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“OMG u wouldn’t believe tis. I lost wi-fi for 1 whole year! ONE WHOLE YEAR!”
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((Yo starter call!))
((I kinda want to bring this muse back. So like for a starter?))
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“I WAS careful. Maybe. I seriously hope my laptop isn’t broken.” She sighs as she picks the laptop up from the ground, annoyed from the small trouble. “You are lucky I’m merciful.” For some reason, she always had wanted to say that line ever since she became a goddess.
“…Oh yeah? Well, I don’t care. You should have been more careful then! “
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listening-to-despair liked for a starter.
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“Hey You! Watch where you are going! You made me drop my laptop!”
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Send me a ֆ if you'd like to add me on Skype.
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((Yo starter call!))
((I kinda want to bring this muse back. So like for a starter?))
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((Yo starter call!))
((I kinda want to bring this muse back. So like for a starter?))
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"Excuse me? I'm a dog tyvm." The goddess sounded annoyed. "Besides. I just became a goddess recently. Goddess of Doggy Heaven."
"I don’t have a problem with goddesses, but I doubt you really are one, and you don’t really seem all that graceful," the Doctor pointed out. "I mean, you’re acting more like a… like a cat, or something."
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"Weeeell then. Explain how in the world I waltz right in!... Also... you got a problem with a goddess? Don't be sarcastic with me."
"Graceful goddess. Got it," the Doctor replied sarcastically. "Seriously, this room exists in a state of temporal flux, it’s not easy to just waltz right in!"
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In a universe where everyone is born with numbers on their wrists counting down to when they'll meet their soulmate, send me 00:00:00 for my muses reaction to their numbers hitting zero when they meet yours.
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My muse is under a love spell! First person to put '♥' in my ask has my muse head over heels for yours!
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(you know… I might try to bring this blog back. So Like for a starter if you can.))
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"It better. I don't wanna have to deal with a bad dog when they get to doggy heaven."
{Faint: Open}
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"I just descended upon it. Like the graceful goddess I am." Pom was clearly having fun with this. 
Did she just say ‘hai’?… the Doctor wondered. And what was that about having no wi-fi? I thought… Wait, there are more important things to think about here!
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"I’m the Doctor, and how did you get in here?!"
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(you know… I might try to bring this blog back. So Like for a starter if you can.))
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Send me a @ and I'll generate an au from this list and make a starter
1: Coffee Shop!AU

2: Actor!AU

3: High School!AU

4: Hitchhiker Ride!AU

5: 50’s!AU

6: Library!AU

7: (Disney movie of choice)!AU

8: Circus!AU


10: Fantasy!AU

11:Serial Killer vs. Detective!AU

12: Not Dead!AU
 (someone else was dead but isn't)
13: Dead/Ghost!AU (someone’s dead.)


15: Mermaid!AU

16: Airplane!AU

17: Roleswap!AU
18: Mindswap!AU

19: Psycho!AU

20: Game Show!AU

21: Summer Camp!AU

22: Private Detective!AU

23: Broadway!AU

24: Ice Skating!AU

25: Modeling!AU

26: Amusement Park!AU

27: Road Trip!AU

28: Vampire!AU

29: Angels and Demons!AU

30: Daycare!AU

31: Pokemon!AU

32: Rock Band!AU

33: Marching Band!AU (because yolo)

34: Ballet!AU

35: Demigod!AU

36: Preppy and Punk!AU

37: Disneyworld Cosplayers!AU

38: Dogs!AU (idc if they’re dogs or they have dogs or w/e)

39: (Dystopian World of your Choice)!AU

40: Hogwarts!AU

41: Superhero!AU

42: Dragon!AU

43: Pirate!AU

44: Ghost Hunter!AU

45: Mafia!AU

46: Kingdom!AU

47: Crossdressing!AU

48: Assassin!AU

49: Genderbending!AU

50: Wedding!AU
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(you know… I might try to bring this blog back. So Like for a starter if you can.))
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