#bird haggadah
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adelethecrow · 4 months ago
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a character from the pages of the Bird Haggadah - an ancient Jewish manuscript
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sheydgarden · 1 year ago
Any thoughts on the little fellows from the Bird's Head Haggadah?
delightful ask, thank you. huge fan of those fellows! i love how modern that kind of medieval cartooning can look sometimes. here's a pair enjoying some Jewish zines (was the haggadah the original Jewish zine? discuss) ♥
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mascamaiorum · 1 year ago
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"Birds’ Head Haggadah", medieval jewish illuminated manuscript with avian figures. Scholars say the human face was masked to circumvent the prohibition on images.
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zoologica42 · 10 months ago
Sad today, drew a little bird man in my notes.
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Based on the little guys from the Bird’s Head Haggadah (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birds%27_Head_Haggadah) and a smooth-billed ani. I saw smooth billed anis for the first time recently and learned they’re called “judío” in some places bcs of the big beak. Watching their antics reminded me of my family around the Seder table so maybe there’s more to the name.
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arthistoryanimalia · 2 years ago
A special #Feathersday for #ChagPesachSameach: The Bird's Head Hagaddah c. 1300, the oldest surviving illuminated Ashkenazi Passover Haggadah, named for its depiction of Jewish human figures with bird heads. In this scene they're baking matzo!
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The Birds’ Head Haggadah South Germany c. 1300 Scribe: Menahem Handwritten on parchment; dark brown ink & tempera; square Ashkenazic script H: 27; W: 18.2 cm Israel Museum, Jerusalem B46.04.0912
"The name of this early Passover Haggadah derives from its depiction of human figures with pronounced birds’ heads. The enigmatic practice of drawing bird and animal heads in place of human faces is found in other Ashkenazi manuscripts of the 13th and 14th centuries and has been interpreted in various ways.
This is the first illustrated Haggadah known to be produced as an entity separate from the prayer book. It contains depictions with ritual and textual themes: the preparation of matzah and the various blessings over wine and food recited during the Seder; biblical scenes like the gathering of the manna or the giving of the Torah; and messianic images such as the rebuilt Jerusalem."
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The bitter herbs bird is delightful.
To reiterate
Not enough of you know about the Birds Head Haggadah, and that
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is a damn
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are otters or songbirds more jewish i have an argument to settle
Rating: Songbirds, but there's a makhloket
The majority opinion holds that songbirds are more Jewish than otters, as it is written, “Even the sparrow has found a home and the swallow a nest for herself in which to set her young near Your altar, O LORD of hosts, my Sovereign and my God” (Psalms 84:4). There are many other texts that mention songbirds throughout the Tanakh; there are zero results for “otter” as referring to the animal on Sefaria in our sacred texts.* Thus, the simple answer is that songbirds are more important in Judaism, and therefore more Jewish, than otters. Additionally, medieval Jewish illumination such as the famous Bird's Head Haggadah depicts Jews with human bodies and the heads and beaks of birds, indicating a close connection between Jews and birds:
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However, as is Jewish tradition, we preserve the following minority opinions as well: 
Otters are more Jewish than songbirds: Songbirds were created on the fifth day of creation, while otters, like humans, were created on the sixth day. Therefore, otters are closer to humanity, and Jews are part of humanity, so otters are more Jewish than songbirds. (Genesis 1:20-24) Furthermore, this photo from the Cincinnati Zoo speaks for itself:
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Both otters and songbirds are equally Jewish: Psalms 50:10-11 reads “For Mine is every animal of the forest, the beasts on a thousand mountains I know every bird of the mountains, the creatures of the field are subject to Me.” Clearly, this covers both otters and songbirds, so both are equally Jewish. Furthermore, otters and songbirds both look extremely cute in yarmulkes, which may not be halakhically relevant but feels important to state nonetheless.
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Neither otters nor songbirds are Jewish; however, they are righteous gentiles under the Noahide covenant: To be Jewish means to be bound by the Abrahamic covenant in relationship with the Holy One. As animals are neither descended from Jewish parents nor have the agency to choose to be bound by the covenant made between God and Abraham, as human converts do, neither otters nor songbirds are Jewish**. However, following the great flood, God said to Noah, “I now establish My covenant with you and your offspring to come, and with every living thing that is with you—birds, cattle, and every wild beast as well—all that have come out of the ark, every living thing on earth. (Genesis 9:9-10). This covenant, symbolized by the rainbow, is God’s commitment to every living thing (clearly including both songbirds and otters) that God will never flood the Earth again-- something every one of us can support.
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*(okay, there are three results: one is a typo for “utter” as in “our otter ruin” and the other two are German). 
** My cat, however, is definitely Jewish.
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sashayed · 2 years ago
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thinking about Them (hardworking little guys from the Bird's Head Haggadah)
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yiddishlore · 1 year ago
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Girls don’t want boys, girls want a facsimile edition of the “Birds’ Head Haggadah” (Southern Germany, c. 1300)
Image from the Israel Museum: https://www.imj.org.il/en/collections/199815-0
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mortimer · 2 years ago
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They put a fish in that shin!!!
Doing my final reserarch paper for school on jewish illuminated manuscripts and fuck they are so cool and beautiful. bad bitches of the book
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fuzzytheduck · 1 month ago
the medieval bird head Haggadah by beloved
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thepomegranatewitch · 1 year ago
tu bshvat 5784
Welcome to the new tradition around here, sharing my family's tu bshvat table! Pictures imperfect because we needed to sit and eat!
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Image description. Three photos of a table set with a meal, described below. One from overhead, the other two from just over tableheight at two different angles.
The whole table! This is a secondhand dropleaf table that I fixed up a bit with oilcloth, but I'd love to have one of those old country kitchen wooden tables that serve as prep table, dining table, and ad hoc operating table for La Résistance. The kids keep grabbing onto the edge and trying to swing off this, and you can imagine that will one day soon end very poorly.
Since I live an actually not aesthetically cottagecore life, we have nothing but the finest dollar store plain white dishware for us adults, and metal sets for the kids. I haven't finished making all the colour coded napkins, but eagle eyed individuals will notice each blue gingham napkin has a flower embroidered in the corner in each of our colour coding scheme, from top left clockwise that's red, yellow, green, orange. Each setting has a bowl on a plate, a fork and spoon on a blue napkin, and a haggadah with a pomegranate branch on blue circle. Adult settings also have a butter knife and a stemmed port glass, and the kid settings have two small square sticker sheets and a turkish teaglass.
The table has, from top left clockwise, an adult place setting, a fruit plate on glass, a child setting, a red plate with four servings of melanzane alla parmigiana, an adult place setting, a paper packet of parsley seeds, a small glass jar with cardamom pods, a glass bowl of wash water with three star anise floating in it, a gray towel with white stripes, and a child setting. Down the center of the table from left to right is a bowl of fruit and nut studded barley, a bottle of white and a bottle of red wine, a square container with mixed roasted vegetables, a half gallon mason jar with water, a pecan pie with circular pattern, and a plate of homemade thick matzah. Yes, I made matzah because I thought it would be easier than making bread. Yes, my oven hasn't been cleaned in a while and so started smoking. Yes, the smoke alarms went off multiple times. Yes, I did have to stand there facing the street while it rained pumping the side door while all the windows were open to get all the steam and smoke particles out of the air. Holiday adventures with Sahar!
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Image description. Four close up shots of foods, described below. All are birds eye except the barley, which is at an angle to show the careful mounding.
the fruit plate! Our minhag is at least twelve tree fruits so we piled most of them on the tasting plate. From the ramekin going clockwise, that's a ramekin of pomegranate arils, a chunk of pomegranate, segmented tangerine slices, dried apricots, almonds, dried figs, golden raisins (the baby calls them 'ravens'), extra-dark chocolate chunks (cacao is a tree fruit, it's what the ancestors would want), a ramekin of pitted kalamata olives, and some dried medjool dates. Bonus: the kids ate the plate remnants as a serve-yourself breakfast the next morning. Always wonderful when a holiday yields some batch cooking and child autonomy.
a pecan pie. We use the King Arthur Flour Old-Fashioned Pecan Pie recipe because corn syrup tastes off to me. The changes we made this time are making a savory not sweet pie crust (my spouse makes it with iced water and vodka), cream instead of milk, toasting the filling nuts just shy of burnt, and cream instead of milk. It worked really well to reduce the sweetness from 'sickening' to 'very.' It's our traditional dessert and we eat it only once a year because it's so sweet. I like laying the pecans flat side up in rings on the top for full coverage and so it looks a little like tree rings.
The washwater bowl. It's just a glass mixing bowl with water, but I dropped in some orange blossom water and floated some star anise to make it pretty, and I liked it. Will have to repeat the anise for pesach, but skip the orange blossom water - the anise completely overpowered it.
The barley. We cooked it plain and then added walnuts, pine nuts, dried cherries, fresh pomegranate, and a lot of olive oil. We didn't salt it, which was fine, because we let the kids salt the eggplant before we roasted it, which was not fine. Together they taste great. For those keeping count, the barley dish rounds out the tree fruits to thirteen, and with the whole-wheat matzah that makes all seven species! Side note on the matzah, keep your eyes peeled around pesach for my recipe. Once I learned how to make it, I'm never going back to store matzah. Mine is delicious and oil rich, and we eat it as a pleasant flatbread, not just the bread of affliction.
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Image description. Two photos of amanita mushrooms from overhead angles.
As a final bit, please enjoy these amanita mushrooms from the JCC. The groundskeeper is in a months-long battle with this patch that just keeps coming back. He keeps knocking over all but one so the preschoolers can safely enjoy looking only, and they keep popping up. I'm delighted - I thought these were mythical and didn't realize they grew where I live now!
If you'd like to support my work, you can buy a copy of my tu bshvat haggadah here, and the two tu bshvat stickers here and here.
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veliseraptor · 2 years ago
cannot believe no one is printing a facsimile of the birds' head haggadah. what is a jew (me) to do. is it so much for a jew (me) to ask for my own personal copy to bring to every seder I go to for the rest of my life
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graphicpolicy · 2 months ago
JewCE 2024: Batman at 85
JewCE 2024: Batman at 85 #jewce #batman #comics
Celebrate the Dark Knight’s 85th anniversary with comics industry legends Jordan B. Gorfinkel (former Batman group editor at DC, ideator of “No Man’s Land,” creator of Birds of Prey, writer of the Passover Haggadah Graphic Novel), Athena Finger (granddaughter of Batman’s co-creator Bill Finger), writer Danny Fingeroth (Marvel Comics group editor), and art historian N. C. Christopher Couch. Learn…
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thejesusmaninred · 6 months ago
"The Anak." From Mark 7: 14-15.
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Jesus continues to explain the Mishpatim, the prescriptions and prohibitions. The one we just ecountered is called the Haggadah, the need to expand the protections of the Kingdom of Israel to the Human Race. This was relayed in the structure of a Hand.
The next two verses are what are called a Sue, 2020, סו, "a Ride."
"The unused verb סוס (sus) probably meant to dart forth or be swift. The noun סוס (sus) literally means "swift one" and is applied to a bird, namely the swallow, and a large land mammal, namely the horse. The feminine version is סוסה (susa), but instead of it meaning mare (as is commonly thought) it rather refers to the horse-force of an army.
Long before any animal would become a pet, the horse was a unit of cavalry. Regular people didn't ride horses; they had mules and donkeys, and merchants didn't use horses; they had camels. Seeing a horse in the ancient world was like seeing a tank today."
Rides, obviosuly involve messengers and horses and of course a message one cries out, this Ride is one of the most historic in all religious literature:
14 Again Jesus called the crowd to him and said, “Listen to me, everyone, and understand this.
 15 Nothing outside a person can defile them by going into them. Rather, it is what comes out of a person that defiles them.” [16] [f]
This explains the Laws of Kosher, which involves ways one is advised to discourse with others and others during which one is expected to withdraw.
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 14: Again Jesus called the crowd to Him. Jesus comes and goes, and we have also seen how crowds gather and disperse. Recall He is the Fulfillment of the Holy Spirit. We learn later on how it comes and goes as one's intuition is triggered, in particular in matters that require social consciousness. Where there is respect, the Spirit of the Christ can be found.
The Number is 5142, האד‎ב, "the steam is courtesy."
We just discussed the purpose of a kettle. "courtesy" is the distillation of Shabbat.
v. 15: Jesus spends a lot of time casting out demons. According to this verse, that is silly. The Number is 5023, ןךג‎, "like a child".
A child needs a nice gold necklace called an Anak in Hebrew in order to be trained how to speak with grace. We would never tolerate speech in children that we allow in some adults these days. Jesus was right about this: We have to call blessed speech out using the power of the Holy Ghost. Casting devils out is just not going to work.
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zyphrpogo · 11 months ago
Honest Leak FRAZZLEDRIP supposed AI vid false flag psyop bird head haggadah plague Dr blue color vomit bandage face quarantine
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