed onward. 
With all of the alarmingly blurry edges the scene had taken on, it was a real possibility that he had imagined the face on the walltop. He did not see it again until he was suddenly and inexplicably passing beneath the landmark with only a vague sense of how he had gotten there. Craning his neck to search was torture, and he dared not stop walking in case he could not start again; thankfully, his guide made a reappearance a little farther down the path, beckoning him forward, and it was enough motivation for ten more steps, then twenty after that, and it did not matter that he couldn't remember each passing moment, as long as he had this semi-solid vision to follow without much thinking required.
The turf war’s fury gradually faded behind him, becoming a confusing mess of echoes off the surrounding stone. Must-Be-Mandible met Killian at a fork in the canyon, and it was then that he noticed two more friendly lurkers keeping vigilant watch in every direction. All three directed Killian down the left path--which, if he were being honest, was the opposite of what he would have chosen. So maybe they were real after all. 
After two more turns which led them more or less in the expected direction but would have taken him hours to find on his own, Killian's heart rate was just beginning to settle into less of a terror-stricken sprint. But the waning of adrenaline meant a sharpening of pain, and the dogged pace set at first by necessity was no longer sustainable. 
“Quickly,” urged the First as Killian began to lag behind, likely sensing things he could not.
“Take her,” he answered hoarsely. “I'll find my own way…”
Then he was ducking as a Less warrior exploded out of hiding, and the two sentries leapt to engage, and he was suddenly running again, drawing on one final reserve of strength to follow Mandible in the direction of safety.
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andreanne-ams · 6 months
Reasons Why Pigeon Proofing Solar Panels is Important
Harnessing solar energy is a sustainable choice for powering our homes and businesses. However, the presence of birds, particularly pigeons, can pose significant challenges to the efficiency and longevity of solar panels. In this blog post, we'll explore the crucial reasons why investing in "Pigeon Proofing Solar Panels" is a smart decision, shedding light on the importance of bird-proofing measures for your solar energy system.
1. Preventing Damage to Solar Panels: Pigeons, attracted to the warmth and shelter solar panels provide, often nest in the spaces beneath them. Unfortunately, their nesting materials and droppings can lead to damage, reducing the efficiency of the panels over time. Pigeon proofing safeguards your solar investment by preventing such damage.
2. Ensuring Optimal Energy Efficiency: Blocked solar panels result in reduced sunlight absorption, leading to lower energy production. Pigeon proofing measures, such as specialized netting or deterrent devices, ensure that your solar panels remain unobstructed, maximizing their exposure to sunlight and, in turn, optimizing energy efficiency.
3. Extending the Lifespan of Solar Panels: Regular exposure to pigeon droppings can accelerate wear and tear on solar panels, shortening their lifespan. Pigeon proofing not only protects against immediate damage but also contributes to the long-term durability of your solar energy system, ultimately preserving your investment.
4. Maintaining Aesthetics and Property Value: Pigeon droppings not only impact the functionality of solar panels but also mar their visual appeal. Bird-proofing measures help maintain the aesthetic integrity of your solar installation, preserving the curb appeal of your property. This, in turn, contributes to the overall value of your home or business.
5. Health and Safety Concerns: Pigeon droppings can pose health risks due to the presence of bacteria, fungi, and parasites. By implementing pigeon proofing measures, you create a safer environment for both yourself and those around you, reducing the potential health hazards associated with bird infestations.
Finding Solar Panel Bird Proofing Near You: Locating reliable professionals for solar panel bird proofing is crucial for effective implementation. Explore options for "Solar Panel Bird Proofing Near Me" to ensure a seamless and expertly executed bird-proofing solution tailored to your specific needs.
Investing in pigeon proofing for your solar panels is a proactive step towards safeguarding your sustainable energy system. By preventing damage, optimizing energy production, and maintaining the aesthetic appeal of your solar installation, you not only protect your investment but also contribute to a cleaner and more efficient energy future. Explore bird-proofing solutions today to ensure your solar panels continue to shine for years to come.
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