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displaydhealth · 2 years ago
Water, A Very Good Place To Start
A fundamental element in our daily lives, consuming enough water is a challenge for most of us. One way to get the recommended 2 litres per day is to use one or more glass bottles and make your drinks from it – your coffee, tea, smoothies, soup all count. We use 2, 1 litre glass bottles that sit on the kitchen countertop, filled the night before from the Biocera filtered water pitcher, which you…
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aquaprouaecommercial · 9 months ago
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Aqua filter Domestic RO System Al Kaline Water Purifier
Aqua filter Domestic RO System + Purifier System alkaline Bio-Cera Flushes acidic metabolites and toxins from the cellular level. Make your water taste better for your health. Aqua filter Domestic RO System Supplies health-sustaining minerals such as Ca, K, Na, and Mg to help metabolism Contains smaller water clusters (51.497 Hz) that hydrate the body up to three times more effectively than your normal water Facilitates nutrients and mineral absorptions efficiently. Aqua filter Domestic RO System increases pH and lowers ORP (Ref. ORP = Oxygen Reduction Potential) and, Promotes general well-being by restoring And balancing the body Sales Pack Includes One piece of Biocera Alkaline Filter and 1 pack of PH litmus paper(20strips)
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suaritmacihazitestleri · 3 years ago
Su Arıtma Cihazlarında Alkali Filtre Var Mıdır?
İnsan vücudunun pH seviyesinin dengelenmesine alkali sular yardımcı olmaktadır. Bu suları marketlerden alınabilmekte ya da evlerde rahatlıkla hazırlanabilmektedir. Bunların dışında bu suları kullanmanın bir başka yolu daha bulunmaktadır. Çoğu evde kullanılan su artıma cihazlarına takılacak olan alkali filtre yardımıyla alkali su elde edilebilmektedir. Bu filtre ters ozmos kullanan bir teknolojik sistemdir. Bu yöntem sayesinde temizlenen suların aynı zamanda pH seviyesi artırılmakta ve suları alkali hale getirmektedir. Bu filtre birçok sisteme eklenebilmektedir. Bazı su artıma cihazlarının kendisinde bulunan bu filtre, olmayan su arıtma cihazlarına da kolaylıkla eklenebilmektedir.
Alkali Filtre ve Sağladığı Yararlar
Alkali filtre, suyu alkali hale getirerek insanları hem büyük bir zahmet kurtarmakta hem de insan sağlığı için son derece önemli olan alkali suyu üretmektedir. Gün içinde asit seviyesi artan vücudun tekrar dengeye gelmesine alkali su yardımcı olmaktadır. Bu ve bunun gibi birçok olumsuzlukları gideren bu su, alkali filtre sayesinde her an yanı başınızda olmaktadır. Bazı uzmanlar, gün içinde kullanılan bütün suların alkali olması gerektiğini belirtmektedir. Ayrıca içme suyu dışında yemeklerde ya da içecek hazırlamak için kullanılan suyun da alkali olması gerektiğini belirtmektedir. Bu konuya önem gösteren kişilerin ileride daha sağlıklı bir yaşam süreceklerini de iddia etmektedir.
Alkali Filtre İnsanlara Nasıl Kolaylık Sağlamaktadır?
Alkali filtre, teknolojinin insanlara hediye ettiği bir üründür. Bu filtre özellikle son dönemde insanlar tarafından daha fazla araştırılmaya ve kullanılmaya başlanmıştır. Evde çeşitli yöntemlerle alkali su hazırlamak yerine musluğu açarak su arıtma cihazının içinde bulunan bu filtre yardımıyla bu suyu elde etmeyi tercih etmektedir. Bu filtre, alkali su konusunda insanlara büyük kolaylık sağlamaktadır.
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biocera · 5 years ago
Six beneficial health properties of an alkaline filter jug
Ensuring that the water you consume is pure and fresh is extremely important for enjoying good health. Here is why you should focus on consuming water from alkaline water filter jug: -
1)    Maintenance of high pH level
One of the most important features of an Alkaline Water Filter Jug is that it increases the level of ph in water, thereby making it all the more alkaline, which helps the body in neutralizing the acidic properties that are accumulated through the unhealthy diets. The alkaline water creates hydrochloric acid and bicarbonates, which are important for a process called neutralize excess acids in our bodies.
2)    Lead and water crisis
One of the most crucial contaminants in tap water is lead, which comes from the main pipelines build in homes during the 1970s. It contaminates the quality of water and causes severe health crises in people consuming it for a long time. Alkaline filter jug removes the various toxins present in water and makes it clean, thereby creating a healthy consumption.
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3)    Enhancement of cardiorespiratory capacity
Alkaline water filter jug has the ability to enhance the body’s hydrogen ion buffering capacity since it provides high-intensity exercise, which leads to a high influx of hydrogen and aids in dealing with the fatigue and build-up of lactic acids. It also improves the acid-base ratio in the body and provides a better level of hydration as compared to other non-mineralized water facilities.
4)    Removal of toxins from tap water
Tap water may contain innumerable chemical contaminants that are not healthy for persistent consumption. These can range from fluorides and chlorine to lead and copper, to name a few major components. Alkaline water Filter Jugs ensure that no such harmful components remain in the water for human consumption, which may prove to be fatal in some serious ways.
5)    Rich in minerals
Minerals are added to the alkaline drinking water, which aims at de-toxification of the water, thus making it suitable for regular consumption. The major minerals which are adjusted in the process include calcium and magnesium, thereby saving from tooth decay and weak bone strength.
These are all the reasons that you will compel you to buy an Alkaline Filter Jug for enjoying pure water.
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biznewsconnect · 3 years ago
Commercial launch of BIOCERA-VET® product line in United Kingdom and Ireland in accordance with the development plan announced by the company.
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suaritmatavsiye · 4 years ago
En İyi Su Arıtma Cihazı Hangisi – Tavsiyeler
Merhaba bir su arıtma cihazına sahip olmak istiyorsunuz ama hiç bir konu hakkında ön bilginiz yok ve kafanız karışık mı hangi su arıtma cihazını alacağınıza karar veremiyorsanız doğru yerdesiniz.
1-Cihaz Kapalı Kasa mı Olmalı Yoksa Açık Kasa mı ?
Genelde pazarlamacı taktiği ile kapalı kasa arıtma cihazlarını ön plana iterler nedeni içerisi görünmediği için bir de bir cihaz şeklini alıp kompak bir tasarıma sahip olması. Gelin kapalı kasa olan su arıtma cihazlarının dezavantajlarına ve artılarına bir göz atalım.
Kapalı Kasa Arıtma Dezavantajları
Öncelikle %90 kapalı kasa arıtma cihazları daha az yer kaplasın diye 6-8 litrelik su tankı tercih edilir oysa açık kasa modellerde 12 litre tercih edilir ve daha fazla su depolama yapar ve 8 ile 12 litre tank arasında %10 fiyat farkı mutlaka vardır 12 litre su tankı daha pahalıdır ama her nedense kapalı kasa cihazlar açığa göre pahalı satılır.
Kullanılan ön aşama filtreleri %98 inline, kapsül, kolay değişir dediğimiz filtre sistemine sahiptirler ama hijyen yönünden kullan at filtre daha iyi değil mi dediğinizi duyar gibiyim bu bir pazarlama tekniğidir yani algı operasyonu inline filtreler açık kasada kullanılan housing filtrelerden hacmen  %70 daha ufaktır buda filtrenin %70 oranında ömrünün daha kısa olacağı anlamına gelmektedir. Sizin için bir inline filtreyi kestim ve karşılaştırma yaptım.
Filtrenin metre ile ölçüm farkı arada ne kadar fark olduğunu görüyoruz. küçük olan kalınlık 4,5 cm büyük olan 7.0 cm uzunluk olarak inline filtre 23.00 cm housing filtre uzunluğu 25,30cm
Bu şu demek oluyor inline filtre 3 ay kullanım ömrü varsa housing filtre 9 ay kullanım ömrü vardır. inline filtrenin en büyük dezavantajı budur sizi devamlı filtre parasına mahkum eder.
Kalitesiz inline filtre kullanıldığında filtrenin patlama riski daha yüksek
İleriye dönük filtre sayısını artırmada cihaz üzerinde güncelleme yapamazsınız
Genelde satıcı firmaların sadece kendi cihazına göre özel ölçülerde yapılır buda başka X bir marka filtre kullanmanızı engeller ve devamlı yüksek fiyatlara filtre alırsınız filtre boyutları ve giriş çıkış bağlantı ölçüleri evrensel değildir ��oğu markanın (%90).
Filtre ömürleri çok kısa olduğu için ve satıcılarda bunu tam olarak belirtmediği için hijyenik su yerine tam tersine hijyen olmayan su içersiniz.
Kapalı Kasa Su Arıtma Avantajları
Ürünün görüntü güzelliği iyi olması
Açık Kasa Su Arıtma Faydaları ve dezavantajları
Housing sistemli açık kasa arıtma cihazları her zaman fiyat performans bakımından %70 daha avantajlıdır. bu yüzden mümkün olduğunca açık kasa modelleri tercih ediniz.
Filtreleri evrenseldir hemen her firmada bulunur filtre maliyetleri %50 daha uygundur %70 daha uzun ömürlüdür.
Su tankını istediğiniz litre ile büyütme olanağınız mevcuttur.
İlerde yeni çıkan filtreleri kolaylıkla ekleyebilirsiniz.
İki parça halindedir tank ve cihaz ayrı ayrı durur yeriniz dar ise su tankını ayrı bölüme cihazı ayrı bölüme monte edebilirsiniz.
2- Pompalı mı Pompasız mı olmalı ?
Pompasız bir arıtma cihazı 4 bar giriş suyu basıncında ortalama attığı atık su miktarı 1 bardak temiz verirken 2 bardak suyu da atık olarak oluşturur ama pompalı modellerde bu durum farklıdır pompalı modellerde 1 bardak temiz su verdiğinde 1,2 bardak da atık su oluşturur pompa membran filtreye yaklaşık 10 bar basınç ile suyu göndermektedir ve ozmoz olayını hızlandırdığı için atık oranı düşer hem de arıtma hızını 3 katına çıkarır. Aşağıdaki video bu olayın kanıtıdır.
ozmoz cihazlarında atık suyu kafaya fazla takanların mutlaka pompalı (motorlu) su arıtma cihazı alması gereklidir. Videoda şebeke suyu 4 bar olarak giriş yapmakta membrana eğer bu basınç 3 bar ve altına düştüğünde durum çok daha vahim hale geliyor örneğin atık oranı değişiyor arıtılmış su 1 bardak ise atık oranı 4 bardağa çıkar bu yüzden şebeke suyu basıncı düşük olan illerde mutlaka pompalı model kullanmalısınız. İstanbul’un su basıncı 6-8 bar arasında değişiyor geceleri bu değerler biraz daha fazla yükselmektedir. İzmir Ankara gibi illerimizde bu oran biraz daha düşük 3-4-6 bar arası binanızda hidrofor varsa ortalama 4 bar basınç ile evlere suyu iletmektedir hidroforlu binalarda pompalı kullanmaya bilirsiniz ama atık su oranı az olsun diyorsanız mutlaka pompalı model şart. arıtma cihazlarında neden pompalı pompasız model ayrımı var anlamış olduk.
Arıtma cihazlarındaki pompa çok elektrik harcamaz ve gürültülü çalışmaz günde ortalama kullanacağınız su miktarına göre 30-40 dk kadar ancak çalışır ayda tükettiği elektrik miktarı 10 lirayı geçmez.
Şebeke suyu basıncınızı nasıl ölçerim ? derseniz bunu bir manometre yardımı ile ancak ölçebilirsiniz. manuel nasıl anlarım manuel olarak elbette tam olarak anlayamazsınız ama suyun bol akışından en azından arıtma cihazı için yeterli basıncınız var mı anlamış olursunuz çeşmeyi açtığınızda su canlı fışkırma ile akıyorsa basıncınız baya kuvvetlidir ama cansız ve yavaş akıyorsa su basıncınız düşük demektir bu durumlarda pompalı model arıtma cihazı şart oluyor.
3- Filtre Kalitesi Ne Olmalı Kaç Aşamalı (Filtreli) Olmalı Su Arıtma Cihazımız
Öncelikle bir arıtma cihazı almadan önce kullanılan filtre kalitesi çok önemlidir ve filtrelerin bazı kuruluşlar tarafından sertifikaya sahip olması gereklidir. Kaliteli bir arıtma cihazı NSF ve FDA sertifikasına sahiptir bu sertifikaları taşıyan arıtma filtreleri güvenli oluyor.
Sağlıklı bir arıtma cihazında olması gereken filtreler:
Aşamada 1 ya da 5 mikron sediment (spuun, tortu) filtresi ilk olması gereken şebeke suyundaki kapa partiküllerin membrana zarar vermemesi için önemlidir.
Aşamada bir GAC (Granül Aktif Karbon) olmalı bu filtre şebeke suyundaki kloru ve suya kötü tat veren bazı inorganik maddelerin membrana ulaşmasını engeller ve membran filtrenin düzgün çalışmasını sağlar.
Aşamada ek olarak bir CTO (Carbon Blok) Filtre kullanılması daha fazla klor ve inorganik madde tutulmasını sağlar ve GAC karbondan çıkan bazı karbon tozlarının tutulmasını da 5 mikron gözenek yapısı ile tutulmasını sağlar.
Aşama Ana membran filtremiz bu filtre esasında suyu ayrıştıran temizleyen yani arıtan filtredir. su bu filtrede ikiye ayrılır bir kısmı atığa bir kısmı da arıtılmış tarafa yani su tankına gitmektedir. arıtılmış saf suyumuz ozmoz tankında biriktirilir buraya kadar su tamamen saflaştırılmış yani arıtılmış oldu bundan sonrasında suyu sağlıklı hale getirmek için bazı özel filtreler kullanmalıyız.
Tatlandırıcı post karbon filtresi bu filtre genelde Hindistan cevizi kabuğundan imal edilir suya tat vererek içimini kolaylaştırır.
kaliteli bir mineral alkali filtresi bu filtre saflaşan suya kalsiyum, magnezyum, potasyum ve sodyum gibi mineralleri suya tekrardan katar ve su sayede suyun alkali ph değeri de yükselir. normalde bu filtre kullanılmadığı zaman suyun pH değeri 5,5 yada 6,5 pH dolayında olur iletkenlik (ppm) 05-10 ppm civarında olur buda saf su demektir faydası olmadığı gibi zararları da mevcuttur. alkali mineral filtresinden geçtikten sonra suyumuzun değerleri yükselir pH değeri 7,5-9,5pH arasında iletkenlik ise 40 ve üzerine çıkar buda suyun oldukça kaliteli olduğunu gösterir.
Ek bir güvenlik olarak arıtma cihazına UV filtre (dezenfekte)filtresi eklenebilir çokta elzem önemli bir durum değildir ama olursa suda oluşabilecek bakterileri yok etmek için tercih edilebilir fu filtre maliyeti biraz yüksektir ve ilk alınan 1bardak suyun sıcaklığı 40 derece civarında olur o yüzden içimi hoş olmadığı için her defasında 1 bardak suyu boşaltılarak kullanılır. dediğimiz gibi çokta gerekli bir filtre değil çok hassas kişilerin tercih edebileceği bir filtredir.
Bu şekilde kaliteli filtrelerden oluşan bir arıtma cihazı tercih etmenizi öneririm kalitesiz ürünleri kullanmak yerine NSF sertifikasına sahip ürünleri kullanmak en akıllıca bir karardır. nsf.org sitesinden de bu filtre marklarını sorgulamak şart her önüne gelen NSF’li der ama sorgulamada çıkmayabilir.
Dünya genelinde kaliteli ve sertifikalı filtre markaları: Pentek (Pentair), Omnipure, Dow Filmtec, Biocera, Swun
Kaliteli ve eksiksiz üzerinde her türlü özelliği barındıran örnek arıtma cihazı linki
su arıtma tavsiyesi
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queen-ofnewyork · 5 years ago
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Review of IMMULAB’s BIOLACTO Pro Resistant Mask
IMMULAB is a Korean brand that specializes in skincare products that strengthen the skin’s immunity against external aggressors. This brand offers an innovative range of face masks that are formulated with probiotics. This includes this one, BIOLACTO (skin barrier improvement), BIOT.TREE (improves skin transparency; review), BIOMEGA-3 (antioxidation of stressed skin; review) and BIOCERA (improves skin moisture; review). This mask is designed to focus on skin barrier improvement and reduction of dermal oxidative stress as well as skin moisturization. Key ingredients include: 200ppm of lactobacillus ferment filtrate (provides good bacteria to the skin, anti-aging, anti-bacterial, nourishing, anti-inflammatory), 200ppm of Bacillus/Lactobacillus/Saccharomyces/rice bran ferment filtrate (maintains healthy skin, skin conditioning, skin brightening, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-aging), 100ppm of lactococcus ferment (keeps skin healthy by maximizing good bacteria, skin strengthening, anti-inflammatory, anti-wrinkle, anti-redness), 100ppm of lactobacillus/caulerpa lentillifera (sea grapes) ferment filtrate (anti-aging, moisturizing, antioxidant, nourishing, maintains skin health), 100ppm of bacillus/lactobacillus/poncirus trifoliata (trifoliate orange) extract ferment filtrate (anti-oxidant, provides good bacterias, brightening, skin whitening, moisturizing, nourishing) and niacinamide (whitening, lightening, anti-aging, rejuvenating, anti-wrinkle). This product retails for between $3-4 USD, you can get it here for $3.50 + shipping.
Water, Dipropylene Glycol, Glycerin, Niacinamide, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Cetearyl Alcohol, Polyglyceryl-3 Methylglucose Distearate, Salvia Officinalis (Sage) Leaf Extract, Allantoin, Erythritol, Hydrogenated Lecithin, Lactobacillus Ferment Filtrate (200ppm), Bacillus/Soybean Ferment Extract, Bacillus/Lactobacillus/Saccharomyces/Rice Bran Ferment Filtrate (200ppm), Bifida Ferment Filtrate, Dipotassium Glycyrrhizate, Silica, Sodium Polyacrylate, Galactomyces Ferment Filtrate, Caffeine, Panthenol, Olea Europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil, Lactococcus Ferment (100ppm), Lactobacillus/Caulerpa Lentillifera (Sea Grapes) Ferment Filtrate (100ppm), Bacillus/Lactobacillus/Poncirus Trifoliata (Trifoliate Orange) Extract Ferment Filtrate (100ppm), Centella Asiatica Extract, Snail Secretion Filtrate, Sodium DNA, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Ascorbic Acid, Propanediol, Citric Acid, Sodium Hyaluronate Crosspolymer, Hydrolyzed Glycosaminoglycans, Glutathione, Sodium Hyaluronate, Sodium Chloride, Hydrolyzed Hyaluronic Acid, Hyaluronic Acid, Disodium EDTA, Arginine, Carbomer, Xanthan Gum, 1,2-Hexanediol, Ethylhexylglycerin, Caprylyl Glycol, Fragrance
To quickly note, I received this for a small fee from 0.8 Liter for my honest review, this post is not sponsored.
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This mask contains 25 grams (0.88 oz) and smells like baby lotion to me personally.
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The sheet mask is made from a BRIGHT CELL material that has active brightening ingredients. The mask is really soft and pretty thin and really holds onto a lot of essence. The fit is really good though I did need to widen the eye holes.
Recommended use is to cleanse your face and use toner. Apply the mask, fitting it to the curves of your face. After 15-20 minutes, take off the mask and gently pat skin for better absorption of essence. After using, the mask sheet is a very soft and thin and is really cool in that it contains brightening benefits and there's a lot of essence. This mask does have a pretty strong baby lotion type scent which I don't mind but it could be an issue if you're easily irritated by fragrance. This mask's ingredients are really great as there are so many probiotics. It's a very high quality mask. After removing it my skin was very clear and moisturized. It soothed any redness and irritation and is probably also good for blemishes and the effects last over 24 hours. I'd recommend this to people with dry skin, irritated skin and anyone who isn't too sensitive to fragrance.
What I like: this mask is really nice, it does a good job of brightening and moisturizing the skin and soothing away redness. The ingredients are all very nourishing and I really appreciate it as a fan of probiotics in skincare. I personally like the baby lotion fragrance but that's my personal preference. The quality of this mask is also really great and the effects are long lasting. What I don't like: the fragrance could be a problem for some people.
Nice ingredients
Lovely scent
Soft material
High quality
Long-lasting effects
Would I buy again?
Rating: 9.5/10
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dr-jeon-hyoungtag · 7 years ago
What is H2O?
Water works as an electric cell that sustains life as a result of chemical reactions. Water is also an important catalyst with essential minerals in addition to its chemical reaction capability. Water is a solvent of bipolarity which works to dissolve various elements.
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Water consists of two hydrogen molecules bonding with one oxygen molecule. The hydrogen atom contains a proton with an electron circling around it. The nucleus of the oxygen atom contains a core with a total of 8 electrons circling around it. Six of these electrons exist in a meta- stable state and are located externally. These meta-stable electrons have similar chemical coupling characteristics until they become with 8 electrons, which explains why water molecules come into existence with one oxygen atom coupled with two hydrogen atoms as a pair.
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BIOCERA Water For Health
Author Profile
Ph. D Jeon, Hyoung-tag has been specializing in R&D of Bioceramics—Antibacterial, FIR, Airpurifying photocatalyst and water vitalizing ceramic ball media—since 1986. He is currently a research professor at the Industry-University Collaboration and R&D professor of Woosuk University (New Materials). He is well-known as the expert in Bioceramics (water & microbio) in related fields.
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bioceraalkalinewater · 2 years ago
Let's talk about the difference between alkaline water purifiers & UV water purifiers!
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Water purifiers are a necessary component of our homes since they are crucial to providing pure water. There are numerous varieties of water purifiers on the market. Biocera Alkaline Water provides a cleaner that will help to drink better water. Alkaline water purifiers and UV water purifiers are the two fundamental varieties, both of which are provided by Panasonic. Both of these water purifiers differ in a few key ways. Read more… https://ventweek.com/lets-talk-about-the-difference-between-alkaline-water-purifiers-uv-water-purifiers/
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aquaprouaecommercial · 10 months ago
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Aqua Filter Al Kaline Water Purifier
Aqua filter Domestic RO System Al Kaline Water Purifier
Aqua filter Domestic RO System + Purifier System alkaline Bio-Cera Flushes acidic metabolites and toxins from the cellular level. Make your water taste better for your health. Aqua filter Domestic RO System Supplies health-sustaining minerals such as Ca, K, Na, and Mg to help metabolism Contains smaller water clusters (51.497 Hz) that hydrate the body up to three times more effectively than your normal water Facilitates nutrients and mineral absorptions efficiently. Aqua filter Domestic RO System increases pH and lowers ORP (Ref. ORP = Oxygen Reduction Potential) and, Promotes general well-being by restoring And balancing the body Sales Pack Includes One piece of Biocera Alkaline Filter and 1 pack of PH litmus paper(20strips)
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pureaqwaworld · 2 years ago
Why Choose Biocera Alkaline Water Purifier ?
For the past 25 years, we have worked hard to earn our client’s trust and the capacity to go above and beyond for them. We are the “PURE AQUA WORLD”. We provide RO alkaline from Biocera Co.Ltd. the most reputable manufacturer.
In addition to producing water-activated ceramic balls and their application goods for antioxidant hydrogen alkaline water filter equipment uses, Biocera is also able to produce bioceramic antibacterial, far infrared, and photocatalyst coating agents.
We are constantly proud of the functional ceramics technology developed by Biocera for use with air, water, and microorganisms. To satisfy our client’s needs, we work hard to deliver the greatest, most healthful water-related products.
Through collaborative investments, knowledge transfer, and competitive pure aqua world research, we work to improve the health and happiness of our consumers.
Youtube Profile link — https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4jirmt-vFTuXBS1QhICKaw
Facebook Profile Link — https://www.facebook.com/PureAqwaWorld
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idealalkalinebottledwater · 3 years ago
Alkaline Canteen
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You can turn faucet water right into alkaline water in just 3 minutes with an Alkaline Canteen. Its smooth base has a button that you push to produce electrolysis. The bottle after that brighten with a blue UV beam of light that validates that the procedure is in effect as well as eliminates germs in the water. This makes it simple to drink water that is high in alkaline. Nonetheless, you should see to it that your bottle has a built-in filtration system. The ideal alkaline water bottle has a pH of 9.5 or higher. The pH of the water should be between 7 as well as 9.5 to keep it alkaline. Various other features of an alkaline canteen include vacuum insulation that helps to maintain beverages chilly or hot much longer, and ergonomic lids as well as takes care of. A great alkaline canteen can be very easy to carry and also can be convenient to utilize. Along with its advantages, it additionally helps you stay hydrated while on the move. Alkaline canteen consist of the molecular hydrogen in water, which assists fight acidity in the body. Research studies have revealed that alcohol consumption water with molecular hydrogen is helpful in decreasing blood lactate levels and enhancing muscular tissue feature after exercise. 
You can likewise buy a Biocera AHA Water Bottle that holds 500ml of water. When loaded, you merely drink it to turn on the 1 liter alkaline water in the container. Make certain to replace your alkaline canteen once a year. Although most alkaline water is bottled, it still costs in between 240 and ten times more than faucet water. Mineral water is additionally extremely costly, and 30 billion plastic bottles are tossed into landfills each year. So, what can you do to decrease the price of alkaline water? The solution is basic. You can use alkaline water bottles in your house. Simply ensure to get a bottle made of glass. An additional alkaline water bottle is the DYLN alkaline bottle. It has an ergonomic manage that makes it less complicated to bring. It also has a stainless steel interior and is BPA-free. Last but not least, it has no internal lining as well as an adaptable take care of to allow you to quickly hold it. Every one of these functions make alkaline water an excellent enhancement to any kind of way of life. There are numerous benefits to drinking alkaline water and it is a straightforward method to obtain it right into your body. 
Among the best means to ensure you're consuming alcohol adequate water is to use an alkaline water bottle. These bottles are additionally good for you. They assist you consume even more water and preserve a healthy way of living. The Alkaline Water Bottle assists you make your water alkaline by eliminating germs and making it more alkaline-friendly. There are even some alkaline canteen that have a built-in filtering system as well as cleanse water within 3 mins. An Alkaline Water Bottle has a typical pH degree of 9.2. Consuming alcohol even more alkaline water is known to lower inflammation as well as improve the body immune system. It is additionally unbelievably hydrating for the system. It includes smaller sized particles that make it easier to absorb and also hydrate the body. The smaller sized water particles have incredible hydration advantages. As well as while consuming alcohol alkaline water can make you thirstier, it might not have any substantial impact on your symptoms.
Keep on reading this related post - https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2015/08/05/what-is-alkaline-water-miranda-kerr_n_7939256.html
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biocera · 5 years ago
Everything you need to know about Alkaline Mineral balls
We know how essential water is as a natural resource. But we also know that the increasing pollution and other environmental issues have had an adverse effect on its quality. The quality of water has deteriorated drastically leading to unhealthy body conditions and diseases. The water that you receive from the municipality may be treated but it still contains heavy material, germs and other unwanted substances. The tap water that you get is usually acidic in nature and drinking that water compromises with the pH level in your body and hence, your health. When we know that acidic ions are freely available in the tap water, then why not do something about it? For that we recommend the use of Water Purifier For Alkaline Water or using Alkaline mineral balls in your normal water filter.
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The water that we drink normallyhas active oxygen or free radicals that enter our body and eats up the electron from our healthy cells causing an imbalance in the healthy cells leading to various diseases like high blood pressure, constipation, diarrhea, etc. To prevent the free radicals from attacking our immunity system, we should switch to using alkaline water that contains essential minerals like potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium etc. which negates the effects of free radicals.  But how can we get alkaline water at home? It is very simple. You can get Alkaline Mineral Balls for yourself. All you have to do is to put the sack of the Alkaline Mineral Balls into your normal water filter or purifier and you are good to go.
The mineral balls are full of essential minerals that not only eliminates the free radicals but also maintains the pH level of the water and hence our body by neutralizing the acidic ions present in the water. Drinking alkaline water helps in balancing the pH level in our body and even increases absorption of important minerals in our body.
Alkaline Mineral Balls keeps us healthy and clears heavy materials present in the water preventing diseases like constipation, diarrhea, other gut problems, and even hypertension.
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yh2osworld · 4 years ago
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The Biocera A.H.A Water Bottle filter provides antioxidant alkaline water with added minerals like calcium, sodium, magnesium, and potassium that help our body daily functions.
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queen-ofnewyork · 5 years ago
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Review of IMMULAB’s BIOT.TREE Pro Resistant Mask
IMMULAB is a Korean brand that specializes in skincare products that strengthen the skin’s immunity against external aggressors. This brand offers an innovative range of face masks that are formulated with probiotics. This includes this one, BIOT.TREE (improves skin transparency), BIOLACTO (skin barrier improvement; review), BIOMEGA-3 (antioxidation of stressed skin; review) and BIOCERA (improves skin moisture; review). This mask is designed to improve skin's transparency, A.C control, and pore care. Key ingredients include 100ppm of tea tree leaf oil & 5,000ppm of tea tree extract (soothing, antiseptic, anti-acne, moisturizing), lactobacillus ferment filtrate (provides good bacteria to the skin, anti-aging, anti-bacterial, nourishing, anti-inflammatory), green tea leaf extract (antioxidant, anti-acne, healing, anti-inflammatory, improves skin elasticity, anti-aging), houttuynia cordata extract (detoxifying, improves skin health, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, anti-allergy) and panthenol (penetrates deeply into the skin, hydrating, helps to infuse water into the cells, moisturizing). This product retails for between $3-4 USD, you can get it here for $3.50 + free shipping.
Water, Propanediol, Glycereth-26, Glycerin, 1,2-Hexanediol, Butylene Glycol, Olea Europaea (Olive) Fruit Oil, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Houttuynia Cordata Extract, Swertia Japonica Extract, Salvia Miltiorrhiza (Red Sage) Root Extract, Salvia Officinalis (Sage) Leaf Extract, Lactobacillus Ferment Filtrate, Bacillus/Soybean Ferment Extract, Bacillus/Lactobacillus/Saccharomyces/Rice Bran Ferment Filtrate, Bifida Ferment Filtrate, Galactomyces Ferment Filtrate, Melaleuca Alternifolia (Tea Tree) Extract (5,000ppm), Melaleuca Alternifolia (Tea Tree) Leaf Oil (100ppm), Allantoin, Chlorphenesin, Betaine, Panthenol, Xanthan Gum, Ethylhexylglycerin, Carbomer, PEG-60 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Disodium EDTA, Potassium Hydroxide, Fragrance
To quickly note, I received this for a small fee from 0.8 Liter for my honest review, this post is not sponsored.
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The mask contains 28 grams (0.98 oz) and has a light skincare scent.
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The sheet mask is a pearl white color and eyes, nose and mouth holes are all pretty big and the mask is large enough to cover most faces.
Recommended use is to cleanse your face and use toner. Apply the mask, fitting it to the curves of your face. After 15-20 minutes, take off the mask and gently pat skin for better absorption of essence. After using, the mask sheet is a very soft, thin PEARL mask sheet and there's a lot of essence. This mask has a light skincare scent which isn't super overwhelming but if you don't want fragrance at all this is something to consider. The ingredients are nourishing, hydrating and soothing and the quality of the mask is really high. After removing it my skin was very hydrated and the redness was toned down and any issues were soothed on my skin. I'd recommend this to anyone with really irritated skin as well as to people with blemishes and enlarged pores.
What I like: this mask has a great fit as well as being very hydrating and soothing. It really takes care of irritation and blemishes. The masks material is very soft and smooth and holds a lot of essence. The ingredients are nice and the effects of the mask last a pretty long time. What I don't like: nothing really, it's great.
Has a great fit
Nice material
Lots of essence
Soothes redness and blemishes
Long-lasting effects
Would I buy again?
Rating: 9/10
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izry86 · 7 years ago
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🌾 *TENTANG REZEKI* 🌾 📍Kekadang kita berfikir soal rezeki dengan tidak adil..maka kita cemburukan gaji,elaun dan pendapatan tambahan kawan kita yang bekerja ditempat lain atau bekerja lebih masa dengan berniaga dan sebagainya yang dilihat lebih besar dari kita. Kita rasa resah melihat orang lain. 📍Ingat! Rezeki itu bukan sahaja di slip gaji atau pada jumlah angka duit semata-mata. _*Kekadang kita lupa..*_ 🍃- Dapat bos ditempat kerja yang baik pun rezeki.. 🍃- Dapat kawan2 tempat kerja yang baik pun rezeki.. 🍃- Dapat masyarakat sekeliling tempat kerja yang baik pun rezeki.. 🍃- Kerja tak pressure pun rezeki.. 🍃- Sambil bekerja tapi banyak masa dengan family pun rezeki.. 🍃Banyak sangat rezeki yang Allah bagi kepada kita sebenarnya.. *Jom fikir luasnya rezeki.* Jangan sempitkan hanya pendapatan yang tercatat atas kertas sahaja sebagai rezeki.. *_Kekadang.._* 🍂- Ada orang direzekikan cantik & tampan,tapi tak direzekikan cinta. 🍂- Ada orang direzekikan harta,tapi tak direzekikan anak-anak. 🍂- Ada orang direzekikan anak-anak,tapi tak direzekikan kasih sayang. 🍂- Ada orang direzekikan kekayaan,tapi tak direzekikan kebahagiaan. 🍂- Ada orang direzekikan makanan yang hebat,tapi tak direzekikan selera. 🍂Demikian Allah SWT membahagikan rezekinya,jangan menyangka kita tidak ada rezeki.😊 Alhamdulillah....syukur di atas segala nikmat dari-Mu.. jadikanlah kami hamba2Mu yg sentiasa sedar, hargai nikmatMu dgn memanfaatkannya dan bersyukur... Allahumma Amin... #AbamSimKad #AmpangKL #Awesome #BijakNiaga #IVMist #Labis #Segamat #Johor #SahabatDiSayangi #Biocera #JugFiltter #TPPowerNetworksNegeriSelangor #IDP #sahhari86 (at Umah Makabah)
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