#billy ray sanguine rp
elveswithoutears · 3 years
So I’ve been debating making a massive multi blog that would hold most the muses I rp on Discord and here’s the list 
would anyone be interested? 
list below (sorry theres no order)
William Afton Wilford Warfstach The Host Google Blue Google Yellow  Bim Trimmer Lucien Lachance Lucifer Billy-Ray Sanguine Jackieboy Man DJ (Starwars)  Eddie Brock / Venom Quentin Beck / Mysterio  Janus Sanders Otto Octavius / Doc Ock Illinois (Markiplier)  Yancy (Markiplier Alastor The Radio Demon Actor Markiplier  Remus Sanders Marvin the Magnificent  Damien Iplier Colonel William Burnam  Celine Iplier Sherlock Holmes King Dice Dusk (SKulduggery Pleasant)  Charlie (Hazbin hotel)  Nifty  Tom Trench  Millie  Erik Derekson Google Red  Google Green Doctor Iplier Doctor Plier The Necromancer Penny (Ducktales)  Spike (Buffy)
and a shit ton of fandomless OCS
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facelessxchurch · 5 years
Any more Baron hcs?
admittingly, these aren’t 100% mine. A lot of these are from old RP’s, conversations I had with different people or from the few fanfiction’s I’ve read.
100% husband material
He was together with Eliza before she dumped him for China
He wants to have his own family but none of the people he dated wanted to have children (thus Skuls jab at him of ‘hearing the pitter-patter of tiny evil feet’)
he’s the Dad Friend™; he has essentially adopted the Diablerie and Billy-Ray Sanguine
He doesn’t like Dreylan Scarab. Not only is being an assassin a honorless profession, he is also a crap father (Baron might be slightly jealous that that asshole got to have a partner and kid and he doesn’t).
“Family” by Mother Mother is such a good song for him omg
For as cruel and sadistic as he is towards his enemies, he is very protective and caring towards his loved ones and friends (I mean, look at how sweet and patient he was with Eliza in the L.D.)
He in general has a very protective nature
He is a little too naive and too trusting when it comes to his allies/fellow church members since he has yet to figure out he’s the only one with a code of honor.
Said code of honor is the reason his men/lower ranking church members like him. Working for him is a million times better than working directly under Nef, Mev or Vile (you all know why, looking at those 3 psychopathic assholes).
Meanwhile Nef is threatening everybody he believes might backstab Baron “If you even do so much as upset him I’ll erase your entire bloodline :)”. He thinks Baron doesn’t know, but Baron knows what he’s doing and thinks it’s sweet but unnecessary.
He actually loves animals (aka is the polar opposite to Nef in that regard).
He especially loved his horse and was genuinely upset when it fell in battle (despite Nef giving his best to comfort him). He also had hunting hounds and a falcon (also used for hunting).
He likes to hunt with friends in his spare time and even had a small hunting castle (it got destroyed during the war).
He’s a morning person.
The Bitch Squad (Nef, Eliza, China) likes to terrorize him and considering that one member is his boyfriend, one his ex and one his (former) boss he is defenseless against them. No one is coming to save him either as he gets dragged away by them.
he’s the voice of reason in the disaster trio that gets 100% ignored by both Nef and (monster!)Vile
has bad temper and is prone to violent outbursts (at least with him you can see it coming, with Mev and Vile you can never tell their mood and Nef is a moody bitch, kissing your hand in one moment and smashing a glass bottle in your face in the next)
when he has an angry outburst, Nef is the only one that can calm him down (without using force)
strict, but unlike the other three, his punishments are actually fair and consistent (Nef/Mev are arbitrary and Vile is the kind of person to straight up slaughter a person for slightly inconveniencing him)
literally the sanest person in the entire church, which doesn’t mean much considering that the faceless church has a severe case of ‘the lunatics are running the asylum’
and I just noticed that most of these headcanons can be summed up as “he’s a bad person, but not as bad as those jerks surrounding him” lmao
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He’d been snapping his fingers for the past five minutes but nothing was happening. He probably should have been practicing years ago instead of just focusing on tunneling, but in Sanguine’s defense, it wasn’t like he’d ever had the need to manipulate fire. A look of irritation flashed across the hitman’s face and he snapped his fingers again. Nothing. “This is bullshit. There ain’t any reason for me to be learnin’ this.”
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