#bimo watches
bimobuddy · 6 months
I know I'm like 6 months late to the 'Elemental' party, but I'm watching it now and I'll update this post with my thoughts as I continue to watch
Ember's relationship with her dad is so fucking wholesome?? I'm gonna cry
Immediately love Wade, he's so relatable. He's been on screen for like ten minutes and he hasn't stopped crying.
Flustered Wade??? When he's accidentally calling Ember 'Hot' and 'Smoking,' he's so cute??
"WE LOVE YOU LUUTZZ 😢" dude Wade is fantastic
"Please take all that off-" "But I got you a hat :D "
We love an emotional man
It's definitely giving Romeo and Juliet, just hopefully without the ... death part :D
The minerals turning her fire a different color and Wade making a rainbow is SUUUCH a cool detail, gosh I love animation
Ember is at the beach, is she gonna heat it up and make glass?
The mom being able to smell love is so fucking funny she's like a bloodhound
Wade's mom is delightful
"Do you DIE if you fall in water!?" Kids can be little terrors (not entirely serious, I know kids are just kids)
HELP THE MOM tinktinktinktinking DOWN THE STAIRS LOL
Ember is in a bubble and I'm predicting something is gonna happen that almost kills her
yeah bubble get small :(
"A food inspection of the heart, sir :) " he's so dumb I love him
The symbolism of the cracking glass is so good
Quick intermission to take off binder, if you're transmasc, wear your binder properly and take it off when you need to, listen to your body, ily
Ugh daddy issues are being healed via Pixar
Fan-fucking-tastic :)
I can see why everyone liked it when it came out
If you made it this far, thanks for enjoying my rambling I guess lol
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sillyzsubspacevelyn · 3 months
hello!, I'm miss apple, or evelyn (not my real name)
-all about me-
-age: 10yrs old
-birthday: 11/9/2013
-gender: female
-pronouns: she/her/hers
-country: Philippines
-The languages I speak are: English and Filipino [bisaya]
-Irl name and nickname: althea/thea
-my roblox username: superstar23496 and Miss_Apple182
-videos I can watch on: TikTok, YouTube
-my silly friends IRL: Xinre, Queenie, Thieron, and Gerald, meriene
-my fav class officers classmate irl: [class precident] meadow, [class artist] summer, [treasurer] Quinn, [vice-precident] Lance, and [auditor] Cloud [clouie], [secretary] meriene
-my pals: @sillyzvinestaffemma, @sillyzshurikenlatin, Darra, kenken, [aka queenie], kiby, and bea
-fandom shippers i like: chilli x bandit, mary x larry [mlarry], and miku x rin, goob x shrimpo
-my fav friend anywayz: @mozzy17
-my fav gamez: roblox,bud,gacha life 2, papa's louie pals,gacha club
-my fav fandoms: break in 1/2, Field Trip Z, regretavator,raise a Floppa, piggy book 1/2, hhgregg, onaf, kinitopet, fundamental paper education, the amazing digital circus, and phighting, dandy's world, bluey, sprunki, married in red
fandom I quit: Mandela catalogue, and madness combat
-app i use for making animation: alight motion (tweening)
-my ocs: Evelyn (Miss Apple), vibe, sketchia, matches, bimo, and unknown, Mrs. Apple, jonah, gabi, Gabriella, 3viln00b, eva,katlyn,mackenzie, lizzie
-and I'm alone :[ I want matching PFPs
but ty @sillyzvinestaffemma and @sillyzshurikenlatin
-my side blog I quit: @sillyzmissapple
-my other side blog:@dizzydazedxqz
-my fav artist: darusia, mozzy17 [moss_notey], chromacide, deltaheartsstuff, priceandadvice, luna_the_idiot, sloppypears_ash_sg, and camila
-and ofc, i have tiktok:
-even I have pronouns.cc account aka @sillyzvinestaffemma and @sillyzshurikenlatin
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michaelbellu · 2 years
SNS: Social Networked Self
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New media algorithms assertively answer anyone’s “what should I watch” question with a flood of answers. 
The article “Why’s Everyone on TikTok Now? The Algorithmized Self and the Future of Self-Making on Social Media” by Bhandari Bimo claims that TikTok departs from existing platforms in the model of self-making it engenders, called “the algorithmized self.” This term is a complication of the preexisting “networked self” framework. TikTok engendered a mode of self-representation and identity creation that departs significantly from the model of “the networked self” that is found on other social media.
This understanding of a “networked self” shows that social media sites, apart from the influence they may have on social practice through their design, are relatively neutral tools for individuals to engage in these processes of identity management and representation. Interaction and curation are self-directed; despite the growing claim of algorithmically directed feeds, for example, “these sites at least claim that the content that users consume is essentially within their control and is ultimately chosen by the user through their conscious choices: the site thus provides a space for free self-representation.”
TikTok has changed the way social media platforms show content to users through their personalized algorithm. Their surge in popularity has put a strain on other big media companies such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. These giants have implemented spinoff features of TikTok on their apps. TikTok still is ahead in most categories over its competitors. 
I believe that one reason many politicians are so against TikTok and claim that it is a Chinese spying device that collects Americans data is because so many of those politicians are associated with big tech companies. Companies such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, when TikTok came along as a threat to their interests, they are trying to shut it down. It works because of the popular anti-Chinese narrative that has been pushed politically in recent years. The public has seen in the TikTok hearings that these people who claim it’s a spying device cannot even define what TikTok is or how it works. A recent hearing with TikTok’s executive was almost commercial at how bad the questions were from those conducting it, such as, “is TikTok connected to the house Wi-Fi, can it connect with other devices in the home.” The executive did not know how to answer the questions other than by saying that it’s not how it works. I don’t believe it is a spying divine and should not be shut down. 
“Influencer Celebrification: How Social Media Influencers Acquire Celebrity Capital” by Brooks et al. discusses how influencers differ from traditional celebrities in that they are experts in the medium through which their celebrity capital is typically leveraged, which is social media. Influencers work with advertisers; this produces even more celebrity capital; the process becomes a continual loop. 
The article “Studying Reddit: A Systematic Overview of Disciplines, Approaches, Methods, and Ethics” by Proferes et al. set out to provide an account of how researchers are using Reddit as a data source. The topics being studied using Reddit data vary widely, and at times, researchers are drawing data from communities on Reddit that may include vulnerable populations. The kinds of subreddits researchers are pulling data from vary considerably. 
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gabbycoco-blog · 2 years
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Doing Nothing While Obtaining Everything
The authors of “Studying Reddit: A Systematic Overview of Disciplines, Approaches, Methods, and Ethics,” Nicholas Proferes et al., The authors of "Studying Reddit: A Comprehensive Review of Disciplines, Methodologies, Techniques, and Ethics," Nicholas Proferes et al., analyze data gathered from Reddit published between 2010 and 2020. More people than ever are embracing Reddit as a data source, but researchers are also expressing concerns about its reliability and morality. Although I personally don't use Reddit to get information, reading suggests that it is simpler to do it there than on Twitter. Because of Reddit's unique culture and traditions, the reading emphasizes the value of employing multiple techniques. Although this reading focuses on the challenges of data collection on Reddit, the same can be said about Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, and other platforms. Given its timely expiry status, Snapchat appears to be the most problematic when evaluating how individuals obtain information on various topics. Still, I liked how the reading offered people a thorough understanding of what Reddit is. Accessing data in the digital age is problematic due to ethical standards and takes longer than it should. When debating ethics on social networking sites, how can scholars and industry experts come to a consensus on a predetermined number of rules? How much of a chance is there that the data will be accurate? The reading emphasizes the privacy concerns associated with accessing publicly available data. Although everyone has the option to keep their accounts and material private, there are several issues with the concept.
Why Are People On TikTok Now? Aparajita Bhandari and Sara Bimo's article, “Why’s Everyone on TikTok Now? The Algorithmized Self and the Future of Self-Making on Social Media” aims to explain why TikTok has become so popular so quickly even if other platforms appear to provide the same capabilities. From their research, the authors discovered that TikTok users fit into "the algorithmic self," which is a framework for self-making and self-networking. I use TikTok rather frequently, and I think COVID-19 has a significant impact on why everyone uses it. Because TikTok combines content from several other sites, like Instagram, Youtube, BeReal, and more, it is enjoyable to watch. The videos are brief enough to hold a user's scarce attention. I had many videos on my personal TikTok become popular, and all of them were about my experience using accutane. After I posted my accutane TikTok, there was a domino effect that spread to other social networking sites (SNS), and I received inquiries from people who had viewed it on Instagram seeking my opinion on the drug. It may be used for amusement, education, and current concerns, just like any other SNS. Our TikTok videos of staff, event reservations, and live music taken behind-the-scenes have received the most likes and interaction at Red Stick Social. The fact that anyone can become viral on TikTok says volumes, but should everyone be able to?
The term "influencer celebrification" is used by Gillian Brooks et al. in “Influencer Celebrification: How Social Media Influencers Acquire Celebrity Capital” to suggest that social media influencers (SMIs) acquire celebrity capital via only promotional activities. I particularly liked how the reading emphasized that famous people are renowned for being famous and that fame is not something they are born with. While it is different now, society used to promote celebrities on red carpets and in brand partnerships in the past. It almost feels like less effort is being placed into "celebrifying" the influencers. For instance, Alix Earle is quite well-known on TikTok, which has helped her become well-known on other social media sites. Earle has, in my perspective, attained celebrity status capital as a result of his continuous development and relevance to stakeholders. Similar to Addison Rae, Earle has expanded her platform by doing absolutely nothing. Partying, brand partnerships, and her wardrobe make up her content. Because she has developed her brand image across several media, it also draws attention to the occasion. Throughout her ascent to stardom, Alix Earle has employed generative, collaborative, and evaluative techniques. Do you believe that TikTok is the best app for quickly gaining followers? How long before "the next big thing" emerges and another influencer amasses significant celebrity capital?
All of the given papers emphasize the value of social media effectiveness while influencing users in various ways, as well as the ethical application of data collection on digital platforms.
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rubbcr-hose-toons · 2 years
@alcaxponciano continued: (x)
“Uh, ya definitely got us mixed up with another group of loony toonys if ya think we’d ever recruit anyone with the likes of you, little pup. The nerve of ya ta think otherwise....”
Despite the harsh words coming from one of the other mobster squirrels, they were pretty much what Alca was thinking in response to the sudden outburst from the toon dog; more or less at least. The group happened to be glancing in the general direction as Bimbo, not even maintaining eye contact at that.
“Look, I know you’ve had your fair share of being pestered into joining ridiculous cults for whatever reason,” she spoke up as she stepped forward, “but even with how vulnerable and weak you are, you have no worries in ever being asked to be a part of our group in any way. Understand?”
Bimbo is nodding in quick succession, though the rest of him is stock still. The one time he finds a spine, makes a retort - and he’s barkin’ up the wrong tree. See what the world’s doin to me?
An exaggerated bead of sweat rolls down one side of his head, and he slaps a hand against it, like swatting a fly. It helps get him out of his stupor.
“R-right on the nail, M-ma’am. I mistook - didn’t get a good look. Wouldn’t have implored - impede - uh...” 
Get it together, man.
“Y-you’d be surprised by how much it happens. I think folks do it on purpose, cause its one of the only gags people remember.”
You could say its gotten under his skin. But she seems to know about that - or was it really a lucky guess? Bimbo wasn’t arrogant enough to call himself famous, but maybe she’d just heard the joke on the grapevine.
“Uh...I don’t think we’ve...met...” He would’ve remembered such distinct lookin’ toons. “Fact I don’t I’ve ever seen you folks. Are ya new?”
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bimothecurious · 3 years
Not really sure what to write about in times like these
Currently reading: China Miéville, Embassytown
Currently watching: ST: The Next Generation (re-watch, by now progressed to season 6) ST: Picard, season 2 ST: Discovery, season 4
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auroramoondrop · 2 years
May I have Sevika interacting with Bimo?
I’ll love it and the reader just watching and having a shit eating grin on their face
Mentions: Teasing, fluff, reader teasing Sevika, Bimo is their new child.
Oh, boy getting Sevika this toy was the best yet worst decision of your life. She showered you with kisses and lead you to the coffee table to build the machinery. It was called 'Bimo your Everlasting Friend!' Bimo was a digital dog that was built in Sevika's early childhood, built for Pilitie kids who liked rich things.
Unfortunately for children of the Undercity weren't able to experience such luxuries. Mostly have to watch the interactions between the dog and a kid. Young Sevika always envied the toy as it was fascinating, it could give you answers and do commands.
Now having one makes her feel like a kid again, she asked if you can hand certain parts and give her tools, cause 'no offense babe, you'll fuck it up.' Harsh, however, you did one time fuck up the air conditioner worse even with introductions.
After being built you could see how excited she was, left leg bouncing and her hands fidgeting. You put the small robotic dog on a charging pad for you two to wake up to. Sevika bear hugged you, the warmth of her right arm and slight heat radiating from her left, you look up fondly at her and place a loving kiss on her hot lips. She hummed and embraced you a little bit tighter.
It felt nice with how warm her body was, her strong muscles and abs flexing slightly when you run your hand across them. She broke the kiss and princess carried you to the bedroom. Getting into bed, you tracing over her face with her trying to stay awake, her eyes kept fluttering and her smile slightly droops.
"I can't wait to play with Bimo, I bet you are more excited, Vika." She whines and hides her face.
"Shuddup.." The sheets making it hard to hear her mumbled argue.
You and Sevika finally end the night asleep facing each other and holding one another. You wake up first, looking back at your girlfriend, you admire her for a bit before as quiet and delicately you removed yourself from her. Tiptoeing to the kitchen to make omelets, you grab eggs, butter, milk, bell peppers and spicy peppers, sour cream, grilled chicken, different cheeses, and salsa. (Yes this is 95% from the Ihop menu.)
After cooking, you place the omelets on two plates, napkins folded with the silverware, you grab a root beer for Sevika and a cold sweet tea for you.
You run back upstairs to wake your girlfriend up. Her cute snores and her mouth slightly open.
You climb onto the bed, pet her head, and coo at her.
"Heyy darling, wake up~! I made breakfast this morning." Sevika wrapped her arms around you bringing you close, her head nuzzles in your right side. You giggle, continuing your loving touches.
"Thank you, baby girl. I couldn't have asked for a better girl than you." Your cheeks deepen with crimson, she lifts her head back up, her messy hair down and her face littered with a goofy smile. Sevika puts her hands on your face pulling you solely towards her, giving you a warm kiss, you could feel flips in your stomach.
Your hands pull her back to push your bodies together. The kiss was soft, morning kisses were the best cause Sevika was clingy, whiny, and adorable. She parted her lips, allowing you to take lead with your tongue, she tasted sweet and warm, the faint cigars and slight hibiscus tea, the best flavor. You end the kiss with a peck after it, leaving her lingering for more. Giggling from her cute reaction, you pat her back,
"Now now baby, we got a breakfast to devour and a pet to meet. We can continue this later." The way your girlfriend's eyes, beamed, she shot up and raced to the bathroom and do her routine. Getting out of bed and to the closet, you grabbed sweatpants and a sweater that smelled like Sevika, you hugged yourself to feel the sweater's warmth.
You waited for her downstairs, you were turned to your movie selection to pick a Christmas movie, you were torn between The Nightmare Before Christmas and The Polar Express. In deep thought you didn't hear the quiet footsteps of Sevika, she wrapped her arms around you and sets her chin on your head.
"Damn, sweetheart. Was this what your cooking?" You smirked and lean into her.
"Maybe, also which movie do you want to watch?" Sevika gazes over the two disks in your hand, she point her metallic finger at the left one. The Nightmare Before Christmas it is.
You set down the movies and pull her to the kitchen, her mouth was salivating seeing the dish before her. Sevika sat down and started scorching the meal down.
A smirk comes on your face, she looks up at you and pauses.
"Babe I don't like that look, stop fucking looking at me like that." You put your hands innocently in the air.
"I'm just smiling babydoll, I don't know what you mean." Sevika frowns and wipes her mouth.
"I swear to the gods of Runeterra if you try to sputter bullshit out of your ass, I'll personally hire a hitman to kill you." You gasp dramatically and put your hand on your chest, in an offended manner.
"You wouldn't kill me yourself? I can't believe it!" Sevika shook her head but her mouth ticked up in amusement.
"See, me personally? I wouldn't hurry breakfast up 'cause of how excited I am for Bimo." Her smile dropped and restored to a scowl.
"Didn't I tell you to not do that shit?" Arms up in a shrug, you went to eat your dish. Once you both finished, Sevika practically bolted to where Bimo was set up, you walked calmly to the living room.
"I'll get Bimo, you hold your horses, Sev." She rolls her eyes, however, listens. Going up to the pad, you press on a blue and silver button, it glows and so does the mechanical dog. The excitement was visible as clear skies in Sevika's silver orbs.
Gears start and it activates. Bimo opens his eyes, looking around with a curious gaze before he locks his vision on the both of you, Sevika stood by your side immediately.
"Hello~! I am Bimo, your everlasting friend! How may I assist you, new owners?" Sevika had the biggest grin on her face, she reached down to hold her hand out, Bimo put his head under her large hand.
His metallic tail wagged as he got head scratches. Sevika let's out a giggle.
"Oooo! I lovee head scratches! Thank youuuu!" Once she stops, Bimo runs around her with his wheels. Watching the scene, you smirk at how playful your girlfriend was. She finally looks up at you and frowns.
"I know what you will say and no I won't stop teasing." She groans, she picks the dog up with her metal arm and walks back to the couch.
"Bimo and I are going to fix my arm, I'm adding a couple of things to it." Sevika sat down and dragged out her toolbox to put on the table. Bimo at the ready, you shake your head with a smile and go to put the movie in.
Ever since Bimo was bought, you would see Sevika with him all the time. It can be them fixing something, asking Bimo questions, and "important stuff" accordingly to your girlfriend. What she didn't know is that you know when she thinks you aren't home, she plays with Bimo.
Cuddle him, play fetch, belly scratches, you name it. You came back from work earlier than Sevika expected, you unlock the door and quietly close and lock it.
You peek into the bedroom to find them playing, Bimo had a rope toy gripping onto it like it's the last toy in the universe, meanwhile Sevika is pulling on the toy laughing. It was cute to see them competitive with tug-of-war, but your amusement was higher.
You coughed, making the both of them freeze. Bimo drops the toy to bolt toward you, you catch him in your arms and let him snuggle into your neck. Your attention hadn't left Sevika has she looked like she had seen her grandmother's ghost ready to haunt her.
"So what was this about, babe?" She turned her head to the side and crossed her arms.
"I was trying to get the rope out of his mouth, he could have choked and died." Your smirk grew wider.
"Sev, you're full of bullshit. Just admit you like playing with our dog." She sighs but comes over to hug both of y'all. You left a warm kiss on her cheek making her nuzzle into you.
"Yeah, your right. It's fun having a friend like Bimo." You both laugh, Bimo looks up excitedly.
"Bimo your Everlasting Friend! *bark*!"
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*What inspired me to make Bimo.*
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8EvyXj7J_k)
BIM O ผลิตภัณฑ์ดูแลดวงตา สารสกัดจากผลไม้และธัญพืชไทย มิติใหม่ของการถนอมดวงตาและการแก้ไขปัญหาดวงตา นักวิจัย Operation Bim ได้ทำการทดสอบผลิตภัณฑ์ ต่อระบบภูมิคุ้มกัน BimO (บิมโอ) ซึ่งสามารถทำให้ดวงตามีสุขภาพดีขึ้น อันเนื่องมาจาก - เนื้อเยื่อของตาเสื่อม - วุ้นตาเสื่อม - สายตายาว - ต้อกระจก - ต้อหิน - ม่านตาอักเสบ - จอประสาทตาเสื่อม - อาการที่เกิดจากการแพ้ภูมิ��ัวเอง เกิดขึ้นจากการสร้างสารจากเม็ดเลือดขาวที่ก่อการอักเสบ Proinflammatory cytokines มากเกินไป เช่น IL-1 beta,lL-6,IL-17,TNF-alpha และIFN-gamma BIM O วุ้นตาเสื่อมดูแลได้ง่าย ๆ โดยการปรับภูมิคุ้มกันในร่างกายให้สมดุล ข้อมูลทางวิทยาศาสตร์ยืนยันว่าอาการวุ้นตาเสื่อมที่ทำให้มีลักษณะของหยากไย่ จุดดำเล็กๆ เกิดจากเม็ดเลือดขาวหลั่งสารก่ออาการอักเสบมากเกินไป สารสำคัญที่หลั่งมากเกินไปคือ *Interleukin 1 Beta และ Interleukin 6 * ดังปรากฎในผลงานวิจัยต่อไปนี้ 1. Cytokines in vitreous humor: interleukin-6 is elevated in proliferative vitreoretinopathy. Invest. Ophthalmo. Vis Sci.1994 Mar;35(3):900-6. 2. Interleukin-1β Level Is Increased i สอบถามข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมหรือสั่งซื้อผลิตภัณฑ์ โทร 080-1576545,092-4945225 line id 0910152989 ศึกษาข้อมูลเพิ่มเติม www.facebook.com/Eye.Wellnessoptical
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bimothecurious · 4 years
Still out there :-)
Quite hard to believe that another year has gone by without any proper entry from me, when I’m actually doing fine (considering there’s a global pandemic going on) and reading and waching stuff just as usual. Albeit with a slightly nostalgic, comforting twist to it.
First a complete Babylon 5 rewatch, now ST:DS9. Oh, and lots of Doctor Who, Eleventh and Twelfth Doctor, complete runs, before finally turning back to Ten and Donna. (No way on Earth I am going to watch any more Thirteenth Doctor episodes than I already have at this point, well except for the unlikely case Chris Chibnall should quit as a showrunner while Jodie Whittaker is still being around.)
As for books: Lots of them, yes. Mostly fiction from a variety of genres, the three most memorable novels probably  being Olga Tokarczuk’s  Drive Your Plow over the Bones of the Dead  , Brit Bennett’s The Vanishing Half and Micaiah Johnson’s The Space Between Worlds.
I guess that’s all for the moment.Greetings to everybody out there. :-) Take care!
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bimostuff-blog · 6 years
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Y O U R S - 2018
Lien video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0a_bXADxA8
Danseur : Bimo & Lau Musique : Leven Kali - Yours
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dangkurr · 6 years
with Kharisman Alamsyah, Bimo, and Yeahmusik – Watch on Path.
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andi-dwijuwono · 7 years
with RO🏁, Ajie Gokiel, Wishnu, Filemon, agung||muller, Bimo, Amanda, Ravi, edi, Nova Hardani, Rama, Budhy, DantO, Abbi Andriani, Toti'sy, Andre, onscootgarage, Yogi, Priam, Rere, Lanny, Paul, Priscilla, Adi, Jeffry, Agung, Deckotiono, max, ai, Tonny, Indah, Ai, Independent Automotiver's Retro Classic, Raldo, Caesar, Deddy, MBW202CI.04, Vio🌟, Anwar IJA, Toto, yongis, Benyamln, VELORS, ARIEF|tobler , Agung, Hadi, Ancho, Ari, DINO, Ochie, Jefry, Agung, Audee, moveon, Geno 🐼, arief , Gusti, Lukiana👗, revo, SJULLY, Yudhistira, lies, Wawan, Kedai, Werner, "Acung" Bragowo, indra, Baginda66 , Pandu , Temmy, phanny, Rizy, Juananda, Mario, herrbull, Marsyel, Indra Growong, Herry, Ferry, Yuti, Farah, Daisy , Putra Astarto, heru, YAMAL, Liliananda, Hafizh, Novee, Toti, EuroRetro, OGGY, Holden Kalimalang, Santo, Ery Isfandiary, Fujiyama, Maria, Indah , Billy, Kun Faya , Nina, Andre, EuroGeneration, Adi, Adi, alfin, Vega, Revo, Amega, Baby, Gunawan, Ni', KLASIK RETRO, Rinus, BoySyariefDaulay New, Ipieth, Bastarddriver, Alwyn, Yanis Djemat, Devandra, Budi, Jeke JuL ✨🎱☕, Anthon, Heru , Ara, Atam, yanto, Yessi, AdRomS, Ario, and Hafidz at Taman Wisata Pulau Situ Gintung – Watch on Path.
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bagusdn · 7 years
with xwidyanx, Edy, Bimo, and Adith – Watch on Path.
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danieljoe79 · 7 years
with novita🍉 and Bimo – Watch on Path.
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physicsiscrazy-blog · 7 years
Deberías leer este articulo antes de limpiar o arreglar tu computadora.
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La estática es un tipo de electricidad que se genera cuando se intercambian electrones entre dos objetos. Al momento de manipular los componentes internos de una computadora debemos ser cuidadosos con este tipo de electricidad. Es importante tener en cuenta que se pueden dar descargas electrostáticas si no tomamos las debidas precauciones.
Las descargas electrostáticas suceden cuando dos objetos con diferente potencial se juntan y la carga de electricidad estática pasa del objeto con mayor potencial al objeto con menor potencial. Estas descargas electrostáticas usualmente no son percibidas por el cuerpo humano. Sin embargo existen componentes pequeños dentro de las computadoras que son susceptibles a dañarse a causa de estas descargas como por ejemplo: la tarjeta de video, la tarjeta de audio, memoria RAM, entre otros. Existe dos tipos de daños posibles: inmediatos y latentes. Los inmediatos queman la pieza al momento de la descarga, por otro lado, los latentes no queman la pieza en su totalidad pero con el paso tiempo esta se deteriora y finalmente deja de funcionar. No obstante, existen formas de manipular los componentes internos de una computadora sin arriesgarlos. Una forma de hacer esto es utilizar una pulsera antiestática. Existen diferentes modelos de este brazalete, pero todos funcionan de la siguiente manera: con una placa metálica que hace contacto con la muñeca del usuario y al mismo tiempo está conectada a tierra. Esto hace que no existan descargas electrostáticas ya que la electricidad escapa por el cable conectado a tierra. (Webopedia, 2003). 
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Es muy importante tomar en cuenta que para evitar descargas electrostáticas al arreglar o limpiar la computadora debemos usar una pulsera antiestática correctamente conectada. Esto eliminaría cualquier riesgo de ocasionar daños a los pequeños componentes de la computadora que usualmente son costosos, difíciles de encontrar y de reemplazar.
Webopedia.(30-03-2003). Static Electricity and Computers. Recuperado de: http://www.webopedia.com/DidYouKnow/Computer_Science/static.asp
Techopedia.(s/f). Anti-Static Wrist Strap. Recuperado de: https://www.techopedia.com/definition/27301/anti-static-wrist-strap
Enlaces de interés:
ESD protection: what is electrostatic charge and discharge? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWXNOemu2j4
Understanding Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) for Technicians https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5FswkQ4bi0
Why You Should Use a Anti-Static Wrist Band and Anti-Static Mat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yINFEjyZ0Xk
Elaborado por: Carlos Santiago Bimos
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-H8TJ71pH4)
BIM O ผลิตภัณฑ์ดูแลดวงตา สารสกัดจากผลไม้และธัญพืชไทย มิติใหม่ของการถนอมดวงตาและการแก้ไขปัญหาดวงตา นักวิจัย Operation Bim ได้ทำการทดสอบผลิตภัณฑ์ ต่อระบบภูมิคุ้มกัน BimO (บิมโอ) ซึ่งสามารถทำให้ดวงตามีสุขภาพดีขึ้น อันเนื่องมาจาก - เนื้อเยื่อของตาเสื่อม - วุ้นตาเสื่อม - สายตายาว - ต้อกระจก - ต้อหิน - ม่านตาอักเสบ - จอประสาทตาเสื่อม - อาการที่เกิดจากการแพ้ภูมิตัวเอง เกิดขึ้นจากการสร้างสารจากเม็ดเลือดขาวที่ก่อการอักเสบ Proinflammatory cytokines มากเกินไป เช่น IL-1 beta,lL-6,IL-17,TNF-alpha และIFN-gamma BIM O วุ้นตาเสื่อมดูแลได้ง่าย ๆ โดยการปรับภูมิคุ้มกันในร่างกายให้สมดุล ข้อมูลทางวิทยาศาสตร์ยืนยันว่าอาการวุ้นตาเสื่อมที่ทำให้มีลักษณะของหยากไย่ จุดดำเล็กๆ เกิดจากเม็ดเลือดขาวหลั่งสารก่ออาการอักเสบมากเกินไป สารสำคัญที่หลั่งมากเกินไปคือ *Interleukin 1 Beta และ Interleukin 6 * ดังปรากฎในผลงานวิจัยต่อไปนี้ 1. Cytokines in vitreous humor: interleukin-6 is elevated in proliferative vitreoretinopathy. Invest. Ophthalmo. Vis Sci.1994 Mar;35(3):900-6. 2. Interleukin-1β Level Is Increased i สอบถามข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมโทรสร้างภูมิคุ้มกัน ปรึกษาปัญหาสุขภาพดวงตา หรือสั่งซื้อผลิตภัณฑ์ได้ที่โทร  080-1576545,092-4945225 line id 0910152989
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