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auliyamci · 4 years ago
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ORDER BIOVORTEX : 082181317113 (whatsapp )
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wantomci · 4 years ago
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✔ CARA PAKAI BIO GLASS ✔ Sudah punya bioglass tapi bingung ya gimana CARA MENGGUNAKANNYA? Akhirnya tidak dipakai. Sayang bangeeettttt, padahal Bioglass begitu banyak sekali manfaatnya lho. Ingat saja 5D, untuk semua penyakit sama juga perlakuannya. 1. Dialirkan / direndam untuk di minum airnya. 2. Direndam dalam bak mandi, dipakai mandi atau rendam kaki atau untuk kompres. 3. Ditempel ke bagian tubuh yang dirasa sakit. 4. Disinar dengan bantuan sinar matahari pagi atau senter BIOGLASS, untuk memaximalkan Energy Saclar nya nembus di bagian badan yang sakit. 5. DIBELI biar bisa merasakan MANFAATNYA 😁 CONTOH PENGGUNAAN 👉Anak Sakit Demam Minum sesering mungkin air Bioglass, ditempel Bioglass di kepala/dada/perut dan disinar di tulang punggung belakang. 👉Anak Sakit Batuk & Pilek Minum sesering mungkin air Bioglass & disinari di tulang ekor dan sepanjang tulang belakang, juga di ubun2. 👉Anak Sakit Diare Minum air Bioglass sesering mungkin dan tempel Bioglass di perut 30 menit atau sampai enakan. 👉Anak Sakit Maag Minum air Bioglass sesering mungkin minimal 2 liter. 👉Terapi Stroke, Kanker, Diabetes, Paru & Penyakit lain Minum air Bioglass minimal 20x aliran 2-3 liter per hari. Kecuali untuk penderita Gagal Ginjal sesuai takaran dokter, biasanya hanya 600ml - 1 liter saja. 👉Untuk Terapi Penyinaran di bagian badan yang sakit atau di kepala (bagian atas kepala atau belakang kepala) 👉Untuk Terapi Penyakit Ringan Seperti migrain atau insomnia bisa minum air aliran Bioglass 10x aliran, terapi penyinaran di bagian kepala atau diletakkan dalam bantal kalau mau tidur malam. 👉Untuk Orang Sehat Minum air Bioglass sehari2 akan lebih baik lagi karena air Bioglass mampu meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh, menambah stamina, memperbaiki kondisi sel2 di dalam tubuh sehingga tubuh tidak mudah terserang penyakit dan membuat tubuh selalu segar, tidak mudah lelah. Bioglass dapat merangsang tubuh untuk memperbaiki sel2 tubuh yang rusak, inilah yang disebut Self Healing. Semoga Bermanfaat Better Life With MCI ♥️ #bioglassmci #biovortex #bioglassdiamondshape #biomini #sakitdemam #sakitdiare #sakitdemam #sakitbatuk #sakitflu #terapisinar #terapisinarbioglass https://www.instagram.com/p/CG_lhG5nmw6/?igshid=1a3qob5o9prap
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btie · 5 years ago
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*Bioglass Vortex*
Ada yang ukuran sedang✅
Ada yang ukuran jumbo✅
Ulirannya dibuat berbentuk spiral
Sehingga air yg dialirkan bisa mengikuti gerakan vortex untuk memperbesar energi dan lebih cepat dalam membuat air hexagonal
Gerakan-gerkaan alam yang berenergi besar contohnya tornado itu gerakannya namanya vortex
#Vortex = pusaran energi -pusaran berlawanan arah jarum jam
Dialirkan dari ujung Bio Vortex itu otomatis bergerak kearah kiri arah berlawanan jarum jam dan arah spiral membentuk arah pusaran vortex sehingga mempercepat terbentuk energi, lebih cepat air terbentuk menjadi air hexagonal.
Dipasangkan dengan Dispenser nya
bikin Air hexagonal lebih mudah loh mom buat keluarga dirumah 😊
Keep healhty
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kanthi-mci · 5 years ago
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Yuhuuuuy mandinya pake air hexagonal ? Waaaw habis uang berapaan tuh? Hihihihi Eeeeitssss Tenang say, kelihatannya boros banget yaaa.. Harus beli berapa galon air hexagonal? Seliter aja bisa puluhan ribu harganya ^^ Tapi kalo punya bioglass, mau buat air hexagonal setandon, sekolam juga ga bakalan keluar uang lagi say... Cukup airnya dialirkan melalui Bioglass punya kita, airnya akan berubah dari air biasa jadi air hexagonal kaya oksigen ❤ Naaah, yg uda punya bioglass, jangan dianggurin ya say.. Sayang banget kalo ga dimanfaatkan maksimal Banyak banget manfaatnya utk kesehatan, baik utk menjaga kesehatan maupun ikhtiar membantu proses penyembuhan utj yg sedang ada keluhan sakit berat maupun ringan. ALLAH SWT Sumber Kesembuhan dan Kehidupan Yukkk sehat bersama dengan Bioglass Salam Berbagi Kanthi Lestari WA 081232600313 #Bioglass #BioglassMci #BioglassDuaPlus #BioglassDiamondShape #BioglassVortex #Biovortex #AirBioglass #AirHexagonal #AirOksigen #KL #DistributorResmiMci #BetterLifeWithMci https://www.instagram.com/p/B-c4bK9B69y/?igshid=1qm179wm3nm56
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nugmag · 6 years ago
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📸: @humboldt_seeds ・ 📸: @stinkyfarmz Check out this lovely lady!! #TBT #StinkyDog 🔥🔥🔥🌱👀💚 • • • 📸 selected by : @visualsbyb3ta TAG US to be featured on our instagram!#humboldtseeds #organiccannabis #hso_fam_worldwide #hso #geistgrow #biovortex #diggs_terra #HumboldtSeedOrganization #humboldtseedorganization #TeamHSO #StayStinky #stinkyfarmz 🐖 (at Anaheim, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1Fs6m3A5GI/?igshid=13a5vi4ek3w77
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bioglassmciindonesia · 4 years ago
BIOGLASS MCI ADA beberapa Variasi, yaitu :
1. BioMini (ionnya ±2000) 2. BioMini Diamond (ionnya ±3000) 3. BioGlass 2+ (ionnya ±3000) 4. BioGlass 2S (warnanya lebih hijau, ionnya ±4000) 5. Bioglass Diamond (bentuk diamond, ion ±4000) 6. Bio vortex (Ionnya ± 5300)
Link Terkait :
Penjelasan :
Eh, emang ion negatif 5000 itu maksudnya apa sih? Gini maksudnya, kan disekeliling kita dipenuhi oleh udara untuk kita hirup ini merupakan partikel gas yang bermuatan positif & negatif, yang positif cenderung mendorong ketidakseimbangan kimiawi dalam tubuh, berbeda dengan ion negatif yang menyehatkan tubuh.
biasanya kita banyak menemukan ion negatif di daerah yang masih Asri dan sejuk seperti pegunungan
dan ion negatif jarang atau jumlah nya sedikit di tempat yang padat penduduk, penuh polusi dan bising seperti di perkotaan __
Temen temen pasti pernah denger kan sebuah penelitian yang dilakukan di Piramyd Mesir (Teori Leonard) berawal dari keheranan pengunjung bahwa para pengunjung merasa lebih sehat, kuat dan rasa pegal lenyap seketika?
Begitu pula dengan sampah makanan disana & bangkai binatang gak membusuk melainkan hanya mengering. __ Link Terkait
Hal itu terjadi karena muatan ion negatif yang tersusun dalam pembangunan piramida. Piramida disusun menggunakan batu granit yang buaaanyaaaak. __
Berkaitan dengan itu maka disimpulkan beberapa manfaat luar biasa dari ion negatif yakni :
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Terbukti mampu menghentikan/ membunuh Bakteri, Virus, Kuman
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Terbukti membuat Tubuh semakin Sehat dan Kuat
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Menghirup ion negatif dapat menurunkan kandungan level serotonin dalam darah
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Menetralkan Superoksida dalam darah
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Ion Negatif dapat membunuh bakteri E.Coli
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Ion Negatif dapat membunuh bakteri Micrococcus Pyogenes dan virus Influenza __
Makanya… Makin tinggi ion negatif yang ada di sekitar kita, makin kuat daya tahan tubuh kita. Ion negatif yang besar terdapat di Bioglass X
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!! Paling besar ion negatifnya di Biovortex.
The post Kenali Variasi Bioglass , Simak Yang Satu ini first appeared on MCI INDONESIA.
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mellykyut · 5 years ago
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Semangat Pagi Millionaires! Pssstttt, Ada yang BARU nih dari MCI... Penasaran kan? KINI HADIR! Varian terbaru dari Bioglass yaitu BIOVORTEX dari MCI dengan design yang lebih ELEGAN dan unik loh Millionaires… Karena hidup sehat bukan hanya dari asupan makanan dan minuman bergizi saja loh Millionaires, selain di bantu dengan olah raga teratur, istirahat yang cukup dan bantu gaya hidup sehatmu dengan produk-produk dari MCI loh Millionaires. Salah satunya adalah BIOVORTEX yang membantumu untuk selalu hidup sehat, karena dengan kandungan 14 mineral bumi yang dapat mengeluarkan SCALAR ENERGY yang lebih sempurna agar mudah terserap ke dalam tubuh. Nah, fungsi dari BIOVORTEX tentunya sama dengan varian Bioglass lainnya, diantaranya: - Menjadikan air yang kita minum lebih menyehatkan - Mengalirkan energi dan meningkatkan stamina - Membantu menjaga kadar Ph dalam tubuh - Menyeimbangkan metabolism tubuh - Membantu mencegah perkembangan penyakit degeneratif Bioglas 2+ membantu tubuh kita agar tetap segar dan menjaga keseimbangan energi di dalam tubuh melalui air yang dialirkan dari Bioglass ataupun dengan menaruhnya di dekat badan. Jangan lupa untuk gunakan Bioglass di tiap harimu ya Millionaires… Better Life with MCI #cantik #cantikaalami #kecantikan #produkkecantikan #kulitsehat #kulitkering #kulitberminyak #nutrisikulit #nodadiwajah #bekasjerawat #flekhitam #wanitaindonesia #beauty #kulitcerah #kulitglowing #infokulitsehat #infokulitcantik #mlmsukses #mlm2019 #MCI #betterlifewithmci #bonusreward #freetripmci #bisnismci #bonusmci #produkmci #tampilanbaru #bioglas2plus #bioglasseries #produkkesehatanmci Info wa 08179821505 https://www.instagram.com/p/B5XddNpBNxQ/?igshid=fqw7gajj8rps
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ngulinerbakalana · 5 years ago
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⭐Khusus Member..cuma hari ini aja.. 31 oktober ❤️ Bayar Cuma 3,750 Dpt brng kurang lebih 12jtan Dpt 2 point' Barangnya - 2 biovortex - 3 Lsw love VOC 400rb x 3 Program trade in tanpa pecahan..😍😍😍 Jadi ngga usah ribet ngurusin pecahan Bioglass, ini tanpa bioglass pecahnya, jd kesempatan banget dapat produk banyakkkkk dengan harga segitu😍😍😍 WAJIBBBB ORDER dan share ke team Murah banget dapat produknya banyakkkkkk🤗 sampai jam 4 aja yah😉❤ https://www.instagram.com/p/B4RmasVpNierlZ06xILP8_glmR8KGfAT9jDYqU0/?igshid=fntu9807i7tk
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smilepeng · 5 years ago
What are fast-growing marijuana plants?
Sometimes, you may not be sure about which cannabis strains to purchase for your next grow. Your personal taste and circumstances will greatly determine your decision, so while some of you may be looking for high yields or certain effect, others may prefer strains resistant to moulds or with the shortest possible flowering period.In many occasions, the path followed by breeders to develop their genetics is similar, looking to fix certain traits in the offspring. Thus, today we’ll present a list of strains known for their early flowering trait. As you’ll see next, all varieties listed here have a bloom period no longer than 8 weeks, something that – on the other hand – doesn’t question their quality at all.
About Fast Flowering Seeds
Short flowering seeds occur by crossing various cannabis strains with fast genetics. The breeding helps reduce the time it takes the plant to flower or bud.Autoflowering is another method used to produce short flowing THC seeds. The autoflowering strains that flower the fastest are created by making the plant skip the vegetative stage of its life cycle. Instead, the plant automatically goes straight to the flowering stage.Fast flowering THC seeds come in a wide variety of strains. They produce quickly-feminized strains of cannabis, rich in THC. In some cases, high-grade clones are merged with 3rdgeneration autoflowering marijuana to produce first generation cannabis hybrids.
Growing fast flowering seeds
Generally, it takes a marijuana crop an entire season to completely flower, about 3-5 months. However, with short flowering THC seeds, full-flowering can be accomplished in as little as eight weeks. These strains are genetically coded, so they bloom in expedited time. Your cannabis plants can be ready for harvesting after just 6-7 weeks of flowering.Planting short flowering THC seeds can be done indoors or outdoors. Cultivating your weed indoors allows you to grow a smaller crop, much faster. Outdoor growing maximizes the yield of your crop, much quicker than with other types of seeds. And, because the plants flower so quickly, you have a good chance of beating the bad weather.All of this helps to maximize the yield of your cannabis crop. These types of THC seeds require very little maintenance when grown outdoors or indoors.
Fastest Growing Cannabis Seeds
ROYAL CRITICAL AUTOMATICRoyal Critical Automatic is a well known auto that has gained impressive traction within growing circles after winning numerous awards in Spain. She’s easy to cultivate, grows with immense speed, and provides a mellow high. These traits make her popular among both beginner and veteran growers. Her indica-dominant genetic makeup provides a physical high that is deeply relaxing and meditative. She’s a great smoke for quiet evenings in, and during camping trips when relaxing under the stars. A THC level of 14% makes for a clear-headed and subtle high.Royal Critical Automatic was created when breeders combined Critical with a robust ruderalis strain. The result is a compact plant that produces tight and resinous flowers 8–9 weeks after germination. Indoor plants maintain small and stealthy heights of 55–65cm and put out impressive yields of 350–400g/m². Outdoor plants grow to a height of 140cm and produce a harvest of around 165/plant.
René by House of the Great GardenerThe guys at House of the Great Gardener crossed a splendid Himalayan Indica with a solid and stable Skunk #1 to create René, a cannabis strain highly appreciated for patients who need to relieve pains and reduce spasms. Her growth pattern is compact and sturdy, typical of Indica genetics, while her bloom period takes only from 7 to 8 weeks. Both the terpene profile and the excellent quality of her trichomes have made possible for René to be awarded in some of the most reputed cannabis events and cups around the world, especially in the resin extraction category. Available in packs of 6 feminised seeds.
Black D.O.G. by Humboldt SeedsWhat happens when a skillful breeder like Biovortex develops a hybrid with two of the most sought-after clones of the West Coast of the USA? An astounding strain like Black D.O.G. from Humboldt Seeds, a cross between the popular Blackberry Kush and the also renowned Emeral Headband, a true classic from the Californian Emerald Triangle. Her average yield is compensated by the high quality of her flowers, which provide awesome grape and wild fruits notes on a diesel background. And it is ready in just 7-8 weeks! Available in packs of 3 and 5 feminised seeds.
Industrial Plant by DinafemLet’s take a look now at some of the most poular strains in Dinafem‘s catalogue of cannabis seeds, Industrial Plant. Born from a massive selection of the legendary Northern Lights – one of the very first hybrids ever developed – her parents are a pure Afghani line and a Sativa from Thailand. The resulting strain grows compact and bushy, with awesome yields, devastating effect and a flowering period that doesn’t take more than 45-50 days. Available in packs of 1, 3, 5 and 10 feminised seeds.
Early Widow by Elite SeedsLast but not least, Early Widow was developed after a tough process of selection performed by the guys at Elite Seeds, who were looking for an outstanding specimen with high potency and early flowering. Thus, they crossed Speed Skunk with White Widow and obtained compact and dark plants with very intense effect and a bloom period that only takes around 50 days. Her high resistance to pests and diseases is also outstanding, being suitable for novice growers or for those who just look for an easy to grow strain.
The growing interest in medical use does not stop with plants that deliver a wallop of THC. CBD dominant strains are great for patients looking for fast growing relief without a “heavy” high. This includes both low-THC plants and a few sativas. Beyond smoking, however, because of their interesting flavours, they are also becoming popular with other parts of the market. This includes health-conscious foodies and even endurance athletes.Some of the fastest CBD strains include:
FAST EDDY AUTOMATICFast Eddy Automatic is a rapid growing cross between Cheese x Juanita la Lagrimosa x Ruderalis and produces a harvest in just 8-9 weeks after germination. Fast Eddy can grow to heights between 60-100cm high when grown indoors. Outside it can grow to up to 120cm. The plant can also produce yields of up to 450g per square meter in optimal grow conditions. The variety has a pungent, citrusy aroma. It can also produce a clear and comfortable buzz when smoked. The light and functional high it produces is great for use during the day - and of course, it is an excellent source of CBD.
MEDICAL MASSThis is a hybrid with low THC that produces a sweet, honey-like flavour with its pleasurable smoke. As the name suggests, Medical Mass is a strain rich in CBD. With a short flowering time of between 7 to 8 weeks and a yield of up to 550g. The plant itself only reaches a maximum height of 1 meter. This makes it an ideal indoor variety. It is also super easy to care for. The combination of all of these traits has made it popular with newbies and veteran hobby growers alike.
SOLOMATIC CBDSolomatic CBD produces one of the highest CBD concentrations of any cannabis strain available. Her flowers offer a CBD level of 21% alongside only 1% THC. This ratio results in a clear-headed and relaxing effect that can be experienced all day long without compromising productivity. Moreover, her rapid flowering time of 7–8 weeks (9–10 weeks from seed to harvest) offers medicinal users a fast turnaround.
The enormous CBD level within this cultivar results from a superb combination of parent strains; namely, Diesel CBD and Asia CBD Auto. When grown indoors, Solomatic CBD will reach varying heights of 90–120cm and yield up to 475g/m². Outdoor plants favour a mild climate, reach 150cm in height, and provide a harvest of up to 150g/plant.
If you want to grow marijuana indoors, I would recommend you to use a
indoor growpackage
.Indoor growing package included HID/LED/Fluorescent
grow lights
grow tents
,ventilation equipment and other accessories nutrients for growing high yielding healthy cannabis crops.
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superbwombatinternet · 6 years ago
This is one of the lovelist Cannabis Flowers I have seen in one hell of a long time. #repost from @offwhitewidow @biovortex
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kanthi-mci · 5 years ago
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Air Hexagonal itu apa sih ? Air Hexagonal adalah air alami (air yang belum tercemar), yang memiliki struktur molekul air 6H2O dan bersifat stabil. Cairan tubuh manusia pada awalnya berbentuk hexagonal, tetapi karena polusi, makanan, minuman, alat electronik membuat terjadi pengurangan cairan hexagonal dalam tubuh sehingga timbul berbagai penyakit. Bioglass dapat mengubah air Pentagonal menjadi air Hexagonal.. Air yg dialirkan menggunakan Bioglass akan menghasilkan air alami dengan Extra Energi dan extra Oksigen yang menyehatkan, serta lebih efektif dalam melarutkan dan membuang zat sisa metabolisme yang merupakan racun bagi tubuh dengan aman dan cepat karna struktur molekulnya berbentuk segi 6 sisi dan lebih kecil dari molekul air biasa. Air Hexagonal dapat membantu untuk terapi penyembuhan berbagai penyakit diantaranya Kanker, Jantung, Stroke Darah tinggi, Asam Urat, Diabetes, Kolestrol, Wasir,9 dan segar.. Share is care 💜 Salam Sehat Kanthi Lestari WA 081232600313 #Bioglass #AirHexagonal #AirBioglass #KL #DistriutorResmiMci #BetterLifeWithMci #BioglassMci #BioglassDuaPlus #BioglassVortex #Biovortex #BioglassDiamondShape https://www.instagram.com/p/B-c2wC-hMEq/?igshid=130o6xa5zn5q1
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nugmag · 5 years ago
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📸: @flawless.bc ・ 🍇BlackberriesNcream🍧day62 (Black Dog x CookiesNcream) Pheno# 1 #shoutout THE BEST @advancednutrientsofficial 🏆& @humboldt_seeds @exoticgenetix_mike Cultivated @flawless.bc TEAMFLAWLLESS Black Dog created by @biovortex & @humboldt_seeds Black Dog gifted by @trichs_on_top CookiesNcream Bred by @exoticgenetix_mike this picture was taken 3 days ago with the gavitas off and the @quantumsupplyco 240 watt LEDs + purple & red uv booster strips on above the plant adding to the beautiful colors she already has going on 💜💙💕 . . #topshelf #topshelflife #hash #rosin #wedontsmokethesame #solventless #colorsofcannabis #highlife #frostynugs #dabdaily #dabs #420 #cannabis #cannabiscommunity #cannabisphotography #cannabisculture #cannabisphotographer #weedphotography #weedphotographer #growyourown #knowyourgrower #macro #420tv #nugmag #nugmagazine #caliweed https://www.instagram.com/p/CBcIxe9n7pV/?igshid=1nt2dbvm7ebf3
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smileygreen831 · 3 years ago
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Very special show this evening!Tune in 8p live stream online ksco.com & zbsradio.com AM 1080 & FM 104.1 in #santacruz Jesse Dodd is the creator of Biovortex, a living conceptual art piece with the goal of influencing the cannabis industry in the direction of a profitable and environmentally regenerative future. @biovortex La Osa a.k.a. Claire Weissbluth is a documentary filmmaker interested in telling the stories of farmers and laborers across the food system. @la_osa Their film "Tending the Garden" is a journey through a year in the life of three family farms cultivating cannabis, food and community in the pursuit of a regenerative future. #family #art #creation #community #biodynamicfarming #agriculture #regenerativeagriculture #diversity #soil #earthchurch #film #postproduction #lovegrowshere #smileygreen #thecannabisconnectionshow #cannabistalkradio #cannabis (at KSCO AM 1080 Santa Cruz) https://www.instagram.com/p/CepivEsLnGy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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blockheadbrands · 7 years ago
Is Regenerative Cannabis The Future Of Cultivation?
The Emerald Tribune Reports:
Jesse Dodd knows that growing cannabis with organic techniques can still leave a large environmental footprint. He works with regenerative cannabis farming techniques, which heal the earth and reduce his expenses by using resources found on the farm. Jesse hopes that these techniques become popular throughout the cannabis industry, and eventually the rest of agriculture. He spoke with us about his permanent art project and cannabis farm, named BioVortex.
I’ve been cultivating for about 20 years. I was born peeing on a compost pile. My parents raised me with back-to-the-lander values, and I try to spread these concepts with my farm and living art project, BioVortex.
Conventional cannabis growing methods can be harmful, and even all-organic methods get expensive. You can actually improve and build the quality of your soil, year after year, using inputs that you find on your land. Regenerative farming uses closed-loop systems, so you don’t have to buy new ingredients every season.
You can build your own soils with a process called Hugelkultur. It’s an old concept, but farmers are relearning it right now. You gather wood from your land and work it into the soil. It’s a great way to start the garden. It builds living soil, creates biodiversity, and you won’t need to buy things from the store to cultivate a plant.
You lay out the wood and cover it with animal manure and straw. Eventually, you take the native soil from behind, flip it over, and cover it. This becomes a dynamic natural soil system to feed your plants. It works best for seeds in the ground, and larger full-season plants.
These techniques are only new because we lost our way during the Green Revolution. It’s not new or cutting-edge, permaculture is an old way to farm. New techniques can be very damaging.
Soil dumping is a big issue. Farmers buy $30,000 worth of soil, fill it with salt fertilizers, plant growth regulators, fungicides and pesticides, and then push it down a hillside at the end of the season. Then they start the process all over again. That began with indoor growers going outdoors, and it’s insane. Once you get that soil, you should be doing things to nourish it. You should be cover-cropping, mulching that back in, and only using nutrients that will help build soil health.  
Nitrate fertilizers are often made using a process which converts nitrogen from the air into ammonia. This process was invented around the time of WWI, and it immediately found military applications as an ingredient for mustard gas and explosives.  
Then we started making nitrogen into fertilizer, and the chemical warfare continued on our land, our farmers, and our people. That’s what created the Dust Bowl: tilling, over-fertilization, and killing of soil microbiology.  
I think the biggest mistake people make is not experimenting. Do side plots. Put some attention into it. If it works, do more next time. I’d like to see more experiments just using nature. Starting seeds this year, I used gutter mulch that I just cleaned out of the gutters. It felt like really good medium, I stuck a bunch of seeds in it, and it worked really nice.
Biovortex is a conceptual art piece whose mission is to influence and infect the cannabis industry. I want to get these ideas into people’s minds and conversations. I want to viralize ideas, to make them pervasive throughout the cannabis network.
We need to get everyone on board, from the farmer to the consumer and the dispensary. The mission for the last couple of years has been getting these ideas out there by creating awards, and by doing talks and panels.  We have different approaches at each event, but we always try to incentivize and highlight the best farming techniques.
For Cannifest, we built a regenerative demo zone that showcased rainwater catchment, Hugelkultur design, worm castings, composting, and native plants.
The Cultivation Classic in Oregon involved a lot of cannabis science this year. The Resource Innovation Institute, Phylos Bioscience, and Cascade Labs worked together to tell the story of environmental impact, genes, and chemotype.
Chemotype is the chemical makeup of a flower. It is influenced by genes, as well as growing techniques and weather. At the Cultivation Classic, there was a full cannabinoid and terpene profile for each of 100 different flowers that were accepted.
One goal is to bring knowledge and plant science into the public domain, to block companies from creating broad plant patents. One combination that has been looked at is a high-CBD cultivar with a lower myrcene level. That’s a rare combination of traits, but the Open Cannabis Project was able to show that it does occur naturally.
At the Emerald Cup, we gave a Regenerative Cannabis Award to three farms who are each growing high quality product in a way that has a positive effect on the environment. These farms are going beyond sustainability. They are literally building soil, sequestering carbon, and building biodiversity.
I think regenerative cannabis can help farms produce material that looks really good on the counter. It will be easy for customers to see the difference, and that will get the dispensaries wanting to share that information. We want customers asking us questions like, who grew this, what kind of practices did they use? There’s more to know than just strain names and THC content. Let’s go a little bit deeper. Is there quality?
It attracts the right kind of people when you’re moving in that direction. It attracts smart people who are doing good things. The universe is on your side.
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cosmophage · 8 years ago
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Our fearless leader @esteb0n1x is hosting an Afterparty @theroguegrowler after the first day of the @livingsoilssymposium on SATURDAY after the last speaker @siskiyouseeds finishes his presentation - we invite all attendees to join us for 51 taps of funk (beer, wine, cider, coffee, kombucha) and Hermetic Genetics will have free drink tickets for the presenters! There may even be a taxi service available via @pintrider !! Hit up @esteb0n1x on Saturday for details and tickets; @bluefoxagservices @mugwert @sevenseedsfarm @earthfortllc @perma_los @greensourcegardens @lizzluma @biovortex @dragonflyearthmedicine @kisorganics @floraorganicflowers @naturalenemies @soilsymbiotics @hightidepermaculture and all of your various #plusones 💚 (at The Rogue Growler)
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humboldtseeds-blog · 8 years ago
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Watch out for HSO elite clones in Vienna Austria exclusively with #BushPlanet / #PlantCityVienna ! The new facility will be ready for orders soon!! Come by the booth and chat with #ras about clone pre-orders or Plant City booth aswell!! #clones #humboldtseeds #teamHSO #humboldtseedorganization #geistgrow #humboldtorganicgardens #BushPlanet #Vienna #AT #biovortex #hso_fam_worldwide
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