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jere-me--oh-my · 1 day ago
"Maybe not, but you could find out?" Jeremy said, sadly. He was pretty sure that Mirabel missed Binna too it was just ... complicated. Even if they missed each other, that didn't mean things would magically be ok again! But maybe it could help them both mend a little?
"I know it's rough," he sighed. "I hate that you're both going through this. But, you know, worst thing that happens is she doesn't reply. Which will suck, but then you'll know she's not ready, and she'll know that you are, if she ever wants to reach out?"
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Wii like to Party - Binnemy
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skz-chatbot · 1 year ago
Binnie: she really is. Little Binna, shining star.
Chan: penny for your thoughts, love?
Binnie: I think we should get married again.
Chan: what’s brought this on?
Binnie: I mean, it’s been almost five years since the first time, and we’ve got a big family to share the love with. Why not?
*giggles* there goes my anniversary surprise.
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waitingona-mirabel · 8 days ago
"I don't have a problem with it. I like being in your videos," Mirabel said quickly. That was true. She did like being in Binna's videos, for the most part, especially the DnD ones. Sure, there was the occasional weird comment left on the video, but it was all pretty chill.
To Mirabel, though, this seemed different. This video had waded directly into controversy, addressing it head-on, inviting conflict. That stressed Mirabel out. It seemed like a mistake to her, but Penny seemed to want to make it her job.
"I just think- I don't get why you'd want to argue with these people you don't even know. You don't have to be, like controversial to get views. Your other videos do really well!" Mirabel pointed out.
Back to December | Binnabel (Flashback)
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moonglowmagic · 2 years ago
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
“I’m not really sure we should be giving creative points to the person who just terrorized the town so publicly.” Binna remarked before looking around at those near them, giving an apologetic look at how insensitive this conversation was coming off. While she wanted to have the conversation to learn more about this mysterious figure, since she was still acting as Seo-Yeon it wasn’t really her place to continuously ask questions. “Thank you.” Giving her sisters tight lipped smile, to let them know the conversation involving The Catalyst was over for now. “I’m fine. I was out of town when the chaos happened so luckily I was not apart of it.” Giving off Seo-Yeon’s above it attitude that she’d gotten so use to playing as a teen. “What about you? Were you here during it?” Almost being too curious with her words, but she made sure to pull back in the knick of time and not ask more. “Well you can always give me a penny if it makes you feel better.” Putting out her hand for the coin with a smirk.
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“I’m just saying, as far as the name goes ‘The Catalyst’ is really creative. I mean what are they big Muse fans or something?” Calypso uttered, the french fry she held between her fingertips already cold by now. She was just annoyed for not knowing, and Calypso hated not knowing. “Anyway, sorry. Didn’t mean to go there and… well.. How’re you? Aside from having to listen to my thoughts. And you didn’t even give me a penny for it.” 
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jere-me--oh-my · 5 days ago
Jeremy felt the awkwardness in the air - the disconnect that hovered over the conversation. He switched on the Wii with the remote, and then turned more towards Binna.
"Have you tried talking to her?" He asked. That was the thing that hovered over it all - the thing that still drove him crazy about it all. They both still cared so much about the other, and he hated to see them standing there on opposite sides of some great canyon and both thinking they couldn't cross over it.
"It's fine if you haven't, and you're not ready yet, but ... you miss her, right?" It wasn't as simple as that meaning they could get back together, but this silence between them... who was that helping?
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Wii like to Party - Binnemy
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jere-me--oh-my · 7 days ago
"Well, you know uni," Jeremy explained. "Third year can be pretty tough to juggle everything, and she's doing that research assistant job for the family study-" Jeremy assumed Binna had heard about that from before.
"Which, I don't know, I wonder if it cuts a bit close to home sometimes," he continued. Mirabel hadn't really said anything of that nature to him, but he couldn't help but wonder (and then he wondered if that was too personal a thing to share with Binna now, but he had been so used to them all being able to talk easily that... yeah). "And even if it's not, it's just an extra thing to juggle? Studying, working, rugby, this extra job."
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Wii like to Party - Binnemy
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jere-me--oh-my · 19 days ago
"Alrighty, do we want popcorn, or crisps?" Jeremy called from the kitchen as he set about grabbing a couple of bowls for some snacks. Binna had just made it over and he had finally finished working out a loose plan for his dissertation to send to his supervisor, and that meant it was time to celebrate! Celebration, in this case, looked like an afternoon of Mario Kart and other random games he'd picked up, and catching up with his best girl Binna.
"Sod it, I'll bring both through," he added, half to himself and carried both bags in his arms through to the kitchen.
"So, what've you been up to today? Working or blog-working?"
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Wii like to Party - Binnemy
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jere-me--oh-my · 9 days ago
"She's ... ok," Jeremy glanced over to Binna, and tried to smile reassuringly. It wasn't always easy being in the middle of it all (but he had to figure it was better to be in the middle than to be going through it!). He grabbed himself a bowl and the bag of crisps, opening it up and pouring some out into the bowl. "Well, she's a bit stressed I think," he confessed. "You know, with Uni and things." And something else was definitely going on as well that had her acting a bit... off, before they even got into the topic of breakups.
"But she's ok," he confirmed, setting the crisps down and leaning to grab the controls to turn the tv on.
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Wii like to Party - Binnemy
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jere-me--oh-my · 12 days ago
"No," Jere shook his head, for half a second not even thinking about why Binna was actually asking him that. "She had rugby practice or something, I think-"
Honestly none of his friends had made it, except for those that were also members of Band and Gig Soc, so it had mostly been limited to a few music friends and a couple of the Gentlemen, but he was ok with that. It meant he got a fresh, unbiaised crowd to practice on, right?
Then it dawned on him, and he gave Binna a slight sideways glance. Was that why she hadn't come? Not wanting things to be awkward. "But I did see her a couple of days ago for a study session-" he hung it out there as bait.
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Wii like to Party - Binnemy
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jere-me--oh-my · 15 days ago
"Ah don't worry, you were busy!" Jeremy reassured her. He didn't expect all of his friends to make it! Especially since it wasn't a really big performance, and there'd been lots of people there that he could chat to afterwards.
"I think it went well! Debuted some of the bigger sounding stuff, so I got my electric out and had a bit of backing. That was fun, I feel like it brought way more energy you know?" Which had maybe felt a little strange since he was still on his own, but he felt the reception had been good? "Generally it went down pretty well, I think."
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Wii like to Party - Binnemy
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jere-me--oh-my · 18 days ago
"Vlogging, sorry," Jeremy corrected himself. "You know I'm a social media luddite," he excused himself a little. He was definitely going to have to work on that if he actually wanted to get a name for himself with music, but that was a spiral for another day!
"And you do make it such an art," he complimented as he set the various snacks down. He watched all her videos! Although he had had to fast forward lots of the one he'd been in.
"Ugh, I wish I'd been dog-walking," he sighed dreamily. I mean, who know you could get paid to do that! "Mostly uni work, you know? It's like, a lot. Who'd have thought that final year might be stressful," he joked, opening up the bag of popcorn. "Then uhh what else have I been up to? Hanging out with Linnet? Apparently she wants to take me on some double-date with her friend, which is fuuuun. Oh, and I had the Band and Gig society showcase! That went well," he lit up talking about those last two.
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Wii like to Party - Binnemy
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waitingona-mirabel · 17 days ago
"Okay, yeah," Mirabel said.
If this was a normal hangout, Mirabel probably would have just kicked off her shoes and snuggled up with Rascal. She didn't mind that various animals were always hanging around Binna's room. It reminded her of how Antonio was with his pets.
But that probably wasn't the vibe for what she was about to say.
Mirabel hopped up onto the side of Penny's desk that didn't have her computer on it and tucked one foot under her, the other dangling just above the floor.
"So, um, I saw the video," Mirabel said hesitantly. "I just- Binna, you're not wrong, but don't you want this whole thing to just be behind you? Don't you think this is gonna kind of... drag it out longer?"
Back to December | Binnabel (Flashback)
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