billietheancientowl · 2 years
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Future: I’m a dead beat that is rich but still decides not take care of my kids and talks horribly about woman and encourage men to not respect woman or themselves rather.
The entire world : let’s glorify these antics we love you future !!!
Me: I just wish my baby moms wasn’t abusive and let me see my daughter without causing a disturbance in my life and I’ll never condone a dead beat!!! It’s for ever fuck future !
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billietheancientowl · 2 years
Moral of the society we live in
Future : biggest dead beat know in mankind still charting rich and exploiting thots. Woman drool over him.
Drake : biggest con artist Canadian / Jewish reptile of mankind says n word more than I have in my entire life. Woman worship him . Sadly
Lil Wayne : one of the most influential artist of all time his rhetoric is gross and sickening recap Karate Chop Lil Wayne ft. Future beginning of lil Wayne’s second verse or first [“ Beat that pussy up like Emmett Till”] 🤧 the boy was 14 when he was brutally battered to death by grown men; what a way to influence the population let’s mock a little boys killing .. but I digress woman yet again still shake their ass to his songs in clubs lounges hell! even kick backs and love him… 😅
Rick Ross : the biggest boss of em all a corrupt correction officer who laced woman brags about it but somehow is always relevant… and rich. 🤦🏽‍♂️ wowzers!
Rihanna : fabulous artist I mean phenomenally stunning… also highly colorist … and just happened to settle down with the very so popularly known asap!!!!!! Rocky!!!!! Who is also a colorist so that relationship is obviously staged or a ploy to cover up their colorism …. ☺️ thank me later
French Montana : I somewhat staple in the current industry of music only due to his relations with max B … which on the contrary was the identity who prototyped and is the very identity that gained him stardom .. still woman love him
I can go on … but basically I mention this all to allow the spectators of my content to realize that this world is a sorry one … woman idolize Rihanna’s , beyonces , and Boastful liars such as Megan PETE!
And men idolize asap Rocky’s, lil Wayne’s and drakes … and then there’s me appreciating the underground scene where all the talent really is and pure hearted beings dwell… that will possibly never reach stardom because they aren’t 1D /2D ☺️
And also i wish pitbull would convert back to making American music 🥺
Ok gotta blast till
Next time ☺️🤞🏾
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billietheancientowl · 3 months
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billietheancientowl · 3 months
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billietheancientowl · 3 months
As a protagonist in my whole 29 years of living why would one want to be an antagonist? Rage war against the light bearers on the already brutally battered mother-earth? Mother needs a rest and it takes so much energy to channel negative energy then it does to channel positive energy. Heal, love someone today and stop the rampage we need love not persistent negativity.
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billietheancientowl · 2 years
By ßillieØwl The importance of celibacy
It is vital to abstain from sex due to the severity of perilous entities . Right now we are in a mid life crisis; there are many people who are at this time inhibiting inner demons that they are either aware or unaware of this Is a danger zone. I want to stress the fact that many people are not even aware of the demonic entities that they are either channeling or under. It is important, and crucial to educate yourself on transferring of energy. Energy is a ball of psi which is easily manipulated do to the interference of other energies.
You must make it a issue to not surround yourself around opposing energies; have you ever been around an atmosphere that seems so comforting, but you experience this uncomfortable energy once your in the circumference of this environment that you would’ve deemed as electrifying? This often happens because of some of us homosapiens aren’t cognitively privy to, or rather receptive to the entities that are not for our best interest; for the better use of words I would preferably consider entities of such magnitude more so negative spirits.
It is with urgency that you practice celibacy, or you will eventually either hinder your own health spiritually, mentally, or physically or become hypnotically under a trance from a perhaps demonic/destructive spirit. Allow me to reiterate ; this current era of people that are orbiting earths surface is divided into sections. These sections are separated by a divisible line majority of the population of people are driven by lust, desire, and mere emotions. Which will all make sense in a few minutes lust is merely driven off of desire the desire to want something for its looks or values. There is no logic in a lustful situation which is quite terrifying.
Lust is an inadequate way to find what you want and will ultimately lead you to devastation. I urge all to eliminate lust from your moral way of living. Emotion is important but when we talk about energy it is more beneficial to eliminate that as well from your encounters when interacting with certain entities. Master manipulators will pick up on this emotional weakness of yours and weasel their way into the crevice of your soft heartened spirit, and that is a easy way to access you and control you; essentially you would be under their command.
- [ ] Limit the interaction with entities from an emotional standpoint. It is extremely important to resting bitch face every encounter body language most likely will detour a contagiously negative energy from entering your force field.
- [ ] Desire is a very good trait to have although it depends on your desire. A lot of woman today desire the ordinary typical king von killer mass criminal persona. Whether or not you involve yourself with people like this isn’t a factor right now I will provide my theory on this in an excerpt primarily just generalized around that. I mentioned that to provide you with the perception most woman lack as well as men the typical man obsesses over the lackadaisical, it girl /instagram baddie or the less educated but miraculously attractive woman.
I want to bring a all around understanding to all people who are partaking in sex to understand that their aren’t just sexual diseases to be cautious of there are also spiritual disease that we must be weary of. I want to bring awareness to the collective of people that are sexual active that it is very important to not find a partner to satisfy you because if you are truly centered in your energy no one should be able to please you more than you anyway. See that is key; if you need someone to help you feel sexually pleased that just solidifies my point even more sexual desire / temptation shouldn’t be hard to avoid if you know your self and value your spirit like you value the material you spend hundreds of dollars on. I will never value my clothes more than myself I wear high end designer all the time and get it dirty and don’t think twice to clean it if it gets scuffed because its just material and I will always be more valuable than it.
Im not casting a stone at anyone but I am being honest ; the truth can’t be rude but it might hurt. I have to much jumbled up in my brain and love to get it out to the world so everyone internationally can access it. I want everyone to leave with this something to make you think critically because lets be honest the number of critical thinkers are dwindling more and more but back to there topic at hand ;when you have sex with someone remember that energies latch, and expand. For instance you have sex with someone today or tomorrow whomever they had sex with before that spirit is latched and most importantly if he or she didn’t get rid of the spirit they were with before you then you two have sex that spirit is now in your spirit disrupting your peace until you cut the ties.
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billietheancientowl · 2 years
Loved so hard I made a fool of myself.
Heart so nutritious it’s partially kelp.
Repented for my sins : apologies never felt.
My hearts ached for so long I no longer look for help.
If I reckon all the times my hearts been breakfast
For another’s mind I’d be a broken never woven vine.
This years taught me a lot primarily celibacy is all I got. 🫶🏾
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billietheancientowl · 2 years
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billietheancientowl · 2 years
Trump had a stronghold [STRONGHOLD!!!!] on Russia . Who ever voted
Biden had 80k + votes I hope the 81k is happy with their stupid decision…. Because you could’ve just caused a nuclear strike on the American nation ..
We’re the broadest target rn. But what do I know ..
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billietheancientowl · 3 years
You ever loved someone to the point u give them the instructional manual to understanding and accessing your heart and they still don’t understand what you just gave them? Yeah just give up at that point it’s useless trying your defeating yourself at that point
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billietheancientowl · 3 years
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billietheancientowl · 3 years
The older i get the more i find no interest in humans….
Humans: look new challenge on tiktok that literally has no effective purpose on bettering the world !!!Terrific !…. lets do it
Me: Challenge yourself to remain authentic and stop following meaningless challenges 🤦🏽‍♂️ mfs are so dull minded
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billietheancientowl · 3 years
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billietheancientowl · 3 years
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billietheancientowl · 3 years
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New tat much like the one on my throat. Been my ideology forever and I felt the need to express it with the world.
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billietheancientowl · 3 years
I don’t care for trump the slightest bit .. but truthfully trump? The imbecile he can be at times with no regards to what comes out of his mouth…. I wish he was still president. He was actually repairing the economy.. had a strong hood on Russia yeah he’s a shit talker but he always was strategic enough to know how much shit he can talk … [knew when to cause chaos and when to pull out] even a smart man sometimes has to agitate to get a point across or make a statement so people get the message. The drone killing ?? I’ll never condone such fuckery… that wasn’t necessary. A lot of shit he did was ballistic. But he knew business very very well the man was repairing the nations economy little by little but he was doing something that most presidents just continued to allow happen.. [BillieOwl]
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