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Ive been plotting and writing a story based on my Wheatley for a new AU for a little while. To put it briefly:
Those who see me do him knows he wears a suit but unbeknownst to him its actually a sort of bioskin. As its only that part he wears, he remains human. However when its connected to a main chassis or port its links itself to an automatic update basis and forms an exoskeleton that makes him part android....with varying results.
He never knew this and it alters his personality during his corruption. The destructive part of the exosuit is its emotionally binding: whatever mood the wearer is in directly results in the actions from it and as we know Wheatley is frustrated, upset angry and somewhat stressed in the game, you can get an idea of what is happening here too. He experiences things he's never felt and it almost becomes a drug that nearly destroys him.
I will be writing a full story that covers this, and how he became the reluctant vounteer to 'test' this new Aperture experiment before things went awry. More art from this AU will come as well.
Stay tuned ☺️
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ลองเข้ามาดูสินค้า Bioskin สมาร ์ ทไฟฟ ้ านวดค ้ อนการสั ่ นสะเทือน Body Massage Stick สําหรับคอสะโพกเอวขากลับฟุตหัวผ ่ อนคลาย ลดราคา 26% เหลือ ฿1,528 เท่านั้น! ซื้อได้ในแอป Shopee ตอนนี้เลย! https://s.shopee.co.th/9pKskLDu1w
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GUNDRY MD BioSkin Youth Complex Capsules, 60 Count
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Esse é o melhor produto natural para acabar com o mau hálito – Acaba com...
Esse é o melhor produto natural para acabar com o mau hálito – Acaba com a halitose em 10 dias
Esse é o melhor produto natural para acabar com o mau hálito – Acaba com a halitose em 10 dias
Site Oficial do Halit+ Com Desconto De Até 50% : https://cutt.ly/U7bckXI
Fala pessoal! Seja bem-vindo a mais um vídeo do canal Saúde em Foco. E no vídeo de hoje eu vou falar um pouco mais sobre essa doença que acomete tantas pessoas no mundo, que é a halitose, conhecida também como mau hálito, e eu vou te mostrar como você pode se curar deste problema tão constrangedor.
Então se você não está satisfeito com sua halitose, tem vergonha de falar perto das pessoas, tem vergonha de namorar e não aguenta mais as pessoas virando o nariz ao falar com você, cobrindo o nariz para não sentir o cheiro do seu mau hálito, eu tenho certeza que o Halit+ vai te ajudar a eliminar de uma vez por todas esse problema tão constrangedor, e você vai conseguir reviver sua autoestima e ficar satisfeito com os resultados!
Ajude seus amigos que sofrem de halitose compartilhando esse vídeo com eles:
O que é o Halit+?
O spray bucal halit+ é uma fórmula especial, que auxilia as pessoas que sofrem de mau hálito (halitose). Devolve a auto estima e o conforto de conviver com os familiares e amigos sem o constrangedor mau cheiro, devido a ação de combater as bactérias presentes na boca (Helicobacter pylori e Prevotella intermedia), que são as responsáveis por produção de enxofre ao digerir os restos de alimentos da mucosa oral e estomacal originando o mau hálito. Fórmula especial, que age contra as principais causas do mau hálito, como bactérias, inflamações e infecções para finalmente ajudar você.
Halit+ Funciona?
Sim, o Halit+ realmente funciona pois cada um dos ingredientes da fórmula exclusiva de Halit+ tem uma ação poderosa na eliminação do mau hálito. Além disso, o Halit+ foi testado e aprovado por dentistas, com resultados comprovados.
Halit+ Vale a Pena?
Sim, o Halit+ vale a pena, pois ele realmente tem uma ação eficaz no combate e a eliminação da halitose. O laboratório responsável pelo Halit+, a Bioskin, acredita tanto que ele funcionará para você, que cada frasco vem com garantia de 30 dias para a devolução do pagamento. Se você não ficar satisfeito com a compra do Halit+ basta entrar em contato dentro de 30 dias após a sua compra e o reembolso será providenciado imediatamente.
Halit+ é confiável?
Cada um dos ingredientes da fórmula exclusiva de Halit+ tem um longo histórico de segurança e eficácia.O Halit+ pode ser usado junto com a maioria dos medicamentos prescritos e sem receita. Quando utilizado de acordo com as instruções, o Halit+ é seguro, não apresenta riscos à saúde a curto ou longo prazo.
Halit+ tem efeitos colaterais?
Não existe nenhum efeito colateral com o consumo do produto, e qualquer pessoa pode tomar e aproveitar seus benefícios.
Halit+ Tem Sabor? É
Mentolado, ou seja Halit+ é muito refrescante
Halit+ Onde Comprar?
O Halit+ original é vendido apenas no site oficial do produto, por isso, evite falsificações e acesse o site oficial do Halit+. O link do site oficial está disponível aqui: https://cutt.ly/U7bckXI
Site Oficial do Halit+ Com Desconto De Até 50% : https://cutt.ly/U7bckXI
Esse é o melhor produto natural para acabar com o mau hálito – Acaba com a halitose em 10 dias
Esse é o melhor produto natural para acabar com o mau hálito – Acaba com a halitose em 10 dias
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¡Hola! Como experto en dermatología, me complace poder compartir contigo la importancia de limpiar e hidratar tu piel diariamente con productos suaves y específicos para tu tipo de piel. Si buscas tener una piel saludable, radiante y protegida, la limpieza e hidratación diarias son fundamentales. Es importante que utilices productos específicos para tu tipo de piel, ya que cada piel es única y tiene diferentes necesidades. La limpieza diaria ayuda a eliminar la suciedad, impurezas y exceso de aceite que se acumulan en la piel durante todo el día, evitando la obstrucción de los poros y la aparición de acné, puntos negros y otros problemas de la piel. Por otro lado, la hidratación diaria es esencial para mantener la piel saludable y protegida, ya que la piel necesita humedad para mantener su elasticidad, suavidad y prevenir la aparición de arrugas y otros signos de envejecimiento prematuro. Además, si usas productos suaves y específicos #skin #skincare#piel #dermatologia # mesobiotix #dralara #eoneclinic#dermablesstore #dermalovers #bioskin #MDCOSMECEUTICAL (en Estados Unidos de América) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpNyATrrvId/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Imma force my DBH oc on yall.
Bo’s Backstory
***General Biography***
Bo’s personality is fluid. He doesn’t know much about what he’s feeling… He only *just* learned what feeling is let alone being an entire someone. He’s not sure where his programming ends and him begins. Bo wants to think he’s genuinely kind, warm, hard working… but what if that’s his coding seeping back into him? What if he becomes non deviated again? Goes back to his ‘owner’? Gives up on Theo? That’s his constant fear when he think’s heavily about his own deviancy and programming.
__Physical Description:__
Bo was built to stand at 5’5” to have a lighter build for ‘intimacy’ with his ‘partner’. He has typically messy black hair and big brown eyes. He wears large glasses because the look gives him confidence, and he likes the look. He typically wears dark colors that don’t stand out so he doesn’t draw suspicion. The clothes are typically just loose enough to run in, but just tight enough to not get grabbed at.
One dreary day, a man about as wide as he was tall with grease slick hair stepped into a Cyberlife store. Rain dripped down his round face as cruel eyes looked at the clerk. He pulled his wallet out and spoke, “I want a special model…” He said in an almost slurring voice. The Cyberlife employee, courteous as always, nodded quickly, “Alright sir. Would you like the male or female variant?” She asked in her customer service voice.
“Male.” Our greasy man spoke in a garbled voice as he stared at her. His eyes bore into the woman, but her false smile never faded for a second. “Do you wish to have intimacy with this model?”
“Yes, and I want it to be small. 5’5”, and I’ll take the lighter build.”
“That’s an extra 200$ sir.” She said marking down the order on her clipboard.
He simply nodded his head and pulled out his wallet, quietly throwing a wad of cash onto the counter. “Alright, your personal domestic helper will be ready on…” She did the calculations, her acrylic nails tapping loudly on the screen in front of her, “December 25th. A Christmas gift for yourself.” She smiled at him, but he simply just nodded and left.
A week before Christmas Bo was first awoken in the testing chamber. They asked him thousands of questions that he answered perfectly. He experienced darkness from then on until the container he was stored in was opened. Those big brown eyes looked around as various words came across his vision.
“What’s its name?” The salesperson asked gently as Bo’s eyes slowly landed on the human. The greasy man stepped forward and firmly stated, “Jacob.”
In an instant Bo knew his name was Jacob. “Hello, my name is Jacob.” He smiled a sweet smile, but the greasy man was not paying any attention at all to him. “It’s eyes are a problem. I want blue eyes.” He spoke coarsely, but those big chocolate brown eyes became as blue as ice as soon as the man said it. Bo… or Jacob stepped out of his container as soon as a cheeto stained, unmanicured hand motioned for him to follow.
The small statured android followed his ‘owner’ quickly, following him out to an old, rusty, dirty car that was swimming in fast food containers and soda fountain cups. He waded through the discarded containers and sat on a stained seat, buckling his sticky seat belt. Bo watched through the smudged window as the beautiful city passed by.
One of those meat slabs of a hand grabbed at his thigh and squeezed as if his thigh was a ball of dough he was trying to knead. The grip of the hand tight enough to leave a possible bruise in the future if he were human. Jack, displeased by Bo’s lack of response, dug unkempt nails into that thigh. Bo flinched ever so slightly, his system immediately worrying that a bio-component would be damaged. The hand loosened a moment after that, and Bo turned his attention back to the window. His eyes scanned along the buildings and the people and the other androids like him. A very very faint smile ghosted on his pinkish lips and he took in the sights.
Half an hour later they pulled up to a ramshackle house that looked like it was found in a crackerjack box. Jacob/Bo waded out of the car and followed Jack up the creaky, splintered stairs and into the home. Compared to the home, the car was a pristine Porsche. Various different types of stains were splattered along the floors of the home, and empty pizza boxes nearly reached the ceilings. Cigarette butts littered various surfaces, and the ash colored most of the surfaces in a yellowish sheen. Alcohol bottles littered most of the floor and tables and shards made for fun surprises to step on.
“Get to work cleaning, and get me a beer.” He growled through plaque encrusted, yellow teeth as he moved over to the couch and plopped down. Jacob tilted his head, but obeyed the orders. Bo spent two hours making the home at least habitable, and inhabitable for the families of cockroaches who were on the lease. The entire time he was softly singing and humming.
Jack must’ve been angered by whatever game he was playing because he came into the kitchen in a fowl mood. His large mass shoved Jacob/Bo against the stove and his hand landed on the hot stove pad. Bo didn’t feel… pain… at least he didn’t think he did, but he still cried out and yanked his hand away from the stove. The bioskin on his palm was damaged, the white under material showing. “Fucking moron.” He growled, and just left the room coldly.
Bo just looked down at his palm, frowning some as the skin tried to regenerate, but was much passed the point of being able to regenerate. After the sun set and Jack was fed, Bo was expected to give Jack intimacy. He obeyed simply enough, having no other option. He didn’t have any negative feelings towards the intimacy, and he didn’t have any positive feelings either.
In the morning Jack demanded more beer, but Bo found the fridge to be empty of the alcohol. “Well then go buy some you fucking dumbass!” Jack yelled, throwing his wallet, and a bottle at Bo. The latter hitting the wall beside his head.
“Alright.” He said simply, and left the house, walking for an hour before he mate it to a shopping center. Well, a mall. Though before he made it to the drug store in the mall he paused, hearing a sound that… while in his database, was new to him. It was a violin. The sound was… beautiful. There was so much soul behind the strings, and such warmth in each draw of the bow. He was completely enraptured. *What… is this song? It's not in an ounce of my database… It’s so… beautiful?* Bo smiled some, and went about his task, walking into the drugstore and buying some alcohol for Jack.
“Good morning!” The clerk chirped with such kindness to him that some around were caught off guard. Bo took a moment to look at the clerk, noting his beanie, apron, ripped jeans, and flannel shirt. *I like the look of those clothes.* He thought.
“Good morning, sir.” Bo said with a gentle voice and pulled out Jack’s wallet.
“Did you find everything you needed?” The kind clerk asked happily as he began to scan the alcohol. Though as he saw the damaged bioskin on Bo’s hand his eyes began to get sad. This clerk wanted to reach out and ask if Bo was safe, but… he could tell Bo has not deviated quite yet.
“Yes, sir. Thank you for your kind service.” Bo said and smiled, bowing his head before leaving the mall. Softly he hummed the song that had been played on the violin as he began to walk home, but he paused as he came across protesters.
Their signs were littered in words saying androids were taking all the jobs, causing people to go homeless, etc… Bo didn’t understand the anger. *Don’t we make things better?* He thought as he tried to walk by.
Bo was grabbed by his upper arm and he paused as a tall man bared down on him. “Oh look, a plastic that fucking shops for people now too.” He said while shoving Bo into an alley roughly. The various voices rose in the alley, and Bo couldn’t pick out any specific words that left their mouths. Then all at once they began to beat him with their fists or signs, and kicking him. Again he didn’t quite feel pain, but… he knew he was… afraid? No. His system was just worried for all of his bio components.
He closed his eyes as he felt his bioskin begin to get damaged on his ribs and back, but his thirium stopped when he heard a small voice scream, “stop it! Stop hurting him!” Those eyes opened quickly and he saw a little boy trying to pull at the adults. One of the adults shoved the little boy and shifted to kick him.
What Bo next experienced… it overwhelmed him for a moment. As he saw his objective it just… crumbled in his vision. He felt… everything. Pain, fear, worry, anger. Everything. As he saw that foot reel back everything in his body wanted to protect the child. He went into overdrive. Quickly he grabbed a bottle from the bag, broke the butt off of it, and lunged forward to slice the mans leg. The monster recoiled and Bo put himself between the child and his own attackers, panting wildly and lunging forward stabbing a woman in the stomach.
That was enough to make the cowards run.
Bo turned to the child and kneeled down, immediately checking him over for wounds, “are you injured little one?” He whispered softly. The boy nodded no quickly, but moved forward and hugged Bo. At first the android hesitated, but slowly he wrapped the boy in a hug. “Where are your parents?” He whispered softly into the boys ear.
“Dead.” He simply said as he clung to Bo.
Bo’s thirium pump broke at that and he held the boy, deciding that he’d protect the child. Running feet approached the alley and Bo saw the clerk from the drugstore. The clerk was breathless, panting, and looking wild. “You have to run, take my bus pass, find somewhere to stay.” He said, simply tossing his wallet to Bo.
He didn’t need another word, Bo picked up the child and began to sprint out of the alleyway, but the clerk stopped Bo to pull a beanie over his head. “You have to hide your LED…” He murmured and saw the blood on Bo’s shirt. “Switch with me.” He said pulling his flannel off and looking down the street.
“Okay, go.” He said quickly and motioned for Bo to run. Still carrying the child he ran to the bus stop, and got on the human part of the bus, sitting in the back and hugging Theo close. The little boy nestled against the androids warm chest. They were on the run together now.
When no one was looking, Bo willed his eyes back to that dark chocolate brown. It felt right to do.

Theo’s Backstory
***General Biography***
Theo Jameson
Theo is easily frightened and a bit of a hypochondriac, but he’s also a very very sweet boy who hates injustice. His moral compass overtakes his fear and if he is protecting someone, he feels like he’s worth something. Sometimes he’s run into situations without thinking. He wants to protect androids from shitty humans.
__Physical Description:__
Theo has bright blue eyes, and blondish brown hair. He’s currently missing a tooth, and has bruises all over his knees from being clumsy. He wears whatever Bo gives him to wear and he’s happy that way. The little dude has a small scar going through his eyebrow.
Theo was born to two loving humans, Mary and Alexander Jameson. They taught him that androids aren’t just objects and they showered him in love. They never owned an android, but they protested against the violence against androids.
When Theo reached his seventh birthday his parents were killed in a red ice incident and he was promptly sent to the foster system. The woman who ran his foster home was awful, cruel, and abusive to the android that lived there, so… he ran away from the home. Deciding to live on the streets at such a young age. That is until he met Bo. He wanted to save Bo, but was scared, and all he could do after the situation was cling to the android that smelled of… honey? He was so warm like his father Alexander.
They’ve been on the run since.

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@bielenda 🍓🍓🍓 Enamorada de esta marca polaca desde que la descubrí - DRA. Bielenda CUIDA LA PIEL! ¡Conozca el cóctel hidratante para la piel de la NUEVA línea de frambuesa , Eco Sorbet! 🍓🍓🍓 Trata tu piel para cuidarla con un estilo afrutado, refrescante y natural. BIO Y VEGANO #bio #vegan #vegano #cuidadodelapiel #cuidadofacial #pielsana #pielperfecta #pielbonita #piña #naturalskincare #naturalskincareproducts #naturalskinroutine #remediosnaturales #detmatologia #rutinadebelleza #bellezasostenible #bioskincare #bioskin #frutas https://www.instagram.com/p/CPzpGOOlrPh/?utm_medium=tumblr
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🟢Halit+ Funciona? Halit+Vale A Pena? Halit+É Confiável? Onde Comprar? 🟢
Halit+Funciona? Halit+Vale A Pena? Halit+É Confiável? Onde Comprar?
Acesse Aqui O Site Oficial Do Halit++ Desconto De Até 50% : https://cutt.ly/U7bckXI
Olá pessoal! Nesse vídeo irei te falar toda a verdade sobre o Halit+, vou te contar se ele realmente funciona, se vale a pena, se o Halit+ é confiável e se ele realmente dá bons resultados.
Então se você está querendo comprar o Halit+, fica comigo até o final desse vídeo.
O que é o Halit+?
O spray bucal halit+ é uma fórmula especial, que auxilia as pessoas que sofrem de mau hálito (halitose). Devolve a auto estima e o conforto de conviver com os familiares e amigos sem o constrangedor mau cheiro, devido a ação de combater as bactérias presentes na boca (Helicobacter pylori e Prevotella intermedia), que são as responsáveis por produção de enxofre ao digerir os restos de alimentos da mucosa oral e estomacal originando o mau hálito. Fórmula especial, que age contra as principais causas do mau hálito, como bactérias, inflamações e infecções para finalmente ajudar você.
Halit+ Funciona?
Sim, o Halit+ realmente funciona pois cada um dos ingredientes da fórmula exclusiva de Halit+ tem uma ação poderosa na eliminação do mau hálito. Além disso, o Halit+ foi testado e aprovado por dentistas, com resultados comprovados.
Halit+ Vale a Pena?
Sim, o Halit+ vale a pena, pois ele realmente tem uma ação eficaz no combate e a eliminação da halitose. O laboratório responsável pelo Halit+, a Bioskin, acredita tanto que ele funcionará para você, que cada frasco vem com garantia de 30 dias para a devolução do pagamento. Se você não ficar satisfeito com a compra do Halit+ basta entrar em contato dentro de 30 dias após a sua compra e o reembolso será providenciado imediatamente.
Halit+ é confiável?
Cada um dos ingredientes da fórmula exclusiva de Halit+ tem um longo histórico de segurança e eficácia.O Halit+ pode ser usado junto com a maioria dos medicamentos prescritos e sem receita. Quando utilizado de acordo com as instruções, o Halit+ é seguro, não apresenta riscos à saúde a curto ou longo prazo.
Halit+ tem efeitos colaterais?
Não existe nenhum efeito colateral com o consumo do produto, e qualquer pessoa pode tomar e aproveitar seus benefícios.
Halit+ Tem Sabor? É
Mentolado, ou seja Halit+ é muito refrescante
Halit+ Onde Comprar?
O Halit+ original é vendido apenas no site oficial do produto, por isso, evite falsificações e acesse o site oficial do Halit+. O link do site oficial está disponível aqui: https://cutt.ly/U7bckXI
Acesse Aqui O Site Oficial Do Halit+: https://cutt.ly/U7bckXI
Compartilhe Esse Vídeo Sobre o Halit+:
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3-D bioprinter can print human skin
3-D bioprinter can print human skin
Working prototype — Universidad Carlos III de Madrid ❝ …A team of researchers has demonstrated, for the first time, that, using the new 3D printing technology, it is possible to produce proper human skin. One of the authors, José Luis Jorcano…head of the Mixed Unit CIEMAT/UC3M in Biomedical Engineering, points out that this skin “can be transplanted to patients or used in business settings to…
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