#billy yelled at Steve to get his ass back here and fight for him LMAO
okaybutlikeimagine · 3 years
Come Inside, It’s Ok
Desc: Hop realizes that Billy is a lot like him when he was a teen- based on the song Thirteen by Big Star (bc that’s a Jopper AND a Harringrove anthem, tell me i’m wrong)
TW: referenced past child abuse, referenced homophobia, every dad in Hawkins sounds like an abusive asshole in this fic i didn’t mean it 😞
you can also read this on AO3 right here!! ♥
James Hopper hated his father more than anyone else hated the man. More than his uncle who had to grow up with the jerk. More than his mother who threatened to divorce the deadbeat seven times. More than anyone.
Hopper’s father was abrasive and loud. He joined the army because he wanted to. He gave up his individuality willingly. He shaved his head and licked the boot of The Man and acted superior for it. He looked down on a young Jimmy Hopper and barked in his face and ordered that he become a man. Quicker. Jim was only 7. He had just broken an arm at football practice. He needed reassurance and comfort. He got condescension and a mother threatening to leave. Loudly.
James Hopper was sure he was the only son in the world who hated his own father. He felt sure as hell about it when he stuck his jaw out and looked past his nose at his father who always seemed to tower over him. Even when the man only had an inch on him, he was larger- always looming. He felt sure as hell about it when he’d narrow his eyes and refuse to listen. He felt sure as hell about it when he talked back to him, and got into yelling matches with him, and slammed the door on him.
He felt even more sure the one night he got hit.
He was more than certain he was the only one. Standing there, staring this horrible bulk of a man down, Jimmy knew no one else had ever felt such a thing before. This wasn’t TV or the movies. This wasn’t a family love you cherish by the fire on a cold Christmas night. This wasn’t a father with kind eyes and a stern voice who comes into the house in the evening with his suit on and his briefcase in hand, kissing his kids and smiling brightly. This was different and he knew it.
And all of that anger and stress and feeling of certainty made him take too long to realize something crucial. Because he didn’t realize you can know something and yet still be so wrong.
That is, until Phil didn’t come to school one day.
Jimmy figured he was sick. A couple days later he figured it was that nasty stomach bug. A week later and he figured his family took a trip. A week and a few days had him itching with worry. He asked his best friend as calmly as he could. That friend looked at him like he was nuts.
“You didn’t hear?”
“Hear what?”
“He moved away. His mom took him out of the state last weekend. They just left.”
Jim couldn’t understand the words for a second.
“You didn’t know? His dad has been roughing him up for years now. He got the mom too, I think. Why do you think he was always wearing sweaters all year long?”
Jim’s heart stopped.
“His mom finally got him out. They left.”
“Why did no one say anything about it?”
“Because you don’t talk about that stuff.” Jim’s friend said, hushed and knowing, eyes turned solemn and hiding a world Jim didn’t know lived in there. In his most outspoken, lively friend. In his friend he’d known since they were toddlers.
You don’t talk about that stuff he said like he had a whole world of pain to tell. Jim knew his friends were like him- dads who were tough as nails and grunted more than spoke. It was why they all got along so well. But they never mentioned their fathers being… Jim was so sure he was the only one. Everyone else did things with their family. Everyone else seemed so perfect. At the very least they seemed better. Jim was sure.
Why did no one say anything about it? quickly morphed into Why did I never even ask?
Starting there, Jim kept a critical eye out. He watched his friends and what they were wearing. The way they moved and the changes in those movements. The words they spoke about their parents. He noticed differences and fluctuating emotions. But stil, he was only a young teenager- he never knew what to do. His mouth couldn’t form around the words he felt he should say. His brain could barely provide them. So he did for them what he would have liked- just took them out to empty fields and deep into the woods. He provided them beer and music. Sometimes, when they were splitting at the seams, he’d fight them a bit. He’d egg them on so they could fight it out. Get the anger out. Help, somehow. Inadvertently. Lord knew Jimmy sometimes just needed to punch shit. Turns out, his friends felt the same way, and often.
When his daughter Sarah came, he handled her gently and spoke to her even softer. He got into fights with his now ex-wife over his not being strict enough but Hop couldn’t find it in himself to have any kind of gruffness toward someone so soft and so innocent and so pure. She was the light of his life. She left so quickly. Even his softness and kindness couldn’t save her, and he couldn’t very well beat the shit out of her enemies like he had wished to.
And when he met Billy Hargrove on the side of the road that one dark night, having pulled him over for speeding drunkenly down the lonely streets on the outskirts of town, every red flag flew up. Every worry and fear he found within himself when he was a teen found its place once again inside of him for this boy. For his bruised face and exhausted eyes. For his lightly cut chin and short breath. Hop became young Jimmy yet again, analyzing and fearing for a world of pain he couldn’t see and couldn’t ask about. He searched hard for words this time and found all the wrong ones. He exhausted the poor boy with his inability to articulate his fears and was successful in taking him in only because he had worn him out so badly.
Still, since then, he’s been here. He’s family now. He’s out of there. In all his fumbling Hop did something right.
And yet, things still feel wrong. Billy still walks tentatively around him, like the cabin is going to crash down above him and any relationship they’ve built up is going to shatter.
Hop thinks about it so often. He thinks about Billy and sees his own friends from high school. He sees parts of himself, but sadder, angrier… more helpless. He thinks endlessly on what he can do to fix it.
~Won’t you let me walk you home from school~
A song starts playing through his record player and he’s lost again in the world of Jimmy vs. Billy. He thinks of how life used to feel simple.
This song always whisks him away to high school. The early days when life was confused and wandering and he was just coming into his own with football, not nearly a “star” yet and Joyce… Joyce was young and wide eyed and wandering just the same. By that point she hadn’t even met Lonnie yet. She was awkward and yet still so beautiful. So quiet and so stunning. Her laughter rang through the hallways and he swears he can still hear it.
This song feels like it’s for them. When he first heard it, he saw her face back when they were freshmen and then sophomores, when he used to walk her home. He always used to walk her home, before he got his car and before she got Lonnie. They’d walk so slow, wandering through the streets, lazily strolling past stores and getting slightly distracted by the people zooming past on their bikes.
He sits forward on the couch and he looks down at the tattered carpet and he hears himself as Jimmy.
”C’mon Joyce… we can hit the pool this weekend.”
“I’m busy.”
“Then… then maybe Friday I can get a couple tickets for that dance.”
He gave her his biggest, brightest grin, knowing he caught her off guard. He smiles a little now at the thought.
”Yeah, c’mon, Joyce. I’ll take ya. I’ll get a monkey suit and you can wear a dress-”
She had laughed that bright, ringing laugh. It made him smile every time.
“Yeah, I think I’ll pass.”
“You’re gonna pass up a chance to dance with me?”
“Don’t tell me, you’re the best dancer in Hawkins?”
“You’ll never know if you don’t come find out.”
“You’re really full of yourself, aren’t you?”
Hop has a hard time thinking of himself back then. He felt so sure of everything. Of himself and what he was doing, even if he knew he didn’t know anything at all. Still, he chuckles now as he sits here, thinking about Joyce’s smile and her little nod. Thinking about him buying those tickets. Thinking about the night they had together, awkward and fumbling but bright still. His first real kiss that had real feelings to go along with it. The way Joyce walked so quickly as they headed to her home because she was so nervous. The way she never let him walk her up to her house because she was so scared her parents would ground her.
Lord does he remember the fights. The stress and the struggle of dealing with Joyce’s parents. When they came to an after-school event and Jimmy said hi to her and her dad gave her hell for it and her mom worried herself sick for a bit. She got grounded and started avoiding him. He got angry and figured fine because Gloria from his History class had been eyeing him up lately and helping him with a pretty friendly smile so it didn’t even matter.
It wasn’t more than a week that had passed before he cornered her after school and convinced her to let him walk her home again.
They wandered downtown and he guided her behind a store building, the store she now works for if he remembers correctly, and asked about that night. Asked about what he said wrong. Asked about what he did wrong.
She shook her head, said it was just her parents being “crazy, I don’t know”. He couldn’t find it in him to worry that much. When they kissed, it was still with so many feelings attached. Hop can’t remember when those feelings faded.
It wasn’t until a couple years later when a rumor started going around about Joyce’s dad being a grade A asshole like Phil’s was all those years ago that made Jim take her aside very seriously and ask her if she was okay- those couple of years ago and that day. By that point she was with Lonnie and he was getting serious about Diane. He and Joyce hadn’t talked for over a year. Still, he was worried. She insisted that her dad just liked to huff and puff and yell enough to shake her ears, but he never touched her. It wasn’t until years and years later that Hop realized that really isn’t any better. Nowadays she insists she was and is fine and he’s just found it in himself to believe her.
When Hop finally got a car, they would sit in it and listen to the radio and talk music. She was the only person who’d sit with him and actually think about lyrics and feelings and words. She was always so headstrong about… well everything but especially human rights. She wanted equal rights for everyone. She fought so hard it made Jim tired. Maybe it started with her father but it truly never seemed to end. They used to sit and theorize about meanings behind words and the messages of songs.
”Tell your old man what we say about Paint It, Black. That’ll mess him up.”
Joyce hit him with a chuckle. That was the last time in high school they really laughed together. He can still remember her laugh back then- light and free from any weight these years have brought to it.
But now Jimmy is Hopper, and life isn’t the same. It doesn’t wander and linger and hide behind stores for extra kisses that feel electric. He knows life just doesn’t work that way anymore. He feels like life has only continued with all of the bad parts and none of the good.
In the slow guitar interlude of the song, he hears voices where they shouldn’t be- distant and slightly muffled and outside the window that’s opened a bit to let some air in.
“Yeah, he’s home. The cruiser is there.”
“Then I should go-”
“No, wait-”
It’s Billy and another voice Hop thinks he can recognize. Sounds like the same cocky, lilted tone of Steve Harrington. He knows they’ve been fighting for months now. They always seem to be fighting. Hop used to get called into the school because Billy was always shoving him around that one year. Since then there’s been whispers of them causing a ruckus all over the place but Hop never gets called to check it out. He doesn’t like to ask too much about it. He’s still trying to handle Billy gently and there’s so many more things to worry about. He doesn’t have the words to ask about that.
He doesn’t have the words to explain why they’d be here, together and clearly not at each other’s throats. Why bring a fight all the way back home?
“You uh… got anything planned this weekend?”
“Nope, nothing planned.”
A pause.
“There’s uh… a stupid dance or something-”
“Look I just… we can’t go, obviously but maybe… we can do something on our own?”
There’s another pause. Longer this time. Hop used to be so sure and suddenly he’s realizing yet again maybe things are the same as they were when he was young- because yet again, he doesn’t know anything.
~Won’t you tell me what you’re thinking of~
“C’mon Harrington….” there’s the confirmation Hop didn’t need. “Say something at least. Don’t just stand there thinking.”
“Billy we can’t keep running around and hiding.”
“Why not?”
~Would you be an outlaw for my love?~
“What if people find out, that’s why not! What if my dad-”
“Tell your dad to fuck off.”
“And Hop?”
Hop’s heart stops. Everything comes crashing to a halt because suddenly he’s being made to face the very harsh fact that he’s not Jimmy anymore. He hasn’t been for a long while. He’s Chief Hopper and Chief Hopper belongs to the “other” part of these young kids’ minds. Billy’s and Steve’s and El’s and Mike’s. He’s the man they’re meant to rebel against. He’s the one that doesn’t “get it” like they do.
And apparently he’s the one that Steve is worried about.
He doesn’t blame him. He doesn’t even know what to think. He knows people like that exist. He thinks he used to go to school with a few guys who were… well, into other things. He never had much to say or even think about it. Joyce was friends with them. She went out to a protest or something once in their senior year. He saw her in a car with them while he was taking Diane to the movies.
It’s not the fact that they like each other or that they want to spend time together. That’s better than them beating the snot out of each other and getting his guys called on them. It’s the fact that they’re worried about him and the fact that they have every reason to be. Hop is part of “The Man” now, and people around here don’t exactly like differences.
“I’ll figure it out.” Billy says, but Hop almost misses it, it’s so quiet.
“Are you gonna fight for this, or what? Or is this just a one time thing for you to find yourself or some bullshit?”
Hop hears Jimmy in Billy’s words
”Are you not gonna fight for me?”
“Fight for you?!” Joyce had yelled. Oh, how she yelled. ”Are you serious? I… I pick and choose my fights Jim, okay? I have to.”
“That’s not very fair to me.”
“Not fair? No shit it’s not fair, it’s not fair for me either! And you… you’re not being fair to me, y’know!”
And that was it. They went separate ways. It’s so vivid in Jim’s mind- the way she stormed away and Jim drove himself home. He doesn’t remember how long it took until Lonnie joined Joyce’s picture, but it felt too soon in Hop’s ever bitter mind. He couldn’t look at her for weeks. He shoved Lonnie in the hallway any chance he got. The kid would snarl and sneer at him, but he was as scrappy as a dog and scrawnier than a toothpick- no way did he ever pick a fight. He spat words and Jimmy lunged and that was that. Hop doesn’t remember when the feelings faded, but he knows he never stopped hating Lonnie’s stupid face.
Then he started to date Diane and things were just… over.
“Alright Steve, I see-”
“It’s not that easy for me, Billy.”
“And you think this shit is easy for me?”
Hop feels bad for sitting here, still listening, but he can’t get his muscles or limbs to move him. He feels stuck, somewhere between here and the past, picturing all the ways he’s still the same and yet so wildly different.
“Well it is different for you.”
“Just because my shit’s different doesn’t mean my shit’s better. Shit is still shit, Steve.”
All the times Hop thought he had it the worst anyone could ever possibly have it.
“You don’t know what it’s like.”
“Try me, Harrington! Just try me.”
All the times Hop thought maybe his friends were exaggerating about Phil’s past. Maybe Joyce was being dramatic about things at home. There was no way a kid could feel so threatened. Not a kid as big as Phil. Not a kid as headstrong as Joyce.
There’s a longer pause from the two outside the window. The voice that comes is quieter now.
“It’s scary Billy.”
“I know it is! I… fuck I know it is.”
Not a kid as big and headstrong as Billy. It took years for Hop to believe it could happen and still, with an example living in his own house, it’s still hard to understand.
“Don’t you think it could be worth it?” That’s Billy’s voice. Hop feels his heart sink even deeper. They’re talking like they’re going to die if they’re caught. How many more times can he tell this boy he’s safe here? What does he have to do to convince him? To convince them both?
“Maybe… I think so.”
“Look, I can’t make you do anything, Steve. But if you wanna try… then let me know, alright?”
Billy sounds so tired. Hop wants to tell him to lay down and take a nap. There’s such a long pause that follows and fills the space between them.
And then suddenly there’s something blocking the sun from the window. Jim gets the wherewithal to turn and see that the two boys have got their hands tangled in the front of each other’s shirts, just like they would if they were gearing for a fight, but instead of fists flying it’s their lips locked- worlds of frustration still heavy on their brows.
Jim wants to protect these kids until the day he dies. They’re here and they’re wandering too, but their walk home is covered in speed bumps and potholes and hell maybe even spikes that he and Joyce never knew. Whatever he can do to give these kids the time and place to wander like the kids they are, he’ll do it.
Then they separate, their breathing clearly labored and mingling. Then they turn and see Jim in the window, caught like two deer in big bright headlights.
A split second later, Steve is running for the hills and Billy is left with his fists grasping at the air. Hop can’t help but laugh.
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thinger-strang · 5 years
no one dies and everyone's gay au
Nancy finds Barb when she gets stuck in the Upside Down when she's in the forest with Jonathan (don't ask me about the logistics) and so Steve ends up finding Jonathan and Barb in Nancy's room? And he's confused because at first he'd just seen Jon and thought Nancy was cheating but then he saw Barb walk into the room? (traumatic sleepover time! except Jon stays on the ground and Barb and Nance cuddle on the bed bc they're best friends and BARB WAS MISSING FOR LIKE TWO DAYS I THINK? she deserves snugs)
But Tommy and Carol started talking about how Nancy was probably sleeping with both, everyone knew Barb was the biggest d*ke in Hawkins, Nancy probably got curious about the other side!
He doesn't necessarily agree but still doesn't stop Tommy from spray painting the theater (because Nancy still lied to him? Lying generally meant there was something? going on? idk Steve's just confused and a little hurt rn)
The rest of the season goes pretty much the same, Barb's just there trying to not die and trying to help the Gang™ find Will and fight this bitch ass demogorgon (I don't think she's really be part of the Nancy and Jonathan luring it to the house and fighting it, she'd help with set up and the plan but I think she'd fuck right off when it comes down to facing it, she's had enough monsters for one life time thx)
But she'd so wanna help get Will out so she's there with Joyce and everyone talking to El while she's in the bath finding Will and talking Hop and Joyce about the Upside Down
(and she's been to the hospital, she didn't get a face sucking monster thing so she recovered quicker? idk don't ask logistics again lmao)
But she and Will end up getting along and sometimes when she's hanging out with Nancy and the party comes over she'll say hi to Will and like ruffle his hair
(also I want a little scene after the big monster hunting trip scene where a) Nancy and Jonathan explain everything to Steve and b) where Steve sees Barb again and pulls her into the biggest hug and starts like apologizing for not paying attention that night and for letting her get taken and even though she assured him it wasn't his fault he still feels guilty about it, it was his house, he should have helped her bandage her hand or something? idk but this right here is the beginning of the Barb/Steve friendship and the start of the "fall of King Steve")
cue s2
and so the four get really close, Jonathan and Steve are actually friends (idk what s2 was pulling but they're friends) and Barb talks to Nancy about Steve and Jonathan and Nancy ends up breaking up with Steve way earlier (bc you know none of that drama would have happened if Barb was there so)
But they're all still good friends, Steve's cool about the break up, and Nancy and Jonathan get together but it's not like right after? so it's all chill and they all went through a dramatic experience together so they remain close knit yeah
and Barb eventually comes out to them (everyone's supportive obviously) and Steve's is ready to throw down with anyone for her
cue Billy
the four of them are sizing up the new guy, Nancy doesn't really care, Jonathan thinks his hair is a little ridiculous (which I mean, that first day? when he steps out of the Camaro? yeah it was a lil rough), Barb can see right through his macho bullshit, and Steve? has a little bi meltdown. bc this kid has definitely had boy crushes before and knows he likes both (kid listens to queen of course he knew he was bi lmao)
blah blah blah s2 happens, Barb, Steve, and Billy have the same English class and Billys generally quiet during school, kinda stand-off-ish, only really bugs people during gym/basketball, but he literally sits in the back and does absolutely nothing during class and still somehow has the highest grade
(FUCK him and Barb get paired for a project and she fucking calls him out? like she's just like you're gay I'm lesbian you can cut the crap around me and they become...not friends? but they have solidarity, they're cool)
and I'm a slut for this trope but BILLY FIGHTS DEMODOGS WITH THEM lmao he hears Max sneak out and follows her and finds her in the junkyard armouring up a bus with fucking Harrington and a couple of nerds? and like the sun is setting and he needs to get Max home so he's like "Maxine! I don't know what the fuck this is and I don't fucking care, we gotta go!" and the four are like yelling at him to either leave or get in the bus! and he's so confused, I'm not here to play games Max! and Steve's running out of the bus with a FUCKING NAIL BAT WHAT THE FUCK HARRINGTON? And Steve's like behind you! and swings at a demodog. Billy has a borderline panic attack before he finds like a fender or exhaust pipe or whatever and starts swinging too
the dogs run away and Billy rounds onto Steve like what the living shit was that? and Steve has to explain everything with Dustin and Lucas interrupting and Max shrugging and trying to understand too? it's a mess
s2 continues with Billy and with HOPPER NOT BEING ABLE TO STAND HIM bc he's caught him speeding and underage drinking and shit and Billy's nervous as hell around cops which makes him mouthy and ITS A MESS
they're all at Joyce's (Barb's there too bc Will's possessed and they need to check up on her too? and she's concerned for Will anyway yeah she's in this too) and El shows up and Steve and Billy are just like what? another one? who the fuck? like Steve heard about her but this isn't a tiny child without hair??? idk it's funny
(obviously Steve isn't passed out and the kids don't drive the car, it's Billy's awful impulse control that leads to them going into the tunnels)
okay I couldn't decide where to put Barb here? so I left her with Steve and Billy to babysit and she ends up in the tunnels too? and she's def handling it better than the boys are fuck yeah
Steve has his bat and is in front and Billy found an axe in the pile of shit from the Byers' shed and he pulls up the end
it's awesome
yada yada Steve and Billy end up becoming weirdly good friends by the end and he's good with him and Barb, idk about Nance and Jon but eh
s3 now
Billy ends up getting two jobs; lifeguard and cook at Benny's (bc he's alive too, fight me bitches this is the ultimate fix it) and Barb ends up working as a waitress there too (and working together builds the weirdest bonds so they are besties now)
everything in s3 is pretty much the same but with diner scenes too? and like all the Hawkins moms swarm Benny's too and leave lipstick stains on their kitchen tips and "send my compliments to the chef *wink*"
Billy eats it up but Barb can tell he also kinda hates it bc he's barely 18 and not even remotely into women and it makes him super uncomfortable but publicly he "loves" it (he starts wearing tank tops to the pool and tries to hide out in the kitchen but it really doesn't work)
he still gets caught up with the mind flayer but it's not bc he's about to sleep with Karen bc ew, idk why he's driving out by the warehouse idk maybe he's out on a drive bc he can't sleep yeah
anyway he gets caught up but like he knows, or kind of knows, what this is and calls in sick to both jobs and talks to Hopper bc WHAT THE FUCK isn't the gate closed? I got face fucked my an interdimensional monster so unless you know where the fuck that came from?? and they deal with it earlier (most of the shit still happens but it's less...messy? like Hop and Joyce are more involved in the Billy shit and Steve knows about it?)
Steve still gets caught up with the Russians (I don't think he'd have a chance to tell anyone (specifically Hopper) bc he finds out about Billy then the elevator stuff happens like right after and yada yada)
so for most of the season it's them trying to actually help Billy! and they end up saving a lot of people? (specifically Heather bc she was really nice to Billy and I want he to live fight me it's my au)
but enough people get melted and shit that starcourt still get destroyed blah blah blah!
but Billy makes it and so does Hop and Alexie (no one dies au) and they all end up doing the thing in the mall like they did in the shed with Will? like breaking Billy out? Barb talks about working at the diner and their secret and Steve talks about them hanging out and playing basketball and the tunnels and Max talks about Billy buying her a new board and them scream-singing along to ACDC in the Camaro and the kids mention him giving them rides and shit and yeah! El talks about his mom and that's it! Joyce and Hop close the gate while Billy's holding the one arm (he doesn't get stabbed in the chest, as cool as that scar would be, no...but he gets some on his hands and upper arms and his sides?)
(also Billy's drinking like bleach rn so they try and reverse that as much as possible while he's possessed so that he has a better recovery later bc no! chlorine is not good for you! and Billy tries so hard to not drink it but sometimes he can't fucking stop? idk but he has a support system now!)
and Robin came out to Steve and Steve comes out to her too? like kinda? he alludes to it vaguely bc he's so not ready to be out to anyone FUCK
And Billy comes out to Steve (he was planning on doing it earlier that summer but shit happened)
and Robin becomes friends with everyone (ITS ROBIN X BARB HOURS BITCHES)
(OKAY small like side shit? Benny and Hopper have known each other for years and Benny's like one of the only registered foster parents on Hawkins so he ends up fostering a lot of wayward kids while Hop figures out legal stuff (he hasn't adopted anyone yet but him and his husband (yeah Benny's gay deal with it) really want to? they just haven't yet, all the kids they take care of end up in their care temporarily) BUT Hop finds out about Billy and Max's home life (I know a lot of people write that Neil wouldn't hit Max but...nah son not how that works? idk but he needs to get them out? and Neil's bad to Susan too (he's the worst to Billy but still bad to Max and Susan) anyway Hop helps Susan leave Neil (it takes a while and Billy and Max end up with Benny for a little bit while the divorce is going down and all the legal shit yeah it's safer out of the house rn) long story short Billy ends up staying with Benny after everything and ends up getting adopted (they're like we know you're 18 and you don't need a guardian but if you want we can be your dads? and Billys like yeah sure that'd be nice and yeah) Hop ends up being a weird like uncle figure? idk like I said him and Benny are close and they both adopted kids so yeah? and Billy ends up considering El his little sister and he still visits Max and Susan and yeah?)
ANYWAY everything kind of calms down, Hop and Joyce get together (I just realized I forgot about Bob so...idk I guess this isn't an everyone survives au? no no that's weird um idk him and Joyce end up breaking up idk why) but yeah Hop and Joyce get together and like it's kind of fast but they've been in love for a long time so it's kind of fine? like idk but yeah
Barb and Robin get together (ITS FUCKING CUTE they go to aquariums and have paint dates where they sit on some old sheets and paint while listening to Robin's records ITS CUTE!)
STEVE COMES OUT TO EVERYONE! he definitely cries bc fuck he was scared! bc he likes both and he wasn't sure if that was a thing or whatever for a while and Billy's like oh yeah, like David Bowie or Freddie Mercury? and that's when Steve's cries bc oh thank God you guys get it and you're cool with it oh fuck and YEAH
UM Max is bi too, Will comes out as gay (listen I know none of this is like 80's realistic but everyone's gay and alive and happy, fuck off)
Um it takes forever for Billy and Steve to get together, it's awful. like Barb and Robin have to deal with their pining and shit? and like Robin hears about it from Steve at work and Barb hears about it from Billy at the diner and they put their knowledge together and make a Plan ™
it's like elaborate and dramatic (shut up they're all like 18-19) and shit? BUT LMAO okay one day they're all hanging out at Steve's (bc I've also hopped aboard the neglectful parents train sorry) and idk Steve and Billy are there before Robin and Barb are so the girls walk in on them arguing over whatever and like Billy's talking really fast and Steve's talking with his hands and idk what it's about but Billy ends up yelling that he loves him BUT THEY KEEP ARGUING FOR LIKE A SOLID MINUTE AFTER THAT BEFORE IT HITS THEM and Steve gets all quiet and is just like you love me? and Billy doesn't fucking know what to do?? he's like bright red and frozen and Robin and Barb are by the door trying to not like break the spell (bc it's been months guys) and Billy's like of course I do asshole and Robin thinks Steve's about to have a panic attack but he like rushes forward and cups Billy's face and kisses him senseless and it's like the best thing Robin and Barb have ever seen
and they're resting their foreheads together, Steve's still holding Billy's face and Billy has his hands on Steve's chest it's really tender but Robin's like yeah congrats and shit but you guys ruined our Plan™! and she gives them a long ass rundown of their elaborate scheme and Steve and Billy are like still touching and bumping into each other as they listen and Barb interrupts and says that this was better and Robin rolls her eyes but agrees
and they're watching a movie or whatever, cuddling in their respective couples and Steve fucking jumps up randomly and rounds on Billy like hey woah fuck I love you too, I didn't say that earlier! and Billy's looking up at him like yeah I know that asshole and yeah
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garth-enthusiast · 5 years
Season 3 of Stranger Things???
I loved the story of season 3 bit there were scences that I loved and scence (or general things) that were just sickening so here's my list of pro and contra honestly:
General Pros:
-Robin is a canon gay
-Mike wasn't just the guy that has great plans but actually did something to protect his friends
-This season was able to pair up some great humor and dumb sadness
-It basically was a musical
-Dustin's entire plot line was just screaming
General Contras:
-Did they forget that Mike Wheeler has a personality besides loving El???
-Karen Wheeler??? What the hell?
-They basically used Will as a security system
-The men at Hawkins Post honestly
-They made Billy awesome just to kill him
-They killed Alexei
Scenes I loved:
- "You can't spell America without Erica."
-Drugged Steve and Robin questioning Back to the Future
-Drugged Steve and Robin in general honestly
-Mike yelling at Karen to get off the phone
-People just eating chemicals honestly
-The Party basically cooking Billy in a sauna
- "I should have shoved that little teddy bear up his ass!"
-The boys panicking and running away feom women underwear
-Dustin knows everything about My Little Pony
-Mike and Lucas fighting over Coke
-Dustin singing (everyones reaction lmao)
-Joyce only cares about the magnets of her fridge
-The Russians in Starcourt
Scenes I hate:
- "It's not my fault you don't like girls"
-Who is the American?? Brenner or Hopper
-Hopper destroying El's and Mike's relationship (I ship Byler but it's still really rude. He threatened Mike?!)
-Hopper sitting in a restaurant alone waiting for Joyce to show up (broke my heart tbh)
-The Byers Family, moving out
Basically my hopes for season 4 are that Mike gets his personality back, the American being Hopper and not Brenner, more Byler content and I hope for the Mind Flayer to not choose my boy Mike as his next target.
Sorry for the long post honestly
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babybluelukex · 6 years
I love you
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Summary: I don't know if this has been done before, but maybe - Billy starts falling for the reader, and when he realizes this he becomes frustrated with himself?
Requested by: @metalgeardragon
Word count: 2070
Warnings: fighting, angst, douche bag Billy
A/N: hey y'all. I'm writing this on my iPad again since it's easier to type and a lot faster lmao. Thank you so much for requesting this! I love the idea of a very soft Billy. Don't forget, requests are still open! This will be in the readers POV and this is in a slightly different time zone, about a month before Halloween.
Lots of love -Kayla :-)
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I quickly shoved on my jacket and grabbed my purse, snatching my Walkman on my way out of my room. I could hear the arguing between my parents still happening loud and clearly. At dinner, my dad had asked me about school, my grades, and 'if my lonely ass got a boyfriend yet', while making it very clear that he believes I'm uncap-able to be loved- since he blames me for my parents dying love. I stayed silent like usual just to avoid even more conflict. He usually leaves it at the comments and doesn't expect me to say anything back, but tonight was different.
He slammed his fists on the table to gain my attention, almost screaming my name. I shot my head up to look at him, wondering who the fuck pissed in his cornflakes. "What? What do you want me to say, huh? Don't you think I already have enough fucking problems," I seethed and scooted my chair back. As I stood up, my dad shot out of his chair and gripped my shoulders and shoved me into the dining room wall, our noses touching. "Don't you fucking ever, ever, use that tone with me. Do you understand?" He said calmly, which scared me shitless even more. All I did was stare at him and kept my mouth in a tight line, testing him even more. "I said do you understand!?" He shouted this time, shoving me back into the wall.
"Yes sir."
As soon has he took his hands off of my shoulders, I ran to the stairs, skipping every other step to get the fuck out of doge.
My parents were too engrossed in the fighting that they hadn't even noticed my disappearance. I shoved my headphones over my ears and began walking, to who the hell knows, and tried to calm myself down. This has been a nightly routine for my parents and I. Being an only child means having the attention focused on you, all the mistakes and accidents taken way too seriously, and being my dad's own punching bag for his anger. My mom has always sat on the sidelines, not even trying to get in between to tell my dad how out of line he was. She sat and stared, not even asking if I'm okay after the fact.
Focusing on my own thoughts instead of my surroundings, I seen a blue car in my peripheral vision. I slowly turned my head and see a guy with slightly brown curls, yelling something out of the window. "Um, hello?" I spoke out, removing my headphones from my ears. "You alright out here?" The stranger asked, coming to a complete stop once I turned to face his car. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. Just needed to get away for a minute," I smiled, beginning to place my headphones back onto my head. "Hey, wait. I can drive you around so you won't have to walk. Pretty girl like you shouldn't be walking out here alone." He smirked. "Oh, li,e that isn't what creepy men say to young girls," I snort. "Oh come on. I needed a minuet to get away too. Let me drive you around."
I shoved my Walkman into my purse and climbed into the car, placing my purse on the floor of the car and buckling myself in. I turned to the guy and held my hand out, smiling. "I'm Y/N, by the way." He gripped my hand back and did a slight nod with a small and tight smile. "Billy. Billy Hargrove. Nice to meet you." I recognized his name, him being a new student at Hawkins. "Oh, so you're the new kid. Nice to meet you," I laughed, facing towards the front of the car and got relaxed, not knowing how long this car ride would be.
"Yeah and gonna be taking over 'King Steve's' spot," he smirked and shifted the car into drive. "That'll depend how well you can do a keg stand. You going to Tina's Halloween party? I'll be going." I smiled and bumped my shoulder with his. "Well, since you're going, looks like I have to."
The rest of the car ride was him talking about California, his stepsister 'who isn't his stepsister'. He asked about my life, if I have siblings and what my parents were like. I told him about how wonderful my mom was, even though in certain situations, she wasn't as great. "What kind of situations?" He cocked his head and looked at me. "Well, that'll be another story for another time." I smiled and patted his right hand. "Oh? There's going to be another time?" He smirked and licked his bottom lip. I blushed and nodded, letting a small 'yeah'.
I told him the directions of my house, letting out some breath I didn't realize I was holding. Billy seemed to noticed and grabbed my bicep to look at him. "Hey, if there's something going on, you can tell me, you know." He smiled and rubbed my arm. "Okay, thanks Billy." I said and hopped out of his car and climbed my way up on the side of my house, to my bedroom window. I waved at Billy as he sped off down the street.
\ \ \ \
Ever since that night, Billy and I had become closer each day. Two days after the night in his car, he showed up at my window at 11:30 at night with bruises on his cheeks on chest, looking like a lost puppy. He spent the night that night, not wanting to go back to the monster named Neil. I told him that night about my own father, how he will hurt me emotionally, but never crossing the boundary of physically hurting me. We had a sort of, heart to heart, that night.
After that, he came back almost every night, spending the night with me and crying on my chest while I run my fingers through his hair. Billy had become someone I can confide in, put my trust in him, and be his backbone.
I had two of his jackets that I use to sleep with at night, as a way to comfort myself for the days he doesn't come over. Billy and I have never talked about how we feel, or how I feel, since Billy doesn't seem to feel how I do. In a romantic way, I want Billy. But in every single way there is, I need him. I have never needed someone as bad as I do him. He is my world at this point.
\ \ \ \
It was Tuesday, October 31, the date of Tina's party. I walked up to Billy's locker and leaned against it, flashing him my big smile. "Hey, you excited about the party tonight?" I smirked, noticing his eyes lit up with excitement. "Hell yeah. This is the night to get shitfaced and have a good time," he smiled and slung his arm over my shoulder. "Are you excited?" He asked me. "Jonathan Byers had asked me if I would go with him since Nancy flaked out and decided to ditch him for Steve. I smiled, but became worried when I seen Billy's face. He immediately removed his arm from my shoulders and took a step away, his face twisting in annoyance and betrayal. "I thought we were going together." He seethed, face becoming red. "Billy, I'm still going with you, you don't have to worry about that," I smiled in hopes of making the situation better in any way.
He shook his head and began to walk away, shooting daggers at me. "No, go with Jonathan. I don't give a fuck who you go with." He sneered at me, disappearing down the hallway. I stood there in shock, not knowing how to handle his reaction. Before I turned around to go to my last class of the day, Billy slammed his fists against a locker and screamed out a broken 'fuck!'
I slowly walked home later that day, not sure if I was in the party mood at this point. Jonathan has always been a friend of mine and Billy knew that. He knew it was nothing more than platonic, especially with Jonathan being in love with Nancy Wheeler from a far. All I could picture was the look on Billy's face, as if I had slapped him across the face once I told him about Jonathan asking me to go with him. I never meant to upset him, especially with how strong my feelings are for him.
I walked threw the front door of my house and ran up the stairs to go straight to my room, not even bothering to pick out a costume for the party. I changed into some slick black skinny jeans with a bright yellow hoodie, and some solid black Doc Martens with yellow shoelaces to match my hoodie. It was nearing seven o'clock and Jonathan had pulled out in front of my house, honking the horn twice. I ran out to his car and jumped in, heading towards Tina's house. Once we had arrived, I noticed Billy's blue Camaro already there, front and center.
Jonathan and I walked threw the door, noticing it was completely packed full of people dancing, drinking, and talking. I noticed Steve and Nancy in the middle of the dance floor, singing along to the random song playing throughout the house. I looked over at Jonathan, silently asking if he would be okay with talking to Steve and Nancy, despite the awkward situation. He nodded and gave me a small smile, placing his hand on my back as he led us through the crowd. Nancy was first to notice us and pulled me into a hug, squeezing me a little too tight. I waved at Steve with a small smile planted on my lips. “Hey, where's Billy? I thought you guys were coming together,” she spoke curiously.
As soon as those words left Nancy’s mouth, Billy walked through the back sliding doors and waltz up to us, nudging his shoulder with Jonathan's harder than needed. “Well look who we have here,” he spoke loudly, grabbing our attention. “How is it partying with the infamous Y/N? I'm surprised she is even here, considers how everything is at home.” He smirked, knowing that hurt me in a way no one but him would understand. “Billy,” I said with a look. “She was supposed to be my date, you know. It you just had to ask her, didn't you?” He seethed at Jonathan, causing him to walk backwards due to the tension,
After having enough, I grabbed Billy's arm and dragged him with me to the empty hallway. “Seriously, Billy? What the fuck is wrong with you?!” I yelled, pushing him to the wall. “Why would you bring that up in front of everyone? I have never done something that shady to you, so why do it to me? Especially after everything I have helped you with!” He shook his head and took a step towards me. “No, Y/N, you don't understand," he stuttered and reached out to grab me. “Oh really, I don't understand? Please enlighten me, Billy.” He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, letting his hands fall to his side. “I fucking love you okay? That's why I acted the way I did earlier. You don't see it, Y/N. I've tried to get you out of my head but it's so damn hard since you're everything I want and need. I'm a fucking asshole.” He shouted, hands gripping mine.
“I just want you to feel the same way towards me, even though I shouldn't even feel this way towards you. It won't go away and I'm fucking tired of acting like everything's okay.” I grabbed his cheeks and brought his lips to might, his hands going to my hips. Once I pulled away, I couldn't help but smile, pulling on his hair slightly. “I fickimg love you too, Billy.” I smiled, planting a kiss on his chin. “Oh. Well shit, I don't know what to do now.” He joked, pulling me to his chest. “Let's start with you asking me to be your girlfriend.” I laughed.
“Alright. Well, will you be my girlfriend?” He asked, kissing the top of my head. “Thought you would never ask,” I smile and pulled his lips back on to mine.
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archivednerdfics · 6 years
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Here’s a set of some drabbles I did all centered around Steve taking care of (or sometimes being taken care of by) the kids. (There are also more Steve and the Kids drabbles on the last set I posted). Each was inspired by a prompt that was sent to me based off of a bunch of prompt lists I reblogged on my main blog @lizzysong (prompt submissions are still open over on my main if you want to send some, too). I hope you enjoy these!
Prompt: “Your room looks like it was decorated by a perverted jockey.” Max and Steve lmao.
Max had shown up at his front door with her skateboard held in one hand, and tears streaming down her face. She hadn’t called to tell Steve she was coming; the fight she’d had with Billy was bad and she didn’t want to stay in the house any longer – especially to call Steve and potentially put him in danger. So she’d grabbed her skateboard and showed up on the doorstep of the teenager who treated her the way a brother actually should.
“Max?” said Steve when he opened the door. He took in the girl’s appearance and realized that she must’ve had another fight with her so-called brother, “What happened?”
“I don’t wanna talk about it,” she said, looking down at the ground, and then slowly up at him, “…Can I come in?”
“Yeah; ‘course you can,” the older of the two said as he moved aside so that Max could enter the house.
She had never actually been in his house before; he usually babysat her and the rest of the party at the Byers’ house or the cabin that El and Hopper lived in; and as she looked around she realized just how well-off the teenager was. She’d known he wasn’t as poor as she was, of course, but she hadn’t realized that he was rich, either.
She left her skateboard by the door and started wandering around the house. Steve didn’t mind – it was actually kinda nice to have someone else in the large, usually empty house.
A loud laugh came from upstairs followed by an, “Oh my god!”
Steve rolled his eyes and made his way up to where he knew Max must’ve found his bedroom. Standing in the doorway he saw Max standing in the middle of the room, looking around at everything from the posters on the wall to the trophies on the bookcase. She noticed Steve standing in the doorway and gave him amused look of disbelief.
“Your room looks like it was decorated by a perverted jocky,” she said with another laugh.
Steve rolled his eyes again and gave her a small smile, “Thanks; it took a lot of time to get it to look like this. I had to consult, like, three different weird-ass jockeys.”
Max smirked. She always found something to make fun of her new-found brother for, and he always tolerated it – sometimes even playing along when he knew she was having a particularly rough day.
Prompt: “I’m DYING.” Dustin x Steve! :)
“I’m dying,” Steve groaned from where he was lying on the sofa in his living room. He’d called Dustin that morning to tell him that he wouldn’t be able to pick him up from school like he normally did on Wednesdays and despite the older teen’s protests, Dustin insisted on coming over after school to check up on Steve.
“I don’t think you’re dying,” the boy said as he observed his admittedly miserable looking friend, “–You do look like crap, though.”
“No, I think I’m really dying this time,” Steve said and Dustin smirked. The younger boy couldn’t help but appreciate the irony of Steve being such a baby when he had the flu considering that this was the same guy who lead the party through the tunnels of the upside down immediately after having the shit beat out of him.
“Okay, fine,” Dustin said with amusement, “you’re dying. Can I have the bat when you die?”
“No, Max gets the bat.”
“What!? Why!?”
“Because she actually knows how to use it.” Steve gave the kid a pointed look and Dustin rolled his eyes.
“Fine. What about the car?” “No way! –You can have my collection of hairspray.”
“Yeah. You’re the only one I know who’ll use it right.”
This earned a smile from the younger boy, “Thanks, Steve.”
“You’re welcome, shithead,” Steve said, returning the smile and then coughing into the tissue he had crumpled in his hand.
Prompt: Could I suggest “ Do you realize how crazy that was? You could’ve get yourself hurt! “ for Steve and the party/any party member please?
They were back in Steve’s car, Dustin sitting in the passenger seat and Mike, Lucas, Max, Will, and El squeezed together in the back.
No one said a word as Steve drove away from the abandoned building and got onto the main road. They stayed this way for a good ten minutes before Dustin looked next to him where Steve was sitting and spoke hesitantly, “Steve…”
“I don’t wanna hear it,” Steve said, not taking his eyes off of the road.
“But Steve,” Max started, but was quickly cut off by the older teen.
“What did I just say?”
“…Sorry,” Will said quietly, “We shouldn’t’ve called you…”
“…You think I’m mad ‘cause you asked for my help?”
“Well yeah,” said Mike, “Why else?”
“‘Why else’?” Steve asked, “Because you should’ve called me before you put yourselves in the middle of that shit!”
“We thought we could handle it,” Lucas said.
“Doesn’t matter,” said Steve, “You should’ve called me first. Do you shitheads realize how crazy that was? You could’ve gotten yourselves really hurt! Or…” he trailed off, voice breaking slightly. He didn’t want to think about what could’ve happened to the kids if he hadn’t been there.
The kids all looked down when they heard that; they hadn’t realized just how much their designated babysitter cared for them, and they suddenly understood exactly how they must’ve made him feel.
“…Sorry, Steve,” Dustin said quietly, putting a hand on the older teen’s shoulder.
Steve smiled slightly, still clearly upset, but relived, too. “Just don’t do that shit to me again. If you’re gonna get yourselves in trouble, at least call me first. Got it, dipshits?”
Prompt: “I’d die for you.” Steve & the kids
The kids were gathered around him as he slowly woke up, realizing he was in a bed instead of the Byers’ couch. He was confused for a moment, then vaguely remembered Mrs. Byers insisting he rest in her bed for the night. And after Billy and the tunnels, it was a welcome comfort.
“Guys, he’s waking up,” Steve heard someone whisper – he was pretty sure it was Mike.
“Steve?” Dustin said, hovering over the older teenager with worry, “How’re you feeling?”
Steve opened his eyes slowly to reveal four faces peering down at him; the four kids he’d protected last night. “Hmm…” he groaned quietly and he carefully pushed himself up against the headboard.
“How do you feel?” Dustin asked again, more worry in his voice now that Steve hadn’t responded to the question the first time.
“…Been better…” the teen mumbled, ruffling the younger boy’s curly hair.
“Sorry, man…” Lucas said, looking down and not making eye contact with the older boy, “If I–”
“–Don’t you dare,” Steve said, sounding more coherent than before, “It wasn’t your fault. –Or yours,” he added, looking at Max.
“We put you in the middle of everything, though,” Max said, “We put you in a bad place, and we–”
“–I chose to take care of you. You didn’t make me do anything.” Well… that wasn’t entirely true, they did force him to go with them to the tunnels even though he’d told them no. But at this point that was neither here nor there.
“…Thanks, Steve,” Mike said suddenly, “…For everything.”
This genuinely surprised the babysitter, having thought that Mike hated him, and he smiled at the boy. “I’d do anything for you dipshits, you know that. …I’d die for you guys.”
This earned small, if concerned, smiles from the kids. They did know that Steve would die to protect them, and that was what they were afraid of.
Prompt: “HELP! HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!” Steve x anyone of your choice (I loveee steve whump. hehehehehe. )
He’d fallen asleep in the couch while the boys were still watching a movie.
He’d picked up Dustin from school, like he always did on Wednesdays, and ended up picking up Will, Lucas and Mike as well – Lucas and Mike complaining that El and Max wanted “girl time”. Mike and Max still weren’t very close, but El had quickly come to like having another girl in the party, and if she was completely honest, Max liked it too.
It was Will who suggested they sleep over at Steve’s place, and the oldest teen agreed.
“Sure, why not. Just call your parents first; the last thing I need is a bunch of angry moms at my door – especially yours,” he added, looking at Will, who smiled.
“Okay, Steve.”
It was around one in the morning and the kids were on their third movie with no sign of getting tired, but Steve was exhausted, and though he tried to stay awake, he quickly lost the fight against his dropping eyelids and was sprawled out on the sofa.
He slept soundly for what was probably an hour before the nightmares started. At first he just whimpered a little, but it quickly escalated to yelling.
“No… No… Please…! Help…! Somebody help me! Please! Help me!”
This outburst frightened the boys out of their dozing state and they were at the teenager’s side in a second.
“Shit!” Mike said, “Steve, what’s wrong?!”
“It’s a nightmare,” Will said while Dustin and Lucas tried to shake Steve awake.
“Steve! You gotta wake up!” Lucas shouted, and to all four kids’ relief, Steve jolted awake, sitting up and breathing hard.
“It’s okay,” Dustin said gently, trying to hide the fact that he was scared, “It was just a nightmare. You’re okay.”
Steve roughy wiped the tears – when had he started crying? – from his cheeks and looked at the boys.
“Are you okay?” Mike asked and Steve nodded slowly.
“…Y–yeah… fine,” the older boy said, trying to hide the fact that he was shaking a little, “…Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” said Will with a small, reassuring smile, “I get them, too.”
“Jesus,” Steve said, looking at Will, “I’m sorry, kid.”
Will just smiled a little wider and hugged the older teenager, the other three boys quickly following suit; and Steve suddenly understood why the kids were so resistant to sleep, because they understood what he was feeling all too well – and if Mike wasn’t making fun of him or making any snide comments, that definitely meant he knew what Steve was feeling. It made Steve angry to think that these innocent kids had the same problem, and he wished he could have all their nightmares for them.
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billyscamar0 · 6 years
Ok i just woke up from the weirdest fucking dream ever and I need to share it with y'all because it's stranger things related
So it started off with season 3 being released (but only the first episode???) And for whatever reason Steve and Billy were still in high school but Nancy and Jonathan were not (lmao idgaf). So it's centered on Billy atm, and he uh, was kind of large and unchiseled compared to last season lmaooo. There's just like water ??? Outside and dude gets on a boat and Steve is there and is yelling at him and being a dick (o the tides have turned) but Steve is wearing the ugliest fucking thing he's got like those weird acid washed jeans on and he looks like a 2000s emo kid except with his haircut from s1 (🤢) so idk what he's yelling at Billy for. And then suddenly Billy is just staring at himself in the bathroom mirror and like touching his face​, dudes just staring. Like I don't blame you bc you do have the face of a god but what. So then Steve comes in and just attacks Billy and they're fighting in this ridiculously huge bathroom that looks like something out of a horror movie and it was like a documentary or something on Billy (which I would probably like but it was bizzare)
So then I'm at work telling everyone the new season of stranger things is iffy (LMAO) and then all of a sudden I'm in school again, and it's their school, but it doesn't look anything like their school and the walls are like a really ugly light blue color and I was just wandering like "why am I here?" So I pass by this group of kids blaring "kooda" by 6ix9ine which definitely was not out in the 1980s but whatever dream logic and I magically knew all the (weird as fuck) words to the song (if u haven't heard it...it's weird). And then I look in this room and it's like dark and there's a staircase leading down to a pool??? Or hot tub or something and fucking Billy is in it with some girl who also didn't look like she belonged in the 80s and he sees me standing there and I'm like 'frick!!!' so I start to leave and run away and pretend like I didn't see him there (I guess maybe it was off limits to students or????) But dude hunts me down and he like grabs my shoulder​ and spins me around and he's like "I saw u there" and I'm like "no u didn't, ur crazy" and he did the tongue thing and then the girl comes up and is like awkwardly standing there and then I made a gay joke about Steve and Billy just loses it and he's like "I do not like-like Harrington!!!" (Remember being a little kid and saying like-like bc apparently I do too) And dude gets like right in my damn face and starts grilling me about random shit and bitching about how the girl he's next to is too young for him so naturally my response is "I'm 21 and in high school I guess I dropped out or something and came back" and he gives me this weird ass grin and then I keep poking about Steve (even more naturally bc Billy's gone for him) so he storms off and then I run into acid washed Steve and he's like "these blue walls make me feel lonely" and I was like "oh.." and then it fast forwards to some weird interactions between Steve and Billy and they're like talking and laughing and it felt like I was watching some gay lifetime movie about jock boy coming to terms with his sexuality and god it was just so fucking weird like ????
So basically according to my dream world season 3 of stranger things is the story of Billy Hargrove and unfashionable Steve Harrington in Hawkins ft. Boats and random bodies of water plus some time-traveling classmates and also harringrove is probably canon.
Sorry for the long post but I don't usually remember my dreams when I wake up so I wanted to type it out asap and it sounds weird in words but it was even more weird while I was dreaming it w t f
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