#bill and dipper: project
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billanddipperproject · 17 days ago
Bill, Whose heart did you rip out?!
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Dipper: don't listen to the drama queen. He got it at the cemetery
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thewritertiger · 1 month ago
and we wait for it with this hymn:
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emilnikos · 6 months ago
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Projecting our period cramps onto bill cipher
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eyelovveu · 7 months ago
Dipper reading Bill's book and then telling his opinion
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Bill is not taking opinions at this time
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hkthatgffan · 6 months ago
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Here are some amazing Gravity Falls fan projects currently going on that I feel deserve some further promotion and discussion. Check them out and support them if you can. Gravity Falls fans rock!
@tenyearsofbillcipher: A Zine celebrating 10 years of Bill Cipher. Currently available for pre orders that have been extended till the end of September!
Order Here!
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@gf-seasons-zine: A non-profit Gravity Falls zine centred around the Pines family hanging out in the different seasons of the year. Pre-orders for the zine will open September 24th.
Carrd Link
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Back To The Mystery Zine: Organized by @awhphooey and CelestialCherri, this is a zine celebrating the return to Gravity Falls, where the weirdness never fades. Currently in interest check for 7 more days!
Interest Check Form
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@mystery-twin-mystery-bags: Organized by my friend @fordtato. Stickers, pins, posters, buttons, charms & more by your favorite Gravity Falls fan artists for randomized packages. All proceeds going directly to Gaza relief! Currently accepting applications!
Application Form
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strawberryshortcake1495 · 5 months ago
Here’s my personal interpretation of the Reverse Portal AU aka “The Summer Project”, told through the perspective of Mabel (loosely based off @urdadsceilingfan’s AU)
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So this AU version of Mabel is still the sweet bubbly little girl she is but with a sprinkle of sad loser in it. She and Dipper had a normal happy childhood until elementary school, where Dipper got involved with the Book Club. The Book Club mainly consisted of the nerds of the school and Dipper instantly clicked with them, since they were the only people who seemed to understand him. But what Dipper didn’t know was that the Book Club are actually a bunch of misogynists who bullied Mabel. And I can’t even say Dipper didn’t know about it, because sometimes they’d mock her right in front of him. Dipper truly was concerned about his sister but was too afraid of losing his friends. Most of their sexist comments made Mabel want to stray away from doing feminine things which resulted in her to stop doing the things she genuinely loved, like knitting sweaters. Mabel and Dipper would always bicker about the Book Club and their parents were starting to notice how their relationship was starting to strain and they knew the upcoming divorce would just make things worse for them so they sent them off to Gravity Falls for the summer to live with their Grunkle Ford. 
Mabel and Dipper kinda swap places in this AU, but like only a little. Like, their personalities are the same but their sense of self is slightly different. With Ford and Dipper growing close, Mabel feels left out and abandoned. She starts becoming desperate for some sort of connection and that’s when she decides to summon Bill Cipher himself so he can help her become a more likable person. Bill ends up possessing her with the promise that he’ll just do all the socializing for her and she’s very much grateful. Did I mention this takes place in Double Dipper? (It’s a subplot) Bill doesn’t actually do anything threatening or harmful in Mabel’s body, he just acts confident around everyone he sees just like Mabel asked. But this “confidence” just makes her look a weirdo. But luckily, Candy and Grenda LOVE weirdos! So by the time Bill leaves Mabel’s body, she’s already got herself two new best friends. Mabel is extremely grateful and asks if there’s anything she can do to repay him. Bill tells her about the underground lab in the Shack and says if she helps reactivate the portal and allow him into the physical realm, he’ll give her all the friends she needs. Of course, Mabel takes the bait and most of Season 1 is her tracking down the journals and trying to understand them while making sure nobody else knows about her master plan.
In Not What He Seems (although the episode would be titled as “Not What She Seems”, Ford and Dipper find out about Mabel’s plan to free Bill and Ford is freaking out. During the climax of the episode, Ford, Dipper, and Soos confront Mabel about her plan and she has a breakdown about how lonely she was until she met Candy and Grenda and Dipper asks her if having him here wasn’t enough (it wasn’t). Dipper is the one who has to choose between his Grunkle and sister and Mabel is just sobbing the entire time. But instead of him choosing either side, he just stays frozen until deciding to press the button but the timer has already counted down. The person who comes out of the portal isn’t Bill, but Stan himself. 
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white-lunart · 5 months ago
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We are here again to bring info about new reanimated project! Let's animate one of the most popular episode - that's right - Sock Opera!
We are happy to announce that today applications are still open! We really want you to join. Anyone are welcome here, only one condition - you must know how to animate. We want to make this project more fun, so this is not only for 2D animation, any form are allowed. More info can be found in rules.
Rules you can found here: HERE
And here is aplication: HERE
We are looking for you !!
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mokkagren · 4 months ago
figuring out how to do stuff on tumblr part 2: uploading videos it seems pretty straight forward and i hope it'll remain that way
SO UM gravity falls.. again.. because it's on my mind 24/7 and it won't leave (the show is cursed i'm telling you, no other thing ever made me so obsessed to the point where i literally couldn't do ANYTHING to make it leave me head /hj)
anyways yummers uhhh you can also watch this on youtube :] it's a part for a map i'm participating in
also also i'm working on more catified designs and i already have some done or at least (more or less) planned out
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cdam10 · 2 months ago
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"Someone is a little excited about his new thing"
Yes, this is inspired by this stupid meme (Iloveit)
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But, as you probably just discovered. Tunnel of Light is a timeline/AU created by Fic!Bill and draw by Project!Ford, but the art is probably never going to be finished because Proyect is having mental breakdowns everytime Stanley comes to scene.
And yes, I'm still writing it. I'm almost finishing re-writing chapter three so yep! When I finish it, I'll translate chapther two! GREAT NEWS!!
And take this little piece of art as an apology for not being so active here, work is killing my brain adkjssa
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daily-ice-finn-brainrot · 6 months ago
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[day 24] old doodle i never posted but ig it's the perfect time now
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billanddipperproject · 18 days ago
Happy valentine's day my fellas
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Have a little ugly bonus (I'm too tired sorry) :
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Read bill and dipper here!!!!: bill and dipper
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bunnyslize · 6 months ago
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Touhou Project x Gravity Falls
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bat-luun · 6 months ago
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nightmares. (click for better quality i beg you!!)
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justcallmeremus · 2 months ago
If you’ve never heard of Assignment Due: Project Blue you defo should play the game it takes only 2 hours to play both routes AND there’s voice acting!!
Anyways! I made art for it of the love interest Asher!!
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hkthatgffan · 11 months ago
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A Interview with Alex Hirsch Update!!
Editing for An Interview with Alex Hirsch is nearly done! @fordtato and I still have a bit more work to do due to various external obligations we've had to take care of first (I mean, I'm in my last semester so I think you can guess how busy right now is for me, lol). Our hope is to announce a release date very soon. We obviously don't wanna rush things and announce one just yet in case we gotta push it back. So, once we know we're ready to release this, we will make sure you all know.
And the interview is not the only thing coming! I have a behind the scenes video planned after the interview I wanna release, a special video discussing something huge I was able to accomplish with Alex Hirsch that concludes a piece of old GF fandom history and a little goofy thing he told us that fits better in a separate video, lol.
All this will be coming soon! I know the channel has been kinda dry lately but all will come in good time. The GF fandom is in for some really cool new trivia and lore to enjoy until the Book of Bill arrives. Plus, I cannot wait to show off this little thing Alex sent me. I think you all will love it. I sure did :P
So stay safe, stay weird, stay tuned and very soon, you'll all know when me and Hana Hyperfixates will announce the release, of An Interview with Alex Hirsch!!
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strawberryshortcake1495 · 4 months ago
Here’s my personal interpretation of Dipper in my “The Summer Project” AU (loosely based off @urdadsceilingfan’s Reverse Portal AU)
Now this post is LONG overdue. As I’ve scoured the few posts I’ve made about my Summer Project AU, I noticed I unintentionally antagonized Dipper as this bad brother who’s too much of a wimp to protect his sister 😭 So I’m gonna try to shed some light on him, not to excuse his actions, but to simply show his side of the story.
Dipper had a rough childhood. He always had his twin sister, Mabel, but besides that, everyone was so mean to him. Some kids could stomach Mabel’s fun-loving personality but when it came to him, he was just some stupid nerd. He wasn’t happy with his life. That was until he met the Book Club. Other nerds who had the same interests as him, weirdos who loved the things that people would laugh at him about. And they weren’t shy like Dipper, they were proud of who they were and that inspired Dipper to join them. He tagged Mabel along and everything seemed great. But as Dipper grew older, his relationship with his sister began to change. This was due to the Book Club not being as friendly to Mabel as they were to him. It’s as if their status in school has changed. Now his sister was the weird outcast and he was the lovable dork. His heart ached for his best friend, but at the same time…it felt so good not to be the laughingstock for once. Whenever one of his friends would tease and openly bully Mabel, he’d get this tight feeling in his chest. His heart would beat loudly like thunder, and his breathing would quicken. In moments like those, he’d squeeze Mabel’s hand to provide some sort of comfort. For her, of course! If she was far away, he’d squeeze his own hand.
As summer was around the corner, he and his sister started getting into fights over the Book Club. Dipper was put in a rough position. Should he choose the people who made him feel wanted, or the person who made him feel loved? He didn’t get the chance to fully think this through, as his parents told him they were shipping he and Mabel off to Gravity Falls to stay with their Grunkle Ford. The night before they went on that bus, he overheard a conversation between his parents. A conversation he wasn’t supposed to hear. They were getting a divorce. He and Mabel could be separated. He couldn’t bear the thought of a life without his sister. Dipper didn’t get a lot of sleep that night, which resulted in him having an awful migraine the first day they stayed at Grunkle Ford’s museum. At night, Mabel brought him a cold glass of water and some pills she found in a cabinet. Dipper took the pills and drank the water. Big fat tears streamed down his face and he begged Mabel to stay by his side until he fell asleep. He squeezed her hand so tight it might’ve cut off her circulation. She sung a lullaby to help him sleep. The next day, he told her he cried because of how painful the migraine was. That was a lie.
The rest of the summer from then on was amazing. From crushing on that pretty lumberjack girl Wendy, solving mysteries with his sister, and growing close with his great uncle Ford, everything was great! Dipper never thought he’d see the day that he would be truly happy. He hoped the rest of the summer would be as great as this.
But then “Not What She Seems” rolls around. Dipper and Ford find out that Mabel is hiding something. She’s trying to bring back this weird demon guy named Bill Cipher. His great uncle Ford claimed the thing to be his biggest enemy. By the way he described their past, Dipper assumed Bill to be some crazy ex (but he’d never tell Ford that). He and Ford confront Mabel and she breaks down into tears. There’s that feeling again. The one that gnaws at his chest. The tightness. The pounding heart. The hyperventilating. No matter how hard he squeezes his own hand, the feeling doesn’t go away. Suddenly, he’s in the air and in front of him is the shutdown button for the portal. Ford begs him to turn it off. Mabel doesn’t try to defend herself, she just won’t stop crying. He can’t move. Why can’t he move? His ears ring. The only sound he can hear is the loud whirring of the portal. His chest feels WAY too tight, as if his lungs were collapsing in on itself. He can’t breathe. He can’t breathe. He can’t breathe. He can’t br-
Suddenly, he’s blasted away as the portal activates and he hits the floor with a loud thump. Pain spreads from his spine up to his head. He wakes up surrounded by a pool of something wet…he realizes it’s blood. His own blood. Dipper panics and pulls himself up, probing a big wound on the back of his head with his hands. Ford runs to him and inspects the wound, his eyes filled with concern and care. Then there’s some footsteps. Dipper and Ford whip their heads towards the sound. Dipper thinks it’s Mabel. It’s not.
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(design is by the silly @taco-del-taco)
Wholesome hc: The pine tree sweater Dipper wears is the first sweater that Mabel ever knitted. It ended up being too big for him back then but now it fits perfectly. Dipper knows Mabel isn’t too proud of her own sweater so he wears his to make her feel better about herself.
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