#billy eating lunch with him and carol
ickypuppi3 · 2 years
it’s so funny to me that billy was in school because we never actually see him in school (basketball aside) like imagine him going to his locker and sitting in class and stuff
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unamused-boss · 7 months
How we met
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Billy Harvgrove x Phoebe Levin
Summary: The day Billy Hargrove found Phoebe Levin changed his life forever. The day he met her was one he would never forget, literally. Like how can you forget that.
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The minute that Billy stepped out of his camaro into the Hawkin’s High School parking lot he knew that this was gonna be the absolute worst part of his entire life. Girls were already gawking him like a piece of meat given to a pack of wolves. The guys were sizing him up like they thought they had a chance at winning a fight against him. 
“Jeezus, smells like cow shit here.” He muttered as he made his way into the high school. Once his boot made contact with the tile floor of the school he was swarmed with wannabes and thirsty girls.
“Hey man, I'm Tommy. We’re gonna be great friends.” One freckled faced freak said to him.
“Hello~ I’m Tina, it’s so great to meet you.” Some brunette flirted.
“Heey cali boy, how does the countryside feel?” Some rando said.
‘Holy shit, do these guys have anything better to do?’ Billy thought. ‘It's not the worst, I already have them like putty in my hand.’ He smirked, he already had a majority of the school's population on his side. This could not be as awful as he thought it was going to be. If these guys are like this just by his first day then Billy can’t wait for what will happen throughout the next couple of months. 
Which is what happened, Billy soon became the new King of Hawkins High School. He had everyone eating from the palm of his hand. The parties were nothing like the ones in California but they were a good way to distract him while being here. And every girl here wanted in his pants, which he let them but soon left them right after the deed was done. 
The day started off as any other day. Billy was late to his first period, as perusal, taking his seat with a very irked teacher. As he was about to start his normal routine of ignoring everyone around him a glint caught his eye. He turned his head to see a girl decorated in long earrings and glittering necklaces. She had pale skin and hard dark hair. Her eyes looked bored but still tried to pay attention to the lesson at hand. She wore dark clothes, her stomach was out, and the closer Billy looked he realized she didn’t have a bra on. She looked wild. Her hair somehow kept and unkept at the same time. Something about her was drawing him in, like a wave to a surfboard.
“Can you stop starring?” She broke him from his thoughts. No enthusiasm in her tone, she was not happy whatsoever that he was staring at her. Why was she not giggling at him like every other girl?
“I’m Billy.” Billy tried to introduce himself. Pulling his classic charm to win this girl over.
“I know. Now stop talking to me.” She simply put.
“I said stop talking to me, you are someone I do not want to speak to.” She was getting frustrated by his presence. That’s bullshit, the only person that was supposed to get annoyed by him was Hairrington.
“I’m trying to flirt with you, you know that right?” He asked as if it wasn’t obvious.
“Yes it’s very obvious, so why don’t you stop and go back to the other girl next you that you flirted with all last month that has not stopped staring at you since class started.” Now you were over him. If your tone didn’t put it straight in his face that you were not having anything he was giving; he turned around to, in fact, see the said girl staring at him. Then the bell rang just as he was going to talk to you again. But you were out of there without him seeing.
The cafeteria was where Billy saw the mysterious girl next. He just stared at her as she sat by herself. No one was around her, being that her friends had a different lunch schedule then her. His staring didn’t go unnoticed by Tommy or Carol.
“Why are you staring at that weirdo?” Tommy asked him, picking at the food on his tray.
“Who is she?” Billy asked curiously.
“Phoebe Levin is the most peculiar girl you’ll ever meet. Swear to god she is related to The freak sometimes.” Carol scowled. “You seriously don’t want to be around her.”
“Her mom was married to some Russian immigrant dude, probably killed because of his help with the Russian forces.” Tommy laughed.
“Ugh, I don’t know why she is still here.” Carol whined. “Billy there are such better girls in this school than her.” The three continued to stare at the young girl. 
Phoebe knew they were watching her, she knew Billy was asking questions about her. “God give me a break.” She grumbled through the sandwich she was chewing. She heard the sound of fake pompous heels click their way over to where she was sitting. And to no one's surprise there stood Carol Perkins. With a grin on her face and  her caked on makeup.
“Can I help you Carol?” The unenthused girl spoke.
“Hey Phoebe.” Carol smiled, obviously fake. “ I just wanted to check up on you, you seem so lonely.”
“Okay?” Carol just continued to stare at her while she ate.
“You know for someone that has so many cropped tops, you do have a pretty fat stomach.” Carol snied. 
“You know for someone that sucks every other guy's dick except her boyfriend’s, you’d think you’d know how to shut your mouth.” Phoebe retorted. “Are we done here?” Carol just sat there with her mouth agape. Phoebe finished the remainder of her lunch taking her tray to leave. Only for Coral to put her foot out and trip her. Causing Phoebe to go face first into her tray. Phoebe picked herself up, taking the little food she had off her shirt. Walking away unbothered.
“Ugh, You scathing BITCH!” Yell Carol.
Billy watched in amazement. He loved every moment of that conversation, he knew she were different. He didn’t think she'd be this different. He watched as Phoebe made her way out of the lunchroom watching her hips sway as she walked. Carol made her way back to their table huffing and puffing at the interaction she just had. Sitting down like a newly scolded child.
“I told you Billy, you don’t want to be around her.” Carol sneered.
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Ever since Billy asked about Phoebe Levin everybody has given every opinion possible about her.
“She is so weird.”
“She’s probably a spy planted for the Russians, maybe that’s why she’s so isolated.”
“I swear she’s done a seance with Munson!”
“Phoebe doesn’t wear a bra, like ever, which is kinda hot?”
“Uhg, she hangs in the library all the time in her dark corner.”
“She always seems like she’s on some psychedelic trip.”
“I saw her walking barefoot through the woods once.”
“Her grandma is a witch.”
“I hear she’s eaten goat’s brain.”
Billy didn’ t give a shit what these people thought. He only knew her name and that he wanted to meet her.
While Billy dealt with his predicament of having to find his belle of the ball in black Phoebe was dealing with her own troubles. Her trouble has names that are Carol Perkins, Hiedi Flanders, Tina Clarks, and Betty Johnson; those four have been giving her hell all week. All for Billy Hargrove having caught his eye on her.
“I swear to everything, I will rip his tongue out.” Phoebe grumbled under her breath.
“Hey it’s alright.” Nancy reassured, “It’s Friday, you won’t see them for two days. But you will be seeing Tom Cruise with me.” She grinned. The both of you being friends was an odd sight to see. A princess and a witch, but you guys have been through thick and thin together. Phoebe was there for her when she found out Barb was found dead. And Nancy was there for Phoebe when her dad died. Only those two know the secrets between each other, that no one else will ever know.
“I guess you’re right.” Phoebe smiled. “I’ll see you after gym… see ya.” Phoebe waved her off. 
Phoebe was making her way to the gym locker room when she thought she heard giggling behind her. She knew what was going to happen, having already accepted her fate of whatever little prank the class bimbos were going to pull on her. Nothing like this will change for her if she stays in this fucking town. Phoebe entered the locker room to her spot by the corner. Putting her stuff away into her cubby then continues with getting ready as normal. Taking off her clothes to put on her gym clothes. Once the shirt was over her head and on her body, this is one of few instances she puts a bra on (ya gotta stay prepared) Phoebe then hears the giggles again. ‘Dammit’ Phoebe braces herself for what is about to come. The expecting rush of cold water comes down upon her; her hair now wet, her mascara smudged and running down her face, the top of her shirt soaked. The giggles turned to full hyena laughter ringing through the locker room. 
“Sorry Carrie didn’t see ya there!” Carol boasted.
“I think she looks better this way.” Tina smirked.
“Yeah, it brings out that washed out skin.” Betty cackled, and I’m the one that gets called a witch. The warning whistle from the coach signaling us to get out of the locker room.
“Come on Carrie, don’t wanna be late.” Carol joked, her and her friends laughed as they walked away. Phoebe did not react. She made no comment. All she did was make her way out of the locker room to the gym for class. Where she saw a familiar mullet head skipping class.
A glare was given to him. Phoebe was tired of the shit she was given. Tired of the attention people have decided to give you for the dumbest reason. To have some meat head think this is the funniest joke on the planet. ‘I will shave his head and make him eat his hair.’ I hate him.
‘Holy shit.’ No one since he has gotten here has given Billy any shit. But the glare that Phoebe gave him. A chill ran up his back. With the unlit cigarette hanging from his lip almost falling out. He has not met a girl like her. Well he has but they usually never speak to him, let alone glare through his skull. 
“Go to hell…”
Phoebe spent her time in gym class wisely. She didn’t tell the coach. Didn’t explain to anyone that asked. She ran her laps. Did every exercise she was told to. She ignored the laughter of the girls that did this to her. Ignored that stares from everyone. However when at her water break Phoebe noticed the janitor’s closet was unlocked, ideas went through her head. If she was going to be treated like this only because some ass is giving her attention. Well they don’t say an eye for an eye for nothin. 
Gym class was let out, since Phoebe was one of the first few into the locker room her plan was already in action. The four bimbo’s made their way to her corner; already dressed in her tank top and long skirt. Accentuating her figure, a figure that many were jealous of or either wanted. The bimbo’s were in their towels going to take their showers.
“Who knew you’d enjoy a cold bath before class.” Laughed Betty.
“Yeah… Now just for you to know…” Heidi said, wickedness pouring from her words as she stepped forward closer to me. She glared at me, “Stay away from Billy, or I will make your life hell.”
“Oh sweetheart.” Phoebe mocked. “I knew I was there when I saw you.” She apparently didn’t like that too much since she turned away from me flipping her hair into my face. Her curly coarse hair from too many perm treatments. But Phoebe didn’t have to worry about that, when across from her she saw the familiar belongings to the girls that were once here. Along with some items that will aid her in her revenge.
Nancy was confused, gym class got out a few minutes ago and she couldn’t find Phoebe anywhere. All she saw was the commotion of the halls. Nancy doesn’t know where she could be. Until…
Billy was getting annoyed not only with not being able to shake off his interaction with Phoebe earlier today but no one would stop bothering him. He can’t stand it, Tommy won’t shut his yap.
“Then I told him to strew off if he knew what was good for him.” Tommy laughed.
“Yep, you got him.” Billy grumbled. He just watched as the people in the halls passed him. Looking for her.
Tommy rolled his eyes, “Are you still looking for her, she’s literally a nobody.”
“Tommy. If I wanted your opinion I’d ask for it.” Billy stated. “ And I don’t-” Billy was cut of by the clicking of running heels.
“TOMMY!” Carol yelled, “TOMMY!” Carol and the other three girls ran up to the two boys. The girls were out of breath but fuming with anger with their arms tightly crossed against their chests. 
“Whoa what is it?” Tommy asked.
“Someone stole from us.” Carol snided.
“Stole what?” Tommy questioned. “You have all your stuff.” He pointed out.
“NO.” Carold came closer to Tommy’s face so no one else would hear. “Someone stole our bras…” Tommy’s eyes widened, he almost laughed at the statement before him.
“What?” Tommy answered. Neither of them noticed the sudden burst of energy in the hallway. People started to make their way to windows and the front of the school. Billy noticed but he waited for the couple to finish. All while being stared at by Hiedi.
“I want you to find them and kick their ass!” Carol screamed. The echo of her words is what stopped their discussion. Carol looked around, along with her little posse, “What are they looking at?”
It was about the same time when Billy and Nancy made their way outside to the front of the school. Pushing their way through a shocked crowd of students, some laughing and some with their jaws on the floor. By the time the two teens made it to the front of the crowd what they saw before them was not what they thought it would be. 
In front of them stood four burning stacks with bras being burnt at the ends.
With what Billy just overheard, he can only guess at who those were. And off to the side stood Phoebe Levin smoking a cigarette lit by the flames. Standing only looking at the crowd before her. It didn’t take long before Carol and the others saw what had happened to their once lacy bralettes. Screaming as they saw the consequences of their actions before them.
“OOHH!” Coral screeched. “YOU BITCH!”
“Exactly!” Phoebe Levin replied. Phoebe then stared at Billy, the same stare she gave him in the halls a while ago. She flicked the last of her cigarette onto the ground, then stomped it out. She only smiled as she passed Carol and them until she was face to face with Billy.
“I don’t know what your game is, but I don’t like it so leave me out of it.” She stated to him.
“I don’t think so, this only made me want more.” He grinned at her.
“PHOEBE LEVIN!” The familiar call of the principle called, she wasn’t getting out of this easily.
“That’s my que…” She said as she left him there.
Billy did not know what else to say. He was glad she walked away because he would have been speechless. Billy knew what he wanted and he wanted her, he wanted to be with her. And he’ll have to work a little harder to get her. He doesn’t mind cause once he has her. He won’t let go.
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I hope you like it!
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iamaslutforcoffee · 2 years
Happy Halloween, Jackass.
A (mean-ish) Billy Hargrove x O.C One Shot!
Warnings: Severely fowl language (it's Billy, should we expect anything less?) eventual fluff.
For you @raecortes ♡ Thank You so much!
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Billy Hargrove was a dick, and not to a few select people. He was a dick to everyone, his girlfriend Rae included.
Rae was a great girlfriend to Billy; she was gorgeous, smart when she needed to be, a definite glorifed bimbo but the one thing he hated was how easy it was to scare her. She was so easily scared, a cat could come out of the bushes in broad day light and she would cower in fear not realizing it was a cat. Some of it was due to frequenting haunted houses alot with her brothers, most of the time it was the fact she liked watching true crime documentaries on television. Despite this, though, Billy ALWAYS loved to scare his precious girl.
It was their lunch period at Hawkins high, and as per usual Billy and Rae were sitting at their usual tables. Billy with his jock friends, Rae with Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington and Johnathan Beyers.
Billy's eyes peered at Rae's, not making eye contact but still keeping watch that she was good.
"Damn, Hargrove. It's only lunch and your staring your girl down like it's your last time seeing her" Tommy Hannigan chirped, face deep in what ever the cafeteria posted for lunch. Billy looked over to him and scowled in response. He didn't like how flip floppy Tommy or his merry band of idiots were, especially Tommy's mouthy little girlfriend Carol.
If Rae ever acted like that...
"I'm making sure she's actually eating this time." He replied, breaking eye contact to turn his attention towards Tommy, and Tommy knodded in pure worry. He knew not to piss Billy off, everybody did.
Rae had a issue during the week of testing.. she would study her ass off, but would pretty much eat like shit and that annoyed Billy. He wanted her to have energy for what ever he was in the mood for should the opportunity ever strike.
Billy's attention turned back towards Rae and noticed she still hasn't touched her food, pissing him off immediately.
And she was doing so good today..
Her hair was in those braids he liked and were down her back. She was wearing a pair of black leggings, her favorite baby pink converses and a white t-shirt that said "baby girl" across it in little rhinestones. Billy got her that when it was their first anniversary together, and she practically wore it to death.
It was a lax day, but he allowed just this time.
Immediately he got up with his finish lunch and sauntered to the trash can, throwing its reminits away. He walked back towards his table , but decided to remind Rae of one her rules.
They were talking about Halloween plans when he walked up, none of them bothering to take notice of the obvious new arrival. So Billy took it upon himself to make his presence known. He simply scooted into the seat right next to Rae, staring at her and waited patiently for her to notice. This was easily the quickest way to scare the shit out of her and he always thought it was hilarious.
"I don't know.. what are you guys doing for Halloween?" Buckley asked the group, everyone responding on it. It was either partying, staying in to pass out candy, or something of the general Halloween celebrations.
"Well, we're just going to spend the night at home, I think. Billy hasn't said anything much about any plans.." Rae spoke, still oblivious to her boyfriends arrival. He took this as the perfect opportunity to scare Rae, smiling.
"Actually we do have plans remember baby girl?" He spoke, everyone's attention turning towards him. Rae yelped and slightly jumped at the feeling of him wrapping an arm around her and she finally turned towards him, mad as hell.
"What the hell, Billy?! You know I hate it when you do that!" She seethed, her eyes meeting his and instantly melting. Billy leaned in close to her ear and started speaking.
"I think you should start eating that fucking packed lunch of yours before I remind you of the rules we have set out for you during testing, don't you think baby?" He purred, his sickly sweet smile on his face when he kissed her forehead. Rae quickly knodded, knowing that Billy wasn't fucking around. He knodded at everyone around at the table, kissing her forehead much to her excitement and sauntered back to his place with the jocks.
"Uh, Rae? What the absolute fuck?" Nancy asked, genuine concern laced in her voice.
"What? Whats wrong?" Rae replied. She started unpacking her lunch and looked at the group.
Every one of her friends were just staring at her, as if she was crazy. But she wasn't crazy, no. Just didn't think correct some times .
"Would you care to explain why your boyfriend just came up and scared the fuck out of you and basically said eat your lunch or else? And what rules is he talking about?!" Steve asked. Steve was perpetually confused of their dynamic. Rae was the sweet, nice little good girl of the group. She's no Chrissy Cunningham, but they were just an odd couple in his opinion.
Rae who was completely oblivious to what they were asking without directly asking simply shrugged.
"Sometimes I forget to eat like I should and he just reminds me. Thats all" she replied, popping a raw veggie fry in her mouth and chewing.
"Yeah but Rae he has like a weird penchant for scaring you. He drives like a bat out of hell when your in his car knowing your scared of going too fast, he does the weird pop up scare shit... like whats next? Is he going to pretend to kidnap you or something?" Robin asked, pinching inbetween her eyebrows and looking Rae in her eyes.
"Oh he's already done that. Did it last year during Halloween on our anniversary" she shrugged continuing to eat.
The group looked at her like she was crazy, and found it to be normal but Rae found it to be their normal routine. She was used to it by now and she didn't want to do anything to upset Billy. He wasn't a woman beater, and never was emotionally abusive either, but they just had a certain dynamic in their relationship where others might side eye them.
Really, the only other people Rae knew that had anything near their kind of dynamic was her cousin, Sasha and her boyfriend Eddie Munson.
"Rae, that isn't ok sweetie" Steve tried to reason with her but Rae shook her head, biting into her sandwich wrap.
"You, Harrington, have no room to talk. You got all sorts of obsessive with certain girls before and I don't want to hear it. Buckley, I love you I really do but don't talk to me about being scared when you can't even look Vicky in the eye without swooning and having an orgasm when she speaks three words to you. Nancy, you know NOT to go there with me" she continued, pointing at each of them.
"What about me?" Johnathan said meekly, waiting for his verbal beating from Rae.
"You know, Johnathan, you besides my cousin are the only one's completely supportive of my relationship and haven't judged me one second. You're safe" Rae said sweetly.
"Your cousin's with 'The Freak' of Hawkins High, so that doesn't count" Steve pipped up but Rae in all her wonderful glory stared him down.
"My cousin is the nicest person in this school besides Chrissy and myself, don't you dare say that about her boyfriend. Eddie may be weird, he may play a fucking game but he treats her right. You guys are so fucking judgemental, and instead of asking me about my relationship you judge it because you don't understand it. The fucking nerve you all have!" Rae yelled at them in a hushed tone, grabbing her lunch and deciding to go outside and finish.
Friday was Halloween, and Rae's two year anniversary with Billy. As per usual, Billy wanted to go to a party and Rae didn't complain knowing home life was getting alittle stressful for Billy with Max pissing him off and Neil starting his shit up again. But this year, this year ...
This year Rae decided she was going to get Billy back for all the times he's fucked with her.
"Baby doll, make sure you dress up really pretty for me ok?" Billy spoke through the phone's speaker, watching Rae as she got ready.
"Yes, daddy. Do you want pig tails or braids for my hair style?" Rae asked, finishing her makeup with a touch of baby pink lip gloss.
"Surprise me angel. I'll see you in a hour" Billy spoke, smiling at her. She made a mental note to put her hair in pigtails, with bows on the ends.
"Bye Daddy!" She replied, waving good bye at him.
She got up and looked in the mirror to examine her outfit and make sure she looked her absolute best. She was supposed to be somewhat of an angel, or Billy's angel really. She had on a baby pink latex mini skirt, a really short cropped top that was white, her favorite pink leather choker and white frilly socks. She accepted the look was up to par, and pulled on a large jumper to hide the clothes underneath as to not have questions asked by her parents. She threw a pair of matching demonia boots, grabbed her angel wings and got her overnight bag ready for Billy's.
She knew he was there when she heard the camaro roar onto her street and she headed for the front door, greeting her parents good bye and ran for the car. When she got outside Billy was leaning against the passenger side wearing his boots and jeans, but nothing under his leather jacket much to her pleasure.
"Hey baby girl, why you covered up?" Billy asked, his head cocked to the side.
"Because Daddy, I can't let mom and dad see what I'm wearing for you without questions being asked and being grounded. " Rae replied, handing him the leash attachment for her collar. He smiled and attached it, wrapping his hand around the chain and yanking her closer to him and his lips barely grazing hers.
"You listen so good baby. Can you listen some more and take the fucking sweater off and let me see?" He asked, his blue eyes staring into hers.
Rae smiled, and shook her head.
"I want you to be surprised daddy, thats all" she cooed much to his displeasure.
"Oh, ok. We'll see how you react later. Get in" he spoke, turning around and getting into the drivers seat. She opened the door and got in, smiling and grabbing his hand.
Billy peeled out of the neighborhood and started driving, the music loud playing in the speakers.
See the plan was to go to a party, but Billy had other plans.
He was driving the complete opposite direction then the party at Steve's, more towards the old factory and crash site Billy got into over the summer. Rae started getting alittle nervous, he didn't figure out her plan... did he?
"Uh... daddy? The party is the other way.." she nervously spoke, motioning towards the other way. Billy smirked, licking his teeth and briefly looked at her before turning his attention back towards the road.
"I know. But I need to show your pretty little mouth what happens when you don't follow the rules, ok?" He replied, his hand grasping her thigh.
"Yes daddy.." she nervously spoke. Rae knew she'd have to come up with a different plan and quick, so she started thinking.
Soon Billy pulled over at the exact spot where he crashed, knowing so by the tire marks still on the pavement.
"Take the sweater off. Now" Billy's voice dropped several octaves, lust in his voice loud and clear.
Rae's knees rubbed together instantly to get some sort of friction. That voice always turned her on and made her soaked almost instantly. His blue eyes peered back into her own, his face stoic and posture showed he was waiting and wasn't fucking around today. She smiled evily, lifting the sweater over her head and tossed it in the back seat, leaning back in her own. Billy's pupils dilated almost instantaneously and he gripped her leash, bringing her face closer towards his.
"Good girl. Now get out of the car, and wait for me baby" he purred, adjusting in his seat due to the obvious tent growing in his jeans.
Rae licked her lips and knodded, figuring then was the best time to excute her plan. She slowly got out of the car, and got as low to the ground as her body would allow without her sitting on her knees. She heard Billy's belt being undone, and the car door open and his boots hitting the pavement, as he rounded the car, she made a break for it and ran in the other direction on his side before he could notice.
"Princess? Baby where are you?" Billy looked around frantically, his blonde locks bouncing everywhere as he quickly turned around to look for Rae.
"Catch me if you can, Billy!" She yelled in his direction. He turned towards her and as soon as their eyes connected, he hauled ass in her direction. Rae's smile dropped, and she ran as fast as she could.
"Oh, I swear to fucking God as soon as I catch you your ass is fucking MINE!" Billy screamed, getting louder. He was starting to get both worried and pissed. He didn't want her to get hurt, and she was an awfully fast runner.
Fairly soon they neared a lake not to far from the camaro, and as Rae ran up onto the dock she quickly threw her shoes and socks off, diving into the water and swimming under the dock. She heard as Billy frantically came up onto the dock, and knew he was looking around.
"Baby? Rae?! RAE!!" He yelled, and she could tell by the sound of his voice he was starting to get really scared.
Billy was terrified, to say the least. He was worried that Rae was possessed, hurt herself or was drowning in the water. When the water moved in a odd way and Billy saw her leash floating off the dock infront of him, he instantly threw his boots and leather jacket off and dived in, desperately looking around for Rae. She quickly swam out from under the dock and climbed up, sitting on the dock with her feet dangling into the water below.
Billy came back up for air, and frantically looked around the lake infront of him for any sign of Rae. This wasn't like her, she never did anything like this. He heard giggling from behind him and turned around, seeing Rae soaking from head to toe and laughing.
"Rae!? What the fuck were you thinking?!" Billy yelled in a hushed voice, looking at her like she was crazy.
Rae only giggled, shaking her head. She slowly began taking her hair down from the braids and smiled, ringing her hair out and throwing it up in a bun.
"See, the thing is Billy, it isn't so nice when your scared into a real panic is it?" She asked, leaning forward with her elbows on her knees.
"Rae what the fuck are you talking about? Every time I do that its a joke!" Billy said harshly, and still looking at her like she was crazy. Rae cocked her head to the side as he swam closer to her and placed his hands on either side of her.
"Remember last week when you fucking sat there and almost killed me driving? Just because Max was defending those kids you despise for no reason? Or how you randomly like to do stupid shit that scare me? Not so fucking funny now huh?" She asked, grabbing his jaw and leaning close.
"Happy Halloween, Jackass. Payback is lovely isn't it?" She purred, kissing his nose.
Billy then realized that the jokes weren't funny to her anymore and he really did fuck up. He signed, pulling himself out of the water and sitting next to her.
"I'm sorry, Baby girl.. is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" He asked grabbing her hand in his.
"Yes..stop scaring me, but that should be the obvious choice. Second, can we go home and watch Ghost Busters again? I really like that movie!" She squeeled, clapping her hands.
Billy shook his head and laughed, pulling her close to kiss her.
"Anything for you, princess"
I hope you guys enjoyed this one shot! Thank you so much @raecortes for reaching out and requesting this one.. i hope you liked it!
Remember guys, my requests are open!
Thank you ♡
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You know what gets me? The gap between Season 2 and Season 3. For most of the characters I’m not too concerned about what happened in that time because it’s a pretty straight shot from point A to point B.
But for Steve? Steve went from dating Nancy and being friendly with Jonathan to losing both of them. Steve had already walked away from Tommy and Carol, which meant he was alone. Except for the kids that he spent one night with. How did that happen? Did the kids imprint on him and start following him around like ducklings? Was Steve the one to reach out?
Did Tommy and Carol reach out, wondering if now that Nancy had been proved a cheater just like they always said Steve would come crawling back? Did they hope their best friend still cared about them, only to get ditched for middle schoolers?
Where did Steve eat lunch? Did he eat it alone? Did he third-wheel his ex and the guy she cheated on him with out of desperation?
And what happened to Billy? Did he actually back off because of Max’s threats or did he convince himself the nail bat must have been a hallucination. (Who actually carries around a nail bat?)
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She's like the Wind- Part Ten
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Evidently Billy had been sneakier leaving than Dylan thought he would be. She had expected him to bump into her aunt or uncle and to get the scolding of her life, but it didn’t come. She had been too angry however to fall asleep meaning she didn’t doze off until the early hours of the morning. She was tired and she was angry and certainly in no mood for school today but the last thing she needed was to flunk out and have to repeat the year in the dump that is Hawkins.
The start of the day was as grim as the weather. Dylan had managed to get through her first two classes without having to lay eyes on Billy. She knew he was here; she had walked past his piece of shit car on her way through the car park. Lunch came around quickly thankfully; Dylan was one more whisper or side eye glance away from stuffing someone in their locker.
Samantha walked across the grass to the picnic bench Dylan was perched upon. Cigarette already lit and between her fingers, she shuffled her feet over to allow her friend to sit on the bench.
‘Hey, surprised you’re not tucked away somewhere bouncing on Hargrove’ Samantha smirked up at the girl sat on the tabletop.
‘Do not mention that name in my presence’ Dylan grumbled, picking at the sides of her nails.
‘Ooh another lovers spat?’
Dylan hummed quietly, looking out over the rest of the high school delinquents that had retreated to the tables to smoke and eat junk food. She had spotted Steve’s hair bobbing towards them a mile away. She had also spotted Billy leant against the brick wall of the school building, joined by Tommy, Carol and her. Her arms looped through Carols as they shrilly giggled at something Tommy had said.
‘Why so glum Harrington?’ Samantha chirped when Steve joined Dylan sitting on the table.
‘Nothing… think Nance is dating Jonathan’ Steve admitted when he felt Dylans gaze move to him.
‘Let her go, she’s a bitch anyway’ Dylan huffed out the smoke off the cigarette she just toked.
‘Says the girl that is sat here staring at that ball sack with heart eyes, I’m not even gonna ask why I bumped into him coming down our stairs last night’ Steve shot back.
‘What?!’ Samantha gasped dramatically.
Dylan rolled her eyes unamused. She wasn’t in the mood to have jibes thrown at her. She certainly wasn’t in the moved to watch some slut press herself against Billy and eat his face but there it was, right in front of her.
‘Fuck this’ she muttered, jumping up off the table with her bag and stomping towards the library and unfortunately towards Billy. She just needed to get past them and into the building so she could sit in a quiet room and attempt to study or at least find a new tutor. 
‘Hey Dylan’ Carols voice tore through her ear drums like irritating little knives.
‘Dylan!’ Carol called once again as Dylan continued in her path past them.
‘There’s no need to repeat yourself I ignored you just fine the first time’ Dylan snapped back over her shoulder.
‘I was just wondering who your next victim is to likely be! Just so we know who’s gonna end up with a disease or depression or something’ Carol smirked while chewing her gum, something Dylan was convinced she had been chewing since she grew teeth.
‘You know funny you should ask I was actually just thinking how Tommy looks like he could do with a decent shag! What do you say Hagan, fancy a few rounds?’ Dylan retorted as she stopped in her tracks and turned to face the group.
Billy and Liv had detached themselves from each other to watch the confrontation. Carol’s arrogant expression twisted into one of distaste. Tommy didn’t reply just stood and stared at Dylan, trying to decipher whether she was being serious or not.
‘He wouldn’t touch you with a six-foot pole’ Carol quipped.
‘He wouldn’t touch you with someone else’s dick’ Liv dropped in, making Carol chuckle.
‘Well, he can’t use Billy’s cock then can he Hargrove?’ Dylan asked, her eyes boring into his.
Billy didn’t say a word just looked back at her, his jaw clenched, and his brows furrowed. Dylans insides were wrenching with anger, how could he just stand there and let them speak to her like that when less than twelve hours ago he was in her bed worshipping her.
‘Nothing to say?’ she continued staring at him.
‘You two are nothing now okay? He’s moved on to better things, doesn’t do charity work anymore’ Liv spat as she got up close with Dylan, standing inches away from her, catching the attention of those around them including Steve and Samantha.
‘Get out of my face’ Dylan growled lowly.
‘Or what?’
Before Dylan could step towards the girls in front of her Billy’s body was in front of her. His big hand on her stomach pushing her back a few steps and stopping her from inevitably breaking the nose of his new squeeze.
‘Stop’ he mumbled down at her.
‘Get your hands off me!’ Dylan objected, looking up at him, into those baby blues.  
She hated him so much in that moment. He had stood there and let them try to embarrass her and now he was stopping her from defending herself. Billy let her push him away slightly but still did not move out of her way. He stared her down but didn’t expect her to back down and she didn’t. Not until at least the shrill voice of the basketball coach had her biting her tongue and stomping off into the building.
No matter how much she tried to study or concentrate in class she couldn’t. Dylans mind was swimming with images of Billy and her, letting her cling to him like she was some parasite. How he stopped her from breaking her nose and how he just looked at her. She couldn’t get those eyes out of her head, how they bore into her soul, so shiny and blue. Completely different from the deep dark ocean she had gotten lost in the night before.
Dylan managed to get to her car and out of the car park without having to see Billy. She actually made it her job to avoid him for the rest of the week. Being one of the first people in the school and every class, spending her lunches in the library, trying her hardest to stuff the information in her head. She even went as far as staying behind an extra hour to study just so she wouldn’t have to see his piece of shit car. Once her brain had had enough of all the information she had tried to force into it, Dylan made a quick stop at her locker to throw her books into it so she didn’t have to bother taking them home. She swung the metal door open and looked at the yellow post it note that sat looking at her.
‘Benny’s 9pm’
Dylan huffed as she read his scruffy handwriting. Surely he couldn’t be serious! He really had the nerve to want to see her after being a dick. She promised herself that she wasn’t going to go, she wasn’t going to waste her time on him anymore. No, she was going to go home, have dinner and spent the night in her room, writing to Ben and relaxing.
She was doing well too until she finished her dinner and stood between the front door and the stairs. She looked up to the second floor and told herself to walk up the stairs, to go into her room and stay there. Her body, however, took her out of the front door and down the drive to her car. She hated herself for even thinking about giving him the time of day, but she needed to talk to him. To shout at him and put him in his place. As Dylan pulled into the clearing that Benny’s old restaurant resided in, she watched Billy climb out of the drivers seat of his car.
Dylan shut off the engine and just looked at him for a second. She had no idea what she was going to say to him, she just knew that she was not going to kiss him! She got out of her car and walked round his bonnet to stand in front of him.
‘Didn’t think you were going to come’ Billy smirked as he took a step towards her.
‘What do you want Billy?’ Dylan asked bluntly.
‘I… I just wanted to see you, haven’t seen you all day’ he muttered taking another step towards her.
‘Yet when you did you just let that slut speak to me like shit’ Dylan spat, stepping back and putting a decent amount of distance between them again.
‘What did you want me to do?! I couldn’t exactly just tell them to stop picking on you could i?!’ Billy huffed at her.
‘You could have not spent the day sucking the life out of Liv’s face after sleeping with me Billy! I’ve been walking round all day feeling like some worthless piece of shit!’
‘I know… I know and I’m sorry okay it’s just… we argued last night and I knew you were mad at me! She came over this morning and’
‘And you just let her stick her tongue down your throat!’
‘Hey you were the one that said you didn’t want to put a label on whatever the fuck this was!’ Billy began to get aggravated and argue back
‘You didn’t either! And that’s not an excuse for you to go and hump the first thing you see!’
‘What do you want from me Dylan? You want me to go around the entire school and tell them that you’re the only girl I’m allowed to have sex with?!’ Billy was shouting now, clearly not enjoying the sickness of guilt in his stomach.
‘No but I wanted you to recognize when someone actually gives a shit about you and not just push them away because you can’t accept the fact that your lift might not be as shitty as you think!’ Dylan screamed at him before turning to walk back to her car.
She reached her hand out to open the car door and she felt his big hands on her shoulder and waist. Billy spun her around and used his body to press hers to the side of the car. His lips were on hers in seconds, his hands grabbing at her hips and neck tightly. Dylan was stunned for a second, not having expected him to kiss her or even walk after her. After a few moments she fought against him, pushing his mouth off hers and using her outstretched arms to hold his shoulders away from her.
‘Billy what the fuck are you doing?!’ she said breathlessly.
‘If I have to watch you walk away from me right now then my life really is as shitty as I think it is’
Billys blue eyes bore into hers, seemingly genuine. She had never seen him look at her like this, pleading her to stay with him. Dylan scoured over his face and body language for any sign that was going to give away any façade he was trying to pull on her. Before she could visibly see anything that looked like deceit Billy had his lips back on hers, Dylan couldn’t help herself moving her lips against his. Their tongues danced around each other, her hands snaked their way up into his curls tugging and eliciting moans out of him. Billy lifted her left leg and held it at his hip giving him slightly better access to grind into her.
It wasn’t long before he had her sat on the hood of her car, stood between her legs making his assault onto her neck. Billy’s hands gripped her shirt and pulled it out of her jeans, lifting it up and over her head.
‘Here?’ Dylan questioned incredulously, watching as Billy made short work of undoing her belt and button of her jeans.
‘Here‘ Was all her replied to her while he pulled her onto her feet and bent her over the hood of the Mustang.
After shoving both of their jeans down just enough to have access to what he needed, Billy slid himself into her, moaning out in tandem with her at the sensation of being encased in her. Dylan’s eyes rolled into the back of her head and her mouth hung open as Billy began thrusting into her forcefully. The skin on his hips slapped against the skin of her ass, he loved watching it ripple and bounce back out him.
‘Billy what if someone catches us?’ Dylan moaned out, turning her head around as much as possible to watch him fuck her.
‘No one’s gonna catch us here baby’ Billy groaned back at her, his eyes trained on watching the point their bodies were connected.
Dylans hands were pressed against the metal of the car under her body making it easier for her body to fall back onto Billy’s cock as he picked up his paced and drove himself into her harder and faster. His hands that had been dug into her hips were now moving over her ass and up her back, feeling the heat radiating off her soft smooth skin. He could stay here for hours, taking her like this over the hood of her car out in the open. But he knew how dangerous it was, which he had to admit made it all the hotter. Someone could drive down this route any second not and see the headlights on his car. He needed this to be a quickie, or they were both likely to spend the night in the cells again.
Billy pulled her body up off the car and pressed her as flush against him as he could get her without having to remove herself from her. Billy moaned into the back of Dylans now matted hair, ruthlessly running his cock in and out of her wet pussy over and over, with so much force she could barely breathe, choked noises pouring out of her mouth. The sound of skin slapping now filled the small clearing around Benny’s diner. Dylan could gradually feel that knot tying tighter and tighter in her stomach, her pussy fluttering around him as she clenched tighter and tighter. Billy groaned out deeply every time she clenched her warm walls around his throbbing cock, all too aware of the delicious pleasure he was inflicting on her body.
‘Fucking hell Dylan, keep clenching on me like that, god fucking love it when you squeeze me like that’ Billy grunted into her neck.
Dylan whimpered in response; her mind consumed in the pleasure he was giving her. Her hands were gripping his arms for dear life, without his support she would surely collapse onto the front of her car. Billy nuzzled his nose into the back of his ear, grunting and groaning down it.
‘I need you to come for me… fuck I need you to come right now baby’ Billy all but begged.
Hearing his tone and his moans sent her over the edge. Her nails dug into the flesh on his arms and her walls contracted around him tightly. Her body convulsed and her hips rutted back against his hips, riding out her high. Billy followed with his own orgasm before Dylan had gotten through hers. His body tensed against her, and his hips jolted deeper into her as he emptied his balls into her. Their moans died out as their heavy breathing now filled the surrounding space. Sweat ran down Billys chest, face and back, gathering in the curls that framed his face. After a moment Billy removed himself from her and buttoned up his jeans. Dylan pulled up her underwear and pants, wincing at the feeling of her cotton panties becoming instantly saturated with Billys cum.
She took the lit cigarette he was offering her when she had seated herself in the space place on the hood where her breasts had just been pressed. There was a heavy silence now that sat over them, Billy was standing next to her leaning back against the car, still breathing deeply.
‘I’m not gonna keep doing this with you Billy, I’m not gonna keep running back to you’ Dylan mumbled quietly, her eyes only moving to meet his after the words had poured off her tongue.
Billy nodded his head gently, taking in the impact of her words. He knew she cared for him, maybe even loved him and he knew he wasn’t going to find that anywhere else. He needed her, he needed to keep her loving him.
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Steve was literally prom king in 1985, he mentioned that to Robin. Yeah he didn't have close friends, like Tommy and Steve, but he was still popular enough. Maybe Billy dethroned him as king Steve, however it was established he's charming. It will take more than Billy for him to drop the social ladder, especially after ditching Tommy and Carol he seemed to appear nicer. He was popular for a reason, people in general liked him I don't think that just goes away, especially because he didn't do anything horrible, besides getting rid of his old buddies. I don't think Steve was suddenly a lonely loser eating alone in the bathroom. Steve is a social person, he knows how to talk to people. The least he had is school friends. Him not being able to flirt in s3 after Nancy is completely different than making friends in general.
i don't remember the prom king line so thank you for bringing that up! i do think he was relatively well liked, im not saying he was like cast aside or dropped to like "loser" or "outcast" levels of like social standing.
that aside though, you can be relatively well liked and still not have like a solid footing in high school. Like, i had tons of friends, people generally liked me, i got along well with everyone, i had someone to talk to and chat with in every class i ever took, was super involved in extra curricular activities, and yet i found myself alone a lot at school, sitting by myself in the library or the bathroom, crying my fucking eyes out cuz i was lonely.
like, being popular and having your people i feel a very different concepts, especially in an environment like high school that operates on this relatively sedentary social ecosystem. If steve always sits with tommy and carol, like we see in season 1, and they are suddenly not sitting together, sitting in the cafeteria might not even be an option anymore because at that point in the school year, theres this kind of established flow of cafeteria life. People sit in the same seats with the same groups every day. Now in season 2 you see he spends time with Nancy in the library, steve probably played basketball at lunch with the team or practiced his sport, but he wasnt really like close with jonathan, ya know? but at least he had nancy. He's still getting invited to parties and stuff, but he spends all of his time with nancy, because yes she is his girlfriend and he loves her, but at this point nancy is all thats like left of steve's people. Its clear theres an antagonistic sort of energy between steve and tommy, and tommy has some social pull still to a certain degree.
back to high school bullshit, when you and someone who operate in the same social circle are fight? it makes that social circle nearly unbearable, but there isnt really a full escape because you have the same friends the same classes the same extra curricular activities, etc.
i do like to try and take comfort in steve being a social person, post season 1 he's probably much more pleasant to be around, but he is not a smooth talker. Tommy was the loudmouth, and steve kinda just reaped the benefits of that i think, cuz you can see in season 2-3 that he's insecure, he's running on a script that doesn't really work anymore, and he's kinda awkward. He's not good with words when he has to be at the forefront of things. Take his essay as the first example of that. When he's left up to his own devices, his words don't exactly make sense or fit together. When he doesn't have a system or script to fall back on, he flounders.
This is seen even further in seasons 3-4 where you see steve relying on these high school systems he's learned to work so well, but now that he's not tied to all of it in this post Tommy and post billy world, its not working.
i'm not saying he's some sort of self pitying sad loser boy, but i am saying he probably didn't feel all that secure ya know? like, he's clearly defeated when he doesn't get to leave hawkins, when he doesn't get in anywhere, because he needs something new. He's stuck where he's at and its not working for him.
idk i didn't mean to like make this a long post lol, but yeah i think that there could be a lot of stuff going on in his head and in his life that might contradict some of the assumed social life of our dear dear steve. I'm not saying hawkins high like threw him to the side and discarded him, he wasn't some teen-movie-john-hughes social reject, but he was probably lonely and probably struggling even if it seemed like everyone liked him well enough, that doesn't necessarily mean you feel close to anyone. Being liked and having friends can be two separate things
this is all just like my brain stuff i like to chew on when im bored and wanna think about steve harrington <3
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strangerthingfanfic · 2 years
The Blue Eyed Devil: Chapter 3
Female Reader
The next morning it takes prodding from Barb to get you to go to school.
Barb finally gets you too by reminding you that you're the new student and that it's your final year.
The next week basically consisted of you doing everything in your power not to face Billy.
If they didn't have assigned parking it would've been easier and you could drive but since Billy parked next to you, you started getting a ride to and from school with different people every day.
You also stayed later after school since you knew he had to pick his sister up. Thankfully Barb or Jonathan were more than happy to help with driving you home.
You and the others even started eating lunch at different areas of the school, and so on.
The next Saturday you and Barb go out for Ice cream to hopefully let go of last weekend's awful ending and the stressful week that followed.
You thank Barb for all of her help but you have decided that you were done running and Billy probably wasn't even trying to locate you anyway.
You and the server caught the eyes of each other and you could feel your face heating up and his was as well.
After some awkward conversation with the server about the new flavors they were offering, you find out that the server, Darren, was looking for a girlfriend.
You find yourself conflicted but decide to take the plunge and say you happen to be looking for a date as well and accept his offer to see a movie the next night and he would pick you up at 8 pm.
You, Barb and Nancy spend all of Sunday getting you ready for the big night. You never understood why Nancy tagged along but was grateful for all her advice.
I mean she did help you pick out the amazing shit you have on as well as some great makeup tips.
“Thanks so much, Nance,” you say delighted to finally have some good friends.
“No prob gotta help my friend look her best for her first date in Hawkins” Nancy said with a smile.
Darren picks you up exactly at 8 pm. He is a real gentleman opening the door for you and even bringing you some beautiful roses.
The trip to the theater was filled with basic getting-to know each other's questions.
When you arrive you feel a wave of uneasiness wash over you as you see all the people.
You had never been out on an actual date with anyone, for that matter.
Darren slips his hand into yours and asks comfortingly “would you like to just go get some takeout and eat in the car”?
Taking a deep breath you shake your head no and say “No I am ok, just a bit nervous for my real first date” you say embarrassingly.
Darren grins and plants a kiss right on your lips. You kiss him back and the two of you head to the ticket booth.
“Two for Blame it on The Night,” Darren said as you stood calmly next to him with your hand locked in his.
The girl at the counter smiled and said “here's your tickets, you two are just the cutest”.
You both blush and head inside. You pay for the popcorn and drink since Darren got the tickets.
As you head towards the theater playing your movie you run into a familiar face, none other than Billy Hargrove.
He, unfortunately, notices you and you take the opportunity to plant a kiss on Darren's cheek and walk right past him.
As you enter the theater you look over and Billy is still watching the two of you, a spark of flame dancing in his eyes.
You can't understand why. He hasn't tried to talk to you all week plus he seemed to be hot on Carol.
You shrug it off and you and Darren enjoy the movie.
A few stolen kisses and shared tissues later you head out of the theater back to Darren's car.
When you get there you notice a very familiar blue Camaro parked in the spot right across from Darren.
“How the hell did he know which car,” you think but ruefully ignore him and allow Darren to open the door for you, taking the opportunity to kiss him softly on the forehead.
As you pull away your eyes lock with Billy and you see that all-too-familiar blue flame dancing in his eyes.
Not allowing him to ruin your night you start laughing with Darren about how often you kissed for a first date.
As you pull into the driveway of your house, you become sad the night is over.
“Y/N I would love a second date,” Darren asked brushing your hair out of your eyes.
“I would love that as well. Friday, 8 pm” you say excitedly.
Darren nods and with one last kiss, you head in and have the best night's sleep you've had in a long time.
0 notes
starwarsgirl198 · 2 years
Chapter 2
Hit Me With Your Best Shot
Author’s Note: I do not like Tommy H. or his friends.Also I know it looks that I don't like Nancy but I actually do xD
Jamie and Carrie were sitting at their usual picnic table in the school yard, eating their lunch as they whispered amongst each other about what had happened during Mr. Craven's class.
"I cannot believe you got miffed about how some male animals can have more than one female." Carrie said, shaking her head.
"Why should only the male have all the fun?" Jamie demanded. "It's not fai--" She trailed off as Tommy's voice and the laughter of his friends broke through their conversation.
"The Byers totally faked it! I bet they had Will hide in the woods so they can have their moment of fame!" Tommy was saying as Carol and their friends laughed.
Carrie and Jamie traded looks before both girls stood up and headed towards the group but it was the latter that reached Tommy first, Jamie grabbed a fistful of his hair and wrenched his head back before she slammed his forehead into the table, Tommy crying out in pain. Carrie stepped around her and placed a well-aimed kick into the stomach of one of his friends that had stood up to defend Tommy, knocking him to the ground. She stood in a guarding position between Jamie and Tommy's posse, arms crossed and feet planted firmly to the ground, she would not be easy to move if they decided to defend their friend.
The yard went silent at this new side of the two girls, all eyes were on the scene unfolding before them.
Jamie leaned down. "That's. Not. Fucking. Funny," she gritted out in his ear, her voice a low whisper. "Their worry and fear wasn't fake, it was real." She gave another hard tug and Tommy groaned in pain. "You think it was all a joke? Them finding a body in the water and thinking it was Will...you thinking that his older brother killed him?"
“Holy. Shit.” Paul breathed as he and his brothers had watched the whole thing.
Even Billy’s cigarette nearly fell out of his mouth from where he was watching near the dumpster.
She looked around at the audience, eyes landing on the brothers before her attention was brought back to Tommy and his friends where Jamie barely dodged a elbow to the face but she wrapped the arm and wrenched it behind Tommy's back, pinning it in place. He struggled against her but wasn't able to dislodge her. "Yeah, not fat, dipshit, this is muscle," she said. "But let's not focus on that, it's not important. What is important is the fact that you have no sympathy for a family who suffered so much last year so here's what's going to happen from now on, you and your little friends will be silent about this, you will leave the Byers alone...whatever issue Steve has with Jonathan is between them so stay the fuck out of it."
"Focus, Jamie." Carrie said as she shoved one of the braver friends away, knocking him to the ground.
"I know, I know...if I even hear you say this shit about them again," she leaned down, her body pressing against his as she placed her chin on his shoulder with her lips against his ear. "I will fucking break your arm." Jamie released his arm and stepped back. "Do. You. Understand. Tommy?"
Tommy slowly turned to face her and nodded his head rapidly, tears brimming in his eyes.
Jamie turned around and shouted. "AND THAT FUCKING GOES FOR EVERYONE ELSE!" She turned around and walked away.
One of Tommy's other friends lunged for Jamie but Carrie moved quickly, intercepting him and kneeing him hard in the stomach, knocking the air out of him before she threw him over her shoulder. He landed on his back hard on the ground, the air knocked out of him a second time. She leaned over him. "Marine, baby, so don't fuck with us." Carrie straightened and followed after Jamie, brushing her hands.
The two girls sat back down and went back to eating their lunch, as if nothing had happened. "So...from 10 to 1 with 10 being the highest, what's our chances about getting a boyfriend now?" Carrie asked with a smirk.
Jamie mimed a bomb falling and than going off. "Very unlikely now but I say they can go fuck themselves."
“You sound so sure.” Michael came to their table. “That… was amazing.”
Jamie looked up and smiled when she saw that it was Michael. "Well, usually guys don't like it when girls are strong and can pin them so yeah, I am sure." Her smile widens. "Thank you, Michael, though I kind of feel a little bad for showing that side of me."
"....You don't feel sorry at all." Carrie remarked.
There was a pause before Jamie shrugged unabashedly. "Okay, I got caught in a lie, I don't feel bad because this is who I am....got a knee jerk reaction to being angry when I hear people laughing at the suffering of others."
David walked by Tommy’s table, glancing at the jock’s food. He smiled as a little idea popped into his head.
“Mind if we join the party, ladies?” He stood behind Michael, startling him.
Jamie's eyes moved from Michael to David, she was obviously observing them both for any clues of their history together. "Mmmm....do I mind?" She murmured as she pretended to think about it, her smile turning into a smirk. "Nah, you can join this party as long as you don't get turned off by girls who are prone to violent outbursts.” Jamie had a smirk on her lips as she said this because she wasn't going to hide, lie or even downplay that part of them.
The only thing she and Carrie lie about is the fact that they are not human and how Frank and Sally had found them...and what condition they had been in.
Marco and Paul briefly struggled over who got to sit next to Jamie, but the shorter blonde won out. He grinned triumphantly as he took his prized seat.
“I let you win.” Paul muttered, now sitting next to Dwayne.
Jamie chuckled softly. "You boys need to learn how to share," she teased before she reached over and patted Paul's hand. "You get to sit next to me next time, Paul."
"Or maybe start making up a schedule on who gets to sit next to you during lunch." Carrie teased with a smirk, amused.
Jamie snapped her fingers. "Good suggestion because I am sure that Dwayne and David here would have loved to sit next to me." She reached up and carded her hand through Marco's hair. "But for now the spoils of war goes to the winner and Marco here is the winner."
Carrie silently moved over to make room for someone else to sit next to Jamie, smiling slightly before she glanced over at Billy.
Billy put out his cigarette before striding over. He knew an invitation when he saw someone. He took the open seat without a word. “Did I hear that right, about Marines?”
"You heard right, our adopted father is a Marine as is his brother, Joe," Carrie answered, looking at him. "Taught us how to defend ourselves from any pervs or bullies....downside of that training is that we tend to scare people." Granted that training was supposed to be reserved for anyone who came after them to try to take them back to that Hell but both Carrie and Jamie used it on anyone who tried to get rough with them.
Frank wouldn't mind truth be told...as long as they didn't start the fight and ended it too. "But we don't mind, it helps us sort out who likes us for us or who only likes us for our looks."
Billy looked between the girls. “I want in on that.”
"You want in?" Jamie asked. "Frank's training isn't for those who won't fully commit to it and we start early." She was giving him a warning, usually she wouldn't but since Carrie liked him, she figured she should at least try to be nice to him.
“Oooh… scary.” Billy grinned, briefly running his tongue over his upper lip.
David nudged Paul and called to Tommy’s table. “Hey, Tommy? Tell me… how are those maggots?”
The jock frowned. “… excuse me, freak?”
“Those maggots in your mashed potatoes. How do they taste?”
Tommy looked down and spat out a mouthful of spuds, jumping out of his seat. “Jesus…!!”
Carrie looked away to hide the blush that was forming when she saw his tongue run over his upper lip. Jamie, on the other hand, rolled her eyes but did smile. But both girls then tensed at David’s words and Tommy’s reaction. Was he like their little sister? But in order to be sure, they’ll have to check for a brand . Jamie glanced down at his wrist but the sleeve of his jacket wasn’t pushed back to reveal a number.
This would have been amusing if they didn’t suspect that they wouldn’t have sent another like them after them. And lived in well hidden fear and paranoia because of Frank’s experience with the government and his knowledge of how they work.
Jamie and Carrie forced themselves to relax and chuckle, hopefully no one noticed their odd behavior.
Michael had a look on his face when David taunted Tommy. “David…”
“Yes, Michael?” The spike-haired blonde asked sweetly, and Jamie could see his left eye was green and the right was blue.
That tone alone confirmed Billy’s suspicions that these guys had quite the history. He looked at Michael. “Can’t take a joke, Emerson?”
“Aw, don’t mind Michael.” David purred, “Besides, he’s used to my tricks by now.”
Jamie looked between the two. Oh yeah, there was definitely a history between them but first… She reached out to pick a piece of lint off David’s sleeve, *accidentally* pushing it back to expose his wrist. No tattoo so how was he able to do that? Jamie pulled her hand back. “Don’t feel too bad for Tommy, Michael,” she said, suppressing a shiver when David purred. “He deserved that and much worse.” And Jamie wondered what tricks Michael was used to from David, and it did make her brain go south.
She rubbed her wrist, briefly exposing the *13* that was inked there before she fixed it to once more be covered.
Dwayne caught her wrist, seeing the tattoo. “Aesthetic?”
Steve tensed at his table, where he sat with Nancy and Jonathan
Both Jamie and Carrie bristled, there was an unspoken rule that *no one* was allowed to touch their wrists or see the tattoos that were there. It brought about a change that was unnerving: they became cold and expressionless.
“No…not aesthetic,” Jamie answered as she stared down at the tattoo, many emotions crossing her face now but none of them was pleasant. “But everyone has secrets that they don’t want to share with the class and this is one of them.
Now there was a hint of warning to not ask anymore questions.
This answer seemed to be enough for Dwayne, as he slowly let go of her wrist. “Fair enough.”
Jamie stared at him as she quickly recovered the tattoo. “Sorry,” she said. “I hope I didn’t kill the mood.”
Carrie was watching, silently. Dwayne’s response was surprising, usually people kept prying through the only people who didn’t continue pry was Steve and the Party.
Oh and Mr. Craven and Mrs. Carpenter.
So maybe the brothers would be different, she looked at Michael, and maybe him too since Jamie liked him as well.
“Sorry about that,” David spoke on his brother’s behalf. “Dwayne’s the observant type.”
“What’s fun to do around here?” Paul asked Jamie and Carrie, changing the subject.
Billy snorted. This town had been a shithole so far…
Both girls shared looks and grinned, silently showing David and Dwayne that there was no hard feelings and all was forgiven. “Well, you boys actually moved here at a good time," Jamie said, leaning forward. "Hell Fest is here, it's a traveling Halloween themed fair and it lasts the entire month of October."
"We go there every day," Carrie added. "It opens as soon as night falls."
All four boys, Billy and even Michael seemed interested.
“Where’s it gonna set up?” Paul asked.
"On the outskirts of Hawkins there's two acres of fields," Jamie said. "The people who run HellFest bought it like a few years ago."
Carrie reached into the pocket of her jacket and pulled out a flier before she turned it over to reveal a map. She laid it on the table, it was large enough to be split in half.
The two arcs were split in half. "The bottom half is pretty good but we like to go to the top half," Carrie said as she pointed to it. "The scare actors are allowed to touch people in there."
"Yeah, they carted her off last year." Jamie said with a smirk.
“I’m game.” Paul looked over the flier, Marko resting his chin on his brother’s shoulder.
“Party Boy has spoken.” David nodded.
"Mm, let me guess, you want to met us there?" Jamie asked.
"Or maybe we can all met up at our house and hopefully in two cars," Carrie said. "Christine is big enough to do that."
“You just give us a time.” Billy grinned. “You coming too, Emerson?”
Michael looked hesitant for a moment, but something flickered in his eyes and he nodded. “Yeah. I’ll be there.”
"Let's meet at our house right after school, it's a long drive to get there," Carrie said. "Our house is 4820 Cherry Lane."
Jamie smiled at Michael. "It'll be fun, I promise."
“We’ll be there with bells on.” Marko winked at Jamie.
Jamie reached over and gently patted his cheek. "Good, we'll be waiting."
"But we should warn you about Frank, he's protective but usually lets us hang out with the 'enemy'," she does air quotes around that word and even motions to the boys when she said it. "Though he will allow it if no harm comes to us." Steve was borderline questioned when he first met Frank.
Billy finally addressed Steve’s from across the courtyard. “Who’s the guy that’s been staring for the last ten minutes?”
Carrie looked over and smiled, waving at Steve. “Steve and his girlfriend, Nancy, and the gloomy guy with them is Jonathan.” She had thought Steve and Nancy were over after the whole 'Nancy was a whore' situation but they seemed to have worked it out.
Much to her disappoint since she's been harboring a crush on him since she first saw him.
“There was a bit of drama last year with those three but they fixed it,” Jamie said. “Hopefully it doesn’t repeat itself this year.”
Fuck. Billy knew that tone; she had a thing for the pretty boy.
Steve shifted in his seat when he saw piercing blue eyes narrow at him from across the courtyard.
Jamie covered her mouth with her hand to hide the amused smile that was forming, as she watched Billy. She didn't need to read his mind to know what he was thinking. "Hey, Stevie," Jamie called over to him. "You coming to Hell Fest with us? You two can come too...if you can handle it." Her tone wasn't mocking or even rude to Nancy and Jonathan because despite the other teen being a rival for Steve, both her and Carrie liked her.
And Carrie's crush on Steve wasn't known, not even to the boy in question.
Steve waved, smiling. “Oh, yeah…! Sure!”
Jonathan and Nancy looked at him.
“What?” Steve shrugged. “Sounds fun. Maybe.”
"C'mon, Nanc and Jon, it'll be fun and no there's maybe either," she could see Carrie looking at her from around Billy but Jamie kept her focus on the three. "I'll even be nice and not scare you like I did the year before."
Carrie snorted at that.
"Shut it, you're not helping."
“We’ll be there.” Nancy stated with a smirk.
"You want to met us at our house?" Carrie asked. "And take whoever can't fit in Christine? And I hope no one gets freaked out when they actually see Jamie's car...like Steve did."
Jamie snickered at that memory, she owned a 1958 Plymouth Fury...that she had given the same color scheme as the car from the Stephen King movie adaptation. And she did name it Christine which annoyed Frank and he had vowed to never ride in that car.
Steve blushed in embarrassment at the memory, and saw Jonathan smiling. “It’s night time and I couldn’t see her.”
"Would have defeated the whole scare if you did see me," Jamie deadpanned. "And I didn't get praise for driving the car literally blind. No, all I got was a scream and than yelling on how I scared you and that I should never do that again."
"Why do so many people like you?" Carrie asked.
Jamie shrugged. "Deep down, they like my twisted and evil personality."
“Some of us really like it.” Paul winked at Jamie. “Our old man opened a new video store. Lots of the good scary movies.”
"I am happy to hear that," Jamie smirked. "Max's Video Store'?" They had noticed it on their way to school, they might stop there after school to get more scary movies for the horror movie marathon they have every Halloween.
"The video store that we had already doesn't carry that much horror movies." Carrie added.
David laughed, shaking his head. “He’s not exactly imaginative when it comes to naming things.”
“… does he have The Exorcist ?” Billy asked.
Jamie shuddered when she heard the Exorcist while Carrie smiled widely. "That's Carrie's favorite movie," while she could watch any other horror movies, she draws the line at that one. "Does he have all the the Hammer movies?"
Carrie leaned over to Billy and whispered. "She got scared at the scene where Reagan is walking bent backwards."
“That’s one of the best parts.” Billy grinned.
“All the Hammer movies.” Marko told Jamie.
"It's right after the face scene which freaked her out so badly that she left the room," and since that day, Carrie had been watching the movie by herself. "I watch it by myself now."
Jamie opened her mouth to say something but spun around when she sensed someone watching, from the corner of her eye she sees Carrie do the same. Her eyes scanned the school grounds until they landed on a familiar truck.
Sheriff Hopper was watching them but as soon as he sees them both looking at him, he raises his hand in the universal gesture for calm before he dipped his hat at them and drove off.
They watched him before they traded looks. They had caught his thoughts, he knew about them because of their little sister. He had came to see how they were doing but had seen that they were okay and safe.
"Probably here to make sure you haven't put another cow on the roof." Carrie said.
Jamie looked at her. "First of all, you were there and second of all, he's got no evidence to pin it on me."
The bell rang, signaling the end of the lunch period.
"School is almost done....just have to get past the boring classes now." Jamie groused as she stood up and threw out her trash.
Carrie rolled her eyes. "Math isn't boring and you're still miffed at Mr. Dante for throwing a piece of chalk at you during History yesterday." Jamie had fallen asleep in the middle of the American Civil War lecture.
She got a peeved look for that remark. "Getting hit by chalk hurts."
0 notes
Beautiful - Billy Hargrove X Female (Henderson) Reader
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Title: Beautiful
Billy Hargrove X Female (Henderson) Reader
Additional Characters: School peers
| Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 |
WC: 1,108
Warnings: Mention of bullying, mention of depression, Reader being an outcast, crying, and slight angst
School at Hawkins High School was interesting to say the least. It was a typical school, annoying teenagers, tons of work, etc. You had gone through three years of it though, so it didn’t seem to bother you that much anymore. Unlike most of the people in Hawkins High, you weren’t popular. No one would really talk to you, only if they had to. You didn't mind. You were used to being an outcast. Besides, you had better things to do than solicit with your peers.
The one person that did talk to you though, besides your younger brother and his friends, was Billy. Billy Hargrove. He was the new ‘King’ of Hawkins High School. He came from California, and into the hearts of the girls of Hawkins. They fawned over him, half of them praying to be near him, even for just one night. But, some stayed on the sidelines, glaring at other girls who fawned over him. Wanting to be with him just as bad. He was the typical bad-boy, doing typical bad-boy things.
But, to everyone else but you, Billy seemed like a huge jerk. He was a jerk, to some, but not to you. He seemed to see right through your facade and knew what you were feeling, which for you, was dangerous. It confused you. Why would someone like him, speak to someone like you, or even look your way? You were living in a different world than him, stereotypically, you and Billy were in two different worlds. Popular and unpopular.
You were a definite nerd, the pins on your backpack said so. You looked different from the other teenage girls, wore different things, and spoke differently. You knew you were and you didn’t care about the odd stares or the strange rumors. 
Why Billy seemed to forget those other girls and go straight to you every day, totally dumbfounded you. You weren't like the girls he used to hang out with. What did you say or do to achieve his undying attention? It was obvious that he was very attractive, you couldn’t lie, you did have a small crush on the Californian teen, but you kept that hidden. Like most things.
You’d admit, you did enjoy it when he’d come over. The friendly banter, and even the cheesy pick-up lines. He seemed to make you laugh at times when you felt like you couldn’t. You didn’t understand how people called him mean and a jerk, when he was honestly nice, and charming. You didn’t know if it was all a ruse. Using you in some sick way, as a joke, dare, or something. Maybe Tommy and Carol put him up to this. But, the way he looked at you, spoke to you. It didn’t seem like he was hiding any ill intentions. You thought that maybe this was your feelings getting in the way, or maybe Billy was just like you, holding up a facade.
The day was long and tiring, causing your energy to drain considerably. You were late to your first class since you forgot your homework and had to drive all the way back home to get it. You were then bombarded by some popular girls, who berated you with questions and taunts, leaving you with hardly any time to eat your lunch. (They began to bother you ever since they noticed Billy hung around you more.) 
Even in your sour mood, it didn't seem to stop Billy Hargove’s many attempts to get you to agree to go on a date with him. Or stop him from going home after school at the normal time, eityour it seemed. Closing your locker, finally out of detention, you sighed when you found Billy leaning against the locker beside yours, waiting for you. 
“Good morning, Beautiful.” Billy greeted with his usual charming smile.
“What do you want, Billy? Shouldn’t you be home by now? It's four o’clock…” You mumbled, throwing your bag over your shoulder.
“I just wanted to walk you to your car.” Billy spoke, hands up in defense.
You nodded, sighing again, “You waited for me when I got out of detention?” You asked, trying to tone down your annoyed and ‘over-it’ tone.
“Yeah, can’t break tradition now, can we?” Billy teased, wrapping his arm around your shoulders as you walked through the hall and out the school door to the student's parking lot. 
Billy looked down at you, he noticed something must have been wrong. Usually, you would toss his arm away, glaring at him, jokingly punching his arm. But, you didn’t and this concerned Billy. At your car, you pulled out your keys from your bag, unlocked your car door, and opened it. But before you could even get in, Billy shut the door. Turning to look up at Billy, you saw his small smirk, you sighed and shook your head.
“Billy, please not today. I’m not in the mood.” Voice soft and in pain from the rough day.
Billy knew the tone of that voice well.
He pinned you to the car’s door, hands resting on the hood of the car, locking you in. Billy’s hardened gaze stared you down, trying to figure out what was wrong. Analyzing your features for any change. Yes, you were normally depressed. But, when Billy was around he could break your walls down. What made you put them back up? More importantly, who made you put them back up? Was it someone? Or, was it just the detention? So many questions were running through his head as he stared down at you.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, voice low.
You glanced at him before crossing your arms. Another wall. And, he noticed.
“Nothing. I’m fine. Just annoyed. Can I please go now? I have homework.” You spoke, voice growing more soft, but growing more impatient.
Billy watched you for a second, seeing as your eyes began to tear up and you shrunk in on yourself. He shouldn’t let this go, but he was going to have to. Sighing, Billy drops his arms. Standing straight up, he stuffed his hands into his jean pockets.
“Fine. You’ll tell me sooner or later.” He sighed, giving up and looking off.
“I’m sorry, I’ll call you later… Okay? I am just going through something right now.” You spoke up, looking up at Billy, who just nodded.
“Don’t apologize, Beautiful. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He spoke, stepping back.
You were about to speak, but your words died on your tongue. You wanted to tell Billy, but you just couldn’t. Only when you drove off, did he look back at your car, as you drove out of the parking lot.
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Part 2 to this post
It's been a few months since people started regularly referring to Billy and Eddie as boyfriends. It was funny at first. Billy would call 'hey babe' across the cafeteria to get his attention and when Eddie responded accordingly, it would get a laugh.
All in good fun. If it wasn't, Billy wouldn't stay smiling for too long. He'd made an example out of Jason on a few occasions for going too far, calling Eddie names and whatnot.
Writing fag on his locker, that sort of thing.
But even so, Billy hasn't stopped with the pet names. Hasn't stopped giving Eddie the golden treatment, even when it's just the two of them, and it makes the brunet feel... strangely good.
When Tommy tries to take a seat at the lunch table, Billy fixes a glare at him that has Tommy turning to stone.
"You're in my boyfriend's seat, Hagan. Don't make me make you move," he glowers.
Tommy slides his tray one seat down, the subtle twinge of fear still visible on his face when he spreads an amused smirk and pops a baby carrot into his mouth.
"My bad. Sweetheart always comes first, right?"
"Damn straight."
There's a chuckle around the table.
And, well, Eddie would normally chime in with a joke or something as he approaches the table and takes his seat, but instead he chews the inside of his cheek. Plops down beside Billy without a tray and sets his chin in his hands.
Billy's smile falls immediately and he leans forward to get a look at Eddie's face from the side.
"Not hungry, Munson?"
"What's up?"
A large hand settles on Eddie's back and rubs right between his shoulder blades. It does good to calm his tense muscles.
Eddie reaches into his vest pocket and produces a folded paper, which Billy looks at warily before he opens it. Pushes his tray out of the way so he can flatten it out and read.
"Damn, this is worse than Carol's progress report," he comments. Tommy snickers, only to receive a slug from his girlfriend. "What happened? I thought you liked language arts."
"I do, I just, I dunno, suck at reading nonfiction. My grade in history is slipping, math's even worse, and science is a combination of English and math—"
"Woah, just relax," Billy coos. He folds the paper shut again and slides it back into Eddie's vest pocket. "How 'bout we see what you can do to pull your grades up in each class, hmm? We can park out at the quarry and I'll help you over some pizzas and a six pack. Does that sound good?"
His gentle tone of voice smooths out all of Eddie's hard edges like they were never there in the first place.
"Yeah," Eddie says quietly.
"M'kay." Billy offers a kind smile as he brushes Eddie's hair away from his face. "You wanna try and eat something?" When Eddie merely shrugs, Billy tilts his head to the side. Suddenly very close. "C'mon, how do you expect to use that big brain on an empty stomach?"
That has Eddie biting back on a smile. Then Billy is sliding his tray over, mostly untouched save for a couple of missing carrots, and pushes himself up out of his seat.
"I'll go get something else. Kill anyone if they try to take my spot."
Eddie flushes red when a kiss gets pressed to his temple, and he listens to the thud of Billy's boots against the tile as he saunters off. Carol smacks Tommy's arm again, this time earning a whine.
"What was that for?" he asks.
"All you said when I showed you my grades was yikes."
"Well, what the hell do you want me to say? My grades aren't much better than yours."
Carol smacks him again and they start bickering. Eddie just shakes his head and smiles as he takes a bite of the crummy chicken sandwich on his tray.
Thinking only of the warm press of lips to his skin.
Part 3 is here
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lazybakerart · 2 years
Harringrove prompt: Billy teasing Steve on the daily but who gets super protective if anyone else gives Steve shit. That's HIS boyfriend. The only person who gets to make fun of him is BILLY.
(omg I love your writing and art btw fr😍)
(askjsdfsdf!!! thank you!! T___T!!!)))
Tater Tot Wednesday and Steve’s barely keeping it together. 
One more tardy to add to his file. A failed calculus pop quiz in a long line of failed pop quizes. Nancy gave him the stiff cold shoulder in the hall before lunch and left their date for tonight up in the air.
Maybe he’ll pick her up at five and sneak her home by midnight. 
Maybe he’ll be cozying up with his right hand—his left if he’s in the mood for something different. Only if he hasn’t suffocated himself with his pillow first.
And Billy Hargrove is on his tail. Teeth bared. Bullheaded and blowing smoke.
Zeroed in on Steve since second period and hasn’t left him alone since. Any chance he gets, Billy’s on Steve like fake-tanner is on Carol in December.
Tater tots were meant to be the saving grace of today. The one highlight in this dark, awful world filled with pissy-girlfriends and academic probation.
Billy shoves Tommy and Carol over to make room, straddles himself on the laminated bench to give Steve every moment under the Hargrove-specific spotlight. Knee knocking into Steve's. Personal space pillaged and razed.
First, he steals Steve’s apple.
Then, he steals three tater tots off Steve’s plate.
“Excuse me?” Steve finally says when ignoring the idiot breathing on him five inches away doesn’t get the very clearmessage across.
He can feel the heat from Billy’s crotch.
Outside of being reamed on the court, he’s not sure what to do with that kind of intimacy.
“I gotta say, Harrington. Your mom’s a damn sweetheart.” Billy says. He pulls out a knife from his boot and starts carving chunks out of the apple. 
He's trying to look cool and it doesn’t work on only Steve.
Carol starts twirling her hair around her pink painted nail and Tommy shuffles her around to switch spots with him so he’s the one closest to sniffing those blond barbie curls.
Steve can hear a wave of girls marinating in their panties at the sight of California and a big sharp knife.
Steve pops his coke and takes a sip before diving into whatever this is going to be.
“And how is my mom a sweetheart, Hargrove?”
Billy chews with his mouth open. He spears another tater tot from Steve and eats it straight from the blade’s tip, eyes on Steve, punchline in sight, winding up for a doozy. Steve's not holding his breath.
“Because she sucked my dick so good last night, pretty boy. Duh."
Steve twists around, leans his elbow on the table to give Billy what he wants—attention.
“She did? Wow, that is so nice of her.”
“Ain’t it? She didn’t even forget the balls or nothing.”
“I hate when that happens.”
“The worst.”
“Something is definitely the worst here.”
Across the table, Tall Chris barks out a laugh. Hit six feet by fourth grade and kept growing. He’s the only one on their team who can dunk just by walking up to the hoop and get sunburnt from being outside for two minutes.
He has the locker next to Billy's and Steve watched the two of them talking hush-hush after practice plenty of times to think they're friends. As close as anyone can be friends with Billy.
His laugh echoes and pinches at Steve’s ears, but he’s not the only one holding their stomach.
But he is the only one to think it’s a good idea to jump into the line of fire.
Tall Chris says, “Yeah, she sucked mine too. Your mama's got a tight—“
Billy takes Tall Chris’ cafeteria tray and shoves it to the floor. The sound of plastic clatters loud over the sudden hush at their table.
Steve watches wide-eyed as Billy jabs his finger at Tall Chris. Jaw clenched tight and read to jump—fifty pounds on him and Billy’s still got the upper hand just with that look on his face. 
“Be respectful, cocklicker. Don’t talk about his mother like that.”
Tall Christ seems to shrink half a foot. 
“But you just—“
Billy clicks his tongue, shaking his head.
“Uh-uh.” He wags his finger then points over Tall Chris’ shoulder to the floor where his food has splattered. “Eat your food and don’t say another goddamn word unless I tell ya.”
Only when Tall Chris finds the smarts to look away does Billy flip some switch inside him and smiles, grins like the sun is shining behind his blue eyes to make his Hollywood face sparkle.
Behind him, Tommy’s inching closer to catching a whiff and Carols giving herself a perm.
Billy turns to Steve and it feels like Indiana in July under that Hargrove-spotlight.
“You got the same lips as her, you know that?” Billy laps at his own flushed-red lips like he’s trying to make Steve feel that too, his knife in hand, growing colder by the minute tater tot stabbed through on its tip. 
Steve hadn’t even noticed him slipping another one out from under Steve's nose. Too busy thinking what the hell is the matter with this guy and well and this is something.
Billy says, leaning a little closer, “Ain’t that a funny coinkydink, Harrington?”
Steve plucks the tater tot off Billy's knife and pops it into his mouth. Licks the salt off his thumb and watches Billy finally crack that little bit.
Maybe there's still some hope for today yet.
(also up on ao3)
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chrisbitchtree · 2 years
When Billy had first seen Harrington, Wheeler, and Byers sitting in a corner of the lunchroom, heads together, whispering so that no one could year, he’d thought it was some fucked up threesome situation. He knew that Wheeler had left Harrington for Byers but thought maybe they’d taken pity on him.
Now that Billy had been let in on everything going on with the Upside Down a few days prior, he was jealous. He had to spend his lunches listening to Tommy and Carol yammer on about nothing while the other three were probably discussing plans to take down interdimensional monsters. That didn’t really seem fair, but he didn’t know how to infiltrate their little group.
He hadn’t really done the friend thing in years. It was more like people just clinging to him because of what being associated with him could offer them. Sure, it was kind of nice to have people who would do whatever he wanted, no questions asked, but there was no substance.
He looked over at Harrington, who was waving a French fry in the air as Wheeler and Byers laughed and laughed. Billy wanted to know what pretty boy could be saying that was so funny. Instead, he turned back to Carol and Tommy, pretending to listen for the last five minutes of lunch. He turned just too quickly to see Steve looking back at him, a small smile on his face. Billy may not feel seen, but he was noticed.
Over the next week, Billy built it up in his head. There was no way Harrington, Wheeler, and Byers wanted him to sit with them. Sure, they talked to him when they had their little meetings at the Byers about everything going on, and he got a few high fives when he’d kill a demodog in a particularly spectacular fashion, but they were just being nice.
Another week before Billy said fuck it and plopped his lunch tray down next to Harrington. To his surprise, none of them batted an eyelash as he sat listening to them talk as he ate his fries. Before long, Tommy wandered over.
“Hey Billy,” Tommy said, an odd, nervous quality to his voice, “Did you not see us over there?”
Billy shrugged his shoulders. “I already have lunch plans.”
“Oh,” Tommy said, looking over at Carol, “that’s ok, we can just come eat with you guys.” He started to wave Carol over.
“Sorry, table’s full,” Billy said, and Harrington and Byers slid their backpacks into the two empty seats.
Tommy walked away, a look of confusion on his face, but clearly not wanting to raise a fuss with Billy.
“So, you coming hunting tonight?”, Wheeler asked, eyebrow raised in question.
Billy nodded, laughing as Harrington tried to stealthy steal a couple of his fries. “Want one of my Twinkies?”, he asked, mouth full of potato.
That wasn’t all Billy wanted from Harrington, but that could wait. For now, it just felt good to maybe have some real friends.
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fandomwriterstuff · 2 years
Achy Heart (Chapter 2)
Steve Harrington x Reader
Rated T
6.6k words
Warnings: mentions of eating disordered reader, fem reader, canon-typical violence, bullying, angst, also fluff though, Billy
Senior year started relatively easily, nothing terrible happened. For that you were thankful, you could fly under the radar. You still hung out with Steve, who got more handsome every day in your opinion.
The only thing you missed, and you would never admit it, was going to parties. It wasn’t the parties themselves, it was that you wanted to hang out and socialize. You missed having friends. You had Steve, but he still went out on occasion. 
You couldn’t help but feel jealous when he said he’d spent time with Nancy at Barb’s parents’ house, and then again at a party. Nancy was beautiful and smart, and she had a history with Steve. But you didn’t have any right to feel jealous, he was just your friend, and he would never go for you. 
He was driving you home after school on a chilly November day, and you were getting nervous from all of the quiet. You were about to confront him about it when he cleared his throat.
“I have good news and bad news,” his voice was stilted and you gulped. 
“Go on.”
“The good news is I got an A on my math test, thank you Miss Tutor,” he smiled at you, but then turned serious. “The bad news is the gate to the Upside Down never closed, Will Byers is possessed, and Dustin has a baby demogorgon trapped in his basement.”
You breathed in through your nose and out through your mouth like the school counselor taught you when you were panicking. 
“Okay,” you breathed. “Thanks for not keeping me in the dark.”
“Dustin also asked for my help to catch the demogorgon,” he added quietly and you choked on your own spit.
“Excuse me?” You asked, voice raising an octave. 
“Yeah, and he’s a kid so I’m going to help him,” he said, no arguments allowed. Not with that tone of voice. You sighed and put your face in your hands.
“This is exactly what I feared,” you muttered and Steve chuckled.
“This exact scenario?” He was trying to lighten the mood but you frowned over at him.
“Yeah, actually. We didn’t fix it last time all the way, and you’re gonna try to be a hero, and you’re gonna get hurt.”
“I have to do what I can to help,” Steve was serious, and while you didn’t want to push him, you didn’t want him getting hurt. 
“Just… Just keep me in the loop,” you sighed as he let you off at home, driving another few feet to his own house. 
You don’t see Steve outside of classes and lunch for a few days, and you were beginning to worry. He would often sneak up to your bedroom window to talk and spend time with you, but with this whole Upside Down mess coming back, he was spending more and more time with Dustin. You only hoped he would be careful and find you if he needed anything. 
He won’t, you thought to yourself. Remember how useful you were last time? You just stood there.
You shook your head, Steve knew you would back him up. Right?
The answer, you found in the next few days, was no. You didn’t see him at all, and you were stuck in your home listening to your mother rant about you quitting the only good thing in your life. 
So, you hid in your bedroom. Alone, again. You hadn’t felt alone since… You couldn’t remember when. Maybe since that day Carol had beat you up? But even then you had Steve to talk to afterwards. Now though, you were alone in your home with nobody to talk to. 
Just then, though, the landline rang. You ignored it until your mom picked up downstairs. 
“Dumpling?” She called up the stairs, loud enough for you to hear through your closed door. “It’s Steve!” You lurched from your position sorting your cassettes on the floor towards the phone in your room.
“Thanks mom,” you were breathless when you responded, and you waited for her to click off before asking Steve what was up.
“So, I’m on babysitting duty while the others save the world,” he started and your eyes bulged out of your head. You could hear Dustin in the background complaining about not needing a babysitter and you held in the giggle that threatened to erupt. 
“Sounds like a respectable and noble job,” you smiled as you twirled the cord around your fingers. 
“Yeah, but I wish you were here,” you could hear his pout and you smiled, a little bittersweet. You knew he just didn’t want to be alone with the kids while the others were doing more important things. It wasn’t about you.
“Where are you?” You asked and he gave you the location of the Byers’ house. “I’ll walk over, shouldn’t take too long.”
“Are you sure? It might not be safe,” he was worried about you, but you assured him you would be fine. 
After you hung up you threw on a pair of dark jeans, a band t-shirt, and a knit sweater over top to stave off the chill. Then, sneakers on and fuzzy socks tucked under your jeans, you headed out.
“I’m going to meet Steve, I’ll see you later!” You called out to no response from your parents. 
The walk wasn’t too long but you did wish you’d brought ear muffs or gloves, the winter chill getting to you. When you finally arrived at the house, you were surprised to see Steve out front of the house talking to… Was that Billy Hargrove? 
“What’s going on here?” You wondered as you walked up, skirting around the curly haired boy to stand beside Steve.
“Just looking for my little sister, nothing to get your panties in a twist about,” Billy growled and you gulped, scooting a little closer to Steve at the clear aggression in the other boy’s posture. 
“Sorry man, she’s not here,” Steve shrugged, still calm. Though Billy must have seen something behind the two of you because he immediately shoved Steve out of the way, your friend knocking into you in the process. Though Steve made sure you stayed upright, he quickly hurried to follow Billy.
“Stay out here,” he called behind you and you bit your lip. You didn’t want to get in the middle of that, but then you saw Billy attack Lucas from through the window and a wave of something bright and sharp coursed through you. You picked up a shovel that was leaning against the Byers’ house and hurried into the living room where Steve pulled Billy off of Lucas. You stood close to the doorway, mostly out of sight.
Your fingers were frigid as you held the shovel like a bat, though warmth pooled in your stomach when you saw Steve throw a punch at Billy, getting him good in the jaw and protecting the kids. Again, you told yourself. This is the wrong time to be turned on.
You had seen Billy in school and around Max a few times. You hadn’t interacted with him but you couldn’t help but feel a pull of what had to be attraction to his curly hair, strong physique, and mean demeanor. 
Aside from Billy, Steve looked incredibly hot while he got a few good hits on Max’ unhinged older brother. 
Though right now, you were more scared than anything, your heart pounding in your chest as he broke a plate over Steve’s head and pinned him down. 
“Fuck,” you muttered, the kids scattered, trying to figure out a way to help. You revealed yourself, gripping the shovel even tighter, white knuckled.
You closed in on Billy who hadn’t noticed you yet, too busy pummeling Steve. When you were close enough you used all of your strength, anger, fear, everything you had in you to slam the flat end of the shovel across the side of Billy’s head. 
It… didn’t work as planned. He did get knocked off of Steve, who was looking at you with wide eyes, but he wasn’t knocked out. You went to swing again, but he caught it in both hands and jerked it towards himself. Your frozen fingers held on and you lurched forward towards the crazed boy. 
“You think you’re strong, yeah?” He taunted you before throwing the shovel down and grabbing you tightly by the throat. 
All of the commotion around you died down and your brain got fuzzy. Black spots entered your vision, and you weren’t sure if it was from the hand closing around your windpipe or the nibbles of food you’d had over the past few days. You were lost in thought again as fear overtook your brain. Billy was speaking, growling even, but you were zoning out. 
“Stupid cunt,” he tossed you like a ragdoll, your body knocking against something hard with sharp edges- a bookshelf? Yeah, you thought to yourself as books came tumbling down on your body. That’s a bookshelf.
You groaned, head pounding as you tried to brush books off of yourself, chilly fingers bumbling as you tried to pick things up. When you finally emerged from the pile of broken wood and books you saw Max inject Billy with something, Billy who had returned to Steve. But as you stood, you missed the rest of the interaction.
There was a sharp pain in your head and your vision spotted with black as you slid to your knees, hands clutching your head. You were too busy trying to figure out if you had a concussion or needed a burger- probably both. You didn’t even notice the rest of the confrontation with Billy until Max was dragging you by the arm towards the front door.
“Where are we going?” You asked, wondering internally if your voice sounded that slurred and messy, or if that was in your head. 
“Get in the car,” she shoved you into the backseat with a bloody and unconscious Steve, the rest of the kids piling in and crowding up the car. 
“Fuck, Steve,” you mumbled, pulling your sleeves over your hands to gently wipe the blood from Steve’s face, careful not to hurt him. 
Your position might be considered compromising if the situation were different. Max was driving, and the other kids were packed into the car, but you were sitting on Steve’s lap, facing him with your thighs resting outside of his as you dabbed at his face. 
Steve groaned and his eyes fluttered open, and you were lucky to catch the dusting of a blush on his cheeks as he took in where he was sitting and your closeness in the cramped backseat. 
“Your sweater,” he mumbled as you dabbed at his nose. It had finally stopped bleeding and you shrugged at his comment.
“It’s okay,” you whispered. “Just sit still.” He must be in so much pain. You sure were. You needed to find a Tylenol and fast. The stabbing in your head was overtaking all of your thoughts. Well, all of your thoughts except Steve. 
Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve. 
All you could focus on was helping him.
Your heart ached at the sight of him as he rested his bruised hands on your hips, steadying you. 
“We’re here,” Max called.
“Where’s here?” Steve asked, looking around. That was when Dustin explained to you Hopper’s dig site, the tunnels, Will Byers. Well… A very shorthanded version of it. You all started piling out of the car, and you reached out to hold onto the roof of the car as your knees weakened. 
Dustin had convinced Steve to go in with them, and though you were severely against the idea, you couldn’t really say much.
“I’ll keep watch,” you offered. Your whole body was bruised and aching, your head was pounding, and when you reached up to touch the back of your head it came away with wet blood. Fuck.
Steve looked like he wanted to say something, but only nodded as he followed the kids. 
You weren’t sure what you were keeping watch for, but it was all you could do to stay conscious. You were covered in Steve’s and your own blood. At first, you stood by the car, looking out for anyone or anything that might head towards the kids and Steve. Then, you sat on the hood of the car, knotting your cold and bloody fingers together. It was frigid outside in your jeans and sweater, and you regretted your earlier decision to forgo gloves. 
As the pounding in your head increased, you ended up sitting on the ground and leaning against a tire. Well, you thought to yourself. I guess if I pass out I’d rather be sitting on the ground than on the hood of the car.
You notice smoke coming from the direction the group went in, and you stood up, panicking and ignoring the little black dots at the edge of your vision as you waited for your friends to reappear. 
When they did, your rabbit heart started up again: frantically beating against your ribcage as you took stock. “Okay. Mike, Max, Lucas…” Your brain short circuited for a moment before you saw Dustin and Steve coming up behind the rest. You heaved out a breath, sagging back against the car as the group approached you. 
“Steve,” you whispered, throat sore from the earlier altercation. As soon as he was close enough he tugged you into a hug, inhaling deeply and letting out a long sigh as his arm tightened.
“Everything is going to be okay. El closed the gate,” he whispered into your hair and you nodded, feeling that telltale ache behind your eyes but not feeling any tears falling. 
Steve took you home and walked you over to your backyard.
“I don’t think I’m gonna be able to climb up there,” you muttered, looking up at your second story window. 
“I’ll pull you up,” and you watched Steve’s muscles bunch and stretch as he pulled himself up onto the roof, offering you his hands. “Come on, princess,” and when he was giving you those soft eyes you couldn’t help but trust him. 
You reached up and groaned as your bruised body complained. But you made it up and opened the window. 
“You coming, pretty boy?” You asked with a little laugh as Steve hesitated before ducking in through your window. 
“We should get all that blood off you. I don’t know if it will get off of your sweater though. That may be a lost cause,” he mourned while picking at the bottom of your sleeve where his blood had dried. You shrugged and removed the offending article, wincing as your bruised ribs and arms moved around. 
“Hey, Y/N?” Steve asked and you turned to look at him, heart rate picking up as you looked at your long-time crush covered in his own blood and soot. 
“What’s wrong?” You were frowning, stepping closer to him. The open window let in a breeze that had you shivering in your band shirt and jeans. 
“I almost died today,” he gulped and you blinked up at him. He what? “And all I could think about was you,” he looked at you from under his long lashes and you just knew you were blushing at the attention. “How I told you things would be okay and how I told myself I wouldn’t let you be in danger again. And now you’re covered in blood, standing in front of me now bruised up and probably concussed,” he brushed his hand down over his face and you had the feeling he was holding back some emotion. 
“I’m okay, Steve,” you reassured him, stepping closer and reaching out to hold his hands. “I may be a little worse for wear, but we’ll get through this.”
“Are you?” He asked, and you really tried not to get defensive. “I look at you every day, you know,” he let out a sad huff, and it broke your heart a little. “I notice things.”
You looked down, unable to keep his eye contact. “Please talk to me,” he practically begged, resting his hands on your shoulders and rubbing them down your arms before leaning over to close the window. When he came back, you drew him towards your bed where you both sat facing each other. 
“I’m lonely a lot,” you started, looking down at your fingers twisting together. “I know I have you, but you’re basically the only person I talk to. My dad ignores me, never paid attention to anything I did, good or bad,” you shrugged. Steve could probably relate to that. “And my mom… You know how she is,” your head was aching. You still hadn’t gotten that Tylenol and you still hadn’t eaten. 
“I don’t think I do,” he muttered and you opened your mouth only to close it again.
“I know she loves me,” you started, looking to the side as you prepared to bare your soul. You couldn’t look up at him. “But she’s always getting on my back about what I eat and what I weigh and what I look like. Now that I’m not in cheer, it's just worse. I don’t even like the way I look anymore,” the word vomit was happening and you couldn’t stop it. “I look like some kind of sick bird lady,” you let out a harsh laugh. “Carol was right, too. Nobody would go for an anorexic hag like me. It’s no wonder I’m still single. Nobody would want to deal with… with this,” you gestured at yourself, still not looking at Steve. But he wouldn’t have it. He tilted his head to look at him, angry tears in his eyes.
“Did she really say that?” You gulped, not wanting to divulge the rest of the equation. So you nodded. “Anything else?” You shook your head, but you couldn’t look at him. He could tell you were lying. “What is it?”
“Steve,” you muttered weakly, not wanting to finish this. 
“Please.” You looked up at him, embarrassed and wilting with exhaustion and pain. 
“She was talking about you. She knew I liked you and she told me… She said you would never want to fuck an anorexic hag like me,” your lower lip threatened to wobble as Steve took in the information, as you opened your chest and held your heart in your hands for him to see.
You couldn’t look at him anymore, choosing to look down at your crossed legs and white knuckled fingers, knotting them together anxiously. He was silent only for another moment, though it felt like years. 
“I can’t believe she would-” then he stopped again. “And you must feel-” he stopped, groaned, and leaned forward to pull you into a hug. You weren’t sure it would work well, as you were both sitting cross-legged across from each other, but he totally just pulled you up and plopped you in his lap. When his arms wrapped around you and he tucked his face into your hair, you wrapped your arms around his neck, letting your anxious fingers play with the hair at the nape of his neck. He mumbled something into your hair, but you didn’t hear past the ringing in your ears and the ache in your skull. 
“What was that?” You inquired, and this time he lifted his head to look down at you, something soft and new in his face. 
“I like you too,” he whispered with a tiny smile. 
“You do?” You asked, skeptical at first. But he brushed a strand of hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear, and he nodded.
“Totally into you. Have been for quite some time,” he added and you let out a nervous giggle.
“I’m not sure where to go from here,” you admitted shyly, arms still slung around his neck. 
“Well, I think we should clean off this blood first,” Steve said very matter-of-factly. “Then maybe, I can kiss you goodnight?” 
You were sure your entire body was the color of a tomato. The thought of Steve, your closest friend and biggest crush, kissing you goodnight? It sent heat straight to your core, damn your teenage hormones. 
“I think those are good ideas,” you breathed, but then you had to climb out of his lap. Losing his warmth and the smell of his cologne felt very sad, and you couldn’t help the pout forming on your face. 
“What’s wrong, princess?” Steve asked, leading you to your bathroom. He found one of your washcloths and soaked it in warm water.
“You smell good and I wish we were still hugging,” you muttered and he smirked over at you. “Is that so?” He asked when you jumped onto the counter next to the sink. 
“Don’t let it get to your head,” you teased, but when he put his hands on your thighs to spread them and moved to stand between them, your breath hitched. He grabbed the wet washcloth and looked at you, searching your face.
“Is this okay?” You nodded at him, and he found that satisfactory enough to start cleaning up your face and the back of your head. 
“You’re going to have to shampoo the shit out of this tomorrow to get all the blood out,” you frowned at his words. You must have really hit your head. “And uh… You’re going to have to explain to your mom why you have a handprint bruise around your throat,” he spoke softly, and you turned towards the mirror to confirm his words. 
“Oh,” you whispered. In all the commotion, and with your head hurting so bad, you’d forgotten about your sore throat. 
“I hate that I invited you over and got you in trouble,” Steve sighed, turning your face back towards him and wiping the last bit of blood away. He started working on getting his blood off your fingers next, though you would need a nail brush to clean it out from under your fingernails. 
“It’s not your fault. You couldn’t have known Billy was coming.”
He sighed and shrugged.
“Trouble seems to follow me and those kids, and I’m always getting you in danger. I don’t want to be the one putting you in danger, I want to be the one protecting you,” he murmured, ever so gentle as he finished cleaning your skin. 
“Steve,” you said his name like a prayer. Nobody had ever cared about you in this way before. You brushed a piece of his normally perfect hair out of his eyes and took the washcloth from him, rinsing it in the sink next to you for a moment. “Let me help you,” you whispered, and at his nod you gently dabbed the wet washcloth on his face. 
You sat in silence, one hand holding his hair back and the other wiping at his face, hairline, and neck. His hands rested on your hips and you tried not to pay attention to it, though you felt like you were burning up with desire. 
“All done,” you whispered, leaving the bloody washcloth in the sink for now and turning back to Steve. 
“Thanks, beautiful,” his smile was soft, meant only for you, and you felt the icy walls around your heart crack just a little bit. You liked all the cute nicknames he gave you, you felt special and wanted. 
“How about that goodnight kiss?” You asked, suddenly feeling shy again but also way too excited to not ask about it. 
Steve moved one of his hands from your waist and cupped your jaw with it, drawing you closer as both of your eyes fluttered closed. The anticipation was killing you, every second feeling like years until his soft lips made contact with yours. It was better than you could have ever imagined. 
Steve was good at kissing, you noted. His lips were plush and he was gentle with you, his thumb brushing against your jaw. His other hand on your hip pulled you impossibly closer as you wrapped your arms around his neck, wanting more. 
You kissed until you both needed to breathe, and even then he kept you close, pressing your foreheads together. 
“Maybe,” you trailed off, voice barely above a whisper. “Maybe another?”
That was all Steve needed to hear as he tangled his fingers in your hair and pulled you back in for a searing kiss, still gentle with his hands but more demanding. When his tongue slipped into your mouth, you nearly moaned, only keeping yourself quiet so as to not alert your parents of your situation. You let your hands rest on his chest and gripped his shirt, pulling him in closer and letting your tongue dance with his. He tasted like cherry chapstick and also a little like blood, but you could ignore that.
“We should,” he panted, breathing for a moment before opening his eyes and smiling at your disheveled state. “We should maybe stop for now.” You tried not to pout, but you had a feeling it didn’t work because Steve was smirking down at you. “Don’t worry pretty girl, there’s always more where that came from,” you licked your lips at his words, and you were sure your pupils were blown wide with the twirling feelings of lust and heart-wrenching adoration warming you from the inside. “But we’ve had a long day, I want to make sure you don’t have a concussion. Promise you’ll go to the school nurse tomorrow?” 
“Okay,” you nodded. “I’ll figure out something to tell her.”
“Now, let’s get you tucked in,” Steve helped you down from the counter and was gentlemanly enough to wait in the bathroom while you changed into matching pink gingham pajamas. 
“You can come out now,” you called softly, unfolding your sheets and comforter from the top of your bed and sitting on the edge, awaiting your knight in shining armor. 
“Can I drive you to school tomorrow?” He asked as he approached, hand coming up to cup your cheek. You were dumbfounded by such a soft display of affection from someone so charismatic and strong. 
“That would be really nice,” you yawned, and Steve gestured for you to lie down. When you did, he brought your plush blanket up to your shoulders and leaned down to kiss your forehead.
“I’ll see you in the morning then, princess,” and with that, he climbed back out your window and you were alone again. 
Within moments you felt the fear creep back in, thinking about the demodogs, the Mind Flayer, and how Steve admitted that he’d almost died. But you tried to put those thoughts to rest as you laid in bed thinking about Steve’s soft hands and even softer kisses. 
You hadn’t figured out what to tell your mother about your throat, so after you gingerly showered and removed the rest of the blood from your scalp, you pondered your options. 
As you pulled up your light wash jeans and threw on a different knit sweater, a swath of fabric in your closet caught your eye. Aha!
You tugged the baby blue scarf down and wrapped it gracefully around your neck. It clashed a little with the yellow flowers on your sweater, but it would have to do. 
When you went downstairs, she didn’t even ask about it. Thank god it’s winter and scarves are normal.
Though she did shoot you the side eye when you grabbed a quick piece of toast with peanut butter for breakfast. You tried to ignore her, and luckily there was a knock at the door. You were finishing your coffee when your mom walked over to open it.
“Oh, Steve! How nice to see you,” you rolled your eyes. She’d barely spoken to you all morning. There was a pause. “What happened to you? Come inside,” she started ushering him in but he paused.
“I would hate to be rude, but Y/N and I will be late for school if we don’t go soon,” your mom paused. She shot her eyes to you and mouthed something along the lines of: ‘why didn’t you tell me?’ and you shrugged. 
“That’s awfully kind of you to drive her. You two don’t get into any trouble okay, and have fun at school,” she called after you as you hurried towards Steve. You’d taken a Tylenol when you woke up so the headache was more of a dull ache. 
“Good call with the scarf,” Steve commented once you were buckled in. “You look beautiful,” he looked over at you with a smile and you couldn’t help but reciprocate it with a shy one of your own. You liked being on the receiving end of Steve’s flirting. 
“You don’t look so bad yourself, pretty boy,” you countered, and were rewarded with a light flush creeping up Steve’s neck as he focused on the road. He always looked good, though. Whether it was his typical school outfits or torn up and bloodied, he always got your heart going. 
“I have study hall first period, so I’ll go to the nurse then,” you said once you’d arrived at the school. 
“Good, I wouldn’t want you walking around with a concussion and passing out.” When you parted ways, the halls filling with people, you weren’t sure what would happen. You weren’t sure if you wanted Steve to kiss you again in front of all these people, or if that was even a possibility. It was all so new. 
“I’ll see you later, princess,” he smiled down at you and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear with the gentlest of movements.
“I’m looking forward to it, Harrington,” you smiled before turning away. 
When you did eventually make it to the nurse, you were surprised by how fast the lie came to you. You only hoped you looked convincing. 
“I fell down the stairs this morning,” you explained. “I took a Tylenol but it still hurts.”
“Oh, you poor thing,” you’d been here plenty of times for dizziness, or cheer injuries. You knew the nurses well. “Let’s get you sat down,” the older woman ushered you to one of the little cots and pulled the curtain around, and the sudden dimness was like a balm to your achy head. 
After a series of examinations, she sighed and tapped her pencil on her clipboard.
“Okay, so I’m going to classify this as a head injury and not a concussion. You don’t need to go to a doctor, but you should be careful when you go to practice for the next few days.”
“Oh,” you muttered. “I’m not in cheer anymore,” you added and she made a face you couldn’t quite read.
“Alright then, even better. Keep at it with the Tylenol, and come back if it gets worse.”
When you saw Steve for lunch, you relayed the information and he was probably more relieved than you were. You felt warm inside having someone care about your wellbeing so openly. 
The few days until winter break finally came were unusually normal after another crazy fall. Two years in a row with this Upside Down nonsense?
When the snow started falling a few days in, you trudged over in your winter boots across your yard to Steve’s front door. His parents were traveling and he was home alone. 
Steve came to the door after you knocked twice and you were a little shell shocked to see him in a white t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants.
You found yourself at a loss for words as you took in his exposed biceps. 
“Like what you see?” You raised an eyebrow at his cocky smirk and huffed a little laugh, breath puffing in front of you. 
“You going to invite me in, smart ass? It’s negative a million degrees,” you gave him a playful glare and he chuckled, opening the door all the way and beckoning you in. 
“What brings you over on this fine winter day?” Steve asked and you blushed.
“I would have called first, but my mom would probably listen in on the phone. I thought maybe we could watch a movie? Footloose just came to Family Video,” you dug the VHS out of your purse and held it up in front of you like an offering, and you were rewarded with Steve’s beaming smile.
“That is the best idea I’ve heard all day. Come on, get those boots off. I’ll grab us some soda,” Steve took the VHS and waited while you unlaced and toed off your boots. You hadn’t been at his house in so long, maybe not since you were kids. It was familiar and not.
While he grabbed two soda bottles from the fridge, you thought about the real reason you’d come over: avoiding your mother. Your dad was on a business trip so it was just the two of you. She bought you exercise tapes to do at home since you weren’t in cheer anymore. Even without the exercise you were still uncomfortable in your body. Your shoulders were bony, your collarbones stuck out and your pants were always hanging off your hips. 
“Hey, you go somewhere?” Steve asked and you zoned back in, he was standing in front of you with two sodas, one of which you thankfully took. 
“Just thinking, as I always am,” you joked and he thankfully let it go, leading you to the living room and popping the movie in before joining you on the comfy couch. 
“So what did you tell your mom to let you come over while my parents are away? Sounds suspicious you know,” he smirked and you rolled your eyes.
“She loves you, I told her I was coming here and she got so excited. But,” you added. “With all the snow it’s probably not safe for you to hop up to my window anymore,” you frowned and Steve hummed a little, thinking. 
“Maybe not, but I’ll think of something,” and with that, the movie started. You focused on it for a little, but when Steve threw his arm around your shoulders and tugged you closer, you were a goner. You were tucked up against his side, his cologne and shampoo mixing together, and you couldn’t help but love the warmth of being near him. You tried paying attention, you really did. Kevin Bacon was handsome and you liked the movie, but Steve was all you could think about. 
He stroked his fingers up and down your arm, and you leaned your head against his shoulder, trying again to get back into the movie.
“I’m not going to remember any of this movie,” you admitted about halfway through.
“And why is that?”
“Kevin Bacon isn’t nearly as handsome as you are, so how am I supposed to pay attention to him when you’re right here looking this good?” You looked up at him and he had a little smile on his face, a flush high on his cheeks.
“You’re a little flirt, you know that?” Steve replied, a little breathy. The sound of his voice a little flustered like that shot straight to your core and you had to think to yourself yet again: Not the time to get turned on. Damn these teenage hormones.
“Only with you,” you muttered, though he heard you. 
“That’s just the way I like it,” he smiled brightly. 
“Is that so?” Your faces were only a hair’s breadth away at that point, noses nearly touching 
He hummed his agreement before leaning forward and pressing a chaste kiss to your lips. He kissed you again, and you reached up to hold the back of his head, threading your fingers through his silky soft hair. Things got heated quickly, and you breathed his name like a prayer when you broke away to breathe. Eyes still closed, eyelashes kissing, you reveled in the feeling of being wrapped up in Steve’s arms.
This time you were the first one to initiate the kiss, and when you slid your tongue into Steve’s mouth he let out a soft moan. The sound sent your poor rabbit heart into overdrive, your stomach fluttering with warmth and desire. 
“Come’ere,” Steve muttered, hooking a hand under your knee and pulling you over to straddle his lap. His hands landed respectfully on your waist, and you took advantage of the new position, leaning in to deepen the kiss, tangling your fingers in his hair. He was growing it out a little and you always ached to run your fingers through it. You tugged on it the tiniest bit and the sound he made was something straight out of your most intimate dreams. You mentally cataloged it so you could remember it the next time you were alone in your room, hand between your legs and daydreaming about Steve. 
“Fuck,” he muttered, lips brushing against yours. “Fuck, maybe we should pause,” his voice was low and when you slowly opened your eyes, you could see his pupils were wide with lust. You bit your lip. Steve was incredibly hot, and he turned you on beyond measure, but he was right. You probably weren’t ready for more. Not yet anyway. 
“Alright,” you whispered, untangling your fingers from his hair and climbing out of his lap. You were content to sit next to him again, and he wrapped his arm around you again to finish the movie. You were too caught up staring at his kiss-swollen lips and flushed cheeks to pay attention. He was just so pretty. 
You spent a lot of winter break doing just that: watching movies at Steve’s, making out, and taking a breather when things got too heated. 
You knew Steve wasn’t a virgin, and you felt a twinge of guilt that you were making him wait. But you never felt pressured by him, and he was always so considerate of you that you didn’t let the guilt build up. 
Occasionally he came over to yours to watch a movie in your living room, much to your mother’s delight, but then you couldn’t kiss him. 
It was January in 1985 when school started up again. The spring semester of your senior year. Steve picked you up for school every morning and drove you home every afternoon. Sometimes you hung around for his shenanigans with the middle schoolers. You wondered when he would ask you to be his girlfriend, though. You hoped he would. You didn’t want to hide how much you adored him. 
Alas, spring came and you were still having clandestine meetings and acting like good friends at school. 
When graduation finally came, and Steve’s parents didn’t show to see him walk, you cornered him afterwards, dragging him into a janitors’ closet. He just looked so dejected and disappointed. You knew he didn’t get the college admissions he was looking for and his parents were disappointed. 
“What are you doing?” He asked in the dark room, the only light coming from underneath the door. 
“I wanted to see you,” you murmured, grabbing his hands and holding them.
“You sure picked a good room to do it,” he laughed and you rolled your eyes in the dark. You decided to just go with it, and pulled him in for a tight hug, leaning your ear against his chest and listening to his strong heartbeat.
“I wanted to tell you how proud I am of you,” you murmured, and you could swear his heart rate picked up. “And how handsome you look in your fancy graduation clothes,” you added. When he wrapped his arms around you, you felt like the world couldn’t touch you. Your mom’s words couldn’t hurt you here. You were no longer in high school with mean girls and tests and expectations. This would be the best summer yet.
Part 3
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darknight3904 · 2 years
Sober - Eddie Munson
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Chapter 7- Hot Chocolate and French Fries
A little sister moment coming your way with this chapter.
The next few weeks passed quietly as Marguerite lived her life. She had seen much of Eddie since he had cut her off. One or two glances in the lunch room was all she saw of him as the days passed. Winter break was finally upon them and Marguerite had spent the first few days in the same sweat pants and shirt just watching movies and eating junk food. On the fourth day of her newly begun house hermit life, Susan pushed her into the bathroom and yelled at her to shower and go out and do something interesting. With a groan and a little bit of cursing Marguerite listened and soon she found herself on the opposite end of town in a small music store. Max was looking for a tape of some Kate Bush song about hills she had heard on the radio and Marguerite just wanted a cup of hot coca from the diner next door.
"Are you done yet?" She asked
"Yeah. They had it all the way at the back. As if this song isn't the best thing ever." Max replied.
"Yeah yeah, whatever. Let's go to the diner over there." She said
Two mugs of hot chocolate sat in front of them along with a big plate of warm fries to share.
There was no conversation. Marguerite never really knew what to say to Max ever since that night. Whatever came out always sounded forced or stupid.
"Billy would have hated this." Max suddenly said
"The hot chocolate?" Marguerite asked dumbly
"No...the weather. He was always so partial to the heat." Max said
Marguerite nodded in agreement
"That's because he wanted to walk around shirtless to show off." She laughed
"Do you remember that time you talked about his bed wetting infront of that group of popular girls back in California?" Max asked
"How could I forget? His face went bright red and he literally didn't speak to me for a week. Not to mention he punched me so hard I had a bruise on my arm for like two weeks." Marguerite laughed
"I'm pretty sure that was the only week I was the favorite sister." Max smiled
Marguerite laughed as she ate another fry.
"He did love you Max." Marguerite said
"Yeah well he had a shitty way of showing it." Max replied looking away
"Maybe. But Billy had his own ways. Even if he threatened to leave you at school a thousand times, he never actually would have. Our dad would have been furious plus, Billy didn't want you to be alone." Marguerite said
"How do you even know that? One time he pretended he was gonna run Mike Lucas and Dustin over for fun." Max pointed out
"He said it to me one night. He was drunk off his ass and smelled like 15 different girls. If I remember correctly he admitted to not wanting to be in Hawkins and that he thought Carol had a saggy rack. But then he got all sad and started saying that he didn't want you to live the way the two of us had." Marguerite softly admitted
Max was quiet as she absorbed this new information. Marguerite worried she had said too much for the young teen to handle.
"I think Carol has a saggy rack too." Max smirked
Marguerite and Max spent the next hour laughing as they swapped childhood story. It turned out the first time Max had stepped foot on a skateboard she had fallen on her face and chipped a tooth. Marguerite on the other hand once fell all the way down the steps trying to keep the remote from her dad who had just wanted to watch a football game. They continued like this until their conversation was rudely interrupted by a voice Marguerite knew all too well.
"Well well well. If it isn't the queen herself..."
"What do you want Eddie?" She groaned
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Good Girl, Bad Boy (Pt. 09 of 15)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 2.6 K
Summary: You're the extreme opposite of Billy Hargrove. The good girl, with perfect grades, the child every mother wants to have. And you don't want to have nothing to do with his kind. Ignoring Billy – and his constant, lingering stare – became an habit. But after you're put together for a special school program, you'll have no choice but to get along with him. And soon enough you'll find out that Billy is so much more than just Hawkins' bad boy.
<-Previous part (08)
Next part (10) ->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
Crystal Clear
“I told you to trust me.”
“Can you blame me for not believing you when it comes to school stuff?” Elbowing him, you eat your Burger King fries.
Billy somehow managed to convince you into rushing to a drive-thru during lunch. Luckily you got back in time, still a good amount of minutes before going back to class.
“(Y/N), you're the only person on Earth who can trust me one hundred percent.” Stealing another of your fries, he ignores your fake angry stare.
“Mhmm. Anyway, see you in class.” You start walking to the table you share with Nancy, Steve, and Jonathan. But Billy grabs your arm, making you stop. “What?”
“We don't have to seat at different tables, c'mon.”
Turning to face him, you bite another frie. “But you have your friends and I have mine. And you don't like my friends.”
“Let's do this. You sit with my party today and I'll sit with yours tomorrow.” Squinting your eyes at him, you sigh. “What did I just said?”
“That I can trust you one hundred percent.” Rolling your eyes, you turn at your table just to wave at Nancy before heading to where Billy usually sits.
You only know Tommy and Carol. The other three you never learned the names. As you and Billy sit down, you try to ignore the curious stares.
“Guys, this is (Y/N). But you already know. (Y/N), these are Jackson, Tyler, Veronica, Carol, and Tommy.”
“Hi.” You mutter, looking down at your fries.
“So... Are you guys joking or something?” Carol speaks up, and Billy tries to steal from you again. But you manage to grab his wrist.
“Joking about what?”
“...Am I the only one here who finds it weird that the good girl is sitting with us?”
“Can't I sit here?” Shrugging your shoulders, you decide to give Billy the rest of your fries since you're full anyway.
“You can sit wherever you want,” Tyler says, a wicked smile making its way to his lips. You didn't get the tone, or what he meant, but by the way Billy puts an arm around your shoulders, it's not good.
“It would be a good idea to keep your damn mouth shut, Tyler,” Billy warns, his voice dark and deep. Involuntary, you move closer to him.
“Not messing with your girl.” He mumbles, sinking a little. “Got it.”
“Yeah. Or else you'll need a nose job after I'm done wrecking your face.”
“Since when you defend a girl's honor, Billy boy?” Tommy asks, and Carol giggles.
“We should eat out more times. Burger King is so much better than the school's food.” Trying to ease the tension, you offer them a smile. “You should try sneaking out one of these days.”
“So you're already corrupting her,” Jackson says with a friendly smile. “Don't let him do that.”
“I won't.” Smiling back at Jackson, you elbow Billy. “But I might corrupt him.”
“Please don't.” He complains, his arm sliding from your shoulders to encircle your waist.
The rest of lunch goes on pretty well. Tyler doesn't say anything directly to you, he doesn't even look. Billy has his arm around you all the time, and on the next day, you don't even have to say anything. He just follows you to your table.
Nancy wasn't surprised, since you called her last night to tell this. But Jonathan has a weird expression on his face like he's asking what the hell is going on. And Steve... Steve is furious.
“So...” You mutter, trying to get someone to say something and break the awful silence.
Billy has been quiet too, sitting too close to you, as he was yesterday. But you don't mind. He's getting a little closer every passing day, and so are you. “I'll get you a soda,” Billy says and gets up, winking at you before walking away.
You get the chance to grab Steve's forearm, across the table. “Can you quit on acting like a child? You've been putting on a face ever since we got here.”
“Oh, I'm sorry if I don't like the idea of you and Hargrove screwing around.” He keeps his voice low, giving Nan and Jonathan a glance. “Help me out here.” He begs.
“We're not screwing around.” You defend yourself, crossing your arms. “We're just... Hanging out.”
“I've got it, Steve. I won't let her do anything stupid.” Nancy says, but Steve shakes his head.
“Look, I know guys like Billy. And he's the worst of them.” Ignoring Nancy, he stares at you. “I know how he treats girls. Like they're trash. He uses them and throws them away like things. You know it.”
“He doesn't treat me like trash, alright? If he did I wouldn't be hanging out with him, I'd stick with just fulfilling the Improvement Program.”
“Steve, you know me. I won't let him–”
“Let me what?” Billy is back, settling down next to you, handing you the soda and eyeing Steve. “Trying to get the girl back, buddy?”
“Trying to keep my friend safe from you.” He bursts out, a finger pointing at Billy. “You hurt her, you call her mean names, you snap at her as you do with your sluts, I'll destroy this face of yours.”
Billy laughs, looking down for a moment. “You wanna give a try, king Steve? I'm down for breaking a few ribs whenever you are.”
“Stop it, both of you.” You speak out, pushing Billy's shoulder. “You don't have to be friends, but I won't have you fighting over something so stupid.”
“You are not stupid,” Steve complains.
“I'm a grown-up girl, alright? I know what I'm doing. And Billy isn't treating me like that. If he was, he wouldn't be here, and if he ever does, I'll kick his ass myself.” Giving him a look, you roll your eyes at the smirk. “And you, sir, leave my friend be. He's just looking after me.”
“As you wish.” He simply says, and you can't help but notice the glance he takes at your lips.
“Really?” You weren't expecting that. Not from Billy, not regarding Steve.
“Well...” Leaning closer, not minding the public, Billy brings his mouth to your ear. “...You bat your eyelashes and everyone does whatever you want, pretty girl.” His voice sends shivers down your spine, and you awkwardly push him away, blushing to find your friends staring.
“I wish that was true.”
“It sure works with me.” He mutters.
Clearing your throat, you crack the can open, taking a sip. “Anyway, big exam coming. Are you guys nervous?”
“No,” Nancy speaks at the same time Steve does. “Of course you are.”
“We could get together and go over the chapters, but...” Jonathan suggests, shyly gesturing at the two other guys. “It'll end up in a fight so I rather just study on my own.”
“I can help both of you.” Shrugging your shoulders, you offer. “Nancy doesn't need me so it's just you two. I can keep my schedule with Billy and we can meet up on Saturday or Sunday, Steve. Whenever you're free.”
Billy tenses up beside you, taking a deep breath.
“I have a date on Saturday. So Sunday it is.” He jerks his chin up, and you look over your shoulder. “Amanda, she's nice.”
“Oh, you'll look so cute together.” Smiling, you turn to face him again. “Call me after and tell me everything, alright?”
“Add me up on that call, please,” Nancy smirks, winking at Steve. These two only became good friends because of you. They didn't have much of a choice, since to be around you they'd have to be around each other.
“Count on it.” You say.
“Oh, you should come too, Nancy. And Jonathan. We can have lunch and study through the afternoon.” Steve gives Billy a hard glance before focusing on his food again.
You know what he just did. He turned it into a meeting, on which Billy isn't welcome. “Good.” You nod before turning to Billy. “But Saturday is just you and me.” You decide to say, biting your lip at his smile. Then, the bell rings and you stand up. “Geography class my friends. Talk to you later.” Waving at them, you blush to feel Billy taking your hand and pulling you with him.
“Tell your friends it was nice to meet them but I hope I never see them again,” Billy whispers on your ear when you leave the cafeteria, his voice making you shiver a little.
“Stop it, B.” Elbowing him, you take a look around. People are always staring, and their eyes linger more and more every passing day. They're wondering what this is about. Hawkins perfect good girl so close to the worst boy they ever met. You know they must think nasty things. But it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is what you know, what both of you know. It's a private thing that nobody else has to know.
“Let's go. Wouldn't want to get to class late, right, pretty girl?”
The name still makes you feel funny, but you love it. And you love even more how darker his voice gets whenever he calls you that. Shaking your head no, you smile, taking his arm and pulling you into class.
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Billy was a laughing mess as (Y/N) walked inside, straight upstairs to her bedroom. She spilled her milkshake all over her shirt in the car when he pulled the breaks, avoiding hitting some asshole who probably shouldn't have a license. She's mad, but he knows she's only faking it. Billy quickly learned to read her, understand her.
He never put this much effort into a girl.
Or anyone.
But (Y/N) is different. He has this need to know her, intimately, deeply.
Despite not wanting to be a creep, Billy follows her, walking to her bedroom. He never came here, so when he opens the door, there's a breath caught in his throat. Billy knows he wasn't invited, that (Y/N) still keeps a certain distance. It's slowly fading, but still, he will let her set the pace on everything.
But he's a weak man, and so he walks inside, mesmerized by the light pink walls, the dark blue sheets covering her bed. The bay window, the dresser, the nightstands. Everything in here screams (Y/N)'s name. Her delicacy, her tenderness, kindness.
How much of a good girl she is, so much different from the messed-up guy he is.
Some squares glued on the wall above the dresser gets his attention, and when he looks again, he notices those are pictures. So he goes over there, taking in every single one of them. He sees a tiny little (Y/N), in her mother's arms, with a blond man next to them. Her father, who passed away when she was only five. He sees her with Nancy in many pictures, and also another girl. But he doesn't know that one. In more recent pictures, Billy rolls his eyes to see Steve. On one of them, he has an arm around her shoulders... Well, the other one is around Nancy's shoulders, but still, it makes him jealous.
The very thought of (Y/N) with Steve makes him want to punch that ugly face of his. Actually, the thought of (Y/N) with any other guy makes him so damn angry.
But when his eyes find a particular picture, of (Y/N) leaning against her car in the school parking lot, her books pressed against her chest, in a cute black skirt, these thoughts leave his head. Billy can't help but smile, heart filled with such a good sensation he can't even name.
(Y/N) is the one who makes Billy weak. He walks like he's a king. He knows the power he has over women, he knows he can beat up any guy from school into a bleeding mess. He never thought he'd be at someone's mercy like this... But here he is.
Billy is hers, entirely. But she doesn't know it.
Not yet.
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When you open the bathroom door, you jump back at the sight of a man in your room. It takes half a second for you to take in Billy, eyes focused on the pictures you have on your wall. “What are you doing here?” Putting an annoyed face, you close the bathroom door and cross your arms.
“Who's this other girl? Short hair and glasses?”
“Barb.” You answer, walking over him. “She died...” Your eyes find one of the pictures you have with her, fingers reaching to it, caressing the paper.
“I'm sorry.” He says, taking your hand on his. “If I knew I wouldn't bring it up. I hate seeing you sad.”
Giving him a small smile, you nod. “It's alright. You weren't here to meet her... But you wouldn't like her anyway, since you apparently hate my silly, little friends.” Raising an eyebrow at him, you walk over the bay window, sitting on the couch you keep there, hugging one of the pillows.
“You're friends aren't the problem. Steve ‘the jerk king’ is.” Billy comes to the couch as well, settling down, eyes on you.
“Because I know he still likes you.”
“He doesn't.”
“I'm a guy, I know he does.” He quickly snaps back.
Taking a deep breath, you fold a leg under you, moving a little closer to him. “B, I need you to understand something.” Your cheeks are burning, and you bite your lip. You didn't want to say it, because you're too shy, but he needs to understand some things. “Steve is my friend. I love him as a friend. Yes, we dated, but it was never... It was never love love.” Looking down, you play with your hands. “When we broke up it was mutual. We sat and talked and decided we weren't meant to date. We were never in love with each other... You know... I never felt that urge to be around him... I didn't miss him like crazy when he wasn't around... So trust me, B, you don't have to worry...” Sighing, you shyly take his hand. Yours is so smaller compared to his, but it feels like it fits perfectly. “I-if you do like me, you have to understand that. I won't stay away from Steve, but believe me when I say that if we're trying to make it work... Make you and I work, I won't ever–”
“I know.” Billy cuts you off, his free hand caressing your cheek softly, but still, it burns. “I'm sorry for being so mad, I just... It kills me to even think about you with Steve. Ot any guy.”
“Jealous?” You ask with a smirk.
“Is it that obvious?” Billy giggles.
“I know there are a lot of things inside you I don't understand yet, B... But you can trust me... I...” Taking a deep breath, you push the words out. “I like you. A lot. And if I'm with you, I'm with you. Only you.”
“The same goes for me, pretty girl. All the other girls are nothing to me now, there's nobody but you...” Billy moves closer, and then even closer. Your heart starts beating fast, and when his forehead touches yours, it feels like your mind goes blank.
You're frozen, feeling his breathing, slow and warm. “B, please...” You beg, and you feel his lips brushing against yours.
“(Y/N)!” Your mother suddenly yells, and as if bit by a snake, you stand up, moving away from Billy. “Help me out here!”
“Right away!” You shout back, running a hand through your hair. “C-can you come help? She went to the market so I bet it's heavy.”
“As you wish, pretty girl,” Billy mutters, giving you a smirk.
Smiling and a blushing mess, you walk out, your skin burning at what almost happened.
You didn't know it before, but now it's crystal clear.
You want to kiss Billy Hargrove.
@multific @tina1938 @graciehams @moatsnow @all-the-stars-on-your-skin @captain039 @rebelemilu @theodore-likes-frogs @prettyinpunk85 @taisab02 @pascal-rascal424 @aleksanderblack @gruffle1
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chloe-skywalker · 4 years
Secret Valentine’s Day Plans - Billy Hargrove
Billy Hargrove x Harrington Fem!reader
Steve Harrington x sister!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 645
Summary: Valentine’s day plans might have to stay secret when your brother doesn’t know and there with your brother’s enemy.
Authors Note: I do not know why most of my holiday imagines end up being with Billy Hargrove. I guess it’s just a character that works for the ideas. I honestly don’t know. But I’m proud of them. P.S Happy Valentine’s Day!
Holiday Masterlist
Stranger Things Masterlist 
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“Valentine’s day. A great holiday if you have someone, a sad depressing one if you don’t.” Y/n exclaimed to her brother. She has had good Valentine’s days and some sad ones. But that’s how she views the holiday.
“Yeah well, I don’t have someone this year so it’s the second for me.” Steve gave Y/n a tight-lipped smile which she could tell held some despair, and that could only be about one person.
Y/n rolled her eyes and nudged him in the side with her elbow. “Dude, you need to get over Nancy.”
Steve sighed “I know but...I loved her.”
“You could always go back to your ‘King Steve’ ways.” Y/n smirked taking a bite of her sandwich.
Steve turned his eyesight to her and gave her an annoyed look. “No.”
“Relax, I was just kidding.” Y/n raised her hand up in mock surrender. “I hated when you were that dick.”
“Oh, gee thanks.” He poked at his lunch shaking his head at her comment.
“Well, you were. Want me to lie to you?” she shrugged it was the truth.
“Yeah, I was.” Steve ended up agreeing. It’s not like he could disagree. It was basically a fact that ‘King Steve’ was a dick. “What are you doing for Valentine’s day?”
Y/n dropped her eyesight down to her lunch tray. “Oh, me?” she asked with a furrowed brow.
“Yeah” Steve nodded opening his chips.
“Uh.” Y/n took a look up across the cafeteria. Her eyes meeting a certain blonde with a mullet. When his eyes met hers, he gave a wink. “Probably just watch a movie and eat chocolate.” She shrugged
Steve nodded in acknowledgment. “Hmm. I think I might go to Carol’s Valentine’s day party. At least there will be booze.”
Y/n smirked as their eyes met. “Yeah, you can drown your sorrows.”
Steve nodded pointing at her next to him with a chip. “Yes, exactly. See you know me so well.”
Y/n leaned her head on his shoulder teasingly. “Well, I am your sister.”
“That you are, huh.” he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
“Asshole.” she shoved away from him.
“You love me” Steve smirked and they both went back to eating their lunch. Y/n’s eyes however went back to a certain badboys. Whose eyes were already on her.
^     ^    ^
“So are we on for tonight?” Billy asked coming through her window.
“GOD! You scared me.” Y/n screamed, hand over her heart. “Why are you asking when you’re already crawling through my window?” she scoffed
Billy strutted over to his girl, grabbing her by the hips turning her to face him completely. “We gonna get caught?”
“No. Parents are out of town, again.” Y/n shook her head, biting her lip.
“And Steve?” He asked leaning in closer
Y/n shook her head again, tilting her head back. “He went out to Carol’s party to get drunk and forget Nancy.”
“Hmmm” Billy hummed finally placing his lips on hers. “Happy Valentine’s day.” he smiled after pulling away.
“Happy Valentine’s day.” Y/n smiled back getting up on her tippy toes to kiss him again. That went on for a while till Billy pulled away really fast.
“Oh! I almost-” he exclaimed walking away from her and over to his duffle bag he brought since they planned to do some stuff.
“What’s this?” Y/n asked confused as he handed her a small box.
“Open it.” Billy smirked, Y/n could read the excitement in his eyes.
“I love it. Thank you.” Y/n loved the small heart on the necklace, engraved with both their names.
“Welcome. Now come here.” Billy kissed her quick on the forehead before grabbing her by the hips and having the two of them fall back on her bed. Y/n on top of him. For now.
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