#bionic limbo
obsidiantheghostfaced · 4 months
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4 new designs for Redbubble and Spreadsheet coming soon! All inspired by quotes from family members, each one will be an excellent look to sport on a shirt, mug, tote bag, or even a blanket.
I'll post the links to each one as it goes live on both shops. But until then, please have a look at the pinned post and check out our other work!
some assets used from Vecteezy.com and Google Images
enhanced using GIMP
ideas created by Obsidian The Ghost Faced and the Gentleman Robits (Thunder9k & Arma)
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hapalopus · 2 years
Is it possible that Ben 10 has ended up in tax limbo like Sym-Bionic Titan and Megas XLR?
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ggmahougenerator · 5 months
The Clandestine Sketchers Of The Moonlight is a team of 3 magic users with a hanakotoba theme. They were freed from the Heart Limbo on the condition that they feed 66 Batteries to the bionic King. Their names all contain the letter "v".
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finsterhund · 1 year
Thank goodness for Sly. Love my Special Sly.
Idk just this guy is such a huge comfort to me right now. I want to feel bad about hugging a stuffed animal goodnight every time I go to bed who had a 1998 retail price of 300 USD but he's just such an incredible toy.
I know he was made to be loved. That's important.
Still world building for a story inspired by him. I kinda want to come up with a new name for him for the story so I'm not just stealing the character made for the toy. But idk. Sly is just a perfect name for a conniving vicious-servant-esque slithering under the bed monster.
For my story I'm making enough design changes I think to be its own thing also. But man is his design super comfy to me.
I wish I could see a giant version of him. I've already been thinking a lot about making my own quilts. Quilted under bed monster. 🥹 Like the only thing that'd make him a better cuddler was that he was bigger. We're talking Lifesize/sleepingbag sized. Lol imagine one so big you can actually fit inside his pajamas bag tummy.
Idk so positives are Sly. I love my Special Sly. Still been unable to write or draw but with the world based on him world building documents come easily.
I wish I could do art fight. I want to get art I want to draw for friends. But grief and pain is just too much. I'm getting familial trauma and childhood pain dragged up a lot in my brain. I guess that's to be expected when I'm struggling with similar pains. I just wish I could have a relationship with my grandparents without all the baggage. Part of me fears what if they weren't good people like I remember. Because I was so small. Because there's people still around who aren't good people. But I know they were good. I can feel it. Idk. I wish I could start again have a new life be born to new parents and have a childhood that wasn't torn asunder by grief and abuse and trauma, you know? Imagine how I'd grown up if so. I'd actually have grown up for one thing. Not stuck in trauma child limbo.
Idk. Just hugging my Special Sly. Thank you Fishy for helping me get my hands on him.
Apologies as part of this Tumblr ate my gotdang post so I tried to the best of my ability to replace what was lost but it's not going to feel as complete as it should be.
I have been thinking about how wanting to create comes easily with Sly because my world for him to inhabit is simple and childish and a sort of dreamland esque thing. My magnum opus I've been working on since I was little is a gargantuan undertaking tied to my childhood and trauma and it's just so daunting to touch it. And I both want to change it and don't want to change it. It's literally grown up with me and it's become so much an untouchable thing. But with Sly I can go "hehe ho childlore HoDcore under the bed monster dimension go brrrrrrrrr"
My main fictional universe is very much if you didn't already know the result of the mythology esque "constellation creatures high fantasy" world of my earlier years mashed together with the "sci-fi post apocalyptic mutant and/or bionic dogs on what is almost certainly some form of Earth" world of my elementary school years that over the course of time I've been functionally merging the two at times conflicting concepts. And it very much is something I feel I still struggle with the balance of. Sometimes I feel it's way more obvious than others.
I've just put so much into this world that if I go in to change literally anything there's a domino/ripple/butterfly effect that happens where I've gotta extensively go and ensure there's consistency and that "nothing breaks" the established worldbuilding and planned plotlines and such in doing so. Which is pretty fucking exhausting.
But I mean that's what happens when there's over a decade of a child retreating into this fantasy world. A lot of time has passed, a lot of areas for growth and change. In real life I am stunted and didn't grow, but my world sure as hell did. Tired (and weak)
Idk if I'll ever be able to even publish book 1 (pretty much done in draft form except for when I feel compelled to overhaul shit) or book 2 (predominantly done but less than 1 and I have the same problem where I keep wanting to add and change) and I don't want to end up being a George Lucas about it and then not commit to it once I do publish and insist on changing and republishing ad nauseam forever. I'm gonna die before my life's work ever amounts to anything 😔
If you reduce it to the bare bones what has been set in stone is essentially Heart of Darkness but the boy and his dog are natives of the alien planet in question and it's at the point in history where the dark force is attempting to achieve purchase within the world rather than it already having largely taken over and deposed any and all opposition. But of course I have an unkillable Tolkien approach to the whole thing and I just have to have that encyclopedic brand of autism where I have to ensure consistency with everything from the way the world is designed to the way the damn physics works in relation to how physics works in the real universe. I was talking about this to some friends on discord and I joked about how this neuroses of mine could outcompete the entirety of Wookiepedia. Which is not exactly a healthy thing considering that Star Wars EU was the product of many people and Wookiepedia itself is the product of many people. And I'm just one immensely fucked up little boy with a special brain.
Creators, I want you to take your biggest longest worked on specialest project and I want you to seriously narrow down just how big of a world you've made for it. Is it a town? Is it a kingdom? Is it a continent? Is it a planet? Is it a galaxy? Or are you like fucking me and you've got in some capacity at least four goddamn star systems and while you do only largely focus on the one planet you feel compulsively the need to develop it as much as fucking possible and also to worldbuild stuff that you may never even get to in a similar degree with every other fucking planet? Bruh I've got a whole fucking potential universe to work with and my brain absolutely won't let me forget it even though a human brain really isn't equipped to process an entire universe. And I post none of this online because I've had people steal my shit literally since the third grade (Fuck you Jarod) and also where the fuck do I start with the posting? And once I post things god forbid I retcon it because not only do I need to alter things internally but publicly now too.
Yes, the only things I ever share at a bare minimum must be stuff I know isn't going to fucking change six thousand times over the course of the month. The only things I let other people see are the stuff where changing it would be sacrilege. Like Red Spot is always going to be a red eyed doberman with cropped ears and a docked tail and wings and a star collar. Orion is always going to be a little blue-tinted albino emperor penguin boy. And for 99% of people who know anything about my shit that's pretty much all they know, all they're ever going to know, and all I'm ever going to tell them. Because that at this point would never change. (If you knew me in school you may be aware that Red Spot has flip-flopped to some extent in turbulent mistake-ridden points of my life but shut up no he didn't. Forget that. What do you mean he had red-toned constellation coloration at one point rather than the black and rust typical doberman coloration??? Shut the fuck up I am gaslighting you. Forget. Forget. Forget. Forget.) (Also an aside but the whole finsterhund lichthund wing morphology thing only initially was a thing I decided needed to exist because of how the type of wings Red Spot had was inconsistent. I built an entire fuckton of shit that has significant thematic impact and worldbuilding lore and societal connotations and etc. etc. because little baby Andy couldn't decide between dragon or eagle wings. Just to give a small example of why this monster has taken years and years and years and it is STILL FUCKING IN DEVELOPMENT HELL CHRIST MAN WTF SOMEBODY HELP ME)
So I've burned out almost completely with my beloved world. It sucks. I don't even know how to proceed from here. An obvious answer is just to strip away everything save for the bare minimum and start over. But I don't want to abandon my fucking child. And I know I'm just likely to do it all over again even if I managed to commit. Which I wouldn't in the first place. Friends tell me "oh just focus on books 1 and 2 and work with anything else later" but you don't understand I need to make sure that I never contradict myself ever and that even the tiniest thing within books 1 and 2 remain canon compliant permanently and inscrutably. God.
I do not have this problem with my Heart of Darkness headcanons. I feel more restricted with HoD. More restrained. Because I am violently picky about something potentially being an aberration or inconsistency or ruining the canon. I can't just harass Eric or Fred every hour of the day about shit I can't infer from what's present in the game itself so I am on a leash. Which in and of itself is stressful because I do wish there was encyclopedic levels of autistic worldbuilding that was canon that I knew for a fact was what Eric and Fred and Christian intended.
How do I let loose and have fun? Well the answer it turns out is Underbed.
My whole concept of Underbed is that it's some sort of backrooms esque nightmare realm where monsters from under the bed, in the closet, etc. live. And akin to the whole backrooms concept it's not like it's a planet or universe all its own. It's like a parasitic pocket dimension to Earth. Which Earth? It doesn't matter. It's implied to be powered by childlore and childhood dreams, imagination, fear, etc. So it can bend and stretch and fluctuate and I don't have to worry about how quilted patchwork creatures are "alive" or how things can travel between the two spaces or anything. And I haven't yet felt the compulsion to over explain and set compliancy rules in regards to lore, physics, etc.
Of course I do want to do crossover stuff with HoD, but not seeing Underbed as its own distinct planet like where the Darkland is does make this easier. I only have to worry about one of the locations having its "black hole at the heart of the planet how does this dictate how things work there" lore. Underbed gets to be "idk magic quilt lol" about the whole thing. The most I've gone into more realistic concepts is that perhaps it's implied the childhood creatures may have once been flesh and blood but were cursed somehow. Maybe.
I think that acknowledging how creating to me is a tiresome burden because of the state of my brain is a good first step but I don't know where exactly to go from here. I do wish I could just not give a shit but unfortunately my entire childhood has drilled into me that there are consequences for not covering your bases at all times.
I ended up contacting the surviving daughter of the designer of the original Sly, who is also the person who wrote the little beanie babies esque story on the tags to see about officially getting her blessing to make my own story based off of my Special Sly but I'm currently waiting on a response.
I do think that what I want to make is its own distinct thing to the point that I surely have every right to do it. I mean he's not even going to fully look like the original toy design and people make stories based on their childhood toys all the time but I'm so self-conscious and paranoid about the whole thing.
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lemon-society · 2 years
Holding ur ghonk au gently in my hands, I think she deserves the world
this ask is so sweet and really made my day! I'm sorry I haven't posted on this blog in a couple months, I kinda grew away from watching dsmp, but ponk is still my favorite and I still really like this au!
here's some more detailed info that I never shared in the past:
first death was to the fireworks techno shot into the crowd at the Red Festival. I know the comment ponk made was one-off and definitely not canon, but it's my au and the world is my oyster. ponk lost both their legs.
sam made ponk their bionic legs. they were redstone-powered. ponk also owned non-bionic prosthetics and a wheelchair.
second death was the canon one: sam chasing them down after they stole from the prison. basically the exact same as it happened in-universe.
third death was in the aftermath of the sam situation.
after sam cut off their arm, ponk found their way out onto the street and was trying to find help. niki came across them and brought them to her underground city.
niki did everything she could and was pretty horrified by what'd happened. she cleaned and bandaged ponk's injuries, but the arm was cut off in a very unsanitary place, and infection had already set in. being a doctor, ponk knew this better than anyone.
ponk held on for a week or so. both ponk and niki knew that they wouldn't live. niki asked if they wanted her to call or contact anyone to say goodbye to.
ponk couldn't think of anyone at first.
niki was the first person to show them kindness in... a long time. the eggpire had held community but didn't truly care. sam had obviously made his choice. in canon, this is also before ponk was friends with foolish.
ponk asked niki to call purpled. they'd had the real estate "business" together in the past, and ponk trusted purpled to be straightforward, levelheaded, and pass on their messages.
they died with niki and purpled in the room.
purpled did NOT take it as well as ponk had hoped. he's a teenage mercenary with little to no grasp on how to process emotions. he got very angry and closed himself off from the server even more. no one saw him for a while.
niki was crushed. this was not the first time she'd seen death, but it was the first time she'd seen it happen so... slowly. with such resignment. she was the one who organized ponk's funeral.
a good amount of the server attended the funeral. from the earth where ponk's ashes had been scattered, foolish grew a large lemon tree. no one has the heart to burn it down, this time.
sam is in a very bad state. he allows quackity to become more harsh towards dream, hoping to find the secret to revival.
ghost ponk appears soon after the funeral. personality-wise, they are very similar to the original ponk, but less angry. more sad. more afraid.
ponk was sensitive to the supernatural when they were alive. so ponk and ghonk have a closer connection than many other spirits do with their counterparts. they can't talk to each other or anything, but they can sort of feel each other's emotions. catch each other's vibes, if you will.
ponk's limbo is an unending grove of lemon trees. the closer they get to a tree, the more it grows. the further away they get from a tree, the more it withers. it's peaceful.
that's the most I'll dump about it for right now! thanks again for the kind ask ;) I have more ideas about how ghonk interacts with the server postmortem, but not sure what I'll do with it yet.
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The Real Story Behind Insidious (2010) And The 5 WEIRDEST Stories Of Astral Projection You Need To Know About feat. The Cold War
It's one of those horror films that just gets it right.
Yes, it wears all the trademarks of overworked tropes, and sure, it has yet to shed its transphobic skin. But the beast that emerged from James Wan's mind and slithered onto the cinema screen recaptured timeless traditions with a new sense of terror.
And yet somehow the rosy cheeks of the Lipstick-Faced Demon gleaming in his various jump scares aren't the scariest thing about this film.
You see, most of the horror movies that manage to scar me for life are allegedly based on real stories - James Wan (who also directed The Conjuring franchise) is no stranger to fleshing out his dark ideas with even more twisted truths. So it was only recently when I discovered how accurate Insidious (2010) was to real paranormal phenomena that young Dalton's venture into the Further became far more terrifying.
And I need to tell someone about it. From the supernatural to the Soviet Union, Insidious is grounded in far more than rumours of a haunted house.
Insidious is based on real historic events and real experiences.
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The first installment of one of horror’s most famous franchises, Insidious is already celebrating its 10th birthday. In fact, that’s how old Dalton was when he fell into a mysterious coma - and then stumbled into purgatory.
Instead of having anxiety dreams about not studying for the french exam like the rest of us, Dalton is falling asleep, separating his soul from his body, and having a gander ‘round an astral realm (like heaven or hell) called The Further. The Further is crammed full of dead people and they all want to possess the fresh young body that basically walked into the wrong room.
The first 2 films follow Dalton and his family as they navigate the all-American struggle of being followed by endless paranormal activity and various family members being stuck in purgatory.
After strange occurrences follow the family from house-to-house (which only seems to extend as far as hot-topic-goth-demons standing by the beds of Dalton and his younger siblings) a local psychic is summoned to figure out what in the f*ck is going on. Elise uses her spidey senses to determine that yep, there’s a demon and no, the house isn’t haunted.
It’s the boy, it’s Dalton.
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It then turns out that this ability is hereditary (*piano wire flashback*) and comes from Dalton’s father. Josh actually worked with Elise when he was a kid after his astral projecting resulted in a ‘parasitic spirit’ of an old woman following him the afterlife. Elise therefore sends Daddy-O into The Further to fetch Dalton and bring him home.
Daddy-O does the job, and Dalton returns to his body safely and wakes up. But Daddy-O ain’t Daddy-O. Josh’s body has been possessed by the female spirit that stalks him and his soul is stuck back in The Further. The next film follows up on this plot twist and deepens our exploration into the capabilities of astral projection - namely the potential for time travel. But Insidious 2: Papa Don’t Preach mainly revolves around the backstory of the female spirit that possesses Josh.
I’ve already dissected what Hollywood Horror gets wrong with transphobia. But I’ve yet to tumble into the world of astral projection - a world full of proof of the paranormal and political chaos, too. Dalton and his daddy issues are only the tip of the iceberg.
What Is Astral Projection?
Astral projection is an intentional out of body experience and is practised by those that follow esotericism (a religion which combines loads of different Western religious ideas) but it is present in many different belief systems. During projection the soul separates from the physical body.
The soul, or the astral body, is a body of light that links the rational soul to the physical body and is considered to be a silvery spine-like ‘cord’. The astral body travels to different astral planes which can be populated by all types of entities including angels, demons, and dead people. The Further represents one of these astral planes.
Each culture and each religion has a different take on projection, for example the Japanese believe those who are ill or comatose - like dear Dalton - are more prone to astral projection.
In Insidious we also see astral projection take a number of forms: there’s obviously the travel to different planes like The Further, but we see time travel, too. This chimes in with the different schools of thought regarding astral travel.
The history of this practice dates back to the Roman Empire, but only in the 18th century did discussion of astral projection take place when Emanuel Swedenborg wrote about his own out of body experiences. Interest in projection increased throughout the 20th century with many notable historic figures claiming they’ve ventured into other realms including noted American activist Helen Keller (she claimed she astral projected to Athens):
"I have been far away all this time, and I haven't left the room...It was clear to me that it was because I was a spirit that I had so vividly 'seen' and felt a place a thousand miles away. Space was nothing to spirit!"
Aside from being practised by historic figures, it took centre stage in a historic era, too. It was during the Cold War that the study and practice of projection took off and it became a political weapon. Beyond the cultural war, however, was a plethora of evidence suggesting the events we see in Insidious might be all too real.
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The Soviet Union & The Supernatural
Unclassified CIA documents are a staple amongst paranormal enthusiasts, especially those who have a habit of following mysterious lights in the sky. A top secret memo from 1974, proposed an experiment where Patrick Price, a former police officer, would use astral projection to gain information regarding a Soviet installation in the Ural Mountains. They wanted entry and exit points, they wanted floor plans, and they wanted operations details. This was a covert operation that used paranormal capabilities already being tested and trialled by their communist rivals.
In the 1970s the Cold War took a different turn: thanks to Soviet research into ordinary people’s supernatural abilities including astral projection, American intelligence agencies sought to do the same. Just as the atomic bomb was being built, scientists Seymon and Valentina Kirlian were developing technology that could capture one’s aura in a photograph. They were investigating energy fields, trying to mentally influence animal behaviour, and practicing telepathic communication.
Yogis and masters of ancient magic were even brought in in an attempt to harness the potential of paranormal forces.
“the major impetus behind the Soviet drive to harness the possible capabilities of telepathic communication, telekinetics, and bionics is said to come from the Soviet military and the KGB”
A Defense Intelligence Agency report
Throughout the 1960s a surge in parapsychological research centres took place as ordered by a Kremlin edict. As per the Cold War, the US swiftly did the same.
But it was when the US caught wind experiments using bioplasma they grew concerned. Bioplasmic connectors to human beings echoed claims of the silver cord which - as mentioned previously - was a key part of astral projection.
A Soviet agent could travel across realms, eras, and countries in spirit-form and be going through American filing cabinets. The Americans needed to make astral projection a weapon of their own. Dr Eugene Bernard was one of the many doctors who would pioneer research into projection and sought people willing to travel to these distant realms.
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Bernard was quickly caught up with the Soviet-supernatural-situ which included theories of an army of psychic spies.
Soon dozens of recruits would practice astral projection and recount their experiences including a woman called Beverly Chalker: she travelled in spirit from Dallas to a house in New Jersey and described in detail the things she saw. She saw a man asleep with a book on the floor, describing his pyjamas and the decor of the room. The team investigating her astral projection verified her claims.
She was right.
Similar stories soon leaked to the public and many ordinary Americans began to try their hand at exploring spiritual realms. Books, articles, and even a set of infamous tapes released in 1973 claimed to reveal how one could separate their soul from their body.
It used a rhythmic ticking noise to hypnotise those seeking new paranormal abilities - something we hear throughout Insidious. The tapes would be used by one Robert Antoszczyk, an infamous practitioner of projection who would mysteriously die in during a session. 6 weeks later, Patrick Price died, too. We will talk about Antoszczyk later.
Even security in the White House was allegedly amped up over reports the Russians were looking into giving their astral soldiers physical strength so they could become assassins. Interest in projection soon grew out of control, and by the 1980s the surge in serial killers was pinned on a vast number of them practicing it in prison.
(Many followed a range of extremist religious beliefs - practicing astral projection doesn’t make you a serial killer.)
Concerns also claimed some projectors could become ‘zombies’ if the soul got lost, just like Dalton was in Insidious. In fact, one practitioner demarcated several zones of astral travel with Zone C being the limbo where souls were trapped. According to some, The Further was real.
And Robert Antoszczyk was stuck there.
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5 Craziest Stories & Accounts Of Astral Projection
#1 - Robert Antoszczyk
Antoszczyk was one of the many Americans swept by the incoming tide of astral projection. He had been taught the practice by a yogi whilst in India, but unlike many other Americans who tumbled into amateur projection, he delved in head-first.
He then began to have dreams about a beautiful woman. Her exotic looks and compelling voice was calling to him from a different realm and he wanted to follow it.
On the 1st of June 1975, he told his roommate not to disturb him. He went into his bedroom, locked the door, and followed the method of astral projection as explained by those tapes released in 1973.
3 days passed. His roommate grew concerned. He broke down the door to discover that Robert was dead. His seemingly healthy roommate was lying on his bed and smiling. There was no signs of a struggle or a seizure or any other cause of death.
Medical experts could offer no answer as to how he died. A local astrologer, however, claimed the answer was obvious: he simply decided not to return to his body. His death would be blamed on his astral projection and it would make headlines across the states.
But some alleged that he was not fully at fault - he was drawn in by a beautiful female entity that would call out to many others with her enticing voice. The descriptions of the woman all related to Ammut, an ancient Egyptian female demonness. And according to the Ancient Egyptians, she existed in astral planes and consumed souls of those she came across.
Laverne Landis heard the same voice. It might have killed her, too.
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#2 - Laverne Landis
This mother of five was found dead in the woods in Minnesota by a construction worker in winter of 1982. She wasn’t a typical recruit for projection as a nurse working at a local hospital - but she had started hearing a voice.
The voice was from an astral spirit that promised her the power to heal the sick. So she quit her job, abandoned her children, and drove for 6 months with the voice of Ammut as her guide.
The voice grew stronger and she felt the voice vibrating in the wilderness around her. Her psychic group warned her against astral projection, claiming she might get stuck in limbo. She ignored them, and Landis and her boyfriend followed the voice to Loon Lake on a long trail road through the wilderness.
“We’ve got to stay here. They’re going to be in. I know it, I can feel it, they’re almost here.”
After Laverne passed away, probably from starvation or hypothermia, her boyfriend pulled himself through the snow and alerted a local.
Landis also reportedly was very interest in UFOs and was part of a UFO ‘cult’, and might have also gone to the woods to wait for a flying saucer to land. Either way, she was waiting for something out of this world.
#3 - Seton High School
In 1975 an entire class of students in a prep school in Cincinnati attempted astral projection. They were led in an experiment from which they would ‘travel’ home, report back what they saw, and phone calls home would prove travel via spirit was real.
(Unfortunately, this is all I can uncover on this case, but it is still creepy AF.)
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#4 - Robert Monroe
Robert Monroe was obsessed with astral projection. He had often practiced it during the 1970s, even becoming angry seeing a man sleeping next to his wife in bed - before realising it was him. He subjected himself to examination at a local hospital by a psychiatrist.
They verified his astral projection put him into a comatose state rather than a sleeping state.
Monroe then spent a huge fortune on an institute in Virginia to specialise in research into projection featuring an isolation chamber to provide optimal circumstances for projection. And on one occasion he even felt a ‘trunk’ in his back during projection, something he believes was the silver cord.
The United States Army Intelligence and Security Command investigated his techniques and used his claims to inform their desire to create an army of astral projectors.
#5 - Cadell Jeansen Raja
What do Charles Manson, Herbert Mullin, and David Berkowitz have in common? Yes, they are some of America’s most infamous serial killers. But they also all studied astral projection with a desire to harness paranormal abilities they believed would provide new tools to accompany their horrific acts.
(I don’t often make mention of serial killers on this blog, but the perplexing and evil acts committed by Cadell Jeansen Raja should be mentioned.)
In 2017, Raja killed each member of his family over several days. He constantly changed the motive for murder to mislead the police, but later admitted he harboured anger against his successful family members and was obsessed by the occult.
He experimented with the separation of the soul from the body and was living in a ‘virtual world’. He then claimed his family members were killed during their own astral projection.
Would you dare venture into The Further?
Let me know in a comment below!
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marvel-writer · 5 years
Holding on, Letting go - Steve Rogers. Part 2.
Holding on, Letting go - Steve Rogers. Part 2.
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Holding on, and letting go. - Steve Rogers.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader.
Time Set: 2023, After Thanos’ death.
Summary: You were always close to the infamous Captain America, as being a member of the Avenger team since the alien attack in New York. So after defeating Thanos’, losing Tony and Natasha.
You realize that you also were going to lose your first true love – Steve Rogers, to his only love – Peggy Carter. Since he was due to return to her on his mission to out the stones back.
Word Count: 1,606
Warnings: Sadness, Screaming, Language, Fluff.
Abbreviations: (Y/F/N) = Your First Name, (Y/L/N) = Your Last Name, (H/L) Your Hair Length, (H/C) = Your Hair Color, (Y/N/N) = Your Nickname.
If you haven't, read part one here! 
     The rest of that day was a blur, Bucky escorted you back to the living section of the newly built compound as the two of you had dinner with whoever was left of The Avengers. You really tried to eat but you just picked at your food instead, Thor tried to make you laugh, his normal routine of puns and jokes just didn’t work as much he had hoped. Morgan, however, sat on your lap to try and comfort you.
You excused yourself as you walked into the training room, the room of chatting Avengers fell quiet. All eyes watched in ache for you as you made your exit.
All you felt at this point was numbness and you wanted to feel nothing. You laid into the punching bag, blow after blow to lash out your feelings. Each punch that landed had more force because it had a flashback to a memory of Steve and you.
     The flashbacks including the first time you met, to your first mission together, then all of the movie nights, dinner with your (then) whole family, being reminded of your shared remarks about Tony, the night dancing in the rain and finally your goodbye to him. Man - oh man, did those memories hit your emotional cycle like a train-wreck.
Your final punch colliding with the bag as you screamed in exhaustion, your body collapsing on your knees as you just sat there in that position crying out in pain.
Pepper must have heard you and sat beside you at some point in your breakdown because all you felt was her arms wrapping around you to try and calm you down.
“It’s okay (Y/F/N), I’m right here.” Pepper rambled, that was when F.R.I.D.A.Y had came over the speaker system in the training room. “Pepper, it appears to all health systems that Ms. (Y/L/N) is in the middle of a Panic Attack.” The A.I. stated.
     Pepper yelled out for help, Bucky and Sam coming in as they ran to your now exhausted body. Although your screams had stopped, the Panic Attack was still happening. At that point, you didn’t have any strength left to scream.
Bucky carried you to your bedroom, Sam following as Bruce walked in. He didn’t see a need to give you a calming sedative, because you were practically falling asleep. Bruce just ordered for all of them to keep an eye on you, watching you lay in rest mode
That was the last memory of that dreadful night, in the morning the healing and recovery process would begin.
~ A side conversation ~
     Bucky had sat down at the round table with Pepper, the two speaking over a cup of Brandy as the events that day had been uneventful.
Bucky sighed, rubbing the back of his neck as he had taken a drink. Pepper watching him as she shifted in her seat.
“Speak what’s on your mind, Barnes.” Pepper had spoken softly, her finger tracing the rim of the glass.
“I just, I always knew if Rogers had the chance to go back to Peggy that he would take it. At least I knew back then, you noticed how close he and (Y/N) had gotten though. I figured maybe he finally moved on, found a better option.” Bucky muttered, shaking his friend.
      Pepper watched him, taking a breath as she nodded her head in agreement.
“Oh trust me, Tony did nothing but annoy Steve when it came to her. Whenever she left the room it was practically set in stone, on what conversation topic he had chosen to throw on Steve.” Pepper stated, her lips turning into a sad smile as she remembered her love.
“I should be mad that he left me, after all the bullshit we went through. Instead, I’m angry and disappointed on how he treated her, that girl in there has done the most for him in eleven years. Steve threw it all away, wrecking a marriage in the process.” Bucky muttered bin annoyance, referring to how Peggy had been married with kids when Steve was in the ice.
“Can’t fix stupid Buck, trust me I tried to do that for the entire life span that I knew Tony.” Pepper remarked jokingly, a sad yet memorial laugh leaving her lips.
Bucky chuckled, clinking his glass against Peppers’ as the two shared a drink before both heading to sleep.
~ The Following Day. ~
      You woke up, your exhaustion still rested heavy on your chest. However, you needed to be okay. Even though Thanos’ was gone, danger still existed.
Your eyes glancing around the room, a passed out Sam had been asleep. A small sigh of sadness leaving your lips as you saw the man’s body in what seemed to be an uncomfortable position in the corner of the room on your sofa chair.
“Wilson, wake up.” You called out softly, he didn’t move.
So for your entertainment, you threw a pillow at him. Your aim was still good, as it collided with his face and caused him to wake up in combat mode.
“The hell?” Wilson grumbled a soft laugh had escaped from your mouth.
It was genuine, a real laugh. This made Sam forget that you just decided to soft blow him one, he smiled instantly. You innocently smiled as your mind convinced your body to move up and away from the bed.
     “I tried waking you up, have you been there all night?” You questioned, walking over as you offered him a hand.
Sam chuckled, his hand taking grasp of yours as he stood up. The body that he owned towered over you as he rubbed his face, shaking his head to your question.
“Bucky was here throughout the night, took me an hour to convince him to sleep,” Sam stated, which made you feel like complete shit.
“I’m sorry, I acted out irrationally last night.” Your voice trailed off as Sam pulled you in for a hug. You didn’t fight it, in fact, you fully embraced it.
“You had a shit ass day, (Y/N/N). It wasn’t irrational for you to lash out the way you did. We’re just all glad that you’re okay.” Sam stated You smiled small. The two of you staying in limbo before he pulled away from you.
     “Right well, get dressed. Breakfast is smelling heavenly and we should get there before Thor takes too much advantage.” Sam ordered a smile on his face.
“Yes Sir, I’ll be down.” You said, saluting the man as he chuckled. He rubbed your (H/L) (H/C) hair before making his way out.
You might have lost the man of your dreams, but at least you still have the majority of your team to pick you up when you crash too hard.
So you took a shower, grabbing the black jeans with your red tank top and a blue flannel shirt. Your hair back as you made your way down to the kitchen.
     Sam was right, it smelled heavenly because it was. The menu held of eggs, bacon, toast, and fruit galore sat on the table. The entire group sitting down as they were eating, you sat beside Bucky as your head rested on his bionic arm.
“Thank you for being here for me Buck, I forgot to even check on you.” You whispered so only his ears would hear.
“I’ll be okay, so will you Love Bug,” Bucky said, kissing the top of your head as you began having conversations with the others.
They clued you in how it would be a busy day because they planned to take you out and just have a day with you.
     This day had included everything, from Arcade games in the compound to going to the local bar to relax and have a few drinks.
The day was fun, from start to end, your day concluding at the bar had ended perfectly. You took shots with the crew, played pool with Sam, Bucky, and Clint. Watching the guys along with Thor and Bruce chug some ale. Then Wanda, Pepper, Carol and you sang to some old hits from the ’90s.
Finally, it ended with you getting a dance from Barnes himself. The two just swaying to the music as you finally had gotten the chance to be happy, and it was all thanks to the amazing family you had come to love over the years.
Little did you know, going home was going to ruin your night.
~Arriving back at the compound. ~
     F.R.I.D.A.Y. was instructed that the lights were to be manually turned on and off. It felt good to have at least that much normal in a smart house.
So you headed inside, following close behind Bucky because you needed to change out of the clothes you were wearing into your soft pajama set. The others were not too far back, making their way towards the home.
Bucky had flicked the lights on, his eyes traveling the room as he froze due to a regular face was sitting on the sofa. This causing Bucky to not move more than five feet from the doorway, you nearly ran into the back of him.
     “Jesus Barnes, a warning next time yeah?” Your laugh holding your joking tone, yet it turned serious when you realized how Bucky’s demeanor had changed.
“Bucky what’s the-“ You questioned, your eyes following his glance as your phone fell out of your hands. The rest of the group gathering inside as they stood still in position
There, in the spot of the red sofa that sat directly under the light, a body sat.
The body belonging to no one other, than to -
Hello, wow that was a post huh? I will be working on the final part of this mini-series. I just figured to highlight on how I think the others would treat anyone in the readers situation.
I hope this gave you some type of feeling, I can’t wait to end this first writing piece of mine!
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rwtgi-fan-discord · 5 years
The Valentine’s Day Gift Exchange is Officially LIVE!!!
Our first Raise wa Tanin ga Ii festival has officially come to a close just in time for the holiday. We had 6 fantastic writers who did some amazing work! All works are live on AO3 for the public!!  Big thank you to all of our participants for a successful first fic fest, we can’t wait for you to read all these stories!
Keep reading below for our festival masterlist~
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Of Whiskey and Promises by binomially for Mikasaessucasaa
In response to Renji's last request, Yoshino's no longer any part of the Somei Group, and she's been in a limbo ever since. Until one day at a goukon when she meets the last person she expected to see from her past.
He's about to rekindle more than memories and old promises.
Takes place five years after the events of the manga.
Prompt: blind date, angst, drama
Warnings: None
Ship: Kirishino
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King of the Pit by sunsetbIvd for halycon_calamity
In those life and death battles, Kirishima was in his natural habitat. He was the champion of the arena, the king of the pit.
Prompt: “Where did you get all those bruises from?”
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Ship: Kirishino
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Dissonance by Mikasaessucasa for bionically
An assassin falls for the target
Prompt: Kirishima has no idea what Yoshino is capable of
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Ship: Kirishino
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crawl outta love by halcyon_calamity for Torchicpox
“I must say, you two make such a lovely couple."
"Eh?" Yoshino let out a loud laugh. “He's not the groom! He's my man of honor."
Prompt: Unrequited Shouma x Yoshino; Arranged Marriage Kirishima x Yoshino
Warnings: None
Ships: YoShouma; Kirishino
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unplanned does not mean unwanted by Torchicpox for kahcicamera
Alternatively, how Yoshino Somei jumped headfirst from being a virgin and in an arranged engagement, to being six weeks into pregnancy and quickly realizing her arranged engagement is speeding without a brake into actual marriage.
Prompt: A nice funny marriage of (in)convenience story
Warnings: None
Ship: Kirishino
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Listen Before I Go by kahcicamera for sunsetbIvd
Everything was numb. All she could clearly hear was the chanting in her head steadily getting louder—It’s fine, we’re fine, I’m going to be fine.
Prompt: Listen Before I Go - Billie Eilish — (or click here for a personally recorded version just for this festival)
Warnings: Major Character Death
Ship: Kirishino
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toboldlywrite · 5 years
Hello, this is the Anon of Writing Spirit! May inspiration strike, and motivation come to you, may the words fly from your fingers on to the page, the very next time you write! November is hard on writers, both because of Nanowrimo for people who participate, finals for people who are in school, and the fast approaching holidays for everyone else. So today I'd like to ask; How are you? How is writing going for you, and are you well?
Hello there, Anon. I’m doing alright. I’ve been going through a bit of mental health limbo, which has made it hard to be as productive writing wise as I hoped to be this month. But despite that, I have been managing to write. Not everyday, but more often than I probably would have if I hadn’t decided to try NaNo. While my motivation to write Bias & Bionics has tapered off a bit, I did write the entire outline for the next story in the Star Series, and I’ve started on the one after that. So I’m managing to hang in there, both with my writing and emotionally. Hopefully things will be getting better soon. Thanks for dropping by and asking! 
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fasgaming · 6 years
Xbox One Backwards Compatible List as of 02/12/2019
A Kingdom for Keflings
A World of Keflings
ACE COMBAT™ 6: Fires of Liberation™
Aegis Wing
Age of Booty
Alan Wake
Alan Wake’s American Nightmare
Alice: Madness Returns
Alien Hominid HD
Aliens vs Predator
Altered Beast
Anomaly Warzone Earth
Army of Two
Assassin’s Creed II
Assassin’s Creed Revelations
Assassin’s Creed
Assassin’s Creed III
Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood
Assassin’s Creed® IV
Assassin’s Creed® Liberation HD
Assassin’s Creed® Rogue
Assault Heroes 2
Asteroids & Deluxe
Axel & Pixel
Babel Rising
Band of Bugs
Banjo Kazooie
Banjo Kazooie: N n B
Banjo Tooie
Batman: Arkham Origins
BattleBlock Theater
Battlefield 1943™
Battlefield 3™
Battlefield Bad Co.
Battlefield: Bad Co. 2
Battlestations Pacific
Battlestations: Midway
Beat’n Groovy
Bejeweled 2
Bejeweled 3
Bellator: MMA Onslaught
Beyond Good & Evil HD
Bionic Commando Rearmed 2
Bioshock 2
Bioshock Infinite
Blazing Angels
Blinx: The Time Sweeper
Blood Knights
Blood of the Werewolf
BloodRayne 2
BloodRayne: Betrayal
Blue Dragon
Bomberman Battlefest
Boom Boom Rocket
Borderlands 2
Bound by Flame
Brain Challenge™
Brave: The Video Game
Brütal Legend
Bullet Soul
Bullet Soul -Infinite Burst-
Bully: Scholarship Ed
Burnout Paradise
Burnout Revenge
Cabela’s Dangerous Hunts 2013
Cabela’s Alaskan Adventures
Cabela’s Hunting Expeditions
Cabela’s Survival: SoK
Call of Duty® 2
Call of Duty® 3
Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®
Call of Duty®: Black Ops
Call of Duty®: Black Ops II
Call of Duty®: Ghosts
Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® 2
Call of Duty®: World at War
Call of Juarez 2
Call Of Juarez : The Cartel
Call of Juarez® Gunslinger
Cars 2: The Video Game
Cars: Mater-National
Castle Crashers
Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse
Castlevania LoS
Castlevania: LoS – Mirror of Fate HD
Castlevania: LoS 2
Castlevania: SOTN
Centipede & Millipede
Child of Eden
Civilization Revolution
Civilization Revolution
COD: Advanced Warfare
Comic Jumper
Comix Zone
Commaders: Attack
Command and Conquer 3: Kane’s Wrath
Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars
Command and Conquer Red Alert 3
Command and Conquer Red Alert 3: Commander’s Challenge
Conker: Live & Reloaded
Costume Quest 2
Counter-Strike: GO
Crazy Taxi
Crimson Skies®: High Road to Revenge™
Crysis 2
Crysis 3
Crystal Quest
D&D: Chronicles of Mystara
Dante’s Inferno™
Dark Souls
Dark Void
Darksiders II
de Blob 2
Dead Rising 2: Case West
Dead Rising 2: Case Zero
Dead Space™
Dead Space™ 2
Dead Space™ 3
Dead Space™ Ignition
Dead to Rights
Deadfall Adventures
Deadliest Warrior
Deadliest Warrior: Legends
Deadly Premonition
Deathspank T.O.V.
Defense Grid
Destroy All Humans!
DiRT 3
DiRT Showdown
Discs of Tron
Disney Bolt
Disney Epic Mickey 2: The Power of Two
Divinity II – DKS
Domino Master
DOOM 3 BFG Edition
Doom II
Doritos Crash Course
Double Dragon Neon
Dragon Age: Origins
Dragon Age™ 2
Dragon’s Lair
Driver San Francisco
Duck Tales: Remastered
Duke Nukem Forever
Duke Nukem Manhattan Project
Dungeon Siege III
Earth Defense Force 2017
Earth Defense Force 2025
Earth Defense Force: IA
Earthworm Jim HD
Eat Lead
Encleverment Experiment
Escape Dead Island
F1™ 2014
Fable Anniversary
Fable Heroes
Fable II
Fable III
Fable Trilogy
Fable® II Pub Games
Faery: Legends of Avalon
Fallout 3
Fallout: New Vegas
Far Cry 2
Far Cry 3
Far Cry 3® Blood Dragon
Feeding Frenzy
Feeding Frenzy 2
Fighting Vipers
Final Fight: Double Impact
Forza Horizon
Foul Play
Fret Nice
Frogger 2
Frontlines: Fuel of War
Full Spectrum Warrior
FunTown Mahjong
Fuzion Frenzy®
Galaga Legions
Galaga Legions DX
Gatling Gears
Gears of War
Gears of War 2
Gears of War 3
Gears of War: Judgment
Geometry Wars Evolved
Geometry Wars Evolved²
Geometry Wars™ 3: Dimensions Evolved
Ghost Recon: Future Soldier™
Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime
Gin Rummy
Girl Fight
Go! Go! Break Steady
Goat Simulator
Golden Axe
Golf: Tee It Up!
Grabbed by the Ghoulies™
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Grid 2
GRID Autosport
Guardian Heroes (TM)
Gunstar Heroes
Halo 3
Halo 3 ODST Campaign Edition
Halo 4
Halo Wars
Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary
Halo: Reach
Halo: Spartan Assault
Hard Corps: Uprising
Hardwood Backgammon
Hardwood Hearts
Hardwood Spades
Harms Way
Haunted House
Heavy Weapon
Hexic 2
Hexic HD
Hitman: Absolution
Hitman: Blood Money
Hunter: The Reckoning
Hydro Thunder
I am Alive™
Injustice: Gods Among Us
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet
Iron Brigade
Jade Empire™
Jeremy McGrath’s Offroad
Jet Set Radio
Jetpac Refuelled
Jewel Quest
Joe Danger 2: The Movie
Joe Danger Special Edition
Joy Ride Turbo
Jurassic Park: The Game
Just Cause
Just Cause 2
Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
Killer Is Dead
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
KOF Neowave
Lara Croft: GoL
Lazy Raiders
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2
LEGO Batman
LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game
LEGO Star Wars III
LEGO Star Wars: TCS
LEGO® Batman™ 2: DC Super Heroes
LEGO® Indiana Jones™
LEGO® Indiana Jones™ 2
LEGO® Star Wars® II: The Original Trilogy
Lode Runner
Lost Odyssey
Luxor 2
Mad Tracks
Madballs Babo: Invasion
Mafia II
Magic 2012
Magic 2013
Magic 2014 — Duels of the Planeswalkers
Magic: The Gathering
Marlow Briggs
Mars: War Logs
Mass Effect
Mass Effect 2
Mass Effect 3
Matt Hazard: BBB
Medal of Honor: Airborne
Meet the Robinsons
Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction
Metal Slug 3
Metal Slug XX
Midnight Club: Los Angeles
Midway Arcade Origins
Might & Magic Clash of Heroes
Military Madness
Mirror’s Edge
Missile Command
Modern Warfare® 3
Monaco: What’s Yours is Mine
Monday Night Combat
Monkey Island 2: SE
Monkey Island: SE
Motocross Madness
Mr. DRILLER Online
Ms. Splosion Man
Mutant Blobs Attack
Mutant Storm Empire
Mutant Storm Reloaded
MX Unleashed
MX vs. ATV Reflex
NBA JAM: On Fire Edition
NiGHTS into dream…
Ninja Gaiden Black
OF: Dragon Rising
Omega Five
Operation Flashpoint: Red River
Orcs Must Die!
Overlord II
Pac-Man C.E
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Peggle® 2
Perfect Dark
Perfect Dark Zero
Phantasy Star II
Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds
Pinball FX
Planets Under Attack
Plants vs. Zombies
Port Royale 3 Pirates & Merchants
Portal 2
Portal: Still Alive
Prince of Persia
Prince of Persia
Prince of Persia
Putty Squad
Puzzle Quest
Puzzle Quest 2
Puzzle Quest Galactrix
QIX ++
Quantum Conundrum
R-Type Dimensions
Radiant Silvergun
Raiden IV
Rainbow Six® Vegas
Rainbow Six® Vegas 2
Rayman 3 HD
Rayman Raving Rabbids
Rayman® Legends
Rayman® Origins
Red Dead Redemption
Red Faction II
Red Faction: Armageddon
Red Faction: Battlegrounds
Rocket Knight®
Rockstar Table Tennis
Rumble Roses XX
Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien
Sacred 3
Sacred Citadel
Saints Row
Saints Row 2
Saints Row IV
Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell
Saints Row® The Third™
Sam & Max Beyond Time and Space
Sam & Max Save the World
Samurai Shodown II
Scrap Metal
SEGA Bass Fishing
Sega Vintage Collection: Alex Kidd & Co.
Sega Vintage Collection: Golden Axe
Sega Vintage Collection: Monster World
Sega Vintage Collection: Streets of Rage
Sensible World of Soccer
Shadow Assault/Tenchu
Shadow Complex
Shadows of the Damned
Shank™ 2
Shotest Shogi
Shred Nebula
Sid Meier’s Pirates!
Silent Hill Homecoming
Silent Hill: Downpour
Silent Hill: HD Collection
Skate 3
Slender: The Arrival
Small Arms
Sniper Elite V2
Soltrio Solitaire
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
Sonic & Knuckles
Sonic Adventure
Sonic Adventure™ 2
Sonic CD
Sonic Generations
Sonic the Fighters
Sonic The Hedgehog
Sonic The Hedgehog 2
Sonic The Hedgehog 3
Sonic The Hedgehog™ 4 Episode I
Sonic The Hedgehog™ 4 Episode II
SoulCalibur II HD
South Park™: The Stick of Truth™
Space Ark
Space Giraffe
Space Invaders: IG
Spec Ops: The Line
Splinter Cell: Conviction
Splosion Man
Star Wars Battlefront
Star Wars Battlefront II
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
Star Wars Jedi Starfighter
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
Star Wars Republic Commando
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II
Stuntman: Ignition
Super Contra
Super Meat Boy
Supreme Commander 2
SVC: ToeJam & Earl
Tecmo Bowl Throwback®
Tekken Tag Tournament 2
Texas Hold’em
The Bureau
The Cave
The Darkness
The Darkness II
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
The King of Fighters 98
The Maw
The Orange Box
The Splatters™
The Walking Dead
The Walking Dead: Michonne – Episode 1
The Walking Dead: Season Two
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
Ticket to Ride
Tom Clancy’s EndWar
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter™
Tom Clancy’s HAWX
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Double Agent
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell® Blacklist™
Tomb Raider Underworld
Tomb Raider: Anniversary
Tomb Raider: Legend
Tour de France 2009
Tower Bloxx Deluxe
Toy Soldiers
Toy Soldiers Cold War
Toy Story 3
Toybox Turbos
Trials HD
Triggerheart Exelica
Trine 2
Tron: Evolution
Tropico 4
Ugly Americans: Apocalypsegeddon
Unbound Saga
Virtua Fighter 2
Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown
Virtual-On OT
Viva Piñata
Viva Piñata: Trouble in Paradise
Wolfenstein 3D
Word Puzzle
WOTB: Commando 3
XCOM®: Enemy Unknown
XCOM®: Enemy Within
Yosumin! LIVE
Zoe HD
Zuma’s Revenge
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obsidiantheghostfaced · 3 months
Get 25% off of everything on Redbubble right now! Redbubble is running a huge summer sale on every piece of fabulous merch, products and accessories.
Spreadshirt is also running a sale right now too! Get 15% off nearly everything on Spreadshirt with coupon code: JUNE15US
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majornelson · 7 years
This Week’s Deals With Gold And Spotlight Sale
Here are this week’s games and add-on deals on the Xbox Games Store. Discounts are valid now through 11 December 2017.
These deals will expire at 10:00 am UTC on Tuesday December 12th 2017
     Xbox One Deals
Content Title Content Type Discount Notes Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen* Xbox One Game 30% DWG Spintires: MudRunner* Xbox One Game 25% DWG Dungeon Defenders II – Deluxe Edition Bundle* Xbox One Game 50% DWG Forza Horizon 3 and Forza Horizon 2 Bundle* Xbox One Game 40% DWG Divinity: Original Sin – Enhanced Edition* Xbox One Game 75% DWG Metro Redux Bundle* Xbox One Game 75% DWG Unravel* Xbox One Game 75% DWG Worms Anniversary Edition* Xbox One Game 67% DWG Anoxemia* Xbox One Game 67% DWG Dungeon Defenders II – Gemtacular Bundle* Add-On 50% DWG Dungeon Defenders II – Heroic Bundle* Add-On 50% DWG Dungeon Defenders II – Standard Edition* Add-On 50% DWG EA SPORTS Rory McIlroy PGA TOUR* Xbox One Game 67% DWG Forza Horizon 2 Car Pass* Add-On 80% DWG Forza Horizon 2 Porsche Expansion* Add-On 85% DWG Forza Horizon 2: Storm Island* Add-On 75% DWG Forza Horizon 3 VIP* Add-On 75% DWG Forza Motorsport 6 – Porsche Expansion* Add-On 75% DWG Infinity Runner* Xbox One Game 50% DWG Metro 2033 Redux* Xbox One Game 75% DWG Metro: Last Light Redux* Xbox One Game 75% DWG Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic* Xbox One Game 50% DWG The Escapists: Supermax Edition* Xbox One Game 75% DWG The Technomancer* Xbox One Game 75% DWG Transcripted* Xbox One Game 15% DWG Unmechanical: Extended* Xbox One Game 75% DWG Toy Odyssey Xbox One Game 50% Spotlight INSIDE & LIMBO Bundle Xbox One Game 50% Spotlight Don’t Starve: Giant Edition + Shipwrecked Expansion Xbox One Game 50% Spotlight tinyBuild Bundle: PartyHard + Lovely Planet + No Time To Explain Xbox One Game 50% Spotlight The Jackbox Party Trilogy Xbox One Game 50% Spotlight Instant Indie Collection: Vol. 5 Xbox One Game 50% Spotlight #IDARB: Tightwad Edition Xbox One Game 67% Spotlight 10tons Adventure Puzzles Bundle Xbox One Game 70% Spotlight 10tons Physics Puzzle Double Pack Xbox One Game 70% Spotlight Armello – Deluxe Bundle Xbox One Game 50% Spotlight The Arrogance Lost Collection Xbox One Game 50% Spotlight Artifex Mundi Essential Bundle Xbox One Game 50% Spotlight Artifex Mundi Fantasy Bundle Xbox One Game 50% Spotlight Awarded Platformer Bundle Xbox One Game 50% Spotlight Banner Saga Complete Pack with Survival Mode Xbox One Game 75% Spotlight Chariot Bundle Xbox One Game 60% Spotlight Crazy Sports Bundle Xbox One Game 50% Spotlight Crimson Chrome Bundle Xbox One Game 70% Spotlight Danger Bundle Xbox One Game 50% Spotlight Fast Paced Action Bundle Xbox One Game 50% Spotlight Blowfish Bundle #1 – Gunscape & Siegecraft Commander Xbox One Game 50% Spotlight Instant Indie Collection: Vol. 2 Xbox One Game 50% Spotlight Instant Indie Collection: Vol. 4 Xbox One Game 50% Spotlight Kinect Triple Bundle: Beats & Booms & Squids Xbox One Game 60% Spotlight Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty – Deluxe Edition Xbox One Game 75% Spotlight Outlast: Bundle of Terror Xbox One Game 75% Spotlight Puzzles Bundle Xbox One Game 67% Spotlight Recotech Bundle Xbox One Game 50% Spotlight Rogue Stormers & Giana Sisters Bundle Xbox One Game 50% Spotlight RWBY: Grimm Eclipse – Team JNPR Bundle Xbox One Game 50% Spotlight Sparkle Bundle Xbox One Game 70% Spotlight Starpoint Gemini 2 Gold Pack Xbox One Game 60% Spotlight The Jackbox Party Bundle Xbox One Game 50% Spotlight The Pure Bundle Xbox One Game 50% Spotlight Ultimate Overdrive Collector’s Pack – Awesomenauts Assemble! Game Pack Xbox One Game 60% Spotlight Ultimate Overdrive Pack – Awesomenauts Assemble! Game Pack Xbox One Game 60% Spotlight Victor Vran Overkill Edition Xbox One Game 50% Spotlight Wales Interactive Publisher Bundle Xbox One Game 50% Spotlight
*These offers are only valid for Xbox Live Gold members. Please note: prices and availability are subject to change and may vary by region.
     Xbox 360 Deals
Content Title Content Type Discount Notes Dead Space 3* Games On Demand 75% DWG Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition* Games On Demand 60% DWG Battlefield 3* Games On Demand 75% DWG Bionic Commando Rearmed 2* Games On Demand 75% DWG DuckTales Remastered* Games On Demand 75% DWG Final Exam* Games On Demand 75% DWG Metro 2033* Games On Demand 85% DWG Metro Last Light* Games On Demand 85% DWG NBA JAM* Games On Demand 50% DWG RAW – Realms of Ancient War* Games On Demand 75% DWG Street Fighter IV* Games On Demand 30% DWG Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix* Games On Demand 67% DWG Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix* Games On Demand 75% DWG Things on Wheels* Games On Demand 80% DWG
*These offers are only valid for Xbox Live Gold members. Please note: prices and availability are subject to change and may vary by region.
via Xbox Live's Major Nelson http://ift.tt/2AWa7AK
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rizegreymon22arts · 5 years
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(2010-2011) My little pony: Friendship is magic How to train your dragon Pokemon Black/Pokemon white Adventure Time Toy Story 3 Clash of the titans Super Mario galaxy 2 Tangled Digimon Fusion Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Megamind TUFF Puppy Sonic Colors Regular Show Generator Rex Karate Kid Archer Assasin's Creed: Brotherhood Panty and Stocking with Ganterbelt Kick Buttwoski: Suburbal Daredebvil Sym-bionic Titan Alpha and Omega Despicable Me Tron Alice in Wonderland Avengers: Mighty heroes of the planet God of War: Ghost of Sparta Shrek forever after Amnesia Transformers Prime Epic Mickey Fish Hooks Mega Man 10 Pokemon heart gold/Pokemon soul silver Red Dead Redemption Splaterhouse Xenoblade Chronicles Bioshock 2 MAD Young Justice Iron Man 2 Dante's Inferno Sonic the hedgehod 4 Donkey Kong Country Returns Happy Wheels Durararaa!!! Kickass Gears of War 3 Fruit Ninja Gahoole: Leyend of the guardians Hero 108 Limbo Open Season 3 Scott Pilgrim vs the World (Movie and game) Bayonetta Rabbids back in time Scooby-Doo Mystery Inc Robotomy Ugly Americans Sidekick Lego Hero Factory Zig and Sharko Tomb Raider 2010 The Sorcerer's Apprentice Monster High Dick Figures Fire Breather Heavy Rain The Walking Dead King of the Fighters XIII Sonic and Sega All-Star racing Street Fighter V
0 notes
sad-af1121 · 7 years
Strangers In The Mind: Part 1
Summary: A cure has been found for Bucky and as he is going under treatment, he starts having bizarre dreams about you. He doesn’t know why or how. Never in his life has he actually met you but, he is determined to find you. (soulmate AU) Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 1370 Warnings: Angst, mentions of abuse/torturing, depressive thoughts? A/N: This is shorter than the next parts because it’s like a teaser/background. It is going to be angsty and I hope y’all enjoy. Silhouette by Aquilo is a great song for this fic. Feedback is welcomed 💜   
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“Hey, stop looking so grim. You should be glad I’m here, mister.”
There you were looking radiant as ever. The wind blew through your hair, creating ripples of your scent to spread out in the open. His heart swells seeing the crinkles of your eyes, the brightness of your smile, and the love you held most emitting from you. Bucky could have sworn an angel came down to visit him every night whenever he tried to sleep.
But time was slipping through his fingers.
“I am, I am. It’s just that… I don’t understand why I see you here.” Bucky says while looking around the beautiful forestry surrounding the two of you. You both laid on the green grassy ground, on a mid-springs day as a soft breeze coursed through the air, making the plants dance. You giggled laying on your stomach, making sure your dress didn’t rise as you started kicking your legs back and forth.
“You’ll know soon, I promise.” You said, picking the petals off a white carnation flower. Bucky looked down at you, using his metal hand to prop up his head as he watched you destroy the delicate bloom.
“I love you, Y/N… always and forever” He says softly as he absorbs your beauty one last time before his time is up.
“I’ll see you next time, Buck.” You state, ignoring what Bucky said. A single tear ran down your pink cheek as you felt the disconnection from him. He was being pulled out of his dreaming state.
He was waking up.
“W-wait.” He hesitated as the sky became dark, consuming everything as it disappears into the dark void.
“Goodbye, James.” Your voice lingers on in a haunting whisper as you fade away.
Bucky awoke from yet another dream he couldn’t explain. He threw the covers off this body as he swung his legs over the edge, leaning his forearms on his thighs as he went over what happened.
A dream.
That’s all it was. Nothing more.
Every night you would show up in his dreams in a different setting, different appearance, and different state of mind. The amount of detail Bucky could see was astonishing. Every touch, scent, sound, and taste left a mark on his soul. The way your lips always stayed plush, your skin smooth like silk, your eyes bright as day and your voice calming, luring him to sleep like a lullaby. Just like his nightmares that would feel so real, so tempting that it would drag him down into the abyss of darkness, you were his light.  
When Bucky was in Wakanda, T’Challa and many scientists were able to find a cure for Bucky’s brainwashing. It was a combination of using Wanda’s abilities and reversing the effects Hydra had forced upon him. Extracting every word from his mind wasn’t an easy task. It was as if it was stripping apart of Bucky from the inside.
Those words had become him.
The kind of screams that made your blood run cold like shards of glass piercing through flesh filled the room as scientists and Wanda tried getting rid of the words that have only done terrible things. Bucky’s eyes would become wide and glossed over as his desperate yet terrified screams left his body. Every time Wanda went inside his mind, a jolt of electricity shot through his entire core, hitting every nerve along its way as it runs up his spine into his brain. Imagine touching an outlet that shocks your finger for a second, leaving a sting behind, but for Bucky, it lasted for hours until Wanda detached the word from its source.  
The blood from his face would drain, making him more zombie-like than he already was. His heart would thud so loud you could had felt its beat booming through your chest like a stereo. Indents in the shape of a crescent were left into the armrest of the chair Bucky sat in. He dug his nails into the material, bracing the amount of telepathic energy placed upon his mind. His body shook in fear and uncertainty, trembling as his body tried to recover from the procedure. He would stare into space, not knowing if the pain he was going through was worth it as nurses checked his vitals and his state.
He pondered if this was any different than his time in Hydra. He was being experimented on, always on surveillance, and lacking any sort of freedom. After the Accords, Steve wanted to make sure Bucky was well taken care of by T’Challa and his team. There was no other option for Bucky, so he spent about 5 years in Wakanda until Steve requested him back at the tower where his treatments would continue. But that was the least of Bucky’s worries.
It didn’t matter how much pain he had to endure for the poison Hydra had implanted in him to go away. He wanted them out for good. He yearned for peace.
An escape.
The first few days at the Tower were hard. Bucky would lay in bed at night, tears stinging his eyes as he thought back to his life, before enlisting. How he grew up with Steve, the love he carried for his ma and sisters, and the most upright respect he had for people who came his way. It wasn’t in his nature to be cruel. Not once did he bully a kid because they seemed weak, beat up a man for no reason or treating women like they were trash after he spent the night with them. It wasn’t him.  
What did I do so bad in my life to deserve this?
Staring into the void, tears would run down the sides of his face as he laid there numb from his thoughts. Still a reminder of what the Winter Soldier has done, he remembers every face he killed, tortured, beaten, and brought fear upon. Never in his life did he expect it to turn out like this.
I’m a monster.
With time, Bucky would heal as his nightmares would decrease. They’ll never go away as his demons were still there, waiting for him at the gates of Hell that was his mind. They were ready to remind him what he really is and of his past. Each kill took a piece of his soul. He didn’t know what emotion was, being fried every couple hours whenever he remembered his true self, James Buchanan Barnes.
He knew the night terrors weren’t going to go away, but having less of them were better than having the constant fear of relapsing and going into Winter Soldier mode.  He just wished he didn’t have to wake up in the middle of the night with his sheets drenched in his own sweat and his heart beating like a drum, loud and fast. Frantically moving around as his sheets would trap him, tangled and wrapped around his limbs like something never letting him go.
He’d look around the room, familiarizing himself that he is safe and isn’t under control. No more hiding in the darkness, in fear as the only type of people who surrounded him were the ones who cared most and the ones who just wanted to help.
But I don’t deserve them.
As time went on, Bucky could dream about things other than his time at Hydra or his fear that consumed him for most of his life. Strange dreams like memories played in his mind as he slept.
It was odd at first, seeing unfamiliar faces and places as he roamed around, basking in the moment. Bucky couldn’t think the of the last time he dreamt, or how his mind could imagine again. To his assumption, Hydra blocked the receptors in his brain that allowed him to do so.
However, he realized there was a woman in his dreams that would appear every single night.
He didn’t understand why he was seeing the same woman in his dreams, but he didn’t mind. She brought him peace as he left the real world and came into limbo. She was the anchor to his struggles and light to his darkness.
TAGS: @thatawkwardtinyperson @jezzula @buckybarnesismypreciousplum @amrita31199 @papi-chulo-bucky @softwintersoldier @angryschnauzer @avengersandlovers @soldatbarnes @cumonbucky @badassbaker @finallybreathee @james-bionic-barnes @atari-writes 
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treehouseblogsinc · 7 years
Informative Information
Hello there! You can call me Ms. Givings. I’ve been helping the boys run their little website from behind the scenes! If you wanted to know a little more about them before you send them anything, you’ve come to the right page!
So who are these kids?
Only the protagonists of the Captain Underpants book series by Dav Pilkey! If you don’t know what those are, I can’t really help you… but perhaps Wikipedia can!
At what point in the books does this thing take place?
This blog “takes place” somewhere between Book 5 and Book 6 - that is, after The Wrath of the Wicked Wedgie Woman and before The Big Bad Battle of the Bionic Booger Boy. This is to keep things nice and simple!
Certain revelations from the later seven books will be taken into account, but you should be good as long as you’ve read the first five!
After the who and before the what now? Sorry, it’s been, like, a decade since I read those…
That’s okay! If you’d like a refresher and don’t want to be seen in your bookstore’s kids corner, someone put all 12 books in this neat little YouTube playlist! I’m not completely sure if it’s legal, though, so read responsibly!
Edit: Turns out it wasn’t very legal after all... If the series gets uploaded in any other form, I’ll add a new link here!
What about the movie [Edit: or the Netflix series]?
I decided to stick with the books’ canon and sprinkle in little things from the movie (ex. Harold loving dolphins). I used some of the movie’s major changes (Mr. Krupp tried to separate the boys instead of blackmailing them) and left the rest in limbo until someone asked about them - Schrodinger’s continuity, if you will!
Edit: This blog was created, run, and retired a year before the Netflix series began, so you won’t see any trace of it here. Sorry to disappoint!
What’s with all the retro reblogs and talk about dial-up? What year are these kids living in??
Well, the first five books were written from 1997 to 2001… 
Wait, do they know that they’re running a blog on Tumblr and not their own website?
Nope! You shouldn’t try to tell them, either - Windows 98 doesn’t take that kind of time paradox very well.
Edit: Case in point!
So these aren’t the same George and Harold that held that AMA about Uranus?
Reddit wasn’t founded until 2005, so nope. That AMA is totally half the reason I made this blog, though!
If they don’t know they’re on Tumblr, how come they can reblog stuff?
Long answer: From their perspective, they’re just reposting pictures they like from other websites.
Short answer: Just ‘cause!
Is Harold gay here too?
Yep - he just doesn’t know it yet! See, he’s still at that age where boys think crushes are gross and a waste of time. You can ask him about it, but don’t expect to get a straight answer! ;)
Will any other characters be available to talk to?
Maybe! For now, though, this blog is the exclusive property of George, Harold, and yours truly! (Not that they know I exist, mind you.)
Edit: Captain Underpants himself stopped by to chat a few times! You can read all his posts in chronological order here!
Edit 2: Melvin once stole the blog from the boys and tried to pass it off as his own. (Nobody fell for it.) All of his posts are right here!
Can I send you private messages?
You can use PM’s to talk to me, but not to George and Harold. Sorry, but their “mailbox” only has two slots!
Can I use any of your icons? I’ll credit you if you like!
The sources I used to make them are gone now, so you can go on ahead! And thanks, but I actually don’t mind whether you credit me or not!
How can I read these posts in the order they came out?
Go to the Table of Contents and click on Chapter 1! Alternatively, choose a tag and add “/chrono” to its URL! (Make sure you’re using a browser and not the official Tumblr app!)
How come the chrono thing doesn’t work in the app?
No clue :(
When was this blog active? Will you ever bring it back?
I ran this blog from April to August of 2017. The reason I retired it is covered in my final post.
As for bringing it back… I don’t have the time to right now, but you know what they say: nothing is set in stone ;)
This page was last updated on December 3rd, 2020!
     - Ms. Givings
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Water Through a Sieve (pt 2.)
There was music playing outside when the Soldier woke, aggressive and obnoxiously loud. It cut through his slumber like a jagged knife, but staying in one place was dangerous, and he hadn’t been given permission to sleep. The Soldier’s lips turned down a little at that. If he thought about it, he knew that was an unreasonable thing to be concerned with, and yet terror crawled down his spine at the realization that he’d defied his keepers, yet again. He couldn’t even remember why disobeying was so awful… just that, until now, he’d mostly acted without hesitation.
The Soldier’s mind was in an uncomfortable limbo, unsure of what was true, and what wasn’t. He needed answers before he strayed too far. It was just a matter of where to get them. Ghost or not, he wasn’t fool enough to try to break into whatever hospital housed Steve Rogers. He didn’t have weapons or backup, and though he healed far more quickly than the average person, his shoulder still ached terribly, making him grit his teeth any time he moved it.
The Soldier was armed with a name and an association though, and he wasn’t completely unversed in modern technology. He’d been sent to acquire plenty of it, after all. If he could just find a database to confirm any of what his target had claimed, it would be a start. To do that, he’d need to leave the relative cover of the slums. Exposing the metal arm had been effective when his mission had been full of intimidation and murder, but it wasn’t fitting for a shadow, and that was what he needed to be now.
Grateful for the cover the darkness outside afforded him, the Soldier set off to find a change of clothes. He considered a laundromat he passed by, but it was brightly lit, and none of the patrons inside at this hour looked promising anyway. In the end, he found a thrift store that didn’t appear to have too many cameras. Not terribly picky, he was in and out before anyone noticed he’d broken in.
Changing was painful, but the clothing he filched hid his injured shoulder and bionic arm from potentially prying eyes. He wouldn’t be able to hide under too much scrutiny, but it was good enough for his purposes. At first glance, the Soldier would look no different than any other passerby, which was precisely what he needed.
That wasn’t to say what he wanted was easy. The library had far too many cameras, and internet cafes would likely charge for what he needed. In the end, it was as much dumb luck as skill that the Soldier was able to filch someone’s phone without being noticed. Careful not to dig too deeply from any one device, the Soldier satisfied himself with bread crumbs. It was frustrating, if marginally helpful. There were days of skulking in the shadows, his head full of far more questions than answers, but he was making progress, however minimal. It was that progress that eventually led him to a museum exhibit, with a plaque bearing his face.
James Buchanan “Bucky” Barnes, the title read, and sure enough, eyes he recalled having seen in the mirror stared out from the display. Steve had been telling the truth after all. One more reason, the Soldier supposed, to be pleased he hadn’t taken out his target after all. No. Not, the Soldier. Whatever Hydra had called him, name was Bucky.
Of course, that was where the relief stopped. If anything, learning the truth was more disconcerting. Perhaps, deep down, he’d hoped finding what was real would jog his memory. He stared at the face of some old, lost version of himself. He read the plaque at least a dozen times, but it felt like reading any other plaque in any museum. It felt as if he were reading about someone else. Maybe they’d existed in this body even, but he certainly didn’t remember it.
These things were facts, but they weren’t answers. It was uncomfortable to say that name, even in his own head, like a wool sweater that scratched at his skin when he moved. Bucky was the only name he had though, so he swallowed the lie and tacked it to himself, hoping eventually there’d be some truth in it. He’d read that plaque so many times now, Bucky could probably have recited it with his eyes closed, but it didn’t reach him any more than a piece of fiction would have. The only thing Bucky was sure of as he slipped out of the museum,  was that he was terribly alone and very, very lost.
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